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Everything posted by Jokopoko

  1. Jokopoko


    [size=3][center][color=crimson][b][u]Grove?s Lab Pokémon Belrie Underground[/u][/b][/color][/size][/center] [size=1][color=teal]Hello again Trainer, Now that you have read our e-mail and are currently writing, or have written, your Trainer Profile, it would be beneficial for you to review this information to get a better idea of what you can expect on your League Challenge. Here you will find information on notable persons who will aide you in your journey as well as brief descriptions of where you will be going. To the picture of the person please click their name. [i][u]Notable People in Belrie[/u][/i] [b][url=http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c56/Jokopoko/Grove.jpg]Professor Grove:[/url][/b] Professor Grove is the chief Pokémon expert in our region and it is from him you shall receive your Starter Pokémon in Libra Town. In his youth the Professor was more of a Pokémon Breeder than a Trainer so his move to the study of Pokémon was really a natural progression. Like Professor Birch of the Hoenn Region Grove likes to do some field research so at times he can be found in the Pokémon Wildlife Preserve near Lacerta Town. Thanks to this love of field study Professor Grove has made sure that his Lab is equal parts study and Pokémon care so there is substantial area of land owned by Grove where he keeps the Pokémon he caught in his youth as well as the ones he is taking care of for Trainers. [b][url=http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c56/Jokopoko/Isaac.jpg]Isaac:[/url][/b] Isaac is the Research Assistant of Professor Grove. Before coming to Libra Town Isaac lived in Delphinus City and worked for PokéTech Inc. It was here that he developed the skills be needed in order to design the S.P.R.I.T.E. for use by Pokémon Trainers. In the Lab he and Professor Grove has an general way of doing things and most find it fascinating to watch as the work together as a seamless unit. Isaac still has contacts with PokéTech Inc. so he knows the goings on of the company. One point at which he and Professor Grove differ is Groves love of field study, Isaac is much more at home in the Lab working on the latest theories. [b][url=http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c56/Jokopoko/Sprite.gif]S.P.R.I.T.E.:[/url][/b] Synthetic Pokémon Research and Investigation Tool used for Exploration. This is the Belrie Regions answer to the Pokédex and many believe that it surpasses the old Pokédex in many ways. Originally designed by Isaac as a multi-functional tool for Trainers too use on their journey, it has evolved since then. At first it only had a basic voice recognition system like the Pokédex designed by Professor Oak S.P.R.I.T.E. has since been given an advanced A.I. unit by the developers at PokéTech Inc. Now he can function as a mentor, guide, Pokédex, communications tool and much more. Currently there is only one S.P.R.I.T.E. and is in the possession of the Grove Pokémon Lab, but Isaac has requested that S.P.R.I.T.E. be field tested with the new group of Pokémon Trainers. [b][url=http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c56/Jokopoko/Jeremy.jpg]Jeremy:[/url][/b] Jeremy is a big time Pokémon Philanthropist. It is because of him that all the towns and cities in Belrie have a Pokémon Centre, he is also responsible for the funding they receive so that the Centres are free of charge to any Trainer that may require them. He lives in Tucana City but he is constantly moving around the region making tours of the Pokémon Centres and setting up various Pokémon Contests, these can range from simple beauty costs to full blown mini-battle tournaments for which victorious Trainers are awarded ribbons. [center]-=====-[/center] While we are sure you know the region of Belrie quite well we are required to give you a brief description of the region and what you can expect, [b][url=http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/8288/bleghnamesfinally0lk.png]here[/url][/b] is a map of the Belrie Region for you to review. [b]Libra Town:[/b] Located of the South Coast of Belrie Libra Town is the home of Professor Grove and where he conducts much of his Pokémon Research. It is here that Pokémon Trainers travel too in order to begin their Pokémon League Challenge by taking of the Starter Pokémon. Being on the coast also makes Libra Town a small port, this is how Professor Grove gets much of his supplies that are not available from Belrie. [b]Volans City:[/b] North of Libra Town is Volans City, surrounded by lush green fields and small clusters of trees. There is no Gym here but it is traditional for Pokémon Trainers to travel here in order to visit the Training Dome which is run by Kyle. The Dome has no badge but the ribbon you receive for beating Kyle still holds a degree of respect from other Trainers. Jeremy is known to visit here often to pick out up and coming Pokémon Trainers. [b]The Lunas Caves:[/b] In order to reach the first Gym of Belrie you must travel through the Lunas Caves. These caves have been on Belrie for as long as anyone can remember and some of the walls bare mysterious carvings. Lately Trainers have been losing their Pokémon to a mysterious band known as Team Crypt, no one seems to be able to stop them. [b]Delphinus City:[/b] Delphinus City is a fair way from the Lunas Caves but upon entering the city everybody agrees that it was worth the walk. Few cities can match Delphinus ability to be shocking yet simple, it is one of the highlights of Belrie. The Gym Leader here is Sami and if you defeat her it battle she will award you with a Torrent Badge, your first of eight badges. One of the major attractions of Delphinus is the Water Park that is just outside of town, here you can view the amazing feats of Water-type Pokémon from across the world. [b]PokéTech Inc. HQ:[/b] PokéTech Inc. are the main supplier of all Pokémon Trainer technology in Belrie, while not as large as, for example, Silph, they are more advanced in several fields of Pokémon Technology so they are an important part of a Trainers career in Belrie. Recently however the Trainer tours of the building have been cancelled, this has raised suspicion around the region as CEO Carter is renowned for his generosity towards Trainers. [b]Pyxis Town:[/b] In the high mountains of the North Trainers will find Pyxis Town. In these mountains many Trainers come to seek the wisdom of the Pokémon Monks who have been living and training with their Pokémon for years but have never used them to battle. The second Gym of the League is located here, lead by Avery and should you defeat him in battle you will be awarded the Glacial Badge. The Monks place of residence, Articuno Tower, is a popular location to visit in Pyxis. [b]Orion City:[/b] After a trek down the mountains and a few days travel Trainers will arrive at Orion City. Famous throughout the region for its vibrant nightlife and impressive shopping centres. Orion City caters to those who have a wish to live the high life and in Belrie it doesn?t get much higher than Orion City. The third Gym in the League is located here, the leader is Bexley and by defeating him in battle your are rewarded the Grey Badge. Rumours have been flying around lately that Team Crypt have an interest in Orion City. The Train Line that runs from Orion City takes Trainers to the southern area of Belrie where the remainder of the Gyms are located. [b]Noctua City:[/b] A few days travel from the Train Line is the much quieter and traditional Noctua City. The residents of Noctua eschew the likes of Orion City for a simpler existence. For the most part the buildings are made of simpler materials and the residents prefer to keep Pokémon as friends and helpers rather than battles. The fourth Gym of the League is located here, the Noctua Gym is lead by Bella and defeating her will entitle you to the Dusk Badge. Noctua is celebrated for its Pokémon customs which stretch back generations, Trainers can get blessings for their Pokémon or dip their Pokeballs in the water of Noctua Falls, said to make catching wild Pokémon more likely. [b]Mt. Corvus:[/b] Three days journey from Noctua City is the lone Mt. Corvus. It is atop this mountain that Trainers will find the fifth Gym of the League. It was a bold move for the League to allow the Leader to build his Gym away from any cities or towns but they allowed him too so long as there was a small community in place to cater to the visiting trainers, such as a PokéMart and accommodation for the Trainers. The Gym Leaders name is Victor and he will present you with a Peak Badge if you are victorious. It is rumoured that Team Crypt are searching for something hidden in the caves within the mountain. [b]Lacerta Town:[/b] The main attraction of Lacerta Town is the Pokémon Wildlife Preserve that is run and maintained by the Pokémon League, with donations from Jeremy coming in every so often. In the Preserve Trainers are allowed to venture in and attempt to capture breeds of Pokémon that are not very common in Belrie, such as the Steel-type. One of the stipulations is that Trainers may not take their Pokémon Squad in with them, they are only allowed use the specially designed Preserve Balls and the relevant PokéTech Inc. equipment. The Gym in Lacerta Town is lead by Robbie and by beating him in battle you are awarded the Sequoia Badge. [b]Tucana City:[/b] Tucana is well known for its abundance of Pokémon Salons and Breeding/Day-Care Centres. This leads many Trainers to think that many of the Trainers in and around Tucana aren?t really serious about Training so any Trainer that comes from Tucana will possibly face some