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About Jokopoko
- Birthday 08/20/1987
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[size=1][color=teal]Got myself a free DS Lite with my phone so lawfully I had to buy Pokemon Diamond, heh. Here be my code: William - 2792 8679 3485 Also, anyone who has a Stunky and/or Snover they want to trade please let me know![/color][/size]
[size=1][color=teal]This post is highly, [i]highly[/i] tailored to those who enjoy sci-fi or rather, as I do, adore sci-fi. So let us begin: [b]The Hyperion Cantos[/b] [i]by Dan Simmons[/i]: This series is four books, each as brilliant as the last. Individually they are [i]?Hyperion?[/i], [i]?The Fall of Hyperion?[/i], [i]?Endymion?[/i] and [i]?The Rise of Endymion?[/i]. The main plot is split between the two sub-series of books, with Hyperion dealing with the Human Hegemony taking on the Ouster Swarms along with the nefarious machinations of the A.I. TechnoCore and Endymion dealing with the aftermath of the first two novels with the characters on the run from the reinvigorated Catholic Church and its all encompassing Pax. The Hyperion section is the more sci-fi of the two with the first book more a collection of separate tales about the seven Pilgrims which the book focuses on, the second Hyperion book then focuses more on the Ouster war and its overall consequences. Whereas Endymion has more of a spiritual side too it, especially as the main enemy is the Catholic Church, heh. I would highly recommend these books to serious readers as they are not for the light hearted ?One chapter before bed? reader. [b]The Horus Heresy Series[/b] [i]by various authors[/i]: Set in the 31st Millennium these books serve as the back story to one of the most monumental events in the fictional universe of Warhammer 40,000. So far there are five books in the series and they are all fantastic to read and a great way to enter the world of Warhammer 40,000. The books, so far, in order are: [list] [*][b]Horus Rising[/b] [i]by Dan Abnett[/i]. [*][b]False Gods[/b] [i]by Graham McNeill[/i]. [*][b]Galaxy in Flames[/b] [i]by Ben Counter[/i]. [*][b]Flight of the Eisenstein[/b] [i]by James Swallow[/i]. [*][b]Fulgrim[/b] by [i]Graham McNeill[/i] [/list] Now you may think that having different authors for the books makes the series feel disjointed and bumpy but its quite the opposite. While each book still contains the characters you?ve grown to love the approach is always fresh and feels really good to read. I have no shame in saying these are the first books which have made be literally gasp or stop reading simply because I didn?t want anything bad to happen to my favourite characters. Again, highly recommended to sci-fi fans for being brilliant novels and a gateway into the huge galaxy that is Warhammer 40,000. [b]The Eisenhorn Series[/b] [i]by Dan Abnett[/i]: Another Warhammer 40,000 series, and one which couldn?t be more different from the Horus Heresy series. Instead of focusing on the awe inspiring Space Marines this series lends its focus to the shadowy and mysterious Holy Inquisition of the Emperor. Tasked with burning out the alien, the witch and the heretic from the Imperium of Man the Inquisition is the greyest faction within the universe of Warhammer 40,000. The three books of the series are [i]?Xenos?[/i], [i]?Malleus?[/i] and [i]?Hereticus?[/i] and are named after the three main Ordos of the Inquisition. The main character of this series is the Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn. A fantastic piece of work that delves into one of the best parts of the Warhammer 40,000 mythos and is handled expertly by Dan Abnett who has a great flair for this kind of writing, describing in great detail Eisenhorns war against those who threaten the stability of the Imperium.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=teal][b]Name:[/b] Sophocles Pryor. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Age:[/b] 14 (Birthday ? 12th January) [b]Year:[/b] Fourth. [b]House:[/b] Ravenclaw [b]Wand:[/b] Birch, 11?, Hippogriff Talon core. [b]Appearance: [url=http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c56/Jokopoko/Sophoclessketchcolor.png]Sophocles[/url][/b] (_>. But I promise my posts will be better if I get in, heh.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=teal]I've recently gotten back into playing [i]'Dawn of War'[/i] again and I was just wondering if there are other players of this fantastic game on OB. I know the silpheedPilot plays it as well but thats about it. Its a worth while game to get and you don't need to know anything about the Warhammer 40,000 universe to appreciate how good the game is. Basically, if you like RTS games you're going to love this game. Trust me. If there is a large enough player base I'd be interested in putting together some kind of tournament kind of thing. So any takers?[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=teal]More locations for you Sami, I was feeling Piratey ;). [center]-====-[/center] [b][u]The Creative Docks[/u][/b] [i](Maybe not final name)[/i] [b]Description:[/b] Home to some of the most inventive and intuitive residents of Ob, sadly however many of them live a life of Piracy. Numerous Pirate bands operate out of this port, and the most notorious of these are the Bikini Bandits. Though you can still live here as a good law abiding citizen, so long as you get into a bar fight now and again. [b]Buildings: Adventure Inn:[/b] The largest and best establishment in the Docks, whether it?s a quite drink or a bar room brawl you?re looking for this is the place. [b]Adventure Square:[/b] Primarily a large market area where traders peddle their goods but Captains also look to recruit a crew here to journey to the Anthology Archipelago. [i]There are also a myriad of smaller businesses and taverns in the city.