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Everything posted by Jokopoko
[color=teal][size=1]It would help if I actually knew what Zach Bell was ^_~. Seriously though, it's all well and good making a thread to ask for help from people but it's also helpful to explain the basics of you idea and, for members like me, explain what you're basing it on in case some people don't know what it is. Some starter points can be: What's the story going to be? Who're the characters? What's the sign-up thread going to be like? And so on. Hope this gets you started.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]I've always been a stickler for good gameplay first. Even thought there is a huge graphical difference between, say, the N64 incarnations of Mario and Zelda they're still as good and as playable as their NGC counterparts. If the controls are easy to learn I'm going to pick it up quickly and it'll become fun,, for example I'd never played a Tony Hawks game before and after a few hours on Tony Hawks Undergroup 2 I was quite a dab hand at it. Graphics are also important to me and I like games that have their own style. Like TWW, Ultimate Spider-Man, Killer7 and a few other games besides. Maybe it's just because I love cel-shaped graphics, and it works best with Ultimate Spider-Man because of the whole comic book feel to it. Music also plays an important part. The music in TWW is amazing and sometimes I just leave the start up menu running because I love the music so, I also just randomly play the Wind Waker it's self. Earth God's Lyric and Wind God's Aria are brilliant tunes. Obviously I'm obsessed with The Wind Waker right now so I'll be back soon...[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Okay, it looks as though Yoda is a bit AWOL so we can skip Beast and go to Mystique now. [b]P.S.[/b] Hope you're all enjoying this.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]To be honest I'm not sure because people all have there own reasons for not being able to post, just like Gavin did at the start of the RP, and come to think of it it's Sin's turn to post so if anyone talks to Sin make sure to give him/her a nudge.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]You have to stick to the posting order until the end of each issue, that is too say the posting order of Issue 2 will most likely not be the same as this current posting order. So you still have to wait your turn Kura.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]After doing a quick search through on your thread history it's quite clear that you don't lack drive or motivation. This isn't a knock at you or anything but here is my advice: When I started here it took me a while to actually get the hang of OtakuBoards styling RPing and how to go about making characters and the like, when it finally came to making an RPG of my own I used something that I knew was popular at the time [Digimon in this case] but I changed it to suit my ideas ect. So what I'm saying is to stop making numerous RPGs that usually garner only one sign-up and take some time to get a proper feel for OB and what the people who RPG around here like as well as getting a bit more OB RP experience because as many people would point out RPing here is a lot different from RPing somewhere else, so really test the water before diving in with both feet. Also as per Arena rules and regulations this thread should have a rating. [i]Jokopoko[/i][/size][/color]
[QUOTE=Kura][size=1]So the posting order is the list of our names in your first post in this thread or the Square thread? Sorry I'm asking so many questions. I've never done a posting-order thing before, so I'm a little unsure on what to do. Sorry to annoy you.[/size][/QUOTE] [color=teal][size=1]The posting order is the list of players in the Square Thread, seeing as it goes "Brotherhood, X-Men, Brotherhood, X-Men" and so on till the last two players because we ran out of Brotherhood members ^^;;. Hope that anwsers your question Kura.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Okay update on the post order people, Gavin has been feeling a bit ill so people can post before him but still in the posting order. But Gav can still post whenever he's able too and the posting order will stay the same regardless on when he posts. And in response to Kura's PM we all post in the same thread.[/size][/color]
[color=crimson][center][b][u]X-Men Apocalypse Rising[/b][/u][/color] [size=1][color=teal]~*~ [i][u]Issue #1: Reawakening[/u] ?Though unknown to all but a few on Earth Apocalypse is being to awake in Egypt and soon he shall be able to strike out against those he deems to be weak. One of those few who is aware of this is Charles Xavier who is only partly aware on some strong psychic presence that he has not felt before. Currently however Xavier has bigger worries, Magneto has been holding meetings and speaking with the people of Genosha to rally behind him in his bid to become the new leader, while this would bring stability to Genosha itself, it would also send many other nations on edge due to Magneto?s history.?[/i] [b]For this issue the posting shall go thus[/b] Magneto ? Jokopoko Charles Xavier ? Gavin Tesla ? Monkatraz Nightcrawler ? The Boss Pyro ? Blayze Gambit ? Abel Nocturne ? Grace Colossus ? Sin Lacuna ? StarrStruck Beast ? Yoda Mystique ? Revelation Shadowcat ? Random Empath ? JJ Oriel ? Dare Necromancer ? Ezekiel Wolverine ? Andrew[/center] The basic idea of this issue is to set up your character and how they feel about the current climate with that world at large. Of course no one knows about Apocalypse yet, the advice I give to the Brotherhood members is to have your character in Genosha rather than elsewhere given that I (Magneto) am setting up a powerbase there and need support. I leave it to Gavin (Professor X) to advise the X-Men on how he want?s their posts to work. [i]Also Brotherhood members should really only refer to each other by their ?codenames?.[/i] [center]~*~[/center] Carrying his helmet under his arm Magneto walked swiftly through the gardens of Hammer Bay, Genosha?s capitol city, as he passed other important figures he nodded courteously to them. Since securing the island of Genosha from its previous oppressive regime Magneto had become a household name but had originally declined the leadership of Genosha as he had more pressing concerns with the Brotherhood at the time, but now he was ready to take the reigns of power. It felt like the right time. As he rounded a corner he was greeted by a large television screen which was showing news from one of the many human channels. Magneto gave it a look of scorn before he noticed a growing crowd around it and he decided to investigate what the report was about. [b]?...and we?ve been getting conflicted reports about anti-mutant protests and increased Government action against what many perceive as ?the mutant threat?. The President today announced that he was working with several top level minds and the military to come up with ways to more effectively capture and subsequently contain mutants...'[/b] One of the mutants shut off the screen and there was a mass of whispers and muttering as the group dispersed, Magneto was glad he wasn?t wearing his helmet at the time as he walked off because someone would have undoubtedly turned to him for some answers. Right now he didn?t have time for questions, he had bigger things to attend to. But unfortunately he was waylaid once more. [b]?Have you seen the news Magneto??[/b] said a drawling voice from behind him. Magneto turned and said: [b]?Zealot, I have no time for you endless prattle. I have things to do.?[/b] [b]?As I thought, you do not care for the welfare of Genosha. Only for your precious Brotherhood, Genosha is but a stepping stone too you.?[/b] [b]?What has my want to ignore you have to do with Genosha, Zealot??[/b] [b]?Everything my good Magneto...everything.?[/b] Zealot said with a soft laugh as he turned and walked away from Magneto. [center]~*~[/center] [i]OOC: May be short but that means its up faster, have fun everyone.[/i][/size][/color]
