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Everything posted by Jokopoko

  1. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Okay, vicky you are in and Nefertimon could you please edit yours because it's kinda in the short size and it'd help to have a better understanding of your character when we start playing[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U]JOURNEY OF THE JEWELS[/U] [I]An Elven RPG by Jokopoko and Arcadia[/I][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Gather round children, as I tell you the tale of [I]'I Lend uni mîr'[/I], but you may know it better as 'The Journey of the Jewels' as it has come to be know by others not of our own kin. It began during [I]Auth ned Naeth[/I], or the War of Woe, were the greatest of our Kin, know as Golradir, created a mighty weapon with the halls of Othrondmir know as Umdagnir, Evils Bane, and he made it in the hopes that he could slay our greatest enemy, the Bronadui Coth, and bring peace and kindness back to Dôr Edhellen so we could once more prosper in this place. But before Golradir could use the weapon he hid it within Malthen Aeglir, the Golden Pecks of Arod Orodrim, as to keep it hidden from Bronadui Coth and ensure that if he failed that we could still survive. But before he could unleash it's power the Enduring Enemy cast him down and he was gone from this world forever. But it was not the end, for after this we were able to drive the enemy and his armies from our land for a time and learn the lost art of staying hidden when thou does not want to be found. But to no avail, he once more found us and began anew his campaign against us and then the Mirdain Tawarwaith, the Jewel Elves, made a bold plan to re-discover the lost weapon Umdagnir and the two chosen to lead the ground bound to find it were Galdor Calafalas, of our Kin, and Inwe Helyanwe who was of the Elenath Tawarwaith kin, simply known as Star Elves. Now listen closely as I begin the tale.... [CENTER]------------------------[/CENTER]Welcome one and all to an RPG created by myself and Arcadia, as you can see this is an Elven Fantasy/Adventure type RPG [Obviously] and the names for places and people come from the Sindarin Elvish created by J.R.R. Tolkien for 'The Lord of the Rings'. I'll give a brief description of the three types of Elves within this RPG. [CENTER]------------------------[/CENTER][U]The Jewel Elves [Mirdain Tawarwaith][/U] These are one of the only Elven Races that enjoy the Mountain Ranges of Dôr Edhellen, but this is mainly due to their love of jewels, hence their name, and other precious substances. Their main stronghold is Othrondmir, which is Undergound Jewel in the comman tounge. They are very active in the business of the other Elves and are never far away when help is needed by a friend, they are the least recluse of the Elves. [U]The Wood Elves [Taur Tawarwaith][/U] These Elves are in love with all things that grow within the Forests of Dôr Edhellen and have made these areas their homes, within the very forests themselves and around the trees. Their style is very natural and they prefer to allow a situation to grow and change before going headlong into it and risk hurt to them selves. Within their home of Esgaleryn, the Veiled Wood, they are incredibly difficult to find and thus have not been as involved in the Wars as the other Elves have. [U]The Star Elves [Elenath Tawaraith][/U] These Elves have a great understanding of the world around and within Dôr Edhellen and are happy to pass their knowledge to other Elves that may require it from them. They live in the high areas of Dôr Edhellen, above the mountains of the Jewel Elves and so they have the most contact with them, their stronghold is know as Minuial Amru, which is the Dawn of the East. While still concealed they choose to fight with their Jewel Elf kin in the Wars to bring an end to all the conflict. [CENTER]------------------------[/CENTER]There was the basic run down of the types of Elves within the RPG and their main citys or fortresses, as you can see each are different bu similar to each other as to make this RPG more interesting, now the sign up sheet [CENTER]------------------------[/CENTER][U]Character Sign-up Sheet[/U] [U]Name:[/U] [Click [URL=http://www.chriswetherell.com/elf/]here[/URL] to get your Elven name for the RPG] [U]Race:[/U] [Which race of Elves are you?] [U]Age:[/U] [Between 340 to 560] [U]Gender:[/U] [Male/Female] [U]Apperance:[/U] [You may write a description or use a picture] [U]Ability:[/U] [Star Elves may use some magic; Jewel Elves are stronger than most; Forest Elves are faster and more agile than others] [U]Personality:[/U] [How does your character act toward others] [U]Weapon(s):[/U] [What weapons does your character have? Two or three weapons max] [U]Biography:[/U] [What is your characters past? [I]Note:[/I] All characters have grown up within the main cities of each race][CENTER]------------------------[/CENTER]So thats the usual stuff out of the way, I'll post my character and then the rules of the RPG. [U]My Character Sign-up[/U] [U]Name:[/U] Galdor Calafalas [U]Race:[/U] Jewel Elf [U]Age:[/U] 436 [U]Gender:[/U] Male [U]Apperance:[/U] [URL=http://cn.games-workshop.com/warhammerworld/warhammer/highelves/HE-articles/artwork2.htm]Click here[/URL] [He is the one to the left of the picture] [U]Ability:[/U] As is true with the others of his kin Galdor is stronger than the elves of other races and even those of his kind. He can lift just about six times his body weight and can often brake stone barriers baring the way of himself and others around him. [U]Personality:[/U] Galdor, like most of the Mirdian is a kind and gentle person, but as strong and reliable as the mountains in which he lives during a battle. His, more often than not, sunny dispostion allows him to see the better or lighter side of a situation before others do, and this makes them believe he doesn't understand what he's really doing, or why. This is of course false as he is one of the leading members of the Iaur Tirith, which is a council set up by the three Elven races to help in the conflict with the enemy. He rarely thinks before he speaks though, but this can help were snap choices need to be made and other Elves have not the capacity to make them as Galdor does. His kinder side and lighter side comes out when he is with Inwe and they have time to be together, but this can sometimes affect him during battle and quests as he thinks of her safety before his, or the group that he leads. [U]Weapon(s):[/U] [I]Sila Hathol[/I], Blade of Shining Light Forged in the caverns of Othrondmir during the hight of the sun long ago when all of the jewels shone with a radiant light and the blade was created. [IMG]http://store3.yimg.com/I/ssrglobal2_1768_2070247[/IMG] [U]Biography:[/U] Galdor was born many moons ago when all of Dôr Edhellen was in the radiant light of the moon before the sun had truely risen and the jewels shone with the light of the stars when Othrondmir was in it's prime, his parents were Finrod Calafalas and his wife Eámanë Calafalas who were high-standing in the governing of Othrondmir and the realms of the Jewel Elves. His mother was very wise and knowledgeable of the workings of Dôr Edhellen whereas his farther was a brave soldier and greatest of warriors within Othrondmir and fought many battles against the Enduring Enemy. When he was young, in Elf terms, he was a frequent visiter to the Star Elf home of Minuial Amru and came to know Inwë. When he first meet her he was in awe of her beauty and took every avalible option to try and impress her or engage her in conversation, but it seemed she was always wishing to avoid him, but he did make severl choice encounters with her and so their relationship bloomed and grew into something more. And when the Jewel Elves were called home from Minuial Amru they were more then friends, but always under the pretence of emissaries and now she came down more often to vist him in Othrondmir. It is now that Galdor came into his own within the halls of Othrondmir after his parents left to go to the world beyond that of Dôr Edhellen. He was brave in battle and fair in matters of governing the land, much like his parents and formed the council of Iaur Tirith and is still it's leading member. He and Inwë would still visit each other regularly, though always under the pretense of emissaries, and thus helped strengthen the bond between the two elf kinds. Now, with another great war looming on them, they?ll need those bonds more than ever? Thought we should have the same ending ;) [CENTER]------------------------[/CENTER][U]The Catches [Rules of the RPG][/U] 1. Please send an RPG sample to me or Arcadia after posting your sign-up and I will post if you have been accepted. 2. Please keep the grammar and spelling up to standard in your sign up and posting. 3. Myself and Arcadia are being selective about those who are accepted so not everyone who applys will be accepted to the RPG. 4. If you are accepted when the RPG starts post at least three pararaph minimum for your posts please. 5. Have fun with the RPG :D.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]OOC: Sorry about the delay people, I've been busy with some stuff lately and not had chance to get to the computer but I'm still here. And if people don't mind in order to speed us along I'm post the making of the Fellowship in this post to get things going. -------------------------- Aragorn walked toward the Hobbit known as Frodo and knelt before him with his hand across his heart. "If by my life or death I can protect you, I will. You have my sword", he stood once again and walked over to stand next to Garin who through him a small wink as he often does. He looked across the council members and to his suprise Legolas stood up and looked toward Frodo, "And you shall have my Bow", he as well walked to the Hobbit and stood beside him but he was not the last one to stand, Boromir also came forth while saying "If this is the will of the council, then Gondor shall see it done" and he in turn was followed by the Dwarf Gimli who announced that Frodo would also have his axe to defend him, much to Legolas' disapproval. Finally the recluse man called Jedgar came forth, much to the suprise of all "If there is a task at hand, I shall see it through" As Elrond looked to the group a voice came from behind the meeting area, it was the Hobbit Samwise Gamgee, "Hey!," He said whild running up to the group, "Mr. Frodo isn't going anywhere without me" and he was quickly followed by Merry and Pippin and when all had settled Elrond looked at them all and said, "Ten companions, you shall be known as the Fellowship of the Ring". Once all had been settled between the Fellowship they went to their rooms to prepare for the coming Journey, but Aragorn had a few more things to do before leaving Rivendell... -------------------------- OOC: After a few more posts I'll do the scene from the FotR EE and then the convo with Arwen so theres no confusion.