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About DemonzDragoon

  • Birthday 04/23/1992

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  • Biography
    Hello, AIM me!
  • Occupation
    gamer,artist,t.v. watcher

DemonzDragoon's Achievements


Member (2/6)



  1. Tiny...cant really see the designs :P
  2. All done. Tell me if they dont work cause that involved alot of clicking around lol.
  3. I am willing. It may be a mtter of cause with the picture itself, and it might be just that its over 450 kb. Well send it to my email [email]demonzdragoon@yahoo.com[/email] and Lemme get a try at it ^_^
  4. This is my first flash avatar. I know it doesnt have a border, but im working on a good one and this is my first time using flash, anyways. So how do you guys like it? EDIT: You have to click on it to see the flash or else it won't show it. ANd heres my favorite: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v374/demonzdragoon/Sesshyflash2.gif[/IMG] Heres one on a rpg. the main character is Yuri, but my brother named him Rudy so i put that. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v374/demonzdragoon/shadowhearts.gif[/IMG]
  5. Ok, my two personal favorites are Naruto And Dnangel..Both great plots and battle sequences. And manga's read from right to left, so be careful where you start^_^
  6. Wow! I havn't posted here in awhile have I? It's been a long time... Well, anywayz, Here are my drawings, please rate them^_^ [url]http://demonzdragoon.tripod.com/animexpertz/id8.html[/url]
  7. [b]Toa of Fire[/b] Of all the Toa Nuva, Tahu Nuva most welcomes his/her new power. Now he/she feels even more confident that he/she can protect Ta-koro from any danger! When trouble threatens, his/her magma swords can be joined together to form a lava board that carries him/her swiftly over the magma flows. He/She wears the Hau Nuva, which he/she uses to protect his/her people against any harm. I think I should be him because I love Snowboarding & Surfing (LavaBoarding), and in the movie, he is mostly determined (Like me^_^) I need to go to bed, so please tell me what you think, and I'll add more/the rest later~_^!
  8. I was wondering what was up with Kamari. I just met the most beautiful girl of my life, and here, a mere animal pulls me away. Wakka told me earlier that she was the nicest summoner ever. I had no doubt. I followed the group, while people just handed out items for luck. Half the time, I forgot to say thankyou! Next time I see her, Yuna, I will make sure she remembers me forever. I wonder what happened to Rikku.. Who knows. As I was walking, a huge monster attacked! "What could it be" I thought. This was it. Time to see Yuna in action! Wait! Where is everybody!!!......
  9. Name: Marik Ishtar Age: I dont know, but i think thousands of y.o. Miilenium Item: rod Appearence: I think he has grey hair, but he usually wears a big blue/black cape. Looks very young. Bio: Marik is very greedy, and a great dueler. His millenium rod has the power to control minds, so he controls what he calls" rare hunters". Marik wants al the mileniums items, along with the Egyption God Cards.
  10. Name: Tidus Allegeance: Good Weapon: Sword/blade Appearence: See attachment
  11. tHANX SOOO MUCH EVOLVED_DRAGON FOR ALL THE banners that you made my brother and I. I love ur banners, and I think they're great! Edit: Sorry for the Cap Locks
  12. Of course it isn't too late to sign-up. I will be allowing anyone to join in whenever they want, just come up with a character, and your in. GodOfDeath, you can be Jecht and your in!
  13. HEY....KKC....dont forget, the first banner I ever had since I joined OB is still in my profile!Guess who made it..
  14. Back in the time of the "Great Depression", a young boy was sent to protect and gather all the remaining Food and money for people to survive. The truth behind the Great Depression is that a swarm of endless Enemies called "Enigma" have swallowed up everything in sight of them, and they have reached our planet?Earth. The young boy has hidden himself from all life, and fought "Enigma" alone for Many years. He finally rid Earth of it, when a new disaster begun. We all know it as World War 2. He fled from existence and hid himself till 2004, when Earth was attacked yet again by Enigma In it's new and more powerful form. He was summoned by Earth's watchers to protect Earth another time, but he is no match against Enigma alone. These monstrous creatures Have been causing terror and destruction for 2 months now, and its gone too far. The watchers summoned more warriors to work along side with the boy, and defeat All Enigma and the one behind it all. And who is the mysterious boy human's call "Their Protector"? Know one knows him, or if he has any family?. Or anything. Not even the watchers. I know one thing. And I will tell you one thing. I?was that boy.. First I will lay down some rules, then the Sign-Up: 1: Keep foul language to a minimum please. 2: Correct grammer is needed, and I will go light on Puntuation for now. 3: Bios should be no less then 3 reasonable sentences and 4: Please correct me for any rudeness or mistakes I might make?. THANK YOU! --------------------------- All recruiters should be protectors. Sign-Ups: Name(optional): Nickname(optional,if you have no name, this is required): Age: Gender: Appearance: Weapon(optional): Bio: Personality(mysterious;friendly;etc.): _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_^ My Sign-Up Name: (Unknown) Nickname: Coming soon?.. Age: Looks 12, but is actually around 80 years old Gender: Male Appearance: He looks like the guy everyone thinks is Riku from Kingdom Hearts 2 and the special feature in KH. So he has a hood on. I will provide a picture soon! Weapon: The 2 Keyblades that "Riku" was holding during the special feature Bio: I was summoned to protect Earth from Enigma, and I vow to do so forever. I will always keep my identity inside, and I talk very little. I am kind of rude To my new partners because I'm used to working alone. (If you have seen Xoulin Showdown or however you spell it on WB, I'm rude like the Chinese Kid) Personality: Mysterious
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