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Everything posted by Jokopoko

  1. Jokopoko

    Naruto RPG

    [size=1][color=teal]Welcome to OtakuBoards [b]Bartlebycs[/b] The Arena Underground is specifically for RPGs created and played out on OtakuBoards within The Arena. Here was some useful stickies for you to consult: [b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]The Adventure Inn Basics[/url][/b] and [b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44323]The Arena Underground Basics[/url][/b]. Also OtakuBoards does not allow the advertising of other sites so I would ask you not to make this thread again. I hope you have an enjoyable stay here at OtakuBoards. [b]Thread Locked[/b][/size][/color]
  2. [size=1][color=teal]This could be considered partial thread necromancy I suppose, but anyway. I got a DS USD WiFi thingy-whatsit for my BDay so I can now go on WiFi and thus far the only thing I've done is have White over ^^;. Is anyone readily available for some visits or allowing me to come and see you, here's the latest brochure for my town of Avalon ^_~. [i]A lovely coastal town with a large river running through the middle, the towns folk are all very friendly and welcoming (Though Elvis is a bit much at first). We currently have our very own 'Nook Away' store and our local human William is currently on his third mortgage payment. Our Museum is also fairly stocked considering its relative newness. Please consider us for your next holiday.[/i][/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][color=teal]Thanks for the comments folks, here's the second part of Chapter One. Hope you're enjoying it. [center]~*~[/center] One Floo-Journey and a few hours later James was enjoying himself at the Prewett house while his parents were out at work. He preferred the Prewetts house to his own at Godric?s Hollow for several reasons. First, it was that it was much bigger than his own with four floors and more secret passages than he cared to count; there were more magical objects as well because the Prewetts, unlike the Potters, didn?t live close to Muggles and so didn?t need to cover up the fact that they were, in fact, a magical family and not normal at all. He and the Prewett twins, Fabian and Gideon, had been keeping themselves busy by discussing all manner of things Quidditch related. From the fantastic World Cup final of 1969 between Japan and Germany to the news of the new Nimbus 1500 model set for release and imagining themselves playing for their house-team in the second year (all these fantasises resting on the Gryffindor team of course). ?Wouldn?t that be great?? Fabian sighed happily, ?If we all got on the team next year?.Nimbus 1500s all around I?d say.? Flipping over onto his stomach, Fabian opened the latest issue of ?Which Broomstick?? and gazed dreamily at the pictures of the Nimbus 1500. ?I wouldn?t get your hopes up, Fabian. Mum and Dad wouldn?t trust you with a broomstick after what you did to Dad?s Cleansweep.? chuckled Gideon as he smiled at the memory. ?Hey, they got it out of the chimney eventually.? Fabian retorted defensively. ?What d?you think, James? Would we get on the house team?? He asked, still gazing blissfully at the Nimbus. James shrugged. ?I dunno, I suppose we could try out and you have to say that they?d be foolish not to let us in.? he said with confidence in his voice. There was a moment of silence as each of the three boys had delusions of grandeur on the Quidditch pitch until Gideon broke the lull in the conversation. ?Hey, speaking of Hogwarts, what other families are sending kids that you know of?? he asked, looking hopefully at James. James?s mother worked for the Improper Use of Magic Office and so had a basic knowledge of all the young wizards and witches around the country. ?Erm?.well I?ve heard her talking about the Pettigrews, apparently they have a son who?s going.? As he went he ticked off the names on his fingers, ?The Bones, the McKinnon...that?s all I can remember. No wait, hang on.? His face suddenly went dark as he remembered two more names, though it appeared he?d rather not have. ?Well, go on then? Fabian said in a curious tone. James signed slightly. ?The Malfoys and Blacks each have a son going there, I think the Malfoys? son is called Lucius but he?s been there a few years already, and the Blacks son is Sirius but it doesn?t matter, we all know what they?ll be like?. Both the Prewetts nodded in agreement with dark looks similar to James?s on their faces. ?Honestly, I don?t even know why they bother sorting that lot, it?s obvious that they?re going in to Slytherin, don?t waste our time just stuff them in quick as you can.? Gideon commented darkly, reflecting the thoughts of the other two boys in the room. After that the three didn?t feel like talking about Hogwarts much with the thought of being in the same building as Malfoys and Blacks, so they passed the time playing Gobstones and trading the Chocolate Frog cards. James?s thoughts, however, still dwelled on Hogwarts, the houses in particular. What would his parents and friends think if he got sorted into Slytherin with the rest of the scum who called themselves wizards? He?d be no better than a Black. Hufflepuff wouldn?t be bad, but not much better. Later he mentally scalded himself for thinking about that, both his parents had been in Gryffindor so it was an almost certain thing he would be as well, and add the fact that he was a decent person it was almost definite that he wouldn?t get into Slytherin. He was knocked suddenly from his semi-aware state when one of Gideon?s Gobstones shot him with a particularly strong blast of stink spray after he?d lost a point. A few games later, Mrs. Prewett called them all down for dinner.[/color][/size]
  4. [size=2][color=dimgrey][center][b][u]?Unbreakable Prudence: Galvamon Strikes!?[/u][/b][/color][/size] [size=1][color=teal]~*~ ?After defeating the Devidramon agent of ChaosLucemon the Digidestined quickly escaped from the dense jungle they had found themselves in. After a few days of travel they came across what appears to be a huge city, easily dwarfing the likes of New York or Tokyo. Throwing caution to the wind they decide to investigate, because they all feel somewhat safer in an urban centre than an endless jungle.? ?What they don?t know is that they are not alone here...? ~*~[/center] They?d found the city a few hours ago and had so far found no evidence of another living creature, or a digital one for that matter. It was as if the entire place as empty accept for the Digidestined and their partners, Stephen had suggested earlier that they all split up into groups to better cover the city, but Quincy had pointed out that there wasn?t anyway for them to remain in contact if they did do that. Eventually they?d come across a large shopping centre and were surprised to see that it was actually fully stoked with all the usual things that they would be needing to survive. Given that they were now in one building and could easily find each other they followed up on Stephen ideas of splitting up to have a look around. Enzeru and Michael said they?d have a look around the top floor and hurried off with their partners. Alex and Kazuki agreed to have a look around the middle section of the building, mainly looking for camping supplies and the like. This left Tristan, Quincy and Stephen to look around the bottom floor, their main target being food of any description. After some silent searching Tristan decided to break the silence. [b]?Well this certainly is a...big, big city.?[/b] Tristan said, earning a sigh from Stephen and rolled eyes from the Quincy, followed by an elbow in the ribs from Flamon. [b]?It is though.?[/b] He said defensively. Tristan asked Flamon if the Digital World was as random as he thought, ranging from dense jungles one second to a sprawling city the next.[/color] [color=darkred][b]?I wonder as much as you do, I?ve been around for very long y?see, none of us has. I guess you could say we were made just for you lot.?[/b][/color] [color=teal]Flamon chuckled to himself at this last comment. It was now Tristan?s turn to sigh. [b]?Is it me or is this place monumentally boring??[/b] Stephen said to no one in particular. [center]~*~[/center] [b]OOC:[/b] Sorry for the delay folks and the not so great opening chapter post but if it keeps us moving its good enough for me ^_~. Now there is a posting order in this chapter, or at least for the part where we?re looking around, and it goes thus: [center][b]Stephen[/b] - [i]White[/i] [b]Quincy[/b] - [i]Ezekiel[/i] [b]Kazuki[/b] - [i]Sakura[/i] [b]Alex[/b] - [i]Blayze[/i] [b]Michael[/b] - [i]The Boss[/i] [b]Enzeru[/b] - [i]Revelation[/i][/center] Have fun with this chapter kids.[/color][/size]
