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Everything posted by Jokopoko
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]While Steven sat through his English class his head was still spinning with the information that Dorimon had given him earlier that day. He, and four others, were Digidestined (What ever that ment) but it sounded impressive. And the five of them were ment to be the saviours of the Digital World when the Seven Great Demon Lords rose again to attack the Digital World. He was only partly aware of the lesson passing and going to the lunch room to get some food. He had brought Dorimon with him to school because he didn't want anyone from home to find him, he had put him in his locker and when no one was around he went back and checked up on him. "Hey, psst. Dorimon are you okay?" Steven asked the little Digimon. "What, huh? Oh right, yeah I'm fine. Though I wish you didn't have a locker so close to the bathrooms. Do you have any food with you by any chance?" He asked with a grin. "Yeah, wait a minute," Steven fumbled about in his bag and took out some left over cake from lunch, "here you go, try and make do and I'll come back and fetch you when schools over".[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][IMG]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/danny_hunter.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]Name:[/U] Danny Hunter. [U]Persona:[/U] Danny's young, sharp and there's no doubt that he's good at his job, but sometimes he's a little over anxious to prove it. He hasn't failed to notice the glamor and excitement of being part of MI-5, and sometimes it goes to his head. However, no-one can touch him for surveillance skills. [U]Aliases:[/U] Toby Anderson, Alex Crawford, Jake Cole, Chris Dawson and Henry Simmons. [U]Age:[/U] 26 [U]Other:[/U] [URL=http://www.iespana.es/vivndum/f-type.jpg]Jaguar F-Type[/URL], [URL=http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hall/5996/p228.jpg]Sig Sauer P-228[/URL], [URL=http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hall/5996/m4-2.gif]M4 Assault Rife[/URL][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]Name:[/U] James Ichijouji [U]Nickname:[/U] Jim [U]Age:[/U] 16 [U]Descendant of:[/U] Ken Ichijouji [U]Crest:[/U] Valour [U]Appearance:[/U] James is 6' 1" in height and has jet black hair that is quite straight and short. His eyes a hazel in colour, but he generally wears sunglasses so his eyes are hidden. He normally wears a plain black long sleved T-Shirt with the lower arms grey. He also wears black jeans, which aren't tight but there not baggy either. He's always wearing a digital watch and fingerless black gloves. [U]Personality:[/U] James is very clam, cool and collected. When he wants to make a choice that could effect other people he always weighs out the outcomes depending whcih choice he takes. He is always there for his friends and would protect them to the end, which is why he carries the crest of Valour.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=TEAL][B][U]D-Pihc Colour:[/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=FIREBRICK]Firebrick[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]DIGIMONS DIGIVOLUTIONS[/U] Fresh: [URL=http://www.dgexpert.hpg.ig.com.br/Figuras.2/d1evo_bebe2.gif]Botamon[/URL] In-Training: [URL=]Koromon[/URL] Rookie: [URL=http://www.diamondcomics.com/update/400-499/414/betamon.jpg]Betamon[/URL] Champion: [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/ok3/thedigimonarchive/images/seadra.gif]Seadramon[/URL] Ultimate: [URL=]MegaSeadramon[/URL] Mega: [URL=http://mz.emuparadise.org/Digivolution%2001_files/image030.gif]Pleasiomon[/URL] Mode Change: [URL=http://mz.emuparadise.org/Frontier/ammon.jpg]Pleasiomon Warrior Mode[/URL] [U]DIGIMONS ATTACKS[/U] Botamon: Bubble Blow Koromon: Bubble Blow Betamon: Fin Cutter Seadramon: Ice blast MegaSeadramon: Thunder Javelin, Mega Ice Blast Plesiomon: Water Tail Blaster, Sand Water Blast, Shaking Pulse Plesiomon Warrior Mode: Great Maelstrom, Crystal Pillow, Frozen Flames[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Please do not reply to this RPG unless you are one of these good people: [CENTER][I]Myself, Ohkami, §corpio, Wondershot, Ruby[/I][/CENTER] Rules: /1. You must post a minimum of three paragraphs in the rpg. /2. Do not digivolve whenever you want to, or if you feel like making the Digimon Elemental Digivolve. If we need to, you'll know. /3. And also, please watch your grammer in this RPG. So, *claps hands*, lets get going. Oh and one thing, we don't get given the Elementals, it's like S4, we need to find them before we can use them. [CENTER]~*~*~*~[/CENTER] When the Prophecy of the Digidestined was newly written and the Digital World knew peace there was a great order of Mega Level Digimon, the only Mega level Digimon during this time. They were know