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Everything posted by Jokopoko
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Somehow I'm not sure it would work because the majority of users of online these days seem to be guests, for example: It says 36 users online, 9 members and 27 guests. The most members I've ever seen online is about 42 or something like that. Good luck anyway[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Hi, I'm thinking about asking for Colosseum for my birthday this year and I need to clear something up about it's features. On Amazon.co.uk it states these as the features of the game: [list] [*]Battle your Ruby and Sapphire Pokémon on the big screen [*]Various tournaments and minigames [*]Rental Pokémon available for those without GBA games [*]For 1-4 players [/list] Whereas on other sites it says that there are no mini-games and no rental Pokemon but you can use the Pokemon you capture in the RPG mode in the tournaments if you don't have Ruby or Sapphire [Which I don't]. So are these features of the european version or just false advertising, some one help me out :confused:[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Sign Up Anime Stereotype High School: Enrolment [PG-13]
Jokopoko replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Theater
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Character Name:[/B] Takai Ebina [B]Anime Stereotype:[/B] The tough guy who really isn't that tough but still tries to make things right and ends up screwing it up even more. [B]Age:[/B] 17. [B]Year:[/B] Senior. [B]Gender:[/B] Male. [B]Appearance: [URL=http://www.anime-online.com/animeguys/marron.jpg]Click here[/URL].[/B] [B]Alignment:[/B] Good. [B]Extra Subjects:[/B] [list] [*]Monster Control w/ Applied Spirit Taming [*]Magic Casting [*]Metalwork and Forgery [*]Transformation [*]Creative Writing [*]Hero Ethics [/list] [B]Accommodation:[/B] A small hut-like building in the school grounds, very spartan. He still keeps his parent and the mage on his mantal piece. [B]Bio:[/B] Takai is your run-of-the-mill tough guy, family affected in horrible accident and he is left alone to deal with the trauma and sets out a life goal of stopping this kind of thing happening again, with little success. It all began when he was mearly five years old and was living with his family just outside of Tokyo when it happened. An evil mage of some description came to the house spewing some nonsense about how he was trying to save the world by killing Takai, you know the usual stuff and tried to kill Takai but his father tried to stop him and as a result the mage turned himself, along with Takai's family, into rather handsome wood ornaments which Takai keeps to this day. Since that day Takai has set himself a goal of never letting this happen and has trained himself in the magical arts so to stop it happening. His subjects greatly reflect this because he feels he needs to learn to be more 'hero like' while still becoming a hero and he uses creative writing to vent his anger and frustration. Even though he works with the best of intentions Takais plans never turn out the way he wants them to and he becomes more of a hindrance rather than a help to those around him, it doesn?t help that his idea of right and wrong don?t match up with the rest of the world either but he still tries to help in his own little way. He tries to act sociable but can?t manage to pull that off either because his conversation starters usually revolve around his parents and their misfortune and that sends the conversation down hill from the off. He doesn?t realise that when he tries to act all reclusive and secretive after his failed social attempts it endears him more to the girls around him and this is the last thing that Takai needs. The reason being the one thing that causes Takai to lose all will-power and strength is girls. He was never in close contact with them until coming to the Academy and so has a hard time dealing with them. When girls are to close he acts the goof in the traditional Anime style, which is trying, and failing, to impress them while they still think of him as cute. The tough guy act is his way of coping, he lets no one in so they can't turn into wood ornaments and remind him of his past, but at a school like this how long will those defences hold? [B]Special Powers/Abilities:[/B] Takai is a master with the Bow and Arrow and doesn't see a need in the over sized swords or giant mechas of other Anime characters, he relies on his pin-point accuracy rather than swinging wildly or steping on something, his greatest love is forging new and more powerful arrows to use. His magic is still at apprentice level but he can still create quite good defensive magic spells while still having trouble with offensive magic. His transformation needs work as well, instead of turning him into a mythic demi-god like figure which he wants, it still managers to become some form of hybrid between human and flamingo. [B]Sworn Enemy:[/B] Most, if not all, wrong-doers and evil people in general, though his opinion of evil and good are somewhat hazy.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Great sign-ups guys, you're both in the RPG. Just a note to people who sign-up after this: I don't want a boatload of X-Men and two Brotherhood sort of RPG and incase I didn't make it clear enough you CAN sign up as an Agent of Hydra or S.H.I.E.L.D. but PM me before you do cause I need to go over some things if you do.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][I]Note:[/I] I've not really played Sonic but this seems cool and so does Espio so I'll give it a try [B]Name:[/B] Espio Chameleon [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Dice/1850/espio.jpg]Click here[/URL] His clothes are like those worn by the Matrix 'Good Guys' [Neo and Co] so leather trousers, coat etc. [B]Biography:[/B] Currently the man for Shadows 'Odd-Jobs' Espio started his work life in a very different place. He started his work life as a member of the Chaotix, a group of various talents lead by Vector the Crocodile, Espio thought Vector was a fair and just leader with a bit of a 'glorly grapping' streak but he was much better than Knuckles who had been the previous leader. He got along with most of the group with the exception of Mighty the Armadillo whom he disliked when he first set eyes on him, what the two didn't realise was that they were very much alike and some say this is why they didn't get along. The Choatix where a group of merc's who took jobs for money if they thought it suited their purpose. After a few missions and raids the group got a name for themselves and soon many people were asking for their services and Vector would only take the highest bidder from the vast numbers pleading for the services of the Chaotix. Espio was the main covert man of the group, being trained in the martial arts and throwing 3-foot wide shuiken he to had a name outside of the group. This caused an even bigger feud between himself and Mighty which eventually split the group apart. Espio stuck with Vector and a Bee known as Charmy and they founded their own detective agency. Espio didn't stay long, to him the idea seemed out dated and stale. He forged a carrer of stealing small objects of high value for those who needed them but he eventually made a mistake. While attempting to steal some technology from HedgeTech he was caught and brought before Shadow. Just as he thought he would be vapourised Shadow offered him a postion in the company as his 'odd-job' man who would do anything and everything asked of him by Shadow. Weighing the alternative Espio agreed with out hestiation. Since then he has worked many deeds for Shadow, sometimes as a solo and other times with his sometimes partner Rouge. [B]Personality:[/B] Espio is a chameleon looking out for only himself. He doesn't care what happens to others as long as the mission or his own goal is carried out and completed. The only time he'd care for someone is if the success of the mission depended on their survival. Most think of him as cold and aloof but he doesn't care what others think because his is the only opinion that matters to him. His friends know that for the most part it is an act to intimidate others but have never questioned him about it. [B]Special Ability:[/B] Espio is able to blend in with his surroundings with limited success, his eyes are the only part of him that don't disappear and there is still a vauge outline of his body where it is super-imposed over the area he is copying.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=CRIMSON][U][B][CENTER]X-Men Evolution, Unseen Dangers[/B][/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][I]?Mutation; it is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow and normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution skips forward...? Professor Charles Xavier, Founder ?Xavier?s School for the Gifted?[/I] -===============- It has been a long time since Charles Xavier said those words, and much has changed. The world is a different place, the Mutant hype has settled somewhat, but there are stillpeople out there that fear and hate Mutant kind and the same is true for Mutants that hate the Humans who wish to destroy them. There is still one place where Mutants of a young age can come to hone their skills and learn to use them to aid Man-kind, not to use them against them. The place is still Xavier?s School for the gifted, only the teachers have changed. In the beginning it was Professor Xavier, Logan, Ororo Monroe and Hank McCoy, they?re still around but they don?t teach at the school anymore, they passed that duty to their first group of students, the original X-Men. Most of the X-Men left to set up new groups across the world but four have chosen to stay and keep Xavier?s going. They are Scott Summers, Jean Grey-Summers, Lance Alvers and Katherine ?Kitty? Pryde. They have remained at the Institute to teach the new breed of Mutants that are coming into the world today and they still operate on the some rules and guidelines set down by Charles Xavier in the beginning. Several new members have also joined the X-Men team after the group reformed. X-23 now goes by the name of Samantha Logan and is ?involved? with Robert ?Bobby? Drake who also remained at the mansion. Piotr Rasputin, code-named Colossus, also joined when the Acolytes disbanded and Spyke has also been known to come to the mansion from time to time. Rouge is an unknown at this time, for personal reasons she left the Mansion some time ago and has not returned since, though she does respond to calls for assistance from the new X-Men. But they are not the only Mutants who have remained in Bayville after all that has happened. Some members of the old Brotherhood are still around, and they prove a major head-ache for the new X-Men. The organisation of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Hazard Intervention and Espionage Logistics Directorate) still exists and is operating on high-alert at the time because the illegitimate son of Bolivar Trask, Alexi, has learned of his father?s fate at the hands of mutants and has taken control of Hydra in order to re-launch the sentinel program as well as many more anti-mutant programs and eradicate the threat to humans once and for all. Though Xavier?s X-Men do not know this they will soon find out -===============-[/CENTER] ?Is the machine prepared?? ?Yes, sir, the prototype is ready to be activated. The only problem is locating a mutant to use the machine, if we could ?? ?There is no need for a search; I already have one in mind. He should prove useful to us, tell all field units to locate the Mutant known as Legion and to bring him here? ?But ? but, sir. That mutant is one of the most powerful on earth? ?I know and that is why we need him. Carry out my orders or you shall suffer the same fate as those mutant scumbags? ?Yes sir, it shall be as you order. Legion will be ours.? [CENTER]-===============-[/CENTER] Before I carry on and give the sign-up sheet I want to go over a few things. This RPG is set ten years after X-Men Evo so the X-Men and Brotherhood mutants need to have their ages changed accordingly [I.E. Scott is now thirty etc] and any original mutants used [For either side] are teenagers only [Twelve to Eighteen]. As for mutants per side, only five original mutants can be player for the X-Men, for example the four teachers and the others are NPC and only three original mutants can be played for the Brotherhood. For new mutants I want to limit it to six per side so it?s not to unfair to either side. If you want to play an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra [This includes Nick Fury and Alexi Trask] PM me and I?ll see what I can do. I?m putting these restrictions on because I don?t want an RPG full of X-Men and no other side and I don?t want to many to play with like they did in the comic books, the teams are basically the same structure of the teams in X-Men Evo with a few adult mutants and several students or trainees. Any original characters not played will become NPCs and have cameos throughout the RPG unless someone wishes to play one as the story progresses but I?ll cross that bridge when I come to it. BTW: The final battle with Apocalypse occurred in 2004 for this so it is currently 2014. [CENTER]-===============-[/CENTER] [U]Sign-Up Sheet[/U] [B]Name:[/B] [Characters real name] [B]Code Name:[/B] [Name used