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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]I hope you'll still accept my entry. ^_^; I fell asleep at the computer last night, woke up late, and just finished this. Hope you'll still accept it. >.
  2. [color=#006aaf][size=1][B]Name:[/B] Bianca "B." Traise (Trays) [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Bianca is rather tall for a girl as slender as she is, standing just under 5'9". She has blond hair that reaches down to her mid-back, but keeps it up in a ponytail or bun most of the time. Her eyes are a dark green color and her skin is slightly tan due to the Australian sun (though she is still surprisingly fair skinned, being of German decent). She normally dresses in tank tops and shorts with sandals on her feet, no matter what season. And she is never seen without her duct tape bracelet around her left wrist and her charm necklace, given to her by a friend back in New York. [B]Personality:[/B] Bianca's your average girl. She's always been rather shy around new people, but around friends and family she's as loud and obnoxious as you can imagine. And she's had her fair share of pranks and trouble making as well. Usually the calm, sensible one (oddly enough) out of her group of friends, she's usually the one that has to get them all out of trouble. As ditzy as she may seem to some, being a blonde and all, she's actually rather intelligent. [B]Short Bio:[/B] Bianca was born in New York City, and grew up there from pre-school to eighth grade. She was so close to her friends that each one knew more about the other than they did themselves. She had connections all about town, even though she was still just fourteen. However, the summer prior to her freshman year of high school, her mother announced that they were moving to a small town in Australia where some relatives lived. At the time, she was devistated. Feeling betrayed, she threatened to run away, never speak to her parents again, and anything she could think of. But she couldn't stop the move, and she arrived in Australia a few days before the start of high school. Bianca transitioned quite smoothly, to the surprise of her family, and herself. She was a bit of a trouble maker at first, and developed the nickname "B", as that was all the teachers could yell before they noticed she was no longer standing with them. Though she misses NYC, she still gets to visit every summer and hopes to go back for college as well. [B]The Crush List:[/B] Bianca, only just recently, has developed a small crush on [b]Quincy[/b]. [Possible Edit] -- It doesn't look like there's many guys signing up.. If there aren't a lot, I might switch. But I dunno. >.< And I left the Crush List blank because I want to wait and see which guys are most appealing. ;D EDIT: Had to fix a small something in the appearance. Bianca doesn't have a brother. xD;; And I'm still waiting on the crush list, though I've got a good idea who already.[/size][/color]
  3. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]I fixed the "M" on the banner for you, though you should be glad I went out of my way for letter. xD I admit, the font's a bit weird for certain letters (you should see the lower case "r" x.x), but whatever. It's better now. :3 And I made a matching avi (just because I'm that nice. ;D). One with your name, one without. Enjoy... or else. D:< And I'm too lazy to put the codes up this time. Ask if you need them. =P [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requests/LrbBanner2.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requests/LrbAvatar.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requests/LrbAvatar2.png[/IMG][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Even though I've yet to make my own OB Survivor banner, I made yours anyway. =P It sucks, but you know. You made me check out this thread. ;D Enjoy the crappyness! >;3 [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requests/LrbBanner.png[/IMG] Code: [IMG*]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requests/LrbBanner.png[/IMG][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]I'd like to first off apologize to the green team for taking so long to post... and I'd like to beg for forgiveness. xD My pathetic excuse: My schedule got incredibly busy incredibly fast, mainly with school things, plus my personal life just got a lot more complicated. I have a lot to catch up on, so I'm starting with the RPGs I'm in here on OB. Plus, with my break coming up in two days, I'll have more time to post, though on Thanksgiving day I probably won't be on much. ^_^;; But yeah. If I last past the first round, I'll be posting more than I have. *promises* And I'd just like to say, I've found the past two and a half pages incredibly amusing. x3[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [size=1][center][color=green][/color][/center] [color=#006aaf]"Riku! When did you learn that?" Sora shouted while sweeping up a good six or seven lemmings from leaping to their deaths with his keyblade. He was still confused as to [i]why[/i] these tiny