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Everything posted by PWNED
My one " I know this is a long shot but, What is that up there" Hussein " Whaaah" < Assorted beggars look upwards> "I can't believe that worked" < RUNS AWAY>
My pet peeves - George Bush and his *** KISS CLUB - Sisters. -Sisters Friends - Sisters friends friends - Little Kids - Everywhere except Australia. - Aussie politicians - Aussies - La Resistance - Rom-coms - THE O.C. MAKE IT GO AWAY - AUSTRALIAN IDOL. - AMERICAN IDOL. < BIGGER BLOODCURLING SCREAM> -WORLD IDOL< BIG CRASHING SOUND>. - John Howard. I will kill him. - *** kissers of America
The story is set before the Cataclysm which is why I said years before the Cataclysm. Think about 75 years before. Name: Culgan Silverburg Age: 26 Race: Solamnic Human Class: Solamnic Knight, Knight of the Crown Magic: None Weapon: Culgan weilds a large Solamnic Broadsword with runes of power carved into it. Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/c/culgan01.gif[/IMG] Bio: Culgan was born into a rather rich family in Solantalus and led a fairly carefree life until the age of 15 when Orge armys attacked Solanthalus and slew many of the citizens before they were stopped by the militia and Solamnic Knights. Culgans family was slain by Ogres which forced Culgan to join the Knights so that it wouldn't happen to other innocent people. After nine years of grueling training and squirework he was knighted and bought into the Order of the Crown where he gained favour quickly in the ranks. He was eventually placed under the command of Lord Rennard which is where he fights now.
These are my created banners and Avatars. I am wondering what you think of them. Take a look at some of them.
[IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21311[/IMG] Story- Years before the Cataclysm ahen the old gods cast down a fiery mountain to destroy the Ishtarian Kingpriest, There was a knight called Huma who fought alongside the noble and charitable Solamnic Knights in the first Dragonwars. Hundreds fell to the dragons on both sides and both sides raged on for a decade. Recently, a small reginent of knights under the command of Sir Renard were seperated from their group while on patrol duty when they were ambushed by Goblins. When they awoke half of their group were slain and the only reason why they were dead was that they couldn't see and ran into the trees which knocked them out. One of the group offered to look around and found the Goblin base with only half a dozen Goblins there. The lone warrior charged the group and slew them all and discovered that they had a prisoner. The prisoner was none other that a minotaur who was arrested for slaying a superior officer and was setenced to death. The minotaur joined with the knight and travled north with him to a camp where a battle between the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness. * STORYLINE TO BE STATED IN FULL LATER* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER CREATION Name: Age: Race: HUMAN: Your basic human, no strengths or weaknesses. Elf: Qualinesti, Silvanest, Kagonesti, Half Elf are the types of elf that you can choose. Posses a greater amount of Dexerity that humans but are Constitutionally weak. DWARF: Either Hill Dwarf or Mountain Dwarf. Possess great strength and constitution but are rather thick and not very detrius. Kender: Theiving short beings that are not welcome in all places. Are very dexterious and quite bright. Gnomes:: Very bright little beggers, Are tinkers at heart and are VERY intelligent. Class: Fighter- Knight- White Robed (Good) Mage- Red Robed (Neutral) Mage- Cleric- Thief- Ranger- Diety ( if cleric)- Good- Paladine the god of Light Kiri-Jolith the god of Battle Mikshal the goddess of healing Majere the god of the Mind Habbakuk the god of the sea Branchala the god of music Neutral- Gillean the god of Knowledge Sirrion the god of Fire Reorx the god of the Dwarves Chislev the goddess of Nature Zivilyn the god of life Shinrae the goddess of commerce Magic (mAGES ONLY)- If you choose red robes then you derive your magic from Lunitari, Whites derive the power from Solaneri. Weapon- ( Keep fantasy) Appearence- Bio-
My most memorable Boss Fight was Luca Blight from Suikoden 2. The bugger suprise attacked your castle during the night with his personal army. The main characters army was waiting outside in ambush.[SIZE=2] Y[/SIZE][SIZE=2]ou had to use three different Partys to Beat him for chrisssake.[/SIZE] Add in the fact that he took less than half damage from your attacks and could deal 200 damage to a character with OK defence. Let's add in the fact that in Suikoden 2 your characters usually will have approxametly 250 health. Chuck in the fact that he attacks three times a round, 1 of the attack can deal damage to your entire front row, The second one deals damage to one column. Last but not least there is his normal three hit attack. How can one beat him you ask? Managment of your three partys is needed. You would obviously put the powerhouses in the last group, mages in the second group and the rest in the first group. There is one character that can solve your problems in this battle, Humphrey because his defence is the highest of all characters and if he is equipped with a Fire Charm then he cannot be hurt by his two special attacks and takes barely any damage from his slashes. Like I said, MOST MEMORABLE BOSS FIGHT EVER!!!!!!!!!
