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Everything posted by Jokopoko

  1. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Marcus sat at the edge of his bed staring directly at the wall. It had been an hour or so since Trini and Sam had come out of the Sick-Bay and both were doing fine, though Allen had told Marcus and the others to keep an eye on him just in case. He had been in his quarters since they had come out and he had been going over it in his mind. If people were already being affected by what ever the hell was on Deimos and they weren?t even in space yet what was the point of Marcus going along, apart from being cannon fodder. [B]Marcus:[/B] [Softly] ?Fucking hell, what?s the point to all this. I mean why are we here and what?s the mission really about? God damn it!? He punctuated the sentence by punching deep in to the soft mattress of his bed. He rarely swore and hardly, if ever, resorted to showing his emotion physically but this ship, this mission and as little as he wanted to admit it so was the crew but the crew was a different matter. He stood up sharply and strode over to his desk, sat down and took out his journal and began pouring his thoughts onto the pages with speed. When ever he felt like he was going to be over taken by his emotions he would resort to free association writing and read his pain instead of inflicting it on others. He stopped after about fifteen minutes and saw things on the page he never thought he?d write let alone think about. Tearing the page out and throwing it into the corner he turned around and crashed back on to his bed. [I]?I doubt that helped but I can?t do much else I can do on the damned ship. I?m keeping the Sam at arms reach for the rest of the mission, further if possible...?[/I] His train of thought was interrupted by a knock at his door. Flipping onto his back he paused for a minute deciding if he wanted someone to talk to right now. [B]Marcus:[/B] ?....Come in? ------- Anyone can go with this[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]There were a few seconds of awkward silence as Marcus avoided Steffanie?s look, he was about to allow her to go in first when they heard Trini?s scream coming tearing through the comm. system. They looked at each other in shock before the realisation slipped in and they both went pelting down to the cock-pit. They were just around the corner when they heard Van?s voice come through the comm. system calling for all medical staff, picking up the pace a little they were soon inside the cock-pit and what they saw didn?t help qualm the feelings Marcus had about the mission. Sam was sprawled on the floor unconscious while Van had Trini in his arms; she was also unconscious with very shallow breathing. [B]Marcus:[/B] [Softly] ?Bloody hell......what happened to them?? He looked at Steffanie who had her hands to her mouth with wide eyes and then to Van who had a subdued look on his face. [B]Van:[/B] ?I don?t know.....I think Sam may have attacked Trini, seems to be a relapse of what happened to him on the first mission. We might need your help with him, Steffanie? He said fixing her in his gaze. She stood motionless and speechless for a second but she found herself quickly. [B]Steffanie:[/B] ?Of course, what ever I can do to help? There was a slight waver in her voice but she kept her calm very well. [B]Van:[/B] ?Why am I standing here, I need to get her to sick-bay. You two get Sam and bring him as well? Then he started off at a quick step to sick-bay while Marcus and Steffanie took Sam by the shoulder.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]I know I said I wouldn't post the final list until all the positions have been filled and technically this is true, all I'm doing is giving you your equivilent rank for the RPG, while this doesn't directly effect you in any way it does give the RPG a nice twist because it allows me to promote people ^_~. [LIST] [*]Vicky - Lieutenant [Junior Grade] Tolaris [*]Boba Fett - Lieutenant Jack Lightstar [*]Kittychanann - Lieutenant Commander Trinity Marley [*]Balmon - Lieutenant Liaran Ikor [*]KnightOfTheRose - Lieutenant Commander Allen Baroner [*]Kane - Jare - Commander [Automatic]k[/LIST] While this isn't fixed this should give you a good idea of where your character currently stands. [B]N/B:[/B] These were based on your characters Service Records and Biographys.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Marcus breathed a sigh of relief when the meeting was called to an end; he was the first to the door and well down the corridor before the others were out of the room. Retracing the steps of the ship tour and found himself in the Science Lab. Upon entering he felt much calmer surrounded by experiments and equipment instead of people, [I]'Maybe this was a mistake, I shouldn?t be here?[/I], Marcus thought as he busied himself with routine tasks like calibrating the sensors of the ship. After hearing the details of the previous mission he was unsure of what use he would be here but the Captain would, undoubtedly, find a use for him. Hell, maybe he was meant to find away to seal this rip in space or figure out why the same thing is happening on Deimos. Sitting down in one of the chairs the Science Officer could feel his head bubbling with questions and possible answers but nothing that could really tell him what to do next. His mind decided to take him back to the meeting with the USAF General that had assigned him to the mission. [I][B]General:[/B] ?Now Treming, I understand that you find it hard to work around other people. Correct??. [B]Marcus:[/B] ?Yes sir. I feel much easier if I?m in the lab...I?ve always been that way?. [B]General:[/B] ?Well Treming I have bad news for you; you?re being assigned to the Deimos mission,? Marcus visibly balked, ?This an order, not a request, so you?re to report to the launch site now and await instructions, Understood??. [B]Marcus:[/B] ?Yes sir....erm...isn?t there someone better qualified for the job, I mean I?m sure Mandelson would be much more appropriate...?. [B]General:[/B] No, you?re the best one hands down. No further discussion, I expect you there ASAP?. [B]Marcus:[/B] ?Yes sir.......of course?