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Everything posted by Jokopoko
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Scott rubbed his eyes in frustration, [I]And to think, I thought this would be a plesent day'[/I], He thought as he looked over to the medical bay. It wasn't even 12:00 o'clock and already two people were in the med-bay, one of them a mutant who had come looking for trouble, the other was one of their own, a student. Scott wondered in the Professor or the other teachers had gone through this kind of stress when ever the XMen went into, or returned, from battle. They'd moved the two down from the Guest Room after the Mansion had unlocked the lower levels, part of the defense system when someone attacks.....someone like him. As he stood up Jean contacted him using her telepathy. ["Scott, theres a Pan Carter here, about joining the Institute, you remember don't you?"]. Scott looked confused for a few moments and suddenly let out a groan, he had completely forgot about the meeting. He gave one last glance to the two on the med-beds and walked, faster the usual, out of the door toward the upper levels of the school. As went on his way he saw Kitty going toward the Med-Bay, he guessed that Kurt must have asked her to go down there while Scott was talk to the new Mutant. When he emerged from the stairs Jean was there waiting for him, before he said anything she said: "I've already set him into the greeting room" "Thanks Jean, try not to have any catastraphies while I'm busy, okay?" He said with a side ways grin. She just laughed a little, shook her head and walked off down the stairs and Scott headed toward the Greeting Room to interview Pan. He walked in and saw Pan sitting on the one of the sofas. "Hi, I'm Scott Summers, welcome to the Xavier Institute" He said with a smile and putting out his hand for a hand-shake.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]To both Bouncer and bahumant111088, I'm afraid neither of you are accepted for the same reasons as Ugamon, your Bio's and personality aren't detailed enough, also [This is mainly bahumant111088 and Ugamon] your spelling and grammer leaves much to be desired. And bahumant111088, it doesn't sound like your discribing a mutation, more like magical powers. You can have another shot though, look and the other sign-ups and edit yours so they are of the same standard as everyone else's please.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]OOC: Glad to see the RPG has started, good work Outcast *Thumbs Up* I hope for all our sakes that this RPG takes off ^_^. ------------------------- "Okay, next is....erm," The Professor said glancing down at his chart, "...Landon Terse from Fortree City, please come this way. Landon gulped a bit and began to walk toward the Professor and the line of Pokeballs next to him. [I]'Wow, there are so many, I don't know which one to choose'[/I]. When he reached the table the Prof. smiled warmly at him and he just looked at him with a worried grin. "Don't worry, just choose any, it's like a pot-luck" The Professor said, trying to reassure him. [I]'Easy for him to say, what if I pick one that doesn't like me'[/I]. Landon walked up and down the line trying to see if he could tell the difference between all the Pokeballs on the line, but no such luck. He stopped about half-way to the left and looked at a group of balls that seemed the same as all the others. He just sighed, closed his eyes and thrust his hand in any direction until he felt his hand close around a Pokeball. After choosing he walked off to the side room he had seen the other boy walk into. He just gave the boy a sideways glace before picking up the PokeDex that was on the seat he had picked. "Okay," He said to himself, "lets see what I've got then, Pokeball, go!". With a flash of silver light a beachball shaped Pokemon appeard on the floor saying "Spheal, Spheal" in an happy voice, Landon pointed the PokeDex toward it and waited for the read out.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]A red and white blur past the Autobot's defense postion in the eastern quadrent of Cybertron, one of the areas where most of the combat took place because of it's energy sources. The Autobot on watch just thought it was his Optic Sensors malfuctioning and ignored it, this was his first mistake, his second would soon come. Starscream slowed down and made a 'U' turn and headed back to the Autobot postion, upon approach he began his transformation. "Starscream, TRANSFORM!" In a quick flash of twisting and bending metal the jet had become the form of the former Decepticon Second-in-Command and the young Autobot just looked at him and reached for his gun. "Pathetic fool!," Starscream yelled out, "Swindle, Transform and Combine!". Out of no where a red sports car came racing toward Starscream and linked to his back bosters causing them to flip into the firing postion. "Say hello to Primus for me, Autobot slag," Starcream taunted, "Null Laser Cannon fire!". In a flash of purple energy the Autobot and his defensive postion where wiped of the face of postion. Laughing manicly Starscream transformed again and took off to search for more prey.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]OCC: *Sigh* Did people read my recruitment thread? It appears not, Prof. Xavier has left the Institute and so have the other teachers from the original series, that sorted, good ^-^. ------------------------ Scott's eyes flashed dangerously behind his glasses as he gave the intruder a look over. He was a teenager, around 16 or 17 and his Mutation, what ever it was, wasn't evident. All Scott knew was that the kid had trashed the Auto-Cannons and all he had with him was a single Katana. He looked over the Jean and she noded in understanding, she took on a look of concentration as she tried to probe the boys mind, but after a few moments she turned to Scott. ["I can't get into his mind, he must have some kind of psychic barrier in effect"] He told him in his mind. Scott grimaced as he saw the others preping for a battle if need be, [I]'What are we doing',[/I] Scott thought, [I]We're the X-Men, we're ment to be the good guys in this fight.[/I]. He relaxed his stance and looked to the others to do the same and walked towards the teen with his hand out-streched. "We don't want to fight you, I'm Scott and if you'd like to talk to us about your gift, you can come in and take a look around if you'd like" Scott said, hoping he sounded and looked friendly enough.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]OOC: Ack! The training area is called the [U]DANGER ROOM[/U] not the Battle Room, and it's a Saturday so no one is at school :sweat: other than that gd job people. ------------------------ After having his breakfast and talking with Jean, Scott had made his way down to the Mansions Control Center [MCC] to make sure that all was working well and that the defense systems where ready should anyone, foolish enough to, attack the Institute during the School Season while most of the Students where out at school and it was mainly Himself, Jean, Kitty and Kurt. He took note of the fact that Kurt had 'ported into the Danger room and that several of the Students were heading that way for a training session. He reached over to the com-panel and pushed the button for the Danger room. [I]Scott:[/I] Hey Kurt, it's Scott, can you hear me? [I]Kurt:[/I] Load and clear, Scott. What is it? [I]Scott:[/I] It seems that several of the kids are heading your way so I think you should host a training session to wake them up. [I]Kurt:[/I] Ha, your a tough one Scott, don't worry, I'll wake them up. [I]Scott:[/I] Thats what I like to here, Scott out. He released the Inter-com button to the Danger Room and continued to check things out over the MCC with a slight grin on his face.