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Everything posted by Jokopoko

  1. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Okay, what I think I'll do is PM the people who applied to the RPG sometime ago and if they are still interested I will post here again and wait for a few days to see if anyone else decides to sign-up and if those that did sign-up don't wish to carry on I'll delete this version of the thread and re-post it and anyone who wishes to continue can sign-up for that RPG if they so wish[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]The moment Raven had been taken down Kid Flash spung into action against Slades army. Though he had a score to settle with Kiting he spotted Mammoth with the rest of the villians so he figured he should take him down first seeing as it had been so easy the first time. "Hey, Mammoth! Want to go again?" He called to the huge man who glared at him and when he zipped right infront of him and punched him right between the eyes, runnign back in a flash, that was when he got [I]Angry[/I]. With a huge roar he charged toward Wally at a speed that seemed impossible for such a hulking mas of muscle, thought it wasn't fast enough to catch Kid Flash who got out the way and stuck his leg out just at the right moment. Mammoth feel to the floor with a crash that made the room shake, Wally used the few seconds to check on the others. A couple of them had gone down the hole to see where Raven had got to whereas the others were all involved with Slades Army. Upon Mammoth standing Wally could see a trickle of blood coming down his chin and dripping onto the floor. "You little bastard! I'm going to make you pay for that" Doing the same old trick Mammoth once more charged at him. Thinking he had timed it just right Wally was preparing to get out of the way but Mammoth, putting on a quick burst of speed came right up to him and smashed him right in the chest. Wally felt himself go back several feet and feeling incredibly winded but he was able to regain his stance pretty fast though he felt a little weak in the head. [I]'This needs to be finished, and fast'[/I] He thought quickly and saw that Cyborg was between enemys so Wally caught his attention and pointed toward Mammoth, Cyborg got a slight smirk and nodded to him. "Mammoth! I'm over here you moron!" Wally called and taunted him some more, Mammoth fell for it and when he was in arms reach of Wally he imployed the same trick as he did on Plasmus and caught Mammoth in the vortex of one of his whirlwinds. After a few seconds he yelled out, "Cyborg! Now!". He watched as Cyborg brought his Plasma Cannon to bear and targeted the helpless Mammoth. With a huge rush of energy Mammoth was blasted clear across the room and into one of the walls leaving an imprint and falling to the floor in a heap. "I don't think he'll be getting up again, lets go help the others" Wally said to Cyborg who nodded at him and they both went to the rest of the Titan Team to aid their friends in the conflict.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Right then, you all have the parts you've applied for [Except Kyoober of course] but I want to say something to Cysword6. I'm letting you because I have a feeling you can be a gd RPG if you try hard enough so I just want you to make sure that you'll keep up with the posting, the quality and such etc. And that goes for all of you as well, once we have a Toa Onewa I can start the RPG. So until then.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Wally[/B] was running as fast as his legs could take him, and lets be honest and say that is fast, as he ran he made a slipstream around him and the bystanders got pushed up against walls by the G-Force as well as trash being whipped up behind him in some kind of Maelstrom but he didn?t notice any of this, he was focused solely on the safety of [B]Terra[/B]. [B]Flash[/B] hadn?t felt a moments hesitation when [B]Robin[/B] had told him to get to the Hospital at full-pelt, he?d simply run headlong out of that building like a flash of lightning. As he ran he checked the street signs and made sure he was on the right path and according to the street-signs he was about three quarters of a mile away. [I]?Hmm, that?s barely a few seconds to come up with a plan?[/I] [B]Flash[/B] thought grudgingly to himself. A heartbeat later he was outside of the Hospital and franticly searching for his communicator so he could locate [B]Terra?s[/B] in the building and just as he?d found it he felt the ground beneath him shudder slightly by way of an Earth Quake. He realised straight away that [B]Terra[/B] must be is some really trouble, what else could make her lose control of her powers like that, checking her location on the communicator he raced in to the building causing another, though greater because of the closed space, maelstrom of equipment. [B]Wally[/B] kicked the room door down with a lightning-speed kick that sent it flying through the room and hitting [B]Terra?s[/B] would be attacker right on the back causing him to stumble forward slightly thus showing his back to [B]Wally[/B]. He looked over to [B]Terra[/B] who had a frightened look about her and a quick look to the floor revealed a small pocket knife, it seemed the assailant had been threatening her with it, the door flipped on its side as the person underneath it pushed it away and stood to face [B]Wallly[/B]. His eyes narrowed to slits as he looked the attacker square in the eyes, he could easily recognize the boy from the roof of the tower ?You! What does [B]Slade[/B] want his new lapdog to do now, huh?!,? He spat at the boy who he knew only as [B]Kiting[/B], ?Threaten people so you can do what you want to them? Well I?m not going to let you!? With that he lunged at the boy at top speed and head butted him right in the chest but it didn?t faze him much as he got up quickly and grinned at [B]Kid Flash[/B]. ?Hmm, I knew one of you would come?..and besides all I wanted was some information from the little wretch so I bid you fare well, sir? With the mocking comments still in the air he ran to the window and leaped out assisted by the little wings on his back and landed safely and continued jumping along until he was out of sight. [B]Wally[/B] turned his attention to [B]Terra[/B], who was still shaking slightly and he could still feel a slight shudder in the ground now and then. ?[B]Terra[/B], don?t worry it?s all right he?s gone now,? [B]Wally[/B] reassured her, ?What did he really want, do you know??. [B]Terra[/B] looked up at him with fright still in her eyes and hugged, or rather clunG to, [B]Wally[/B] as she tried to talk through the shaking. ?He?.asked me if I would join [B]Slade[/B] again and he called me a?.traitor to the [B]Titans[/B] so he said [B]Slade[/B] still had a place for me?? At that it seemed she could stand no more, so [B]Wally[/B] simply picked her up in his arms and took off once more in the opposite direction toward the [B]Tower[/B]. Now that he had a really reason to hate this person he would use that hate to his advantage every time he was in a fight with him.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Thanks Lynx, you have the part of [B]Toa Nuju[/B] so don't worry about it. Kyoober if you don't change the sign up soon I'm afraid you will not have the part of [B]Toa Whenua[/B], so theres still three more places to fill before we can start the RPG people.