  5. [size=1][color=teal]I wrote this a while ago but the site I sent it to never actually posted it up so I figure I can post here and see what people think to it and perhaps write more, heh. The story revolves around Harry's dad (James Potter) and his friends at Hogwarts school during their time there, hence the title "The Marauders". Enjoy. [i]Note:[/i] This is the first part of the first chapter, there's more of this to come but I didn't want to scare people off with 3000+ words, heh. [center]~*~ [b][u]Chapter One[/b] Speculation[/u][/center] Waking slowly from his long-nights sleep James settled himself for a while by looking out of his room window to the countryside. After a few moments he yawned widely and stretched himself before slumping back to a waking-sleep state and messing up his hair with vigour. It had been his eleventh birthday several days ago so he, along with his mother and father, had been awaiting his letter from Hogwarts accepting him into the school. Privately he thought he was better than school but he had surmised to humour his parents and teachers at least for the first year to see what he thought of the place. Rubbing his eyes he clambered out of his bed proceeded to dress himself in his dressing gown and slippers before taking himself down stairs to breakfast. Looking lazily into the mirror it said to him: ?Perk up, young sir. ?Tis a fine morrow this day?, yawning a little again he simply waved a hand toward the mirror before shuffling out, personally he wished his parents would get rid of the mirror for it had been in the family for several generations and was getting old. Walking into the kitchen with tousled hair and puffy eyes he saw the frying pan working of its own accord while his mother sat reading the morning Prophet ?Morning, dear? Mrs. Potter said, though not looking up from the Daily Prophet that was laid out on the table before her. ?Your father?s already left for the Ministry and I have to go myself soon?. James merely nodded to show he had heard and understood her, He gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked over to the frying pan and took out two scrambled eggs and a few pieces of toast. He then settled himself by his mother and looked at the cover of the Prophet. [center]FRESH ATTACKS BY YOU-KNOW-WHO BARTIMUS CROUCH PLEADS FOR HARSHER MEASURES[/center] It showed a picture of Mr. Crouch, head of Magical Law Enforcement, talking adamantly at the Minister for Magic who seemed to be ignoring him. ?So they h ? ha ? haven?t been able to get more Death Eaters yet?? James asked through a large yawn. She shook her head grimly, ?The minister still won?t see eye-to-eye with Barty Crouch on the matter, and Crouch has Dumbledore to contend with if he wants these harsher measures. Your father will be hard pressed over the next few days but we should be alright here, so don?t worry.? Taking his time over his food James wondered about the Death Eaters and the whole Voldemort affair and thought if it was actually worth going to school in a time of such turmoil. Just as he was thinking this his thought was answered in the form of a Screech Owl flying through the window with a letter bound to its leg. Mrs. Potter looked up as the owl landed in front of James and put out its leg expectantly waiting for him to take the letter. James removed it quickly from the owl and watched it sore out of the window and into the distance. Mrs. Potter looked at the letter and then to James, ?Who?s the letter from, James? Is it Fabian?? She asked expectantly, he turned the letter onto its back and saw the Hogwarts crest in wax on the seal, ?No?.it?s from Hogwarts? He said offhandedly as he opened the letter and read: [i][center]HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDY Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)[/center] Dear Mr. Potter, We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your return owl no later than 31 July. Yours sincerely Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress[/i] After reading the first piece of parchment James unfolded the second piece and read: [i]HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY Uniform First-year students will require: 1. Three sets of plain work robes (black) 2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear 3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar 4. One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings) Please note that all pupils? clothes should carry name tags Set Books All students should have a copy of each of the following: The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling A Beginners? Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble Other Equipment 1 wand 1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2) 1 set glass or crystal phials 1 telescope 1 set brass scales Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad PARENTS ARE REMINDED THAT FIRST-YEARS ARE NOT ALLOWED THEIR OWN BROOMSTICKS.[/i] Taking his head up from reading the parchment he saw that his mother was beaming at him. ?Well, I wondered when it would arrive. I half thought they had forgotten about you, congratulations James?. She hugged him in a way that only a mother could which left him feeling very content with himself and he couldn?t help grinning. ?Why make the fuss, mum? You knew I was going to get in anyway? James said trying to shrug off the approval. She looked at him sceptically ?Ah yes, well then I suppose you don?t want me to buy you anything like a broom or an owl then?? She said in a similarly sceptical tone. James?s eyes widened with shock. ?Wha ? What?? He stuttered but he recovered quickly, ?Well it you put it like that I suppose it IS a big deal about Hogwarts? He said putting on his most charming smile. Mrs. Potter laughed and ruffled his hair up and looked into his brown eyes with a motherly love. ?Alright then, what would you like then?? ?Well?, he said in mock thought, ?I don?t think an owl would go a miss but I?d think about Brooms for next year? He was grinning from ear to ear. ?Fair enough, we can get you one from Eeylops when we go to Diagon Alley for your school things? ?That?ll be great, thanks mum? James gave her a huge hug, She glanced down at her watch and let out a small gasp. ?Oh my, look at the time. I?d better get to the office. Have fun today James with Fabian and Gideon while you?re with the Prewetts and I?ll see you later? She ruffled his hair again before kissing him on the cheek. Walking over to the fireplace she took a pinch of Floo-Powder and stepped into the emerald flames. ?Ministry of Magic!? She shouted, and one whooshing sound later she had vanished from the fire and it was once again red and crackling merrily. James took his gaze from the fireplace and turned back to the table but saw that the plates and paper had already been cleared away and the frying pan had, too, disappeared. He let out an exasperated sign. ?Plucky, I swear, you may be the most meticulous house-elf but sometimes I wonder about you?. Shaking his head James walked out of the kitchen back to his room to get dressed before travelling to the Prewetts with the Floo-Powder. Arriving back in his room he was greeted by the mirror once more. ?Dress your self, Master James. The day is almost half gone and you have squandered it most foolishly? James cast the mirror a dark sideways glance. ?Just shut up and let me get dressed will you? He snapped. [center]~*~[/center] Hope you all like it.[/color][/size]