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][I]"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You have been summoned to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite, or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom. Bring forth the Ring, Frodo."[/I] As Elrond spoke these words Aragorn watched the Hobbit closely as he came toward the middle stand and placed the Ring upon it, once it was out of his hands and in plain sight Aragorn felt an unwelcome jolt, this was the Ring that had betrayed Isildur, his ancestor, to his death and Isildur himself had said that all those of his Bloodline shall be bound to the fate of the Ring for he wished no harm to come to the Ring, this was the One Ring that Aragorn knew he would be tested against later in his life and he felt as if he had not the strength to defeat it's evil. As he thought this he watched another man rise from his seat and begin to speak, Garin had said he was Boromir, son of Deneathor and heir to the Steward of Gondor, he would have to watch him during the meeting he thought to himself. He signed slightly and watched the council unfold infront of him.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U][I]My Character Sign-up[/I][/U] [U]Name:[/U] Aragorn [U]Age:[/U] 87 [See TTT EE] [U]Gender:[/U] Male [U]Character you are filling in for:[/U] Aragorn [U]Weapons:[/U] Due to his upbringing with the Elves of Rivendell Aragorn has become very varied when it comes to fighting with weapons, but his cheif choice of weapons are a sword and a bow. [URL=http://www.uniqueideas4gifts.co.uk/lotr/aragons-sword-ll.jpg]His sword[/URL] was forged by the Elves of Rivendell for him as gift before he left to travel the realms of Middle-Earth and because of this it is incredibly light and flexible so he can wield it in many different fashions but it s still a deadly weapon and can kill most foes with a single strike. His bow is not of Elven craft, he made it himself so it may not have Elven blessings but he still trained with the Elves and so he is a master in Archery and never misses a target. [U]Armour:[/U] His armour is often very light because as a ranger of the north Aragorn needs to be very quick of his feet incase of foes near by or a friend is in danger. It is a mix of padded leather armour and chainmail under that. The leather is usually worn together with a large coat over the back and covering the arms and he often wears a pair of leather gloves so to get a better grip on his weapons and such. He often wears a shirt over both sets of armour as well so it makes his foes believe him to be unprotected in combat. The chainmail shirt he wears is of the finest Elven steel but it is not as wrong as the Mithril armour made by the Dwarves though it also bears blessings of Elves so it can defend him in ways the Mithril cannot. [U]Appearance:[/U] [IMG]http://www.lovelylivtyler.com/lotr/pictures/aragorn.jpg[/IMG] [U]Race:[/U] Man; Dúnedain [U]Personality:[/U] Aragorn is one of the most noble and honourable men in Middle-Earth due to his blood line. He knows no fear and he fears no enemey and is loyal to all he calls friend. He will never run from the fray and when things look bad he will endevour to make sure that his friends, and he, survive to fight another day. He is honest and very trust worthy and has friends from many races, even of the Maiar. He loves only one person and is forever bound to her and would never love another, this love runs so deep that he is prepared to let he go so she can continue living and not faces the horrors of Sauron and Mordor. [U]Biography:[/U] Aragorn is the sixteenth chieftain of the dúnedain of the north, last heir to the the thrones of both Gondor and Arnor. All his life, he has kept this heritage a secret, while working to protect both Gondor and the wild lands of what was once Arnor. Moreover, the blood of all three houses of the Edain, all three peoples of the Eldar and also of the maiar flows in Aragorn's veins, giving him the most exalted bloodline of any living man. His name is Aragorn, son or Arathorn, but in his very long life he has masqueraded as many men, including the Gondorian hero Thorongil and the Eriadoran ranger Strider. Since the fall of the kingdom of Arthedain, the last heirs of Isildur's line have been raised in secret in Rivendell until they could one day reunite their kingdom and destroy the rule of Sauron, the Dark Lord. Aragorn has a second reason to want this: he is betrothed to the daughter of the elf-lord, Elrond. Elrond will not let his daughter marry any mortal of lesser rank than the king of both Gondor and Arnor. Born in Rivendell in Third Age 2931, his heritage was hidden even from him until he was twenty years old. Prior to that time, he was known as Estel. In this same year, he met and fell in love with Elrond's daughter, the beautiful Arwen. Aragorn began a long career of opposition to the minions of Sauron which would not end until the latter's death more than eighty years later. He met Garin in 2954 and the two became firm friends. In 2968, he entered Gondor and the service of the Ruling Steward of Gondor and swiftly became regarded as one of Gondor's great heroes under the name Thorongil (Star of the North). Unbeknownst to Aragorn, it was at this time that the future Ruling Steward, Denethor began to harbor a deep jealousy for the northern hero. In 2980, Aragorn led a small force of Gondorians into the harbor of Umbar and burned most of the Umbarean fleet, delaying the onslaught of Umbar's ships for nearly forty years. This was also the same year that Aragorn and Arwen became engaged. During the War of the Ring, Aragorn first protected the hobbits from the attack of the nazgul at Amon Sul (Weathertop), and then joined the Fellowship at Rivendell when he was revealed as Isildur's heir.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=CRIMSON][B][CENTER][U]ZOIDS NEW CENTURY ZERO A New Era[/U][/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Welcome pilot to the world of Zi. A world where living combat machines known as Zoids are used by the humans of Planet Zi. At the current stage in the history of Zi the Zoids are used by various teams all compeating in the 'Zoids Championships' attempting to get into the class A divison and challenge the reigning champion and his, or her, team. ---------------------------- Before I can father I'm just going to put those involved in the RPG. [CENTER][U]Strike Fighter Team[/U] Tai Highven - Leader - Jokopoko Kari Sanai - Member - Ohkami Adam Took - Member - K.K.C. [U]Soul Flyers Team[/U] Alexandria Stril - Leader - Lady Katana Galen Cox - Member - Black_Phoenix Matt Peregyn - Member - Lrb [U]Sabre Flash Team[/U] Keegan Adran - Leader - Outcast Ikaga Shingetsu - Member - Shanghai NPC of Leaders choice[/CENTER] [I]Side Note:[/I] There is still one postion open on the Strike Fighter Team and the Soul Flyers team and on the Sabre Flash Team there are two free places and sign-ups will be open for a little longer. And if you sign up I will add you to the list and you'll just have to work your character being where the team is in your first post. ---------------------------- [I]N/B: This may sound a little silly but I'd like people to post location tags at the beginning of each post, if you don't get what I mean just do what I do in my first post.[/I] ---------------------------- [U]Kendric City - SFT Headquarters - 3:00pm[/U] After having a training round in the outlands Tai had given the team the afternoon off and instead of going back home himself he'd decided to say and work on his Gunsniper Zoid, the reason being that he felt his calmest when he was working on a Zoid in the pits and it also filtered out the noise from the streets and the city surrounding the Headquarters of his team. He'd just been recalibrating the 80mm Cannon when the comm-link unit in the main lounge went off. Tai quickly wiped his hands of oil on a near by cloth and went to answer the call, he took a little double take when he saw it was a message from the ZBC. [I]"This must mean the new league has been set up"[/I] He though before he pressed the recive button. As usual it was one of the Judges on the view-screen. "Tai Highven, Leader of the Strike Fighter Team. Correct?" The flat-monotone voice asked. "Correct" Tai said in a bored voice, he'd done this to many times before. "You, and your team, are hereby re-instated into the Zoid Championship League due to the new League starting in two weeks, please be prepared" With that the comm-link shut off with the ZBC logo on a black screen. [I]"Finally," He thought, "I better call the others back here so they can start work on their Zoids, we're gonne need more training sims as well"[/I] As he walked down to the locker room to get his coat and gloves Tai wondered in Alexandria and Keegan, along with their teams, had decided to enter the new League and try to get the rank of champions. He entered the street and headed toward the place he was sure the others would be, The ZBC Pilot Lounge, it was the hotspot for Zoid pilots in Kendric city, but he didn't care for it that much because of the number of wanna-be pilots their and the amount of rookies really put him off his training and other things.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Okay, the usual run down of 'accepted and rejected': -------------------------- [U]Outcast[/U] [I]Ironhide[/I] Accepted [U]Orien_Xel[/U] [I]Ulgruk[/I] *Finished the sign-up ASAP* [U]DuoMax[/U] [I]Kurgash[/I] Accepted [U]Inti[/U] [I]Whipbranch[/I] Accepted [U]Drix[/U] [I]Golzimül of Ûdun[/I] Accepted [U]Vicky[/U] [I]Grishnákh[/I] Accepted [U]K.K.C.