[/I] He leaned back in his chair and rubbed the strain out of his eyes. It would have been better if the Captain had assigned him rather than being ordered here, maybe the Captain would see him as a liability and order him to remain in his quarters for the remainder of the journey, Marcus would agree with him if it came to that. Getting up sharply he put his hand in his pocket and took on the Voc-Chip with the message for his family that he had recorded what felt like weeks ago, in reality it had been only a few days. Feeling emptiness in the pit of his stomach Marcus resolved to go to the Mess-Hall and grab a bite to eat before going to his quarters. [I] ?Who knows, Steffanie might even make an appearance?[/I]. Feeling slightly cheered up he walked of out the Science Lab leaving his dark feelings behind in the room.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Marcus had found a relatively comfortable barrel to sit on slightly away from the rest of the group, finding nothing better to do his was simply staring up into the sky wondering where he?d be in the newt few weeks. It was early afternoon so he had no hope of spotting the moon let alone Mars in the wide open space above them. He cast his eyes over the group and took note of a new arrival, he?d seen his face in the crew manifest of the pervious mission but the man looked utterly different now and somewhat dishevelled. Trying not the think that it was the previous mission that had done that to him so instead he focused on his family. He?d heard in recent news that his father had closed another large business deal and brought out a major rival, Marcus let out a quiet hollow laugh. If only his father could see him now, the brave scientist going off into space on some foolhardy mission. The thought didn?t give him much comfort but helped him take his mind of the mission. Marcus had decided not to tell the others that he was actually related to the ?great? Richard M. Treming, he?d rather save that information until he had to, or wanted to give it up, he knew that the Captain would know seeing as he had his personnel record on hand but he figured he was safe with just the Captain knowing seeing as he looked like the kind of person who took you for what you are and what you did, not what your last name is. [B]Marcus:[/B] ?This is going to be a very interesting journey.....in the best possible sense I hope? He said quietly to himself as he cast his eyes back to his crewmates.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Marcus felt a tad out of place with the main group of people in Hanger 13 seeing as they all seemed to know each other from the previous mission which they all seemed reluctent to mention with did little to help cur the feelings of dread. He decided to take a little walk around the bay to give the ship a quick once over. The ship looked sturdy enough but from what the report had said the thickness of the hulls weren't much comfort for what may be instore for them. He shuddered at the thought as he turned to walk back to the group but was suprised to see someone behind him. [B]Steffanie:[/B] "Hi, you look like a scientist.....Marcus Treming right?," Marcus's eyes got a little wider, speaking to women wasn't his strong suit, he nodded meakly, "Please to meet you, I'm Steffanie Littleton" She smiled the kind of smile that cause Marcus to lose his footing with the conversation entirely but he managed to make a speedy recovery. [B]Marcus:[/B] "Erm...yes, It's a pleasure to meet you too," He said trying to look charming, "Looking forward to the mission?" This slipped out before he could retrive it. [B]Steffanie:[/B] "I suppose, from what I've heard we're in for a bumpy ride from the start." Her eyes flashed slightly. "What about you? You look nervous already" He couldn't tell if she was being serious or kidding but Marcus took in his stride anyway. [B]Marcus:[/B] "Heh, no comment I'm afraid....I'll wait until we're up there. Well I think we should get back to the others" Attempting to keep his cool Marcus starting walked toward the group and Steffanie followed behind him and didn't say anything else. [I]"Great, nicely done idiot. Now this mission will be twice as hard if the women think you're a moron"[/I] He thought as he mentally yelled at himself.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Staring at the dull metal wall across from his bunk Marcus shifted around uncomfortably as his mind constantly went over what he was about to do. He didn?t know why he?d been chosen for this mission but he did know that it was bound to be dangerous and he wasn?t the sort that could cope with danger, or fear for that matter. Most things got on his nerves or annoyed him to some degree and at times this turned in to fear or anger and neither were good for this calibre of mission. From what he knew of the original mission if was very likely to be the same and that didn?t sit well with Marcus. He was roused from his musings when a knock came at his door. [B]Marcus:[/B] ?Come in? He said, keeping his voice steady as he stood up. The door whooshed open and a young pilot walked in a snapped to a salute, obviously a new recruit, Marcus returned the salute. ?Yes, what is it pilot?? [B]Pilot:[/B] ?Sir, Captain Chubbs sends orders for you to be at Hanger Thirteen by 1400 hours, sir? The young man barked out while keeping his stance at attention the entire time. Marcus was afraid he may sprain something if he stood like that to long. [B]Marcus:[/B] ?Yes, alright. Tell the captain I shall be there, dismissed? The pilot shot off another salute before turning 180 degrees and walking smartly out of the room. ?Hanger Thirteen.....isn?t that just our luck? Marcus said under his breath as he busied himself with getting his things ready for the departure. ?I just hope the others are better equipped to deal with this than I am? He thought. He had already packed most of his things and the rest was packed up in short order. Glancing around the room quickly and noting that only a few things were unpacked, his carry-on luggage, he thought it best to get something to eat as he glanced down at his watch and noted it was 11:35, Just enough time for a quick dinner. He walked out of his room and made for the canteen all the while trying to forget what he had read in the report of the previous mission.