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Everything posted by Jokopoko
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Greetings all, I'm wondering as to the exsistance of anyother Star Trek fans here other than the people I already know, note that it doesn't have to be Star Trek, as the title, any Sci-Fi will do...just wondering if the small group I know is alone on OB :-p[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Darting around the corners of the industrial plant they had arrived at Obi-Wan quickly hid himself from the on coming Battle Droid patrol, this was giving him memorys of Theed avoiding, what seemed to be, the very same Battle Droids along with Qui-Gon Jinn. [I]'Remember what he told you, keep your mind on the moment, do not let your mind wander'[/I] Kenobi reminded himself harshly as he went back to fetch the others. Quickly dispatching two Droids who'd spotted him he took of full speed toward their place of hiding. Arriving slightly out of breath he quickly gathered the other two together. "We must hurry, I can sence Master Ambrose through the Force, but I fear he is in grave danger" He told them quickly and turned to go, with Anakin in tow. Before he'd made it out of the door Tsuni raised his hand. "Obi-Wan, wait. I also sence his presence but there is a disturbence in the force around this place, though I cannot locate the source, we must be mindfull and not hasty" He said. Taking note of this Obi-Wan took his enthusiasm down a notch, unlike most Jedi of his age he still had the same energy of a Padawan, something that could be a failing at times though it served him well when it had to. After waiting several minutes Tsuni, being the smallest, came out first and scouted around the area before allowing the others to venture out. "Master, why are we looking for this Master Ambrose?" The young Padawan questioned Obi-Wan. "He is a very wise Jedi Master and knows much of the workings of the force and may be able to aid us in locating where the disturbance is coming from. Though he had reassured the Padawan, Obi-Wan remembered the last time he had felt a disturbance akin to this, it had been almost ten years ago....located around the Sith warrior responsible for the murder of Qui-Gon Jinn.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]OOC: If this is an industrial[sp?] world I'd assume it is like a barren and rocky planet [Like Genosis] so I'll play it like that for now... [CENTER]-=========-[/CENTER] Cutting his way through the commotion and smoke Obi-Wan called out for his Padawan. "Anakin! Anakin! Where are you!?" He turned his head and looked down each corridor was it came, they needed to get of the ship and they needed to do it fast. As he looked down the service shaft he heard Anakin calling. "Master, I'm here, we can go", the Padawan was ashen faced but he didn't seem to be hurt in anyplace. "Quickly then Anakin, we must hurry". The two Jedi took off down the main corridor as more Jedi joined them and Obii-Wan caught sight of Tsuni's small frame running amongst the many pairs of legs which gave Obi-Wan hope as Tsuni was a powerful Jedi and one of his closest friends. As Kenobi and Anakin ran out of the ship Obi-Wan could see that Master Windu was splitting the Jedi up into small groups so to be harder to track. "Master Windu, I believe it would be best if Anakin, Tsuni and myself stayed together as a ground and locate Master Ambrose from the [I]Perceptor[/I]. "Very well, Obi-Wan. But be careful and only defend yourselves from attack, do not begin it" Mace Windu replied. "Yes Master Windu, may the force be with you", he quickly returned the farewell message and Obi-Wan along with the others set off into the rocky landscape of Mechis III going in the direction he could feel Van's presence coming from through the force. [Sorry for the shortness but I'm kinda busy right now :sweat:][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Looking good people, thanks for signing up to this RPG. Harlequin, if you mean what I think you mean [Using characters from the game itself] I have no problem with that ^_^. Your all in btw and I think I'll start this RPG when we have around seven or so people and if there is only you in your Warband the rest are NPCs so you can have people die and such in your posts *Looks evil* so don't worry about choosing to be in a Warband that no one joins.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]OOC: Boba, if it's okay with you, can I take control of Anakin as well seeing as no one applied for him and if not shall he be an NPC?. [CENTER]-=================-[/CENTER] Being reminded of his previous voyage on one of the Republic Cruisers was not sitting well with Obi-Wan. Though he knew Qui-Gon was one with the force and would all ways be with him he could use the reassuring presence of his master every know and again, that way it would feel things could never get to out of hand even with the war againsts the Separatist forces being commanded by Count Dooku, he signed slighty and left the front of the ships to converse with the other Jedi going on to Mechis III along with himself and his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker. He glanced around he conference table to see who else was in the room, only Tsuni Roharim was there, [I]"Anakin must be training somewhere else," Obi-Wan thought, "Or else musing over Padmé"[/I]. Though Obi-Wan knew it was dangerous for a Jedi to be in love with another for it often lead to feelings the person never wanted to have he could hardly forbid Anakin to see her for that could be worse than the other emotions he could have. He walked over to the window of the lounge and gazed out at the starts streaking past while the ships was in Hyperspace en route to Mechis III. Perhaps his worry was worn upon his face because, rasing his head, Tsuni noticed Obi-Wan and spoke up. "Ah, Obi-Wan. There is no need to worry about this mission, why, with out skills, the clone troopers and the ARC troopers we should have this whole mess sorted quicker than Mace Windu going for a hair cut" He said with a slight smirk. Kenobi let out a small laugh and looked toward Tsuni with a smile, "Thank you for that my friend, I needed cheering up slightly...it's just things have been weighing on my mind resently and not only the mission...," Obi-Wan trailed of slightly and turned his gaze back to the window, "This whole conflict has the feeling of the Sith, I know that Dooku is not a Sith but I cannot fathom where the feeling comes from". "Pay it no heed Obi-Wan, it is best not to get distracted and do not forget that you yourself defeated a Sith warrior only ten or so years ago so what should you have to worry from the Sith," Tsuni said rising from the chair, "Now I have to go and get some rest, don't worry yourself so much, trust in the force and let it guide you." He gave Obi-Wan a re-assuring nod and left the room leaving the Jedi Knight with only his thoughts to keep him company.