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Everything posted by Jokopoko
[color=teal][size=1]Well I'm glad that quite a few people have signed up for this little adventure but sadly we can't start until we have the characters of Merry and Pippin. While we wait here's how the Fellowship looks currently, excluding myself: Samwise Gamgee - [b]Ozymandius Jones[/b] Gandalf - [b]StarrStruck[/b] Malhil - [b]Blayze[/b] Boromir - [b]Gavin[/b] Brivli - [b]Tyler Koregaten[/b] Halbereth - [b]Ezekiel[/b] Elrohir - [b]Delta[/b] Aldian - [b]Crucifix[/b] Congrats to those of you who are in the Fellowship, if anyone who could play Merry or Pippin springs to mind please direct them to this RP so we can get going with it. [i]N/B: I've not heard from Drix for some time so if you can also think of anyone suitible for Frodo please send me a PM with a link to some of their RP work.[/i][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]I'm liking what I'm seeing, this should turn out to be a fairly interesting Fellowship to start off this RP. My understanding is that so far Legolas is the only original Fellowship character that has been taken on by someone. But Tyler if Brivil is taking the spot of Gimli thats fine too but I'd request you change your father to Gloin as he was one of the companions of Bilbo in the Hobbit so I'd like to keep that as part of the story.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Seeing as I'm to take on the role of Boromir for this RPG Bill, I was wondering exactly how he'd fit in to the later segments of the story that proceed after his death ? That is if I'm allowed have him survive his Uruk encounter on Amon Hen. I know the question seems a bit vague, as though I'm asking you how you think Boromir would have affected the flow of events had he not met his end, and I suppose all things considered that's exactly what I'm asking although I hadn't intended it to be that vague. Obviously he'd have been part of the Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas group that eventually arrives on Rohan, but would he take away from Aragorn's dealings with Theoden and just fall back into a supporting line like Gimli and Legolas ? I know we're ages away from that point but better to clear it up now than having to do it then. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [color=teal][size=1]To be honest Gav I can't really answer that question yet. The simple way of putting this is that for the most part this RP will be "played by ear" rather than sticking ridgedly to story so it's more "if we go to Amon Hen" rather than "we will go to Amon Hen". So we'll be crossing various storypoints as we get there. On this note I'll be asking peoples opinions on where we should go to next or what we should do when we reach this kind of point in the RP. [QUOTE=Vampire_Fox]I would like to ask if i could sign up as one of the original characters such as Faramir. Im not sure how it would work when he has to let frodo go and then the issue later with his father (and thats depending on weither Boromir dies or not). In battle he could support the others. i was wondering what would be acceptable for him? If a sign up regarding faramir isnt really that much of a good idea it would be interesting to see how someone such as Eowyn or Glorfindel, seeing as it isnt mentioned what he did during the war of the ring. thankx :)[/QUOTE] While having Faramir or Éowyn in the Fellowship might be a fairly fun experience I think that it would be too detremental to certain aspects of the story that revolves around the fixed characters. I have suggested Glorfindel in the thread itself so as long as you come up with a good writing sample I'll to happy to have Glorfindel in the RP.[/size][/color]
[color=crimson][center][b][u]Halls of Mandos The Retelling Underground[/u][/b][/center][/color] [color=teal][size=1]This is to be the main place for all OOC discussion regarding "The Retelling". Before the RP itself starts you can use this thread to ask me questions regarding how the RP will work and the like, what would be acceptable for an original character and things like that. I also have some very useful links for those of you not fully versed in "The Lord of the Rings". [B][URL=http://www.glyphweb.com/arda/]The Encyclopedia of Arda[/URL][/B] - A highly detailed website which will tell you pretty much everything you want to know about Middle-Earth, the Undying Lands and all of Arda. [B][URL=http://www.tuckborough.net/]Thain's Book - Guide to Tolkien's Middle-Earth[/URL][/B] - This will be helpful for those of you intending to sign-up as characters from the books that did not join the Fellowship. [B][URL=http://www.councilofelrond.com/]The Council of Elrond[/URL][/B] - In light of the fact we may be using Sindarin and Quenya in this RP I would recommend you give the Language Section a look. [I](Also the Elvish Names section is fairly fun)[/I] [center]~*~[/center] So if you have any questions about the RP, something you'd like to say about it and so on please do so.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Monster, clearly you didn't read what I have requested for a sign-up. Before you carry on with this please read my post again and do the sign-up correctly.[/size][/color]