creatures were so intent upon killing themselves, but to each his own, he thought. "A while ago," Riku grinned in reply, petting the new heartless while still using one hand to weild his Dark Keyblade to keep the lemmings from dropping into the pit. "Lucky," Sora mumbled. Before he could whine much more, he saw Mario waddling toward him, his face covered in the small green things, and a bunch of them tying a not with his shoelaces. The short italian mumbled what sounded like a call for help, but Sora couldn't help unless he came closer, since a single step of his large shoes could result in killing twelve at once if they're fast enough. "Careful! Don't--" he began, but stopped when Mario crashed into him. He was lucky the little guy was so.. well, little, otherwise he would've been knocked over backwards, crushing a lot more lemmings, and possibly sending him into the lava pit, too. Sora was torn between leaving the short guy on the ground covered in suicidal lemmings, or sacrificing a few points to get him back on his feet. He had to decide quickly, or risk even [i]more[/i] lost points. "Gah.." he sighed in slight annoyance. "Stupid things." He had a very strong urge to just crush the remaining, giving them what they wanted (and deserved, in his opinion). However, he let his better judgement, and desire to win, prevent him from doing so. Instead, he bent down, untied Mario's shoe laces and swiped off the lemmings on his face, accidentally killing two or three of them in the process, and helped him to his feet. "Don't let them out number you like that," Sora sighed, reaching out his arm briefly to catch a few more green creatures as they tried jumping.. again.[/color] [center][color=green][/color][/center][/size]
  7. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]It was a quiet morning. Umbreon rested between the roots of a large tree, underneath a leaf collecting the morning's dew. As the leaf dampened, it was weighed down, and a few drops began to slide off the edge and onto her nose. She twitched as the drops fell on her, before opening her eyes slowly. She yawned loudly, stretching herself out as she always did. She winced as a sharp pain shot through her back leg. The previous day, she had been attacked by an angry Nuzleaf, and though she could walk fine, her leg still bothered her. She curled up and licked at the wound for a few minutes before suddenly, a powerful psychic signal shot through her mind. Umbreon let out a yelp, startled by the message's attack on her mind. And then, she realized what it was about. It was undecipherable for her, and that meant only one thing. It was a Guardian's message, which meant her brother would have recieved it. Leaping up, she began sprinting towards the lights of the town up ahead. She wasn't exactly sure where she was, but she knew she was somewhere above Slateport. The message had come from the north, so she headed in the direction of Mauville. After ten minutes of sprinting, Umbreon came to a stop to catch her breath just outside of Mauville. "Hey look'it that!" came a shrill voice. "You don't see one of them around here that often," a deeper voice replied. Suddenly, she realized the voices were talking about her. She began to back up, still panting hard. "Quick, weaken it so it doesn't get away!" the deep voice continued, coming closer. Within seconds, she could see the sources of the two voices coming towards her. One was a large, tall man, and the other was a short young girl. "I know, I know!" the young girl shouted angrily. She grabbed a ball of her belt and was about to throw it when Umbreon panicked. Leaping up from her crouched position, she knocked the girl down and landed on her before bounding off again, wanting to get away from the loud noises still coming from the big man and small girl. Umbreon leapt through the town, jumping between random people walking through the streets to crawling under fences to get out of the town. She stopped just on the east side of Mauville to take another breather. The loud shouts and cries from the people in town were still reaching her sensitive ears, and she wondered if she would ever get away from the noise. And then, a Gardevoir glided past. She was going to stay out of the way when she spotted an unusual mark. "Um.. Excuse me!" Umbreon called out. The elegant pokemon turned towards her, giving an odd look. "You wouldn't happen to be a Guardian.. would you?" She didn't know whether the Gardevoir would even bother acknowledging her, but she figured it was better to try than just let another lead slip away in the search for her brother. -- OOC: Sorry for taking so long to post. Been busy with a lot of stuff, and have a lot to catch up on. ~.~;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Near the entrance to the Second District of Traverse Town stood Sora and Donald, listening reluctantly to the scolding of their gummi block supplier. [b]"You broke it? Again?!"[/b] Cid shouted, glaring down at them. [b]"How many times do I have to tell you [i]not[/i] to--"[/b] [b]"A-hyuk!"