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Everything posted by Jokopoko

  1. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Hi all, I've just been looking through my old Microsoft word files and I came across an RPG I was designing a while back so it was before the Underground came along. It's based on Solo's 'Enter the Net' fanfiction and I've got ideas and such for it but I'm not really sure if it would do down well so I'll show you what I've got so far and get your opinion on the RPG and what I could do with it. [CENTER]===============[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=CRIMSON][SIZE=2][B][U][CENTER]OtakuBoards: Enter the Game[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][I]??You were prepared for us to be sucked into the Boards by a freak accident, start a virtual community and deal with an army of spam-throwing hackers?"[/I] ? Desbreko, Enter the Net -=============- About a year ago a freak accident involving some tea, lighting and a clumsy Australian resulted in the un-imaginable happening. An entire community of people were transported into the Internet and started a virtual island which was modelled after the place they had all come from, a place called OtakuBoards. In the beginning all was calm and peaceful; the RPGs went on [Albeit with some difficulty] the discussion were of a relatively high-standard for all, Play It was always full of loud bangs and triumphant yelps or disappointed squeals and of course the Yu-Yu-Hakusho forum was just there and nothing much could be done about it. And for a time things were good, the moderators were much more daunting in the ?flesh? so people mostly kept to the rules and everyone got on well that was until IT happened. A rogue hacker program known as H4XX0r came to the boards with an army of Spam-Throwers known as The l33t with the idea of conquering the boards but James, Adam, Charles and the rest of the team weren?t going down without a fight. With the super spiffy Mod-Suits and the equally spiffy Mod-Zords they were able to eradicate H4XX0r and the majority of his spam throwers. The conflict had destroyed most of the Island as well as the OtakuBuilding itself so the task of re-building the Island into version.7 was begun and that?s pretty much where we are now, though the Island is a lot different. Instead of having all the forums and sub-forums squashed into one building it was decided to expand across the Island and each Forum and Sub-Forum would have its own little piece of OB-Island to call home. So everyone is happy and no one really has a care in the world but the gentle members of OB do not realise that the remains of H4XX0r are re-building themselves into H4XX0r v.2 with a mission of vengeance on his mind. -=============- [U]OtakuBoard Island version.2[/U] [OtakuBoards version.7][/CENTER] At the centre of the island is the [B]Index Building[/B] where OtakuBot can coordinate all the Private Messages, Instant Messengers, Member Logins and all the other things that come his way. Index is like a large Doctors Waiting Room where prospective members come to wait while their membership is processed by OtakuBot. There is a rota for the ?Welcoming Committee? of current members who must meet & greet the new members as they arrive [Think jury duty but worse]. Index is connected to all the other buildings across the island with transport chutes [Futurama style] that send members rocketing all over the island. Out of all the buildings it resembles OtakuBoards the most with the prominent grey and blue colour scheme designed to look as welcoming as possible to all new members. [B]Tokyo 3[/B] is just a short chute ride from Index. Its location is much like that of its name-sake and so is its appearance. A large Silver glare on the lush green landscape of OB Island, but the main residents of Tokyo 3 don?t get out much so they don?t see the problem with their homes appearance. A recent addition to Tokyo 3 is the Mecha Battle Field where those with Gundam, Evangelion and other Mecha avatars can resize them and have a pitched battle while other watch in awe and amazement placing bets on the outcome.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR=CRIMSON][SIZE=2][U][B][CENTER]Zoids: Survivor Series[/B][/U][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][I]�Welcome to the Planet Zi. This world is home to many creatures but the most notable feature is the mechanical race of beings called the Zoids who are believed to be created by the planets original inhabitants before the humans arrived. There are many uses for Zoids on Zi; some are used for manual labour, some for supply transport but the overwhelming use of Zoids is combat orientated. After a peaceful beginning after coming to Zi the two rival states, the Guylos Empire and the Helic Republic, went to war with each other for reasons which have been lost in the sands of time but the key weapons in this war were the Zoids themselves. Over the years the war covered human scientist took it upon themselves to create a new form of Zoid which was not indigenous to Zi but completely human created and these new Zoids took to the field as the war raged on. Eventually the respective powers fought the war to a standstill and the two sides agreed to a cease fire. In this time many of the combat Zoids were decommissioned and it became very rare to see a Zoid with weaponry and even rarer to see such Zoids in action. The only Zoids of this type kept around were mainly for historical displays or ceremonies such as the coronation of a new Emperor in Guylos. Soon it became apparent that many of the old Zoid pilots were frustrated with this turn of events and became protesting at the decommissioning of the Zoids they had grown attached to, in order to resolve this the Republic and the Empire created a group called the Zoid Battle Commission [Z.B.C.] so the pilots could fight each other in a controlled environment for money, fame and so on. This combat style reinvigorated Zi and production on Zoids returned to its war-time highs. The Z.B.C. has been in operation for over eighty years now and during this time both Guylos and Helic have dissolved and formed a united country simply called the Confederation of Zi. But as with all things the pilots have become bored with the monotony of simple team combat and the usual tournaments. Masuyo Ebina, Chief-Commissioner of the Z.B.C., has called for creative thinkers within the Z.B.C. to create a new style of combat for the pilots of this new age and not long after this call a talented youth within the Z.B.C. known as Kazuki Sho devised a plan that would bring about the re-invention of Zoid Combat today. His idea was simple, Zoid Survivor Series [Z.S.S.], a new breed of competition which called for pilots to test their intelligence and wits instead of just their simple combat skill and Zoid technical know-how. The first Z.S.S. is scheduled to take place within the next fortnight and only a select group of pilots have been called for this grand unveiling. There are no teams in this battle, no friends, no advisors but only the pilot and the Zoid. It is truly a great challenge for any Zoid pilot who wants to test his or her worth."[/I] =============================[/CENTER] [U]Game/Rules Set Up Point System:[/U] [LIST=1] [*]A pilot can earn up to 15 points for winning an event. [*]A pilot can earn up to 10 points for coming second in an event. [*]A pilot can earn up to 5 points for coming third in an event. [*]A pilot can earn up to 5 bonus points for hits scored during combat events. [*]A pilot can earn up to 10 bonus points for remaining undamaged for a combat event. [*]A piilot can lose up to 20 points for breaking any of the event rules. [*]A piilot can lose up to 15 points for sabotaging fellow pilots Zoids. [*]A pilot can lose up to 10 points for making an unsanctioned upgrade to their Zoid I.E. A Hyper-Charged Particle Gun [HCPG]. [/LIST] [U]Battle Styles:[/U] [LIST] [*][B]One-on-One:[/B] The most simple of Zoid battles. Two Pilots put there skills to the test in this simple combat where the winner is the Zoid with the most power left after the allotted time period unless it is a �Total Combat� style battle where the last Zoid standing is the winner. Terrain can vary. [*][B]Tag-Team:[/B] Two teams of two face each other in this battle. The terrain is suited to the combat so it is not a straight forward �run and fire� battle-field, there are obstacles to over come. The first team to deactivate both opposing Zoids is declared the winners. Only two Zoids may be �in play� at anyone time. [*][B]Obstacle Course:[/B] There are five stages of obstacle which can range from weapon placements to natural barriers. Two Zoid pilots are involved in this event and the first to complete the course is declared the winner. The Zoids are not permitted to open fire on each other during this contest but may fire upon the course itself. [*][B]Capture the Flag:[/B] Two teams of three Zoids battle it out over an open battle-field attempting to capture the enemy �flag�, or base. All Zoids on the team may be active at any given time but the use of stealth technology and radar evasion systems is prohibited in this contest. Any weapon, save the C.P.G. and its relations, may be used. [*][B]King of the Hill:[/B] A six Zoid contest. The playing field is a wide open area with a single hill in the middle, the rules are simple. The first Zoid to the top of the hill is declared the winner. All weapons and systems are allowed for use during this battle. There is a speed limit of 215KPH set on this event. [*][B]Battle Royal:[/B] Similar to the One-on-One battle but this event has one difference. Instead of two Zoids fighting each other there are eight Zoids all battling it out to be declared winner. An added bonus is the �Sentry Zoids� which come in to play should a Zoid stray into their Patrol Zone, once this happens the S.Z. is free to roam the playing field and attack whom ever it wishes. [*][B]Maze:[/B] Another non-combat event. Two Zoids are deposited in the centre of a maze and the task is to simply be the first to exit and this gain the most points. Similar is some ways to the Obstacle course in that there are barriers in the way and puzzles to solve as well as another batch of Sentry Zoids. All weapons and systems are allowed in this event though firing upon the other Zoid is prohibited. [/LIST] [CENTER]=============================[/CENTER] Welcome all to the Zoid Survivor Series or just to say it simply, the Z.S.S. Now this isn�t the usual Zoid RPG where people sign up with there team mates and do the usual team battles and stuff like that, oh no. As you can see I have a point system and a list of battle styles so it�s obvious that it�s not normal combat all the way through. Think of it as a reality show kind of thing where you�ve got to do different tasks and get awarded points and such. Now the reason I�ve called it �Survivor Series� is because every so often I�m going to take out the person with the least points, even if it�s me, so eventually we�ll be left with one person who�ll be declared the �Survivor�. I�m only allowing eight people, including me, into the RPG so I want you all to do your best on your sign-ups as well as sending me a recent post sample from an RPG you�re in. I think that�s all I need to say on the subject so if you have any questions don�t hesitate to post them in the underground thread of the same name. With out further ado here is the sign up sheet: [CENTER]============================= [U]Sign-up Sheet[/U][/CENTER] [U]Character[/U] [B]Name:[/B] [Any current name; American, British, German, Japanese etc] [B]Gender:[/B] [Male/Female] [B]Age:[/B] [18-34] [B]Appearance:[/B] [Either a picture or a detailed description] [B]Personality:[/B] [Any quirks or foibles? How does s/he act around others?] [B]Pilot Ranking:[/B] [This�ll be based on all the sign-ups so leave it blank for now] [B]Z.B.C Registration Number:[/B] [It�ll follow like so: ZRN-?????