during missions, reflects your power] [B]Age:[/B] [How old your character is] [B]Gender:[/B] [Male or female] [B]Appearance:[/B] [A picture or detailed description will do fine] [B]Mutation/Powers:[/B] [For this I want an accurate description of your power, not simply ?super speed? or ?super strength?. I want a good knowledge base for your power, if you?re unsure just check others powers or PM with the power you want and I?ll try to help. This won?t apply to Hydra agents but some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents may be mutants] [B]Originally From:[/B] [Country, City or State. But if you?d prefer it can be all three] [B]Affiliation:[/B] [X-Men, Brotherhood of Mutants, S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra] [B]Current Location:[/B] [Same as originally from but can include base of operations as well. I.E. Xavier?s School for the Gifted or the Brotherhood Mansion] [B]Known Family:[/B] [Who are your parents or siblings, were they mutants to, are the living or dead?] [B]Personality:[/B] [How do you act toward others around you and how to you react to a situation] [B]Biography:[/B] [What is your characters history. I would like a good two paragraphs or more. For original characters you can include events in the series but also add something?s that have happened in the past ten years] [CENTER]-===============-[/CENTER] [U]Notes for the Main Characters[/U] [I]The X-Men:[/I] Scott and Jean have been married for seven years now and live in a separate house which is adjacent to the Mansion so they can have some privacy, Jeans powers are much closer to the Professors in terms of power though she still has difficulty controlling them and Scott also has greater control over the optic blasts and can, on occasion, use the blasts without his glasses or visor. Lance and Kitty have been dating for around a year and a half now and are engaged and are getting married in the next three months. It is still to early to tell whether something will come from Bobby and Samantha?s relationship. [I]The Brotherhood:[/I] The two remaining members of the Brotherhood are Pyro and Wanda since the other members of the Brotherhood and the Acolytes left because of ?creative differences? and haven?t returned to Bayville since, but they may yet return. There may be a spark between them but neither have done anything about it. They, like Mystique and Magneto, have several trainees living with them in the mansion which is in a much better condition than before. [I]S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra:[/I] Nick Fury is still one of the main agents for S.H.I.E. L.D. thanks to the infinity formula that he ingests yearly to slow the aging process of his body, S.H.I.E.L.D. now has a mutant division which is made up of specially trained Mutants to aid S.H.I.E.L.D. in any and all operations. Hydra has recently rebuilt itself after Alexi Trask provided funds from his deceased fathers bank vaults and it is more powerful than ever before with several divisions dedicated to Anti-Mutant programs. [CENTER]-===============-[/CENTER] [U]My Character[/U] [B]Name:[/B] Scott Summers [B]Code Name:[/B] Cyclops [B]Age:[/B] 30 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance: [URL=http://x-men.toonzone.net/gallery/character/future_xmen02.jpg]Click here[/URL][/B] The one in the middle. [B]Mutation/Powers:[/B] Cyclops possesses the mutant ability to project a beam of concussive, ruby-coloured force from his eyes. Cyclops's eyes are no longer the complex organic jelly that utilizes the visible spectrum of light to see the world around it. Instead, they are inter-dimensional apertures between this universe and another, non-Einsteinium universe, where physical laws as we know them do not pertain. This non-Einsteinium universe is filled with particles that resemble photons, yet they interact with this universe's particles by transferring kinetic energy in the form of gravitons (the particle of gravitation). These particles generate great, directional concussive force when they interact with the objects of this universe. Cyclops's mind has a particular psionic field that is attuned to the forces that maintain the apertures that have taken the place of his eyes. Because his mind's psionic field envelops his body, it automatically shunts the other-dimensional particles back into their point of origin when they collide with his body. Thus, his body is protected from the effects of the particles, and even the thin membrane of his eyelids is sufficient to block the emission of energy. The synthetic ruby quartz crystal used to fashion the lenses of Cyclops's eyeglasses and visor is resonant to his minds' psionic field and is similarly protected. The extra dimensional supply of energy for Cyclops's eye-blast is practically infinite. Thus, so long as Cyclops's psionic field is active (which is constantly), there is the potential to emit energy. The only limit to the eye-blast is the mental fatigue of focusing constantly. After about 15 minute of constant usage, the psionic field subsides and allows only a slight leakage of energy to pass through the aperture. Cyclops's metabolism will recover sufficiently for him to continue in about an additional 15 minutes. [B]Originally From:[/B] United States of America, Anchorage, Alaska [B]Affiliation:[/B] X-Men, Xavier?s School for the Gifted [B]Current Location:[/B] Xavier Institute, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York State [B]Known Family:[/B] Christopher Summers [Father], Katherine Ann Summers [Mother, deceased], Alexander Masters [Havok, brother], Philip Summers, Deborah Summers [Grandparents], Jean Grey-Summers [Phoenix, Wife] [B]Personality:[/B] Scott is the kind of person who will take command of the situation whatever it is. He is just one of those people with the unmistakable characteristic of leadership and sometimes the puts a heavy burden on his shoulders. He finds it uncomfortable when people always look to him for leadership and won?t do anything till he says the word because he believes everyone has the potential for leadership and doesn?t think everyone should rest their hopes of on one person. But he is able to cope with this very well by taking ideas from the Professor and Logan in his teaching and leadership style; tough and fair. Scott is deeply loyal to his friends, teachers and students and would risk his life to save all of them if he had to, in his vocabulary there is no such thing as ?giving up? and ?leaving someone behind?. Scott is still a little untrustworthy of Lance even though he [Lance] has been an X-Man for about five years now. He and Jean have always had a very strong connection with each other since the started dating in their final year of High School. The Professor has theorised that it is a by-product of Jeans telepathy and as a result the two always know where the other is and whether they are in need of help. Scott would give everything he has to ensure Jeans safety, even his own life and several times he has been key to saving her life in times of great peril. In general Scott is a caring and considerate man with a tough streak which has a ?Wolverine feel? to it and is always willing to give people a second chance but only if he thinks they have deserved it. [B]Biography:[/B] Scott Summers was the older of the two sons of Major Christopher Summers, a test pilot in the U. S. Air Force. When Scott was a child, Major Summers flew himself, his wife Katherine, and his sons Scott and Alex back from a vacation in his vintage private plane. The plane was attacked and set ablaze by a scout ship from the alien Shi'ar Empire. Katherine pushed Scott and Alex out the plane door with the only available parachute. The parachute was unable to slow their fall sufficiently to prevent Scott from suffering a head injury on landing. [The injury damaged the part of Scott's brain that would have enabled him to control his optic blasts.] The two boys were separated by the authorities: Alex was adopted, but Scott remained comatose in a hospital for a year. Christopher and Katharine were believed dead. [Actually, they were taken prisoner by the Shi'ar; Katharine soon died but Christopher later became Corsair, leader of the Starjammers, a band of interstellar adventurers.] On recovering, Scott was placed in an orphanage in Omaha, Nebraska. Years later, as a teenager, Scott began to suffer from severe headaches and eyestrain. He was sent to an eye specialist in Washington, D. C., who discovered that lenses made of ruby quartz corrected the problem. While Scott was visiting a large city, his developing mutant power to project optic force beams finally erupted, bursting forth in an uncontrollable blast that demolished a crane, causing it to drop a huge object towards a terrified crowd. Scott saved the crowd by obliterating the object with another blast, but they turned into an angry mob, thinking he had tried to kill them. Scott fled, ultimately escaping on a freight train. Professor Charles Xavier and F.B.I. agent Fred Duncan joined forces in their mutual attempt to find Scott. Meanwhile, a mutant known as Jack O' Diamonds, and later as the Living Diamond, forced the frightened boy to aid him in his crimes. Xavier rescued Scott from the Living Diamond and enlisted him as the first member of the team of young mutants he would teach in using their powers, the X-Men. The team quickly grew when four more mutants came to the team. Jean-Grey, Kurt Wagner, Katherine Pryde and Evan Daniels soon joined the team when Xavier extended his had to them with the offer to help them hone their powers. All were given code names reflecting their powers and were enrolled at Bayville High School where the posed as normal human teenagers whereas the life at the mansion was anything but normal. As the months went by the five X-Men were tutored in their powers by Professor Xavier, Ororo Monroe [Storm] and Logan [Wolverine] and they began to gain greater control of their powers. Unknown to them there was another mutant group called the Brotherhood that was also located in Bayville and run by Mystique, also known as Raven Darkholm, who was posing as the High School principal. The X-Men and Brotherhood had many confrontations in their time at High School and it was revealed that Mystique was the principal and had to go into hiding. The new principal, Robert Kelly, seemed to be a all round nice guy but when he found out that the X-Men and Brotherhood were all mutants he became very distant from them and even campaigned for the Mayoral position so he could make Anti-Mutant legislation. His time in High School and directly after was a stressful period for Scott from the world learning of mutants, finding his brother Alex and it all culminated in the battle with Apocalypse. The period directly after this was one of rebuilding and reorganising for the X-Men as new members came and old members left. During his first year as ?Principle? of the Institute Scott and Jean got engaged and were married in the summer of 2007 and have been living in the separate house for about five years now. Scott is always pleased to see his old friends from his teenage years. When ever he needs advice he can always turn to Hank or the Professor for help and during this time of uncertainty he will need all the help he can get. [CENTER]-===============-[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=CRIMSON][B]Let the EVOLUTION begin[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Michael ?Mich? Braddock [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 31 [B]Biography:[/B] Michael has lived in Key City for much of his life; he came from Chicago after his parents and sister were killed in a road accident. Early in life he had dreamed about being a technician of some sort as he saw Computers were changing the world and so saw a career in those machines. But he soon learned how fickle fate is when he was flunked out of the school for his family background; after this he decided to train as a handy-man, but an electrician mostly and this was able to sustain him for some time before moving to Key City. Before moving he had many the odd jobs in the city but could never hold himself in a single job for to long. He hand an on-again off-again relationship with a woman called Christina Farrad but she thought he was ?below? her because of her family?s social status in Chicago. This left him feeling cheated and hurt so he decided to leave his old life in Chicago and move to Key City. At first he tried to be the odd job man once again but found it didn?t make ends meet, so he went looking for a job that demanded all of his skills. After several months of searching he found a job, but he was not to please with it. Being a Superintendent was not the life he had pictured for himself but it was what he had been dealt in life, so he swallowed hid pride and took the job. Mich is never short of work seeing as his apartment block is close to the centre of Key City and, thus, close to the fighting between the Guardians and numerous Super-Villains the city seems to hold and he doesn?t complain about this because, as he sees it, the busier he is the less time he has to re-live the past and think about how his life hasn?t turned out the way he wanted it to. [B]Personality:[/B] Due to life dealing him the fate card in most cases Mich has become very reclusive and, some would say, spiteful to the world as a whole. He finds it hard to trust anyone