[/i] [b]NPCs: Athena, the Pirate Queen:[/b] Leader of the Bikini Bandits, feared throughout the Kingdom. [b]Arcadia:[/b] The landlady of the Adventure Inn, be careful not to cross her. [b]Sheriff Jones:[/b] The law enforcer of the Docks, though she isn?t above bribery. [b][u]Anthology Archipelago[/u][/b] [b]Description:[/b] The islands of Anthology have long been a mystery to the Kingdom of Ob, few have dared to venture there for fear of the rumoured Voodoo-Priestess who lives on the islands. But there are tales enough of treasure that brave, or stupid, souls, will risk their lives to learn the Archipelagos secrets. [b]Buildings/Locations: The Great Ruins:[/b] Thought to be an ancient City of the Oldies, legends of a great store of treasure lure adventures here. [b]The Catacombs:[/b] Across all of the islands there are great tunnels dug, as if by a giant worm, indeed there are legends of the Great Worms of Ob. [b]The Rock:[/b] The largest island in the Archipelago, it is said the Voodoo-Priestess lives here so almost none have ventured onto its soil. [b]NPCs: Revelation of the Tribes:[/b] The Voodoo-Priestess of Anthology and ruler of all the Tribes there, she is not to be trifled with. [b]Gavin, the Ancient One:[/b] While no one has ever seen him he is apparently one of the last living Oldies in Ob, who knows what secrets he will impart to those who find him? [b]Tiana:[/b] Next to nothing is known about this Water Spirit, but it is said she is constantly searching for her true love and will kill any who stand in her way.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=teal][b][u]The Great Archive[/u] Description:[/b] In the far south areas of Ob where the jungles are green and lush is the Great Archive of the Oldies. It is said that the entire history of Ob is located here along with many strange and valuable artefact's, some dating from pre-history. Many undertake this perilous journey, but few have ever returned. [b]Locations in the Archive:[/b] [i]Index:[/i] From here the adventurer enters the Archive and can plot their course to what ever they are seeking. [i]Halls of Knowledge:[/i] Stretching through out the entire Archives, here is recorded the history of Ob. [i]Halls of Power:[/i] The most powerful, and some times dangerous, items and enchantments are kept locked away here. (I’m having trouble thinking of other locations so help with be appreciated) [b]NPCs:[/b] [i]Charles, Keeper of Wisdom:[/i] An ancient and powerful man who has guarded the Archives for untold years. [i]The Blessing:[/i] A being of great magical power, left by the Oldies to assist Charles. Does this seem alright? I'm not so sure myself so I've put it up for consideration.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=teal]Maybe a sub-class could be something like "Fanatic", examples being Des with Zelda or me with Transformers. Could allow a special bonus of sorts or access to weapons/abilities related to whatever the character is obsessed with, heh.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=teal]This may force me to make describe OB the same way I did for my "Enter the Game" project but give it a medieval theme ;). I'll see what I can knock together.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=teal]I opened my eyes, the first mistake. Light exploded into my vision and I brought my hand up to block the intense brightness being forced into my bloodshot eyes. I made my next mistake a couple of minutes later, I sat up which instantly fucked my world up like you wouldn’t believe. I fell back onto my bed in a heap. From there I pieced together what I had done the night before, wait no, the day before. It had been graduation. [center]~*~[/center] The drinking started around eleven in the morning, late I know but we had been to get our results first, seeing as we needed to have a reason to be drinking. Thankfully it was in celebration because we’d both passed and got our degrees. Not that I knew what the hell I was going to do with my degree, I was all about the driving now but Phil I think had plans. Plans which wouldn’t keep us together I think. Anyway, that’s not the point. So drinking got heavy around the midday point when everyone else started rolling in to the Union bar with their own results as well and eventually is was just one big piss up. After our fourth or fifth pint and seventh respective shots of sambucca Phil and I walked, or staggered, over to the pool table. I think we thought playing might sober us up a bit. Fortunately we didn’t have long to sober up before these two girls came over and asked to play. Damn it, can’t remember their names but then that’s never really that important. All of that afternoon is a big haze right now, what I do remember is loosing a few times to these girls, drinking more and finally agreeing to hook up with them later that night at a local club. Skip ahead a few hours. Now me and Phil, dressed in our finest, are with the girls in the night club and things are moving along at a fairly brisk pace. Phil went off with his girl and I didn’t see him again for a long while. Me and...crap still can’t remember her