-AC, you fill in the �?� with numbers] [B]Biography/Personal History:[/B] [Just the usual really, detailing your characters past and career as a pilot] [U]Zoid[/U] [B]Type:[/B] [Blade Liger, Command Wolf etc] [B]Top speed:[/B] [Maximum speed Zoid can run] [B]Appearance:[/B] [Image of the Zoid, from the show or one of the models] [B]Height:[/B] [B]Length:[/B] [B]Weapons:[/B] [Go to the Metal Machine Music website to find this, link is in the underground thread] [B]Special Abilities:[/B] [Found on MMM] [B]Support Systems:[/B] [If you go to the �Shop� section on MMM and look at the parts you can see what up-grades and such are available to your Zoid, you can use a maximum of two. This also includes Cooling system and such, you can fill this in yourself but keep it within reason. [CENTER]============================= [U]My Character[/U][/CENTER] [U]Character[/U] [B]Name:[/B] Kazuki Sho. [B]Gender:[/B] Male. [B]Age:[/B] 22. [B]Appearance: [URL=http://blood-colored.org/kaiba/kaiba-face.jpg]Click here[/URL][/B] [B]Personality:[/B] Kazuki is the epitome of an over-achiever but he doesn�t see this as a bad thing. In his mind he is the best around so the only way to get better is to set his goals so high he can�t achieve them and so he makes himself better. Many people see him as a big-headed fool who thinks he is simply the best; though he doesn�t agree with them Kazuki doesn�t go out of his way to quell these rumours. The reasons being he doesn�t have the time and he knows himself they aren�t true. Kazuki�s grandfather and father were pilots in the Helic-Guylos war [Imperial] so he sees it as a family tradition to be a great pilot which is why he sets himself up as the bests and acts so superior around others. His insufferable nature makes it very hard for others to get to know him or make friends with him, not that he minds of course. He sees friendship as a distraction to Zoid piloting so he feels it�s best to avoid it. The only people he truly cares about are himself and his family but most notable his little brother and sister [Twins]. They give him his inspiration to fight and be the best so what ever money he makes out of winning battles in the Z.B.C. he sends a certain amount back home even though they don�t really need it because now his grandfather and father run a highly successful Zoid parts business and are one of the main suppliers to the Z.B.C. Kazuki and his father have a good relationship but it is not as good as the one he shares with his mother and siblings because his father hasn�t played that much of a role in Kazuki�s life what with the war and now the business. Despite this Kazuki always thinks of his father while fighting in the hopes that it will give him the strength to battle on. [B]Pilot Ranking:[/B] First. [B]Z.B.C Registration Number:[/B] ZRN-27849-AC. [B]Biography/Personal History:[/B] Kazuki has been brought up hearing tales of the war between Helic and Guylos so from an early age he had an all consuming fascination with the old Zoid pilots and the Zoids used during the war. Though it was a rare thing for his father to take Kazuki with him to work it did happen on occasion, when he did Kazuki was always fascinated by the Zoids and how they were made but he always had a slight dislike for the sleekness and the loss of an animal quality the newer Zoids had when compared to the early Imperial and Republic Zoids of the war though he accepted that the trade off for looks was of little concern in respect to the new weaponry and command options these Zoids carried. During his early childhood he would always be playing with his Zoid figures, building the model kits of old Zoids and drawing pictures of himself in the future as a top class Zoid pilot in the hopes of making his father proud. When Kazuki was eight his mother gave birth to twins and they were named Akemi and Yuki. With the arrival of his brother and sister Kazuki had found the inspiration he needed to force him beyond his dreams and make a really attempt at being a Zoid pilot. Upon entering school Kazuki found his attention often wondered while in class because he was day-dreaming about Zoids and being a great pilot. This often got him into trouble with his teachers so it earned him a reputation of being a slacker in school and notes were often sent home though his parents usually understood why Kazuki�s teachers weren�t very impressed with him. Despite having the majority of his teachers against him Kazuki was able to get fairly good grades in school but this mattered little to him because you didn�t need grades to become a pilot; All you needed was a strong will, Zoid know-how and quite a bit of money but fortunately for Kazuki he had all of that and more. A few months after leaving school Kazuki�s father felt confident that he was ready for the Z.B.C. and gave him enough money for a Level 2 Zoid which led to Kazuki�s first Zoid being a Hammer Rock. The main reason was Kazuki purchased this Zoid was the nostalgia value for it dated back to the Zenebas Empire and had a very good feel to it but of course Kazuki made the appropriate up-grades and tweaks to the Hammer Rock before entering himself in the D Class of the Z.B.C. battle groups. A few shaky battles went by before Kazuki became fully confident with the Hammer Rock. With a lack of ranged weaponry his favoured tactic was to get close to the enemy and open fire with his 30mm cannons and rocket boxes before attacking them in a melee combat. This tactic worked well against Zoids like the Aro Saurer but saw limited success against the Command Wolf and similar Zoids of that class. Within a few months Kazuki was in the top range of class D fighters and felt the need to change his Zoid from the old Hammer Rock before he could tackle class C. Instead of sticking to his usual habit of going for older style Zoids Kazuki choose a Black Rhimos, he felt it was like an up-grade of sorts from his Hammer Rock because he could still use the same tactic in battle but now had many more weapons to choose from for a ranged attack but he still liked to charge right in with the horn drill of the Rhimos. After a few weeks in class C Kazuki quickly realised his stylized combat tactic wouldn�t cut it against these new level Zoids. Mainly because the pilots were that much better but also because many of the Zoids were faster than his Black Rhimos and so were able to dodge the charge more then a few times. By the time he was 18 he had radically changed his battle strategy was well as his Zoid. Going back to his early piloting days he went out and brought an Iron Kong as his third Zoid. This gave him the sense of nostalgia once more thus reinvigorating him during his battles which went much better now because the Iron Kong was suited to both long range and close up combat but even more so with Kazuki�s upgrades to the Zoid. He soon reached the high rankings of the C Class pilots but just as he was on the verge of getting accepted into B Class news from home came telling him that his mother had become ill and was asking for him to come home, not only to be there for her but to also care for his brother and sister. Without a second thought the 19 year old Kazuki set his sights for home. Upon his return Akemi and Yuki where do excited by his tales of Zoid battles and always playing around his Iron Kong, on many occasions he had to get them out of the cock-pit before they did any serious damage to themselves, the Zoid or the surrounding area. Within a few months his mother was feeling strong enough to care for the twins but with his absence from C Class the rankings had changed radically and he found himself in a much lower position that he had been when he had left. This would have mattered had it not been for his father securing Kazuki a job with the Z.B.C. Research Division which was aimed toward new combat methods, tournament styles and Zoid development. Kazuki would always be at home on the battlefield and, though he was in C Class many though of him as worth of A Class. Within a year of being with the Z.B.C. the 20 year old Kazuki had pioneered many new things for the commission but he had declined work on many Zoid projects because he had his own going. He had been looking through the old Zoid database and he had found the ultimate Zoid for him and so had put all his spare time into constructing the Zoid himself. The Zoid was a King Baron and Kazuki felt it was the Zoid he should use from now on. Not only was it a very old Zoid design hailing from the early days of the war but it had such a large and diverse arsenal it was the epitome of a multi-purpose Zoid. And even though he was not a Z.B.C. pilot any longer he still gave the project everything he had until the Zoid was finally completed. After a few more months with the Z.B.C. research team Kazuki heard the news of Masuyo Ebina looking for a new way to fight Zoid battles and a fresh tournament for the pilots to compete in. It didn�t take Kazuki to long to come up with the Zoid Survivor Series, or simply Z.S.S., and when he presented it to Masuyo the Commissioner-in-Chief liked the idea so much he asked Kazuki what he�d like in return for the creation of the idea. And Kazuki simply wanted to take part in the tournament, not only to test his piloting skills but as a d�but for his new King Baron Zoid. [U]Zoid[/U] [B]Type:[/B] King Baron. [B]Top speed:[/B] 270 KPH. [B]Appearance: [URL=http://www.metalmachinemusic.com/zoids/zimages/kingbaron.jpg]Click here[/URL][/B] [B]Height:[/B] 8.6 meters. [B]Length:[/B] 19.8 meters. [B]Weapons:[/B] Twin 30mm HV Vulcans, Twin Tri-Barrelled 30mm Laser Machineguns , Twin Long-range 30mm Beam Sniper Rifles, Quad 20mm Beam Cannons, Triple Incendiary Beam Cannon, Dual 30mm Beam Needle Gun, Quad Hardened Alloy Laser Blades, Hardened Alloy Teeth and Claws. [B]Special Abilities:[/B] Blade Attack, Infrared Sensory Pack, Gas Dischargers. [B]Support Systems:[/B] AF-19 Strike Laser Claw and an FL-01 Energy Convergence Device/Defensive shield, enhanced cooling system, camouflage unit and a stealth pack. [CENTER]=============================[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=CRIMSON][SIZE=2][B]Will You Be The Survivor?