[/U] [I]Thornleaf[/I] Accepted[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DARKBLUE][B][CENTER][U]DR. WHO RETURN OF THE CYBERMEN[/U][/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U][I]Celestial Intervention Agency [CIA] Data File, 26th of July 3246[/U][/I] [U]Prority Alpha 1 to Gallifrey [Earth][/U] [U]Subject, Temporal Mauraders - Cybermen, Current threat level *EXTREME*[/U] This is a coded message for the Time Lord council located on Gallifrey [Earth], it concerns the temporal maurders know as 'The Cybermen' who we have long thought to be defeated but it appears that they have once again claimed the theat level of extreme. We have received intelligence from our out-post in the Telos sector that the Cybermen attacked the out-post it's self and have begun converting the crew into new Cybermen and then, it is likely, that they will convert the station into a forward base and use it to begin anew their conquest of the universe. We have several images from the stations security systems showing the Cybermen at work, in a manner of speaking, and they can be seen through the following security channels: [URL=http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/doctorwho/realtime/images/340/cgi_cyber_11.jpg]Image One[/URL] [URL=http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/doctorwho/realtime/images/340/cgi_cyber_13.jpg]Image Two[/URL] [URL=http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/doctorwho/realtime/images/340/cgi_cyber_14.jpg]Image Three[/URL] As you can see the Cybermen have gone through an extensive up-grade since their last encounter with the Time-Lord know as Dr. Who, and he is currently in his 8th form of regeneration and is at traveling through time and space in his TARDIS to Gallifrey upon reciving this message, we are unsure if he currently has any other occupents aboard the TARDIS at this point but any other help would, of course, be greatly needed. We are unsure as the the current state of the Cyber-Leader, the main commander of all Cybermen in our time and others, but we can assume that he is either functional or is going through and up-grade much like the other Cybermen. Once the Doctor returns to Gallifrey we will brief him on this completely and he will then be ordered to go to Telos and defeat the Cybermen once and for all.[CENTER]-------------------------[/CENTER] Greetings all to another RPG by myself and I'm thinking that a Dr. Who RPG is a first for Otaku Boards so I'm hoping that this goes well but as it was a British TV Show I'm not so sure but don't worry because you don't have to be Dr. Who savvy in order to enjoy this RPG, just believe the unbelieveable and like Sci-fi basicly. This will be different from most of my RPGs in the fact that I will allow people to play Cybermen and I will need one person to play the Cyber-Controller so you get the change to be souless and evil in one of my RPG (I here somepeople saying 'At last'). So I'll just give you the sign-up template here. [CENTER]-------------------------[/CENTER] [U][I]Character Sign-up[/I][/U] [U]Name:[/U] [Your Name] *Cybermen are basicly called Alpha, Beta, Gamma etc with the exception on the Cyber-Controller. [U]Age:[/U] [Your age] *Does not apply for Cybermen. [U]Gender:[/U] [Male or Female] [U]Race:[/U] [Gallifreyan, futrue humans. Human, a human from the Past. Cybermen] [U]Weaponry:[/U] [Side arm of something of the sort] *Cybermen have inbuilt weapons in their bodies, normally forehead or arm. [U]Apperance:[/U] [You can use a picture of a famous actor or actress if you wish, or a typed discription] *All Cybermen look alike [U]Postion in Story-line:[/U] [The Doctor, Doctors helper, Cyber-controller or a Cyberman] [U]Personality:[/U] [What is your character like, how do they interact with others] [U]Biography:[/U] [What has happened to them in the past, why are they here] [CENTER]-------------------------[/CENTER] So basicly thats most of it, with one exception. If you play a Cyberman your personality and history has to be similar to that of the the other players. That is to say what I'm about to lay down here, all the Cybermen in the story have been in deepsleep since the 1950s when a small group landed on Telos and began coverting it into a base until the Doctor thwarted their plan but a small group, these, remained active and went into a stae of hybernation in their 'tombs' and now they have been reactivated. The personalitys have to be similar but have different styles, if you get my meaning. Basicly their all evil and don't mind killing things but they all have a different personality and none of them have many emotions and now to my character. [CENTER]-------------------------[/CENTER] [U][I]My Character Sign-up[/I][/U] [U]Name:[/U] Doctor Who; The Doctor; Theta Sigma. [U]Age:[/U] Between 700 and 800, maybe older. [U]Gender:[/U] Male. [U]Race:[/U] Gallifreyan. [U]Weaponry:[/U] None, the Doctor does not believe in violence but when needed he uses a handy gadget as opposed to a side arm. [U]Apperance:[/U] [IMG]http://www.kasterborus.com/tardis/8/dr8_6.jpg[/IMG] [U]Postion in Story-line:[/U] The Doctor [U]Personality:[/U] Soft spoken, eloquent, and charming, and overflowing with a zest for life, the 8th Doctor is a bit different from all of his predecessors, though he shares the humorous nature of the 4th Doctor, and the heroic nature of the 3rd. The 8th Doctor is perhaps the most approachable to date; possessing a knack for understanding what really drives people to do what they do and to be whom they are, and a deep, almost clarvoyant knowledge of the possible destinies of those he comes to care for. The 8th Doctor is possible the most emotional incarnation, and this extends to his remarable empathy. Couple that with his formidable charm, enchanting smile, the ability to improvise quickly and brilliantly, and his vast knowledge, and you have yourself a real force to be reckoned with, fighting for what's right and what's true. [U]Biography:[/U] He attended the most prestigious of the Time Lord colleges, the Prydonian academy, along with the Master, Drax and the Rani. It is also known that the Doctor was the less able of the 3 pupils, but this is due to a somewhat undisciplined, wandering mind...behavior which exasperated his former teacher, Borusa. Once one of Gallifrey's most respected Time-Lords, and possibly one of it's finest engineers, the Doctor fled Gallifrey after a coup attempt fomented by the Master failed. The rebelling academy students were quickly and decisively put down by the Citadel Guard. In the chaos and bloody reprisals that followed, members of the Doctor's family may have been killed. He has since defeated the Master and other such villians of the Universe, save for the Daleks and the Cybermen. His mode of transport has always been his malfuctioning Type 40 TARDIS that is locked in the form of an old British Police Call Box, it is now in his 8th incatnation that this Doctor can truely show himself for what he is by defeating one of his arch nemesis', the Cyber-Controller and the Cybermen of Telos. [CENTER]-------------------------[/CENTER] [I][U]The Catches[/U][/I] 1. I want to have good RPGers in my RPG, not people who punctuate evey sentence with many '!!!!' and litter their posts with incorrect spelling. 2. As usual, I expect regular posting on your part, good spelling and grammer and each post will have three paragraphs or more. Anyone who's quality and/or post will be given one warning, if it continues they are out of the RPG. 3. I have the right to accept or reject anyone who I feel does not come to the standards set out by the previous rules. 4. Have fun with the RPG .[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Okay, as I do with most of my RPGs just gonna do an accept-reject thing here: ------------------------- [U]Lady Katana[/U] [I]Alexandria Stril[/I] Accepted [U]Outcast[/U] [I]Keegan Adran[/I] *Finish the sign-up soon* [U]Black_Phoenix[/U] [I]Galen Cox[/I] Accepted [U]K.K.C.[/U] [I]Adam Took[/I] Accepted [U]Ohkami[/U] [I]Kari Sanai[/I] Accepted ------------------------- Side Note: I'd like to have at least one member for the Sabre Flash team but if not I'll start it sometime this week.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][I]"Well then,"[/I] he thought happily, [I]"I may finally be getting something from nothing"[/I]. He smirked a bit and set a course for the planet shaped blip on the scanner and hoping against hope he was nearing his final destination. [CENTER]-------------------------[/CENTER]It had been several hours since Tau had got the blip on the screen and, hoping that it was Ossus, had changed course and headed for it, now he'd wished he hadn't. When he'd landed he'd hoped to at least find some sign of life or a sign of anything, but it seemed that the planet was deserted but he had detected several other signals from ships that had seemed to have landed on the surface of the planet but he wasn't sure what kind of people would have landed, maybe people searching like he was or maybe Imperial Troopers, reguardless of who it was Tau was going against his usual character by staying away from the other landing sites while he checked out the planet from his ship. After a though check of the nearby area he decided it would be alright to check out the planet and see if he'd found what he'd been searching for at last. He went to the back of the ship to pick up his blaster and some things to take out with him, he wasn't expecting anything hostile to happen but you can never be to careful. As he stept outside he felt as if he had been in this place before, maybe in a dream or something like that be he could feel some kind of connection to the place, he couldn't explain it, [I]"This just keeps getting stranger and stranger as a go"[/I], he though to him self as he went through the forested area that was close to his landing site. He'd taken his hand-held scanner with him for the trek to make sure he didn't run into anyone and it was picking up some faintlife signs in several different locations but they were to far away to case any real problems to the Chiss youth but he couldn't shake the feeling of being familier with the planet and his surroundings. Every now and then he'd think that he'd heard something a quickly wield round with his blaster drawn to check what was there, but as usual there was nothing, nothing but the feeling he had for the planet, however distant it felt. Buthe got an idea that he was being drawn to somewhere on the planet, much like he was drawn to the planet it's self, but this time it felt more urgant and so his pace quickened and he headed in the direction that felt best.