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]After he has a few streets away from the Mansion he'd been taken to Cortez stopped to catch his breath, and have his silent gloat. [I]'The fool, Logan was it? He should think twice before turning his back upon an Arcane Thief, especially one as talented as Cortez'[/I]. He chuckled lightly as he took off the bag from his belt buckle and checked the objects he had swiped from Logan, firstly the 60 gil he'd made him pay for the room which he'd been left in and a few other items, healing potion, some food and few other small things that he'd taken inhis haste to get out before Logan came back. He quickly raised his hood and took off down the street with an almost cocky nature in his stride, when he'd been caught he'd gone into the normal routine of begging for mercy and the whole deal to lull the person, or people, who'd caught him into a false sence of security and eventually leave him alone, much like the fool Logan. Though, now that he thought about it, it ahd been a good think that the other one, Gale maybe, had gone off beforehand as it seemed he had a sharper sence than Logan. As he walked among the twisting and turning streets of the City he was being more watchful as well as careful than he had been lest he be caught again, and if he was caught by the same fools it would be plain stupid of him. His eye caught something gliting in the moonlight, a figure holding a Scimitar. [I]'Speaking of fools'[/I] Cortez thought with a sardonic smile, that was Logan running off from the Inn where he'd been, he'd though he'd heard a noise coming from there and noted in the ground some fresh tracks not of his own making, and by Logans tracks it was clear they were not his either, a new target along him Logan. The smile grew a little more, killing two birds with one stone. He set off once more after Logan with his cloak drawn tightly around him as to not allow it to billiow in the wind that had suddenly caught up and he blended into his true home, the shadows.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Keeping his face well covered Cortez stalked though the dark streets Miraclion beign sure to keep his all to keen eyes looking for danger where ever it could be. He had been within Mertonia for quite sometime now because he had heard of the loot avalible from many of the noble families of the Queendom but also the experience of the guards within the cities and he could not pass up the chance to test his skill against these trained warriors of Mertonia. He saw a person ahead moving amongst the shadows, he tightend the cloak and moved into the shadows himself, before preparing to attack he took note of the guards weapon and his weak points amongst the armour he wore and his thin mouth broke in to a wicked smile. "You there!", he called from the darkness, catching the guards attention, "Defend yourself!" He launched from the darkness with his blades drawn. [I]*Engaged in Battle with Mertonian Guard*[/I] [U]Party[/U] [U]Cortez[/U] - Lv. 5, HP: 245, MP: 10 - Commands: Attack, Distract, Steal, Item. [I]Cortez jumps from the darkness and attempts to hit the guard with the daggers. The guard parrys and returns the swing causing Cortez to duck and roll away. Imploying the [U]Distract[/U] ability the guard becomes confused for a moment presenting Cortez with the chance to posion him. Jumping to the sides Cortez cuts the guards forearm thus taking out some HP and posioning him. As the guard scrumples to the posion Cortez [U]Steals[/U] 15 gil from him.[/I] [I]*End of battle. 25 EXP gained, 15 gil gained, no items aquired*[/I] As Cortez walks back to the shadows he laughs gently to himself, "I hoped for something more challenging, the rumours I heard must have been false". As he turned the corner he heard voices talking with one and other and he pressed himself up against the wall and strained his ears to listen to them. "Where's the fun in shutting up? Come on, let's get you down to the tavern and feed you some beer", one of them said. Cortez raised his eyebrow, two opponents? A chance to double his EXP and gil, an chance not to be missed. He smiled slightly and closed into the shadows and followed the pair as they headed for the Tavern.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][U]My Character Sign-up[/U] [b]Name:[/b] Obi-Wan Kenobi [b]Age:[/b] 35 [Not really sure about that] [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Allegiance:[/b] Jedi Order; The Republic [b]Weapons and Armour:[/b] Jedi Light-Sabre [b]Spacecraft:[/b] Jedi Starfighter [b]Biography:[/b] For over a decade now, Obi-Wan guided young Anakin on the path to Jedi Knighthood. Having to rein in an adventure-seeking youth made Obi-Wan wise -- and cynical -- beyond his years. True to his role, Obi-Wan recognized both Anakin's strengths and weaknesses, and he tried to impart his lessons with the patience and understanding that his mentor, Qui-Gon, did. As Anakin progressed, Obi-Wan grew increasingly concerned that the young Padawan's raw power had fostered a dangerous arrogance. He frequently expressed these reservations to the senior members of the Jedi Council, but they continued to trust in Kenobi's mentorship. After returning from a border dispute on the world of Ansion, Obi-Wan and Anakin were called by the Supreme Chancellor to protect the life of Senator Padmé Amidala. Though Obi-Wan carried a less-than-favorable impression of politics, he nonetheless took the assignment very seriously. A failed assassination attempt left Obi-Wan with a valuable clue -- an exotic weapon not recognized by the droids of the Jedi Temple. As Anakin voyaged off-world