as the Royal Knights of the Holy Order, Lead by the Mighty Imperialdramon (Paladin Mode) they each guarded an Area of the Digital world that had attributes of a certain Element. Imperialdramon of Fire, LordKnightmon of Wind, Dynasmon of Earth, Omnimon of Water, Magnamon of Spirit, Gallantmon of Steel and AlForceVeedramon of Plasma. It was a great time of Peace when these Mega Level Digimon watched over the Digital World. But like all good things, it would not last In the south of the Digital World where the Power of the Elements did not reach there arose Seven Great Demon Lords of the Digital world. They were Lucemon (Satan Mode) MaloMyotismon, Daemon, Lilithmon, Beelzemon (Blast Mode) Murmuxmon and Ghoulmon. They were the first of the Evil Virus Mega level Digimon, and they believed that the Holy Knights did not deserve the power of the Elements and took it upon them selves to steal the Elementals and corrupt them to serve their purpose. So began the first Great War of the Digital World. For a time it look like the Demon Lords were going to win the War, but the Holy Knights soon turned the tide, but at a Price. Gallantmon and AlForceVeedramon both had their Elementals stolen from them, and they them selves returned to the baby stage and were forgotten about. After a cataclysmic between Lucemon (Satan Mode) and Imperialdramon (Paladin Mode) the leaders of both sides were trapped in a void were they remain to this day. With out their leader the Demons retreated to the South and remained quiet for many years. Fearing this might happen again the remaining Knights made their Elementals in special Crytals and LordKnightmon, how had been given the Fire along with Wind, hid them among the Digital world to wait for a time when the Digimon and the Digidestined who had the Power to use these to Digivolve to a new level. And a new Prophecy was written, The Elemental Prophecy of the Digital World. And so our story begins...... [CENTER]~*~*~*~[/CENTER] [I]'Bzzzzt! Bzzzzt! Bzzzzt!'[/I]. The alarm clock cut through the stillness of the dark room like a hot knife through butter. But it didn't cause discomfort to Steven, he'd been up for a few hours now. Ever since that golden light came from his PC and had depostited the Device and strange egg onto his desk. He stared at the objects, thinking this was some sort of a dream. He got up without realizing it to go and turn off his alarm clock, it had become a second nature to him. When he turned round he saw that the egg had vanished and that a tiny fur ball with a mouth, eyes and ears was looking up at him with confused eyes. "WAHHHH!" Steven yelled and fell to the floor after he had jumped up in astonishment. The little fur ball bounced up and down on the table and bounced onto him shouting "Dodo! Dodo!" In a shrill but still loud voice. Steven quickly stood up and, in an attempt to keep the creature quiet, he fed it a chocolate bar from his pocket. The creature took it happily and chewed for a bit, it vanished in a flash of light and it was gone, and in it's place was basicly the same thing, but now it had legs. "Oh yeah! That felt great, thanks for the food!" Said the fur ball with legs. Steven looked down at it and tried to talk, it took him a few seconds. "Wha...wha.....what are you?" He stammered. "I'm Dorimon, I'm a Digimon. Short for Digital Monster, and your my partner" Dorimon replied. "So....erm....what are you doing here and what do you want with me?" Steven asked. "Well," Dorimon said, climbing onto the bed, "You better sit down for this one, it's gonna be hard to understand". Dorimon jumped up onto the bed and nodded next to himself, indicating for Steven to sit next to him. Steven stood for a few moments and shook his head, as if trying to get the dream-like-thing out of his head. But Dorimon was still there, so he sighed and walked over to the bed. "Okay, now, where to begin?" Dorimon said, and started a conversation that would take them well into the morning. ------ OOC: I'm not posting Dorimon explaining it because we already know whats happening, so I'll pick this up in my next post ^^.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]In his room Michio and his partner Digimon, Impmon, sat alone waiting for the family to fall asleep. Michio scanned the darkness and nodded to Impmon who lit a flame on the tip of his middle finger in order for them to see where they were going. Michio has doing this for a reason, earlier that day he had recived a letter and Modify card, the letter read like this: [QUOTE]'You have been chosen to join The Elite DigiFaction.The DigiFaction is a team of the Top Tamers in The World chosen to defend the Digital World.We discontinued it when we thought we had finally destroyed the Final Evil in the Digital World.Now a new evil has emerged and we need help to stop it. Jijimon'[/QUOTE] He knew if his