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]My Character Sign-Up[/U] [U]Real Name:[/U] Dorian Nesmeth. [U]Callsign:[/U] Psychosis. [U]Age:[/U] 25. [U]Gender:[/U] Male. [U]Alliance:[/U] Southern Vipers. [U]Biography:[/U] During his child-hood Dorian was a very, to put it lightly, disturbed child he was always lashing out at people and screamed and shouted through the nights and if anyone tried to calm him he would leap at them and try to attack them. He was born and raised in England with his family, who were Nobles. They tried to teach him the 'proper' way of behaving in the company of other nobles such as them selves, but to no avail. So after 5 years of trying Dorian was sent of to the best Psychiatric Hosplital in the country and the doctors tried in vain to get through to Dorian, but they did had limited succsess, they were able to get him to channel his rage into some kind of productive form and they taught him all forms of Martial Arts, this was their first mistake. By the time he was 18 he had mastered some of the Martial Arts and was a lot calmer than he had been in childhood and the Doctors were very pleased with his progress and even aloud him to go to one of the Martial Arts Competition that was being held in the city. In the first few rounds it seemed that he was doing fine, but during the Semi-Finals he thought the other fighter had cheated him and he had a relapse of his childhood anger and attack the boy, crippling him for life. After the matter had been sorted with the Police the Doctors thought it best to keep Dorian locked up in Isolation in a padded cell, for days and nights he screamed, tried to get out and tried to harm himself, but he could not because of the Straight Jacket they had him in. He had been in the cell for almost 3 years until they finally let him out, they did not know who had authorized the release and they were very reluctent about letting him go, but let him go they did. He was taken to Japan under the pretence of going to a Sensei to rid him of his rage but this was all false, as he would soon find out. He was taken to a group know as the Southern Vipers where he could be put to use for them and his training in the Martial Arts complete, after several months of training he was presented with the Naginata and was, as it where, 'set lose'. [U]Personality:[/U] As you would expect Dorian is not a balanced individual, one moment he could be complementing you, the next, trying to rip out your throat, because of this he normally works alone when on assignment for the Vipers. It is because of this unstable element in Dorian's personality that makes him such a vicious fighter for the Vipers. Sometimes he was an un-nerving air of calm around him but theirs always the phsychotic glint behind his eyes that makes your weary of him, trusted by few and liked by none. [U]Weapon:[/U] [URL=http://www.practice-swords.com/images/products/2072-gt.jpg]Naginata[/URL] - The Staff is black with a silver line going up and curving around the pole which finishes at the blade. The blade is slightly more curved to make it a much more deadly. [U]Picture:[/U] [IMG]http://www.alloy.com/entertainment/celebcentral/starchart/images/photos/shane_west2.jpg[/IMG][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Okay everyone, the RPG has started and it's located here: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33086]X-Men Evolution: The Next Mutation [RPG][/URL] I hope you all enjoy it and I hope you all reply soon ;)[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U]X-Men Evolution: The Next Mutation[/U][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]"Mutation: it is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow, and normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution skips forward..." [I]Professor Charles Xavier, Founder 'Xavier?s School for the Gifted'[/I] ------------------------- Welcome all Mutants to my new RPG, firstly I'll go through the list of people that have joined and which group [If any] they belong to. [I][U]The X-Men[/U][/I] Scott Summers/Cyclops - Me Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler - Assassin Jean Summers/Phoenix - Ruby Kilani Tarot Shi'iandra/Genisis - Arika Jack Masters/Damage - Gohan Adam Luken/Bats - K.K.C. Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat - Rei Van Ambrose/Quantum - Outcast [Awaiting sign-up completion] Arrea Marsters/Benzaiten - Eclectic Danny/Panther - vicky Craig Sanders/Lightning - Yoda [I][U]The Brotherhood of Mutants[/U][/I] Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver - MajinVegeta [Awaiting sign-up completion] Lance Alvers/Avalanche - NPC Todd Tolensky/Toad - NPC Randy Robertson/Gravitonne - Heartless Me Serna Treyan/Paper - Bremma [I][U]Non-Affiliated[/U][/I] Kobata Gen/Illusionist - Metatron Pan Carter/Recon - Manic Bradley Deans/Rebellion - Bent Metal ------------------------- As you can see the X-Men outweigh the other two factions heavily, because of this the Brotherhood can treat Toad and Avalanche as NPC [Non Played-Characters] and still use them unless somebody signs up for them after this is posted [Sign-ups are still open and will be closed in one week.] ------------------------- [I][U]The Rules[/U][/I] 1. I want to have good RPGers in my RPG, not people who punctuate evey sentence with many '!!!!' and litter their posts with incorrect spelling. 2. Main characters are expected to set a standard for the other characters, I'd like to see this in the post quality of those with Main Characters. 3. As usual, I expect regular posting on your part, good spelling and grammer and each post will have three paragraphs or more. 4. Anyone who's quality and/or post amount drops they will receive two warnings and if it continues then your out of the RPG. 5. Have fun with the RPG :D. -------------------------[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U]Let the Next Mutation begin[/U][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]As Scott woke up he reached over to his bed-side table to get his glasses before he opened his eyes, [I]'I doubt Jean would want a new sun roof anyway'[/I], he thought to him self with a grin. He placed the glasses over his eyes and yawned, looking around the room and settling his eyesight upon his wife who was sleeping quietly beside him, [I]I better not wake her up just yet[/I], he though. Silently he slid out of his side of the bed and went to get dressed, he didn't feel like training the other X-Men this early in the morning, and plus is was a Saturday, so he just put of his casual clothes and headed downstairs to the kitchen. On his way down he almost ran into Kitty as she came running through her bedroom door, she was giggling and it looked like she had taken Kurts Holo-Watch, which he was very protective of, a few seconds later Kurt appeared next to Scott with a 'Bamf' and some smoke. "Scott, did you see which way Kitty went?" He asked in a worried German accent, being to tired to talk Scott mearly pointed in a vauge direction and after saying thank you Kurt took off down the hall with his Spider-Monkey agility, Teleporting every now and again. "Kids" Scott muttered, smiling. When he got to the kitchen he saw that several of the students were already eating breakfast, they all greeted him and he nodded politely. After getting together his and Jeans breakfast and placing it on a tray he took it carefully out of the kitchen and walked toward the stairs to head back up stairs. He noticed that Kitty and Kurt were stilling running around, silently he wished they would stop acting like children and set an example for the students, you would never have seen Logan acting like that with Storm. He walked into the room and saw that Jean was already awake and reading one of her books. "Morning, Jean" He said with a smile, she smiled back and saw the breakfast in his hands, "Oh Scott, you shouldn't have" She said looking lovingly at him. She then took the tray out of his hands with her powers and placed it on bed, and patting the bed she said: "Come and sit, we'll eat together". Scott smiled and walked toward his wife thinking this was a great beginning to a great day.