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Everything posted by Jokopoko

  1. Name: Lee Main Digi-Egg/Card(s): WarGreymon Brave Sheild, Hyperwing Digimon: Zerimon->Gummymon->Terriermon->Gargomon->Rapidmon->MegaGargomon-> MegaGargomon Tank Mode [B][U]Attacks[/U][/B] [U]Zerimon:[/U] Unknown [U]Gummymon:[/U] Bubble Blow [U]Terriermon:[/U] Bunny Blaster, Tiny Twister, Blazing Fire, Terrier Tornado, Head Slam [U]Gargomon:[/U] Gatling Arm, Animal uppercut, Bunny Pummel, Gargo Pellets, Gargo Laser [U]Rapidmon:[/U] Rapid Fire, Miracle Missile, Tri-Beam, Atomic Blast [U]MegaGargomon:[/U] Gargo Missile, Mega Barrage, Knuckle Knockdown, Mega Twister, Bum Rush [U]MegaGargomon Tank Mode:[/U] Gargo Cannon, Big Charge Bomb, Tank Thrust, Fortress Barrage Description: Wears black jeans, grey/white sneakers, green T-shirt and sun-glasses. Has grey eyes, dark blueish hair and light brown skin. His D-Arc (D-Power) is green and is normally clipped to his belt. EDIT: I found lots more attacks for Terriermon and his Digivolutions so I've changed it. ANOTHER EDIT: I've created a mode change for MegaGargomon but I'm using the pic of Raidenmon to show it, [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied6/images/Raidenmon2.jpg]MegaGargomon Tank Mode[/URL]
  2. Name: Tyler Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Tyler has slighty tanded skin and is always wearing cut-off jeans, meaning the lower area has been cut short. He has dark brown hair and shocking green eyes, he also wears Sun-glasses most of the time. His choice of shirt is normally long sleeved and medium or dark in colour, the lower part of the shirt arms are normally a different colour from the rest. Personality: He doesn't go for group stuff well but if he has to he will work with the group. He tends to keep quiet while the others discuss maters, much like his Partner Ryuudamon he feels himself and bit of a loner and thinks that power is the key to Digivolution and being respected Background: Tyler was born in Australlia where he and his parents lived for about 6 years. They moved to Canada because his farther, who worked for a large company, got a better job there and Tyler had to leave his old life and old friends behind and since then he was been quite distant with others [B][U]Digimon Digivolutions[/U][/B] Baby: [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied3/images/Fufumon.jpg]Fufumon[/URL] In-Training: [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied4/images/Kyokyomon.jpg]Kyokyomon[/URL] Rookie: [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied6/images/Ryuudamon.jpg]Ryuudamon[/URL] Champion: [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied6/images/Raptordramon.jpg]Raptordramon[/URL] Ultimate: [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied4/images/Greidorumon.gif]Glademon[/URL] Mega: [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied/images/Alphamon.gif]Alphamon[/URL] [B][U]Digimon Attacks[/U][/B] Fufumon: Small Iron Thorn Kyokyomon: Metal Straw Ryuudamon: Iai Blade, Helmet Return Raptordramon: Ambush Crush Glademon: Crossing Blade, Double Sword Alphamon: Sword of Honour, Excalibur Strike
  3. [U]Name:[/U] Michio [U]Age:[/U] 17 [U]Digivolution:[/U] Card, D-Arc is dark purple [B][U]Digimon:[/U][/B] [B]Baby:[/B] Kiimon [B]In-Training:[/B] Yaamon/Rolling Black [B]Rookie:[/B] Impmon/Bada Boom, Fiendish Attack [B]Champion:[/B] Boogeymon/Death Crash, Ruby Eye [B]Ultimate:[/B] Phelesmon/Demons Shout, Black Statue [B]Mega:[/B] Beelzemon (Blast Mode)/Corona Destroyer, Darkness Claw [B]Bio-Merge:[/B] FallenAngemon/Heaven's Reversal, Hell's Punishment