stereotypical views. One thing that is foolish is to question the abilities of the Gym Leader in Tucana. Her name is Valerie and if you defeat her you will be awarded the Hurricane Badge for you efforts. Tucana is also Jeremy?s hometown so as one would expect he does lavish quite a bit of attention upon its inhabitants and those Trainers coming to visit. [b]Castor Sea:[/b] This stretch of water is what Trainers need to cross if they wish to reach Carina Isle which is home to the eight badge and the Elite Four. Trainers from all over the region congregate of the S.S. Aurora if they do not have a Pokémon that can surf, aboard the ship there are specialised areas where Trainers may battle each other on the way to Carina Isle. For those who do have a surfing Pokémon there are several check-points they must reach so they League Officials can ensure that they and their Pokémon are safe and in good health. Many Trainers try to ensure they do have a surfing Pokémon so they can try to make it by themselves, one more challenge on the way to Triumph Road. [b]Lyra Town:[/b] On the north coast of Carina Isle is the resort town of Lyra. A somewhat anti-climax to the Pokémon League Challenge. The atmosphere around the town is quite relaxed as many people travel there to unwind so Trainers that come there to challenge the final Gym feel a little out of place, however the Gym is by no means a relaxed affair. The Gym leader, Arthur, is one of the most devoted Trainers in Belrie and by defeating him you gain the Armour Badge and passage to Triumph Road. [b]Triumph Road:[/b] The final challenge for the League Challenger?, strong wild Pokémon at every turn and even stronger trainers await those who have gathered all of the eight badges from the Belrie League. At the end the strongest Trainer will have to challenge the Elite Four without brake and finally the League Champion. [center]-=====-[/center] We hope that this information is of use to you and if you have any questions you wish to ask the League please send your questions, thoughts or general wonderings to us via this channel.[/size][/color]
  2. [color=teal][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Daniel Morris [b]Age:[/b] 19 [Daniel has been playing since he was 15.] [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Username:[/b] Danny [Uninspired but meh.] [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://malestars.codserver.com/cnt/tobey_maguire/photos/29.jpg]Click here[/url] [b]Partner Digimon:[/b] Daniel?s primary Digimon partner is [b][url=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Fanbeemon.html]Fanbeemon[/url][/b]. Fanbeemon is a study in opposites compared to Daniel. Whilst in the game Fanbeemon is always concerned with the task at hand, be it fighting other Digimon or tracking down whatever it is he and Daniel are searching for. He sees it as his duty to protect Daniel as well as push him in the right direction when it comes to making important choices. However he is very cheerful and always sees the Brightside to a situation. His attacks are: [i]Gear Stinger[/i] - Fires a small needle at an enemy at incredible speeds. [i]BB Call[/i] ? Summons a swarm of small worker drones that overwhelm the enemy. [b]Digivolutions Champion Level ? [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Waspmon.html]Waspmon:[/url][/b] Waspmon has similarities to Fanbeemon but due too the incorporation of cybernetic parts into his new form he understands that Daniel will sometimes have a different way of carrying out a task and Waspmon is able to weigh up the variables and inform Daniel of the best course of action. His attacks are: [i]Turbo Stinger[/i] - Fires a laser blast hidden in his stinger. [i]Bear Buster[/i] ? A honey like ooze is fired from his stinger causing the enemy to get stuck in place. [b]Ultimate Level ? [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Cannonbeemon.html]Cannonbeemon:[/url][/b] Cannonbeemon is the furthest level of Digivolution Daniel has been able to achieve, though only a hand full of times so Daniel doesn?t know much about this form of Fanbeemon. What he does know is that he seems to have more of Fanbeemon in him in terms of a slightly lighter side. His attacks are: [i]Nitro Stinger[/i] - Fires a laser that can penetrate even heavy armor at a super-large diameter. [i]Sky Rocket Infinity[/i] ? Fires a cluster of homing missile from within Cannonbeemons back mounted rocket launcher which cause significant damage to the enemy. [b]Mega Level ? [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/TigerVespamon.html]TigerVespamon:[/url][/b] Daniel knows nothing off TigerVespamon other than his attacks as his Fanbeemon has never attained this level yet he has researched TigerVespamon in the Digidex. His attacks are: [i]Mach Stinger Victory[/i] - An attack that stabs the opponent with the "Royal Meister" weapon in a twin-blade style. [i]Royal Meister[/i] - An attack that tears apart the opponent with the hive-shaped "Royal Meister" weapon.[/size][/color]
  3. [color=teal][size=1]Greetings those graphically gifted members of these boards Otaku, Hopefully this request will be fairly simple, basically I'd like a banner and avatar set based upon Toa Lewa from the Bionicle series made by LEGO. Here's two images for possible use: [b][url=http://www.biosector01.com/image.php?act=image&img=char/lewa.jpg]Image One[/url] [url=http://www.biosector01.com/image.php?act=image&img=char/lewa_stance.jpg]Image Two[/url][/b] For the banner the only direction I have is some sort of spiffy boarder around out as well as "Bionicle: Live the Legend" placed in a stylish fashion and the direction I have for the avatar is basically a close up on Lewa's face. [i]N/B: If you go a-searching for another image for use please make sure its Lewa rather than Lewa Nuva, there is a difference.[/i][/size][/color]
  4. [color=crimson][center][b][u]BIONICLE[/u][/b][/color] [size=2][color=teal][i][u]Quest for the Great Kanohi[/u][/color][/size] [size=1][color=teal]-================- ?In the time before time the Great Beings sent forth the Great Spirit Mata Nui to watch over those known as the Matoran. Rather than taking a direct role in the lives of these people Mata Nui chose to watch over the Matoran and allow them to make their own choices and decisions to what ever end. The one time he placed his own thoughts into the Matoran was the creation of the three virtues.[b]Unity, Duty and Destiny[/b]. With these he hoped that the Matoran would become a just and true people rather than corrupt and evil.? ?After many hardships in the City of Legends, [b]Metru Nui[/b], the Matoran came too a great island and named it Mata Nui after the Great Spirit that helped them during their struggles. The [b]Toa Metru[/b] had sacrificed their powers in order to revive the sleeping Matoran and now they were the Turaga, lesser in stature than mighty Toa but still revered by the Matoran and leaders of their people. As it was in Metru Nui the Matoran separated themselves from each other to form distinct communities on the island.? ?Each of these communities where know as [b]Koro[/b] which were within their own [b]Wahi[/b]. For example Le-Matoran live in Le-Koro which is located in Le-Wahi. After many years each of the Koro became mostly self-reliant but trade did take place between the Matoran, but any Matoran who travelled from village to village was looked upon as odd or strange. One such Matoran was [b]Takua[/b] who would become the[b] Chronicler of Mata Nui[/b].? ?Before he became the Chronicler Takua was banished from Ta-Koro for what the Ta-Matorans thought to be reckless behaviour. On his travels he assisted all of the Turaga and recovered each of their staffs. As a show of gratitude the Turaga gave Takua the [b]Toa Stones[/b]. Turaga Vakama instructed Takua to take the Stones to the temple in the centre of the island, Kini-Nui. What they did not tell Takua was that once the Toa Stones were set in place they summon new Toa to fight the evil of [b]Makuta[/b].? ?The new Toa would be Tahu, Lewa, Gali, Pohatu, Onua and Kopaka.? ?This is there tale...?[/i] -================-[/center] Welcome to my second attempt at a Bionicle RP, the first being based on the Metru Nui story arc. So the angle for this RP is to take on the roles of the Toa who came to save Mata Nui from the shadows of Makuta. The story will play out much the same as the original Bionicle 2001 storyline except that seeing as we?re playing the Toa we may do things different but I do want to stick to certain story points. The way the sign-up will work is you choose which of the Toa you wish to be and then signing up as them and then give me a post as the Toa you?ve applied for, this isn?t a first come first serve basis so I?d like some effort put into the sign-ups, here?s the list of the Toa and the element they represent. [list] [*]Tahu, Toa of Fire. [*]Lewa, Toa of Air. [i]Note: I shall be playing Lewa.[/i] [*]Kopaka, Toa of Ice. [*]Gali, Toa of Water. [*]Pohatu, Toa of Stone. [*]Onua, Toa of Earth. [i]Saved for White[/i] [/list] Here is [b][url=http://www.biosector01.com/ref.php?act=specid&id=1]a link[/url][/b] where you can find the information on the Toa you are going to be playing, such as Kanohi name/power, weapon, etc. So onto the sign-up sheet. [i]N/B: As usual if you have any questions either PM or wait until the Underground thread is up which won?t take too long.