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Everything posted by Jokopoko
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Okay, I've selected the bands I like from the list and heres my 'Two Cents' (Or pence for me cause I'm from England :D) [U]KoRn[/U] I've heard quite a few of their songs and my fave by far has to be 'Thoughtless' and it's first re-mix, it's an amazing song. [U]Slipknot[/U] They were the first 'Alternative' band that I liked until I grew out of them :sweat: but quite a few of their songs are good, like 'Wait and Bleed' and 'Left Behind' [U]System of a Down[/U] Amazing band! All of their songs on 'Toxicity' are great and I like 'Aerials' most of all [U]Marilyn Manson[/U] I like a lot of his early stuff and some of his latest things are bad either I.E. 'mOBSCENE' and 'This is the new s**t' [U]Static X[/U] Again, a great band with some good songs. Like 'Cold' and the one I can't remember which was also gd >
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Theres quite a few songs that remind me of people and places, hmmmm *ponders* what are they: [I]Idlewild[/I] - Remote Part/Scotish Fiction [I]Staind[/I] - It's Been a While [I]Hoobastank[/I] - Running Away [I]Custom[/I] - Hey Mister (:laugh:, listen to it and you'll guess why) [I]System of a Down[/I] - Aerials [I]Disturbed[/I] - Fear or Numb (I can't remember which) [I]InMe[/I] - Neptune (:( Sad song) I'm sure theres more but I can't remember them >
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Coming from England, as I do, I have never had to endure a 'School Spirit' week, and from what I have read I'm very glad of that. Though all the 'days' would have had made a change seeing as my school has uniforms, the closest we got to was 'Non uniform day'. But I don't have to wear uniform anymore ^_^, thats cause I'm what we commonly call '6th Form', which is the last two years of school which we choose to come back. And as for feeling thankful for my school and 'patriotic' about it I could never go that far :sweat: I'm still suprised that most, if not all, American schools begin the day with the Pledge of Alligence.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][list] [U]Metallica[/U] - Very good band, can't go wrong with them [U]Dream Theater[/U] - Never heard them *Notes to download* [U]Queens Of The Stone Age[/U] - Quite a few good songs [U]Down[/U] - Never heard them *Notes to download* [U]Mastodon[/U] - Never heard them *Notes to download* [U]Sevendust[/U] - Never heard them *Notes to download* [U]Pig Destroyer[/U] - Never heard them *Notes to download* [U]Cradle of Filth[/U] - Their okay I guess, a few good songs I'd say [U]Deftones[/U] - I think I've heard them and they were good [U]Mudvayne[/U] - Never heard them *Notes to download* [U]Disturbed[/U] - I love this band! :D 'The Sickness' is a very good album and 'The Game' is one of thier best tracks [U]Coal Chamber[/U] - Heard at least one of their songs and it was very good [U]Staind[/U] - Good band to start on I guess, helps you move on to better stuff [/list][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]I am a firm believer in Evolution myself. Their is evidence of Evolution all over that planet, from micro-organisms to Dinosaurs and from the tiny (and cute :p) first mammals to us. I also believe that the next step in our course of Evolution will be realising the full potentional of our brains. We currently only use around 6% to 11% of our brain power and what is the point of having so much 'free space' in the brain without having something to come along and fill it? I have an un-proven theory on our 'possible' psychic abilites, if anyone wants to hear my long winded explanation about that they are welcome to PM me :D[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Heh, I know this is a little short, but anywho: Why did the Football team fire their Answering Machine as the Goal Keeper? When ever the ball got near the Machince said 'Sorry, no bodys in right now'[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]After having the animal DNA placed with his body and intergrated, Optimus Primal was feeling a little off balance. It was very likely, he thought, that the mechanical parts of his body were just ajusting to the fact that their was now living tissue inside of him and was working around it to get smoth running. A strange thing had happened during the process, not only had the Maximals Transformations changed, but also their outer appearance, it was very strange. "Mmmm, I dunno about this...I mean my CPU is showing," Rattrap moaned while looking into one of the Axalons windows admiring his new appearance, "and my 'Beast Mode' is a Rat, I mean come on, Airazor must have been having a joke, I mean look. Beast Mode!" After saying the final phrase Rattrap twisted and turned until the Robot parts of him had dissappeared into a perfect Rat disguise, in the back Cheetor and Airazor could be heard chuckling to themselves. "Hey you two! This isn't funny," Rattrap called to them, sounding hurt, "I miss my Cybertron form already. Rattrap Maximize!" And again the Maximal form of Rattrap was visable. "I know what you mean Rattrap, but we will have to get used to our Beast Modes, when the others have finished the transformation we can move out and look for the Predacon base, understood?" Optimus said while looking out of the view port looking at the new world.