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Nothing, not a thing on the scope or the scanners.....yet something. Something intangible but it was there, of that he was sure, maybe it was just a feeling or something like that...no, more like a yearning for something more and this was the way to find it. He'd felt like this more several days now, ever since he left the last Star-post and headed in the direction he was sure he was ment to go. But he couldn't find it on any map, or plot it on any star chart, but it must be there, he knew it. At the pilot console of the [I]Csillas Diamond[/I] Rauth'tau, or just Tau, had been having this conversation in his head for the past hour or so now, and it hadn't got anywhere since he started. He sighed to himself and, as he got up, started to wonder if he was losing it from all this traveling and talking to himself on the voyage between destinations, he turned the auto-pilot on and went to the rear for some food. He didn't know why he was going the way he was going, but it was for good reason. But what reason he thought to himself, all he really knew was that the planet he was going to was called Ossus and he didn't even know how he knew it, he just did for whatever reason, and he also knew that he had to get there and, again, he didn't know why he was going there just that he was drawn to it like a nail to a magnet. He reached into the cabinet and pulled out a pack of rations, opening it quickly as the smell of it made his nose crinkle in disgust, it was times like these he'd wished he'd never left the Imperium, but he had to. After finishing his meager meal he went back to the cock-pit and as he was sitting down he noticed a small blip on the scanner. [I]"Well then,"[/I] he thought happily, [I]"I may finally be getting something from nothing"[/I]. He smirked a bit and set a course for the planet shaped blip on the scanner and hoping against hope he was nearing his final destination.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][I][U]My Character Sign-Up[/U][/I] [U]Name:[/U] Rauth'tau [U]Age:[/U] 18 [U]Gender:[/U] Male [U]Race:[/U] Chiss [U]Homeworld:[/U] Csilla [U]Weapons:[/U] A single blaster and a double sided Chiss fighting sword [U]Ship:[/U] A Skiprey Blastboat called [I]'Csillas Diamond'[/I] [U]Description:[/U] [IMG]http://jedioutcast.theforce.ru/jedioutcast/heroes/heroes_chiss.jpg[/IMG] [U]History:[/U] Born on the Chiss homeworld Csilla Rauth'tau, or Tau to his friends, had no idea he was going to be a trail blazer for the Chiss. He was raised by his parents in one of the larger of Csillas cities, but not the capital, his life wasn't that extraordinary apart for the fact that he may have had more luxary that other children on Csilla but other than that not to much, that is until he and his parents moved to the out planets of the Chiss Imperium in order to get away from the hussle and bustle of the city life, this was when Tau was about six or seven. There were more star-ports on Elysia, where they moved, and so Tau had more contact with people of other races trading with the Chiss. When he was about twelve he had heard from many of the star pilots about the famous order of Jedi Knights that had helped the Old Republic in it's golden days but they were a mere myth now, but Tau was still highly interested in them. By his fifteenth birthday he had made up his mind to leave the Chiss Imperium and search out the Jedi Knights, but a Chiss had not left the Imperium since, as the Empire called him, Grand-Admiral Thrawn and so this was looked down upon by many yet Tau was still going to do it. By the time he had left it looked like defeat for the Rebellion yet he still found some rumours flying around the star-ports and space stations he travelled to and due to some unknown reason Tau got the impression he had to get to a planet known as Ossus, he didn't know how and why. But he knew the way and he knew he had to get there. [U]Personality:[/U] Due to the strict rules and proto-calls in the Chiss Imperium Tau has never had real open contact with any other races, save those at the Star Ports so he is in awe of the wide galaxy that had been opened to him so he never feels the need to distrust anyone because he is to taken aback with their own personalitys and appearnce any sence of distrust is gone from him. He is normally very cheerful and a moral boost to the others around but when he gets into low spirits it is best to leave him alone while he works it out by him self.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]This is good but I'm seeing 'lacky' Uruk-Hai and not main Uruk-Hai and more Ents which is what I'd like to see. But your all in as it stands but as said I'd like the main Uruk-Hai filled and the Ents to have some more lackys, thanks people[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U][I]My Character Sign-up[/I][/U] [U]Character Concept:[/U] Outlander Ranger. [U]Name:[/U] Rhyder. [U]Age:[/U] 28 [U]Gender:[/U] Male. [U]Height:[/U] 5' 11". [U]Weight:[/U] 175lbs. [U]Eye Colour:[/U] Green. [U]Hair Colour and Style:[/U] Brown with Red stripes, usually unkempt and messy. [U]Physical Description:[/U] [URL=http://www.q3f.com/screens/concept/agent01.jpg]Click here[/URL] [U]Attire:[/U] See Picture [U]Equipment:[/U] [URL=http://www.planetcnc.com/renegade/gameinfo/weapons/laserrifle.jpg]Laser Rilfe AKA Firefly[/URL], [URL=http://www.planetcnc.com/renegade/gameinfo/weapons/ramjetrifle.jpg]Sniper Rifle AKA Hawkeye[/URL], Pack of Remote C4 X5, T.E.D. [Tactical Eye Display], Ration Packs X10, Comm-up link to HQ, as well as all manner of servival equipment [U]Personality:[/U] Living and working in the far reaches of the wasteland has turned Rhyder in to a quiet and secretive person. Being alone for extened periods of time with only the old Russian 'bots and outlaws to keep him company Rhyder would not be the first person to make friends with others, even those within his own clan. He is also very paranoid because his usual posting is very close to several enemy bases and so is always on his guard, reguardless of his situation and location. He only has a few close friends and even they don't know much about his past. He only feels safe when his is a totally secure hiding place with his weapons at his side, or in his hand, and and someone is in his Scope. [U]Current Occupation:[/U] Ranger; Scout; Sniper [U]Bio:[/U] There are only a few scattered details reguarding Rhyders past life, that is assuming he had one at all. It is generally accepted that he grew up in the area of Europe that was known as Denmark, but he had moved their from England before the Trinity Missle impact and thus he knows English as well as several other languages. Not much is known about his parents because they died in the second Trinity explosion when Rhyder was just a baby, he was found by a kindly woman who had a son of her own and he grew up with the two of them until he was about seventeen. At that age he heard that someone was going around searching for people to join his new clan, but this would be a new kind of clan, not in it for gain but for the innocent people of the world, much like Robin Hood in the anicent days of England. He also knew several of the other people who were joining so it wasn't to hard for him to ajust to the life, because of his keen eye and quick reflexes Rhyders main function in the clan was an advanced ranger/scout, as well as a sniper. At first he was with several others at his posting but over the years, due to Russian 'bot attacks or the other clans the squad shrunk to just Rhyder and a youth called Tom, Rhyder sometimes doesn't think of Tom in the highest reguard seeing as he came from the Old America where life is still good for those that live their, he sees him as spoiled and doesn't think he has the skills to survive in Europe and the harsher areas of Russia. But thats what is still like today, but the commander has promised to send Rhyder reinforcements as soon as he can. [U]Character Quote/Theme Tune:[/U] "If you trust anything, trust yourself" [U]Preferred starting location:[/U] European Waste Land; Poland[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Okay, going good [Better than most of my RPGs lately], and now the usual Run down of those in and those out: -------------------------------- [U]MGuyPersonDude[/U] [I]Patrick Tener[/I] Rejected [U]Black_Phoenix[/U] [I]Galen Cox[/I] Accepted [U]K.K.C.[/U] [I]Adam Took[/I] Accepted [U]Ohkami[/U] [I]Kari Sanai[/I] Accepted -------------------------------- [I]N/B: Just a note here, the Sabre Fang leader has been reserved for Outcast and I only want one more member of the Strike Fighter Team please, thanks.[/I][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][CENTER][I][U]My Character Sign-up[/I][/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][U]Delovar of the First House[/U][/CENTER] [U]Name:[/U] Delovar Andúnie [U]Age:[/U] 32 [U]Race:[/U] Men; Edain [U]Homeland:[/U] Dorthonion [U]Swear fealty to:[/U] The House of Bëor and to the Noldor Elves of Nargothrond [U]Lineage:[/U] Delovar, Son of Deonvan the Kings Archer [U]Weapons and Armour:[/U] Delovar carries little armour as it slows him down. The armour he does wear is mostly leather and it covers his front and both sides. He wears leather gloves as well as to get a better grip on his sword and bow. His sword, know as Aldis, was forged by one of the Kings Iron-Smiths as a gift to his farther and it has now been passed to him by right-of-passage, but this is not his chief weapon. That is the bow that he carries upon his back, he has a natural talent for the bow as has his farther. He carries two quivers with arrows which have been given Elven blessings because of the strong ties between the First House and the Noldor Elves. [U]Magic:[/U] N/A [U]History:[/U] Born to the archer of Baran know as Denovan, Delovar had a very exciting childhood. When he was six he had already been on many hunting trips with his farther and Baran so he had a great knowledge of the beasts around Dorthonion and he already had great skill with the bow. He slew his first boar when he was twelve and from then his hunting skill grew more and more, as did the skill with the Bow. When he was twenty he became of the Kings guard along with his farther and they both escorted the King whenever he went out of the Kingdom, but not always were these outings safe. Even though some of the Noldor Elves were friends of the Dwarves, not all the Dwarves were friends of the Noldor and then in turn the Edain of the first house. In a skirmish with a group of Dwarves from Belegost his farther was killed and this caused Delovar to have a certain loathing for the Dwarves and led to him distrusting them whenever he was called to serve with them. As is tradition in the First House the items of the farther pass to the eldest son and so Delovar recived his farthers sword know as Aldis which was Elven made and Elven blessed making it a very powerful weapon. Delovar can feel that all of his skills will be needed in the up-coming conflict with the Dark Enemy, Morgoth. [U]Personality:[/U] Delovar is usually a very open and cheerful person, even in the worst of times so he is a moral boost to most of the people around him. When he hears he must be working along side the Dwarves he changes slightly, he becomes more quiet about things and tends not to talk unless spoken to and always concentrates fully at the task at hand, be it a chore or during battle. But as said he is usually fine and very talkative, ready to help those in need and pass on skills to others that require them. He is also at best when with his fellow archers, whom he leads into battle because most of those who serve under him were present at his farthers death so he feels he can talk with them and such the most. [U]EDIT:[/U] Okay Drix, changed my character to one of the Edain and I hope it's okay.