  4. Why ask a new one when no one has answered a perfecly good one yet?
  5. Name: Landon Age: 16 Favourite Morph: Falcon Personality: Very out going, likes to live life on the edge. When with the group usually takes on the role of Second-in-Command and the emotional support. But he has the tendencey to run into a situation without thinking about it Background: Landon is very good with his imagaination and setting out how he'd like something to be done. His fave lesson is art where he can express him self in the best way. He is, like a falcon, a free flying spirit going where he wants to. Appearance: Is it okay if I look like Trowa from GW? If so, see attachment
  6. After having the brief talk with Kitty Dayu walked back over to his Pokemon to check how they were getting along with Spinkter (He had changed Dustox for a while), but he did notice that Kitty was coming to sit with Matt and himself, [I]'Hmmm, there might be hope for her yet[/I] He thought with a grin. As it always was, Linoone was making the first contact with the New Pokemon, Dayu gussed this was because he'd had Linoone the longest so it knew him best. While sitting by the tree with his other Pokemon he spotted one of the Vinely he had seen on the beach, he knew Kitty had one but he figured he could use a good Grass type. "Krilia, go after that Vinely!" Dayu called and Krilia Teleported over in a second. "Go! Use Confusion!". Krilia placed her hands together and shot out the strong Psychic attack and disloged the Vinely from it's hiding place. After it got up right it saw Krilia and shot at it with Bullet Seed which hit Krilia, but didn't phase her badly, "Okay Krilia, another Psychic blast" Krilia shot another Psychic and soon Dayu was up another new Pokemon. The other two clapped him back to his seat and he gave a little mock bow "Thank you lady and gentleman, I'll be here all week" He said with a little wink toward Kitty before settling him self down and feeding his Pokemon.
  7. Dayu saw that Matt had, somehow, gotten his Eevee to evolve with a leaf stone. 'Hmmm, the stones here must have other abilites than the ones back home' Dayu thought. He followed Kitty as they contined looking around for anyother Pokemon that might be in the area. She seemed very focused on the task at hand and very serious, a little to serious Dayu thought, but thats how she is. "You know I think he should rest for a little bit, give our Pokemon a chance to get to known the new ones a little better," He said after Matt and Covereon had caught up with them. "What d'you two think?" He asked. Linoone jumped up onto his shoulder and voiced his agreement, Dayu smirked a little bit.
  8. OOC: I'm assuming Seion isn't with are group....if he is :sweat: --------------------------- The three of them had been walking for about 15 or 20 minutes now and had yet to see any new Pokemon, but they hadn't got to the grasslands yet so Dayu hadn't expected much. He'd been walking at the head of the group for a while because he was itching to get some new Pokemon. Of course Matt was bravely trying to start a conversation with Kitty, but she to was busy watching for new Pokemon. As if his prayers had been answered Dayu saw the flash of a purple and black Pokemon streak through the grass and into a clearing. "Whoa! Whats the heck is that?" Dayu said while pointing the Pokedex at the new Pokemon [B]'Spinkter: The Skunk Pokemon, this is a newly discovered Pokemon that appears to be of the Posion and Normal types. It has powerful sprayers in it's tail which it uses to paralyze the enemy'.[/B]"I've got to get one of them, lets fight posion with posion. Dustox I choose you!" Dayu yelled throwing the Pokeball into the air. Dustox appeared in a flash of white light and headed right at the Spinkter. "Dustox, use Confusion now!" Dayu called out, Dustox stopped in front of the Spinkter and it's wings began to glow and it released a powerful blast from it's wings that knocked the Pokemon into the ground, "Spink!" if shook it's head a little and raised it's tail and shot a stream of posion powder at Dustox but he managed to avoid it. "Nicely done Dustox, now finish it off with Silver Wind!". "TOX!!" Screamed the Moth Pokemon and unleased a powerful blast of energy as well as relasing it's scales, the attack connected and Dayu, ready with an upgraded Fast Ball, was ready. "Pokeball, go!" He shouted and it opened in a flash and sucked the Spinkter into it. After a few tense moments the Pokeball shook violently with the red light still flashing but after 30 seconds it stopped and the ball vanished in a flash of white as it was sent to the PC Box. "Alright," Dayu called out, punching the air,"I caught a Spinkter"
  9. His true name was Leon Kompowsky Q: In the Episode 'Burns Verkaufen Der Kraftwerk' (The one with the Germans) Which sports team did Hans and Fritz say they could still buy after they checked their money?
