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Everything posted by Jokopoko

  1. It's either TA-KE EB-E-NA or TA-KAI EB-E-NA but I prefer TA-KAI
  2. OOC: I have posted an Intro. I'm Tahu Nuva remember
  3. OOC: Has this thread died then? OOC EDIT: The people are called Mantoran and their leaders are called Torunga.
  4. Seeing as I'm now a Dark Digidestined in 01/02 I'll have the Crest of Vengence, okay?
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arika [/i] [B][size=1][B]Name:[/B] Arika[/size] [size=1][B]Age:[/B] 14[/size] [size=1][B]Description:[/B] Pure silver eyes that change with her moods, black flared pants, black leather belt that says PokeMaster in silver, black skechers, silver necklace with crystal pokeball hanging down on it, italian custom made sunglasses. On her left hand is a silver ring with mini-mini-mini crystal pokeballs embedded into it. red spaghetti strap tank top under an opened waist long black silk jacket. shoulder length layered light brown hair w/ orangish-reddish hair, 5'[/size] [size=1][B]Personality:[/B] Arika is a independant girl who doesn't ask anyone for favors. She doesn't trust a lot of people. If you battle her, you better be prepared, she doesn't back down, even from a master.[/size] [size=1][B]Bio:[/B] Akira was found with a strong rookie pokemon after her first battle against Team Rocket. The Team Ball boss watched her every move and was recruited to be with Team Ball. She accepted after a battle against one of the toughest members on the Team.[/size] [size=1][B]Pok?on:[/B] Eevee and Ralts[/size] [size=1][B]Team Alliance:[/B] w/ Team Ball[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Woo! I have a friend :). Just a note, Pokemon don't have levels like Rookie and Champion they just Evolve to the next creature when the reach a certain point.
  6. Ryushi's plane had only landed a few hours ago so he was still getting used to this area, after all this would be his home until he found the Jungle Essence. Lately he'd only been scoping the travel agents shops to find a sutible tour group in order to get into the Amazon and begin the search. After about 30 minutes he headed back to his rented apartment to get some rest. As he walked though his door he saw that Dorumon had already made him self at home, he was sitting on the sofa eating some chips. "You better not get to comfortable there," Ryushi said with a smirk, "it's not going to be long until I find a way into the Jungle". "I know," replied the Digimon, "I'm getting some rest so I can be ready for the Master when I have to face him. It's not every day you have to challenge a god is it?" Dorumon said while continuing to eat the chips. "Yeah, sure. Just don't make to much noise, I'm going to get some sleep, I need a rest myself" Ruyshi replied. With that he crossed the room into his bedroom and crashed down to the bed while only thinking of one thing, the coming battle.
  7. So....whats happening with this RPG?
  8. Can I change my character to Season 1/2 with the same Digivolutions?
  9. [u]Name:[/u] Ryan [u]Age:[/u] 17 [u]Character:[/u] Raziel (Soul Reaver Series) [u]Powers:[/u] Soul Reaver, Dark Reaver, Light Reaver, Air Reaver and the Fire Reaver. He can also shift to the Spectral Plain. [u]Apperence:[/u] See picture. [b][u]Bio:[/u][/b]Up late one night Ryan was playing 'Soul Reaver 2' on his PC. He'd been playing for sometime and was very near the end of the level but before he could complete the game a blinding flash filled the room and deleted his game. The next day he awake to find him self appearing as Raziel did in the games. Since that day he has the thirst for Human Blood and the aversion to Sunlight. And he can wield the power of the Reavers. [IMG]http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/rrraziel/Raziel%20Catching%20Light.jpg[/IMG]
