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Everything posted by PWNED

  1. I htink it's more the guns in the Cathedral, I believe guns are always seen everywhere else in Manchester.
  2. Article is [URL=http://www.usatoday.com/tech/gaming/2007-06-10-church-england-sony_N.htm?csp=34]here[/URL] I'm not sure whether the Church of England can actually get what they want here, Resistance: Fall of Man has been out for around half a year and they've just taken offense to the issue. Besides the fact that the game is fiction and unrealistic in its content, The Church really shouldn't be caring about this.
  3. [QUOTE=Nerdsy][color=deeppink]Backwards time universe, my friend. Backwards time universe. As for my hadoken... well, the last time I used it, I reversed time, causing a backwards time universe. You all can thank me with candy.[/color][/QUOTE] Small issue with his logic, Street Fighters awesomeness trescends time and space. One cannot tell where the Hadoken originated from, only who and what it blew up.
  4. [quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Kangaroo meat is delicious, like lamb but a bit richer. My brother and stepsister refuse to eat it cause of the 'poor kangaroos' though... next night? Scarfing down that veal.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] Your tealling me, If I tell anyone that I'm having a BBQ then they won't bother asking. Everyone that I know, knows that I think Kangaroo is tasty and that I reallly like it. Everyone else think I'm a sicko
  5. You know all the cyclones that Australia gets? That's my Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku (Hurricane Kick). You should watch the end of RaW this week to see my Hadouken.
  6. I've eaten a variety of animals, Crocodile, Emu and Kangaroo meat at the Royal Melbourne Show from two years ago. They are all rather tasty with Kangaroo steak being a personal favorite of mine. Crocodile (Essentially a larger and angrier version of an Alligator) I found to be very tough but with a strong flavour.
  7. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=Lucida calligraphy]So let me get this straight... the US Departmenmt of defense thinks that Canada is plotting against us? Oh no! Fear the Canadians... yeah[/color][/font][/QUOTE] It's because they are Canadian, thereby making them part French. Thereby making them the enemy. Fear my logical reasoning
  8. [QUOTE=ForgotteÑ-HerÖ][COLOR=DimGray]I didn't know So Cold was by them the first time I heard it, it's my brother's favorite songs. DOJ isn't my favoite song anymoe. that's been replaced by Evil angel/Topless. Topless has minimum lyrics. But because of that simplicity, I love the song. I know the songs by theor intro's. I read that he's afraid of flying, and taht the Intro to Phobia hass an aircraft taking off. Thus the intro is tied to his phobia.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]But wikipedia said that. And people can edit it whenever, so I don't know if it's true[/COLOR]. [COLOR=Blue]And as for DOJ, I lvoe teh accoustiv version. My favoite sons are sad in melody. I eel taht ou could paint a depressng cene witht hat one song.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Topless is actually an old one that they did but never released on one of their cds until Phobia. Besides that, I've just bought Saturate today from JB Hi-Fi and find it to be great. One of my friends has Phobia and I found it to be brilliant but Saturate I found to be better because the lyrics and tunes were just that much rougher and raw. I absolutely love Evil Angel and Dance with the Devil from Phoba though; probably some of the best rock songs I've heard.
  9. I personally would have preferred it if Final Fantasy 6 or 5 have gotten a 3-D makeover. I kind of preferred them over 4.
  10. [QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Indigo] (Sourced from [url=http://gamepolitics.com/2007/05/08/hey-jack-you-want-fries-with-that/][U]GamePolitics[/U][/url], discovered through [url=http://www.errormacro.com][U]Error Macro[/U][/url]) I think it's safe to say he's officially gone batshit insane.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] It's actually Batf*** insane, FYI. However, this is expected of him.