new, especially women, and so doesn?t have many friends in the City. Under all the layers though he is an all round nice guy and helps those who need it when he thinks he is able to help them. But because of his outward nature it is hard for people to approach him so he cannot know whether they need his help or not. [B]Profession:[/B] Apartment Block Superintendent [B]Physical Description:[/B] [IMG]http://entimg.msn.com/i/150/ce/apr2/amolina_150x207.jpg[/IMG] [I]PS: I know this is after the final date thingy but I would like to be in this RPG so please consider me :-)[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Magneto?s eyes flashed with poorly contained anger as he stalked into the main hall of the Brotherhoods base of operations hidden somewhere in New York State. The group of mismatched Mutants assembled around him all glanced at each other with apprehension as they awaited Magneto to speak. ?Why is it,? He began, his voice unnervingly calm, ?That we have never heard of these ?Mutant Knights? until now?? the question hung in the air while the others wondered whether it had been rhetorical or not. ?WELL!? He bellowed the spittle flying from his mouth. It was Toad who came forward, shaking with obvious fear in the face of his master. ?Does it matter, sir??I mean to say that you, being the Master of Magnetism, have control over that which gives this Khaldun his power?that being Adamantium? He muttered but load enough for all to hear, he looked around nervously at the others as if looking for their agreement, but they awaited Magneto?s reply. ?This is true, Mortimer, but you have failed to note one thing,? He said advancing on Toad who seemed to be rooted to the spot, ?And that is to make plans to deal with new threats?I MUST HAVE ALL THE INFORMATION!? He punctuated this sentence by giving Toad a round back-hander with his fisted clenched while the others did nothing to help. He rounded on them. ?Sabretooth, you and this miserable piece of slime make your way into Manhattan and see if any of our under-world connections know anything about these new mutants and where the received their Adamantium? Creed gave a swift bow and before leaving he hoisted the phased Toad onto his heavily muscled shoulder and quickly exited the room. Magneto turned to Pyro and Shadow, the youngsters of the group. ?You two go to New York with them but I want you to keep low profiles and start trouble where you can to keep Xavier?s men busy while Mystique carries out a more??delicate operation, understood?? He said sharply, looking at them with equally sharp eyes. They quickly nodded and walked quickly out of the room behind Sabretooth and Toad, apparently eager to get away from Magneto while he was in such a foul mood. The moment he looked to Mystique Magneto?s entire approach changed. ?My dear, I am in need of you talents once more for a very sensitive operation which only you can complete? He said in a half-asking half-commanding tone. She merely gazed and inclined her head slightly before saying: ?Anything that helps you...and the Brotherhood is my pleasure to carry out, what?s the mission?? She asked in a matter-of-fact tone. Magneto glanced over his shoulder to Pietro before continuing the conversation. ?Infiltrate the C.I.A. Headquarters for New York State and search for any and all information that relates to this Khaldun and his ?Mutant Knights? as well as anything pertaining to ?Project Weapon X?. Do not fail me? He gave her a piercing glance which told her this conversation was over and she, like Creed, gave a bow and exited the room. Magneto gestured for Pietro to walk with him as he left the hall. They walked some distance before Pietro put a question to Magneto. ?Father, what is it you will do with the information on the Mutant Knights when we have it?? He asked bluntly Magneto looked at him with the same piercing stare, ?My son you may be, but even you are not privy to all of my plans for the future. Now listen, go to Boston and find me Xavier?s brother, the one called Juggernaught and bring him here, tell him is worth his while to come?. Pietro looked slightly confused by this order but nonetheless he inclined his head and shot off out of the base leaving a strong gust behind him. Eric looked around the cavernous building for a fleeting moment and quickly swept out of the room to his private quarters leaving the high-ceiling to echo with the sounds of the area above as the citizens of New York State where unawares as to what was about to happen.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][CENTER][B][U]The Master of Magnetism[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Eric Magnus Lensherr [B]Age:[/B] Unknown [Presumed over 60] [B]Code-Name:[/B] Magneto; The Master of Magnetism [B]Mutation/Powers:[/B] Magneto is a mutant with the superhuman power to control magnetism. He can shape and manipulate magnetic fields that exist naturally or artificially. It is unclear, however, whether he must draw magnetic force from outside himself [If so, then he can do so over vast distances], or whether he can also generate magnetic force from within himself. Nor is it clear whether Magneto's power is psionic or purely physiological in nature. Although Magneto's power is not on the level of the Silver Surfer in his prime, it is for all practical purposes limitless. Magneto once lifted a cargo freighter weighing 30,000 tons 50 feet into the air from a distance of 300 feet away. Moreover, Magneto can use his magnetic powers in more than one way simultaneously. He can completely assemble a complicated machine within seconds through his powers. He can erect magnetic force fields with a high degree of impenetrability around himself for protection. Although Magneto often gestures when using his magnetic powers, he can utilize them fully even when standing totally still merely by concentrating. Although Magneto's primary power is magnetism, he seems to have some ability to project or manipulate any form of energy that is related to magnetism. In the past he has fired a bolt of electricity, he has also created enough intense heat to destroy a metal door. Heat, or infrared radiation, is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which also includes visible light, radio waves, ultraviolet light, gamma-rays, and X-rays. Magneto may be able to project any of these. He has also been shown creating an anti-gravity field, and presumably does so whenever he levitates a non-magnetic object. Hence, Magneto may be living proof of the longsought Unified Field Theory that all forms of energy are related. However, Magneto almost always uses only magnetism, so perhaps it is more difficult for him to manipulate other forms of energy. In previous years Magneto has apparently exhibited powers of astral projection and telepathy, and has claimed to be able to control the minds of others. His abilities along these lines are minimal, however-enough, perhaps, to protect himself against mightier telepaths, but not of great use otherwise. Magneto's ability to wield his superhuman powers effectively is dependent upon his physical condition. When severely injured, his body is unable to withstand the strain of manipulating great amounts of magnetic forces. [I][U]Note:[/U][/I] Magneto is an expert on genetic manipulation and engineering, with knowledge far beyond that of contemporary science. He may be a genius in these fields. He can mutate humans in order to give them superhuman powers, or create adult clones of human beings and then manipulate the genetic structure of these clones during their development. From Maelstrom's records and equipment he has learned how to create artificial living beings. Magneto has mastered many technological fields as well: for example, he has designed magnetically-powered skycraft and spacecraft, complex robots and computers, and magnetically-powered generators. [B]Side:[/B] Magneto [The Brotherhood of Mutants] [B]Description: [URL=http://www.mckellen.com/images/misc/magneto.jpg]Click here[/URL][/B] [B]Personality:[/B] Eric is a very proud and this shines out as his main personality trait. He has supreme confidence in himself, his abilites and his plans. This is not being vain because, in fact, Eric is one of the most powerful mutants of the planet and a highly intelligent man in many respects. He sees others as only an ends to a means so once they have exhausted their use Eric sees no problem with removing them from his plans. In his opinion Mutants are superior to humans in every respect and are the next step in the evolutionary chain and should be removed so Mutants are free to evolve to the next step. His feelings toward the Brotherhood are somewhat different because he sees them asll as kindred spirits for they too have suffered a loss at the hands of humans so he sees them in a different light to other Mutants and so is less likely to remove them from his plans. [B]Nationality:[/B] Unknown; Thought to originate from Eastern Europe, possibly Poland. [B]Biography:[/B] The man now known as Magneto spent his early teens imprisoned with his family at the Nazi death camp in Auschwitz, Poland. The only member of his family to survive the camp, Eric here learned how brutally human beings could treat minorities whom they considered different. After World War II Eric married a woman named Magda and they had a daughter, Anya. When a mob prevented Eric from rescuing Anya from dying in a fire, he used his powers to destroy them all in revenge. Terrified by her husband's powers and threats of vengeance against humanity, Magda fled, never having revealed to him that she was pregnant. She apparently died soon after giving birth to twins, Wanda and Pietro. Eventually Eric went to Israel, where he worked as a volunteer orderly at a psychiatric hospital and where he first met and became friends with Charles Xavier. Eric and Xavier frequently debated the subject of mutants' coexistence with the rest of humanity. After the two men joined forces to rescue their friend Gabrielle Haller from Baron Strucker and his Hydra agents, Eric left for parts unknown. After being betrayed by the intelligence agents with whom he worked, Eric began planning his campaign against the human race. Years later he returned as the mutant Magneto, the Master of Magnetism with the Mutant Brotherhood at his side with the plan to remove the human race so Mutants could live peacefully free from harm. Now the appearance of the new mutant group 'The Mutant Knights' has presented Magneto with a new factor in his plan because he is unsure where their loyalties lie so they could prove powerful enemies or equally powerful allies.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Howdeh people, sorry I haven't replied as yet. I've decided that I'd like each of you to send me an example of your RPGing 'skills', if you want to call them that, so send me one of your posts from an RPG thats been done in OB and I'll see what I think of them and get back to you but right now the 'Accepted - Rejected' stands thusly: [B][U]Accepted[/U][/B] Box Hoy Boo - Do history ASAP Quad - Finish sign-up ASAP Dmitri_Dragoon Ohkami - Finish sign-up ASAP Vicky - Finish sign-up ASAP So don't complain if you're not there because you might be once I've seen the RPG samples so send them and I'll get back to you.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=CRIMSON][CENTER][U][I][SIZE=2]Astartes, the Legacy[/U] ?To thee I pledge myself In thine image I make myself In thine service I shall live To do thee honour is my purpose I shall pray to thee forever Astartes?