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[quote name='silpheedpilot'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="SlateGray"]Gee, sure wish I could post one line about nothin' and get away with it. Anyone been playing the Call of Duty 4 Beta? It's hawt. Get on GameSpot, register, get the code and take the fight online in one of the greatest displays of FPS wonder. Playing makes me anticipate Call of Duty 4 but it's not like I wasn't already waiting for it but you know what I'm getting at.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] I am so screwed with that game, It comes out during my yr 12 exams. Guess how difficult it will be to resist a game like that?
All I remember was that I was 11 years old at the time and had just woken up to watch my cartoons which I was allowed to do because I was walking to school at this point. I switch on the Television and all I see are news reports about a terrorist attack; I was incredibly ticked off but it was about not being able to see my cartoons, my brain kind of zoned out as I watched it because at eleven years old, you really don't know what to think when something like that happens.
Unfortunatly, desensitation is quite crap to deal with. I'm personally a coward with psychological horror and I'm very squemish about a lot of horror films but I'm fine with this, it adds to the experience. However we are confronted with images similar to that of a horror movie on television and in the news so its easy to be desensitized.
[quote name='James'][color=#606060] I also briefly owned a galah (native Australian bird - almost as big as a cockatoo), but unfortunately he flew away (my dad released him from his cage, thinking his wings were clipped - they weren't!) [/color][/QUOTE] I didn't even know that you could get a license to buy one in Victoria, Uh huh. I myself have got two dogs and one cat. The dogs are 13 and 9 and the cat is about nine. The thirteen year old dog is almost schitso, he's more active then a dog half his age although he tore a tendon on his back right leg and strained a muscle on his front left. My other dog is a fat little bugger and the most annoying little mummys boy ever. My sister used to spoil him so much when she lived at home which saw him getting babied all the time andnow he is an irriatating little [expelitevly deleted]. My cat is a cute little black and white one wo is supremly bossy; when she wants pats, she'll headbutt you in the leg or jump on top of you. Wierdly enough though, she likes potato chips.
Heh, Lazarus. I have difficulty imagining a being of pure evil like Yuber having a younger version. I'll try as I might but I won't be able to shake that feeling.
I absolutely loved the original Neverwinter Nights and have got the Gold Edition of it which is the original game plus Shadows of Undrentide. My copy of it is damaged and my Platnium edition of it doesn't even want to install, let alone run.
Well, my birthday (Spetember 14th) is shared with Ed King & Steve Gaines of Lynard Skynard, Nas (Americna Rapper), Jeremy Dunham (Of IGN.com fame) and absolutely no one else that is important.
[quote name='Blitz_Kid']Hmmmmm, how about the Dot Hack game series?[/QUOTE] I wouldn't recommend them. They're interesting for a while but they have a tendency to get dull somewhat quickly.
[quote name='Sojio']Hey Guys/Gals, I?m in my final year of high school and in 2009 I was planning to go and teach English (language) in Japan as a part of a certificate course offered here in Australia. I?m currently learning Japanese which is the reason I?m not planning on going until 2009 ( i think it will take a while to learn).:animeangr I?ve never been to Japan and I was in search of some advice from anyone who has traveled there for holidays etc. Mainly things like what to see, what to expect, and hints and tips on things that I should or shouldn?t do. :catgirl:[/QUOTE] That's very wicked, I'm planning on applying for that course when I finish school this year. I've been learning Japanese on and off for a few years and can speak it very basically. I've got more than a few phrase books and my friend Kendai is teaching me a bit. My basic rule is to always keep formal towards them, it is a show of respect and they'll be inclined to help you out if you need help.
[quote name='Meggido']You said you've played the Disgaea series. Do you mean just Disgaea 1 and 2 or have you also played the other Nippon Ichi games? If it's just Disgaea then I'd highly recommend Phantom Brave and La Pucelle Tactics. Makai Kingdom which is the other game is good but no where near as good as the other 4 games.[/QUOTE] I'd consider against La Pucelle, It's fundamentally pretty weak compared to the Disgaea games. Of course, Disgaea is top-notch If you want a real kick then check crunchyroll.com for videos relating to Suikoden. The AMV contains the Anime-Style cutscenes from the series is pretty awesome.
