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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. is extremely curious about the new OB layout. O_O

  2. [size=1]And you assume I don't know the difference between a small group of sick people and the rest of the (usually) sane. I was not attacking nor did I claim that I was referring to [i]all[/i] republicans, and I know many people personally and of the majority who are both devout Christians and adamant right wingers who neither condone nor believe in using methods like that were used against Tiller. And I find it rude that you'd attack me on the assumption that I did. I was simply stating that it is uncommon to see the word "terrorism" used in these cases by people the terrorists would be listening to.[/size]
  3. [size=1]What I find entirely unsurprising is that this happened in Kansas. I'm still curious as to why pro-life, pro-war republicans who claim they are completely against terrorists have been using terrorism themselves for years and no one with a significant voice has called them on it.[/size]
  4. [size=1]I'm both a bit happy and disappointed that I have to wait, but that's okay. This way I can finish my sign up (sorry it's taking so long, btw) and watch how the rounds go before having to participate![/size]
  5. [size=1][b]ooc:[/b] I finished the sign up! I hope this thing's still happening. : ) [indent][b]Name:[/b] Cale Eden [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/Marla_feels_beautiful_II_by_skeev.jpg][i]Cale[/i][/url] stands at five feet, seven inches, and weighs in around a hundred and twenty pounds. She's slim but fit, with a pale complexion, hazel-green eyes, and light brown hair, which she often keeps tied up in double buns. She currently wears a form-fitting v-neck shirt and a skirt, underneath which hide her holsters and a pair of tight black shorts. [b]Personality:[/b] Cale is a bubbly nineteen year old girl, ready for adventure and insanely stubborn. She is rarely put off by the attitudes of others, or anything at all really, and is capable of taking anything and everything in stride. Even when she's serious, she's rarely seen without a smile, unless someone's somehow managed to [i]really[/i] piss her off. [b]Weapons:[/b] Cale carries dual trench knives, held at rest in two holsters on her thighs. [b]Powers:[/b] Cale can change her skin and hair into anything, from steel to broken glass to lava if she so chooses, and is capable of growing it back if ripped off or separated from her body while transformed. However, she can only regrow [i]skin[/i], and if anything else -- bone, muscle, an entire limb -- is removed, it will not grow back, even if the skin covers what is missing. [b]Memory/ Aspiration/ Manifestation of Memory:[/b] Cale remembers sitting in the pews at the wedding of a familiar man, though she can't recognize him, and then seeing said man drowned in a bathtub. She doesn't know if she did it or if anyone else saw what happened, but she wears his wedding ring on her right ring finger. [b]Writing Snippet:[/b] Cale giggled, hoping backwards to easily avoid the swing of a rather large man's fist aimed for her. While not short, Cale was still dwarfed by the man accosting her, and she had little intention of actually getting within range of his arms. However, that didn't mean she couldn't have fun teasing him a little just outside his reach. [b]"You sure are big,"[/b] she pointed out with a smile. He grunted and swung for her again, but she easily leapt to the left before he reached her. [b]"Eat your fruits and veggies, did ya?"[/b] she smirked, this time jumping over and landing behind him when he lunged for her. [b]"Never cared for 'em, myself, y'know,"[/b] she continued, cartwheeling to the side before he could pound her into the ground. [b]"Though I was partial to--"[/b] she began, but was cut off when a hand managed to find her arm and keep her in place. [b]"You, li'l girl, need ta learn ta shut up,"[/b] the man bellowed, wrapping his giant hands around her waist and beginning to squeeze, with every intention of popping her like a balloon. Not quite keen on the idea of her insides becoming outsides, she blinked her eyes once, and suddenly her skin wasn't skin anymore. Cale's opponent let out a howl and dropped her immediately. She landed on what may have passed for feet, but were more like puddles of acid. She was transparent and dripping, and more liquid than solid, but her clothes were still on, keeping her form, and the features of her face were still quite visible. [b]"You should've let me finish,"[/b] she giggled, pulling her knives from the holsters barely keeping hold on her liquified thighs. The man looked from her to his melting hands, eyes wide in pain. [b]"I was always partial to tomatoes. Very acidic,"[/b] she finished with a grin before leaping towards him. He tried swatting her away, but she dodged his lumbering, dissintigrating hands and buried her knives in each of his shoulders as she landed on his chest, causing another cry of pain as she burned through his clothing and began melting his chest into nothing. He tried to pull her away, but every touch only caused him more torture, and soon his hands were down to little bits of muscle and bone. As Cale's feet penetrated his rib cage, he finally fell backwards, dead before he hit the ground. Her skin reverted to normal in a second, and then she was tugging her knives from his corpse and stepping out of the hole in his chest. [b]"So! Who's next?"[/b] she smiled, looking around. [b]Judge:[/b] Yup yup![/indent][/size]
  6. [size=1]Speaking of fired, I haven't shown up at work, called in or e-mailed my boss in two weeks. Guess who's guaranteed not to have a job next time she steps in the library! 8D[/size]
  7. [size=1]Glad to see you guys are interested in this! : D Looking forward to the snippets of those who plan to do them! ^__^ They needn't be as long as mine, though ( er.. I got carried away, lol >w
  8. [font=timesnewroman][center][size=5][b]Avatar: Conquerors of the Spirit[/b][/size] [size=1]An 8Bit and Kitty Collaborative RP[/size] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/A-CofSHeadergray.png[/IMG][/center] [indent][center][i]Water • Earth • Fire • Air[/i][/center] Six hundred years ago, the Avatar, master of all four elements, simply vanished. The balance kept for generations by the Avatar, whose spirit cycled through the nations ever since people first learned the art of bending, was shattered when the Fire Nation attacked. The Air Nomads were decimated, going completely extinct, and the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes were engulfed in war. For a hundred years, the dream of Fire Lord Sozin looked like it would come true. But then, a hundred years after the war began, the Avatar was discovered, hibernating within a block of ice in the South Pole. Despite technically being over a hundred years old, the Avatar was revealed to be a “young” Airbender named Aang. With the help of Sokka and Katara, the two Southern Tribe children who found him, and later Toph Bei Fong, a master Earthbender, and the exiled Fire Nation prince Zuko, he mastered all four elements and defeated Fire Lord Ozai. After the fall of the Fire Lord and his war-hungry forces at the hands of Aang and company, there were only a handful of loyalist efforts remaining, which were easily dealt with. The Avatar had brought peace to the world and restored the balance. The next obstacle that faced Aang was being the world's last Airbender, though he wouldn't be for long. His own children inherited his Airbending heritage, and there were also a few cases of children from other nations capable of Airbending. Aang lived for another century after the fall of Ozai before he passed away at the age of 212, the next Avatar being born a Waterbender. After this Avatar died another hundred years later, came the latest Avatar, Earthbender Wu Ren. Several generations later, the Air Nomads are slowly, but surely, restoring themselves with a population of a few hundred. The four nations have enjoyed the lasting peace, and there had been no signs of that changing any time soon. Until Wu Ren was killed while in the Avatar State, breaking the cycle of the Avatar and leaving the world in shock. Fending off a violent series of earthquakes and storms while in the Avatar State, Wu Ren had all but completely stopped them when a stray bolt of lightning struck him, killing him instantly. The immediate effect was an eerie calm, the weather calming instantly. The week following his death, all witnesses spread the news as fast as possible, the bizarrely perfect weather continuing. The peace was slowly dissolving as the tensions suppressed by the Avatar rapidly resurfaced. And as everyone suspected, the strange calm did not last for very much longer. Accompanying the returning heavy storms were evil spirits from the Spirit World, revealing that a much more terrible unbalance had resulted from the Avatar's death. But it is not only beings from the Spirit World coming over to the Real World. In a last ditch effort to restore the balance, the Spirit World has brought over a small group of people from the Real World to stop more spirits from escaping, and possibly repair the Avatar cycle...