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Everything posted by PWNED

  1. [CENTER]In a world of disorder, In a place living in fear Only a specially trained police force can keep the peace These are their stories[/CENTER] 'LISTEN UP SCUMBAGS!' The police saergant yelled at the motley group of trainees standing before him. They were the worst looking applicants he had ever seen and because of the lack of other officers, they were the ones that would be patrolling the streets of Game Nation. "You all are supposed to be the best of the best? I don't believe that and you all shouldn't either" He yelled while some recruits winced as saliba splattered all over them. "You will be patrolling the streets of our great gaming nation, preventing virtual crimes like stopping that damn Katamari ball-thingy." He surveyed the now creeped out recruits and added the final word of warning to them "If I or and superiours get any lip from you guys.... You'll be assigned to San Andreas and we all know how fun that is for cops. Now get out of here and hand in your applications" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Application- So, you have chosen the bright path of becoming a gaming detective. We just need you to give this form in and you shall be pending acception Name: Age: Avatar: (You appearance in the RPG; It doesn't nessecarily have to be a person as if you want, you can be someone like Pacman) Personality: Your Past: Why you have chosen to apply: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I'm feeling good about this game, It's a comedy which means it akes less seriousness and I'm using it to parody videogames.
  2. Personally, I'm all for same-sex marriages and find that the legilisation of it can only help the morale of the public. However, a large percentage of the population of countries like America and Australia are offended by homosexuality because it conflicts with their ideals. And the politicians, not wanting to lose a chunk of the voting public can only prevent gay marriages so that the voters will be pacified. BTW: [QUOTE] Originally Posted by Albert Flasher In Canada, for example, gay marriage is completely legal. It has been for a few years now, and the world hasn't come crashing down around our ears. Fireballs havn't rained down from the heavens, the earth hasn't opened up and swallowed us whole, we havn't been sunk to the bottom of the ocean.[/QUOTE] It's not like Satan can enter one of the countries that is closest to being heaven, eh?
  3. [QUOTE=Dodeca][SIZE=1][i]Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic[/i]. I haven't played the first one myself, but it was the first thing to come to mind with the subtitle and your hints. Behold; [b]"The surrealistic adventure that will become your world."[/b] Hint 1: The big daddy of all confusing puzzle-based adventure games. Hint 2: Released in 1993, with a fair few sequels released since then. Probably [i]wa-a-ay[/i] too easy, but hey.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] That really evil game eh? [U][B]Myst 1[/B][/U], released on the PC in 1993 and has made me feel like destroying all mankind at times. He is a relativly tough one for you guys; "[U]Get it![/U]" Hint 1: Released in 1998 alongside another game that was from the same company. Hint 2: It's game engine was later rehashed for two games by a now defunct wrestling company.
  4. I'm agreeing with my Generic friend on this; Final Fantasy is well known for being a lot like previous games in the series and taking a lot of things and changing them around to label them as new. I'm not excited about that game at all and don't even want to get my hands on the end product. With the Wii though; That is a different and cooler story. I mean, here are the games that are being released this year that I must get. # Super Smash Bros. Brawl # Sonic and the Secret of the Rings # The new Dragon Quest game # Fire Emblem # A certain Konami RPG being released (Big fan of Konami games; Heres hoping that It is Suikoden 6) # Prince Of Persia- Rival Swords and many more; I can't wait for the releases of these games and I can't wait until I get the damn console.
  5. [QUOTE=desertphoenix] I guess a life sentence didn't cut it as a punishment. [/QUOTE] It's cause that Saddam is 69 years old right now and wouldn't be in jail for long until he carked it. The Death Penalty is the only way that justice would actually be served t othe Iraqi people.
  6. [QUOTE=Aceburner]Okay, took me a while, but I'm guessing Rayman: Raving Rabbids (say it three times fast.) My turn: Summoner's Lineage Hint 1: Part of a long-standing popular series with installments on SNES, PS1, PS2, and GCN among many other systems, this installment never made it to the states. Hint 2: A spinoff of a game released on three different systems (at different times,) but released only once on one system in America.[/QUOTE] Your game is [U]Tales of the World: Summoner's Lineage[/U] which was released on the GBA. Now Mine is....... Be The Fighter Hint 1: Part of a long running series of fighting games that has only jumped to 3D in the last couple of years. Hint 2: A lot of characters in the first installment of the series were not original characters.
