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Everything posted by PWNED

  1. Story: Decades of years ago the daermor appeared on the face of Faerun, They passed, from all the planes of death and darkness, through the cursed pools and wells of magic. Hundreds and thousands of lives were lost to the demons as they spread like a disease until the only ones that were worth fighting were the clerical warriors and paladins of Tyr, the even-handed. A small ragtag group of adventurers, three of them being warriors of Tyr, two sorcerors, a barbarian and a Ranger-thief were called upon to use a holy artifact named the hammer of Tyr and destroy what was used to bring the monsters from their planes of existence. This object was none other that the pool of shadows which possessed the greatest power of all of the pools. The cleric of Tyr cast the Hammer of Tyr into the murky depths and destroyed the pool. But before the hammer would return like it usuallly did; The foul magic of Bane, The god of despair, swiped the hammer from Tyrs grasps and before Bane was destroyed by the holy might of Tyrs hammer, He cast the hammer far-away from the grasp of Tyr. Now, fifty years later, The city of Phlan is collapsing into ruin and the clerics are slowly dieing out one after the other. A book of prophecys, written by the hand of Bane which tells the prophercy of Banes downfall and where he will cast the hammer has been found oncemore has been found by a traveling merchant and has been sold to the temple of Tyr. The prophercy states that the child of the child of one of the heros will find the hammer and use it to restore the greatness of Phlan. However Evil beings are searching for the hammer to use it to re-open the pools and destroy Phlan once and for all and will not allow the hammer to be used for good. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: ( Try and keep it fantasyish) Age: Race: (Either Gold elf,Silver Elf, Wood Elf, Half Elf, Dwarf, Human, Halfling or Gnome) Class: Either Warrior, Ranger, Druid, Mage, Thief, Illusionist, Necromancer, Adjucator, Paladin, Cleric or Bard) Magic: Type of magic used if Magic using character. Bio: Appearence: Weapon:
  2. Since we have the most memorable boss battle I have decided on a new thread concerning the unforgettable and/or touching scenes. Mine would have to be the final scene from Suikoden 2 where [spoiler]The Hero and Jowy finally see each other again, after the long war. I have included the script from the scene but don't blame me that it had poor translation. [/spoiler] [spoiler] Jowy "Hero...you came. Just like you promised...here once again."[/spoiler] [spoiler] Jowy "This is where out journey began. You and I walked the along the same path for so long together, but this is where they began to diverge. But, I have no regrets. But if I did, it would be that I had to betray the City-State and asasinate lady anabelle...you and I were alot alike...we were both aiming for the same thing. But I just..."[/spoiler] [spoiler] Jowy "At the Highland camp, after I let you escape ahead, I was captured and met Luca Blight again. I hated him from the beginning, it's true. But I think I admired his strength a little bit too... I thought if I was that strong, I could protect everyone and I could create a gentle world where nobody would ever be hurt. But...."[/spoiler] [spoiler] Jowy "No, forget about it. This is a battle between the King of Highland and the leader of the Kinseth Army. This is truly...the final battle." [/spoiler] The Hero is given a choice (bold indicates answer given) I guess you're right... [B]We don't need to fight.[/B] Jowy [spoiler]"We do...need to fight...hero...[/spoiler] Hero and Jowy duel. There are several divergences here at this point. 1st Scenario: You defeat Jowy Jowy [spoiler] "That's right...hero. Good. Now this war will finally end...Hero...hold up your right hand..." [/spoiler] Jowy- [spoiler] "I was watching you all the time...remember these two runes were once one you know... Peace is a beautiful thing...even if it comes...at the end of a long...brutal...war...It may seem all is lost, but we will always have memories...forgive me...Hero...I sent many men to their deaths...noone knows the pain of that more than I do... [/spoiler] Jowy- [spoiler] "But...just as I thought...you had no choice but to defeat me. A glorious hero defeats an evil King...the people will talk and sing about your heroic rise to fame and forget the horrors and the sins of war...the defeated soldiers will feel comforted by the fact that they were defeated by a hero, and deceived by an evil king..."[/spoiler] Jowy- [spoiler] "Hero...I want you to...become a great leader...hold on dearly to this peace...that we fought so hard for. The Rune...it will lend you its power, I'm sure of it...farewell...my friend...Hero..."[/spoiler] [color=#4B0082]I merged this with an older thread on the same subject. Before creating a thread, please run a search to check if there's already a thread about the same thing. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  3. UNFORGIVEN Sorry for the lateness of my new thread, Bit caught up at the moment. The matches Randy Orton vs HHH for the World Heavyweight Championship Christian vs Jericho for the interconternental titles in a ladder match. Rhyno & Tajiri vs La Resistance for the Tag team championship HBK vs Kane Trish Stratus vs Victoria for the womens championship Chris Benoit & William Regal vs Evolution Thats all the matches that i know about although there may be more, I will accept your thoughts on the PPV and your predictions.