on his first mission, escorting and protecting Padmé Amidala on her home planet of Naboo, Obi-Wan continued the investigation. He journeyed to Coruscant's Coco Town, a shabby stretch of city where an old friend, Dexter Jettster, lived and worked. Dex, the proprietor of a simple diner, was a wealth of knowledge, and was able to identify the weapon as a Kamino saberdart. In searching out Kamino, Obi-Wan discovered a dangerous and disturbing mystery. The vaunted Jedi Archives, perhaps the largest repository of lore in the galaxy, had no record of the planet that Dex described. Conferring with Yoda, Obi-Wan learned that Kamino had been erased from the archives. Aboard a Jedi starfighter, Kenobi journeyed to the storm-shrouded world of Kamino. There, he made contact with the Prime Minister, Lama Su, and the mystery surrounding the planet became even more tangled. As explained by the Kaminoans, Obi-Wan was expected. A decade previous, the Kaminoans had begun crafting an immense clone army on the behalf of the Jedi for use by the Republic. Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, believed dead at the time, had apparently commissioned the army. The courteous Kaminoans gave Kenobi a tour of their cloning facility on Tipoca City. Obi-Wan saw hundreds of identical clone troopers, training and preparing, encased in modern, white armor. This seemed to have nothing to do with the assassination attempt on Amidala, until Kenobi met with the original genetic template for the clones, Jango Fett. Kenobi shadowed Jango to the ringed world of Geonosis before he was discovered pursuing Slave I. A dangerous chase ensued through the rocky rings of the red planet, and Kenobi's starfighter sustained light damage from a blistering hail of laser fire. Fett again thought he lost his pursuer and proceeded to land, but Kenobi continued his chase. Obi-Wan secretly landed on Geonosis, and snuck into one of its massive spire-complexes. Inside, he found a gathering of Separatist minds, including the leader of the movement, Count Dooku. He learned that Dooku was gathering the heads of the commerce guilds and pooling their military resources, making one huge army to challenge the Republic. Kenobi returned to his ship to make contact with the Jedi Council. He warned of the impending Separatist action, but his communication was cut short when he was taken captive. As per Geonosian custom, Kenobi was sentenced to be executed. Joining him were Anakin and Padmé, who had journeyed to Geonosis in a vain rescue effort. The trio were chained to pillars in a massive Geonosian execution arena, and three horrible beasts were unleashed upon them. The Jedi and Padmé, however, proved difficult to kill. Unarmed and shackled, they were resourceful enough to escape certain death. Kenobi escaped the deadly cutting swipes of a vicious acklay creature long enough for Jedi reinforcements to arrive. A hundred Jedi Knights infiltrated the arena, and the Separatists countered by unleashing many more battle droids into combat. Jedi fell by the dozen, but Obi-Wan fought valiantly and survived. This was but a prelude to the start of the Clone Wars, as the newly formed Republic military stormed Geonosis. Now though, on the orders of Yoda, Obi-Wan and Anakin have been ordered to the world of Mechis III to serve in the small unit of Jedi commanding the Clone Troops who have also been sent their. And as always, he has a bad feeling about this.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Sign Up Oakenot Tournament [The Ultimate of RPGs]
Jokopoko replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Theater
[IMG]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/oakenot/grattanite.JPG[/IMG] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]Name:[/U] GrattaNite [U]Gender:[/U] Male [U]Abilities:[/U] Fencing, Horseback Riding, Jousting, Archery [U]Weapons:[/U] Bow and Arrow, Sword [U]Bio:[/U] A loyal knight of the Metallica Kingdom. His body feels like rubber, but his head is as hard as his strength. He is always faithful and kind and will lend a hand to those who need it. But as most knights of the Metallica Kingdom, he won?t stand for evil-doers and will fight with no mercy at the sight of them. An opponent not to mess with. [U]OB Name:[/U] Jokopoko [U]Prize:[/U] Five Hot Women [U]Favorite Terrain:[/U] Castle[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[CENTER][IMG]http://jokopoko.250free.com/Mordheimlogo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://jokopoko.250free.com/textcityofdamned.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B] In the vast Empire of Man ruled by the mighty Emperor Karl Franz there lays a black rock in the jewel of man, that place is known as Mordheim, City of the Damned. Though its unholy name is now stricken from the records of the Great Library at Altdorf, and its ruins razed by Magnus the Saviour of the Empire, I would tell you the tale of the cursed city, brought low by the wrath of gods, I would tell you the tale of Mordheim, City of the Damned. [CENTER][I]In the last year of the second Millennium, five hundred years before the rule of the most benevolent Emperor Karl Franz, there fell a time unlike any other. Just as they had before the birth of divine Sigmar, the wings of fire in the sky again heralded the coming of great things - the coming of Plague, the coming of War, the coming of Pestilence and the coming of Hunger.