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Okay, people who signed up after my acceptence message are all okay and I'd like for MajinVegeta and Outcast to finish their sign-ups, if they don't do it soon-ish I'll start the RPG sometime tomorrow and I'll send you each a PM with the link.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U][I]Character Sign Up[/U][/I] [U]Name:[/U] Alec Terse [U]Age:[/U] 23 [U]Gender:[/U] Male [U]Height:[/U] 5' "9 [U]Weight:[/U] 160lbs [U]Appearance:[/U] [URL=http://jokopoko.250free.com/alec-1.jpg]Alec[/URL] [It may look young but it's the best I have] [U]Biography:[/U] Alec was born in Romeo City and so grew up around Zoids during his childhood. As everyone knows Romeo City is the place to go for Zoid Parts, Upgrades, Repairs and all new Zoids and Alec's Farther was one of the best Zoid parts dealers in the city. Every day Alec would see Zoid Pilots and their Zoids coming to the Shop in order to buy new parts from his farther. Before he was even eight Alec knew more about Zoids than most new Pilots and was already helping his farther in the shop. His favoured Zoid was the Shield Liger and he enjoyed working on these the most but he always felt that they were lacking in something, but when a Pilot came in with a Leomaster Alec had found the Zoid for him and set about becoming a Zoid Pilot and using a Leomaster, this was at age 15. By the time he was 20 he had mastered the Liger system and was ready to buy his first Zoid and begin customizing it to suit his needs, his farther also helped him with this. When all was ready he sent off his teams application to the newly founded ZBC in the hopes of being accepted into the Zoid Teams Championships. A few weeks after applying Alec got the positive response from the ZBC and his Z.P.R.S. number, he was over-joyed and after a lengthy farewell to his farther he was off on his own Zoid adventure, ready to face the best, and beat them. [U]Personality:[/U] Alec has a very sunny dispostion, meaning he finds it hard to dislike anyone, no matter there back ground and that he can always see the positive side of things. He is very cheerful, which is to be expected, and always trys to make others feel happy or good about themselves. He is loyal to his friends and, if he has any, merciless to his enemies. It is during a Zoid Battle, that is for points and money not a friendly, that he really changes. He pushes himself, his Zoid and his team mates to the edge getting the best results but once the battle is over he is back to his normal self. [U][I]Team Sign Up[/I][/U] [U]Team:[/U] Strike Fighter Team. [U]Members:[/U] Alec Terse, Tierenan Cloud, Siaga Tatakai, Kei Misato [U]Rank within Team:[/U] Team Leader. [U]Team Zoids:[/U] X1 Leomaster X1 Konig Wolf X1 Ice Blazer X1 Raynos [U]Team Transport:[/U] Red and Silver Dragoon Nest. [U]Z.P.R.S Numbers:[/U] 2568731SF [Alec Terse] 2568732SF [Tierenan Cloud] 2568733SF [Siaga Tatakai] 2568734SF [Kei Misato] [U][I]Zoid Sign Up[/I][/U] [U]Name:[/U] Leo. [U]Type:[/U] Shield Liger DCS-J. [Leomaster] [U]Appearance:[/U] Leo looks like a regular Leomaster but his armour is red and black and his teeth and claws are silver. [U]Support Systems:[/U] Anti-CPG Sheild, Cooling System, Thermal Tracking, ECM System, Smoke Launchers and Laser Targeting. [U]Weapons:[/U] Twin 20 mm Cannons, Twin 30mm Cannons, Twin 8-shot rocket boxes, hardened alloy Strike Claws and teeth, Triple Impact Cannon, Twin Heavy Beam Cannons. [I]*Note:[/I] In order for the Leomaster to use the twin 30mm cannons the HBCs must be in the side postion. [U]Custom Modifications:[/U] Leg armour up-grade, Cooling System, Thermal Tracking, ECM System, Inter-Com system.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]My Character Sign-Up[/U] [U]Name:[/U] Tream [U]Age:[/U] 30 [U]Race:[/U] Saiya-Jin [U]Character your Replacing:[/U] Nappa [U]Signature Technique:[/U] [I]Fury Slash:[/I] Similar to 'Destructo Disk', but more powerfull. Tream puts out both of his arms out at his sides and begins to focus energy in each of his palms, the energy concentrates into a spining disk in each hand. Tream then brings them together to form one super powered energy disk and then throws it toward to the enemy, if hit by an enemys attack the disk splits into two and continues to go, this attack can cut through almost anything. [U]History:[/U] Tream has been partners with Zagat for a very long time and is, along with his team mate, one of the last Saiya-Jin's in the Universe after Planet Vegeta was destroyed. Since the mass destruction he has been in the empoly of Frieza by killing the inhabitants of a planet then puting them up for sale to other Powerful beings but is, and always will be, loyal to Zagat because he is his Prince and will follow him to the end. He, like Zagat, believes that Frieza destroyed their homeworld because of power of their Race. He may be one of the weaker of Frieza's main people but that doesn't mean he is willing to take insults and abuse from the others lying down. Luckliy for him when ever he attacks of of Frieza's men Frieza mearly laughs and says that they were weak anyway and allows Tream to live. [U]Appearance:[/U] [URL=http://napalmcandy.net/sbl/images/Nappa.gif]Tream[/URL] [U]Personality:[/U] Headstrong and arrogant. These are the traits of Tream's personality that come out the most, but he has Zagat to keep him in check if he gets to out of hand. He is very proud and gets extremely angry if anyone takes his pride from him by, say, shoting him in the back or kicking him when he's down. He only has a few of what humans would call friends and is intensly loyal toward them because they are all members of a dying race. [U]Powerlevel:[/U] 6,500, when fully powered up 10,000[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Going well people, here are the current standings for all who have applied: [U]Heartless Me[/U] [I]Randy Robertson/Grav[/I] Accepted [U]K.K.C.[/U] [I]Adam Luken/Bats[/I] Accepted [U]Gohan[/U] [I]Jack Masters/Damage[/I] *Accepted [U]Ugamon[/U] [I]Kredion Nash/Paladin[/I] Rejected (If you want to know why PM me, don't spam) [U]Arika[/U] [I]Kilani Tarot Shi'iandra/Genesis[/I] Accepted [U]MajinVegeta[/U] [I]Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver[/I] [Awaiting Sign-up] [U]Ruby[/U] [I]Jean Summers/Phoenix[/I] Accepted [U]Assassin[/U] [I]Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler[/I] Accepted ------------------------- [U]Gohan[/U] [I]Jack Masters/Damage[/I] - Nothing wrong with really, just the mutation. I dunno if this is true but it seems you think Alex is related to Jack, which he isn't because the Masters are his adopted family so I'd prefer it if you chaned the Mutation please, thanks.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Okay, you two are in and to people who will sign-up later, you don't have to be a main character (though it helps) you can make up your own and be on any of the three teams.