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U]Zoids New Century Zero: A New Era[/U][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Welcome to the world of Zi. A world where living combat machines known as Zoids are used by the humans of Planet Zi. At the current stage in the history of Zi the Zoids are used by various teams all compeating in the 'Zoids Championships' attempting to get into the class A divison and challenge the reigning champion and his, or her, team. -------------------------------- Well come my friends to my new RPG. As you can see it's Zoids NCZ. It's set after the Neo-Backdraft war, but the Zoids created during that war are still avalible for pilots to use. The Blitz Team, Backdraft Group and all the old teams are gone and their members either retired or are dead. I'll give profiles of the main teams now, take a gander ;). -------------------------------- [U]Strike Fighter Team[/U] The current champions of Zi and the Zoids Championship. Lead by Tai Highven they have been in the Championship for many years, and so are experts when it comes to Zoids. The Zoid that Tai pilots is the Gun Sniper BOAS (Black Orpheus - Assault Style) and has been heavily customised to suit his battle style. In the new league of the Championships the SF Team have chosen to renounce their place as Champions and prove to people that they can still defeat all enemys to reclaim their place as the Champions. They feel that the only real threats to them are the Soul Flyers and the Sabre Flash Teams, and it helps not that Tai, Alexandria and Keegen used to be the best of friends until they came of age and became Zoid pilots [U]Soul Flyers Team[/U] The Soul Flyers, as their name suggests, are best in air style combat and prefer to use flying Zoids, though if they have to they will use ground Zoids to win a battle. Lead by the beautiful and talented Alexandria Stril they have only recently entered the Leage and are prepared to face the ST Team for the place of Champions. Though young members of the league, they are by no means weaklings, understanding many things of Zoids and the Zoid Battles. It is said by other teams that Alexandria is a deadly on the battle field as she is beautiful, so other teams had better watch themselves when facing the Soul Flyers. [U]Sabre Flash Team[/U] The tactic of the Sabre Flash is the same as their lifestyle, quick, furious and decisive. They love to live on the edge and their leader, Keegan Adran, is the fastest pilot on the face of the planet. He has a history with Tai and Alexandria and will go to any ends to defeat either of them in a battle, even if it means cheating. The Sabre Flash are an amazing mix of honour and evil meaning that they will use dirty tricks if need be to win the battles but they know when they are beaten and will not press the matter with the Zoids Battle Commisson if they lose a battle. Keegan lives a strict code of honour, but with the new League it seems that the code has became very flexable when it comes to winning. -------------------------------- Those are the main teams, I have left out Alexandrias and Keegans Zoids because I want the people who choose to play them to select their own Zoids that they like, but I have given a basic guide line as to what their Zoids are. Sorry but those are the only teams so to stop confusion with other teams, I'll let three or four people in the teams [Plus leaders]. I'll give you the Zoid restrictions now: -------------------------------- [U]ILLEGAL AND BANNED ZOIDS, BY ORDER OF THE ZBC[/U] Death Saurer | Mad Thunder | Ultra Saurus | Death Stinger | Elephander The above Zoids have been ruled unusable by the ZBC and nobody, and that mean nobody, is allowed to use them in a Zoid battle with the penelty of losing tha match, fined and being evicted from the Zoids Battle League. Also, Zoids that have been bonded with an Organoid, or 'Ultimate Xs', have also been ruled out, these include the Liger Zero, Liger Zero X and Geno Breaker Jet. But if an Organoid bonds with a Zoid already licensed by the ZBC then the Zoid is allowed to continue battling under the ZBC rules. -------------------------------- I think thats about everything for that part of the RPG, so now I'll give to you the application info. [I]As with my Lord of the Rings RPG main characters still have to fit their info in with the application sheet[/I] -------------------------------- [I][U]Application Sheet[/U][/I] [U]Name:[/U] [U]Age:[/U] [U]Gender:[/U] [U]Appearance:[/U] No less than a paragraph [U]Team:[/U] [U]Team Rank:[/U] Leader or Member [U]Zoid:[/U] [You can find info on a lot of zoids at [URL=http://www.metalmachinemusic.com/zoids.php]Metal Machine Music[/URL]] [U]Zoid Appearance:[/U] Picture or attachment [U]Zoid Weapons:[/U] [U]Personality:[/U] No less than a paragraph [U]Biography:[/U] No less than a paragraph -------------------------------- Simple enough to understand I hope, all characters and teams must fill this application sheet in if they wish to take part in this RPG. As stated, I'll allow around 3-4 members per team. -------------------------------- [I][U]My Character[/U][/I] [U]Name:[/U] Tai Highven [U]Age:[/U] 19 [U]Gender:[/U] Male [U]Appearance:[/U] Tai is about 5' 8", has hazel eyes and dark brown hair. He was a very smooth and youthfull face for his age and is, to the ladys, very hansom. He generally wears what he calls the team 'Uniform' which is a blue top with two virtical white stripes going across and 'StFi' within a spiked ring between then and black trousers with two red stripes going down either side and black shoes. He normally wears a red/gold band around his head to keep his hair up. He is quite muscular because of the training he does between battle, he also wears a pair of orange tinted sun-glasses to match the colour of a Zoid's Cockpit. His hair is usually unkept and he often has to tie the back up in the pony tail style. He also wears red fingerless golves which have leather palms, making it easier for him to handle the controls of his Gun Sniper. He always wears a digital com-watch which he can link into the Gun Snipers com-system and talk with the team easier when in battle. [U]Team:[/U] Strike Fighter Team [U]Team Rank:[/U] Leader [U]Zoid:[/U] Gun Sniper Black Orpheus - Assault Style [U]Zoid Appearance:[/U] [IMG]http://www.metalmachinemusic.com/zoids/zimages/BOAS.jpg[/IMG] [U]Zoid Weapons:[/U] 80mm Cannon (Foreward Facing) Twin Dual AZ60mm Cannons (Wrist-mounted), Twin Dual AZ144mm Chain Cannons (Mounted to Wild Weasel Unit base), Dual 8-shot Mortar Launchers (back-mounted), 4-Shot Rocket Launcher (In between Mortar Launchers) [U]Personality:[/U] Before he and the other main team leaders became Zoid piots Tai has a caring and sentative person and liked to mess around and help out his friends. That has all changed now, after the three friends founded their own Zoid Teams a bitter rivalry sprang up between them. Who used to be a kind person has become a person driven toward Zoid piloting and winning a battle at all costs, aside from cheating. He has lost much of his kindness and caring to the Zoid battle-field, some say that the Gun Sniper BOAS has changed him, but others dismiss that as fantasy. The only time his eyes show a hint of human compasion are when he is with the person he loves, but she doesn't know this and sees no difference in him. When not on the battle field he regains some of his former self and is kind and caring toward his team-mates and Zoids, but on the battle field, the young boy has been lost. [U]Biography:[/U] Born in what used to be know as the Guylos Empire Tai has grown up with Zoids almost his whole life. His farther was a member of the ZBC and so Tai sometimes went with him on tours of the teams cargo bays and look at all the Zoids the various team used. But when he wasn't with his farther he was with his two best friends, Alexandria and Keegan. The three were always together, playing out mock Zoid battles and dreaming what it would be like to be Zoid Pilots and join their own team, or even make one. But when they did become pilots, things quickly changed. At first they were made their own team which they all lead and fought in along side each other, but when Keegan start suggesting they use other tactics, he was out. So it was left to Alexandria and Tai. But she quickly saw that Tai was chaning and was not the person she had grown up with and become close friends with him, she hated what he had become and quickly left as well. So know, along with his team mates and Gun Sniper Tai sets out to take back his rightfull place as the Zoids Champion, and one day he hopes he and his friends can settle things, but he is to proud to say so. -------------------------------- [U]The Catches[/U] 1. I want to have good RPGers in my RPG, not people who punctuate evey sentence with many '!!!!' and litter their posts with incorrect spelling. 2. Any person who wishes to play one of the Main Character must have a detailed Personality and Description which mirriors the personal history I provided for Tai (sorry). 