  11. Several years have passed since the Dark Star Dugradigdu ordeal and many advances have been made; The 'Bandit Slayer' Lina Inverse has retired from travelling the world and makes a living of researching spells. Zelgadis and Ameria still continue to search for a way to restore Zel to his original form and Gourry Gabriev continues his mindless existence by catering to Linas every whim. During this time an incredible magical technique was revealed to place magicla powers with Crystal or glass orbs which could allow spells to be used without studying the vraious incarnations. Cheif amongst these was the orb of Ruby eye Shabranigdo which served as a diviner to locate the fragments of Shabranigdo and to restore the dark lord. This orb was locked away in a temple that is found in the middle of the Desert of Destruction so that It could never be found. Unfortunatly, the orb has been stolen by an unknown individual nad Lina Inverse was robbed of all her orbs that she had created, including orbs that contained the magical power of the Dragon Slave and there were enough to reduce a large kingdom to rubble. A group of individuals were hired by Lina to track down and regain the stolen orbs before Shabranigdo could be ressurected once more and plunge the world into chaos. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Creation rules~~~~~~~~~~~ A few things must be said first.... 1) This RPG is essentially a purely original thing. Orbcraft is never mentioned in any of the series' so don't be to angry because it doesn't keep within canon. 2) Established characters cannot be used for storytelling purposes, They will all be making minor appearances as NPCs. 3) Having interior motives with this is fine, If your character steals the Dragon Slave orbs once they are found and becomes a villian then fine. It would be cool. 4) Ah yes, Orbcraft. Orbcraft is a recently researched magic weapon which focuses on magical energy being placed within the orb so that it is unnessecary to g othrough the chanting which allows quicker casting. However, Any old person cannot pick up a fireball orb straight away and use it, It is dangerous to use powerful orbs without training. Additionally, the training only really focuses on being able to focus the magical energy properly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Character Generation~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Anything fantasyish Age: I don't really have to go into depth here, othing too old and nothing too young. Gender: Class: his is fairly basic here; Warrior for basic fighters, Rogue for theives and rogue-ish characters, Sorceror for characters that weild black magic, Cleric for White magic users and Smans for Shamanistic magic users. Magic: The type of magic utilised [URL=http://www.inverse.org/e/bkg/magic/lesson1.shtml]Click here[/URL] [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Spells_in_Slayers]or here[/URL] for a guide Weapons: Medieval weapons please Orbs: 3 orbs tha your character uses, keep in mind your characters limits. Appearance: Either a detailed written description or a picture. Personality: Just a couple of sentences describing your characters personality Biography: Just a paragraph on who your character is and why they decided to accept the quest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And that's about it, PM me of post here is you have any questions and I'll clarify any questions.
  12. Being Australian, There is only one pie that I eat on a regular basis. That is the Australian Meat pie which is brilliant to eat while at the football.
  13. I wouldn't nessecarily spit on anyone if I flew, and there is a very good reasons for this. I possess an altearnative form of fire with much more ammunition although spitting is probably a viable form of humiliation towards many of the celebrities that deserve it.
  14. [quote name='Your Mother']Stop talking about me![/quote] I would have thought that free coverage was good for you? I suppose not judging your reaction
  15. I would definetly choose Micheal Jackson to hang about with. He comes across as a very cool albiet eccentric individual and I feel that it could be a very interesting being around him. Hillary Duff seems t ocome off as a very dull individual and isn't that great looking to begin with.
  16. I have to say that my favourite members are Baron Sarmedi, Death Knight and DeadSeraphim because all 3 of them can come up with some very zany responses but also some good arguments. The member that has gotten a massive surge in popularity would have to be Allamorph though. He/She/It seems to have almost developed a fan-following here in only a cuople of months. I applaude him/her/it for it.
  17. Father Bob actually isn't trying to convert anyone, he just preaches his message to us; He also runs a church in St Kilda so there goes the thing about his coming here to convert us.
  18. My dad was actually thinking the same thing; The baby is worth around about half-a-billion dollars right? Perhaps one of the fathers tricked her into od-ing so that he could come into a hell of a lot of money? It's just a theory but it is plausible
  19. As he pulled back into the New York garage that he worked in on his dirt-bike, Hugo was taken aback by how quiet it was, much quieter than what it usually was on a weeknight. No one was around in there which was odd as there was usually a fair bit of work most days because of the sheer number of cars in the city. "Hello?" Hugo called out into the gloom "Mr Sanovich? It's Davies, Are you in here?". There was no answer from his boss and he was just a little bit concerned that there was no one there. Through the quiet came a loud groaning sound, which sounded a lot like the groaning that a drug addict made when they had taken a lot of their preferred drugs. "Who's there?" He yelled as he grabbed an old sledgehammer from the wall as a way of defending himself, they could get very dangerous and unpredictable. The person lurched out from behind a car with blood on his hands and fingers, he had that blank look in his eyes like he was spaced out on something which caused Hugo to move backwards in hesitation. The man refused to back off even though Hugo was begging them to stop, and in an attempt to prevent him from approaching was forced to strike him in the side of his leg with the sledgehammer. The leg crumpled under the blow and the man fell to the floor of the garage roughly. Hugo turned around and patted down his pockets for his mobile, The cops and ambulance guys had to get down here quickly. The moaning noise could be heard again and Hugo just know what was going on, the man was still crawling towards him and Hugo, knowing that the addict could not be reasoned with, bought the sledgehammer crashing down onto it's ribs. He turned around and stagger outside and quickly vomited, he'd never had to do something like that before. Once the bout of Nausea passed, He re-entered the garage and checked out the corpse of the man. As he was examining the body a pair of odd bite wounds were uncovered when he moved some old bandages aside. He bundled up any money and food that he could and packed them into his bag; He was a murderer now and had to get out of there. As he climbed onto his bike and sped off, he didn't hear the man groan again, see the trio of people shambling towards the garage or find the corpse of his boss that was crumpled besides a car.
