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[color=crimson][center][b][u]Digimon Elementals[/b] [i]The Shrine[/u][/i][/color] [size=1][color=teal]~*~[/center] I ask you to bare with me as this post will be mostly lists based on the notes I did before writing this RP, hopefully they can give you all the information you need before starting your sign up. [center]~*~[/center] First off we have the run down of the Elemental Digimon, Digivolutions, Crests and the information on the Digivices. [i][u]Elemental Digimon[/u][/i][list] [*]Flamon - Fire Elemental [*]Falcomon - Wind Elemental [*]KoKabuterimon - Metal Elemental [*]Swimmon - Water Elemental [*]Kotemon - Earth Elemental [*]Lucemon - Spirit Elemental [*]Ryuudamon - Aether Elemental[/list] [i][u]Elemental Digivolutions[/i][/u][list] [*]Flamon - Infernodramon [*]Falcomon - Tempestmon [*]KoKabuterimon - Galvamon [*]Swimmon - Fathomon [*]Kotemon - Terramon [*]Lucemon - Meleemon [*]Ryuudamon - Empyrmon[/list] [i][u]Elemental Crests[/u][/i][list] [*]Fortitude - Fire [*]Temperance - Wind [*]Prudence - Metal [*]Justice - Water [*]Hope - Earth [*]Faith - Spirit [*]Love - Aether[/list] [i][u]Digivices of the Digidestined:[/u][/i] The D-Elemental (Short hand D-E) operates in much the same way as the D-Tector did, meaning that not only is it able to cause Digivolution within a Digimon but it is able to scan the Elemental of the Digidestined the Digimon is partnered with. But the difference is that the Elemental is used in conjunction with the Digimon instead of causing the Human to become a Digimon, as it was with the D-Tector. The D-Element is also able to scan for other D-Es and store data on Digimon the owner has meet, in addition to this the D-Es are able to function as short range communicators. [center]~*~[/center] Just a quick list of the Demon Lords we?ll be facing and the Crests they wield, I?ll do more info on them as we go but for now this is all you?re getting ^_~. Click on their names to get more information about them. [b][u]The Demon Lords and their Crests[/u][/b][list] [*][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucemon_Chaos_Mode]ChaosLucemon[/url] - Pride [*][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leviamon]Leviamon[/url] - Envy [*][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daemon_%28Digimon%29]Daemon[/url] - Wrath [*][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belphemon]Belphemon[/url] - Sloth [*][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbamon]Barbamon[/url] - Greed [*][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beelzemon]Beelzemon[/url] - Gluttony [*][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilithmon]Lilithmon[/url] - Lust[/list] [center]~*~[/center] Just a word, most of these Digivolution lines are non-canon and created so that we don?t have to get angry trying to make sense of all these crazy Digivolutions. I shan?t be putting links in this part but if shouldn't be too hard to find information on these Digimon. [i][u]Digivolution Lines (Non-canon)[/u][/i] [b]Flamon[/b][list] [*]Baby - Mokumon [*]In-training - DemiMeramon [*]Rookie - Flamon [*]Champion - FlaWizardmon [*]Ultimate - Mystimon [*]Perfect - MedievalGallantmon[/list] [b]Falcomon[/b][list] [*]Baby - Puwamon [*]In-training - Pinamon [*]Rookie - Falcomon [*]Champion - Diatrymon [*]Ultimate - Yatagaramon [*]Perfect - Varodurumon[/list] [b]KoKabuterimon[/b][list] [*]Baby - Pabumon [*]In-training - Motimon [*]Rookie - KoKabuterimon [*]Champion - BladeKuwagamon [*]Ultimate - MetallifeKuwagamon [*]Perfect - TyrantKabuterimon[/list] [b]Swimmon[/b][list] [*]Baby - Pitimon [*]In-training - Bukamon [*]Rookie - Swimmon [*]Champion - Tylomon [*]Ultimate - MegaSeadramon [*]Perfect - Plesiomon[/list] [b]Kotemon[/b][list] [*]Baby - MetalKoromon [*]In-training - Kapurimon [*]Rookie - Kotemon [*]Champion - Dinohumon [*]Ultimate - Kyukimon [*]Perfect - SlashAngemon[/list] [b]Lucemon[/b][list] [*]Baby - Puttomon [*]In-training - Cupimon [*]Rookie - Lucemon [*]Champion - Angemon [*]Ultimate - LordHolyAngemon [*]Perfect - Dominimon[/list] [b]Ryuudamon[/b][list] [*]Baby - Fufumon [*]In-training - Kyokyomon [*]Rookie - Ryuudamon [*]Champion - GinRyuumon [*]Ultimate - HishaRyuumon [*]Perfect - OuRyuumon[/list] [center]~*~[/center] Like I said, I hope this is enough information for you to do your sign-ups but if there?s anything else you need to know just post it up in here. Here?s to the enjoyment of this RPG.[/size][/color]
