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Well Badd Blood is on the 14th of June which is only a day away (In Australia). Badd Blood appears to be the better of the two but it is early stages yet for the Great American bash which means that it could get better. So far in the WWE, the only good PPVs this year have been ones that Raw have been involved.
OOC: I'm introducing a temporary character into the Rpg, He will stay until the fall of Muse. Riou and Jowy looked at Captian Rowd, They thought it was kind of odd that the captian didn't run but then they noticed the uniform of the soldiers, They were members of THe Highland armys most honured unit, The White Wolf army. Jowy took a step back and whispered " Wha.. What the hell?" Riou whispered back " Let's see what is going on" Jowy tilted his head in agreement than got to his feet and walked into the clearing with Riou at his back. Riou than spoke up when Captian Rowd and the armoured man and said " What the hell is going on here? Who the hell is that man" Captian Rowd spun around and yelled " Why are you still alive?, You should have died like everyone else" Luca held up a hand to make Rowd shut up and said " You do not recognize your crown prince?" Jowy was speechless for a moment than whispered to Riou "let's get out of here" Riou looked at him like it was not obvious and ran like the wind with Jowy keeping pace with him. Eventually Jowy and Riou got to the cliff over looking the river that flowed through the Tenzan pass and took a rest. Jowy looked at Riou and wheezed to him " Are you okay?.. But why would Captian Rowd?" Rowd and a handful of soldiers had caught up to Riou and Jowy when he emerged from the woods nearby and said " You will never find out that awnser, because you will join those corpses who were sacrificed for this cause". Riou backed up slightly until his feet were resting on the cliff and said " So.. for that you killed my friends, you murdered them all for your own cause" Riou then turned around and leapt off the cliff like a madman and hit the water with a mighty crash. Jowy leapt into the river right after him where they were both swept away. Hours later Riou awoke to find himself on his own, lying on a river bank with two men looking over him. The two then stood aside so that their apaprent leader could move so he could see Riou and said " so you're awake, can you say your name?" Riou coughed up some water than whispered " My name is Riou" The leader smirked and said " Why where you in the river?" Riou coughed up some more water than said " We were ambushed by the state army but....." The leader fowned at this and said "What the hell are you on about", We have signed a peace treaty and haven't moved for a month" The leaders eyes narrowed and he asked " Are you a highlander" Riou made a sort of salute and said " Highland Royal Army, Unicorn Brigade" The leader than said in a dark tone " So you and I are enemys than, Well my name is Viktor. I'm the leader of the mercenarys here in the eastern part of Jowston" Another man walked up to Viktor and said " Are you having fun bullying this poor kid, Viktor?" Viktor looked shocked at this and awnsered" I would never do that Flik, You know i'm a nice guy, but anyway did you get that over kid?" Flik looked down and muttered "I lost him in the river" Viktor looked at Riou and said "I'm sorry about your friend... Come with us" As they walked the long trek back to the mercenary fortress, None of the men that were around Riou, noticed that a short trickle of tears flowed down Rious face in greif.
Suikoden IV is the RPG release for me of 2004 because most of the PS2 RPGs nowdays are beggining to run thin on Gameplay because they are focusing more on graphical enhancment than Gameplay enhancement. Take Final Fantasy 3 to 5 or Suikodens I and II, All are 2D but possess some of the greatest gameplay found in an RPG yet their graphics are slightly lacking. Now take Final Fantasy 8 and Suikoden 3, FF8 had some of the best graphics I had seen at the time yet The gameplay made it ... craptacular while Suikoden III had very pretty graphics yet it did not live up to its preceddesors. Hopefully Suikoden IV keeps the original batte system and breaks the curse of improving graphics.
