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Everything posted by Jokopoko

  1. [color=teal][size=1]Thanks everyone for signing up to the first it what will hopefully be a series of "Star Wars" themed RPGs so I hope you like your characters because you're going to be stuck with them for a while. Now the time has come to announce the pairings of Jedi Knights and Padawan Learners. [center]-=====- Asi-Mar-Umdal and Galren Jeth Payja Sunstorm and Erien Yar Eshka Sei'pek and Laruc Torio Krauv?os?seoni and Taj Niko Torrin Zalrock and Corin Gerul Kora Nov and Yaru -=====-[/center] Take the time to get to know your Master or Padawan so you can gel effectively in the RPG. In terms of the relationship between Knight and Padawan you're expected to have the usual relationship during the RP, though obviously each is a bit different, but when posting in the Underground or AIMing don't forget we're all on equal footing here so now bossing people around within the Undergrond. We're going to give those of you who want to do a few more tweaks or edits to your sign-ups till Friday [Local time], Saturday at the latest. Just a little note this RP will be freeform [No chapters] but Gavin and I would still like to have a degree of control over the action and so on, please don't go nuts. [center]-=====-[/center] Just a note we're going to be starting a little later than advertised because we've now got Brasil and Boba Fett involved in this so we're waiting for those two to sign-up.[/size][/color]
  2. [color=teal][size=1]I've just got a question about teams. I know in "Legionnaries" that they have the colour coded team system but I just wondering if Justice City will have its own superhero teams, like the Teen Titans or the Avengers etc. Just wondering because I had an idea for a team styled hero RP a while back but I couldn't get pen to paper [So to speak] and I'm wondering if I'm able to try it out here. Loving the concept of the RP. [i]Jokopoko[/i][/size][/color]
  3. [color=teal][size=1]EDIT: I decided to change the suits design as the I realised the previous one seemed a little far-fetched, even for a Superhero RP. [center]-======-[/center] [b][u]Sign-Up Sheet[/u] Superhero Name:[/b] Centurion. [b]Real Name:[/b] Richard Chamberlain. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 26. [b]Current Occupation:[/b] Local News Anchor. [Working for/Allied with the United States Government] [b]Place of Birth:[/b] Portland, Maine, America. [b]Marital Status:[/b] Currently dating. [b]Height:[/b] 6? 0?. [b]Weight:[/b] 192lbs. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://www.btinternet.com/~orlando/noah56.jpg]Click here.[/url] His eye colour is hazel and he usually keeps his hair length as shown in the picture. [b]Clothing[/b] [b][u]Normal:[/u][/b] Given his occupation Richard can be counted on to be wearing various crisp business style suites while he is out in the field or something casual that keeps him conspicuous. While out in public he generally wears a baseball cap and sun glasses to conceal his identity from the passers by. [b][u]Hero Suit:[/u][/b] The design of Centurion?s suit is [b][url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/51/Canderous_armor.jpg]this[/url][/b]. He choose this design as it keeps his identity shrouded and his body protected, there is also an atheistic value to the design as Centurion believes the suit to have somewhat ?Roman? feel to it, enforcing his Hero persona. The armour itself is able to repel almost all projectiles and can easily with stand all forms of small arms fire. It also provides a degree of resistance to the various energy blasts that either come from the person he is fighting or an invention of theirs. [b]Personality:[/b] Richard is a fairly sociable person but doesn?t always go out of his way to take part in the various social functions he is invited too around Justice City, he much prefers the occasional game of golf. Generally speaking he?s an easy guy to get along with and if you?re respectful toward him you will get the same in return, he doesn?t believe in first impressions so isn?t as judgemental as most people. He does sometimes get lost in the moment and his mind appears to wander off occasionally, most people say this is due to his Chronokinesis and he has some limited ability of foresight, those who are unaware of his power though tag this as being rude and obnoxious because on the outside it appears to them that he has simply lost interest in them or the conversation they were having. He values friends and family above most of his commitments but he knows the perils of leading a double life that that majority of his relations and friends do not know about so he always sees getting close to some one as having danger attached to it. [b]Character History:[/b] Before he was imbued with the powers that ?Father Time? gifted him Richard Chamberlain was a very different person from the one who shares a life with the hero Centurion. He was born in Portland, Maine to the very well known and historically significant Chamberlain family. Many had hoped that he would follow in the foot steps of many of the Chamberlain men and enrol in the United States Military in memory of the late, great Joshua L. Chamberlain who fought during the American Civil War. But as with many things in this world it didn?t go the way people had hoped it would. As he grew it became obvious that Richard was very self centred, rude, aggressive and very disrespectful toward any and all attempts to get authority pressed upon him. In school it was clear that he was the epitome of the ?jock? and was often seen with a gang of cronies behind him to further enforce his will. In his wake he would leave terrified children and woozy girls. This obviously got worse as he got older, not only was he a mean spirited thug most of the time he also had little to no respect for women and it was common for him to have a new trophy almost every week. His parents tried in vain to ?straighten? him out and try and give him some sense of purpose in his life by enrolling him in a military boot camp for a sustained duration of time. All it did was further hone his aggressive tendencies and give him a wider array of ways to bully and coerce those weaker than him to do his bidding. It did not take long for Richard to give up on the whole education lark and eventually leave Portland and Maine for close to six years. The accounts of what he got up to in these six years are hazy at best but it is believed that he some how got himself to South America on some kind of holiday and tour package and while he was there he had the encounter with the being he came to know as ?Father Time?. It is not know how long Richard spent with him but it is safe to say that the experience changed him utterly as he was not the same Richard Chamberlain that left Maine when he returned. He reconciled with his family upon his return but almost immediately contact the United States Intelligence services to get their assistance which his new found talents. With extreme haste he was relocated to Area 51 in order to test his Chronokinesis and impossibly high IQ. While at Area 51 his abilities were tested by the very latest methods and many of his currently ?normal? abilities, such as time dilation fields, were discovered and he was able to fully realise many of the powers though some of the scientists and researchers at Area 51 are convinced that he has not tapped into the full potential of his Chronokinesis. Richard was also able to develop many of his technological systems within the confines of Area 51 and has the U.S. Government to thank for much of them. After a lengthy stay at Area 51 he was directed to go to Justice City and take up the guise of one of its emerging Superheroes in order to protect the citizens their and give the Government a valuable ally within the City. He choose to pursue a cover career as a news anchor because of the fairly flexible working times and the status it would give him with Justice City as it is well known that many of the ?super villains? in the City have alter egos which run with the higher circuits of the City so Richard is able to keep an eye of them without much hassle. [b]Superhuman Powers:[/b] Centurion has the psionic ability know as Chronokinesis, that is controlling time with his mind. There are various ways he can employ these powers, ranging from physical blasts of temporal energy to literally freezing an enemy in place or halting time altogether. Through some unknown process Richard, or Centurion, is able to change temporal energy into a form of energy blasts that he can expel through his fingers, the main effect of these blasts are throwing the target back a fair distance or temporally stunning them, it is know for these blasts to sometimes sap the temporal energy out of a person keeping them locked in whatever act they were doing until the effect wears off. His most powerful ability is being able to halt time within a certain space meaning he is the only being that is able to move and act out within these pockets of temporal ?pause?. In order to do this Richard has to stop everything his is able to do willingly, this includes things such as breathing and movement of any sort because this skill requires his full attention whilst attempting it. When he was succeeded he can only hold the ?pause? as long as he can hold his breath so the amount of time each pause can last varies. He can also create independent bubbles of temporal distortions around people or objects either speeding time up around them or slowing it down but this ability, like the previous one, is equally strenuous on Centurion. Centurion is also capable of limited flight but not the extremes of some heroes, such as reaching the upper atmosphere. He is able to focus temporal energy into some form of propulsion and use it to defy Earths gravity, a side-effect of this is that Centurion often leaves a trail of ?temporal echo?s? of himself as he uses this ability. He also has a heightened intellect from the same encounter that gave him this Chronokinesis. His IQ is believed to be somewhere around 175, with this impressive intellect he has been able to design various weapons and gadgets such as his own suit of armour and the items he uses in conjunction with his Chronokinesis. [b]Source of Powers:[/b] Centurion?s power comes from the entity known to most of the people of Earth as ?Father Time?. It is theorised that that Father Time, or the being that is masquerading as him, is an extra-dimensional being capable of tinkering with human genetics in order to bring about these new gifts, it is unknown whether these gifts are permanent and part of Centurions genetic make up or whether this tinkering has given him access to some form of mystical energy that emanates from Father Times realm. If the latter is true it is possible that at some future date Centurion could be stripped of his powers. The main source of his technological accomplishments come from his own mind along with materials and funding provided by the United States Government. [b]Special Skills:[/b] As stated Centurion possess a genius intellect which he has employed to craft the various devices he uses to assist in his fight against the villains of Justice City. He also has a photographic memory, is able to remember an fact he has committed to memory immediately and has one of the fastest reading speeds ever recorded. To a lesser extent his senses have been raised slightly but he needs to make a conscience effort in order to register what he can hear, see, smell and so on, because of this he doesn?t really classify this as one of his ?powers? but just a skill. [b]Weapons/Gadgets:[/b] Chief among the various items Centurion has crafted with his genius level intellect and assistance from the United States Intelligence services is his armoured suit and the various gadgets that go with it. The suit is made of an unidentifiable material that appears to be some combination of plastic and several metals, therefore it is relatively light as is easy to move around in while also giving excellent protection. Contained within his suit Centurion has a plethora of small devices from tracking beacons to grenade like items powered with his own temporal energy. Many believe the helmet contains various sensory equipment but in truth the helmet is just a helmet.[/size][/color]