[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]1] Apart from the Banned List and obvious NCZ Zoids, are there any other Zoids that are off limits?[/B] Using the level system on Metal Machine Music [MMM] I've decided that it's going to be Levels 1 to 5 for the pilots to choose from. Also because of the battle-event things I've come up with I'm going to have to ban any flying Zoid seeing as the events are really tailored to flying Zoids. [B]2] When combat is conducted will there be a person delegated as Judge or will there be some other method of deciding who wins?[/B] I'm going to be using a point system to judge who's in the lead at certain points in the RPG. As for judging I'm working on that as I type and they'll be two ways the points can be awarded; In-Character [Zoid Control, Damager caused etc] and Out Of Character [Spelling, Post style etc]. As for who's judging it'll be people from the RPG. The limit is 8 people including me so, for instance, while four people are battling two people can be judging the battle while the remaining two are doing character development while they aren't battling. I think that covers everything you've asked Gav but if anyone else has questions please post them. P.S. I may need some help with the judging-style so if you'd fancy helping me send a PM when you have the chance.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Are the Zoids going to be Organoid compatible?[/B] The RPG is going to be set about fourty or thirty years before NCZ so there will be some Organoids about but as a rule if a Pilot has an Organoid at the start of the RPG they'll only be allowed to use them as a repair tool and not for Core-to-Core bonding but as we go it'll become allowed; Linked to this is Ultimate-X Zoids which are not around yet seeing as Liger Zero and Furher haven't been constructed yet. [B]What Zoids are going to be allowed and which are going to be banned?[/B] If you go here, [URL=http://www.metalmachinemusic.com]Metal Machine Music[/URL], you'll see they have a list of Zoids and the ones in their banned list are also banned here [I.E. Mad Thunder, Death Stinger etc] but also remember that not all Zoids on the list are avalible because it's before NCZ and the Neo-Backdraft War. [B]What limit will there be to weapons and Zoid accessories?[/B] I'm not to sure on that point yet but there will be a limit because you can't have a Blade Liger running around with a CPG or a Cannon Tortoise with Megalo Max. I think it will depend on the Zoid and some weapons will not be allowed during certain combats I.E. The Geno Saurers CPG. [B]How are you going to get your Zoid fixed if it gets badly damaged, or won't you?[/B] There will be non-battle RPGing between the 'events' for players to develop their characters and have the Zoids repaired etc but if your Zoid is to far gone for human repair you can use your Organoid [Should you have one] to repair it. Though if you lack an Organoid you'll need to get a new Zoid and thus miss the next event. If anyone else has questions please ask and I'll do my best to answer them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=CRIMSON][SIZE=2][CENTER][U][B]Zoids: Survivor Series[/B][/U][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]?Welcome to the Plant Zi. This world is home to many creatures but the most notable feature is the mechanical race of beings called the Zoids who are believed to be created by the planets original inhabitants before the humans arrived. There are many uses for Zoids on Zi; some are used for manual labour, some for supply transport but the overwhelming use of Zoids is combat orientated. After a peaceful beginning after coming to Zi the two rival states, the Guylos Empire and the Helic Republic, went to war with each other for reasons which have been lost in the sands of time but the key weapons in this war were the Zoids themselves. Over the years the war covered human scientist took it upon themselves to create a new form of Zoid which was not indigenous to Zi but completely human created and these new Zoids took to the field as the war raged on. Eventually the respective powers fought the war to a standstill and the two sides agreed to a cease fire. In this time many of the combat Zoids were decommissioned and it became very rare to see a Zoid with weaponry and even rarer to see such Zoids in action. The only Zoids of this type kept around were mainly for historical displays or ceremonies such as the coronation of a new Emperor in Guylos. Soon it became apparent that many of the old Zoid pilots were frustrated with this turn of events and became protesting at the decommissioning of the Zoids they had grown attached to, in order to resolve this the Republic and the Empire created a group called the Zoid Battle Commission [Z.B.C.] so the pilots could fight each other in a controlled environment for money, fame and so on. This combat style reinvigorated Zi and production on Zoids returned to its war-time highs. The Z.B.C. has been in operation for over eighty years now and during this time both Guylos and Helic have dissolved and formed a united country simply called the Confederation of Zi. But as with all things the pilots have become bored with the monotony of simple team combat and the usual tournaments. Masuyo Ebina, Chief-Commissioner of the Z.B.C., has called for creative thinkers within the Z.B.C. to create a new style of combat for the pilots of this new age and not long after this call a talented youth within the Z.B.C. known as Kazuki Sho devised a plan that would bring about the re-invention of Zoid Combat today. His idea was simple, Zoid Survivor Series [Z.S.S.], a new breed of competition which called for pilots to test their intelligence and wits instead of simple combat skill. The first Z.S.S. is scheduled to take place within the next fortnight and only a select group of pilots have been called for this grand unveiling. There are no teams in this battle, no friends, no advisors but only the pilot and the Zoid. It is truly a great challenge for any Zoid pilot who wants to test his or her worth.? ======================[/CENTER] This is basically an attempt at a ?reality show? style Zoids RPG. It won?t concentrate on the combat only [Though there will be combat] but testing the pilots abilities in all fields, think of it like the tournament RPG D.W. made a while back where there were several players and the play was divided into rounds where the players had to do specific tasks. I?m not to sure on a few details such as rules and such so I?d greatly appreciate any advice people can give to me. Positive and negative comments are welcome ^_^. I can take it :p.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Though my sample regards IG-88 I'm not sure if I'd be able to play him fully through the RPG but I'd still like to give it a shot ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][U]IG-88, THE GREAT MISTAKE[/U][/B][/CENTER] The Droid know as IG-88 was supposed to be the first of a new generation of Law Enforcement Droids but sadly this was never to happen. ?Project Phlutdroid? was carried out by a team of Scientists at Holowan Laboratories, along with Imperial Supervisor Gurdun, and they all were willing to trade off caution for there sense of ambition and recognition during the development of this great new step in Droid Engineering. Taking cues from the Clone wars with examples such as the Trade Federation standard Droid, Droideka as well as the many examples from the Techno Union Army they saw a future where the Stormtroopers had been supplanted by their incredible new machine. One Professor Laving remembers his colleagues and the project. ?I recall telling Shubal that he should abandon a project with so many risks but I was always overridden by that damned Imperial Officer who was always after efficiency, and that is exactly what he got?. Prof. Laving is correct, upon activation of the first proto-type of the series [Codenamed IG-88] the Droid became unstable the minute its C.P.U. was activated IG-88 slaughtered the occupants of the room be they Scientists, Stormtroopers or Imperial Dignitaries. This information is the last official piece of Imperial data regarding IG-88 but the rest has been put together from first hand accounts, security footage which a few among many methods used by this documentary. From what we can tell IG-88 copied and downloaded his consciousness into three identical ?clones? of himself and these all had a letter suffix added to the original IG-88 [A, B, C and D]. The copy most widely known of was the Bounty Hunter IG-88B though we will look into him more. He cannot divulge the sources who gave us this information but it has recently been discovered that the original, IG-88A, was able to take over immense Droid Factory of Mechis III thus he began modifying the programming of all droids produced from that point but for what purpose we do not know. Here is an eyewitness account of IG-88B taking the Bounty of one of his targets, ?It was just so fast, y?know, in one quick movement the droid had broken both of his legs and fractured his jaw bone........