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Everything posted by Jokopoko
Seeing as theres more than one wolf now can we make our own little group seeing as we tend to distrust most other clones? What d'ya say?
I'll have a hover bike :D. And if I'm not arriving in style I don't know how to! (check my first post on the adventure board to understand what I mean :D)
Dayu was sitting by the lake in Petalburg city thinking about what he was going to do today, he was heading out to a place no other person had seen with many new Pokemon to capture. 'Ah well,' He thought, 'I'd better get going'. He pulled himself of the ground and headed toward the beach with his Linoone trailing behind him as it always did, he only took it into the Pokeball when the traveling by over the Water as he didn't like it to much. They reached the cliff facing the ocean and Dayu let out a large sigh, this was most likely the last time I'll see home for a long time. "Okay Linoone, we better get going, return" He pointed the Pokeball toward Linoone and he vanished in a flash of red light. He allowed him self a small grin as he thought about how he was turning up to the port on Seafoam Islands, he could just imagine the looks on the faces of the people when he showed up, granted it wasn't 1st class but it was speedy. His hand fell to his side and took off a heavy ball from his side. "Lets do this! Wailord, I choose you!" He called out into the early morning sky. The Pokeball flew into the air and with a large flash of light his faithful Wailord appeared in the water and it looked over joyed to be in the water again. Dayu ran down to the beach from the cliff and ran up to Wailord. "So, you ready for a long trip?" He asked the whale Pokemon. "Wailord!" It replied happily, "I thought as much". Dayu climed onto the back of Wailord and slid down to it's head. "Alright then, Seaside Harbour Wailord, full speed!" And of they went, Dayu still smirking at the thought of the others faces when he appeared.
[b]Name:[/b] Michio Gensai [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Race:[/b] Wolf [b]Special Ability/ies:[/b] Enhanced Sences, improved strength and speed and other Wolf like attributes. [b]Weapons:[/b] Wolf like teeth and claws as well as two medium sized daggers. [b]Bio:[/b] Michio was born to both a Wolf mother and Wolf farther. This is because of their secretive nature and the fact that they don't trust many other races Wolves only breed among themselves. He was trained as a Cub to be a detector like his farther, though his mother was sighter so he got his keen eyesight from her. It was rare for people (If we can call ourselves that) other then insects to be Detectors but the elders thought it best to keep around an Elite Group of Wolves because of their many other abilites as well as the keen smell, eyesight etc. [b]Occupation:[/b] Detector
Kyle was sitting in the shade a tree talking, if you could call it that, with his Absol. It appeared that his mark enabled him to comunicate with Dark type Pokemon. He leard about the Absol's past and how it knew what they were both destined for together. Then the dark cloud appeared. He watched the other fighting, he felt he didn't need to get involved in the fight, not yet anyway. He saw one of the attacks make contact and the Pokemon, Mewthre he assumed, took off in the opposite direction. He heard one of the men telling them that they should get started on their journey before anyone got hurt. At this he lifted himself from the ground and indicated Absol to follow, which he did, when he came to the group he turned to the girl he knew as Lauren. "I'm ready to leave when you are" He said simply
[b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Dayu Ashida [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 16 [b][u]Pokemon:[/u][/b] [i]Linoone Dustox Krilia Absol Wailord Torkoal[/i] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] See attachment' [b][u]Bio:[/u][/b] Dayu started his Pokemon journey on Hoenn, he was born in Petalburg City, so at first he didn't have a Lab close by in order to get a Pokemon to begin his journey, but his farther was an Asst. to Prof. Birch and one day he came home with a Pokeball and a Mudkip, he tole Dayu that the Mudkip wasn't to keep but the Prof. had lent it to him so he was able to capture his own Pokemon. So Dayu got to know the Mudkip before using it to capture Pokemon, When he was ready he went out to the surrounding grass areas, he had hear that there were plenty of Zigzagoon in the area. And as luck would have it he found one and caught it with Mudkip, he returned home and gave it back to his farther to return to the lab. Since then he and his Zigzagoon, now a Linoone, have been the best of friends and he is ready to face the challenges this new island brings. [b][u]Important Extra Items:[/u][/b] Bike, Pokedex, PokeGear, Potions, Antidotes and various other products relating to Pokemon Trainers.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wild thang [/i] [B]larry burns and he was found at a stand by the railroad tracks q: what number is homer when he runs the springfield marathon? [/B][/QUOTE] His name is Larry but he doesn't come from the Railroad tracks, he does live in a city/town you know
OOC: Sorry I'm late! :sweat: please forgive me :) ---------------------- IC: "Kyle, hurry or else you'll be late getting to the Lab!" His mother called up He knew what the time was. But he wasn't ready to leave yet. He had waited his whole life to get a Pokemon and become a trainer. He was thinking about everything that Morty had ever taught him about being kind to your Pokemon and getting the best out of them, even when they didn't believe in themselves, he had taught him all the strenghs and weaknesses of the Dark and Ghost type. And he was getting an Absol today, his own Absol, one of the most powerfull Dark type Pokemon, while others said they were unlucky Kyle felt that thier ability to predict disaster was an amazing gift. After a few minutess he climed out of bed and headed downstairs, he already had his clothes on. He had a quick breakfast and said goodbye to his mother and headed out the door. It was a short journey across the town to get to Prof. Redwoods lab, it only took 5 or so minutes. He came to the door and took a deep breath and opened it. He saw that the other were already her and had their Pokemon. He gave them a mute greeting, just nodding his head slightly before going over to the Professor. "Ah, Kyle," He said, "Glad you could make it, just wait her a minute and I'll get your Absol". The Prof. went to the back of the Lab and all they could her for a while was the shifting around of a few things as he looked for the Pokeball. He came out a few minutes later with a black and silver Pokeball and handed it over to Kyle. "There you go, all ready for you to begin training" "Thank you, Professor" Kyle said quietly and headed back towards the door, but some one called him back just before he reached the door.