[/indent][/font] [center][font=trebuchet ms][b]SIGN UP SHEET[/b][/center] [INDENT] [b]Name:[/b] Pretty straight forward. [b]Age:[/b] As young or as old as you like so long as your character can fight. [b]Gender:[/b] Male or Female. [b]Appearance:[/b] Description, Picture, whatever you want. [b]Nation:[/b] Earth, Fire, Air or Water. [b]Element:[/b] Earth, Fire, Air, Water or none (not everyone bends you know!). If your element does not match your nation make sure to explain why in your sample. [b]Weapon:[/b] Anything you want. Your fists? A sword? If your character can already bend an element you cannot have a weapon. So you either get to fight with a weapon or your element. :D [b]What was your character doing when they heard news of Wu Ren's death?[/b] This section is optional, but if you choose to do it, go craazy. Make sure that whatever you write here gives us a good sense of your characters personality and background. [/font][/INDENT]
  9. [SIZE="1"]I've been wanting to sign up for this RP for a while, but haven't had the time, so I'm posting to let you know that I'll have a sign up by tonight sometime for you, YawnBoy. (: One question, though. I'd like my character to be a medic/nurse/whatever, but I'm not sure how medical care works on the Polyphemus. So, if you could explain just a little, I'd be very grateful. ^__^ (or I can just wing it in my sign up, and have you advise me from there. xD)[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE="1"]Wewt! This looks fun. :3 Hope this is something like what you had in mind~ [INDENT][b]Name:[/b] Baeli [?bay-lee?] Wurr (originally Mennington) [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/0406.jpg][i]Baeli[/i][/url] [b]Occupation:[/b] Fisher(wo)man [b]Why did the Castle choose you?[/b] Baeli moved in with and eventually married her childhood friend and love, Jak Wurr, at the tender age of eighteen. He wasn't a very rich man, but she was happy to join him fishing for the various creatures that inhabited the lake near their home. However, shortly after their fourth wedding anniversary, Jak was killed by an angry Merman he had accidentally caught in one of his nets. Since his untimely death, Baeli has gone from aloof to just plain ?out of it?, unable to pay attention for very long, and often drifting into her own thoughts and daydreams while someone is still talking to her. She still fishes, and knows how to get to the markets, with her mother-in-law stopping by every so often to check in on her. Once she heard someone mention the Castle of Twenty Levels at the market, she recalled Jak eagerly telling her stories about it when they were younger and the pair's fierce determination to enter and defeat the legendary castle which lasted through their late teens. Initially shocked at how much she had forgotten since the death of her husband, she immediately declared, once again, that she would conquer the castle, this time in the memory of Jak.[/INDENT][/SIZE]
  11. [size=1][indent][b]?Oi! Keep your filthy hands off the merchandise, brat!?[/b] screeched the old woman, batting Cyd's hands away from one of the cabinets of expensive jewelry. She took the large necklace Cyd had been looking at and gently placed it back on its hook. She turned around and eyed the young woman suspiciously before speaking in a mocking tone. [b]?One rock on that necklace is worth more than your head, girlie.?[/b] Narrowing her eyes, Cyd stayed silent for a moment before replying. [b]?And how would you know that??[/b] [b]?Hmm??[/b] the shopkeeper grumbled. [b] ?Do you know who I am??[/b] [b] ?It doesn't matter who you are; you aren't anyone important or famous,?[/b] she waved a hand passively, as if dismissing Cyd's worth completely. [b] ?I may not be famous, but I am indeed important. I'm sure you know of [i]Wren Olyick[/i], yes??[/b] Cyd asked coolly, dropping the name of one of the nation's most famous jewelers and catching the woman's attention. She whipped around, expression suddenly curious and less disdainful, giving Cyd her answer. [b] ?So you do. Well, it just so happens, that I have a connection with Miss Olyick. I am one of her scouts--?[/b] [b]?Oh! Dear me, forgive me, Miss, um...??[/b] the woman interrupted, her face drained of color. To deny a scout of Wren Olyick was to doom one's business. [b]?Rieva,?[/b] Cyd sighed in an irritated tone, using the name of someone she had met in the last town she had visited. [b]?Miss Rieva, then. I'm terribly sorry, I was unaware that Miss Olyick was interested in shops all the way out here! Please, please, take any pieces you think worthy!?[/b] she smiled, repeatedly bowing her head in apology. She backed away, not wanting to get in the way of Cyd's 'scouting'. After a couple minutes, Cyd held in her hands several pieces of jewelry, likely to be worth even more than the shopkeeper was aware of, and headed for the door. She paused in the doorway, turning back to see the old woman had been watching her closely from behind the counter. With a small, fake smile, Cyd called back to the old woman, [b]?With this selection, I can practically guarantee you'll be receiving positive word in the next couple of weeks.?[/b] She left without another glance, though she was sure the old woman was greedily rubbing her hands together at the prospect of becoming an Olyick sponsor. Cyd grabbed Zel and a small purse she had stolen recently, both of which she had hidden away before entering the small town shop, and placed the jewelry into the handbag before zipping it shut. She knew she was only about a day's walk from Yeshova, and would certainly be able to find an exchange there, hopefully where she could get some money for the jewels she was carrying. But right now, she was concentrating on getting out of town before the shopkeeper's husband made her realize she had just been fooled. [center]--[/center] Cyd traveled very often, and sometimes for very long distances, but she was reasonably hungry and tired as she arrived at the gates of Yeshova. She blamed it on not grabbing herself anything to eat before leaving the last town she passed through. She had little patience when the guards decided to stop her and ask her questions, but her answers cleared her of any suspicion. After all, no matter where she went, almost every large city she stopped in seemed to think they should interrogate her, so she had developed an acceptable answer for any question they could ask her. Once inside Yeshova, she grabbed the arm of the first person to pass by her, demanding the location of the local exchange. The young man looked positively terrified as her eyes flashed red over their natural green, and pointed a shaky finger towards a large building a ways down the road. She released him without a word, ignoring him as he ran away, clutching his arm. She walked inside the building and immediately recognized it to be the exchange she had requested, but frowned at the large amount of people inside. Too tired and impatient to wait in line, Cyd managed to talk her way past the crowds and got a rather large sum of money for the jewels she traded. Before leaving, she asked the man she had just done business with for the location of an inn. He gave her some simple directions, and she was tired enough to thank him. It took her a couple minutes to find the inn, and immediately after entering, dropped a decent portion of the money she had just received onto the front desk and asked for their best available room. She was pleased with the room she was escorted to, but had little time to examine any of it other than the large bed she fell asleep on almost instantly.[/indent][/size]