[it was] so quick and efficient it was unnerving....I?m glad he didn?t get me that day? As you can see IG-88B carved a trail of blood, money and revenge through the core worlds all the way to the out rim. By the time he was destroyed IG-88B had dispatched over 150 life forms and had a ?dismantle on sight? warrant on him in over 40 star systems. This model meet his end at the hands of Boba Fett, perhaps the most famous Bounty Hunter of all time. After taking the bounty job from Darth Vader IG-88B calculated that Fett would be the one to catch Solo and instead of trying to beat Fett he tailed him to cloud city but Fett got the best of him. The remains were left for the Ugnaughts to pick apart and put to good use. IG-88C heard of this and moved to intercept Fett in orbit of Tatooine in the modified IG-2000. Once Fett arrived he demanded that Fett turn over the cargo or be destroyed but Fett outsmarted the second IG-88 and he was atomised along with IG-2000 once Fett destroyed the ship with concussion missiles. It is reported that IG-88D was destroyed by a smuggler known as Dash Rendar on Ord Mantell but this has never been comfirmed nor has any proof of this been discovered but equally no trace of IG-88D was been found since then. The last surviving model, IG-88A, has recently been reprogrammed by an unknown party to work as a bodyguard for various people put one wild theory has been put forth as to his reasons for re-programming the droids on Mechis III. Noted thinker Ortel Stem has put forth this claim as to IG-88A?s actions. ?It is in my opinion that this megalomaniac of a droid had planned to take control of the Empire by use of the reprogrammed droids from the Mechis III factory, which have been subsequently destroyed.....[some of] you may scorn me for this but look at the evidence; IG-88B being used to draw attention away from the actions of the original while droids were planted throughout the galaxy ready to rise up at his command. And recent survey teams from the Death Star II wreckage has discovered remains of the computer core but it was not the one meant for the Battle station and it appeared to have some form of programming still open. ?The team activated this dormant program and were shocked beyond belief when it began calling itself IG-88 and demanding to be returned to the Death Star II computer core. My fellows this may all be circumstantial evidence but it is a chilling thought that one droid would have been able to do this?. Though the aim of this documentary was to educate the masses to the threat that Battle Droids pose to us it is time to bring this to a close. Many of you may doubt the facts that have been brought up here today but I remind you that every time you see any Droid in the streets it is very possible that Droid could be another IG-88 waiting in the darkness. Thank you and good night.[/QUOTE]
  7. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Espio had disposed of the corpse in one of the many sewer systems of the city, the police would surely find it but the way it had been left it would seem like a suicide or an accident but even if it was traced to Shadow there was on way they could touch him, not with his influence on the city as well as the kind of protection he had. Lately Espio had been getting more and more of Shadows 'dirty' jobs instead of taking care of his own interests which was frankly starting to get on his nerves. But he had the sence not to say anything because he knew Shadow could replace him in an instant. He stopped on the corner of the sidewalk and got his barings, he hadn't been paying much attention to where he'd been going lately. [B]Espio:[/B] [Aside] "Hmmm, I could go to the club I guess.....Rouge might be there and I need to talk to here anyway". Pulling the coat tightly around his shoulders Espio headed on his way. Looking around as he went he could see that much of the cities 'night-life' was coming out of the nooks and crannies as the sun began to set. People of all sort but with one thing in common appearing out of nowhere just looking for a good time even if it was at the expence of others. Quickening his pace Espio wondered whether now would be a good time to 'disappear'. [B]Espio:[/B] "Fuck it, this town is going to hell away. I'm just waiting for the spoils"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. Blinking lazily Kirby sat up from his incredibly fluffy and bouncy bed, he?d booked a room in the first inn he could find with the intention of buying a flat once the money from his new job started to come in. Rubbing his eyes with vigour followed by more blinking he found that the room was still very blurry, he took several seconds to figure out why. The gears in his head turned slowly, [I]?Of course! I haven?t put my contacts in yet?[/I] He thought with a smile, reaching over he took the first and proceeded to place it in his eye but lacking an opposable thumb it took him about seven minutes to get them both in thus bringing the room into sharp focus. He jumped down from his deep and walked over to his breakfast table where all was laid out ready. [B]Kirby:[/B] ?Great, no working for breakfast. It?ll be a shame to leave this comfort but I can?t afford it and I need to prove I can make it on my own? Even so he sighed heavily as he tucked into the delicious breakfast. Being Kirby he finished in roughly ten second preferring to hover the food instead of swallowing as is the norm with others. Though he was short of cash he still left a tip for the staff, albeit a small tip, and proceeded to the shower. Even though he lacked hair in all forms and rarely got dirty he still felt it was common decency to wash himself thoroughly every morning, some were amazed by this because besides his tendency to keep clean he was still a teenage boy and he took pride in his appearance. Wrapping a towel around his waist, out of habit if nothing else, he opened his cupboard to get his shoes. Organised into several rows of identical length were a multitude of identical red shoes ripe for the wearing. Kirby always took pride in his clothes and the only clothes, as such; he wore were his shoes so he always kept them in prime condition. Slipping into a pair as snugly as if they were slippers he removed his towel, washed his face ant the sink and walked out of the door to the main foyer all ready and set for his first day on the job. Exiting the lift the first site he saw was a particularly rowdy looking group of Koopa and ParaKoopa who seemed to be harassing the desk clerk who appeared to be a meek looking Shy Guy. Kirby still having the hero feeling within him strode toward the table to hear what was going on. [B]Koopa 1:[/B] ?My friend was asking a simple question you hockey mask wearing weirdo so are you gonna answer him or not?? [B]Shy Guy:[/B] [Quiet and mumbled] ?Look....you see you don?t have a..an..any room for a large p..p..p..party of guests at the moment you?ll have to wait? [B]Koopa 2:[/B] [Gruff and deep] ?Y?Know something, I think he?s prejudice against Koopas, that aint right is it?? The group voiced there agreement and the seemed to close ranks around the welcome desk. [B]ParaKoopa 1:[/B] ?I fink you?re right, we ?orta teach this shrimp a lesson ?bout respect? The ParaKoopa advanced on the diminutive Shy Guy who backed into a corner and began to cower before the tall winged turtle-thing. At this point something in Kirby snapped and he leapt to the aid of the frightened Shy Guy and the ParaKoopa seemed slightly taken aback but recovered his tough guy visage quickly. [B]ParaKoopa:[/B] ?Awww, aint it cute the little pink puff ball want?s to ?elp the red runt. I?ll soon sort you out you little bouncing ball? [B]Kirby:[/B] ?Not if have anything to do with you flying scumbag. One more step and you?ll find yourself looking at my insides from the inside!? The ParaKoopa laughed this insult off and advanced on Kirby with his teeth bared then tired to take a swing. Kirby flattened himself avoiding the blow then he took in a huge breath sucking the hapless fool into his mouth a swallowed him whole. Immediately his body changed, on his head a tough helmet popped into existence and his back gained a hard shell with wings attached. The Koopa and ParaKoopa gang stepped back before deciding what they should do with out the brashest one of them around to shout orders but they quickly figured it out for themselves and lunged at Kirby. Within a few short moments Kirby had taken care of the gang, spat out the leader who was now worse for wear and instructed the Shy Guy to call the Koopatrol to sort the mess out then took his leave of the inn. The fight had made him slightly light headed which could be attributed to the dim-wittedness of the ParaKoopa that he had swallowed and his intellect seemed to have rubbed off on Kirby. Stepping out into the outdoors he looked around while blinked slowly trying to decide the best way to Plumber Bros. Inc. and without realising how windy it was he took a huge yawn just as a huge gust of wind flew toward him. Having something fill his mouth so unexpectedly he shut his mouth fast and without thinking he swallowed the wind then felt himself beginning to swell to incredibly width and fill with buoyancy was swept away into the open air thus he was floating over the city to parts unknown. As luck would have it though he spotted a fellow co-worker down below, none other than Boo who seemed to be floating to work apparently oblivious to the large pink balloon type creature flying above him, desperate for help Kirby called out to him. [B]Kirby:[/B] [Incredibly high and squeaky] ?Boo! Help me! I?ve got trapped wind and I can?t stop my self! Help!?