[color=crimson][center][b][u]Digimon Elementals[/u][/b][/color] [size=1][color=teal][i]~*~ ?For as long as anyone could remember the Digital World was watched over and protected by Patriamon who had created the Seven Elementals in order to have greater control over the functioning?s within the Digital World. The Elements were Fire, Wind, Metal, Water, Earth, Spirit and Aether. When in harmony these Seven Elements basked the Digital World in a Golden Age.? ?Each of the Elements had a specific role within the Digital World.? ?The Fire Elemental was a cleansing force which was able to renew life and create new Digieggs.? ?The Wind Elemental brought change to the Digital World and ensured that things remained fair.? ?The Metal Elemental provided stability to the Digital World so things were never out of balance.? ?The Water Elemental ensured that there was fair treatment of all within the Digital World.? ?The Earth Elemental was the life force of the Digital World, working toward the creation of new life.? ?The Spirit Elemental provided a link to Patriamon as a way to keep Faith alive.? ?The Aether Elemental was there to provide a balance to the others as it was essentially nothingness.? ?In order to prevent the stronger Digimon from attempting to control the power of the Elementals themselves. So it was that Patriamon called Seven Digimon into service to protect the Elementals from this who might wish to misuse their power. The Guardians allowed Digimon access to the Elements in order to give thanks for their power but they were always on guard. Greatest among these Digimon was Lucemon, he who guarded the Spirit Elemental and appointed voice of Patriamon.? ?In time Lucemon came to consider himself above all the other Guardians and was soon baring entrance to the Spirit Elemental Shrine. Sometime passed and in a sudden turn of events Patriamon had banished Lucemon from his Kingdom and also removed the Spirit Elemental from the Kingdom.? ?And for a time, it was good.? ?Many eons passes and the Digital World grew and evolved as the Humans continued to improve their technological abilities. While the Elementals remained they became no more than a memory, the only Digimon in there presence were the Guardians, keeping their silent vigil.? ?Then, like a lightning bolt tearing at the sky, they struck. The Seven Great Demon Lords of legend had arisen to do battle with the Digital World and claim the power of the Elementals for themselves. And leading their battle was ChaosLucemon, this was the same Lucemon that had been banished by Patriamon so many years ago. Now he had unlocked the secret to blending the light with the dark and had Digivolved into a terrible parody of himself, an affront to everything he once stood for.? ?In quick succession the Elemental Guardians were slain and the Demon Lords moved on the Shrines, but they found them empty. ChaosLucemon?s retribution was swift and he called on the Demon Lords to use the power of the Crests he had created to take control of a Digital World without the protection of the Elementals.? ?Patriamon looked on in sadness as the Demon Lords wrought havoc on the Digital World but he knew that the Elementals needed to be taken from ChaosLucemons control. He had given the Elementals the ability to transform into Digimon and set them into the place between the Digital World and the Real World until the Elemental Digidestined found their new Digivices and came to the Digital World to restore peace and justice.? ~*~[/i][/center] Hope you all enjoyed reading that as much as I did writing it. Now before we begin proper I should point out that this RP will not be like the usual Digimon RPs of late in which its just kids having fun in some MMORPG style Digital World. This is more like the anime series in that the Digital World is a reality running parallel too ours and is influenced by advances we make in the Real World. I?m also wanting this to be more mature than the series in some respects, so we won?t be having any Digidestined under the age of 15. Now we get down too it. Obviously we?ll be playing the Digidestined in this RP as well as our partner Digimon. I know that most Digimon RPs allow you too choose your own partner Digimon, but the Digidestined never got a choice so this is my reasoning for setting out which Digimon represent each Digimon. [b][u]Elemental Digimon[/b][/u][list] [*][url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/09/Flamon.jpg]Flamon[/url] - Fire Elemental [i]My Digimon[/i] [*][url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/8d/Falcomon.jpg]Falcomon[/url] - Wind Elemental [*][url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/5c/KoKabuterimon.jpg]KoKabuterimon[/url] - Metal Elemental [*][url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/0d/Swimmon.jpg]Swimmon[/url] - Water Elemental [*][url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/72/BiggerKotemon.jpg]Kotemon[/url] - Earth Elemental [*][url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/15/Lucemon.jpg]Lucemon[/url] - Spirit Elemental [i]Saved for Sakura[/i] [*][url=http://digimonhimitsu.com/Chronicle/Pictures/char-ryuudamon.jpg]Ryuudamon[/url] - Aether Elemental [i]Saved for The Boss[/i][/list] Hopefully you don?t mind this and for those of you who have difficulties with Digivolution lines, as I sometimes do, so I?m going to be putting the Digivolution