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Wally[/B] shot a dark look at the retreating figure of [B][/B]as she decended the steps on the way into the Tower. [I]'The more I get to know that girl the less I think I like her'[/I] He thought darkly to himself though he knew that he was lying to himself but he just needed to be angry at someone right now but he didn't know why. [B]Wally[/B] turned his gaze back to the sky and wondered if the glinting he could see was the [B]Watch Tower[/B] orbiting high above Earth, [B]Barry[/B] would be up there right now with the rest of the [B]Justice League[/B]. [I]'God, there are times I wish hadn't stopped being his sidekick. But even super-heros need to move on I guess.'[/I] He mused as his gaze fell back to the area below the tower. After a few more minutes of self-pity he remembered that they'd be going out next week and his face brighted up a bit, [B]Raven[/B] wouldn't come for sure but [B]Terra[/B] would be there and that had to be good for something he guessed. Sighing slightly he picked himself and truged down to the main room where the rest of the [B]Titans[/B] were either talking, playing games or reading. He looked over to the corner and saw [B]Raven[/B] talking to [B]Robin[/B] and his hopes of going out that friday dropped slightly as he was sure what the two of them were talking about. [B]Wally[/B] looked over to the gaming [B]Titans[/B] and saw that they were playing [B]Soul Caliber II[/B] and [B]Terra[/B] was sitting close by watching [B]Beast Boy[/B] and [B]Cyborg[/B] go at it. He felt his mouth twitch a little as he walked over to the couch they were all sitting on and heard the 'trash-talk' of the match as he got closer. "Hard look chicken-boy, I whiped you again!" [B]Cyborg[/B] shouted in his [I]'game voice'[/I] and it seemed that [B]Beast Boy[/B] had a retort coming but [B]Wally[/B] interupted it. "Hey, [B]Cy[/B]. If you've beaten [B]Beast[/B] how d'you fancy playing a true gamer?" He said in a tone he knew [B]Cyborg[/B] couldn't refuse. And true to form he fixed [B]Wally[/B] in his gaze and mearly pointed to the seat and to the controller pad. Before sitting he glanced over at [B]Terra[/B] and quickly looked away as he saw she was looking right at him. "Right then [B]Cy[/B]," [B]Wally[/B] said cracking his knuckles, "Chose your character". [B]Cyborg[/B] picked Link [I][GC Version[/I] and [B]Wally[/B] picked Astaroth and with another glace to [B]Terra[/B] started the match. [I]'This is were super speed and a photographic memory work wonders'[/I] He thought as [B]Cyborg[/B] started realising his mistake it taking on the Fastest Boy Alive.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Wally[/B] shook his head as he watched [B]Robin[/B] and [B]Cyborg[/B] argue over who should go down to answer the door. [I]'Either I'm invisible or their all really dense'[/I] He thought and signed with a slight smirk creeping onto his face, after sitting around for another few seconds he resolved to go down himself and check it out. It took him barely ten seconds but when he'd come back they were both still arguing about it. "Hey, Boy Wonder. Don't worry about I've been down already and checked it out!" He called over to [B]Robin[/B] who seemed to be mentally kicking himself for not think to ask [B]Flash[/B], "Well who was it and what did they want?" [B]Robin[/B] asked while glaring at [B]Cyborg[/B] who was quietly laughing at him. "Some guy who gave me an invite to the opening of some club, apparantly we've saved the city so many times we've been made VIPs. Go figure," He said with a shrug of his shoulders, he glanced across the room and noticed a glint of joy in the eyes of [B]Terra[/B] and [B]Starfire[/B] at the prospect of going out for a night because the [B]Titans[/B] we're usually so tired from the crime fighting they never had a chance to relax. "So what d'you think [B]Robin[/B], should we go?" [B]Wally[/B] asked him, trying to keep himself from looking over to [B]Raven[/B] or [B]Terra[/B] for their reactions. [B]Robin[/B] paced the room while he made up his mind, he was always the carefull type, always looking for the plot or trap when it might not be there. "All right then, I guess it wouldn't be that bad. When is it?" He asked, looking over the rest of the team and seeing their faces light up. [B]Flash[/B] looked over the card for the date and quickly found it, "Erm...says it's next Friday here" He responded. [B]Terra[/B] let out a little excited gasp and [B]Starfire[/B] stiffled a giggle while [B]Robin[/B] looked at both of them as if about to repremand them but his face cracked into a smile, "Sounds great, [B]Wally[/B]. Go and tell him that we'll go" [B]Robin[/B] told [B]Flash[/B], who looked at him with in a confused fasion. "But I already did, just now. They don't call me the fastet boy alive for no reason" He said, being careful to throw a little wink [B]Terra's[/B] way. After that the [B]Titans[/B] talked for a while afterwards about what they would do next Firday and eventually went back to whatever it was they were doing before hand, apart from [B]Wally[/B] who'd gone up to the top of the tower for some time to think things over and to be alone for a bit.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]OOC:[/B] Vicky told me to ignore the part where sunofexiles finished off the fight so I'll just carry on with it. [CENTER]-=========-[/CENTER] [I]'Aww man, this is getting [B]way[/B] out of control'[/I] [B]Wally[/B] thought as he avoided the on coming attacks of [B]Mammoth[/B] and the weird looking girl in the alley way, it wasn't as if [B]H.I.V.E.[/B] and Co. were enough for the [B]Titans[/B], oh no, they had to make it much harder for themselves everytime. Ducking quickly under one of [B]Mammoths[/B] clumsy swings [B]Wally[/B] ran around to his back and kicked him right in the base of his neck with one swift kick and he fell to the ground with a thud and didn't get up again. [I]'That should have him down for a while,'[/I] [B]Wally[/B] thought, [I]'Enough time for me to check whats happening with the others at least'[/I]. He quickly glanced over his shoulder to see that [B]Raven[/B] was advancing toward the girl in the alley with her eyes full of the magic she used, with a quick burst of speed he went over to her. "Hey [B]Raven[/B], what are you doing over here? [B]H.I.V.E.[/B] and Co are over there" He said, using his thumb to indicate the fight. "Stop pestering me, I'm going to find out who this girl is" She said with marked annoyance in her voice. "Okay, okay. If you need me, I'll be over there". And in a Flash he was over there with the rest of the [B]Titans[/B] aiding them in the fight against [B]H.I.V.E.[/B]. "Hey Boss Boy, where d'you need me?" He asked [B]Robin[/B] who appeared to have his hands full with [B]Cinderblock[/B] and [B]Plasmus[/B] who had removed the building that was on top of him. "I could use help with [B]Plasmus[/B], get him in a whirlwind and see what happens. Something like that!" [B]Robin[/B] shouted while avoiding [B]Cinderblock[/B] who seemed intent on making him part of the road. "What ever you say Boy Wonder" [B]Wally[/B] joked as he ran in a flash over to [B]Plasmus[/B] who was heading in the direction of [B]Terra[/B]. "Hey! Big, Pink and Ugly! Get away from [B]Terra[/B], I'd like to have a game!" [B]Wally[/B] shouted while tauting the large blob. He looked at him dimly before he shouted a curse at [B]Wally[/B] and charged toward him. [I]'Just what I wanted him to do'[/I] [B]Wally[/B] thought with a smirk and began to run around [B]Plasmus[/B] at top speed and as he'd hoped his [[B]Plasmus[/B]] structure began to come apart in the fast wind he was making and he called to [B]Terra[/B], every time he came close enough, "Hey...are you...alright?" He caught sight of her nodding and he focused on getting rid of [B]Plasmus[/B]. [I]'This shouldn't take to long'[/I] He thought as a large smile came over his face.