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Visions of the past flew past Optimus Primals opticals while he was unconsious, having his Spark activated for the first time, entering the Maximal Army, defeating the last of the Predacon terrorists on Cybertron, being granted the Matrix of Leadership which had been owned by his ancestors and the great Autobot leader, Optimus Prime. He did not know how much time had passed between the crash landing and his waking up in the ruins of the [I]Axalons[/I] bridge. He slowly got to his feet, as did the rest of the Maximal crew. "Damage report, Rhinox?" Optimus asked. "Yes, sir. Most ship functions has ceased and the shiled isn't going to last much longer, which could be a problem if the Predacons come calling". It looked as though Rattrap was going to give a witty remark to the statement when his body was suddenly engulfed by a blue engergy field. "Yow! What on Cybertron was that!" He said as he yelped in pain again. "Cheetor *shocked*, whats happeing here?" Optimus asked, his voice full of confusion. "I'm not sure Big Bot, but it seems that we've landed on [I]Energonia[/I], or to put it another way, the Energon capital of the Universe *shocked*. Theres to much of it, if we stay exposed we won't be fuctioning much longer" The youngster of the team replied. Optimus began pacing around the bridge, or rarther it's ruins, thinking of an idea that could save the Maximals when they needed saving the most. He was still browsing though his memory files when Airazor suddenly snapped her fingers. "I've got it!," She called out, "Optimus, I've been running a scan of the planet and it is host to many organic lifeforms that seem unhurt by the lage amounts of Energon so if we fused our mechanical parts with their DNA we could be protected against the Energon." "Very well, Maximlas, begin scaning the planet for suitible creatures to combine with and then we can set out and find the renagde Predacon ship".[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]:D:D Woo, we have Rattrap! :D:D:D I really thought his character would have been taken much sooner but....meh. We have him now which is a gd thing, you can start posting ASAP Lady Katana :D.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]I'm afriad you can't be Silverbolt Bouncer because he (and Quickstrike) don't enter the Beast Wars until after the Vox planet killer is destroyed (Transmetal Era) and thats not going to happen until we reach that point in the RPG, then I'll open a new recruitment thread called 'Beast Wars: The Transmetal Era' and so on and so forth, but you can be either Rattrap or Tigertron :D[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B] Good, good another Maximal (Can never have to many of them :p) Your in Brolli and you can start posting in the RPG okay[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]OOC: :sweat: erm, we don't actually crash on the planet (Either ship) because first we need to go through the Transwarp Area of space in order for to be sent back in time and all this, there are several plot lines I'm sticking to and thats one of them, so Ayokano Predacon crashing is kinda.....not there now :sweat: ----------------------- IC: "Optimus to all hands! Brace for impact!" He called out as the Predacon laser fire struck the back of the [I]Axalon[/I]. The impact caused many of the consoles on the bridge to short out and Rattrap went flying forward into a near by screen, while climbing out of the rubble he said, as he always did, "I knew it! We're all gonna die!". "Stop speaking like that Rattrap and return fire!" Optimus shouted and Rattrap instanly shut up and fired upon the Predacon ship, scoring three direct hits and crippling their engines. Just as Optimus was about to congradulate Rattrap for his Markmanship a huge explostion rocked the ship. "By the Matrix, what was that?" Optimus asked. Cheetor ran to the science station and quickly ran a scan of what had just hit them. "What in the name of Cybertron....it's an area of Transwarp space, we're being dragged along by the wave front, and so are the Preds....what are we gonna do Big Bot?" The youngster asked Optimus. "Firstly we need to know where this Transwarp wave is taking us, can you get a fix on our location Rhinox?" Optimus asked. "Attempting to now, sir," He replied, his face suddenly dropped as he looked at the read out on the screen, "The question isn't where we are, but [U]when[/U] we are, sir" Rhinox said, still staring at the screen blankly. Optimus was going to ask him what he ment when another wave front crashed into them sending them into another stream and another time frame and the [I]Axalon[/I] began to spin out of control and all onboard blacked out, only to reawaken when they were deposited again....where ever that may be.