  10. OOC EDIT: Ooops, pretend this post is before Matts okay :sweat: ----------------- "You can ask if you want. I don't want to leave the beach just yet. Tell me when we're ready to go, 'kay?" Kitty said and turned toward the ocean and released her Dragonair. Dayu walked towards the others of the group all the while thinking [I]'Please say no one wants to come with us, please say no one wants to come with us'[/I] When he reached the others he insticivley looked for Matt, but he couldn't see him among the crowd and the others seemed to be going off in groups of their own and he couldn't see anyone that he or Kitty spoke to anyway. He shrugged slightly and gave a short, sharp whistle and Linoone came running over to him and settled himself on his sholder. "So, you ready to go?" He asked the Pokemon, "Lin!" It replyed in a high voice. He walked back toward Kitty and on the way he saw a few new Pokemon and decided to check them out with his new Pokedex, he pointed it toward one that looked like a little shrub "Vinley, the weed Pokemon: This Pokemon burrows it's self into the ground during the day to gather water from the surrounding area". "Hmmm, I might catch one of those later...could come in handy" Dayu said to himself. When he got to Kitty he said "I don't think anyone else is coming, though I couldn't see Matt so I think we should wait a little okay, I'll just be over by the trees".
  11. OOC: T Man could you not speak for my character please cause it's messes up what I'm wanting to do with my character. So I'm continuing as if I didn't see you catch that Pokemon. ----------------------- Dayu quicklu rounded up his Pokemon and got them all into their Pokeballs and he waited for Kitty to do the same. Pretty soon they were both walking down the ramp onto the beach and Linoone jumped of Dayus shoulder and started sniffing things excitedly. Dayu took his PokeNavi out of his pocket to check the map and see where it was best to go. As always his location was show by a blinking red dot, to the east of them there was more beach that ended in a rockey outcropping that lead up to a montain, south of them was a large jungle that would obviously contain a lot of Grass and Bug type Pokemon and to the west was a grass land with plenty of places to sleep and looked like it would have an abundece of Pokemon. Dayu turned to Kitty, "So, which way d'you think we should go?" He asked with a grin
  12. OOC: Girls really shouldn't know what goes on in guys heads :D -------------- Dayu watched Kitty walk back to her Pokemon and settle her self with her Shelgon. [I]'Huh, thats the first time she started the conversation with out me being near her...I wonder'[/I]. He wrestled with himself if he should go over and talk some more or just stay over here for a bit and try things on the Island. [I]'I'll go with my gut,' he thought, 'after all if I get shot down I can get back up again[/I]. He walked toward her, slowly at first, but a little faster as he got more confident and before he realised what he was doing he was right infront of her...and she was looking up expecting to be spoken to. "Er..hi Kitty, you know I've been wondering about what you were saying about them wanting us to be safe and all that and being careful. Well...that is to say...that if you want we could go around together on this Island...:sweat: but only if you want to of course" He finished and tried to look calm while he waited for her to respond
  13. [I]Trowa had just been thinking for a few moments when another Gundam came out from the other side of the building. He made the HeavyArms Kai take a step back and raise the main weapon[/I] [B]Pilot:[/B] You there! The one with all the guns! [B]Trowa:[/B] Yes? [B]Pilot:[/B] Lets form an Alliance...We will be a more formitable match if we do so [B]Trowa[/B]: That may be true... [I]The Gundam started to run toward Trowa. It lowered his Machine Gun and put it's hand up.[/I] [B]Shiroh:[/B] Alliance? My name is Shiroh Amada. [B]Trowa:[/B] Very well, we'll see how this works. I'm Trowa Barton [I]He raised the HeavyArms Kai's hand and took the other Gundams and shook it.[/I] [B]Trowa:[/B] So....parter, where do you suggest we head to?
  14. [I]After the word 'three' had came out of the judges mouth Trowa had activated the bost pack on the Heavyarms Kai and gone straight into the city, he figured he should watch his targets before he started an all out attack on someone, that just wasn't good tactics. After a few minutes of taking different turns here and there he stopped near an old officer building and looked around with the sensors[/I] [B]Trowa:[/B] Hmmm, there doesn't seem to be anyone round here right now, I'm guessing we've all just split up.....I wonder if the other Gundam pilots would be interested in a brief allience in this thing.