[/b] echoed Goofy's laughter from around the corner. Cid looked in the direction of the noise, to see the shadow of Sora's tall companion stretched across Gipetto's shop door. [b]".. Oh boy. Here comes the another one."[/b] [b]"Sora! A-hyuk, look what I found!"[/b] Goofy called, stumbling towards the three of them. [b]"It's a package for you."[/b] Sora raised an eyebrow as he took the package from Goofy's gloved hands. [b]"What do you mean you 'found' it? Somebody give it to you, or was it lyin' on the ground or somethin'?"[/b] he asked, though he proceeded to open the envelope anyway. Out dropped a letter and a small green gem into his palm. He stared at the gem before reading the letter. [b]"So what is it?"[/b] Cid asked, though he really didn't care. Before he could answer, Sora had brushed the gem slightly and was gone in a second, leaving Goofy, Donald, and Cid to stare at the thin air left behind. Cid raised an eyebrow and scratched his head before turning to Donald and muttering, [b]"Uh.. Where'd he go, Donald?"[/b] [b]"How should I know?"[/b] Donald squawked, tapping his foot like he always did. [center]~~[/center] [b]"Geez.. Where am I [i]now[/i]?!"[/b] Sora complained loudly, slumping against a wall that he had suddenly appeared in front of. He had lots of experience with leaving one place and reappering in another, but he thought that was over since he'd been riding the gummi ship with Donald and Goofy. He glanced around and noted some of the people around him. [b]"Wait a minute.. This is for that weirdo contest!"[/b] he blurted out, making one angry looking hedgehog glare at him for a moment or two. [b]"And by the looks of things, I'd say I'm late.. as usual."[/b] Digging into his pocket, Sora pulled out the letter he had ignored and read it. It all made sense now, though he still felt kind of stupid for forgetting. Returning his attention once again to the green gem, he sighed before thinking aloud, [b]"Well, might as well find if anyone else has one of these."[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] The name's Sora. [B]Picture:[/B] Y'know, I'm right here.. but if you really need 'em, I've got some with me. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/kh-sora.jpg]Here[/url]'s one, and [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/KHrender03.png]here[/url]'s another. I'm sure I look stupid in 'em, but eh. It's hard to take a good picture, y'know? [B]Game:[/B] You don't know? I'm from [b]Kingdom Hearts[/b], and don't you forget it! [B]Genre:[/B] The best of 'em all: RPG. [B]Personality:[/B] Kairi likes to tease me about how lazy and clueless I am most of the time.. but I'm real loyal. And you can trust me, no matter what. I love making new friends, too. The more the better, I say. I know how to fight real well since I've had a lot of practice with those Heartless. I'm kind of impatient, but at least I don't complain about it as much as Donald does.. Sheesh.. [B]Talents:[/B] I can wield my Keyblade better than anyone you've ever seen. Fighting's my thing. I'm also good at helping others. *wink* [B]Motive:[/B] It wasn't my original idea, but Riku and Kairi used to talk about it. Riku bet me a while ago that I could never make it on, and I'm here to prove him wrong. Plus I'll get to meet a ton of new people![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Another Pokemon RPG! Yay! x3 The idea is awesome. I really hope I get in. And to think, I could be role playing with Solo... o.o; [b]Name:[/b] Umbreon [b]Age:[/b] 3 years [b]Species:[/b] Umbreon [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Type:[/b] Dark [b]Attacks:[/b] Faint Attack, Hyper Beam, Moonlight, Toxic [b]Affiliation:[/b] N/A [b]Appearance:[/b] Umbreon is your standard Umbreon, if you don't count the fact that she's actually a rare albino. Her fur is actually white instead of black, her rings are actually light blue instead of golden, and her tail splits into two towards the end. Other than that, however, she's just your standard Umbreon. [b]Personality:[/b] Though she wasn't always this way, Umbreon is a timid creature, shying away from people, as well as other pokemon. It takes a lot of effort to share a strong enough bond with each other for her to become trusting and bold. Despite this, she is a very curious creature. She is also protective, which is strange due to her normally easily frightened disposition. [b]Biography:[/b] Umbreon was the youngest of her siblings born to her father and mother who were both Flareon. Young Umbreon, at the time an Eevee, was born with a dull white coat of fur with blue markings while her brothers looked like regular Eevee. However, this didn't bother her in the least. She was just as bouncy and hyper as any other baby pokemon. Though she had two older brothers, she seemed especially attached to her eldest brother, who had already evolved into a Jolteon before she was born. Since she was the youngest, she looked up to him, followed him around, and even tried to protect him as best she could. But one night, she fell asleep beside him, and the next morning, he was gone. She questioned her other brother about what