Name: Hiro Yamanaka Age: 13 Gender: Male Physical Description: [IMG]http://www.rpgamer.com/games/suiko/suik2/art/suik2-079.gif[/IMG] Weapons: A Pair of Kunai Fighting Style: Hiro specializes in the usage of Taijutsu Jutsu/Techniques: Mind Transfer Jutsu (This allows Hiro to transfer his mind into another persons body) Mind Destruction Jutsu (Hiro can confuse the target, causing them to not understand what they are doing, typically resulting in them attacking their allies. Short Biography: The son of Ino Yamanaka, Hiro Yamanaka is a strong willed young man and incredibly popular with most of the other Genin. He never knew his father, who was a wandering Chounin who was called away on a mission shortly after Hiros birth and had died during the course of the mission. As such, Hiro has been lacking a fatherly figure and turned all of his attention to his mother and Ninja Studies. It was through this that he met Haruno Tai, son of his mothers long time friend Haruno Sakura. The two formed a similar relationship to their mothers, a strong friendship but also a close rivalry. They always trained together although Hiro always fell behind Tai in studies. He was getting cocky based on his natural talent and he was paying for it. He was a good fighter but had little mastery of his abilities and he actually facing expullsion from the Academy unless he pulled his act together, he as tempted to leave it but he would have also walked away from a large number of friends. It was this persuasion that got him to focus on his studies Hiro is an incredibly likeable man and all of his friends are proof of it.
My family and I are really looking foward to the release of Stardust, My dad is a massiev fan of Gaiman and we all know how much better the English translation of Princess Mononoke would have been if they used Gaimans translation. Still a while until it comes out in Australia though
Koom Valley That was where the trolls ambushed the dwarfs, or the dwarfs ambushed the trolls. It was far away. It was a long time ago. No one is sure who was victorius.... Quite frankly, few non-dwarves care. This is somewhat revelant now in Ankh Morpork, The Watch have experienced a slight problem with the murder of a single, respected dwarf, and are now almost on the verge of the Battle of Koom Valley occuring again.... Right in front of their Watch house. In their desperation, they seek the services of a Junior Inspector Beet (As in the Vedgetable) Infidels-with-Religous-Texts to find out more on the death of this dwarf and prevent what could be a potential war (And Humourus at that). All that Beet has to do is evade would-be assassians, Homicidal Dwarves and possibly sentinent Rocks (Or Trolls as what is considered Politically Correct). All it'll take is a knife or club to end it and he isn't exactly popular. (OOC: As you can see, I have made a little spin on Terry Pratchetts latest City Watch series book.) ------------------Character Creation---------- With this I'm getting a little help from Oxymandius Jones' Character creation thread as it is well done. Name: You can pull anything out for the name; If your character is a Troll then their name will be Geologically inspired, A Dwarf will have some first name and then be accompanied by something like Thighbiter or Skullcrusher. Age: 7 - 100, I would think... Although if you want you can even be Dead. Profession: Not everyman is a beggar, Smart People actually join guilds and less smart people join the watch. Really smart people turn out like C.M.O.T Dibbler. Backstory: What your character has done prior to the Rocks and Ankle biters fighting (Trolls and Dwarves respectivly). No one appears from nowhere.... usually. Appearance: No one has no appearance, except for Faceless Pete and various beggars who you only wish you couldn't see. Perhaps a little writing saying what you look like or if you are incredibly fancy, perhaps a picture. Personality: What you character is like. Stuff: Do you own things? At least you own a pair of pants (Hopefully, Otherwise it could become a disturbing war) and if you are someone like Nobby Nobbs then you'd probably have that persons pants. Talents: Can you read or Write? Speak Intelligble English? Know the right end of a Knife. >> OOC: A retry of an RPG that I tried a year ago, It's a comedy so no fears being overly violent or such, It'll only be overly British.
