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Everything posted by Jokopoko
They brought the Hammertime mansion, which Homer changed into Homertime :P Q: Who owns the Shelbyville Nuclear Plant?
For people WHO HAVE NOT SEEN THE FILM, what d'you think its going to be like? I'm kinda confused about how their going to explain the 'Rise of the Machines' seeing as they destroyed all the techno stuff on T2? What are your views.
My fave band is 'Evanescence' and my fave song would be 'My Immortal' by....Evanescence :D
I've got two sisters, one older and one younger, and I wish my parents had stopped at me :S. Little sisters are the worst thing to be spawned onto this green earth.
Are we going to be able to capture/use Pokemon from Ruby/Sapphire? P.S. If we are I'd like to change my Pkmn to a Ralts
Name: Ryan Evans Age: 14 Description: See picture Basic Pokemon: Ghastly Bio: Born in Jhoto Ryan started his Pokemon journey by taking on the Jhoto leauge. But he is very different from most trainers, in the fact that he chose a Ghastly as his Starter Pokemon whereas other normally chose one of the Fire, Grass or Water element. He has been traveling the land for quite some time and has several badges and his ever loyal Ghastly will stay with him till the end.
Name: Trowa Barton Gender: Male Age: 15 Hair: Brown Eyes: Green [b][u]Bio/Notes:[/u][/b]Pilot of the Gundam Heavyarms. His ethnic and home origins are unknown, though it's believed that he came from the L3 Colony Cluster. Most of Trowa's past is shrouded in mystery, and all that really becomes known is that Trowa Barton is not his true name. What he lacks in a past, he makes up for on the battlefield. Trowa is a master tactician and has combat experience well beyond his years. He is also very athletic and highly skilled, making his side job as a clown/acrobat with a traveling circus the perfect cover. Trowa is the most stoic of the Gundam pilots, often expressionless and seemingly unemotional. His contributions to the team are mostly military in nature, though he often offers up an interesting point of view on a given situation. While working in the circus, he meets Katherine. Katherine always fears for Trowa's safety, and they consider each other to be brother and sister, though they could be more. When Trowa contracts amnesia, Katherine tries to protect him from his past as a Gundam pilot. Trowa, unlike the other Gundam pilots, isn't too personal about his Gundam, allowing Heero to use it to battle Zechs in Antarctica. Picture: [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/nj3/trowabarton2/images/trowa.jpg[/IMG] -------------------------------------- [B][U]MECHA[/U][/B] [u]Model number:[/u] XXXG-01H2 [u]Code name:[/u] Gundam Heavyarms Kai [u]Unit type:[/u] mobile suit [u]Manufacturer:[/u] Doktor S (with modifications by Howard) [u]Operator:[/u] Gundam pilots [u]First deployment:[/u] AC 195 [u]Accommodation:[/u] pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso [u]Dimensions:[/u] head height 16.7 meters [u]Weight:[/u] empty 8.2 metric tons; max gross weight unknown [u]Construction:[/u] gundanium alloy [u]Powerplant:[/u] ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 3190 kW [u]Propulsion:[/u] rocket thrusters: 73750 kg total Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; self-destruct system [u]Fixed armaments:[/u] 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x machinecannon, fire-linked, mounted in torso; 4 x Gatling gun, fire-linked, mounted in chest; 4 x 9-tube homing missile launcher, mounted on legs; 2 x 22-tube micromissile launcher system, mounted in shoulder armor; 2 x 4-tube micromissile launcher, mounted on hip armor [u]Optional hand armaments:[/u] 2 x double Gatling gun, can be stored on backpack storage racks Picture: [IMG]http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/endlesswaltz/xxxg-01h2.jpg[/IMG]
I've looked but I can't find a Sirskit, do they only come out at night?
Name: Vagen Age: 34 Gender: Male Weapon: Power staff and sword (Halen is the swords name)) Class: Mage Description: Jet black hair and dark hazel eyes. Midnight blue Tunic w. Cloak and black trouseres, black walking boots and white gloves. Bio: Vagen grew up in an area far from any citys, orcs or other creatures. He was one of the select few that a Master Mage had chosen to tutor so his knowledge could live on. On the final day of their time there, a host of Orcs attacked the tower in which they lived, though the Orcs were driven back the master was Mortally wounded. On his death bed he asked Vagen to avenge him and he gave him is Staff of Power.
