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Everything posted by DemonzDragoon
Sorry, but by Pokepowers, i thought you meant attacks, and i got mixed up with the evee evolutions..ill edit now, but i still dont know what pokepowers are...
It was then, I saw a girl gathering water in a pouch, as if she was preparing for something. Though she was beautuful, I was too shy to go up to her. Chaos senced a unbelievably strong power near, and decided to shoot a weird blast at her. I had no clue what he did, weather it was good or bad, so I didn't take any chances and just yelled,"NO!" A dragon came from nowhere in sight, but hit the blast into a different direction. It started to fly towards us. "Tsu, no, come back," she screamed.It did. We were floting in air, when the girl pointed at me. I pointed to myself, and glanced behind as if she was pointing at someone alse. I was sooo embarrassed, though I went down to her."Hello, I'm Nisha" she said in the sweetest voice."uh-uh-uh-i-i-im-im...." I said. "WOW!" she said as a sparkeling bird flew by. It shot by like a shooting star, so there was no need to travel after it. I flipped out a notepad, and wrote *Pheonix:NE* .....
Tell me if all this is ok... Name:James Nickname:Jimmy Age:12 Appearence:Has red hair with a green shirt that says "pokemon" His hair is spikey and he has blue eyes. He wears blue shorts with a chain. Bio: He started pokemon training 2 months ago, so his pokemon are still low leveled. Though he is determined to be the best, his rival, which started at the same time has been teasing him. He is alittle imature but not perverted. James has a tough will power, and he is never afraid enough to give up. *ATTENTION: WOULD ANYONE LIKE TO BE MY RIVAL?* Name:Squirtle Nickname:none Level: 23(didnt want it to evolve) Ittem attached:Shell Bell (ruby/sappire) Attacks:Water gun,tackle,agility, and bubble beam)i think thats the name) Name:Evee Nickname: none Level:19 Itams attached:thunder stone(im not using it) Attacks:Tackle, take down, growl, and leer Name:Espeon(first pokemon,Evee is Espeon's daughter) Level:36 Items Attached: Hyper potion Attacks: Psychic, Hypnosis, quick attack, and double team
Ok, I was wondering if I could be Skull to put some comedy in it. But if not, I'll be the black ranger. If I cant be skull, then ill post the sign-up for the black ranger.
It was now the year 2007, and I was in the least respected sushi resturant. I was finishing up feedind Chaos, so he could return into his magic orb before anyone noticed him. An old man who looked about 75 saw Chaos. He screamed, and ran home as quickly as he could. The old man caught everyone's attention, so they went home to fetch their shotguns. The steaming mob of villagers ran towards me, but I grabed Chaos and we flew away. Another day spent, trying to keep my secrets; trying to be normal and return the future from becoming the past. " I will....find Phoenix"
Name:Tala Age: Not known, thanx to mister "memory-drainer" Gender:Male Species:vapire Description:Appearence-just like Tala from beyblades. Bio- A vampire who refuses to be part of the group, so constantly on the run from the other vampires, or else be killed. Weapon: kinda like Spike from x-men evolution, but not generally made spikes, just stakes all over to protect himself.
WOW! They look so real. but I don't know. I'll look into that, and if I find anything, I'll give a link.
You guys are great, and was cool to post a dragon appearence, even if it was Yu-Gi-Oh!
Ohkami is in, and Arika is in, just promise you'll finish your registration...
No, the official timeline says they occur at the same time. It also says it be using the little secret on the first ova...
In 1854, a group of dragons saved Vietnam from the alful attacks that were occuring. Now, the dragon's are regrouping on an Everlasting Journey to find the Silver Phoenix, the only thing that can stop Master Kakashi from starting up the terror once again. Will the trainers and the dragons find it in time?... ----------------------------- Ok, heres the sign up: Name: Age(optional): Appearence: Bio: Weapon(optional): Dragon(only Six,Earth,wind,water,fire,dark, light.First up, firt choose): Dragon Attacks(if you own a dragon): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heres mine: Name:Jack Age:15 1/2 Appearence:Red spikey hair,orange long sleeve t-shirt., blue pants, and new red and black DC's. Dark Green eyes. Bio:His mother was murdered in on a plane to USA by a surviving henchmen of the Master Kakashi. He is despirate to put a stop to the reign of terror He is causing. Weapon: Twin Daggers Dragon: Dark, named Chaos Dragon attacks:I will post this very soon...
Sorry everyone, but my comp. shows it differently. I think its great. Except for Aura, who is alittle blurry. For a second banner, I think its pretty good. Plus, you picked the best phrase for it. I'll give it....7.5/10 Anyways, if your using paint, or word, theres your problem. I made a banner like that once, and it was perfectly fine, until I posted it! Good Job!
OCC:No, lloyd was his name in legend of dragoon. That is a picture of Jay. Just it came up as lloyd.jpg when I clicked"save picture as" Sorry! When the transporter finally caught up to everyone, they flipped there boosters and ditched Jay. He didn't go into his LS, because it would confuse everyone, and they might attack him. He sent his new apprentice out instead, even though he was still learning how to pilot a zoid. Jay sent him out to see what was going on. He was only 13 anyways, after being rescued from middle aged punks. So he told Xap to go with him just to be safe. He flew out in a flying, unidentified, non-registered zoid.