[/i] [center]-================-[/center] [b]Name:[/b] [Your characters name.] [b]Element:[/b] [Which element does your character represent?] [b]Koro:[/b] [Which Koro does your character come from?] [b]Appearance:[/b] [You can use the pictures given in the second link.] [b]Kanohi Mask/Power:[/b] [The masks name and its power. Feel free to embellish a little, i.e. the Kanohi Hau may be the Mask of Shielding but you can go into more detail if you wish.] [b]Tools/Ability:[/b] [The name of the tool you use and what it can do.] [b]Biography:[/b] [I?m going to allow you to C+P this from the website link but make sure you actually read it.] [b]Post Sample:[/b] Each Toa is going to have different prompt for the post so here you go: [list] [*]Tahu ? He was travelling through the Charred Forest and thought he saw a Kanohi Mask, he goes to investigate. [*]Kopaka ? While scaling Mount Ihu he sees some Matoran in distress and goes to assist them. [*]Gali ? Swimming around Naho Bay she discovers a large group of Rahi preparing to attack Ga-Koro, she moves to intercept them. [*]Pohatu ? Experimenting with the Kanohi Kakama he finds a hidden shrine to Makuta and investigates it. [*]Onua ? Carving a path through Onu-Wahi he locates a fresh cave system and seems to be remains of several Rahi, he ventures in deeper. [/list] Please note that if this RP is a success I?ll be doing sequels starting with the Bohrok swarms and so on. So bare this in mind when signing up, make this RP a success. [center]-================-[/center] [b][u]Lewa, Toa Mata of Air.[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Lewa. [b]Element:[/b] Air. [b]Koro:[/b] Le-Koro; Located in Le-Wahi. [b]Appearance[/b] [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c56/Jokopoko/Kongu.jpg[/IMG] [b]Kanohi Mask/Power:[/b] Lewa wears the Kanohi Miru, the Great Mask of Levitation. The Miru allows the user to hover over the ground or keep them from touching the ground when falling. To simulate flight while using this mask, the user would have to rely on wind currents to push them around while they use the Miru to keep themselves from touching the ground. Thankfully Lewa has full control of the winds of Mata Nui so he is able to use the Kanohi Miru to fly through the jungles of Le-Wahi. [b]Tools/Ability:[/b] Lewa wields the mighty Axe of Le-Koro, kept hidden until a Toa came to claim it for themselves. With it Lewa can fell any tree in Le-Wahi and cut down vines that he can use to travel quickly around the Wahi. When faced with a Rahi the Axe is just as formidable, able to remove the infected masks with very few well placed strikes. The Axe is also able to channel, and focus, Lewa?s ability to control all facets of the Air of Mata Nui, from roaring hurricanes to light breezes. [b]Biography:[/b] Lewa is the spirit of the air, and the Matoran believe Lewa controls the skies - the clouds and the wind. He is able to form winds, hurricanes, cyclones, and also to calm them. The Matoran also believe that rains are the result of a conflict between Lewa and Gali, while thunder and lightning are the sounds of their battle. It is indeed true that Lewa and Gali can combine their powers to create thunderstorms. Lewa is almost monkey-like, and prefers to inhabit the treetops of the jungles around Kanea Bay, as he is clumsy when forced to move on two feet. Lewa's axe cuts easily through trees and vines as he climbs and jumps through his jungle. He's supremely competent with aerial activities, and can even glide through the air when jumping from tree to tree. He uses his powerful arms to move quickly through the jungle and hack through vegetation. Lewa is always ready to jump to conclusions and often plunges into situations without considering the danger - and he's always the first to get into trouble. But his instincts are good, and his hunches often turn out to be right. And though he may be rash and bold, his experiences have given him respect for the perils of Mata Nui, although he still loves adventure and exploration. If there's a fight, he's always the first one in, protecting others before himself. Lewa?s primary mask is Kanohi Miru. [i]My post sample will be up shortly.[/i] [center]-================-[/color][/size] [color=crimson][size=4][b]Live the Legend[/b][/size][/color][/center]
  5. Jokopoko


    [color=teal][size=1]I hope no one minds me bringing this thread back from the dead but it seems appropriate seeing as the game has been released in Europe now and will be in the US on Monday. Since its appearence at E3 2004 Odama has had a few changes made too it. One of the biggest is being able to issue voice commands to your troops with the Nintendo Microphone (Comes with the game), as far as I know there are 11 commands ranging from "Rally" too "Press forward". Personally I'm picking up my copy tomorrow so then I should be able to give you all a decent review of the game. Is anyone else planning on getting the game?[/size][/color]
  6. [color=teal][size=1]Yeah...I'm just gonna go ahead and point you towards my previous post Asagard, it baffles me that you could post this up after what I wrote about NekoSama101s sign-up. Too anyone who is serious about applying to this RP please do not take these two sign-ups as the accepted standard, they worry me as much as they worry you...trust me.[/size][/color]
  7. [color=teal][size=1]Right, I honestly don?t know where to begin with this ?sign-up?. There is nothing in it that makes me think you have either seen anything from the [i]Stargate[/i] Universe, read the back story or any of the information I put in the first post. I?m not meaning to flame but I have to put my foot down here. [b]Neko[/b] is not a modern name in any culture I currently know of, I do know it?s the Japanese word for cat though. Your [b]age[/b] is a tad young for someone going on the expedition. It?s not possible in today?s modern world to not have a [b]country of origin[/b], you may not know where you were born but you obviously know what country you live in. No one uses [b]swords[/b] as a main weapon in today?s world, and besides that?s not a speciality for a civilian on this expedition. I could rant on and on about not having an [b]education[/b] but I shall just sum it up as [i]Impossible[/i], the same goes for the career of [b]bounty hunter[/b]. And if your role were to protect civilians you?d more likely be in the Military but I don?t want to imagine what that sign-up would look like. I requested you use a famous actor or actress for your appearance, we?re in the real world here not an anime series. Your [b]personality[/b] really is descriptive enough for any RPG. And much like the rest of your sign-up your [b]biography[/b] does not fit in with any aspect of the Stargate universe, not that it matters but you don?t even mention what this [i]?incident?[/i] actually is. In closing your sign-up doesn?t fit in with this RP in the slightest. I advise you to go and watch ?Stargate SG-1? Seasons 1-9 and ?Stargate Atlantis? Seasons 1-2 again.[/size][/color]
  8. [size=1][color=teal]A jet screamed overhead as Jono ducked into a near by alleyway, narrowly avoiding a pair of Constables. He?d be on the run for almost four months now so he?d picked up the basics of avoidance and keeping stealthy. If he could of Jono would?ve sighed at this thought, four months of being away from his family and friends. On two occasions he?d passed a shop or bar with a television showing the news only to see his face on the screen, correction, what had been his face before the [i]accident[/i]. In all his time hiding out he?d yet to come across a, what the media was calling, ?mutant? and Jono was doubtful that it he ever did encounter another one they would not come close to the disfigurement he?d suffered at the hands of his own mutation. One thing he was thankful for in regards to the mutation was that since the accident he?d not need to eat, drink or do anything that ordinary people need to do to sustain themselves. Even though he still had his nose Jono wasn?t even sure if he needed to breathe anymore - he hadn?t smelt anything since the accident so he assumed so. Though he wasn?t keen to find out anything more about his mutation and made sure that he disguised it as best he could, mostly just wearing a scarf around what used to be his lower face and always wearing a long overcoat and baggy shirts to cover the hole in his chest. That was another oddity, neither his wrecked face nor blasted chest hurt in the slightest, he?d go so far as to say he was used to them by now. Looking out on the street Jono checked to make sure the way was clear before coming out the alleyway and setting off at a quick trot down the street. He didn?t really have a purpose anymore because everything that he needed to live seemed to be provided by the crackling energy contained in his chest so he didn?t even need to steal food or anything, in fact he was quite bored. Jono soon discovered he could still talk even though he was lacking a mouth, vocal cords and the other necessities for speech but that didn?t mean he would talk to strangers, they?d likely be very freaked out by hearing a voice inside their head they didn?t recognise. [i]?My curse and my blessing I guess...?[/i] Jono thought, and said, to himself as he began kicking a can as he walked. ?It?s not a curse at all, but it is a blessing.? Came a voice from behind. Jono turned around sharply to see who was talking. It was a young man, blond hair and wearing one of the most ridiculous suits Jono had ever seen. He would have smiled. [i]?How did you hear me?[/i] Jono asked, people only heard him if he directed his thoughts straight at them. ?You need to turn of the wide-band.? The man said with a smirk, Jono didn?t understand what he meant. What actually surprised him was the person seemed to realise Jono was talking without actually talking. [i]?What ever, now just piss off if you don?t mind.?[/i] With that Jono turned around and resumed kicking the can, but before he?d got more than two feet an energy blast struck the group close to his feet. [i]?Hey! Just who the fuck do you think you are anyway??[/i] Jono mentally shouted. All the man did was stand there and smirk. [center]~*~[/center] OOC: If you don?t mind Phil I think it?d be better for you to finish off this encounter, for I fear I?d get all clichéd.[/size][/color]
