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Everything posted by Kenshin_K
Carson gulps, "Y-you're Leon?" Leon lets Carson go and Carson stands weakly. "Ugh... It's so bright out here..." Carson shades her eyes, "I was almost gone... I thank you." Leon replies, "It's no big deal, just don't go doing things like that again." "Um...ok..." Carson blushes a light red, "Sorry..."
OOC: Sorry, school statred and I haven't had time. IC: Carson sighed as she swiftly takes her sakabatou out of a swing and sheaths it. It was maybe an hour or so after the meeting. "What should I do..." She looks at the sky. "Hmm... Maybe I should go talk to my partner..." Carson looks around and starts walking toward the dorm Ryu was in. When she reaches his dorm, she lifts her hand and knocks, "Hey Ryu... You there?"
Carson walks down the hallway to her dorm. She unlocks her door and walks in, finding a letter on the floor. She picks it up and closes her door. She opens the letter, "Hmm.... It's from the princible.... I gotta go to his office in the morning.... I wonder what this is about...." She lays the letter on her desk and stretches, "I think I'm gonna go train...." Carson walks out of her dorm, locking it, and heads out to campus, where she starts working on her techniqe.
(( I could try playing Trunks... )) "Huh? What was that all about?!" Carson exclaims, looking at the light. Carson starts trying to get to the light when the voices come back into her head, "Why go with them? Why not stay in the wonderful bliss of darkness? Why care for humanity? What have they done for you? Have they risked their lives for you? Are they really worth your own life? Even if you go to light, doesn't your shadow grow?" Carson stops, "..." The voice continues, "Stay here, no one can judge you, critisize you, or put you down.... Solitary darkness.... Peaceful bliss.... No one.... Except your true friends...." Carson's eyes go hazey and darkness starts to engulf her until nothing of her is seen. She can still be sensed.
That's up to Houka, go ahead and post if you want, XYZ, and I'll reply.
Sure, whatever.
"There's nothing else here..." Carson says to herself and walks away toward the building her dorm was in. Instead of going in, she goes around to the back and sits against the wall. She takes out a sack lunch out of a knapsack she was carrying. "Heh. It's not as good as one of my mom's lunches, but I'll live." She starts eating her lunch as one of the professors walk past her. Carson swallows the bite she had taken out of her sandwich and watches the professor. "Wonder what he's up to..."
Carson looks out her dorm window to watch the fight. She talks to herself, "I need a closer look..." She grabs her sakabatou and runs out of her dorm. As she runs down the hall, she ties her sword to her waist. She reaches outside and stands close enough to watch but at a safe distance. Carson whispers to herself, "What have they gotten into this time?"
Carson walks by, smiling at him, "Hello, Tom!" She walks in the direction of the dorms only to be confronted by some thug who wants her sword; her prized possesion. Carson puts her hand around the top of the sheath, waiting to draw her sword. "You're not getting this." "Then I'll fight you for it." "You just try." "Here I come!" The thug runs toward her, ready to punch. Carson swiftly draws her sword and strikes, ending up behind him and him unconsious on the ground. Carson puts her sword back, "hmph. Idiot." She keeps walking to her dorm like nothing happened.
"Ami! We've gotta get out of here!" Carson exclaimed, grabing a firm hold around Ami's wrist, "I'm slipping... Ami! We have to leave!" Ami's eyes were filled with tears, "But... My brother..." Carson's eyes flicker an evil look, "We'll figure that out later! We have to leave!" Ami looks at her helplessly, "But how?" Carson's voice starts sounding angry, "I don't know! We'll find a way!" The voice returns to Carson, "Why leave?" Carson struggles with her thoughts, "We have to get to the others!" "But why?" "Because...I promised...." "But people never keep promises...." "Some do" "But not everyone." Carson falls silent after this remark. She thinks to herself, [I]It's right.... What do I do?![/I] She holds her head, "I... I can't think..." Her eyes flicker and fill with tears. "What do I do...?"
"AMI!" Carson yells to Ami, trying to get to her, "It's so hard to move in here! How can I get there..." She helplessly reaches out to Ami. "Crap! I'm not getting anywhere!.... AMI! WAKE UP!" Ami was still being taken by the demons, "..." Carsons eyes start getting an evil glint in them. She shakes her head, "No...I can't give in...I can't..." A voice comes to her, "Why?" Carson answers, "Because... Because I have to save Ami..." The voice answers back, "Why?" Carson starts to get the evil glint in her eye again, "I...I don't...I don't know..."
((Sorry, my spirit's name is Kaiyou (which is Japanese for ocean). :D )) "Carson, NO!" She yelled at the ring in her hand. An echo of Carson's voice echoed from the ring, "I must, it is the only way to retrieve her from the darkness..." Kaiyou looked angrily at her ting, "You mustn't go in after her... You could end up lost, also!" Carson's voice echoed, "I must." Kaiyou sighs, "You're so persistant...But, if you can get out, then.... I'll let you retrieve Ami..." Carson echos a deep breath, "Ok then, here I go." Everyone watches Kaiyou silently as each of them sense Crason's life energy leaving. Carson's voice is heard in each person's mind, a faint, distant, telepathic sound, "Don't worry, Ami and I are here together... We'll try to be back soon."