[/CENTER][/I] [CENTER]-==============================-[/CENTER] [U][I]Mordheim as it was[/I][/U] In its time Mordheim was one of the greatest cites in the Eastern part of the Empire, it was made rich by its trade with the Dwarves of Karak Kadraz located in the Worlds Edge Mountains. Though Mordheims main life force came from the River Stir which runs straight through the middle linking it not only with the rural towns and villages of the south-east but also with the great city Altdorf from which the traders could gain my rare items not easily found or made in the east. Not only was Mordheim rich in trade but also the cities militia could be called the Empires guardians for they prevented many Orc war bands from the Mountains from invading the Empire from the eastern borders. As well as the rich trade Mordheim was the capital of the state of Ostermark being second only to Nuln and the state being ruled over by the noble family of Steinhardt, the count had his palace within the opulent rich quarter of the city. Before the comet and the coming of the dark times so much wealth and prosperity was pouring into the city it seemed that Mordheim had a realistic claim to be the Empire?s second city after Altdorf. Mordheim was a place of learning with its grand library and a place of the arts with glittering monuments and fine high-domed buildings. But Mordheims prosperous times did not last. Mordheim prospered through the misery of the common folk; the merchants grew rich and fat selling their wares for inflated prices and the poor spiralled to new levels of poverty as they struggled to survive. Hedonism was rife amongst the decadent upper classes of the cursed city and many say that ancient, dark rituals were practised in many a noble house. Desperate to escape their bitter lives of drudgery the poor joined their twisted new masters in a vain hope of a brighter future. This was to be their undoing for such depraved acts of self-indulgence were to bring down the wrath of the gods upon them. In 1999 the Hammer of Sigmar struck the crowded city of Mordheim in the shape of a twin-tailed comet as the people made merry and wallowed in their sordid revelry. Only the pious Sisters of Sigmar would survive the fireball that enveloped the city by hiding and praying in the fastness of their abbey that is known as the Rock. [U][I]Mordheim as it is today[/I][/U] Now Mordheim is a city rife with darkness and evil things since the great impact of Sigmar?s divine comet, it is now the lair of the fell Shadowlord of which little is known. The source of all the evil within Mordheim and why races of all the Old World risk their lives and their sanity in coming to this damned place is for one object, the Wyrdstone. The value of the Wyrdstone shards is not simply the price a merchant is willing to pay for them, it is well known that the shards are full of magic and will grant a variety of powers to those who learn to use them. If is for the money that the Men and Dwarves come to Mordheim and it is the magic that brings the High Elves, Dark Elves and Skaven to the cursed place. [U][URL=http://www.specialist-games.com/mordheim/mmap/northeast/northeastpic.jpg]North-East Mordheim[/URL][/U] [I]?You?ve survived your excursions into the Temple Quarter and the Rich quarter have you boy? Are you sure that you?re quite prepared for the horrors of the old Merchants? Quarter? Once the cosmopolitan centre of old Mordheim, a place of bustling markets and busy quaysides. It was said that there was nothing you couldn?t buy in Mordheim for the right price. Now it seems that the price of exploring the ruins of the North-eastern quarter is death or worse at the claws of fouler things than the tax collectors of old...?[/I] In a terrible twist of fate, the merchant?s quarter still remains the most opulent region of the accursed city. Should any adventurous soul wish to visit the ruined library or take a chance and stroll through the market place, it is highly likely that they may discover some rare goods that have survived the fall. Leaving the quarter with your life is a different matter though, for the District of the Flying Horse is also rich pickings for those who seek to spill blood. [U][URL=http://www.specialist-games.com/mordheim/mmap/northwest/northwestpic.jpg]North-West Mordheim[/URL][/U] [I]?Back for more, eh? Cemeteries and walking corpses not scary enough for you boy? Well, you?ve explored the Temple Quarter are you prepared for the Rich Quarter? There?s more than just a few Zombies here, I can tell you. Once this place shone like a gemstone, rich and opulent. Once it was the seat of Mordheims power of old for here was where the Count held court. Some say that Count Steinhardt, or whatever has become of him, still holds court in this black place. So, be careful boy, or be dead.?[/I] Nowadays, the whole area is a nightmarish parody of its former elegance. The once magnificent buildings now lie in charred ruins. Most items of value that survived the fire have long since disappeared, plundered over the years by desperate scavengers. Every so often a war band will emerge from this quarter with treasures found deep within the cellars of an old house. This alone is enough to keep a would-be adventurer?s interest. The burnt-out shell of the Count?s palace is an eerie sight, and tales tell that the count and many of his guests survived the all-consuming fire. In murmured whispers it is said that he dwells there still, within those once luxurious halls. Unable to move due to his enormous bulk he sends his minions out into the streets to bring him back victims to feast upon. Some say that in the dead of night the musicians can still be heard, violins and horns sounding warped and twisted versions of the compositions they once played so elegantly. [U][URL=http://www.specialist-games.com/mordheim/mmap/southeast/southeastpic.jpg]South-East Mordheim[/URL][/U] [I]?There are many paths that lead to death and damnation in the thrice-cursed City of the Damned but none more perilous than the path to the old poor quarter in the south-eastern quarter. Be warned youth, for this is not child?s play, it is here that the Hammer of Sigmar struck Mordheim. It is here that the still smoking crater was left. That which is referred to as the Black Pit in hushed tones by the wary, for is it not also said that it is in this same dark place that dwelleth the dreaded lord of the night ? the Shadowlord??