  4. [color=teal][size=1]You're sign up [And everyone elses since my own bio was posted.] is fine Wraith but I need to point something out. This RP is roughly 850 years before "A New Hope" so Yoda is a Jedi Knight at this point but still well respected and revered but Jedi such as Qui-Gon and Dooku are a long way off so if you could edit those parts of the bio that'll be great. Currently we just need two more sign-ups and then Gav and I can pair up the Knights and the Padawans, then the fun begins. [i]Jokopoko[/i][/size][/color]
  5. [color=teal][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Kazuki Sho. [b]Age:[/b] 15. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://members.aol.com/jonathanm221/images/chocola.jpg]Click here[/url]. His normal clothes have a more serious undertone and he doesn?t feel comfortable wearing casual clothes. Kazuki is roughly 5? 6? but is still growing. [b]EVA?s Appearance:[/b] [url=http://us.st11.yimg.com/store1.yimg.com/I/e-animestore_1873_5639803]Click here[/url]. [i]N/B: This is in actual fact EVA Unit-04 but I?m hoping it?s alright to use it as this is an ?alternate dimension? so Unit-04 here may be Unit-00 etc.[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] Kazuki is the epitome of an over-achiever but he doesn?t see this as a bad thing. In his mind he is the best around so the only way to get better is to set his goals so high he can?t achieve them and so he makes himself better. Many people see him as a big-headed fool who thinks he is simply the best; though he doesn?t agree with them Kazuki doesn?t go out of his way to quell these rumours. The reasons being he doesn?t have the time and he knows himself they aren?t true. Kazuki?s grandfather and father were soldiers in the Japanese Army so he sees it as a family tradition to be a great fighter which is why he sets himself up as the bests and acts so superior around others. His insufferable nature makes it very hard for others to get to know him or make friends with him, not that he minds of course. He sees friendship as a distraction to the new challenge of the EVA-Units so he feels it?s best to avoid it. The only people he truly cares about are himself and his family but most notable his little brother and sister [Twins]. Kazuki and his father have a good relationship but it is not as good as the one he shares with his mother and siblings because his father hasn?t played that much of a role in Kazuki?s life what with the his military service and now Kazuki being sent to N.E.R.V. Despite this Kazuki always thinks of his father while fighting in the hopes that it will give him the strength to battle on. [b]Insecurities:[/b] While on the surface Kazuki appears to be utterly calm and collected he is actually hiding his true feelings and emotions. He has a fear of rejection as he has never had a really relationship with people outside of his family, coupled with this is that he is constantly worrying about the well-being of his family and is all too aware what will happen to them should the Angels defeat the EVAs. Being around fellow teenagers is a new challenge for him as it introduces a whole new set of social interactions that can go wrong. [b]Biography:[/b] Kazuki has been brought up hearing tales of the his ancestors exploits in the wars before the Second Impact and so he has always been a keen history buff as well as an oppression with the Army. Though it was a rare thing for his father to take Kazuki with him to one of the military bases it did happen on occasion, when he did Kazuki was always fascinated by the operation of the military hard wear and the drilled precision of the officers. During his early childhood he would always be playing with his toy soldiers, building the model kits of air craft and drawing pictures of himself in the future as a top class fighter pilot in the hopes of making his father proud. When Kazuki was eight his mother gave birth to twins and they were named Akemi and Yuki. With the arrival of his brother and sister Kazuki had found the inspiration he needed to force him beyond his dreams and make a really attempt at being a military officer. Upon entering school Kazuki found his attention often wondered while in class because he was day-dreaming about the military and being a great pilot. These plans may have come to fruition had it not been for the death of his mother. Unknown to almost everyone his mother was one of the researcher working at the Japanese NERV branch. She and her team were experimenting on one of the newly designed Evangelion Units, in a mix up she became trapped in one of the experimental ?plugs? and died within the Evangelion. After his mothers death Kazuki became much closer with his brother and sister because he felt it was his duty to protect them now, given their father was away for much of the time. When NERV called on Kazuki to undergo aptitude tests to become an Evangelion pilot at first he was reluctant to leave his siblings but soon his sense of duty and the ever present lust to protect his country returned. By grim coincidence, or calculated risk, Kazuki was paired with the Evangelion Unit in which his mother died. [b]Defining Moment:[/b] Many believe that it was the death of Kazuki?s mother and his fathers long absences that drove him to grow up as fast as he did. But those close to him know that the true moment that has defined Kazuki was the birth of his brother and sister. It was in them that he saw the innocence and purity of human life and this feeling has been a driving force within him as long as they have been alive. His choice to protect them after his mothers passing further engrained this belief into him. Now that he is an Evangelion pilot he continually thinks of them while he trains and knows that it is for there sake, if nothing else, that he must prevent the Angels from enacted the Third Impact and destroy the human race.[/size][/color]
  6. [quote name='Outlaw']So are the only people invited to the RP those in the list. Or can anyone join. If so, I would love to join this one.[/quote] [color=teal][size=1]Well the way we've used the invites is to contact the people who were part of the "Knights of the Galactic Alliance" that Gavin did some time ago but it didn't take off. This is, for lack of a better word, a way for those who applied to that to have a second "Star Wars" RP and we also wanted a smaller number than applied to the original RP in order to keep a small even numbered group. I'll talk with Gav to see if he'd be happy with you joining and if so we'd need another player because we're currently on ten players, plus you would be eleven.[/size][/color]
  7. [color=teal][size=1]This is earlier than I thought I would post it but its finished so here it is, the leader of this little band. [center]~*~[/center] [b][u]Character Overview[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Asi-Mar-Umdal [b]Age:[/b] 33. [Cerean males age at twice the rate of Humans so he looks around 60.] [b]Species:[/b] Cerean. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://starwars.wikicities.com/images/6/6c/SenUdoMal.jpg] Click here[/url]. The clothes are also his standard Jedi garb but he does often utilise the large cloaks to hide his true identity. [b]Personality:[/b] Asi differs from other Cerean in that while he too has the inner calm and focus that most of his people possess he also has an emotional side and, what Jedi purists would call, a Dark Side. Rather than completely abandon his emotions Asi-Mar-Umdal feels he needs to keep them with him, not only for his family but also because he wants to use the Force as it should be and not just one point of view of it, such as the ?Light Side? of the Force. He is not a storm of emotion though as he uses his emotions in conjunction with his peoples common calm and analytical nature. In personal relationships Asi-Mar-Umdal can sometimes appear to distance himself from close relationships with fellow sentients as he does not wish to be connected with more people than he needs to be, the exceptions are his family and his Padawan. With others he always limits himself to acquaintance if need be. This often gives him the appearance of being aloof but he is merely protecting himself and others from emotional entanglements. However there are times when Asi can do something as rash and, apparently, random as Juyo. [b]General Overview:[/b] Asi-Mal-Umdals family has always been strong with the Force, his paternal Grandfather Umdal-Sen-Tue was a great Jedi in his time and ascended to the Council quickly for a Cerean. His father, Mal-Umdal-Sen too is a Jedi but he has not reached the Council, though he currently resides in the Temple teaching the Younglings. Many Jedi are without families and relations but as is traditional with Cerean Jedi all the males are allowed to be part of polygamous marriages due to the low birth rate on Cerea. After his birth Asi was watch closely by his father for any hint of Force prowess and he took routine midichlorian counts. By his seventh month Asi was taken by his father to the temple on Coruscant to begin his training. He seemed to have the same abilities as his father and some even likened him to his Grandfather. He seemed more attuned to the living Force and so he did not seemed as intent to learn of the aggressive side of the Force so he was educated in using the Force to benefit others as well as preventing combat with an opponent. On the other hand he showed a great aptitude for Lightsaber combat and he quickly overcame the basics of Shii-Cho and began practising with Makashi. By age eleven he had been chosen by Jedi Knight Heru Semper and the two became fast friends. During his Padawan training Asi gave up on Makashi and decided to study the rarely used Juyo form of Lightsaber combat. During his Knighthood Asi-Mar-Umdal went on many solo missions to the Expansionist region and often times to the outer rim. He did return to Cerea and take his first of four wives, his first child being a son named Lim-Asi-Mar and the rest of his children, for now, have been daughters. He took his Padawan fairly young and the too have become close friends in their time, it was due to their experience in the Expansionist region that the Council chose them as the ?lead? pair in their last mission before his Padawans Knighthood. [b][u]Jedi Overview[/u][/b] [b]Lightsaber Appearance:[/b] [url=http://www.nebulousdesigns.com/portfolio/3d/lightsaber_kamin_blue_claw_01.jpg]Click here[/url]. His design was inspired by that of his Grandfathers Lightsaber and the fact that his Lightsaber operates at different lengths requires the focusing prongs above the blade emitter. [b]Lightsaber Type:[/b] After completing his Padawan training Asi had already chosen to be a practioner of the seventh form of Lightsaber combat, but he felt that this form required a different type of Lightsaber rather than the standard type. His choice of a Dual Phase Lightsaber was because he liked to have the upper hand on his enemy while fighting, they would be far to focused on the outlandish style of Juyo to notice the sudden change in the Lightsabers length, and then it was too late. The fixed lengths for his Lightsabre are as follows, the ?standard? length is 2? 5? which is the length Asi operates the Lightsaber at whilst holding it idle or facing opponents with blaster based weapons. The secondary length is 1? 