[u]Name:[/u] Edward Hamilton [u]Alignment:[/u] Evil [u]Race:[/u] Vampire [u]Gender:[/u] Male [u]Weapons:[/u] Non [u]Age:[/u] 307 [b][u]Bio:[/u][/b] Edward is one of the last remaining 'ancient' Vampires. He was 'made' in 1719 when he was just 23 years of age. He has not changed since. He spent the first part of his immortality going through the noble familys of Europe and crushing them as he went. He stopped some time in 1895 just for the reason, so he said, that he was bored. He has yet to 'make' someone him self, but he now works for the counsil as one of their most Elite Vampires because of his age and experience, and for the fact that he is one of the most deadly Vampires in exsitence today. [u]Description:[/u][IMG]http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/stories/romania/images/lestat.jpg[/IMG]
Well, theres no Question so I'll do one What is the name of Mr. Burns son and where does he come from?
0kay, I've taken to designign the gym badges, you can use others but I'm just giving another Opinion :). [U]Shippos Gym Badge:[/U] Inferno Badge, shaped like a flame with a small star (think Digimon Courage Crest) in the center, colour is red and orange [U]T Mans Gym Badge:[/U] Soaring Badge, shaped like a cloud which is point up in a kind of spiral but the edges are jagged [U]aYokanos Gym Badge:[/U] Charging Badge, resembles an Iris (Thing that Yami Yugi has on his head) with a red jewel in the center
Character Info- Name: Ryushi Hamna Age: 15 Height/Weight: 5' 11"/165 Lbs Bio: N/A Deck Info- Deck size: 40 Deck type: Dark Magic/Evil Monsters Favorite card: Magician of Black Chaos
[I]Trowa landed the Heavyarms Kai a few miles from the city, he wanted to be sure that non of Zeons Gundams were around, or better yet, non of the Zeon forces 'But then again,' he thought 'I have been pretty bored lately'. He headed off toward the city in a slow walk scanning as he went. After about 30 minutes the scanners detected the presence of an Unidentified Mobile Suit, it didn't even look like one of Zeons let alone a Gundam[/I] [B]Trowa:[/B] This is Pilot Trowa Barton, who are you and what do you want? [B]???:[/B] Welcome to the Mech Battle tronament, you have been selcted to be in this because of your AMAZING skills [B]Trowa:[/B] Flatery will get you no where, whats going on? [B]???:[/B] Your going to be in this tornament, and if you win you'll be declared the best pilot ever....didn't I mention I'm the Judge? Well, be seeing you! [I]The 'Judge' took of again toward the city and Trowa just went through the encounter in his head, once he'd got it straight a kind a grin apeared on his face, he'd win this and be the greatest. Not wanting to waste time to headed off toward the runied city at top speed ready to meet the challenge[/I]
I have a theroy on all this psychic activity. I thing that we all have latent, or unused, psychic abilites and this is strong between family and friends. Thats why you seem to be thinking the same thing as a friend or say the same thing at the exact same time as the other. It's because you've spent so much time together you get a sort of psychic bond between you, what d'you all think to that theroy?