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]I've forgotten to mention how the rank system is going to work. Only two positions have an automatic rank and they are Captain and Executive Officer [Captain and Commander respectively]. The other ranks are worked out by your sign-up quality and, to a lesser extent, the position you've applied for. E.G. The Second Officer is more likely to be a Lt. Cdr. as opposed to the other positions but be aware that your rank isn't important in respect to your Post Quality but just something to add to the RPG to make it more interesting. And at the end of each 'episode' they may be promotions for those who performed well in the previous mission and this will be decided by myself, Kane and the Second Officer. I'm not commenting on who's in and who's out right now because I will wait to all positions have been filled and if some have two applicants then I can compare.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Hmmm, I don't think I've ever seen a Warhammer 40,000 RPG tried on OB. I've tried a Warhammer one myselt and it didn't get very far. A Necromunda RPG would be quite good I think but I've a few questions. Would the Imperium have direct involvement with the goings-on of the Hive I.E. Would the Adeptus Terra dispatch the Adeptus Arbites, Imperial Guard or Adeptus Astartes [Space Marines] if things got out of hand? Also, what characters would be playable. Could we only be memebers of the houses or the gangs for example or could we be Redemers or Tech-Priests? I think I would sign-up if I could play as an Imperial Commissoner like Yarrik for example, it would be interestring to see how a Warhammer 40,000 RPG went on the boards.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [CENTER][IMG] http://yerocsoor.250free.com/brightstar.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U]Welcome to the 24th Century[/CENTER][/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][CENTER]-==============================- The year is 2387 and the place is the U.S.S. Brightstar NCC-77568 of the Federation Starfleet. It is a peaceful time for the residents of the Milky Way; The Dominion War is long over but the scars still remain, the Borg threat is all but gone from the galaxy thanks to the heroic efforts of the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager and the galactic neighbours of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants are no longer at each throats after witnessing first had the destructive capabilities of a long term war. The Federation, out of all the powers, is the most thankful for this peace. It means that they can once again use Starfleet for the purpose it was originally charted for. Exploration. With the war and other subsequent events it was been some time since a Starship ventured outside of known space but that is about to change. Under a new mandate of galactic exploration Starfleet has limited the number of Battleships in construction in favour of explorers and long-range survey vessels so the unknown can become the known. The Alpha Quadrant is still as unexplored as the other quadrants so it is high time this began. The U.S.S. Brightstar is one of these ships being built under the new mandate. She is a top of the Line Insignia class Starship, well suited deep space and long-term exploration. Her mission is to explore the vast regions of the Beta and Delta Quadrants; the Beta Quadrant has only been partially explored by the Klingons and Romulans who live there and there is still much to learn of the Delta Quadrant. The ships Captain has been allowed to hand-pick his crew from Starfleets best and brightest. It is not known what awaits this new crew as they journey into regions hardly explored by man but one thing is certain. [B]They Are Ready.[/B] -==============================- Several days ago the U.S.S. Vigilant picked up a distress call from one of the long-range colonies that have been set up deep into the Beta Quadrant in recent years. The Vigilant, being only an Oberth class, was unable to aid the colony, codenamed J-27. The ships Captain instead relayed the message to Starfleet Command and resumed their mission. Command looked through the list of available ships and found only the newly commissioned U.S.S. Brightstar was able to handle the situation even though she was still awaiting a crew. Vice-Admiral Andrews set orders via encrypted Sub-Space to the Captain of Brightstar with his orders. The Brightstar is fully constructed with all ship systems operating at 100% efficiency but she still lacks a crew. Her Captain only has a short space of time with which to assemble a crew for this mission before Starfleet is forced to hand over the mission to a ship which is ready. -==============================-[/CENTER] Before we get started I?d just like to say the piece above this is not the overall plot of this RPG only a brief premise for the first ?episode? of Brightstar, I?ll explain about that a little later. Now the basic idea behind this [Those who have read the Underground thread already know] is following the journey of the senior staff [Us] aboard the U.S.S. Brightstar as it travels through the Milky Way on its mission, think of it like a series of Star Trek but on OB instead of the TV :P. There are a few things I?d like to get out of the way before we start. [B]1. Applicants need a basic knowledge of Star Trek before signing up [I recommend Deep Space Nine and Voyager seeing as they are the closet in terms of events]. 