  10. Just one thing I'd like to add; I NEED MORE FRIENDS ON TEAM BALL! HELP ME!
  11. [u]Name:[/u] Chase [u]Age:[/u] 25 [u]Weapon:[/u] Bow w. Magical Arrows (Fire and Ice Arrows) [u]Runes:[/u] [i]Gate Rune, Shrike and White Tiger[/i] [i]Head Rune[/i] - Gate Rune [i]Left Arm[/i] - Shrike [i]Right Arm[/i] - White Tiger
  12. Okay, I have all the forms here: [IMG]http://hikarinotooshi.t35.com:8000/dorumon.jpg[/IMG] -Dorumon [IMG]http://hikarinotooshi.t35.com:8000/dorugamon.jpg[/IMG] -Dorugamon [IMG]http://hikarinotooshi.t35.com:8000/doruguremon.jpg[/IMG] -Dorugremon [IMG]http://hikarinotooshi.t35.com:8000/dorugoramon.jpg[/IMG] -Dorugoramon Is that okay? EDIT: I'd just want to mention something about Gomamons Mega from. I thought it was Pleasiomon and not MarineAngemon, o.O
  13. [u]Name:[/u] Carl Hargraves [u]Age:[/u] 15 [u]Descrption:[/u] A rarther tall person, standing at 6 feet tall Carl can be quite intimidating. He has deep set Hazel eyes and medium length Jet Black Hair. He has a mild muscular build of which his arms are the best built. [u]Personality:[/u] With a rarther dark and cynicl sense of humour Carl is a perfect person for TB, and he works very well with his Pokemon. But he prefers to use Houndour over Belduum because, overall, he is more agressive. [u]Bio:[/u] Carl became aware of TB shortly before the virus spread across the network. They had e-mailed him shortly before they spread the Virus around the world. They had told him to take his two fave Pokemon and shut down his game before the virus got to his PC, which he did. Later he recived another E-mail requesting him to join them, which he did, and since then he and his Pokemon have been a valued part of TB. [u]Pokémon:[/u] Houndour and Beldum [u]Team Alliance:[/u] Allied with TB P.S. Beldum is from Rupy/Sapphire, if I can't have him I'll have Skarmony.
  14. [u]Name:[/u] Helorin [u]Race:[/u] Wood Elf [u]Hair:[/u] Medium Length and Autumn Brown [u]Eyes:[/u] Hazel [u]Gender:[/u] Male [u]Clothing:[/u] Forest Green trousers, Brown shirt w. Dark green overcoat + Cape (Think Legolas from LoTR) [u]Items:[/u] Flute, Utility Belt (:p), Traveling Pack, Lock Picking tools and Compass [u]Weapons:[/u] Blessed Sword, Two small scimitars and one battle staff [u]Dinosaur:[/u] Hopefully an Ankylosaur [u]Persanality:[/u] As carm and peacefully as the autumn wind or as rushless and cold as the winter snow. These are the extremes of Helorin. He is very loyal to his friends and with never back away from a fight if they are in trouble, he is at his peak in the Forest where the abilites he learned as a child help him best
  15. Jokopoko


    [u]Name:[/u] Shadowblade [u]Age:[/u] Unknown [u]Time line:[/u] The Reign of Chaos (Warcraft 3 basicly :P) [u]Weapons:[/u] Two Warblades charged with the spirits of destroyed demons [u]Spells:[/u] [i][u]Metomorphosis:[/u][/i] This transforms Shadowblade in to a huge and terrifing Demon from another world, though he keeps his mind he is an unstopable being charged with demonic energy. [i][u]Evasion:[/u][/i] Allows Shadowblade to become extremely hard to hit with ranged attacks. [b][u]Bio/personality:[/u][/b] Shadowblade was made into a Demon Hunter at a very early age and because of this he remembers very little from his past life and his family, all that he knows is that he was transported to this place to aid in the fight against these Howlers. To him they are just more demons needing to be slayed. Shadowblade keeps to himself and rarely speaks to others, inside he hides the inner torrment he has suffered in all his years from fighting the demons of the other world. He wishes to atone for all the wrongs his people caused without intending to.
  16. I've also come up with a basic story line, tell me what you think: [u]Basic Storyline[/u] N/B: Set 10 years after 02 in same Universe, not Tamer Alt. Universe. So the 25 year thing after 02 not yet happened. [b][u]Prologue:[/u][/b] After MaloMyotismon had been defeated and Oikawa sacrificed himself to restore the Digital World, there was a golden age of peace. But now that peace is being threatened by ChaosPiedmon who is the corrupted reincarnation of the digital Data left behind by the Dark Masters after they were defeated by the original Digidestined. He has returned not only to conquer the Digital World but also to destroy our world so he can no longer be challenged by Digimon with the ability to Digivolve. So it is up to the 5 new Digidestined, along with their Digimon and Element Force, to defeat ChaosPiedmon and keep the Digital World safe forever.