  6. [size=1][color=teal]#1 He Whose name cannot be sPoken. Is also a masteR of the WRitten WoRd. I'm going to guess [b]Kuja[/b] *shudders*.[/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=teal][b]OOC:[/b] Just a note Mike this Elelmental Digivolution thing is gonna be like ?bang!? and no one knows what?s happening so the Digimon wouldn?t be protecting Flamon ^^;;. [center]~*~[/center][/color] [color=blue][b]?Slash Fin!?[/b][/color] [color=teal]Swimmon cried as he flung himself at the Devidramon, making deep cuts as he went. It didn?t seem to faze the dragon, on the contrary, it just severed to enrage him even more as he launched another attack at the group, which narrowly missed Tristan as he bailed into Ayana. [b]?Hey, watch it!?[/b] She shouted at him as she picked up Falcomon, even though he was clearly hurt the little bird Digimon was wrestling to get out of her arms and continue the fight. [b]?Sorry, next time there?s a deadly attack coming toward me I?ll just stand there alright!??[/b] Tristan retorted hotly. Stephen came running up to them with Swimmon in tow. [b]?Look, we can?t afford to be fighting right now. Swimmon says that even with all of our Digimon?s power combined we?re not going to able to take this thing down, we need to...what was it...Digivolve or something.?[/b] From a little ways off a shout from Mike came: [b]?What the hell is Digivolution, and how - oh shit!?[/b] Everyone?s head snapped to look at what Mike was pointing at. Lucemon was sprawled on the ground and Kazuki was trying to pull him out of harms way. Unfortunately Devidramon seemed to have noticed this was as a wicked smile had crept across its muzzle and it headed straight for the downed pair. No one was within reach to act immediately and it seemed as if all they could do was watch as this evil Digimon struck down on of there own, so early in the adventure. With a flash of realisation Tristan looked over to Flamon and, coming to a silent agreement, the two of them began rushing full pace towards Devidramon. The closer the got the brighter Tristan?s Digivice glowed with a brilliant red light. Feeling in his pocket he saw that the Crystal was glowing with the same light and he knew what he had to do. [center][b]?Elemental Digivolution, Engage!?[/b][/center] With the two Digivice in his right hand and the Crystal in his left Tristan struck both of his hands forward. Bringing them closer together he pointed the head of the Digivice at the Crystal and watched as the Crystal seemed to be absorbed into the Digivice. Feeling the energy contained within the Digivice Tristan closed other of his hands around it and, now feeling the intense heat pouring out of it, he aimed the Digivice toward Flamon and a rush of red energy shot out and engulfed his Digimon Partner.[/color] [center][color=darkred][b]?Flamon, Elemental Digivolve too...?[/b][/color][/center] [color=teal]The energy wrapped itself around Flamon and it seemed to warp and change his shape until the small bear like child that was Flamon had vanished and what was in his place resembled a humanoid Dragon clasped in golden armour.[/color] [center][color=darkred][b]?Infernodramon, The Flames of Fortitude!?[/b][/color][/center] [color=teal]The collective silence was broken when Mike whistled and said: [b]?Niiiiice?[/b] Tristan looked up at the huge Digimon and was lost for words for a second or two, but before he could say anything Swimmon chirped in.[/color] [color=blue][b]?Wow, this is Infernodramon. The Elemental Warrior of Fire and be glad he?s on our side. His Blazing Elemental attack is no joke.?[/b][/color] [color=teal]Luckily it seemed that this sudden transformation had confused the Devidramon as well because if it hadn?t it would have surely eliminated Kazuki and Lucemon by now. Making this slight pause an advantage the newly formed Infernodramon shot toward Devidramon at blinding speed and quickly tossed him clear from the troubled pair before beginning his attack on the creature.[/color] [color=darkred][b]?Flaming Strike!?[/b][/color] [color=teal]Flames covered Infernodramons arms as he began to furiously strike the Devidramon into submission as Tristan looked on with a feeling of pride, it was because of him that Infernodramon had appeared and saved Kazuki and Lucemon. It looked as though Infernodramon was winning because Devidramon hadn?t moved since Infernodramon had let up his attack, taking advantage of this Infernodramon created a sword of flames and drove into the core of Devidramon and watched as its digital code fragmented into the air. There was a flash of light and weakened looking Flamon was standing where Infernodramon had been. Tristan ran up to him and caught him as he fell a little from the exhaustion.[/color] [color=darkred][b]?How did I do??[/b][/color] [color=teal]Flamon asked with a weak smile. [b]?You did great.?[/b] Tristan said, beaming at him [center]~*~[/center] [b]OOC:[/b] That?s the effective end of this episode but I?d like for someone to post us getting away from the battle area or something so I can get episode two going. Hope you lot are enjoying this.[/color][/size]
  8. [size=1][color=teal][center][img]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b340/taperson/costume_ent-lead__200x2850.jpg[/img] [b]Camel:[/b] So then I said 'Thats no oasis, thats my wife!' [b]Croc:[/b] [Thinking] [i]"One more day, then I eat him"[/i][/center][/color][/size]
  9. [center][img]http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f272/Chibi_horsewoman/Funny%20pictures/sloshedsquirell.jpg[/img] [size=1][color=teal]Slurred Speech - "I'm not as think as you *hick* cute I am."[/center][/color][/size]
  10. [size=1][color=teal]I've always thought my name was awesome, so you may all share in it, just not my last name ^_~. [QUOTE][b]WILLIAM Gender:[/b] Masculine [b]Usage:[/b] English [b]Pronounced:[/b] WIL-ee-am, WIL-yam From the Germanic name Wilhelm, which was composed of the elements wil "will, desire" and helm "helmet, protection". The name was introduced to Britain by the Normans. It has belonged to several rulers of England, Prussia, and Germany, including William the Conqueror, the first Norman king of England. Another famous bearer was William Tell, a legendary 14th-century hero from Switzerland. In the literary world it has been borne by dramatist William Shakespeare and poet William Blake, as well as contemporary authors William Faulkner and William S. Burroughs.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][b]JOHN Gender:[/b] Masculine [b]Usage:[/b] English, Biblical [b]Pronounced:[/b] JAHN English form of Iohannes, which was the Latin form of the Greek name Ιωαννης (Ioannes), itself derived from the Hebrew name יוֹחָנָן (Yochanan) meaning "YAHWEH is gracious". This name owes its consistent popularity to two New Testament characters, both highly revered as saints. The first was John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus Christ and a victim of beheading by Herod Antipas. The second was the apostle John, also supposedly the author of the fourth Gospel and Revelation. The name has been borne by 23 popes, as well as kings of England, Hungary, Poland, Portugal and France. It was also borne by the poet John Milton and the philosopher John Locke.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][b]CARTER Gender:[/b] Masculine [b]Usage:[/b] English Pronounced: KAHR-tur From a surname which meant "one who uses a cart" in Middle English.[/QUOTE] And they be my first name and two middle names, bask in their reflected glory![/color][/size]