Okay, I changed it for you. And I'm wondering if it's okay that I have an Absol, seeing as it's from Ruby/Sapphire
Name: Kyle Age: 13 Height: 5' 8" Weight: 165 Lbs Description: Blueish/Black hair, medium length. Dark Brown eyes. Longs sleved black T-shirt with a green t-shirt with pockets worn over it. Personality: He is not a very trusting person because his farther left he and his mother while he was very small. He finds it hard to trust new people and prefers to spend most of his time with his Absol, which was the first Pokemon he ever recived. He tends to be very quiet as well, not wanting to say much about him self or his past. Bio: Kyle has born in Ecruteak City on Jhoto. While he was growing up he and his family were very close with Morty, this was one of the factors that lead Kyle to prize Dark and Ghost type Pokemon over most other types. While he and his farther were out visting the Gym, one of the Mediums came to him and told him that he was destined for great things because of the mark on his left arm. It was shortly after this that his farther left them and his Mother went into a kind of depression. During this time Morty took Kyle under his wing and taught him what it was to be a good Pokemon trainer and to have a link with ones Pokemon. After a few years he and his mother left Ecruteak to live in Copper Town, after a few weeks they meet Prof. Redwood who realised that the mark on Kyle arm ment something and linked it with the prophicie he had read and took Kyle to his lab where he presented him with his Absol and Pokedex. First Pokemon: Lvl. 5 Absol Trainer/Gymleader: Trainer What Mark: The Dark Skin. A black circle with flame shapes around the sides, the mark is the the upper part of the Left arm
A: Rancho Relaxo, the only 3 (or 4) star rest place in the Springfield area. Q: What do the Store Clerks at a Springfield Pet Shop have the ability that causes them to tell familys to by many things for their pet?
[U]Flail/Reversal[/U] Normal/Fighting Move Deals more damge the lower the HP of the User is 15/--/100 [U]Frustration[/U] Maximum damage done is 102 HP. The damage gets higher if your Pokemon is uhhappy
[I]There was a slight rusle in the bushes and the Bug type Pokemon that were in the Area quickly went into hiding, there were a few tense seconds as they waited to see what came out. From the bushes came a Pokemon trainer followed by a Ghastly, he looked around for a minute before talking[/I] Ryan: Hmmm, this place looks like a heaven for Bug type Pokemon, and I wouldn't mind getting a Male Wurmple....those Dustox seem strong. What d'you thing Ghastly? Ghastly: Ghastly, Ghast...Ghastly Ryan: Yeah, I'll get the Pokedex to check if theres any Pokemon around [I]Ryan took his bag from his back and started shifting things around, searching for the Pokedex. After a few seconds he found it and zipped up his bag and put it back on[/I] Ryan: Right, okay. Dexter see if you can detect any Pokemon in the area Dexter: There a severl Wurmple in this area and most of them seem to be male Ryan: Great, [I]He palced Dexter in his pocket and took out an ordinary Pokeball[/I], Ghastly attack that bush over there with Confuse Ray Ghastly: GHASTLY! [I]Ghastly fired his attack at the bush and was able to flush out about three Wurmple and Ryan saw one of the male ones and directed Ghastly to use Confuse Ray on it directly, which he did[/I] Ryan: Good job Ghastly, it's confused. Quickly, use Lick! Ghastly: Ghast! Ryan: Nicely done, Pokeball go! [I]The Pokeball flew towards the dazed Wurmple and hit it on the head squarely, there was a flash of Light as the Wurmple was take inside the ball. It wobbled briefly before the light went green, showing that the Wurmple had been caught[/I] Ryan: Alright, I got a Wurmple!
when do you guy go back to the hellhole aka school?
Jokopoko replied to darkside's topic in General Discussion
I go back sometime in September......did I mention I left sometime in MAY! :D:D:D:D -
One question: Which area of the Pokemon world are we on? Kanto, Jhoto or Honto? And what style RPG is this???
As he walked of the tavern Vagen looked around the town. It was a beautiful day, which not even an Orc could have runied. But he was soon proven wrong by the loud shouts from a boy who was runing towards the town at great speed followed, it seemed, by an Elf. He watched the boy pass him and the Elf had caught up, he lept upon the boy and snatched the bag of money the boy seemed to have saying to him [i]"If you wanted some you could have ask..."[/i]. He watched the Elf walk away and he offered a hand to the youngester, which he took greatfully. "What just happened between you and that Elf?" Vagen asked "He jumped me and took my money, so I took it back and then he took it again. Could you get it back for me?" He said looking up with great puppydog eyes. "I'd be glad to" Vagen replied. And he took of after the Elf to retrive the boys money
I've got a site here that has info on every Move and Pokemon from Ruby and Sapphire, please have a look so I can have my Ralts :) [URL=http://www.upnetwork.net/pvg/games/rs/newpokes.shtml]Ultimate Pokemon Network[/URL] EDIT: Ralts are much cuter and everyone knows it!
Favorite Amusement Park Ride! BWEE!
Jokopoko replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in General Discussion
My fave rides in the world!!!!! Are Oblivion (OMG!!!) and Nemesis (OMG AGAIN!!!!) Amazing rides, there both at Alton Towers in England and the rock amazingly! And Air isn't that bad either -
Call me sad but I was close to tears :bawl: in the Optimus death scence in 'Transformers: The Movie', it's just so sad!