5?, this not only shortens the blades length but also increases its intensity so this length is more effective at surprising an enemy during Lightsaber combat and for cutting through various materials. [b]Lightsaber Crystals/Colour:[/b] The first Crystal that Asi-Mar-Umdal owned was the standard Mephite crystal from the Adgea system, it was the crystal used in his Padawan Lightsaber and produced a light blue colour when ignited. It was somewhat rare for Padawans to continue using their original Lightsaber crystal in their second Lightsaber but as Asi had chosen a Dual Phase Lightsaber he knew he needed to keep his first crystal. The second crystal was a Bondar crystal from the asteroid belt in the Alderaan system. This crystal created a deeper blue, almost green colour, so when his blade is ignited Asi-Mar-Umdal?s Lightsaber is Aquamarine. His Adgea crystal is the main part of his standard blade length while the Bondar crystal serves as the shorter length crystal, the Bondar crystal can also enable the Lightsaber to temporally stun the opponent. [b]Lightsaber Combat Style:[/b] Most of the Cerean Jedi prefer to use the second, third or fourth forms of Lightsaber combat due to the analytical nature of their binary brains. Asi-Mar-Umdal on the other hand prefers to use the highly complex seventh form know as Juyo. He is able to use the highly unpredictable Juyo in combination with his inner-calm and binary-brain to be a very formidable opponent. While Juyo is thought by many to be a release for the practioners Dark Side this is not the reason Asi chose to utilise this form. Juyo is Asi-Mar-Umdals answer to how he views the Force, he prefers to see it as a whole rather than separate so he channels his emotion and other ?Dark Side? forces into his Juyo combat so he can fully realise the power of the Force. [i]N/B: This form is used by Mace Windu but he made a variant called Vaapad so Asi-Mar-Umdal?s Juyo shouldn?t be confused with Windu?s Vaapad.[/i] [b]Favoured Force Powers:[/b] One of Asi-Mar-Umdals favoured powers is the ?Force Sight? power. He prefers this because not only does it enable him to track his quarry in darkness but can also limit the amount of Lightsaber combat he takes part in due to his element of surprise. In conjunction with ?Force Sight? he also uses ?Force Body? which allows him to use Force energy in tandem with his own life force thus giving him an edge in combat. His last primary force power is ?Force Stun? which he uses alongside his Bondar crystal blade to further incapacitate his enemy. [b]View of the Force:[/b] Asi-Mar-Umdal looks at the Force as one whole and dislikes the idea that it can be split into the Light and Dark side. With the Sith Wars still close in memory it is hard for him to vocalise these beliefs to his fellow Jedi as many view this way of thinking as some kind of heresy and a path to the ?Dark Side?. He does not admit this to his colleagues but there have been times when he has used a ?Dark Side? power to subdue an enemy, but he has never used them with the intent to kill. He has been trying to imbue this belief in his Padawan but he seems reluctant to do this as many of the young Jedi fear the path to the Dark Side because of the recent conflicts. [center]~*~[/center] I await the remaining sign-ups.[/size][/color]
  8. [QUOTE=KKC][size=1][color=deepskyblue] [b]Species[/b]: Whill.[/size][/color][/QUOTE] [color=teal][size=1]I assume by Whill you mean the unknown species of Yoda but it has been stated by Lucas himself that Yoda's species is still nameless, if you wish you can be Yoda's species but list it as "Unknown (Yoda's species)". Other than that KKC your sign-up is fine. Same goes to you Corey. If any of those invited to the RP are reading this thread and wondering what to do with your sign-ups we've decided that it's easier on the whole to post them here rather than PMing them back to Gavin or myself so please post them here and we'll review them. [i]Jokopoko N/B: The best sign-up scenario would be to have five Knights (I'm taking one of those spots) and five Padawans (Three of which are filled including Gavin). That way everyone can get the "rank" they're requesting. The figure of ten characters comes from my current understanding of who's elected to take part.[/i][/size][/color]
  9. [color=teal][size=1]I've got to be honest, at first I wasn't really that interested in this RP but luckily for you I've suddenly had an upsurge of "Mario-ness" injected into my system with the up-coming release of [b]"Mario Smash Football"[/b] (Now as "Super Mario Strikers") elsewhere I believe. Now that I'm up for joining this I have a question: Could Waluigi (Or Wario I suppose) take part in this as some kind of sabotage attempt to the Plumbing business, I know he and Luigi don't get along well but thats the beauty of it.[/size][/color]
  10. [CENTER][COLOR=CRIMSON][B][U]STAR WARS SHADES OF THE FORCE[/COLOR][/U][/B] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]~*~ THE DARK TIMES ARE OVER. THE SITH LORDS HAVE BEEN DEFEATED AND THE OLD REPUBLIC RESTORED TO A STATE OF PEACE AND PROSPERITY. THE DESTRUCTION WROUGHT BY LORD KAAN AND THE BROTHERHOOD OF DARKNESS A CENTURY AND A HALF EARLIER HAS FADED TO BUT A MEMORY, THE SCARS HEALED IN BOTH THE MINDS AND HEARTS OF THE CITIZENS OF THE REPUBLIC. IT IS A TIME OF REJUVENATION FOR THE JEDI ORDER. WITH THE SITH FINALLY DEFEATED, THE JEDI HAVE LAID DOWN THEIR BATTLE ARMOUR AND DISBANDED THEIR ARMIES. WITH THEIR FOCUS TURNED INWARDS, THE ORDER SEEKS TO TRULY UNDERSTAND WHAT IT IS TO BE JEDI. IN THE HOPE OF PROTECTING FUTURE PADAWAN FROM THE LURE OF THE DARK SIDE, THE ORDER HAS BEEN RECENTRED ON CORUSCANT AND ELECTED TO TRAIN YOUNGLINGS FROM BIRTH IN THE WAYS OF THE JEDI. UNFORTUNATELY SUCH RENEWED PROSPERITY IS NOT WITHOUT ITS DILEMMAS, AS SEVERAL SECTORS IN THE EXPANSIONIST REGION FLARE INTO INSTABILITY. DESPITE HAVING BEEN ESTABLISHED NEARLY 20,000 YEARS EARLIER THEIR EXPLOITATION BY CORPORATIONS HAS LEAD TO CONFLICT FINALLY ERUPTING IN THE BRAK SECTOR. IN RESPONSE THE CHANCELLOR WITH THE AID OF THE JEDI COUNCIL HAS DISPATCHED A SMALL GROUP OF JEDI KNIGHTS AND THEIR PADAWANS TO RESOLVE THE HOSTILITIES... ~*~[/CENTER] This is the Underground thread for those involved in the Star Wars RP from Gavin and myself. I realise that I left out any links to handy info sites in the PMs so I apologise for that and give you this link to [b][url=http://starwars.wikicities.com/wiki/Main_Page]Wookiepedia[/url][/b] which will give you plenty of information on Lightsabers, the seven styles, Force Powers and more. You can also use this thread to do the usual Underground stuff such as asking about the main storyline behind the RP, how the pairs will function and so on. As said in the story section of the PM that this is going to take place in the Brak sector so here's the article on the [b][url=http://starwars.wikicities.com/wiki/Brak_Sector]Brak Sector[/url][/b] from Wookiepedia. So any questions or comments you'd like to make on the RP are welcome here. The list of all people invited to this RP are as follows: [list] [*][strike]Zidargh[/strike] [*]Ozymandius Jones [*]Imi [*]Yoda [*]Corey [*]KKC [*]Revelation [*][strike]^.^ [*]Lrb [*]Sean[/strike] [*]StarrStruck [*]Unborn Lord Xion [/list][/size][/color]
  11. [SIZE=1][COLOR=TEAL]Greetings all, I've been reading my Hyperion Omnibus again and I have asked almost all of my friends who read and no one else has heard of Dan Simmons, let alone the Hyperion Cantos. So if anyone else on OB is a fan of the works of Dan Simmons or just the Hyperion books please respond to this thread so I can have decent discussion about the books :D. [I]N/B:[/I] The books in the Hyperion Cantos are as follows: [list] [*]Hyperion [*]The Fall of Hyperion [*]Endymion [*]The Rise of Endymion [/list][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. Jokopoko


    [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]It had been a few hours since Kei?s phone call and Jonah had moved on from the last city, he was on his way home to do a last minute check of things before he left for America and the Pokémon Showdown being done out there. He was roughly a mile and a half from his home when he stowed his fold-up bike into his bag deciding to walk the rest of the way. As sods law predicted the sky gradually grew greyer as he walked down the country path then as his house came into view the rain started, not just a little drizzle but full force English summer rain. Jonah stood there for a few moments letting the rain wake him up slightly before reaching for his Pokéball. ?Farcaster, go!? He called out as the Pokéball flew from his hand and deposited his first Pokémon. ?Cast! Castform!? Farcaster said as he enjoyed his freedom, Jonah indulged him for a time before getting him under control. ?Alright Farcaster, use Sunny Day if you don?t mind.? Jonah looked up as his Castform as it glowed brightly and summoned the Sun and sending the rain to return to another day, not wanting to recall Farcaster Jonah allowed him to fly around as he walked up to his house. [I]?First things first?[/I] thought Jonah as he walked up to his room. Quickly changing out of his still wet clothes he began packing the things he?d missed after the initial pack, he also released his Pokémon so they could have some form of exercise before he had to stow them away for a while as he travelled. Harlequin went straight to her sleeping area that was in the kitchen, unusually for her she seemed overly tired compared to the other two, but then gain Jonah had been using her more in the merges than the other two. Strongarm, as usual, hung serenely in the air as he observed Jonah pack his things and Farcaster was continually zipping around the house. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] It was reaching midday and Jonah had finished his packing, he was now getting a quick lunch together before leaving. ?...and in Pokémon related news there is still reports of further Pokémon kidnappings but in the European professional circuit the Irish Champion has been declared. After an exhilarating match James Griffin came through and claimed the trophy as his own.? Jonah turned the radio off and started to slowly eat his sandwich as a thought entered his mind. [I]?Seems that James is back to his old self, don?t suppose it would hurt to pay him a visit...see if he?s interested in going to America with the rest of us.[/I] Ten minutes later, Pokémon in their Pokeballs and bag on his back Jonah set out for America, with a quick stop of in Ireland along the way.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=TEAL][B]Name:[/B] Damien Kaye. [B]Age:[/B] 19. [B]Power:[/B] [I] Marvel Character - Sunfire[/I] Brightwind is a mutant with the power to ionize matter (usually air) through a mentally triggered unknown biochemical process so that it is converted to plasma, the super-heated state of matter. Plasma is the state in which matter making up the sun exists; hence, Brightwind refers to his projecting "solar fire." Brightwind can generate plasma temperatures which reach about 1,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit at maximum level. Brightwind can temporarily exhaust his power by using it for too long a time, or at too high a level. The amount of the time he needs to rebuild his power depends on the extent to which he has used it. For example, achieving his maximum temperature would immediately exhaust his powers, and he would need an unspecified number of hours to rebuild his powers to their normal level. Brightwind can use his powers to create super-heated air currents which push him forward through the air, enabling him to fly. Sometimes this super-heated air is visible as a trail of flame behind Brightwind. The upper limit to the speed Brightwind can achieve in flight is not yet known. It is unknown whether Brightwind emits radiation when he utilizes his power. If he does, he is protected from at least its short-range effects by a psionic force field which automatically comes into being whenever Brightwind uses his power. The force field protects Brightwind from the intense heat he generates, as well as from air friction, and also prevents excessive amounts of light from the plasma from reaching his eyes so as to blind or damage them. Brightwind could be harmed by heat from another source if he was taken by surprise, and if he was not using his plasma powers at the time. Brightwind's force field is sufficiently powerful to protect him from powerful quasi-solar optic blasts. It is not known whether it can protect him from solid objects. [B]Codename:[/B] Brightwind. [B]Appearance: [URL=http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/GMWoolvett/Gord3.jpg]Click here.[/URL][/B] [I]N/B: When Damien?s powers become active his eyes start crackling with the energy released and his hair becomes vertical.