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U]X-Men Evolution, The Next Mutation[/U][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]"Mutation: it is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow, and normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution skips forward..." [I]Professor Charles Xavier, Founder 'Xavier?s School for the Gifted'[/I] ------------------------- It has been a long time since Charles Xavier said those words, and much has changed. The world is a different place, the Mutant hype has settled somewhat, but their are still people out there that fear and hate Mutant kind and the same is true for Mutants that hate the Humans who wish to destroy them. There is still one place where Mutants of a young age can come to hone their skills and learn to use them to aid Man-kind, not to use them against them. The place is still Xavier?s School for the gifted, only the teachers have changed. Before it was Prof. Xavier, Logan, Ororo Monroe and Hank McCoy, their still around but they don't teach at the school any more, they passed that duty to their first group of students, the original X-Men. Most of the X-Men left to set up new groups across the world but four have chosen to stay and keep Xavier?s going. They are Scott Summers, Jean Summers, Kurt Wagner and Katherine 'Kitty' Pryde. They have remained at the Institute to teach the new breed of Mutants that are coming into the world today and they still operate on the some rules and guidelines set down by Charles Xavier in the beginning. But they are not the only Mutants who have remained in Bayville after all that has happened. Some members of the old Brotherhood are still around, as are members of the Acolytes and the Morlocks will always be there for the misfit Mutants of the world. The organisation of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate) still exists and its members are still willing to aid the X-Men but on the other side of the knife is the rouge group Hydra are still at large and are planning to release a new breed on Sentinel on the world of Mutants. ------------------------- Okay, basic story set up given to you there. I'll just give the info on which characters from the series are in this RPG and remember, it is 8 years after Evolution so please change the age and history to match. N/B If all these characters are not taken I will make them NPCs (Non-Played Characters) ------------------------- [U][I]The X-Men[/I][/U] [URL=http://x-men.aifandom.com/guides/scott.php]Scott Summers AKA Cyclops[/URL] [URL=http://x-men.aifandom.com/guides/jean.php]Jean Summers (Formally Jean Grey) AKA Phoenix[/URL] [URL=http://x-men.aifandom.com/guides/kurt.php]Kurt Wagner AKA Nightcrawler[/URL] [URL=http://x-men.aifandom.com/guides/kit.php]Katherine 'Kitty' Pryde AKA Shadowcat[/URL] [U][I]The Brotherhood of Mutants[/I][/U] [URL=http://x-men.aifandom.com/guides/lance.php]Lance Alvers AKA Avalanche[/URL] [URL=http://x-men.aifandom.com/guides/pietro.php]Pietro Maximoff AKA Quicksilver[/URL] [URL=http://x-men.aifandom.com/guides/todd.php]Todd Tolensky AKA Toad[/URL] [U][I]The Morlocks[/I][/U] [URL=http://x-men.aifandom.com/guides/caliban.php]Caliban[/URL] [URL=http://x-men.aifandom.com/guides/callisto.php]Callisto[/URL] [URL=http://x-men.aifandom.com/guides/evan.php]Evan Daniels AKA Spyke[/URL] ------------------------- Next is the sign up you are required to fill in if you wish to apply to this RPG, you make an original character if you do not wish to be a main character. Please make note that even the main characters need to fill in this sheet and take note of the notes I make about the main characters afterwards. ------------------------- [U]Character Sign-Up[/U] [U]Name:[/U] [U]Code Name:[/U] [U]Age:[/U] [U]Gender:[/U] [U]Apperance:[/U] [U]Mutation/Powers:[/U] [U]Originally From:[/U] [U]Affiliation:[/U] [U]Current Location:[/U] [U]Known Family:[/U] (May not apply to some main and original characters) [U]Personality:[/U] [U]Biography:[/U] (For main characters do not copy and paste the info as a whole from the site because this is 8 years later and some info would not apply) ------------------------- [U]Notes for the Main Characters[/U] [I]Jean and Scott Summers:[/I] They have been married for 2 years and have a child on the way, a girl. [I]Kurt Wagner and Kitty Pryde:[/I] They have been dating for around one and a half years and are engaged to be married within the next 3 months. [I]Lance Alvers, Pietro Maximoff and Todd Tolensky:[/I] They have a few new 'students' within the Brotherhood and are still living in the house though it is larger and a lot cleaner. [I]The Morlocks [As a whole]:[/I] They are still very recluse and distrust most of the surface dwellers. The leaders are now Callisto and Spyke. ------------------------- Thats basicly all the information, aside from my character and the rules, which I will give now. ------------------------- [U]My Character Sign-Up[/U] [U]Name:[/U] Scott Summers [U]Code Name:[/U] Cyclops [U]Age:[/U] 27 [U]Gender:[/U] Male [U]Apperance:[/U] [URL=http://members.aol.com/flemart7/cyclops.jpg]Cyclops[/URL] [U]Mutation/Powers:[/U] Powerful Optic Blasts [U]Originally From:[/U] Missouri [U]Affiliation:[/U] Xaviers School for the Gifted, X-Men [U]Current Location:[/U] Xaviers School for the Gifted, Bayville [U]Known Family:[/U] Jean Summers (Wife), Alex Summers (Brother) [U]Personality:[/U] When the new X-Men find themselves forming into a team, big brother Scott naturally took charge. He is a natural leader, having experience from the original team. He is always there for the team and goes above and beyond when he feels anyone from the team is in any kind of danger. He is a loyal friend and always helps out the team with what ever problem they are facing. [U]Biography:[/U] Scott Summers is the one the others all look up to, especially since he was Xavier's original recruit. Scott is confident and good-natured, although some people might get the idea that he's a little aloof (it's the dark-glasses thing). Scott is good at sports, and especially excels at basketball and soccer. He is originally from St. Louis, and has that standard American non-accent. Scott is an orphan, and was separated from his brother (Alex Masters - Havok) at an early age. Add to that these crazy eye beams that he can't control, and you can see that his life hasn't handed him the best hand. Scotts Mutation comes in the form of Optic Blasts that can devestate the area around Scott. Since he had help from Charles Xavier Scott has gained greater control over his power, though it can still fire off at random so he still wares the glasses made for him by Prof. Xavier. He is the head-teacher of Xaveirs School for the Gifted and heads up the team whenever the X-Men go out on a mission, he cares deeply for his wife and his friends and would go to any lengths to save them, even sacrifice himself. ------------------------- [U]The Catches[/U] 1. I want to have good RPGers in my RPG, not people who punctuate evey sentence with many '!!!!' and litter their posts with incorrect spelling. 2. Applications for main characters must have a Personality and History which mirriors the personal information provided for each of the characters on the website. 3. As usual, I expect regular posting on your part, good spelling and grammer and each post will have three paragraphs or more. Anyone who's quality and/or post amount will be given one warning, if it continues they are out of the RPG. 4. I have the right to accept or reject anyone who I feel does not come to the standards set out by the previous rules. 5. Have fun with the RPG :D. [CENTER]-------------------------[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U]X-Men Evolution, The Next Mutation[/U][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Okay then, because I'm a kind person and feel sorry for all these people that are having trouble with their Pokemons sign-up/attacks by level 5, I have a great site to help you: [URL=http://www.upnetwork.net/pvg/games/rs/newpokes.shtml]UPNetwork: Ultimate Pokemon Network[/URL] It has a complete Pokedex on all Pokemon that appear in the Ruby & Sapphire versions of the game, including the original ones that are there. Note for Arcadia: You got the abilites of Trapinch mixed up with it's attacks :sweat: That attack(s) it should have by Level 5 are Bite.