Hydro Cannons accuracy is 100% and it attacks over two turns
Yeah, the thing about the high levels is I think that this has the same problem as Pkmn Red and Blue. All the wild Pkmn have low levels so it's very hard to raise your levels once you get to Level 12 or around that mark
This is to anyone who has the ROM of either Pkmn Ruby or Pkmn Sapphire. Do you have the patch that fixes the clock based events thing.
OOC: So that means I'm using Beldum and Houndour against the two Eevees?
Ryushi woke early on the next morning and was up and about at around 7 o'clock. After he'd finished breakfast and such he walked into the sitting room to see that Dorumon had fallen asleep on the sofa, the chip bag was still in his claws. Trying his best to remain quiet he crept up to Dorumon, took a deap breath and yelled: [SIZE=5]"WAKE UP DORUMON!"[/SIZE] The Digimon awoke with a start with a look of mixed confusion and annoyence. "You could of just said 'wake up', instead of yelling it like that" Dorumon said after he had gathered him self. After he had stopped laughing Ryushi was able to say he was sorry. Dorumon had his breakfast and they we're out of the hotel in about 30 minutes. "So have you thought of a way to get into the Jungle yet?" Dorumon asked. "Yeah, I say we just go straight in there, I mean it's not like it's full of Devidramon or anything is it. We go in, find the escence and get out, piece of cake" Ryushi replied. "Well, sounds like a plan but I say we fly there" The Digimon said "Alright, lets get somewhere hidden so you can digivole" The walked down an alleyway and took a few minutes to make sure that no one else was around before Dorumon digivoled. "Okay," Ryushi said, "cost is clear. Digivolve!" "Dorumon digivolve to------------Dorugamon!" Standing where the little fury dinosaur once was there was now a larger dinosaur with wings and looks that could kill. Ryushi quickly climbed onto Dorugamons back and they flew off towards the jungle ready to face whatever came their way.
I've got the Ruby version, which Pkmn should I get/Evolve? (Ii'm thinking Dustox and Wingull)
[u]Name and Codename:[/u] Juno Savel/Orion [u]Product Number:[/u] 0008971701 [u]Age:[/u] 26 [u]Description:[/u] Jet black hair and dark brown/hazel eyes, often wears sun-glasses. About 6' tall and normally wears black leather jacket with a grey T-shirt underneath. Long & Baggy darkly coloured jeans.. [u]Weapons:[/u] Power Staff (About 5' 7" long) which shots out electricity and can stun an enemy on contact, two pulse pistols. [b][u]Battle Armour Info:[/u][/b] In normal form it is a low profile high speed hover bike, Juno lays face down on the bike while flying it, it contains two beams emitters on either side. When in armour mode Juno is at the center of the armour I.E. when he moves his leg, the suits leg moves etc. The weapons include sholder (left) mounted rocket launcher, the beam emitters are on either arm and the Power Staff become longer and thicker so the armour can use it. [u]Bio:[/u] Before joining the 'Battle Armour X' program Juno was looking to become an Astronaught and work for N.A.S.A. But when NIGHTMARE attacked Huston his dream, like the buildings, went up in smoke. It wasn't to long before the UN contacted him with the proposition of joining. With his lifes plan gone down the drain Juno accepted. Now he fights with the others, not only for the world, but for his freedom as well.
Hey all who have Pkmn R/S, I was wondering how you beat Brawly (3rd Gym Leader) I can't seem to get my Pkmn levels high enought to beat that Machop let alone the Makuhita, HELP ME :(
[U]Hero Name:[/U] Faze [U]Real Name:[/U] John Filmore [U]Powers:[/U] Invisibility and the ability to walk through soild objects or 'faze' through things [U]Weaknesses:[/U] Weak against concentrated light and extremely dense objects [U]Description:[/U] [I]Hero Outfit:[/I] An all black body suit with silver eyes (Like Spidermans) and silver palms on the hands. [I]Civilian Outfit:[/I] Black overcoat w. black gloves. Often wears a black hat along with v. dark Sunglasses. Dark coloured jeans. [U]Bio:[/U] John was among the people being worked on to become invisible so they could work for the government. John was the only one to survive, but he also had the ability to walk through soild objects while he was invisible. While trying out the power in his home town he heard some one on the street being robbed and he went to their aid. Since that day he has been know as Faze.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Walnut [/i] [B]ooc: no problem...I'll let you guys know I don't often post during the week as I'm usually at work so forgive me if I appear to slack off. IC: Serine nodded, "You two don't know what's going to hit you". She looked towards Dancer and nodded, Dancer leapt over to Frost's Eevee and nugde it in a sign of friendship. The otehr Eevee returned the nugde and both buckled down ready to attack. Kili looked towards Mudkup and went to join it. "Let's go! Dancer sand attack! Kili ember attack!" Serine watched to see the results and also what Frost was gonig to do. [/B][/QUOTE] OOC: Are you using four Pkmn or what? 2-on-2 means 2 Pkmn fighting another 2, not 4 against 4. You can only use 2 because we're only using Houndour and Beldum.