  9. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Answer[/B] [list=1] [*]Durin the Deathless [*]Durin VI [*]Nain I [*]Thrain I [*]Thorin I [*]Gloin [*]Oin [*]Nain II [*]Borin [*]Farin [*]Groin [*]Gloin [*]Gimli Elf-friend [/list] I think thats all of them so onto my question. [B]Question:[/B] What was the name Sauron gave himself when he aided the Gwaith-I-Mirdain in the forging of the ruling rings?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Marcus coughed up some of the goo as he sat up from his pod and running his hand through his hair, which immediately stood on end, found that a large amount had made his hair home and he shuddered slightly as he felt the cold prick at his body, the fact that the goo had been absorbed by his pants didn?t help the situation much. Climbing out of his pod he abandoned any idea of keeping his modesty as he saw the others were simply taking of their clothes and getting straight into the showers, Marcus quickly followed suit and soon the warm water was rinsing away the goo and leaving him feeling refreshed and ready for the debrief. [I]?Why can?t they figure out a more people-oriented method of space travel?[/I] Marcus though as he untangled his hair and extracted the remains of the gel. After a good fifteen minutes he felt he was thoroughly clean and got himself a pair of boxers and made his way quickly to his quarters to change. He found a pair of jeans and a simple T-Shirt, not regulation but he needed to get to the debrief pretty fast. Checking his quarters he found an un-open pack of field-rations which he bolted down at speed and made his way from his quarters. Marcus saw Steffanie down the corridor and sped up to walk along side her, she gave him a smile when she saw him. With nothing else to say he said the first thing that came to his mind. [B]Marcus:[/B] [Jokingly] ?So d?you think we?ll ever get to the mess hall for dinner??[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]I think we would start in Rivendell from the council because everyone will be together, that way we can introduce the new characters and that way it works well into the plot. The fellowship, character wise will look like this: [list] [*]Frodo Baggins [*]Samwise Gamgee [*]Unknown Bradybuck [*]Unknown Took [*]Aragorn [*]Unknown Man of Gondor [Son of the Steward] [*]Gandalf [*]Unknown Elf [Prince of Mirkwood] [*]Unknown Dwarf [Son of Gloin] [*]Maximum of 4 more characters [/list] As for the four extras I'm probs going to be one of them but I'm unsure whether I want to play Elladan/Elrohir or Glorfindel, any help would be welcome ;-).[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]No worries Kittychanann. But I agree that we're slacking slightly so I'll just tell you about what I want to happen. In the next few posts everyone will be aboard and ready at their post so the ship is ready to launch, once we have we'll get to the colony within two or so pages of posting and once we get there......thats a secret ;-) but you get the idea[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Alan, it is true that Frodo wrote a book titled 'The Red Book of Westmarch' and this is where Tolkien 'translated' all of his published works but for the sake of the plot I think we should assume it has been lost or forgotten because otherwise there wouldn't be a plot so to speak and all the recruitment thread would be was telling people this is simply a re-write of the books with no plot other than that. Gollum will be the same as well though we wouldn't need anyone to sign-up as him right at the start because we'd begin in Rivendell or after the founding of the Fellowship, something like that.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]You may have seen the Sillmarillon/Akallabeth idea I posted up recently for a LotR RPG but I've decided to scrap that and go with a different kind of approach, but it's still LotR. The RPG will be running along the same lines as the ?Fellowship of the Ring? RPG Vicky made some time back but I?ve tweaked it just a little, but the idea of the players taking the place of the Fellowship is still the same. The nine original places of the Fellowship are there and they have to be filled with characters equivalent to that character, for example Boromir cannot be replaced by and Elf or a Dwarf because he has to be a Man of Gondor and son of the ruling Steward. The four places that cannot be changed are [B]ARAGORN, GANDALF, SAMWISE and FRODO[/B], this is because these four are integral to the plot of the story and cannot be replaced. The other five are open to changing but they still have to be two hobbits, one man, an elf and a dwarf. I?m going to allow four more places bringing to total to thirteen but for these places I?d rather have characters from the books as opposed to originals, this is because I want to make it seem that the historical records aren?t that well kept and it can also have an effect on the storyline, for example Elladan or Elrohir could have chosen to accompany the Fellowship, the same can be said for Beregond for he may have travelled with Boromir to Rivendell. Thats the basic idea behind this but I've also written up a rough back story: [CENTER]-=======================- As time goes by and History becomes legend, legend becomes myth and myth becomes forgotten the records of historical events can go astray so when one wishes to recount these tales and tell them once more their meaning, along with the facts, have become so wrapped up within the legends and myths that now surround it. Such a thing has happened to King Elendil II, ruler of the twin realms of Arnor and Gondor and descendent of King Aragorn Elessar, for he desires to learn of the Third Age of the Sun and the War of the Ring but none now live who remember it. Long has it been since Mordor was a threat, long has it been since Middle-Earth knew conflict and long has it been since the Fellowship of the Ring departed the land of Middle-Earth for now many of them have departed this world for the world beyond. So it came to pass that Elendil II sought the records of the Third Age of the Sun for he wished to study in depth this dark time and make certain that the inhabitants of Middle-Earth know why they are now kept safe from the enemy. Thus Elendil II has called together a council comprising of the direct decedents, or their relatives, of those who were know to have taken a great part in the War of the Ring. From the Hobbits of the Gardener Kin founded by Samwise Gamgee to the ruling family of Rohan who trace themselves back to Éomer Éadig, Third Marshall of the Riddermark and first King of the third line. Though many details regarding the War of the Ring remained hidden from this council they were able to discover much concerning the nine companions known collectively as the Fellowship of the Ring. Of men there were two, Aragorn son of Arathron and another from Gondor who was son of the ruling steward but his name has been obscured through time. Of the Elven-Kin there was one, the prince of Greenwood and son of Thranduil but his name was also lost. The Dwarves sent one of Durins Line, he was of Erebor though his name has also been lost in time. Of the Istari, or wizards, one was present and by the Elves he was known as Mithrandir but more commonly he was Gandalf the Grey who later became the White Wizard. The Hobbit-Folk sent to Rivendell four of their kin and they were Samwise Gamgee and Frodo Baggins, the remaining two were of Brandybuck and Took decent yet their fore-names remain hidden. Frodo Baggins was the most important member for it was he who bore the Ruling Ring along the Quest of Mount Doom. Though only a few of the Fellowship have been named it is entirely possible that the group had more than nine among it?s number was greater than nine and the Free-People of Middle-Earth sent more of their Kin on the Quest of Mount Doom but none of this can be sure as it has been a terrible long count of years since the events of the Third Age though it will not prevent the telling of the Fellowship of the Ring and their exploits, though it may not be entirely accurate. -=======================-[/CENTER] Any and all comments welcome :D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Let's see if we can't bring this thread back to life seeing as LotR trivia rocks :-p. [B]Answer:[/B] Turin's wife/sister was called Nienor Niniel and she wedded Turin because of the spell placed upon her by the dragon Glaurung. [B]Question:[/B] List ALL the names that the Elves have given to the race of Men. From the First Age of the Sun onward :-p.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1] Ventarris and several crew members were going about their business on the bridge when Andrus came through the Turbo-Lift after his meeting with Commodore Rygiel, the commanding officer of the Starbase. He sat in his chair with a cheery expression and turned to the First Officer. [B]Andrus:[/B] ?Commander, everything went fine while I was gone I trust??. [B]Ventarris:[/B] ?Course sir, you were only gone for thirty minutes, though some of the senior staff have yet to make an appearance Captain? He said indicating the ?ship-to-shore? transfer list, several seniors names remained unchecked. [B]Andrus:[/B] [U]On worries, it?ll be sorted after we?ve departed just ignore it for now[/U] ?Well the Commodore says we should be able to depart within the hour and I?m sure our people would have turned up by then.? Andrus said with a smile. [B]Ventarris:[/B] ?I?m sure of that sir but if you would excuse me, I need to set my quarters in order before we leave? Ventarris gave a courteous nod before walking briskly to the Turbo-Lift and disappearing from view. Andrus sat in silent thought for a few moments while he considered the character of his first Executive Officer. He seemed keen to get going and had a thirst to prove himself, Andrus felt he could relate to this for he had gone through the same experience during his first few weeks aboard the [I]Miranda[/I]. Chuckling softly he leaned to his left and inspected the list of senior officers now aboard and awaiting arrival. [B]Andrus:[/B] [To himself, softly] ?Aside, Baroner, Marley, Lightstar and Watterson. Hmmm, I wonder where Mr. Ikor could be, Computer please locate Lieutenant Liaran Ikor aboard Starbase 959? [I]Computer: Lieutenant Ikor is in corridor 28, section 5 heading toward docking port 8[/I] That was where the Brightstar was currently docked; at least the man was on his way. Pondering on how he should deal with this, if at all, Andrus decided he would go with the moment though it might not be the Starfleet way, but it was the Betazoid way. While reviewing the status report for the ship he tapped his comm. badge. [I]=/\=[/I] [B]Andrus:[/B] ?All senior staff report in, status of departments and time to system readiness?