Months have passed since Highland and the City State of Jowston signed a ceasefire treaty. The Unicorn brigade hold the pass into the city state under the control of Highland. But tension begins to grow between the members of the Unicorn brigade as the days pass and the flames of war slowly begin to rise again. Until one night, The Unicorn Brigade was attacked and massacred except for the few people who had managed to keep hidden during the attack. The survivors crept out of their hiding places and discovered the deception made by the Captian of the Unicorn Brigade and the Bloodthirsty prince of Highland who wish that another war be started with the City State. The survivors escape via the river and are seperated along the way. This is the story of these great warriors who fought agaisnt the odds and eventually overcame the Highlanders. (Each persons first post is how they escaped) ( I will also let you make up some NPCs time to time, Just add to the post if you are a bringing in an NPC) Let it rip people. Some Bad Guys: Neclord,Evil Vampire[IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/n/neclord02.gif[/IMG] Prince Luca Blight[IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/l/lucablight01.gif[/IMG] Captian Rowd [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/r/rowd01.gif[/IMG] Solon Jhee[IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/s/solonjhee01.gif[/IMG] Yuber,Evil Dark Knight[IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/y/yuber01.gif[/IMG] Seed[IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/s/seed01.gif[/IMG] Culgan[IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/c/culgan01.gif[/IMG]
When I was younger ( very long ago, I feel so old) I myself used to watch this show in Australia when I was younger....... It was called Aggro, It was this show which had all kids cartoons on it, I wasn't allowed to watch it that much because my mum used to be very much against watching TV in the mornings. I also used to watch a British childrens show called the Basil Brush Show. I remember Basil Brushes Boom Boom jokes. Hah, I didn't get them when I was younger but when they bought it back on the ABC ( Australian Broadcasting Channel) I suddenly understood the boom boom jokes, Man were they dirty.
Name: Riou Genaku Age: 17 Bio:He is the adopted son of the great warrior Genkaku, and step brother to a girl named Nanami. He joined the Unicorn Brigade of the Highland Army, where his skill in martial arts taught to him by Genkaku made him a formidable fighter.Riou recived the Bright Sheild rune from a man whose life he saved from a group of Bandits, The man died after he gave the Bright Sheild rune to Riou leaving Riou with questions that had no awnsers. After the Highland Army massacred the Unicorn Brigade and blamed it on Jowston's Army, he escaped by leaping into a river that washed through Tenzan Pass. Race: Human Gender: Male Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/r/riou01.gif[/IMG] Weapons: Tonfa Runes: Head- Wizard Rune Left Hand- White Saint Rune Right Hand- Bright Sheild Rune Now my second character Name: Nanami Genaku Age: 18 Race: Human Gender: Female Bio: Nanami is the Adopted sister of the Hero and adopted daughter of Genkaku. She is an adept user of the three-piece-rod and her agility in battle is rarely bested.Nanami is also adept at martial arts and in hand to hand fighting. Following Genkaku's death, she tried hard to re-establish his dojo, but this did not work, which resulted in her brothers decision to join the military. Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/n/nanami01.gif[/IMG] Weapon: Three peice rod. Runes: Head- White Tiger Rune L Hand- Rage rune. R Hand- Gale Rune
[QUOTE=Amorphous][size=1][color=crimson]It's not that many abbreviations.. HBK stands for Heart Break Kid and HHH.. just is triple H.. I'm not actually sure if there is an abbreviation for all those H?s. Hell in Cell? It's basically, where two men beat the hell out of each other until one person wins... >_> Though it?s not like all other matches are like this, the thing with this match is there is one hell of a big steel cage that is set around the regular ring and you can climb atop of it and beat people up there and throw them of how ever high of a cage it is. I?m still new too these type of matches. I hopefully am getting the basic overveiw of it though right? >> Anyways. Chris Benoit>Kane, Shelton Benjamin and Randy Orton could go either way and the same with HHH and HBK. (Though in my own opinion, HHH will win as much AS I don't want him too, because for some odd reason I have this theory that since HBK asked for this match he'll loose because just look at the trend with Foly and Randy. Foly asked for the match and he lost and there have been a few others as well that have been like that.) and Eddie Guerro>John Bradshaw Layfeild, not that I care for Smackdown at all.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] HHH stands for Hunter Hearst Helmsly first of all.I missed one match for Bad Blood which was Victoria vs Gail Kim for the Womans Championship. I have now discovered the stipulation in the Bradshaw- Guerreo match. it'll be a Texas Bull Rope Match, meaning that Latino Heat -- the master of lying, cheating and stealing -- won't be able to get disqualified because there is no disqualification. The rules of the match: One man ties his hand to one end of the rope, the other man ties his hand to the other -- and from there, anything goes! To win, you must drag your opponent to all four corners and touch them in succession.