  20. [QUOTE=Jeremiah]Oh yeah. A Magneto prequel would rule 100 times over Wolverines. I have always found Magneto's backstory far mnore interesting that Wolverine's contrived "Weapon X" past. Magneto is such an interesting character too. It would be cool to see Magneto's past, his survival of the Nazi death camps and his anguish at not advancing his power enough to take his captors on (Magneto in his prime would lay waste to the Nazi's) It would all make for an emotion packed and awesome movie experience. I'm indifferent to the Wolverine film.[/QUOTE] Also with Magneto, we are told about him being a good man and wanting to help the world when he was younger but his mindset changing because of how everyone reacted to him, even when he used his powers to save his wife.
  21. [QUOTE=vegeta rocker]Magneto is also getting his own spinoff after the Wolverine movie. It will no doubt suck just as much as X3. As for the Wolverine movie i have no idea, but i hope it won't be too bad.[/QUOTE] I wouldn't think so, I always found Magneto to be better done than the other characters in the movies, I personally believe his prequel will be better than Wolverines which would be just a pure geek out.
  22. TURNING IT AROUND~ A Comedy on Good Intentions "Look at this performance chart" The manager said to the motley crew of workers "September we were in the red, October in the red, November through to January were all completely red. We haven't turned a profit in months and somehow are spending more money in bills then we are actually making." The group muttered quietly; giving various excuses for the performance of the store, a small clothing store in, or placing the blame on the others. "I've made a new order for some half-decent mannequins this time and our supply is sending a smaller order to us month" He continued "And we have two months to turn things around otherwise you guys need to find new jobs. Are we clear?" Once more, there was a general murmur of agreement plus one blaming the foreign guy although that one was ignored by the others. The New York world may not be rocked by the quality or quantity of their supplies but they will damn will appreciate it and buy their stuff by any means nessicary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Creation aka Becoming the Loser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Age: Position in Store: (I'll only let one person be owner so it'll be the person that I consider best suited. Other jobs would be sail assistants, people who work the racks and advertisers) Gender: Nationality: Appearance: Written description or picture please Bio: How your guy came to work for the store and their background, Doesn't need to be too complicated. Personality: OOC: You may look at the RPG and think 'This ain't gonna be funny' but I assure you. The way I plan on taking it will be quite humourus.
  23. Name: Hugo Davies Age: 21 Appearance: [URL=http://www.vnsdepression.com/Mickey-Cool-dude.jpg]Clicky[/URL] Attire- Hugo wears a long trenchcoat, jeans and a tank top as these were the only clothes he had at the time. Status in Society: Civillian Occupation:Apprentice Mechanic Skills: Hugo is a very tough man, tougher than what most other people of his age and size are. This is credited to his working with heavy equipment and having to lift a lot of heavy stuff. Weapons before arming yourself: Hugo was only able to arm himself with a damaged sledgehammer that he had gotten from work Weapons after arming yourself: A new sledgehammer and a high caliber pistol. Personality: Hugos personality pushes the limits of what an ordinary person would be able to put up with; He is confrontational and possesses a very high opinion of himself which is kind of funny for a guy who was the least popular in school. Bio: Hugo is the typification of the working class man; He has worked for his entire life to get where he is and is only finally nearing the completion of his mechanic apprenticeship. He originally came from Redback, New Jersey but grew tired of the scenery once he turned 19 and moved out to NYC for a difference. He got a job, an apartment and never looked back.
  24. PWNED


    You cannot honestly forget about the best cover artist in America, Richard Cheese and Lounge against the Machines. They do Jazz covers of tons of different songs such as Enter Sandman, Down with the Sickness and Gangsters Paradise. They are totally hilarious and take the cake for oddly awesome songs.
  25. I had the same problem although I was blocked from accessing Otakuboards as a whole for a short while. It's fine now but the error screen said that the database was suffering minor problems and was annoying.
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