2. The usual board rules for grammar, spelling and punctuation apply. 3. Only sign up if you will be committed, this will be a very lengthy RPG from the go. 4. The position of Commanding Officer [Me] and Executive Officer [Kane] have already been taken so don?t apply for them. 5. There are only eight or nine spots available so I am going to be selective about whom I let in so please give the sign-up your best shot.[/B] I think that about covers it but if I think of anything else I?ll either edit this post or post it with a new reply so please keep an eye open for any up dates. [CENTER]-==============================- [B][U]Character Sign-up sheet[/B][/U][/CENTER] This will be a little different to most applications so instead of breezing past the descriptions of each category give attention to the ones that matter: [B]Name:[/B] [If you are human names from today are fine but if you?re an alien think about your characters race] [B]Age [Terran Years]: [/B] [Regardless of race this should be between 20-40 because we are all senior officers] [B]Date of Birth:[/B] [The year of the RPG is 2387 so subtract your age from that I.E. If you are 36 your year of birth would be 2351] [B]Marital Status:[/B] [You can have an NPC family/boyfriend/girlfriend aboard the ship if you like or have a prior arrangement with another player for your characters to be married/dating] [B]Appearance:[/B] [This is a little different than usual; instead of a description or random picture I?d like you to choose your favourite celebrity because this is showing that this celeb is ?playing? your character like in the TV series. N/B If your character is an alien describe the changes to the picture I.E. If you?re Andorian your skin is blue, hair is white and you have antenna.] [B]Height:[/B] [B]Weight:[/B] [B]Hair Colour:[/B] [B]Eye Colour:[/B] [B]Species:[/B] [Now I don?t want a boat load of Humans, Vulcans and some Half-Human Half-Vulcan thrown in for good measure. They?re plenty of other races in Star Trek, think outside the box!] [B]Sex:[/B] [B]Place of Birth:[/B] [This can just be the planet if you wish but you can make up a city or use one that exists in canon if you wish but if you make it up stay serious] [B]Languages:[/B] [All characters have Federation Standard but you can have alien languages if you wish and this can reflect your characters history] [B]Interests:[/B] [I don?t want a crew obsessed with the early 21st Century, I.E. now, so once again I ask you to think outside the box!] [B]Position Applied For:[/B] [The crew placing you are applying for, here?s the list: [LIST] [*]Second Officer w/ Any senior staff position [This is a duel role with another position] [*]Chief Flight Control Officer [Navigating the ship and flight control operations] [*]Chief Communications Officer [Handles all transmissions aboard the ship] [*]Chief of Operations [Ensures all ship-board systems function correctly] [*]Chief Security/Tactical Officer [Ensures ship and crew safety and operates/maintains weapon systems] [*]Chief Engineer [Responsible for ship system maintenance and repair] [*]Chief Medical Officer [Ensures the physical health of all aboard the ship] [*]Chief Science Officer [Responsible for all scientific data the ship collects as well as monitoring the experiments][/LIST] [B]Education:[/B] [This is basically primary, secondary and Starfleet academy but your character can also attended University if you wish, here?s an example of what it should look like] [LIST] [*]2356-2361 Primary Education, Alpha Centauri [This is 5 years] [*]2361-2366 Secondary Education, Alpha Centauri [Again, 5 years] [*]2366-2370 Starfleet Academy, San Francisco [This is 4 years][/LIST] [If you choose to add in higher education that would be 3 years] [B]Service Record:[/B] [This is your career in Starfleet, from your cadet years to the Brightstar. Here is an example] [LIST] [*]2366-2367 1st Year Cadet [*]2367-2368 2nd Year Cadet [*]2368-2369 3rd Year Cadet [*]2369-2370 4th Year Cadet [*]2370-2375 U.S.S. Grissom, Warp Systems Specialist [*]2375-2379 U.S.S. Grissom, Engineering Officer [*]2379-2387 U.S.S. Archer, Asst. Chief Engineer [*]2387-PRES U.S.S. Brightstar, Chief Engineer[/LIST] [That?s just an example for an engineering officer but it?s basically the same for all positions expect the names I.E. A Security Officer may start out as one of the Brig Guards. You can use this website to find position descriptions for your service record and background [B][URL=http://www.bravofleet.net/academy/positions/index.html]Click here[/URL][/B]] [B]Background:[/B] [This is the most important part because it should give information on your character before Starfleet, the Academy and then each ship they have served on until the Brightstar. So it should be at least five good paragraphs, I want this to be serious so no skimping on the details please] [B]Personality Profile:[/B] [This essentially your personality but you can also include some of your foibles and quirks as well] [B]Special Notes:[/B] [Anything about your character that isn?t covered in the other sections that you would like to add] [CENTER]-==============================-[/CENTER] There are a few things I?d like to say before finishing. Please do not apply unless you are committed to sticking this through to the end because this will most likely, if it succeeds, be one of OBs longest running RPGs. I also ask that you have knowledge of ?Star Trek? because it will be of paramount importance as the plot line develops and the ?episodes? become more complex. Before you choose the position for your character make sure it?s one that appeals to you, not just because it looks cool or something like that, make an informed decision. If you wish to sign-up for the Second Officer or Chief Medical Officer please PM me first because these positions are very important and have powers that the other positions do not. I will be posting