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Everything posted by PWNED

  1. I'm personally not too fond of PATD, their video clips are admittedly quite cool but their songs are just very average to me.
  2. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']This would be great to use when closing a thread where an argument got out of hand. But you guys have been[I] way [/I]too agreeable so I'll stuff it in here instead. =P Not that I'm complaining mind you. >_> [CENTER][IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/funny-pictures-mom-lion-yells-at-offspring.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/QUOTE] This one could work also [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/88/I_IZ_SERIUS_ADMNIM_THIZ_IZ_SERIUS_BIZNIS_lolcat.jpg[/IMG]
  3. Here's one for Aceburner as a tribute to his Phoenix Wright-esque story. [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y31/Fredcat/Cats%2002/Cat-CatWearingCollarTieIAreLawyerCa.jpg[/IMG]
  4. PWNED

    RP Ideas

    [quote name='Omega'] [SIZE="2"][FONT="Iskoola Pota"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Extinction Focus[/COLOR][/SIZE]- The eternal sand storm finally ceases, and a mysterious young man walks out from its midst. He reveals nothing of himself, but his attire and strange abilities tell all of him- he is the last of the sorcerers, having survived their brutal massacre eons ago. But were the sorcerers truly the victims of that onslaught, or was their destruction a necessary evil? And this remaining piece of history- is he a savior, or a new threat? The truth of the matter is, eons ago, his race of people had launched an attack on the planet, attempting not only to destroy it, but every living thing on the planet. Their motives, however, were justified- they had seen a vision of the future to come, where the rest of the world would use their magic and technology to transverse the galaxy, conquering and decimating planets, taking other races as their slaves, and violating all forms of humanity. At first, the hero only remembers that his people did perform a horrible deed in the past, and is overcome with guilt, but when the vision returns to him, he determinedly takes up his people?s work to stop this horrifying prediction from coming to pass.[/FONT][/SIZE] [/CENTER][/QUOTE] I personally think that this idea is the most interesting of the lot. It is intruiging when to prevent something terrible from happening, people have to stoop to such lows in an effort from preventing such a thing. The character development in it could really reveal some interesting stuff concerning the story.
  5. The average human being will not notice multiple chest wounds that would usually kill a person. However, contact with any part of the head will always kill. - Too many FPS's. People will always hide their life savings in tall grass or inside of pots. - Zelda
  6. PWNED