[/SIZE][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]-======================- There was a time in history when Myths, Legends, Hero?s and Gods were as real as you or I and they walked among the lands of the mortals blessing them as they went hoping to give them a more full and rich life and in one of the many worlds out of the many realties there is a world where this remains the truth, the world is called Courras but the manner in which these apparitions take form has been greatly warped and mutated by the forces of Gautesh who sought the power of Courras for themselves and in the process changed the world forever until the changing of the Universe?..or so they thought. The patron deity and on-high Guardian of Courras who is known only as Astartes came upon the planet in search of a select few among the races whom he deemed worthy of saving their home world and restoring peace to Courras, they are known simply as ?The Legacy? and this is their tale. When Astartes looked upon what remained of his beautiful world after Gautesh had had his way he was full of misery but he soon realised that not all of his creation had been perverted and so he was filled with hope, for he knew that he could not save the planet himself but he must allow the beings who dwelt their too because if he saved them they would take it for granted and squander Courras and forsake it. And so it came to pass that Astartes descended on the free regions of Courras and selected the most worthy of the five races remaining, regardless of their social standing or past history for Astartes knew that, when united, this group would have the power to overthrow Gautesh and enable Courras to heal itself from the deep wounds inflicted upon it. And so it came to pass that Astartes choose those worthy and united them and gave them the quest to save Courras from the grip of Gautesh. -======================- Before the dark times Courras was a world of Beauty and Enchantment, the world has since fallen into Darkness and Depravity after Gautesh and his daemon hordes came upon the world like a plague and turned all on each other and changed the world to suit their own nefarious purposes. Though the appearance of the world has not changed and there are several Kingdoms that have survived the scourge of Gautesh. They are [B]Seraphiem, Edhellen, Kar?Han, Aulsim and Ichoria[/B], though more will be said on the lands; let us for now acquaint ourselves with the populous of Courras. -======================- [U][I]The Free-Races of Courras[/I][/U][/CENTER] [B][U]The Seraph[/U][/B] The Seraph are the winged and chivalrous people who dwell in the region of Courras known as Seraphiem. They are the physical manifestation of all that is good and honest on Courras. The Seraph live by a strict code of honour which is akin to the Knightly Codes of Earth and they travel everywhere with their armour donned and weapons at the ready in preparation to face any evil that may manifest it?s self in their realm. In appearance they are humanoid and usual between six to seven feet at adulthood with long, flowing blonde hair [both sexes] and bright blue eyes that shine with the power of the Gods. [B][U]The Eldarian[/U][/B] They are the graceful and knowledgeable people of Edhellen. They are the keepers of the wisdom on Courras and they know all that has happened upon its soil and so are very keen upon History and feel it has far more value than vain attempts to predict the future. Dressed in traditional flowing robes which are traded for gleaming suits of armour in times of war they appear very formidable to all but the most powerful enemies. They too are humanoid measuring between five to six and half feet tall with pointed ears, arched eyebrows and long hair of varying colours, their eyes are usual green or pale brown and able to look into the very depths of someone?s soul. [B][U]The Dra?Kahn[/U][/B] The only race that graces Courras that can be said to have been war-like and very aggressive before the coming of Gautesh and his daemon-hordes yet they are still very honour bound. Inhabitants of the scorched and flame-ridden land of Kar?Han they have been the long time enemies of the other races of Courras. They, like the Seraph, are always ready for a war but unlike the Seraph they are usually the instigators of such a conflict for it is during times of war that their race prospers and grows the most. Standing at an impressive seven feet on average with green scaled skin like a lizards, the mouths house a forked tongue and small sharp teeth. They entire body is hairless and covered in green scales and their eyes are always a deep malicious red. [B][U]The Fennrik[/U][/B] These are the stunted and hardy people of the ice caped region of Aulsim. They are master crafts men, able to craft the mightiest of weapons and the most magnificent dwellings. Sharing no border with the Eldarian they are highly distrustful of the ?pointy-ears? and will avoid them unless the situation deems otherwise. They live in the mountains of Aulsim which are carved into the very rock and their walls tell stories of events passed and of things to come. Generally standing at four and a half feet to five feet, with their large, long and full beards they are incredible sturdy and will never retreat in the face of the enemy. [B][U]The Miadan[/U][/B] The Miadan are the most similar to the human race on Courras, they mostly inhabit the region known as Ichoria. I say mostly because the Miadan are the most adaptable of all the races on Courras and so can live almost anywhere but chose Ichoria mainly. And they are also the most fickle, in their race can be found the most noble of Hero?s or the most wretched of Villains. They live a more mundane life than most having a specially trained army so the entire population is not geared for war. Standing roughly between five to six feet with hair of varying colours they are the only race where one member can look radically different from the next. [CENTER] -======================- [U][I]The Free Regions of Courras[/I][/U][/CENTER] Little is known about the area outside of these lands for since the arrival of Gautesh all contact with the old allies has suddenly ended and the inhabitants, including the Dra?Kahn, fear the worst. The frozen and mountainous land of [B]Aulsim[/B] is home to the [B]Fennrik[/B] and, as could be expected, this is where their race is able to thrive the most. The capital city of [B]Kauz Fraz[/B], if it can so be called, is situated roughly between the border with Seraphiem and Ichoria and it is truly impressive with thousands of homes and halls built into the core of the world?s tallest mountain [B]Zek?Tul[/B]. The realm is covered with similar cities and towns but not of the same grand design and along the [B]Kar?Han[/B] border are several [B]?Fortress Mountains?[/B] which serve as the first line of defence should an invasion occur on the border. In the north are the towering [B]Ice Sculptures[/B] made by the ancestors of the Fennrik millennia ago to honour Astartes and the other Gods of Courras. The green lands of [B]Edhellen[/B] are, like the inhabitants, in strike contrast to [B]Aulsim[/B] and the [B]Fennrik[/B]. This land is home to the graceful [B]Eldarian[/B] who have lived in the lands of Courras before time began. The capital city of this beautiful land is [B]Enedil[/B] which is a huge city with towers reaching up into the heavens where the [B]Eldarian[/B] are able to look upon the future of Courras and predict the fickle nature of some of their gods. Many of the towns and cities within [B]Edhellen[/B] are more than match for many of the major cities of any other race, including the Seraph and so are looked at in awe by the [B]Miadan[/B]. All over the lush green fields are rune stones, mage dwellings and other areas of a magical nature due to the fact that the [B]Eldarian[/B] are very in touch with the magical winds that blow over the lands of Courras. [B]Ichoria[/B] is mainly a rural land with farms and villages in more abundance than the other lands but that is not to say the [B]Miadan[/B] are inferior to the other peoples of Courras, quite the opposite. The [B]Miadan[/B] are the most technologically advanced species of the others because of the discovery of [B]?The Black Powder?[/B] or what we would call gun-powder and they use this to make firearms of varying powers and they have also harnessed the power of the steam engine. The capital city of [B]Ichoria[/B] is [B]Alcance[/B]and is home to the [B]Imperial Foundry[/B] and [B]Imperial Mage College[/B]. The [B]Miadan[/B] are not as magically adept as the [B]Eldarian[/B] yet they can still control some part of the Magical energies. As said the main feature of [B]Ichoria[/B] is the many small villages and farms, this is because much of the land is dominated by forest and so it is very hard to find enough clear space to make a start on a major city. [B]Kar?Han[/B] is a land full of desert sand, lakes of fire, monstrous beasts and most terrifying of all the [B]Dra?Kahn[/B] themselves. The most prominent feature that stands out from this arid land is the geysers and oasis? that are dotted around the land and this is where most of the major cities are found. [B]Kacsk?Var[/B] is the capital city but it is not a city of sorts because even in their own land the [B]Dra?Kahn[/B] are a nomadic people and don?t make many lasting settlements save around certain lush areas in a bleak landscape and [B]Kacsk?Var[/B] is one of them. The lake of [B]Tisli[/B] is the largest ?lake of fire? in [B]Kar?Han[/B] and many people avoid it because of the dangers associated with it. Though the [B]Dra?Kahn[/B] may be somewhat war-like they are also a proud people and so have not given themselves in to the service of Gautesh because they see that as slavery. [B]Seraphiem[/B] is unlike any place that you find anywhere other than Courras. The actually land of [B]Seraphiem[/B] is an overgrown jungle that looks as if it has been growing since the time of the [B]Eldarian[/B] and this is not far from the truth. The reason for this, what some would call carelessness, is that the [B]Seraph[/B] live in air-borne cities that float in the skies due to the magical energies put into keeping them aloft and there are few of other races that can boast being within one. The greatest of these [B]?Floating Cities?[/B] is [B]Valeim[/B] which is the size of a small island and is sometimes visible with the naked eye from the forest canopy. So it is very rare that anyone makes the journey through [B]Seraphiem[/B] on foot but on the [B]Cloud Rakers[/B] that were made by the [B]Seraph[/B] with help from the [B]Miadan[/B]. [CENTER] -======================- [U][I]The Classes[/I][/U][/CENTER] There are many beings living in all the lands of Courras and it is obvious that not all of them follow the same path in life. The main classes that are favoured among the free-races are [B]Warrior, Paladin, Knight, Mage, Cleric, Ranger and Daemon-Hunters.[/B] [I][U]The Warrior[/I][/U] These are made up mostly of [B]Miadan[/B] or [B]Dra?Kahn[/B] because they do not need to be particularly skilled in any field other than combat and so it is easier for them. You may find the occasional [B]Fennrikan[/B] or [B]Eldarian[/B] warrior but not often. They have no magic ability and can carry three weapons. [I][U]The Paladin[/I][/U] The elite of Society are inducted into the ranks of the Paladins once they prove themselves in a quest or on the battle field. The majority of [B]Seraphim[/B] become Paladins as well as a moderate percentage of [B]Eldarian[/B] and it is very rare to find a Paladin from the other races. They can use one magic spell, one prayer and can carry one great weapon and one normal weapon. [I][U]The Knight[/I][/U] This class is mainly made up of [B]Miadan[/B] and [B]Eldarian[/B] and to a lesser extent the [B]Seraph[/B]. The Knight is usually known as a Paladin in training and that is why there are more [B]Miadan[/B] and [B]Eldarian[/B] Knights because they often choose not to become Paladins. They cannot use magic spells and can carry two weapons. [I][U]The Mage[/I][/U] Some say the mage is the most powerful but that is not the case when physically speaking because many of them are frail because of their reliance on magic to keep them protected. This is the one class that can have any race within it?s ranks, even the [B]Dra?Kahn[/B] but they mainly deal in dark magic and Necromancy. They can have five magic spells and carry one weapon [Their staff]. [I][U]The Cleric[/I][/U] Those who have devoted their lives to Astartes are inducted into the order of the Clerics and, though it may surprise you, the order has a high amount of [B]Fennrikan[/B] members because they are the most spiritually inclined race on Courras. You may find [B]Miadan[/B] within the order and often a few [B]Eldarian[/B] as well and there is very little chance of finding a [B]Seraphim[/B] Cleric. They may use two prayers and carry two weapons. [I][U]The Ranger[/I][/U] Finding their number mainly from the [B]Miadan[/B] and the [B]Fennrik[/B], the Rangers are gifted in the art of concealment and secrecy. The Rangers usually stick to themselves and only rarely do they accompany a group of people, they are very skilled at tracking and seeing things that are unseen to others around them. They have no magical ability and can carry four weapons but one must be a bow. [I][U]The Daemon-Hunter[/I][/U] This highly secretive and, what some would call, xenophobic order is made up of those who have encountered the daemons of Gautesh and survived to tell the tale. They come from all the free-races and have been forever warped by their experiences and harbour a deep loathing for anything associated with Gautesh and go so far as to point the finger at innocents and attempt a forced exorcism or execution. They may use two prayers and carry three weapons, one of which must be the sign of Astartes. [CENTER] -======================-[/CENTER] Okay, I think it?s safe to say that?s the largest amount of info I?ve given to one of my RPGs in a long time and if you?re still reading I?m going to assume you?re interested in this and go to the part of the RPG that not many people like but still has to be done, the rules. When signing up for this RPG please keep in mind the quality of your post I.E. Grammar, spelling and such. Similar to the first rule when the RPG starts please keep your posts to a good standard and try to post once or twice a week at least. As with my other RPGs I don?t want this to be all about bang-bang chop-chop and all that so I?d like to see some character development and such as opposed to constant action. If you have any major questions or grievances please don?t post them here or in the RPG thread but PM me and I?ll see what I can do. And most of all have fun and enjoy yourself. [CENTER] -======================- [U][I]Application Sheet[/I][/U][/CENTER] Just the basic thing really but because of the classes there are a few differences between the sign-ups so I?ll just walk you through it. [B]Name:[/B] [Name of your character, give it a fantasy style] [B]Age:[/B] [The range is from 25-40 but because the Eldarian are immortal just put what age they appear to be] [B]Gender:[/B] [The usual, male or female] [B]Race:[/B] [What race do you belong to? You can choose from the five I have listed] [B]Birth-Place:[/B] [This doesn?t have to relate directly to your race but it?d be helpful if it did. The kingdom in which you were born and the town/city would be fine] [B]Class:[/B] [Choose one of the Seven listed] [B]Appearance:[/B] [Either a picture or good description will do] [B]Personality:[/B] [How does your character interact with others and react to situations?] [B]History:[/B] [An outline of your characters past, what they have done and such. If you want to make up the birth place feel free to] [U][I]Class specific[/I][/U] [B]Weapon(s):[/B] [Most can use the normal weapons but there are exceptions. [B]Paladins[/B] can use one great weapon which is a weapon that has a magic ability as well as one normal weapon. [B]Mages[/B] can only carry their staff and these count as a weapon as well as a channel for their magic. [B]Rangers[/B] must have a bow regardless of their other weapons and finally the [B]Daemon-Hunters[/B] must have the ?Sign of Astartes? which comes in may forms but it has been blessed by a Cleric and is empowered with magic designed to banish Daemons] [B]Prayers/Magic:[/B] [[B]Mages[/B] and [B]Paladins[/B] may use magic spells but there is a difference. [B]Mages[/B] have five spells which can be varied or can concentrate on a single element I.E. fire. [B]Paladins[/B] may have one spell that has to focus on White Magic [Or Light Magic] and a single prayer. [B]Clerics[/B] and [B]Daemon-Hunters[/B] may use two prayers each, a prayer is different from magic because it comes from Astartes instead of the person and so they cannot always perform it, I?ll post a list of prayers in a while so sit tight till then] [B]Skills:[/B] [There are several class specific skills.] [B]Warriors[/B] [I]are able to use almost any weapon they find with ease so this gives them an advantage in battle and they are often psychically stronger than others.