[color=crimson][center][b][u]The Lord of the Rings The Retelling[/color][/b][/u] [color=teal][size=1]~*~ [i]Three Rings for the Elven-Kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-Lords in their halls of stone, Nine for the Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne, In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.[/i] ~*~ As time goes by and History becomes legend, legend becomes myth and myth becomes forgotten the records of these events can go astray so when one wishes to recount these tales and tell them once more their meaning, along with the facts, have become so wrapped up within the legends and myths that now surround it. Such a thing has happened to King Elendil II, ruler of the twin realms of Arnor and Gondor and descendent of King Aragorn Elessar, for he desires to learn of the Third Age of the Sun and the War of the Ring but none now live who remember it. Long has it been since Mordor was a threat, long has it been since Middle-Earth knew conflict and long has it been since the Fellowship of the Ring departed the land of Middle-Earth for now many of them have departed this world for the world beyond. So it came to pass that Elendil II sought the records of the Third Age of the Sun for he wished to study in depth this dark time and make certain that the inhabitants of Middle-Earth know why they are now kept safe from the enemy. Thus Elendil II has called together a council comprising of the direct decedents, or their relatives, of those who were know to have taken a great part in the War of the Ring. From the Hobbits of the Gardener Kin founded by Samwise Gamgee to the ruling family of Rohan who trace themselves back to Éomer Éadig, Third Marshall of the Riddermark and first King of the third line. Though many details regarding the War of the Ring remained hidden from this council they were able to discover much concerning the nine companions known collectively as the Fellowship of the Ring. Of Man there were two, Aragorn son of Arathron and another from Gondor who was the child of the ruling steward but their name has been obscured through time. Of the Elven-Kin there was one, an Elf of Greenwood and offspring of Thranduil but their name was also lost. The Dwarves sent one of Durins Line, they were of Erebor though thee name has also been lost in time. Of the Istari, or wizards, one was present and by the Elves he was known as Mithrandir but more commonly he was Gandalf the Grey who later became the White Wizard. The Hobbit-Folk sent to Rivendell four of their kin and they were Samwise Gamgee and Frodo Baggins, the remaining two were of Brandybuck and Took decent yet their fore-names remain hidden. Frodo Baggins was the most important member for it was he who bore the Ruling Ring along the Quest of Mount Doom. Though only a few of the Fellowship have been named it is entirely possible that the group had more than nine among it?s number and the Free-People of Middle-Earth sent more of their Kin on the Quest of Mount Doom but none of this can be sure as it has been a terrible long count of years since the events of the Third Age though it will not prevent the telling of the Fellowship of the Ring and their exploits, though it may not be entirely accurate. ~*~[/center] As I?m sure you?ve guessed this is running along the same lines as the ?Fellowship of the Ring? RPG Vicky made some time back but I?ve tweaked it just a little. Basically we?re going to be taking the place of the characters in the Fellowship from the start and then play it from there and see how the plot develops due to our different choices i.e. taking the Gap of Rohan, not going into Moria and so on. The nine original places of the Fellowship are there and they have to be filled with characters equivalent to that character, for example the role Boromir cannot be replaced by an Elf or a Dwarf because they have to be of Gondor and child of the ruling Steward. The four places that cannot be changed are [b]ARAGORN[/b], [b]GANDALF[/b], [b]SAMWISE[/b] and [b]FRODO[/b] this is because these four are integral to the plot of the story and cannot be replaced. The other five are open to changing but they still have to be two Hobbits, one Man, an Elf and a Dwarf. (When I say ?Man? I mean human but in the books Humans are always referred to as Man or Men. Example: Legolas is a man but not a Man.) I?m going to allow four more places bringing to total to thirteen but for these places I?d rather have characters from the books as opposed to originals, this is because I want to make it seem that the historical records aren?t that well kept and it can also have an effect on the storyline, for example Elladan or Elrohir could have chosen to accompany the Fellowship, the same can be said for Beregond for he may have travelled with Boromir to Rivendell. I?m doing this in the hopes that it?ll make for an interesting RPG. As for main ?bad guys? I?ll have some cameo?s for them so you don?t apply to play as Saruman or Sauron etc but feel free to send me PM requesting a role and showing me a writing sample and I?ll see what I can do. These roles aren?t limited to the big boys (I.E. Sauron and Saruman) but minor Orc or Uruk-hai Captains. [center]~*~ [b][u]The Characters[/u][/b][/center] I?m not sure if all of you will fully understand what I?m wanting to do with this so I?ll take the time to explain by listing each of the characters that are playable for the RPG and what changes, if any, will occur. [b][u]Aragorn, heir to the throne of Gondor[/u][/b] Aragorn will remain as he is because he is one of the key characters within the story and all storylines involving him will have their key plots remain true such as the re-forging of Narsil, his coronation in Minas Tirith and etcetera. He may not be killed at any point. Aragorn will be played by me. [b][u]Frodo Baggins, the Ring bearer[/u][/b] Frodo will remain as he is as well because he is the key character within the book and he may not be killed at any point before he has destroyed the Ring. All storylines which revolve around Frodo will remain basically the same yet there will be room for change. Frodo will be played by Drix D?Zanth. [b][u]Samwise Gamgee, gardener of Frodo Baggins[/u][/b] Due to his proximity with storylines concerning Frodo Samwise will remain unchanged and the other reason is because he is a key player in future storylines such as when Gollum arrives in ?The Two Towers?. Samwise must not die before the Ring is destroyed. Samwise will be played be Ozymandius Jones. [b][u]Gandalf, the Grey Pilgrim[/u][/b] As another key player in many storylines and events surrounding the Lord of the Rings (Or the War of the Ring in the book) Gandalf cannot be changed. Gandalf will be killed at some point during the Fellowship retelling but the manner of his death may be different should we choose not to go to Moria but his death will still have meaning. Gandalf will be played by StarrStruck. [b][u]Peregrin Took, heir to the Thain of