[/I] [B]Personality:[/B] On the surface Damien is one of those ?average-Joe-by-day? heroes who isn?t anything incredible or amazing in his civilian life. Underneath however his has emotional turmoil as a result of his abilities. When he isn?t concentrating on the task at hand he is worrying about people discovering his true identity and exposing him. His ?normal? personality is a quiet individual, you could call him average, who would go the extra mile for friends and family if they need him, he can be deeply caring and when he gets angry it is only for short stints, it is never a prolonged thing. Interestingly when his power becomes active his whole personality changes and he really becomes Brightwind. Gone is the quiet unassuming person and in his place is a loud and sometimes over confident alter ego who is also much more aggressive than the civilian. Brightwind often gets into trouble but given the extremeness of his power he can easily get himself out of it. It is due to his power that makes this element of Damien so over confident in almost any situation. Both of these sides however do share the caring for friends and family, both also have a respect for life and the Brightwind persona will try to keep his quarry alive so they can be dealt with by the authorities instead of killing them. [B]Biography:[/B] Born just before the digital age Damien?s early life was always about convenience and getting what he wanted immediately, no waiting involved. This wasn?t Damien?s choice however; his father was a high flyer in Electronics Company so it was very likely that the latest technology was around in Damien?s house sometime before its general release, from the cordless phone right up to the latest generation of mp3 players. His mother was a house-wife in the most strained use of the term, she did not have a job but nor did she stay at home much at all because as soon as Damien?s farther had earned the money his mother was out spending it. Of course his parents loved Damien as any parents would love their child but their way of showing it was for Damien to have many gifts and to make sure he was cared for round the clock, even if it wasn?t by them. So most of his early childhood was spent having fun with other adults, or staying over at his friends houses but rarely did he spend ?quality time? with his mother and father. By the time Damien was of schooling age he was sent straight to the best boarding school in England, nothing but the best for the son of Alan and Sarah Kaye. The change from his life of convenience and luxury was immediately noticeable, even at his young age. It was this sudden change in lifestyle and the stark difference between his parents and the teachers that started Damien down the path of becoming more closed in on himself rather than the active youngster he had once been. He wasn?t highly gifted at academia but he wasn?t terrible at it either so he was always comfortably average within his class. He wasn?t as fortunate in sports though, he hated these lessons because the teachers always expected the students to be better than the rest because of their privileged status. After Damien turned ten his fathers business took a turn for the worst and ended up being brought out by a rival which then fired him. The first thing to leave the house was his mother, with no money to spend she suddenly lost interest in Alan Kaye and her son, gradually everything Damien knew and loved about his house disappeared until they were forced to move into a two bedroom flat. Obviously Damien needed to leave his private school life behind him and enrol in the local school. As the months went on his father got more and more depressed as he couldn?t find work and started taking unemployment benefits. All the while Damien turned a blind eye to this trying to focus on his studies and friends, keeping his private life and public life separate. But unfortunately this couldn?t last for ever. Ever since his mother left something had been building up inside of Damien, not another side exactly but part of him that had grown enough to be considered a separate entity and this other side was linked to his mutation that had not yet come to the surface. After a particularly bad night of drinking his father stumbled into his room and began blaming him for everything that had happened, as the verbal abuse grew the thing that had been growing inside of Damien burst out and Brightwind came into the world. Before he could reign in his powers Brightwind had set his flat ablaze with super-heated plasma and his father had collapsed quickly from the effects of the alcohol coupled with the intense heat given off by the blaze. After using his flight to escape the burning building Brightwind sank back into Damien?s psyche for the time being and Damian returned, so to speak. Damien was sixteen at the time and had just recently sat his GCSE examinations so he had nothing to tie him down to his current home so he took off that night and hasn?t been back to see his father since. The last three years of his life have been spent making a living in various cities across England but his paranoia about being discovered as a mutant causes Damien to move every few months to ensure his identity remains a secret.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=CRIMSON][SIZE=3][CENTER][B][U]Beast Wars[/B][/U][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][I]Fight for Gaia[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]~*~ Several weeks ago the Maximal Council of Elders dispatched the science vessel Axalon to pursue and capture the renegade Predacon ship commanded by the rebel known as Megatron. The last report from the commander of the mission, Optimus Primal, stated that the Axalon was preparing to intercept the Predacon ship. Since that time there has been no contact between the Axalon and the Council of Elders. It was thought by the Council that the Axalon had failed and that she, along with her crew, had been destroyed by Megatron and he had been able to escape Maximal custody. Weighing their options carefully the Council agreed that they should dispatch a second vessel to bring Megatron in and to discover the fate of the Axalon. Command of this vessel was given to seasoned veteran Sabre Prime and his team, the reason for choosing Sabre Prime was that many believe Primal had failed because of his lack of combat experience. The Tripredacus Council also had access to the information and possible demise of both ships. While the Council publicly denounced Megatron as a traitor they had heard of his plans to gather enough Energon to replenish the Predacon forces and take control of Cybertron. At their command a ship was dispatched to follow the Maximal vessel but not to engage them. Unfortunately for the Tripredacus Council, the commander of the vessel, an associate of Megatron, plans to dispose of the Maximals and follow Megatron to aide him in his mission. The Maximals sent out their ship, the Hyperion, to the last know location of the previous vessels, and they were followed by the Predacon ship Shrike. As the Maximals neared the area of Transwarp space the Predacons opened fire, as they two ships battled they entered the Transwarp anomaly and were thrown across time and space. Finally the two ships fell out of the anomaly and were deposited in the far future on the planet Gaia. Damaged and unsure where they are the two sides adopt Beast modes to disguise themselves. Neither side knows what planet they are on but there is a mysterious energy source, unlike anything they have seen before, which prevents them from using their Robot forms for to long. ~*~[/CENTER] [I]N/B: This RP has no connection with Armada, Energon or Cybertron/[/I] Clearly this RP is based on the Transformers series ?Beast Wars? but with a difference. As you all know the sequel to ?Beast Wars? was ?Beast Machines? where Cybertron was reformatted along with the populace. However before this series there were two Japanese series made that took place around the same time as ?Beast Wars? so the whole Techno-Organic story arc hadn?t entered into. The main inspiration for this RP comes from ?Beast Wars the Second? but you don?t need to have watched it to understand this RP. As you would expect we?ll be playing the Maximals and the Predacons. All of your characters must be original and not based off of characters from the other ?Beast Wars? series or the ?Beast Machines? series, so no Cheetors or Terrorsaurs running around. The basic set up is similar to that of ?Beast Wars? but we?re not on Earth in the past so no digging up Autobots or Decepticons while we go about our business. Before you ask the mysterious energy source is not Energon OR Super-Energon. The RP structure will play out like previous Transformer series in that the Chapters will be referred to as episodes (Regardless of their length) and only certain characters will post in each chapter but there may be some chapters which involve all characters. The only reserved characters are Sabre Prime (myself) and the Predacon leader (Lady Katana), there are four positions available for each side making it a five-aside deal. If you have any questions please ask them in the forthcoming Underground Thread. [CENTER]~*~ [B][U]Character Profile Sheet[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] [Keep in line with Transformer naming.] [B]Allegiance:[/B] [Maximals or Predacons.] [B]Function:[/B] [Your primary function, I.E. Strategist or Scout etc.] [B]Beast mode:[/B] [What alt. mode has your character adopted?] [B]Weapons:[/B] [You?re allowed up to three weapons.] [B]Height:[/B] [Keep between 6ft and 8ft seeing as Maximals and Predacons are smaller than Autobots and Decepticons.] [B]Quote:[/B] [As with all Transformers your character requires a motto which sums up their take on life and beliefs.] [B]Profile:[/B] [Detail your characters history, personality and anything else you?d like in this section.] [B]Abilities:[/B] [All Transformers have unique abilities; you can also describe your weapons.] [B]Weaknesses:[/B] [All Transformers have a weakness, there is no such thing as an invincible Transformer.] [B]Sample Post:[/B] [The situation is that you and your Team Mates are on a scouting mission that gets ambushed, you take it from there.] [CENTER]~*~ [B][U]Sabre Prime Character Profile[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Sabre Prime. [B]Allegiance:[/B] Maximals. [B]Function:[/B] Maximal Supreme Commander. [B]Beast mode:[/B] Sabre-Toothed Tiger. [B]Weapons[/B] [I]Primary Weapon:[/I] Typhoon Blaster. [I]Secondary Weapon:[/I] Sabre Missiles. [I]Tertiary Weapon:[/I] Energon Sword. [B]Height:[/B] 7ft 3ins. [B]Quote:[/B] ?I will protect the freedom of the Galaxy until the day I die and after that I will have no regrets." [B]Profile:[/B] Sabre Prime is a pure hearted Maximal soldier. He was chosen by the Maximal Elders to pursue the renegade Megatron and to discover the fate of the Axalon and her crew. Sabre Prime is a fearless leader and a noble warrior. His Maximal soldiers obey his every order and treat him with the utmost respect. He is an expert tactician and can form battle strategies in the blink of an eye which can grasp victory from the jaws of defeat. He would gladly give his life if it would ensure the safety of his troops and of Cybertron. Now on the Planet Gaia he is faced with a new challenge, he must defeat the Predacon forces and prevent them from gaining access to this mysterious energy that seems to be coursing through the planet. In the aftermath of the crash Prime was badly damaged and separated from his comrades but he was dragged to safety by a sabre-toothed tiger who took him to a vein of the energy which restored him, his idento-computer then scanned the creature and Sabre Prime adopted it as his Beast Mode. [B]Abilities:[/B] Sabre Prime is one of the most powerful Maximals in the history of Cybertron. In beast mode he becomes a powerful sabre-toothed tiger capable of achieving high speeds and stalking enemies in absolute silence. In robot mode Sabre Prime has a plethora of special attacks. His trademark attack is his Typhoon Blaster. With the tiger head on his right shoulder he can generate a powerful burst of wind that can overpower nearly any foe and send them hurtling uncontrollably in the opposite direction. Sabre Prime can also draw a sword from subspace for close range combat. He is also capable of extending his beast modes fangs out of his shoulders and fire them as a powerful set of missiles to blow opponents away. He carries with him a Maximal Matrix of Leadership with which he can communicate with previous Supreme Commanders and ask them for their advice. [B]Weaknesses:[/B] Sabre Prime is a fearless and battle-hardened warrior. He has a great respect for life and nature. He will openly sacrifice himself for the safety of others, especially his own men. The Predacons are more than aware of this and attempt to take advantage of this flaw at all instances. If he is for any reason separated from his Matrix he may not be able to function well as the Supreme Commander.