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[B][CENTER][U][COLOR=CRIMSON]WELCOME TO THE BEAST WARS![/COLOR][/U][/CENTER] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][U]Lets have a quick recap of the story so far:[/U] [I]300 years have passed since the Great War, now the Maximals rule over the planet Cybertron. Of all the relics from Cybertronian history, the most guarded is an ancient Golden Disk which shows the location of a key energon source. A Predacon rogue named Megatron has stolen the disk for the information it contains and escaped onboard a transwarp ship. His plan, find the source of energon to wage a new war against the Maximals and allow the Predacons to conquer Cybertron and the galaxy. Because no other ship was in the area the Maximals dispatched the explorer ship Axalon under the command of Optimus to intercept Megatron and recover the disk. Their pursuit however took them through transwarp space into another part of the galaxy and another time period where after suffering heavy damage both ships crash onto the surface of an unknown alien planet. Upon arrival it appears that the Predacons have failed to reach their destination of Earth but find that this alien planet is ripe with energon. In fact too much of it. Energon in such quantities is harmful to their robotic forms. They therefore have no alternative but to fuse their mechanical superstructure with animal DNA which exists on the planet to shield themselves from the damaging energon effects.[/I] ----------------------- Please don't reply to this RPG unless you are one of these people and have a character to play: [U][I]Maximal Characters[/I][/U] Optimus Primal - Taken by me Rhinox - Taken by ssjBrolli Cheetor - Taken by Ohkami Rattrap - Taken by Lady Katana Airazor - Taken by Arika Dinobot - Taken by Ayokano (Until we crash Dinobot is a Pred') Tigertron - [I]In need of a player[/I] ----------------------- [U][I]Predacon Characters[/I][/U] Megatron - Taken by Solo Tremaine Scorpinok - [I]In need of a player[/I] Tarrantulas - [I]In need of a player[/I] Terrorsaur - Taken by Leh Waspinator - Taken by Lrb BlackArachnia - Taken by Ruby Inferno - Taken by Hack Helba ----------------------- As you can see not all of the characters can be played so far, so if you wish to join in with this RPG please post an application in the Application thread in the Recruitment Board (Link is in my sig). Let us begin. ----------------------- [CENTER][I]Aboard the Maximal Ship [U]Axalon[/U][/I][/CENTER] "Computer, begin log entry. Maximal Ship Axalon, Optimus Primal commanding". [I]'Accesing log files.......complete, please begin recording'[/I]. "Commanders Log: Cycle 156. We've been tracking the rouge Predacon ship for three mega-cycles now with no end in sight for the chase. Their commander, one Megatron, is called a renagade by the Tripredacus Council, but I know better. Theres is a political cover, I truth I think they love what Megatron is doing and believe it is only a matter of time before the second great war starts," The Maximal commander sighed heavily as he paused the recording, he strode over to the view port before beginning again, "If that is the case and Megatron uses the Golden disks to change the past, that could mean the end not only for the Maximals and Autobots, but the entire Universe. End log" Optimus walked over to his desk and thought for a moment about starting on some paper work, that was before the ship was bathed in a red glow and the alert siren sounded in the ship. Optimus quickly raced out of his chamber and toward the bridge. When he arrived Cheetor was in a panic and Rattrap was, as usual, muttering things like "We're all gonna die", Optimus walked over to Rhinox for a report. "Optimus, sir. We've spotted the Predacon ship, it's only a few clicks from us, I've changed out course and gone to red alert" The chief Science officer, and second in command, reported. "Good work old friend, lets get those Predacons and the golden disk so things can return to normal. Rattrap, pred the ship for battle, Cheetor, calm down and help Rattrap!" Optimus commanded. "Yes, Sir, Optimus" Came the unifed response. As the crew began following their orders Optimus went to the command chair and looked into the view screen and was greated by the rear of Megatrons ship, [I]"I pray by the Matrix that we get out of this alive"[/I] He thought quietly to him self as the came closer and closer to the Predacons ship. -----------------------[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U]LET THE BEAST WARS BEGIN[/U][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]My