parents knew what he was doing they would forbid him to go, they were far to over protectuve for his liking. Just as they got to the middle of the landing Michios Dad gave a loud snort and rolled over in his bed, he and Impmon stood frozen to the spot while they waited for him to settle down. After a few second they moved and headed down the stairs, Michio prayed that Impmon remembered that the fouth step from the bottem was creaky, thankfully he did and within a few seconds they were out of the door heading down the street. "So, Michio," Impmon began, in his usual voice, "Where we going, anyway? And we did the letter say" "We're off to save the world....according to the letter. I got a modify card and everything. I think it's to take us to this place we're meeting all these people" He replied "Well what are ya waitingh for! We're far enough from the house, just do it and lets get it over with!" Impmon yelled, cutting through the stillness of the night. "Fine" Michio said, he un-hooked his D-Arc from his belt and drew it to chin hight and yelled out, while swiping. "DIGI-MODIFY! DIGI-PORTAL, ACTIVATE!". Infront of the un-likely companions opened a white gate in the middle of the street. Impmon looked to Michio and he looked back with a smirk and they walked though, ready to face what was on the other side.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]OOC: I'm going to pretend that Takuya's post didn't happen cause I don't like people introducing my character, sorry :sweat: ------------------- Keramon jumped (Does Kuramon jump, he has no legs?) around the edge of the Dark Ocean, waiting for a sign from his newly risen Master. He'd been waiting for this moment for so many Digi-Cycles, and now the time had finally arrived. The Master had returned and Keramon could once again re-take his ultimate form and be at his Masters side to aid him in his conquest of the Digital World. [I]'Now,' He thought to him self, 'Now is the time to re-take the form I had thought I had lost for so many Digi-Cycles'.[/I] There was a red glow, like an aura, around Keramon as the energy of Digivolution serged though him as he prepared for the change. The light filled the area and engulfed Keramon, and it happened, "KERAMON VIRAL DIGIVOLVE TO ----------- INFERMON!" The light remained for a few lingering moments as Infermon re-assumed his affinity for his Ultimate form. He streched his six legs in turn, they felt as good as ever. But he still need to discover if his power had decreased in all the Digi-Cycles he had spent as a Rookie. He scanned the area for a Digimon, as luck would have it he saw a Sukamon skimming of the waves of the ocean. His lipless mouth curved in to a simile as he thought of what would soon happen to this hapless Digimon. He shot off toward the Digimon, his eyes forever remaining of the target, never blinking. He was soon infront of him and the Sukamon began gibbering and pleading for it's life, but Infermon had heard it all before. "Network Grenade!" Infermon shouted into the blackness and thousands of explostions covered the Sukamon and he was soon deleted. [I]'So it seems I still have the power I once had....good, the Master will be please'.[/I] He saw no sence in remaining so he took off toward the area where the servents of the Master were waiting for his rebirth, the wait was over.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Ruby Saikano TecAmory Post Sample Recived[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=RED][SIZE=1][I]Accepted[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Okay people, we can start now ^^, but it's late where I am so I'll start it tomorrow okay ^_^. Any questions PM me or add me to MSN Messenger (Send address in PM)[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Name: Harad Brelain Age: 27 Race: Human Gender: Male Occupation: Weapons Dealer/Blacksmith House Type: Two storey building made of stone with Shop on the bottem and living area on the top and the forge is at the end of the Garden round back. Looks: Harad has a genrally welcoming look on his face because he always seems to smiling, be it selling weapons, making weapons or going down to the Inn for a drink. His hair is[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=sandybrown][SIZE=1][B]Sandy-brown[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]in colour and his eyes are hazel. He is of an avarage build because of his work and is about 5' 8" tall. He always has stuble on his chin and the same kind look in his eyes. His clothes are normal tough black boots along with brown, and very worn, trousers. He's always wearing a black apron with various stains on it. Small Bio: While Harad was young he and his farther lived in the main city of the land. His farther owned the local Blacksmith and there was always a demand for weapons because of the state of the land. It was only he and his farther because his mother had died giving birth to him and he had no sisters or brothers. Most of his childhood he spent with friends or watching his farther in the forge working on all manner of equipment for the local milita and others. When he turned 16 his farther told him he was ready to begin working for him, and he spent 8 years working for his farther and learning the trade until he left the city and moved to Black Haven because of their need for a blacksmith.