  7. PWNED

    UFC Anybody?

    I watch a bit of MMA on the side of my usual dosage of wrestling, Ken Shamrock is probably the guy who got me into UFC and MMA although now that he is on hiatus, Tito Ortiz and Chuck Liddel control my attention. Ortiz is probably the guy who I'd think would be responsible for a lot of injuries because hes so dangerous in the Octagon and Liddel is just so damn good at dismantiling the opponent.
  8. PWNED


    I quite enjoyed it although it came close to not getting a PAL release because of the title; over in Australia and Europe they changed it to Canis Canem Edit so that the crybabies wouldn't go on about it glorifying bullying. That aside, It's really interesting in seeing Jimmy and how he acts to each of the factions and all of the awesome dialogue. I found it fun to dress up in the mascot costume and go around doing the 'Bullworth Bulls' dance. Very wicked game indeed although it is hilarious about how Jack Thompson reacted to its release.
  9. [SIZE=1][I]A Century Ago[/I] The trio tracked their way through the ancient mineshaft, the largest of the three cutting an impressive path through the darkness. The largest of the group carried his symbol of his faith in front of him, wielding it like a ward against what was lurking in the shadows. The other two were temple guards of White Quell and carried swords at the ready as they searched for a rumoured Holy Artefact that lay deep within the mines. The party stopped suddenly when they found a sword half buried in rocks with a magnificent jewelled hilt. The apparent leader approached the blade and grasped the hilt but didn't pull it out. The guards looked at each other in surprise and questioned the leaders decision but he didn't respond. One of the guards approached him and tried to get a reaction from the leader. The leaders arm shot out into the stomach of the guard and invoked a fireball spell, severing the top half of the guard from his bottom half before turning round and thrusting the sword through the remaining guards skull. Unbeknownst to the man was a raspy voice emanating from the sword wheezing ?It is time for a new order to rise; the land shall be afflicted by Death and Plague, Wars and Beasts. The land shall experience the abyss coming to earth? A dark force oozed from the sword and enveloped the lone man and caused his form to change; Daemonic wings blasted through the mans robes and his skin began to rot away, exposing bone and muscle to the air. ?Let the Legion come forth? he screamed into the world before he knew no more. This is what happened a hundred years ago in the last war to envelop the continent; the man (now calling himself Balor) led hell-spawned creatures in an apocalyptic war against the world and wielded the souls of those who fell before his hordes as his soldiers. The army was dispelled through the destruction of the legion sword and the shards of the foul blade were cast across the world. Balor himself disappeared without a trace and there was very little aggression between races in the lands?. at least until recently. Someone has recovered the shards of the Legion Sword and reanimated Balor who has returned to the world to continue his vendetta against the world of the living. A call was sent from Scallion, the most powerful nation that was fighting the Fallen, for any able bodied warriors for a life-or-death mission into the heart of Balor?s territory to destroy the Legion Sword [/SIZE] OOC: And thats the opening part of it, Your first post will mostly focus on your character reaching Scallion after hearing about the call to arms.
  10. I'd be hiding in the local K-Mart/ Safeway with a really big knife or chainsaw; And then get horribly killed when they find their way in and swamp me.
  11. Goog Going everyone; I'm going to get the RP posted in the nest couple of days so then we can all get started with posting.
  12. Yeah, when I looked over the document It seemed so obvious that the company had a design that was just barely close to the Wiimote and want a quick buck. Nintendo will just slip some change that they found in their proverbial back-pockets into their hands and It will all blow over.
