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Everything posted by PWNED
I've probly also listened to my whole collection over 20 tiems but I have a few notables. Freak Show- Silverchair Their best album by far, there is such a difference between them at their prime and right now. ...And Justice For All- Metallica There is a one word reason behind this. One Angeldust- Faith No More Once more, a very cool album.
I'm going to go with Mike Patton. He has such a humorous yet creepy quality to his voice which I really enjoy. And agreed on Freddie Mercury, truly a one in a million voice
[quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]Australia doesn't have freedom of speech? Are you joking? I can't tell. I have no idea what's happening with his funeral, but as has been mentioned, I assume he will be buried in Perth where he came from. I can't imagine all the Baptists getting on a flight to Perth, really. And they would have very few sympathizers in Australia (as in, maybe [i]one[/i] person or something). These people really just need to be ignored. They are really in the same league as the Ku Klux Klan (possibly even more venomous). I don't really give them a second thought - they are just too much of a nutty fringe group to even worry about.[/font][/QUOTE] In Australias constitution, Freedom of speech is not listed anywhere in it as being a protected right but people just assume that we have it.
[quote name='AJeh'][size=1] Well the Fox article title says "Kansas Baptist Church Intends to Picket Heath Ledger's Funeral..." and to my knowledge he was found dead in New York? So the funeral may be in the US, possibly.[/size][/QUOTE] Nah, His family is coming over in the next few days to return his body to Australia so he can be buried over in Perth
Well, unless those crazy baptists plan on heading to Australia than they aren't picketing. Not to mention the fact that Australia doesn't have freedom of speech, therefore they are screwed if they try picketing.
[quote name='Boo'][size=1]... Is it bad of me to think that looked ironically funny? I feel bad for him, though I've never been much of a fan of what I've seen of him so far. Maybe that the Batman movie will change my mind. It's tragic, though, anyhow. Must've been quite a shocker for the masseuse who found him too.[/size][/QUOTE] I actually just noticed how bad that the thread title looks. Let mejust say that was entirely unintentional
[URL="http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,324696,00.html"]http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,324696,00.html[/URL] This is a terrible occurance and although I was never much of a fan of him, I feel sorry for the family he has left behind. R.I.P Heathcliff Andrew Ledger (April 4, 1979 ? January 22, 2008) You shall be missed
Uhmm, not trying to play moderator or anyting but you accidentally posted this is in the wrong forum. Just ask Dagger or someone to move it for you
Well, there are tactical components in the large scale war battles, these aren't very common though. In regular battles, it plays based on speed of characters which gives a certain order to things. As an example, you have a party with Kasumi and Pesmerga in it. Kasumi is easily amongst the fastest characters in the game so she will always get first attack in battle. However, her defense is quite terrible and she can only fight in the front row so she is vulnerable to enemy monsters. Pesmerga is the opposite to this, he is insanely slow but is nigh indestrusctible so he can easily hold his own in the front. The speed of your characters actions are also influenced through some things; when using a combination attack then the speed of the attack will always gauge itself on the speed of the character that selected it.. Additionally, healing and defensive spells cast much quicker than offensive speels so they can get cast earlier in a turn. If you want a [U]good[/U] explanation then look around on suikosource.com as it is a suikoden fansite where you can read up onm the history of hte series and hte gameplay mechanics.
Sin and Punishment is one of those unknown gems that could have done very well; being released in Japan only really hurt how it could have gone but the translated release of it on the VC is excellent for those who never tried it on the 64.