  11. [size=1][color=teal]#4 Visit your friend's town across the globe, Or go on a fun drive thanks to these. [b]Nintendo WiFi Friend Codes[/b] :p[/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=teal]It had been about half an hour since all the [i]Digidestined[/i], as the Digimon were calling them, had gathered together in the large clearing. He wasn?t sure how but it seemed Tristan had been made the unofficial head speaker as when ever questions were asked it was down to himself or Flamon to answer them. [b]?So we?ve figured out that we?re all digital now...?[/b] He said, though it still sounded crazy to him. [b]?I really think we?ve done that to death.?[/b] Said the red headed girl, Quincy her name was. [b]?Hey, we said we?d go over the basics again okay?? Tristan replied defensively, [b]?Anyway, I think what?s obvious is that these Digimon think we?re special or something because they keep going on about how special we all are what with these [i]?Digivices?[/i] and those crystals.?[/b] He said as he indicate his own set, prompting everyone else to do so as well. Tristan took another breath but was interrupted by the large fish Digimon.[/color] [color=blue][b]?Sorry to butt in like this but we all should be moving right now. We don?t want ChaosLucemon to find us already now do we??[/b][/color] [color=teal]Swimmon was met with blank stares from the Digidestined, which gave him cause to sigh.[/color] [color=blue][b]?Just believe me when I say we don?t want that to happen.?[/b][/color] [color=teal]Given that they were in a completely new world, with talking monsters, and they were now made of digital data, none of the kids were inclined to disagree with Swimmon. Before they set off it was decided that they should pool together all of their supplies, though given they were all plucked out of the world in relatively normal places they didn?t have much to get on with. [center]~*~[/center] Having Swimmon as the guide, heading toward an area known as the Central Index, the group had been making quite good time. Though they all seemed to have paired off with their Digimon for now. [b]?So where is we?re actually going, Flamon??[/b] Tristan asked.[/color] [color=darkred][b]?Well the Central Index...erm yeah, it?s like this....place...where, there?s a lot of...good Digimon?[/b][/color] [color=teal]Tristan gave him a sceptical, yet humours look, as they continued to talk. Glancing around he saw that all the other Digidestined had also started to bond with there partners. He was about to ask Mike what he thought of this place, the two of them seemed to have made friends easier, but he seemed distracted by something in the sky. [b]?Erm, guys? What the hell is that thing??[/b] He said pointing toward the sky at a great black shape with even greater black wings. Before anyone could respond the thing had moved at lightning quick speed and crashed down in front of them.[/color] [color=blue][b]?Oh no! That?s a Devidramon, a Champion level devil dragon Digimon. We?d better watch out for his Crimson Nail and Dark Gale attacks or this trip will be cut short awfully fast.?[/b][/color] [color=teal]As one the Digimon partners leapt in front of their charges and readied themselves for a fight. [center]~*~[/center] [b]OOC:[/b] I?ll let you lot do the fight, any one can give Flamon and Tristan something to do until I post, have fun.[/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color=teal][b]Name:[/b] Sanguinius, the ?Blood Angel?. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Age:[/b] 229. [b]Race:[/b] Vampire. [b]Alliance:[/b] Guild for Supernatural Defence. [b]Physical Description: [url=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y167/celluloid_jam/Screen_Captures/Underworld/Underworld_000-499/underworld_0122.jpg]Click here[/url][/b]. Sanguinius is 5? 7? in height and his usual attire is as pictured, mainly to keep him from standing out with loud colours, and he believes that black is the only colour Vampires deserve to wear. On his back is a large tattoo, [b][url=http://hobbystore.co.yu/images/bloodangelslogo.jpg]picture here[/url][/b], he tells no one what it means and where he got it from. [b]Weapons:[/b] Most of the time Sanguinius chooses to use a pair of [b][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beretta_92F/FS]Beretta 92/F/FS[/url][/b] pistols when engaging in long range combat. He is also trained in the use of sword play but prefers to use a dagger of his own design, [b][url=http://www.companie-of-st-george.ch/images/pictures/dagger.jpg]pictured here[/url][/b]. [b]Abilities:[/b] Sanguinius? ?dark gift? has manifested itself as a something which Sanguinius himself has named ?The Black Rage?. This state comes about when Sanguinius is in the thick a fight and all his is thinking about is his enemy. What the Black Rage does is give Sanguinius incredible stamina, able to shrug off wounds that bring ordinary men to their needs but it also blinds his higher brain functions somewhat and he becomes a creature of pure instinct, nothing like Sanguinius as he normally is. The Rage also drains his blood supplies, leaving him incredibly weak and venerable without support from his allies. [b]Personality:[/b] [Will Edit] [b]Biography:[/b] [Will Edit] [center]~*~[/center] I should stop doing this -.-; but I?ll finish this soon. The jist is a Catholic Vampire who hates what he is. Mm, tortured soul.[/color][/size]
  14. [size=1][color=teal][b]Name:[/b] Sergei Sokolov. [b]Age:[/b] 36. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Race:[/b] Urla. [b]Occupation:[/b] Huntsman/Tracker. [b]Position:[/b] Army Strategist. [b]Weapon[/b][list] [*][i][b]Frost Bite:[/b][/i] This Sword has been in Sergei?s family for over five generations, it was a gift from the Royal Family of the Urla. The ruby in its hilt provides it with incredible accuracy which ensures that it will always find its mark when Sergei swings it, it is also enchanted to give off a piercing chill which is how it earned its name. [*][i][b]Bear Fang:[/b][/i] The small dagger which Sergei wears on his waist, while it is really little more than a simple dagger it holds special significance for Sergei as it was the first weapon his father ever gave him. [*][i][b]Hunters Bow:[/b][/i] Sergei has been trained from his earliest years to be able to fire off a flurry of arrows whilst riding the War Bears of the Urla. Able to keep a keen eye as the bear charges towards the enemy Sergei is able to take out all but the furthest enemy whilst using his bow.[/list] [b]Appearance: [url=http://www.sabertoothgames.com/warcry/files/desktops/kislev_pog_1024.jpg]Click here[/url][/b]. This showings Sergei in his soldiers attire riding his War Bear Sokhan. [b]Personality:[/b] Sergei?s cold home is matched by his cold personality though that is not to say he is unfeeling and emotionally distant, more that he has never had cause to show his emotions in any major way. He has the character of any Warrior of Urla, strong hearted, brave and fiercely loyal to his country and kin. While he may not voice himself as often as others Sergei does have clear-cut views on life and the current war with the people of the Water. If someone where ever to annoy, or worse insult, Sergei they would know about it at once given his strong sense of pride and his traditional way of settling things. Some may see him as a brute who rarely speaks because he is incapable of stringing enough words together but those that do know him just allow him to get on with what he is doing because they know of his stoic attitude toward others. [b]Excerpt of Character[/b] Dismounting from Sokhan Sergei dropped into the snow which, at this time of year, reached up to his knees. Kneeling down he looked for the tell tale signs of recent travel, there was always the obvious signs of footprints and disturbed snow but Sergei could also tell by the pattern of the steps and the depth of the prints how his quarry was walking and the speed at which they travelled. [b]?No more than six hours ago I?d say.?[/b] Sergei said in a thick Urla accent. Walking back to Sokhan through the snow he made sure not to disturbed any of the other footprints, he stroked the Polar Bear as he thought what to do next. Sokhan must have found something interesting in the snow as he was sniffing intently at a certain spot, Sergei raised an eyebrow and began shifting the snow. A rare smile crept onto his rough face as he examined the item, it was clearly Meram in design and could quite possibly fetch a good price on the black market. Thinking nothing of it Sergei slipped it into his back pocket. As he began extracting some food for himself and Sokhan from one of his packs Sergei began to feel the tell tale chill in his bones that warned of an approaching snow storm, spending a life time in the wild lands of Urla had given him a sixth sense for this kind of thing. [b]?Deirymo?[/b] He said under his breath. Knowing it was worse to lose the track than to go hungry he stowed the food in the pack again before clambering back onto Sokhan. He gave him a apologetic pat before pulling on his reigns. With a great roar Sokhan and Sergei set forth in search of the intruder from Meram. [center]~*~[/center] [i]OOC:[/i] Hope this is all okay Jamie, and FYI ?Deirymo? is a Russian word so you can look it up ^_~.[/color][/size]