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]OOC: Just a note, Fresh Level (Or baby Digimon) can only say there name and nothing else. For an example watch the episode where Izzy is captured by Vademon, I forget the name. ----------------------- Michio turned in his bed as the alarm clock buzzed into the darkness of the room. He blinked a bit and got the display into focus, it read [I]'06:50[/I], he groaned loudly. [I][B]'Who's been messing with my clock?'[/I][/B], he thought sleepily, [I][B]'It must have been Nariko, shes always coming in here'[/I][/B]. He dragged himself out of bed and switched the alarm off and went to turn the light on, he squinted at the bright light and figured if he was up he might as well shower. He walked back into his room about 15 minutes later and blinked around the room ajusting to the light and saw a blury shape on the table and, thinking he had water in his eyes, he rubbed the towel over his face and continued getting dressed. He was walking out of his room and glanced around the room on time and walked out. After a few seconds he walked back in and looked at his desk. There was a large egg sitting next to a small coral coloured gadget. He walked over and picked up the divice and a golden glow filled the room and in place of the egg was a small green-gooey creature that was saying 'Papu' a lot. Michio just stared at it for a minute until he realised he was late for school and figured he might as well take this thing with him, besides it seemed kinda cute[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B][U]Name:[/U] Jacen Danshi [U]Nickname:[/U] Jace, Jay [U]Age:[/U] 16 [U]Element Given:[/U] Psychic (Psy) [U]Elemental Power:[/U] Use Telepathy [U]Personality:[/U] Before Jacen was given the Psy Element he was a very explosive type of person, meaning that he would explode at anyone that got the slightest thing wrong when doing something he had asked them to do. When he realiseds he has the Psy power he was able to look into others minds and has become more calm and collected and very kind. [U]Background:[/U] Jacen was raised by his Grandparents on Mars because he's parents were killed in the explosion that destroyed the Japanese/Chinese space unit. He was very inward looking for a long time because he wanted his parents to be proud of him and he strove to be the best he could. It took him a few years to sort himself out, but now he is ready to face whatever life has to throw at him. [U]Appearance:[/U] *See Attachment*[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Ohkami Kimana Toki Post Sample Recived[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=RED][SIZE=1][I]Accepted[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]§corpio Matt Hawke Post Sample Recived[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=RED][SIZE=1][I]Accepted[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Wondershot Glenn Reid Post Sample Recived[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=RED][SIZE=1][I]Accepted[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Thanks for changing that Wondershot, now we wait for other Applications.....if they come :S[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]When the Prophecy of the Digidestined was newly written and the Digital World knew peace there was a great order of Mega Level Digimon, the only Mega level Digimon during this time. They were know as the Royal Knights of the Holy Order, Lead by the Mighty Imperialdramon (Paladin Mode) they each guarded an Area of the Digital world that had attributes of a certain Element. Imperialdramon of Fire, LordKnightmon of Wind, Dynasmon of Earth, Omnimon of Water, Magnamon of Spirit, Gallantmon of Steel and AlForceVeedramon of Plasma. It was a great time of Peace when these Mega Level Digimon watched over the Digital World. But like all good things, it would not last In the south of the Digital World where the Power of the Elements did not reach there arose Seven Great Demon Lords of the Digital world. They were Lucemon (Satan Mode) MaloMyotismon, Daemon, Lilithmon, Beelzemon (Blast Mode) Murmuxmon and Ghoulmon. They were the first of the Evil Virus Mega level Digimon, and they believed that the Holy Knights did not deserve the power of the Elements and took it upon them selves to steal the Elementals and corrupt them to serve their purpose. So