  13. [URL=http://cache.kotaku.com/assets/resources/2006/12/InterlinkvNintendo.pdf]See the document here[/URL] Well, isn't this the proverbial kick in the pants. In the shortest way of explaining it, A company called Interlink Electronics is sueing Nintendo because they reckon that the Wiimote is a copy of something they were making at the time. The company is pissed and what reimbursment as what I found on IGN today. [QUOTE] From IGN.com The complaint demands that Nintendo be enjoined and restrained from further infringing on the patent, presumably by taking the Wii off the market. Furthermore, the filing demands that the court order Nintendo to pay Interlink three times the assessed damages, including prejudgment interests and attorney fees. Additionally, the plaintiff is demanding a jury trial of any and all issues pertaining to the case. [/QUOTE] Your thoughts?
  14. Name: Kirce Age: 23 Gender: Male Race: Human Class: Rogue Weapon: A pair of throwing blades with Crimson hilts. Kirce also carries around a pair of short swords that he uses for melee combat. Skills: Kirce is a skilled tracker and theif as well as being exceptionally talented in finding things such as ruins. Magic: Kirce doesn't use magic Appearence: [URL=http://suikosource.com/images/chars/k/killey05.png]Kirce (Doesn't wear the hat)[/URL] Bio: Kirce is what can be described as an Enigma, He is an avid seeker of lost cultures and often is known under the moniker of 'Ruins Hunter' and is often seen as a treasure hunter of sorts. He has been investigating reports into the legendary Legion Sword for three years. Making a living of selling whatever valuables he can find while keeping anything connected to his interests ; He responded to the call to arms as an easy way of investigating any uncovered ruins and the revelation that the Legion Sword was being weilded by the adversary was the icing on the cake. Personality: Kirce is a very abrasive individual and highly aggressive towards others and also quite unpredictable. He will workwith others but only when It will help him in his quest. He possesses no Honor and will betray you if given the right motivation.
  15. Glaime edged into the sparse shadows created by the cliffs as he watched the group on the beach examine the boat and question its appearance. He had been following the girl Asunan for a week now, ever since he had heard that she was trying to find the Dragon Ore. "This has made my mission that much simpler" He whispered to himself as he begun to move towards the group, knowing that if he accompanied them then he could find the Dragon Ore to sell and support his families business. He began to break into a jog as he drew closer and stopped just short of ploughing through the group. Stopping for a moment to catch his breath, he walked behind Asunan and muttered to her "You're Asunan, correct?" and before she could answer he continued to say, "Certain benefactors wish for you to find the location of Dragon Ore." By now everyone on the beach had turned to face Glaime, with most preparing to draw fight if need be. Glaime responded by raising both hands palm forwards, a sign of refusal to fight. "Easy, I'm not here to fight,? he claimed, verbally defending himself while awaiting more questions ?I was hired to accompany you in finding the Dragon Ore. Names Glaime Vanseer, of the Vanseer merchant family? He then ceased to speak as he waited for the questions about his sudden appearance and how he knew about it. OOC: Sorry for the lateness, I've just recently finished my VCE Exams and I'm just trying to get back into the zone.
  16. PWNED


    I find these stories also slightly hilarious; We are talking about people swinging the wii-motes around at high speeds and are lucky that they haven't knocked someones block off yet. If they don't want to cause any expensive damage then they should just calm the (expelitivly deleted) down.
  17. Poor baby, I'm 17 and still never been dated. These problems aren't too bad in the long run as when you look at it, You could be aged 99 and still never have dated someone which sucks alot more then being 16 without having a single date.
  18. It's times like this that makes a gamer that thinks realistically feel alive, I myself can't wait until we get the campers in Australia and then just take the piss out of them by just commenting really loudly to my friends that the PS3 is going to suck, while in earshot of them. You know what? That actually sounds like a funny idea.