3. As usual, I expect regular posting on your part, good spelling and grammer and each post will have three paragraphs or more. Anyone who's quality and/or post will be given one warning, if it continues they are out of the RPG. 4. I have the right to accept or reject anyone who I feel does not come to the standards set out by the previous rules. 5. Have fun with the RPG :D.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Okay, thats good four players so far but like I said before I don't expect all places to be filled but I'd like to have at least 8 in order to start the RPG.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U]TEKKEN: NEW CHALLENGES King of Iron Fist Tournament 4[/B][/U][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Welcome to the fourth King of Iron Fist Tournament, before we go further please read the following information to discover where we are in the current story ------------------------------- Two years ago, Heihachi failed to capture Ogre. Not willing to give up, Heihachi ordered his researchers to collect blood samples, skin tissue, and hoof fragments left behind by Ogre (or known as True Ogre in its true manifestation) in order to conduct genetic experiments. Heihachi?s goal was to create a new life form by splicing Ogre?s genome with his own. However, the research was unsuccessful. After extensive experimentation, Heihachi?s bioengineers came to the conclusion that an additional gene - the Devil Gene - was necessary in order to successfully splice Ogre?s genetic code into another living organism. Heihachi learned that his own genome lacked the Devil Gene, but he knew someone who did... Jin Kazama. Two years had passed since The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3. The Mishima Zaibatsu announced The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 and placed the massive financial empire as the top prize. The champion who manages to defeat Heihachi at the end of the Tournament would inherit the Mishima Zaibatsu. ------------------------------ Hi all, I'm back with another RPG. This is a first for me, meaning I'm basing an RPG on a game, and it's a fighting game at that :p. But this RPG will not focus on the fighting of the Tekken games, more the story line behind them, like the relationship between Heihachi and Kazuya etc. And there will be several original plot lines to this as well. But it all starts, as you would expect, at the beginning of the KOIF4. As for the characters you can play as I'm only going to allow characters from the game to be played, I'll put the list of them up after this. The fighting is going to be pretty much un-spoken until we get to the semi-finals when the main characters start fighting each other, but we'll get to that when we get to that. I'll give you the list of usable characters now. ------------------------------- [U][I]KOIF4 Participants[/I][/U] [URL=http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/characters/bryan.htm]Bryan Fury[/URL] [URL=http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/characters/christie_monteiro.htm]Christie Monteiro[/URL] [URL=http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/characters/craig_marduk.htm]Craig Marduk[/URL] [URL=http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/characters/hwoarang.htm]Hwoarang[/URL] [URL=http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/characters/jin.htm]Jin Kazama[/URL] - Taken by Ayokano [URL=http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/characters/julia.htm]Julia Chang[/URL] [URL=http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/characters/kazuya.htm]Kazuya Mishima[/URL] - Taken by Jokopoko [URL=http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/characters/king_2.htm]King II[/URL] - Taken by Vicky [URL=http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/characters/lee_chaolan.htm]Lee Chaolan[/URL] [URL=http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/characters/lei.htm]Lei Wulong[/URL] [URL=http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/characters/ling.htm]Ling Xiaoyu[/URL] - Taken by Ohkami [URL=http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/characters/marshall.htm]Marshall Law[/URL] [URL=http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/characters/nina.htm]Nina Williams[/URL] [URL=http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/characters/paul.htm]Paul Phoenix[/URL] [URL=http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/characters/steve_fox.htm]Steve Fox[/URL] [URL=http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/characters/yoshimitsu.htm]Yoshimitsu[/URL] ------------------------------- As you can see there are a lot of places to be filled, not only does this mean we have a lot of different players and such it also means we might not get every spot filled, but I'm expecting that some characters will have to become NPCs if they don't get people to play them. But enough about that, I'll give you the sign-up template now. ------------------------------- [U][I]Character Sign-up[/I][/U] [U]Name:[/U] [U]Country of Origin:[/U] [U]Style of Fighting:[/U] [U]Age:[/U] [The number with T4 next to it is their current age] [U]Blood Type:[/U] [U]Height & Weight:[/U] [U]Apperance:[/U] [Use the picture on the site given] [U]Occupation:[/U] [U]Hobby:[/U] [U]History:[/U] [Take the history from the Tekken 4 history section] [U]Likes:[/U] [U]Dislikes:[/U] [I]N/B:[/I] Some of the profiles have a '?' in some of the sections, it that is true with your player you can fill them up with your own inventions, just make them sound realistic. ------------------------------- So, almost done. Just a word of advice, don't always go with the character you play as in the game [If you play it] because it's not all about the moves and such in the RPG, it's about the actual character and how they act, just remember that when signing up. ------------------------------- [I][U]My Character Sign-up[/U][/I] [U]Name:[/U] Kazuya Mishima. [U]Country of Origin:[/U] Japan. [U]Style of Fighting:[/U] Mishima-style Karate. [U]Age:[/U] 49. [U]Blood Type:[/U] AB. [U]Height & Weight:[/U] 181cm - 76kg. [U]Apperance:[/U] [IMG]http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/images/characters/kazuya_mishima.jpg[/IMG] [U]Occupation:[/U] Former head of Mishima Financial Empire. [U]Hobby:[/U] Collecting sneakers. [U]History:[/U] Defeated by Heihachi and thrown into the mouth of a volcano twenty years ago, Kazuya was brought back to life by G Corporation, a biotech firm making revolutionary advances in the field of biogenetics research. With G Corporation?s aid, Kazuya investigated the mechanism of the Devil Gene that resides within his body by subjecting himself to genetic experiments. Kazuya believed that once he unlocked and controlled the power of the Devil Gene, he would be powerful enough to defeat Heihachi and destroy the Mishima Zaibatsu. Twenty years later, the Tekken Forces attacked a G Corporation research facility without warning and succeeded in stealing research data for the Mishima Zaibatsu. Kazuya learns that he was also a target in the attack. Infuriated that Heihachi once again ruined his plans, Kazuya is determined to seek his revenge against Heihachi more than ever. Kazuya instantly recognizes the announcement of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 as a trap set by Heihachi to lure him out. Despite this knowledge, Kazuya enters the Tournament it is his chance to defeat Heihachi. [U]Likes:[/U] Planning revenge on Heihachi. [U]Dislikes:[/U] Heihachi. ------------------------------- [U][I]The Catches[/I][/U] 1. I want to have good RPGers in my RPG, not people who punctuate evey sentence with many '!!!!' and litter their posts with incorrect spelling. 2. As usual, I expect regular posting on your part, good spelling and grammer and each post will have three paragraphs or more. Anyone who's quality and/or post will be given one warning, if it continues they are out of the RPG. 3. I have the right to accept or reject anyone who I feel does not come to the standards set out by the previous rules. 4. Have fun with the RPG :D. -------------------------------[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U]Let the fourth King of Iron Fist Tournament begin![/B][/U][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  20. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Okey doke, all so far are in and Outcast I still want you to finish the sign-up ASAP, it you have trouble just PM me. All remember that we still need about 5 more players for it to be a decent RPG, talk to friends about it etc and such, thanks guys ^_^[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]My Sign-up[/U] [U]Name:[/U] Forest Shev [U]Age:[/U] 19 [U]Town:[/U] Botanica City [U][I]Pokemon[/I][/U] Cacturne, Lv. 43 [U][I]Attacks:[/I][/U] Poison Sting, Ingrain, Spikes and Needle Arms Shiftry, Lv. 40 [U][I]Attacks:[/I][/U] Nature Power, Razor Wind, Torment and Extrasensory Crobat, Lv 42 [U][I]Attacks:[/I][/U] Wing Attack, Air Cutter, Ariel(sp) Ace and Poison Sting Tropius, Lv. 48 [U][I]Attacks:[/I][/U] Razor Leaf, Whirlwind, Magical Leaf and Solar Beam [U]Apperence:[/U] [IMG]http://www.gaming-media.com/rpg/atlc/Artwork/erik-1.jpg[/IMG] [U]Personality:[/U] Forest is one of those people who seems to hear someting when others hear nothing, and see what others do not, he is in touch with nature. He is very kind and caring and loves to make things grow and this makes Grass type Pokemon his favoured type in battle and thus choose them to represent him in battle. He loves for things to grow but must protect his Gyms honour during a Gym Battle and defeat the trainer thus stopping their dreams of the champion ships growing further. [U]Gym Leader[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Right-e-ho, all you guys are in, great sign-ups all around. We still need the other two main Uruk-Hai characters and I'd like some 'lackys', mean main characters but if we get all the main ones and no 'lackys' we can still start without them.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Okay Kitoku, make the changes to your sign-up as you said ASAP and Outcast make the sign-up ASAP :-P. I'd like to have at least ten people in order to do this the right way so people, please sign up ^_^[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U]TRANSFORMERS: BINAL-TECH Welcome to the new age[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Welcome to the world of Binal-Tech, before you continue please take the time to read this brief history and the meaning of Binal-Tech. ------------------------------- [U][I]The Story So Far[/I][/U] "2004 A.D.