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Wallace [Wally] West [B]Code-Name:[/B] Kid Flash [B]Age:[/B] 15 [?] [B]Side:[/B] Teen Titans [B]Powers/ Abilities:[/B] Kid Flash possesses super speed that can surpass the speed of light. This enables him to vibrate through objects and even travel through time. He can also lend his speed to other objects. He can also read and take in any information he reads or see's with the same speed, due to this he also has a photographic memory. [B]Gadgets:[/B] Kid Flash has no gadgets or weapons of any kind, he prefers to use his speed so he can show off in front of the others. [B]Description:[/B] [IMG]http://www.titanstower.com/assets/whos%20who/aamembers/pinups/kidflash.jpg[/IMG] [B]Personality:[/B] His fast speed has made Wally incredibly reckless when it comes to dealing with danger because he thinks what ever the problem he can just speed out of there before anything bad can happen to himself or the Teen Titans. If he were older he could be called a womanizer buting seeing as he is mearly 15 that label cannot to put to him, what can be said is that he perfers the company of the female Titans, but won't say no to a game of Football with the guys, and he especially enjoys being around Raven but he covers this up by pretending to show more interest in Terra. But all this considered he is a highly social person and is always up for a few laughs. [B]Weakness:[/B] Unknown to him or anyone at this time his Super Speed is killing him, the more he uses the power the faster he is dying but as said no one, not even Wally, knows this right now. Other than that there is nothing much else that Wally is weak against aside the usual Human weaknesses. [B]Biography:[/B] Infant Iris Allen was sent to the 20th century from the 30th century by her parents to spare her from almost certain nuclear war. She was found and adopted by the West family. She grew up a child in the 20th century, and moved to Central City, where she got a job as a reporter for the Picture News and met Barry Allen (the Flash). Iris' nephew, Wally West, was president of the Blue Valley chapter of the Official Flash fan club. Wally's Aunt Iris was dating Barry Allen (the Flash) at the time. Barry claimed he ?knew' the Flash through his job as a police scientist. Wally was exited at the proposition of meeting his idol. Ironically, Wally thought very little of Barry upon meeting him (and unaware of his dual identity at the time). When Wally met Barry at his police lab, a seemingly freak accident occurred; A bolt of lightning struck chemicals which spilled on Wally granted him super-speed powers similar to Barry's. This was the exact same way in which Barry received his powers! Wally would later find out that the Speed Force used these accidents as a cover to grant super-speed powers to both him and Barry. Barry revealed his dual identity to Wally and a new partnership was forged. Wally became Flash's sidekick, Kid Flash. Initially, Wally wore a costume mirroring Barry's. As a strategic decision during a battle, Flash altered Wally's costume to a primarily-yellow design. After the battle, Wally chose to keep the costume, and wore it through his whole career as Kid Flash. A few years later, Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad joined together to stop the menace of Mr. Twister. It was the first time the sidekicks joined forces. Their second meeting was more eventful: Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, now joined by Wonder Girl and Speedy, fought against their mentors, who had been possessed by the evil Antithesis. At this second meeting, the five youngsters decided to become a team... and the Teen Titans were born! Robin naturally became the leader of the original Teen Titans. The sidekicks would continue to operate with their mentors, as well as spending time with their peers in the Teen Titans.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Okay, Vicky you have the part of Nokama but Kyoober unless you do the sign-up in the style I asked and use the information on the website I gave and send a PM with a post sample to me, then I'm afraid you do not have the part of Whenua in this RPG. So to anyone who wants to apply there are only four parts left, unless you wish to play a Matoran.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [CENTER][COLOR=RED][U][B]BIONICLE: METRU NUI City of Legends[/B][/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][I]?In the time before time there is an island city where creatures and people beyond your wildest imaging live and work everyday, this is [B]METRU NUI[/B]. The City of Legends is threatened by the monstrous plant know as the [B]MORBUZAKH[/B] and only the power of the six great disks of Metru Nui can save the city and it?s civilian inhabitants, the Matoran, can stop this plant before it consumes all of Metru Nui. The six new [B]Toa Metru[/B] must scour the city in the search for the six Matoran who alone know the locations of the [B]Great Disks[/B]. But a shadowy power behind the scenes will stop at nothing to ensure the Toa Metru do not succeed and unknown to the Toa, one of the six Matoran intends to betray all of Metru Nui and they must realise this and stop them before it is too late."[/I] [B]LET THE LEGEND BEGIN[/B] -=======================- Metru Nui is a huge island city located far beneath the surface of the island of Mata Nui. It was the original home of the Matoran prior to their emigration to Mata Nui. Metru Nui sits in the center of a vast silver sea of liquid protodermis. The city is divided into six districts, or [B]"Metru"[/B]: [B]Ta-Metru, Ga-Metru, Onu-Metru, Po-Metru, Le-Metru, and Ko-Metru[/B]. Each metru`s Matoran play a different role in the smooth running of the city. The metru are connected to each other by a complex system of transport chutes. Some of the most important sites in Metru Nui include the Coliseum, sports center and power source for the city; the Great Furnace in Ta-Metru; the Great Temple in Ga-Metru; the Onu-Metru Archives; the moto-hub in Le-Metru; the Sculpture Field in Po-Metru; and the Knowledge Towers of Ko-Metru. Metru Nui is ruled by [B]Turaga Dume[/B], and protected by robotic order enforcement squads called [B]Vahk[/B]i. Each metru has a different type of Vahki, but all are highly efficient and relentless enforcers of the laws of the city. For more information regarding the City or the individual Metru please consult the Onu-Metru archives, [B][URL=http://www.lego.com/eng/bionicle/legends.asp?sw_link=metru_nui]click here[/URL][/B]. -=======================-[/CENTER] For this RPG I only need six people [Including myself] to play the six Toa Metru. The application style is a sort of ?first come first serve? but I would like a post sample from you when applying to be any of the Toa so I can choose who is the best fit for each Toa Metru. If you wish to play one of the Matoran who we are searching for please PM me and I?ll see what I can do for you. Here is a quick description, including a picture, of the Toa Metru but when applying please use the information supplied here, [B][URL=http://www.lego.com/eng/bionicle/legends.asp?sw_link=bios]click here[/URL][/B]. [CENTER]-=======================-[/CENTER] [CENTER][U][B]The Toa Metru[/B][/U][/CENTER] [U]Toa Vakama, Toa Metru of Fire [Taken by Jokopoko][/U] [IMG]http://cache.lego.com/images/shop/Products/TYPE10/LEGO-US-2057/Set384x288us008601.jpg[/IMG] Toa Metru of Fire and guardian of Ta-Metru, Vakama use?s his disk launcher and Great