[/I] Only the most brave or foolhardy of war bands dare to explore the south-eastern quarter of the city. Few of those that do are ever seen again, for this part of Mordheim is well known as the domain of the reviled Shadowlord. Here, the war bands of the Possessed hold the sway of power and the closer that a war band gets to the still smouldering crater left by the comet the closer they are to invite death or eternal damnation. Still, those whose greed knows no bounds or those who wholeheartedly believe that the map they have bought (or stolen) is a genuine guide to untold riches will risk their souls. One particular area of interest for the discerning war band captain, that is reputed to be overflowing with wealth, is the area under the shadow of the eastern gatehouse once populated by wizards and warlocks. The rumours go that this area is rich especially with magical artifacts although warriors are warned to be wary of the statues... [U][URL=http://www.specialist-games.com/mordheim/mmap/southwest/southwestpic.jpg]South-West Mordheim[/URL][/U] [I]?Ah, your back eh? Still not had your fill of this place then? Well this ought to quench your thirst for adventure, lad. The religious quarter of Mordheim is anything but that nowadays, this place is full of Vampires, Necromancers and others of a less than savoury nature all out for the Wyrdstone. The only upside to this quarter is the vast amount of loot from the old jail-house and court-house that was taken from the criminals before trail and jailing. Be mind full lad, some say the old Rock Abby no longer plays host to the sisters of Sigmar. And watch out for the Sisters and all, they?ll kill anything that moves around here?[/I] Only the Sisters of Sigmar whose Fortress Abbey known as The Rock, had escaped the destruction in this quarter. They interpreted the saving of their sanctuary as divine intervention. Hundreds flocked to the Sisters seeking protection within the walls but the Sisters stood firm, believing all of the inhabitants of Mordheim to be sinners who should be wiped from existence. They refused to aid the desperate gathering crowds. Even so, they knew the walking dead were an abomination to all that was holy and could not ignore this threat to their beliefs. Venturing through a series of catacombs that ran beneath their Abbey, they fought back the vampires and their Undead hordes. Even the most powerful vampires thought twice of attacking the bands of Warrior Nuns who were a last shining beacon of light within this dark town. The Sisters deemed that any living thing that dwelt within this quarter was a sinner, for who else would wish to remain within this dread place. So too would the hammers of Sigmar?s retribution judge them. With this constant vigil they still patrol the quarter in large numbers. Constantly fighting off the vampires, necromancers and insane criminal minds that seek to take the quarter for their own devious ends. [CENTER]-==============================-[/CENTER] [U]Mordheim Character Sign-up sheet[/U] [U]Name:[/U] [What?s your character called?] [U]Age:[/U] [How old is your character?] [U]Gender:[/U] [Male or Female?] [U]Race:[/U] [Human, Dwarf, High Elf, Dark Elf or Skaven (Man Rats)] [U]Appearance:[/U] [Description would be preferred but pictures are fine] [U]War band/Solo:[/U] [Are you a member of a war band or going it solo] [U]Starting Quarter:[/U] [Where you and/or your war band starts in Mordheim] [U]Biography:[/U] [Your characters past] N/B: All men come from the Reikland within the Empire, Dwarves all come from Karak Kadraz, High Elves come from Ulthuan, Dark Elves are from Naggaroth and the Skaven are off the under-Empire which is beneath the Empire of Karl Franz. [U]Weaponry:[/U] [What weapons do you have? Max of three] N/B: Match the choice to your race I.E. Men are more likely to have swords and crossbows, Dwarves would have hammers and axes etc. [CENTER]-==============================-[/CENTER] [U]My Character Sign-up [/U] [U]Name:[/U] Fredrick von Stikeland. [U]Age:[/U] 34. [U]Gender:[/U] Male. [U]Race:[/U] Human. [U]Appearance:[/U] Dressed in the traditional Reikland colours of red and white Fredrick is a sight to behold in full battle garb. He stands at around 5? 7? which is truly high for men of the Empire, his hair is a fierce orange and his eyes a livid green that burn with the might of Sigmar. His armour consists of plate-metal over his upper legs and torso with the Reikland colours emblazoned across his torso and his hands covered in protective metal gauntlets. His head ware is normally the beret-like hat of Reikland complete with the red and white feathers attached to the back. His normal choice of weapon is his Halberd; his sword is kept in his scabbard at his side and the rifle upon his back ever ready. [U]War band/Solo:[/U] War band; The Reiklanders. [U]Starting Quarter:[/U] The North-East Quarter. [U]Biography:[/U] Born to a rich and stately family of the Grand Principality of Reikland in the capital city of the Empire Altdorf the life of Fredrick von Stikeland was planned for him from the beginning. His farther was a brilliant tactician and part of the Emperors personal war council commanding a vast part of the army of Reikland as well as several of the defending castles along its borders and his mother was always at home with the children and one of the most respected women of Altdorf. Fredrick was enrolled in the Imperial War Academy at the age of seventeen with the intent to join the order of Reikland Knights but as he grew in the academy he found his true calling was an officer in the Imperial Army, or more to the point, of Reikland. He left the academy when he was twenty two at the rank of Lieutenant and was assigned to the border castle of Helmgart to be the second-in-command of this important military instillation he quickly won fame in the battles against the green-skins [Orcs] and the foul rat race of the Skaven and was reassigned to the eastern borders of Reikland to assist in fighting off the hordes of chaos in the area, now at the rank of Colonel. Soon after this he was summoned to the court of the Emperor and awarded the highest military honour given in the Empire, Cross of Sigmar and given command of the entire eastern portion of Reikland. But he quickly grew tired of this position as it kept him confined to the offices and away from any battles because he had reached the status of ?indispensable person? and he returned the Emperors court to request a new position in which he could see action and the Emperor informed him of the tales of the Wyrdstone and it?s mighty power and instructed him to gather a band of his most select men and head to Mordheim to claim this valuable artefact for the Empire and Sigmar. [U]Weaponry:[/U] One Broadsword, one Halberd and a Reikland Rifle.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Sealeo evolves into Walrein at Lv. 44 and learns Sheer Cold at Lv. 61 [CENTER]-=======-[/CENTER] What are the three Regi Pokemon in Ruby and Sapphire and where do you find each of them?