  12. [SIZE="1"][INDENT][b]Name[/b] Cyd Ulri [b]Age[/b] 20 [b]Archetype[/b] [free spot] The Liar [b]Physical Description[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/13020gothique.jpg][i]Cyd[/i][/url] has long black hair which shines with soft rainbow colors in the light. Her eyes, while typically green, tend to change color depending on what she's thinking or trying to communicate. She wears a tight, black blouse and matching shorts, with black moccasins. [b]Weapon[/b] Cyd bartered her axe, dubbed [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/Axe.png][i]Zel[/i][/url], off a pawn shop owner when she was about ten years old. She originally didn't want it, and only tricked the shop owner into giving it to her to prove she could do it. But it became useful shortly after she acquired it, and she has become skilled with and attached to it over the years. [b]Combat Tactics[/b] Cyd is a rather lazy fighter, resorting to cleverness or trickery (such as acting like a bystander to avoid the action) rather than brute force to get her way. However, she is no slouch when it comes to using Zel, and prefers to use it when fighting Dugolman soldiers and supporters, just so she can chop them up rather dramatically. [b]Personality[/b] Cyd is a clever and confident young woman, but also very bitter and reserved. She rarely talks to others for any reason other than to correct, humiliate, make fun of or lie to them. But despite her lack of verbal communication with others, she has a tendency to “speak” very clearly with her eyes. Whatever motives she has, they change often and are quite random and strange to begin with, so it is difficult to determine what she's traveling for in the first place. [b]How does your character view the way Dugolma treats Iasel?[/b] Cyd is an Iaselian herself, though she managed to avoid persecution after her parents died due to some luck and quick thinking, despite how young she was when it happened. Because of her connection to Iasel, she despises all those who are affiliated with the Dugolman empire, including civilians. Her radical, anti-Dugolma views have gotten her into trouble quite often, but she's always managed to talk or fight her way out of it.[/INDENT][/SIZE]
  13. Kitty

    This is Earth

    [SIZE="1"][INDENT][right][i]... /system reboot code 1149057; name MAE /program run: system scan status: complete main systems operational /end sleep mode[/i][/right] A pair of soldiers, each dressed in uniforms aligning them with the Russian-sent police of Septu, wandered drunkenly through a large metal scrap yard. They were either recently discharged, or soon to be for ditching their posts, asT they went down the seldom taken shortcut between the edge of Posopia and one of its smaller, more rural neighbors. The lesser drunk of the two men said something in Russian about needing to go to the bathroom, and stumbled off a little ways to do so, leaving his friend to trip over various unusable android parts and knock himself out. The soldier, having found an acceptable spot, was about to relieve himself when he heard a sudden noise of metal crashing against other metal and the ground from somewhere behind him and immediately reached for his firearm. Whipping himself around, he looked ready to fire, but saw nothing. He called out quietly for his fellow officer, but when no voice replied, he began to crouch and inch his way up a large pile of metal parts, hoping to scout out the source of the noise from a higher vantage point. He was surprised to see a young woman, dressed in warm weather clothing yet ignorant of the chilling air around her, staring at a large pile of parts. He lowered his gun and was about to call out to her when he saw her lift her arms, which suddenly turned into metal vines and wrapped around an unconscious body, which he quickly recognized as his buddy, before throwing it with ease into the air. She slashed the tips of her whip-like arms along the man's body while it still hovered in the air, and watched silently as he fell into several bloody, but perfectly cut, blocks of flesh. The soldier immediately brought the gun back up and, after aiming carefully, sent a shot straight through her forehead. He cried angrily out at her, believing himself to have gotten his revenge for the death of his friend. However, after a moment, he froze and watched in a mix of horror and awe as the woman stayed standing, and even turned her eyes immediately on him, despite the hole in her head. The hole seemed to sew itself together, and after a few seconds, it looked as though she hadn't been touched at all. She took a step towards him, and he fell over himself trying to back away, tumbling all the way down to the bottom of the large pile he had perched himself on. As he scrambled to his feet, he felt as if there was a hand spreading through his hair before he was yanked up into the air, legs kicking desperately to regain the feeling of ground beneath them. He shouted and cursed in his native Russian, before being spun around slowly to look down into the face of the young woman. [b]"Give it to me."[/b] He tilted his head, still with a look of absolute terror on his face, unable to understand. She paused for a moment before asking the question again, this time in the language she had heard him cursing in moments before. He stared back at her in awe, before asking her what it was she wanted. She pointed quietly at his weapon, and after a second of hesitation, threw the weapon at her feet. She tossed him at one of the piles of lifeless robotics, and reached down for the gun. As the soldier struggled to get to his feet, she thanked him in Russian before shooting him in the exact same spot he had shot her. She glanced down at the weapon in her hands and snapped it in half, dropping the pieces on its dead owner as she passed by. [b]"I do not understand why I would be in a Septu junkyard,"[/b] she 'thought' aloud to herself. After a moment or two of trying to access her own navigational program and failing, she rationalized that she must have not succeeded on her last mission, and was thereby disposed of. Though doubtful that she would actually fail an assignment, there would be no other reason to be sent to the "Country of Trash", as it was occasionally referred to for its taking in of prisoners and defunct military experiments. However, why she hadn't been deactivated permanently when left with the scraps made no sense to her. If she was a failure, why had she been simply been put into sleep mode? All of her unanswered questions bothered her, and she decided that there was only one thing to do. Get out of Septu, and find Professor Green. But with her navigational programming jammed (most likely to prevent her escape from Septu), she had little idea as to where to head first. Suddenly, a large roar of shouting and a sound only a chorus of guns firing together could create erupted from the large city she recognized as Posopia in the distance. If there were people, there was likely to be someone capable of directing her to the border of Septu. As she walked, she brought up a stored directory of Posopia residents, recorded only a year or two ago from her last mission to the large city, to search for someone capable of repairing her navigational system. Only a handful of names came up when she searched for "android repair", and none when she specified "nanomachines". But this was not surprising, as more than half the city's residents never registered in any official database because they were in hiding. She calculated the statistical advantage of searching for someone capable of fixing her jumbled programming by word of mouth, and its results were far more promising than she suspected, and decided to ask everyone she came across in the city. [/INDENT] --- ooc: Apologies for the delay in posting! Very little free time and writers block combined to make writing this post an unnecessarily long process. Anyways, anyone involved in/some place near the riots, feel free to see or interact with Mae, 'cause that's where she's headed.[/SIZE]
  14. [size=1]Yeah, sorry 'bout that. >_< I just opened photoshop for the first time in a week or so sometime around midnight, and I totally forgot that I had made a claim here. I'll try this again when I have more time, tho'! ^__^;;[/size]
  15. [SIZE="1"]claiming~! : D will edit later with the finished product (probably sometime tomorrow).[/SIZE]
  16. Kitty

    This is Earth

