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Everything posted by PWNED
I disagree with you, Salvatore's best book(s) were(are) Seige of Darkness, Sojourn and the Halflings Gem. Strangely enough though Thousand orcs & Sea of Swords are nothing in comparsion to any book from the Legacy of the Drow which i belive was the most well done and entertaining series. Another well done one was that curious sword from the Antology of Shadow.
Paulie called together his three top ranking men into a secret meeting later on that day concerning the danger of having so many rival gangs about. Paulie- " You all know why you're here" Man 1- " Yes, those Vittorio bastards are giving us hell on earth, and don't get me started on that "Yong" mafia or whatever it is" Man 2- "We heard there was an assasssination attempt on you already" Paulie- "He's dead but I want you to hang him up on the flagpole outside the Vittorio mafia and deliver the message" Man 1- "What would that be?" Paulie-" We are not be f**ked with, that's what the message is" Man 3- Already being done sir *Runs out the door down to the houses and brings back some grunts" Paulie- "The next assassian that attacks will be sent back to their boss piece by piece, Limb by Limb" Man 2- "Seems a tad gory to be wasted on the Vittorio's*Stops midsentence due to an evil glare from Paulie and an even threatining reach under his coat* but nothing ventured is nothing gained" Paulie-" I want you 3 to increase security and send messages to the other two gangs"
[QUOTE=Jagan]1.> Mick Foley wins. He's got more experience, endurance, anger, and everything on Orton, plus, orton's a tricker. If mick brings out Cactus, it's over. 2.)Have you seen edge in the past weeks, He's beaten Kane in every chance. Plus, IF Taker comes out, Kane won't be affected as much as at Wrestlemania. 4.)Showstopper baby. He's been in the business longer, but he;s also smart. Let HHH and the Crippler beat each other senseless and then Tune up the band. 3. I think Trish will win, but I want Jericho to win. 5. Lita, but it's goingto be a tough fight.[/QUOTE] First of all, Undertaker is on Smackdown so he can't come out. Second of all, It is cactus Jack thats wrestling against Orton. You may be right about HBK because he appeared to have the advantage in the 8 man tag on monday.
I am a very big book fan and I enjoy to read mostly "sword and sorcery" fantasy type of novels. My favourite right now would either be Seige of Darkness by Robert Salvatore from the Legacy of the Drow which is set in the Forgotten Realms, The Halfling's Gem by said author in the Icewind Dale trilogy from said Realms, the City watch trilogy by Terry Pratchett or Dragons of a vanished moon by Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis which is part 3 of the Chaos War trilogy from the Dragonlance universe. I would also tell you to pick up any books by Douglas Niles, Terry Pratchett of R.E. Feist.
Paulie picked himself up from his plush armchair that had formerly occupied his older brother (That he just killed) and went to fix a scotch so he would appear forgetful when his partner got here. He was the former second in command yet now he was the boss of the Vendetti mafia. Hours later his partner arrived and he sent him on the first mission of his reign, to go seek out the spy he sent to spy on the Vittorio mafia that would so easily be crushed underneath his fist. Paulie then picked up the phone and dialed his tactician and told him to spread the word of his brother's untimely demise. Paulie- " It is done" Tactician- "Bout bluddy time, I was hoping the *Ramabttio* would be dead earlier" Paulie- "Well, We are in for a good time now that he is gone" Tactician- "Bloody right" Paulie- "Spread the word of my brother's demise... but keep the identity of the killer to a Vittorio assassian" Tactician- " I will do that but I must say..." Paulie- "I don't give a load of crap about them getting suspicus" Tactician- "Ok then, Lord happy sacks" Paulie snorted quietly at this and dismissed him even quickly. His train of thoughts were interrupted by a man sneaking through his window pulling out a small handgun and leveling it at his head. Paulie dropped to the floor, pulled his knife out and hurled it into his foes leg. Paulie took advantage of this and pulled his Colt 11 and shot the assassian right in the throat. Paulie look at the pitiful man and questioned silently " What The ******* are you doing here".