Hello ladys and other people and welcome to the TV AWARDS hosted by me Daermon. This thread is like the Anime Awards except for the fact that we are focusing on TV Shows. I put the catergorys down and you pick something/one that would go under it and why Rules of Posting- 1) No insulting what others have said. 2) Please explain what you say. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AND NOW THE CATERGORYS [CENTER]Positives[/CENTER] [CENTER]Best male Actor in a TV Series- Best Female actor in a TV Series- Most likeable Male character in a TV Series- Most likeable Female character in a series- Best music score in a series- Best TV Series- Cutest Male character Cutest Female character- Best comedy series- Best Talk show- Best crime show- Best Drama- Best Childrens Series- Best villian- Best teenager series- [/CENTER] Best Animated Series- [CENTER]Negatives[/CENTER] Worst male actor- Worst Female Actor- Least likeable Male character- least Likeable female character- Worst music score- Worst TV Series- Ugliest Male character- Ugliest Female Character- Worst Comedy series- Worst Talk Show- Worst Crime Show- Worst Drama- Worst Childrens series- Worst Villian- Worst Teenager Series- Worst Animated series-
Occupation: Temple Cleric Name: Sir Borus Whitesong Faction: Temple Weapon: An abnormally large longsword that he weilds as one of the holy paladins of the temple. It has had runes carved into the blade but these have weakened the steel blade yet has been enchanted by the clerics. Arcana: Life, Water. Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/b/borus01.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Whitesong is a young Paladin aspirant who is twenty two at the moment and is the latest to be taken into the temple as a holy warrior. He had a rather unremarkable childhood. When he met a wandering minstral at the local festival who told him off the holy warriors of the gods he was inspired by these tales and travled over half the continent to become a Paladin. He was taken in at the age of 15 and raised by Curate Winefiddle who treated him like a son if not as an equal. Over the past 2 years, He was taught how to use clerical magic by one of the senior clerics by the name of Anton where he accomplished his magicial training and is now awaiting to take the tests of Paladinhood.