Witch Hunter Robin and her crew have died out,and all witches have been killed. Though one has lived, survived by feeding on human flesh,lurkingin the shadows... Now, a new disaster has come, known as Lord Blazer. No real name is known,or location, or anything. So now, a new group of hunters have come. Have come...to stop him! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sign-Ups:Everyone is part of the hunters, but first one to pick Lord Blazer gets him.(if anyone wants him) Name: Nickname(optional): Age(optional): Weapon(optional): Appearence: Type(witch;demon;human): Bio: Power(Only 1, and only if your a witch or demon) (optional):
OOC: Is Talim still a bad guy, because Jay is tryin to restart his life, and be a good guy...Sorry, I thought it was me! And sorry for the short post... Jay was driving his base towards Talim's saix, wondering what he was doing. The base was going about 10 MPH.He yelled,"Someone, go get him!" Oh ya, heres my picture I promised...
In the first ova, it says Mai's SN is Sieg.In mutation, I would've swore I saw Sieg in the 2nd root town. And it only allows a name to be made once. So was it Mai, and if yes, does she use a boy player? It never showed Mai's char. when she was playing the world at the end of the dvd. Oh ya, not to be retarded, but that was Skeith flying around in the world when she entered right? Thanks, just makin sure.. (kinda off the topic) P.S. I bought mutation first on accident, but then I realized what I did, saved up my $, and last night, I bought infection.So I just watched the ova.
OOC:God, if KKC is talking about my Saix, go back to recruitment and read my bio....if shes not, go on with the story. I'll post later today...
OCC:sorry Arcadia... Ericka and Jay were walking down a run-down street, when a bandit with a mask jumped out and pulled out a 22 calibur. Jay yelled," Ericka, duck!" And Ericka did. the bandit fired and it fleww over Ericka. Jay brought out his staff, and the bullet bounced off. He tosed his razor sharp staff, tip first, at the bandit. The bandit fell to the ground... Jay retrieved his weapon, and Ericka stood up. They walked over to the dying man, and said "Why?" The man answered only by handing him a note, the Jay opened. It read " Find my..." the rest of id was smurred, except at the end of the page that said "Wanderer..."
Name: Teki Amoshu Age/Weight:5 1/2; 143 pounds Appearence:see attachment, but forget the sword.. Bio:uh oh...school, I'll get back to this.. Element:wind Weapon:5 ft metal staff *Meteora stoll my idea,so itll be my secondary* Secondary Weapon: Twin Blades, made by his father Defensive:Screech(Cause wind to make an ear piercing noise that he can withstand) Special Abilities: Flow-with-It(poofs into wind and travels with it), Tornado Torture(blasts minature tonados at enemys)Twirling Wind(he turns into a huge tornado, that nobody dares to come near)
Hey, what about KKC and Tsukasa_Hack. Was Tsukasa_Hack in it? Well, if your waiting for KKC, shes never on anymore...
The terror has started, and Jay ecscaped. He now found himself traveling back to Japan. He saw a young girl hiding under a desk, but only glanced. He didn't want to spoil her confidence of hiding from MASS. He couldn't resist leting her be caught, so he started to talk to her. She was 9 years old, and very scared. Her name was Ericka, and he knew she wouldn't survive by herself. Her parents were captured, and she was despirit to get them back. Ericka knew she couldn't do it alone. Looks like Jay found himself an partner...
NAME:Jayakura Sumako NICKNAME:Jay AGE:23 WEAPON:Metal Staff(rod) APPEARENCE:I'll get back to this one... BIO: Living in Japan, before MASS got there, his family helped him escape... After a little while, he decided to form a group of warriors to protect the people of Earth, and rebel against MASS. Not much is known, although his family is trapped, and he is currently somewhere in central Europe. MYSTICAL POWER: Dragon-Chaos(turns into a 7 foot dragon for 8 seconds, and uncontrollably goes beserk...it makes him so tired, it is hazardus to his health.Hes afraid to use it, because he will endanger everyone)(uses rarly) P.S. Sorry Harlequin, I changed it. EDIT: the story has started in the adventure arena, but people can still join!
Hey T Man, this one will rock...sounds great! Name:Jay Sumako Age:27(I'm guessing we should be a couple years older) Appearence:I'll post attachment soon Team:Zoidien Chaos(anybody wanna join?) Bio:After spending many years trying to find and kill the family that injured his parents, he fought with the daughter and relized it wasn't her that nearly killed his parents. Now,hes desperit to find a zoid team to make money and pay the bill to his parents surgery. ZOID: Lightning Saix ORG:Xap(blue with silver wings)
ok, inuyashagurl15,please go back to your first 2 posts and cose edit.Thankyou!
We'll, I'm actually still thinking of what mass stands for. I'm writing a book, but I'm gonna make it fun by starting a RP. I said the story will reveal itself, because if I put it in the paragraph, there would be to many spoilers. And Tsukasa_Hack, I said "fix up" because it was meant to be short for "fix your post and your in" Thanx everyone...