[SIZE=1][SIZE=1][SIZE=1]This game is based on Suikoden 2 but if you have never played it I can fill you in on the plot. The Story- It is a month after the peace treaty between Highland and the City State of Jowston. The Highland Unicorn brigade, which is located in the mountains to the north of their hometown, has been attacked but not by the City State army as belived but by Forces in the Highland army. The Unicorn Brigade is practilly massacred except for The few people that escape via river ( These are the people that signup) who eventually washup in the river outside of the town called Ryube. They are found by a Mercenary captian and some of his men, who take them prisoner and take them to their fortress until they escape and head back to Ryube. I will post more about the Plot of this adventure later[/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.rpgdreamers.com/rpgworld/suik2/suik285.jpg[/IMG] EARTH RUNE LV.1 CLAY GUARDIAN Raises defense of a character. LV.2 REVENGE EARTH Allows a character to have a higher counter rate LV.3 CANOPY DEFENSE 100% Magic repulsion,. LV.4 EARTHQUAKE A earthquake happens. Does not affect fliers WIND RUNE LV.1 WIND OF SLEEP A breeze carrys sleeping herbs in the area LV.2 HEALING WIND A magical wind heals an ally. LV.3 THE SHREDDING Summon two tornados to attack LV.4 STORM WARNING deflects spells at the caster. FIRE RUNE LV.1 FLAMING ARROWS Flaming bolts surround the foe dealing light damage LV.2 FIRE WALL A wall of Fire appears, severly burning foes. LV.3 DANCING FLAMES A bolt of fire falls from the sky and erupts above causing the flames to rain upon the foe. LV.4 EXPLOSION Fire emerges from the ground than begins to explode. LIGHTNING RUNE LV.1 ANGRY BLOW Lightning strikes a foe. LV.2 THUNDER RUNNER Lightning runs up the characters weapon allowing Lightning damage to be done. LV.3 BOLT OF WRATH Thunder explodes from the sky damaging all foes in a small area. LV.4 THOR SHOT Lightning blasts from the hands of the caster dealing damage to all foes in the path of the bolt WATER RUNE LV.1 KINDNESS DROP Heal an ally to full. LV.2 PROTECT MIST Deflects magic- Only lasts a short time. LV.3 KINDNESS RAIN Heal all allies LV.4 SILENT LAKE Stops magic from being cast for a short time RESURRECTION RUNE LV.1 SCOLDING Holy magic erupts in the body of one foe effectivly destroying Undead. LV.2 YELL Heals unconciuos allies. LV.3 CHARM ARROW A bolt of Holy magic erupts in the middle of the group of foes. LV.4 SCREAM Gods magic flowes through the caster healing all allies DARKNESS RUNE LV.1 FINGER OF DEATH Destroy a foe automaticully. May not work on more powerful foes. LV.2 STEALER OF SOULS Drain the soul of a foe to heal yourself. LV.3 FINAL BELL A bolt of negative energy appears stealing the life force of any in the way LV.4 BLACK SHADOW A ball of darness emerges and blasts the foes. MOTHER EARTH RUNE LV.1 REVENGE EARTH Allows a character to have a higher counter rate LV.2 CANOPY DEFENSE Allows a character to repel magic for a short while. LV.3 EARTHQUAKE Creates an earthquake. LV.4 GUARDIAN EARTH Makes all allies skin as tough as steel. CYCLONE RUNE LV.1 HEALING WIND see Wind magic- LV.2 THE SHREDDING See wind magic- LV.3 STORM WARNING See wind magic- LV.4 SHINING WIND An abnormal wind heals allies and wounds foes. RAGE RUNE LV.1 FIRE WALL See Fire magic- LV.2 DANCING FLAMES See fire magic LV.3 EXPLOSION See Fire Magic LV.4 FINAL FLAME Molten lava falls from the skyes dmaging all foes. FLOWING RUNE LV.1 PROTECT MIST See Water magic