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][I]N/B:[/I] Before I start I want to say that this will have no connection at all to the new Transformers Universe from the Armada/Energon/Cybertron series. The only connection will be with Generation One, Beast Wars and Beast Machines. Alrighty then, it's been a while since OtakuBoards had a Transformers RPG and I've been thinking about doing one for a while and I've had several ideas but before I try it out I'd like to see what people think of Transformers and if they'd be interested in it. [I][U]Idea #1:[/U][/I] Might not be the most inspired idea but I was thinking of just doing a redo of the original series but with our own characters so no name rehashes or anything like that. [I][U]Idea #2:[/U][/I] Somewhat more inspired. Based after the ending of Beast Machines, a group of Transformers aren't that happy about being Techno-Organic and want to reclaim their machine-ness. They steal a shuttle and go off looking for a planet where they can regain their former forms and such, they are followed by another group but before they can capture them they both crash land of this highly urbanised planet and so need to become mecha and vehicles once more to disguise themselves. Like Beast Wars in reverse, heh. So tell me what you think. [I]Joko[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. Jokopoko


    [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Jonah Harris was sitting in the café section of the Local Pokémon Centre calmly drinking some tea whilst his Pokémon ate their Poké Food around him. All through the Centre there as a buzz as the trainers, old and new, were discussing the start of the new season in the PFL and all of them harbouring dreams of becoming the newest champion. This buzz served as a welcome distraction for Jonah because of his status as a well know trainer it was rare he could come into a Pokémon Centre without being swamped, even by the staff. Just as he was finishing his tea the television in the café switched to a news bulletin, more stolen Pokémon. ?...the trainer said that she was going about her business with her Pokémon going about their usual training exercises in preparation for the start of the new season within the League when she was attacked and upon regaining consciousness discovered her Pokémon had vanished.? What followed was a list and description of the trainers Pokémon. Jonah set his tea cup down and called to his Pokémon to return to their Pokeballs, and one by one they disappeared in a flash of white light. Leaving the pay and a tip on the table Jonah got up from his table and walked out into the city. ?This is shaping up to be one interesting year.? He said quietly to himself before his Merger watch notified him that he had an incoming call. Checking the caller ID he felt a smile creep across his face before responding to the call. ?Well good afternoon Kei...?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. Jokopoko


    [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]After a little more talking with Lady K we've decided this for the Pokémon attacks and abilites. Like the anime your Pokémon can use any attack they can learn as well as use their special ability as introduced in the 3rd Generation games. For a detailed entry about your Pokémon vist this website, [URL=http://www.upnetwork.net/pokedex/Gen3.shtml]Click here[/URL][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]Before I post my bio I'd just like to point out to both Sakure and DW that this is based after the Great Flood covered Hyrule so the land itself is no longer known by those living in the Great Sea so you're not able to come from there I'm afraid. I can't say whos in or out at this point because I need to talk to Sean and Kayin about it. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Aquila. [B]Gender:[/B] Male. [B]Age:[/B] 23. [B]Race:[/B] Rito. [B]Appearance:[/B] As with most Rito if you looked at Aquila before getting to know him you would be fairly intimidated standing at roughly 5? 9?. His skin is light brown in colour, his eyes are bright red and his hair in contrast is white, the length of his hair is always kept constant but he often covers it up with the traditional head-dress of his people. When his is not using his wings they are part of his arms and appear to be white like his hair, when they are flung out they have a great span and are brown in colour. His beak is a darker colour than most other Rito and also sticks out slightly more which he sometimes gets embarrassed about. The position of his eyebrows make it seem as if he has a permanent scowl but in truth Aquila, like most Rito, is a kind soul with a tough exterior. His clothes are most often those of his tribe, purple in colour with a red trim running around the edges of the fabric but sometimes he will don less conspicuous clothes if he needs to go places in secret. [B]Background/Biography:[/B] Aquila was born, like most of his tribe, on Dragon Roost Island far to the east in the Great Sea. The Great Sea itself was still considered young by the Races of the world and the Rito were slowly adjusting to the previous lowlanders living on the same level as them. His father was one of the original founding members of the Rito Postal Service, he devised it as a way for the Rito to get to know the new Races better and to form friendships or alliances, and his mother was one of the attendants for the great Sky Dragon Valoo. So it was that Aquila grew in a fairly exciting time for the Rito Tribe and he eagerly waited for the day that he could get his wings from Valoo and travel the Great Sea along with his father and the rest of the postal service. During his Chick years he had some unfortunate encounters with the local plant life (Bomb Flowers) but this did not cause him to dislike these strange things rather he had a new respect for them and began thinking up ways in which he could make the flowers more stable and make them easier to use for the Rito Tribe because their Island home was still cluttered with Rocks from the shifting tides of the Great Sea. When he did come of age and was granted a scale from Valoo he was no longer as enchanted with the Postal Service as he once was though he did join, he was happier working with explosive devices which he used to help his tribe and the other people of the Great Sea. He is always know to carry a few of his smaller hand-held bombs handy in case he runs into Pirate vessels or needs to make a quick escape from a Bokoblin watch tower in the Great Sea. [B]Personality:[/B] The concept on Honour and Loyalty is central to the beliefs of the Rito tribe and this is not different with Aquila. Once he has made a promise to a friend he will always follow through regardless of what he has to go through. He is very proud of his heritage and guards all of his personal belongings fiercely. Strangely for a Rito he does have a sense of humour, or at least something like it, what he find funny will often confuse or sometimes offend others not of his own Race. Not having a lot of experience with the other Races of the great Sea aside from delivering their mail, Aquila feels disorientated in places with many foreign faces, such Windfall Island. Since he was a Chick Aquila has had a slight phobia of enclosed spaces so it is not good for him to travel with others into Caverns or other places like it. [B]Primary Weapon:[/B] The Gauntlets of Varuna. [B]Secondary Weapon:[/B] Various explosive devices (Bombs etc) [B]Items:[/B] Grappling Hook, Delivery Bag and Treasure Map. [B]Starting Point:[/B] Dragon Roost Island.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=TEAL][B]Name:[/B] Jonah Harris [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Nationality:[/B] British [England] [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.gaming-media.com/rpg/atlc/Artwork/valhart-1.jpg]Clicky[/URL] [Minus the sword of course ^^;;] [B]Pokémon[/B] Castform [Farcaster] Houndoom [Harlequin] Metang [Strongarm] [B]Biography:[/B] To say that Jonah has had a normal life would, by any stretch of the imagination, be a lie. He has born in Portsmouth and for as long as he could recall, he was told his family had a strong connection with the sea, as his ancestors had been in the Royal Navy and fought in the wars of the past. While his family still had connections with the sea in his life time it was for a different purpose, his parents were Pokémon scientists who were working with mainly Water-type Pokémon for the government, looking for various ways that the Pokémon could be used to aid the Navy, but not in a military sense, as such practices had been considered cruelty to animals. So Jonah?s earliest memories of Pokémon were happy ones because he was often allowed to play with the first-stage Pokémon because they were much easier to tame, such as Azurills and Horseas. As he grew so did his interest in Pokémon, gradually changing from the traditional view of wanting to be a trainer as many children to more of a benign role, such as studying them in the wild. He had owned several Pokémon as a child but they weren?t truly his as they had been caught by his father for him and he wasn?t allowed to keep them if they evolved to a more powerful form, like his Krabby. The first time he caught a Pokémon for his own was when he was seventeen. His father had asked to come on a research gathering mission sent out to find one of the most elusive Pokémon in history, the Castform breed. Many felt that if they were able to find out how Castform could control the weather then they would be closer to doing it themselves and be able to prevent disasters caused by violent weather. When the boat Jonah was on found itself caught in a violent storm he was one of the ones who was flung from the boat into the water, he didn?t panic though but he was wary of losing sight of the boat but that was before he saw a small silhouette against a flash of light. As he swam through the waves he saw that it was a young Castform that appeared to having some kind of fit, acting quickly he flung his only Pokéball toward it and as it vanished in a flash of light the storm abruptly stopped. When he and his father returned to the research facility in Portsmouth, they saw that this Castform was too young to have a full reign over its weather-controlling abilities so it was not suitable for study, it therefore remained with Jonah. It took a long time for the Castform (which Jonah named Farcaster) to trust its trainer, but eventually Jonah gained the trust of the little Pokémon and soon abandoned the life of a researcher and became a trainer. During these early days, it was just Jonah and Farcaster, the reason being Jonah didn?t feel the need for anymore Pokémon as Farcaster was strong enough on its own. However, experience began to show him that he required more Pokémon, so he took a break from training to capture and train some more Pokémon. What he finished with was a female Houndour which he named Harlequin and a Beldum which he named Strongarm. After a few years out of the Pokémon Battle Commission, he re-entered the tournament with a far stronger team which was able to see him to the semi-finals on several occasions. When rolled by Jonah was a well-known and respected trainer within the Commission and they asked him to become one of their trainer liaisons for a few years which he readily agreed to. While he is still able to take part in the tournament, he is also required to serve as a guide for the new trainers in their first tournament with the new Pokémon Fighting League.