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]OOC:I'm sorry if this is kinda crappy but it's late and I'm kinda having writers block :sweat: --------------------- After the meeting with the council Roph had gone straight to his home to prepare him self for the coming challenge and also to fetch the list of the people which would join him, he had never meet any of them because the list had been created by the Scribes after studying the vast archives on the population of Archon. In truth he had actually meet on person, Chelte, she and Roph had some history because they were both trained by the council at around the same time, though Chelte was younger than Roph they had made some kind of connection. But she had gone cold toward him after he was released from training eariler than he because she felt she was as ready as he was and wanted to be put on mission but the council had told her she was to young. Now when ever she and Roph meet she would try to outdo him and prove he was better [I]"This is a serious mission, so she better not screw it up with her petty rivalry"[/I] Roph thought to himself. He continued around the room gathering the equpiment and supplies he would need for the mission. He sighed a bit when he realised that Chelte, being the closest by, was the first he would need to contact. After one last check around the house he gathered his things together and set out on his first real 'adventure', if you could really call it that. The first stage of the journey, Roph thought, was just to get the 'Rangers' together and ready to fight, he just hoped that non of them were squimish and didn't like using weapons or MechaMagic. He glanced back down at the list and realised that one of these people may be the one called Strift "I better not worry about it until I meet him I guess" He thought. To make sure that Chelte would be there when he arrived at the Training Ground he took out his Vid-Watch and silently prayed that she wouldn't bite his head off or go over the top.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][B]On the world of Archon Magic & Machine blend together in perfection, but there is an evil force at work to destroy the perfect balance and plunge the world into war. [U]Archon, The Worlds Tale[/U][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Hello and welcome to my first Original RPG here on Otaku, first of all you should only reply to this thread if you are one of these people: ----------------------- [U][I]TechnoMagi Rangers[/I][/U] Roph - Played by Me Vinz - Played by Vicky Delles - Played by Ohkami Xenz - Played by DaisukeAngel Chelte - Played by Stick Fairy Strift - Played by Ayokano Jelvi - Played by Sakura Kid [U][I]Minions of Orphe (And himself)[/I][/U] Orphe - Played by The Harlequin Fenix - Played by Solo Tremaine Tythel - Played by Ruby Aven - Played by Arika -------------------------- [U]Recap of the story so far[/U] Welcome to Archon, the TechnoMagi world where all is in a state of union, but not for long. The rebel Magi known as Orphe has gone against the council of TechnoMagi and begun destroying the bond between the magical and mechanical, this is a course of action which will lead to the destruction of Archon and cause the factions of Magic and Machine to begin a War that will cover the entire world. Orphe has already destroyed many of the machines in the western realm of Archon and is getting ready to launch an attack on the east and the main headquarters of the TechnoMagi council. It is the duty of Roph and his group to stop Orphe creating his army and attacking the land of Archon. But this is easier said than done. -------------------------- Okay, if you were not on that list don't not post here please. Those who should be playing allow me to set up some rules: [I]1/[/I] All posts must be at least three paragraphs in length. [I]2/[/I] No spam posting, if you have a question send me a PM. [I]3/[/I] As all ways spelling and grammer must be kept at a decent standard. [I]4/[/I] If you should begin to slide in your post quality etc you will have one warning via PM and if you continue to slide you will be removed from the RPG i.e. Your character will be killed. [I]5/[/I] Have fun in this RPG and see it though to the end.....lest you be killed along the way. [CENTER]Let us begin[/CENTER] ----------------------- [I][U]Within the halls of the TechnoMagi council[/U][/I] As Roph stepped into the blessed place he could feel the mass of magic in the air, as he walked, as he breathed and even as he thought. He paused for only a while before continuing on his way, along the passage he saw many stain glass windows showing important people or events from Archons past, and all the way has a great picture painted upon the ceiling of the very first TechnoMagi, the man to unite the magic and machine but his name had been lost over the many ages and wars since the joining. He did not know why, but Roph got the feeling that the painting and images upon the windows were watching him as he walked and listening to his echoing footfalls. After what seemed like hours Roph reached the end of the passage and was greated by two large ornate doors with many intricet and delicate designs carved into it, on the side of each door was a statue of a great warrior from Archons past who had defeated the first of the DarkMagi. He breathed in silently as the great doors swung open revealing the TechnoMagi council, each siting on a marble column surrounded by a blue aura. For a few moments non of them spoke until the lead member, Gant, addressed Roph. "Roph, Champion of Archon. Do you know why we have summoned you here?" He asked in a solum voice. "I do, sir" Roph replied in a steady voice. "Then you know what you must do, seek out Orphe and destroy him, for the good of Archon" Gant said, in a somewhat sterner voice. "Yes, sir. I understand what I must do, sir" Roph responed, in the same steady voice. "Then you may go" The TechnoMagi said and waved his hand toward the door" Roph bowed to each of the seven council members, turned and headed toward the door. The journey down the corridor was much faster than the way their Roph thought to him self, though he still got the feeling that each image and painting was watching him go, as if they knew that he held the weight of Archon upon his shoulders, well he and his group did.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]This seems to be going swimmingly ^-^, I believe one of my most replied to RPG applications. Heres the standings of those who have applied (All of them): -------------------- [U]Ayokano[/U] [I]Strift[/I] *Accepted [U]Arika[/U] [I]Aven[/I] Accepted [U]Ruby[/U] [I]Tythl[/I] Accepted [U]Sakura Kid[/U] [I]Jelvi[/I] **Accepted [U]DaisukeAngel[/U] [I]Xenz[/I] Accepted [U]Ohkami[/U] [I]Delles[/I] ***Accepted [U]The Harlequin[/U] [I]Orphe[/I] Accepted [U]Stick Fairy[/U] [I]Chelte[/I] Accepted [U]Vicky[/U] [I]Vinz[/I] Accpeted -------------------- [I][U]Ayokano *[/U][/I] I'm accepting you but theres a few things I'd like you to change. Firstly you put 'Strife' as your name in the sign up, please change it. And the grammer i.e. spaces after full stops and colons, also add more to and change your personality. [I][U]Sakura Kid **[/U][/I] Basicly the same as Ayokano with the grammer and spelling. I'd like you to change the history as well because Jelvi has always been one of the Guardians. [I][U]Ohkami ***[/U][/I] Same as above for the grammer. And please make your history A.S.A.P.