  4. He died in the year 2000 and I believe about half-way through it. My question is who were the original members of the Hart-Foundation and for special credit how many are still aive?
  5. I would have to say I am most like Naota because of the fact that you never see either of us happy and that we are always trying to hide something, Naota hides his horns while I am always trying to hide my belongings in my room from everyone else.
  6. This is set in an altearnative universe. I forgot to put the Ratin which is -M-[VL] Story: The year is 2075 and it is incredibly dfferent from what you may know. The gangs are on the rise and the world is intergraded with the net. A local street gang called El Gainos has taken control of the eastern sections of Melbourne and are quickly expanding to the other ends of the great city. But there is a problem going around for El Gainos, All of the other gangs are taking up arms against them and are not at all happy. The members of El Gainos are invading the other gangs turf, from the southwestern reaches of the once-great city they have crossed the line, They have entered someone elses territory and a major war is breaking out. All if the other gangs want to remove of this troublesome group before they intrude further into other directions. There is a problem with this predicament because of the fact that none of the gangs want to work together on this matter unless they are getting a fair deal out of it. Take on the role of a Gangster of a gang and make sure that El Gainos is taken down permanetly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mafias in already- The Puopolo foundation which is located in Altona is a Maltese gang who are not decked out in very high-tech but are still very deadly. These guys are usually wearing red or black clothing and kevlar jackets. They can be noticed by their means of transportation which are speedboats on the sea and remade Holden Commodores which are have no specific colours. They are highly distrustful of other gangs especially the greek or italian mafias. - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Street Name/ Codename: Age: Gender: Nationality: Gangname: ( I am only going to allow up to four mafias) Gear: Weapon: Class: ( Either hacker, Street mage, Hitman, Guard, Street Shaman, Demolitions or Rocker) Appearence: ( I will take pictures and descriptions) Personality: Where abouts in Melbourne is your mafia based?: You can pick out of Carlton, Altona, North Melbourne, Kensington, Sunshine, Geelong, Frankston or Queenscliff. Gang Description: (If you are the mafia leader) Just add noticeable traits about the gang and if they hold any grudges towards any of the other mafias. ---------------------------------------------------- My character Name: James Puopolo Code Name: Puopo Age: 31 Gender: Male Nationality: Maltese. Gang-Name: The Puopolo Foundation (My guy is the leader) Gear: Kevlar vest Leather Trenchcoat Black pants and a black shirt Silver sunglasses Leather Boots Weapon: Ares Viper model 3 handgun with silencer Class: Street Mage Appearence: James is fairly tall and has dark red hair with hazel eyes but what is noticeable about him is the cybernetic right eye that he wears. He has multiple scars across his entire body where he has had multiple mechanical body parts inserted. Personality: James is as hotheaded as his hair is red, He is known to take risks but not always. He does have an envious streak but it is only noticed when something is going right for someone else. Mafia Location: Altona in the pier area. Gang Description: The Puopolo foundation which is located in Altona is a Maltese gang who are not decked out in very high-tech but are still very deadly. These guys are usually wearing red or black clothing and kevlar jackets. They can be noticed by their means of transportation which are speedboats on the sea and remade Holden Commodores which are have no specific colours. They are highly distrustful of other gangs especially the greek or italian mafias.