Your Favorite Bands - Lets get it out of the way
PWNED replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Noosphere
At the moment these are my favourite bands, they change at a fairly decent rate but these are at the moment. Nirvana [I]There is no doubt that Kurt Cobain was a musical prodigy and just had talent; He was definetly what you would call an egomaniac but I honestly don't really care about the personality of a performer if they can perform. They were essentially responsible for the popularity of Grunge during the early 90s.[/I] Sublime [I]There was really just something cool about their songs especially those from their third album.[/I] Faith No More [I]Awesome band and one of my favorites ever. Caffeine was a really cool one by them[/I] Breaking Benjamin [I]Sure, they really can be generic at times but there is some real talent there. I do agree with Premonition that their sound is refining itself with each album but I myself personally prefer Saturate and We Are Not Alone to Phobia.[/I] Reel Big Fish [I]I'm really getting into the Ska genre at the moment, Reel Big Fish just has a really enjoyable sound to me.[/I] -
Hello, just dropping a request for someone to do if they want for me so that I can use it as my next avatar. Regulation size okay. Can you please use this pic for the avatar but just cut out the channel 7 logo in the corner? [IMG]http://www.edmontonsun.com/News/World/2007/09/06/binLaden.jpg[/IMG]
[quote name='Aceburner']Yeah, that's the point. 3rd party is the most diversity you will ever see in this game. Now: Earthworm Jim. Discuss.[/QUOTE] I actually think that Earthworm Jim would be a perfect character for Brawl. There's the slight problem of the fact that there are already multiple third party characters so there's little room for him but he'd be really fun to play as.
I actually got to play this last Saturday at a gaming convention in Australia. I must admit that it is quite impressive and I'm getting it delivered to my house tomorrow. A bit of a bugger for you Neuvoxraiha, It's looking like it'll be almost as popular as Halo 3 and we all know how long it took before you would have a good chance of finding a regular copy on sale.
[I]How the hell did he notice me?[/I] This was what Leon thought as he pushed open the door into the somewhat shabby quarters that Saio kept. He acknowledged the two younger guys with a nod but only treated Saio with a scowl. He wasn't quick to forgive past discretions and his grudges had a tendency to last a long time. "Now why would The Strong One choose to overhear someone as unimportant as me?" Saio asked mockingly, rudely using Leon's calling name to remind him of Saios past victories. Leon angrily gestured a throat slit with his thumb and cracked his left shoulder loudly. "I'm overhearing, because I'm broke" Leon growled lowly, just barely audible for everyone to hear him. "My names Leon by the way. Leon Johanason" He stated towards the others, hoping that his reputation preceded him. If the two had heard of him previously than they didn't show it which Leon took as a sign to take a seat and stop trying to intimidate them. "So anyway" Leon said as he sat down, "What is with the gathering?"
Leon was growing frustrated, a regular employer of his had recently disappeared without a trace and he was feeling the effects of the lack of work. His regular points of interest in Tokyo had faded, leaving him with very little to do besides minor crime. It was in his intentions to return to Europe soon if he was unable to find work in order to meet his growing bills. "There has got to be somethign to do out here" he whispered as he looked out over the once great skyline of Tokyo. It was from a perch on a rooftop that he spotted an old rival in the business. "What the hell is that punk Uzu doing here". Saio Uzu had cost Leon a lucrative deal a few years ago and had in effect forced Leon to undertake a few dangerous treasure hunts in order to keep living nicely. He watched as Saio greeted two young guys, they must have been hired by another contractor. "They don't look old enough to be compotent" Leon rudely muttered to himself as the trio entered Saio's safehouse. Leon quickly dismounted from his lookout point, he was genuinely interested in this meeting and if he himself could gain anything from it. He could always follow them in order to find out the deal behind htis unexpected gathering.