--Over ten years have passed since the first contact between Transformers and humans, and situations around the world have changed tremendously. The groundbreaking for Autobot City, the establishment of the EDC--the Earth Defense Command, the advances into outer space...humans and Autobots have now formed an invaluable community bound by a common destiny. Amid all this, destructive Decepticon operations using the metallic pathogen "Cosmic Rust" have caused irreparable damage to countless Autobot members of the Earth garrison. Megatron had just launched a war of conquest on the planet Cybertron, and almost all Autobot personnel and material had just left Earth behind. Having lost their trump card of defensive strength, cut off from all support, and faced with an absolute crisis, the EDC reaches an emergency decision to initiate the Binal-Tech Project, a "human-developed Transformers" plan they'd been considering for some time. Under the orders of the mother computer Teletraan-1, the development of transformable, humanoid machines is carried out at a rapid pace by companies and research organizations around the world. The wounded Autobots' personality data are transferred into the Earth-made robot bodies thus completed, and they are reborn as new man-made mechanical lifeforms. Here are born the warriors who are the hope of humans and Autobots alike, the Binal-Tech Transformers!" ------------------------------- Greetings members of OB, fans of RPG, fans of Transformers or if you'd like, all of the above :P. Welcome to my newest RPG based upon the up and coming line of Transformers toys which will be released early next year. The story, as you can see, is revolving around the Autobots and continues on directly from the end of the original series of 'The Transformers' anything after that, i.e. Beast Wars, Beast Machines, Armada etc, have not happened yet and so you can not be characters from those series. Also note that only the Autobots can be played as characters, all Decepticons are NPCs for this RPG. You may only be a character from the original series, albeit with an up grade, :D, due to the Binal-Tech project. I'll give you the requirements of your sign-up now. ------------------------------- [U][I]Making a Character for Binal-Tech[/I][/U] I'll just give you the basic run-down of the information you'll need for the sign-up and then give you an example. [U]Name and Title:[/U] Your characters name and the 'job title' they have. [U]Code-Number:[/U] The number in the Binal-Project your character is. [U]Motto:[/U] Your characters look in life, so to speak. [U]Gender:[/U] Male or Female, that simple. [U]Function:[/U] What is your characters main function. [U]Transformation:[/U] This is your alternate mode. [I]N/B:[/I] Due to the nature of the Binal-Tech project this must be an actual design of car, place etc. [U]Personality:[/U] How your character acts around others or interacts with them. [U]Apperance:[/U] A picture of the Robot mode and vehicle mode would be prefered here. [U]History/Biography:[/U] The back-story to your character, why they are here and so on. [U]Weapon(s):[/U] What weapon(s) your character weilds. ------------------------------- [U][I]Example Sign-up[/I][/U] This is an example sign-up, not my own character. If you wish to make Smokescreen your character, please talk with me first. [U]Name and Title:[/U] Smokescreen, Autobot Tactician. [U]Code-Number:[/U] BT-01. [U]Motto:[/U] "A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal." [U]Gender:[/U] Male. [U]Function:[/U] Diversionary Tactician. [U]Transformation:[/U] Subaru Impreza WRC 2003 [U]Personality:[/U] His duplicity carries over to his personal affairs. Charming and affable, it is easy for Smokescreen to use his genuine camaraderie with his fellow Autobots in order to root out their deepest concerns. And, at Optimus Prime's request, that is exactly what Smokescreen does, because Optimus feels that his role as Autobot leader creates a personal barrier between himself and his followers that he cannot overcome alone. Strangely enough, in Optimus' eyes, the most devious of the Autobots is also the most trusted. [U]Apperance:[/U] [URL=http://www.bwtf.com/binaltech/smokescreen/rm1.jpg]Robot Mode[/URL] and [URL=http://www.bwtf.com/binaltech/smokescreen/vm1.jpg]Vehicle Mode[/URL]. [U]History/Biography:[/U] The first Autobot warrior revived through the Binal-Tech Project. Save for the quantum computers of his cerebral section and his primary armament, his entire design was carried out by Japan's Fuji Heavy Industries, Inc. and STi, thoroughly reproducing all of Smokescreen's essential functions. In vehicle mode, he can reach a top speed of 230 km/h and can fire smoke cartridges from his tailpipe. He has taken on his previous role of clearing away his teammates' anxieties and fears, and in his current revival, he has come to strongly encourage other development teams and Autobot fighters. [U]Weapon(s):[/U] Electro-Disruptor rifle. ------------------------------- Thats basicly what the sign up needs to be and if you cannot find a sutible picture you can just say what the character looks like and such or I can find a picture for you, whatever suits you. And as usual my character sign-up, and who else but Optimus Prime :P. ------------------------------- [U][I]My Character Sign-up[/I][/U] [U]Name and Title:[/U] Optimus Prime, Autobot Supreme Commander [U]Code-Number:[/U] MBT-00 [Master Binal-Tech] [U]Motto:[/U] "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." [U]Gender:[/U] Male [U]Function:[/U] Autobot Leader/Commander [U]Transformation:[/U] Trailer Truck Cab [U]Personality:[/U] If he had been on Earth, he would be a doctor, a mechanic, a scientist and a warrior. But on Cybertron there is no difference between these professions. So Optimus uses his skills to heal and repair - which are the same things to Autobots - to improve the world around him and, if necessary, to fight. Both in power and intelligence, he has no equal. He has the personality of an Abraham Lincoln. He can be immensely kind and his compassion extends to all that lives, including the creatures of Earth. Yet he will battle unceasingly to protect the weak and defend what he believes in. To accomplish this, Optimus knows that the Decepticons must be defeated for all time. [U]Apperance:[/U] [URL=http://www.ultimatetoys.com.my/Preorders/Transformers/20thOptimusPrime/20thAnnivPrimeDifferentView.jpg]Robot Mode and Vehicle Mode[/URL] [U]History/Biography:[/U] Having been involved in the Cybertron Civil War from the beginning Optimus Prime is having the most trouble adapting to his new body, thought it is almost identical to his old one. Due to his status in the Autobots he was placed in the Master Binal-Tech project so he could be restored to his original form completely. His project was carried out by New United Motor Manufacturing and, as with all the BT projects, STi. As per to his wishes he was brought back to his original body and not an updated one like many of the other Autobots. While the project was under-way Smokescreen was finished as the first BT Transformer and code-named BT-01, he came to see Prime during his sparks insertion to the new body and make sure he was alright with the body. After the shakedown period Prime went to work straight away drawing up the plans for the Autobot City that would be built in America near the Arks crash site and awaiting the rest of the Autobot Force. His mobile base was also re-built along with himself, it has gone through a complete transformation and will serve as the Autobots mobile command centre for years to come and Roller has also gone though and change and is now gifted with a Robot mode instead of his normal single vehicle mode. [U]Weapon(s):[/U] Proton Rifle and Energon Axe. ------------------------------- [U][I]Rules of the RPG[/I][/U] As I usually do I'm just going to lay down the basic rules for those who wish to take part in this RPG 1. I want to have good RPGers in my RPG, not people who punctuate evey sentence with many '!!!!' and litter their posts with incorrect spelling. 2. Applications for characters must have a Personality and History which mirriors the original characters from the show, if you need information you can go here to get it: [URL=http://www.ntfa.net/universe/english/index2.htm]Whos who in the Transformer Universe[/URL] And remember that it is only Autobots that you can sign-up for. 3. As usual, I expect regular posting on your part, good spelling and grammer and each post will have three paragraphs or more. Anyone who's quality and/or post amount will be given one warning, if it continues they are out of the RPG. 4. I have the right to accept or reject anyone who I feel does not come to the standards set out by the previous rules. 