happened, but soon he lashed out at her, leaving her for dead. When she came to, she didn't know where she was or how to get home, so she set out to find her brother. But the beating left her frightened. If she couldn't trust family, she didn't know who she could. Following the directions given to her by friendly pokemon she had bumped into that had seen and helped her brother, she traveled quite the distance. However, her trail ended when she discovered he was to become a Guardian. To become a Guardian, there was a dreadfully hard test to pass. If she was to ever see him again, she would have to either try and become a Guardian herself, or try to find them on her own. The night she discovered of her brother's trail, she evolved in the light of the moon into an Umbreon, her odd markings remaining. She made an oath to herself that she would find her brother, evading all detours, human and pokemon alike. -- OOC: Sorry about leaving the personality and bio left undone, but I really have to go right now. I'll add a picture later as well if I can find a good one. EDIT: Hope you don't mind KKC. ;3 However, if you have a problem with this, PM me and I'll change it. ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [CENTER][URL=http://img310.imageshack.us/my.php?image=obgtentry35nx.gif][IMG]http://img310.imageshack.us/img310/7561/obgtentry35nx.th.gif[/IMG][/URL] [size=1][color=#006aaf]I'm so dead. xD[/color][/size][/CENTER]
  12. [size=1][color=#006aaf]Been meaning to sign up for a [i]long[/i] time, but just.. haven't. xD I'm in English class right now, so most of this won't be completed. I'll get to it soon, and the post quality sample will be in your inbox sometime today (hopefully). Sorry so much will be left undone. ~.~ [B]Name:[/B] Rikka [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [Edit] [B]Bio:[/B] [Edit] [B]Personality:[/B] [Edit] [B]Weapons:[/B] [Edit] [B]Abilities:[/B] [Edit] [B]Post Quality Example:[/B] [Will Send] [B]Final Questions:[/B] [I]1. Are you actually interested or just joining to join something?[/I] Who joins something just to join something? >.>;; I didn't know people did that, lol. When I join something, I join it because the idea is cool or the people in it I know are awesome or whatever. And of course, I like to participate. ;D Kickin' imaginary butt is fun. [I]2. Did you find this sign-up difficult? If so, why?[/I] Can't say yet since.. well.. it's not done.[/color][/size]
  13. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Wow. The really scary thing is I just finished it again (for like the hundredth time, lol) five minutes ago. I wanted something to play for a little bit seeing as how I'm sick and have nothing else to do but wait for dinner or sleep, so I surfed through my games and found this one. The one thing I've always loved about The Bouncer is the storyline. No matter how short it is, I just love it. Plus there are three mini-stories going along the side, too, depending on who you play. I just [i]love[/i] that! I'd play the thing over and over and over again to watch each pretty cut scene and make sure I had the story right. Now that I've got it pretty much memorized the entire story, I just drool over the graphics. Speaking of graphics.. Probably the greatest part about this game is that the graphics are absolutely astounding, especially for an early PS2 game. I wish every game on the platform was this damn pretty. Had this game been more popular, maybe it would've set the visual standards. That would've meant prettier video game characters to drool over. ;D If I gave it a rate, I'd give it a 9/10 for great story and graphics, but the lack of a decent-length story mode keeps it from a perfect score. But I'm easily amused, so you have to take that into account, lol. But it does make great entertainment for a couple of hours if you have time to kill.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [IMG]http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/5165/obgtentry28re.png[/IMG] [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]The Specs: [list][*] The idea of my entry is [strike][i]laaaaaame!!![/i][/strike] about how the big bang and the universe itself are a miracle. I mean, after all, it came out of nothingness billions of years ago. Pretty damn impressive, right? ;D[/list] [list][*] The fonts used are called "Hurry Up" and "Mulder Handwriting" and were gotten off of [url=www.dafont.com]Dafont[/url].[/list] [list][*] The main part of the image is really the stars and light off to the upper left, but those were made with brushes and a filter, so I can't really say where they came from. The brushes I got off of [url=www.deviantart.com]DeviantART[/url] by doing a search for photoshop brushes, though.[/list] [list][*]And lastly, I'd like to thank Doc, Sun, and Lrb for being so helpful (even if I didn't use any of your suggestions for the entry. xD).[/list] Sooo yeah. Best of luck to Ozy, and I really hope she gets her entry up soon. Winning by default again would suck. D:[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]OOC: Sorry for not posting. >.
