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Everything posted by PWNED

  1. I was wondering if someone could please make me a Suikoden 2 type of banner. I would like the writing at the top to be DAERMON NASHABE and at the bottom BIGGER EVIL. I would really appreciate it if someone made me one with an evil person on it.
  2. Name: Morgan Williams Age:15 year level: 9 Sex: Male Good Subjects: Japanese, Science, Mathematics. Class: Forensics. Traits: Quite Charming, A skilled Brawler,Hot Tempered, Very Bright and Quick to get an idea. Description: 5'10, Blue eyes, Brown Hair, Well Built, Broken nose and wears his old uniform nearly everywhere. His old school uniform was a Blue Blazer, Grey pants, a white polo shirt, black shoes and a red tie. Biography: Morgan comes from Australia with welsh parents. He moved to Dranden early in the school year when his father was offered a job at the school as a English teacher. Morgan was excepted almost instantaniously( If this is how you spell it) but he never felt like he was supposed to be here until there was a robbery there which he took part with to solve, when he was offered a job with the Detective Agency.
  3. In the southern parts of Japan there is a small town called Dranden well known for the odd things that happens there. It is more common to see a wallet theft than someone who has good marks in the pissy sized school, So small that it contains both Junior and Senoir high students. The school contains it's own student-run detective agency in case things like this occurs, These are their stories. Rules- 1) Your character has to be the age to be in High School. 2) You cannot make your character solve the case straight away. 3) No magical or supernatural abilities. 4) I will create a new thread for each new Case. Your character should be set out like this Name: (Simple) Age: (Simple) Year Level: ( Simple, Yr 7-12) Subjects that the character is good at: Class: Boss: The boss of the agency, Maximum of 2 (PM me for this position) Forensics: Searches the scenes for evidence Interrogator: Removes the awnsers from the suspects Hacker: Someone who specialises in breaking into Internet sites for evidence. All-round: Can do any of the lower level classes adeptly. Grunt:Used as the link to the students. Traits: (For example charming, Witty, Unpredictable etc) Description: ( What your Character looks like) Bio:
  4. Name: D'Lo Brown Real Name: Aliases: None Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Weight: 268 lbs. Height: 6'3" Favorite Quote: "You Better Recognize" Finishing Move: 'Lo Down Tag Team Partner: John Cena or AJ Styles.
  5. Are we able to use a second wrestler so to add a little varierty tp the roster?
  6. While Britney Spears is a sexy woman in many ways, she should show a little decency in her latest music videos ( Bordering on the thin line between decent and whore). For example in Toxic she wears barely nothing in some of the video while in me against the music Britney looks like she is about to perform HLA with Madonna at the end. If you were intelligent or at least not a sick pervert than you would listen to and watch different types of Music/ Music Videos.
  7. Name: 'the Phenominal' AJ Styles ( From the TnA) Height: 5'10 Weight: 212 Signature move: Styles Clash. Tag Team Partner: John Cena or D'lo Brown. Description: See the Pic.
  8. I'm not cool. I am a member of the nerd patrol therefore putting me in the "Oh, look at that weird **** over there, he is so weird" and that is politely putting it.
  9. This is my new deck. As you can tell It revolves mostly around the Archfiend cards. Oh yeah, and Wayne. Speak proper english for chrissakes Archfeinds Prize Monster Cards Vampire Lord x3 Guardian Baou x2 Goblin of Greed Mefist the Infernal General Vilepawn Archfiend Shadowknight Archfiend x2 Darkbishop Archfiend x2 Desrook Archfiend x2 Infernalqueen Archfiend Terrorking Archfiend x2 Summoned Skull x3 Tainted Wisdom Ancient Brain Magic Cards Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou x3 Dark Energy x2 Stop Defense x2 Monster Reborn Pot of Greed x2 Shield & Sword Sword of Deep-Seated Paralyzing Potion x2 Heavy Storm Malevolent Nuzzler x3 Dian Keto the Cure Master Fissure x3 De-Spell Change of Heart Remove Trap Polymerization Scapegoat Trap Cards Archfiend's Roar Judgment of Anubis x2 Horn of Heaven Robbin' Goblin Mirror Force x2 Waboku Ultimate Offering Fusion Monsters Skull Knight
  10. My friend who is a whiz at predicting matches for Wrestling has come up with the following match predictions. Chavo Guerro vs Rey Mysterio for the Cruiserweight title. Cena vs Dupree like how you guys have predicted. Fatal four way tag match for the WWE tag team championship. Undertaker vs Booker T. Hopefully his predictions are correct and you think it is likely.
  11. This is my third WWE related thread, this time asking what your tactic an a match in Here comes the pain. What is your tactic in, first of all, Royal Rumbles, Hell in a Cell, Cage, normal matches, tag matches etc. And could you please explain the tactic fully and which Wrestler this works best with. My tactic in Royal Rumbles would have to be running around like a blibbering idiot hitting people in the back then running away, I do this best with any Cruiserweights. In Hell in a Cell matches I choose to get out of the ring as quickly as possible and oto the roof to DDT someone through, This is best done by my created wrestler (Road Dogg). With me Cage Matches are best done by constantly pounding away at the opponent the going for a pin or give up. I do the best with Chris Benoit. Normal Mathces are best done by beat downs then any other condition of winning. I do this best with John Cena because I have pumped his stats up in season mode and made alterations to his moveset. In tag matches I call in my partner constantly to annoy my friend as well as always peforming double team moves against him. My ideal team is John Cena and The Undertaker. That is all for now, I have to get off the computer.
  12. I would say Suikoden 2 but I'm not sure if it is anime based or manga based because it has an anime and manga like look to it.. I disagree with you gendou, FF8 would have gotten a far lower score if it was me that was giving it the score.May I also add that not all anime based games are good (Take DBZ Ultimate Battle 22 for example). I don't think I have played any manga based games so I cannot have a say on them.
  13. Name: Jowy Atredies Age:21 Gender: Male Class: Summoner Magic: Dancing Flames( Creates a small fire that surrounds an opponent dealing damage over time though rather light), Enchant(Increases the damge of a weapon or a summon), Magic Missle ( Fires a stinging missle at the opponent dealing physical damage). - Summons- 1)Name: Dalamos Element: Earth Special Attack: Voice of Earth. Swallows an opponent in earth then spits them out into the air. 2) Name: Nocturne Element: Darkness Special Attack: Twinkling Blade (also known as the Spider Slay rune). Nocturne charges into battle and rains multiple blows on the foe then knocks the foe into the air and slices through at a great speed. Main Weapon: Staff topped with a crystal ball which is the source of his magic. Secondary Weapon: A long thin dagger with a black hilt made of Obsidian. Sheild: No sheild. Bio: A young man, barely out of his teens from a small town in the mountains of Terra Nova, He took the test of the summoner at the tender age of 16 making him one of the youngest to pass the test in history,not much is known about his past because Jowy rarely speaks of it. He wears a blue tunic and black leggings with brownish-blonde hair in a ponytail.
  14. This is my second WWE thread tis time on the next event based in Los Angeles at the Staples center. The matches set so far are John Bradshaw Layfield vs Eddie Guerro for the WWE championship. That is all
  15. PWNED