  9. [center][color=crimson][b][u]The Cargo Bay Stargate Excalibur Underground[/u][/b][/color] [size=1][color=teal]~*~[/center] Clearly this is going to serve as the Nexus for all OOC discussion and the like for Stargate Excalibur. Firstly I?d like to say thanks to those of you who are signing up, I really want this to be special. Now as I said in the Recruitment Thread quite a few nations know about the Stargate now so here?s a list of the main contributors and then links to the list with the rest. [list] [*]United States of America ? [i]Controllers of the Program.[/i] [*]Russian Federation ? [i]Ran their own program with the Second Gate for a short time.[/i] [*]United Kingdom ? [i]Informed along with China and France due to position on the Security Council.[/i] [*]China ? [i]Informed along with UK and France due to position on the Security Council.[/i] [*]France ? [i]Informed along with China and UK due to position on the Security Council.[/i] [/list] Those are the main players seeing as they?ve know about the Stargate the longest but after Anubis attacked the Ancient Outpost in Antarctica the program was disclosed to the members of the Antarctic Treaty so a research station could be built at the Outpost, here?s a link with a list of the countries within the Antarctic Treaty. [b][url=http://www.antarctica.ac.uk/About_Antarctica/Treaty/]The Antarctic Treaty Members[/url][/b] So there?s the main bit of information for this first post. If you?ve any questions, comments, suggestions and so on please feel free to post them here.[/color][/size]
  10. [color=crimson][center][b][u][size=3]STARGATE[/size] Excalibur[/u][/b][/color] [color=teal][size=1][i]?There drew he forth the brand Excalibur, And o?er him, drawing it, the winter moon, Brightening the skirts of a long cloud, ran forth And sparkled keen with frost against the hilt: For all the haft twinkled with diamond sparks, Myriads of topaz-lights, and jacinth-work Of subtlest jewellery.?[/i] ~*~[/center] The Alterans did not just build the Stargate network. They built great cities such as Atlantis, they built great weapons such as the Drones, they built great archives for storing every facet of their civilization, they also built a great fleet of ships. While the Stargates provided instantaneous transport between their worlds the Alterans knew that these portals were hard to defend and they would be vulnerable to attack from above, so it was decided they would construct a great fleet of ships to not only defend their worlds but also seek out new ones on which life could be seeded and Stargates built. From the smallest survey vessels to the mightiest cruisers the Alterans soon had a fleet that was on par with that of their Asgard Allies. The Alterans while not a malicious or cruel people by any stretch of the imagination they where a proud people and they soon wished to build a craft that would surpass any that had yet been seen and any that would come. Like there great city ships which were bound to the planet of there construction as a defendable position and central nexus for the planet this great ship was envisaged as the central nexus for the Alteran fleet which all ships could rely on in times of need. Even though the Alterans were pacifists at heart they did understand the need for weaponry in the face of hostile aliens. They equipped this ship with innumerable drone weapons, prototype beam weaponry developed along with the Asgard and one of the most power shield generators of their time. Her speed would be unmatched in normal space and the Hyperdrive generator was the fastest they made and also capable of intergalactic travel. In appearance she was a like a great behemoth which many glittering lights and great engines ploughing through the vast emptiness of space. Sadly before the Alterans could fully activate this jewel a great plague swept through the galaxy they inhabited, many of them choose too shed their corporeal form while a small group took the city ship Atlantis too another galaxy in the hopes of starting again. The ship was left to slumber on one of there worlds, gradually the world changed and a great flood came a sank this great vessel but the mighty construction of the Alterans stood firm against the crushing depths. After many years had past a small ground of un-ascended Alterans returned to Earth and finding a savage land they began teaching the humans there as best they could. One of these was known as Myrddin but the chronicles of Man would soon remember him as Merlin the Wizard and mentor of King Arthur of the Britons. One of the many tales he told Arthur was that of this great ship, Arthur interpreted it as best he could as a powerful sword and named his own sword in honour of this great ship, Excalibur. Now that Earth was become an active member of the galactic stage after rediscovering their Stargate they began searching out advanced technology. They found many enemies in the galaxy but they also found allies and new technology. Eventually one of their greatest enemies, the Goa?uld, were defeated along with the powerful machine force of the Replicators. For a time Earth knew peace in the galaxy but it was not so, they found the Ori. But as a brief respite they discovered a treasure trove of Merlin?s Alteran technology and notes about other locations. A brief mention was given to this great ship resting in the deeps of one of the worlds. [center]The SGC is going to find it. ~*~[/center] Welcome all to my first [i]?Stargate?[/i] RPG [Not just on OB but ever]. If you?ve been keeping track of the ideas thread in the Underground you?ll know that this is RP is about more than just an advanced Alteran Starship. Let me quote myself for this bit of information: [QUOTE=Jokopoko] I've been thinking and I've seen a tendency in most Stargate spin-offs is to go to a new Galaxy so they don't mess with each others storylines unless its a crossover story, this is true for Atlantis and the virtual series' Destiny and Horizon. So how does this sound: Some time before the plague came a group of Alterans were dispatched to the Phoenix Dwarf galaxy in some kind of exploration mission but before they could return the plague struck so they remained in the Phoenix galaxy and did what Alterans do, that is build a Gate network and ascend etc. So the human cultures in this galaxy developed unhindered for some time until the myriad of alien life achieved sentients and became jealous of these thriving cultures and started attacking them. Now the Excalibur was also built before the plague so it has information on this expedition in its memory banks and this is an excellent chance to get Alteran, or equivalent, technology from these advanced human cultures. So the crew along with a large group intending to settle in Phoenix for a time head off to this new galaxy with the Excalibur as proof of their connection with the Alterans. I'd do this so as not to mess with SG-1 Season Ten and SGA Season 3, sound good? Note: It's been said that the weaponry for the ship is a bit over the top so I think I'll be toning it down a bit.[/QUOTE] So you can see that while the main point in the beginning is actually discovering the Excalibur and then finding out about this group of Alterans that travelled to the Phoenix Galaxy. The way this will work is much like [i]?Stargate Atlantis?[/i] in that its not setting in our galaxy, it will be an international group rather than purely American and there won?t be much contact with characters from other series. Now I must [b]STRESS[/b] this point beyond all meaning and understanding, it is vital that you know a good amount about the Stargate Universe as it is an essential part of this RPG and it won?t help anyone if you try to ?blag? your way through this RPG. I?ll have an Underground thread up soon and if there are any questions just post them in the Ideas thread for now. But once again let me say: [b]You must have a good working knowledge of the Stargate Universe to take part in this RPG.[/b] Just a quick note about the sign-ups, given that this is going to be run like a television series I?m only going to want about five or six characters as regular characters but if I still like your sign-up I?ll ask you to be a reoccurring character. And yes that does mean this will be run on the Episode variation of the Chapter system. [i]N/B: There?s going to be two sign-up sheets for this, Civilian and Military. Generally speaking I?d like a few more Civilian than Military. Also I?ve already got the roles of Civilian Leader, Military CO and Military XO picked out so don?t apply for them please. One more thing, I?ll decide which characters possess the ATA gene based upon the sign-ups.[/i] The link to the Underground is [b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52864]here[/url][/b]. [center]~*~[/center] [b][u]Civilian Sign-up[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] [No outlandish stuff, just modern names] [b]Age/Date of Birth:[/b] [The RP year is 2007, so just subtract your age for your DoB] [b]Gender:[/b] [Self explanatory.] [b]Country of Origin:[/b] [While most countries know about the Stargate Program some don?t, I?ll be posting info on those who do know about it in the Underground.] [b]Speciality:[/b] [Science, Engineering, Medical and so on.] [b]Education:[/b] [What degrees and from what University/College.] [b]Career History:[/b] [Don?t mistake this for biography, this is specifically for what work your character has had in their field of work.] [b]Role:[/b] [What?s your characters main purpose on the Expedition?] [b]Appearance:[/b] [Feel free to use a famous actor/actress.] [b]Personality:[/b] [Self explanatory.] [b]Biography:[/b] [Self explanatory.] [i]Character snippet:[/i] [Now I?d like you to PM this section too me. The set up is just your character getting used to life aboard the Excalibur.] [center]~*~[/center] [b][u]Military Sign-up[/u][/b] [i]N/B: Most military characters will be from the States seeing as they?re the ones who run the Stargate Program.