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Everything posted by SuperSJ3

  1. I didn't catch the first episode, but i've seen the rest since. I don't really understand all of it yet. It's ok. It's also very serious. Unlike Trigun witch is serious one moment and silly the next. I know it would be kinda stupid if any of them would act silly (like Vash) in a time of war.
  2. Even though it's his dream he could never accomplish it. Whenever he get to a new leave Goku surpasses him. Goku is the leagendary super saiyan without a doubt.
  3. I think it's goku simply because he is the most powerfully saiyan. Even though Brolli was the first super saiyan or whatever, that doesn't really matter.
  4. I'm in Louisiana and it hasn't gotten here yet. I hear it will come in the fall of 2004. Is it better than DBZ.
  5. Yes he is the only one that said it but he was the only one that needed to. Nappa was scared of him. And his father was the king and he had the same name as the planet.(not a coincidence)
  6. I think he is neither because there is no planet any more, but when the planet was destroyed he held the title of "PRINCE OF ALL SAIYANS". So he just keep it.
  7. Is the episode of Goku and Uub leaveing for his villiage the last episode of DBZ? And if it is the last episode of DBZ will DBZGT start off in the villiage or something like that? And whats with Uub? He look like a human Ki with that haircut. Is really the reincarnation.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]I didn't know which board to post this in (DragonBall or Sony) but after I saw a closed thread about Ultimate Battle 22 in Sony, I decided that this board would be best. I recently bought DBZ Budokai for the Playstation 2. It's not the best fighting game I've ever played, but I think the gameplay is a lot better (and faster) than any of the past DBZ fighting games. Combos come a lot faster and easier, and most special attacks involve very little d-pad movement (ie. perform Goku's kamehameha by pressing Punch, Punch, Punch, Punch, Energy). I like the idea of only being able to perform special attacks after punch-kick combos, but it makes the game seem a little amature-ish; like they want to make everything a lot easier to do. That, or they just wanted to find an alternative to the standard "half-circle motion, and punch" method. My major gripe with gameplay is that there's no jump-button. I'm impressed with Story mode. It's like watching an abridged version of DBZ. Radditz appears, kidnaps Gohan, and banters with Goku & Piccolo all within five minutes (something that took one or two episodes originally). I liked the search for the dragon balls the first couple of times, but it gets to be really tiring by the third time. I hate going in and out of Popo's shop over and over for hours and hours until a random dragonball appears for sale. They could've found a more interesting way to search for the dragon balls, so I don't have to constantly weave in and out of a shop for hours on-end just to wish for one character's Breakthrough. So, has anyone else played this game? What do you think of it? [/B][/QUOTE] Yes. As a matter of fact I bought it. Your right they should have put a jump button or some way we could fly at our own will and not only when someone gets knock in the air.I've haven't got all the Dragonballs yet but it is boring looking for them. Have you played the Legend Of Herecule. It's pretty good to say it's Herecule. And If you didn't get that far look at how many Dragonballs you start off with.(6) Then after you when the advanced level of the tournament. It isn't the best fighting game in the world but it's the best DBZ game yet. The tournament is pretty good but it's wierd you have to buy it. We should fight one level a the get to the next. The story mode is great you don't have to wait for the next episode.
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