[/I] [B]Paladins[/B] [I]can tame animals in the area because of their experiences with all manner of beasts and monsters, but the animals vary from each Paladin.[/I] [B]Knights[/B] [I]are under the blessing of Astartes and so can sometimes call upon his power but this is not similar to prayers, the power varies from each Knight.[/I] [B]Mages[/B] [I]have the ability to create a defensive shield around themselves and others, this does not count as a spell but the intensity and time it lasts depend upon the mage in question.[/I] [B]Clerics[/B] [I]can call upon the power of Astartes to heal those around them or themselves after a battle should they be injured, this does not count as a prayer. The healing ability varies from Mage to Mage.[/I] [B]Rangers[/B] [I]can effectively blend into their surrounding given there is a good amount of cover and avoid detection from the enemy, some can pull this off better than others.[/I] [B]Daemon-Hunters[/B] [I]can cleanse the area around themselves thus preventing any evil beings coming close to them and harming them, this does not count as a prayer. The cleansing ability varies from Hunter to Hunter.[/I] [CENTER] -======================- [U][I]My Character[/I][/U][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Artilis [B]Age:[/B] 32 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Seraph [B]Birth-Place:[/B] Seraphiem; Valeim [B]Class:[/B] Paladin [B]Appearance:[/B] [I]I've got a picture, I'm just having trouble attaching it but I'll get it on soon[/I] [B]Personality:[/B] Artilis is one of the most proud people you will ever meet in life. What ever happens he feels that he can do no wrong and so hardly ever listens to advice others give him, even if its for his own good, and he will never except help until the very end. This is quite a large failing for a Paladin some say but, of course, Artilis dismisses this by saying they are jealous of his social standing. Being proud is really his only major flaw personality wise because other than that he is a very social and trust-worthy friend to have around. Some of the other Seraphim look down on him because he makes company with not only some of the other Orders but other races as well, which they find to be a failing. Artilis will never abandon his friends when they are in need of help, this seems to coincide with his reckless side because he tears off in search of danger whenever he can. Unlike others of his race, or class, Artilis does not look down on the other races or classes that his fellows deem to be lesser than the Seraph or Paladins. It is this quality that gives him the appeal and friendship he gets when he is around those of the Miadan and Fennrik. To sum Artilis up in a few words one would say this: Brash, Headstrong, Reckless, Proud, Honest and Trustworthy. These are all traits that many Seraphim and Paladins share but because Artilis has them in, shall we say abundance, and that is why Astartes has chosen him to be a member of the Legacy. [B]History:[/B] Artilis was born to a high-class family, in a way at least, and so his life has always been quite easy and that is why he has become so reckless, his parents never really put restrictions on his doings during his early years. It was the city of Valeim that he called home and he was, and always will be, in awe at this amazing city and would spend hours on end flying around the sky-scraping towers and marvelling at the immense amount of Magic used to keep the city suspended in mid-air while hundreds of Seraphim went about their lives. It was the child-like curiosity that led him into all the hidden places of Valeim and into trouble on occasion but he never listened to the warnings the elders gave him. His father was involved in the diplomatic relations of Seraphiem and so Artilis had a lot of contact with those of other races, most notably the Miadan and the Eldarian, and so he made ties with them that would be very useful in time. As he reached adulthood Artilis was inducted into the Order of Knights after constant complaining from his parents because they wanted him to do something with his life but he had always refused but now, out of sheer annoyance, he had accepted and gone to the centre of the Knightly Order in Seraphiem. As he grew within the ranks he made many friends and went on many a quest but he was always filled with a felling that what they were doing seemed to be pointless and his small group shared his feelings, though they never acted upon them. Eventually he, though this amazed even he, became a Paladin and a change sort of came over him and he became much more serious about his role in society. When he first started hearing the rumours of evil doings in the east at first he paid them no heed for he thought they were simply rumours and misgivings passed on by travellers passing through the five kingdoms but he soon learned he was wrong. He battle valiantly in the other Kingdoms but they soon fell to Gautesh. Know he is full of purpose to evict this foul entity destroying his home and has pledged to Astartes that he, and the Legacy, will remove this threat from Courras. [U][I]Class specific[/I][/U] [B]Weapon(s):[/B] Artilis carries with him a powerful great weapon known as the ?Axe of Sephil?, Sephil was one of the first Seraph Paladins to be recorded. The Axe has two heads connected by a metal pole about two and a half feet long, this pole can be broke in two and each head used as one weapon, the power of this great weapon is that it generates an Aura of White Magic and so many daemons fear it. Ar-Tilis also carries a War hammer which was crafted for him by a Fennrikan because Ar-Tilis had saved his life and Fennrikans never for get a favour or a grudge come to that. [B]Prayers/Magic:[/B] [I]Prayer; Soul Flame:[/I] Artilis can produce a powerful energy within his body that allows him to attain high levels of strength and endure more pain than he would be able to normally. [I]Spell; Astartes? Gaze[/I] When cast this spell forces a pure and powerful light on all dark creatures in the vicinity and should they not escape it would destroy them in seconds. [B]Skills:[/B] Artilis? favoured creatures are the huge and magnificent birds which inhabit the trees of the jungle beneath the cities of the Seraphim and so these are the creatures he can tame with the most ease. Generally he can control one for up to six hours or so and two for three hours and so on. [CENTER] -======================-[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=CRIMSON][B][I][SIZE=2]To You I Pledge Myself ASTARTES[/SIZE][/I][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Right, before I say what I'm gonna say I am really sorry about this. I'm not going to be able to start this RPG due to other comitments I have outside of the boards and I am truly sorry because I thought this was going to be something really good but you never known, I could re-launch it some time. But do not dispair for I will be making a new RPG in good time so if you're interested in that keep an eye on the boards but for now, Jokopoko signing off and giving a heartfelt sorry to the kind people who took the time to apply for this RPG.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Hello Football fans! In case there are any European people on OB that have an interested in the current Euro 2004 football comp. I am making this thread. I'm an English man myself and I am utterly gutted about our defeat last night [B]2-1[/B] to France, [B]WE WERE ROBBED![/B] is all I can say seeing as France scored during stoppage time that wouldn't have been there it it hadn't been for the French players acting up their injuries. So if anyone else is into Euro 2004 reply here and we can discuss ^_^.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]I don't fear death in the traditional sence because I'm a Christain and I believe in the Holy Trinity etc but I still fear death somewhat. I don't fear it because my life is going to end and there won't be anything left of me save for a Corpse in a grave or ashes scattered where-ever, I fear it because of the change that will occur when I die. I'm talking about going to heaven to be judged by Jesus and God and I have no idea what they will say about my life or what I will say because, hopefully, it is a long time before I shall 'meet my maker' so to speak. Thats my opinion on the matter and if anyone wishes to agree or dis-agree with me thats fine.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Okay, this is the part of the job I hate. [B]Cysword6, Undefeated, SephirothX, SpirtOfAnime and Dmitri_Dragoon[/B] I'm sorry to say that I'm accepting your applications for several reasons. Firstly is that fact that it doesn't seem you've put that much thought into the sign ups especially in the history and personality areas which I wanted to be a little more than: [QUOTE]Personality: Is sort of arrogant, but can be caring and smart. gets along with everyone pretty well History: I have just arrived and the OBs are aready in trouble. I haven't joined but 1 other RPG, and its pretty deep. I find this urgent call and sign up to help. I am intruged by this "Movie Morph". I join to gain more recognition.[/QUOTE] and: [QUOTE]Personality:Fun (Laughter is the best!) Silly, usualy tries to stay up beat and happy. Loving, can be lazy if wants to is her own person and does not like the mainstream thing finds it boring Very open will talk about anything (really anything) Open minded and a free spirit (child of the earth if you will) Likes to act like a cat (hey dont lie im sure you talk to your cat too!)[/QUOTE] If you feel this judgement is unfair and you want to be in the RPG still you can either PM with your thoughts/problems of look to the other Sign-ups to get an idea of what I would like. P.S. DaisukeAngel your sign-up is fine and your in.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]My childhood doesn't feel that long ago 'cause I still watch what I watch then sometimes ^_^, why? Because I'm sad and like my cartoons, but anyhow to the cartoons: [B]Transformers:[/B] The all time greatest cartoon/anime ever made. Fave characters include Starscream [Woo!!!] and Soundwave 'cause the 'cons are all evil and therefore they rock. Much better than todays cartoons, especially Armada *shudders*. [B]Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars:[/B] Not a lot of my friends remember this but I do. Basicly a big green hare with a red space suit fighting big toads in blue with his crew, which included a four armed duck o_O? [B]Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles:[/B] Thats right, HERO TURTLES! Not the crappy Ninja turtles you have today which have runied the memory of the real villians. Shredder is a bumbling fool and not super-creepy, what happend to Bebob and Rock Steady! And don't get me started on Krang and dimension X. [B]Power Rangers:[/B] Gotta be hasn't it, the classic Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers! With the Dino-Zords and Rita with Lord Zed, classic show. The only sequal I feel is equal to MMPR is the Wild Force power rangers cause the story is actually good and they use decent CGI effects from time to time. I'm sure there is more and I'll edit as I remember.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Wow, people have actully applied for one of my RPGs thats a very heart-warming feeling.....mmmm positive renforcement, ahhh. So your all in the RPG aside fro Quad 'cause you need to get the main charatcer stuff fixed up and so on, I think I'll start this with between 10-14 people but we'll see.