Mask of Concealment to defeat threats to Metru Nui. His strange visions of the future lead the Toa on dangerous quests into the darkest parts of the city of legends. [U]Toa Nokama, Toa Metru of Water [Taken by Vicky][/U] [IMG]http://cache.lego.com/images/shop/Products/TYPE10/LEGO-US-2057/Set384x288us008602.jpg[/IMG] Toa Metru of water and guardian of Ga-metru, Toa Nokama can often be found using her twin hydro blades to speed through the protodermis canals. Intelligent and strong, she has the wits to solve mysteries and the power to defeat any foe. [U]Toa Whenua, Toa Metru of Earth [Taken by MajinVegeta][/U] [IMG]http://cache.lego.com/images/shop/Products/TYPE10/LEGO-US-2057/Set384x288us008603.jpg[/IMG] Toa Metru of earth and guardian of Onu-Metru, Whenua spends much of his time in the vast Archives beneath the city. When danger threatens, he relies on his twin earth shock drills and his Great Mask of Night Vision. Some say he spends too much time in the past, mainly Nuju, but he says he learns from his mistakes that way. [U]Toa Onewa, Toa Metru of Stone [Saved for Boo][/U] [IMG]http://cache.lego.com/images/shop/Products/TYPE10/LEGO-US-2057/Set384x288us008604.jpg[/IMG] Toa Metru of stone and guardian of Po-Metru, Onewa is strong-willed and stubborn. No matter the odds, Onewa will never admit defeat ? he always finds a way to win. When his own strength and agility are not enough, he uses his proto piton tools and his Great Mask of Mind Control. [U]Toa Matau, Toa Metru of Air [Taken by Cysword][/U] [IMG]http://cache.lego.com/images/shop/Products/TYPE10/LEGO-US-2057/Set384x288us008605.jpg[/IMG] Toa Metru of air and guardian of the transport hub of Le-Metru, Matau is known for his instincts and his sense of humour. His Great Mask of Illusion and twin aero slicers make him a hero to be reckoned with. He relies on quick wit and even quicker speed when involved in a battle with the enemies of Metru Nui. [U]Toa Nuju, Toa Metru of Ice [Taken by Lynx][/U] [IMG]http://cache.lego.com/images/shop/Products/TYPE10/LEGO-US-2057/Set384x288us008606.jpg[/IMG] Cold and aloof Toa Metru of ice and guardian of Ko-Metru, Nuju carries two crystal spikes for climbing the Knowledge Towers and he wears the Great Mask of Telekinesis. Nuju is quiet most of the time and rarely speaks, his mind is always focused on future events and this impedes his ability to act in the moment somewhat. [CENTER]-=======================-[/CENTER] So that?s the basic info for you all, here?s the sign-up sheet giving the information fields and the usual; stuff and if your unsure about the information just go to the website and look at mine to get an idea of what I?d like it to look like. [U][B]Sign-Up Sheet[/B][/U] [U]Name:[/U] [Your characters name] [U]Element:[/U] [Which element does your character represent? For Matoran this is N/A] [U]District:[/U] [Which Metru does your character come from] [U]Appearance:[/U] [You can use the pictures I supplied in the little bios] [U]Kanohi Mask/Power:[/U] [The masks name and its power, again for Matoran this is N/A] [U]Tools/Ability:[/U] [The name of the tool you use and what it can do, for Matoran this is the disks they carry] [U]Biography:[/U] [You can get this information from the Bionicle website and the link is given above] And that?s all the info I?ll need from you as well as a post sample, the sample needs to be at least two paragraphs and once I?ve got it and checked it over I?ll tell you if you have the place. [CENTER]-=======================-[/CENTER] [U]My Character Sign-Up[/U] [U]Name:[/U] Toa Vakama [U]Element:[/U] Toa Metru of Fire [U]District:[/U] Ta-Metru [U]Appearance:[/U] [IMG]http://cache.lego.com/images/shop/Products/TYPE10/LEGO-US-2057/Set384x288us008601.jpg[/IMG] [U]Kanohi Mask/Power:[/U] Vakama wears the Kanohi Huna, the Great Mask of Concealment. It allows him to turn invisible but even when he is in this state he still casts a shadow. If his is in physical contact with another Toa or Matoran the Masks power also affects them so they two become invisible. [U]Tool/Ability:[/U] Vakama carries a Kanoka Disk launcher which is of a much more complex design than those used by the Matoran of Metru Nui. The launcher can fire all class of Kanoka Disk, including the Great Disks, and it can also channel Vakama?s ability to use his fire powers, though he prefers to use his hands for this. [U]Biography:[/U] Toa of Fire and Guardian of Ta-Metru, Vakama was once one of the city?s greatest mask makers. His skill was so respected that Turaga Dume asked him personally to make a Kanohi Mask of Time but this was beyond the skill of Vakama and so he had to decline. Now he has become one the powerful Toa Metru, guardians of the city, but he is not always certain that he is ready for the role of a hero. And at times he misses his life and work in the foundries of Ta-Metru where we would craft masks for the other Matoran and Turaga Dume to wear. Vakama has always been plauged by strange visions of the future. Often the meanings of these visions are unclear and, for now, he is hiding this ?talent? from the other Toa Metru. It is only later that he will discover that these visions will be key in saving the city from the Morbuzakh plant. He has the wisdom and courage to be the leader of the Toa Metru but he is not sure that he can handle that role. Nokama, however, feels strongly that Vakama is best suited to be the leader of the Toa Metru. [CENTER]-=======================-[/CENTER] If you do sign up to the RPG I'd like you to post at least once every two days and if you can't manage that for whatever reason just PM when the problem comes and I'll just make sure you character isn't phased out or anything. And the usual board rules for post quality apply and such but I'd like the length to be at least three paragraphs.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Jai looked around quickly before he ducked into the low enterence into the bar. Upon entering his stood to his full hight and glanced around the bar, one pass told him that Ark had yet to show up so he walked toward the bar to grab a drink before he appeared and told him what he needed to know. Sitting at the down he ordered himself a beer [Of sorts] and mulled over the events of the past few days as he awaited Arcon. He'd got his first lead of this Saiya-Jin for a good few months and found out that he'd be hear for at least a day before going on to Earth and this was Jai's best chance of meeting him before they both got to Earth. The drink he'd ordered was one of the most foul and bitter things he'd ever tasted, yet it may be his last drink for a very long time so he savoured every drop of it as finished it a little to fast for his liking. He sighed a little as he placed the glass on the bar top, things would have been much eaiser it he had stayed on Konats but that couldn't be so. He had to prove himself against the best the Universe had to offer instead of staying on some backwater world lording it over the feeble underlings. He checked the door and, sure enough, Ark was standing there. He was covered by a dark black robe as was common with the Arconia-Jin and he could catch the glint of two red eyes beneath the hood. Ark motioned for him to move to a table in the corner. [I]Ark:[/I] Ah, Jai. Good of you to be hear on time, I have news of the Saiya-Jin you search for. [I]Jai:[/I] Okay, Ark. Just cut the crap Ark and tell me when to meet him and where. [I]Ark:[/I] [Chuckling slightly] Ah yes, stright to the point as usual Jai, very well. Fredo has said that the two of you shall meet at the Zeltan Fighting Arena, seat 25, row 3 and at 8:00 sharp, and