  16. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Lrb! OO: *tackles* @__@ Been for-ev-er! Where have you been?! >:^O *stabs you for being gone so long* .. Er.. yeah. Welcome back. x3 But anyway, I must say, I was just as noobish as anyone during my first few months here. Or at least through my first 250 posts anyway, lol. A little while back (maybe a week before this thread emerged) I went through some of my old posts, and I found that my posts in Dan Rugh's old art thread made me cringe. Here was Dan Rugh, putting up his art for public display, hoping to get polite, in-depth critique so he could improve (though it's hard when you're that good ~.~), and there I was giving him eight word replies with a number out of ten. xD Boy was I helpful. *roll eyes* But yeah. As many of us have, I got better. I must say though, my grammar was never real horrible, which is something I'm proud of. ;D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1][b]Day 1[/b] Johinsa lay quietly in bed, her head the only part of her not engulfed by the sheets. The light of mid-morning began to slowly pour through her window and onto her, but she didn't notice. Several bangings and crashes from downstairs didn't wake her up either. Finally, her door pushed open slowly, making little noise, and a small Latios floated towards her. [i]"Jo,"[/i] he 'said', though Yuusei didn't really say anything. [i]"Wake up. I made a mess trying to make some waffles, and now I'm covered in syrup."[/i] Though most would be very timid in telling someone about making such a mess, he was very calm, saying it in more of a 'matter-of-factly' tone than an apologetic one. [b]"Then go take a bath. You've been needing one,"[/b] came the sleepy reply, though Jo showed no sign of movement. Yuusei levitated there for a moment before shaking his head and floating back out the door. When he was gone, she let out a sigh. She sat up to glance at her clock, and immediately fell right back into her pillow. [b]"He just [i]had[/i] to wake me up before nine, didn't he?"[/b] she mumbled. However, once she was up, she was up. So, she gave it up and got out of bed and headed first to her closet. After picking out her clothes, she jumped down the stairs, still dressed in her overly large shirt and boxers, and walked into the kitchen to see the mess Yuusei was talking about. [b]"Eh.. He'll clean it up when he gets back,"[/b] Jo yawned to herself, stepping over the silverware and broken plates and spilled food that decorated the floor. [b]"If Grandma was still alive, she'd have a fit over this mess.."[/b] she thought aloud absent-mindedly. She reached the cabinet and pulled out a box of snack bars and took three of the few remaining. She was too lazy to cook at the moment, and didn't want even more mess in the kitchen. Unwrapping one and taking a large bite out of it, Jo headed back towards the stairs. On her way, Yuusei emerged from the top of the steps looking syrup-free. [b]"That was a quick bath,"[/b] Jo grinned, raising an eyebrow. [b]"Didn't even hear the water running."[/b] However, he said nothing and merely floated by her. [b]"Oh yeah. Clean up the kitchen. For a part-psychic pokemon, you sure are clumsy,"[/b] she laughed. She heard a loud snort as she reached the top of the stairs and giggled softly. She returned downstairs a few minutes later, dressed in her favorite outfit, to see Yuusei finishing up. She walked over and patted him on his head. [b]"Thank you kindly,"[/b] she grinned. [b]"Now c'mon. We're supposed to meet the others today."[/b] Grabbing her bag that rested on the kitchen counter, she headed towards the front door. [i]"Thanks to your sleeping hours, we're probably going to be the last ones there,"[/i] he sighed. [b]"I heard that,"[/b] she shouted from front steps, waiting for him to come out as well. He rolled his eyes before quickly flying after her. She shut the door behind him and stepped down onto the path that led out of her yard. It had been a while since she'd seen the others. In fact, it had been a while since she'd actually been to Windsand since her grandmother died three years ago. That was when she actually caught Yuusei and decided to travel around the Kaijin region. Lost in thought, it took her a moment to realize that the others were just up ahead. Among them, she saw Latias, and she knew Yuusei did too. He was unusually excited, gliding along faster than he normally did. [b]"Calm down, Sei,"[/b] Jo laughed, [b]"You're going to make them think you're actually happy to see them."