the Shire[/u][/b] While Peregrin [Pippin] is another key character he is not so key as to have certain parts of his character changed. For example his name can change, his personality but he must still perform all the other tasks performed by Pippin in the story i.e. bring the Ents to Isengard and ride to Minas Tirith with Gandalf. (You can also change the gender if you wish) [b][u]Meriadoc Brandybuck, heir to the Master of Buckland[/u][/b] Similar to Pippin, Meriadoc [Merry] is a main character but can still have parts of his character changed such as him name or his overall personality. But he must still play the key roles he played in the story i.e. killing the Witch-King along with Éowyn and so on. (You can also change the gender if you wish) [b][u]Legolas, Elven Prince of Mirkwood[/u][/b] Being, for the most part, one of Aragorn?s main companions Legolas is a main part of the plot as well as aiding the Fellowship in their dealings with the Elves, should any occur. Much like Merry and Pippin his name may be changed, overall personality and such but the key things must remain i.e. he is the son of Thranduil, an excellent scout etcetera. (You can also change the gender if you wish) [b][u]Gimli, Dwarven Lord of Erebor[/u][/b] Being, for the most part, one of Aragorn?s main companions Gimli is a main part of the plot as well as aiding the Fellowship in their dealings with the Dwarves, should any occur. Much like Merry and Pippin his name may be changed, overall personality and such but the key things must remain i.e. he is the son of Glóin, he is wary of Elves etcetera. (You can also change the gender if you wish) [b][u]Boromir, Captain of Gondor[/u][/b] Though Boromir dies in ?The Fellowship of the Ring? it is quite possible for him to survive the Battle of Amon Hen and continue on with Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli. As with the pervious four members of the Fellowship his name may change, his overall personality and such but key things remain i.e. he is son of Denethor and a brave Captain of the Gondorians. (You can also change the gender if you wish) [b][u]The Four extra positions[/u][/b] As explained above I?m going to add four more positions in the Fellowship bringing the total to 13. With these you can make up original characters if you wish but if you do make sure they fit in well with the ?Lord of the Rings? universe. I would prefer you to play a character from the book that did not join the Fellowship i.e. Beregond or Glorfindel. This makes it easier because it allows you to integrate actual characters into the story and see how things unfold. With these characters I want the details to remain essentially the same but they can still have alterations akin to those of Merry, Pippin, Legolas, Gimli and Boromir. [i]N/B: Should you choose to change the name or gender of your character please be sure to make sure the name is believable and fits in with the world created by Tolkien. So I don?t want names like ?Striker? or ?Bob?.[/i] [center]~*~ [b][u]The Sign-up[/b][/u][/center] Now this will be a different kind of sign-up than the usual sheet listing the various points of your character and so on. The difference in this application is that it will be a piece of writing as the character you have chosen at any point in their life prior to the Council meeting in Rivendell. The format for this can be what ever you desire I.E. your character writing a diary entry, telling the story to a friend, the event actually taking place and so on. It should include the following information: [list] [*]Your characters name. [*]Your characters gender. [*]Your characters race. [*]Your characters personality. [/list] You can also describe your characters appearance if you wish or alternatively attach a picture. [i](Those applying for the four main roles I?d prefer you use the characters film appearance but I?m open to other appearances.)[/i] The length for this piece should be between 500-800 words. [center]~*~[/color][/size] [color=crimson][b]?So it begins...?[/center][/b][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]I'm lovin' it, lovin' it, lovin' it, I'm lovin' it like that! :D You're "da man" Hugo, I expect do see more Luigi and Waluigi antics in the future :D. To those who don't know my current avatars are the ones being used in the story (I.E. Super Mario Strikers versions of Luigi and Waluigi.)[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b]Name:[/b] The Doctor [b]Age:[/b] Somewhere between 700 and 900, The Doctor isn?t one to tell. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Race:[/b] Time Lord, human regeneration form. [b]Origin:[/b] Gallifrey. [b]Items/Gadgets:[/b] The sonic screwdriver is the only tool The Doctor ever uses. Its most common function is to operate virtually any lock, mechanical or electronic, and thus open doors for escape or exploration. It can also been used for repairing equipment, as an offensive weapon, and occasionally even used to drive screws. Like the TARDIS The Doctor prefers to use his older style, and sometimes custom built, sonic screwdriver rather than those made on Gallifrey. The sonic screwdriver is used by the Doctor as a multi-purpose tool suitable for any situation. [b]Special Skills/Abilities:[/b] The Doctor has a near encyclopaedic knowledge of the Universe and its history and is instantly able to quote relevant information in regards to what ever place and time the TARDIS has brought him too. He is an integral part of the TARDIS, allowing it to translate alien languages for his companions among other things and should something unforeseen happen too him it is possible that the TARDIS will stop functioning correctly. Should The Doctor suffer a mortal wound or become incapacitated with no chance of recovery he is able to regenerate his cellular structure. He is able to perform this a total of twelve times and is currently on his Eighth form having regenerated only a short time ago. [b]Position:[/b] The Doctor. [b]Appearance: [url=http://www.shillpages.com/dw/mcganp18.jpg]The Doctor operating the TARDIS[/url][/b] [b]Personality:[/b] The Eighth