Sign Up[/U] [U]Name: Tai Gensai[/U] [U]Age:[/U] 17 [U]Personality:[/U] Tai is generally a very cool, calm and collected person. In normal life he tends to be very quiet and calm, giving his opinion only when he is asked for it or when he feels the need for it. But when in his soul is withing the Cynet he becomes different, he takes on (what some consider) and new personality and is much more involved in what is going on around him. [U]Bio:[/U] Tai was raised onlt by his Mother because his farther had died in a Military combat before Tai had been born. He was a sensative and quiet child and could see problems in some that others could not, sometimes he would simply stare into space for great lengths of time just because he felt like it. At the age of about 12 he became interested in the police force and robotics and so when he heard of the Cynet from a friend of his mothers who worked their he dedicated his life to becoming a Pilot of one of the Cynets. [U]Appearance:[/U] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/ut/god/Faceka.art[/IMG] [U]Cynet:[/U] [IMG]http://skg.250free.com/renmazuo.jpg[/IMG][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U][I]Sign Up Sheet[/I][/U] [U]Name:[/U] Tream [U]Age:[/U] 28 [U]Race:[/U] Full Saiya-Jin [U]Character your Replacing:[/U] Nappa [U]Signature Technique:[/U] Deselation(sp?) Beam [U]History:[/U] I'll edited to match up with Zagats 'cause we're partners (right?) [U]Appearance:[/U] Tream is 5' 8" and has long black hair like all members on the Saiya-Jin race. His eyes are a vivid green and his tail is normally wrapped round his waist like a belt and is always wearing the Saiya-Jin armour given to him by his farther. His scouter has a green tint. He may not look as strong as he is, but the enemy think better when one of his punches connect with them. [U]Personality:[/U] Tream could destroy an entire city with a single montion, if he could be bothered. He's not very enthusiastic(sp?) about his job but he still enjoys doing. He has the bad habit of toying with then enemy before destroying them, much to the annoyance of Zagat, who finds it a waste of time when their powerlevels are much higher than the enemys. When he gets down to work, he gets down to work being able to take down a whole squad of enemy fighters in one motion. Some consider him over confident in his abilites, but he says if he is he will have to train even harder to get to his own belief of his power level. [U]Powerlevel:[/U] 4,000[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]Name:[/U] John Leonard [U]Colour:[/U]Psycho Red [U]Weapon:[/U] Chaos Sword [U]Human Appearance:[/U] Short black hair, brown eyes, tall. [U]Ranger Appearance:[/U] Red armoured Psycho Ranger [U]Zord:[/U] Red Dragon PsychoZord[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Hello to any fellow OB trekkers, I've seen loads of quiz threads so I thought we trekkies could have one :D. I'll start with an easy question: What are the classes of every [I]U.S.S. Enterprise[/I] (Not the NX-01) from Kirks first to Picards Last?[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]^_^, Yay-ness! Another Predacon. If things keep going like this we might be starting on Sunday (Hopefully). I'll just refresh peoples memorys of those characters that still need someone to play them: ------------------------- [U][I]The Maximals[/I][/U] Rhinox Rattrap Tigertron [U][I]The Predacons[/I][/U] Scorpinok Tarrantulas Terrorsaur ------------------------- So thats only 3 either side :D, just 6 more people and we can play so, please, if you know anyone that fits those characters please pass along the word of the RPG and send them this way. P.S. I've been having trouble getting on to OtakuBoards lately so if I don't reply for a while you know why, okay :D[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]My Character[/U] [U]Name:[/U] Malorne [U]Race:[/U] Night Elf [U]Gender:[/U] Male [U]Class:[/U] Druid [U]Appearance:[/U] Malorne is like many Night Elves, he stands at around 6" 5', has deep purple coloured skin and vibrent green hair. His eyes are bright yellow which enable him to see great distances in and out of the darkness. Like many Night Elves he tends to shun the Day and prefers to act during the Night if he is going to act at all. [URL=http://www.blizzard.com/wow/images/classes/druid-character.gif]Malorne about to transform into a Bear[/URL] [U]Weapon:[/U] Druid Staff, Night Elf Rune Blade and various bags of Druidic substances [U]Background Story:[/U] Malorne was born in the post-Burning Legion era of his people, thus he was taken away from his family at a very young age to be trained in the art of the Druids because the Elders feared the return of the Legion and due to the War the Night Elves were without many of the Elder Druids, so many young were taken in order to be trained and be ready to defend the land when, and if, the Legion returned. After