[QUOTE=Ecstasy]FINALLY! *sigh* Sorry, Joko, I just HAD to get that outta my system. Anyways, no question as of right now...other than this. Where are we all going to be located at the beginning? All together in the two groups, or scattered around?[/QUOTE] [color=teal][size=1]No worries there Ectasy, I'm as happy as you are ^_~. In response to your question I believe all the X-Men'll be at the Mansion but the Brotherhood may be slightly more spread out. Now in terms of how we're going to be posting I'm thinking doing a similar style to the chapter system but instead it'll be issues [i](Much like The Legionnaires or Justice City)[/i]. So obviously not everyone will be involved at once, can I get some opinions on that?[/size][/color]
[color=crimson][center][b][u]The Sphinx Apocalypse Rising Underground[/b][/u][/color] [size=1][color=teal]~*~[/center] Now then, as everyone knows the Sphinx is the ship that Rama-Tut (AKA Kang the Conquer) used to travel back in time to become Pharaoh of Egypt and find Apocalypse in order to control him, though it went wrong and Apocalypse used the technology of the Sphinx to transform into his most recognisable form. Not that I needed to type that but it?s just the back-story to the thread name for those going [i]?Eh??[/i]. Firstly here?s the list of those involved in the RP. [b][u]The X-Men[/u][/b] Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler ? The Boss Remy LeBeau/Gambit ? Abel Piotr Rasputin/Colossus ? Sin Henry McCoy/Beast ? Yoda Katherine Pryde/Shadowcat ? Random Oriel ? Dare Drake Stevenson/Necromancer ? Ezekiel Logan/Wolverine ? Andrew [b]Charles Xavier/Professor X ? Gavin[/b] [b][u]The Brotherhood of Mutants[/u][/b] Jake/Tesla ? Monkatraz St. John Allerdyce/Pyro ? Blayze Thalia Darkholme/Nocturne ? Grace Woodstock/Lacuna ? StarrStruck Raven Darkholme/Mystique ? Revelation Manuel Alfonso Rodrigo de la Rocha/Empath ? JJ [i](Yeah...you need a nickname)[/i] [i]Corey ? I know he?s signing up so this is his place holder[/i] [b]Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto ? Jokopoko[/b] [center]~*~[/center] Now the basic set of this world is thus: It?s more along the lines of the Ultimate Universe in that its slightly darker and has a more serious tone than regular Marvel but the only ?superhero? thing about this Universe is the Mutants so there?s no Avengers, no Fantastic 4 and so on. In this Universe it is the first time Apocalypse has awakened so no really knows what he?s going to try and do, the main basis for this is the story from ?X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse? but with some obvious changes given it?s the firs coming of Apocalypse here. Things from Marvel such as S.H.E.I.L.D., HYDRA, Department H and all that exist here but I don?t have a large role cut out for them though I may involve Fury, Trask and some Sentinels for a bit of fun. I?ll most likely be using a chapter system seeing as we have a fair few players in this and I?ll be posting the start tomorrow hopefully. So now I leave it to you to post anything that comes to mind about the RP in this here thread, enjoy.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Glad to see this RP is getting popular, so here's the current list of accepted anew. [b][u]The X-Men[/u][/b] The Boss - Nightcrawler Crucifix - Gambit Sin - Colossus Yoda - Beast Ectasy - Kitty Kura - Oriel Andrew - Logan Ezekial - Necromancer [b][u]The Brotherhood of Mutants[/u][/b] Blayze - Pyro Monkatraz - Tesla Grace - Nocturne [i]Boy, does the Brotherhood ever need members HINT HINT.[/i] [strike][b]Ezekiel:[/b] As per usual your application as a piece of writing is perfectly fine but I've got a problem with the characters mutation. Corpse control doesn't really fit in with the Marvel Universe and would be hard to explain as a genetic mutation and I just have a problem with it :(. So if you could change the power to something less...extreme I'm sure you'd get in.[/strike][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]I'm still waiting for a few more sign-ups but here's a list of who's in so far. [b][u]The X-Men[/u][/b] The Boss - Nightcrawler Crucifix - Gambit Sin - Colossus [b][u]The Brotherhood of Mutants[/u][/b] Blayze - Pyro Monkatraz - Tesla Grace - Nocturne [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] For those not in the list I've got my own notes for you: [strike][b]Monkatraz:[/b] What you've written is good but it's not exactly what I wanted. If you redo it as the solo training course I asked for I would reconsider letting you in the Brotherhood, also maybe you could further elaborate on your powers and further flesh out your character.[/strike] [b]Rurouni922:[/b] Not much I can say other than if you have a spell check program please use it and in the future make your character snippets longer and more involved. [strike][b]Kura:[/b] A perfect sign-up, just not what I asked for. Please change it so all that information can be in a character snippet like everyone elses and I'm sure I'll accept you.[/strike][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Hello again Graphically gifted Otaku, I've recently caught X-Fever after watching the latest X-Men film so I went about making an RP so now I want to go the whole hog and get a banner and avatar set [i][My, I am going through sets aren't I, heh][/i] to celebrate my X-Fever so I turn too you. [b][url=http://mutantvault.xmenlegends2.com/assets/magneto_517_1024.php]Magneto Image[/url][/b] - This will serve as the avatar was if I could just have Magnetos head for that with a border of your choice. [b][url=http://mutantvault.xmenlegends2.com/assets/Sinister1024.jpg]Mister Sinister Image[/url][/b] - This being the banner I'd also like Sinisters head in the shot and including the area of black near his head and if possible have the text "Apocalypse Rising" in that black area in a style of your choice. Could the banner also have the same border style of the Magneto avatar. I thank anyone who makes this set in advance.