    WWE: Backlash

    Ok, Some of the results were strange. 1) Micheals vs HHH vs Benoit. Chris Benoit won by submission with a sharpshooter on Micheals. It's kind of ironic because Micheals defeated Bret Hart with a Sharpshooter in a main event in some part of Canada. 2) Victoria defeated Lita by pinfall then after that Gail Kim and Molly came out and attacked them. 3)Coachman defeated Tajiria because Garrison Cade came out and knocked out Tajiri. 4) Rosey and the hurricane defeated La Resistance because Eugene came out and distracted La Resistance. 5)Shelton Benjamin defeated Ric Flair by pinfall after knocking him down by a flying clothsline. 6)Chris Jericho defeated Christian and Trish by Pinfall after giving Trish a spanking. 7) Edge defeated Kane after hitting Kane with the Cast while the Ref was not looking. 8) Randy Orton defeated Mick Foley somehow or another.
  16. Another really bad anime that i cannot stand is Yu-Gi-Oh, They are card dueling to save the world(The hell did they get this plot from, The makers of Hamtaro or something) Quote- "Your fate will be decided in three turns *Draws a card and plays it* I swear to god the story is terrible, The characters are annoying at the least and the artwork of them is poor (The monsters are an exception to the artwork rule) and it is so predictable to what happens (Kaiba duels to win the other two egyptian god cards, Tugi duels to save the world, Joey is their as the loudmouthed predictable friend)
  17. PWNED


    Well if I died tomorrow my biggest regret is that I was never any good at school so I may have been a bit of a let down for my parents. Thats my greatest regret but I have a lot of smaller ones that I'm not going to say because it may upset some others.
  18. I don't watch many Horror movies so these are the three best ones that I have seen 1) Resident Evil because it is so graphic yet so very cool 2)From Hell, I find things based on Jack the Ripper interesting. 3)Sleepy Hollow, I swear I couldn't fall asleep that night and so slammed my head against the wall and fell asleep (I like headless horsemen, They get the horror job done).
  19. Cut down on the tribute monsters a bit Scalvar and you will do fine. Inuyasha271 your deck is fine but, I guess It is a bit late to tell you this now right?
  20. This would have to be my favourite RPG game of all time and apparently quite popular in Japan and America even though it is rare in the latter. Many people would not like the simple 2D graphics in the first two and overlook the pure quality of the story and battle system or even the 108 stars of destiny part of the games. Take the final fantasy series for example, All quality games (except forr FF 1,2,8) yet none of them are sequels to any of them opposed to the Suikoden series that are all Pre/Sequels. The series were made by Konami Japan yet all released at the same time as another major rpg that would steal the limelight. I want to hear what others think of the series ok.
  21. PWNED