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. Whistling innocently to himself Kirby hadn?t realised that it was his turn to go to the interview so he received a poke from Link in order to snap him out of his dream state, which he entered often, and come back to the real world. Jumping, yes jumping, down from the chair he plodded down to the interviewee office and pushed the door open and was greeted by the sight of a short man with bright- red clothes twirling his black moustache while reading a clip-board in front of him. [B]Mario:[/B] ?Yes-a....that-a would be very handy....hmmm,? Looking up he saw Kirby had entered the room. ?Ah, hello-a there Mr....Kirby, please take-a seat and I shall begin soon? Kirby did as instructed and sat him self down upon the chair and waited while Mario continued to read. Taking a look around the room Kirby felt it was quite quaint for a new business but kept it to him self [I]?Don?t criticize the décor until you have the job[/I] He thought, looking to his side he saw a taller man, dressed identically to Mario though he was in green, playing with furious button-bashing on the Game-Cube. Kirby heard the shuffling of paper on the desk and came to the conclusion that Mario was finished so he re-focused his attention on the small man. [B]Mario:[/B] ?Well-a now, Mr. Kirby, I?ve-a read your papers and I?m-a wondering, how did you-a hear of this-a job?? [B]Kirby:[/B] ?Well......erm.....yes. I?m not sure, see I was taking a nap in Dream Land when I saw this....thing....in front of me and it was telling me to leave Dream Land and get a job.....specifically this one so, heh, when I woke up and took the fastest pipe here? [B]Mario:[/B] ?I-a see, that was one of our-a marketing schemes for Dream Land and it-a seems to have-a worked? Mario said with a twinkle in his eye. ?I-a see you have some-a interesting ?abilities? Mr. Kirby, could-a we maybe have a demonstration??. This was what Kirby had prepared for, with a smile he took out a bottle which contained some flames and explained to Mario. [B]Kirby:[/B] ?Yes I can do just that, I?ll just give you a quick demo with this fire I?ve got?. Getting down from the chair Kirby got clear of the table and faced the window so that the fire would fly harmlessly into the open air and not damage the officer. He threw the bottled-fire into the air, taking a huge breath he swallowed the bottle, as well as a few stray plants and papers in the officer. Once done a flame was visible on top of his head, just as he was about to expel the flame Luigi let out a shot of happiness, evidently he had done something on the game, this got Kirby?s attention and he turned just as the flame issued from his mouth which resulted in.... [B]Luigi:[/B] ?MAMA-MIA! YA?OUCH!? Came the cry from the green-clad Italian as the flame spread from the pillow to his buttocks and he leapt up from the flaming pillow and ran from the room with smoke trailing behind him. Kirby felt his cheeks go bright-red as he faced Mario and was surprised to see that he was rolling around on the floor laughing incredibly hard so tears were falling freely from his face. He recovered after a few minutes and sat back on the chair. [B]Mario:[/B] ?Oh my, I?ve-a never laughed so hard in-a my entire life. That-a should set my brother straight, congratulations Mr. Kirby you?ve-a got the job? Mario shook his hand and showed him out of the room. The others in the waiting lounge were all looking curiously at Kirby and he could see that smoke was billowing from the bath room. A large sweat drop appeared on his forehead as he took his seat and waited for the other applicants to finish their interviews.
  18. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]It's been some time since a 'Lord of the Rings' has graced the Arena so I think it's time we got one but I need opinions on what to base it on and how to do it. Some of you may remember that Drix made a 'Silmarillion' RPG a while ago where we took on the roles of Elves, Dwarves and Edain during the First Age of the Sun [War of the Jewels/War of Wrath] but it didn't get to far to the dissapointment of the people involved. I've talked to Drix and he has said he'd be willing to try it again but perhaps not the Silmarillion, this time it could be the 'Akallabeth'. For those who don't know the 'Akallabeth' details history of the Numenoreans during the Second Age of the Sun and it tells of the War of Sauron and the Elves, the Last Alliance of Men and Elves, the Fall of Numenor and the beginning on the Third Age [In which the Hobbit/Lord of the Rings take place]. So I'm wondering if people would like another go at 'The Silmarillion' or try to get a good RPG out of the 'Akallabeth'. All opinions and comments are welcome.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Andrus leaned back in his chair and sipped his tea thoughtfully. Just as a thought was becoming fully formed within his head the door chime went and his concentration was gone, he voiced his approval for the person to come though. Taking a quick glance at the Officers collar he saw that it was the First Officer, Ventarris Aside. Andrus had know he was a Betazoid but he noted the confused expression on the commanders face as he realised his Captain was his kin, getting out of his chair Andrus extended his hand mimicking the terran custom. [B]Andrus:[/B] ?Commander Aside, welcome aboard the [I]Brightstar[/I]. I hope you find her well and that you yourself are in as good shape and spirits as the rest of the crew? The commander took Andrus?s hand and shook it as he replied. [B]Ventarris:[/B] ?Yes thank you sir. The ship seems in order and I am ready to get under way when you give the order? He said with a broad smile on his face, Andrus was about to reply when the his comm. badge was activated. [I]=/\=[/I][B]Azalee:[/B] ?Captain sir. The remainder on the senior staff have arrived and are awaiting your orders.? [I]=/\=[/I][B]Andrus:[/B] ?Thanks you Lieutenant. Bring yourself and the others to the conference room and we?ll begin the briefing in a few moments, Hagen out. Commander if you would join me and the others?. [B]Ventarris:[/B] ?Of course sir? He said and the two Betazoids exited the ready room and headed over to the conference room where the senior staff would be waiting. Upon entering one of the officers stood up sharply and stood at attention. Andrus wasn?t sure who it was but he noted he was only a Lieutenant which meant that he still had some cadet lingering in him. [B]Andrus:[/B] ?At ease Lieutenant. As you all know I am Captain Hagen and this is the first officer, Command Aside. Before I take questions let me brief you on our mission and what we know about it so far.? Walking over to the computer screen on the right-hand bulkhead Andrus activated it bringing up the relevant mission information for the senior staff to view. [B]Andrus:[/B] ?As you know the colony J-25 was attacked by an aggressive alien force several days ago and Starfleet picked up the distress call, we now know the ones responsible for this. They call themselves the Vaadwaur, they come from the Delta Quadrant but for more detailed information I suggest you read the logs of Captain Janeway during the original [I]Voyager[/I] mission. According to Delta Quadrant sources the Vaadwaur have access to Borg technology and are on the war path against the Federation, we still do not know why. The mission is to search for survivors of the colony attack as well as gathering information on the Vaadwaur and the reason for their aggressive motives. Due to the nature of the mission we are having an advanced weapons pod attached to boost our fire-power should we be drawn into a battle. That is all I know for now, are there any questions??[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE=Juuthena][color=deeppink][size=1]I didn't mind the animated version of [b]The Hobbit[/b] so much, but the animated version of [b]FotR[/b] REALLY irked me, lol. Complete waste of $4.50 renting it, but at least I laughed a lot watching it. ^-^ As for live action [b]The Hobbit[/b], I'm not exactly sure how much I'm looking forward to it. At least, not as a PG-13 movie. But erm, yeah. I've got the extended DVDs for FotR and TT, and a normal RotK DVD. I was SO upset with the bonus features on the RotK one, though. I enjoyed the bit about Tolkien and such, but the interviews were pretty much the same. So I'm REALLY looking forward to the extended version of RotK- especially if they've got a gag reel and such. ~.~; And yes- I totally love watching the commentaries. Hilarious. But on the extended version of RotK, I reeeeaaally hope we get to see the Houses of Healing. Does anyone know how long it's going to be? I've heard a ton of different rumours, soo... *just asking* *snuggles Leggy plushie*[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]From what I've read on websites the full will have an extra 50 minutes if not more and several important scenes have been put back in: [SPOILER][list] [*]Gandalf and Saruman talking at the beginning. [*]Aragorn talking to Sauron when he is holding the Palantir. [*]Gandalf Vs The Witch-King. [*]Pippin searching for Merry on Pelennor now takes a whole day. [*]Additions are made to the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. [*]The Mouth of Sauron confronts Aragorn and Co and the Black Gate and shows them Frodos shirt. [*]Frodo and Sam being forced to march with the Orcs while disguised. [*]Faramir and Pippin talking after he becomes a Guard of Minas Tirith. [*]Faramir and Eowyn in the house of healing. [*]Extended scene for the Dead Army, from the point Aragorn says "What say you?". [*]And many more besides. [/list][/SPOILER] And the model you get with the gift-set is Minas Tirith that can open up and store things, included with the gift-set is a token for a Minas Morgul model. All in all that is something to look forward to and I've already got mine pre-ordered :D 16 weeks and counting :-p[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Andrus was just getting out of his chair when his command console showed he had an incoming message from Starfleet command coming in on a secured channel. [B]Andrus:[/B] ?Lieutenant Watterson, re-route the message to my ready room?. [B]Azalee:[/B] ?Yes sir. I?ll be done once you get in? . He nodded in thanks toward the Operations Officer and walked at a brisk pace to his ready room. Andrus sealed the door behind him, he had a feeling it was one of those calls, and proceeded to sit down and activate the comm. channel. [B]Andrus:[/B] ?Starfleet Command code Hagen 5-9 Delta Charlie, activate secured channel?. [I]Computer: Channel opened and secure.[/I] [B]Admiral Reeves:[/B] ?Good morning Captain. I hope I find you well?. [B]Andrus:[/B] ?Of course sir, what can I do for you Admiral??. [B]Adm. Reeves:[/B] ?Actually Andrus it?s more of what we can do for you. We?ve received the long range sensor sweeps from the [I]Vigilant[/I] after they detected the distress call from the colony and we?ve been able to match the ship signatures to a race of aliens that the original [I]Voyager[/I] mission encountered during their stay in the Delta Quadrant, the Vaadwaur?. [B]Andrus:[/B] ?But sir, that was nearly ten years ago. If the race were aggressive toward [I]Voyager[/I] then why have they waited till this long to strike out at the Federation, what?s been stopping them??. [B]Adm. Reeves[/B] ?They didn?t have the ability to, something about failed stasis pods, for a more detailed account I?d access Janeway?s log entries but they?re going to be out of date for the Vaadwaur?s current level of technology. According to our sources in the Delta Quadrant in the after-math of the Borg Collective?s breakdown the Vaadwaur swooped in took several pieces of advanced technology and began to rebuild their empire from there?. [B]Andrus:[/B] ?I see, are we going to be receiving additional support from the [I]Samurai[/I] and the [I]Indefatigable[/I], they?re both docked at Starbase 959 as well?. [B]Adm. Reeves:[/B] ?Unfortunately no, both of them already have prior engagements that cannot be ignored so we?re sending over a team of engineers and tactical specialists to give the [I]Brightstar[/I] some upgrades, I just hope your Chief Engineer and Tactical Officer don?t mind? He said with a small smile. [B]Andrus:[/B] ?I?ve yet to meet them sir but I?m sure they will understand, thank you for the information and help, Hagen out?. The small screen went black and was quickly replaced by the Starfleet logo, taking a deep breath and letting out an equally long sigh Andrus got up to get his second tea of the day.