I'd pay attention. It isn't wise to tick off a Saiya-Jin. [I]Jai:[/I] [Getting up to leave] Okay then Ark, thanks for the information. I'll be seeing you. Jai headed for the door way and went out as quickly and silently as it he'd not been there at all. He glanced around once more, you could never he safe with bounty hunters around, and checked a near by street sign to make sure he was on the right track for the Zeltan Arena and he was. He slid his sleeve down to check the time []5:32[] the face read in clear green, Jai looked up to check the distance to the arena on the sign. [I]'Shouldn't take me more that 15 minutes...unless I'm held up,' He thought, heading toward the arena, 'And if things go to plan that Saiya-Jin and I should be on our way to Earth by 6:15 at the latest'[/I][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Fire. Burning. Endless Conflict. It won't stop. For not the first time in his excistence FlameAngemon is plauged by nightmares of what is to become of this world that was once two seperate places...seperate dimentions. Waking with a start he graps his Staff and looks out into the darkness around him, "Who is there! Show your self coward and face me!" He knows that no one will answer but he needs to vent his frustration out on someone or something. Possesing a very short temper for some one of the Angel type FlameAngemon does not know where his place lies in this world. Kicking a near by rock he sets off in no particular direction hoping it will lead him to the path of digivolution, talking to himself as he goes. "Why is it when ever I have this dream I hear a voice saying 'And change will calm his spirit'. Damn, it doesn't make sence but I HAVE to find the answer....before I talk myself to death. As time passes he see's many Digimon of the In-Training and Rookie levels, barely worth his notice but even they are above humans in many respects. His light footfalls hardly leave a track as he crosses the grasslands from an area of Earth that was mostly spared. Looking up into the sky he see's what looks like another Angel type Digimon...about the size and shape of an ultimate, with a grin on his face at the prospect of gaining more energy for his Digivolution he opens his wings and takes off after the other Angel Digimon. [I]'Things may be looking up'[/I] He thinks to himself as he feels the air going through his hair.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]Answer:[/U] 6 to collect and here is the order in which you get them: 1. Light Medallion 2. Forest Medallion 3. Fire Medallion 4. Water Medallion 5. Shadow Medallion 6. Spirit Medallion [U]Question:[/U] In OoT how many bottles can you get and how do you get all of them?[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]If memory serves he was in the first DK game under the name of 'Jumpman' Question: Why did the artist who drew him choose to give him a hat?[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Well I'm not sure if this counts but I'd want to live in the Takara series of Transformers and be an evil Destron! :devil:. I say 'not sure' cause I dunno if it really counts, but it was made in Japan so....[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Wincing from the pain of the fist smashing into his head Cortez picked himself up and gingerly touched the spot where the contact had been made, it felt like his head exploded with the pain. [I]'Oh thats just great,' He thought, 'Thats going to leave a mark for months, I'll teach that stupuid machine'[/I]. He then checked out his chin and moved it a little, [I]'Well I can still talk I suppose, thought I won't be eating for a while'[/I]. He stood a little and looked around the pub, or what was left of it. The battle, if it could be called that, had damaged a large part of the pub and he saw that he was the only one of his 'side' left there and he would have tried for a hasty escape if the three characters plus the robot had not been glaring down at him, the robot grabbed him by the ruff of his neck and pulled him up to his height. "Now then [I]theif[/I]," It said with malice, "Tell us where the tunnels are and how to get under the soul-flow....now!" Cortez laughed softly to himself before responding. "You'll never get me to talk and your the 'good guys' so you won't have the guts to kill, and besides, that'd leave you right in square one" He said in mocking tones as they continued to glare at him, he was unmoved. One of the other, it seemed he could control the machine, stepped forward. "Wedge, put him down and let us deal with him" He said placing a hand on the machines left arm. The robot was clearly not happy with this request but he still complied and dropped Cortez into a near by seat, was stilling smiling with all the smugness he could muster. Wedge said something in hushed tones to Logan and the female, Cortez didn't have any clue who she was though she looked like a Mage so he was in no hurry to find out what kind of Mage. After listening to Wedge the two of them sprouted identical evil grins as they looked at Cortez and advanced toward him, he felt a little worried now. [I]'This could get messy'[/I] He thought as the Mage brought her staff out of her cloak and prepared to point it at Cortez.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]In most cases I believe that Indie music is the more 'mature' side for people who choose to listen to the alternative music genre. Don't get me wrong though, I still like some of the metal bands like Disturbed and Dimmu Borigr, it just there are times when I want to find out how crap the world is without losing my ear-drums :D. My list of Indie goes something like this: [list] [*]Radiohead [*]Coldplay [*]Starsailor [*]Idlewild [/list] And the songs for each would be this, Radiohead - Paranoid Android, Coldplay - Scientist, Starsailor - Love is Here and Idleawild - You Held the World in your arms.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]My Character Sign-Up[/U] [U]Name:[/U] Jaishima [Jai for short] [U]Age:[/U] 27 [U]Gender:[/U] Male [U]Race:[/U] Konatsa-Jin [U]Weapons:[/U] [URL=http://www.mwart.com/images/p/Fantasy_Swords_Kilgorin__Sword_of_D_UC1239_700.jpg]One sword[/URL] made for him by his father [U]Appearance:[/U] [IMG]http://jokopoko.250free.com/konats1.jpg[/IMG] [U]Biography:[/U] From his birth it was obvious to most the should Jai become a fighter his skill would be in the Ki side of the skill rather than the physical element due to his peoples somewhat lacking physical strength, the reason they thought this was that his Ki energy was very focused even from when he was a young boy and by age three he was already able to fly and make small energy balls, though they did little damage to those around him it showed him to have great control over the skill. His academic skill was considerable as well, being able to recall facts and figures at will, he used this skill in fighting to make complex [Yet quick] fighting moves from moves he had learned previously and made a personal fighting style for himself based around Ki energy and being very fast and light on his feet. By his teenage years Jai had reached levels unprecedented[sp?] for those of his race and he was thought to be the youngest fighter in the history of Konats to have such a high fighting power at such a young age, all the praise soon went to Jai's head and after a life time of rules, regulations and training it soon inflated his ego till it was on par with his power level. He used his power to get what he wanted and threatened people who did not do as he said and it was useless for people to challenge him, but he soon got