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][spoiler]Well think about this: Those cure darts all had metal tips right, now who's to say that Magneto didn't stop them seconds before the entered him so they just got stuck in the fabric of his uniform but of course he had to keep up the pretence of being "cured" so he has to lie low for a little bit and was just moving the chess piece as some excersise, heh.[/spoiler] Well with that theory out of the way I can say what I liked about the film now. [spoiler]The bit that pretty much floored me was the "death" of Xavier it was something utterly unexpected so I was kind of in shock for a second or two. Ian McKellen was Magneto was fantastic as usual especially in his acting out the stain of moving the Golden Gate Bridge, just fantastic. I also liked the fact that we saw Wolvie's adamantium more in this film because really the bullet in X2 should've done what the shrapnel did in the Danger Room *PING*. Loved almost all of the new characters, personally didn't find the film versions of Callisto, Arclight or Psylocke but meh.[/spoiler] I'll come back when I think of more and so you can all mull over my little theory.[/size][/color]
[color=crimson][center][b][u]X-Men Apocalypse Rising[/color][/b][/u] [color=teal][size=1][i]?Somewhere in Egypt...?[/i][/center] The pale moon light drew the valley in a ghostly white sheen that was in stark contrast to its usual sunlight glow. No sound disturbed the calm of the night save for the stumbling of one man as he clambered down the slopes into the valley. All around him the plants did not rustled, no animal made a sound, no bird flew above nor any insect crawled below. There was no life in this valley save for the man himself, though he looked so worn and tired as to look close to death, he stopped for a brief moment as he fumbled in his back pack, withdrew a water container and drank from it before throwing it to the ground with a clatter that echoed through the still valley. After making his way to the bottom of the valley the man approached what seemed to be a dead end. Staring up at the sky above a manic glint appeared in the mans eyes before he descended into his pack again, this time withdrawing several golden artefacts. As the light from the moon shifted its full light was cast on the wall facing the man and several indentations were shown, acting quickly the man placed each of the artefacts into its appropriate housing within the wall. The man placed the final artefact in the middle of the wall and the light from the moon suddenly intensified and the wall became brilliant white with a criss-crossing pattern connecting each of the artefacts to one another being made apparent. The man grinned wildly as he backed away from the light uttering a single name as he did. [center][b]?En Sabah Nur.?[/b] ~*~ ?It is the year 2010.? ?In recent years there has been a surge in the genetic phenomenon that many have labelled as [i]Mutants[/i], the most simple explanation is humans born with incredible powers that give them what many deem an unfair advantage over the rest of humanity and this has given many reason enough to fear and persecute the mutants.? ?When it first started mutants appeared to be few in number, barely making up for one percent of the worlds population but current estimates set the world mutant population at anywhere from six million to even one billion, while still a small number in overall global population it is a huge increase from twenty five years ago when scientists first identified the mutant X-Gene which is said to cause mutation in humans.? ?However there were mutants long before humanity first noticed the X-Gene, one of these is Professor Charles Xavier who wished to have humans and mutants living in peace with each other and so he founded a school on his families estate in Westchester where he could train young mutants in their abilities away from the prying eyes and possible hatred of mankind.? ?Before founding this academy however Charles met, and made friends with, a mutant known as Eric Lehnsherr who would later before the internationally feared Magneto. The two had opposing view points on the future of mutant kind, or as Magneto called [i]Homo sapiens Superior[/i], and they eventually parted ways with Magneto founding the [b]Brotherhood of Mutants[/b] which often came to blows with Xavier?s [b]X-Men[/b].? ?In recent years though the mutant hysteria has died down as it became apparent that they were not simply a small minority that could be swept under the rug but are going to be contenders as the dominant species on the planet. Currently the United States has created a new division specifically relating to mutant affairs and is headed by Doctor Bolivar Trask.? ~*~[/center] Yes, yes I apologise but after viewing X-Men 3 I have caught X-Fever and felt compelled to create this RP. Before those who have not view the film turn away this is not based in the movie universe so there are no spoilers. In fact this is a new universe separate from any of the previous Marvel universes, try and think of it as our normal universe with mutants thrown in so there are no other superheroes around. The key element of the RP is that in this universe it is the first rising of Apocalypse so this not only introduces an unstable element in mutant affairs but also has ramifications for the whole planet because of what Apocalypse represents. I?m going to allow both existing Marvel characters and your own created characters for this RP but there are some Marvel characters I don?t want played, here?s a list: [list] [*]Professor Charles Xavier [Played by Gavin.] [*]Eric Lehnsherr/Magneto [Played by Me.] [*]Apocalypse [Not available for play.] [*]Holocaust [Not available for play.] [*]Nathaniel Essex/Mister Sinister [Not available for play.] [*]Nate Grey/X-Man [Not available for play.] [*]Nathan Summers/Cable [Not available for play.] [*]Bishop [Not available for play.] [*]Dark Beast [Not available for play.] [*]Ozymandias [Not available for play.] [*]Exodus [Not available for play.] [/list] So basically the two leaders and any mutant who was been involved with Apocalypse in any of the other continuities is off limits. I may, however, allow some people to play as Sinister, Ozymandias or Exodus in the future because of this oft times role as servants of Apocalypse. Existing characters can stay fundamentally the same but you can change things to fit in with the major events of our world that may not have happened in the usual Marvel continuity and for created characters try and make them unique in what kind of powers they have, where they?re from and all that. [center]~*~[/center] The sign-up is going to be the increasingly popular character snippet rather than a standard sign-up sheet. The minimum amount will be three paragraphs and the maximum is nine. The prompt for X-Men characters is a training session in the Danger Room and the prompt from Brotherhood members is Magneto putting you through a survival course in a location of your choice. What it needs to include is: [list] [*]Name/Codename. [*]Age. [*]Appearance. [*]Nationality. [*]Gender. [I realise it?s a given with the name but y?know...] [*]Mutation/Abilities. [Your main powers and other abilities that they grant you, you can also work in stuff like gymnastics or sword play.] [*]Personality. [*]Significant event in your past. [This is the stand in for the long winded personal history or biography that some RPs require.] [*]Misc. information. [Anything else you?d like to include.] [/list] So there it is, I hope you all have fun working on your snippets and equal fun in the RP itself. [center]~*~[/size][/color] [color=crimson][b]?Only the strong shall survive.?[/b][/color][/center]