Story: A Thousand years ago there was only war and hatred, Individual nations warred and corruption was everywhere. Countrys across Europe are warring and only a firm iron hand can take control. Enter the English clans who have finally solved their differences and have decided to invade the mainland with their united armys and with fire in their eyes. Take on the role of an officer in the united armies of England and lead your people to victory, or on the otherhand take on the role as a warrior from the European mainland and fight back the invaders. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Creation Name: ( Keep the name European) Age: ( Be realistic about this, You won't see a person in their sixties and older on the battleground or one that is younger then 15) Nationality: If you are fighting for England then any country from the british islands, if for the other guys then anywhere else) Gender: Squad Class- This is more difficult than the others. This goes for your characters Squad type. Infantry- Your standard foot soldiers, They have no major strengths or glaring weaknesses. They can be either Swordsman, Axemen or Spearmen. Ranged- Your standard ranged unit, These guys attack from a distance and deal higher damage but also take more damage due to lack of armour. These guys also weild short swords as a seconday weapons. They weild either Bows, Crossbows, Arlabaster, Slingmen or Longbows ( For Welsh only) Heavy Infantry- A more pumped up version of the Infantry, These guys are heavily armourd and armed but are incredibly slow to move about. These guys can be either Pikemen, Broad swordsmen, Halberdiers or Lancemen. Light Cavlary- A horseman with light armour and weaponry. They are dangerous when they attack you by suprise but are easily defeated when taken off guard or charged up front. These guys are fast and can deal a good amount of damage when charging although are weak when it comes to defense. They wield either Swords, Pikes, Lances or spears. Heavy Cavlary- A heavy horseman decked out in lots of platemail and weilding the best weapons. These guys are powerful when charging and are good when fighting hand to hand. These guys are strong and well armoured but slow, damn slow. These guys weild either Spears, great swords, pikes or BIG Lances. Horsebow- A light horseman who weild ranged weaponry on horseback. These guys suffer from the some weaknesses as Cavlary but also possess the same strengths as well as ranged abilitys. They weild either bows, crossbows or javelins. Appearence: Bio: Statistics- You have 18 skill points to be distributed among 4 stats. With numbers, 1 point equals 100 men. Disciplince- Numbers- Weaponry- Strategy making- Intelligence-
Just a small series of questions concerning the RPG 1) Are we going to have all the romance in this RPG unlike in the game? 2) Are we going to include the Triple Triad thing? ( Rather stupid question) 3) Are we going to go by the weapon upgrade system?
Name: Morgan Williams Age: 16 Gender: Male Year Level: 11 Personality: Dimos is doing exchange from Australia at the moment so he is a bit of a loner when it comes to the punch although he is very stubborn and will always try to prove his superiority at working in class. He has a problem with his anger and will give anyone who pisses him off even slightly a royal tongue lashing. He can speak japanese fairly fluently. Appearence: Morgan has short dark brown spiky hair and greenish blue eyes. He wears black crosstrainers, and usually dark blue jeans and a black shirt with 3 reasons why chocolate is better that sex. He is never seen without his special edition sunglasses or his black and red bandanna.
Deep within the recesses of the earth,Within the life giving ground there is a world of death and darkness. It is a world of neverending night where only the ruthless survive and the weak are slain. And in this dark world there are the drow, Their warriors brutal, their religous leaders both sinister and sadistic. Yes, they are the rulers of this evil land and inch by inch they are increasing their dominance. Until the last fifty years everything was at a standstill in the drow city of Al Kharid untill the Great Sundering where the city was split in half and the whole city fell into anarchy. There was even more war in between the individual houses and hundreds were slain in skirmishes. Yet still, Tens of thousands still live as well as all the children who now grow up in a world of hate, despair and anger. Take on the role of these children as they grow up in this time. Guide them through the city and academy as they try to re-untite the Drow to face a foe that approaches, Or take on the role of a slave in employment of one of the houses and guide them as they struggle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Creation Name: Age: ( Try to keep in mind about the race of the character) Race: ( Dark Elf, Duergar/ Dwarf, Deep Gnome, Human, Gnome, Orc/ Goblin/ Orge or any half breed.( Keep it logical if going for a half breed) Gender: Class: ( Fighter, Thief, Mage, Priest, Blackguard, Crossbowman, Spellbreaker) Weapon ( Up to three): Appearence: Bio( Optional):
This thread is about those times where the saying "out of the Frying pan and into the fire" has taken effect, When a scenario has gone from bad to worse, When something bad has happened and it becomes something worse. My scenario which goes by these rules would have to be on my Athletics day for school. I got to school and was chucked into the high jump although it was against my wishes. As my friends would know I really suck at Athletics and when I went for my fifth jump ( height really counts in this event and I am 6'4 which is a big help) my leg slammed into the fiberglass stick and cracked my shin but that wasn't where it ended, I was knocked off of my angle and instead of falling on the mat, I fell face down on the ground which broke my nose and gave me a concussion. I would like to hear about your other scenarios that things go from Bad to worse, No need to be shy when telling everyone.