    [size=1]If my species description makes little sense, just imagine the villain T-1000 from Terminator 2, lol. [center]---[/center][indent][center][b]Name[/b] M.A.E. (Morphing Android Experiment) 7, Project Code 1149057 ? aka Mae [b]Species[/b] Nanomorph: A robot entirely made of nanomachines. Its brain is distributed throughout its whole body, which also acts as an all-around sensor, hence making it impossible to surprise as long as the target is on line of sight. A nanomorph is arguably the robotic ultimate in versatility, but the difficulty of properly creating and maintaining nanomachines has made it an unfavorable design type, even in the industrially advanced British Empire. It is also capable of using parts of its body as a tracking device, splitting the body for doing several tasks, flatting the body until paper-thin, or even gliding/flying. Another feature is the ability to cover itself with specific colors and textures in a realistic looking manner (the ultimate being to look and dress like a human). [b]Age[/b] 49, appears to be in early to mid-twenties. [b]Origin[/b] Built in France in 2220, under orders of the British Empire's military robotics unit. [b]Occupation[/b] Translation/Impersonation/Infiltration/Assassination [b]Personality[/b] Mae was created during the time period when ?robots with feelings? were the favored creations. Thus, all of her nanomachines were embedded with the necessary ?emotions? required for her to pass as a human until examined very closely. Her ?default mood? seems to be pissed off, as can be confirmed by any person lucky enough to witness her and not be killed soon afterwards. She wears a grimace at almost all times, is always extremely determined and focused on the task at hand, and is quick to violence (though that may just be because she was built to kill). She does, however, recognize when keeping something or someone functioning or alive is essential to completing her mission. When this is the case, she tends to become somewhat overprotective of it/them, to the point where it could be considered ?caring? (though she would never consider it so). Since being discarded (reasons, thus far, being unknown to her), she has adopted ?escaping Septu and returning to Professor Green (the man leading the project she was created for) for next assignment? as her current mission. [b]Appearance[/b] [url=http://www.ivetfashion.com/women/Milena%20Georgieva/big/milena-georgieva-woman-19.jpg][i]Mae[/i][/url] right after completion. She has tanned skin, dirty blond hair, and gray eyes. Also of note, on her right hip, shortly after she passed inspection, she was branded with a bar code and her project code number. Because of her ability to mimic whatever she comes in contact with, and her ?personality?, she has become partial to ?wearing? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/Marla_feels_beautiful_II_by_skeev.jpg][i]this[/i][/url] outfit. (photo credit to [url=skeev.deviantart.com]skeev@devart.com[/url])[/center][/indent][/size]
  17. [SIZE="1"]Forgive me if a thread like this already exists. I don't stop by the Lounge often, you see, so I wouldn't know. ^__^;; Well, it's my birthday today (turning 17, woot~), but like any other day, I've been surfing the interwebs and checking up on my LJ friends list and what have you, and I somehow managed to find out that I share my birthday with [b][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arashi]Arashi[/url][/b]'s [b][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jun_Matsumoto]Matsumoto Jun[/url][/b] (or Jun Matsumoto, if you say it that way). And that got me to thinking (something I don't do very often, ha ha): who [i]else[/i] do I share my birthday with? After a brief skimming of Wikipedia (and racking my brains briefly), I know that I also share my birthday with: Cameron Diaz (actress from lots of stuffs), Ryan Ross (guitarist of Panic! At The Disco), Shaun Alexander (football player for the Seahawks), Michael Chiklis (the actor from "The Shield"), two friends and another friend's mom (uh... two friends and another friend's mom?), and Andy Roddick (tennis player). Pretty small list, I know, but I'm too lazy to search for more names. XD So, what about you? Do you share your birthday with your friends (possibly a fellow OBer?), your parents or someone famous? Do tell! : D[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE="1"]I am also reserving a spot. :3 Shall have my sign up posted sometime tonight. ^_^ [b]edit:[/b] I hope you don't mind me pairing up Naruto and Hinata (they are my OTP! lol). Also, please let me know if there are any inaccuracies/contradictions with your plot in my bio. [indent][b]Name:[/b] Uzumaki Hotaru (though she personally detests the name, and often asks others to call her “Ru”) [b]Age:[/b] 12 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Physical Description:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Hotarusketchcolor.png]click here[/url] for a basic scribble of what Hotaru looks like. Being a descendant of the Hyuuga main branch, Hotaru has inherited the family's Byakugan, giving her pupil-less eyes that are blue like her father's, instead of the typical lavender. Besides her eye color, Hotaru looks almost nothing like her father. She has dark indigo-colored hair, darker than her mother's, that reaches down past her elbows. Hotaru also wears clothing similar to other members of her mother's clan: a baggy, beige, long-sleeved top; black shorts that reach above her knees; a large gray belt around her waist, and the standard ninja foot wear. Since receiving her headband for graduating from the Academy, Hotaru usually wears it across her forehead, just like her father used to. When using her Byakugan, she will often let the headband slip down to cover her eyes. Also of note, Hotaru is left handed, therefore her kunai, shuriken and scroll pouch is on her left thigh instead of her right. [b]Weapons:[/b] Outside of the basic scrolls or kunai, Hotaru uses no special weapons. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Although one side of Hotaru's family is well known for their taijutsu techniques (one or two of which she, herself, has mastered), she is most skilled when it comes to ninjutsu. [b]Jutsu/Techniques:[/b] • [i]byakugan[/i] – (kekkai genkai) Has skilled control over her Byakugan, and has even managed to extend its range from the basic 50 meters to 150 meters. But using the ability more than once in a day leaves her extremely exhausted, so she limits its use as much as possible. • [i]gentle fist[/i] – (taijutsu) Usually used in combination with the Byakugan, Hotaru has adapted the technique to her own fighting style by essentially memorizing where the particular points of the chakra circulatory system are located, and therefore doesn't need to see them to hit them correctly. She managed this in only two years time to avoid using her kekkai genkai, which typically leaves her exhausted after extended usage. [b]Short Biography:[/b] Hotaru was born soon after the calm fell upon Konohagakure, to the seventh Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuuga Hinata. As soon as was possible, Hotaru began training with her grandfather and mother to master the Byakugan at the Hyuuga household. She saw little of her father when she was young, as he was busy with rebuilding Konoha. She proved herself quite capable of mastering her challenging kekkai genkai, but often showed difficulties with more basic jutsus (Hotaru often recalled conversations at dinner where her grandfather blamed her father for that, making her mother giggle and blush). Soon after entering Konoha's Ninja Academy, Hotaru finally was able to spend time with her father. They became inseparable, and would often claim to go training, but would really be pulling pranks on friends. When they actually [i]did[/i] train, they would fight in low-stakes spar matches with her father usually winning. Though she knew he would never fight her with all his strength, the stories she had heard of his battles made her wish she could fight someone as strong (or stronger) than he was, and be able to defeat them. Hotaru is a very independent, determined, hot-headed, and stubborn individual, and is well known throughout Konoha not only for being the 7th Hokage's daughter (though she absolutely refuses to go by “Honorable Daughter” or some title like that), but for her own reputation as well. Despite the lack of physical resemblance to her father, she is practically his twin when it comes to behavior. She doesn't desire attention for the same reason he did, but she still goes out of her way to pull pranks and make a mess of things whenever the chance arises. The only thing she takes seriously is her training and self-improvement, though she'd rather die than let anyone know, so she often goofs off and gets in trouble in front of others so that they think she doesn't care. She considers herself fairly weak in terms of fighting skills (despite her confidence in her knowledge of a wide range of jutsus), and will not rest until she is able to defeat someone equal or superior to her father in strength.[/indent][/size]
  19. [size=1]I'd like to apologize for lack of posting (you guys go so [i]fast[/i]! GEEZ. XD). I had originally planned to do some sort of collab with Jokopoko's character and my own, but he seems to have disappeared and I can't find him. @_@; But I'll post later today regardless of whether he finally posts or not. >w
