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Everything posted by SuperSJ3

  1. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=RoyalBlue]I like Cyborg. He has a temper and is blunt. I like that in people-the blunt part not the temper. And he's a cyborg-half man, half-machine. Everybody, at some point in time, wanted to be a cyborg or at least thought about it.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]If I could vote I'd vote for Bush. I don't really like him that much, but he has done good these past years. And Kerry is kinda wierd. He contradicts him self and makes himself out to be a lier. Besides he is agaist war and won't go for Bin Ladin. And if that happens he will get stonger again and all that work and soldiers deaths would be in vane. But that's just my OPINON.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I can't put my custom avatar in. When I do a read [U]X [/U] and the words "SuperSJ3's avatar" appear. I know I already have one avatar but I would like to use my other one. And can you use other pictures from a website that you copied for and avatar? Any tips or helpful hints.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Unfortantly I haven't had the pleasure of reading manwha. I have never hear it before today. I don't think I've every seen them before in stores. But if they are as good as ya'll say, I look for them. Are the story lines better in manwha than in mangas? Are is the art work as good as ya'll say?[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I don't pay attention in class except for one day then sleep. Unless we are getting a grade for somthing.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I don't know about the rest of ya'll but I have an imagination and laugh at just about everything. Anyway, I hate Algebra, Geometry, and Math in general, but I'm good in it so it's alright. And down here we have all of them put together in one class. Intergrated Math I,II, and III.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Thanks you CrH and Unborn Lord Xion both for the avatars. There both very good. Thanks again.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Come to think of it Kami is kinda [B]a[/B] main character but not for who he is but for what he does. The creation of the Dragonball. Because the DB/Z Sagas revolve around them. So I think Shenron the eternal dragon is the second most important character. And maybe Kami is the third most important. I have other ideas on fourth, fifth, and so on but I won't say.[/COLOR]
  9. SuperSJ3

    Hip Hop

    [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well as for myself, all I listen to is rap, hip hop, and soul as well. People like Linkin Park and Nickelback are alright, but I won't buy there CD'S. When they come on MTV I watch them if they have a good message or I can relate. As for groups that act silly like No Doubt (that is the one with Gwene Stephany(sp?), right?) I don't like there videos so I don't normally listen to there songs. In my opinion most of the bands with everyone playing an instrument except for one person (witch is almost all of them. And I'm not talking about backup either I mean a real verse), the lead singers sounds alike. But maybe that because I don't listen to it enough to know the difference.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Personally I agree with dposse, Goku is the most important character in DB/Z/GT. Simple because everyone who comes to earth wants to either fight Goku, blow up the planet, or get the dragon balls. If you recall Cell was made to kill Goku (and the anyone else). Come to think of it all the andriods(sp?) were made to kill Goku. Andriods !6-20. Even though the drangonballs are probably the main reason Frieza, King Piccalo, and may others came to earth; if Goku was there to stop them there would be no Earth, DB/Z/GT, or many thing else who would safe the world. Hercule? Seriously.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hello to everyone once again. I'm back even though I wasn't popular before. Anyway I am here to ask anyone if they could make me a avatar with Goku at Super Saiyan Jin 3. I don't need anything fancy just Goku by himself. It would be highly appreciated if someone would do this for me. Thanks in advance.[/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]Trigun is an awesome anime. I fell in love with it as it was presented on the surface: a story of a more-than-human hero plagued by manipulations beyond his control, who just wants to enjoy life. [/B][/QUOTE] I couldn't have said it better my self. That is how i see Trigun. You see Trigun on a totally different level on which I cannot comprehend.:confused: It's ok with me how you see it I was just stating my opinion. Well life and let life, think and let think, Be you and I'll be me too. Sorry if I did anything to make you mad or anything else. My apologies. Let bygone be bygones. LAYERS??? What are these layers ya'll keep talking about. Oh and what is Kafka's "The Metamorphosis"? Never heard of it before. IloveBebop your say there are many things to compare Trigun to like what? You don't have to answer that at if you don't want to. If you want to drop the subject we can just let me know. If you still want to make you point that's fine to.
  13. Yes people do have the right to speak their minds. I'm not saying that you can't speak you mind. I'm saying what DeathBug said was really weird. Why would anyone see anime as anything but anime. It's true, you can't please every one in the world. And you will from time to time hurt someones feeling. It's natural, everyone has a different opinion and point of views. And that was mine. IloveBebop do you agree with DeathBug's first post? What did you mean when you said "There are also a lot of views to take Trigun for,", like what? What's your view of Trigun? I think anime is amine and that's all it is. I see Trigun as an anime about Vash the Stampede. A genetically altered plan or human or something like that. He is mistaken as a trouble maker, a man that should be feared, and is very dangerous. When he is not. I can?t compare that to anything else. I just don?t get what Vash and the bible have in common or similar or whatever you were trying to say DeathBug.
  14. This is... uncalled for. What made you post something like this. I know this is you opinion or something like that, but you should watch what you say. Well may opinion is this: this post is way over the top. Vash is nothing like God, but the Gung Ho Guns are like demons and Knive is close to the Satan but is nothing like him. Again just chill with thing like that someone may be offended by it. I don't know if I'm offended or not, but that is just weird. You sound like a very religious person so why would you compare Trigun or any other anime for that matter to the Lord or the Bible? I know I'm all off the subject but I had to do this.
  15. I think Evil Kid Buu saga was the best because the there super saiyan jin 3 level was introduced. And Goku had someone that was took the hold world to help him with.
  16. I think Cell and Buu where very different. Even though they could both absorb they did it in different way. Buu absorb from any part of his body but Cell could only absorb through his tail. If I'm correct Cell was made for the Z Warriors and most of his powers where stolen in a matter of saying. Besides Cell was made for technology and Buu was made from magic I guess. So they are very different even though Buu is better.
  17. I've seen mostly all of FLCL, but I have one thing to say: THAT'S IT!!That's all the epi. they have. It's a great anime and everthing but it's to SHORT. There should be way more epi. than that.
  18. Well is Meryl Strife ever going to tell Vash how she really feels? Are there only like 26 episode?
  19. Ok. What about the Gung-Ho Guns? Are they like hired hit men or something like that?
  20. I see what you mean, I think. Ok I have another question. What's with Kives?
  21. I can remember that well but I think they said he didn't kill anyone. He only destroyed their homes. He did kinda ruin their lives.
  22. Metatron even though he blew up the town and everything he couldn't control his angel arm. I don't know if you seen this or not but when Knives snap his fingers the transformation begun. I'm not sure but by the look on his face he had never seen or even knew he was capable of it.
  23. Is Vash a plant, a human, or both. And why is everyone after him. He never really kills anyone. Except for Legato Bluesummers, but he literally ask to be killed. Even though he destroyed those towns no one was killed. Why is the $$60 billon reward on Vash's head it should be on Knives head.What is he really wanted for.
  24. I've seen Hamtaro and I don't like it at all. A bunch of hamster runing around. Beyblade is better than Hamtaro. Beyblade is kinda out there with all the bit beast and everything, but it's ok.
  25. I think the whole thing is crazy. I've never see or heard anything like this. The weird thing is I like it. I'me still confused about the girl and that guys head and all the things coming out of it.
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