I am a big fan of theses books that were created (by what I belive is) one of the best fantasy writers in history. I was wondering if anyone else have read these books beside me here. Robert Salvatore wrote the Icewind Dale trilogy, Dark Elf trilogy, Clerics Quintet, Legacy of the Drow, The Hunters blades trilogy and another one as well as the book form of attack of the clones. You may also add other books from the Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance Saga that interest you.
i need some way to waste my time. And I only find ways to waste my time here and on Neverwinter Nights.
Well I live in Australia which is situated quite close to many countries where there has been recorded terrorist activites. I have always been a bit paranoid ever since the Bali bombings which a relative of mine died in. This is proved because when they peformed the Terrrorist drills in Werribee I whipped into a frenzy and I mean a frenzy because I thought that bad people( or holy warriors) had attacked.
Name: Tristian Kendrick Age: 17 Race: Human Class: Druid ( These guys are magicusers that manipulate nature). Appearaance: see attachments Bio: Tristian is your average nerd, He is despised by the morons of his school because he has pratically no life whatsoever. He has always had alove of nature and will spend hours on his butt in the greenhouse looking after the plants. Weapon: Tonfa Magic: Entangle ( Roots spring from the ground around the feet of the foe.) and any other spells concerning nature
Danillo woke earlier than the other with a few nasty scars on his body but with no will to rise, so he just fell backwards again and fled into his dreams for the awnsers. When he found the awnser he seeked he reawoke to find Chyme standing over him. "We are to leave soon, are you prepared", Chyme asked. Danillo forced himself to his knees and began to draw a map in the dust and motioned for the others to gather around. OOC:This is what the map is like. | | ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | oooooooooooooooooooooVinagaard Keepoooooooooooooooooooo | oooooooooooooooooooooooXXXoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | oooooooooooooooooooooooXXXooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | ooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo O here we areooooooo ______________________________________________________ Danillo pointed to the top left corner of the map and explained that was the point that they needed to get to, then drew a circle a foot away from Vingaard Keep and said that was where they were. He then went on saying that following the path would be easier han the forest but it would take at least another week or so if they followed the path. He then traced a route through the area he signified as the forest that would cut off a few days from the amount of time it would take. Danillo pointed at the multiple X's near the center and said that, that area was Vingaard Keep which would make a safe campsite because it was easy to defend and a former stronghold of the Wood Elves."It's your choice where we go but I vote for the forest", Danillo said and stared at each of them in turn.
I'm afraid of twins with Afros now days because my little sister had made friends with two brats that i refer to as the Afro Twins. I am also afraid of brown laser GL's because I was almost killed by one a couple of days ago. And Dictionarys because I was flipping throuh one the other day when it slipped out of my hands, falling Groinwards. I don't belive I have recovered yet. Another fear is scrawny books because why would anyone read them )they scare me to death).
That would be very intersting if you created an RPG because Artemis Fowl is quite a good series although rather childiish. It would be fun if they made a movie for it also. I have read the first 3 of the books and I wouldn't mind purchasing any others that Colfer makes. The Fairy Dwarves are funny with their much gas and bazooka behinds and nuclear warfare arses.
Well, Italk too much, I have a lot of gas, I have a habit of buying 1.25 litres of soft drink then drinking them at achool,I read too much, I hate popular people who don't respect members of the nerd patrol like myself, I always sit on my sister,I am tempted to start reading one of my Dragonlance books in class, I never bring my Bible to RE, I have no attention span whatsoever, I curse uncontrollably when something bad happens on a video game. I'm not perfect but I am moltius Gasseus, Now Isn't that interesting.
Well I have to say..... I HATE THE HARRY POTTER MOVIES. THEY SUCK, THEY SUCK,THEY SUCK *pauses for a breather then continues bitching about the Harry Potter movies*. Oh yeah and Britney Spears sucks, She is crap. and Chingy, and Kelis, and Doctor Who, and Final Fantasy 8, Pokemon, the Brisbane Lions, the Collingwood Magpies, when Australia is beaten in anything... I can go on for ages.