[quote name='Goodbye, Face'][font=arial][size=1]Yeah, I was pretty pissed at how much Tekken 5 stole from Virtua Fighter 4, despite me not liking the VF games much. It just didn't fit well into the game because I never really thought about T5 as much of a Karate game or whatever. Virtua Fighter has a more serious tone (despite the laughs the horrific voice acting gives me). Speaking of, why isn't there a single fighting game with at least decent voice-acting? After my first round of Arcade Mode in most of these games, I switch the audio to Japanese. I mean, you'd think that it would be important enough to these publishers to hire real talent to say words that the gamer is going to hear every uhhh 15-30 seconds. At least if it's in Japanese, you can't tell if it's bad or not. I like to stay ignorant.[/font][/size][/QUOTE] Quite true, It's a case of being better off remaining ignorant than being in the know. One wonders what the scriptwriters were smoking at the time. Just like Square & their spoony bard comment.
I mostly play Virtua Fighter 4, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Soul Calibur 3, King of Fighters 2002 and Dead or Alive 2. Virtua Fighter is probably my favourite fighting game series as it seems much more detailed than stuff like Tekken (And also Tekken 5s Arcade mode. Rip off of Kumite mode in VF 4.) I'm torn over which of the 2D fights I like more. King of Fighters is a brilliant series but so is Street Fighter. The Soul Calibur series is pretty badass also. I enjoyed the second iteration more than the third but since I only own 3 then theres a bit more experience with 3.
[LIST] [*]#1) When most people meet me and hear me criticise something then it is almost automatically believed that I am a perfectionist. I am in fact a purist, I like things to be as close to the source material as possible and that precision is a must. I am a firm believer that "Perfection is measured in tiny details" and the smallest mistake can cause a misunderstanding. [*]#2) I am considered by many people to be abrasive and pessimistic; While it is true that I am not incredibly polite to people and I only see the worst out of a situation, It's because I've been bought up to expect the worst ot of something. [*]#3) I'm thought of as a loner, In fact this is semi-correct. I prefer to keep to myself and choose to only be friends with moderatly intelligent people. [*]#4) This may make me seem like a prick. All lies and slander [/LIST]
[quote name='Goodbye, Face'][font=arial][size=1]Both of those bands are #2 to me. ;) I actually have Disturbed's first demo. They're apparently from North Carolina and record stores around here were selling their demo tapes. It had "Stupefy" and some other song. The important thing is, I liked them when I was in uhhh... fourth grade, man. At least they have a pretty unique sound, though. I can't even tell Breaking Benjamin from the rest of the radio. They're probably Nickelback, too. I don't know how ANYONE EVER could possibly call them metal. The difference between radio hard rock and real hard rock (check out [url=http://myspace.com/panthers][b]Panthers[/b][/url]) for me is that mass audiences who listen to pop music intermingled with rock listen to the words moreso that the music. So these bands muffle the guitars, etc. and turn the vocals up. Grr! So I hate any band that does that. I'm lookin' at you, Breaking Benjamin, Hinder, Crossfade, and Seether.[/font][/size][/QUOTE] I don't think any Breaking Benjamin fans consider them metal, they've been specifically noted as being post-grunge. And to use them in comparsion with a band like Hinder? For shame. Compare 'Lips of an Angel' by Hinder with 'Polyamorous' or 'So Cold' by Breaking Benjamin, Hell of a lot of difference in quality.
I would suggest any of the following games: Resident Evil 4 although it is best to go for the PS2 or just buy a Wii to get tons of additions with it. Super Smash Bros Melee is a must have. F-Zero GX is a bloody fun racing game and incredibly fun although Story Mode is almost insanely difficult. LOZ: Wind Waker is pretty great and I was pretty lucky to get it with a second CD which had Orcarina of Time and Master Quest on it. Metroid Prime is an excellent game but I cannot speak for Metroid Prime 2. Resident Evil Zero, another fun Resident Evil and probably the scariest one avaliable.
[IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/6/6a/Phobiaart.jpg/200px-Phobiaart.jpg[/IMG] I was wondering if someone could make me a Signature-Avatar set? Could the Avatar be of the above image but without the text at the top while the Signature could be the cover art from Saturate from the following link and without the text at the top. [URL="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/b2/Breaking_Benjamin_Saturate.jpg"]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/b2/Breaking_Benjamin_Saturate.jpg[/URL]. Thank you in advance
[quote name='Shy'][size=1]I'm gonna see if I can hack into my own account. Wish me luck. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] Indeed, whoever the Australian is that is hacking this Australians account, they will pay.
I actually started watching Anime back in the mid-90's; Not religously as many hadn't been translated so it was only really stuff like Sailor Moon. What I really view as my crowning moment in Anime was when I begun watching Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 when I was about 8 which I never missed an episode of and Princess Mononoke soon afterwards which I absolutely loved.
Name: Erik Regal Codename: Psyche Age: 26 Gender: Male Personality: Erik Regal is a quiet man but this is partially to blame on what has occurred to him in his life. He has a strange sense of dedication to his cause; He wishes to unite the Humans and Mutants but he is more than ready to remove any obstacles that get in the way. Appearance: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/chars/list/imageview.php?img=l/luc09.jpg&char_id=443[/IMG] (However, the experimentation process corrupted his pituitary gland so that his growth is now at a slower rate. His body is now that of a nineteen year old) Power: Erik Regal is able to generate force bolts using his mind as a weapon. As such, he can be described as a telepath but he is unable to read minds or levitate himself and objects. He chooses to use the Force Bolts in two ways; He can either use it as a blast or as a minor forcefield of sorts. Biography: Erik Regal didn't know much of his early life, He had woken up and found himself in a tube. As he later found out, he was an experiment into the creation of a Super Soldier. The tests and serums that were administered on him did more harm than good as they unlocked his dormant psychic abilities. He was able to escape from the Laboratory that he was being tested in and fled to New York city. It was here when he had an encounter with the X-Men who originally found him to be an evil mutant as his powers were laying waste to a lot of things. This was merely an aftereffect of the Serums as they caused his powers to lose control. He was sedated and taken to Xaviers mansion where the famous mutant delved into Regals mind and isolated the serum affected areas of the brain in an effort to grant him control. The incident was a complete success with Regal gaining full control and he left without saying a word to travel across country. He eventually settled down in Las Angeles but he grew tired with this complacency in a city that was full of crime. He took to establishing a team of like-minded individuals and through hunting bounties did they gain enough money to purchase a mansion similar to the X-Mansion but also with underground facilities that were designed for training and housing. Erik Regal didn't want Mutants to be treated the way he was by Humans. It was a t that time when he created [B]'Devil-Trigger'[/B] to find any mutants unable to control their powers and train them so that a united world could be acheived.
There are those among us that are not like us; They look like us, think like us, act like us but they are not. They have been blessed [I]or[/I] cursed with almost supernatural powers. They are the Children of the Atom, Natures Misfits, Freaks but one word is used to describe them. [SIZE=2][B] Mutant[/B][/SIZE] My name is Erik Regal, I run a school similar to that of Charles Xavier. I and my employees form the anti-mutant organization known as 'Devil-Trigger.' However, we also are known as a mutant group named Legion; We train young mutants into an elite fighting force. But our work is hampered by those who subvert the mutant population, Humans & Evil Mutants would use the force to their own gains instead of defence. [I]This is the story of the Legion[/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Creation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Age: Gender: Personality: Appearance: Power: Biography:
[quote name='Swedish Chef']Hiya Folks. Doubt most people would know/remember me. [/quote] Oh Really? I find that quite offensive, thank you very much. On another note, I'm yet to try out Call of Juarez but it looks awesome. You'd think that something as good looking as this game would have recieved some hype or advertising. This leads leaves me with the belief that the game will not receive an Australian release, I find this dissapointing as It seems like a good, fun shooter. Sorry about the lack of length and detail within the post.