Carson looked around helplessly, "ugh.... Ami!!!" A bright aura of light shown around a transformed Carson. She wore a blue flowing dress and had silver-blue streaks through her blond hair. Her voice was different, more beautiful, like that of a Siren ((the mytholical creature)), "Marjax... You will hurt us no longer!" She gives the power to breath underwater to Cat, Ami, and Grey, then floods the whole warehouse, hoping to drown Marjax out.
Carson looks below her, "Gotta think fast!" Carson looks to the nearest wall and throws her hand out toward it. A powerful gush of water comes from the wall and pushes her out of the way at the last second. She is pushed past Marjax and lands near Cat and Ami. "Heh, you won't get rid of me that easly... I'm a little more experianced with quick thinking." Carson looks up at Grey and then to Marjax, "Let him down!"
"Grr..." Carson looks angerly at Marjax, her thoughts racing. She looks up at the cuff on her right wrist and tries tugging on it. She whispers to herself, "It's no use..." She looks down at the hand Marjax had her ring in. She whispers again to herself, "If the items can summon us, then maybe we can summon them!" She closes her eyes and whispers, "Come on....Come on...." The ring glows and jerks off Marjax's hand, flying to Carson and putting itself into her left hand. She takes the ring and puts it on her right finger. "HA! It worked!" After her exclamation, she smirks at Marjax. "And only the owners can summon it."
Raises her head weakly and looks at Cat and Ami. She switches her view to Marjax and spits on him. As he turns around to face her, she glares at him, "You darkness scum. You'll never get all of our items!" She looks to Cat and Ami, "Don't let him get you! Stay on your gard! With my ring, he's more powerful than when we met at the park!" She then gets a look of realization on her face and she mumbles to herself, "How's that ring fit him, anyway?"
Carson yells as she's being pulled by the shadows, "Don't fall for it, Ami! Be smart!" She lets the shadows pull her through, fearing a tighter grip if she struggled. All goes black for her, no sound, no sight, just a feeling of dark cold. After a few moments of this, the inside of an old warehose fades into view. Carson's wrists are attached to the wall out beside her with cuffs of shadow. She looks around to find Marjax had appeared a few feet in front of her. She looks at him and speaks, "What are you planning?"
((The pic's fine)) Carson looks at Ami and sighs, "What have we gotten into?" Ami looks at her and smiles, "Heh heh, I don't know!" Carson looks at the spirits, "Where should we start?" The spirits look at each other and then at Carson. It's the Water spirit that speaks, "We're sensing the presence of Earth and Fire in town." Then the Wind spirit speaks, "The details of their where abouts won't be known until we are closer." Carson looks around, "Well then..." Carson looks at Ami, "Shall we go?"
Carson sighs, "Probably... Did you see the word engraved on his sword?" Carson waits for an answer. Ami breathes in deeply, "No, what did it say?" Carson looks at her, "It said 'Darkness'... I think he's a chosen one, too" There silent for a moment. The breeze sweeping over them, the leaves rustling and the stream trickling...
[B]Name:[/B] Carson McCallahand [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] female [B]Appearance:[/B] Blond hair, blue eyes, and stands around 5'7", sorta like pic. [B]Dorm:[/B] East [B]Bio:[/B] She tries to stay out of trouble, but at the other schools she went to, people tried to pick fights with her for stupid reasons. She wouldn't accept, but win anyway. She'd come home with at least one new bruise a week. Her parents bought her a sakabato (which she wears around her waist) and sent her here for mainly self defense. If only they unerstood... [B]Personality:[/B] She's an optimist, and tries to help whenever she can. She's laid-back and usually content. Very quiet unless she must say something. A genius with an IQ of over 150, she can get out of most situations. She doesn't like people who are ridiculously dim-witted, perky, or ditsy, but she gives them a chance. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20453&stc=1[/IMG]
Carson watches in surprise. "Wow.... Way to go Ami!" Carson thorws her hand up and brings it down diagonally across her body, sending a big wave at Marjax, pulling him under. "Heh heh, hope he can swim!" Carson turns toward Ami and grabs her hand, "Let's leave before he gets back." She runs off, dragging Ami behind her. Ami's anxiousness causes a strong breeze to follow them. After some running, they stop in a clearing in a forest a little ways outside the city. The clearing has a small stream running through it and a few rocks and boulders here and there, it's surrounded by trees. Carson sits on one of the rocks, catching her breath, "Phew, I think that could count as my daily exercise for today..."
OOC: I'll try harder, then. Carson looks at the sword then at the man, "Who are you?" A chilly breeze sweeps over them. Both Carson and Ami shiver a little. Carson gets rid of the water sphere and whispers to Ami, "There's a dark aura around him, let's be careful." She looks at the sword. "What's that for?" Carson watches the man to see what he does to her comments.
"Fine, then..." Carson looks around. "Hmm.... I'm water, you must be wind, the nearest is earth.... There must be fire, too!" Carson stands at the edge of the water and puts her hand out over it. "If I can do this, we might be able to find the others..." Carson's hand starts shaking slightly and a baseball-sized sphere of water forms and rises to her hand from the lake water. "whoah..."
You're welcome.
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