[/i] [b]Name:[/b] [No outlandish stuff, just modern names] [b]Age/Date of Birth:[/b] [The RP year is 2007, so just subtract your age for your DoB] [b]Gender:[/b] [Self explanatory.] [b]Country of Origin:[/b] [While most countries know about the Stargate Program some don?t, I?ll be posting info on those who do know about it in the Underground.] [b]Speciality:[/b] [Explosives, Sniper, Medic and so on.] [b]Rank:[/b] [Based upon Air Force and Army ranks. I request that you not give a rank higher than Major, and I don?t want a boatload of Captains and Lieutenants with no NCOs in sight.] [b]Education:[/b] [Which military academies has your character attended? This is mainly dependent on your country of origin.] [b]Service Record:[/b] [What campaigns and missions has your character been assigned too/taken part in? Don?t be afraid to use actually conflicts such as the Iraq War.] [b]Awards:[/b] [Again don?t go over board and it?s dependent on your country of origin.] [b]Role:[/b] [What?s your characters main purpose on the Expedition?] [b]Appearance:[/b] [Feel free to use a famous actor/actress.] [b]Personality:[/b] [Self explanatory.] [b]Biography:[/b] [Self explanatory.] [i]Character snippet:[/i] [Now I?d like you to PM this section too me. The set up is just your character getting used to life aboard the Excalibur.] [center]~*~[/center] [i]Well there you are, I hope you all enjoy writing your sign-ups and by extension taking part in this RP.[/i][/color][/SIZE] [color=crimson][size=3][center][b]Dare you enter the Gate?[/b][/color][/size][/center]
  11. [color=teal][size=1]This letter was released today by the British Government and should make its way to American officials within the next week: [QUOTE][size=1][u]BRITS REVOKE USA INDEPENDENCE[/u] In light of your failure to elect a competent President of the USA and thus to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective immediately. Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all states, commonwealths, and territories (excepting Kansas, which she does not fancy). Your new prime minister, Tony Blair, will appoint a governor for America without the need for further elections. Congress and the Senate will be disbanded. A questionnaire may be circulated next year to determine whether any of you noticed. To aid in the transition to a British Crown Dependency, the following rules are introduced with immediate effect: You should look up "revocation" in the Oxford English Dictionary. Then look up aluminium, and check the pronunciation guide. You will be amazed at just how wrongly you have been pronouncing it. The letter 'U' will be reinstated in words such as 'favour' and 'neighbour.' Likewise, you will learn to spell 'doughnut' without skipping half the letters, and the suffix 'ize' ; will be replaced by the suffix 'ise'. Generally, you will be expected to raise your vocabulary to acceptable levels. (look up vocabulary). Using the same twenty-seven words interspersed with filler noises such as "like" and "you know" is an unacceptable and inefficient form of communication. There is no such thing as US English. We will let Microsoft know on your behalf.The Microsoft spell-checker will be adjusted to take account of the reinstated letter 'u' and the elimination of -ize. You will relearn your original national anthem, God Save The Queen. July 4th will no longer be celebrated as a holiday. You will learn to resolve personal issues without using guns, lawyers, or therapists. The fact that you need so many lawyers and therapists shows that you're not adult enough to be independent. Guns should only be handled by adults. If you're not adult enough to sort things out without suing someone or speaking to a therapist then you're not grown up enough to handle a gun. Therefore, you will no longer be allowed to own or carry anything more dangerous than a vegetable peeler. A permit will be required if you wish to carry a vegetable peeler in public. Permits for vegetable peelers must be obtained from the R.C.M.P. All American cars are hereby banned. They are crap and this is for your own good. When we show you German cars, you will understand what we mean. All intersections will be replaced with roundabouts, and you will start driving on the left with immediate effect. At the same time, you will go metric with immediate effect and without the benefit of conversion tables. Both roundabouts and metrication will help you understand the British sense of humour. The Former USA will adopt UK prices on petrol (which you have been calling gasoline)-roughly $6/US gallon. Get used to it. You will learn to make real chips. Those things you call French fries are not real chips, and those things you insist on calling potato chips are properly called crisps. Real chips are thick cut, fried in animal fat, and dressed not with catsup but with vinegar. The cold tasteless stuff you insist on calling beer is not actually beer at all. Henceforth, only proper British Bitter will be referred to as beer, and European brews of known and accepted provenance will be referred to as Lager. American brands will be referred to as Near-Frozen Gnat's Urine, so that all can be sold without risk of further confusion. British Bitter will be served at room temperature. Hollywood will be required occasionally to cast English actors as good guys. Hollywood will also be required to cast English actors to play English characters. Watching Andie MacDowell attempt English dialogue in Four Weddings and a Funeral was an experience akin to having one's ears removed with a cheese grater. You will cease playing American football. There is only one kind of proper football; you call it soccer. Those of you brave enough will, in time, be allowed to play rugby (which has some similarities to American football, but does not involve stopping for a rest every twenty seconds or wearing full kevlar body armour like a bunch of nancies). Further, you will stop playing baseball. It is not reasonable to host an event called the World Series for a game which is not played outside of America. Since only 2.1% of you are aware that there is a world beyond your borders, your error is understandable. You must tell us who killed JFK. It's been driving us mad. An internal revenue agent (i.e. tax collector) from Her Majesty's Government will be with you shortly to ensure the acquisition of all monies due (backdated to 1776). Thank you for your co-operation.[/size][/quote] I for one welcome this news and greet the newest addition to the United Kingdom.[/size][/color]
  12. [color=teal][size=1]Well after giving it some thought it seems I shall be doing this RP on OB and it will combine both the Excalibur idea and the Phoenix Galaxy idea. Basically while we're trying to figure out what the Excalibur can do and such we stumble across the data about the prior expedition there and we accidentally send ourselves to the Phoenix Galaxy. The set up will be along the same lines as [i]?Stargate Atlantis?[/i] in that it will be an international team made up of both civilian and military. The list of those countries who have knowledge of the Stargate program is very extensive right now so I?ll post that information in the Underground thread that?ll be coming shortly. The roles for civilians will be, again, like Atlantis, so you could be the leader like Dr. Weir or the Chief Science Advisor like Dr. McKay and so on. Now I must [b]STRESS[/b] this point beyond all meaning and understanding, it is vital that you know a good amount about the Stargate Universe as it is an essential part of this RPG and it won?t help anyone if you try to ?blag? your way through this RPG. So please keep an eye out for ?Stargate Excalibur? in the Inn.[/size][/color]