lines I want you to follow in the Underground which will be posted up within ten minutes of posting this so no worries there. [i]N/B: Yes, there is a reason the Spirit Elemental has become Lucemon[/i] ^_~. For the early parts of the RP we?ll be using the Elemental Crystals, which were parts of our Digimon during their time as the Elementals, to induce Elemental Digivolution much in the same way as Armour Digivolution or Spirit Digivolution. [b][u]Elemental Digivolutions[/b][/u][list] [*]Flamon - [url=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y181/Cybernator/InfernodramonFinal.jpg]Infernodramon[/url] [*]Falcomon - Tempestmon [*]KoKabuterimon - Galvamon [*]Swimmon - [url=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y181/Cybernator/waterdigimon.jpg]Fathomon[/url] [*]Kotemon - Terramon [*]Lucemon - [url=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y181/Cybernator/Meelemon2.jpg]Meleemon[/url] [*]Ryuudamon - [url=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y181/Cybernator/Empyrmon.jpg]Empyrmon[/url][/list] [i]Much thanks to Mike [The Boss] for doing the Elemental Digimon for me.[/i] Before I get to the sign-up sheet I need to explain a few things. At the start of the RP we're in the Real World and we've all recently recived our Elemental Crystals and D-Elementals but not our Digimon or Crests. So, to the sign-up sheet. [center]~*~[/center] [b]Name:[/b] [This will be an international group of Digidestined so feel free to use any name.] [b]Age:[/b] [Between 15-19] [b]Appearance:[/b] [Either a written description or an anime style character image.] [b]Elemental:[/b] [Simply pick from the list] [b]Elemental Crest:[/b] [Check the Underground thread] [b]D-Elemental Colour:[/b] [D-Elementals are our Digivices, explained in the Underground] [b]Digimon:[/b] [As well as simply the name of the Digimon please give some information on their personality and attacks] [b]Digivolution Line:[/b] [Each Digimon has their line in the Underground, all this needs is the name and the attacks though I?d like you to do more for attacks than just the name.] [b]Elemental Digimon:[/b] [Much like the Digimon Partner section, describe their personality and their attacks.] [i]N/B: Images for the Elemental Digimon are currently in the works, please be patient.[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] [The usual] [b]Back-story:[/b] [We all know Digimon doesn?t go overboard of this part so all I?m asking is between 3 to 5 paragraphs relating to your character history and what made your Elemental choose you. When I say "Why the Elemental choose you" just describe what you have in common with the Elemental and its former role in the Digital World and stuff like that.] [center]~*~[/center][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Dragon Warrior is correct, [b]insane_twig[/b]. This forum is for discussion of written RPs here on OB, you should know this as well Archaon. I'm going to move this thread to Play It but I would advise you to work on your post quality insane_twig. [b]Jokopoko[/b][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Let's make a quick run down of who is in as of now: White - [b]Tallus[/b], Goron Mechanic Assistant. The Boss - [b]Dart Aquarius[/b], Free Spot #1. Gavin - [b]Darogan[/b], Goron Mechanic. MoyakuKeramushe - [b]Makiru[/b], Zora Mage. JT Darkfire - [b]Sebek Gamore[/b], Hylian Mage. Doublehex - [b]Ferin Alengar[/b], still considering If Sakura finishes her sign-up she shall get the spot of female companion. For now then the spots of Hylian Guard, free spot #2 and the female friend are still open.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Request approved. [b]Thread Closed[/b][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]I'm almost always there when you have something to say. Sometimes people neglect to use me, and sometimes people use me incorrectly. I'm turned on and off easily. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Subscribed Threads.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=teal]Okay, just the usual update. [b]Sakura:[/b] You get your sign-up finished ASAP. *Finger wag* [b]White:[/b] You're in as the Goron Mechanics assistant, welcome aboard. [b]Deathsye:[/b] This is a prime example of quantity over quality. Your sign-up may be long but that doesn't make it good. One of the big factual errors for me is that you say you were born a few months after Ganon was defeated, then you would be dead seeing as this is set quite some time after OoT. Could you please tell me what one of "Ganons Wraiths" are, I've never heard of them. And as far as I know the Gerudo don't allow any outsider to live with them. On a side note, [b]grammar check[/b]. [b]Rurouni922:[/b] Say it with me now, [b]Kokiri cannot leave the Forest[/b]. Also you're lacking a character snippet. [b]The Boss:[/b] Great sign-up, so that leaves one remaining "free spot" so hurry folks. [b]Gavin:[/b] As it stands you're in as the Goron Mechanic but I would like to see a character snippet. [b]MoyakuKeramushe:[/b] Not to be rude but I'm suprised to see such a good sign-up from a newbie ^_~. Welcome aboard as the Zora Mage. Till next time people.