my character after everyone else so it will also included the list of excepted crew members. I want this to be a successful RPG in many respects so give the sign-up your all and once the RPG starts make a point to write the replies into Word first so it can catch spelling errors and all of that. Above all I want this to be a highly enjoyable RPG so that everyone can take something memorable away with them. [CENTER]-==============================-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=CRIMSON][CENTER]?Not to be absolutely certain is, I think, one of the essential things in rationality.? -[B]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/B] [SIZE=1][I] U.S.S. Brightstar Dedication Plaque[/I][/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]I've updated the list of positions for the RPG: [list] [*]Second Officer w/ another position [This is a duel role] [*]Chief Flight Control Officer [Navigating the ship and flight control operations] [*]Chief Communications Officer [Handles all transmissions aboard the ship] [*]Chief of Operations [Ensures all ship-board systems function correctly] [*]Chief Security/Tactical Officer [Ensures ship and crew safety and operates/maintains weapon systems] [*]Chief Engineer [Responsible for ship system maintenance and repair] [*]Chief Medical Officer [Ensures the physical health of all aboard the ship] [*]Chief Science Officer [Responsible for all scientific data the ship collects as well as monitoring the experiments] [/list] I should also note we will be getting a Diplomatic Officer after the first episode but thats all a big secret with now so shhhh! :-p. I'll post this with the Adventure Inn thread as well but I don't see why it can't go here, it's a website giving info on the various roles of each position but you can ignore the stuff about reports to the CO and such because it's for a big sim called 'Bravo Fleet'. [B][URL=http://www.bravofleet.net/academy/positions/index.html]Click here[/URL][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]I do remember you sending me this idea a while ago Gav and I say what I said then. It's a good idea and I'm glad your thinking about putting it up seeing as it's been quite a while since there was a decent Zoid-RPG in the Square but I've got a few questions. Will the Zoid combat be team based or will it be individual pilots squaring off? As for the continents I would love to help you with the names but I'm a little busy right now but keep me in mind incase you need some help ^_~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Okay the sign-up thread is coming along nicely and I'm just here to iron out a few details. The Brightstar is an Insignia Class Starship, info can be found [B][URL=http://www.ussmiranda.com/ships/insignia.htm]here[/URL][/B]. The episodes will take place mainly in the Beta Quadrant whereas some will need us to go into the Delta Quadrant so this means we will be far from Federation Space [I know, I know, cries of Voyager fill the room]. As Vicky said there will be an 'off-episode' every so often in order for the crew to develop friendships and such as well as there being the dreaded character building episodes. I see most missions lasting around 150 posts, I know thats a lot but I must stress that you should only sign-up for this if you are willing to go the distance, it's likely to be a very long RPG. If you have any questions please let me know.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]I know I've posted a thread on this already but it doesn't seem to be gaining much attention so I'll relocate it to here. I would like to have some banners and graphics made for the sim along the lines of the title bar for the RPG and maybe some 'episode' graphics giving the name of the episode and perhaps a visual element as well. If anyone could please do that or maybe ask some friends I'd be very grateful.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [B]Name:[/B] Kirby [B]Approximate Age:[/B] 17 [B]Picture:[/B] [URL=http://cube.smedia.co.uk/downloads/pictures/ssbm/kirby.jpg]Click here[/URL] [Do not be fooled by my slight stature or friendly face, when there is a job to be done I get right to it] [B]Personality:[/B] Personally I see myself as a very welcoming sort of person. With me you always know where you stand, by my side as a friend. It's quite impossible not to think of me as an adorable pink ball with a great smile and I find this is a great morale boost for my work-mates. I'm not afraid to speak my feelings and will question orders that don't make sense to me or if I'm not sure of the legality of what you want doing. Don't take this the wrong way though. I am very loyal to my company, ask the inhabitants of Dream Land as I have proved my loyalty to them many times in the past. I may be reckless at times and try to swallow something that is to big and that?s when I'll need help. All in all I see myself as a balanced individual, albeit a little naive, but I'm sure it will pass as I get more experience. Believe me, I'm your man for plumbing. [B]Background:[/B] This recounts one of my more recent, and very deadly adventures in my quest to keep Dream Land safe. [QUOTE=Kirby][COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]It all started one lazy afternoon while I was having my sixth nap of the day [As is the style in Dream Land] when I suddenly realized that I wasn't dreaming which was an unheard of event in Dream Land. Upon awakening I quickly gathered my friends and asked them if they had experienced the same thing and to my horror they had. It did not take us long to realise what had happened, the Dream Spring must have been damaged. The Dream Spring is a magical well that is a reservoir for all the dreams of the inhabitants of Dream Land. Dreams also flow out of the Dream Spring and envelop Dream Land, granting all sleeping beings enjoyable dreams. Legends told that the Dream Spring was created by a magical artefact known as the Star Rod. The sparkling