  7. Name: Georg Prime Age: 46 Sex: * Grins stupidly and nods head* Male Class: A Knight. Equipment: A ridiculosly heavy broadsword which has a incredibly keen edge. Magic: None Special Ability: Dragon Blade. When this ability is used then his blade is enchanted with the breath of a random type of Dragon for a short amount of time. Experience Level: Level five because of the fact that he has had a lot more time to train then others. Although he is a lot slower then the others! Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/g/georgprime01.gif[/IMG] Personality: Georg is incredibly forgiving for a man his age although he is also a bit hot tempered. Georg doesn't want anyone to tell him not to fight because he could rip apart any person that would stand still long enough. Bio: Nothing is known about Georg except for the fact that he's a knight from the far west. Nothing else is known cause he will attempt to sever the head of anyone who asks him.
  8. "DO NOT TAKE THE THREAD NAME LITERALLY, JUST A METAPHOR" This is for all you RPG nuts who have found a game to have so much of an annoying storyline that you felt like tearing your hair out. Yes, The story has to be that terrible. Mine would have to be the storyline behind Final Fantasy 8, Not because I hate FF8 ( Although I do hate it, It sucks) but because of how repetitive it's storyline is and how they seem to incorporate pointless Cut Scenes into the Pathetic story to make it even more pathetic. I don't need anyone scolding me about this but how can someone insult dimension/ time travel by putting it into FF8. I'll be glad to hear some peoples arguments but if anyone says that any game from the suikoden series has a crap storyline then I will personally hunt you down. [SIZE=1]Can you also leave an adress?[/SIZE]
  9. Absolutely correct. And your question? Better be good.
  10. Name: Futch McDohl Age: 13 Gender: Male Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/t/tirmcdohl02.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Futch is a spoilt little Bastard, End of topic. History: Futch takes on your basic idea of a spoilt rich kid, He was given everything he ever wanted and was even tutored by the great Genkaku who taught him to weild a Staff really well. He was also taught to use a sword and a dagger with aptitude. Other than that, Futch has lead a rather unremarkable life except for having to strike down one from a rival family. God: Pyre Realm: Lei-Sui Weapons: Futch weilds a Staff and will also utalise a Kukiri ( A small thick, curved dagger) and a short sword. Spells: Flare Javelin: Futch summons a fiery spear and hurls it at the foe. It is rather weak but it causes very little mana drain and is close to being Futchs favourite spell. Fire Aura: A fiery glow surrounds an item of choice, giving it fire properties. Gate: Summons a Fire Mephit as an ally. The Fire Mephit is incredibly rude and although it cannot harm the summoner it will get very rude when asked to do something it doesn't want to do. Sacrificial Flame: The power of Pyre flows through Futch and blasts out of him which damages everything around the vicinity. Futch will rarely use this spell because of the immense physical strain.
  11. [QUOTE]I am posting this for Daermon_Nashabe, His internet has been on the blink lately and he wanted me to put this up so he sent me it via his friends email.[/QUOTE] There has been some people who have been questioning my current RPG "Myth: Soulblighters Return", So here is the low down. I urge anyone who is reading my RPG not to view this thread. Once one reads the prelude they should veiw here to see what is going on throughout the story. First of all, the we introduce our five characters in their first posts by them being called to the city of Tyr by the king who has read the stars and proc;aimed that those five are destined to stop Soulblighter. They are already on bad terms due to the fact that they all hold racial tensions towards each other. They are given a day to decide which is cut short by the attack of Soulblighters army. They escape via the river that washes to the south into the mirkwood forest which is also known as the elvenwood. They are captured by the elves and are taken captive by the agressive guardsmen. While in the prison, they meet a young Elven pickpocket who helps them escape from the jail and regain their weaponry. They flee from the woods into the Seven gates of the Winterspure mounts. Eventually the five reach the shadow-plains where they are attacked by scores of minions of Soulblighter who force them to retreat into the citadel of darkness. They flee from the place quickly and reach the great devoid where they are finally confronted by Soulblighter itself. One of the five is killed by the warlord but it is defeated by their great power, Its head is removed and cast into the great devoid and the Undead fall, The orcs flee and the mercanaries are struck with cowardice. The remaining four return to the city of Tyr and claim their reward for the victory although one of their minds will never be the same. Well, That is all there is to my RPGs story, Although it is just beginning so if you think I can change something then I will se what I can do.