[color=teal][size=1]I shall wait a week or so before I start ranting and raving about what I loved and such seeing as not that many people have seen it yet and my post would basically be one big spoiler but what I do have to say is that this film is [b]AMAZING[/b], I loved it. There are funny bits, intense bits, loving bits and a whole lot more besides and plenty of suprises. Kelsey Grammer is perfect as Beast, Daniel Cudmore should just fight and not talk (heh), the same goes for Vinnie Jones and Magneto truly is the Master of Magnetism. I recommend this to any X-Men fan, comic book fan and general movie goer.[/size][/color]
[quote name='Lady Asphyxia][font=Arial][size=2][color=DarkGreen]As things go, it's not a bad start, although I must ask why you chose to start the story with the Orcs, rather than the main character? If I had just read the story (rather than the overview), I would have thought that this Gargrukk was the main character and that we'd be following him in the story.[/color][/size'][/font][/quote] [color=teal][size=1]Thinking about it now I guess I should have called this a prolouge of sorts or just my first steps into writing in the Warhammer Fantasy world, also Warhammer Orcs are just so much fun to write ^_^ but I do take you're point and will perhaps move that when and if I start writing it again.[/size][/color] [quote name='Lady Asphyxia][font=Arial][size=2][color=DarkGreen]One of the problems I had when reading this was the language of the Fantasy Universe; things like gobbos and squigs went completely over my head, and because I didn't recognise them, the story often felt a little jibberish at times -- the names weren't 'real' names, they were fantasy ones, and the language was 'fantasy' language.[/color][/size'][/font][/quote] [color=teal][size=1]I guess I should have done another italic note for gobbos abd squigs at least. Gobbo is just the Orcish slang name for Goblins and Squigs are...well they're kind of hard to explain but basically they're an all purpose animal that comes in many breeds and appears where ever Orcs make camp so their very usefull to Orcish society. On the names front Orcish names tend to be as savage as they are so this is how the names in Warhammer Fantasy are generally shown.[/size][/color] [quote name='Lady Asphyxia][font=Arial][size=2][color=DarkGreen]The only other thing that gets me in this is the Ork accent. Is this their accent in the actual series, or did you make it up? If you did make it up, you may want to rethink how you portrayed them, because the entire time, I was imagining the Orks with a cockney accent![/color][/size'][/font][/quote] [color=teal][size=1]Yes, this is exactly how the Orcs sound in the Warhammer Fantasy Universe so its quite alright to imagine them with cockney accents ^_^.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Khaine Mensha. [b]Age:[/b] 27. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Appearance: [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/6e/Ultjugg.jpg]Click here[/url][/b]. [i]Obviously ignore the Las Vegas background and the crowd.[/i] [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] Khaine does not generally use weaponry as the Orange Magic is more than enough to attack his enemies with he does wear a highly durable helmet which, whilst primarily serving as protection, can be used as a battering ram of sorts and brake through all but the most solid of defences when Khaine is using his Orange Magic. [b]Magic:[/b] Khaine wields the falsely crafted Orange Magic, the Tattoo is emblazoned on his forehead and due to the false nature of the Magic the application of the Tattoo gave Khaine some serious scarring which is one of the reasons he wears his helmet. The Orange Magic reaches its true peaks when Khaine is in a literal blind fury and will crush anything and everything that comes within his reach. The Magic manifests itself in two principal forms. The first being that it can make Khaine almost immune to harm from physical attacks, any weapon bought against him will shatter and any person attempting to fight hand-to-hand will be swept aside by his giant hands, the only thing that can damage him is a sustained attack from either Red Magic or Silver Magic as both of these are immune to the rage generated by the Orange Magic. The second use of Orange Magic is that whilst it is in effect Khaine needs nothing else to sustain him. This means he has no need to breathe, no need to eat and no need to drink. Of course he cannot sustain this state indefinitely but it does have incredible uses such as allowing Khaine to submerge himself in water with no need to come back up. [b]Personality:[/b] What ever Khaine was like before he was taken to Mekka?s dark Laboratory has been lost within the all consuming rage that was forced into him by the twisted minions of Mekka. [i][Will Edit][/i] History: [[i]Will Edit[/i]][/size][/color]
[size=1][color=teal]I've not posted here much but I think I've got something of worth to post here. Or at least I've remembered it, this story is something I've had in limbo for some time now, the idea is based in the Warhammer Fantasy Universe but don't worry if you've never read anything about that because its really the usual deal with a Fantasy Realm, firstly I've got the premise/notes I wrote before starting. [center][b][u]Will of Iron Notes[/u][/b] [u][i]Plot overview[/i][/u][/center] The Chronicle of the Hammer follows the journey of Khazal Hammerhand as he travels through the Old World in search of the enemies of the Dwarves. In the first tale, Will of Iron, we meet the Dwarf himself as he sets out to return to his home of many decades Karak Varh. Before he can react a Black Orc Warband led by Gargrukk the Red attacks Karak Varh and slay many of his Kinsman. Khazal swears an Oath of Vengeance on his Clans book of grudges; he then sets out into the Dark Lands to seek out the Black Orc. Along the way he encounters Skalig Deathglare, a crazed Slayer who will go to any lengths to smite the enemies of the Dwarf people and he agrees to travel with Khazal, the two then make their way into the Dark Lands fighting the foul minions of Chaos, the Skaven and many others before finding the camp of Gargrukk. [i][u]Main Characters[/u][/i] [b]Khazal Hammerhand, Ironbreaker:[/b] Khazal is one of the most renowned Ironbreakers in the Old World today. Having fought the likes of Grimgor?s ?Ardboyz and the Swords of Chaos in recent times and as far travelled as Sudenburg. He can always be counted on to go to war for the Dwarf cause. Khazal has a deep