[/b] He gave her a mean look, but did slow his pace casually. She laughed again before hearing her name. [b]"Jo!"[/b] called a familiar voice. It was Sakura. Before she knew it, she was on the ground. Latias had zoomed past her and, in the process, sent her falling over. Yuusei, for the first time in a long time, became playful and started chasing Latias around in the air. Sakura held out a hand to Jo, pulling her up. Standing up, she dusted herself off and readjusted her hat, then turned to watch the two dragons play together. [b]"Sorry about that. Latias is always excited when she gets to see Latios,"[/b] Sakura smiled. [b]"Y'know, watching him now, you'd never know he's really a very stubborn and pessimistic pokemon most of the time,"[/b] Jo replied with a laugh. She headed over towards the others that she recognized and greeted them. -- OOC: Hope that's alright with you Sakura.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Since I haven't brought my art thread back from the Studio Graveyard yet, I'm just going to post this up here. Here at my school, I have access to Macromedia Flash MX. I've made some animations, but none worthy of seeing the light of day, lol. However, I did make a doodle I thought was good enough to show off. It was drawn, colored, and everything else in Flash. I would've animated it (given it a wink or something) but I'm sooo bad at it. Anyway, here it is. I'd love any critique you could give me. Sorry it sucks, though. I had to use a mouse. D: [url=http://img46.imageshack.us/my.php?image=doodle1finish3wa.swf]Clicky[/url][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. Kitty


    [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]"What do you mean I can't bring him in with me?" Brooke asked in an annoyed tone, a large impatient frown masking her regular placid expression. She stood over in a hunch, leaning on the counter that almost hid entirely the small young woman that stood behind it. "Pokemon out of their pokeballs aren't allowed on the train. I'm sorry, but you'll have to put your Dragonair in its pokeball before you can get on the train," the young woman told her. "But he doesn't like it in there.." she protested. However, there was no sympathy in the look she was given, and Brooke knew there was no way to get around this woman by trying to talk with her. The woman turned around to arrange some papers on the desk behind her. "Hey," Brooke whispered to the dragon wrapped around her. He lowered his head so that it was right beside her face. "She's not budging. You know what to do?" He nodded his head and quickly unwrapped from around his best friend and floated out of sight. A few second after Dragonair had glided away, the woman turned back around and blinked a moment after realizing the pokemon was gone. "So, is your pokemon in its pokeball?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah. He's not going to stay in for long, so the sooner I get on the train, the better," Brooke replied, her impatience shining through her voice. The woman gave her one more questioning look before handing over the train ticket. "[i]Thank[/i] you," Brooke sighed tiredly, grabbing the ticket and walking briskly to catch her train, seeing as how the incident with the ticket lady set her back a good fifteen minutes. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a group of people looking utterly bewildered as they spun around in circles. Brooke rolled her eyes, then let out a whistle. From between their feet, Dragonair rose into the air and glided towards her. "Hurry! Before they catch us," she giggled, running towards the train doors. One of the men monitoring the doors as the train readied to leave was rocking back and forth on his feet when he saw the young girl running towards him, followed by the lengthy dragon pokemon. "Hold on! Wait a minute!" he shouted, trying to stop them, but she pushed her ticket into his hand as she ran by, and Dragonair weaved around him easily when he tried standing in the way. The man turned to watch them run through the train car, shaking his head. "Kids," he mumbled. On the train car, which was virtually empty, Brooke took a seat next to the door and Dragonair filled up two seats, curling up most of his long body. The doors gave a loud gasp as they locked shut, and a sudden jerk signaled the train ride had begun. "Ha. We're on our way, now," Brooke grinned. She pulled out her Merger and gave it a long glance. She had only just gotten it, along with her Lapras and Pidgeot pass when she recieved the letter from the PFL. It was so exciting, and she couldn't wait to experience it. Plus, she would be traveling to places she hadn't been to before, and maybe there were other dragon pokemon waiting for her there. --- OOC: Apologies for not posting sooner. I was at first confused with the posting order, then I didn't know what to post about. >.