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]My Character[/U] [U]Name:[/U] Landon [U]Age:[/U] 16 [U]Gender:[/U] Male [U]Height:[/U] 5' 8" [U]Weight:[/U] 135lbs [U]Hometown:[/U] Fortree City [U]Appearance:[/U] [IMG]http://www.pojo.com/videogames/rubysapphire/characters/trainer.jpg[/IMG] [U]History:[/U] Landon was born in Johto and grew up in Olivine City, his mother was a Nurse at the Pokemon Center and his farther a Marine Pokemon Biologist. He was raised around Pokemon from the moment he was born, whether it was being at the Center with his mother, or going out on an mission with his farther. His childhood Pokemon was a Farfetch'd which his farther had caught the Day before he was born so he decided to give to Landon as a kind of 'Birthday' present. When he was seven his farther got a job offer from the Weather Center near Fortree in Hoenn. On the day of the move Landon had to realse Farfetch'd back into the wild, but it followed him and the boat as far as it could until having to fly back toward Olivine. On arrival Landons farther was greated by the chief scientist while he and his mother got used to the new house. The Pokemon around Fortree were quite different to the ones from Olivine and he wasn't exposed to them as much because now he was older and his mother didn't need to take him to the Center to look after him and his farther was working in a lab and no longer went out on the expoditions. After his 16th Birthday Landon told his parents that he wished to be a Pokemon trainer, so they allowed him to go to Little Root to get his own Pokemon and start his new life and adventure in the Hoenn Leage, [U]Personality:[/U] Though Landon is a quiet kind of person that doesn't mean he doens't care about people and Pokemon. He can be very caring when it comes to the safety and well-being of his Pokemon, especially Blaze, and will always take them to the Pokemon Center when the need arises. When it comes to people he is fine with Pokemon trainers but not with most others people, he tries to avoid them so when walking along he is either looking around or talking with Blaze if he is out of his PokeBall. Generally a calm and considerate person, he only becomes loud and impulsive during a Pokemon Battle. ------------------------- [U]My Starter Pokémon[/U] [U]Nickname:[/U] N/A [U]Species:[/U] Spheal [U]Apperance:[/U] [IMG]http://www.pokemania.net/Jeux/Pokemon%20RS/173.jpg[/IMG] [U]Evolutions:[/U] [URL=http://www.pokemania.net/Jeux/Pokemon%20RS/174.jpg]Sealeo[/URL], [URL=http://www.pokemania.net/Jeux/Pokemon%20RS/175.jpg]Walrein[/URL] [U]Type:[/U] Water/Ice [U]Starting Moves:[/U] Powder Snow, Water Gun and Growl[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Okay, you two are both in. I'd just like to note a few things for those that sign-up after this message. The world is of my own creation but if you want to make up a place or city etc where yout character came from your welcome to. Also the weapons and skills, you can judge that from the little bit of info I gave on the character I.E. Strift doesn't know any MechaMagic but is highly skilled with machines etc. Any thing else I need to say will be edited on to this or posted in a new message.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][SIZE=2][B]On the world of Archon Magic & Machine blend together in perfection, but there is an evil force at work to destroy the perfect balance and plunge the world into war [U]Archon, the Worlds tale[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Welcome to Archon, the TechnoMagi world where all is in a state of union, but not for long. The rebel Magi known as Orphe has gone against the council of TechnoMagi and begun destroying the bond between the magical and mechanical, this is a course of action which will lead to the destruction of Archon and cause the factions of Magic and Machine to begin a War that will cover the entire world. ------------------------------ [IMG]http://jokopoko.250free.com/shu-1.jpg[/IMG] Orphe is highly skilled in the casting of Magic and distrust all machines. He believes that for Archon to become all that it can be all of the machines must be purged from the planet and that the Magi should Rule with Magic. He has a select group of followers that believe his words to be true and will follow him till the end [IMG]http://jokopoko.250free.com/arc-1.jpg[/IMG] In light of this fact the Council has dispatched one of it's most loyal followers to destory Orphe and his minions. His name is Roph and with the help of some friends he will find and destroy Orphe and bring an end to his evil plot. He is highly skilled in the weilding of the sword and the use of MechaMagic, he is the champion of Archon and all know his name. ------------------------------ Orphe has already destroyed many of the machines in the western realm of Archon and is getting ready to launch an attack on the east and the main headquarters of the TechnoMagi council. It is the duty of Roph and his group to stop Orphe creating his army and attacking the land of Archon. But this is easier said than done. ------------------------------ Okay, thats the two main characters introduced. I'll give the list of Rophs group and the people under Orphes control. ------------------------------ [U]The TechnoMagi Rangers[/U] [URL=http://jokopoko.250free.com/alec-1.jpg]Vinz[/URL] -Vinz is effectively the second in command of the group. This is not offical but generally excepted. He knowns much about Machines, mostly flyers, and tends to use partical weapons in combat instead of swords. Though his skill is machines he knows some about MechaMagic. [URL=http://jokopoko.250free.com/cyhryl-1.jpg]Delles[/URL] -Delles is Vinzs sister and the 'tough cookie' of the group. She is skilled in armed combat and has knowledge of MechaMagic. She sometimes feels that Vinz doesn't act like the Second in Command but she has yet to try and take his place. [URL=http://jokopoko.250free.com/erik-1.jpg]Xenz[/URL] -Xenz has a deep connection with the magic of Archon and prefers to use it instead of machines. But unlike Orphe he sees that the union is best for Archon and will fight to protect it. [URL=http://jokopoko.250free.com/masia-1.jpg]Chelte[/URL] -Chelte is a TechnoMagi in training, in a manner of speaking. Her tutor has on the council and she has much skill in the field of MechaMagic and combat. She uses her staff as a weapon as well as using it to cast spells. She sees Orhpes idea of the true Archon as untrue and will die protecting her home. [URL=http://jokopoko.250free.com/ruts-1.jpg]Strift[/URL] -Strift is the ultimate handy man, having parts for any and all machines of the Rangers and he can repair them in the fastest time. He grew up in a heavily mecha area of Archon so he has little talent with MechaMagic, nor is he skilled in combat, prefering to make and take apart weapons rarther than fire them. [URL=http://jokopoko.250free.com/teo-1.jpg]Jelvi[/URL] -Jelvi is a mysterious person from the Temple Ruins where Magic and Machine first became one. He is one of the guardians and is gifted in both Machine and Magic. He was sent by the older guardians to assist Roph is hunting down and destroying Orphe and his plans. [U]Minions of Orphe[/U] [URL=http://jokopoko.250free.com/Kukuru-1.jpg]Fenix[/URL] -Fenix is one of the DarkMagi from the sect known as the broken circle. They share the same views as Orphe and so sent Fenix to assist him in his task. He is one of the most skilled DarkMagi on the planet being able to cast spells from a great distance but he is terrible when it comes to using machines and would rarther destroy them then live along side them. [URL=http://jokopoko.250free.com/sania-1.jpg]Tythl[/URL] -Tythl is Orphes right-hand woman when it comes to dealing with trouble like Roph and his team. He is devoted to his cause and is highly skilled in MechaMagic as well as some of the machine weapons used by the TechnoMagi and others around Archon. The cards she uses are charged with magical energies and each have a different effect. [URL=http://jokopoko.250free.com/shante-1.jpg]Aven[/URL] -The wife of Orphe and his most trusted advisor and companion. It is her job to keep the others in line and make sure they are devoted to the cause of making Archon pure and eliminating the TechnoMagi so the Magi and DarkMagi can rule alone. Her skill is in the DarkMagi spell craft. ------------------------------ Main plot line and main characters introduced, time for the sign up sheet. For each of these sections I'd like real thought please, not just one-liners with no effort put into them. I'd like at least a paragraph for personality and the same, if not more, for the biography. ------------------------------ [U][I]Application Sheet[/I][/U] [U]Name:[/U] [U]Age:[/U] [U]Gender:[/U] [U]Apperance:[/U] (Use the pictures provided) [U]Personality:[/U] (Please [U]DO NOT[/U] copy and paste the info I posted) [U]Chief