loathing for all Black Orcs as they have terrorised the Black Fire Pass and his home for as long as he can remember, he will never retreat in the face of these Greenskins. Khazal carries with him the hammer known as the Bane of Gork which has cracked the skull of many Orc Warbosses in the hands of Khazal. [b]Skalig Deathglare, Crazed Slayer:[/b] Skalig has witnessed what no father should ever witness, his children being shaven and killed while he was unable to stop it. Some years ago while he lived within the halls of Karak Kadrin a war band of Skaven infiltrated the halls and captured many of the youngbeards while Skalig and several others were out on patrol. Before he could rescue his sons they had been shaven and killed within the Skaven pit and then tossed out. Driven mad with rage Skalig took up the oath of the Slayer in order to give a meaning to his life which was empty without his children. [b]Gargrukk the Red:[/b] Current Warboss of a sizeable Black Orc force from the Dark Lands, baring the obvious name Waaagh! Gargrukk, and they are getting restless. Having spent the better part of his life fighting to get where he is Gargrukk is one of the biggest, nastiest and most revolting Black Orcs next to Grimgor Ironhide. More recently Gargrukk has been leading his Waaagh! into the World?s Edge Mountains to give the Stunties a right good bashing before they can recover from the Storm of Chaos. Gargrukk was mostly milling about while Grimgor was off having his fun in the Storm so Gargrukk figures it?s time he showed Ironhide what?s what. [i][u]Character List[/u][/i] [b]Dwarves[/b] Khazal Hammerhand - Ironbreaker of Karak-Varh, main character. Skalig Deathglare - Crazed Slayer of Karak Kadrin, companion to Khazal. Thorin Foresight - Longbeard Runelord, adviser to King Erebor. Kalgin Hammerhand - Disgraced Engineer from Karak-Varh, brother to Khazal. Thain Erebor - Last King of Karak-Valg, the lost stronghold. Nogrod Grimisson - Ironbreaker of Karak-Varh, friend of Khazal. [b]Orcs[/b] Gargrukk the Red - Leader of the Black Orc Warband, Waaagh! Gargrukk. Zaggutz - Chief Nob and second-in-command of Waaagh! Gargrukk. Snikgitz - Orc Shaman, adviser to Gargrukk. Boggot - Goblin servant of Gargrukk and standard barer of the Waaagh! Raggah - Savage Orc Nob, trouble maker for Gargrukk. Kurg - Savage Orc, minion of Raggah but always looking to overthrow him as Nob. [i]I should point out that an Orc Nob is basically an Officer in the Orc Warbands and a Waaagh! is a large group of Orcs going off to bash someone.[/i] [center]~*~[/center] And now I've got the first part of Chapter One which I started writing quite a while ago. [i]Another thing to point out is that Mork is one of the Orcish Gods.[/i] [center][b][u]Chronicles of the Hammer Will of Iron[/u][/b] ~*~ [i][u]Chapter One Mork?s Gaze[/u][/i][/center] ?Oi, you lot keep it down or I?ll giv you sumfing to shout ?bout!? the roar of Gargrukk exploded out of the tent as he yelled at the ?Ardboyz who were kicking a bunch of gobbos into the campfire giving cause for loud and raucous laughter. The ladz quickly shut up and the remaining gobbos took the chance to leg it to the cook-house. Gargrukk gave them a long stony-faced glare before pulling his head back into the shaman?s tent. ?Rite, sorry ?bout that Snikgitz, wot woz you sayin??? Gargrukk asked the old Orc. Before answering Snikgitz took and handful of his Dangly Wotnots from the nearby bowl in his hand and threw them onto the small round table in the centre of his tent. Most of them fell to the floor but a select, and brightly coloured, few remained in an apparently random pattern. Snikgitz rubbed his grizzled chin as his face became more wrinkled with thought. ?Hmmm, looks like Mork aint to pleased wiv you, Boss. Not since dat tangle with dem Kurgans last month.? Snikgitz commented as he eyed the items on the table with an arched eyebrow. ?What the zog are you on ?bout, Snikgitz. We pasted dose ?umies good and proper, why?d dat tick Mork off?? The Warbosses face cracked into a grin as he remembered cutting their bosses head off with his trusty cleaver. ?Yeh, we pasted dem but you didn?t giv fanks to Mork for da victory did ya? Zoggin ?eck.? The aged Shaman shook his head in disgust as he picked the up the Wotnots putting them back into his pack. As Gargrukk thought the problem over he realised he needed to make a big victory and thank Mork for it and he needed to do it soon. Grunting toward Snikgitz he walked out of the tent then cast his eyes over the camp of Waaagh! Gargrukk. As with any Orc camp it was a rag-tag mess with food, equipment and dead things, mostly squigs and gobbos, all over the place, as usual most of the ladz were in a big brawl for the juiciest squig or smartest gobbo for a slave. Catching the eye of his most trusted Nob, Zaggutz, and Gargrukk beckoned him over to talk. ?Wot?s the good wurd Boss?? The mound of green-muscle asked with his trade-mark goofy grin. ?It?s not the good wurd Zaggutz. See, ?cording to Snikgitz Mork aint to pleased wiv us rite now wot wiv us forgettin? to say ?Fanks Mork? after we knocked dem Kurgans about last month,? Zaggutz looked as if we was going to interrupt but Gargrukk raised his hand to shut him up, ??Old on, I anit done. Anyway, looks as if we need to get into sum more scraps, any ideas?? ?Erm, wot about dem Beastmen we saw da other day?? ?Nah, too easy I reckon. We need sumfing good and proper to beat and den we say fanks Mork?. The two Black Orcs stood in silence for a few moments while they engaged in an activity that Orcs seldom engage in, thinking. Eventually Zaggutz clicked his large fingers with an excited grin appearing on his face. ?Boss, I?ve got it! Dose stunties, y?know, dem ones dat live up near Black Fire Pass. If we beat dem Mork would be proper proud.? ?Nice wun Zaggutz. Get the boyz together and let dem know we?re marching tomorrow. Dose stunties won?t know wot hit dem now dat they?re under Morks Gaze.? Gargrukk said as he cast his beady red eyes of the Orc camp and an unmistakeable glint has present in his eye, the idea of a decent fight had rekindled his Orcish spirit. ?Rite you are boss,? Zaggutz walked a little way into the camp and took a deep breath before belting out the bosses orders, ?Alrite you lay abouts, we?re on da move for da Black Fire Pass and we?re gonna give them Stunties a right knock about. So get moving!? Zaggutz turned his head and gave a thumb up to Gargrukk before walking off to his own regiment of ?Ardboyz. Nodding approvingly Gargrukk made his own through the camp intending to fetch Boggot and make the rounds needed before the Waaagh! could continue on its path of destruction into the Worlds Edge Mountains. A big bunch of yoofs were in a scrap when Gargrukk passed by, had it been any other day he?d of happily let it continue so only the toughest boyz could carry on with the Waaagh! but seeing as they needed to move fast he gave them all a twat around the ears and sent them off to the baggage karts to load them up. Before he could take another step Boggot was running up behind him calling his name in