  20. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]This sounds like an awesome idea. ^o^ But you've already chosen the pokémon I wanted. xD I'll use some of them anyway! Fufufufu... ;3 What I don't get finished now will be up soon. ;D [B]Name:[/B] Johinsa (Jo) Heiwa [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/OrangeOutfit.jpg]Jo[/url] (Just like the picture, except her outfit is in dark shades of blue, and without the cat tail, lol) [B]Personality:[/B] Jo seems very simple miinded, caring only to mess around and sleep. However, underneath her lazy exterior lies a more complex person. She normally doesn't put much effort into anything, but when she finds something she enjoys or wants to do or accomplish, she will work harder than you've ever seen. She tends to take the casual approach to any and all things, which sometimes annoys her company as she never seems to want to get anything done quickly. Despite her usual slacker attitude, she is capable of connecting easily with pokémon, and tends to care more for them than actual people. She has a great love of dragon and dark pokémon, and will do all she can to become a great trainer of the two types. She'll have to convince the rest of the world that she's up to the task, first. [B]Bio:[/B] Jo grew up on Windsand island with her grandmother after her parents died soon after she turned three. She never really knew why, but then again, she didn't seem to care. Jo was never one to care for anything, really. All of the children daydreamed and played imaginary games while she spent her time sleeping, reading or taking walks alone. However, there was something she did put effort into. From a very young age, Jo was very interested in pokémon. The wild baby pokémon that bounced and crawled around through the streets and yards of Windsand intruiged her. She would usually go out at night to avoid anybody else, and she always found different pokémon when the moon was out rather than under the bright light of the sun. Always on her own, she stumbled into several unhappy mothers, coming home bruised and muddy. However, she never blamed the pokémon, and would walk out the next day as if nothing had happened. Her grandmother was always worried about her, but knew there was nothing she could do to stop Jo from being Jo. Four days before her eighth birthday, Jo wandered off as she normally did around dusk. But this time, she ran into something she had never seen before. In the woods that lay to the east of her village, Jo stumbled upon an injured baby Latios. He growled when she approached, but she refused to leave it there like that. No matter how stubborn the pokémon was, she was more determined. Jo used all of her strength to lift the dragon off the leafy ground. She was lucky he was only a baby, but it was still hard for her to balance. And the pokémon didn't make it any easier by trying his hardest to wriggle free from her grip, even though his wings, arms, and part of his neck were bruised and bloody. When she returned home, her grandmother was startled to see Jo carrying such a rare pokémon in her arms, and even more startled to see it so hurt. Thinking quickly, she took her granddaughter to the PokéCenter to give the small blue dragon care. Jo and her grandmother spent the night there, anxiously awaiting news of the pokémon's condiition. In the morning, she was relieved to find out that he would be alright. When she visited him, he showed little gratitude, and more annoyance than anything to her being there. But she merely laughed and told him to stop by when he was feeling better. The young Latios snorted, but watched her leave with a curious eye. When his wounds healed, he sneaked out of the Center and headed back towards the woods, but ended up in