bored of his home planet and, now aged 23, he left Konats to search the Universe for those to fight against to better test his powers in open combat, he soon learned that his Ki energy was truely one of a kind for his age, his speed and agility needed much improvement due to his lack of phyisical strength compared to those he fought. After several years of training and fighting he had heard many the rumours of a planet know as Earth where an ancient fighter of amazing power and skill had once lived, he knew some of Earth before this from the tales his parents had told him of this warrior, known as Goku, defeating a terrible evil which had once attacked their planet. He thought that to travel to this planet and to test his skills against the decendents of this fighter would truely prove if his fighting style of speed and high energy was superior to all out attacks of brute force. On his way there he heard of another warrior who was also making his way to Earth on some sort of vendetta against the decendents of Goku for robbing him of some revenge that he sought, he has made a detour to meet up with this fighter and discover if he would be interested in an alliance of sorts so they can test their fighting strength against these warriors and then, should they defeat these people, against each other. [U]Personality:[/U] Unlike many of his race, solidarity is something that Jai does not strive for very often. Though he likes to have his space when he needs it he does not like being alone, he feels the need for companionship to help him see his faults and to work on them, much like a fighter would to increase their fighting ability by sparing with others. Some consider him to be aloof and over proud because of his skill with Ki energy, which he values much more than brute strength such as punches and kicks which so many other fighters value above all else, but the truth is he could not care less what people think of his personality other than those he calls friend, he always values friendships very highly, reguardless of the circumstances in which they were made. [U]Stats:[/U] 36,000,000 to divide up in the below sections. [U]Strength:[/U] 3,742,500 [U]Defense:[/U] 3,742,500 [U]Agility:[/U] 7,050,000 [U]Speed:[/U] 7,050,000 [U]Ki:[/U] 7,275,000 [U]Intelligence:[/U] 7,140,000[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]GrattaNite got up from the table smartly and headed toward the stables Roland had made for the horses he had brought along for the trip but as he went he was silently punishing himself for missing out on the immortality after coming so close to it [I]'I must be more careful next time, I may have survived this vote but I may not be so lucky next time'[/I]. As he walked he heard the sounds of battle coming from one of the corridors and from the din his trained ear could make out the voice of the Ninja, Cogan, and one of the Harpys screams but he could not tell which. With his arm instantly falling to his side after years of training he stopped himself before he grasped the sword [I]'This one is not your fight, you defend the weak and innocent and these two are neither'[/I] He thought as he continued down toward the stable. Upon his arrival he looked around and took note of the surroundings, the horses [five of them] were all sleeping in their single stalls, the hay was in the left corner along with the pitch fork his squire, who'd come along with him, used to move it around the stable was alongside the water buckets, empty of course, and upon the right wall was his sadles, spurs[sp?] and his lances. "Just like home" He said outloud to himself as he smiled and let out a happy sigh. After his quick stop off at the stable he decided to take himself to his quarters and get some rest and think on the requirements of Round II though he wasn't even sure how long this round would last but he supposed he could risk it and it may give him the time he needed to think. As he walked he could still here the echos of the combat around the ship, either they were still fighting or the ship was so large and cavernous that the echos would resonate for some time now. After removing his armour and arms he slipped into his traditional straw bed, while Roland had offered more luxurious lodgings GrattaNite had declined the offer. While he slept his dreams were filled with images and memorys that he knew where not his own and as he was on the edge of waking a tall figure clad in Black Armour that greatly resembled his own recited a perverison of the code he held so dear to his heart. [CENTER][I]'A Knight is sworn to death, His heart knows only terror, His mind knows only falsehood, His blade has slaughtered the helpless, His might has damned the weak.'[/I][/CENTER] Before the Knight had finished reciting the damned version of the code GrattaNite woke with a start. His face and brow were covered with sweat, he got out of his bed and made his way to the sink with a towel to cool his face down. Whiping his face he looked himself in the mirrior and thought back to the figure in the dream "Perhaps," He said quietly, "There is more at stake here than just my reputation". He thought on this for a moment before driving the thought from his mind and returning to bed and falling into a dreamless sleep.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [CENTER][COLOR=RED][B][U]Digimon: Prophecy of Destiny[/U][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Aeons ago when the Digital World knew the peace that it has so craved in times past. The past was thanks to the protection given to the Digital World by, what was thought, to be the only Mega Level Digimon of the time. When these seven Digimon were newly hatched from Primary Village, Seraphimon came down from his throne and gifted to them the power of the Mega Level and formed them into the group know as the Royal Knights and filled them with the wisdom and knowledge that their position would entail, thus he gave part of himself to these Digimon. Within the Royal Knights were Imperialdramon [Paladin Mode] who was the leader, LordKnightmon, Dynasmon, Alphamon, Aldamon, Gallantmon and AlForceVeedramon and for a time all was well within the Digital world with the Digimon looked after by Seraphimons champions and their guardians. But this would not last, for a power as great as Seraphimons, but it was as evil as he was good, awoke within the core of the Digital World and sent forth his minions. The Seven Great Demon Lords were sent to deal with the forces of Seraphimon and claim ownership over the Digital World. And so the great power sent forth Lucemon [Satan Mode] to command the remaining six who were MaloMyotismon, Daemon, Lilithmon, Beelzemon [Blast Mode], Murmuxmon and Ghoulmon. And so the Digital World erupted in to a conflict not seen since the arrival of Seraphimon and the fragile peace was shattered as the awesome powers of the fourteen Mega level Digimon collided together in cataclysmic battles across the face of the world of the Digimon. For what seemed to be centauries the battles continued as the powers made their own bid for power and all around them the Digimon who had been so innocent began to Digivolve into more powerful forms to fight in the war, either alongside the Royal Knights or the Demon Lords and Seraphimon looked across his creation in despair at what had happened and the great power gave birth to echoing laughs that fuelled the conflict of beliefs. Eventually the war fought itself out, in a manner of speaking, and it was at this time that Seraphimon himself returned once more to the Digital World and rebuilt it as it should have been before