Well, down here in Australia, The [COLOR=Red][SIZE=4]R[/SIZE][/COLOR] rating goes to movies with extreme violent/ [SIZE=4]BIG [/SIZE]Sex scenes/ Lots of Drugs or any combination of the three. And when I say Extreme i mean [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]X[/COLOR][/SIZE]- Treme. However, Movies that get the R in America usually end up as MA 15+ in Australia. example- Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back is rated R in America which I found out on my DVD of it although it is rated MA in Australia. As It has been said before, It is all about Parameters, if the movie does not fit the parameters for a rating, Ex- If it holds too much coarse language or Violence for an M film then it will be boosted up to a MA.
Is there a game out there that could have been great, just that little bit away from being good but It was held down by its flaws or bad AI or anything that can bring a game down. Yes, I mean the games that are bad but could have been good if, for example, they had a different crew working on it. One game that comes to mind when you mention this, Yu-Gi-Oh forbidden memories on PSX. The game was okay at first but I eventually noticed the cheap AI, lack of rules, poor animation and terrible gameplay but If they just picked up these flaws, fixed them up and It would be great. Are there anymore games that you think flaws bought down to the grade of Shizien? I will accept any ones opinions.
[IMG]http://members.fortunecity.com/butterflysedge/webimages/zell-char.jpg[/IMG] Name - Zell Dincht Age - 17 Height - 168 cm Weapon - Glove Birthday - March 17 Blood - B Special Attack - Duel Zell joined Garden when he was 13 in order to train himself to be a great soldier like his grandfather, who he admires very much. He's an honest fighter, and he's very straitforward; he fits inot the military stereotype perfectly. He often loses his temper, but that doesn't seem to concern him very much. An all-around honest man, Zell grew up in a wealthy family. Because of this, he lacks seriousness. He's a quick and lethal fighter, and martial arts master.
Sarai nearly collapsed from exhaustion, "So", She whispered " This is how my magic would fail me" She was then aware of someone dragging her back into a room. She opened her eyes and saw Blorn standing over her with a concerned look on his face. " I thought that Ye was lost to this world", He said as he reached down to stop the bleeding from a heavy cut on her head. Sarai sat up quickly for a moment then collapsed and asked " Where are the others?" Blorn motioned out of the door towards the castle then said " Getting the king, The old mage might be helpful" Sarai raised herself to her feet with Blorns help then limped out of the room toward the castle in search of the king.
[quote name='JC Goodwin']I am taking a stab at it and was it drowning pool. And for extra credit they also did Let The Bodies Hit the Floor which wwe used in one of their PPVs[/quote] I am sorry but you are incorrect, It was Papa Roach who did the theme for Tough-Enough 2001. They have not done any other songs for the WWE although another one of their songs appeared on Ready To Rumble. Although I'll give you that because they sound a bit like Drowning Pool at first.
I agree, Punk is a dying genre of music, There are too many bands that are trying to get labelled as punk but they aren't. The last good Punk band that came out of Australia lately was The Living End. You see, Good Charlotte and Avril just dress punk although they're not really it. My favourite genre of music is close to punk but it is known as Rap-Metal although some of the bands that are in this genre liike Papa Roach are punk.
Name: Davo Dinkum Age: 25 Gender: Male Nationality: Australian Job: Deliveryman Special Skills: I don't suppose that doing drugs are a skill. Appearence: See attachment Bio: Davo came to Fat Pizza when he and his stoner buddies were caught in a routine raid while stoned. Davo was to be given 5 years but due to overcrowded prison cells he was made to do 5 years work-release at a minimum wage joint. He was sent to Fat Pizza where he smoked the pot plant and ate an entire bag of Eckies. Personality: Davo is a stoner who either spends half the time stoned out of his mind or getting the jitters when he is attempting a way to get off of the drugs. He is eseally excited and finds it fun to moon things.