LV.2 KINDNESS RAIN See Water Magic LV.3 SILENT LAKE See Water Magic LV.4 MOTHER OCEAN Raises an ally and fully heals them. BLUE GATE RUNE (One person only) LV.1 OPEN GATE Summons a magical wolf to attack. LV.2 KING'S ROAD Summons a herd of cenetaurs LV.3 PALE PALACE Summons a host of skeletons to attack LV.4 EMPTY WORLD Summons a Balor that goes beserk and attacks everyone. BLACK SWORD RUNE ( One person only) LV.1 FLASH JUDGEMENT A black sword tears a foe to pieces LV.2 TWINKLING BLADE Black light emerges and rains dark energy on foes. LV.3 PIERCING ONE A black knight begins to attack all foes beserkly. LV.4 HUNGRY FRIEND Interdimensional blades appear somewhere and severly wounds all foes in the area of effect. BLINKING RUNE LV.1 READY! Teleport an enemy away- If fails teleport an ally somewhere LV.2 SET! Summons odd objects to fall upon foes- If fails than on allies LV.3 GO! Teleport all enemys in the area away- If fails all allies to somewhere. BRIGHT SHIELD RUNE ( Can only go to one person) LV.1 GREAT BLESSING A bright light shines upon the party and heals them LV.2 SHINING LIGHT A bright light shines and deal holy damage to foes LV.3 BATTLE OATH HEal allies with holy light- May make them go beserk. LV.4 FORGIVER SIGN Heals all allies to full SOUL EATER RUNE (Can only go to one person) LV.1 FINGER OF DEATH Obliterate on foe- may not affect strong foes LV.2 BLACK SHADOW See Darkness magic LV.3 HELL obliterate all foes in the area.- May not affect stronger foes. LV.4 JUDGEMENT Dark energy emerges and deal an amazing amount of damage to a foe. THUNDER RUNE ????? LV.1 THUNDER RUNNER See lightning rune LV.2 BOLT OF WRATH See lightning rune LV.3 THOR SHOT See lightning rune LV.4 THUNDER STORM A thunder storm begins, causing lightning to hit all foes WHITE SAINT RUNE LV.1 SHINING PUPIL White light appears and blinds foes. LV.2 MOONLIT FOREST Holy light appears and damages and blinds foes.[/SIZE] Non Magic Runes- Unicorn Rune - Attack a few foes with a running attack with a Polearm ( Except Staves/ Staffs) Pixie rune- attack with a staff- Hurls staff at a foe ( The staff returns) Viper Rune - Powerful attack with a one handed sword Gale Rune - Speed is increased Titan Rune - Powerful attack with a two handed sword Gozz Rune - Attacks with an axe against a few foes Great Hawk Rune - Attack all enemies with a Bow Kite Rune - Throw throwing weapons at all foes in vision. FireSealing Rune - Fire magic does not affect you but Water deals double Lion Rune - unarmed attack against one foe. Fury Rune - ALWAYS BERSERK Violence Rune - Become Beserk if injured Wizard Rune - Magic attack is upped, Magic defense is lowered Warrior Rune - Increase attack, Lowers defense White Tiger Rune- Martial Arts attacks- The character rains blows on the foe than fires a fireball at a foe. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To create a character just put this Name: Age: Gender: Bio: Appearence: Weapon: Rune: ( One rune to your head, one to left hand, one to right hand)( A character cannot have more than one rune that is only for one person)[/SIZE] Race: You can be either a Human, Winger ( Posseses a tail, clawed feet and wings), Elf ( Tall thin, Excellent Archers, Good eyesight and usually wear their hair long), Kobolds( Dog like creatures, Furry, Not very smart sometimes, Quite good with a sword) or A dwarf ( Short, Rude, Weild Axes and hammers usually, Have long beards) Rules- No guns, No unbreakable weapons, No constatly using powerful spells, Quality Signups also. ------------------------------ Reservation List Cloud Strife