  15. [size=1][color=teal][b]valinus[/b] Welcome to OtakuBoards. Given that this thread will be discussing an actual RP rather than general ideas it requires a rating, so given the lack of a rating I'm going to close the thread. Please feel free to re-open the thread with the correct rating but I would adivse you to work on your post quality before reposting as the opening post does not give us any information on the RP what so ever, please work on this is future. [b]Thread Locked[/b][/color][/size]
  16. [size=1][color=teal]#2 Divine, Wise, Dangerous along the beach. Could that be [b]The Bikini Bandits[/b]?[/color][/size]
  17. [size=1][color=teal][b]?So I?m a...what did you call it again??[/b] Tristan asked Flamon as they walked through the jungle. After a few minutes of Flamon talking at him Tristan had gotten used to the idea of a Digimon, but then Flamon had called him something and he couldn?t quite remember what it was.[/color] [color=darkred][b]?You?re a Digidestined, chosen by Patriamon to help us protect the Digital World from ChaosLucemon using the power of the Elementals.?[/b][/color] [color=teal]Flamon recited, as if he had learned that from birth. [b]?Right then...?[/b] Tristan replied, with a sceptical look on his face. They continued walking and, half out of boredom and half out of curiosity, Tristan took out the Crystal and device that he?d found not too long ago. Looking at them from all angles he asked Flamon: [b]?So could you tell me what these things are??[/b][/color] [color=darkred][b]?Of course I can. Honestly what do I look like, a baby level? Okay, this Crystal is the Elemental Crystal of Fire and I don?t know what its for exactly but I know that it?s important...yeah. And this thing here is the Digivice, I know that?s important as well...but not why it?s important.?[/b][/color] [color=teal][b]?So the truth is you [i]don?t[/i] know what they are really.?[/b] Tristan said with a smirk, Flamon just glared at him. After that Tristan just asked general things about the Digital World and find it hard to believe that everything around him was actually data and real in the normal sense of the word. Eventually Tristan heard a rustling sound, as well as talking, a few feet away. Poking his head through the bushes he saw a girl with what looked like a small Angel, he turned to Flamon who had already gone up to them, he sighed and walked out as well.[/color] [color=darkorange][b]"Flamon, I see you've found your partner."[/b][/color] [color=teal]Said the Angel, Tristan was more shocked by this than he was meeting Flamon.[/color] [color=darkred][b]"You too, Lucemon."[/b][/color] [color=teal]Trying to remember the Angel boys name Tristan turned to the girl and instantly wished he hadn?t. She had brilliant blue eyes and, what seemed to be, naturally white hair. Tristan made a gruff cough before she asked him something. [b]"Uh, hi. I'm Kazuki......do you know what's going on here?"[/b] [b]"No, I'm just as confused. My name's Tristan."[/b] Tristan replied, attempting to sound nonchalant and cool in front of her.[/color] [color=darkorange][b]?Pardon the intrusion but have you met anyone else yet??[/b][/color] [color=teal]Enquired Lucemon. [b]?If we had don?t you think we would?ve have told you??[/b] Tristan said, trying to sound smug and superior, thought he thought he heard a tut or something of the like from Kazuki. [b]?Anyway, it was just by chance we found you two, how do we find other people??[/b][/color] [color=darkorange][b]?You are aware that your Digivice can also act as a compass and tracking device??[/b][/color] [color=teal]Lucemon said, Tristan could?ve sworn he saw his eyes glint with something. After some quick discussion the four of them had figured it?d be a good bet to have both of the Digivices working together to find these supposed others that Lucemon had mentioned. Kazuki would be using the tracking feature whilst Tristan operated the compass, though they started going in opposite directions at first they eventually got a rhythm going when they picked up a signal to the west.[/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=teal][b]"We must leave immediately. Pack only that which is necessary and leave now,"[/b] said Malekith urgently, [b]"We travel tonight."[/b] The other Guardians nodded in silent acknowledgment and departed for their rooms to gather up their belongings for the journey ahead. Malekith however went through the door in the back of the room to where his, for lack of a better word, Alchemist Laboratory was located. In here where vials, glasses, bottles and all manner of other containers holding the many potions that Malekith had been brewing for the past few months and weeks. He signed sadly as he thought about how he?d never be able to finish these now, some of them were barely out of his mind. Taking out his leather bound book Malekith placed it down on the table with a slight thump, following suit he sat down himself. He cast his gaze of the table, which at this point was covered with masses of paper and wherever wood was showing it was discoloured with numerous stains from his experimentations. [b]?So much preparation, now I fear the journey...?[/b] He said quietly to himself. He began looking over his notes again, seeing if he could gleam any more wisdom from his years of searching for the other Guardians and writing down his experiences.[/color][/size] [size=2][FONT=Lucida Calligraphy] ?When the nine are together, they should never remain in one place for any amount of time, [strike]this could cause the destruction of the world[/strike] [b]the ambient energy given off by each of them shall alert the Ancients to their where abouts.[/b] [i]?When I find them all we leave at once, no waiting, no turning back. It shall be everything or nothing.[/i][/FONT][/size] [size=1][color=teal]Malekith had written that so long ago now, he often thought that he would never have to act upon his own advice but with every Guardian in place now he knew they would have to be moving closer to the Pillars as often as they could, lest the agents of the Ancients discover them. Feeling a break in his concentration Malekith realised that someone was psychically nudging him, without looking up he said: [b]?Is that you Mordred? What?re you snooping around in here for?[/b][/color][/size]