  20. [size=1][indent][b]?Vera, you're going to be late,?[/b] came her mother's voice drifting up the stairs. In the center of a decent-sized bedroom, cluttered with books, clothing, and various other wizarding trinkets, was a lump of sheets and pillows taking up most of Vera's bed. A small portion of her transfigured blue hair was the only thing visible from underneath the collection of bedding. Her mother called again, this time causing Vera to grumble slightly and roll over underneath her covers. Finally, she burst in the room and with a flick of her wand, instantly pulled away the sheets and had her daughter floating in mid-air before her. [b]?Vera Adriana Demens, for heaven's sake, [i]wake up[/i]!?[/b] Vera raised her hands to rub her eyes before opening them, and after realizing that she was being lifted like a child by invisible forces, glared irritatedly down at her mother. [b]?Put me down, mum. I'm up, I'm up!?[/b] she protested indignantly. Only when she was satisfied that her daughter would not return to bed did her mother release her of the spell, leaving her with instructions to get dressed within the next ten minutes or else she would miss the Hogwarts Express. [b]?Yeah, yeah,?[/b] Vera sighed, waving her hands at her mother to shoo her away. She rubbed her eyes again once she was alone, and quickly changed out of her pajamas and into some Muggle clothing before walking down the steps to see her parents waiting with her trunk just outside the front door. [b] ?Good morning, Vee,?[/b] her father beamed, ruffling her hair as she walked up to them. [b] ?Orrick told me to wish you luck.?[/b] She smiled up at him until her parents had turned their backs to her and her expression fell into a frown. She was slightly resentful of her brother for a few minutes as she thought about him not coming to see her off, but she quickly forgave him and hoped his training was going well. Her father was the one to drive the Muggle car to King's Cross station, as her mother could never get the hang of it and Vera herself was too young to learn how anyway. They grabbed a cart from outside the station, and it never failed to surprise her how easily her things crowded the small thing. As they passed through the crowds of Muggles, Vera paid little mind to the familiar stares she received for her odd belongings and her mother's outrageous fashion sense (she never did quite get the hang of Muggle dress, today wearing a tall orange hat with large white Hippogriff feathers, and a lime green suit with matching heels). It happened for the past three years, and she had gotten used to it by now. The closer they got to the stone pillar between platforms nine and ten, Vera began growing more and more excited, the thoughts of her brother floating to the back of her mind as she wondered how long it would take her to find Sophocles once she reached platform nine and three quarters. [b]?Bye mum, bye dad,?[/b] she sighed, giving her parents two quick hugs before pushing her cart through the portal. On the other side, she grinned at the sight of the other students and wizarding families walking about through the noise and steam of the train. It didn't take long for her to spot the silvery white hair of her taller friend, looking around with a bored expression on his face. She snuck up quietly behind him, bringing out her wand and waving it slightly, suddenly turning the boy's luggage into a large stuffed rabbit. He stared down at it in surprise, and whipped around to yell at whoever had done it when he spotted Vera and rolled his eyes. [b]?Hello to you, too.?[/b] He took out his own wand and returned the rabbit back to its original form. [b]?I see you still have a knack for transfiguration.?[/b] [b] ?Yup. If only I could make myself grow taller, right??[/b] A loud hoot from her cart momentarily caught her off guard, and when she realized Aduro, her owl, was the source, she shrugged her shoulders and suggested they find a compartment to share. [b] ?Can't wait to get me some Fizzing Whizzbees off the trolley,?[/b] she added, levitating her luggage up the steps onto the train and through the corridor, finally spotting an empty compartment towards the front of the train. She motioned for Sophocles to follow in after her, and once she was done floating her luggage into the nets above her head, she sat down across from him with Aduro's cage in her lap so she could feed him some snacks to keep him quite.[/indent][/size]
  21. [size=1][indent][b]Name:[/b] Vera "Vee/Demon" Adriana Demens [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 14 (turns 15 on March 1st) [b]Year:[/b] Fourth [b]House:[/b] Ravenclaw [b]Wand:[/b] Willow, 10 1/2?, dragon heartstring [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/VeraDemenssketchcolor.png][color=silver][b]Vera[/b][/color][/url] (Yes I drew/colored that myself. Leave me alone. XD) Vera is a natural blonde, but accidentally transfigured her hair to a light blue when she was little and kept it that way. She has a somewhat pale complexion, and her eyes are a dullish brown. Since she's only fourteen she hasn't finished growing yet, but she is still frustrated with her tiny stature, standing at only 5'5?. She is also naturally slender, but lacks any accented curves. When not required to wear her uniform, she sticks to jeans and t-shirts with sayings that change, the occasional hooded jacket, and her black sneakers. [b]Personality:[/b] Vera is a very intelligent, sharp-witted and somewhat sarcastic girl. She is often seen wearing a bored expression and doesn't put in much effort to meet new people, and is sometimes thought of as an introvert because of it. But those who do speak to her know her as very social and talkative, but understand that she just isn't [i]all[/i] the time. In class, she is the student who knows almost all of the answers but dislikes speaking in class, so she stays in the back, passing notes and doodling instead. Outside of class, she is quite studious (though a bit lazy when it comes to subjects she doesn't like), but a prankster as well, enjoying messing with her friends, but especially her enemies. She is prone to getting in trouble as well, having received over twenty detentions in her first three months at Hogwarts during her first year (though she's tamed a bit since then). She's an avid Quidditch fan, and one of the Beaters for the Ravenclaw team. [b]Classes:[/b] [indent][i]Schedule 1 (M/W/F)[/i] ? 12:00 AM - Astronomy ? 10:45 AM - Ancient Runes ? 1:00 PM - Care of Magical Creatures ? 2:45 PM - Herbology [i]Schedule 2 (Tue/Thu)[/i] ? 9:00 AM - Transfiguration ? 10:45 AM - Charms ? 1:00 PM - Defense Against the Dark Arts ? 2:45 AM - Potions ? 3:30 PM - History of Magic[/indent] [b]Bio:[/b] The youngest of two children, Vera was born to a pure-blooded, well-off wizarding family, and as such, has been aware and immersed in magic since she was first brought into the world. Her elder brother, Orrick, is four years her senior, and has been very protective of her since the two were little. She is closest with her brother, but loves her entire family very deeply. It was Orrick who first got in her involved with Quidditch, when the two would sneak out of their studies (since the two were home schooled up until their invitation to Hogwarts) to listen to games on his radio, and later when he took her to her first game (Holyhead Harpies vs. Kenmare Kestrels). His mischievous streak at home and at school also influenced her to become the troublemaker she can be nowadays. Because Orrick was older than her, he went to Hogwarts when she was seven, and it was during her time apart from her brother that she showed a significant aptitude for transfiguration (transforming her own hair and the family dog) and charms. Her parents, both Ravenclaw alumni themselves, wanted at least one of their children to follow in their footsteps (as Orrick had been sorted to Gryffindor), and pushed her to study. She quickly proved that she was very intelligent, if a bit lazy, and developed the strong desire to make her parents proud of her. When she was of age, she received the letter to Hogwarts and was fascinated by Diagon Alley when she was brought there by her family to purchase her books. She and her brother strayed away from their parents briefly after she had received her wand, and the two ended up getting lost for a bit, eventually stumbling into Eeylops Owl Emporium where she immediately fell in love with a uniquely colored owl, whom she named Aduro before she had even purchased him. When their parents finally found the two of them, although they were planning on giving her the family owl and purchasing a new one, they bought her her own instead. Her first three years at Hogwarts are filled with various academic achievements, and a very good performance on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team to which she was promised a spot by the end of her first year. Her aggressive behavior on a broom and the position she played (along with several pranks she was a part of) earned her the nickname ?Demon?, as a play off of her last name. This year will be her first without her brother, who has graduated and is planning to train to be an Auror. She isn't too worried about it, though, as she has made plenty of friends during her previous years at Hogwarts.[/indent] --- I hope you don't mind my set up of the schedule. For a student taking nine classes a day, I can't imagine having them all [i]everyday[/i] so I broke it up. If you'd like me to change that, just let me know. :3 [b]edit ::[/b] Excellent point Darren! I feel silly for not realizing that. xD;; Fixed my schedule to make more sense. ^_^[/size]