  15. Dayu was lost in his own thoughts for a few minutes before he realised the Wailord had came back, granted Wailord had to spray him but still. "Oh right, sorry I didn't see you, did you find anything?" Dayu asked. "Wail, wail, lord, wailord" Came the reply, but seeing as how Dayu had had Wailord since he was a Wailmer he could generally understand him. "Oh man, so we're still pretty far...but not to far I guess. Okay then, return" He pointed the Pokeball in Wailord direction and watched him vanish. He continued to look at the water for a while before turning around and looking at the people milling around, his eyes settled on Kitty for a few moments before she looked straight at him, he turned around quickly. [I]':sweat: Oh man, I hope she doesn't think I'm some kinda weirdo now'[/I]
  16. Dayu ate a hurried breakfast with the others, with Linoone on his sholder of course :D, and said goodbye just as fast. He had heard the Captain say that there was land ahead of them and he wanted to get the first look at it. He quickly got to the top deck and headed toward the rails on the side, he un-clipped the heavy ball and threw it into the air, "Wailord! I choose you!". There was the normal flash of light as Wailord appeared next to the boat. "Hey, listen," Dayu began, "I want you to go ahead of the boat and see if we're close to the land okay?". "Wail!" Came the booming reply and Wailord went of a top speed. He ran to the front of the boat to watch Wailord go, after he was out of sight he sat on the front rails and sighed a little to him self [I]'Well, it looks like Matt and I will be friends on the Island but I dunno about Kitty.....I'll wait and see what she says'[/I]
  17. Dayu sighed, his plan to make friends with someone handn't really worked. He'd looking forward to having someone other than Linoone to keep him company on this Island. He sighed again, 'I wonder why that girl doesn't like people....we'll see at dinner tonight' He thought. He glanced at his watch, speaking of dinner it was almost time to go down to the Mess Hall. "Okay everone," He called to his Pokemon, "it's time to get back in the Pokeballs". And each Pokemon in turn was engulfed by the flash of red light and returned to their Pokeballs, all except Linoone of course. With that sorted Dayu turned around and headed toward the Mess Hall for dinner.
  18. Name: Rinaldo Macèo Age: 348 Gender: Male Race: Vampire (Thats how I spell it so :p) Location: Italy Description: Medium Length brown hair and green eyes. About 5' 9" tall. Wheres the fashions of the time and dresses like the upper class of the age. But he always has black leather gloves on and black riding boots. Background: Rinaldo is one of the eldest Vampires around today, apart from 'Le Masque'. He was once the son of a rich landlord and was headed on his way to a life of luxary. He was turned into a Vampire during the 17th century and has spent his Immortal life thus far destroying, or corrupting, the noble familys of Italy before turning his gaze upon the rest of Europe. He has heard of the going's on in England and has decided to take it upon him self to go there and teach these new Vampires what means to be one of the Un-dead.
  19. "Oh, right, Hi Matt," Dayu said, feeling a little out of place, his Torkoal had the habit of introducing total strangers to him out of the blue :sweat:. Matt quickly stuck out his hand at Dayu and Dayu took it, but not at the greatest speed mind, but he shook it non the less. "Uh...so what brings you to this Island then Matt and, before I forget, which Pokemon round here are yours?" Dayu asked with a smile
  20. Okay, I'll start with a freash question: When Milhouse and Bart stayed at the Mall for a week instead of Camp what did Chief Wiggum think was in the Mall eating the food and such?
  21. Dayu had left his Pokemon to thier own Devices while he had gone to the lower deck in order to fetch some food. He usually left them to play while there was a large group of people, as long as Krilia or Absol were their. He got to the Mess Hall and saw that some of the ships crew were thier having dinner, he thought it best to get the food to go. "Hello there, what can I get you?" Asked the woman behind the counter. "Okay, ermm....one bowl of mixed nuts...and...grapes and sultanans and in honey, two bowls of plain rice and some chili sauce with curry". "Okay, I'll just get that ready for you" She said before turning away to get all the food ready for Dayus Pokemon. She came back after about 15 minutes and Dayu did quite a balancing act to get it all up to the top deckk without dropping any. No sooner had he placed the food down when all his Pokemon, save Wailord and Torkoal, came running up to him expecting their food. "Okay then, Linoone yours is the nuts, Dustox has the grapes in the honey, Krilia and Absol plain rice, of course and," He thought it best to let Torkoal out, seeing as there was already a Charizard, "Torkoal, come on out we've got food" He threw Torkoal ball into the air and in the flash of light Torkaol appeared with steam billowing from his nose. His Pokemon began eatiing their food and obviously enjoying it, he hadn't got any for Wailord because he could get it easily get it's own from the ocean. While his Pokemon were distracted he saw that the girl called Kitty, who owned the Charizard, was off by her self. He walked up to her and said, "Hey, you might not of heard but I'm Dayu, why you over here by your self?"