[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Going with a few others my fave temple was also the Fire Temple [First time I meet the doors I was all o.O eh?] but Volvagia[sp?] was pretty easy to beat considering his temple was so cool and such, also the sub-bosses in the Fire Temple rock ^_^. My least fave temple is a joint between the Water Temple and the Shadow Temple but I have to give it to the Water Temple [Though Morpha is [U]THE[/U] most simple boss in the whole game!] which confused the hell out of me with all the water lowering, twists etc and Shadow Link was pretty cool but Dins Fire and Biggorons Sword sorted him out ;)[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]My Character Sign-up[/U] [U]NAME:[/U] Cortez. [U]GENDER:[/U] Male. [U]AGE:[/U] 21. [U]APPEREANCE:[/U] Cortez, as with many of the Archane, is slender and tall. What body mass he does have is most muscles but they are small yet well toned because of his life of agility and speed. His eyes are yellow like a cats and his hair, which is black, is normally messy and spiked in place [Much like a Saiyans hair]. His beginning clothes are dark blue trousers, a similar coloured shirt with several hidden pockets, a large dark clock with a hood and his footware is a pair of sandles. [U]HOMELAND/TOWN:[/U] Archane Empire/Port Azure. [U]BIOGRAPHY:[/U] Being born to a large, and poor family, in Port Azure Cortez learned many of lifes lessons the hard way due to this towns lack of law. Shortly after his seventh birthday his farther had left home and his mother, along with his siblings, left for Archabad leaving Cortez to fend for himself, he was quickly taken in by the Thieves guild for his light foot and even lighter hand. He started with the usual jobs of a young theif, small things and such. The person who helped him most in this time was Yang, who had been a thief since he was Cortez's age and saw himself in Cortez. When he became seventeen he was fully brought into the Thieves guild and given intructions to leave Port Azure to prove himself worthy of the title and to only return when his task was complete. Cortez has been on this journey for four years now and, while he does not know the true purpose, he believes that he will soon know the reason for the journey and be able to return to his home of Port Azure. [U]ALIGNMENT:[/U] Neutral. [U]JOB:[/U] Thief. [U]ABILITIES:[/U] [I]A1:[/I] Distract - Lowers the enemys physical attack accuracy. [I]A2:[/I] Steal - Cortez attempts to steal some gil from his opponent. [I]SA:[/I] Alert - Makes Cortez aware of attacks and allows him to dodge some physical attacks. [U]WEAPON:[/U] A twin set of nine inch daggers, both of them have poisened tips which cause damage over time.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Firstly the greatest British comedies ever made are as follows: [list]Blackadder ['The Second' till 'Goes Forth' Yes Minister/Yes Prime Minister Dads Army Red Dwarf My Family[/list] Blackadder is 'the' british comedy with everything that makes the British, well, british and it has the all time best catch phrase "I have a cunning plan" ^_^ Kills me that does.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]I think I'll go with Drix on this and change the flow of the thread before major flaming begins :sweat: [U][I]Christians sharing their faith[/I][/U] Being a christian myself I'm all for sharing the faith and spreading the word of God etc, but I believe there is a time and place for it. I'm currently in an 'Alpha for youth' group which is basicly a christian youth group that aids those of the age 16-18 in finding thier faith and what they believe [From a non denomination PoV] and thats the kind of enviroment I believe is best for the spreading of said faith, when the people around you wish to hear more and are actually interested in what you are saying. [U][I]Public displays of faith[/I]/[/U] I'm not sure what your getting at there but I'm assuming it's something like showing your faith in some way I.E. preaching it or something like that. I don't really agree with that for the reasons I stated in the previous bit about onlt telling those who want to listen to what your saying and such. And I firmly believe that free speech should remain just that, free and should never have any limitations on it lest it become something different.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Well for the original poll my fave couple has to be Shinji and Asuka [As you can tell from my banner :P] I've also heard the rumours of the EVA Live action and I've had some cast ideas in mind for a while so let me type it up: [CENTER]-====- Shinji Ikari - Elijah Wood Gendo Ikari - Russel Crow Ritsuko Akagi - Jeri Ryan Misato Katsuragi - Femke Jansen[sp?] Asuka Langley Soryu - Anna Paquin Kouzou Fuyutsuki - Ian McKellen -===-[/CENTER] Thats just what I would think'd be cool, if you have a comment to make [Positive or negitive] you welcome to but if it's negitivie please be civil seeing as OB is for all and I've seen to many flamers lately.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Well both of the games have been released in Japan and [So I've heard] made record sales so they will probs be coming to U.S. and Europe, the offical release in Japan was 29th of Jan so going by other Pkmn release dates I'd say we could have it within three or so months but thats just an estimate based on the usual amount of time[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Hello all, I'm wondering if anyone would be so kind as to make me a Matrix banner to match the spiffy Neo pic I have already. If so I'd like it to be the attached background with the message, in Matrix font, "From Zion we shall come". Thanks in advance[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]I don't know if any one else has heard about this new set of Pkmn games but the basic idea is that they have given Red and Green the 'R/S treatment' graphics wise and the story is a little different with the addition of nine mystery islands and the ability to capture Deoxys[sp?] in the wild. Any other comments or rumours feel free to post them here[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]I just wrote this song to channel what I'm feeling right now, comments anyone? [I][U]Misconceptions[/U] The feeling has overcome me I don?t know how to explain it It?s the feeling of confusion Of misbelief, of