  12. The awnser for your question is a bit under eight years. He held it from May 17, 1963 to January 18, 1971. My question is rather easy. At what PPV did the Owen" The King of Hearts" Hart suffer his fatal accident? And for extra credit, Who was he supposed to fight?
  13. Name: Kage Jan'win Codename: Dark Wind Gang name: Blood Brothers Age: Newbie Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/w/watari01.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Dark Wind is not your average assassian. He is quiet and will rarely speak but when he does speak it is worth listening to. An odd thing about Dark wind is, he possesses a strict code of honour and will never turn his back on a foe or fight like a coward which does not suit an assassian. Bio: Nothing is known of Dark winds past until he turned up at the steps of the Blood Brothers headquarters demanding to be accepted. He was put through training to become an assassian although none know why he chose this. Weapon: Dark Wind weilds a thick katana which is straighter than a normal katana. He also uses a pair of throwing daggers and a Kukiri.
  14. Blorn groaned angrily that morning when he stirred from his drunken sleep Blorn- What the bloody hell just happened? Where am I? Sarai also stirred from her snooze a bit angrier than Blorn was Sarai- What in the Abyss happened? Why are you here Blorn? Blorn- Don't shout, I have a bloody minotaur sized hangover Sarai- I didnt shout, Youre being noisy. Blorn groaned again and got up to leave the Inn room than ran over to the window and studied the sun. It appeared to be about 6:30 which gave at least two hours until they had to return to the castle to give their desicion. Sarai stood up and walked over to the window and said Sarai- Do you hear that thumping noise? Blorn- Yeah, And do you see that smoke in the distance! Sarai- Oh, No. They're coming. Blorn- Who? Sarai- Them. Blorn sprang out the window and landed gracefully on the ground outside of the inn and took off for the walls, leaving Sarai with the bill. Twenty minutes later, Blorn and Sarai stood on top of the battlements surveying the coming army. Sarai- It appears to be a mixed bunch. Blorn- Orcs, Mercenarys and Undead. An ideal army. Sarai- Go get King Alric, We need all the magic we can throw around. Sarai then moved her hands in a precise pattern and cast the fireball spell at the appraoching army. Blorn got the hint from this and raced down the battlements to the keep. Meanwhile, Sarai readied another spell to cast and hoped that everyone would come quickly.
  15. Sorry to butt in on your coversation but I have a point to make. First of all, All the poor RPG's are created by Newbies example [QUOTE]Well the sign-ups for this are the same as the megaman RPGs. I'll take about 6-8 then we'll start. My Sign-Up Name: Vance Riadas Gender: Male Age: 13 History: Vance's father works for one of his peer's (Chaud Blazes) father. By working there his father gets him very good chips for his Net Navi. Vance's mother is the personal assistant to the mayor of ACDC Town. Appearance: Similar to Chaud's hair, green eyes, wears a green vest with a black shirt under, and wears grey cargo pants. 3 Chips: Sword, WideSword LongSword Net Navi Name: White Knight Gender: Male History: White was created by Vance's father and was given to him on his tenth birthday. An now White is by his side all the time. Appearance: My Avatar Personality: Sincere Remember I am only taking 6-8 people!![/QUOTE] This is an actual thread that has been posted by a newbie whose name shall not be mentioned. Now we should bring our attention to a thread from a little while back this is for a good comparsion so I will state who posted this second one. Heero Darkangel, take a bow for his quiality sign up. [QUOTE]This adventure takes place on the high seas where an 18 year old boy called Heero De'vellan and his father Captain Hal De'vellan once commanded a pirate ship of over seventy good strong men, the boys father was a couragous, strong and fair fighter and his men respected him for his strategic mind, his truth, honour and good heart towards them, the name of their vessel was called Ladies Mile, but one night they were raided by two unknown fleets, these pirates raided their cabins, stole everything and killed everyone except the boy who stole away on a small raft with ten bags of gold, his fathers pirate sword, and a gold medallion with a black pearl center with four red rubys that surrouned it plus other personal items. As he drifted away he watched the once beautiful ship with it's high masts and