  13. [size=1][color=purple][b]?Hrmmm, only one coin per customer? Waluigi will see.?[/b][/color] [color=teal]A wicked smile formed beneath the spiked moustache and huge nose as Waluigi made his way over to the grouping of blocks, shoving Pikachu out the way in the process. Pulling his cap down in a business like fashion Waluigi bent his extremely long legs and released a leap that could well have cracked the block had it not been specially made. To his disgust a normal coin came out.[/color] [color=purple][b]?What! Damn it, well Waluigi needs to get rid of this coin fast. I know just the customer.?[/b][/color] [color=teal]Giving a sneer to Team Beta Waluigi strode up the stairs to where Bowser and his kid were waiting to be sold the goods. Unfortunately before Waluigi had got up five steps a pair of Hammer Bros. fell from the ceiling brandishing their name sakes with murderous intent in their eyes. Waluigi rivalled their stare with his own brand of wicked looks. As the Hammer Bros. leapt toward him Waluigi jumped a perfectly timed jump and his feet cracked into the skulls of the two lackeys causing them to fall to the floor. Waluigi took the opportunity to whip out one of the Bob-ombs he carried with him at all times. Remembering his time in the Mario Baseball League got ready to pitch the Bob-omb right at the hapless Koopas. All Waluigi saw before the explosion was the shocked expression of the lead Hammer Bro as he realised what was heading toward him.[/color] [color=purple][b]?Wa-yeah! Wa-hahaha!?[/b][/color] [color=teal]Flicking some of the debris off his clothes Waluigi made his way to talk to Bowser, confident the Koopa King would help him out. When he got to the room Waluigi put on his best pose for the King. ?Wargh! What?s a villain like you doing in this contest purple boy!? Bowser snarled.[/color] [color=purple][b]?Wa! What?s the supposed great Bowers doing helping out the Mario Brothers??[/b][/color] Waluigi retorted [color=teal]There was a moment of silence before the two of them burst out laughing, within a few minutes there were talking normally and talking happily about their times in the Mushroom Kingdom Sporting Leagues. ?Hahahaha! Remember when you and green were playing for the Star Cup and a scorched half of his team with 10 seconds to go!? Bowers said through the tears.[/color] [color=purple][b]?Oh yeah, Waluigi pulled off the best Drop Rocket yet seen that day. Wa-hahaha!?[/b][/color] [color=teal]?Ah, good times...must do it again sometime. So what coin have you got for me Purple ? A mushroom coin? Hard luck, when you get a Skull Coin come back and give it to Junior, he seems to do everything I do.? Leaving the coin in Bowers possestion Waluigi walked off back down the stairs, stopping only to laugh at the forms of the embedded Hammer Bros. in the wall.[/color][/size]
  14. [color=teal][size=1]Just to bring this/these idea(s) back I'm still thinking about whether to do this RPG on OB or not. But the point currently is that I've been watching "Stargate Atlantis" an awful lot lately and I've really fallen in love with the city itself again and would really be up for doing something based in a similar city or even have them working in tandem. That is the Excalibur operating out of this city so it would be like the Atlantis-Daedalus mechanic. So give me your thoughts on this. [i]Edit:[/i] I've just had a thought. Instead of this being about an expedition from Earth discovering Excalibur and all this and the fact I would like to use a City akin to Altantis how does this sound: We are the group of Ancients that went off to the Phoenix galaxy, you could say that Pegasus wasn't the only place the Ancients "fled" too with this plauge [Though technically we're not fleeing.] So its like Gavin's old SG RP where we were playing Ancients who survived the plauge but rather than being in the Milky Way we've taken our City to a new galaxy where we'd build new Gates and establish a whole new territoty, I think that it would make for a really good RP and we could work the idea of Excalibur in to it somehow, so opinions on this idea?[/size][/color]
  15. [color=teal][size=1]Well seeing as this is getting less attention than I would've hoped [i][heh][/i] I'm going to allow people to sign up as those students who were in the original comic book series. And I'm going to ease up on non-canon characters but as long as they at least have something in common with a canon character. I hope this will raise interest in this RP. [i]N/B: White make sure you finish your sign-up soon and yours is fine Phil.[/i][/size][/color]
  16. [color=crimson][center][b][u]The College Basement[/u][/b][/center][/color] [color=teal][size=1]Welcome to the Underground thread for "Carlos Javier's Select College for the Children of Gentlefolk". Obviously this is the place for all OOC discussion and talk regarding my latest RP, first I've got a link which gives basically the whole story of "Marvel 1602" and information on the character from it. [b][URL=http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix2/earth1602.htm]Earth-311 (Earth 1602 AD)[/URL][/b] And the first point of discussion I'd like to start is what year people would like to have the RP set (Before 1602 but not after 1620) and where. The where is the hard part because I'm not the knowledgeable about early colonies in America so I would appreciate anyone helping me out with that. Also who would be up for having the Brotherhood in and who would prefer they be out? And feel free to ask your own questions and mention anything that comes to mind. Enjoy.[/size][/color]
  17. [color=crimson][center][b][u]Carlos Javier?s Select College for the Children of Gentlefolk[/u][/b][/color] [color=teal][size=1]~*~ ?In the early years of the 17th century something wicked cursed the peoples of the world and gave rise to the [i]Witchbreed[/i], wicked people cursed with evil powers and vile appearances. Across Europe the witchbreed were being hunted down and killed. Thankfully for those select few witchbreed who escaped and made it to England there was a Spaniard known as Carlos Javier, who had established a College to teach the witchbreed, was willing to give them safe harbour.? ?1602 was a year of political intrigue, assassinations and many events that many blamed the witchbreed for. In the midst of all the turmoil a group of witchbreed lead by Carlos Javier, with the assistance of Sir Stephen Strange and Sir Nicholas Fury, launched an assault upon the wicked Otto von Doom, Count of Latveria. They were also aided by several other heroic figures such as the blind Irish Minstrel Matthew Murdoch and Donal the Old Man who with the aid of the Hammer Mjolnir could transform into the pagan god Thor. During the assault on Latveria they freed many of Count Dooms prisoners and chief among these were the Fantastick Force.? ?A crew of Four who through their global travels were changed into the four elements by strange magicks. Sir Richard Reed became pliable like Water, Captain Benjamin Grimm became as hard as Stone, Susan Storm became as light and invisible as Air, and Jon Storm became as bright as Flame.? ?While Javier and his allies were enduring these hardships other witchbreed were enacting their own plans. Enrique of Spain, a polish orphan taken in by the Catholics, had hid his own witchbreed nature and achieved the high rank of Grand Inquisitor. While his orders were to hunt and eliminate witchbreed like himself but he only did so to those who could not properly disguise their nature and kept the others alive. Two were Petros who could run faster than a speeding arrow and Sister Wanda whose powers were vastly similar to those wielded by true witches, while Enrique used them as his personal assistants he never revealed to them that he was their father.? ?Soon Javier and his allies had succeeded in their attack against von Doom. But one of their own well, a woman named Jean Grey who had been masquerading as a boy in order to enter the College. Things took a turn for the worst for Enrique when his treachery was discovered he and his children were to be burned at the stake, but they escaped and planned to meet with Enrique?s force known as The Brotherhood. Soon all of them found there way to the New World at Roanoke Colony. Unfortunately King James of England hated all witchbreed and dispatched his trusted advisor David Banner to eliminate Javier, Enrique and all those associated with them.? ?Now unknown to everyone the reason for the coming of the witchbreed, the change in Otto von Doom and a plethora of other strange happenings was the coming of the one called Rojhaz to the world. In truth he was a man from the future know as Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America. His time travelling had caused events to unfold differently and if the rift was not sealed the world would be undone. Before Sir Fury and Rojhaz could return through the rift David Banner tried to attack but his force was killed and he himself was exposed to the magicks of the rift and changed into a hulking beast.? ?Fury and Rojhaz stepped through the rift and the anomaly closed behind them. Before Enrique departed he entrusted his children to the care of his old friend Javier, requesting he not tell them he was their father. Now with the Old World a fading memory Carlos Javier intends to continue teaching his witchbreed students to harness there powers for the betterment of all.? ~*~[/center] Welcome all to an X-Men RP with a difference. If you don?t know this is based on the mini-series ?Marvel 1602? where Captain America caused some kind of temporal anomaly which caused several Marvel characters to be born three hundred years early in the 16th and 17th centuries. What I?m wanting to do is basically do an RP that?s set after Fury and Captain America stepped through the portal. In all honesty I?m not entirely sure what year to set it in [After 1602 of course] nor which town to have it primarily based around so right now this will just be for the sign-ups as it always is and I?ll open an Underground thread for people to discuss when they want it set and were Javier?s College should be set up. Now like Blayze?s current Ultimate X-Men RP the sign up will be a case of taking a canon X-Men character and changing them to fit in with the 1602 setting. I?ll take the time now to list those students of Javier who appeared in the comic book itself. [list] [*]?John? Grey ? [i]1602s version of Jean Grey.[/i] [*]Hal McCoy ? [i]1602s version of Beast, sans blue fur of course.[/i] [*]Scotius Somerisle ? [i]1602s version of Cyclops.[/i] [*]Roberto Trefusis ? [i]1602s version of Iceman.[/i] [*]Werner ? [i]1602s version of Angel.[/i] [*]Petros ? [i]1602s version of Quicksilver.[/i] [*]Sister Wanda ? [i]1602s version of Scarlet Witch.[/i] [/list] Given that these characters have already appeared in this timeline I?m most likely going to have them as NPCs but if you feel you can adequately play them please send me a PM and I?ll consider it. [i]N/B: Jean died in the comic book but Werner thought he glimpsed a Phoenix rising from her body.