the war had begun and he was soon joined by the great power who took on the form of Apocalymon and challenged the Digi-God to a battle to see who could claim the right to rule the Digital World. Seraphimon refused the challenge but he had an alternative to what Apocalymon wanted, he told him of the power of the prophecy in the Digital World and that it should decide the fate of the Digital World and so the two took the power of the Mega level from their servants and scatted them throughout the Digital World. Once this had been done the two wrote the Prophecy of Destiny which would be fulfilled when all Digimon of either side had returned to the Mega level before the other side and so their master would rule the Digital World onto its ending and beyond and the memory of the conflict was erased from the minds of every Digimon that had lived through it so they could not aid the born again fourteen in their quest. So the two returned to their place of rest until the time when the fourteen servants awoke in their In-Training forms to begin the quest of ascension to the Mega level and to be the salvation or undoing of the Digital World. But not known by the two Deities their was a power greater than their own who had given birth to all things in this world and this Digimon was known as Goldramon and he gave one last gift to each of the fourteen which was this, they too had no memory of the conflict and the prophecy all that the would remember was that they had to, by any means necessary, ascend to the level of Mega level Digimon and only then would the memory of their past life to returned to them and, if the first, would be able to pass this knowledge on to the rest of his allies so they could hasten the search for their own Mega level and serve their masters once more. [CENTER]-===============-[/CENTER] So that?s the back story to this RPG and the jist of what we are doing here. Now when [or if] you sign up you will be taking the part of one of the Royal Knights or one of the Demon Lords and no other character, I will provide the Digivolution chains in just a moment but note that you can?t Digivolve just *click* like that you have to wait for a sign from me or the person playing Lucemon [Satan Mode] who I?ll talk to on AIM or MSN about the ideas for Digivolution and such, now here?s the Digivolutions for each side. [CENTER]-===============-[/CENTER] [CENTER][U][B]Digivolutions[/B][/U][/CENTER] [U][I]The Royal Knights[/I][/U] ? Leafmon ? Minomon ? Wormmon ? Stingmon ? Paildramon ? [U]Imperialdramon [Paladin Mode][/U] ? MetalKoromon ? Kapurimon ? Kotemon ? Gladimon ? Knightmon ? [U]LordKnightmon[/U] ? Mokumon ? DemiMeramon ? Tapirmon ? FlaWizardmon ? Mystimon ? [U]Dynasmon[/U] ? Dodomon ? Dorimon ? Dorumon ? Raptordramon ? Glademon ? [U]Alphamon[/U] ? Botamon ? Koromon ? Flamon ? Agunimon ? BurningGreymon ? [U]Aldamon[/U] ? Jarimon ? Gigimon ? Guilmon ? Growlmon ? WarGrowlmon ? [U]Gallantmon[/U] ? Chibomon ? DemiVeemon ? Veemon ? Veedramon ? AeroVeedramon ? [U]AlForceVeedramon[/U] [U][I]The Demon Lords[/I][/U] ? Puttomon ? Cupimon ? Lucemon ? FallenAngemon ? Lucemon [Falldown] ? [U]Lucemon [Satan Mode][/U] ? Fatemon ? Igormon ? DemiDevimon ? Devimon ? Myotismon ? [U]MaloMyotismon[/U] ? Kuramon ? Phariamon ? Ctanmon ? Necromon ? Wraithmon ? [U]Daemon[/U] ? SnowBotamon ? Nyaromon ? Salamon ? BlackGatomon ? LadyDevimon ? [U]Lilithmon[/U] ? Kiimon ? Yaamon ? Impmon ? Boogeymon ? Phelesmon ? [U]Beelzemon [Blast Mode][/U] ? Tothmon - Sandmon ? Scarabmon ? Sarcophamon ? Mummymon ? [U]Murmuxmon[/U] ? Punimon ? Tsunomon ? Kunemon ? Musyamon ? SkullSatamon ? [U]Ghoulmon[/U] [CENTER]-===============-[/CENTER] By now you should have your character which you?re playing so here?s the Sign-Up Sheet: [CENTER][U][B]Character Sign-Up[/B][/U][/CENTER] [U]Name:[/U] [Your characters name] [U]Side:[/U] [Royal Knights or Demon Lords] [U]Digivolutions:[/U] [From Baby to Mega] [U]Attacks:[/U] [The Attacks of your current form] [U]Personality:[/U] [How does your character act?] [U]Appearance:[/U] [Due to gaps in Digivolution lines I needed to make some Digimon up so please give written descriptions of those or PM me for my descriptions of them] [U]Biography:[/U] [What your character did in the War and has done since the awakening] [CENTER]-===============-[/CENTER] [CENTER][U][B]My Character Sign-Up[/B][/U][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Minomon [Imperialdramon Paladin Mode] [B]Side:[/B] Royal Knights [B]Digivolutions:[/B] Leafmon ? Minomon ? Wormmon ? Stingmon ? Paildramon ? [U]Imperialdramon [Paladin Mode][/U] [B]Attacks:[/B] Pinecone Attack and Bubble Blow [B]Personality:[/B] Taking cues from his past as the leader of the Royal Knights, Minomon is a fair minded Digimon who takes to heart all friendships in the highest and cannot stand any evil, where ever he may find it. He stands for Honour and Trust in the Digital World and fights with all his might to uphold his beliefs and virtues. Unlike the remaining members of the Royal Knights Minomon can sometime dimly remember his past but as hazy after-images and he can never make sense of them but he is always driven by the need to find his was back to the Mega level that was taken from him and finally allow his destiny to be revealed to him. Although he feels he has a special bond to the rest of the Royal Knights he cannot discover why, but he is sure that if he is to reach the Mega level he must do it with these Digimon and must find them before it is too late. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied5/images/Minomon.gif]Minomon[/URL] [B]Biography:[/B] When he was born in Primary Village Minomon and the six other Digimon born at the same time as him were always destined for great things. Being barely hatched Seraphimon descended upon the Digimon and granted them the knowledge he had and gifted them the Mega level that, up until then, only he had held. In their prime the Royal Knights were the embodiment of peace and prosperity in the Digital World and Seraphimons messengers to the rest of the Digimon. At the start Imperialdramon was in command of the northern area of the Digital World, in a manner of speaking, but as the Digital World grew in size he turned over the command to LordKnightmon and the others while he would patrol the world and, at times, confer with Seraphimon about the future and of things to come. When the war started Imperialdramon was always at the fore front of the fighting along with the Royal Knights and LordKnightmon at his side, during these battles he would strive to seek out Lucemon [Satan Mode] and attempt to destroy him believing this would put an end to the war. He was the only Knight to be told of the prophecy and what would happen to the two sides after the Prophecy had been written and he welcomed this as opposed to continued conflict between, not only the Knights and Demons, but Seraphimon and Apocalymon and he could not stand to see his beautiful would destroyed, though he too lost his memory after Goldramon stepped in. But not as Minomon, having awakened some time ago, he has been searching out the remaining Knights in an effort to group their powers together so they can make the first step in the Digivolution chain to Rookie and continue the long struggle to defeat the Demon Lords and be reunited with Seraphimon and the world he so loves. [CENTER]-===============-[/CENTER] [U]The Rules[/U] 1. This is a serious RPG so please no spam type posts or god-modding of any kind. 2. Unlike usual Digimon RPGs the fighting will not consist of your character shouting their attack and instantly destroying the target so please wait until I say to be battling and such. 3. The usual requirement of good spelling and grammar please, as well as a good post quality. 4. Please be serious when signing up and once we start try to have fun with the RPG ^_^.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Wow, I got replies. Guess I must list my Sci-Fi's now :sweat: [U]Star Trek:[/U] In my opinion this is one of the greatest Sci-Fi series/movies/books and all that ever made. Firstly for that fact that while it's in the future it's not the far future [If you get my meaning] so it somehow seems plausable. One major problem I have with it is the ships designs, all of them are Aerodynamic when they don't need to be but ah well, in fact i's the technology and ships designs that I like the most about [Is in the middle of designing his own ship class]. In order the best series go Voyager, Deep Space Nine, The Next Generation, The Original Series and Enterprise. The reason I don't like ENT is that it screws up the timeline of events that has already been talked about in the other series due to it's nature as a prequel >_