his trademark high squeaky voice causing Gargrukk to grunt with laughter. ??Urry up Boggot, we need to get da boyz together so we can get goin?. An? don?t forget dat standard!? ?Rite Boss! Sorry Boss!? Squeaked the runt before doing an about face and racing back to Gargrukk?s tent to fetch the battle standard of the Waaagh! Shaking his head and wondering about the Gobbos as a race Gargrukk gave a shrug and carried on his way though the camp. No sooner had he passed by a clump of bushes than it shook as if by itself. The Orc rolled his eyes. ?Raggah you git, get out of dat bush, now!? The bush shook indignantly before it Raggah jumped out of it. The Savage Orc was quite a site. Atop his head was a hair squig which gave the impression of a great head of red hair which was styled with a bone. For an Orc Raggah was fairly tall and lean but he still had muscles, however Raggah did not need muscles to get what he wanted done. His beady red eyes hid behind them a cunning that was unbecoming of an Orc. ?Wot d?you want den?? Raggah said, sounding suspicious. ?We?re on da move, heading for da Black Fire Pass to knock some of does Stunties around. If you fink you and your boyz can ?andle it you better get ready to move now or stay behind.? Gargrukk squared his shoulders and fixed Raggah in a silent and an unblinking stare. [center]~*~[/center] So I hope anyone who reads this will give me some fair reviews and recommend if I should carry on with writing this. Looking forward to it.[/color][/size]
[color=teal][size=1]Liam had already been down to collect his starter Pokémon, with his fathers consent of course, about half an hour ago. He?d already decided on the nickname of Fractyl but he thought it was in bad taste to actually call out his Treecko before meeting with the other Trainers after they?d received their Pokémon. He?d been passing the time checking and rechecking his pack for anything he or Lillian may be needing for the journey, he was on about the fourth look through when he heard Isaac calling him from the research room. [b]?Liam, could you come in here for a second??[/b] Came his voice from across the hall. [b]?Sure thing.?[/b] Liam replied, stowing Fractyl?s Pokéball in one of his belts pouches as he walked across. The research room was always cluttered with odd bits of paper with impressive and insightful notes on the Pokémon encountered in Belrie but as soon as they were written down Professor Grove and Isaac had gone on to yet greater things. Right now Isaac was sitting in the controlled chaos poking at something which several tools at once, Liam had a pretty good idea of what it was. [b]?Hold on for a second.?[/b] Said the hunched form of Isaac, a few more tweaks and sparks later he turned around with the finished SPRITE in his hands. [b]?Here it is, the worlds first Synthetic Pokémon Research and Investigation Tool for Exploration. Fully functional as a Pokédex and more...?[/b] Isaac looked to be about to say more but SPRITE chirped in.[/color][/size] [size=1][b][color=crimson]?That is correct Isaac. I am able to function as a detailed map of the Belrie Region, I am able to communicate with any Trainer who possess a PokéGear, I am able to provide information on all breeds of Pokémon located in Belrie and have the function to include newly discovered Pokémon directly into my database. I can also provide detailed information on the surrounding area as we enter it.?[/color][/b] [color=teal]Isaac smirked slightly and nodded silently to Liam as he handed SPRITE over. [b]?Take good care of him.?[/b] He called as Liam walked out of the Research room with a large grin on his face. Hurriedly Liam strapped on his bag, and slipped SPRITE into one of the side pockets carefully, and took out Fractyl?s Pokéball so he was prepared to call him out once he meet with the other trainers. After bounding down the stairs he saw his father standing to the side as the other Trainers took their Pokéballs from the stand in the middle of the room. A boy with red hair taking Torchic?s Pokéball, another boy with black hair taking Mudkip?s Pokéball and Lillian standing near to Professor Grove with Aron standing beside her already. [b]?Ah, excellent. Gabriel and Alexander, I?d like you to meet my son and Lillian?s brother Liam.?[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=teal] Well it'll be kind of mixed. Whilst travelling to the various cities and locations around Belrie [That is taking the roads/rail road] you'll all be in that area and not too spread out but you'll all be doing something different I assume, from battling the trainers in the area to looking for the wild Pokemon native to the area. The same is half true for when you're in cities but in that case you could all be spread out across the city doing various things before each callenging the gym leader. Now for those of you who don?t know the three members who have yet to post in the RP [i](Namely Vicky, Sakura and Gavin.)[/i] are no longer a part of this RPG so I?ve decided to create a main character for myself to play. This means that the NPC characters are now going to be actual NPC characters rather than be played by me, all save SPRITE of course. So here is my new character. [b]Name:[/b] Liam Alexander Grove. [b]Age:[/b] 17. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Appearance: [url=http://images.quizilla.com/K/KI/KIA/Kiangel/1129266792_ngscap0160.JPG]Click here[/url][/b]. [b]Trainer ID Number:[/b] 95286. [b]Personality:[/b] Much like my sister, Lillian, I could be described as adventurous and the like but I inherited some of my mothers sensibilities in that I?m a bit more cautious than Lillian in the wild. I can often times be over protective of Lillian which gets on her nerves so we come to blows quite a lot. More about me though, I?m a fairly nice person I suppose and if you get off to a good start with me that?s really going to be the tone of the rest of our friendship. I can get a little fired up in Pokémon battles but I realise its all in good fun and calm down fairly quickly after the fight is over, unless I lost of course... [b]Personal History:[/b] Like my sister I have gone with my father to the many cities and towns of Belrie and have always been in awe of the differences between all of the various communities. One thing we differed on in childhood is that Lillian had a penchant for the Bug-type and would often go out with our father to catch some but I never took a liking to them. I preferred wandering alone in the areas near Libra most often to look at the Pokémon found on the coasts and in the surrounding grass lands which is where I first began liking the Grass-type above the other types [i](Though I am aware of the necessity of a well balanced team.)