[QUOTE=Geno][b] "The Dirty Pair" A female private dectective and her funny little girl side kick witch a nack for explosives Geno[/QUOTE] I belive that when you said Dirty Pair you were actually thinking about Gunsmith Cats because neither Yuri or Kei liked explosives although Kei liked guns. And as I always say: It is the original Girls with Guns anime because I am fairly sure that It came out before the original Bubblegum Crisis. There is also the Dirty Pair Flash OVA although it doesn't really have the charm and wit of the original.
Hello everyone , Its a me Daermon. This thread is dedicated to one of my favourite TV shows on normal tv named Pizza. At the moment Pizza is into its third series, already has had its own movie and talk show thing SO I believe that It should be mentioned on this web-site. The series revolves around a pizza shop which has a very odd cast of workers there and is screened on SBS/ Channel 28 in Australia on mondays at 9:00. The characters (IN THE SCREENSHOS, FROM LEFT TO RIGHT) Habib- Habib is a drug dealer/ con artist and can supply you with anything as long as it is bith cheap and easy to come by. He first had sex with a chick during the second season although it was a fat chick. Although i'm not being sexist. Davo Dinkum- Davo is an aussie stoner who was introduced into the series during the second series where he was employed for several years because of overcrowding of prison cells. Davo is easily the most likeable character because during one episode when he was trying to give up and the potplant started talking to him, begging him to smoke it, And then the talking thong. ( Thong being aussie speak for flip-flops) Min Ching( Or something)- She was introduced at the end of the first series as Bobos mail-order bride which he shipped in illegally in a rickety old dinghy from china. Unfirtuatly she came with 13 of her other relatives which was unexpected. Bobos Mama- The mother of the owner of the shop and another one of the likeable characters. A highlight was at the end of the second series when she was responsible for the deaths of the 13 relatives by sending them to go to a unsafe beach. Claudia Macpherson- A highly likeable character because of the fact that she wears a bikini and G-string which if you think she is hot ( Like myself) then happy days. :tasty: Bobo- The owner of the shop and a very violent man because he keeps his chainsaw within arms reach. :eek: Another thing is the unfriendly things he puts into the pizzas. Paulie Falzoni- The main character of the show and the director, His character is not to bright but the latest episode that was shown he kicked ***** and took names because it was set before he joined the fat pizza crew. First he was a boxer and was about to get into the olympics except for the anti-choco conspiracy, then he was a hairdresser where he got fired for unleashing a can of whup@$$ on his gay bosses face so he went to his uncle Shiba and got his help, meaning he got a job at fat pizza. Rocky- The lebanese rambo takes a human form in Rocky who is the ultimate pimp. He sleeps with more chicks then you can count, He is Habibs partner in crime although he is the brawns of the operation. ------------------------------------------------------- Attachment 2 Dazza & Shazza- The two major people from boganville, They use the words *******, *******, ***** so many times it is hilarious. They are always drinking and smoking although they do it with grace. The other two are un-important
Name: Tir McDohl Age: 22 Race: Human Class: Conjurer ( I forgot to add this and a few other specialist schools of magic. The ones I forgot were Invoker, Transmutor, Enchanter, Conjurer, Diviner and Battle Mage) Weapon: Tir weilds a staff that is tipped with iron at the ends although he also utalises a dagger which he hides in his boot. Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/t/tirmcdohl02.jpg[/IMG] Biography: Tir is the child of one of the sorceresses who destroyed the pool of shadows who died a few months after giving birth to Tir. Tir was sent to live at the tower of the red mage, with a mage called Shal Denasea who took him in with her husband and young child and taught him to manipulate magic. Tir took to magic quickly, being able to cast simple cantrips at the age of 10 although it took him a while to learn about the history of magic. He finally proved himself to being a magic-user at the age of 20 when he finally was able to bring forth a familiar as his companion. Granted, The familiar was an obnoxious, self-obsessed, greedy, rude, all- together annoying ice Mephit called Zodar but it was a familiar none the less. So Tir went out into the world, using his magic to annoy and to do moderatly good things even though they are always for personal gains. This is how Tir came to Phlan where he came across a small keep infested with Hill Giants. He and his not so faithful mephit routed the giants rather easily by making one of them a eunuch by performing an unfair spell which had some rather personal results :wow:. Tir took the castle as his reward which is where he stays at the moment.