RPG Forgotten Realms (may contain violance, language, and some adult themes)
PWNED replied to WolfMaximas's topic in Theater
Shmeezer wandered down the streets of Luskan in the general direction of the dock singing quite loudly. He then stopped abruptly and spun to face a street pole and began to attempt to chat it up, beliving it was a fine young wench of an Ogrillion. Kal and Bean rounded the corner ten minutes later and saw the Ogrillion actually trying to get a kiss from it. Kal moved to stand between them and attempted to stop them from making complete and utter fools of themselves. Kal: Ogrillion, Would you please stop that. Shmeezer: Yes, Shmeezer is Ogrillion! Are yeself not? Bean: What in the Nine Hells are you on about? Shmeezer: Fine then, if wench not give kiss, Wench not get Shmeezer. Kal and Bean proceded to drag Shmeezer ( No small task) back to the ship making a few short intervals to catch their breath. When they passed the Twin Blades Shmeezer escaped and ran back into the Twin Blades and continued to pummel the people he had fought. Kal and Bean waited patiently outside and when Shmeezer emerged carrying a two Barrels of Ale. Shmeezer than stumbled in the general direction of the Ship and after some difficulty boarded it than collapsed on the catapult and slept. -
I have a good idea for a good video game. Jay and Silent Bob- The Video Game, Each level would have five objectives but you only have to complete three,You are able to pull fighting moves against people, There would be two characters to start off with, Jay and Silent Bob, and by Suzanne the Orangutan, Justice, Brent, Brodie Lee.... The list could go on and on and it would be incredibly cool. Take this idea for a level- Jay or Silent Bob are running down a crowded street in LA in search of Mirimax Studios. Objective number 1 is be discover where Mirimax is, No 2 is Find where the local drug rings are, 3 is gather all the Blunts in the level, Find a way into Mirimax and last (Probarly for fun) Track down the two hookers so you can see a nice cutscene from the film. Once you get into Mirimax Studios, You have to fight a trio of Security Guards and when that is over, The level is completed. The credits would be fairly funny also because they would be showing the bit from the movie with the bluntsaber duel. At the end of the credits there would be darkness and silence than suddenly........ Jay Shouts out BOOONNNGGGIIINNNGGG and a short cinematic of Jay smoking a bong. How does this game sound? Wait a second, Isn't it supposed to suck? Ah, well back to the drawing board.
My most memorable episode of anime would have to be Hellsing: Episode 7(or 6). It has been a while since I have seen this but I remember that these Vampires and their minions attacked the Hellsing corporation. I'm not sure what the episode was called, but at the end it was The vampire in the Hellsing corporation was facing against the vampire dressed in white. I can't remember any more of the episodes details.
This thread is for the two WWE PPVs that are coming in the next month. There will be two sets of matches under the two titles of the PPVS. Bad Blood 1) Kane vs Chris Benoit for the world heavyweight championship. 2) HBK vs HHH in a Hell in a Cell match. 3) Shelton Benjamin vs Randy Orton for the Intercontenental title ( Not listed on the site yet but it is happening). the Great American Bash John Bradshaw Layfeild vs Eddie Guerro for the WWE Championship.