  22. Kitty

    Dead Diaries

    [b]Dairy of Reveille J. Roberts[/b] [b]7/17/07[/b] Holy shit. I [i]haaaaaaaaaate[/i] Driver's Ed. I'm killing that guy in the slowest, most painful way possible the second I pass this fucking class. And those idiots in my car, too. They're obnoxious, too. Speaking of killing, holy [i]crap[/i] I'm weirded out. You know those riots downtown? Yeah, well, they're getting worse. There have been videos in the news recently that show (after a half-minute long warning screen for disturbing images) people [i]ripping each other apart[/i]. What the hell are they rioting about [i]anyway[/i]? Is it so bad they have to pull each other's limbs apart? Oh, and the Brat (aka little brother) seems to have found out where I've been stashing this diary, so you're going to temporarily be moving around until I can find a place he can't reach. If he showed this to anyone (oh god, if Dad saw some of the stuff I've written in here over the summer!) I think I might die of embarrassment. Nobody needs to know what I daydream about 'cept me and you! Geez, I can hear him coming up the stairs now. [right]♥ RJR[/right] [b]7/24/07[/b] Happy birthday Mom. [right]♥ RJR[/right] [b]7/30/07[/b] Passed Driver's Ed., got my certificate, and sent it into the DMV within two days, and got my unrestricted license! Yay! Can drive by myself now at [i]any[/i] time of day, with [i]anyone[/i] I want in the car to [i]any[/i] place I can think of. As much as I hated my instructor, I'm glad I put up with him for so damn long, 'cause the new license is amazing. (Not the picture, tho'. I looked stoned for some reason.) Unfortunately, I didn't get much use out of it before [i]everyone[/i] received a curfew. Because we live in LA county, the riots (which weren't actually riots but people who've eaten some drugged up food or something) nearby are worse than they are anywhere else in the country at the moment, and the police seem really worried about the violence downtown. Dad hasn't been able to reach anybody from the office in a couple of days, and can't go back to his office building, either, because of the road blocks they put up weeks ago. Just this morning we had a big argument because he wouldn't stop complaining about not being able to get any work done, while I was trying to make him realize that the Brat (aka little brother) and I are just happy he didn't get stuck in the mess that has become of LA, but he wouldn't listen to me. I ended up storming out and driving downtown and didn't come back until a cop pulled me over and told me if I wasn't heading home I would be arrested. So, he followed me to make sure I went home, and I had to eat dinner with him apologizing to me. I'm not so mad anymore, but he really annoys me when he gets all obsessed with his work. He's still receiving paychecks because they hadn't planned on this downtime, but he says that's bound to stop any day now. Which also bugs me a bit, but I think I'll keep my mouth shut about that. [right]♥ RJR[/right] [b]8/5/07[/b] So, today was Dad's birthday, and I think I did a pretty damn good job making it the best 50th birthday he could've asked for! Of course, the Brat did help a little bit (mainly doing just menial tasks for me, like cleaning, tho'!), but I'd have to take most of the credit. First off, we let him sleep in until like noon, which was no where [i]near[/i] my record of sleeping from midnight to six pm one afternoon (but you've already heard that story), but was still pretty impressive for him. Then I made him this [i]excellent[/i] breakfast. It was a gigantic omelet (bacon, onions and peppers, just like he always makes for himself), a bunch of extra bacon strips, four waffles made from scratch, and his favorite yogurt, along with a glass of orange juice. He managed to scarf it all down, too, though I helped with the bacon and the Brat ate a waffle or two. Then I drove us all down to the local golf course and we played a full round. I shot a 108, which is not bad for someone who rarely, if ever, plays the whole 18 holes in one afternoon. Then I grilled a couple steaks for dinner for us all, but made Brat do most of the dishes. Dad was the happiest when we let him choose what to watch while we ate, I think, heh. And surprise, surprise, we watched the news. [i]Countdown[/i] isn't so bad, but almost every five minutes he brought up the riots. Though I really should stop calling them that. But their explanation/definition changes practically everyday now, so I don't know why I should even bother trying to remember what today's name for them is. But anyway, apparently they aren't just here in LA anymore. A couple 'riots' have broken out in Manhattan where Auntie Vi lives, so Grandma Louise is calling her everyday now. I feel bad because she already had to lose her daughter without being able to do anything, and now the same might be true for her sister. We're hoping she can get on a plane out of there soon and stay with Grandma Louise for a while, but travel out of Manhattan is nearly impossible lately. But yeah, at least she doesn't watch the news channels that show all the gory images. She'd fall to pieces if she saw that, no doubt about it. Anyway, the next twenty-five days are going to possibly be the longest I've ever had to live through. I can't believe I'm turning [i]seven-fucking-teen[/i] in less than a month. I wonder how different I'll feel... Or if I'll feel any different at all? [right]♥ RJR[/right] [size=1][b]ooc:[/b] first string of entries. the second bunch will be much longer and more zombie-news-centric, I swear! >_
  23. [indent][font=timesnewroman][b]?FUCK!?[/b] Staring down at my trembling right hand, I quickly noted that my wound was not permanently damaging, but it still hurt like fuck. I had dropped one of my pistols, but Tiana had grabbed it and the two of us fired off several rounds at our assailant as we ran, though I doubted that we were hitting anything other than pavement and the occasional car. Running with my large duffel bag, a wounded firing hand, shooting over my shoulder, and dealing with the rain all at the same time was getting rather annoying pretty damn fast, so I was greatly relieved to see Tiana's car only a little ways away. [b]?I [i]knew[/i] it was a set-up,?[/b] Tiana barked at me as I fumbled through my pockets to find my fresh magazines. I tossed her one and practically bit through my lip as I switched my own, trying my best not to acknowledge the pain in my right hand. I'm not necessarily a lefty, but I had practiced enough so that it wasn't impossible for me to shoot someone were my right hand injured, as was currently the case. [b]?Well [i]sor-ree[/i],?[/b] I growled back as a bullet whizzed by my ear, [b]?But if you hadn't noticed, there's only [i]one[/i] shooter from what I can tell, and they keep aiming at [i]me[/i]!?[/b] I didn't get a reply as Tiana had shoved herself into her car as I was talking and was already pulling away down the street. It was incredibly difficult to open the passenger-side door as I was still running awkwardly to catch up, and the rain made everything slippery. Yet another reason why I [i]hate[/i] the fucking rain. She managed to open it for me as a few more bullets just missed my head, and she screamed at me to jump in. Normally I would've made a comment about her rude invitation, but I'd rather deal with her annoying shouting than bullets. Once inside the car, I rummaged through her glove compartment to find a small first-aid kit. Inside was a pair of tweezers, some gauze, and other basic items useful for injuries you sustain in our line of work. Taking out the gauze, I made several pained noises as I promptly wrapped up the wound. There was quite a bit of blood on my sleeve and pistol, but I ignored it. Blood was a welcome sight, even if some of it was my own. What [i]really[/i] had me upset was the dampness of all my clothing. I wished desperately for a towel, but since when did wishing get me anything? [b]?Shit that was lucky,?[/b] Tiana smiles, noting the clean hole in my hand. [b] ?Could've done a lot more damage.?[/b] [b]?I know that, but I don't think you ever use the word 'lucky' when referring to a gunshot wound,?[/b] I sneered, taking a look out the rear windshield to make sure we weren't being followed. I think that was the only time I've ever been relieved to see only rain pouring down behind me. [center]~[/center] We ended up back at her place, seeing as I was convinced the shooter had been after me and didn't want to go back to my own apartment. She thought I was just pissed off that I got shot and she didn't that I wanted to bother her for the rest of the night, which is stupid. Well, me being pissed off was true, but the rest of her theory was dumb. I fell onto her couch, exhausted from the pain in my hand and all the running I had to do in the rain. That stupid, [i]god damn[/i] rain. It had me soaking wet but too tired to find a towel and sneak a change of clothes from Tiana's closet, which was my original plan before I had sat down and discovered how comfortable her couch's pillows were. [b]?Hunter's not here,?