I will now post my results. Orton vs Foley. I'm hoping that Foley win's this cause I cannot stand the so-called legend killer. Edge vs Kane. Edge will win this, i know it because have you seen KotR 2001 that had Edge vs Kurt Angle. sure Shane O'mac interfered in it but Edge pummeled him. Y2J Vs Christian & Trish. Go Jericho. Triple threat match. I would go for Chris Benoit in this match but watch out for HHH because he will be very pissed off about losing his title at Wrestlemania. Lita vs Victoria. Personally I'm supporting Lita on this match but It all hangs in a difficult balance. Tajiri vs Coachman. Is this a joke? No seriously is it? Shelton Benjamin vs Ric Flair. I have a gut feeling Benjamin will win.
Australia!!!, Victoria, Melbourne, Wyndham, Hoppers Crossing You know where most Mc Donalds get their cattle from! Home of the almighty something or another. South of New Guinea, North of Antartica, where the Poms killed all Aboriginals in Tasmania. Oh for Christ Sake, in in the Pacific Ocean,West of South America you bloody Morons.
This is my new deck. This deck is built to offer as much damage as possible in as little amount of time as possible. My deck will contain a mixture between Fairys, Light monsters and a few spellcasters. Monster Cards D. D. Warrior Lady Kaiser Glider x2 Gemini Elf x3 Shining Abyss x3 Hysteric Fairy x3 The Forgiving Maiden Marie the Fallen One Soul of Purity and Light x3 Guardian of the Throne Room x3 Maha Vailo x 2 Magic Cards Butterfly Dagger - Elma x3 Shooting Star Bow - Ceal Fusion Gate Axe of Despair x3 Horn of Light x3 Chorus of Sanctuary Rush Recklessly x2 Luminous Spark Dark Hole Change of Heart Polymerization Shield & Sword Riryoku Monster Reborn The shallow grave Traps Ultimate Offering Negate Attack x2 Mirror Force White Hole Anti-Rageki Fusion Cards St Joan Now the reasons for why I have these cards in. D.D Warrior lady) If i come across powerful monsters that none of my monsters can remove, then I use this card and attack. Kaiser Glider) I can use it's effect to good measures sometimes. Gemini Elf) Quite a powerhouse sometimes when used and equipped effectivly. Shining Abyss) This is my main defensive monster. Hysteric Fairy) I use this cards effect to increase my lifepoints. The forgiving maiden) I need this card to bring out St Joan, I also have it in for it's defensive quality. Marie the Fallen one) Needed for the effect and to bring out St Joan. Soul of Purity and Light) I like it's effect and if all 3 are on the field at the same time then the opponents monsters will lose 900 Attack points a turn. Guardian of the throne room) My basic attack and defensive monster. Maha Vailo) It gains 500 attack points for each equip card attached to it as well as the amount from the card. Magic cards- Butterfly dagger-Elma) Increases the attack of monster by 300 points which I like to use with Maha Vailo. Shooting Star Bow - Ceal ) I increase attack of monster by 1000 but cannot attack life points. I don't care about the last bit. Fusion Gate) Bring a Polymerisation to my hand. Axe of Despair) Increase attack by 1000. I use with Maha Vailo. Horn of Light) Increases defense. End of story. Chorus of Sanctuary) Increases the defense of all defensive position monsters by 500. I don't care if it effects my opponents defense. Rush recklessly) it increases attack, so I use. Luminous Spark) Increases the stats of my light monsters by something. Dark hole) removes all monsters from the field. If i use White hole to counter it then I remove only my opponents monsters. Change of Heart) an easy way to be able to bring out my higher level monsters. Polymersation) *Raises a questioning eyebrow* Sheild and Sword) In case I need to change the stats of monsters on the field. Monster Reborn & the Shallow Grave) To resummon monsters from the graveyard. Riryoku) A very sneaky card if played correctly because I usually use this card with St Joan. Trap Cards- Ultimate offering) So I can restock my side of the field mid-turn. Negate Attack) To stop attacks from powerful monsters (DUH!!!!). Mirror force) When a monster attacks me then boom, I kill them. White Hole & Anti-Rageki) To counter these two problem cards.