star on the tip of this sceptre was an actual fragment of a star that had landed in Dream Land in the distant past. The Star Rod now provided energy to the Dream Spring and served as the very symbol of Dream Land. It soon became apparent that the lack of Dreams was having a bad effect on all the Dream Landers and so I took it upon myself to discover what had happened to our beloved Dream Spring and the Star Rod. Upon reaching the Dream Spring I discovered the vile King Dedede [He is to me what Bowser is to you] lolling around covered in bubble-bath where the Star Rod should have been placed, needless to say I wasn't pleased. "So, you're up to your old tricks again, eh, Dedede?!" I accused. "What are you talking about, young pudge ball?" Dedede looked surprised. "I thought I'd do everyone a favour by..." "No, no no!" I shook my head. "I won't listen to your tricks! What have you done with the Star Rod?!" "Oh, that old thing," Dedede said nonchalantly. "I broke it into seven pieces and gave each piece to one of my friends..." "What was Dedede thinking?!" I wondered. And so I took it upon myself to re-claim the seven pieces of the Star Rod thus bringing the Dream Spring back to them. I travelled to all the lands of Dream Land, from the Vegetable Valley to Rainbow Resort, and faced each of Dededes friends in turn and with each victory I gained another piece of the Star Rod. At the end of my long journey I came to the Rainbow resort and faced the King himself, needless to say it was a great battle and I won only by an inch but I was overjoyed. I have re-built the Star Rod and defeated Dedede again. But it was not over. It appeared that the true enemy was Nightmare himself and Dedede had taken the Star Rod to stop him getting it and in revenged Nightmare had stopped all the dreams escaping the spring. But this time I had the great Star Rod on my side and the battle was not as one sided as the battle with Dedede but it was still difficult. In the end I defeated Nightmare and banished him from Dream Land forever.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]It was after this that I realised I was becoming stuck in a rut of saving the world so I packed up and left in a hurry to find a job which brings me back to this application form. I am applying for this job to discover what life is like in the real world, away from Dream Land and the role of its defender. You see I want to try other careers before becoming a full-time hero of Dream Land. I feel I am more that capable to perform any and all tasks this job should hand me. From turning a screw to removing a very large clog in the drain [See skills for more on that]. I am young and eager to join your new company, do not dismiss me purely on the basis that I am young so I leave my fate to you Mr. Mario, be gentle with it.....it's very fragile. [B]Skills/Qualifications:[/B] I pride myself on my one special ability, and special it surely is. You see, I can expanded my body to any size thus I can swallow pretty much anything and when doing this I take on the objects powers, if it had any. This could come in handy during plumbing problems where there is a very bad case of blockage in the pipe. I can also fly if I suck in enough air in order to inflate my body, this is a quick form of transport and can get me to the problem in the blink of an eye. My qualifications aren't for a Plumber as such but they are much like yours, I have saved my home of Dream Land from various villains many times [Though none as dangerous as Bowser] and I feel that gives me ample qualifications for taking care of the vital pipe network connecting all of our worlds. I do not like to brag about this but I am also a very talented Star-Rider in Dream Land and can use this ability to get to many places others cannot. [B]Homeplace:[/B] Dream Land [B]Game Appearance[/B] [I]Kirby's Dreamland Kirby's Dreamland 2 Kirby's Blockball Kirby's Star Stacker Kirby's Pinball Land Kirby Tilt 'n Tumble Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland Kirby and the Amazing Mirror[/I] ---------------------------------- [B]Post Background Preference:[/B] Aqua ----------------------------------
  16. [quote name='Balmon']I don't consider Enterprise as a worthy member of the Star Trek series.[/quote] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]I certainly agree with you on that point Phil. ENT is a good sci-fi just not a good Star Trek ^_^;;, but back to the RPG. Thanks for the feed-back, now I know I have at least three people interested in the idea [Which is more than zero ^_^;;] but what I need help with now is giving the RPG a premise. Not like a [I]"These are the voyagers of the Starship Brightstar"[/I], nothing like. Something more along the lines of what the ship is/does and the overall mission for the crew. I've already said that the players would only play the senior staff so there would only be nine or so people and the senior staff as I see it would be something like this: [list] [*]Captain [CO] [*]Executive Officer [XO] [*]Second Officer [SO] [*]Chief Science Officer [CSO] [*]Chief Medical Officer [CMO] [*]Chief Enginner [CE] [*]Chief of Security/Tactical [COS/T] [*]Chief of Operations [COO] [*]Chief Helmsmen [CH] [Possible] [/list] Thats all that come to mind right now, if anyone else has any they feel would be a good addition to the list feel free to recommend them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. Jokopoko