pirates flags go down in a blaze of glory while the two fleets took off canons firing in victory, with a heart full of a deep anger and eyes of vengence he swore on that final moment that he would avenge the sinking of Ladies Mile and the death of his father and crew. He was washed upon a small island in the middle of no where, he checked the maps and pulled out a compass he had taken but the island wasn't on there. He searched the island and found an old daunting pirates ship called Devils Rose, the name sounded familiar to him but he fell in love with it. She was bigger than Ladies mile and more magnificent, she had three huge masts where as the Ladies Mile only had two, she also had four rows of canons on both sides which still looked to be in good condition. He circled the massive vessel and found she had a huge hole in the back. He walked in and studied the hole, the boards were abit rotten but nothing he couldn't fix. Over the two months, he spent most of his time fixing her up. He found the spare sails and put them on and repaired the old ones. Everything he need was on that ship. Once she was sea worthy he then began cleaning her up, in the captains quarters he found many treasure chests full of gold, jewels. He smiled as they reminded him of his father and how he used to split everything equally amoungst the crew. After cleaning the whole ship up and getting rest he then set sail to find a trust worthy crew to adventure with and also to find the mongrels who slaughtered his father. He kissed his fathers Medallion to thank him for all his teachings for with out them he'd be dead now....[/QUOTE] First of all, there is a lot of detail in this second one, which is just the Story behind the RPG. One way to look at this is of experinece. From the looks of the post, It appears to be at least Heero Darkangels fifth RPG while it is the person that was first stateds first RPG. This is the problem with anime/ game based RPGs, The creator thinks that the people already know what happens in the storyline so they neglect to add a history. I would also mention Kill Adam but I am running out of room [SIZE=4]GOOD JOB JAMES[/SIZE] Let's not assume all newbie RPGs are really crappy, Let's just take a look at the story for THE EVIL EYES rpg, Myth: Soulblighters Return. [QUOTE]It's now over 100 years since Balor first appeared at the eastern edge of the civilized lands. His arrival was heralded by a great comet that grew in the sky and signaled doom to all life. With dark arts he raised up the Fallen Lords, sorcerer-generals like himself, bent to his will and desiring nothing but to lay waste to the living and rule over the blasted lands. Among their number were Shiver, the Deceiver,the Summoner, the Watcher and, most vicious and cunning of all, Soulblighter. Leading a grim army of beasts, spirit creatures and the reanimated dead, the Fallen swept through Eastern villages and cities, destroying the great capital at Muirthemne and scattering the survivors. They passed the great continental range of the Cloudspine and flooded into the rich lands of the West. Only two of the great cities of the West still stood when our armies rallied. Pursuing a plan of retaking strategic points and exploiting the weaknesses of the Fallen, Alric, last of the Nine protectors of the West, led a strike through the Fallen lines and directly for Balor himself. In a desperate gamble, Alric tricked Balor into exposing himself and cut off his head. Eluding Soulblighter, he brought it to the Great Devoid, a vast pit in the heart of the world, and threw it in to seal Balor?s fate. Their leadership broken, most of the Fallen Lords were soon hunted down and destroyed by Alric?s armies. With Balor?s destruction, Soulblighter found himself defeated, but alive and free from Balor?s service. He escaped into the wilderness, to bide his time and look for an opportunity to return to his former power, to achieve the ambition that was denied his master. Now sixty years have passed since the end of the Great War against the Fallen. Alric sits on the throne in the rebuilt city of Tyr. Warriors have returned to their villages, and allies like the elves to their homelands. Peace reigns and the land prospers. At least it prospers until a warlock of great power decided to track down the resting place of both Soulblighter and the staff of the Magi. It was foolish because when he found the staff of the magi he did not quit in his search. Soulblighter ambushed the warlock and drained his power and stole the staff. Now with the power to create all the undead minions he needed, Guess