  19. [SIZE=3][color=crimson][center][b][u]Digimon Elementals[/u][/b][/center][/color][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][color=teal]OOC: Congratulations to all those who got into the RP, as I mentioned in the Inn thread I?ll be using an episodic structure to the RP so we don?t get sidetracked or just lose the plot utterly so with each new Episode I?ll post a short description and a posting order [If one is needed]. So here?s the description of this episode:[/color] [color=darkred][center][b][u]?Flames of Fortitude: Infernodramon Appears!?[/u][/b][/color] [color=teal]?As ChaosLucemon and the other Demon Lords strengthen their position in the Digital World Patriamon has removed the Elementals from the World until the new Digidestined arrived. However ChaosLucemon is aware that the Digidestined may be arriving so he has dispatched his most trusted Lieutenant to inform the other Demon Lords of their arrival.? ?While all this is happening in the Digital World, the Digidestined are still in the Real World and are unaware that their lives are about to change.?[/center] So to start I want you to all post your arrival in the Digital World, you can do what I?ve done by having it immediately following the discovery of your Crystal and Digivice or a little while after that. The entire episode will not have a post order but for the ?introduction posts? I would ask you all to not post after your own introduction before everyone has. [center]~*~[/center][/color][/SIZE] [color=darkred][center][b][u]?Flames of Fortitude: Infernodramon Appears!?[/u][/b][/center][/color] [SIZE=1][color=teal]High atop a mountain on the edge of the Digital World, very close to the Dark Area, is where the Leader of the Seven Great Demon Lords has made his Citadel. ChaosLucemon built this place long ago, long before he had gathered too him the greatest of the virus-attribute Digimon. Since that time it has been his private stronghold and the one place he knows he is truly safe from the power of Patriamon. But of course he would never admit too any that he still feared his former master, it would be unbefitting of a ruler to show weakness to his slaves. At this moment in time ChaosLucemon is in the highest reaches of his Citadel, awaiting reports on the whereabouts of the Seven Elementals which vanished before he and the Demon Lords could possess them. He is lost in thought and does not hear the door to his main chamber swing open. [b]?My Lord, DarkRizamon has returned.?[/b] Came a voice from the shadows, it was deep and filled with bitterness, even when speaking to its Master. ChaosLucemon opened his eyes wearily, [b]?Send him in.?[/b] The shadowy form departed the room as Digimon of black flames and golden claws entered, bowing before his Master. [b]?What word do you bring of the Fire Elemental, have you discovered its location??[/b] ChaosLucemon asked in his usual soft tones. The Digimon before him cowered slightly before giving his response. [b]?No...no my Lord, we have found no trace of the Fire Elemental or any of the others. It is as if they have vanished from the Digital World.?[/b] In a snap ChaosLucemons normal calm exterior vanished as he leapt into the air, wings unfurling, and looked down with disgust at his soon to be ex-minion. [b]?How is that possible! The Elementals are fundamental to the survival of the Digital World! They cannot simply vanish you fool, you have served your purpose! I no longer require you.?[/b] Before uttering his attack DarkRizamon begged and pleaded for forgiveness, all it did was give ChaosLucemon cause to sneer before realising his attack. [center][b]?Nefarious Wrath!?[/b][/center] And DarkRizamon ceased to be, his DigiCore extinguished. While ChaosLucemon regained his composer and folded his wings back in the shadowed form returned to his door way. [b]?What will you have me do, Master??[/b] It asked. [b]?Sangloupmon, you have been my trusted assassin for as long as I can remember. What I am about to tell you can not be repeated to any but my fellow Demon Lords.?[/b] [b]?Yes Master.?[/b] The great demon wolf Digimon, Sangloupmon, bowed in reverence to his Master. ChaosLucemon indicated for him to come closer. [b]?What do you know of those called ?The Digidestined???[/b] [center]~*~[/center] Sitting on the top of the rock face he had just scaled Tristan looked down at the Crystal in his right hand and the medium sized remote-control thing in his left. He?d never seen anything like them before and was still wondering why the light from the Crystal and given him cause to finally make it up to the top of the rocks. For a few minutes he jabbed the buttons on the device, shook it, spoke too it and did everything he could think of doing before he gave up and began to examine the Crystal. The surface of it was perfect, not a dent or a scratch on it anywhere, the colour was a bright red but it seemed to shimmer and change to different shades as he moved it around to examine more. Every once in a while he could swear that he saw fire within the Crystal itself but every time he looked closer it seemed to fade away again. Tearing his gaze away from the Crystal for a moment Tristan saw that the sun was getting pretty low, he figured he should be getting home. Placing the two objects carefully in his pocket he clambered back down the rock face and back onto the road. Whilst he was walking Tristan found himself humming an old tune. The world around him was preparing for the night and the rest it would bring but he found himself strangely energised, walking at a brisk pace he thought he?d be home soon. That was before his pocket started with the strange device he found started to glow. Half scared and half curious Tristan pulled it out of his pocket and looked at its main screen. There was some sort of coded writing being written there that he couldn?t make out, however he didn?t have time to watch the code finish as he was enveloped in a bubble of some sort. Before he could utter a single word he, and the bubble, disappeared with a faint popping sound. [center]~*~[/center] He didn?t know how long it had been since the device had started to glow and that bubble surrounded him but Tristan did know one thing. [b]?I don?t think I?m in New Zealand anymore...?[/b] He said softly as he got to his feet and looked around. His first tip off was that before he?d been in a field of grass but now he was in a large jungle of some sort, the second clue was that the sky wasn?t blue anymore. It was twisting and changing even as he looked at it, seemingly becoming any colour but blue. And his third clue arrived shortly after that in the form of a creature that looked like a cross between a dragon, a bear and a child all at the same time. It was all Tristan could do not to leap out his skin as it came bounding toward him.[/color] [color=darkred][b]?Well look who finally decided to show up, I?m Flamon. Guess what buddy, we?re partners! But first, what?s your name??[/b][/color] [color=teal]The creature, Flamon, said with a grin. [b]?Erm...well I?m...Tristan.?[/b] [center]~*~[/center] OOC: Enjoy everyone, I order you too ^_~.[/color][/SIZE]
  20. [color=teal][size=1]Well boys and girls the time has come, [b]the sign-ups are now closed[/b]. I know some of you might be going [i]'Wait a minute, we haven't got our Elemental Digimon yet.'[/i] ButI have faith in those I've choosen to be able to make good attacks and personalities for their Elemental Digimon once The Boss has finished drawing them. So without further ado here are the Elemental Digidestined. [center]~*~ [b]Tristan Sheppard[/b], Digidestined of Fire and Fortitude. [b]Ayana Atsuka[/b], Digidestined of Wind and Temperance. [b]Alex Jackson[/b], Digidestined of Metal and Prudance. [b]Stephen Kalligan[/b], Digidestined of Water and Justice. [b]Quincy Samson[/b], Digidestined of Earth and Hope. [b]Kazuki Clyne[/b], Digidestined of Spirit and Faith. [b]Michael Sumerkalis[/b], Digidestined of Aether and Love. ~*~[/center] Sorry to those who didn't get in, I may have roles for you in the future so don't give up hope just yet. I shall be starting the RPG soon and we'll be opperating on the "Episode" style which is basically like Chapters but a tad different. So be on the look out for: [center][b]"Flames of Fortitude: Infernodramon Appears"[/b] [i]Digimon Elementals Episode One[/i][/center][/size][/color]
  21. [size=1][color=teal]#7 Some of you are me Some of you couldn't care less But wherever the Boards are, so am I Don't ask me why but I'm going to guess [b]Adam[/b][/color][/size]