  17. Name: Dorumon Level: Rookie Techniques: Metal Cannon & Dash Metal [b][u]Digivolutions[/u][/b] [i]Champion:[/i] Dorugamon [i]Ultimate:[/i] Dorugremon [i]Mega:[/i] Dorugoramon Personality: Dorumon likes a joke as much as the next Digimon but he knows when to be serious and when it's time to have a laugh.
  18. [I][SIZE=1]Tahu Nuva flew into the ground with a mighty crack and he had just enough time to gather himself to stop the Red lizard from striking him with the staff once more, but it was to late. For from the strike images of horror and torment filled Tahu Nuvas mind and he was rooted and could not prevent the attack.[/I] [I]As the Red Lizard spun round ready to strike Tahu in the face he saw that the other Toa Nuva were having just as hard a time as he. The Lizard made contact and Tahu Nuva crashed back down to the ground.[/I] [I]He was conscious long enough to here the Lizards talking:[/I] [color=royalblue]"Let's finish them off now!"[/color] "Not now, fool. Just poison them and we'll be off. They'll be back even stronger. Trust me. This is more than we can handle now. You'll see." [I]And then the green one came to him and pressed his staff onto him and he body was filled with pain and he felt the paralyzing venom sweep through him.[/I] [I]So he lay, unable to move and unable to prevent the escape on the creatures that had attacked them.[/I][/SIZE]
  19. OOC: Sorry about this but I has wondering if I got the Tahu Nuva place?
  20. Good Digidestined Season 3 [Male] [u]Name:[/u] Ryushi Hama [u]Age:[/u] 14 [u]Digimon:[/u] Dorumon [b][u]Digivolutions:[/u][/b] Dorumon-Dorugamon-Dorugremon-Dorugoramon [u]Short Bio and personality:[/u] Unlike most of the Digidestined/Tamers, Dorumon came to Ryushi when he was very young, but at that time Dorumon was Dorimon. It happened in a park when Ryushi was playing in the fun house area, a digital field appeared right in front of him and out popped Dorimon and he and Ryushi have been friends ever since. Though he has similar personality traits with previous 'Goggle-Heads' Ryushi is very un-comfortable when asked to make a choice that could affect the whole group, he prefers to be the 'second-in-command' much like Matt or TK but not try to take the postion of leader like they did. [u]Continent:[/u] Japan
  21. Could I be Tahu please :). [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/img320x336tahunuva.jpg[/img] Of all the Toa Nuva, Tahu Nuva most welcomes his new power. Now he feels even more confident that he can protect Ta-koro from any danger! When trouble threatens, his magma swords can be joined together to form a lava board that carries him swiftly over the magma flows. He wears the Hau Nuva, which he uses to protect his people against any harm.