front of Jo's house before he knew what he was doing. But before he could continue on his way, she spotted him. Since then, the two of them have been inseperable. Whether it was Latios' stubborness or Jo's strange attitude that kept the other around, nobody knows. But once the night he returned to her doorstep, they've had a very deep connection. She named him Yuusei for his dominant attitude, though she hadn't officially caught him at the time. It wasn't until she turned fifteen that she actually used a pokéball on him. However, Yuusei spends most of his outside the pokéball. [B]Starting pokémon:[/B] Latios/Yuusei [B]Eventual party:[/B] [list][*]Latios/Yuusei [Male] [*]Dragonite [Female] [*]Absol [Male] [*]Tyranitar [Male] [*]Houndoom [Female] [*]Umbreon/Tsuki [Male][/list] EDIT: Many apologies for not getting the bio edited until AFTER sign ups were closed. ^_^;; Surprised I still got in, too. >.>;; But yeah. It's all done now. ;D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]I really have to start voting before I get asked to. xD It makes me look lazy. .. Though I am, indeed, quite lazy, lol. [i]Anyway[/i]. >.> [b]Sakurasuka[/b]: Your entry is okay, but there are quite a few things I don't like. The font doesn't really flow with the rest of it, and it's hard to see in some parts. The stock is just.. there. It doesn't blend with the background or anything (and it took me a minute to realize who it was). Plus the background is sort of plain as well. All together, it looks decent, but not up to par. [b]Doc[/b]: You've always been extra good with text, and this is no exception. The font, the quote, and the text placement together are just [i]awesome[/i]. Plus, the stock image blends very well with the background, and the text fits perfectly with it, as well. I just want to know.. What [i]is[/i] your stock image, anyway, lol? I'd have to say my vote goes to [b]Doc[/b]. Great job.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]I'm soooo sorry everybody. >__< I didn't have a chance to get on my computer at all yesterday because I never went home, and now I'm at a friend's place. But I will get my entry up by later tonight. Sorry again. ^_^;; EDIT: [IMG]http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/98/obgtentry19mi.png[/IMG] Here it is. It's pretty crappy, but oh well. =P Hope Zeekan posts soon. :3[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [color=#006aaf][size=1]Yeah. This one was made with pre-made brushes. v_v I used my own brushes on only one thing and it turned out looking like crap because my brushes suck. xD I have no idea how to make good brushes, but I'm trying. ^_^; (Not on this one, mind you, lol)[/size][/color]
  24. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Stop pestering me Sun.. I was gonna get to this on my own. Honest! xP [b]Sun[/b]: I've always liked your style, and you use it here well. The way you combined the real-life stock image with the solid colors was smooth and effective. The text (why are you so damn good at texting, dammit T.T) all together is awesome. Perfect font, perfect colors, and the quote really suits the image. It relates to the theme in a very different and out-of-the-box kind of way. And I think those bubbles are just so cute! x3 [b]Ozy[/b]: Gotta love Switchfoot. ^_~ Haven't heard that song yet, but I'm sure I will. Anyway, I really like what you did here. The use of money in your image is a very basic but effective way to represent materialism. However, I don't like that font (as you can see, I'm picky with text) and the second part of the border - the darkened area - was a bit unnecessary. But still, it's done very well overall and I know how annoying 20+ layers can be, lol. Gah.. You guys are so mean! xD It's too hard to choose... All in all, I'm going to have to go with [b]Sun[/b] with this one. But both images are [i]awesome[/i]![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Sorry. Been having some problems with DA recently as most of my gallery was deleted because I didn't give proper credit/copyrights. ~.~ *hosts on Imageshack* Click the thumbnail to see it.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [URL=http://img123.imageshack.us/my.php?image=blendsplashred0ne.png][IMG]http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/8571/blendsplashred0ne.th.png[/IMG][/URL]
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