  22. 'Why does the council make me come to such hell-holes' Edward thought while he was sitting on a large advert that looked over the whole of New York. "What could my being here achive...accept my boredom, and with all these half breeds it does smell quite a bit," He wasn't really talking to anyone, but rather voicing his frustrations, "Oh well, as long as I'm hear I should make the most of it" With that he lept of the Advert and flew to the ground at a blinding speed. He landed in an area that he knew was called a 'Red Light Area', though this phrase ment nothing to him. He slowley began to walk down an alley when he heard a woman walking toward him to the other end. He allowed himself a smirk before he went to work. He went at the same speed as he had from falling of the Advert and appeared in front of the woman, when she saw him she let out a small scream. He put his finger to her lips and said quietly "If you scream if'll be all the more painful for you", she struggled away and said to him "Please....please don't hurt me" He let of a mock laugh and looked back as her "Why, dear lady. I'm not going to hurt you, oh no, I'm going to kill you". He lept forward and graped her mouth and sunk his teeth into her neck and began feeding and, as it always was, restrained himself from taking in the last drop and let the body drop, "Hmmm, could have been better". With that he took off into the night sky to feed again.
  23. Real Name: Park Linford Age: 27 Delta Name: Elec Ryu Delta Age: 22 Team Name: Sigma Fi Omega Class: Black Knight Player Rank: [color=red]3[/color] Weapon: Medium Length Sword with Dark Runes engraved on the blade and handle, [URL=http://www.otherlandtoys.co.uk/stridersword.jpg]Sword Image[/URL] Personality: Generally a calm person, very quiet. But when faced with a task or a battle will go to any ends to make sure the mission and/or battle is completed correctly. Picture: [IMG]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/feil.bmp[/IMG]
  24. Dayu was leaning of the railing of the upper deck looking out onto the ocean while breathing in the freash, and rarther salty, air around him. He looked to his side and saw that Linoone and Ki Poochyena, which was called Rush, were playing with each other apparently very excited that they were going on an adventure with their Trainers. He allowed himself a small grin while he thought of the new Pokemon and of the adventure on this new island. 'I think I'd better let the others out while I have the time' He thought to him self. So he took the five remaining Pokeballs on his side, taking each in turn and allowing there inhabitants out, apart from Torkoal because he'd most likely burn the boat. He watched as Wailord played around in the water with a child like joy, Dustox was flying around looking for some food proberly while Krilia and Absol took it upon them selves to be the 'minders' of the other Pokemon, Dayu often looked to those two as the Mother and Farther of the team, he grined again. 'Not to long', He thought, 'I wonder if Ki is going to stick with Austin on this Island' He tossed this thought around in his head for some time while watching his Pokemon messing around, but not Krilia and Absol of course.
  25. Dayu had only just arrived on the back of Wailord, but he'd already met two people on the boat after he'd gotten on board, he'd also recived a rarther flash looking device called a PokeNavi. Ki and Austin, the people he was met, took him to the room next to theirs and waited while he left his stuff on the bed and typed his name to register the room as his. They were just walking out of the room when Dayu clicked his fingers and said, "Hang on, I'm missing something", he walked back to the bed and picked up a Pokeball and said "Come out Linoone, were hear now". The ball opened in a flash and Linoone ran up Dayu and settled him self on Dayu's sholder. "Awwwww, it's so cute," Ki said after he'd walked out with Linoone, "How long have you had it?" she asked. "He's the first Pokemon I ever caught," He said smiling at the memories, "But that was as a Zigzagoon obviously, he evolved about 4 months ago and he's still my best friend" He said giving Linoon and little pat on the head. "Yeah, I know how you feel. I feel the same about Rush" Ki said giving the little Poochyena in her arms a big cuddle. Dayu laughed a litte bit at the expresion on Rush's face as he was squashed, "Do you two want to go onto the top deck and see if anyone else is coming in?" He asked.... ------------ OOC: Ohkami CONTINUE! :D
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