his training Malorne went into recluse so he could hone his talents in the time between the leaving and return of the Legion because of this he was become very skilled in the arts of Druids. During the latest war (Warcraft III) Malorne was a great asset to the Night Elves and helped them win many battles. In the war he befriended many creatures of the world, two of them stand out the most. Featherwing the [URL=http://www.battle.net/war3/images/nightelf/units/portraits/faeriedragon.gif]Faerie Dragon[/URL] and Morn the [URL=http://www.battle.net/war3/images/nightelf/units/portraits/mountaingiant.gif]Mountain Giant[/URL]. They have been his friends for many years now and respond to him when ever he calls upon them for help, no matter where he is. Due to the greater activity of the Orcs, Taurn and Undead in the recent years Malorne has once again taken up his Staff to combat the forces of evil and bring peace to the world once again.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Good, we now have a Megatron, now maybe we'll get some more Predacons :sweat: If we get at least 2-3 more Predacons I'll start the RPG but sign-ups will still be open. [I]Taki[/I][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]You can be Rhinox if you really, really want him. But if he's not your number one it'd help the RPG if you would choose Waspinator, okay? Other than that alls going well, remember: Spread the word to get more Predacons and the few remaining Maximals! :D[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Going well people, though we still need more Predacons. Anime_Forever, it's not just about where he got his information from it's also about how he presented it, it was a better quality than yours I'm afriad (Not flaming, this is true) and I do like my RPGs to have people of a high posting quality, sorry.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U]WELCOME TO THE BEAST WARS[/U][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][I]300 years have passed since the Great War, now the Maximals rule over the planet Cybertron. Of all the relics from Cybertronian history, the most guarded is an ancient Golden Disk which shows the location of a key energon source. A Predacon rogue named Megatron has stolen the disk for the information it contains and escaped onboard a transwarp ship. His plan, find the source of energon to wage a new war against the Maximals and allow the Predacons to conquer Cybertron and the galaxy. Because no other ship was in the area the Maximals dispatched the explorer ship Axalon under the command of Optimus to intercept Megatron and recover the disk. Their pursuit however took them through transwarp space into another part of the galaxy and another time period where after suffering heavy damage both ships crash onto the surface of an unknown alien planet. Upon arrival it appears that the Predacons have failed to reach their destination of Earth but find that this alien planet is ripe with energon. In fact too much of it. Energon in such quantities is harmful to their robotic forms. They therefore have no alternative but to fuse their mechanical superstructure with animal DNA which exists on the planet to shield themselves from the damaging energon effects.[/I] ----------------------- As you may have guessed this RPG is based on the TV Show know as 'Beast Wars: Transformers'. In which the decendents of the Autobots (Maximals) and Decepticons (Predacons) are at war with each other. After traveling back in time they must collect enought Energon in order to repair their craft and return to the future. ----------------------- [U][I]Maximal Characters[/I][/U] [URL=http://www.transfandom.com/sos/bw/media/images/profiles/s1/primal.gif]Optimus Primal[/URL] - Taken by me [URL=http://www.transfandom.com/sos/bw/media/images/profiles/s1/rhinox.gif]Rhinox[/URL] - Taken by ssjBrolli [URL=http://www.transfandom.com/sos/bw/media/images/profiles/s1/cheetor.gif]Cheetor[/URL] - Taken by Ohkami [URL=http://www.transfandom.com/sos/bw/media/images/profiles/s1/rattrap.gif]Rattrap[/URL] - Taken by Lady Katana [URL=http://www.transfandom.com/sos/bw/media/images/profiles/s1/airrazor.gif]Airazor[/URL] - Taken by Arika [URL=http://www.transfandom.com/sos/bw/media/images/profiles/s1/dinobot.gif]Dinobot[/URL] - Taken by Ayokano [URL=http://www.transfandom.com/sos/bw/media/images/profiles/s1/tigatron.gif]Tigertron[/URL] ----------------------- [U][I]Predacon Characters[/I][/U] [URL=http://www.transfandom.com/sos/bw/media/images/profiles/s1/megatron.gif]Megatron[/URL] - Taken by Solo Tremaine [URL=http://www.transfandom.com/sos/bw/media/images/profiles/s1/scorpinok.gif]Scorpinok[/URL] [URL=http://www.transfandom.com/sos/bw/media/images/profiles/s1/tarrantulas.gif]Tarrantulas[/URL] [URL=http://www.transfandom.com/sos/bw/media/images/profiles/s1/terrasaur.gif]Terrorsaur[/URL] - Taken by Leh [URL=http://www.transfandom.com/sos/bw/media/images/profiles/s1/waspinator.gif]Waspinator[/URL] - Taken