began the first Great War of the Digital World. For a time it look like the Demon Lords were going to win the War, but the Holy Knights soon turned the tide, but at a Price. Gallantmon and AlForceVeedramon both had their Elementals stolen from them, and they them selves returned to the baby stage and were forgotten about. After a cataclysmic between Lucemon (Satan Mode) and Imperialdramon (Paladin Mode) the leaders of both sides were trapped in a void were they remain to this day. With out their leader the Demons retreated to the South and remained quiet for many years. Fearing this might happen again the remaining Knights made their Elementals in special Crytals and LordKnightmon, how had been given the Fire along with Wind, hid them among the Digital world to wait for a time when the Digimon and the Digidestined who had the Power to use these to Digivolve to a new level. And a new Prophecy was written, The Elemental Prophecy of the Digital World. And so our story begins...... ------------------ Okay, this is how it goes: There are five Elementals for the five kids and each kid has one of these Elementals, heres how the Elemental Digivolutions shape up: Fire Elemental ? Infernodramon Wind Elemental ? Tempestmon Earth Elemental ? Terrainmon Water Elemental ? Aquaticmon Spirit Elemental ? Meleemon These are the E-Digivolutions reguardless of the Digimon you pick. And this is the info I'd like for your Characters: [U]Name: Age: School: Shimada High (We all go here) Elemental: Digimon: Elemental: D-Elemental Colour: (These are our Digivices, duh) Description: Personality:[/U] ---------------- Heres my Sign up: [U]Name:[/U] Steven Takot [U]Age:[/U] 16 [U]School:[/U] Shimada High [U]Elemental:[/U] Fire [U]Digimon[/U] [I]Baby: Dodomon In-training: Dorimon Rookie: Dorumon Champion: Dorugamon Ulimate: Dorugremon Mega: Dorugoramon Elemental: Infernodramon[/I] [U]D-Elemental Colour:[/U] [COLOR=orangered]Orange-Red[/COLOR] [U]Description:[/U] Steven has short black hair with sticks up at odd angles and soft brown eyes. He wears the trade-mark goggles which have black out-lining and red straps. He generally wears black jeans and dark coloured T-Shirts and black/grey trainers (Or sneakers) [U]Personality:[/U] Much like all the other ?Goggle-Boys? of the Digidestined/Tamers Steven can speak or act before he thinks, that?s what he has in common with Tai and Davis. But, much like Takato, he is slow to anger but just as slow to mirth. Like his Elemental, fire, Steven burns with pride when the group accomplishes something great and burns with fury when a member of the group is wronged or harmed in any way. --------------- [U]The Catches[/U] 1. You must submit a post from another RPG to me by PM, and it must not be shorter then three paragraphs. 2. When you submit your character and sample, I will respond with my decision. 3. When the RPG starts posts must be no shorter than 3 paragraphs[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Here's a good site [URL]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidexE_a.html[/URL]. Hope it helps[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]My fave Pokemon has to be Hariyama (But Blaziken and Swellow rock as well), let me explain why the first one rocks: [U]Hariyama[/U] First off, because he is (plain and simple) an great looking Pokemon that can learn great attacks and such. In my Ruby game I got my Hariyama from the trade you do in Rustboro (Slakoth for Makuhita) And it's a cool trade, he knows: Earthquake, Vital Throw, Arm Thrust and Rock Smash. Amazing attacks for an amazing Pokemon! And he's one of the toughest in my team, my team (At the moment) is a s follows: Makit/Hariyama Lv. 43 Blaze/Blaziken Lv. 43 Spout/Wailord Lv. 43 Swoop/Swellow Lv. 43 Zippy/Linoone Lv. 43 Dusk/Dustox Lv. 43 And I'm about to face Wallace[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Okay, Kesaki_Inedia doesn't seem to be choosing a Digimon, can we start this now or have someone else apply?[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Elec was still a little annoyed by all of the Callipso buisness 'Maybe when he does show up again' He thought savagely 'I'll track him down and send him back to the start of his own game'. He stood up and started pacing around the room, only stopping in-front of the mirror looking at his refelction, but it wasn't his refelction, it hadn't been his for a year now. He remebered logging on for the first time and choosing what his charater would look like, all the attributes and everything. But back then he had been able to sign-out, not anymore. He was starting to forget what he once looked like, he sometimes wondered if his family realised he might not becoming back for a long time or, if the worst happened, ever. He punched the wall in frustration and kicked the mirrior over to the other side of the room, but it didn't break, nothing ever did here. He was walking over to a window and he saw that two other players were taunting Nitika and Yuriko. And he felt something snap in the back of his head and he drew his sword and ran full pelt out of the base and stood between Nitika and Yuriko looking daggers (Looking very angry :P) at the two players. He stared them down and said in a falsely calm tone, "When you insult one member of Sigma Fi Omega, you insult us all" And he drew his blade into battle stance.