[/b] she said, accidentally very loudly from the bedroom, forcing me to raise one of my recently lowered eye lids. [b]?Who the [i]hell[/i]... is Hunter??[/b] I managed to ask, though I sounded more irritated than I had originally intended. She came out from the bedroom with a rather inexpressive face, which instantly registered in my mind as, ?There's something wrong.? As if she had read my mind, she waved passively at me with an annoyed look on her face and turned back around and headed into her kitchen. [b]?It doesn't matter. Besides, who he is is none of your business, Kitty,?[/b] she began while making herself something to drink. [b]?You woke me up when I was starting to fall asleep. You know how [i]loud[/i] you have to be to do that. Why does it matter if he isn't here? Should he be??[/b] [b]?It's not?... He shouldn't [i]be[/i] here, it's just that? ...?[/b] She stopped and started like this a couple more times before I got tired of it and interrupted her by clearing my throat very loudly. I gave her a look that clearly told her to just [i]get on with it[/i], and she took another minute or two to finally start speaking clearly. [b]?I was just hoping he'd still be here.?[/b] I opened my mouth to ask her if this guy was her boyfriend or something, but someone knocking loudly on the door interrupted me. I immediately grabbed for one of my pistols with my uninjured hand, but she told me to calm down and lower it. I glared at her for a bit, which she returned with a stone-faced expression of her own, then tried my ?PWEASE?? expression again, but this time it didn't work. Maybe she's immune to it in her own home or something. Anyway, she went to open the door while I stayed on the couch, wishing I could go back to napping, but too uncomfortable because of my wet clothing, and too paranoid because whoever had shot me in the hand was still out there and there was a large possibility that they had managed to follow us and track me down here. So, I sat up straight, my pistol cocked and loaded in my hand, pointed subtly (subtly as in hidden by one of her pillows so she wouldn't see it and yell at me from the doorway) at the door. She opened it and I could hear a small gasp come from her mouth as she wrapped her arms around whoever was outside. I figured it was this Hunter person coming back. Just as I was confident that I could [i]finally[/i] take a nap, there was suddenly a gun pointed at her face. I stayed silent and, as quietly as I could, I dashed across the room and crouched behind a corner so that I could still peek around and see the two of them, but they couldn't see me. Now that I was closer, I was able to hear more of what the two were saying. I caught the end of Tiana's last sentence, and her voice was oddly shaky. [b]?... Hunter, so why are you pointing a gun at me??[/b] [b] ?I'm sorry, Tiana, really, I didn't think??[/b] Hunter rambled on, seemingly as upset about this as Tiana was. Though his finger rested on the trigger, he didn't look like he was going to pull it soon. I quietly cheered for her to get the courage to pull out her own gun and intimidate him into dropping his weapon. Again, as if she could hear my thoughts, she slowly reached up to a gun she had hidden on her person, and quickly held it up in Hunter's startled face. [b] ?Wha???[/b] [b]?Hunter, I don't want to kill you.?[/b] [b]?I don't want to kill you either. But I have to.?[/b] [b]?Then I'll have to kill you first.?[/b] And then... They stood there. Painfully still. For [i]ages[/i]. I was so bored I practically fell asleep where I was crouching, but my wet clothing kept me awake. After a while I got tired of waiting and stood up, which startled this Hunter guy for a second or two. He seemed kinda shaky, so I assumed he must actually have a pretty big thing for Tiana. She, on the other hand, seemed more calm. [b]?Oi, anyone going to get shot anytime soon??[/b] I asked in my impatient tone. The two glanced at me several times, but kept their guns pointed at one another. I rolled my eyes before lifting my own gun at the guy in the doorway, which surprisingly startled them both quite a bit. [b] ?If [i]you[/i] guys aren't going to, then I [i]will[/i].?[/b] Bang. Thud. [b]?Tiana!?[/b] Hunter and I shouted in unison.[/font][/indent] [size=1][center]~[/center] The rest is for you to finish, KW. ;3 And sorry to Sakura for kinda, y'know, [i]ignoring[/i] your character. Meant for there to be a bigger chase scene, but got lazy/frustrated and started over what I originally had, and it turned out better this way, 'cept you kinda disappeared rather quickly. >__>;; Sorry again! D:[/size]
  24. [size=1]Surprise, surprise, I'm the youngest one to sign up so far. xD Stupid old people. >__> Oh, and the first person to make fun of my first name is promised a swift punch to the face. I may be on the other side of the frickin' planet, but I [i]will[/i] hunt you down and deliver it myself if need be.... *ahem* [i]Anyway[/i], on with the sign up. x3 [indent][b]Character Name:[/b] Reveille "Rev/Revey" J. Roberts ([i]note:[/i] pronounced 'rev/uh/lee') [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Physical Description:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/PicchusofMeh/MeinWilmingtonedit.png][i]Me[/i][/url] on vacation in Wilmington, North Carolina. I'm just over 5'5" when barefoot/wearing flip-flops, and weigh around 116 pounds. Normally wear my hair up in a bun/ponytail, and it reaches down to my mid/lower back when down. [b]Location:[/b] Glendale, California, USA [b]Living Style:[/b] Medium-sized duplex in the less busy side of town, surrounded by neighborhoods, walking distance from several parks, and the LA River Basin in the backyard. City is a cultural melting pot, offering upwards of ten languages in every high school in the area, and filled with local and chain restaurants serving food from various countries. Duplex is shared by the same family, one side with Grandma Loiuse (my father's mother-in-law), and the other with myself, my father and little brother Sterling, age 7. I go to high school by car or bus (when running low on money for gas), while the elementary school is walking distance from my home for my little brother. I work at the local pool as a lifeguard, and also intern with my father at the downtown newspaper. He loved being a reporter, but got offered a better paycheck as an editor, so took that job instead for our sake. [b]Notable Possessions:[/b] - Car (Blue Automatic '98 Audi A4) - Emergency Supply Kit (in trunk of car), containing four water bottles, several food items, flashlights, extra batteries, extra gasoline, shortwave radio, and first aid (bandages, ointment, etc.) and tool kits (tire jack, air pump, etc.). - [url=http://arms2armor.com/Knives/m1trench.jpg][i]WWI Trench Knife[/i][/url] in pristine (if a bit dusty) condition, previously belonging to Grandma Louise's now-deceased husband - Nintendo DS and a bag full of games (you need to relax sometimes, y'know? even during a zombie outbreak) - Cell phone with portable charger [b]Special Skills:[/b] - Certified in CPR/First Aid administration - Trilingual: excellent (?) English, advanced Spanish, basic Japanese speech and advanced writing/reading (where/when this could ever come in handy, I have no idea, but you never know) - Capable driver of both automatic and standard shift vehicles - Good with kids (been babysitting since I was 7!) [b]Diary Entry:[/b] [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/journalentry.png[/IMG][/center][/indent] --- I've got one or two notes about my dairy entry. First, Carter and Ike (Alec) (aka "the boys") are my cousins, in case anyone was wondering. Second, I don't plan on using this format for the dairy during the actual RP. I just thought this was a fun thing to try. *shrug* :3[/size]