by Lrb [URL=http://www.transfandom.com/sos/bw/media/images/profiles/s1/barach.gif]BlackArachnia[/URL] - Taken by Ruby [URL=http://www.transfandom.com/sos/bw/media/images/profiles/s1/inferno.gif]Inferno[/URL] - Taken by Hack Helba ----------------------- Any character without the 'Taken by' tag is still avalible for you to apply for, unless it has a 'Reserved for' tag. ----------------------- [U]Sign Ups[/U] The sign up should include: Name: Character Name Allegiance: [URL=http://www.snapbag.com/~flux/tf/tshirt/bw_max.jpg]Maximal[/URL] or [URL=http://www.snapbag.com/~flux/tf/tshirt/bw_pred.jpg]Predacon[/URL] Function: What part does your character play Alternate Form: Beast Mode Armament: What weapons do you have? Biography: Bio of your character N/B: For help on the sign up, go to [URL=http://www.transfandom.com/sos/bw/profiles/index.html]Sparks of Steel[/URL] and click on your character. To those who have already signed up, you don't need to change your info. ----------------------- [U][I]My Character[/I][/U] [IMG]http://www.transfandom.com/sos/bw/media/images/profiles/s1/primal.gif[/IMG] [U]Name:[/U] Optimus Primal [U]Allegiance:[/U] Maximal [U]Function:[/U] Maximal Captain / Commander [U]Alternate Form:[/U] Gorilla [U]Armament:[/U] Twin wrist mounted blasters, Twin ninja style swords and Shoulder mounted rocket launchers [U]Biography:[/U] Selected by the High Council to lead a research team on a reconnaissance mission, Optimus Primal is a direct descendant of the original Optimus Prime and it shows. He cares not for war, he only wants peace. However, the threat of his mortal enemy, Megatron, and the Predacons has forced him into battle on a distant planet. Stranded there, it is up to him to lead his army of Maximals to victory over the forces of evil. Optimus is kind and compassionate just like his predecessor. He will never leave a teammate behind and his heroism in battle has made him a legend in his own time. [U][I]Motto:[/I][/U] ?War is something I wish not to be a part of. But if you force me to fight then you force me to win!? ----------------------- [U]The Catches[/U] 1. All posts must be at least three, or more, paragraphs long when the RPG begins 2. I would like good grammer and such during the RPG as well as no flaming (Or whatever you would like to call it) in-character or out of character. 3. I have the right to reject or accepted whom ever I choose. -----------------------[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U]LET THE BEAST WARS BEGIN[/U][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]John was quietly reading in his room when the Cell phone went off, telling him that there was a mission briefing at HQ. He sighed a little, he'd have to finish his eassy after the Mission [I]'One of the downsides to being a Mutant I guess'[/I] He thought to him self while he got his coat and hat from his room. He went into the main area of the apartment and made sure that it was okay to leave, an upside to living alone was that everything stayed in it's right place, which John liked very much. The watch went off again, but this time a voice came out of it, "All members of Op. Group Solidarity and Group Blueberry report in at base ASAP". John pressed the 'speak' button on the side of the cell phone and said: "Greenleaf here, I'm on my way". One more quick glance around told him that it was all okay to leave and he was out of the door and locking it a few seconds later. He walked toward the Mall, which was only a few streets away from his apartment building. He thought he might catch a glimse of the others on the way to the Mall, but to no luck. He entered and headed towards the base entrance and wondered what the Mission would involve this time.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]My Character[/U] Name: John Harrison Codename: Greenleaf Age: 19 Occupation: College Student Identity: Only know to exsist by the teachers and pupils in the College Legal status: Citizen of United Kingdom with clean record Group Affiliation: "Mutant Brigade. Operation Group #4: Solidarity.". Eyes: Vivid Green Hair: Black with green streaks Strength Level: John possess the normal strenght of a man of his age who engage in moderate regular exercise. Mutation Type: Flora/Fauna-kinetic Known superhuman power: John has the ability to control the plant life on Earth, raging from the smallest weed to the tallest tree, much like a Pyrokinetic can control fire. The ability is limited to a certain range, meaning, if John wanted to control a plant outside of the range he would have to get closer to the plant. Identifying quote or Special quirk: John hates to see the plant life destroyed and in his off time he tends to the gardens around the city helping them to grow Special limitations: N/A Others: Can I edit this later? I'm rushed for time right now[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]