  22. Hello all, I'm new but I'd like to ask you all what you think of my Digimon Fanfic idea :): [u]Possible Digimon Story[/u] [u]Digidestined Digimon[/u] ?Goggle-Boys? Digimon ? Dorumon DD 2# Digimon [M] - Elecmon DD 3# Digimon [M] - Kotemon DD 4# Digimon [F] - Floramon DD 5# Digimon [F] ? Labramon [u]Element Digivolution[/u] Dorumon ? Fire Elemental Elecmon ? Wind Elemental Kotemon ? Earth Elemental Floramon ? Water Elemental Labramon ? Spirit Elemental [u]Names of the Digidestined[/u] ?Goggle-Boy? ? Taki Ebina DD 2# [M] ? Dayu Ashida DD 3# [M] ? Michio Gensai DD 4# [F] ? Kishi Yuhara DD 5# [F] ? Nariko Daishi [u]Elemental Digivolutions[/u] Dorumon ? Infernodramon Elecmon ? Tempestmon Kumamon ? Terrainmon Floramon ? Aquaticmon Labramon ? Meleemon [u]Digivices of the Digidestined[/u] D-Element: The D-E (Short hand) operates in much the same way as the D-Tector did, meaning that not only is it able to cause Digivolution within a Digimon but it is able to scan the Elemental of the Digidestined the Digimon is partnered with. But the difference is that the Elemental is used in conjunction with the Digimon instead of causing the Human to become a Digimon, as it was with the D-Tector. The D-Element is also able to scan for other D-Es and store data on Digimon the owner has meet. ============================================== [u]Basic Profiles[/u] [i][u]Taki Ebina[/u][/i] Name: Taki Ebina Age: 15 School: Shimada High Elemental: Fire [b]Digimon:[/b] In Training: Dorimon Rookie: Dorumon Champion: Dorugamon Ultimate: Dorugremon Mega: Dorugoramon [i]Elemental: Infernodramon[/i] Description: Much like all the other ?Goggle-Boys? of the Digidestined/Tamers Taki can speak or act before he thinks, that?s what he has in common with Tai and Davis. But, much like Takato, he is slow to anger but just as slow to mirth. Like his Elemental, fire, Taki burns with pride when the group accomplishes something great and burns with fury when a member of the group is wronged or harmed in any way. [i][u]Dayu Ashida[/u][/i] Name: Dayu Ashida Age: 15 School: Shimada High Elemental: Wind [b]Digimon:[/b] In-Training: Tsunomon Rookie: Elecmon Champion: Leomon Ultimate: Grapleomon Mega: Saberleomon [i]Elemental: Tempestmon[/i] Description: Dayu is like a mixture of Izzy and Ken. He has the knowledge but he is the silent type. He rarely speaks while the group are discussing what they should do next or where they should go but when he does speak it is full of wisdom and is carefully said so all can understand what he means. His Elemental is wind and like the wind he can go from a small breeze, this is often talking to someone, to a raging Tornado, mostly in battle he is very caught up in the fight. [i][u]Michio Gensai[/u][/i] Name: Michio Gensai Age: 13 School: Shimada High Elemental: Earth [b]Digimon:[/b] In-Training: Kapurimon Rookie: Kotemon Champion: Kuwagamon Ultimate: Okuwamon Mega: GranKuwagamon [i]Elemental: Terrainmon[/i] Description: Michio is the Cody and Joe type of the group and, as one would expect, very friendly and kind as well as reliable. He likes to take an active part in the group and unlike Joe; he is un-afraid of danger and is willing to put his life on the line if his friends or Kotemon are in danger. His Elemental is Earth, and like the Earth he is firm and steadfast and the group know they can count on him when he is needed. [i][u]Kishi Yuhara[/u][/i] Name: Kishi Yuhara Age: 14 School: Shimada High Elemental: Water [b]Digimon:[/b] In-Training: Tanemon Rookie: Floramon Champion: Kiwimon Ultimate: Blossomon Mega: Rosemon [i]Elemental: Aquaticmon[/i] Description: Kishi is basically the embodiment of Mimi and Matt. She is not as ditzy as Mimi but she can be as cool as Matt, but she has twice the fashion sense. She has a two-way PoV of Taki, on the one hand she thinks he is cute and funny, but on the other she thinks he can get to carried away with himself and she often butts heads with him but the remain the best of friends. Her Elemental is Water, that is because she can be like an April Shower or a huge Tsunami moving anything in her path to help her friends and partner. [i][u]Nariko Danshi[/u][/i] Name: Nariko Daishi Age: 14 School: Shimada High Elemental: Spirit [b]Digimon:[/b] In-Training: Shaomon Rookie: Labramon Champion: Seasarmon Ultimate: Cerberusmon Mega: Anubismon [i]Elemental: Meleemon[/i] Description: Nariko is the Henry of the group, though she has traits from Yolei. She is most like Henry when braking up disputes between the group, mostly between Kishi and Taki but she becomes Yolei in her stubbornness and being too impulsive for her own good. She tends to rush into a situation, much like Taki, but with Labramon in tow she will always be safe. Her Elemental is Spirit, that is because she is like the binding force of the group; she keeps them together through thick and thin and is there for them when she needs them.
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