Doctor is easily the most romantic of all the Doctors, with his Byron-esque hairstyle and gentle, debonair air. Possessed of a boyish charm, he seems to face the universe with an almost youthful sense of wonder and enthusiasm, and encouraged the people around him to seize life instead of withdrawing from it. Although open about his feelings and fears, the frivolous exterior also masked what seems to be a very old soul. In this regard, elements of his personality are reminiscent of the vulnerability and humanity of the Fifth Doctor and the quiet determination of the Seventh Doctor in the face of evil. Like the Second Doctor, he often knows much more than he let on, and like the Third Doctor he delights in dropping the names of famous historical figures he has known over the centuries. The Eighth Doctor also seems to enjoy giving people hints of their own futures, apparently to prod them into making the right decisions. [b]Biography:[/b] While this is the latest form of The Doctor and he has yet to mark his existence as the other Doctors have before him, aside from the small matter of finally defeating the Master. There have been seven other Doctors and each has lead a full life of his own while still being The Doctor, to the casual observer these eight men if all together would likely appear to have very little in common but each Doctor has mannerisms and personality traits from those that have come before him. The Seventh Doctor, his form directly before the current incarnation, met a sudden end at the hands of a gang war when the TARDIS, suffering from malfunction again, appeared in San Francisco on the 30th of December 1999. He was taking the remains of a rival Time Lord known as the Master from Skaro back to Gallifrey. While this appeared simple on the surface it resulted in The Seventh Doctor dying on the operating table of a hospital and being declared dead. Through the interference of the Doctors the regeneration process was delayed almost to the point where it would not have happened. The Eighth Doctor emerged from the hospital morgue dazed and confused as the delayed regeneration had resulted in a more extensive form of post-regeneration amnesia which each Doctor suffers from for a time. The events the followed brought The Doctors memory back and he thwarted the Master who was planning to steal the Doctors remaining regenerations, steal his TARDIS and destroy the Earth in the process. After this near calamity The Doctor returned to Gallifrey in order to inform the Time Lord council of the details of the Masters demise as it had been a highly complicated affair. He stayed on Gallifrey for some time but soon his travellers itch returned and he was back in the TARDIS flying through time and space. [i]N/B: For a more detailed account of the first adventure of The Eighth Doctor please refer to ?Doctor Who: The Movie?.[/i][/size][/color]
[quote name='Brasil']Then again, I can't find any information on Kashyyyk circa 850-1000 BBY, so does that mean slavers there is Kosher?[/quote] [color=teal][size=1]Given that we're still in the Old Republic, and it is 850 years BBY, I think its safte to assume that there are no slavers on Kashyyyk because while slaving is around in this time the Empire only enslaved the Wookiees because of their vast resources because, lets face it, its hard to keep a Wookiee down. You can still have him banished for killing corrupt humans and the like.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Righty-right, if people want to change their custom titles to the characters it will help keep track of who's who but I can't enforce this on people so it's up to you whether you choose to do it or not.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Okay, lets have the Knights posting first because given that they're the "leader" of their own pair if would make more sense. Padawans should follow suit, either posting a continuation of events or their own reactions to what has already happened. Just as long as this doesn't get too much out of hand I'll be happy. As an after thought in order to keep track of who's who, other than reading user names, I may start asking people to post who they are at the start of their post and who they're following on from. Something like: [b]Asi-Mar-Umdal in reply to Galren Jeth[/b]. I'm not saying do it now but it may happen because the pair dynamic of this RP just makes posting that little bit harder when posting as a team. [i]Jokopoko[/i][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b]?I?ve known this guy since my first week here, we can trust what he says.?[/b] Centurion said emphatically to the other members of Phalanx. Diamond was sitting in a chair slightly off from the other two looking highly sceptical, Angel on the other hand seemed more concerned. [b]?I?m not saying he?s lying but it?s a big risk for us to go after this Mob if they do have all this ?hi-tech? weaponry.?[/b] [b]?Look, there?s no arguing. I?ve already told Reynolds about this and we?ve got the go-ahead from the top, we?re taking those weapons out tonight.?[/b] Though the team always worked well together in the field occasionally their different personalities and way of doing things clashed. Centurion put this down to the fact that the Government were the ones who?d put the team together rather than the three choosing to work alongside. [b]?Both of you go and get ready. It?s seven o?clock now and I want to be done with this by midnight at the latest. We?ll meet up at the old apartment block they?ve got near the Mob?s storage house.?