RPG Forgotten Realms (may contain violance, language, and some adult themes)
PWNED replied to WolfMaximas's topic in Theater
Shmeezer wallked into the tavern of the twin blades, sending the two humans that were exiting flying into the beams that held up the ceiling. Shmeezer walked over to the bar and roughly shoved the stool of the barroom champion aside and ordered himself a triple shot of bleeding stump ale. The fat man that Shmeezer had shoved aside waltzed up to the ogrillions seat and demanded that he piss off before he and his friends messed up Shmeezers face. Shmeezer took this threat seriously and grabbed the fat man by the front of his tunic and hurling him 3 feet into the wall. The men that were backing the fat man leapt onto the ogrillions back. Shmeezer yelled out loud and picked up each of the men and sent them flying in different direstions until the last one that was standing was a large Northman weilding a Bastard sword that was about the same size as the man. Shmeezer grabbed the great man and yelled out loud. Shmeezer left him hanging there then threw the man right through the bar. Shmeezer looked around at the chaos that he had caused then shrugged and walked back out the door carrying his ale as well as a barrel of red mead. -
This Adventure will be based on the Legacy of the Drow series by Robeert Salvatore. This will contain three out of the four parts of the legacy of the drow series. The Story: (The First part)Mithril Hall has been reclaimed by the famed company of Mithril Hall yet not all is well. The dwarven clan of Battlehammer is back in it's home, The duergar that were holding the caverns have been slain or driven out but there us another threat out there!. A small army of Goblins has taken part of the caverns while not all enemies Drizzt Do'Urden has made have forgotten him. (The second Part) Drizzt belives he is responsible for bringing the enemies to Mithril Hall and for the death of Wulfgar and belives that if he hands himself over to Matron Baenre than Mithril hall will be spared. His friends have taken to the Underdark in pursuit of him. (The Third Part) Drizzt and company have returned to Mithril hall but they have not halted the march of the Drow Army. This part is more battle orientated then the others. The Rules: - You cannot be Drizzt Do'Urden, Bruenor Battlehammer, Catti'brie Battlehammer (May replace), Regis Rumbleberry( May replace) or Wulfgar ( Dies too early). - This is medieval times so no guns. - No immortality. How to create Name: Age: Race: ( Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Human, Dwarf or Halfbreed of any type) Class: ( Knight , Paladin, Ranger, Mage, Cleric, Druid, Bard or Fighter). Appearence: Bio: Weapon(s): Alighnment:
RPG Forgotten Realms (may contain violance, language, and some adult themes)
PWNED replied to WolfMaximas's topic in Theater
Shmeezer waltzed up to the great gates of Luskan and kicked the gate...once...twice.... three times until one of the famed guards of the city pulled his head over the wall and demanded that Shmeezer would leave the gate alone and tell him why a Ogrillion was in Luskan. Shmeezer shouted out " Hello, little person of Luskan, I wand endry indto yiur liddle towne". The guard looked left and right at his fellow guards then began to raise the gate for Shmeezer than gave the list of rules for Shmeezer to follow while within the city premises. After half an hour Shmeezer was walking along the docks when suddenly the planks broke underneath him and he got stuck at the waist within the wood and he began to swear in the goblinoid language with about 70% of the insults being spurted out within the first 5 minutes while a pair of humans had tied a rope around his waist but to no avail. Eventually they gave up and left to go to the tavern without pulling out Shmeezer who was still stuck in the hole. -
Well there are many "unintelligent" celebrites but there is a student at my school that is 'incredibly' moronic. I'm not sure if I should be mentioning about him on the internet but his name is Aaron Cini and when my english class had a discussion on a book called Lockie Leonard, Human torpedo, he attempted to get the class to talk about this crap new show called 'Theres something about Miriam'. Thankfuly he failed on this discussion and he cannot even think up his own insults. Another complete moron at my school is Matthew Barbaro who is in my RE class. We where having a discussion on moral and immoral acts and he was talking about necrophilia, buggery and other sexual acts but the weirdest thing was that I helped out on explaining what Necrophilia was and that the discussion began to have a point but nowdays whenever we have a discussion, Barbaro tries to get the discussion to be about sex. jkj can back me up on all of this.