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Lee sighed, "How am I going to talk to Jeri about this?" he said, putting his hands on his hips and shaking his head. -------- After a quick walk home Lee had sat down on his bed and racking his brain for a easy way to tell Jeri that the Digimon might be coming back, all the Digimon that is, except hers. He still remebered what it was like fighting the D-Reaper when it looked like a mutated Jeri and the way it used her voice to tell us all why it was here, he knew she'd been to a therapist about it, but nothing can stop you remebering something like that happening. But, Lee thought, it's all in the past now and she's seemed fine lately. He sighed heavily and stood up from the bed and walked over to the phone in his room and got out his electronic organizer and looked up Jeri's number. After a brief search he found it and typed the number into the phone and waited for a pick up. [U]???: Hello, this is the Katou residence, no one's home now so please leave a message and we'll get back to you[/U] Lee breathed a silent reflief, he wouldn't have to tell Jeri the news him self. He left a message telling her to meet Takato, himself and the others in the Park later that day. He put the phone down and walked down the hall to Suzie's room and knocked on the door. "Hey, Suzie. Can I come in?" He asked poking his head round the door. "Okay, Lee" She said beaming at him. He walked in and closed the door behind him, walked over and sat on the bed. "Suzie, you better sit down, I need to tell you something....it's about Terriermon and Lopmon".[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][B][COLOR=TEAL]Elec walked around the clearing kicking bits of wood and rocks out of his way in frustation. His companion, Zohan, tilted his head and looked at him quizicly. "What is the purpose of that, Elec? Accept maybe damaging your font" He said in that annoying tone of his. "The purpose is," Elec said through gritted teeth, "to get rid of my frustration and if you don't keep you mouth shut I might take some out on you!" While saying this Elec felt this wasn't like him, he was normal calm and collected, but not now. All this buisness with Callipso being kidnapped and the fact that the people were beggining to think that Sigma Fi Omega had done it, just because their methods were un-orthodox didn't make them evil, and it certainly didn't make them kidnappers. Still fuming Elec drew his sword from his back and looked around for any beasts, he and Zohan hadn't met a player in the last few hours. He spotted a beast near a bush which was a few feet away from the clearing where he and Zohan were. He crept soundlessly toward the beast and was going round a tree stump to get a good attack, but it spotted him. It took snap reflexes in order to avoid becoming a pan-cake. Elec twisted his sword so the runes were in the light and they began to glow and fill the blade with power. With one single blow he decapitated the beast and watched it disappear as the experiance score came up, it was only 124, but then again, it wasn't as good as a player. He replaced his sword and walked back to the clearing toward the forest edge, he turned to Zohan. "Are you coming? I'm going back to base" He said and began walking again, he heard Zohan stand up behind him as the two headed back to the Cyber Sector, where Sigma Fi Omega was based. They reached the edge and in a flash of light they were suddenly surrounded by a different kind of forest. Elec ajusted his sword and continued walking. -------- OOC: Lan, is it okay if our team colour be Teal?[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