  25. [size=1][indent]Ryuu watched as Mei, a girl he had been dating for a few weeks, stormed off in a huff out of the restaurant, leaving him to deal with the stares of the other customers, the bill, and a rather smug other worldly being. Reith, who was invisible to any eyes other than his, took the seat previously filled by Mei and started to chuckle. [b]?I bet that hurts,?[/b] she grinned, indicating his puffy, red cheek where he had been slapped prior to the departure of his date. His blank expression didn't falter, and he instead resumed eating his lunch, not wanting his money to be spent on a [i]complete[/i] waste. [b] ?Honestly, I don't understand you sometimes. Girls seem to like you quite a bit, but you always say things so bluntly, like you just did, and it doesn't bother you in the [i]least[/i] when they walk out on you. Are you really that confident that you'll find another one so soon??[/b] [b]?It disturbs me how amused you get at my suffering. I thought you were supposed to be loyal to me or something,?[/b] he mumbled through his chewing, finally breaking his silence. He didn't want to be too loud, or he'd attract even [i]more[/i] attention from those around him. [b]?I [i]am[/i] loyal to you, Ryuu. And compared to-- well, lets just say this isn't suffering. Though I'm impressed at that girl's strength. The mark seems to be darkening instead of fading. And you didn't answer my question!?[/b] Looking up from his plate, which was now cleaned entirely, he scowled at the demon he had somehow been convinced into allowing to follow him around everywhere. Well, that's not true. He had never [i]allowed[/i] anything, but he couldn't get rid of her. And whats more, she was always so pleasant whenever things weren't going so well for him. Avoiding her eyes and attempting to hide a slight frustrated blush in his cheeks, he called the waiter over for the bill and began picking at what Mei had left behind on her plate. He was surprised at the low price, and paid a rather generous tip to apologize for the commotion he had unintentionally presented. Walking out of the restaurant, he grimaced as he heard the same annoying voice float through his ears. [b]?Ryuu... Are you ever going to answer my question??[/b] she asked, now genuinely curious instead of just searching for a way to mock him. [b]?What question??[/b] he lied. [b]?How confident [i]are[/i] you??[/b] Ryuu stayed silent for a moment as he strode down the sidewalk, his other-worldly companion whom only he could see walking beside him, contemplating her question seriously for the first time. He never had been asked questions like the ones Reith did, so it took him a while to answer truthfully. [b]?... I guess you could say I'm--?[/b] he began, but only to be interrupted when Reith stopped, grabbing his arm. [b]?Hey, I was about to answer your--?[/b] [b]?Time to go,?[/b] she smiled, though her voice was more serious than anytime he had ever heard her speak, except, perhaps, for the time when she was explaining everything that first night two weeks ago. Before he had a chance to ask her to elaborate on her vague statement, he suddenly found himself standing in a room with familiar markings along the walls and seven other slightly bewildered teens, each with what Ryuu assumed were their own Adjutants standing behind them. In the center of the room appeared two men, one of whom looked very familiar. Reith's tail was unintentionally wagging about on the floor behind her as the man spoke, and Ryuu didn't notice until it hit him in the back of the legs a couple of times. Each time he attempted to alert her of the activities of her tail, she'd impatiently shush him, her eyes never leaving the man that stood speaking in front of them. While what the man said [i]did[/i] reach his ears and register in his mind, Ryuu felt himself growing tired. Not much of what he was saying sounded interesting, though he was quite surprised at the devilish expression that crossed Reith's face when he began talking about battle. When he had finally finished, Reith turned to him with a look of excitement he had never seen her wear before, and was, quite frankly, pretty damn scared. Noticing the sudden tensing of his face, Reith's expression faded from bloodthirsty to worried, and he relaxed slowly. [b] ?Something wrong, Ryuu??[/b] [b]?You like fighting, I take it??[/b] [b]?There's nothing better,?[/b] she beamed, most likely reminiscing about the last time she cut someone's head off, Ryuu assumed. [b] ?Anyway, it's best you listen to The Master, so start mingling. How about her? You'd consider her attractive, right? Oh! You never answered my question, did you??[/b] She was speaking so fast it nearly made his head spin. He had to take a second to sort out everything separately so he could respond. [b]?I was [i]going[/i] to answer you, but you stopped me to bring me here instead. If you want an answer so damn bad, I'd say I'm really confident, okay? It's just never been difficult, and I don't see it being so in the future. Okay? Okay. And who are you talking about??[/b] he asked, looking around. He was surprised at how fast she caught his own eye, and startled himself when he blushed a bit. The oncoming drowsiness that he was so used to suddenly disappeared, and he found himself being gently pushed forwards by Reith towards this girl. Their conversation was rather cutesy, he would say. Well, [i]his[/i] half of the conversation was just cheesy, but she seemed very genuine, and he was intrigued. He learned her name was Aiko, though he was given permission to call her by her obvious nickname, Ai. The entire time he spoke with her, Reith's question and his own answer continued floating through his mind. [i]'How confident [b]are[/b] you?' 'It's just never been difficult, and I don't see it being so in the future.'[/i] In truth, he didn't think he was confident. He rarely, if ever, attracted girls on purpose. He would just bump into them at school or at the book store, or a friend would introduce them. He wasn't searching for relationships, but they managed found him, and he had always been genuinely interested by them and enjoyed their company. The reason their leaving him never bothered him was because they had come to him without him needing to use any effort. And now, here he was, asking a girl out, essentially, despite never having done it before and the fact that this was the first time the two had ever spoken. [b]?Is he always this flirtatious??[/b] Ery asked Reith in a wary tone, the two watching from afar. Reith seemed puzzled, not used to seeing Ryuu act like this. Maybe this was what he was like after getting dumped? Maybe she shouldn't have pressed and teased him earlier, she wondered. She eventually shook her head at the other Adjutant's question and sighed. [b]?No. He's normally very out of it. Sleepy, even. I've never seen this side of him before. Well, I've only been with him for two weeks. I guess I couldn't have learned [i]everything[/i] about him in such a short time.?[/b] [b] ?Well... if I had to answer now, I'd have to say yes,?[/b] came the girl's reply whispered in his ear. [b] ?Shouldn't we go speak with some of the others now??[/b] she suggested in her quiet tone. Ryuu smiled wide, ignoring the slight blush in his cheeks, and draped his arm around her shoulders, as if he had known her for ages and did it regularly. He looked over to his right to see Reith and Ery eying them curiously. [b] ?Gone and found yourself a new girl, eh??[/b] Reith muttered into his ear as the four of them began walking towards the next nearest person to introduce themselves to. Ryuu eyed her warily, not wanting to lose Ai after having just gotten her. By the sounds of it, this group of eight teens would be seeing a lot of each other, and having an ex-girlfriend among them did not sound like an attractive idea. [b] ?She's not just to replace Mei, if that's what you're thinking,?[/b] he whispered back angrily, irritated that she would jump to such a conclusion. Given, it wasn't such an outlandish idea, seeing as how she was present for his afternoon's events and didn't know him very well yet, but he was still upset. However, before he could explain this to her, she stopped, a very dangerous grimace spreading across her face. [b] ?... [i]Berith[/i].?[/b] Her voice oozed hatred, and if looks could kill, she'd have dissolved him and his armor into a pool of liquid metal and flesh. Ryuu looked away from Reith and this 'Berith' person she seemed to despise so much, and saw a young man around his age staring with a worried expression at the two Adjutants. [b]?Reith,?[/b] the armor-clad being replied coolly. He was obviously much more level-headed than Reith, and Ryuu was a bit bemused to see a side of her that seemed so rash when she was normally much more composed, if a bit annoying. [b]?It's pleasing to know the mere sight of me ruffles those ungroomed feathers of yours.?[/b] Reith's lip raised a bit in a snarl, showing several pointed teeth Ryuu had not noticed before. He reminded himself quietly to never make her truly angry at him, or else he feared, no matter what 'bond' they shared, he'd be in some pretty big trouble.[/indent] --- [b]ooc:[/b] Hope that last part was something you had in mind BK. And no, Ryuu's not a playboy. He just comes off as one sometimes. >__>;; *can't explain him very well* [i]Anyway[/i], lets see some more posts people! (:[/size]
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