[QUOTE=XxmagentaxX]I don't think she's slutty. I just think she's misunderstood. She doesn't do anything different than what most girls do. Unfortunatly, she has to do it infornt of the world, which isn't fair at all. I think she has an interesting style. She can't really sing. She dances pretty well and people seem to really like her.[/QUOTE] But have you ever taken into consideration the youths of the world who want to be like anyone on tv? They will try to be like the first cool/cute person they see and I myself do not want to see a lot of Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake clones on the street. Thank god that there are those who do not like the people that everyone else want to be ( Like myself for example) I would put myself more on the slutty side becasue she dresses inapropreatly(??) at times although there are sluttier performers out there ( Christina Aguleria anyone?)
RPG Forgotten Realms (may contain violance, language, and some adult themes)
PWNED replied to WolfMaximas's topic in Theater
Shmeezer crashed through the forest as silently as he could ( Ogrillion silent meaning anyone within 30 miles can hear you perfectly.) in pursuit of the pair of goblins that would make quite a nice meal for him. Shmeezer sudenly stopped short when a sharp pain in his kneecap brought him down quickly but not silently. Shmeezer spun aound angrily in search of the attacker. then shrugged when the foe was not in his line of sight and went stomping off again until a loud voice behind him said in Orcish,"Stop or me smash yous head". Shmeezer looked downwards to see a rather angry looking Gnome who then began swearing at him in the orcish language (Known for it's hundreds of insults) which the Ogrillion did not even bother listening to due to a snack standing in front of him which was quite distracted with somerthing else. Shmeezer reached down and plucked up the gnome and muttered to it ( Remember Ogrillion silence) "Your wordses are tough, Shmeezer wonders how tough the rests of you ares". Shmeezer din't wait for another peep from the gnome, cramming the gnome, helm and all into his great maw,and when that was over he let a great belch out loud and set off down the path to Luskan at haste, not wanting to arrive too late for the flag ship of Sheila Kree, possibly one of the greatest pirates of the swords coast. He also did not want to come across the 'Sea Sprite', The ship of the famed pirate hunter, Captian Deudermont. -
Name: Bob Satchet. Age:15 Description: Modaretly tall, Blue eyes, Black hair worn in a ponytail. Wears a Black t-shirt, Blue jeans, a black cap and Brown Boots. Location: Australia. BIO: Bob hails from Melbourne Australia where he used to spend his time hanging around the Galactic Circus. He first found ou about the digital world from an anonymous e-mail. His brother tried to follow him into the world but for some reason his brother couldn't get through to the world. So when Morgan awoke, he found that instead of anything he noticed, there was a hell of a lot of unknown stuff and a Gazimon sitting on top of him, then he fainted. Once more when he awoke, The Gazimon was still crouched on his chest and not being very hostile, So Morgan took a chance by communicating wih the monster which appeared to have an effect. Morgan eventually began to wander the digital world with Gazimon which is what he is still doing now. Digimon Partner: . Crest: Anger. Crest colour: Smokey grey. Digimon Partner Baby: Zurumon (Poison Bubbles) In-Training: Pagumon (Poison Bubbles) Rookie: Gazimon (Electric Stun Blast, Pitfall) Champion: Devidramon (Crimson Claw, Red Eyes, Dark Gale) Ultimate: Gigadramon (Darkside Attack, Giga Byte Wing, Guilty Wing) Mega: Machinedramon (Giga Cannon, Dragon fire)
Morgan crouched down next to Ms Tings desk and pulled out a small magnifying glass and stared hard at the spot where Ryo had found the thread and scratched hard at the small red mark on the wood and said to Ryo " Whoever the suspect was, They didn't get away clean". Ryo walked over and attempted to scrape the dry blood from the wood but to no avail. She said to Morgan "No such luck, It seems old though. Remember the theft took place this morning!". Morgan focused on the blood and muttered to himself "****, The blood look likes it had been here for weeks". Morgan then said to Ryo one of the smarter things to do, "I'll go check on the prints... then stopped abruptably when he had a brainwave and changed the sentence to, " Shouldn't we check the air vent or the window sill" Ryo cocked an eyebrow and shook her head because of the stupid idea and looked at the window sill anyway thinking that it could be a good place to look. Morgan followed her gaze and nodded explaining that it was the only likely place that they could enter besides the door.