name, whatever, me and the girl aren’t doing much talking by this point anyway so I can’t be blamed for not remembering her name. Again more fuzz. I’m standing outside with Phil and these girls, I can’t decide if I’m bored of them or not but I let them stick around. All I care about now is getting home. We walk around to where I parked my car, a beauty of thing that car. Most people spend their loans on booze, I spent mine on my car and it really shows. [b]Now I remember what happened[/b]. [center]~*~[/center] I should’ve realised how drunk I really was, but I didn’t care and none of the others were sober enough to stop me. I know we had an accident and I know my car is totalled now. I know me and Phil ran as fast as we could from the accident and didn’t think twice about those girls. I know we have to leave now and I know that I’m sober again. I wake Phil. It’s time for us to leave. [center]~*~*~*~[/center] [b]“JP? Hey, you alright?”[/b] Phil says to me. Taking my hand of the wheel briefly I rub my eyes. [b]“Yeah I’m fine. Just tired I guess.”[/b] We don’t talk about how we came to America anymore, all that matters is that we’re hear now and making good money. Its not honest money but its good money. [b]“Who’s the unlucky bastard we’re after tonight then?”[/b] I ask with a smirk. Phil replied with a smirk of his own. [b]“Just some lowlife that owes the Chief some money, no killing tonight. Just need to rough them up and get the money.”[/b] I keep my sardonic smirk as I move to switch the cars stereo system on. Before long we’re shooting down the freeway with Disturbed pounding in our ears as we get closer to the nights work. In the back of my mind though, I know I’ll never forget that girls name now. [center]Tiana. -===-[/center] Hope this is the kind of thing you're after Mike.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=teal]Taking things into his own hands Jokopoko strode into the Arena and began doing his moddly duties. He threw a towel on Raiha, [b]"You, cover up now! This is a PG thread."[/b] [b]"I've seen people banned for worse behavior and if one of you thinks of swearing I swear I'll Mod Rod you into next week!"[/b] Jokopoko waved his Mod Rod threateningly at the whole group before marching up to the Penguins and Charles.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=teal]If no one minds I'm gonna try and make this a general Transformers thread rather than focusing solely on the new movie. So this'll cover stuff like the original cartoon, Marvel comics and so on. Now my main knowledge base of Transformers comes from [b]Generation One[/b], [b]Beast Wars[/b], [b]Beast Machines[/b] and the new [b]IDW comic book series[/b]. Currently my favoured Transformer continuity, or reality or whatever, really has to be IDWs new treatment of the series because I feel it really gets to the core of what Transformers really are. And that is [i]Robots In Disguise[/i]. The basics behind IDWs re-invention of the G1 universe is a kind of Cold War basis, in which the Transformers war has spread out from Cybertron and has cells from each faction working on planets in an effort to, for the Decepticons, conquer them for raw materials and, for the Autobots, keep them safe from Decepticon Infiltration. I also have a special love for Beast Wars because it is simply pure, unadulterated, Transformers pwnage XD. So now I want to know what you lot know and love about Transformers.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=teal]I have to wait another flippin' month for this film ¬_¬, 27th of July for us Brits. As is obvious I'm a diehard fan of Transformers and because of that I know that the franchise hasn't survived this long without re-inventing itself every now and again, from Beast Wars to (Urgh) the Unicron Trilogy all Transformers cartoons and comic books have various similarities but a lot of differences. I'm not going to watch this film hoping for it to be a complete re-hash of G1 because I know it won't be, and it doesn't need to be. I've read the IDW prequel comics and read the prequel novel "Ghosts of Yesterday" and so far I like this new take on the Transformer franchines. Plus the trailers and bloody amazing! lol.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=teal][b]Gavin & Andy:[/b] I stick these two together because they have to be, my fellow TF fans and together we account for three fourths of the British Isles, now we need to find a Scotsman... [b]Jamie/Ezekiel:[/b] She is simply one of the most fantastic people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and I'm looking forward to the point when I can either drive or have enough spare cash to go visit her, lol. [b]Mike/The Boss:[/b] This bloke is a proper top quality geezer. Thats what I'd say if I sounded how Mike thinks I sound. A great guy, brilliant creative spark, it'd be a pleasure to meet him in person. [b]Tiana/Keyblade Wielder:[/b] Tiana, she so crazy. [b]Min/Cyriel:[/b] Don't think she frequents OB much any more these days but I still talk to her when I can. Someday we're going to go to Stone Henge and sit on the stones, lol. [b]Kei:[/b] Used to talk to Kei loads and loads but not so much anymore, would still be cool to meet her methinks 'cause shes a top quality lass. There's a plethora of other people I'd like to meet as including, but not limited to: Mary/Sakura, Phil/Blayze, Steve/Lrb, Annie/Athena, D'Ann/Raiha, Erica/Revelation. Sorry if I missed anyone out, I may add to this later.[/size][/color]