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U][CENTER][SIZE=4]OtakuBoards: The Movie(s)[/SIZE][/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][I]?Deep in the core of the magical world of mystery and wonder, also called the internet by the general public there is a plethora of communities that thrive in this cyber-space world and the gods of information and high speed downloads, or the Moderators have chosen the sleepy community of OtakuBoards to star in the greatest film to have no apparent plot but be a smash hit. This is of course nonsense due to the fact that this reality does not exists and nor will it ever, really? That?s what you think.?[/I] [B]WELCOME TO THE INTERnet[/B] [I]?The residents of OtakuBoards, called by these simple folk OB, have no idea what is about to befall them. For the Maniacal Manic has become infected by to much Music, Movies and TV from his protectorate, known widely as the Music, Movies and TV Forum, and so has spread through out the Boards in secret to plant a web of plot-holes, sub-plots and other Maniacal things to confused the residents of OB because he now sees the world of the Board as a Film for him to direct and himself as the evil-arch nemesis type person and it has fallen to the gentle giants of OB to rise up? ?James and Charles have reacted at once to this threat by over ordering on the punch and buying far too many pringle dip and now are at a loss for what should be done to combat the Maniacal Manic and so it falls to you. Some of the moderators have unfortunately fallen under the spell of the Maniacal Manic and his left-hand man is none other than the quaint little Syk3 whose Art Studio has been transformed into a weapons laboratory where the sounds of the Maniacal Manic?s laughter can be heard echoing across the Prefecture to the horror of all? ?But several Moderators have taken things into their own hands and are equipping all volunteers from all walks of OB Life with weapons and a special form of re-formatting their Avatars, or appearance to you, so they resemble their favourite movie character and can, to an extent, use the characters powers to combat the Maniacal Manic, the name of this amazing skill is ?Movie Morph?. This was developed so the Maniacal Manic does not get bored with the normal OB Member but things these fighters are his enemys from the films point of view, giving life to new plot-holes and continuity errors. The brave Moderators leading this fight are none other than The Harlequin, Arcadia and terra who all have combat experience from the moderation of the arena?[/I] [B]So members of the Board stand up and be counted among the brave, reckless and mostly dim-witted because: OtakuBoards needs you![/B] -================-[/CENTER] If you have continued reading I shall assume you wish to enlist brave Member, but before you continue past this point there are some rules that the OB Member Militia wish to lay down before you can apply. [LIST]1. There can be no major usage of crass words which to most members is known as swearing or foul language, so none of that here please. 2. When filling out your application for the militia do not skimp on the details, we need to know everything. 3. If you do enlist please be sure to remain of active duty by posting at least three times a week. 4. When placed in battle against the Maniacal Manic or his followers await orders, do not go in all gung-ho guns with your blazing. 5. And most of all defend the Boards and have a fun time doing it to.[/LIST] [CENTER]-================- [B][U]Militia [Character] Applications[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I][U]OB Character[/U][/I] [B]Name/Codename:[/B] [Your OB Name/Your codename needs to reflect your ?movie morph] [B]Age:[/B] [You can use your real age if you wish] [B]Gender:[/B] [Your own gender or OB personas gender, whichever] [B]Appearance:[/B] [Your avatar, if you can find a big picture that would be better] [B]Personality:[/B] [How do you act around others and react to situations] [B]History:[/B] [Your life on the Boards, can be short if you wish but the minimum is a paragraph] [B]Movie Morph:[/B] [What movie character do you become and which movie are they from?] [I][U]Movie Morph Character[/U][/I] [B]Name:[/B] [Movie Characters name] [B]Movies:[/B] [Which movie/movie series are they from] [B]Gender:[/B] [Male or female?] [B]Appearance:[/B] [A picture will do fine] [B]Powers:[/B] [What abilities does your movie character have, tone them down or up slightly depending on the character] [B]Annoying Quirk:[/B] [Something your character does to annoy the other characters in the area] [B]Stereotype:[/B] [Does your character exude a definite type of character] [B]Personality:[/B] [Just what changes your personality goes under when you ?Movie Morph?] [CENTER]-================- So brave member if you do not understand what we are asking of you, you can contact me through one of the instant messenger services or send a PM to me and I?m sure the post man will get it there regardless of Manic?s evil doings, and so to my application. -================-[/CENTER] [B][U]Character Application[/U][/B] [U][I]OB Character[/I][/U] [B]Name/Codename:[/B] Jokopoko/The Agent [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] See attachment [Generation One Starscream] [B]Personality:[/B] Jokopoko, or JP if you prefer, is one of the trusting types who likes to hang around the Adventure Arena rather than be in the wide Otaku World so it is a rare occurrence to see him leave the safety of RPG Boulevard though he has been know to frequent the Literature Forum sometimes. Overall he is a nice guy who people get on with and can be very laid back which annoys most of the people if it is a particularly stressful time, when he is confronted with confrontation he?d prefer to back down than hurt other peoples feelings but he needs to push this urge down in order to meet the menace of the Maniacal Manic. One thing that does get him fired up is the spamming gung-ho people who can wipe out a good RPG in a single post so he has to steer clear of n00b valley in the Recruitment Forum. JP in all is just the average ?I?m-not-a-hero-hero? because he is to modest to make a big thing of himself so he leaves it to others to take the glory if they want it that badly. [B]History:[/B] Jokopoko has been living in OtakuBoards for just over a year now and can be found in his home on RPG Boulevard happily typing out his next RPG for his adoring public, all ten of them. When he first came he had many newbie qualities and spread himself across the land of OB far and wide without giving a second thought to posts under a paragraph because he had better things to think about then, or so he thought. As chance would have it he stumbled upon the glorious world of the Arena in OB in all it?s silver domed wonder and has never looked back since, quickly renting out a flat he went out into the Recruitment Forum to make himself known and quickly signed up for several RPGs, albeit with the flavour of newbie in his mouth. But under the guidance and from experience he quickly developed his talent and was creating RPGs of his own to keep the masses happy while they stayed on the Boards. In his opinion his greatest RPG idea to date has been ?The Lord of the Rings: The Rise of the Ents? but he has yet to find a producer willing to put in the funds to make it a real smash hit. In his time he has only encountered one spam attack but he survived it with a new found loathing for the people who find joy in wreaking the peaceful community of OtakuBoards and has thankfully not encountered another spam attack since. In light of these attacks from the Maniacal Manic and his evil minions, including Syk3, he felt it was his duty to do his part for the Boards that he has called home for this year past. He is the reluctant leader after the Moderators gave him control of a small elite group who each have a similar Movie Morph, to put it simply they all have pretty nifty powers with which to combat the Maniacal Manic and his evil minions??even Syk3. [B]Movie Morph:[/B] Agent Smith, the Matrix Trilogy [I][U]Movie Morph Character[/U][/I] [B]Name:[/B] Agent Smith or just Smith [B]Movies:[/B] The Matrix Trilogy [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance: [URL=http://www.internationalhero.co.uk/smith1.jpg]Click here[/URL][/B] [B]Powers:[/B] Like his real movie counterpart Smith is able to fly, but only for short periods of time. He possesses the speed of the Agents as well and the strength but not to the degree they have. He cannot copy himself as effectively as his real movie counterpart but he can infect other Avatars for a time and during this time he can control their actions. The ear piece can keep him informed of all goings on with the world of OB but even it has it?s limits. [B]Annoying Quirk:[/B] When ever he is talking to someone he may slip into the ?Smith style of talking? and spends too much time with his finger pressed onto his ear piece trying to look mysterious and knowledgeable. [B]Stereotype:[/B] The evil-silent-loner type who is really not that bad once you get to know him. [B]Personality:[/B] To the Nth degree Agent Smith is almost the polar opposite of Jokopoko. Where JP loves a good social chat Smith would prefer a good rant followed up by a nice burly Brawl with anyone who is annoying him. Agent Smith is sickeningly confident in his ability and his teams and it is impossible to surprise him while he is connected to his ear-piece so he is always the picture of calm behind the amazingly stylish Sun-glasses which he finds impossible to remove from his person. Where he differs most from JP is his revelling in glory of a defeated foe, he just loves to berate them while the struggle to stand in the pouring rain in a newly formed crater and this is where one of his weaknesses lies. He keeps a lot about himself hidden from his colleagues because JP doesn?t want others to know he prefers himself as the Smith persona he created during his re-formatting. [CENTER]-================-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=CRIMSON][B][CENTER][SIZE=4]OtakuBoards needs you! Enlist today![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Welcome back Assassin, glad to see you againand your in the RPG by the way. Vicky [B]PLEASE[/B] get the changes done ASAP and I would like at least two Decepticons before I think out starting this, if you need help with history or a pic of your character feel free to PM me.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Thats okay Vicky but please get those changes done ASAP like you said. If anyone wishes to have the part of Megatron [Decepticon Leader] or Depth Charge [Autobot Second-in-Command] please send me a PM but otherwise I'd like to have about five to each side in order to start this RPG.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U]TRANSFORMERS[/U] [I]The Forgotten War[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]Access to the Autobot Memory Main Frame Granted[/B][/U][/CENTER] [B][U]The Second Great War of Cybertron[/U][/B] [I]> Voc-Log Recording Activated > Supreme Maximal Commander Optimus Primal Viewing File. > Date: 23rd of September, 3461 > Time: 23:45:01 > Purpose of view: Recount Events of the Second Great War > Begin [CENTER]?The Second Great War of Cybertron, as it came to be known, started almost two-hundred years after the creature Unicron had attacked Cybertron and was driven back by the power of the Matrix. As you well know the Autobot Leader of the time, Rodimus Prime, declared the end of the Great War and gave the hand of peace to the Decepticons but this was slapped away by the fist of war, and so the Great War continued well into the 21st Century, but the rebel Decepticons were eventually caught and imprisoned on the Planet of Junk and Galvatron was melted down into scrap for his crimes against the Autobots and Humans? ?The Torch of Leadership had been passed from Rodimus Prime, who had left Cybertron in search of the God-Being Primus, to a young up-start who was said to have traits similar to the Great Optimus Prime. Before he merged with the Matrix the young one was known as Omega Pax so it is possible he is a descendent of Optimus, who was known as Orion Pax before he took on the mantle of Autobot leadership. After the merger Omega became know as Optimal Prime and it was quite astounding at the similarity between his ?Prime? form compared to that of Optimus Prime? ?Taking his duties very seriously Optimal surveyed the situation of Cybertron, even though it had been almost one-hundred and fifty years since Unicron had attacked, the planet was still showing the scars and the serious lack of energy was starting to show as the repair worked slowed to an almost standstill. The ties the Autobots had forged with Earth were still very strong and Metroplex [Autobot City] was still fully operational with Autobots still living and working their and it was decided that another shuttle should be sent to gather valuable energy from Earth to aid in the rejuvenation of Cybertron.? ?Much like the Ark this ship would have been the saviour of Cybertron had it not been for the treacherous Soundwave, now leader of the Decepticons, how had been in the guise of Autobot friend for a long time now but he was about to show his true colours. The Decepticons had been banned to use space travel, including the Space Bridge, since the end of the war but Soundwave had other ideas about this. Planting the Constructicons on the ship with the mission to re-locate the Decepticons old base and re-active the Space Bridge the Decepticons second bid for control on the Universe was secured.? ?During talks with the Earths power companies the Autobots and Human dignitaries were attacked by the Decepticons who once again had Megatron and Starscream in their ranks, though up-graded, due to a unique cloning process Shockwave had perfected during the ?peace?. The Autobots had not grown lax in the peace time either and had each been prepared for this and revealed the new sleek and powerful bodies that had been hidden under the old exterior to give the Decepticons the belief that if the war were renewed they could defeat the Autobots. And so the Second Great War began and the Humans were once again caught in the cross-fire, but as you and the other Maximals know, the rest is history?