    E3 2008

    [quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"] And as for the Wii......[/FONT] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k221/HaruharaK/1155341618648.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] I don't think that it would actually be possible to make a version of FF XIII for the Wii. Hardware specs would probably be too much for them to do one.
  7. [quote name='Godot']im not sure if this counts but i wanted to show it[/QUOTE] Wow. That was a terrible translation
  8. [quote name='Zen'][color=royalblue][size=1] Speaking of abridged series... looks what I mades... (note, adult language is prevalent). [YOUTUBE="Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Abridged Series Ep. 1"]L669n9SowG0[/YOUTUBE] Episode 2 is done, but was messed up due to the video quality being screwed up so I must re-edit. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] I enjoyed the first episode, even though stuff like some of the jokes don't really hit it for me. It was still pretty good
  9. I was wondering if someone in the community could please create an avatar & banner set for me based on Kimura from Azumanga Daioh. I've included a couple of pics that I'd like to be used. [URL="http://auanime.files.wordpress.com/2006/09/kimura3.jpg"]Picture 1[/URL] [URL="http://http://auanime.files.wordpress.com/2006/09/azu_kimura0011.jpg"]Picture 2[/URL] I'm not picky about any wording on it but could a glossy look be used on it as I do quite enjoy shiny things. Any addition will be much appreciated
  10. Somehow Korey, I have a mental image of you screaming out "Kill 'em all and take their stuff". Couldn't understand where it came from :rolleyes:
  11. [quote name='silpheedpilot'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="SlateGray"]Is Chrono Trigger good or something?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] You do realise that a statement like that is blasphemous?
  12. [URL="http://www.square-enix.co.jp/ctds/"]Click here[/URL] There is only one possibility for this, a DS version of Chrono Trigger. I do believe that I soiled myself when I first red it.
  13. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']It will be at theaters both here in SLC and where Beth lives... the only thing I'm wondering is whether or not one needs to be familiar with the show to actually see it. Otherwise, it seems pointless to go if it won't make any sense at all, or if doing so would spoil seeing the anime later on. XP[/QUOTE] The thing is, the movie is an adaption of the story but with some differences made. There are some differences to the original storyline but (I'm not very far into the Anime) the plot is almost the same.
  14. [quote name='Neptune'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Wow, that made me lol. Uhh ... honestly I'm not sure. I can definitely tell you that only the first movie is being shown right now on those specific days, but I'm sure that if the movie does well enough then they will do the same kind of thing with the second movie. It's kind of a crap shoot. I have no idea if it will be subbed or dubbed.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] I'n betting that it will be subbed. Japanese dubs don't go well for serious movies.
  15. I've seen the two main ones and they were both pretty good. I'm yet to see the movie based on L but I'd love to see it
  16. I'm not really convinced that this would be the best way to go. It's coming almost a decade later after Marvel vs Capcom first came out so I can't help but feel that there will be a lot of comparsions between the two. Then again, I'm a sucker for comic-based games so I'll pobably buy it
  17. I'd probably say that Kite is the most contreversial that I am familiar with. It's pretty freaking full on in the themes
  18. Two weeks ago, a massive storm hit Melbourne (Australia of course) and knocked out power for three days in at least 20,000 houses in the Eastern suburbs. We were getting torrential rains and literal gale force winds and unfortunatly, a line worker died after getting blown into some powerlines while he was working to restore electricity. God, that storm caused my mum a hell of a lot of trouble as she is a human resources manager at the company that the line worker worked at.
  19. It really seems to be Japanese Rock for me lately.
  20. 'His invincibility was greatly exaggerated' "Rocked too hard for his own good"
  21. 1. What have your experiences with rudeness on the internet been? Heh, there is a certain theory about the internet bringing out the worst in people. It was something along the lines of [QUOTE]Average person + Internet + Anonymity + Audience= Jackarse[/QUOTE] and I encourage you to take a look on the IGN/ gamefaqs boards and try to be critical and mature. I myself have given up on IGN because I was given tons of crap about analysing major issues in Smackdown vs RAW 2008 then just stating that you cannot justify buying it yearly. 2. Do you get affected by them, generally? I refuse to be affected by them because all they are doing is trying to get a reaction. 3. Have you ever been deliberately rude to someone over the Net, and why? When I was new to the whole online ettiquete thing, I would argue with people and would you choice words if they were being offensive. 4. Do you think there are times when it's justified? At times it can be justified if sticking up for yourself but most of the time I'm opposed to it. 5. Why do you think people feel the need to make unecessary comments online? [QUOTE]Average person + Internet + Anonymity + Audience = Jackarse[/QUOTE]
  22. [URL="http://www.fivefourteen.net/motivational-posters/sticky%20this.jpg"][U]Click[/U][/URL] It's just a small request [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][INDENT][SIZE="1"]I changed it to a link. Let's not stretch the layout of OB okay? Thanks. ~SunfallE[/SIZE][/INDENT][/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. I'm just going to go out and criticise something here: Will.i.am as Kestrel? I don't really agree with that and I find it odd that Gambit would appear in a prequel of all things.
  24. [I] Journal Update- 17/03/08 I'm sure that all of the world has heard of those damn SuperFriends... Bloody good guys saving the world from villians like Grodd. Seriously, Grodd is a damn talking Gorilla whose powers were that he could talk. I don't know about anyone else out there but they set the bar low there although they do have Aquaman and Hawkamn as members. God damn, They were from So I bet some mates of mine while we were watching a news report on them last night that I could create a kickass superhero team within a week. Trouble was, I don't know any damn heroes or even have powers. Not to mention that I was drunk as hell and bet 5000 dollars that I didn't have. I've got some real trouble here...[/I] The following message was found posted around various forums on the internet. [INDENT] Are you the next Super Hero? Do you think that you can surpass Superman in all of his Spandex wearing glory? Do you enjoy beating up people because you think they are supervillians? If so then email the following form to this address [email]Superass@hotmail.com[/email] and let us decide Your Suerhero name- Your secret identity- Your known identity- Your powers- Your background- Why you think Aquaman sucks- Your Archnemesis- Your Personality- Please include an attached image of yourself for... public relations reasons. [/INDENT] OOC: This RPG is a parody of the Super Friends so as such it will be a comedy. With the whole trying to find superheros through the internet, this means that your character will have pathetic powers.
  25. Well then, you think you know Gao Changli from his political career. Well then you are in for a change as the new face of Gangsta rap arrives on the scene and he is here with a vengance. [IMG]http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x10/The-Aussie/JokeAlbum.jpg?t=1202875339[/IMG] Bizarre quote eh? My quote one was Rockman
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