[/i] Unlike Lillian I didn?t really want my father to capture my first Pokémon for me but I was happy when he bought home a young Buoysel one time which I enjoyed have as a pet for a while. My reason for entering the League is not to travel Belrie as I have before but to travel Belrie in a way I haven?t before, hunting for all the elusive Pokémon in the region and ?roughing? it when required. [b]Equipment:[/b] Given that I?m travelling with my sister we?ve decided to share most of our equipment and Pokémon supplies but the things I?m taking for myself are as follows. One Pokémon caller configured to a selection of Grass-type Pokémon calls, several of my Mum?s own Potions that she makes and have a slightly better effect on Pokémon, my fold-up Mach Bike for those hard to reach places and all the necessary camping equipment for when a Pokémon Centre is not available. And one final item: My fathers research assistant has entrusted the latest version of SPRITE to me so it can be there to help me and my fellow trainers on the journey. [b]Preferred Starter Choice:[/b] Treecko. I feel that a Pokémon like Treecko will be a good starter for me because it will be able to spur me on to make quick choices in a situation that has little time because I normally stall if that happens, on the competitive side of things I generally prefer Pokémon who?s attacks really on their types rather than physical strength and this is very true for the Grass-type.[/color][/size]
[size=3][center][color=crimson][b][u]Pokémon Belrie League Challenge[/u][/b][/color][/size][/center] [size=1][color=teal]As the lazy sun rose in the sky it cast a yellow orange haze over Libra Town. Even though this dawn was just like any other it held special significance for seven young trainers of the Town, soon they would have their first Pokémon and be on the way to challenge the Elite Four of the Belrie Region. The man who would make this all possible, Professor Grove, was eagerly awaiting all of them even though he?d already been awake for hours. He and Isaac always made sure they were up in time for the Trainers on these special days, currently though he was taking care of the numerous other Pokémon that Trainers already on their journey left with him. [b]?Hey there! Take it easy, there?s enough for all of you.?[/b] He said to a rowdy bunch of Zigzagoon, Trainers always seemed to catch these outside of Libra but soon they became outclassed by the Gyms if they hadn?t evolved into Linoone. The Pokémon growled and barked at each other as they ate the food Grove had lain out for them. He smiled as he moved onto the other Pokémon who were waking up to the new dawn. Pouring water into the large sombrero leaves of the Lombre, filling the bird feeders for the Taillow and Pidgey, scattering scraps around the Trapinch and Sandshrew burrows and much more feeding beside. Soon all the Pokémon were eagerly eating all the food and Professor Grove went back into the Lab to get everything finished and ready for the coming Trainers. [b]?Isaac,?[/b] Grove called up stairs, [b]?The Trainers will be here soon, make sure SPRITE is ready to go with them when they?ve picked up their starters.?[/b] Of course there was no reply, Grove had long ago learned that Isaac often got so engrossed in his work that he would often stop only for toilet brakes and food, sometimes not even then. Walking from the stair case to the main part of the Laboratory where the six Pokeballs were being stored for the Trainers, six balls but seven trainers this year he thought to himself. The Professor was grateful that the League had allowed his daughter Lillian to use the Aron he had caught for her some years ago. He had needed to convince them that there was no unfairness involved as Aron had really been a pet rather than a competitive Pokémon so it wouldn?t have any advantage over the other starters being given out today. Fondly patting the Pokéball closest to him Grove remembered what it was like in his day as a Trainer and later as a Breeder, less technical support than was around these days. One type of Pokéball and only the most simple Pokédex was available. [i]?Trainers today have it easier than they know.?[/i] He thought with a smile as he continued making his way around the Lab, tidying away the odd file and ensuring the all the Pokédexs were working for the Trainers to collect. Grove had always thought that Trainers in Belrie were luckier than Trainers from other regions when it came to the actual capture of Pokémon because of the abundance of species in the region, but on the other hand it was a pain to catalogue all of them while others like Professor Oak only had to deal with the 150 Pokémon species known to reside in Kanto. Thinking it was time Professor Grove made his way to the front door of the Lab keeping an eye out for the trainers. [b]?Ah, here comes one now.?[/b][/color][/size]
[color=teal][size=1]Dear Trainers, Thank you all for submitting your applications to the Belrie Pokémon League. As you all know only six of you may begin the League at this time [[i]Note:[/i] Lillian Grove is exempt from this count due to special circumstances.], before informing you of those who have been successfully admitted into the League we would like to thank those Trainers who have not made it this time and encourage them to re-register and try again during the next League. [b][u]Belrie League Trainers[/b][/u] Alexander J. Armstrong ? [i]Starter Pokémon: Mudkip.[/i] Gabriel Archer ? [i]Starter Pokémon: Torchic.[/i] Leonard Barras ? [i]Starter Pokémon: Charmander.[/i] Sakura Kunoichi ? [i]Starter Pokémon: Cyndaquil.[/i] Lillian Grove ? [i]Starter Pokémon: Aron.[/i] Neil E. Gratzner ? [i]Starter Pokémon: Squirtle.[/i] Ellie A. Steed ? [i]Starter Pokémon: Totodile.[/i] Congratulations to all those Trainers who have successfully entered the Belrie Pokémon League, a great journey lies ahead of you. In order to collect your starter Pokémon you must arrive at Professor Grove?s Laboratory by Monday morning, if you are late you may not receive the starter Pokémon you have requested. [i]The Belrie Pokémon League[/i][/size][/color]
[size=3][center][color=crimson][b][u]Pokémon Belrie League Challenge[/u][/b][/color][/size][/center] [size=1][color=teal]Dear Trainer, Greetings, you have been sent this letter because you have expressed interest in taking part in the Belrie Pokémon League. We received your digital application and questionnaire and after careful review we have decided to allow you to take part in the Belrie Pokémon League. As a Trainer you will be expected to follow the rules of the League [Enclosed with this letter.] Also attached to this e-mail is a map of the Belrie region which gives you details on the cities, towns, routes and other areas you will be travelling through on your journey to Triumph Road. This data may be viewed [b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=724029]here[/url][/b]. As a follow up to your application and questionnaire you are required to fill out the form below, this will give us the necessary information that will then be sent on to Professor Grove in Libra Town. Please note that only six Trainers from Libra Town will be able to begin the League at this time so please ensure that you fill out all the details correctly and leave nothing out. [center]-=====-[/center] [b]Name:[/b] [Please state your full name.] [b]Age:[/b] [Please note the new regulations forbid Trainers below the age of 14.] [b]Gender:[/b] [Male