5. Have fun with the RPG :D. [CENTER]-------------------------------[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U]ACTIVATE PROJECT BINAL-TECH[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  25. [CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U]Lord of the Rings, [I]Rise of the Ents[/I][/U][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Welcome my friends, to Fangorn Forest. It is the Third Age of the Sun and the War of the Ring has begun, the Rebel Wizard Saruman has had his fortress tower of Orthanc destroyed by the wrath of Treebeard and the mighty race of Ents.....but we are not telling this tale today, no. This is the story of a reckless Ent known as Quickbeam and his fight against the forces of Darkness and the Uruk-Hai Captain Grishnákh. This is their story, learn it well. ----------------------------------------- Greetings Otaku RPGers (And LoTR fans) welcome to my latest, and I hope greatest, RPG on Otaku. As you can see it is based upon 'Lord of the Rings' by J.R.R. Tolkien. The main races that this RPG focuses on is the Ents, Uruk-Hai and Orcs. The main characters, or Heros, are of my own invention and I hope that you enjoy playing this as much as I did creating it. Lets meet the Heros of our tale. ----------------------------------------- [U]The Heros of the Ents[/U] [U][I]Quickbeam, Leader of the Entish Group[/I][/U] Quickbeam is a young (By Entish Terms) and reckless Ent that has a deep loathing for any of those that have allied themselves with Saruman or his Master Sauron. He is a Birch Ent and so has seen many things that other Ents his age would have never dreamed of seeing. He witnessed first hand the Orcs and Uruk-Hai burning and hacking away at the trees of Fangorn forest and the death of his Farther as he struggled to defend the trees he so loved. He was there at Isengard and killed many Orcs and Uruk-Hai but he did not kill the one he was after, the Uruk-Hai Captain known as Grishnákh. [U][I]Whipbranch, Elder of the Leading Ents and Second in Command[/I][/U] As his name suggests Whipbranch is one of the Willow Ents from the far West of Fangorn forest where there are many lakes, rivers and ponds. He may not be one of the strongest Ents of the group but he is certainly the wisest. Almost as old as the great Treebeard, he has seen many wars and fought many battles in his time and been present in all of the Ages of the Sun. He attended the latest Entmoot and was present at the fall of Isengard. He feels it is his task the tutor the young and headstrong Quickbeam and teach him the value of taking his time, as is the Ent fashion. [U][I]Thornleaf, Tracker and Third in Command of the Ents[/I][/U] Even though he is of the Hawthorn Ents of the Eastern Realm of Fangorn and is the smaller of the 'Command Group' it does not mean Thornleaf is any less important to the cause than the other two leading Ents. As said, he is from the Eastern area of Fangorn and thus he knowns how to hide him self having grown up in the dense part of Fangorn forest and it also gave him the skill of tracking Orcs through the forest. He may not have seen many battles and is not the wisest of all Ents he does know his stuff when it comes to tracking an enemy and his small size aids him greatly when the need arises for him to use this skill to aid the Ents in their fight. He was also present and the Fall of Isengard. ----------------------------------------- [U]The Heros of the Uruk-Hai[/U] [U][I]Grishnákh, Captain of the Uruk-Hai Warband[/I][/U] Grishnákh, as you all know, is the arch rival of Quickbeam, but we know all of that so let us look in his past. Grishnákh was created by Saruman in the first Uruk-Hai spawning but he did not go with Lurtz and the other Uruk-Hai to fight the Fellowship at Amon Hen. Saruman kept him and a select few others to keep the Orcs and Goblins in line while they burned their way through Fangorn Forest and thus fought and killed Quickbeams Farther. He was not at Isengard but at Helms Deep and was one of the only Uruk-Hai to survive that Battle. Now he roams Middle-Earth, with Quickbeam and his Ents on his tail, destroying and killing at will. [U][I]Shagrat, Sergeant of the Uruk-Hai Warband[/I][/U] Shagrat is one of the younger Uruk-Hai in the Warband but by no means is he weak. He is one of the strongest in the group and thus fought his way up to the top to be the Second in Command of the Warband. He admires Grishnákh in every way and wants to make his command see how good he can be. He was among the Uruk-Hai that went to Amon Hen and captured Merry and Pippin, before entering Rohan he went with another group of Uruk-Hai who were heading toward Gondor. He was there at the fall of Isengard but managed to escape before the Ents broke the damn and released the river upon Isengard. [U][I]Azog, Weapons Expert of the Warband[/I][/U] Azog may be one of the most intelligent Uruk-Hai ever spawned, and thats saying something! He has a mastery of swords and armour and can make any weapons, however far gone it may be, leathel and capable of killing in a single stroke. He was in the Third Uruk-Hai spawning within Isengard and stayed within Isengard for much of his early life forging weapons and armour for the Army Saruman was breeding for the Battle of Helms Deep. He joined up with Grishnákh after Helms Deep and during the fall of Isengard, so he has yet to see any major conflict in the War of the Ring. ----------------------------------------- How'd you like them apples! But seriously, those characters, save for Quickbeam who I play, is up for grabs and playable by whomever I feel is worthy of them. Now if you don't fancy playing a hero you can sign up as one of the 'grunts' and now I'll give you the info I require for the character. [I]N/B: Even the Main characters also need to fit in their info with the basic Application structure.[/I] ----------------------------------------- [I][U]Types of Ent[/U][/I] This gives basic info on the types, or breeds of Ent you can be in this RPG. [U]Birch Ents[/U] Hailing from the parts of Fangorn worst affected by Saruman's machinations, Birch Ents burn with hatred for the tree-killers and are already roused into a fierce rage. This rage can often prove to be self-destructive, for Birch Ents will often charge off in pursuit of an enemy giving no thought to their own safety. [U]Hawthorn Ents[/U] Though not particuarly tall, Hawthorn Ents are covered with sharp, bristling thorns which can make striking them a very painful proposition! Also because of the thorns the undergrowth and leafs snag on them giving them a kind of disguise when in the woods. [U]Fir Ents[/U] Living in the harsher climates of Fangorn Forest, Fir Ents are incredibly hardy and can tolerate levels of pain and anguish that would most likely kill another Ent. This enables them to take many hits and this also allows them to sheild them selves from falling arrows with no pain. [U]Willow Ents[/U] Willow Ents are not overly strong, but are covered in a large mass of lash like branches. As these Ents fight with smaller creatures such as Orcs and Uruk-Hai these branches lash and whip about their opponets, flaying through exposed flesh and bone. [U]Beech Ents[/U] Incredibly lithe and swift, Beech Ents are able to cover great distance at speed, a feat most Ents find incredibly hard. They are less robust than their stronger cousins but are able to make up for their slighter stature with their heightended agility and speed. [U]Oak Ents[/U] Oak Ents are stronger than the average Ent, able to pulverise a foe in a single swing or mighty blow, however due to their large bulk they are not as dextrous as the other Ents and must rely of their Beech cousins for support when in the heat of battle [U]Ash Ents[/U] Whether due to a stronger will than other Ents or some obscure benefit of their heitage, Ash Ents are unusually resistant to magic of all forms, weathering the effects of hostile sorcery as they do the change of the seasons. ----------------------------------------- Okay, with the types of Ents our of the way I'll give you the layout I would like for your application to this RPG: ----------------------------------------- [U][I]Application Sheet[/I][/U] [U]Name:[/U] [U]Age:[/U] (Doesn't apply for Ents) *[U]Gender:[/U] [U]Weapons & Armour:[/U] (Again, doesn't apply for Ents) [U]Ent Type:[/U] (Only applys to Ent players) [U]Master:[/U] Saruman or Sauron (Only applys to Uruk-Hai characters) [U]Personality:[/U] (Do [U]NOT[/U] keep this simple, I like players in my RPGs to have a depth of character, not things like 'Is a nice person/Hates every one', please be serious) [U]Apperance:[/U] (As above) [U]Biography/History:[/U] (As above) ----------------------------------------- [U][I]My Character[/I][/U] [U]Name:[/U] Quickbeam [U]Age:[/U] N/A [U]Gender:[/U] Male [U]Weapons & Armour:[/U] N/A [U]Ent Type:[/U] Birch [U]Master:[/U] N/A [U]Personality:[/U] As with all of the Birch Ents, Quickbeam has witnessed things that he will remember until his dying day. He burns with fury at Grishnákh and the Orcs and Uruk-Hai of Saruman for what they did to his trees and to his farther. He is anything but level headed when it comes to Grishnákh and this very often leads him to making rash choices when he hears that the Uruk-Hai Captain is very close. This not only puts himself in danger, but also the Ents under his leadership. [U]Apperance:[/U] Quickbeam has a very thick trunk for an Ent of his size and age. His leaves are a golden brown during the autumn and a lush deep green during the summer. His bark is light brown with black patches over it. Across his left eye is a sideways gash which he recived from an Uruk-Hai while attempting to rescue his farther. His hands are very knuckley and each hand has seven fingers, each complete with very sharp ends. His arms and legs are very thick which allow him to clear the area of Uruk-Hai in a very short space of time. His large legs also allow him to move faster than most other Birch type Ents. [U]Biography/History:[/U] Quickbeam is a young (By Entish Terms) and reckless Ent that has a deep loathing for any of those that have allied themselves with Saruman or his Master Sauron. He is a Birch Ent and so has seen many things that other Ents his age would have never dreamed of seeing. He witnessed first hand the Orcs and Uruk-Hai burning and hacking away at the trees of Fangorn forest and the death of his Farther as he struggled to defend the trees he so loved. He was there at Isengard and killed many Orcs and Uruk-Hai but he did not kill the one he was after, the Uruk-Hai Captain known as Grishnákh. ----------------------------------------- [U][I]The Catches[/I][/U] 1. I want to have good RPGers in my RPG, not people who punctuate evey sentence with many '!!!!' and litter their posts with incorrect spelling. 2. Any person who wishes to play one of the 'Heros' must have a detailed Personality and Description which mirriors the personal history I provided and the type of Ent they are if they are one of the Ents. 3. As usual, I expect regular posting on your part, good spelling and grammer and each post will have three paragraphs or more. Anyone who's quality and/or post will be given one warning, if it continues they are out of the RPG. 4. I have the right to accept or reject anyone who I feel does not come to the standards set out by the previous rules. 5. Have fun with the RPG :D. *I am aware of the fact that in 'Lord of the Rings' there are no female Ents or Uruk-Hai but because Otaku is a mixed gender board I will not risk the wrath on the Female OBers and so have provided them the ability to play in my RPG :D. ---------------------------------------------------- [I]N/B:[/I] This is the second time I have posted this RPG on Otaku and I'd like for it to go better this time, just a note for those that signed up it the first time.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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