[/b] He looked to both of them for confirmation, each gave a somewhat lacklustre nod before they both walked out of the Phalanx safe-house in the business section of Justice City. When Angel closed the door behind her Centurion sighed heavily and removed his helmet. Resting his hand on his forehead he thought about this whole hero lark he?d gotten himself in too. Back when he started it was like some grand adventure, popular news reporter by day and even more popular hero by night. Now though he rarely reported actual news and being Centurion was more of a chore if anything. Not wanting to go home to just leave almost immediately he settled himself in one of the large chairs for a few minutes before getting up to find something to eat. He was disappointed to find only some cheap microwaveable meals in the freezer, he made a mental note to remind Reynolds to restock the place after tonight?s mission. Placing the ?food? in the microwave he set the timer for three minutes. As the gradual hum of the machine started Centurion placed his hand just above it and an energy field with a slight blue tinge appeared around the microwave and the times started moving rapidly. Within three seconds the meal was ready for consumption. Allowing himself a slight smirk before starting Centurion began thinking about this coming mission and whether Angel had been right, were they going to bit of more than they could chew? [center]~*~[/center] OOC: Reynolds is the local Intelligence Agent assigned to Phalanx, basically he?s our link to the Government.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Just getting my place fixed, I'll get it finished some time this week. [center]~*~[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Andrew Locke. [b]Age:[/b] 31. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. (Pure and simple) [b]Sexuality:[/b] Abstains from sexual relations. [b]Occupation:[/b] Counter agent for the Mob, ?working? for the Old Town Girls. [b]Organization:[/b] The Mob. [b]Physical Description:[/b] [b][url=http://www.noirfilm.com/index.1.gif]Click here[/url][/b]. [b]Personality:[/b] [Will Edit.] [b]Character History:[/b] [Will Edit.] [b]Weaponry:[/b] [Will Edit.] [b]Duty:[/b] Working with the Mob to bring the Girls of Old Town back under the control of the Pimps. [b]In One Sentence:[/b] [i]?Conniving, scheming, lying two-faced son of a *****.?[/i][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Shades of the Force is now up in the Square. We've decided to use the Chapter system now given that we have, I think, sixteen players and without it things would just go nuts. Those who have yet to finish their sign-ups forms please wait until you've finished them to post. All out of character discussion can now take place here, see you in the RP. [i]Jokopoko[/i][/size][/color]
[COLOR=CRIMSON][SIZE=2][CENTER][B][U]STAR WARS SHADES OF THE FORCE[/B][/U][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]~*~ THE DARK TIMES ARE OVER. THE SITH LORDS HAVE BEEN DEFEATED AND THE OLD REPUBLIC RESTORED TO A STATE OF PEACE AND PROSPERITY. THE DESTRUCTION WROUGHT BY LORD KAAN AND THE BROTHERHOOD OF DARKNESS A CENTURY AND A HALF EARLIER HAS FADED TO BUT A MEMORY, THE SCARS HEALED IN BOTH THE MINDS AND HEARTS OF THE CITIZENS OF THE REPUBLIC. IT IS A TIME OF REJUVENATION FOR THE JEDI ORDER. WITH THE SITH FINALLY DEFEATED, THE JEDI HAVE LAID DOWN THEIR BATTLE ARMOUR AND DISBANDED THEIR ARMIES. WITH THEIR FOCUS TURNED INWARDS, THE ORDER SEEKS TO TRULY UNDERSTAND WHAT IT IS TO BE JEDI. IN THE HOPE OF PROTECTING FUTURE PADAWAN FROM THE LURE OF THE DARK SIDE, THE ORDER HAS BEEN RECENTRED ON CORUSCANT AND ELECTED TO TRAIN YOUNGLINGS FROM BIRTH IN THE WAYS OF THE JEDI. UNFORTUNATELY SUCH RENEWED PROSPERITY IS NOT WITHOUT ITS DILEMMAS, AS SEVERAL SECTORS IN THE EXPANSIONIST REGION FLARE INTO INSTABILITY. DESPITE HAVING BEEN ESTABLISHED NEARLY 20,000 YEARS EARLIER THEIR EXPLOITATION BY CORPORATIONS HAS LEAD TO CONFLICT FINALLY ERUPTING IN THE BRAK SECTOR. IN RESPONSE THE CHANCELLOR WITH THE AID OF THE JEDI COUNCIL HAS DISPATCHED A SMALL GROUP OF JEDI KNIGHTS AND THEIR PADAWANS TO RESOLVE THE HOSTILITIES... ~*~ [B][U]CHAPTER ONE[/B][/U] Participants: Everyone ?Asi-Mar-Umdal and Galren Jeth arrive from their latest task to discover their new mission from the Jedi Council. As they meet with the Council the other Knights and Padawans make their way to the Temple.? ~*~[/CENTER] Just beyond the gravity pull of Coruscant a pair of Jedi craft emerge from Hyperspace with sudden deceleration. Disengaging from their Hyperdrive Ring?s the ships dart towards the planet below at sub-light speed, keeping within good distance of each other. The grey vessel leads the other into a banking dive as they avoid the various other vessels buzzing around Coruscant like tiny insects around a huge beast of burden. Soon the pair are in the atmosphere and are now avoiding the towering skyscrapers that brush even the O-Zone layer of the planet. Rapidly they descend further until they reach the main level of the planet spanning city where all things in the Republic has their Headquarters. Dodging around the lanes of civilian traffic the two small ships made their way toward the Jedi Temple in the distance. Eventually the two craft approached the Temple and their auto-guidance systems took over from the pilots and landed them in one of the landing bays located within the Temple Precinct. The cock-pit of the grey ship opened allowing the Cerean pilot to remove himself, he was quickly followed by the Arkanian in the other ship. Soon the two were making their way into the Jedi Temple. [b]?What do you suppose the council called us back for Master??[/b] The Padawan asked the Cerean Knight. [b]?If I knew that we need not have come Galren.?[/b] Asi replied with a smile. Galren bowed his head, accepting his Masters answer. They passed by the various Youngling training rooms as well as the entrance to the Archives but lacking the time to indulge the pair quickly made their way to the Council Tower. The journey up to the Council Chamber was a short one. Thanks to the glass walls surrounding them they could see the vast City planet before them as the traffic continued to move in its specific lines and the activity around the Temple Precinct never seemed to settle down. The doors to the Council Chamber opened, Asi-Mar-Umdal entered first with Galren following on behind. [b]?Master Asi-Mar-Umdal, we thank you for arriving so quickly.?[/b] [b]?Of course Masters, the Council calls and we come. What is it you require of my Padawan and I??[/b] Asi asked in a respectful tone. [b]?You seem impatient, do you wish to address another matter??