  19. I'm not sure if any of the non-Australian members have heard of this but the G-20 summit is on this weekend and things are not going too well at all. For those who don't know, this is what G-20 is all about: [I] The G-20 is an informal forum which promotes an open and constructive dialogue between finance ministers and central bank governors from systemically significant industrial and emerging market economies. Representing around two-thirds of the world?s population and 85 per cent of world gross domestic product, the G-20 is uniquely placed to tackle issues of significance for the international economy and monetary system.[/I] Well, We are having slight problems in Melbourne right now (Where hte forum is held this year) as there have been a nasty riot in the city today. A handful of protestors were arrested and a dozen or so Police officers were injuired, with one officer being hospitalised. There is still another day of the summit which has buggered me up as i've cancelled my trip into the city for this Gaming Exhibition that I've been planning to go to for weeks. And honestly, the blame can be fully pinned on this anti-globalisation group (Don't know it's name) that has gone on the record and said they just wanted to cause violence. It's giving us Melbournians a bad name and I am pissed off big time. What are the thoughts of my fellow members?
  20. [quote name='Aaryanna][COLOR=DarkOrchid']The only problem I see with that is if they do wait, they may as well give him a life sentence as I just don?t see that type of thing dying down anytime soon. And unfortunately, if he?s still alive, it just gives those who are trying to make him a martyr an excuse to continue the violence and demand that he be released. So though I?m not keen on the Death Penalty, I can see why they have chosen to execute him. [/COLOR][/quote] Agreed, This would only give more reason for the violence to continue. I say kill him soon so that the insurgents will have one less reason for fighting. If my post gives you the wrong idea; No, I am not supporting the death sentence for regular sentences. I'm just willing to make an exception for a man who has caused a lot of misery for his people and other people.
  21. Quote: 1. What do you [as a member] want to see most in a RP? 2. What RP rating do you [as a member] usually play in? 3. Does humorous fun outweigh killing and gore or vice-versa? [Come on... be honest] 4. Do you post mainly for RP's whenever you enter the Boards? 1) I, as a member, prefer to see strong original storylines as oppossed to spin-offs of popular series. I find that a spin off signifies a shortage of creativity and even a mildly interesting rp is more likely to grab my attention than others. There are some exceptions to this, if the storyline is set in the same universe and properly utilises similar themes than there is nothing wrong with it. 2) I usually play in an M rated RP as it allows more flexibility to an post than what other ratings do. 3) I find that too much killing and gore are not very good for a lot of rpgs; A lot of PG rated ones try and use as much as possible. Light hearted fun eases the mood a bit and lets an RPer try and expand themselves a bit. 4) Not nessecarily, I try to be respected on a community board before I create RPs or post. There are also time issues with RPs for me as I can only really work on them on the weekends and holidays.
  22. Name: Glaime Vanseer Age: 23 Gender: Male Appearance: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/b/belcoot01.png[/IMG] Personality: Glaime is a young courageous man although a little on the dull side, He lacks a sense of humour and is entirely driven by duty. However, He is a genius in tactics and diplomacy and shows honor and respect to all around him. Bio: As a wandering swordsman, Glaime heard many legends about magical beasts like Dragons and was intrigued when he heard about the Dragon Ore. He realised how powerful something like this was and set out to find any bit of it he could and sell it to the highest bidder, No matter who the person was that was buying it.
  23. I hate to burst your bubble but Skyland is technically not anime as it is made by a Canadian company while Anime falls under countries like Japan. That said, I reckon that it is pretty cool, Australians saw the first two episodes earlier in the year and the rest that are currently avaliable in around July. It's animated crisply and has a great storyline even though the voices are somewhat lacking.
  24. [quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]It was a hoax. lol Not that it would matter if it was true. Americans are too soft to appreciate the salty beauty of Vegemite.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] It's cause they put on too much, It'll burn your tongue off.
  25. One small thing James; Greers comments were not light hearted, They were as terrible as they get. Onto the subject at hand, I'm really not offended by this episode of South Park; Stone and Parker are well known for pushing the envelope when it comes to taking stabs at subjects. Sure, maybe if he was featured heavily in the episode then I'd be pissed but it's only for a little while in it, So I believe there is little harm done. It's not going to cause nearly as much trouble as with the Scientology episode because the main theme of it was he fact that Scientology was bullcrap. Nowhere near the amount of contreversy as it at all.
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