    [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Hero:[/B] Iron Man [B]Real Name:[/B] Anthony 'Tony' Stark [B]Age:[/B] 37 [B]Powers:[/B] Iron Man's armour enables him to lift about 70 tons under standard operating conditions. The suit incorporates various offensive weapons, including repulsor blasters and a uni-beam, and grants its wearer a degree of invulnerability and the power of flight. [list] [*]Superhuman strength and durability due to armour [*]Genius-level intellect [*]Flight via jet-boots [*]Repulsor blasts [*]Uni-beam [*]Modular system incorporates many specialist armour [/list] [B]Height/Weight:[/B] 6'1/225 lbs [B]Eye/Hair Color:[/B] Blue/Black [B]Base of Operation:[/B] (Avengers Mansion, New York City [B]Short Bio:[/B] Inventor. Businessman. Ladies man. Super hero. Gravely injured by an act of industrial sabotage, billionaire genius Tony Stark saved his own life by designing a life-sustaining shell - a high-tech armour that is the invincible Iron Man, the world thinks Iron Man is an employee - Starks personel bodyguard. In this duel role he faces corporate intrigue and super-powered menaces. Iron Man is a modern day Knight in shining armour.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]I've been thinking about doing a 'Star Trek' RPG for some time now but I'm unsure whether I should. I'm thinking this because I've yet to see a 'Star Trek' RPG in the Arena so I don't if there is a fan-base for 'Star Trek' here on OB and thats why I've made this thread, to see whether people would go for a 'Star Trek' RPG. The basic set-up would be like the TV Series of 'Star Trek'. The 'cast' would be the senior officers aboard the U.S.S. Brightstar during the later half of the 2380s so it's set after the Dominion War and after Voyager came home so there is more time and resources for Starfleet to explore the vast regions of space [Even the Alpha Quadrant has only roughly 1% of it mapped out]. It would be set out like a series meaning it wouldn't be a continueus[sp?] plot but divided into missions, or episodes, with 24 missions per year of the voyage, or 'seasons'. And my questions are: [B]1. If there are Star Trek fans here would you go for this? 2. Do you [Anyone, not just trekkies] believe this idea could work in the Adventure Square? 3. Would the 'episode' system work? [Think of it like James's Chapter system but a little different.][/B] If you have comments that don't relate to my questions feel free to post them, I welcome all comments.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]I'm planning to do a Star Trek RPG like the series and such. You know with missions and seasons and all that and I was wondering if anyone could make we some graphics/banners for it. These would included the title bar [Like the DS9 or VOY ones] and maybe mission graphics I.E. It would have the 'episode' title and some scenery that would go into my first post. If you think you could do that for me please reply and we can talk.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Marcus Treming [B]Age:[/B] 36 [B]Sex:[/B] Male [B]Specialty:[/B] Chief Science Officer, speciality in Geography [B]Bio:[/B] Marcus is the only son of the rich industrialist Richard M. Treming and Marcus has had to fight his father?s reputation away from himself since birth. He originally came from Chicago where his Great-Grandfather had set up the ?family business? which had been so successful. Unfortunately his mother, Marlena, had died giving birth to him and so was raised by his father and the various servants about the Treming Mansion as he was growing up. Marcus resented this special treatment and just wanted to be left alone so he could develop his own personality instead of being given his fathers but it was hard to fight that while hardly being left alone and being sent to the best private schools in the country, just like his father. One of his fathers favoured sayings was that money could buy anything on Earth but it couldn?t buy Marcus his freedom. During his teenage years Marcus was sent too many private schools but he hated each of them as much as the last. This was because wherever he went his father shadow followed him, the Principals would be his golfing partners or his class-mates would be his father?s business partners or friendly rivals. Eventually Marcus had enough and asked his father to send him to a public school instead. After many heated arguments his father finally agreed to send him to the local school, but under an alias so the students and teachers wouldn?t know him. Almost instantly there was a change in Marcus?s entire learning style, he soon found a keen interest in Science and Geography but he still resented his father shadow over him. When the time came to pick what university degree to study his father instantly told him to pick an industry degree so to keep the business in the trade, but obviously Marcus disagreed. Once again arguments filled the mansions halls as the two fought it out with each other but soon things were said that couldn?t be taken back and Marcus packed his bags and left the mansion but still unsure as to what he wanted to do. In the end he decided to carry on with his love of science but in a different manner, he signed up with the U.S. Airforce as an assistant, this gave him experience but allowed him to continue what he loved and it was one of places where your family didn?t matter, only who you were. After six or seven years Marcus did eventually become a fully trained Airforce researcher/scientist/geographer. While he enjoyed his work with the military Marcus was never able to develop a lasting relationship with any of his female co-workers but according to his friends he wouldn?t need to do to much because apparently all the women thought him to be cute, charming and all the things girls realise but guys don?t. Halfway into the testing of the new Aerospace fighter designs Marcus got a call from the Office of the Airforce Commander-in-Chief. Upon his arrival he was informed of the previous Event Horizon mission and all the details involved therein. Being told of the distress call from Deimos he was given orders, not a choice, to join the crew of Allen Chubb as he, and the remainder of the first crew, set out to discover the fate of Deimos. [B]Personality Profile:[/B] Marcus is a generally caring person but tends to get awkward in emotional situations and prefers to leave it to others to handle the situation. He isn?t very forthcoming about his past because, last he heard, his fathers company was