As you can tell by the heading, all of my movies are Harry Potter movies. 1) Harry Potter and the philosphers stone I don't get how this is so popular because the characters are rather annoying, the storyline is nothing like the book (Which to the unreading masses, I have read 10 times). And this movie is one of the two movies that I have fallen asleep in. 2) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. This is the only other movie I have fallen asleep in, Need i say more? Oh yes and allow me to add one thing, The ending is too bloody corny(I mean I like the ending of the book form of this but I mean I don't want to see it all the way through, attempting to stay awake then all of a sudden, Hermionie comes running to Harry and goes " Youi did it Harry". Jesus Christ, it was bad.) 3) You all know what this spot is reserved for!!! Harry Potter 3, which I will add as soon as It comes out in Australia.
I would have to say Medal of Honour Allied Assault. I can't play it on the internet because my internet is crap ,thats why. I recommend it for everyone who likes war games. It can involve stealth depending on how you like to fight.
Danillo's blade dipped towards the fiends neck only for it to be nearly snapped as the schimitar was repulsed by the thick hide of the Glaberzu then sprung back as the deadly pincers of the great fiend nearly tore his abdomen in half. The smaller of the fiends cast a spell on the Glaberzu that highlighted it in orange flames. Danillo looked puzzled at this the leapt towards it and scored a minor hit on it's shoulder than fell to the ground as shoulder was nearly torn open by something invisble with nasty claws. Danillo shouted " The hell is going on?" then leapt forwards again and plunged his schimitar into the abdomen of the great fiend and once again fell backwards grasping his stomach that had been similarly gutted by the unseen force. Danillo called to the others," I require aid quickly", and collapsed face down into the ground.
[QUOTE=SephirothNIN] PSX: Yu-Gi-Oh: Forbidden Memories. The game follows the pre-real card game rules, and it makes it virtually IMPOSSIBLE to get any decent cards. You win between 1-5 stars per duel, and to buy any really good card, or simply a trademark card from the show, it costs 999,999 stars, ridiculous! Not only that but the computer cheats like a freaking bastard, and can throw down the strongest monsters in the game without using rituals or anything. [/QUOTE] Forbidden Memories would have been decent if they cut out all those things, add a storyline (as in proper), Put affordable cards (Who want's to pay 999,999 star chips for a Kuriboh?), Tone down the cheating of the opponents (I was versing Seto for the second time when he bought out a Blue Eyes ultimate dragon, without any rituals, twice). As I said it could have been good but it may still give little children that cheat whenever they play the card game something to do. And has anyone noticed how crap the mmonsters look in 3D, I swear the Blue Eyes White Dragon looks like a bloody sissy.
This thread is on the upcoming WWE Pay-Per-View event which is being held in Alberta, Canada. Theses are the following matches that have been organized. 1) Mick foley vs Randy Orton in a Street Fight for the Intercontenital title. 2) Edge vs Kane 3) Chris Jericho vs. Christian & Trish Stratus 4) Triple H vs Shawn Micheals vs Chris Benoit in a triple threat match for the World heavyweight championship. 5)Lita vs. Victoria for the Womans Championship 6) Shelton Benjamin vs Ric Flair 7) Tajiri vs Coach Tell me if i'm missing any matches and also put down your predictions for the matches.
I have played a fairly bad amount of games such as SNES: I would have to say Bubsy the Bobcat. It was very dull and difficult because I got killed every time I missed time my jump. And collecting balls of Yarn? PSX: I hate FF8 with a venegance because it has a dull storyline, crap characters, and no armour to be purchased whatsoever. And you have to learn defend before you can start defending against attacks. Pc: WWF Raw because the controls are really bad and although the graphics are good, the characters look like they have a stick jammed up their ***, Plus it's so damn slow. Darkened Skye comes close because to cast spells you need to collect skittles that were dropped by the great rainbow, There are glitches galore in this. Playstation 2: BMX XXX by miles because of it not even having a way to stop. Even the jokes are pretty bad. It is also a bit perverted. Xbox: New legends, there are too many bad glitches in this to even name. Need I say more
Danillo opted the left path that appeared to be clearer and brighter than the other path. Gene disagreed to this though because it was an ideal location for an ambush, but Chyme disagreed with this because the trees had told him that the path was clear all the way besides a few hawks and Dread Wolves. Kayeka just walked down the path beliving that he could handle a wolf or two. Everyone else just shrugged and followed Kayeka down the left path. What they didn't know is that there some beings that were not detected by the spell and waiting for them.