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=TEAL][CENTER][B][U]The Tempest Stones[/B] [I]Beneath the Waves[/I][/U] ~*~[/CENTER] [I]Sorry about before, I haven't posted in the Underground for a while[/I] Greetings all, this first post is just listing the information for the RP that would have clogged up the recruitment thread. If you have any questions about the RP, ideas and so on feel free to post them here. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] [U]The Gods and Goddess[/U] [B]Ahti[/B] ? God of the Ocean, known to be calm and wrathful. [B]Yaw[/B] ? God of Ice, aloof and detached from the other Gods. [B]Paricia[/B] ? God of the Tides, noted for his ever changing attitudes. [B]Nereus[/B] ? God of the Waves, often quiet and unimportant but always there. [B]Varuna[/B] ? Goddess of Storms, highly emotional. [B]Tlaloc[/B] ? God of the Rivers, the peacemaker God. [B]Kura-Okami[/B] ? Goddess of the Rain, bringer of calm. [U]The Tempest Stones[/U] [B]Ocean[/B] ? Sapphire of Ahti. [B]Ice[/B] ? Opal of Yaw. [B]Tides[/B] ? Emerald of Paricia. [B]Waves[/B] ? Ruby of Nereus. [B]Storm[/B] ? Crystal of Varuna. [B]Rivers[/B] ? Pearl of Tlaloc. [B]Rain[/B] ? Diamond of Kura-Okami. [U]The Weapons[/U] [B]Sword[/B] ? Weapon of Ahti, power to control the waters of the Ocean. [B]Bow[/B] ? Weapon of Yaw, spreads the power of Ice and can freeze even the strongest flame. [B]Trident[/B] ? Weapon of Paricia, controls the Tides and can force items/people away or bring them closer. [B]Shield[/B] ? Weapon of Nereus, can deflect almost any weapon or magic. [B]Gauntlets[/B] ? Weapons of Varuna, the left hand of Lightning and the right hand of Thunder. [B]Whip[/B] ? Weapon of Tlaloc, can bring water from the ground wherever it can be found. [B]Flute[/B] ? Weapon of Kura-Okami, summons the rain to revitalise. [U]The Races[/U] [B]Hylian[/B] ? Favoured of Ahti, wields the Sapphire and Sword. [B]Sheikah[/B] ? Favoured of Yaw, wields the Opal and Bow. [B]Hyrulean[/B] ? Favoured of Paricia, wields the Emerald and Trident. [B]Goron[/B] ? Favoured of Nereus, wields the Ruby and Shield. [B]Rito[/B] ? Favoured of Varuna, wields the Crystal and Gauntlets. [B]Deku[/B] ? Favoured of Tlaloc, wields the Pearl and Whip. [B]Korok[/B] ? Favoured of Kura-Okami, wields the Diamond and Flute. [U]Island Homes[/U] [B]Hylians[/B] ? Outset Island and Windfall Island. [B]Sheikah[/B] ? Outset Island and Windfall Island. [B]Hyrulean[/B] ? Crescent Moon Island and Windfall Island. [B]Goron[/B] ? Stonewatcher Island. [B]Rito[/B] ? Dragon Roost Island. [B]Deku[/B] ? Forbidden Forest. [B]Korok[/B] ? Forest Haven.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [FONT=ARIAL][SIZE=2][CENTER][B][U]The Tempest Stones[/B] [I]Beneath the Waves[/I][/U] ~*~[/CENTER] Greetings all, this first post is just listing the information for the RP that would have clogged up the recruitment thread. If you have any questions about the RP, ideas and so on feel free to post them here. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] [U]The Gods and Goddess[/U] [B]Ahti[/B] ? God of the Ocean, known to be calm and wrathful. [B]Yaw[/B] ? God of Ice, aloof and detached from the other Gods. [B]Paricia[/B] ? God of the Tides, noted for his ever changing attitudes. [B]Nereus[/B] ? God of the Waves, often quiet and unimportant but always there. [B]Varuna[/B] ? Goddess of Storms, highly emotional. [B]Tlaloc[/B] ? God of the Rivers, the peacemaker God. [B]Kura-Okami[/B] ? Goddess of the Rain, bringer of calm. [U]The Tempest Stones[/U] [B]Ocean[/B] ? Sapphire of Ahti. [B]Ice[/B] ? Opal of Yaw. [B]Tides[/B] ? Emerald of Paricia. [B]Waves[/B] ? Ruby of Nereus. [B]Storm[/B] ? Crystal of Varuna. [B]Rivers[/B] ? Pearl of Tlaloc. [B]Rain[/B] ? Diamond of Kura-Okami. [U]The Weapons[/U] [B]Sword[/B] ? Weapon of Ahti, power to control the waters of the Ocean. [B]Bow[/B] ? Weapon of Yaw, spreads the power of Ice and can freeze even the strongest flame. [B]Trident[/B] ? Weapon of Paricia, controls the Tides and can force items/people away or bring them closer. [B]Shield[/B] ? Weapon of Nereus, can deflect almost any weapon or magic. [B]Gauntlets[/B] ? Weapons of Varuna, the left hand of Lightning and the right hand of Thunder. [B]Whip[/B] ? Weapon of Tlaloc, can bring water from the ground wherever it can be found. [B]Flute[/B] ? Weapon of Kura-Okami, summons the rain to revitalise. [U]The Races[/U] [B]Hylian[/B] ? Favoured of Ahti, wields the Sapphire and Sword. [B]Sheikah[/B] ? Favoured of Yaw, wields the Opal and Bow. [B]Hyrulean[/B] ? Favoured of Paricia, wields the Emerald and Trident. [B]Goron[/B] ? Favoured of Nereus, wields the Ruby and Shield. [B]Rito[/B] ? Favoured of Varuna, wields the Crystal and Gauntlets. [B]Deku[/B] ? Favoured of Tlaloc, wields the Pearl and Whip. [B]Korok[/B] ? Favoured of Kura-Okami, wields the Diamond and Flute. [U]Island Homes[/U] [B]Hylians[/B] ? Outset Island and Windfall Island. [B]Sheikah[/B] ? Outset Island and Windfall Island. [B]Hyrulean[/B] ? Crescent Moon Island and Windfall Island. [B]Goron[/B] ? Stonewatcher Island. [B]Rito[/B] ? Dragon Roost Island. [B]Deku[/B] ? Forbidden Forest. [B]Korok[/B] ? Forest Haven.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  22. [SIZE=2][COLOR=CRIMSON][CENTER][B][U]The Legend of Zelda The Tempest Stones[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=TEAL]~*~ Long ago, before the awakening of Din, Farore and Nayru and the forging of Hyrule all that existed was the Sacred Realm. In that time there were four Gods and two Goddesses who resided within the Sacred Realm peacefully for as long as they could remember. Each of these deities had ties to the Waters of the world yet to come; after Hyrule was created they would bring forth the water and give life to this new land. However this was yet to come and so they choose to remain in a transitional state within the Realm until they were required to take on physical bodies in the new world. Their peace was not to last, an evil deity known as Hoa?Ar entered the Sacred Realm and demanded that they turn over the power of water to him. The deities resisted and war came to the Sacred Realm. During the conflict one of Hoa?Ars minions quickly saw that it was a loosing battle being fought by his Master and changed his allegiance to the Water deities. With this betrayal the war was quickly ended as Hoa?Ars lieutenant gave the Water deities the secrets of his former Master which they use against him. During the conflict Din, Farore and Nayru were awoken by the battles and descended upon the unshaped world that was to be Hyrule. As this world was born the war within the Sacred Realm ended and then it was time for the Water deities to come down upon Hyrule and bring life to it though their powers. In order to contain the threat of Hoa?Ar the seven encased him within a magical prison and cast him far from the land of Hyrule into the great ocean beyond and they retired to the Sacred Realm after their work had been done. As the deities rested within the Sacred Realm the world of Hyrule flourished and many Races came to live within its safety. Though all was not well and an evil force came to power in Hyrule, while one of the inhabitants of the land known as The Hero of Time was able to defeat this evil it returned a second time and all of Hyrule was to put to fire and sword. Still the water deities slept on but the three Golden Goddesses heard the prayers of the Races if Hyrule who were under attack by the evil force. In a effort to keep the evil away from the sacred land of Hyrule and awaken the water deities the Goddesses brought a great flood to cover all of Hyrule. This act forever removed Hyrule from the world and served to awaken the water deities as looked upon a world filled with their power. They descended upon the world and gave the inhabitants the Seven Tempest Stones which had the power of the waters within them should the deities ever be defeated. And all was well in the Great Sea, or so it seemed. ~*~[/CENTER] Welcome one and all to the latest ?Legend of Zelda? RP to grace OtakuBoards for a long while. This RP is going to be a little different than most Zelda RPs mainly because we?re (That is myself, Sean and Kayin) aren?t going to allow players to sign up as Link because this is set somewhere between OOT and TWW, the time scale we?re using places those two games 800 years apart so the Great Sea hasn?t been fully explored by the people yet. As we are not using a Link character and other standards of a Zelda game we have some things we?d like to point out: [LIST] [*]There are going to be seven characters. [*]There can only be one character too a Race. [I.E. One Hylian, one Rito and so on] [*]Each character has a specific weapon; these will be explained in the Underground. [*]Items such as the Ocarina of Time may not be used in the RP unless otherwise started in the Underground thread. [/LIST] As I said there are only seven character spots in this RP, four when taking myself and the other two creators into account. The way these places work are one character of each Race and each character represents one of the Water Deities (Explained in the Underground) so you may be asking which Races we?re using: [LIST] [*]Hylian [Sean] [*]Hyrulean [*]Sheikah [Kayin] [*]Goron [*]Rito [Jokopoko] [*]Korok [*]Deku [/LIST] As you can see we?ve separated the races of Hylians and Hyruleans because there is a difference between the two; Hylians are more like Humans in that they?re physically strong but not good with magic whereas Hyruleans are more like Elves in that they?re at as strong but much more attuned to magic. The only other race that will be different are the Deku because we?re having them more like the Deku from ?Majora?s Mask? but they look more Human nowadays because they?ve evolved somewhat. [B]N/B:[/B] For the Korok character you may, if you wish, have them take on the appearance of a Kokiri because they're around other races again. Like most Zelda RPs it is recommended that you have played the games that the RP is based on. In this case ?The Ocarina of Time?, ?Majora?s Mask? and ?The Wind Waker? are recommended though MM is really only for the Deku character because that game has the Deku as we are representing them. The information about the Water Deities and characters etc will be put in the Underground Thread which is going to go up sometime later today, I think that?s everything covered but if you need some more information feel free to PM me. [I]PS: The story is deliberately unfinished because the story is sort of a secret right now[/I] [CENTER]~*~ [B][U]Sign-up Sheet[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] [Make it appropriate to the Race] [B]Gender:[/B] [Male/Female] [B]Age:[/B] [Anywhere from 12 to 30, does not apply to Korok] [B]Race:[/B] [Pick from the list] [B]Appearance:[/B] [Descriptions only please, no pictures of in game characters] [B]Background/Biography:[/B] [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Primary Weapon:[/B] [Find this in the Underground but you cannot wield it just yet] [B]Secondary Weapon:[/B] [This is the weapon you start the RP with] [B]Items:[/B] [These can be items from the game, but cannot be used by ?The Hero of Time] [B]Starting Point:[/B] [Look in the Underground thread for the Races Islands] [I]PS: My, Kayin?s and Sean?s sign-ups will come shortly[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [SIZE=1][COLOR=TEAL][B]Code Name / Call Sign:[/B] Sun Forge. [B]Gender:[/B] Male. [B]Location:[/B] England. [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Personal Appearance: [URL=http://images.usatoday.com/news/health/spotlighthealth/2003/03-10-noah-wyle-inside.jpg]Click here[/URL][/B] Sun Forges build is the average for a man of his age but not as developed as most because his power is more suited to long range attacks, however he can go into close combat though he is still relying upon his power. He stands roughly between 5? 