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Marcus and Steffanie sat in silence for some time while she drank her milk and honey. He was avoiding her eyes because he didn?t want her to see that he was somewhat nervous and unsure of what to do next, he thought back to a few hours ago when she had come up to talk to him and he had acted the fool, he?d decided that he wouldn?t act like that again, however impossible it might be. A few more moments passed and Marcus was the first to speak. [B]Marcus:[/B] ?Hey, d?you want to get something to eat, I know we were gonna before Trini and Sam.....? His voice drifted off but he was looking at her right in the eyes so she knew he hadn?t lost any of his confidence in the idea. She smiled the smallest smile before answering. [B]Steffanie:[/B] ?Yes, all right then? He got up first and offered her a hand to help her stand up. With a swoosh the door opened allowing the pair to walk out, the only other people in the hall way were Trini and Avlen, both of them gave a raised eyebrow when the saw Marcus and Steffanie walking out of the same quarters but they disappeared quickly as they rounded the corner to the mess-hall. Once they reached the doors they were in the same position they had been a few hours ago, except this time Marcus was slightly more sure of himself. [B]Marcus:[/B] ?After you? He said offering his hand toward the door showing he wished for her to go in first.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [CENTER][IMG]http://yerocsoor.250free.com/brightstar.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][I]Starring [B]Jokopoko as Andrus Hagen[/B] Also Starring [B]Kane as Ventarris Aside Corey as Allen Baroner Kittychanann as Trinity Marley Boba Fett as Jack Lightstar Balmon as Liaran Ikor Kitty as Azalee Watterson Vicky as Tolaris[/B][/I] -===========================- [I]Several days ago the U.S.S. Vigilant picked up a distress call from one of the long-range colonies that have been set up deep into the Beta Quadrant in recent years. The Vigilant, being only an Oberth class, was unable to aid the colony, codenamed J-27. The ships Captain instead relayed the message to Starfleet Command and resumed their mission. Command looked through the list of available ships and found only the newly commissioned U.S.S. Brightstar was able to handle the situation even though she was still awaiting a crew. Vice-Admiral Andrews set orders via encrypted Sub-Space to the Captain of Brightstar with his orders.[/I] -==============================-[/CENTER] There were warning klaxons going off all around the base but they did little to diminish the noise of phaser and torpedo impacts against the reinforced walls of the colony. Amongst the rubble there was a lone figure, a human, staggering through the explosions and flying sparks in an attempt to reach the Communications console and send off a distress signal. As suddenly as the bombardment had started it stopped, there was a lull in sound which was akin to what humans would call the eye of the storm when things are about to get a lot worse. The klaxons fell away and the only sound was the burning fires and random explosions of consoles. Fighting his bodies fatigue and broken arm the young Ensign brought himself to the communications panel and activated the general distress signal for the Federation and began talking in an attempt to keep himself awake more than anything else. [B]Ensign:[/B] ?This is Colony J-25 calling for aid from any Federation ship receiving this message. We have been attacked by an unknown group of aliens; we don?t know why they have attacked us or what they want. The colony cannot last much longer, any ships please respond to this message......contact Starfleet.....send help? The signal degraded into static as the transmitter lost power making it useless for message reception. The young man hoped against all hope that his message had been received but he would never know for the noise of a transporter filled the room and before the Ensign could turn he was hit by a stun blast and forced into the console behind him and he slumped to the ground, unconscious. The reptilian like alien looked down at him with contempt. [B]???:[/B] ?Bah, these humans are as weak as they were when they awakened us in the Delta Quadrant, they will learn to fear us for we are strong again.? [CENTER]-==============================- [U][B]STAR TREK BRIGHTSTAR Episode One: Dragon Breath[/B][/U][/CENTER] [B]Andrus:[/B] ?Captains personal log, Stardate 65248.8, I have just been given command of the U.S.S. Brightstar, an Insignia Class and she seems to be a sturdy ship. I feel that this is assignment is somewhat over due after my service with the Khitomer and her crew but I felt, and so did the Admiralty, that it was time for a change and I finally received the 4th pip on my collar. Even though it has been sometime since the Federation has seen a major conflict I cannot help feeling apprehensive about the coming mission. As far as Starfleet can tell the Colony was attacked with no warning and no indication of who was behind the attack and I feel this situation would be better served with a more seasoned crew as opposed to one that has just meet but I cannot go against the choice of the Admiralty and I mean not to. Computer, pause recording?. [I]Computer: Affirmative, recording paused.[/I] The newly promoted Captain reclined in his chair until he could see the ceiling of his new ready room, yawning loudly he straightened himself out and walked over to the food replicator. [B]Andrus:[/B] ?Tea, Peppermint, hot? With the usual electronic glow and hum the replicator created the order in a standard Starfleet cup. Thanking the tea for its warmness and sharp taste Andrus felt re-charged enough to continue with his long entry. [B]Andrus:[/B] ?The Brightstar is currently docked at Starbase 959, one of the furthest points from the core of the Federation and, due to the nature of our mission, it will likely be the last point of Federation influence we see in the next few months. I?ve been reviewing the crew manifest and the senior staff seem to be highly capable and my first officer is also a Betazoid so it will be an interesting command match up, I hope the crew is able to develop a working bond in the coming weeks. Computer, end log entry? [I]Computer: Affirmative, recording ended.[/I] Andrus made his way out of his ready room and out on to the bridge [The Bridge is the same as a Intrepid Class] he sat down in his chair and activated his command console, browsing the ship-to-station boarding logs he saw that several of the senior staff had come aboard. He turned to the Chief Operations Officer, Lieutenant Azalee Watterson. [B]Andrus:[/B] ?Lieutenant, what?s the current status of the ships systems?? [B]Azalee:[/B] ?All systems are at operating standard but we?re still using the Stations life support system sir until we leave so we can conserve power. There seems to be a glitch in the Transporter controls in Transported Room 2 but it should be fixed within the hour.? [B]Andrus:[/B] ?Very good. When Commander Aside comes aboard send a message for him to report to me directly? [B]Azalee:[/B] ?Yes sir?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Here he is, the man you?ve all been waiting to meet, the Captain of this fine vessel [CENTER]-===========-[/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Andrus Hagen [B]Age [Terran Years]:[/B] 47 [B]Date of Birth:[/B] 17th of October, 2341 [B]Marital Status:[/B] Single [B]Height:[/B] 5ft 8ins [B]Weight:[/B] 186lbs [B]Hair Colour:[/B] Brown [B]Eye Colour:[/B] Black [B]Species:[/B] Betazoid [B]Sex:[/B] Male [B]Appearance[/B] [IMG] http://adorocinema.cidadeinternet.com.br/personalidades/atores/russell-crowe/russell-crowe05.jpg[/IMG] [B]Place of Birth:[/B] Betazed, Rixx [B]Languages:[/B] Federation Standard English, Vulcan and some Romulan [B]Interests:[/B] Strategema, Zero-G Tennis and Kal-Toh [B]Education:[/B] 2346-2352 Primary Education, Betazed 2352-2359 Secondary Education, Betazed 2359-2363 Higher Education, Betazed [University of Betazed] 2363-2367 Starfleet Academy, San Francisco [B]Service Record:[/B] 2363-2364 1st Year Cadet 2364-2365 2nd Year Cadet 2365-2366 3rd Year Cadet 2366-2367 4th Year Cadet 2367-2370 Vulcan Science Academy, Physicist 2370-2374 U.S.S. Pandora, Science Officer 2374-2375 U.S.S. Aeon, Asst. Chief Science Officer 2375-2378 Starfleet Headquarters, Command Training 2379-2387 U.S.S. Khitomer, Executive Officer 2387-PRES U.S.S. Brightstar, Commanding Officer [B]Background:[/B] Andrus is the only child of Kestra and Lon Hagen. He was born in mid-winter during 2341 in the capital city of Betazed, Rixx. His mother was a school teacher at a nearby secondary school and his farther was the in the Political System as one of Betazed?s representatives in the Federation Council, and due to this he spent much of his childhood being brought up by his mother because his father was often called away to council meetings, diplomatic functions and such and this is what some think gave him a higher level of telepathy for a Betazoid male of his age and experience with other species. While growing up his mother used to take him to Lake Cataria for days out where he would play around and build things out of the sand much of the time. The times when his father was home he would spend in doors and watch his father work mostly, not because he was interested but because he wished to spend time with him seeing as he could be called away in an instant. During his education, and puberty, Andrus discovered as many had guessed that his telepathy was advanced more a Male and was able to use it to his advantages for several bad incidents that happened with those wither jealous