Bullies and psycological problems-some kind of link?
PWNED replied to RPGchick's topic in General Discussion
I have been bullied throughout my high school years which have not finished yet but I can give you some tips though. Do not let them get what they want otherwise they will keep on bothering you, Do not attempt to strike him/her otherwise they will retaliate which is not very fun and my third rule is, try to stand them down because Bullies, by nature, are cowards. -
CASE 1: The theft of the files. 7:45, Wendsday 15/04.(Might not the real date in real life.) Early wendsay morning , The secretary Ms Ting came to the Dranden School Office, to get an early start on the work. She went to look in a drawer for the school funding file when for no apparent reason, they were gone. When school commenced, a whole school assembly was called with this topic and a few others in mind. Principal Jin- You are all dismissed, exept for Williams,Himagata, Beaglemayer, Ryoko and Tatsuzuna Kusnanagi, Lee and Daniels. Dismissed. *General clatter of people standing up to leave while the members of the agency came to the front of the hall*. Tatsuzuna- "What is it Jin-Kocho?" Principal Jin- "Some major files are missing from the office" Morgan-"oh, Something scandalus?*Begins to snigger* Principal Jin- *Scowls in Morgans direction* No, it is just.... Important school files? Ryoko-*Turns to face her twin* Why did he hesitate?" Tatszuna-"Who cares?" Kathleen- "So what do we need to do Jin-Kocho?" Principal Jin-"I need you guys to track down the files and regain them, and when you do find them, do no read them...Understood?" (Take it away everyone).
I can back Wolf Maximus up on this because I being a fantasy nerd know that in the Forgotten Realms universe, The Red dragons and the Gold Dragons are the most powerful types of Dragons then the Blues and Silvers, The Blacks and Bronze, The Greens and Coppers and last but not least as the weakest and smallest are the Whites and Brass dragons. I can also nbame their breath types but I won't go into that far, Anyway I'm in on this RP. Name: Shmeezer AGE: 32 Race: Ogrillion ( Orc/ Ogre mix.) Class: Blackguard ( Opposite of a paladin) Height: Very Short for an ogrillion. 8'0 Weight:270 kilograms Weapon: A Halberd which is a two handed axe to him. Apeearence: Bow legged, Brownish haired, Buck toothed, red eyes, bad breath, wears just thin cloth over himself because of the natural armour of an Ogrillion. Bio: Shmeezer was born in the Spine of the world by An orc father and a Ogre mother which is not a very handsome mix. He was involved with the attack on the Ten Towns of Icewind dale under the command of Aker Kessal who when slain by the Drow Elf ranger, Drizzt Do'Urden caused the armies to break and flee, He moved towards the trollmoors to live alongside the Trolls, Scrags and Bog Blokes that lived there, at least until a Flight of Red Dragons attacked the swamps killing more than half of the Trolls and inflicting nearly everything else with heavy wounds. Shmeezer came across a party of Dragonslayers who were off to Mirabar to slay a powerful Red Dragon by the name of Hephasteus who incinerated everyone who had attacked him except for Shmeezer who took off in full flight towards Luskan.