[/i] There were other Marvel characters within the series but I?ll give a link with information on all of them in the Underground, it will also have information on the world of 1602 on the whole. I do ask that you not create your own characters and just change existing X-Men characters for this setting, imagine playing as Nightcrawler in this scenario, but first here?s the list of un-playable characters who appeared in the mini-series. [Without talks with me first.] [list] [*]Carlos Javier. [*]Enrique. [*]David Banner. [*]Donal and Thor. [*]Otto von Doom. [*]The Fantastick Force. [*]Matthew Murdoch. [*]Peter Parquagh. [*]The Toad. [/list] So without further ado here?s the sign-up sheet. [i]N/B: I shall be playing Peter Wisdom, though he will be a main member of Javier's Witchbreed in this timeline.[/i] [center]~*~[/center] [b]Name:[/b] [Some names won?t need much changing, like Piotr Rasputin or Kurt Wagner, as they fit in but others like Kitty Pryde would need to be changed.] [b]Age:[/b] [The characters who appeared in 1602 will obviously be older but the age range I?m looking for is 15-25.] [b]Appearance:[/b] [A picture of the character you?re taking on will be fine but add a note about any differences such as clothing. Or just a detailed description will do fine.] [b]Powers:[/b] [For this I think it would be fun to try and explain the powers from a 1602 point of view. For example Scotius eyes aren?t inter-dimensional apertures that expel energy, they could be a portal to hell or something which expels the ?devils energy?, I won?t force people to do this but it could be fun.] [b]Originally From:[/b] [Given that it?s the early 17th Century a lot of people will be emigrating to the New World so if your equivalent character is from American please change that, for example Gambit could be from France instead of Louisiana.] [b]Affiliation:[/b] [I?m undecided whether I?ll have Enrique causing trouble in the New World so I?ll put this here. Either ?Javier?s College for the Children of Gentlefolk?, or ?The Brotherhood of those who shall Inherit the Earth?.] [b]Known Family:[/b] [Who are your parents or siblings, were they witchbreed as well, are the living or dead?] [b]Personality:[/b] [How do you act toward others around you, how to you react to a situation, your general manner and so on.] [b]Biography:[/b] [What you can do is either take your characters history and alter it too fit in with the 17th century environment or start fresh and totally re-write the history from a 17th century stand point.] [center]~*~[/center] I?m looking forward to this and I hope it will make for a good RPG, the Underground thread is located [b][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52593]here[/URL][/b].[/size][/color]
  18. [size=1][color=purple]?Bob-Om! Wa-yeah! You lose again, wa-ha-ha!?[/color] Waluigi and his team of Birdo sidekicks stormed up the pitch in celebration as D.K. and the Hammer Bros. mopped around and glared angrily at their goalie. After the roar of the crowd had settled down the EMTs came hurrying on to the pitch to make sure all those who had been shoved into the perimeter fence, blasted by a Bob-Om or any other injury players could sustain in the Super Smash Football League were going to make it to the changing rooms. [color=purple]?Hrmm...Waluigi will surely miss this, but it?s worth it to prove I?m number one.?[/color] Soon he and his team were back in the changing room where to replaced the ever so stylish football kit for his standard overalls. The Birdos didn?t seem to bothered about the teams indefinite hiatus whilst Waluigi was taking part in this apprentice thing the Mario Bros. were doing. Even thinking about the green one made Waluigi?s lip curl but that soon turned into a wicked grin when he thought about humiliating the green one in front of Princess Daisy and claiming her as his own. Without so much as a good bye Waluigi turned his back on the Birdo team and walked out of the stadium. Given that the match had been played in The Underground Waluigi would have had to get one of the public lifts to return to the surface of the Mushroom Kingdom, well we would if he weren?t a celebrity in his own right, soon he was mobbed by fans dressed in replica purple over-alls. ?Waluigi?s number one!? ?Don?t quit the league!? ?Show that Luigi whose the best!? ?Wa-ha-ha-ha!? All this and more followed Waluigi to his private lift as he made himself comfortable for the ride up to the surface. There were times that he was glad of his little brother Wario, without him the Underground wouldn?t have been possible, but then at other times he just wanted to shove a Bob-Om down his throat. [color=purple]?Wario always says he?s the best [b]and[/b] he?s the older one. But Waluigi knows the truth.?[/color] [i][Several Hours Later][/i] Waluigi turned up at the Plumber Bros. establishment, both of the Mario Bros. were waiting outside to welcome the new apprentices. The green one caught Waluigi?s eyes and a jolt of electricity passed between them and the tension in the air became almost tangible. It seemed that Mario caught on and stepped up to Waluigi. [color=red]?Ah, yes-a. Waluigi, we are so-a please that you-a have changed-a your ways. Please, follow me.?[/color][/size]
  19. [color=teal][size=1]I've seen thinking and I've seen a tendency in most Stargate spin-offs is to go to a new Galaxy so they don't mess with each others storylines unless its a crossover story, this is true for Atlantis and the virtual series' Destiny and Horizon. So how does this sound: Some time [i]before[/i] the plague came a group of Alterans were dispatched to the Phoenix Dwarf galaxy in some kind of exploration mission but before they could return the plague struck so they remained in the Phoenix galaxy and did what Alterans do, that is build a Gate network and ascend etc. So the human cultures in this galaxy developed unhindered for some time until the myriad of alien life achieved sentients and became jealous of these thriving cultures and started attacking them. Now the Excalibur was also built before the plague so it has information on this expedition in its memory banks and this is an excellent chance to get Alteran, or equivalent, technology from these advanced human cultures. So the crew along with a large group intending to settle in Phoenix for a time head off to this new galaxy with the Excalibur as proof of their connection with the Alterans. I'd do this so as not to mess with SG-1 Season Ten and SGA Season 3, sound good? Note: It's been said that the weaponry for the ship is a bit over the top so I think I'll be toning it down a bit.[/size][/color]
  20. [color=teal][size=1]I swear that you're a mind reader Phil, I was going to do a mutant-type RPG, albeit not an Ultimate X-Men one but stop stealing my thoughts before I've thought them :p. Anyway my question is thus: It seems to me that you're going to have a main storyline running through this at least early on and I'm wondering if you have any long term plans for this? Such as will it be an episodic RPG or will you do story arcs like the comic books? And even though ytou walked into my mind and stole my thoughts I've still gonna enjoy cutting lose with Chamber.[/size][/color]
  21. [color=teal][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Jonathon ?Jono? Evan Starsmore. [b]Codename:[/b] Chamber. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 18. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Chamber.PNG]Click here[/url]. [b]Alliance:[/b] The X-Men. [b]Biography:[/b] Jonathon is native of England, being born in London. His parents were the everyday working Joes that kept the country moving so he neither had a poor life or a rich life but he and his parents were still comfortable in there home. As he grew older, some time in his fifth year, his parents and teachers noted that while he rarely seemed to eat he was always full of energy and ready to take on any task that was given to him but they all put this down to the usual hyperactive nature of young children. Among his peers Jonathon was generally a well liked person and, for lack of a better word, popular and he got on well with everyone but a few who were jealous of him and his talents. As he grew older his energetic attitude never died down and he was always constantly occupied with his friends, latest hobby or new project that his was working on. Something that mystified his parents was that he had never, in all his years, been ill and had never complained of anything that would have hampered his progress and energetic attitude. As all teenagers do Jonathon eventually found that his hormones got the better of him and he wound up with a girlfriend by the name of Gail. Sadly his idyllic life would soon come crashing around him as his mutant powers manifested themselves. The events that triggered the activation of his powers are unknown to everyone but himself and he doesn?t talk about them to anyone. What is know is that the process destroyed a large part of his chest as well as obliterating his lower jaw, the initial blast also crippled his then-girlfriend Gail. With his life seemingly over Jonathan fled his family and friends and took up living in London has a homeless person. Shockingly his mutant powers now seemed to be all he needed to survive as the first blast of psionic energy and destroyed his heart, lungs and other organs as well as his voice box. The swimming pool of energy that now occupied his chest is all he needed to survive, he didn?t even need to breath anymore. After a few months on the streets Jonathon heard that there were others like him around the world and the name they were being given was ?mutants? thought by some to be the next evolution of humanity, he