Name: Captian James Cornell Age: 29 Position: Squad Leader Equipment: Captian Cornell is always armed with a Benelli M4 Super 90 Combat shotgun and a long machette as well as the standard S.T.A.R.S. field operative gear. Background: Captian James Cornell was recently promoted to captian a few years ago for his excellence in field missions. He is a long time friend of Rebecca Chambers, a bio chemicist who had served with S.T.A.R.S. in Racoon City shortly before the virus outbreak. Umbrella Corporation has always disgusted him because of how their generosity always felt like a facade and it was when the surviving S.T.A.R.S. operatives from Racoon City were talking about Umbrella being responsible for the zombies. At this time he was training to be a police officer in New York but with hopes of applying to SOCOM. He instead applied to train for S.T.A.R.S. in order to learn more of what was happening and to bring Umbrella down. Appearance: Just barely topping 6' feet tall and built compactly, Cornell isn't exactly what you would call a physical specimen. His reddish hair is tied back in a ponytail with the fringe covering a notable scar running along his forehead. A Goatee adorns his chin, partially hiding his pale skin, a gift of being of Scottish descent. He wears his regulation uniform with pride, his kevlar vest is kept in perfect repair and is worn over a regular white shirt. His shotgun is slung loosely over his right shoulder, allowing easy access to it when the time calles while his machette is hung at his hip. Personality: James Cornell personality can be summed up with a single word, 'Inflexible'. He is always focused in his work but is not fond of any unnessecary risks involved which makes him seem rather stiif and cold. He holds obeying orders to the highest level, being court-martialled would be the greatest insult to him. As such, he is what the military would be looking for in a soldier.
Bloody hell, I now officially wish that I'd gotten a Wii for my birthday instead of my 360. A level editor is officially what will push this game over the edge into sheer bliss.
Is it okay to beat the crap out of your best friend's woman?
PWNED replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
I myself would suggest that you should just keep away from her, Thuggish girls are never very easy to deal with and you can hardly stand up for yourself as no matter what you do than you'll look like an almighty prick. You're really damned if you do and damned if you don't here; You can't exactly stand up for yourself but she also seems like the type of person that will just keep going and going. -
Name: Leon Johanason Age: 26 Gender: Male Height: 6'2 Weight: 280 Pounds Prosthetics: Leons whole left side of his body is supported by prosthetic parts. These act as replacements for his damaged nerves and allow him to move about without support. History: The years since diseases ravaged the world had been hard for Leon, Originally from Denmark and eldest son of a family of traders; he himself nearly died from disease when he was only eleven years old. It was what happened once he began his life as a trader that his life changed for him though. He trod upon an unexploded frag mine while travelling along an abandoned road and lost the ability to use the left side of his body when shrapnel severed key nerves. In an effort to test new technology, he was found and operated on by some Dutch scientists. It was the first time that they attempted to implant prosthetics to such a high degree and hey didn't care whether the subject survived or not. However, Leon did survive and was actually stronger than before. He began a new life as a freelance Soldier and part-time bodyguard, earning the calling name 'The Strong One' for his tendency to survive when most others would have died. Personality: Leon is a very stubborn and headstrong man, having learnt from experience that a person has to struggle for survival. He dislikes those who complain about having difficulty with performing labour and he is rather cold to most pepole. However, he genuinly respects people wo are hard working or are survivors and has a tendency to ally himself with them. Appearance: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/chars/list/imageviewnojs.php?img=j/jacques01.jpg&char_id=518[/IMG] I know you didn't ask for it but decided that it would be best to include.
There's an Australian Horror flick that came out today (In Australia) called Rogue which is supposed to be alright. It's about a group of tourists that fall victim to a massive man-eating crocodile and seems to be a bit of a throwback to older horror films.
Random Malicious Zombies Are Attacking Your City
PWNED replied to Japan's topic in General Discussion
Hide in a shopping center, ala Dead Rising. It seriously would be the best place to hide as you'd be able to find many things to use as weapons and there's food courts and such. If only my local mall also had a rollercoaster like in that game then it would be perfect. -
This would be utterly awesome, I'm currently playing KOTOR 2 on my computer and the original on my X-box. When did these rumour begin? I'd Mark out if you could play as an Assassian droid like HK-47. That would take the cake for utter awesomeness.