6? and 5? 7?. His ?civilian? attire is generally what ever is fashionable at the time but very understated so he does not stand out in a crowd. His ?hero? attire is not really clothing but is generated by his power. When using his power his civilian clothes disappear under the ?energy suit? which covers his body whilst his power is active. The ?suit? is predominantly a sunburst yellow colour with his lower legs and forearms being covered in a darker red, however his forearms are also hidden beneath the fusion energy created by his power. Another note is that once his power is in effect his eyes are glowing white as opposed to their natural hazel colour. [B]Personality/Behaviour:[/B] On the surface Sun Forge is one of those ?average-Joe-by-day? heroes who doesn?t do anything incredible or amazing in his civilian life. Underneath however his has emotional turmoil as a result of his abilities. When he isn?t concentrating on the task at hand he is worrying about people discovering his true identity and exposing him. His ?normal? personality is a quiet individual, you could call his average, who would go the extra mile for friends and family if they need him, he can be deeply caring and when he gets angry it is only for short stints, it is never a prolonged thing. Interestingly when his as cast of his civilian identity and becomes Sun Forge his personality changes as well. Gone is the quiet unassuming person and in his place is a loud and sometimes over confident alter ego who is also much more aggressive than the civilian. This character often gets into trouble but given the extremeness of his power he can easily get himself out of it. It is due to his power that makes the hero element of Sun Forge over confident in almost any situation. Both of these sides however do share the caring for friends and family, both also have a respect for life and the hero persona will try to keep his quarry alive so they can be dealt with by the authorities instead of killing them. [B]Personal History:[/B] Sun Forges parents were the best of both worlds. They both had high paid jobs in the British Government and were also able to spend a lot of time with their son as he grew up and matured in their large mansion home in Kent. As he grew Sun Forge had a very comfortable life and his needs were always seen to. Despite this he was a very shy boy and when he could he would try to refuse the gifts and help from others because he did not like the idea of being a strain on others. As he got older and entered school there was nothing amazing about his scholastic abilities but he was comfortably average. He did have some problems with making friends at the school, this didn?t seem to affect him much though as he was a fairly quiet boy and spent most of his time in his room reading or just walking around the garden. His parents did get worried sometimes and tried several times to make him a more active person but to no avail. As he reached his teenage years he continued as he had much of his childhood life and moved from state schools to public school in a effort to make him better adapted to social situations. During the summer holidays when Sun Forge was fourteen his father decided to take him on a tour of the close by Dungeness Nuclear Power Station. The reason being that Sun Forge had shown some interest in science and production cleaner forms of power so it was his fathers intent to get him interested in Nuclear Power and to consider a job in the government when he was older. During the tour there was a malfunction in the area he and his father were touring and the entire area was bathed in radiation. For the most part no one was harmed but a few had to go to the local hospital for some radiation poisoning treatment. Neither Sun Forge nor his father showed any problems so they were allowed to leave the Plant once they had been thoroughly checked out. Over the next few days there was a change in Sun Forges personality as he became more out going and somewhat aggressive to those around him. The final straw that trigged the ?transformation? into Sun Forge was from some other boys at his school who were annoying him greatly which caused him to attack them, turning into Sun Forge in the process. The incident was quickly covered up and agents from MI-5 and government Research Officials came to the house, explaining the incident to his parents they quickly took Sun Forge with them to be put through tests by the government. Ultimately they established that the accident had triggered a biological nuclear fusion within his body which gave him enormous power. Over several years he was trained to control his powers and the on going reaction within his body. Once he was deemed fit for service the government gave him a cover job within the MI-5. His true task was to work for the British Government under the name of Sun Forge. [B]Special Abilities:[/B] All of Sun Forges abilities are made possible by the incredible power of nuclear fusion. While his civilian life is on going he is able to keep the power of the fusion fairly low but it still gives him greater speed and strength than ordinary people because the fusion is constantly charging him up with more power. When the hero is ?powered up? the fusion power takes full control of his body and gives him remarkable reflexes, reactions and so on. The key effect of the power is that his hands are engulfed in an energy field which he can use to fire out bolts of super heated energy that can tear through even the strongest metal; this can be reduced however to a cooler version which can be used against un-armoured targets. If Sun Forge is doing close quarter fighting he can use the energy field to increase the force of his punches as well as giving the recipient of the punch bad burns. Sun Forge is also able to channel the power into his legs and cover them in the same energy field as his hands allowing him to fly. The down side to his powers is that if he uses them to little the on-going reactions in his body will cause him to tear himself apart as his body will be unable to contain such power, also if he uses them too much the reaction will eventually slow to a point where he will merely be stronger and faster than average people and lose all the other abilities. [B]Player?s Availability:[/B] I should be able to post fairly regularly, three or four times a week. [B]Which Otaku Thread Rating Do You Expect Your Posts To Fall Under?:[/B] Between PG and M.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=CRIMSON][B][CENTER][SIZE=2]STAR TREK Challenger[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Welcome to the 22nd Century[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=TEAL][CENTER]-======================-[/CENTER] This?ll serve as the place for OOC discussion for the ?Star Trek: Challenger? RPG. Seeing as this is the first post I?ll fill you in on the information that wasn?t able to be put into the sign-up thread. [I][U]The Kursk Incident[/U][/I] In early 2152 the U.E. Intelligence starts getting indications of a previously unknown race that's expanding beyond the "eastern galactic frontier." Stories from small survey ships that are finding manned stations where there shouldn't be, alien Starships appearing out of nowhere. So they send a mission out to see what's out there. They're heading in towards the inner Romulan territories when they're found by a Romulan patrol. The Romulans are shadowing them at the extreme edge of sensor range, with countermeasures going on full, trying to figure out who these people are. The Romulans believe that the ships cannot detect them but the Kursk picks up on them and shots off a message torpedo back to Earth space. Due to poor sensor readings the torpedo heads towards the Romulan ships that see this as an attack and shot it down, alerting the U.E. ships to their presence. The U.E. ships detect their warp signatures and believe it to be a trap as several Romulan ships close o their position. The Earth ships take defensive action (manoeuvres) which isn't really offensive in an attempt to scare of the on-coming ships. The Romulans take that as preparation for attack and open fire. One of the explorer ships, the U.E.S. Cortés (ACL-22, Asimov Class) manages to escape but the U.E.S. Kursk (NCL-35, Neptune Class), and the U.E.S. Bradbury (NCL-30, Neptune Class) are destroyed. The Romulans think it's a prelude to invasion sending out scouts to check the area, building up ships. Plus there's the fact that these new aliens are just as, if not more, advanced then the Romulans themselves. Other incidents give cause to worry. In the tradition of fine government, the U.E. says there's no reason to worry. Earth Starfleet has plenty of Starships and Earth is at peace, if not closely allied, with several of its neighbours and has the up-graded NX-class and Freedom-class due to enter production by 2154-55. [I][U]Close Encounters of Another Kind[/U][/I] As reports of more of these alien ships entering Romulan space the number of hostile encounters between Starfleet and Romulan vessels increase as the Romulans chase off these interlopers with force. Though not all of these encounters are violent as most of the Earth ships exercise the better part of valour and return to Earth space. [I][U]The Forward Policy[/I][/U] The U.E. Government orders Starfleet to build new outposts as reports of the new aliens attacking civilian vessels increases. Station Salem One [Tarod IX), Pvarto [Gamma Virginis IV] and Cheron are established as forward out-posts. In 2155 the Romulans take Cheron and the U.E. Government puts pressure on Starfleet to defuse the situation, they attempts to make a base at Tomed but discover that the Romulans have got their first. Although it takes an official shift in strategy for them Tomed is far off the approach vector from Romulus to Vulcan, but it's an ideal location for a buffer outpost between Earth and Romulus. Finally acknowledging that something's going on (February 2155), the UE sends out a First Contact fleet towards one of the "Romulan" planets starting in May 2155. [I][U]?Boom...?[/U][/I] The Battle of Zeta Reticuli takes place and neither side is sure how it started but it soon degenerated into a large scale battle that got many of the Earth ships destroyed and the Romulan High Command ?mad as hell? as they finally commit to a war in October 2155. The situation map as of 2155, [B][URL=http://www.st-minutiae.com/academy/history162/map_3_1.jpg]Click here[/URL][/B] [CENTER]-===========-[/CENTER] So that?s the quick run down of what events led up to the War and where we are now. What follows is the tech specs of the Challenger NX-05. [I][U]Technical Specifications of the NX Variant class[/U][/I] [I]Ship Dimensions[/I] [B]Class:[/B] NX ? Variant. [B]Category:[/B] Exploratory Cruiser. [B]Length:[/B] 230m. [B]Width:[/B] 142.6m. [B]Height:[/B] 30.1m. [B]Mass:[/B] 550,000 metric tons. [B]Decks:[/B] 7. [B]Production Base:[/B] Warp 5 Complex, San Francisco Fleet Yards. [B]Accommodation:[/B] 82 Officers and Crew. [B]Duration:[/B] 10 years. [I]Propulsion[/I] [B]Warp Power Plants:[/B] One reactor core. [B]Warp Engines:[/B] Two nacelles. [B]Warp Performance:[/B] Standard Warp 4.5; Maximum rated Warp 5.7. [B]Impulse Power Plant:[/B] 2 impulse thrust reactors; Standard .25 of Warp speed. [B]Impulse Engines:[/B] Two impulse thrusters; two backup engines. [B]Impulse Performance:[/B] .25 sub-light. [B]Deuterium Tankage:[/B] One compartmentalized tank. [B]Antimatter Containment:[/B] One pod assembly. [B]Auxiliary Propulsion:[/B] Four RCS thruster quads. [B]Emergency Deuterium Supplies:[/B] Two space energy matter sinks. [B]Navigational Deflection:[/B] One primary deflector. [I]Weapons[/I] [B]Pulse Phaser Cannons:[/B] Three cannons, 2 forward, 1 aft. [B]Torpedo Launchers:[/B] 4 forward launchers, 2 aft launchers. [B]Spatial Torpedo Supplies:[/B] At least 12 high power warheads. [B]Photonic Torpedo Supplies:[/B] 12 variable yield power torpedoes consisting of a matter-antimatter war head. [B]Defence System:[/B] Shield generator (Primary) and EM Hull polarisation system (Secondary). [I]Science[/I] [B]Sensor systems:[/B] Various Starfleet sensor pallets and arrays. [B]Laboratories:[/B] Several departments studying various disciplines. [B]Computer Core:[/B] At least one core or central processing centre. [B]Operating Systems:[/B] Pre-duotronic network. Minor voice interface only. [B]Date Network:[/B] Optical data network. [I]Transportation[/I] [B]Personnel Transporters:[/B] None [B]Cargo Transporters:[/B] One pad; approved for Bio transport. [B]Shuttlebays:[/B] One drop bay; one auxiliary bay. [B]Shuttlepods:[/B] Two vehicles and two on 48 hour standby. [B]Remote Manipulator Systems:[/B] Tractor beam emitter (Primary) and one grappling hook (Secondary). [I]Crew Support[/I] [B]Environment:[/B] Class M Standard. [B]Gravity Generation:[/B] Networked gravity plating system. [B]Waste Management:[/B] Biomatter regeneration complex. [B]Medical Systems:[/B] One sickbay ward; attached laboratories; decontamination area. [B]Crew Quarters:[/B] Spartan style; special provisions for senior officers. [B]Food Supply:[/B] Protein re-sequencers; bulk storage and hydroponics bay. [B]Inter-ship Transportation:[/B] Turbo lift system. [CENTER]-===========-[/CENTER] That?s the basics of what you need to know right now but if you?ve any questions feel free to post them here or ask me via IM.