sadness And betrayal, I cannot describe it Misconceptions I have them within me What to believe What not to Tell me the answer Should I hide behind the feeling? Pretend it doesn?t exist And pray is disappears Shall I ignore it all? Everything, I cannot describe it [Chorus] Changing within my being The thoughts of all the misconception I pray the worst be over But it shall never end All of my pain and confusion All of this, I cannot describe it [Chorus] The smile betrays the belief Of all the pain and betrayal The look of the shining eyes They shine with malice With love no longer As one, I cannot describe it [Chorus] Shall I trust in the belief? Shall I believe in the truth? That all of this was a simple Misconception! Which I can no longer explain! [Chorus] The feeling makes me turn away! Belief just isn?t enough anymore Take away all of the hatred The malice is in her eyes! Wash it all away with the feeling Of Misconception! [Chorus] All of this I can no longer describe [Repeat X2] Take it all away from me![/I][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]OOC: Can I be the first to say "Finally". I thought this RPG had been forgetten about, glad it hasn't ^_^. -------------------------- Riding through the trees of the highland realm of Dorthonion, Delovar felt one of those rare moments of peace that he sorely missed since the wars with the Dark Enemy, Morgoth began. His farther had told him that they should not question the ways of the world, or of the Valar and so should fight with there house and along side the Elves of Nargothrond whom their house was closely allied with. Delovar was no coward but he felt uneasy about the war and felt that if the Valar were true gods they would come to the aid of the children of Ilúvatar, the Elves and Men, as well as those of Aulë, those of Dwarven Kind. He signed quietly to himself as he continued on through the wood making his way toward the Kingdom of the great Thingol Greymantle, Menegroth, as he was instructed to do by his farther and King upon summons from Thingol himself. He shifted in his seat, and he began to hum a tune his mother had taught him long ago. It wasn't long until he had left the reassuing cover of the trees and found himself in the black of night in open ground on the borders of Dorthonion, from his stand he could see much of his Houses woodland realm and even into Beleriand itself, he loock around the view briefly, marveling it's beauty before he drew himself away from the splendor and began to take a trail to the lower regions and into Beleriand and ultimately to the court of Thingol Greymantle, High King of the Sindar Elves of Middle-Earth and of Beleriand.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]OOC: I know the post is short but I'm at school and I need to keep the post close to the top. ------------- While his eyes were still closed Galdor smirked slighty as he felt a familar presence of an Elf. "Ah, Aranel," He said opening an eye to focus on the Wood Elf, "Glad you could make it, are there any others of your kind that are coming here this day?" He stood up and looked Aranel in the face and, smiling, shook his hand in greeting. "Well meet, Galdor," Aranel replied, "I am unsure but I believe that Tathar will be joining us but I I do not know when" He replied after releasing his hand. He sat with him and the two began catching up with each other as it had been a long time since they had seen each other, to long to both of them and so the time passed and they awaited the others.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U]JOURNEY OF THE JEWELS[/U] [I]An Elven RPG by Jokopoko and Arcadia[/I][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]This is the RPG thread for the RPG created by myself and Arcadia, first a quick run-through of those in the RPG and the characters they play. [CENTER]------------------------[/CENTER][U]Players & Characters[/U] Myself - Galdor Calafalas Arcadia - Inwë Helyanwë Nefertimon - Alvador Serren Vicky - Aranel K.K.C. - Orophin Melwasúl Lynx - Tathar Felagund We don't have many now but enough, for a note to those reading this but not a part of it the sign-ups will be open for a little while longer so please sign-up if you like the look of this RPG. [CENTER]------------------------[/CENTER][U]Places and Regions within Dôr Edhellen[/U] [I][U]Aeglirmir Edhellen:[/U][/I] This is the realm of the Jewel Elves and where all of their cities are located. The greatest mountain of this realm is Ithildin Orod which Othrondmir resides under and many of the jewels these Elves hold dear to them can be found, the two other great mountains are Faen Orod and Ninniach Orod, Ninniach Orod has many streams and underground rivers flowing through it and so has many ways in and out of the mountain and so is the main gateway into the Jewel Elves realm. [I][U]Tauron Edhellen:[/U][/I] The great forested realm of the Wood Elves and where they make their home, hidden from the eyes of the enemy. Esgaleryn is built within the great forest of Doltha Glad, 'The Hidden Forest' and contains some of the most beautiful trees upon Dôr Edhellen. Due to their nature of being hidden not much is know of the other forests except for Gwaeren Glad which is a windswept forest and so is harder to hide in and so the Wood Elves make this their realms point of entry. [I][U]Golwen Edhellen:[/U][/I] The home of the Star Elves in the high places of Dôr Edhellen but not build upon Aeglirmir Edhellen out of respect for their Jewel Elf friends. They great city of Minuial Amru is built upon Istoara Aegas along with many of their cities and is where the wisest of them reside. Along side Istoara Aegas is it's 'sister mountain' of Istodi Aegas where a great number of Star Elves make there home. [I][U]Govad Ithilmir:[/U][/I] This is the great meeting place of the Iaur Tirith which as formed by Galdor Calafalas and it's name in the common tounge is 'Beneath the Jeweled Moon' because it is also where Galdor and Inwë first meet each other and began their relatioship. This is where the group will meet each other for the first time and begin the journey to Malthen Aeglir by Calad Pendrath. [CENTER]------------------------[/CENTER]Right-e-ho, I think that covers most of what we need to know and of course some things will be revealed in the RPG as we go along so I can't tell you everything and please remember that when posting try and keep in lengthy and watch the spelling/grammer. [CENTER]------------------------[/CENTER] [CENTER][U][I]So it begins...