of his telepathy or those who simply believed him to be weak. It was in the Sciences and History that Andrus excelled the most at as he believed the other subjects just to be a waste of his time. In his third year of Secondary School Andrus discovered the complications of girls when he became ?smitten? with one of his class mates called Leona Eridia who had similar talents as him, in telepathy and academic work. After a few weeks of complicated small talk and ?egging? on by friends he did eventually begin dating her and the two became a very fine couple very quickly. In the final year of his Secondary Education Andrus had shown extreme attainment in both science and history and both of his parents urged him to go to the University of Betazed before continuing to Starfleet Academy, granted he would be one of the older ones of his year but he would have an advantage from having the degree from the University, and an added plus was that Leona was also going to study there before she went to the Academy to train for a Counsellors position. After much thought and deliberation Andrus chose to take a Science Major focusing on Chemistry before going to the Academy in 2363. In terms of eventfulness not much happened while Andrus was studying at the University, he and Leona remained together and his father decided to resign from his position and taken a more active role in his family?s life. In his first year at the Academy Andrus had to get used to the fact that he could no longer use his telepathy as freely anymore because his classmates, unless they too were Betazoid, disliked having their minds looked into and liked to keep their secrets which was entirely new for someone from Betazed. His major was in Chemistry while his two minors where in Genetics and Evolution while Leona went to the Medical Department they still remained very close in these years. After a few months and having settled in Andrus had made a number of friends but his closest, aside from Leona, was Vulcan known as Seval who was taking the same subjects as Andrus. While it was not the traditional friendship Andrus was used to it was still a strong friendship. During his second and third years Andrus had very little social life because of his studies but he was still able to see Leona quite a lot and also had games of Kal-Toh with Seval when time allowed. In his fourth year he had to decide where to take his ?fifth year cruise? before entering active service. He, along with Seval, chose to go to the Vulcan Science Academy as one of the Science Officers assigned their as opposed to joining a ship but for the first time Leona could not choose the same thing as him and she had decided to go a survey mission with the Galaxy Class U.S.S. Custer and that meant it would be a whole year before he would see her again. At the Science Academy Andrus was able to take part in some of the most advanced experiments being conducted in the Federation along with their brightest minds. At the graduation ceremony he saw Leona again but she said that they shouldn?t try a long distance relationship again because, like Andrus, she was going to stay with the position she had taken for her fifth year. Andrus stayed at the Science academy for another two years before he was transferred to a ship, this being the Persephone-Class U.S.S. Pandora on a scientific survey mission for planets that could be used for future Federation colonization. But this mission was abruptly cut short with the out-brake of the Dominion War that tore across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants forcing Starfleet to halt all scientific and medical operations so more ships can be used in the offensive against the Dominion. The Pandora saw most of its action against the Dominion at the galactic south of Cardassian Space using Starbase 129 as its base of operations. Whereas most Science vessels performed poorly in the war, the Persephone-Class was an exception due to its heavier armaments that the other science ships. Being involved in a number of border skirmishes with Cardassian and Jem?Hadar fighters the Pandora more often than not came out of it in better condition than the fighters. But in 2374 the ship was destroyed but the vast majority of the crew was able to escape in the life pods. Andrus next assignment as the Dawnstar-Class U.S.S Aeon where he had hoped to pick up in his Science duties but there was another year of the war to fight before then. In 2376, after being the Asst. Chief Science Officer for only a year, Andrus was called by Starfleet Command to enter Command Training. This was due to the large losses that Starfleet suffered over the course of the war and they were to many ?green? COs and XOs in the fleet and Starfleet wanted at least some of the new XOs to have more experience, on a side note Andrus was among those specially chosen because of his extra education from the University of Betazed. In his two years there Andrus got along quite well with the other officers who had also been called to take the Command training, he also meet up with his old friend Seval and the two reaffirmed there old friendship in the coming two years, Seval had to stay on at the Academy for an extra year because the Ponn Far had affected him during the second year and he returned to Vulcan and so missed the Second year examinations. He left Command Training having risen in rank to Commander and he had a choice of several ships that required Executive Officers. In the end he settled on the Steamrunner-Class U.S.S Khitomer, the reason being that the Ship would be assigned to a region of space the Starfleet knew very little about and this stirred the Scientist that was still in him even after the two years of Command Training. His time aboard was his longest time on any Starship and it was the first time he ever pursued a relationship with another member on the crew. Her name was Marlena Quinn and she was the Chief Science Officer on the Khitomer which was one of the reasons Andrus spent so much time with her and ultimately developed feelings for her. The two did get serious in the fifth year of the Khitomers assignment but it all ended when she was gravely injured on an Away Mission on the planet Galen and was transported back to earth for treatment, he hasn?t seen her since. The remainder of the mission was like any other and Andrus learned a lot from his captain, Alexander Vaughn, about what was needed from the command staff of a Starship and what should be expected of her crew. The Khitomer saw little action battle wise because the major powers were all still recovering from the Dominion War, and on another note the Romulans were still re-organising after the ?Shinzon Incident?. After a seven year cruise the Khitomer returned to Federation Space and Andrus was promoted to Captain for his actions and service during the mission and was given Command of the U.S.S. Brightstar which was a recently commissioned ship being sent out to explore the vast regions of unknown space still remaining in the Beta and Delta Quadrants. [B]Personality Profile:[/B] Like most Betazoids, Andrus is a very caring person who cares deeply for his friends and family and would go above and beyond the call of duty if one of them were in trouble and he could help them in anyway possible. Again, because of his species, he finds it very hard to keep secrets and have his own personal thoughts [In a manner of speaking] and so it is easy for him to make friends because of this, though he does have to remember at times that his telepathy can make others uncomfortable. Andrus can also become very consumed in the latest experiment that the Science Department is running and rarely will have any spare time in which to socialise with the other members of the crew because he is so enthralled in the experiment and this can affect his relationship with the other members of the crew and the senior staff whom he works with. [B]Special Notes:[/B] Even though Andrus is part of Starfleet Command division he still has a soft spot for the Scientist aboard the ship along with him and so he takes a special interest in how that department is being run and this can sometimes interfere with the running of other departments that require his attention. [CENTER]-===========-[/CENTER] I?m going to start this today or tomorrow and for me it?s 8:30am GMT so I don?t know when that it is for some of you BUT I will be PMing people once I have posted the RPG so it?ll be easy to find. The remaining positions are Chief Medical Officer, Chief Operations Officer and Chief Flight Control Officer, if you know anyone who could fill them please don?t hesitate to ask them. Here is the final crew list in the order of Chain-of-Command. [LIST] [*]Commanding Officer ? Andrus Hagen ? Jokopoko [*]Executive Officer ? Ventarris Aside ? Kane [*]Second Officer/Chief Science Officer ? Allen Baroner ? Corey [*]Chief Communications Officer ? Trinity Marley ? Kittychanann [*]Chief Engineer ? Jack Lightstar ? Boba Fett [*]Chief Security/Tactical Officer ? Liaran Ikor [*]Chief Diplomatic Officer ? Tolaris ? Vicky [Will start in second mission][/LIST] Remember the sign-ups for those three positions [B]are still open.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Looking down at the hunched up form of Steffanie sitting in front of the wall Marcus felt his mind go blank. He didn?t know how to deal with women on a social basis let alone an emotionally stressed out one, the one thing he could relate with was the fact she felt everyone on the ship, aside from him, hated her due to her profession and he knew what self-loathing felt like. Taking a deep breath he pulled himself off the bed and sat next to her then, through instinct mostly, put his arm around her. [B]Marcus:[/B] ?Don?t beat yourself up, all right? I?ve done it and it doesn?t help at all, give the others time to get used to you? Still going by instinct alone he pulled her chin up with his hand and noticed a stray tear going down her cheek. ?Listen, I?ll go and get you a drink, that?s what my Mum used to do.....I?ll be back in a bit?. She nodded silently and he gave her a small hug before getting up off the floor and going out the door leaving her, and his open journal, in the room. [I]?Shit this is getting to much, I?ve never been that close to someone on that level in my whole life?[/I] Marcus wasn?t in any hurry to get back to his quarters but he knew he had to or it could get worse. [B]Marcus:[/B] [Sighing deeply] ?Shit....?[/SIZE][/COLOR] ----------- Yes, cheese but I don?t care
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