    WWE: Backlash

    Backlash is on in Australia in two days, So anyone who wishes to purchase Backlash or even place belived results must do so quite soon. Sciros, the first part of your post was not needed so please do not do something like that when I post Judgement day.
  22. [QUOTE=sublime2004][b][color=darkgreen][size=1] 1. If I am sitting in a chair, I must have the two front feet of the chair sitting on top of my shoes. I guess it's because I can't stand seats that don't recline. 2. I'm constantly scratching a non-existant itch. I will scratch my cheek or shoulder and realize that I'm doing it for no reason. 3. I only click my mechanical pencils by jamming it on my forehead. People look at my weird when it appears that I'm stabbing myself with a pencil eraser. 4. If I am in a swivel chair, I WILL NOT stop spinning in it. That's all I can think of right now. [/b][/size][/color][/QUOTE] I do the same things, I think it's because I get Nervous itches or something which is why I scratch *Scratches at an imaginary itch in the groinal area*., I need to have the front two legs of the chairs on my feet(As long as it's a plastic chair), And what can I say I have to play hit my head with a pen. Spinning in wheely chairs is fun.
  23. It's funny did you just change it so it had humour in it because I don't remeber Legends of the three kingdoms like this. Please post more because it gave me a good laugh.
  24. That's right, I am creating an Rpg on one of the old AD&D computer games. The Rules- No godmodding, No unbreakable weapons/ armour. I will allow one magical item for each character but not too powerful. The Background- Two thousand years ago Ascore was a thriving port on the narrow sea. The gateway to the great dwarven nation of Delzoun, it was a melting pot where humans,dwarves and elves all conducting trade with nations across the Forgotten Realms. Now Ascore is nothing but a maze of windswept ruins, its mighty docks thrust proudly into the desocrate wasteland that is known as the Great desert. As the waters receeded from Ascore the leaders of the metropolis faced even greater problems. Orcs, Trolls,Dragons and especially the monsters of the growing desert all came to feast on the once great city and it's inhabitants as they shrivilled in the suddenly relentless sun. Ascore called upon the greatest magicians of the Realms, promising great treasures if they could create a magical sheild to repel the monsters yet all failed. Then one blistering summer day, four old and powerful mages from the distant east appeared at the city gates. Each using his special knowledge and rare components to craft magical statuettes to protect Ascore from monsters that would repel monsters from the north, south, east and west. Each statuette glowed magically with a symbol representing the parts of the realms upon which they were to focus their magic upon.Each created a small area where any monster would become lethargic even nauseous. When the four statuettes were set together upon an altar in the great plaza of Ascore, however, their power increased many thousandfold. But this was not enough to save Ascore. During the citys final death throes corrupt city leaders took the statuettes for their own greed. The set were split apart and sent to four different parts of the realms. One statuette to the island of Purple Rocks, One to the great sorceress Cepitenne, in the Star Mounts, One to the Hostower mages of Luskan and one to the dwarves of Llorkh. Zhenteriam spys soon alerted their leaders in the Zhentariam nation who soon set a plan to steal them for themselves. A Zhenteriam general named Vaalgamon was dispatched to oversee this task. A ship would take them to purple rocks where one atatue was held, then to Luskan to take the statuette from the mages, where a convoy would take it across landm They murdered the dwarven leaders of Llorkh and took their statuette from them. Cepettine would carry her statuette across air on her black dragon mount. It seemed like a foolproof plan but it wasn't, at least until the party didn't get involved. The party, quite by accident, stumbles across this plot in its final stages. They realize that they are the only ones in the savage frontier that can stop Vaalgamon from collecting the statues and completing the Zhenteriam conquest of the region. Character Creation- Name: Age: Race: (Elf, Human, Dwarf, Halfling, Halfelf, Gnome, Half-orc) Gender: * DUH* Class: (Knight, Paladin, Mage, Cleric, Warrior, Theif, Barbarian, Druid, Ranger or any multiclass of them except any paladin/...... or Druid/....) I will private message you the skills of a class that you select. Bio: Appearence: Weapons: Magic: For mages, Druids, Clerics. Use 28 statistic points to use on points Strength: (Begin at 8 for each but you can lower their stats to increase other stats) Dexerity: Constitution: Intelligence: Wisdom: Charisma:
  25. You both have good points but I belive it is even worse here in Australia. Now let me think 50%- 60% of shows on are reality or Dramas/Soapys, 20% are crime shows and the rest are god knows what kind of crap. EG: A basic timetable of Mondays from 5:00 pm to 9:30 pm | 5:00 | 5:30 | 6:00 | 6:30|7:00| 7:30| 8:00| 8:30| 9:00| ABC:|Corneile & Bernie| Lizzie Maguire| Dr Who| News| News| ???????? 7:|Wheel of Fortune| Deal or no deal| news| 2day 2night| Home & Away| Better homes n Gardens(1 hour)| las Vegas(1 hour) 9: |News| News| news| News| Frasier| Friends| 2 & a half men| Who wants 2 be a millionare 10: News( 1 hour)| Simpsons| Neighbours|The Hot House| the Sketch show| The Simpsons| Queer Eye| I have said enough ok. Absolute crap is not enough tho describe the shows.
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