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [COLOR=CRIMSON][B][CENTER][SIZE=3][U]STAR TREK Challenger[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Welcome to the 22nd Century[/U][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=TEAL][CENTER]-==============================- The year is 2156 and the place is the Challenger NX-05 of the Earth Starfleet. It is a dangerous time for the residents of the Milky Way; The Romulan Star Empire and United Earth have made a disastrous first contact with each other and this has sparked the first interstellar war humanity has participated in. All available Earth Starfleet vessels have been recalled from their current missions and issued new orders to protect the fledgling power of United Earth against the forces of the Romulans. Aided by their allies the Andorians, Tellarites and Vulcans the forces of Earth are confident they can win the coming battles. This means that Starfleet must now be used for a purpose it is not wholly ready for. Full scale conflict. All ships are being provided with up-graded weaponry and shield generators as part of the agreement with their allies. Under a new mandate of warfare with an alien power Earth Starfleet has limited the number of Explorer ships in construction in favour of cruisers and long-range patrol and attack vessels so the Earth ships are on par with the Romulans. The Alpha Quadrant is going to be brought to fire and sword for the first time since Humanity came to the stage. The Challenger NX-05 is one of these ships being built under the new mandate. She is a top of the Line NX-class [Enterprise-class] Starship, she has been significantly upgraded and is the fist of a new line of NX-class Starships. Her mission is to defend Earth and her colonies from attacks by Romulan forces and provide aid to those who have already fallen under attack. The ships Captain has been allowed to hand-pick his crew from Starfleets best and brightest. It is not known what awaits this new crew as they journey into regions hardly explored by man but one thing is certain. [B]They Are Ready.[/B] -==============================- Several days ago the U.E.S. Vigilant picked up a distress call from one of the long-range colonies that have been set up on the far edge of Earth space, close to the Romulan Boarder. The Vigilant, being only a civilian science vessel, was unable to aid the colony. The ships Captain instead relayed the message to Earth Starfleet Command and resumed their mission. Command looked through the list of available ships and found only the newly commissioned Challenger NX-05 was able to handle the situation even though she was still awaiting a crew. Vice-Admiral Orchard set orders to the Captain of Challenger. The Challenger is fully constructed with all ship systems operating at 100% efficiency but she still lacks a crew. Her Captain only has a short space of time with which to assemble a crew for this mission before Starfleet is forced to hand over the mission to a ship which is ready. -==============================-[/CENTER] [I]N/B: This is a re-hash of my first Star Trek RP attempt but with some changes[/I]A Before we get started I?d just like to say the piece above this is not the overall plot of this RPG only a brief premise for the first ?episode? of Challenger, I?ll explain about that a little later. Now the basic idea behind this is following the journey of the senior staff [The players] aboard the Challenger NX-05 as it fights its way through the Earth-Romulan War, think of it like a series of Star Trek but on OB instead of the TV :P. There are a few things I?d like to get out of the way before we start. 1. Applicants need a basic knowledge of Star Trek before signing up [I recommend Enterprise as it is the only series based around the same time 2151-2154, also visit [B][url]http://www.memory-alpha.org[/url][/B]]. 2. The usual board rules for grammar, spelling and punctuation apply. 3. Only sign up if you will be committed, this will be a very lengthy RPG from the go. 4. The position of Commanding Officer is mine so do not apply for it. 5. There are only eight or nine spots available so I am going to be selective about whom I let in so please give the sign-up your best shot. I think that about covers it but if I think of anything else I?ll either edit this post or post it with a new reply so please keep an eye open for any up dates. [CENTER]-==============================-[/CENTER] [B][U]Character Sign-up sheet[/B][/U] This will be a little different to most applications so instead of breezing past the descriptions of each category give attention to the ones that matter: [B]Name:[/B] [If you are human names from today are fine but if you?re an alien think about your characters race] [B]Age [Terran Years]: [/B] [Regardless of race this should be between 20-40 because we are all senior officers] [B]Date of Birth:[/B] [The year of the RPG is 2156 so subtract your age from that I.E. If you are 36 your year of birth would be 2120] [B]Marital Status:[/B] [You can have an NPC family/boyfriend/girlfriend aboard the ship if you like or have a prior arrangement with another player for your characters to be married/dating] [B]Appearance:[/B] [This is a little different than usual; instead of a description or random picture I?d like you to choose your favourite celebrity because this is showing that this celeb is ?playing? your character like in the TV series. N/B If your character is an alien describe the changes to the picture I.E. If you?re Andorian your skin is blue, hair is white and you have antenna.] [B]Height:[/B] [B]Weight:[/B] [B]Hair Colour:[/B] [B]Eye Colour:[/B] [B]Species:[/B] [Seeing as it?s an Earth ship their can be a few more humans than most Star Trek RPs but their can still be aliens on board. The only aliens can be Andorian, Vulcan or Tellarite] [B]Sex:[/B] [B]Place of Birth:[/B] [This can just be the planet if you wish but you can make up a city or use one that exists in canon if you wish but if you make it up stay serious] [B]Languages:[/B] [All characters have Universal Translators so we all "speak" English but you can have alien languages if you wish and this can reflect your characters history] [B]Interests:[/B] [I don?t want a crew obsessed with the early 21st Century, I.E. now, so once again I ask you to think outside the box!] [B]Position Applied For:[/B] [The crew placing you are applying for, here?s the list: [LIST] [*]Second Officer w/ another senior staff position [This is a duel role with another position] [*]Chief Flight Control Officer [Navigating the ship and flight control operations] [*]Chief Communications Officer [Handles all transmissions aboard the ship] [*]Chief of Operations [Ensures all ship-board systems function correctly] [*]Chief Security/Tactical Officer [Ensures ship and crew safety and operates/maintains weapon systems] [*]Chief Engineer [Responsible for ship system maintenance and repair] [*]Chief Medical Officer [Ensures the physical health of all aboard the ship] [*]Chief Science Officer [Responsible for all scientific data the ship collects as well as monitoring the experiments][/LIST] [B]Education:[/B] [This is basically primary, secondary and Starfleet academy but your character can also attended University if you wish, here?s an example of what it should look like] [LIST] [*]2125-2130 Primary Education, Alpha Centauri [This is 5 years] [*]2130-2135 Secondary Education, Alpha Centauri [Again, 5 years] [*]2135-2139 Earth Starfleet Academy, San Francisco [This is 4 years][/LIST] [I]N/B: If your character is alien you can change this I.E. Their home world as place of birth and their respective Academies; Andorians would be the Imperial Guard Academy etc[/I] [If you choose to add in higher education that would be 3 years] [B]Service Record:[/B] [This is your career in Starfleet, from your cadet years to the Challenger. Here is an example] [LIST] [*]2135-2136 1st Year Cadet [*]2136-2137 2nd Year Cadet [*]2137-2138 3rd Year Cadet [*]2138-2139 4th Year Cadet [*]2139-2143 U.E.S. Intrepid, Warp Systems Specialist [*]2143-2149 U.E.S. Intrepid, Engineering Officer [*]2149-2156 U.E.S. Mars, Asst. Chief Engineer [*]2156-PRES Challenger NX-05, Chief Engineer[/LIST] [I]N/B: Again, feel free to change this if you?re an alien.[/I] [That?s just an example for an engineering officer but it?s basically the same for all positions expect the names I.E. A Security Officer may start out as one of the Brig Guards etc] [B]Background:[/B] [This is the most important part because it should give information on your character before Starfleet, the Academy and then each ship they have served on until the Challenger. So it should be at least five good paragraphs, I want this to be serious so no skimping on the details please] [I]N/B: Again if your character is an alien and not a member of Starfleet feel free to change this[/I] [B]Personality Profile:[/B] [This essentially your personality but you can also include some of your foibles and quirks as well] [B]Special Notes:[/B] [Anything about your character that isn?t covered in the other sections that you would like to add] [CENTER]-==============================-[/CENTER] There are a few things I?d like to say before finishing. Please do not apply unless you are committed to sticking this through to the end because this will most likely, if it succeeds, be one of OBs longest running RPGs. I also ask that you have knowledge of ?Star Trek? because it will be of paramount importance as the plot line develops and the ?episodes? become more complex. Before you choose the position for your character make sure it?s one that appeals to you, not just because it looks cool or something like that, make an informed decision. If you wish to sign-up for the Executive Officer or Chief Medical Officer please PM me first because these positions are very important and have powers that the other positions do not. I shall be making an Underground thread later today so if you have any questions check out that thread before hand to see if it answers your questions. I will be posting my character after everyone else so it will also included the list of excepted crew members. I want this to be a successful RPG in many respects so give the sign-up your all and once the RPG starts make a point to write the replies into Word first so it can catch spelling errors and all of that. Above all I want this to be a highly enjoyable RPG so that everyone can take something memorable away with them. [CENTER]-==============================-[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=CRIMSON]?Not to be absolutely certain is, I think, one of the essential things in rationality.? [B]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/B] [SIZE=1][I]Challenger NX-05 Dedication Plaque[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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