[/CENTER][/I] [CENTER]-====================-[/CENTER] Nice little bit of back-story there if I do say so myself, well if you haven?t figured it out the RPG takes place at the flash point of the start if the Second Great War between the Autobots and Decepticons but before I get to the sign up I have a few rules for you to gander at. [LIST]1] This RPG is directly linked to the G1 [Generation One] series of Transformers so there are no Minicons, Power-Linxs and so on in this. 2] The war takes place on both Earth and Cybertron so don?t take it anywhere else unless I say so. 3] You can sign up as Autobot, Decepticon, Neutral or Rebel in this. Your characters race need not match his alignment, for example you could have a Decepticon how grew up in peace time and despises the other ?Cons for starting the war again. I have the role of Optimal Prime and unless I say other wise I?m saving the role of Megatron for someone else. 4] Seeing as this continues from G1 you can play one of the characters from the series. But be reminded that they would be quite old even by Transformer standards by now but then again you could be an adult Wheelie 5] One last thing before the sign ups, just try to have fun and remember that quality and quantity counts big time with me when it comes to RPGs, for all major parts of the Sign Up: History, Appearance, Personality I want more than 6 lines, with history I want at least 10. 6] I reserve the right to allow anyone I wish into the RPG and refuse anyone I wish entrance into the RPG.[/LIST] [CENTER]-====================-[/CENTER] [B][U]Sign-Ups[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] [Characters name, keep with the Transformer style.] [B]Age:[/B] [5,000 is a youngster, 7,500 is around middle twenties and 10,000+ is Full maturity.] [B]Gender:[/B] [Would you believe, you can get girl Transformers.] [B]Race:[/B] [Autobot or Decepticon.] [B]Allegiance:[/B] [Autobots, Decepticons, Neutral or Rebels.] [B]Weapons:[/B] [Two is the maximum for hand-held though you can also have one integrated weapon I.E. Megatrons fusion cannon.] [B]Transformation:[/B] [Most, if not all, characters will have a Cybertronian form but you can say it?s a futuristic looking *whatever* and show a picture of what the Transformation is based on] [B]Appearance:[/B] [You can use a picture of a current Transformer character but use ones from Robots in Disguise cause that?s the kind of look I want, if not give a decent description.] [B]Personality:[/B] [How does your character interact with those around him/her] [B]History:[/B] [Try and be creative with this, no *hates all ?Cons because they killed his family* and stuff like that. Make it a good paragraph or two and if you get stuck ask me for help.] [I]N/B: I know the age thing is a little off for the G1 canon information but just deal with it, needed to make it seem at least a little realistic.[/I] [CENTER]-====================-[/CENTER] [B][U]My Character[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Optimal Prime. [B]Age:[/B] 8,570. [B]Gender:[/B] Male. [B]Race:[/B] Autobot. [B]Allegiance:[/B] Autobots. [B]Weapons:[/B] Hand-held Proton Cannon and Energon Axe. [I]Integrated Weapon:[/I] Exhaust stacks fold forward to become powerful proton cannons [Vehicle Mode], Attached to the outside of each arm to become proton cannons [Mech Mode]. [B]Transformation:[/B] Hi-Powered Cybertronian semi-trailer. [B]Appearance:[/B] [B][URL=http://jokopoko.250free.com/OptimalPrime.jpg]Click here[/URL][/B] [Has Mech and Vehicle Mode]. [B]Personality:[/B] Like all the Primes before him and all the Primes that will come after him, Optimal Prime is a being dedicated to finding peace in the galaxy and bringing an end to the civil war that was torn Cybertron apart for so many centuries. With the belief that freedom is the right of all sentient beings in the galaxy Optimal will stop at nothing to put an end to any injustice he sees. The only beings he feels no remorse for, or any emotion beside hate, is the Decepticons. Or rather the Decepticons who began the Great War again because it brought an end to the peace Optimus and Rodimus worked so hard to achieve and so he will stop at nothing to bring an end to these soulless machines. Another trait he shares with all Primes is his unwavering loyalty to his Autobot-Brethren and the cause they fight for. His greatest strength, and flaw some say, is his inability to leave any comrade behind because he sees they are all part of the whole and Cybertron cannot be reclaimed without the entire Autobot team at his side. He finds the humans to be a paradox, unlike the pervious Primes, he can tell that they are important to the cause but he does not understand why and so avoids them until he can determine their true part in the future of Cybertron. [B]History:[/B] Like so many of the ?younger generation? Optimal Prime was born on a Cybertron without Optimus Prime and the other Autobot team members who had left in the Ark in search for new sources of Energy but instead being attacked by the Decepticon forces and forced into a four million year long come. So Optimal was born into a world of guerrilla tactics had to be used by the remaining Autobots to ensure their continued survival against the Decepticons and wait for the return of Optimus Prime and the rich sources of Energy he had promised to deliver. For Optimal the stories of Optimus grew a mythic quality for a youth struggling to survive a war that had raged since before he was a spark so he lived in hope for the day that Prime would return to Cybertron to rescue them. Around the time he was 4,700 Optimal encountered an Autobot that would remain one of his closest friends while the awaited Prime, this Autobots name was Depth Charge, and the two of them forged a very close bond and together were able to pull off some of the most daring raids for two so young as they were. Some of these included destroying the Decepticon energy docks and forward command centres but in the grand scheme of things on Cybertron it wasn?t much to speak of. When Optimal was reaching his 5,634th year he stumbled upon a chamber while hiding from a Decepticon war party and little did he realise it was the chamber of Vector Sigma. He came upon the orb not knowing what it was, if anything, and it suddenly shone with an un-natural light and his vision was filled with snippets of the past, present and future of Cybertron and the Autobot Primes. Many other events of merit occurred during his life on Cybertron with Depth Charge awaiting the return of Optimus Prime and the Autobot Team. When contact was re-established with the Earth bound Transformers the Cybertronian Autobots fought with a renewed sense of vigour knowing that Prime was alive and with the Matrix, so their was still hope. He and Depth Charge voyaged to Earth along with several other Autobots to reinforce Prime and his team but while they were away the Decepticons succeeded in conquering Cybertron so the moon bases were set up and the surviving Autobots fled to the moons. Optimal was present at the Battle of Autobot City and barely escaped with his life but remained while Hot Shot and the others voyaged to Cybertron to stop Unicron. If was at this point Optimal began to realise his importance in the Autobot ranks once Rodimus Prime had emerged from the ruins of Unicron. After nearly one-hundred years of peace Rodimus declared that he was leaving Cybertron and gifted the Matrix of Leadership to Optimal who was at once transformed into the new Supreme Commander of Autobot Forces, and the rest is history. [CENTER]-====================-[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][B]Let the War Begin[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][I][U]OOC:[/U][/I] I know this is the second time I've posted it but I cannot delete the original thread for some reason so please no comments about that.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER][COLOR=RED][B][U]Digimon: Prophecy of Destiny[/U][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Aeons ago when the Digital World knew the peace that it has so craved in times past. The past was thanks to the protection given to the Digital World by, what was thought, to be the only Mega Level Digimon of the time. When these seven Digimon were newly hatched from Primary Village, Seraphimon came down from his throne and gifted to them the power of the Mega Level and formed them into the group know as the Royal Knights and filled them with the wisdom and knowledge that their position would entail, thus he gave part of himself to these Digimon. Within the Royal Knights were Imperialdramon [Paladin Mode] who was the leader, LordKnightmon, Dynasmon, Alphamon, Aldamon, Gallantmon and AlForceVeedramon and for a time all was well within the Digital world with the Digimon looked after by Seraphimons champions and their guardians. But this would not last, for a power as great as Seraphimons, but it was as evil as he was good, awoke within the core of the Digital World and sent forth his minions. The Seven Great Demon Lords were sent to deal with the forces of Seraphimon and claim ownership over the Digital World. And so the great power sent forth Lucemon [Satan Mode] to command the remaining six who were MaloMyotismon, Daemon, Lilithmon, Beelzemon [Blast Mode], Murmuxmon and Ghoulmon. And so the Digital World erupted in to a conflict not seen since the arrival of Seraphimon and the fragile peace was shattered as the awesome powers of the fourteen Mega level Digimon collided together in cataclysmic battles across the face of the world of the Digimon. For what seemed to be centauries the battles continued as the powers made their own bid for power and all around them the Digimon who had been so innocent began to Digivolve into more powerful forms to fight in the war, either alongside the Royal Knights or the Demon Lords and Seraphimon looked across his creation in despair at what had happened and the great power gave birth to echoing laughs that fuelled the conflict of beliefs. Eventually the war fought itself out, in a manner of speaking, and it was at this time that Seraphimon himself returned once more to the Digital World and rebuilt it as it should have been before the war had begun and he was soon joined by the great power who took on the form of Apocalymon and challenged the Digi-God to a battle to see who could claim the right to rule the Digital World. Seraphimon refused the challenge but he had an alternative to what Apocalymon wanted, he told him of the power of the prophecy in the Digital World and that it should decide the fate of the Digital World and so the two took the power of the Mega level from their servants and scatted them throughout the Digital World. Once this had been done the two wrote the Prophecy of Destiny which would be fulfilled when all Digimon of either side had returned to the Mega level before the other side and so their master would rule the Digital World onto its ending and beyond and the memory of the conflict was erased from the minds of every Digimon that had lived through it so they could not aid the born again fourteen in their quest. So the two returned to their place of rest until the time when the fourteen servants awoke in their In-Training forms to begin the quest of ascension to the Mega level and to be the salvation or undoing of the Digital World. But not known by the two Deities their was a power greater than their own who had given birth to all things in this world and this Digimon was known as Goldramon and he gave one last gift to each of the fourteen which was this, they too had no memory of the conflict and the prophecy all that the would remember was that they had to, by any means necessary, ascend to the level of Mega level Digimon and only then would the memory of their past life to returned to them and, if the first, would be able to pass this knowledge on to the rest of his allies so they could hasten the search for their own Mega level and serve their masters once more. [CENTER]-===============-[/CENTER] So that?s the back story to this RPG and the jist of what we are doing here. Now when [or if] you sign up you will be taking the part of one of the Royal Knights or one of the Demon Lords and no other character, I will provide the Digivolution chains in just a moment but note that you can?t Digivolve just *click* like that you have to wait for a sign from me or the person playing Lucemon [Satan Mode] who I?ll talk to on AIM or MSN about the ideas for Digivolution and such, now