[B][U]-Tamer-[/U][/B] [B]Tamer name:[/B] Michio Ashida [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Female/Male:[/B] Male [B]Crest and Digiegg given:[/B] Skill/Lightning [B]Digivice color:[/B] [COLOR=coral]Coral[/COLOR] [B][U]Description:[/U][/B] Michios hair is medium length and dirty blond. His eyes are bright green and he sometimes wears glasses. His normal clothes are long, black, baggy jeans with serveral pockets and a black shirt with an orange Hazard sign (Guilmons sign) on the front and a red lightning bolt on the back and dark blue trainers (sneakers to Americans). [B][U]-Digimon, Natural Digivolutions-[/U][/B] Baby: Pabumon In-Training: Motimon Rookie: Termitemon Champion: Beetlemon Ultimate: MetalKabuterimon Mega: RhinoKabuterimon [B][U]-Digimon, Aided Digivolutions-[/U][/B] Armour Digivolution: Shadramon Moon Digivolution: Lunarismon Star Digivolution: Eurusmon Matrix Digivolution: AncientBeetlemon [B][U][I]-Natural Digivolution Attacks-[/I][/U][/B] Pabumon: Bubble Blow Motimon: Bubble Blow Termitemon: Talon Attack, Insect Bite, Electro Shocker Beetlemon: Thunderfist, Lightning Blitz MetalKabuterimon: Bolo Thunder, Electro Cannon RhinoKabuterimon: Thunder Laser, Condenser Storm [B][U][I]-Aided Digivolution Attacks-[/I][/U][/B] Shadramon: Flash Buster, Psychic Wave Lunarismon: Meteor Shower, Luna Cannon Eurusmon: Wind Blade, Flying Ace AncientBeetlemon: Terra Blaster, Calamity Thunder, Lightning Strike
Tyler had been sleeping peacefully in his bed dreaming about what most boys would dream about (;)) when the electronic buzzing of his Alarm Clock woke him up with a start and he shot up and smacked his head on the shelf above his bed. "Oww! Oh, that smarts" He said while rubbing his head in the area were he'd hit it. He looked over at the clock and the digital display told him it was '8:15'. He groaned and fell back to bed, [I]'Next time,'[/I] he thought, [I]'Put it on snooze'[/I]. But he didn't get back to sleep because a few short, and quiet, seconds went my and the phone went off. "Argh! Doesn't anyone want to give my peace" He said and got out of bed still grumpling and picked up the phone. [B]Tyler:[/B] Hello? [B][I]Matt:[/I][/B] Hey, it's Matt. I was wondering if you were going to the park? [B]Tyler:[/B] Well I'm awake so I guess I'll have to *makes this face: -_-* [B][I]Matt:[/I][/B] Great, I'll see you there With that they both hung up the phone and Tyler went off to get clean and dressed. After about 20 minutes he was downstairs eating a bowl of cereal and watching TV. "Okay, Mum," He said while looking at his watch, "I've got to go to the park and meet Matt I'll be there all day I guess". His mum turned away from the oven, "Okay, but be carefull!" She called, but all she got was Tylers hand waving as ran out through the open door. He walked the length of the street and turned towards the park, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something big was going to happen today.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wild thang [/i] [B]none. santas little helper is a guy. q: what two things does homer thank for his fast for recovery of his damaged knee? [/B][/QUOTE] Are you pretending to be stupid? The question is obviously refering to the Episode 'Two Dozen and one Grey Hounds' (I think thats the name) and by naming the episode I have answered the question ergo (therefore) it is my go Question: What were the two (or three, I forget) names Mr. Burgstrom said the kids could call him if they so wished?
Lee stood at the doorway of his friends bakery for a few seconds trying to catch his breath, all the while looking straight into his eyes, he could tell that Takato knew their was a problem. "Lee...," He began in an uncertain voice, "whats happened?" He asked, voice full of concern. "I'm not sure," Lee breathed, "But all I know is that we have a problem" He said, still breathing very hard. "Well, why don't you come in and tell me about it" Takato said moving out of the doorway so Lee could enter -- "So....let me get this straight. You saw Kokomon and Gummymon but they were...erm..different, how were they different?" Takato asked "Well for one thing they had these great fangs and glowing red eyes...and I could feel that something was very different about them, not just the appearence" Lee replied in a heavy voice. "Okay then. What about this field....thing, was if another Digital field like from a few years ago?" He asked again. "No, it was much worse than that...well not worse if you know what I mean but it was different, like the Digimon....it felt, I dunno...evil" Lee said before falling down onto Takatos bed from tiredness. Takato walked over to his bedroom window and looked out over the city and let out a sigh, for a few moments he looked from the towers were Hypnos had once been and his desk, still with the note pad where he had created Guilmon. "Well, if might have been a different Kokomon and Gummymom, I mean Gigimon and Viximon weren't with them.....but still". "Yeah, I know what you mean," Lee said, "But if it wasn't them I'm still worried whatever it was [b]could[/b] effect them soon...if only we could get back to the Digital world and see if their okay". "I guess," Takato began, "I think we should call the others and see if they've felt anything, or had something like this happen" Takato said while walking over to the phone, [i]'I'll call Rika first, she has a strong link with Renamon ever since the IceDevimon attack'[/i] Takato thought while going through the pages of his address book and picking up the phone.