still very high-profile and has thus far convinced people all they share is a last name and nothing else. He obviously knows the distinction between right and wrong and will always try to do what he sees as the right thing and makes sure it will benefit all parties, not just himself. Marcus can become to engrossed in his work and sometimes has to be forced to stop in order for sleep, food etc but over all his just the average Joe nice-guy. The only problem he has is being around women, it?s not that he?s afraid of them just that he hasn?t been around them that much seeing as he grew up without his mother around and the worst thing is he, apparently, has all the qualities that women find charming and it just endears him more to them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Okay people, all of the applications after my second post are in [Both of your characters are fine Gav, just have the third one ready soon]. I really don't want this to die so we'll wait until Tuesday-Wednesday next week and if no one else has signed up I'll start it. Anyone reading this my wish list is some main X-Men and Brotherhood people as well as at least on Agent of Hydra[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Thanks for the feedback but I'm still not sure whether I want RPG or Fanfic. It's a fanfic, like 'hEvN said, I can control it and do a full-blow spoof of Star Wars and OtakuBoards at the same time but if it's an RPG theres the creativity that goes with many minds working to move the plot as opposed to just one. I'll figure it out once I've written the prologue which should be very soon ^_^. Gah, I hate making choices but on the plus side I have some location names thought up: [U]Locations and Places[/U] Tatooine ? Taccobean Alderaan ? Balderdash Mos Eisley ? More-than Likely Mos Eisley Cantina ? More-than Likely Fry Up Yavin 4 ? Jivein? 2 Jundland Wastes ? Abhorrent Tastes [B]P.S.[/B] I've also named the Sith 'Teh Shifty' and the Jedi 'The Dead-Eyes' which raises the question of what to call the force....?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]I started to work on this idea quite a while ago and on the way home from the shop it suddenly sprang back into my mind [For reasons unknown to me] so I figure I should take advantage of this new forum to post up the ideas I've had. N/B: I haven't yet decided whether this will be a Parody Fanfic or an RPG but all comments are welcome as well as helpful. [CENTER]-=======-[/CENTER] [CENTER][U]OtakuBoards: Spam Wars Episode XXVI: How to cope??with 1mp3ri@l n00bs[/U] [U]Ideas[/U][/CENTER] [B]Cast List[/B] Emperor Palpatine ? Emperor Adam Darth Vader ? Darth Otaku a.k.a. Kane Otakuwalker Obi-Wan Kenobi ? Jo-Ko Kenobi Luke Skywalker ? Solo Otakuwalker Princess Leia Organa ? Princess Vicky Organic Han Solo ? Desbreko Loner Chewbacca ? Dragonbaker R2-D2 ? 5H-1n C-3PO ? S-YK3 Grand Moff Tarkin ? Big Toff Harlequin Jabba the Hutt ? Baka the Tent Boba Fett ? Jedgar Fett [B]Organisations[/B] The Empire ? Teh 3mp1re The Rebel Alliance ? Really Envious of the Big Empire Lads [R.E.B.E.L.] Alliance Stormtroopers ? Spamtroopers Imperial Navy ? 1mp3ri@l N@\/y Rebel Troopers ? R.E.B.E.L. Bloopers TIE Fighter Pilots ? BYE Fighter Pilots [B]Starships[/B] Death Star ? Death Spammer Imperial Star Destroyer ? 1mp3ri@l Spam Deliverer TIE Fighters ? BYE Fighters X-Wings ? TXT-Wings Y-Wings ? Why-Wings Millennium Falcon ? Evangelion Falcon Rebel Blockade Runner ? R.E.B.E.L. Spoiler-Tag Runner [B]Locations and Places[/B] [This is where I need the most help] [CENTER]-=======-[/CENTER] Any constructive comments welcome and don't be afraid to give your own ideas for things or even changes to the cast list if you like, it's all good ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]I've been keeping my ear pretty close to the ground for more news of Superhero Movies [Marvel mainly] and I've heard some pretty funny rumours for a few of them. Apparantly in the new [B]Iron-Man[/B] film there is talk of having pretty boy Leo playing Tony Stark and that would kill it in my opinion. Stark is a middle age guy not a pretty boy teen *gags* but the idea of an Iron-Man sounds pretty nifty but only if they have a good actor playing Stark, I was thinking Tom Cruise would be good for the role. I've heard news of a [B]Fantastic Four[/B] film in the making and I don't profess to be much of a FF fan to be honest but the more Marvel the better :p I say, would be interesting to see how they do the effects for their powers seeing as they would all be pretty effect driven. [B]X-Men 3[/B] should be very interesting. I'm hoping for something with S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra or the Shi'ar Empire personally. I realise the Shi'ar is a long shot but it's pretty obvious Jean is a live and is Phoenix now [If you have keen eyes at the end of X2 it is REALLY obvious] but it'd be cool to see Nick Fury on the Big Screen and who knows, Cap might make a cameo appearance. And after watching Spider-Man 2 [Which ruled] it is very plain to see who the villian will be in [B]Spider-Man 3[/B]. [spoiler]It's very clear that it will be Green Goblin 2 after Harrys episode toward the end and the revealing of the Goblin hideout and the love story with Peter and MJ will carry on.[/spoiler] This isn't in the film so it don't count it as a spoiler but it'd be fun to see the Lizard as a villian as well, could be interesting.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]It feels odd for me if I don't get some good procrastination in before I have to do something serious. I don't know why but most of the time I just can't be bothered to do what ever needs doing ^_^;; Take me needing a job. I know I need one and so, my parents keep nagging me about it but I just can't be bothered. I have to much procrastination to be doing [Though I'm probs gonna look into a job today -_-][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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