or Female.] [b]Appearance:[/b] [Please attach a suitable picture for use on your Trainer Profile.] [b]Trainer ID Number:[/b] [The five digit number that came with this letter.] [b]Personality:[/b] [This is required so we can assess your ability to train Pokémon and how you would possibly treat them.] [b]Personal History:[/b] [Please give us an overview of why you wish to be a Trainer. In applicable please list family members who have taken part in the Belrie League.] [b]Equipment:[/b] [List the items you shall take along with you during your League Challenge and why you feel they are needed. Note: This does not need to include a Pokédex, Pokéballs or PokéNav. Most PokéTech Inc. equipment is accepted but certain items may require inspection.] [b]Preferred Starter Choice:[/b] [Please specify which starter Pokémon you would like to receive from Professor Grove and why. For a list of possible starters please read the rest of this letter.] [center]-=====-[/center] [i][u]Available Starter Pokémon[/u][/i] [b]Squirtle:[/b] One of three possible Water-type Pokémon. Squritles are playful by nature so in some cases they can be somewhat hard for inexperienced Trainers to handle. Squritles are good for Trainers who prefer to play defensibly but their further evolutions have increased fighting ability. [b]Totodile:[/b] One of three possible Water-type Pokémon. Totodiles are as playful as Squirtle but because of their incredibly powerful jaws, they like to bite anything to test their strength and this can be quite a bit to handle for young Trainers. Totodiles curiosity contributes to their higher attack strength in battles, the same is true for their evolutions. [b]Mudkip:[/b] One of three possible Water-type Pokémon. Mudkip is a dual-type Pokémon, being both Water and Ground type at the same time, this makes it slightly harder for younger Trainers to train because they must compensate fir two type weaknesses rather than one. [b]Bulbasaur:[/b] One of three possible Grass-type Pokémon. Bulbasaur are notoriously stubborn and Trainers can have a tough time gaining the trust of their Bulbasaur. However its ability to learn grass moves early on make it an appealing choice to Trainers. [b]Chikorita:[/b] One of three possible Grass-type Pokémon. Chikorita tend to be stubborn and vain by nature and typically should only chosen by Trainers with lots of patience. Chikorita are more aggressive while young and switch to more status-inducing moves as they go through their later evolutions. [b]Treecko:[/b] One of three possible Grass-type Pokémon. Treecko are very brash and make snap decisions that are not always the best thing to do. This can be difficult for some Trainers while others take the time to work it out of their Treecko and make it an effective Pokémon. Treecko and its evolutions can learn powerful Grass-type attacks. [b]Charmander:[/b] One of three possible Fire-type Pokémon. Charmanders are friendly Pokémon and bond well with Trainers. This makes them a good partner for first time Trainers yet there is a downside, as they evolve Charmanders get progressively harder to train. With this Pokémon you?re in for the long run. [b]Cyndaquil:[/b] One of the three possible Fire-type Pokémon. Cyndaquil, for the majority, are actually quite timid Pokémon and if they feel threatened the flame on their back will grow until they feel the threat has passed. It takes a kind and gentle Trainer to properly raise this Pokémon. [b]Torchic:[/b] One of the three possible Fire-type Pokémon. Like Mudkip Torchic will evolve into a dual-type Pokémon. While this has strengths there are also inherit weaknesses. With a strong number of fire attacks Torchic is not for the weak hearted. [center]-=====-[/center] Before we say goodbye there are several points the League Directors wish to insure all Trainers know. By joining the Belrie League you acknowledge that the League bares no responsibility for any injury, theft or other incident that may befall you whilst undertaking the challenge. When you join the League you are in it until you are either knocked out by a Gym Leader or lose a significant number of Trainer battles, this means that you may not travel for a few days and then leave the League. Significant time and energy has been put into ensuring you get the best experience and service from the League and we wish the same from you. Now that you have all the relevant information from us we eagerly await your follow up application. By request of the CEO of PokéTech Inc. he has requested that we list some of their products for your consideration. Good bye Trainer, we look forward to hearing from you. [i]The Belrie Pokémon League.[/i] [center]-=====- [b][u]An Advertisement from PokéTech Inc.[/b][/u] [i]?Hello there Trainer, my name is Arnold Carter and I am the CEO of PokéTech Inc.? ?It is our duty to provide Trainers with the best technology that we can offer, from Pokémon Callers to our many makes of PokéChow. It is my hope that you will be a buyer of out products from your local PokéMart, I assure you that all of our prices are fair so you will never be too short of cash when purchasing our products. Here is a small list of what we offer.?[/i][/center] [b]Pokémon Callers:[/b] We have several brands of these callers than emit the call of a Pokémon when air is blown through it. If you wish to attract a Flying-type Pokémon why not purchase our Caterpie or Wurmple caller, you?ll soon have the Pidgey you?ve always wanted. [b]Pokémon Feeder:[/b] This product comes into varieties, one for your squad of Pokémon or for wild Pokémon. The squad based feeder comes is a variety of hand help feeders that you can customise for each Pokémon whereas the wild variety is a larger and can be lain on the ground with an assortment of PokéChow to attract an equal assortment of Pokémon. [b]Trainer Specs:[/b] These specially designed spectacles have an inbuilt basic Pokédex to provide you with the quick information you need when facing either a wild Pokémon or Trainer Pokémon and you haven?t the time to whip out your full Pokédex. Please note these are not a replacement for a Pokédex, merely something to aide you with quick facts. [b]Potions:[/b] Artificially created medicine specifically for Pokémon. Easy to use with a quick spray on mist which will quickly heal your Pokémon during or after a battle. You can either choose to buy them individually or in bulk. Please note we also sell various sprays to deal with afflictions such as paralysis or burns. [b]PokéTech Balls:[/b] We recently developed our own brand of Pokéballs that are specifically designed to deal with different types of Pokémon and environments. While they have been tested as much as other designs we are sure that they will serve Trainers well in the field. Please note the varieties include a Nest Ball for the Bug-type, Dive-ball for the Water-type and more besides. [i]?I hope this small demonstration of our products has impressed you and shall lead to your purchase of our products. If you ever visit PokéTech Inc. please drop by my office.?[/i] [center]-=====-[/center][/size][/color]