here?s the Digivolutions for each side. [CENTER]-===============-[/CENTER] [CENTER][U][B]Digivolutions[/B][/U][/CENTER] [U][I]The Royal Knights[/I][/U] ? Leafmon ? Minomon ? Wormmon ? Stingmon ? Paildramon ? [U]Imperialdramon [Paladin Mode][/U] ? MetalKoromon ? Kapurimon ? Kotemon ? Gladimon ? Knightmon ? [U]LordKnightmon[/U] ? Mokumon ? DemiMeramon ? Tapirmon ? FlaWizardmon ? Mystimon ? [U]Dynasmon[/U] ? Dodomon ? Dorimon ? Dorumon ? Raptordramon ? Glademon ? [U]Alphamon[/U] ? Botamon ? Koromon ? Flamon ? Agunimon ? BurningGreymon ? [U]Aldamon[/U] ? Jarimon ? Gigimon ? Guilmon ? Growlmon ? WarGrowlmon ? [U]Gallantmon[/U] ? Chibomon ? DemiVeemon ? Veemon ? Veedramon ? AeroVeedramon ? [U]AlForceVeedramon[/U] [U][I]The Demon Lords[/I][/U] ? Puttomon ? Cupimon ? Lucemon ? FallenAngemon ? Lucemon [Falldown] ? [U]Lucemon [Satan Mode][/U] ? Fatemon ? Igormon ? DemiDevimon ? Devimon ? Myotismon ? [U]MaloMyotismon[/U] ? Kuramon ? Phariamon ? Ctanmon ? Necromon ? Wraithmon ? [U]Daemon[/U] ? SnowBotamon ? Nyaromon ? Salamon ? BlackGatomon ? LadyDevimon ? [U]Lilithmon[/U] ? Kiimon ? Yaamon ? Impmon ? Boogeymon ? Phelesmon ? [U]Beelzemon [Blast Mode][/U] ? Tothmon - Sandmon ? Scarabmon ? Sarcophamon ? Mummymon ? [U]Murmuxmon[/U] ? Punimon ? Tsunomon ? Kunemon ? Musyamon ? SkullSatamon ? [U]Ghoulmon[/U] [CENTER]-===============-[/CENTER] By now you should have your character which you?re playing so here?s the Sign-Up Sheet: [CENTER][U][B]Character Sign-Up[/B][/U][/CENTER] [U]Name:[/U] [Your characters name] [U]Side:[/U] [Royal Knights or Demon Lords] [U]Digivolutions:[/U] [From Baby to Mega] [U]Attacks:[/U] [The Attacks of your current form] [U]Personality:[/U] [How does your character act?] [U]Appearance:[/U] [Due to gaps in Digivolution lines I needed to make some Digimon up so please give written descriptions of those or PM me for my descriptions of them] [U]Biography:[/U] [What your character did in the War and has done since the awakening] [CENTER]-===============-[/CENTER] [CENTER][U][B]My Character Sign-Up[/B][/U][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Minomon [Imperialdramon Paladin Mode] [B]Side:[/B] Royal Knights [B]Digivolutions:[/B] Leafmon ? Minomon ? Wormmon ? Stingmon ? Paildramon ? [U]Imperialdramon [Paladin Mode][/U] [B]Attacks:[/B] Pinecone Attack and Bubble Blow [B]Personality:[/B] Taking cues from his past as the leader of the Royal Knights, Minomon is a fair minded Digimon who takes to heart all friendships in the highest and cannot stand any evil, where ever he may find it. He stands for Honour and Trust in the Digital World and fights with all his might to uphold his beliefs and virtues. Unlike the remaining members of the Royal Knights Minomon can sometime dimly remember his past but as hazy after-images and he can never make sense of them but he is always driven by the need to find his was back to the Mega level that was taken from him and finally allow his destiny to be revealed to him. Although he feels he has a special bond to the rest of the Royal Knights he cannot discover why, but he is sure that if he is to reach the Mega level he must do it with these Digimon and must find them before it is too late. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied5/images/Minomon.gif]Minomon[/URL] [B]Biography:[/B] When he was born in Primary Village Minomon and the six other Digimon born at the same time as him were always destined for great things. Being barely hatched Seraphimon descended upon the Digimon and granted them the knowledge he had and gifted them the Mega level that, up until then, only he had held. In their prime the Royal Knights were the embodiment of peace and prosperity in the Digital World and Seraphimons messengers to the rest of the Digimon. At the start Imperialdramon was in command of the northern area of the Digital World, in a manner of speaking, but as the Digital World grew in size he turned over the command to LordKnightmon and the others while he would patrol the world and, at times, confer with Seraphimon about the future and of things to come. When the war started Imperialdramon was always at the fore front of the fighting along with the Royal Knights and LordKnightmon at his side, during these battles he would strive to seek out Lucemon [Satan Mode] and attempt to destroy him believing this would put an end to the war. He was the only Knight to be told of the prophecy and what would happen to the two sides after the Prophecy had been written and he welcomed this as opposed to continued conflict between, not only the Knights and Demons, but Seraphimon and Apocalymon and he could not stand to see his beautiful would destroyed, though he too lost his memory after Goldramon stepped in. But not as Minomon, having awakened some time ago, he has been searching out the remaining Knights in an effort to group their powers together so they can make the first step in the Digivolution chain to Rookie and continue the long struggle to defeat the Demon Lords and be reunited with Seraphimon and the world he so loves. [CENTER]-===============-[/CENTER] [U]The Rules[/U] 1. This is a serious RPG so please no spam type posts or god-modding of any kind. 2. Unlike usual Digimon RPGs the fighting will not consist of your character shouting their attack and instantly destroying the target so please wait until I say to be battling and such. 3. The usual requirement of good spelling and grammar please, as well as a good post quality. 4. Please be serious when signing up and once we start try to have fun with the RPG ^_^.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]I just wrote this song to channel what I feelling a while, comments anyone? [CENTER][I][U]Misconceptions[/U] The feeling has overcome me I don?t know how to explain it It?s the feeling of confusion Of misbelief, of sadness And betrayal, I cannot describe it Misconceptions I have them within me What to believe What not to Tell me the answer Should I hide behind the feeling? Pretend it doesn?t exist And pray is disappears Shall I ignore it all? Everything, I cannot describe it [Chorus] Changing within my being The thoughts of all the misconception I pray the worst be over But it shall never end All of my pain and confusion All of this, I cannot describe it [Chorus] The smile betrays the belief Of all the pain and betrayal The look of the shining eyes They shine with malice With love no longer As one, I cannot describe it [Chorus] Shall I trust in the belief? Shall I believe in the truth? That all of this was a simple Misconception! Which I can no longer explain! [Chorus] The feeling makes me turn away! Belief just isn?t enough anymore Take away all of the hatred The malice is in her eyes! Wash it all away with the feeling Of Misconception! All of this I can no longer describe [Repeat X2] Take it all away from me![/I][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RED][B][U][CENTER]BIONICLE LEGENDS OF METRU NUI[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][I]In the time before time there is an island city where creatures and people beyond your wildest imaging live and work everyday, this is [B]METRU NUI[/B]. The City of Legends is threatened by the monstrous plant know as the [B]MORBUZAKH[/B] and only the power of the [B]Six Great Disks[/B] of Metru Nui can save the city and it?s civilian inhabitants, the [B]Matoran[/B], can stop this plant before it consumes all of Metru Nui. The six new [B]Toa Metru[/B] must scour the city in the search for the six Matoran who alone know the locations of the Great Disks. But a shadowy power behind the scenes will stop at nothing to ensure the Toa Metru do not succeed and unknown to the Toa, one of the six Matoran intends to betray all of Metru Nui and they must realise this and stop them before it is too late."[/I] -=======================- [B][U]Welcome to the City of Legends[/U][/B][/CENTER] This is my new RPG so could you only reply here if you have applied and I have approved you for joining, if your unsure if your in or out here is a quick list of those people who are in and the parts they are playing. [list] [*]Jokopoko - Toa Vakama [*]Vicky - Toa Nokama [*]MajinVegeta - Toa Whenua [*]Boo - Toa Onewa [*]Cysword6 - Toa Matau [*]Lynx - Toa Nuju [/list] I'll leave the sign-ups open for a few more days for people who want to play the Matoran we are looking for after seeing the RPG and getting a feel for the story and so on. Sign-ups are located [B][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=39412]here[/URL][/B]. Now to the RPG. [CENTER][B]LET THE LEGEND BEGIN[/B] -=======================-[/CENTER] Vakama looked over the district of Ta-Metru and felt his heart sink a little as he knew that now he was a Toa he'd never be able to join his friends and family in the great furnace and the forges of the Metru. It had only been a few days since he and five other Matoran, each from a different Metru, became the Toa Metru charged with protecting the city against this monster plant that they know only as the Morbuzakh. [I]'The Great Spirit must have a wisdom deeper than any I have meet before if he thinks I am a good choice for one of the Toa Metru, the only think I have ever been good, and ever will be, is mask forging'[/I] Vakama thought to himself while he focused on the centre of the city many miles away where Turaga Dume lived and controled the City from. Glacing around before hand Vakama attached the Kanoka Disk launched to his back an dived into the lava rivers of the Metru seeing as he could stand the heat he found this the fastest form of travel these days. [I]'Maybe the Toa-Hero, as Matau calls it, lark will grow on all of us in time. But right now we need to find the great disks and those six Matoran that have gone missing'[/I] Leaping out of the lava, and giving several of the Ta-Matoran in the area a fright Vakama started 'leap-froging' along the furnace chimneys as he continued the silent conersation with himself. [I]'The most confusing thing about being a Toa is these masks, they must mean something special or else the Great Spirit would not have given them to us but -'[/I] Before he could continue his attention was taken by a noise he heard in the distance. [I][B]Tap tap...tap tap...tap tap[/B][/I]. It took only a few seconds for Vakama to realise that it was part of the Morbuzakh trying to detach one of the contains which carried the moltan protodermis though the Metru. The new Toa strung into action at once diving once more into the lava stream and speed along toward the plant, he leaped out once more and climbed onto one of the metal bits that pass as flotsam in the lava streams and used it as a 'surf board' to get to the virtical conveyor belt. Leaping onto the convey he detached his Disk Launcher but before he could get a shot off the plant realised he was there and he had to act quickly before it escaped. Graping on to a lose wire he swung to the plant and kicked it into the lava and watched it fall and be incinerated by the intense heat. Vakama called for the Matoran to come in to fix the container harness before he went off again. "This is geting out of hand," He said to himself, "Morbuzakh every where and not a Vahki squad in sight, I've got to speak to Turaga Dume about this." He set his sights once more on the centre of Metru Nui and continued on his way wondering to himself how the other Toa were faring in their conflicts with the Morbuzakh in their Metru's.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]As he walked out of the room Wally had so many feelings and thoughts in his head he didn't know what to do with them and, without realising, he headed toward his room in the hopes that some of his music would help clear his head. Though he could go super-speed he choose not to as it would give him a greater head-ache than the one he was currently feeling, within a few minutes he was in his room and he just stood in the door way for a moment glacing around dully at the room and though it was full of things, for Kid Flash it was empty. With a handfull of C.Ds and his walkman he crashed down onto the bed and lay looking up at the ceiling for a few moments before choosing which C.D. to listen to, after a few seconds he picked up [I]Linkin Park - Meteroa[/I] from th group and popped it in and cycled straight to [I]'Breaking the Habit[/I] as he felt that this song had the most relevence to his current situation. Still with the ear phones in he got up and walked over to his window and, opening it, walked out on to his balcony and leaned out on the rail and looked out upon the city he'd just saved....again. [I]'I really didn't think this was possible but this super-hero lark is really getting old and Raven getting injured has really brought this in to perspective. I just don't what I'm fighting for these days....apart for myself and my friends of course.'[/I]. By the time he'd walked back into his room the album had got to [I]Numb'[/I] which was a good fit to the mood he had, thinking about Flash and how he emulated him in so many ways, even going so far as to call himself 'Kid Flash', [I]'Now that it comes down to it that really is a stupid name'[/I] He though bitterly while he looked up to the ceiling from his bed again. Turning off his player he got up and looked toward the door and saw someone standing there. "Oh, it's you. You can come in if you really want to." He said to them and they walked in silently but keeping an eye on him the whole time.[/SIZE][/COLOR]