  22. [FONT=Lucida Calligraphy][size=2][center][b][u]The Alchemists Tome[/u][/b][/center] ?Now that I have become accustomed to my new found abilities and strange appearance I come to realise that I am now one of the Pillar Guardians spoken of in Legend. It is my assumption that I am the one they shall call [b]The Alchemist[/b] as it seems whenever I think of something, such as fire or water, it manifests before me and I have a new found appreciation for potion brewing.? ?After much consideration I have decided to search out the other Guardians as I believe that we are not the only ones aware of out existence and both sides of this war are likely to want us dead. If the Book of Legends I found is correct then there should be eight more like myself walking the land of Meridian? ?I foresee a long journey ahead of me but I know that once I gather my fellow Guardians we can discuss what is the right thing to do for the land of Meridan.?[/size][/FONT] [size=1][color=teal]Malekith finished reading the first entry of what had become a narrative of his journey up to this point. The book had stared as a simple journal but was now full of his thoughts, perceptions, abilities he had manifest in the years since his transformation and more besides. Placing the book back in his clock he drew his hood up and return to the soaked forest trail before him. The air was thick with the moisture of the recently passed downpour. All around him the forest was accepting this gift from the heavens and Malekith could feel it as each drop of water was sucked up by the plant life or drunk by a local creature. After several minutes Malekith had arrived at the edge of the forest and could see the local landscape spread around below him as he looked down from the crest of the hill upon which the forest stood. Using his Ancient eyes he could see the land clearly. Toward the north-east was the ruins of a long abandoned human fortress and he could clearly see the one he knew to be the Scion of Balance huddled there trying to keep of the rain which had recently left the forest and settled in the valley. With the smallest of smiles Malekith took out a bottle from his belt and, muttering a quick phrase, created bottled fire as he knew the Scion would be needing it. Taking a deep breath of the fresh wet air Malekith began down the hill toward the ruins. [center]~*~[/center] Eventually, after walking in silence for some ten minutes, they reached a small, run-down building, with a thatched roof. Malekith strode over to it and rapped smartly on the door with his knuckles. [b]"Who is it?"[/b] came a low, suspicious-sounding voice from the other side of the door. [b]"It's Malekith."[/b] The door swung open, and Malekith gestured for Kane to enter. The young man ducked inside as Malekith walked through himself and nodded to the man at the door to close it. Pulling down his hood he turned to Kane. [b]?Kane, this is a [i]?safe house?[/i] that I and several others set up some time ago to shelter the Guardians as I found them. You may wish to go upstairs, the eighth room on the left has been made ready for you. I realise that you may need some time in order to get accustomed to the sudden change of circumstances but I ask that you return downstairs as quickly as you can. I shall be in this room.?[/b] He turned and pointed to a room with the welcoming glow of fire creeping out under the door. [center]~*~[/center] OOC: Hope that?s okay Phil, anyone who fancies a word with Malekith before Kane returns do feel free to do so.[/size][/color]
  23. [size=1][color=teal]OOC: Hope you don't mind that I went for a slightly different approach Phil ^^;. Just a note, the two underlined bits are links to images, hope you enjoy this. [center]~*~[/center][/color][/size] [FONT=Lucida Calligraphy][center][size=2][b][u]My Encounter with the Alchemist[/u][/b][/center] ?Read now as I tell you of the time I first encountered the Alchemist, Guardian of States, able to create anything possible in this world with but one thought. He told me his [b]Name[/b] was [b]Malekith[/b], he may have been lying to me but I for one know not to question the word of a Guardian of the Pillars so I shall forever know this one as [b]Malekith[/b]. When I first saw him I supposed his age to be [b]28[/b] but who can tell the age of those said to be both Human and Ancient at the same time. [b][u][url=http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix2/earth160230.jpg]His face[/url][/u][/b] seemed to have years of existence etched into it. Shades of grey appearing on the sides of his head were in stark contrast to the rest of his hair which was black as night. Piercing blue eyes gave away his heritage as one of the Ancients Kin. While up close he seemed quite intimidating it is a strange thing to note that his height and overall sive are no different from normal men, I had not expected this. His manner of dress was quite peculiar, you see it was made of the most simplistic of fabrics yet was coloured and embodied so fantastically that it seemed to me to be not possible in this world. From what I saw the garment was coloured blue with gold stitching but it seemed to shimmer and change as he walked with me, most fascinating. As we continued our journey to claim an artefact, I know not its name, [b]Malekith[/b] revealed little about himself. He rarely spoke to me and whenever I attempted to strike up a conversation he would be too lost in his mind to reply. I could have taken offence and called him aloof, acting superior, but I know better than that. I noticed that he carried a book with him at all times, perhaps he uses this to write down how he is feeling or what experiences he has gone through rather than telling those around him, but I again I know better than to question him. Midway through our journey we were attacked by a band of savages how would have killed us and robbed our corpses were it not for the battle prowess. As if from nowhere he produced a [b][u][url= http://angelmueller.de/cosmoshop/pix/a/n/09uc1385-1093461660.jpg]Staff made of blackest Obsidian[/url][/u][/b]. It had powers of magic as well as simple brute force when [b]Malekith[/b] wielded it against the attacker. Where ever they came from the Staff found its mark, many times the attacker would vanish in a brilliant light and once my sight returned to me there was no sign of the assailant. My assumption is the [b]Malekith[/b] had used his powers to transform them into something wholly un-human. Eventually we reached our destination and [b]Malekith[/b] left me at the entrance of a great cave, saying that it was not for me to enter. As I turned my back I knew that I should always remember my encounter with the [b]Guardian of States, the Alchemist[/b]. That being able to turn lead into gold, able to brew potions of incredible potency. Able to do things with the natural world that are beyond me understanding, perhaps beyond the understanding of any save the other Pillar Guardians. I shall always remember [b]Malekith, Guardian of States[/b][/size][/FONT]
  24. [color=teal][size=1]Bow down to the teal-ness of the shirt and my nerd-ness ^_^. As a change from your previous OB parody White I actually [i]like[/i] my character because everyone knows that Izzy rocks, being the brains of the bunch and all. I can't wait to see my meeting with Motimon, will I greet him or analyze him? ^_~.[/size][/color]