what he did? He created legion upon legion of Undead and offered the Fetch a way home to get back to their plane in return of their continued servitude. The possible final war had begun. Paladins and clerics fled before the nearly untunable undead. The dreaded Trow warriors fled from the north, the elves from their lands to the south. The dwarves were beseiged in their stone citys and the greatGnomes once more began to tinker with their great war-machines which have been almost destroyed via their long time without use. King Alric has sent his messengers in search of five champions who are destined to stop Soulblighter and cast him into the great Devoid. He has sent for the destined five who are Reya Sukin and Talan of the elves, Blorn of the Trow, Sarai Taurer of the humans and Tuscov Wolfbane of the mixed blood. But in the prophecy ( Proberbly in the fine print) It is stated that one shall die, one shall go mad and the others will find success and greatness.[/QUOTE] See what I mean. Sorry to turn into a lawyer of sorts but like I said, It is mostly newbies that create "el crappy RPG"
  16. Sarai walked out of the audience chamber with a worried look upon her face. "Now I know why that messenger looked scared", She thought " We have no chance at escaping the fallen" At that moment Blorn walked out of the audience hall with an angry look on his face and was quietly muttering to himself about the bloody elves. Sarai- What are ye on about Blorn- Wha, Well It's that bloody Elf, He is really pissing me off. Sarai- Well, Just ignore im, He's only an elf. Blorn- Ye're right about that. Let's go down to the tavern, I've heard good things about this citys beer. About half an hour later, They were at the king of Arms tavern with Blorn nursing a large tankard of ale and Sarai sitting calmly with a bottle of Firewine. Blorn- Are ye sure you want to drink that? s very strong Sarai- Do you unnerestimate me skill at taking me drink. Blorn- Hell yeah, Firewines the strongest of all wines. Sarai- Big deal. You don't have any. Blorn- Wine is for cowards, The only way that ye start the drunken little goblin song is with a nice ale. Sarai- We will see that I can drink a lot better than you. Fifty minutes later Blorn had started his fifth tankard and was slurring terribly and Sarai was even worse. Sarai- Ye see I can ta ma drin muh bedder den ooo. Blorn- Oo wis you stoid wa...wa... Thingy. Sarai- See, I haf prooof. oo cannor eve remembe ma thingy Blorn- Ye ca barly even stand oop. With that Blorn collapsed backwards and fell asleep and Sarai took a hint a collapsed fowards to have a bit of a sleep. The innkeeper and his assistant dragged the two up the stairs and into a room where they still slept.
  17. Sarai balanced herself against a tree in an attempt to catch her breath. She thought to herself" why the hell do I need to follow a bloody Trow about?"" He is almost as bad with directions as myself and it's not like either of us can ask for directions anyway". Blorn turned around and said " Why are ye stoppin?" " We got a lot of ground to cover". At that moment a woman wearing the robes of an adviser of the king warped into the middle of clearing with a very frightened look on her face. Advisor- I am looking for a Blorn or a Sarai Taurer Blorn- And ye found them. Now what is it ye want? Sarai- Ignore him milady, He is a bit impatient when he get's lost because of someone... Blorn- Ye were the one who said it was a bad idea to go through thee world knot! Advisor- Pax people, Pax. I have a message for you two. Sarai- (brushes a few strands of hair away from her face) Ah, so we are important enough to get a message from the king. let's hear it Blorn- ( Turns to face Sarai and whispers) I don't like this idea of yers. Royalty doesn't think very highly o warlocks or trow. Salarai-(Ignores Blorn and turns to face the messenger) So what is this message that we are getting. Advisor- The king requires your presence at the great cty of Tyr. He requires an audience. I must leave know. and the world knot will get you to Tyr quickly. The Advisor then teleported away and left Blorn and Sarai standing in the clearing looking at where she was standing before. Blorn- Ha. I told ye so. I told ye that the World Knot will teleport us somewhere but no. Ye had to go yer own way. Sarai didn't say anything about this and started to travel back to the center of the forest with Blorn gloating behind her. An hour later, Blorn and Sarai found themselves standing in the waiting room outside the audience hall of the castle waiting for themselves to be called in.