[/I][/U][/CENTER] As Galdor made his way toward the place of meeting, or Govad Ithilmir, he could not get the last words of Alatariel as he had left Othrondmir for his journey to re-find Umdagnir. ------------------------ [I]"We all rely on your strength, Galdor, should you and the others fail it will be the ruin of us all. You must find Umdagnir for all of Dôr Edhellen you must find it. You may go with my blessing and the blessings of all your Kin and may they guide you to victory"[/I]. ------------------------ How had it come to this, that the fate of all Elven kind had found it's way into the hands of Galdor Calafalas, he did not know, but he did know that what she had said to him was very true and he must find the weapon forged to combat the enemy himself and protect all of the Elves re-guardless of their kin. He spurred his horse on to reach Govad Ithilmir in good time and prepare to tell the others what they had been summonded for. He thought again to the task ahead as he saw Govad Ithilmir in the distance, he could feel the steady thumping of his sword, Sila Hathol, against his leg as he continued down the road to his destiation. It felt good to have the re-assuring weight against his leg for he knew that he would need to use it many times in this coming journey not only for himself but for the others as well. Govad Ithilmir came into focus in all it's splendor as the combined efforts of all the races were shown. The flowers and tres grown by the most skilled of the Wood Elves alongside the glowing monuments of the Jewel Elves all built and placed within the mighty structure originally set down by the Star Elves to study the nightsky and come to understand it with a deeper clarity. He thought back to his mother and farther as he waited for the arival of the others. They would be proud to see what he had grown into and was about to do for all Elf-Kind. He wished he had their blessings along with that of the other Elves, but that could never be. He sat down upon the ground and said quietly to himself [I]"Ed' i'ear ar' elenea"[/I] and awaited the arrival of the others to Govad Ithilmir.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]I don't see a need for doing my normal accepted/rejected thing seeing as you are all in anyway ^_^, I should be starting this RPG soon so look out for it and if you want to make more of this RPG I suggest you download the 'Dragon Flame' translator (I forget the site) but you don't have to if you don't want to.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Category 1: general The Fellowship of the Ring (Each question increases in difficulty) [I]1. What gift is Frodo Baggins given by his uncle, Bilbo?[/I] I'm gonna say the Mithril shirt AND Sting cause I think this is a trick question [I]2. Who captured Merry and Pippin in the Old Forest?[/I] Old Man Willow [I]3. What great evil did Gandalf fight in the mines of Moria?[/I] A Balrog of Morgoth [Also known as Durins Bane] [I]4. What gift was Gimli given upon departing the forest of Lothlorien?[/I] Three hairs from Galadriels head [I]5. What do the elves refer to Gandalf as?[/I] Mithrandir [I]6. Who bore Frodo to Rivendell?[/I] In the book it was Glorfindel [I think] and the film Arwen [I]7. What was the significance of the lake outside the EAST gate of Moria?[/I] It contains the Kraken called 'The Watcher in the Water' [I]8. What derogatory name did Bill Ferny lay upon Aragorn in Bree?[/I] Longshanks [I]9. How many Ringwraiths attacked at Crickhollow?[/I] Five, including Witch King of Angband/Morgul [I]10. What race is Goldberry?[/I] One of the Maiar Category 2: general The Two Towers [I]1. Who is the king of Rohan?[/I] Theoden [I]2. Besides the name Wormtounge, what name does the servant to saruman go by?[/I] Grima? [Sounds a bit obvious to me] [I]3. Where was the battle that ended the life of Boromir of Gondor?[/I] The Battle at Amon Hen [I]4. What sword killed Shelob?[/I] Sting, but it was wielded by Samwise [I]5. What ent is named after Fangorn forest?[/I] Treebeard [Comman name, not Elvish] [I]6. Who killed Theodred, son of Theoden?[/I] I'd say Saruman but I'm unsure but I know he was killed in the First Battle of the Fords of Isen [I]7. What waterfall was Boromir?s body sent over?[/I] Falls of Rauros [I]8. Who appeared with Gandalf over helms deep with over two thousand riders?[/I] Eomer, son of Eomund [I]9. Name 2 Uruk-Hai.[/I] Ugluk and Lurtz [I]10. What were the final six words Gandalf said to Saruman the White?[/I] Can't remember :sweat: Category 3: general The Return of the King [I]1. What was the name of Gandalf?s horse?[/I] Shadowfax [I]2. What city was beseiged by the forces of Mordor?[/I] Osgiliath[sp?]/Minas Tirith? [I]3. Who did Aragorn marry?[/I] Arwen [I]4. What was planted on Mt. Mindolluin as a symbol of Gondor?[/I] The White Tree of Gondor [I]5. Who led the armies of Mordor after the Witch King died? [/I] I'm gonna say The Mouth of Sauron, but I'm not sure [I]6. What path did Aragorn take out of Dunharrow?[/I] Path of the Dead [I]7. What one person stood before the Nazgûl Lord without injury?[/I] Gandalf the White [I]8. Name three elves that stood before the Black Gates with Aragorn?[/I] Legolas, Elladan and Elrohir [I]9. What ship-haven did Aragorn and the Dead men of Dunharrow re-take?[/I] Umbar [I]10. After Theoden?s great speech ended at Pellenor fields with "Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor!" What specific, uber-cool action did the King of the Mark take?[/I] I can't remember that either :sweat: Category: Random pick , Geography (5 questions, so as not to test your nerve , no difficulty order) [I]1. Name the three greatest peaks of the misty mountains.[/I] Caradhras, Celebdil and Fanuidhol [I]2. What was the realm of elves in mirkwood named (after a person).[/I] Wood of Greenleaves or Eryn Lasgalen [I]3. What great city within Gondor was called "the prince?s realm" and mastered by Imrahil?[/I] I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Dol Amroth [I]What mound of land did Aragorn die upon?[/I] Curse my memory! 5. Name the ruins that in sindarin mean "north fortress". I have no clue >_