  23. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]With his sword held aloft GrattaNite saluted the peasants who had came out to meet him, and the other contenders, as they boarded the ship which the King had ordered him to go to and follow the instructions of Roland, due to his liason which he and the King shared. Having been a Knight in the service of the Kingdom of Metallica for many years he had never seen such wonders as this 'Roland Corp.' and it's technology but the King had ordered him to the this area not knowing what he would face and so he came. The one thing he knew how to deal with was the common people whom he served with all his valour, and so for being there for him today he would reward them for coming to greet him. He pulled on the reigns of his horse and addressed the crowd. "My people, I know that you may have hard lives and I am most grateful of your presence and I swear by my code to honour this alligence that you have to me this day and always remember that when I fight, it is for you!" Once more his sword was above his head and his horse drew it's front legs into the air and the crowd cheered once more as GrattaNite spurred his horse forward along the path where the crowd had parted to let him pass. The crowd seemed to be in love with him and it filled him with pride, he knew with their strength added to his own he could surely bring honour to his Kingdom, to the people and to himself. As he rounded the last corner he saw what appeared to be a shadow creature lunge at a Harpy which proceded to fly off into the sky, once it was out of reach the shadow turned onto the crowd once more. [I]'What devily is this, where the weak and innocent are attacked by those with power, I will not stand for it'[/I] He thought as he lept from his horse, sword drawn and shield raised, with purposeful strides he made it to the shadow before it could reach the innocent. "You their, shadow-beast," He called to the creature, "Have at thee!" And he dived toward the shadow with his sword extended before him and as he went he recited the Knights Code of Honour in his mind. [CENTER][I]'A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His Shield shelters the forsaken. His courage gives hope to the despairing. His wrath undoes the wicked. His image brings peace. His code breaks the darkness His legend brings light'[/I][/CENTER] Driving any thought toward his own saftey from his mind he prepared to defend the helpless and uphold his honour. Just as he reached the Shadow-Beast it had disappered in a flash, back to the shadows from whence it came, GrattaNite made sure that the damsel was no longer in distress and after a large thank-you from her he jogged back to his horse and mounted it, heading once more toward the ship. [I]'I shall keep my eye on that shadow,'[/I] He thought to himself, [I]'It has no honour and is untrustworthy because of that'[/I]. With a few feet left of carpet he raised his sword once more and galloped toward to the other contendors he could see, hoping to get the measure of them before round one began.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Is there was one thing Cortez hated, it was behaving like an amature theif and what he was currently doing has incredibly amature, but it ahd to be done. [I]'This is defenitly not my style'[/I] He thought as he ran though the twisting and turning tunnels that the other 'theives' had sent up in order to get in and out of Miraclion undetected but, always the master, Cortez had little time for these tunnels as he had little fear of detection, with the exception of tonight of course. Getting himself caught had been clumsy and now he was reduced to this. not wanting to risk being spotted by Logan or Gale he had been forced under the city to tunnel system but at least, he thought, no one but I theif could navigate these tunnels so he should be safe. After a few more minutes running he stopped under a drainage cover and got his barings with the compass Yang had given to him. [I]'Okay....I should be under the Hangman Pub right now so I should lie low here for a bit, the landlords a friendly to our kind anyway'[/I]. Quickly climbing the makeshift ladder made by the tunnels assorted constructors and he was on the streets of Miraclion once more and made his way swiftly to the enterance of the Hangman. Walking inside you could instantly recognise this as a thieves haven, dark corners and very little light and very few questions asked, Cortez walked to the bar and order himself a class of Miraclion Vodka and took a seat in the corner which was far enough from the door as not to be easily spotted but with a clear line of sight incase it was someone Cortez was not inclined to stay in the same building with. Taking a swig of his Vodka he quietly counted his takings from the nights action as well as keeping a well trained eye upon the door at all times.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]Digimon Character Sign-Up[/U] [U]Name:[/U] FlameAngemon [U]Species:[/U] Angel [U]Level:[/U] Champion [U]Attacks:[/U] Burning Fate, Angel Rod and Flaming Justice [U][I]Digivolutions:[/I][/U][list] [*]Baby - Puttomon [*]In Training - Cupimon [Bubble Blow] [*]Rookie - Lucemon [Ground Cross and Divine Feet] [*]Champion - FlameAngemon [Burning Fate, Angel Rod and Flaming Justice] [*]Ultimate - LordHolyAngemon [Heaven's Gate, Excalibur and Soul Banish] [*]Mega - SlashAngemon [Heaven's Ripper and Holy Espada] [/list] [U]Appearance:[/U] Much like a normal Angemon though his wings are the colour of flames [Red, orange etc] and the blue ribbion that is wrapped around him is flame red as well as his Rod/Staff having fire burning on each end. [U]Biography:[/U] During the time of the merging FlameAngemon was in his Rookie form as Lucemon and after the initial shocks of impact between the two worlds was over he, unlike other vaccine types, quickly realised that to survive in the new world he would have to be rushless and gain more power to allow himself to Digivolve to the next level and went about the business of rasing his strength and within a month of the original impact he had digivolved to his champion state, that is to say his current state, and seeing that things were settling down and their were only a few remaining Ultimate level digimon and even fewer, if any, Mega level he was happy to stay at his Champion form though he still collects data when ever he can.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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