Skill:[/U] (Either MechaMagic or Machines, some are balanced) [U]Weapons:[/U] (Either MechaMagic, Machine or a mix) [U]Alligence:[/U] (TechnoMagi or Orphe) [U]Biography:[/U] ------------------------------ [U][I]My Character[/I][/U] [U]Name:[/U] Roph [U]Age:[/U] 19 [U]Gender:[/U] Male [U]Apperance:[/U] [IMG]http://jokopoko.250free.com/arc-1.jpg[/IMG] [U]Personality:[/U] After having years of training under the Master TechnoMagi Roph has become a very serious person. He does not enjoy fooling around while on a mission and expects all of his orders to be followed to the letter. While off mission he does ease up a bit an allows himself to relax but he is always on his guard and ready to face a challenge. It is not in his nature to make rash choices or go on the spur of the moment but sometimes he does. Due to his training he has a link to the MechaMagic of Archon and this can sometimes sother him or work him into a rage. He doesn't really know what it means to have friends but Strift and Chelte will change that. [U]Chief Skill:[/U] A mixture of MechaMagic and Machine, though MechaMagic is higher [U]Weapons:[/U] MechaMagic Sword, Own MechaMagic and a Particle rifle [U]Alligence:[/U] TechnoMagi [U]Biography:[/U] As said before Roph was trained by the TechnoMagi for many years. It started when he was around 5 and his skill in the machine and MechaMagic was made apparent. The first stages of his training where with MechaMagic and his sword, this would get him tuned to the MechaMagic of Archon and allow him to use his sword with greater ease because, being charged with MechaMagic, it would become in escence a part of him. His training became more intense when he was around 13 and he was released into the world to face real challengers. He has defeated many enemys in his short life and has taken their own energies into himself, this is a unique skill that he alone posseses. He knows very little of his past life before the TechnoMagi council took him in and so he does not remember his parents or siblings if he had any. His main goal in life is to find his family but right now it is his mission to defeat Orhpe and bring peace to Archon once again......so this is what he will do. ------------------------------ The Catches 1. I want to have good RPGers in my RPG, not people who punctuate evey sentence with many '!!!!' and litter their posts with incorrect spelling. 2. All applications must have a detailed Personality and History which mirriors the personal information I provided for each of the characters. 3. As usual, I expect regular posting on your part, good spelling and grammer and each post will have three paragraphs or more. Anyone who's quality and/or post amount will be given one warning, if it continues they are out of the RPG. 4. I have the right to accept or reject anyone who I feel does not come to the standards set out by the previous rules. 5. Have fun with the RPG :D. [/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]My Character[/U] [U]Name:[/U] Starscream [U]Age:[/U] 220 Million Years (You can check, it's true) [U]Gender:[/U] Male [U]Race:[/U] [URL=http://www.ntfa.net/ntfa/techspecs/armadaspecs/Decepticon.gif]Decepticon[/URL] [U]Alliance:[/U] [URL=http://www.ntfa.net/ntfa/techspecs/armadaspecs/AutoDecept.gif]Rebel[/URL] [U]Weapons:[/U] Wing Sword and Narrow Beam Laser Cannons [U]Transformation:[/U] Futuristic Jet [U]Minicon Partner:[/U] [URL=http://www.ntfa.net/ntfa/techspecs/armadaspecs/Swindle.jpg]Swindle[/URL] [U]Minicon activated weapon:[/U] Null Laser Cannons [U]History:[/U] Starscream's intelligence and skill assured him the postition of second-in-command of the Decepticons. His agility and speed made him the Air Commander. Despite (or more likely as a result of) possessing so many talents, he was very insolent and sought to replace Megatron as leader. Despite all of his abilities, he was not always looked upon very favorably by his fellow Decepticons. They followed his orders, but believed him to be quite cowardly, demanding, and an ineffective commander. Starscream, however, merely believed the others envied his superiority. The thoughts of his comrades were also shared by Megatron, who especially resented Starscream's rebelliousness and belief that he would one day be the leader. Yet Megatron appreciated having a scapegoat around on whom to blame if things went wrong, and he also had to acknowledge that despite all his faults, Starscream was valuable to the Decepticon cause. Starscream's origin is traced back to when he was a scientist and explorer from Cybertron. While on a mission with his fellow scientist and friend Jetfire to chart what was then a newly discovered planet--Earth--Jetfire was lost. After searching for him in vain, Starscream returned to Cybertron. Shortly thereafter he joined the Decepticons. Before the War with the Autobots Starscream was, as said before, mainly a science officer for the Decepticons. After finding his own Mini-con partner, Swindle, his combat programming began to take more of a hold on his core personality and he became more cold and aloof. In one of the earlier battles he 'Power-linked' with Swindle for the first time and used his 'Null Laser Cannon' which decimated the Autobot line and won the battle for the Decepticons, after that he was a complete soldier. He became Aero-Space commander and Second-in-Command of the Decepticons. But he did not feel that Megatron was fit to lead the Decepticons and tried on several occations to take control, all of which failed. After a terrible defeat for the Decepticons Megatron punished Starscream and banished him from the Decepticon ranks. He is now a Rebel with only Swindle to keep him company, though he hopes that his friend Jetfire will return one day. [U]Appearance:[/U] [IMG]http://www.ntfa.net/ntfa/techspecs/armadaspecs/Starscream.jpg[/IMG] [U]Personality:[/U] His stint as the Decepticon Second-in-Command changed Starscream from the non-violent Scientist to what he is today. Very cold and aloof, he considers himself the most hansom of the Transformers and the most intelligent. If he was human he would be vain, but you can't place human sterotypes on to a Transformer. He thinks himself to be very powerfull, which in truth he is, and can over-estimate himself at times. His true goal is to defeat Megatron as the leader of the Decepticons and take his place as leader, but that will happen in time.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][U][COLOR=CRIMSON][SIZE=3][B]In the Grim Darkness of the 41st Millennium Man-Kind has an Empire that spans the galaxy.....and we have found only war Daemonhunters, The first act[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Welcome to the 41st Millennium, by the scale of man. There is no peace among the stars, only war. War with Races such as the Eldar, Tyranids, Orks and the worst, Necrons. The brave chapters of the Holy Emperors Space Marines fight these aliens everyday, every hour, every minute and every second. But these aliens are nothing compared to what lies in the vast folds of the Warp. A non dimension where the laws of the physical world to not apply and evil and un-holy chaos daemons and their masters roam. It is the charge of the Grey Knights Space Marine Chapter and the Ordo Malleus order of Inquisitors to fight these Daemons for the good of the Human Race and to prevent the perversion of our galaxy by these abominations. --------------------------------------- It is your task to take on the role of a Grey Knights Terminator and clense the stars of these foul beings. The following is information on the Grey Knights Terminators, read it, and learn it well, for it could one day save your life. --------------------------------------- [U]A Grey Knights Terminator[/U] [IMG]http://www.games-workshop.com/40kuniverse/warhammer40k/daemonhunters/gallery/images/gkterminator3-background.jpg[/IMG] The elite warriors of the legendary Grey Knights Chapter are a fearsome