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=teal]Welcome to OtakuBoards [b]TheThiefKuronue[/b] The Arena Underground is specifically for RPGs created and played out on OtakuBoards within The Arena. Here was some useful stickies for you to consult: [b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]The Adventure Inn Basics[/url][/b] and [b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44323]The Arena Underground Basics[/url][/b]. Also OtakuBoards does not allow the advertising of other sites so I would ask you not to make this thread again. I hope you have an enjoyable stay here at OtakuBoards. [b]Thread Locked[/b][/size][/color]
Discuss need some ideas cuz' ive got writers block
Jokopoko replied to Cicatrice Du Adieu's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=teal][b]lostvoicw[/b] Seeing as you're intending for this thread to discuss a particular RPG it should have a rating, I suggest you consult the [b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44323]Underground Sticky[/url][/b] for information on the ratings used here. In future I would prefer you not post a thread which is simply "I haven't got an idea, give me one" because these threads only have a very short lifespan and don't generate much discussioon. Please feel free to post again once you have read and understand the rules. [b]Thread Locked[/b].[/size][/color] -
[color=teal][size=1][b]Real Name:[/b] Jonathon Dorcas. [b]Age:[/b] 19. [b]Delta Name:[/b] Vangelis. [b]Delta Age:[/b] 17. [b]Team Name:[/b] Gemini. [b]Class[/b] [i][u]Ranger:[/u][/i] A Ranger is the king (or queen) of ranged combat. While magicians use magic to deal damage from afar, the Rangers use their arrows and muskets to good effect. [i][u]Advantage:[/u] High accuracy, higher than usual attack [u]Disadvantage:[/u] Close combat, slightly low defence[/i] [b]Player Rank: 4.[/b] [b]Weapon[/b] [i][u]Long Bow:[/u][/i] Vangelis has always preferred the range and power of a Long Bow to the other ranged weapons available in Delta. Taking the time to aim the shot and relying on his own strength to make the kill is what ranger combat is all about for Vangelis so [b][url= http://dolfinna.com/images/lothlorien_bow.jpg]Click here for image[/url][/b]. [i]Note: Vangelis? bow is actually a dark brown with none of the patterning.[/i] [u][i]Twin Short Daggers:[/i][/u] Should the need arise for Vangelis to engage in close combat all he need to is shoulder his crossbow and quickly draw these knives from his side. While he?s not too skilled at melee combat he can generally hold his own until Brice is able to come and assist him. [b][url=http://www.aceros-de-hispania.com/image/legolas-knives/legolas-knife.jpg]Click here for image[/url][/b]. [i]Note: Vangelis? blades are actually a dark brown with none of the patterning.[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] Vangelis and Jonathon are really a study in opposites. While Jonathon is generally more talkative and out going, Vangelis is closed up, only really opening up to his team mate. Most attribute this difference to the fact that Vangelis is very aware of the game at all time so his focus is usually on the game rather than the players. He does have a strong sense of honour though and doesn?t like going up against players who are of a lower rank than he is or fighting with a weakened. The kind of in-game missions and quests he prefers are going after rare artefacts or caches of treasure. This is really because he prefers the RPG qualities of the game rather than the out and out fighter, hence his choice of the Ranger class. It's not known why Vangelis elected to just have the one partner given that he was offered positions on some of the larger teams in Delta, but what is known that he will always have a strong loyalty to the second half of Team Gemini. [b]Ability[/b] [i][u]Perfect Shot:[/u][/i] Vangelis can sacrifice some of his mana in order to execute a powerful, accurate and deadly shot that is guaranteed to be severely harm the enemy, if not kill them. [b]Picture[/b] [img] http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/LanHikari89/g00.png[/img][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Let me get this out of the way before you start getting some sense of hope of getting to this RP. This is addressed to you [b]MomochiZabuza, onetrueewok and Deathsye[/b]. [b]MomochiZabuza:[/b] I am fully aware of what a Gerudo is and I didn't mention them because I could not think of a satisfactory way to have them in this RP. But let me say that this supposed Half-Gerudo/Half Koriri idea scares the hell out of me for one reason, the Koriri are all [b]children[/b] so there are no adult Kokiri. Plus the Koriri aren't even biologically compatible with regular Races, seeing as the Kokiri form is a mask for the Korok form. [b]onetrueewok:[/b] Four words for you: No. Way. In. Hell. [b]Deathsye:[/b] Your character name aside you can't just disregard established Zelda canon. If it says a male Gerudo is born every one hundred years than thats the way it stays, no getting around it. And for the love of all that is good and holy use a spell check/grammar check.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Right then, lets have a crack at it: #7 A catchphrase, Repeated endlessly, by a man who has done it all, and seen more. [b]Gavin - "Interesting, most interesting."[/b] Curse the one guess per post ^_~[/size][/color]