  18. Name: Sarai Taurer Age: 23 Gender: Female Race: Human Class: Warlock Weapon: A Quarter Staff with a crystal on the end. Description: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/s/sarah01.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Born into a little village to the south of the city of Tyr, Sarai was accepted in the order of the magi in the cloudspine mounts where the order trained. Nothing else is known about her during this period until she finished the tests and went into the world at the age of 21. Two years have passed and she has been pursued by the guards of each of the citys who didn't think very highly of having a warlock enter their city walls. So, Sarai travled to the north where she met up with a young trow called Blorn. They grew to trust each over even when they were nearly killed in the great forest by maruding Thrall and Soulless. They eventually fled to Sarais home villiage where they were accepted for a short while. Eventually Sarai found the need to travel once more to the city of Tyr where Alrics throne was placed, to warn them of the coming undead.
  19. I have been having thoughts about a Discworld RPG but i am not too sure about the humour that some of the posters here possess. I need some people who have read the discworld novels and also people who know a good deal about Black Humour. Just post on this thread if you think this is a good idea and I will see if a moderator will give me the good ahead.
  20. Story- The year is 2100 and the world is in ruins. 50 years ago New York city was nearly decimated by a nucleur missle fired from an unknown source. Back to today though and a fair chunk of The once great city has been reconstructed and is being repopulated except for the one fact that The leaders of the New city are Mafia and the technological masters. However, There are some are not fond of their new leaders and plot against them for a democratic goverment. Unfortunatly for them, The Mafia rules and know everything that is happening in the slums so what would you do know? Go Underground and fight with Guerilla tactics. Character Creation- Name: Age: Weapon: Gender: Allegiance: ( Either The people who want the democracy or the mafia) Appearence: Bio: Nationality: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THe major competitors in the story of Johnathon Rubino- A major technilogical master who has taken the lead of the reformed city because of his generous donations of both weapons and money. Sydney Kirkby- One of the underground leaders of the rebellion, He has taken it upon himself to regain the former greatness of the goverment by whatever means nescerrsary. Paulie Falzoni- The owner of the largest mafia in New York reallly hit his stride when New York was decimated, earning money for offering minor protection from gangs for the public. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gangs in New York Cubans- Cuban gangsters carry around small Pistols and wear leather jackets, Red shirts, Black pants, Sunglasses and runners. They will hang about Manhatten. The Falzoni mafia- The largest mafia in the RPG and easily the best equipped, They only hang about on the main island. They wear spiffy black suits and usually posses minatuire crossbows armed with poisoned darts. The Underground- The Underground soldiers wear plain clothes so not to stick out in a crowd. They Carry around energy knifes and Uzis. The Diablos- A group of spaniard street punks who wear your average street punk clothes. They are usually very poorly equipped and hang about nearly everywhere although will focus on Hells Kitchen as their center of operations. ( I will take suggestions on new gangs)
  21. YO, It's Daermon again with the latest WWE PPV: Summerslam as well as exclusive info on the return of the deadman tour down under. It's should be a decent enough with two matches that could very well be some of the better matches of summerslam history. Raw's summerslam matches None so far Smackdowns matches at Summerslam Eddie Guerrero vs Kurt Angle The Undertaker vs JBL for the WWE Championship. And now the WWE Return of the deadman tour. All tickets are sold out so too bad slow australians ( I'm one of them). In SYDNEY - August the 27th In Brisbane- August the 28th In Melbourne- August the 29th I also have no idea what matches there are going to be there but it could be good.