[QUOTE] Diary entry stolen by undercover agent on January 13th, 2006 [SIZE="2"]I have recently been contacted by members of Umbrella Corporation to analyze a biological creation that they fashioned a decade ago. I'm not sure but I do believe that this is the same that they were working on at the Arklay Research Facility. They're apparently trying to refine it so that those that have been infected. I'll try to keep in touch with Umbrella over any development I find. [/SIZE] ~Adrian Garcia[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Diary entry stolen by undercover agent on April 20th, 2006 [SIZE="2"]Our new facility is an excellent location for my research. The Australian Outback is desolate and I have no need to worry about anyone stumbling upon this facility. My tests show that with only a minor injection of the T-Virus than the infected individual will not only remain alive but will also have to follow orders. I'll add more as I come across it.[/SIZE] ~Adrian Garcia [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Diary entry stolen by undercover agent on September 14th, 2006 [SIZE="2"]I've finally been supplied with my first human 'volunteer' for my project. I've been informed that he is merely a nobody so it is not of maximum priority for him to survive. I truly am going to enjoy this project[/SIZE] ~Adrian Garcia[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Diary entry stolen by undercover agent on September 16th, 2006[SIZE="2"] Incredible, the infected individual is showing extreme amounts of mutation. He's transformed into what the documents that I've been supplied with call a Tyrant. However, it shows human-level intelligence and the ability to obey simple commands. I'll try to refine any further issues before I send my results to Umbrella.[/SIZE] ~Adrian Garcia[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Diary entry stolen by undercover agent on October 13th, 2006 [SIZE="2"]The outer limits of the facility have been breached by something. I predict that it might be some meddlesome S.T.A.R.S troops as they always seem to get involved when they are not needed. I've sent my Tyrant out to 'persuade' these intruders to leave, or in other words to take them captive to use as guinea pigs. The intruders should be a good test as they've proven talented enough to bypass my remote turrents without any casualties.[/SIZE] ~Adrian Garcia[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Diary entry stolen by undercover agent on October 15th, 2006 [SIZE="2"]Crisis averted and the Tyrant has proven to be powerful enough to eliminate the pests without difficulty. I've infected the survivors with the virus although these subject have proven to be less than expected. They have transformed into the regular virus carriers but have retained some degree of ability to follow orders.[/SIZE] ~Adrian Garcia[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Communication intercepted on February 27th, 2007 within Umbrella [SIZE="2"]I've finally completed the serum and have refined it, I'll prepare it en-mass and send the results to your labs so that you guys can store it for future usage. It'll be sent in a matter of weeks. Adrian Garcia out.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE="3"]The S.T.A.R.S squad sat around the conference table as Captain James Cornell briefed them about their mission. They were to assault the Umbrella facility in Australia and locate the virus and the rumored anti-virus that their contact had reported that the facilities head geneticist Adrian Garcia was developing. If it was secured than they would not have as much trouble in fighting Umbrella because infections could then be cured. Since this was a small scale operation and that they didn't want to risk Umbrella being alerted, only a small squad would be fielded as they couldn't afford to alert Umbrella to their assault. At this, Captian Cornell dismissed them and they began preparations for their attack. OOC: This rpg is based on the Resident Evil series (aka Biohazard) and in particular is a spin upon the second Resident Evil novel Caliban Cove. Because of this, It's going ot be pretty violent and with a bit o swearing. With that said, enjoy. ~Sign Up Sheet~ Name: Age: Your character is a highly trained combat operative so they probably won't be teenagers. I'm looking around the lines of 20 years old to late thirties. Position: This is similar to the class system that most people use, there's stuff such as heavy arms, foot trooper, explosive ordinance experts and field medics. Equipment: Your character will always have a standard issue Beretta as a sidearm and a Kevlar vest although it doesn't have to be showing. Background: Nothing in-depth here, just talk about their S.T.A.R.S career up until this point. Appearance: Written description or picture Personality: [/SIZE]
I'd suggest Suikodens 2 & 3, not brilliant graphics wise or soundwise but the storylines of both games are absolute art. Fat chance with getting Suikoden 2 though as it is amongst the rarest PS One games. Deus Ex is also great, possibly the best storyline based shooter ever. Most games have you just go run in with guns blazing and not only can you do that in this but you can also use alternate routes. An example of this is early in the game where some terrorists have captured a subway station. You can just run down the stairs and defuse any traps before shotting anyone (Not suggested as there are hostages), you can draw out the terrorists by using grenades or you can traverse the air vents and sneak in. The RPG elements are more about improving your character and weapons but its all very well done.