[/b] [b]?No my Masters, I only wish to serve the Republic as quickly as I can.?[/b] He replied. [b]?Very well. The Chancellor has requested our assistance in dealing with a recent crisis in the Expansionist Region. You know this region well yes??[/b] [b]?Indeed Master, it was where my former Master and I carried out many of our duties. This has been repeated in the new partnership with my Padawan.?[/b] Asi-Mar-Umdal indicated Galren who bowed respectively to the Council, a few mummers ran through the seated Masters before they spoke once more. [b]?Very well, the focal point currently seems to be the Brak sector. If this sector falls into anarchy it could possibly be devastating for the Republic. We cannot allow this crisis to continue or it will do all we have done since Ruusan.?[/b] There was a moment of respectful silence as the assembled Jedi gave thanks to their long dead brothers and sisters who helped destroy the Sith almost one hundred and fifty years ago. [b]?You and you Padawan, along with several other Jedi Knights and their Padawans, are to go to the Brak sector and find a solution to the problem. Remember that force is to be used only when absolutely necessary, the people of the Republic sometimes forget the Jedi are no longer an Army so still they treat us as such.?[/b] [b]?Certainly Masters, we shall bring order back to the Brak Sector. You have my word.?[/b] As he turned to leave Asi saw that Galren was not moving. [b]?Padawan, do you wish to address the Council??[/b] [b]?Only if you allow me too Masters.?[/b] Galren asked with great respect and sincerity in his voice. Again mummers went through the Council before the allowed Galren to speak. [b]?My Masters, I wish to ask about the trials. I have been with Master Asi-Mar-Umdal for more than ten years now and I believe that I am ready to take the trials, with your permission of course.?[/b] As the Council members began talking with each other Asi strode over to Galren. [b]?I told you not to ask the Councils permission, they alone will decide when you take the trials my young Padawan. You must ? ?[/b] [b]?Your concern is well advised Master Asi-Mar-Umdal but in this case it is no required. When Padawan Galren Jeth returns from this mission, provided it is successful, he will undergo the trials. You may leave now, return to the Temple Spire and await the remaining members of your group.?[/b] Asi-Mar-Umdal and Galren both bowed before turning and leaving the Council Chamber. The ride down to the Spire would likely be more vocal than the journey up. [center]~*~[/center] OOC: Let us begin then, it?d be a tad easier if you tried to post in pairs rather than everyone leaping in at once. This isn?t a rule but it would, like I said, be easier as the stories would have a flow to them. Gavin you can continue this if you wish or have Galrens reactions to the previous events. May the Force be with you, always.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]'Tis the kind of look I'm going for but I'm not [i]feeling[/i] this one but it's better than anything I could do ^^;;. I've got another thing I'd like to have on the banner if thats alright. Each weebl and bob episode has the bit on top saying "The everyday happenings of weebl...and sometimes weebls friend bob." I'd like to have that on the banner saying "The OtakuBoard happenings of weebl...and sometimes weebls friend bob." Looking forward to take two, heh.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Greetings O graphically gifted members of OtakuBoards, I'm not sure how many of you are fans of, or even know of, weebl and bob but I am an avid fan so I make a humble request for a banner and avater featuring said characters. The specific style would be that shown in this episode of their flash cartoon (It may take some time to load on slower connections): [b][URL=http://www.weebl.jolt.co.uk/paper.htm]Clicky[/URL][/b]. So the style is a lined-paper esque background with a weebl and bob in a "drawn by black pen" style ^^;;. It may not appear on the page but I would like the banner to be in the style of the banner advertising the DVD, that is: weebl and bob to the right of the banner with weebl saying "this banner sucks." and bob replying "yes." Could the avatar please be the same "paper" styled weebl saying "pie." I will be most greatful for any help rendered. N/B: The mistakes in grammar for weebl and bob are intentional.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b]?...and now we switch to Richard Chamberlain outside the court house. What?s the feeling like down there Richard??[/b] [b]?Well Dan the feeling is uneasy at best. Mr. Staten has pleaded not guilty to the charge of embezzlement so it looks like we could be in for a long trial this time.?[/b] Richard punctuated this with a false laugh. [b]?Thanks for that Richard, we?ll come back to the court house when we have more to report. In other news -.?[/b] [b]?And cut, good job Richard.?[/b] Said one of the camera operators. He smiled and went off to the Channel 7 news van. Sighing heavily he took out his flask of coffee and had a quick swing before putting it back in the van. ?How long will I have to report this child like news. What about the rampant gun crime and steady rise of this so called ?Super Villains.? Even as he thought this Richard knew the answer all too well. The government wanted the citizens of Justice City to feel safe and secure so the news teams were always under watch to make sure they wouldn?t incite panic of any sort around the City. [b]?Richard Chamberlain can?t make a difference but at least Centurion can.?[/b] He said quietly to himself as the rest of the news team came back to the van, ready to move on to the next ?story?. [b]?You coming along Richard??[/b] Asked one of the crew. Richard shook his head: [b]?No, I?m done for the day. I?ll see you tomorrow.?[/b] He gave the group a short wave of his hand as he walked over to his own car. [i][center][[Several hours later]][/center][/i] Centurion flew over Justice City and thought how serene and quit it seemed whilst flying, the glossy image being spoiled by the seedy underbelly which seemed to run through the entire City these days. Centurion soon found himself perched atop the tallest building in the city, the [b]Justice Skyscraper[/b]. It wasn?t the most inspired name in the world but it was fairly true as it was the only true Skyscraper within the city. It often played host to the social gatherings, conventions and other events of the like that took part in the City. Staring across the cityscape Centurion would see a quick flash of an energy blast or the crack of small arms fire as the Underworld came out for the night and the Heroes tired to keep it down. Looking up at the Moon he saw the silhouetted image of a winged woman rising up from the Cities depths. He smirked. [b]?Time to get the team together for the night then.?[/b] He said out loud as he jumped from his perch and took off to fight the night away.[/size][/color]