force on the battlefield, trained to fight and triumph against seemingly insurmountable odds. They are armed and armoured with the most ancient and revered artefacts from the dawn of the Imperium, and each is a potent psyker in their own right. It is whispered that these peerless warrior-mystics endure the agonies of the Emperor?s Soul Binding as part of their final initiation. If such stories are true, their will power and stoicism must be far beyond that of even the most dedicated servants of the Imperium. --------------------------------------- If you do not feel that you have what it takes to challenge the beasts of the Warp, then turn back. But know this, all you are proving is that you cannot face the challenge, and defend your home and pay honour to the memory of the Emperor who gave his life to save ours. Those who continue will learn the story of a group of Grey Knights Terminators. The squad of Brother-Captain Paladyne had a strong reputation within the Grey Knights, known as the Daemon Slayers they cut a swath of Daemon destruction through all of the Daemon infested worlds that they came to. But their worst mission was that which took place on the newley infested world of Kryak. The cultits of Slannesh had claimed the world as his and an entire brigade of Imperial Guard troops. Along with a large force of Grey Knights the Daemon Slayers made a landing and began to clense the planet. When the arrived at the capital city of the nothern continent they were confronted by a [URL=http://www.codevermillion.net/picturesjeff/alien/chaos/slan_dem.htm]Greater Daemon of Slannesh[/URL] and within the first minute of combat many of the squad had been killed With a cry of fury Paladyne took his Force-Halbard and thrust it into the daemons core, with a psychic scream the daemon was banished into the realm of the Warp, never to walk the mortal world again. After the conflict only a hand full of the Daemon Slayers were left, the remaining members were dispatched to new squads and Paladyne was to choose a new squad. This is where we begin. --------------------------------------- [U]Weapons of the Grey Knights Terminators[/U] [U][I]Nemesis Force Weapon:[/I][/U] A Nemesis Force Weapon takes the form of a Halberd or a Sword. Each weapon is filled with psyker energy that can be used to cast daemons back into the Warp. All Grey Knights are armed with either a Sword or Halberd. [U][I]Storm Bolter:[/I][/U] The Storm Bolter is attached to the left arm of a Terminator suit of armour and fires a double load of blest bolter shells that can tear apart any of those un-loyal to the Imperium. [U][I]Incinerator:[/I][/U] Incinerators are blessed weapons, fuelled with the purest consecrated promethium and blessed oils to burn with the white heat of pure faith. They can replace the Storm Bolter and Psycannon. [U][I]Psycannon:[/I][/U] The psycannon are based on bolt weapons, replacing the bolt warheads with ritually inscribed silver tips. A Grey Knight Terminator armed with a psycannon can fire it at full effect even when on the move. They can replace the Storm Bolter or Incinerator. --------------------------------------- Now with all of the RPG information out of they way (And hopefully you still have your mind) I can give you the application sheet required for your character. --------------------------------------- [U]Application Sheet[/U] [U]Name:[/U] [U]Age:[/U] [U]Gender:[/U] [U]Apperance:[/U] [U]Personality:[/U] [U]Weapons:[/U] One Nemesis Force Weapon and one of the others listed. [U]Biography:[/U] We all come from Earth, no other planets. If you need help say so and I'll help out. --------------------------------------- Okay, as I normally do, I will give the details of my character and then give you the rules of the RPG. --------------------------------------- [U]Name:[/U] Roboute Paladyne [U]Age:[/U] 47 [U]Gender:[/U] Male [U]Apperance:[/U] Brother-Captain Paladyne is a very striking person to look at when not in his Terminator Armour. With his shocking green eyes and wild black hair it is no wonder why his enemys fear him and men respect him. He is 6' 4" (All Space Marines are around the same hight) and is incredibly muscular because of his Space Marine heritage. Across his right eye is a diagonal gash which he got while fight with the Daemons of Khrone on Helthek, his hair is still very full and colourful dispite his age, but to a Space Marine age is no object. He has a very commanding presence in the way he walks, holding him self the way a true Space Marine should. [U]Personality:[/U] After the rigorous training he recived while being taken into the Grey Knights Chapter, Roboute Paladyne became a different man. He is incredibly strict and stern, he leaves no time for friendship and always obeys the orders of his commanding officer and any Inquisitor. He is very straight forward when doing something and leaves nothing to question or chance. He would not hesitate to shot someone who questioned the order or who should disloyalty to the Imperium. He lothes any and all daemons kinds and would never go into combat along side, what the people have dubbed, a 'Daemonhost'. He has unwavering loyalty to the Grey Knights and the Imperium and will fight to the death to rid the Universe of the threat of Chaos and it's Daemons. [U]Weapons:[/U] Nemesis Force Halberd and Storm Bolter [U]Biography:[/U] One of the few humans who had the honour of being born on the soil of Holy Terra, the resting place of the Emperor and his palace. He grew up on the western hemisphere of the plant on the continent his anchestors named 'Asia'. He was identified as a Psyker very early in life and was chosen for service with the Grey Hunters because of the fact that his power was to great to be a Psyker for anyother Space Marine Chapter. He has never known his family, they only family he has ever had, or needed, has been the Grey Knights. From the age of 13 his transformation into a Space Marine began, new genes were introduced to his body and new organs grew withing him. By the time he was 21 the transformation and training were complete and he joined his Brother-Marines in combat. He did not begin as a Terminator, he was among the Power-Armoured Grey Knights and was quickly promoted to sergeant for his heroism in the defence of Cadia during the 13th Black Crusade of Chaos. When he was 32 he was honoured by being blessed with the Terminator Armour of his chapter and began a new his campaign to destroy the daemon threat. He lead his squad to victory against the Arch-Heritic Valken on Wevns. For that act he earned the rank of Brother Captain and became leader of the 'Daemon Slayers'. --------------------------------------- [U]The Catches[/U] 1. I want to have good RPGers in my RPG, not people who punctuate evey sentence with many '!!!!' and litter their posts with incorrect spelling. 2. As usual, I expect regular posting on your part, good spelling and grammer and each post will have three paragraphs or more. Anyone who's quality and/or post will be given one warning, if it continues they are out of the RPG. 3. I have the right to accept or reject anyone who I feel does not come to the standards set out by the previous rules. 4. Have fun with the RPG :D. ---------------------------------------[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][SIZE=3][B]Slay the Daemon and give thanks to the Emperor[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]Name:[/U] Schneider [U]Age:[/U] N/A [U]Race:[/U] Grim Reaper [U]Decription:[/U] [URL=http://magyss.com/images/art/reaper.jpg]Schneider[/URL] [U]Bio:[/U] The most loyal and powerful servant of Kaiser. He is powerful in every way, and will take on any challenge. He came with Kaiser to win the war. He is a hunter of darkness, and can srike in the blink of an eye. (I'll make it longer later :sweat: ) [U]Weapons:[/U] Grim Reaper Death Scythe charged with soul energy.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]