had even heard that a prominent mutant known as Magneto had taken to referring to their kind as ?Homo Superior?. Still living in the dense city of London Jonathon is actively searching for other mutants like himself in the hopes that he is not alone. [b]Personality:[/b] Prior to his powers emergence Jonathon was the centre of his peer groups at school with a lot of people looking up too him. This was due to his natural charisma and the leadership like qualities he possessed. After his mutant powers obliterated much of his torso and lower face his personality has become markedly different. During his years on the streets of London he become much more closed in and never liked to socialise with people as he feared he would injure them with his powers like he did too Gail. His inability to speak also compounded the problems because he felt that if he spoke to people in their minds he would further alienate himself from them. Jonathon is currently brooding, sullen and quiet as well as not being much of a ?people person? but it will take the right group of people to return him to his former self. [b]Powers:[/b] When Chambers powers first manifested themselves it was as a furnace of psionic energy that burst through his chest and lower mouth utterly destroying Chambers ability to speak as well as several of his major organs. Due to this it is theorised that Chamber does not conform to other humans in terms of his physical make-up, it is possible that his body is merely an empty shell that holds a power being of psionic energy and the hole in his chest is just the start of a process that will forever leave him as a being of psionic energy. In terms of using his powers the primary manifestation of his abilities is his ability to fire powerful blasts of psychokinetic force from the furnace in his chest. Due to his lacking a mouth Chamber can only communicate with others via short-range telepathy, he also no longer needs to eat, drink or even breath because it appears the psionic energy is the only thing that is required to sustain him. It has been suggested that Chamber is potentially one of the most powerful mutants to walk the earth possibly he is an Omega-Level Mutant, but his current emotional issues have somewhat prevented him from significantly exploring this potential.[/size][/color]
  22. [color=teal][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Waluigi. [b]Game:[/b] The Mario Party series and various Mario Sports titles. [b]Portrait[/b] [IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c56/Jokopoko/wa.jpg[/IMG] [b]Experience:[/b] Waluigis main experience is pairing up with his younger brother Wario in order to cause mischief and mayhem in the Mushroom Kingdom. Having not yet reached his siblings level of notoriety Waluigi has kept himself out of the limelight, only steping out too give his special touch to the various sporting events that have recently sprung up around the Kingdom. Aside from his incredible sporting prowess Waluigi is a master of explosives, able to use Bob-Ombs with incredible talent and skill. [b]Reason:[/b] Waluigi sees this as a brilliant chance to remove the competion that Luigi brings in his quest to make Princess Daisy his. So quite simply Waluigi will feign goodness in order to win the woman of his dreams.[/size][/color]
  23. [color=teal][size=1]To be honest with all I'm actually more of a fan of my third idea, so much so that I've written up this brief synopsis. Tell me what you think: [center][b]STARGATE[/b] Excalibur [i]?There drew he forth the brand Excalibur, And o?er him, drawing it, the winter moon, Brightening the skirts of a long cloud, ran forth And sparkled keen with frost against the hilt: For all the haft twinkled with diamond sparks, Myriads of topaz-lights, and jacinth-work Of subtlest jewellery.?[/i] ~*~[/center] The Alterans did not just build the Stargate network. They built great cities such as Atlantis, they built great weapons such as the Drones, they built great archives for storing every facet of their civilization, they also built a great fleet of ships. While the Stargates provided instantaneous transport between their worlds the Alterans knew that these portals were hard to defend and they would be vulnerable to attack from above, so it was decided they would construct a great fleet of ships to not only defend their worlds but also seek out new ones on which life could be seeded and Stargates built. From the smallest survey vessels to the mightiest cruisers the Alterans soon had a fleet that was on par with that of their Asgard Allies. The Alterans while not a malicious or cruel people by any stretch of the imagination they where a proud people and they soon wished to build a craft that would surpass any that had yet been seen and any that would come. Like there great city ships which were bound to the planet of there construction as a defendable position and central nexus for the planet this great ship was envisaged as the central nexus for the Alteran fleet which all ships could rely on in times of need. Even though the Alterans were pacifists at heart they did understand the need for weaponry in the face of hostile aliens. They equipped this ship with innumerable drone weapons, prototype beam weaponry developed along with the Asgard and one of the most power shield generators of their time. Her speed would be unmatched in normal space and the Hyperdrive generator was the fastest they made and also capable of intergalactic travel. In appearance she was a like a great behemoth which many glittering lights and great engines ploughing through the vast emptiness of space. Sadly before the Alterans could fully activate this jewel a great plague swept through the galaxy they inhabited, many of them choose too shed their corporeal form while a small group took the city ship Atlantis too another galaxy in the hopes of starting again. The ship was left to slumber on one of there worlds, gradually the world changed and a great flood came a sank this great vessel but the mighty construction of the Alterans stood firm against the crushing depths. After many years had past a small ground of un-ascended Alterans returned to Earth and finding a savage land they began teaching the humans there as best they could. One of these was known as Myrddin but the chronicles of Man would soon remember him as Merlin the Wizard and mentor of King Arthur of the Britons. One of the many tales he told Arthur was that of this great ship, Arthur interpreted it as best he could as a powerful sword and named his own sword in honour of this great ship, Excalibur. Now that Earth was become an active member of the galactic stage after rediscovering their Stargate they began searching out advanced technology. They found many enemies in the galaxy but they also found allies and new technology. Eventually one of their greatest enemies, the Goa?uld, were defeated along with the powerful machine force of the Replicators. For a time Earth knew peace in the galaxy but it was not so, they found the Ori. But as a brief respite they discovered a treasure trove of Merlin?s Alteran technology and notes about other locations. A brief mention was given to this great ship resting in the deeps of this world. [center]The SGC is going to find it.[/center][/size][/color]
  24. [color=teal][size=1]Well if people seem to be favouring the first idea I suppose I should roll with that. In terms of how we'd deal with this new world and race of Humans I said in the original post I see them as having more influence from the Ancients because there world has been out of the way of the Goa'uld for a while now and they've uncovered quite a few Ancient technologies which they've been able to incorperate into their society. Seeing as its an "alien" world and has Ancient influcence I see them using something akin to Latin for words, such as calling the Stargates [i]Astri Porta[/i] which is what the Ancients called them. But let me make clear this will run along the same lines as my attempted Star Trek RP in that it will be episodic which is a varient of the chapter system James developed. If you have thoughts and ideas for this planet please don't hesitate to post.[/size][/color]
  25. [size=1][color=teal]I'm not sure about the popularity of Stargate on OB so before I go ahead and start planning and eventually posting a Stargate based RP I'd just like to test the mood. There are a few ideas I've had. [b]Number One:[/b] Still set in the Milky Way Galaxy but on a planet that isn't Earth. My reckoning behind this is basically "Is Earth really the only planet with something like the SGC?". So this planet would be operating a similar establishment but I see them as having more access too and greater understanding of Ancient (Alteran) technology. The down side too this I suppose is having to create an entirely new planet. [b]Number Two:[/b] A similar set up to "Stargate Atlantis" in that we find a similar Alteran City but in the Ori Home Galaxy so we sent that up as our own Beach Head there. I'd assume we'd have two or three ZPMs so we'd be more powered than Atlantis is as of season two. [b]Number Three:[/b] The third idea is that at some point during the coming war with the Ori the SGC finds this highly advanced ship designed by the Alterans before the plauge and was never truely used. Dubbing the ship as "Excalibur" (There seems to be a strong Athurian feel running through Season 9) they gather together the best of the best with knowledge of the Stargate and make sure they all have the ATA Gene. So this would be kind of like "Star Trek" mixed with "Stargate". So tell me what you think, all comments welcome.[/size][/color]
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