RPG Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Children [M-LV poss S]
Jokopoko replied to Retribution's topic in Theater
[color=teal][size=1][b]?GET THE FUCK UP! I?M GOING TO DIE, KEIJI!?[/b] Kazuki screamed back at Keiji. [i]?That idiot is going get us both killed if he doesn?t get his act together.[/i]? He thought with scorn as he watched Unit-00 to show any sign of competence. Straight away his attention was snatched away as Orion continued its barrage on his Evangelion. Moving with unparalleled speed Kazuki avoided the vast majority of the attacks, many of them destroying the buildings of Tokyo-3, but several of them hitting choice sections of his Evangelion. He felt himself wince with pain as the shots hit home, they?d said he would be connected to the EVA but he didn?t think it would be this much. As he formulated strategy after strategy to get the Angels AT-field down he saw it shatter into glass like shards, all he do for a moment was sit there astounded by his own dumb luck. Getting his head together he snapped back into pilot mode. [b]?Keiji, where are you? The AT-field is down! We need to co-ordinate an attack on this thing!?[/b] He shouted over the comm. A crackle of static. [b]?Yeah ?I know...?[/b] Keiji said in a distant voice. Kazuki punched the comm. button off while mentally writing Keiji off for the remainder of the battle. Again his EVA was struck by a blast from Orion, right in the upper torso. Kazuki screamed in pain as Unit-02 collapsed onto the ruins of Tokyo-3 behind him, creating more destruction. As he fought back the blinding pain he could hear some whispering in his ear...he couldn?t place the voice but it was certainly familiar. He continued to feel the pain trying to force him into unconsciousness but something almost primal was keeping him awake and forcing the EVA to stand. Kazuki threw the assault rifle to the ground as all of the weapons attacks had been futile. Taking a running jump he leapt at one of Orion?s remaining eyes with nothing but the EVAs own hands to attack it with. As he drew closer to the eye he saw it build up energy, there was no where for Kazuki to go.[/size][/color] -
[QUOTE=KKC][size=1]I think that Phalanax is just the CIA team. I think what Wraith meant in his other posts was that this team will be part of the CIA and then once the RP gets going he'll divide the non-CIA heroes into teams. Or something like that ^^. This RP sounds really good and I love super hero/power RPs. Hopefully my character is okay and I make it in. Kudos to Wraith.[/size][/QUOTE] [color=teal][size=1]Just need to step in and defend my team here. Wraith didn't create this team, I did. I'm the one with control over KKC but obviously I need to clear things Wraith in terms of storyline and all that. We're not just a "CIA Team", we're a Hero team working alongside , or with, the U.S. Government so we sometimes do their dirty work for them so they don't get heat for doing it. N/B: Too those who have requested membership in Phalanx it is currently myself and Citrus, before getting another member I have a question for Wraith: Is it three plus me or just a total of three?[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]I've a few questions for this creative team we're putting together but first here's the Wikipedia article concerning all the Sin City stories, [b][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sin_City]clicky[/url][/b]. Firstly is after reading that I'm wondering if we're all for creating new characters to populate Basin City or whether we'd rather take on current ones and carry on their stories, retro-actively if they're dead of course. Examples could be how Marv came to look the way he is or [spoiler]what Roark actually went through to become That Yellow Bastard.[/spoiler] Another way to deal with the current characters is to make the stories not seen in the first film and make them RPish, though this would obviously restrict what we could do given the stories are already there and finished. I noticed on the WikiArticle that there's also a plethora of minor characters we could use for stories. Examples could be [spoiler]why Bob became corrupt, a closer look at The Salesman or a similar look at Miho[/spoiler], the list goes on. Just my first few cents into what will become a veritable gold mine of ideas and plots for this RP.[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Well given that Wraith has said we can make some Hero Teams I figure here is a good place to try and set up one of them. The team name I've choosen is [b]Phalanx[/b], their main purpose is to defend the residents of Justice City and the usual Hero things but unlike many Hero teams they're part of the United States Secret Service, unoffically of course. So this means that while on the surface we'd appear to be your average run-of-the-mill team we get backing, funding and all that from the Government. So that might mean the U.S. Government might want us to do something in Justice City for them, ranging from taking out a corporate fat-cat or even silencing a Hero/Vigilante that the Government isn't happy with. So long as Wraith is happy with this send me a PM or post here if you're willing to join [b]Phalanx[/b].