[FONT=Lucida Calligraphy][SIZE=4][b][u][center]The Legend of Zelda[/b] [i]The Eternal Gear[/u][/size] [size=2][b]?The machines of Industry grind forward to the Future." "The Heart of Magic lies in the Past.? ?The Hero will be powerless alone.? The Darkness will arise greater and more terrible than before.? ~*~ ?The land of Hyrule has changed greatly since the days of the Hero of Time. Gone are the simple times in which magic ruled the hearts of the simple folk. Many seasons ago the Goron Race uncovered the powers of technology and were almost instantly transformed from the simplistic Race they had been to champions of Industry.? ?The Hylians, who had long held magic in their hearts, at first opposed this new form of power. Claiming that only the Goddesses had the authority to grant power to a Race and this technology was a wicked practice as it was a wholly mortal creation.? ?The Zora too opposed it because they foresaw the damage it would cause to the nature and beauty of Hyrule. Indeed they despised it so that they closed off their realm to all those in alliance with technology.? ?Eventually the Hylian people and Gorons had struck an accord in which the Hylians would devote their knowledge to the betterment of technology and the Gorons to the creation of it. Soon Hyrule Castle Town had become a bustling City full of all manner of technological innovations from steam powered horseless carriages to soldiers armed with weapons that expelled fire, smoke and lead.? ?Death Mountain, once only known for its Bomb Flowers, is now one huge Industrial site. Inside Dodongo?s Cavern was discovered a new metal that was stronger than any stone, is was this which first put the Gorons on the path of technology. The Gorons City is still their hub but now serves as a plethora of storage areas and workshops for the Goron Engineers.? ?The crater of Death Mountain has also been remade during this Industrial Revolution. It has become a huge assembly line where the Gorons harness the raw lava to power their machines, the Fire Temple now lies forgotten.? ?In recent times strange things have been happening in Hyrule Castle City. With the Temple of Time forgotten, along with the Sages, the Hylians have been without a religion for some time. Recently a disturbing new group has come forth calling themselves ?The Cult of the Machine? who believe that the Goddesses have forsaken Hyrule and all people should turn to machines for guidance from now on.? ?Soon it shall be Princess Zelda?s eighteenth birthday and her father, the King of Hyrule, commissioned a gift to be made for his daughter and so he asked the most talented Hylian Engineer to create it for him. The task fell to Bandam who has created a most wondrous gift for the Princess and has entrusted his faithful Apprentice Link with the task of delivering it to the Castle.?[/b][/center][/SIZE][/FONT] [color=teal][size=1][center]~*~[/center] Welcome one and all to my latest RP, and my first as a moderator ;). Clearly this is a ?Legend of Zelda? RP, but with a difference. The difference being that Hyrule now has an abundance of technology and no longer relies up magic to do things. The Hyrule that this is based in is the same Hyrule as ?Ocarina of Time? so think of it as an alternate universe given that ?Twilight Princess? and ?The Wind Waker? take place here as well. I?ll do a bit more explaining about the lay of the land and things in the Underground thread, that is when I?ve written it. As for sign-ups I have pre-defined character slots, so basically you write the character but its for a position I need filling. [list] [*]Female Hylian friend/companion for Link. [This is the only character I?m specifying a gender for.][/i] [*]Grizzled Hylian Guard/Soldier. [*]Ye olde Hylian Mage. [*]Goron Mechanic. [*]Goron Mechanics assistant. [*]Zora Mage. [*]Two free spots. [Anything from a Kokiri Archer (Des ;)) to a Hylian farm person looking for adventure.] [/list] As I?m running out of things to say in the obligatory OOC bit I shall move swiftly on to the style of application to this RP. I?m going to using both forms of sign-up so basically you?ll be doing a sign-up sheet as well as a character