[B]DIGMON SIGNUP[/B] [U]Name:[/U] Infermon [U]Level:[/U] Ultimate [B][U]Attacks[/B][/U] [U]Kuramon:[/U] Glare Eye [U]Tsumemon:[/U] Nail Scratch [U]Keramon:[/U] Network Flapping, Crazy Giggle [U]Chrysalimon:[/U] Data crusher, Unconnect buster [U]Infermon:[/U] Spider shooter, Network grenade [U]Armageddemon:[/U] Mega Flare, Black Rain [B][U]Digivolutions[/U][/B] [U]Baby:[/U] Kuramon, [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied4/images/Kuramon.gif]Image[/URL] [U]In-Training:[/U] Tsumemon, [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/Tsumemon.gif]Image[/URL] [U]Rookie:[/U] Keramon, [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied4/images/Keramon.gif]Image[/URL] [U]Champion:[/U] Chrysalimon, [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied3/images/Chrysalimon.jpg]Image[/URL] [U]Ultimate:[/U] Infermon [U]Mega:[/U] Armageddemon, [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied/images/Armageddemon.gif]Image[/URL] [U]Appearance:[/U][IMG]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied4/images/Infermon.gif[/IMG] [U]Allegiance:[/U] Millenniummon [B][U]Bio:[/U][/B] Infermon is as cruel hearted, souless and evil as his Master Millenniummon. He was among the original servants of the Dark Digimon and the most loyal. He aided him in some of his more vile acts. But after the Master was defeated Infermon hid himself by De-digivolving to the Rookie level to avoid detection from the Guardians. Now that the Master had returned he was reassumed his Ultimate level and is helping the Master reclaim his body for the ultimate reward, the ability to Digivolve to the Mega level.
[B][U]Character Sign Up[/U][/B] Name: Jacen Galvin Age: 26 Race: Human Sex: Male Height: 5' 9" Weight: 170 Lbs Occupation: Soldier Allegiance: Guylos Empire Rank: Captain Weapon: Two 40mm Pistols (Might Change) Appearance: When ever he is piloting his Zoid he always wears the Impeiral Uniform. His eyes are deep Purple and his hair is a dirty blonde which is of medium lenght. Buckled to his belt is the knife his farther gave to him when he was a child. Over his left eyebrow is the mark of his colony. A red line which goes the lengh of the eyebrow the turns red and points down. Personality: Jacen is a very brash officer who rose from the ranks instead of joining the army as a straight out officer, because of this he doesn't act like the other officers. He always voices his opinion about a tactical plan before it is his turn to speak, the other officers don't like this very much but the men trust him much more because they know he was once like them. Personal History: [Will do soon] [B][U]Organoid Sign Up[/U][/B] Name: Vaken Type: Dinosaur Height: 6' 7" Appearance: Vaken is mush like Zeke. Meaning that he resembles a T-Rex, but he is not the same colour as Zeke. He is deep blue with green eyes and silver joints. He can run vast distances in a short time instead of flying. Special Ability: As it is with almost all Organoids Vaken can bring out the best in the Zoid, but he mostly focuses on the speed being increased. [B][U]Zoid Sign Up[/U][/B] Name: Dark Spiner Zoid Type: Dinosaur (?) Appearance: [IMG]http://www.metalmachinemusic.com/zoids/zimages/spiner.jpg[/IMG] Height: 16.6 Meters Length: 22.3 Meters Weight: 118 Tons Max Speed: 240 KPH Weapons: Twin forward facing AZ 144mm Cannons and twin pulse cannons, twin paired back mounted miniature defensive cannons, alloy teeth and claws Support Systems: (?, help) Extra Custom Modifications: Twin XS-17 Heavy Vulcan Guns mounted on hips
I've got the attacks for AeroVeedramon, they are: [B]V-Wing Blade Magnum Crush[/B] Just a note here: Tai gave Davis his goggles after his were damaged from the Monochromon attack and his Digi-eggs are Courage and Friendship. Also, Ex-Veemons other attacks: [B]Vee-Kick Vee-Punch Critical Punch/Crunch[/B]