OOC: Just for the record, this will be the first fight Serine and Frost have had because they only just got their Pkmn where as Arika and I have had our Pkmn for over a month (RPG time), just thought I'd clear that up.
"Thinks are going to get intresting" Carl said this slowly and clearly so everyone, especialy the girl, could hear him. "Right, lets battle!" He postioned him self next to Arika and Houndour went forward, ready to attack. "Ladys first," he said to Arika, "but the Eevees mine alright".
"This shouldn't take to long to sort out, should it?" Carl said with a grin. "I'm going to use Houndour for this one, it's been awhile since he was out". He walked slightly away from the trees so that he was visable to the girl on the swings. "I know why your here, or rarther, WE know" On the 'we' Akira walked out from the opposite side of the tree, her silver eyes glittering maliciously. "We challenge you to a 2-on-2 Pokèmon battle, you have no choice but to accept. Houndour I choose you!" Carl threw the black and red Pokèball into the air and Houndour came bursting out in a flash of red light and let out a large jet of fire from it's mouth. Carl turned to Arika to see what Pokèmon she called upon, the battle was about to begin.
As Carl sat watching the girl on the swings, waiting for her to do something, he saw that a Ralts had wondered over to his Beldum. He knew that could only mean one thing, he looked around near the direction the Ralts had come from and, sure enough, he saw the silhouette of an Eevee and the glit on silver eyes just by the Tree. [i]'I was wondering when Arika would show up'[/i] He thought to him self. Carefull not to make more noise then need be he walked over to Arika, motioning to Beldum and Ralts to follow him. He knew that she had seen him but she made no move to show that she had acknowledged that he was there. It was only a short while until he was in talking, or rarther whispering, range. [b]"Took you long enough to show,"[/b] He began, he inclined his head towards the swings, [b]"what d'you think to this one then, double battle?"[/b]
[b]Name:[/b] Vance [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Description:[/b] Vance has long silver hair and generally wears Sun-glasses. He normally has a pale grey long-sleved shirt along with a leather jacket. His jeans or fairly baggy, but not to baggy and he wears large black boots. He also wears black fingerless gloves. [b][u]Bio:[/u][/b] As far as Vance knew he was just another average teenager but one day it all went wrong for him. While going to school he wasn't what you would call un-popular, but neither was he popular but he was quite good at football and the jocks didn't like that one bit. One afternoon after school they had him cornered and were about to attack him when they just flew away and it took a few seconds to realise but it had been Vance who had knocked them away with his element, wind. The next day the Principle called him to the office and told him he had to leave the school and he's been by him self ever since. [b]Element:[/b] Wind [B][U]WIND:[/U][/B] With his hands Vance can create cyclones and other things like that, though not as large as the real thing. He can also make huge gusts by placing his hands together and aiming them at someone or something. If there is a strong wind where he is he can control it a directed it to where it is needed, though this takes more energy then forming his own.
Carl watched the girl on the swings from the Alley Way behind the park, being carefull not to make a sound. 'So this is what we've be reduced to, offering rookies like her a place on the team. It doesn't seem right' He thought to himself. After a while of watching he decided to get a better look at her Pokèmon, so he walked out the back of the alley and round to the front of the park, but still remaining hidden. It was then he heard her call out, [i]"Whos there?"[/i], he wondered how he should respond to this. But he thought it was best to make her wait, but in case she came snopping he'd better let out on of his Pokèmon, but which? He decided on Beldum. Even though he was less aggressive then Houndour he had the ability to stay hidden and quiet when he needed to be. 'So', Carl thought, 'Lets she what she does....'