  25. [size=1][color=teal][b]Name:[/b] Tristan Sheppard. [b]Age:[/b] 17. [b]Appearance: [url=http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c56/Jokopoko/Tristan.jpg]Click here[/url][/b], the bomber jacket was his grandfathers and the dog-tag was his fathers. He also always wears the MiG Pilot goggles that his grandfather brought back from the war, [b][url=http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c56/Jokopoko/TristanGoggles.jpg]Click here[/url][/b]. [b]Elemental:[/b] Fire. [b]Elemental Crest:[/b] Fortitude. [b]D-Elemental Colour:[/b][/color] [color=darkred]Dark-Red[/color][color=teal]. [b]Digimon Partner [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/09/Flamon.jpg]Flamon:[/url][/b] Flamon is a highly adventurous Digimon and has a large heart and immense courage that belies his small stature. He seems to be brimming with energy at all time which fuels his desire to be out in the world experiencing all he can. Buried deep inside him is the Fire Elemental which has given him a respect for all life and an unavoidable urge to protect any Digieggs he comes across. Fiercely loyal to Tristan and the other Digidestined he would never hold back his power to protect them all. Oft times the Fire Elemental within him burns to strongly and he must quickly deplete the energy before it becomes uncontrollable. Like most of the newly created Digimon he has a strong sense of Duty and knows that it is up to him and his ?siblings? to save the Digital World from the Demon Lords. [b][u]Attacks[/u][list] [*]Baby Salamander[/b] - Flamon creates a fiery aura about his person and short tendrils of flame shot out and scorch anything that is touched by them [*][b]Noble Heart[/b] - Again using his fiery aura Flamon leaps into the air and, when directly above his opponent, he fires the full force of the aura down on them. [*][b]Flame Toss[/b] - Flamon creates small fireballs in his hands and throws them at his enemy, repeatedly creating the fireballs in an unrelenting attack.[/list] [b][u]Digivolution Line[/u][/b] [i][u]Baby -[/i] [b][url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/34/Mokumon.jpg]Mokumon[/url][/u][/b][list] [*][b]Smokey Blow[/b] - Mokumon blows smoke into the face of his enemies as he escapes.[/list] [i][u]In-training -[/i] [b][url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9a/DemiMeramon.gif]DemiMeramon[/url][/u][/b][list] [*][b]Fireball[/b] - DemiMeramon fires small balls of fire from his mouth into his enemies face.[/list] [i][u]Champion -[/i] [b][url=http://members.lycos.nl/analyzersdp/FlameWizardmon.jpg]FlaWizardmon[/url][/u][/b][list] [*][b]Fire Cloud[/b] - FlaWizardmon extends his staff into the air and creates and dense cloud brimming with flames that envelops the enemy. [*][b]Magical Ignition[/b] - FlaWizardmon spins his staff 360 degrees and then slams it to the group which causes a spark of magic to enter the enemy and cause spontaneous combustion.[/list] [i][u]Ultimate -[/i] [b][url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/45/Mystimon.jpg]Mystimon[/url][/u][/b][list] [*][b]Blazing Sword[/b] - An intense magical flame surrounds Mystimons sword and, as well as using it as a regular sword, Mystimon can fire intense burst of fire from the sword. [*][b]Core Dart[/b] - Mystimon says a quick incantation which creates a small dart of incredible heat and strength which tears through the outer appearance of the enemy and pierces their Digi Core. [*][b]Blast Fire[/b] - Mystimon creates a fiery aura about his person which completely engulfs him and his enemy. It grants him amazing strength whilst weakening the enemy.[/list] [i][u]Perfect -[/i] [b][url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f5/MDukemon.JPG]MedievalGallantmon[/url][/u][/b][list] [*][b]Laser of Wyvern[/b] - MedievalGallantmon wields his Battle Axe so the green gem in the hilt is pointing towards his enemy and he unleashes an enormous blast of green energy in the form of a Dragon. [*][b]Final Crest[/b] - Bringing up his Aegis Shield MedievalGallantmon activates the Crest of Fortitude emblazoned upon it and releases an energy force lethal to all evil Digimon. [*][b]Royal Cleave[/b] - Powering up his Battle Axe MedievalGallantmon wields it as a weapon of incredibly destruction which can slice through even ChromeDigizoid.[/list] [b]Elemental Digimon [url=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y181/Cybernator/InfernodramonFinal.jpg]Infernodramon:[/url][/b] Flamons natural Digivolution line follows the human form so he often has control of himself, but the Elemental Digivolution into Infernodramon unlocks the raw power of his Fire Elemental and he fully immerses himself in the Beast half of this new Digivolution. While still retaining the basics of his Flamon personality Infernodramon becomes more wild and his enormous power is more turned to combat than the adventurous nature of Flamon. He can be rash at times as well, charging into a battle with no thought to the consequences. [b][u]Attacks[/u][/b][list] [*][b]Dragon Blaze[/b] - Infernodramon builds up a large force of fire within himself and calls it forth to burst from his mouth and savagely burn the enemy. [*][b]Flaming Strike[/b] - Flames cover the entirety of Infernodramons arms as he leaps towards the enemy and begins to furiously pummel the enemy. [*][b]Combustion Fire[/b] - Infernodramon creates four globes of fire, two on each wing, and then starts to rapidly spin before firing out circling solar flames that take on the shape of a Helix which enters the enemy Digimon, setting them alight. [*][b]Blazing Elemental[/b] - The crystal of Infernodramons forehead begins shining with a brilliant light which also fills his eyes. Building up all of his Elemental energy Infernodramon lets loose a massive attack of blazing energy which is powerful enough to revert his enemy back to a Digiegg. [i]The strength of this attack causes Infernodramon to revert back to Flamon.[/i][/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Tristan is always trying to be an over-achiever but he doesn?t see this as a bad thing. In his mind he needs to be the best around so the only way to get better is to set his goals so high he can?t achieve them and so he makes himself better by attempting to achieve them. Many people see him as a big-headed fool who thinks he is simply the best; though he doesn?t agree with them Tristan doesn?t go out of his way to quell these rumours. The reasons being he doesn?t have the time and he knows himself they aren?t true. Tristan?s grandfather was in the Air Force and father was a soldier in the Army so he sees it as a family tradition to be a great fighter which is why he sets himself up as the best and acts so superior around others. However hidden beneath all this boldness is someone much like Flamon who would love to just be a free spirit and go exploring all the time. At the moment though Tristan only has his mind set on being the best, so he doesn?t have time to be who he really is. [b]Back-story:[/b] Tristan?s family has English heritage from both of his parents but when he was still fairly young, around seven or eight, they moved to New Zealand when his fathers career as a Commonwealth Officer moved them there. As a child Tristan grew up on the stories of his grandfather from World War II and always enjoyed playing war with his friends and as he grew up he began to realise that it was up too him to carry on the family tradition of being in the Armed Forces and to protect the family. It is because of this that his personality changed but he also became much more protective of his younger brother and sister, since this the two of them have always been a driving force in his life and the choices he makes. He always had the fortitude to do things that others couldn?t, or in some cases, wouldn?t. At school he was one of the popular kids most of the time but he never made a big deal out of it because in his opinion friends were temporary while success was forever. His Elemental Crystal and Digivice came to him while he was clambering one of the local rock outcroppings near his home. He?d almost reached the top when he made a misplaced grab and would?ve fallen then if he hadn?t reacted quickly enough. He hung there for a few moments before seeing a shining light at the top of the outcropping, his long buried curiosity forced its way to the surface and got him to reach the top and there waiting for him was his red Elemental Crystal along with his Digivice. The Fire Elemental choose him because of his love of his brother and sister which it interpreted as love for new life which it was responsible for, his ability to take all the rumours flying around about him yet still have the fortitude to carry on and his fiery spirit which refuses to give up.[/size][/color]
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