  22. Story-The elite group of Mercenarys known as The Raven have fought together for years, A small collection of companions carving out a name for themselves as sell-swords in wars that have torn the face of Balaina apart, They are loyal only to themselves and their Code. But when they agree to escort a Xeteskian mage on an odd mission, They are pulled into a web of conspiracy and terror that will change their lives forever.How is it that they are now fighting for their lives in the Dark College of magic? And why are they searching for a belived to be lost spell, The Dawnthief which holds the power that can tear the life from the earth, That can end the world as we know it. Isolated, betrayed and alone in a land that is on the brink of cotastrophe. The Raven must believe in a man whom they know nothing about, that is cloaked in deciet and with a demon as a familiar. What will happen when you are lost, Isolated, hunted and most of all afraid? :confused: Character Generation- Name: Age: Gender: Class: ( Warrior, Cleric, Rogue, Magician, Paladin, Ranger, Druid, Bard, Archer, Arcane Archer, Black Guard, Harper Scout, Shadowdancer) Race: Wood Elf, Human, Dwarf, Halfling, Gnome, Half-orc, Half- Elf, High Elf, Northman. Weapon ( you can weild two weapons): Bio: Appearence: Characteristics & Personality: Hope you all enjoy this RPG.
  23. Kern wandered through the large cave as if he was a sleeper yet he technically wasn't there. The various corpses that lay on the ground and against the walls were intangible. " Where am I" The young paladin thought. Than he gasped in fear at the scene that unraveled before him concerning The material body of himself and a huge skeletal Fiend. Kern watched as the material form of himself swung his rapier at the fiend but as soon as the blade struck the fiend it shattered. The fiend than retaliated by slashing with his claws which drew a howl of pain from both the spectral and the material forms. Then suddenly the fiends voice rang out " and now foolish paladin, you shall meet your gods" as it raised it's scorpion like tail above it's head to finish the young paladin. Then Kern found himself slipping away from the dream, back to reality. When Kern reawoke, he foun some of the elder priests standing over him studying the gashes in Kerns chest intently. Kern sat up then shouted for them to get out off his room so that he could get ready for his journey. After half an hour, Kern was ready to go off into the world when a sudden white light surrounded him and caused him to dissapear from the face of the Dragonspine mountains.
  24. Ladys and Gentlemen, The Adventure has begun in the Adventure Arena. The sign-ups have now closed so too bloody bad for all of you slow beggers. Something that I forgot to mention in hte berginning post is that Paladins can use minor clerical magic, Druids can use Druidic magic, Rangers can use minor Druidic magic and Bards are able to use minor mage's magic. [IMG]http://www.funnyjunk.com/p/upyours-jpg.html[/IMG]
  25. The Story(Prologue): The shadows parted to reveal a dark shape whose black heart clashed with the darkness that surrounded it. "Yes", the Dark being thought," I have discovered the scroll that possesses the power to raise my dark lord to his former glory. Then suddenly, The dark shape straightend to reveal the face of the being in the moonlight, He appeared to be fairly young yet in affect was almost as old as the great citadel of the light. The man smiled slightly and shouted out into the darkness, " Now I, Zodar Foulface shall possess power beyond ones dreams and under the command of the darkness I shall be supreme". Zodar then began to cackle maniacly as he once more was shrouded by darkness. Then his dark voice swept through the night sky saying " And the world be damned" Elsewhere, There were other eyes watching this scene in terror. The gods of Faith, Hope and Magic each had a worried look on their faces as they surveyed the other gods faces. The god of Light stood up from his throne and said " We must do something about this". The god of Magic stared at the speaker and replied " But what can we do? We cannot return to the earth and the titans are asleep" The god of Light acting arrogantly as always just retorted " Well, wake them up! Last time darkness was on earth, the human and Dwarven races were almost wiped out, not to mention the destruction that destroyed the blood isles". The god of Faith stood foward and said " We are unable to interfere with fate, We are unable to reawaken the titans in the heavens" The god of Fate nodded and added " The fates decree that a handful of warriors will take the powers of the titans and smite the dark one". The god of Hope than finished what everyone where talking about and said " We must take these heroes from where they are to the resting place of the titans so that they can draw upon the power of the titans" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( Your first post will be of what was happening before they were sent to the resting place)
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