snippet. [center]~*~[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Try and make it sound right to your Race I.E. No Gorons called Dave. [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] This is varied for each character so its not one of those ?We?re all the same age? RPs. Link and his friend will be late teens but the other characters can be well into life. [b]Race:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] You can use a classic Zelda character if you wish but be sure to point out what?s different given their access to technology. [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Abilities/Items:[/b] You can have one or both but bare in mind having both will be that they?re both of medium strength. The way this works is, for example, the Mage characters love their magic whereas the techy folks love their items so go with that basis. [b]Weaponry:[/b] This should be easy but also explain about the weapon(s). For example the soldier/guard can have one of those new fangled gun things where as the Goron Mechanic could have an over sized wrench. [b]Background:[/b] Just the usual character history stuff. [center]~*~[/center] For the character snippet I?ll let you decide the situation but I want it to demonstrate various parts of your characters nature, not just their love of fighting or their love of building things. So I hope you all enjoy signing up as well as taking part ^_^.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=teal]Deathsye, In the Arena Underground all threads discussing a particular RPG must have a rating. I would also like to recommened you put some more information in the opening post about the RPG, while this isn't a rule it is good practice. Please feel free to reopen this thread with the proper rating. [b]Thread Locked[/b][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]This is a good example of the sort of general discussion thread I'd like to see in the Underground so lets try and save this before it falls into obscurity. Currently I'm working on a Legend of Zelda RP which will have elements of Steampunk in it. For those not in the know Steampunk is modern technology but achieved through less advanced means, such as Steam powered Tanks and Coal powered missiles (Of course Zelda won't have this but it's an example.) The tentative title is "The Legend of Zelda: The Eternal Gear". I'll get back to this thread when I've done some more work on it, so I hope other people see the benefits of a thread suchs as this. Kudos to you cancer. [i]Jokopoko[/i][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Obesepanda me, While this thread does pose a vaild question there are several things you need to bare in mind. For example OBs rules on general quality (Such as spelling, grammar etc). Whereas in the Underground itself it is generally better to post reasons for why you would want to make this RP and explain more about it rather than just saying "Well seeing as it's a Saw RP we'll have violence. Also those of your who posted a single sentance please put more thought into your posts in the future. So all-in-all: ¬_¬ Thread Locked.[/size][/color]
Discuss 10 days til death: underground. [PG13-vls]
Jokopoko replied to GUNmanZERO7's topic in Theater
[color=teal][size=1]GUNmanZERO7, While you did listen to Lady Katana's advice about adding more information for your RP so it would be easier for people to grasp what it is about so should still follow OBs rules about the quality of writing required in a post. Such as spelling and grammar, so with this in mind feel free to post a new thread for this RP because: ¬_¬ Thread Locked.[/size][/color] -
[color=teal][size=1]Heartless me, While this thread does pose a vaild question there are several things you need to bare in mind. For example OBs rules on general quality (Such as spelling, grammar etc). Whereas in the Underground itself it is generally better to post reasons for why you would want to make this RP and explain more about it for those who are not aware of what this "Gantz" businesss, and also this thread should of have a rating. So all-in-all: ¬_¬ Thread Locked.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE=Leon Fury][COLOR=Red] If I were granted one superpower, hmmmmm. ok. This'll sound nerdy.... I'd go with pyrokensis. which is basically the power to create and manipulate fire and telekensis. why? [list] [*]mind control [*]get into someone's head and read their thoughts [*]moving stuff would be easy [*]I could provide a source of heat [*]and I could bring my internal temperature up, so I could stop complaining I'm cold [*]generate forcefields [/list] yeah, that'd be great, get back at the guy, by making him run into something at full force, then lighting his pants on fire. ^___^ LF[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=teal][size=1][i]"Pyrokinesis is the postulated psi ability to excite the atoms within an object, possibly creating enough energy to ignite the object."