[/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]As a sort of follow up to my previous post this also has a team theme to it. I know that during the actual RP you may sort us into groups for the various Issues but I'm wondering about teams the players themselves set up. For example seeing as my character is allied with the United States Government they may send down another of their agents or what not [This being another character] would they be able to make their own team as part of the colour coded group they're in. Examples are: The Fantastic Four, Alpha Flight, The X-Men and so on. [i]Jokopoko[/i][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1]Is anyone else loving this game? I'm getting it for Christmas so I can't wait to play it. I've been reading all the reviews I can find and they all seem quite favourable with a few nit-picks but what game doesn't have flaws? The best bit for me will just be the game itself, and using Waluigi to Captain my team to victory, heh. The artwork they've done for is brilliant as well, as demonstarted by the Avi/Banner combo done for me by Jamie. So anyone else getting it or got it? [i]Jokopoko[/i][/size][/color]
RPG Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Children [M-LV poss S]
Jokopoko replied to Retribution's topic in Theater
[color=teal][size=1][b]?I knew your mother while she was here, did they ever tell you that??[/b] Fuyutsuki asked Kazuki. [b]?No sir.?[/b] Kazuki replied stiffly. He had arrived at NERV some two hours ago but unlike the other pilots he had been sent to Central Dogma for a debriefing of sorts. Kazuki, unlike the other two pilots, already had some form of connection with ?Project E? given that his mother had died during one of the early synchronisation tests with Evangelion Unit-02. The First Evangelion. Currently he was sitting in a chair in front of NERVs deputy commander, Kouzou Fuyutsuki who was looking thoughtfully at the boy. [b]?It was more personal than professional you see, but she was dedicated to her work...and she did love you.?[/b] The old man didn?t seem to have any trouble talking to a boy he hardly knew about his long dead mother. Kazuki, however, was feeling distinctly uncomfortable and Fuyutsuki seemed to pick up on this as he wasn?t long before he dismissed Kazuki to meet the other pilots. A woman called Ayame took him to where he was staying, the journey was uneventful but the women persisted in asking Kazuki questions in an all too cheery voice. He was thankful when he left her at the door. Kazuki looked around the room, nothing impressive or unimpressive about it. He could here the shuffling of feet in one of the other rooms. ?Must be one, or both, of the pilots.? He thought. Quickly finding his room, a shared one apparently, he saw the top bunk had been taken although that didn?t bother him as he wasn?t here to sleep. Dumping his bag onto the bottom of the two he left the room and could still here the sounds of another person coming from one of the rooms. He wasn?t in a mood to investigate who this person was so he headed back to the lounge area he had passed before. The sofa was comfortable enough so Kazuki figured he should stay there, the other pilots would eventually find their way here. He absentmindedly flicked the channels on the television as he waited for the others. A documentary about wolves caught his attention and he settled on it for now. Soon a girl entered the room with her bags. She walked through the room and was gone for about six minutes and returned minus her bags, seemingly interested in the documentary she sat beside Kazuki as he watched the programme. He was only mildly interested in the television so when the other pilot asked the two there names he was first. [b]?Hello. I?m Keiji. What?re your names??[/b] the boy asked. [b]?Could you move, please? You?re blocking the TV,?[/b] Sakura mumbled offhandedly. Keiji apologized quickly, sidestepped, and continued to look at the two before Kazuki answered. [b]?I?m Kazuki. Nice to meet you,?[/b] he said. His eyes remained fixated on the screen. Another thirty seconds elapsed before Sakura chose to speak. [b]?Oh. I?m Sakura. How?re you??[/b] Her response sounded genuine, but her eyes remained transfixed on the television. [b]?I?m fine, thanks. Do you know when our training commences??[/b] [b]?0600 hours tomorrow,?[/b] Kazuki said, finally rising from the couch and moving to the kitchen. He could already feel the tell tale rumbles in his stomach, he hadn?t eaten since breakfast this morning. Finding nothing that looked snack worthy he frowned and went off to the boys sleeping area. He wasn?t up for sleeping just yet so he reached over to his bed side table and found a Evangelion pilots manual and began reading it. [center][[One week later]][/center] Feeling entirely confident in himself and his abilities Kazuki didn?t feel the need to engage in conversation with the other pilots as they got changed for their first synchronisation test. The training had prepared him for this and he?d spent almost every night religiously reading the pilots manual. He pulled on the last of the gun-metal grey gloves of his suit and activated the suction of the clothes feeling it get skin-tight in an instant. Walking out into the Evangelion bay he saw Keiji and Sakura getting into their Units, his own was bright silver in colour with two numbers emblazed on the side [b]?02?[/b]. Showing no signs of hesitation of climbing into the Eva in which his mother had died Kazuki was soon fully locked into the entry plug and it was placed into the Evangelion. As the plug began filling with the LCL Kazuki began mentally reciting what he had read in the manual. [i]?The Evangelion are controlled mainly by linking with the cranial nerves of the pilot. Of these, the most important is this A^10 nerve. ... It is associated with higher order brain functions such as memory, cognizance and the execution of movement, and with emotions such as anxiety, fear, happiness and pleasure. In addition, it is also said to play an important role in affection between parent and child, and between lovers.?[/i][/size][/color]