This thread is dedicated to 28 DAYS, A fairly popular band in Australia which appears at nearly every Big Day out and just lately Coke Live 'n Local. They are a great band from St Kilda who have written such hits like Sucker, Rip It Up, Whats the Deal? and Take me away who are all very good. They have an excellent sense of humour which is shown in their songs and on their DVD titled When Dickheads snap. Below are the lyrics from What's the Deal? Have a read of it and say what you think of it and if possible what other victorian bands you think are good. The beer is ice cold And it's sold From a supermarket that keeps their prices down This day is not pretentious or fake Home town Sunday shining And it takes a day like this to make me understand That you can't beat the sweet feeling of sand Between your toes, this is how it goes Down with a beer in my hand My best friend's to the left She's closest to the esky She passes me a Coopers And she glistens in the sun Baby made a good call to take me from the fish bowl Looks all cool on videos but sometimes it's no fun (well that was so good) It's all very good at first All the beer and cocaine I'm on the beach in the first verse With my kid and no fame And it just feels so very real to me So I'm asking myself Baby, what's the deal? I spent two years with the summer in my rear view Now I'm looking through my shades I've finally got a clear view Of blue skies and wet sand All of this, how could you Want any more than this Tell me how can this be true? (well that was so good) It's all very good at first All the beer and cocaine I'm on the beach in the first verse With my kid and no fame And it just feels so very real to me So I'm asking myself Baby, what's the deal? Askin' myself what's the deal What's the deal And it's like so hot And I'm not no matter what you say Ain't gonna stray from this wicked spot I've frozen in Germany And burnt up in Spain Man, Amsterdam nearly fried my brain So on the plane I had a day to think About being here and sipping this drink So I'm playing with my kid Hanging with my girl Watching my belly turn pink (well that was so good) It's all very good at first All the beer and cocaine I'm on the beach in the first verse With my kid and no fame And it just feels so very real to me So I'm asking myself Baby, what's the deal? Asking myself What's the deal? Asking myself What's the deal? I'm asking What's the deal? yeah I'm asking myself What's the deal?
Strangest song you've ever gotten stuck in your head
PWNED replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
The oddest song that I had stuck in my head was 1,4,5 or Days like these by The Cat Empire or Sucker by 28 DAYS. They're just really catchy. [QUOTE]'s days like these that make us happy like a puppy getting lucky with Lassie hassle-free hours passing by with that beat one two said it's days like these kicking back just doing what we do[/QUOTE] From Days like these by The Cat Empire [QUOTE]The doctor turned and gave a grin and reached into his bag but instead of an injection got a record with a tag that said listen to this daily with hip shaking and such things then he puts the record in grabs a mic and starts to sing you need some One four five to make you high to make you high to make you high to make you high when heaven falling from the sky to make you high to make you high [/QUOTE] 1,4,5 by the Cat Empire [QUOTE]Here we go fools And it’s on once again for young and old Because you stole the farmboy’s time Cuz if you find me on the trippy hip hop Like I said before you whore We got the drop on you you’re through So don’t try and copy The style of those you chose to propose because you’re sloppy There’s a noise at the front door And just last week you sounded just like Faith No More Suckers come and go you wont fight it you wont know, There’s some things you’ll never know You’ve bought a new record kid Now you’ve got a new style Let me tell you right now You’re like a senile pedophile Cuz you wanna rape the kids but they wont’ pay you **** Because you cut your hair when it was time to leave OH fingertip main trip, think you’re so down and I just can’t take it Suckers like you who fake it through, you’re through Make me wanna be sick and you‘re sliding up and down HIP HOP'S TIP![/QUOTE] Sucker, 28 Days You see, they are very catchy.