[/i] Sorry to be a nitpicker here but all Pyrokinesis would allow you to do is to set things on fire, sometimes not even that. Most often it's portrayed as being able to control fire (Like Pyro from X-Men) but not to create it. So it has nothing to do with regular telekinesis, in fact it's more like psychokinesis. Anyway I'm here so I may as well indulge. My favoured power would most likely be "Chlorokinesis", that being the mental ability to control all manner of plant life. The main reason being where aren't you going to find plants on Earth? Just use vines and such to ensnare people and I don't have a weakness like Magneto against Plastic.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Personally that doesn't appeal to me much. When I RP I do it to escape reality or what not y'know, not to have a trivia quiz. If there was a really purpose to this "quiz", for example if you get a question wrong or something you have to pay a penalty. Just doesn't sound like an RP like idea to me, but by all means go with it. Others might like it so good luck.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Baron, not to nitpick or anything but I can't find "2006 [Production links]" on the Underworld page anywhere, I've even searched Wikipedia for it and it tells me that it doesn't exist. Could you C+P the parts of the text the links where in please?[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Pffft, that was far to easy :p. [b]Start:[/b] Denis Leary [b]Link:[/b] In addition, Leary has provided voices for characters in animated films such as the saber-toothed tiger 'Diego' in Ice Age and 'Francis' in [i][u]A Bug's Life[/u][/i]. [b]Finish:[/b] A Bug's Life. Mine's going to be a little bit harder: Link [b]Underworld (2003 film)[/b] to [b]Transformers (2007 film)[/b], good luck with it ^_~.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]I had to do something like this for my coursework in my Media Course about two or so years ago. Same kind of thing but rather than just "Oh, do a two minute film on what you like" ours had to be an opening to a horror/thriller type film. You're right that it takes a while to write a script and even generate ideas, but thankfully ours didn't have any dialouge in it ^_^. The basics of the video was to set up the story of the thriller, we called it "Secrets", and get people interested in it. Given that we had no dialouge we needed to have some music on it so we used "Camoflauge" by Coheed and Cambria. This is starting to feel like a report so I'm going to leave it here, heh. But yes, it was fun yet hard to try and place a whole story in three minutes so good luck to anyone else who tries ^_~.[/size][/color]
[quote name='Dare][size=1']This is really good. I'm getting so many ideas for games and the such. When you guys say gameplay, can you give an example of a game which battle system/gameplay so I can understand what exactly you're meaning.[/size][/quote] [color=teal][size=1]Seeing as I like all sorts of games I guess it also means I like all sorts of gameplay styles ^^;;. One of my favourites is the sandbox style of play which was introduced to me via Spider-Man 2 (Awesome game) and it's also sandbox on Ultimate Spider-Man, I find that works really well for the hero genre. Then you've got the Third-Person adventure style of The Wind Waker and Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. I love both those games because they balance killing enemies with solving puzzles and all that, and also you have the interchangability (o.O) of the various kinds of weapons you can use which is always fun. Going back to sandbox nothing can beat Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction for sheer smashing fun, being able to leap across the city in that game whilst crushing what evers under you is just awesome.[/size][/color] [quote=Dare][size=1]Twists in the storylines do keep you on your toes. Do you like characters that you can relate to easily or someone you want to learn about? What kind of environments (worlds/fantasy/sci-fi) do you like better? You can all go into big detail if you like. It would help out a lot.[/size][/QUOTE] [color=teal][size=1]I'm only going to touch briefly on the first point given that it might spoil some games for other people, but yes storyline twists I love because if the story is just the usual "Hero versue Vast evil empire" it can get boring if there isn't any other kind of motivation. I can't say I've related to a character much but I can see how they can represent different parts of your own personality. Again with the Hulk game surely there is a time when all of us just wanted to go on a rampage through a city, or be Link and save the world and get nothing really in way of reward ^_~. In closing my favourite setting for a game would be a kind of Steampunk feel but I've not yet come across a game like that other than Thief 2: The Dark Age. Hope this has helped.[/size][/color]