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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Damn you Annie. xD I was gonna use that picture. And have that job.. >.>;; *has to learn to stop putting posts off so long* Oh well. I guess I'll be a girl now that his picture's up. x3 -- [b]Name:[/b] Danielle Leonhart [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Job:[/B] Just out of college, Danielle is an aspiring writer. However, to support herself, she works as a waitress at a local cafe. [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://www.smh.com.au/ffximage/2005/01/17/ggmaggiegrace_gallery__374x550.jpg]Danielle[/url] [B]Why are you here?:[/B] Danielle had never been particularly good with relationships. She could attract men of course. It's not hard when you're a very loose and 'fun-loving' [*nudge nudge*], just-out-of-college, party girl. But her main problem was that she didn't attract the right type. She was constantly getting stuck with cheaters and moochers throughout high school and college, and even still when she got out into the real world. She finally grew sick of trying to find a boyfriend through traditional means, and started asking her friends to try and hook her up, though she had always been a bit skeptical of blind dating. After quite a few more falied tries, her best friend and co-worker, Meghan, suggested that she check out the latest trend in blind dating called "Speed Dating". Danielle, being a young woman that truly desired having a successful relationship, decided to give it a try.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Thank you guys. x3 Though I am very pleased with how it turned out, I'm still surprised you liked it so much. ^_^; I thought everyone would be on my case about how the shapes and the other stuff doesn't really go with anything else. But I guess not. =P And thank you so much for your suggestions.
  3. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Well, after a while, my Pawing at Paintshop thread finally died. ~.~;; It was a tad annoying updating all my stuff 'cause hosting things took a while back when I started. But maybe that's just 'cause I'm lazy. x3 Can't say I won't miss it, though. =\ .. *mourns dead thread* Hey, I rhymed. ;D Aaaanyway, I made this using Photoshop and thought it turned out cool. I put it on my Deviantart, but I wanted some opinions from the artists, here as well. If you could tell me what you think, that'd be great. ^_^ Link --> [[url=http://www.deviantart.com/view/23051117/]Here[/url]][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]OOC: No problem at all Archangel. ^_^ -- [b]"You and I lucked out, boy,"[/b] Takai grinned, nuzzling Koinu as she sat on her bed. Koden and her spellbook were resting on the desk that rested across the room. [b]"Imagine that. Only had to get two monsters and we got all five diamonds. But.. the spell didn't work as well as it had with the first one.. Oh well. At least I got 'em. And we met Lio, too."[/b] She paused, picking up one of the gems that she had taken up to her room and examining it, though she wasn't thinking about it at all. [b]"I wonder what he wants with them, though. And what will the next challenge be.. And what if I don't get any food tomorrow morning, [i]either[/i]?!"[/b] Koinu grunted as if in a laugh, and she gave him an awkward look. [b]"I know animals can understand me.. But they don't laugh."[/b] He tilted his head in that 'what-are-you-talking-about' kind of way, which she returned with a 'oh-nevermind-I'm-too-tired-anyway' look. Sighing loudly, Takai fell back onto the bed and bounced a bit as she hit it. Her arms were outstretched and she stared up at the ceiling, wondering if she could fall asleep after all the excitement, no matter how tired she was. She was amazed by how much the spells took out of her, especially the one for the dragon. As she had read the spell, she had grown so tired so quickly. It was as if it zapped her energy from her. [i]"Maybe that's it, though,"[/i] she began to think, sitting up slowly. [i]"I had plenty of energy when facing the kamatori and it took little energy to subdue it. But the dragon nearly exhausted me, so I stopped to help Lio.. Maybe my being distracted messed up the spell!"[/i] [b]"I think I'm getting the hang of this,"[/b] Takai smiled to Koinu. He was now curled up in the bed they had delivered the previous night, and didn't want to bother lifting his head up. [b]"And to think. I've had this book for fifteen years, and I just now begin to understand it. I guess it's just something you learn from experience,"[/b] she shrugged. Suddenly, there was a rapping at the door. Startled, Takai hesitated, which resulted in more knocking. This time, she spoke up. [b]"Coming! I'm coming! Hang on.."[/b] She opened the door to reveal the soldier that had escorted her to her room when she had first arrived. [b]"Oh! Uh.. Hello. Do you need anything?"[/b] she asked, a bit confused. [b]"Um.. I am here to ask that you give me your diamonds, and to tell you that you, being a weilder of magic, are to--"[/b] But the young man was interrupted before he could finish. [b]"Well, not really, no. I don't use magic in the general sense. Instead, I think I really just.. hypnotize and bend the will of creatures. And even still, I have a sword,"[/b] Takai explained. [b]"Ah, but in your file you said specifically that you are in the beast taming trade, did you not?"[/b] He smiled as he saw her blush before lowering her head. [b]"Oh.. Yeah. I guess I did. Sorry,"[/b] she mumbled, knowing she had embarrassed herself yet again. [b]"As I was saying, you are going to meet with Yuri down in the courtyard tomorrow morning for your next test. Now, may I have your five diamonds and your name,"[/b] he asked politely. [b]"Right, right. They're over here,"[/b] she stuttered, tripping over herself just to get to her bed. Koinu made some low growls that sounded sarcastic, but she paid him no mind. Grabbing the five shining gems that littered her blankets, she then walked back to the soldier and dropped them in his outstretched hand. [b]"And my name is Takai."[/b] [b]"Good luck tomorrow, Takai. And I'll make sure you get credit for collecting these,"[/b] he winked, holding up one of the diamonds. [b]"Thank you very much,"[/b] Takai smiled, bowing awkwardly. He disappeared down the steps and she closed the door behind her and rushed back to her bed. [b]"Maybe it won't be so hard to fall asleep afterall,"[/b] she grumbled into her pillow, feeling the red in her face. [i]"Can't I go five minutes without embarrassing myself in front of [b]anyone[/b]?"[/i] she thought tiredly to herself. She readied herself for bed, even though it was still daytime. Curling up ontop of her sheets, she grumbled to herself for a bit more before falling asleep. The next morning, Takai woke up to Koinu's pawing at her. She got dressed and left her quarters to see if she could find something to eat in the large city. She did find several vendors, and one that had particularly good breakfast foods. She bought herself a small meal, plus a few snacks for her canine counterpart, and chowed down. Filled, she decided she might as well look around a bit before meeting with Yuri in the courtyard. The two wandered around a bit before finally stumbling into the main hall. Koinu seemed quite interested in the water splashing around in the fountain, so they stayed there for a few minutes before a familiar voice called out her name. [b]"Takai!"[/b] She turned her head and saw Lio approaching. [b]"Lio! Good morning. Feeling any better?"[/b] she smiled, speaking softly. [b]"You bet,"[/b] Lio grinned, coming to a stop beside her. [b]"So, did one of the soldiers come and get your diamonds?"[/b] [b]"Yeah. I guess Yuri really wanted them or something. Not that I mind. I don't know what I would do with them anyway. I don't particularly like jewelry,"[/b] she mumbled. He laughed a bit before asking if there was anywhere he could get something good to eat for breakfast. [b]"I'm starved, but I'm not in the mood for lunch yet,"[/b] he sighed, a tired grin on his face. [b]"Oh, sure. There's this one place I ate this morning.. Here, I'll show you. Koinu, c'mon,"[/b] she whistled, calling him to her side. He reluctantly left the dancing waters and followed the two as they walked towards the food stands.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]You see, dark colors, I can do. =P Oh. Sorry if it's a little big, though. >_< [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/ScaredYou-IC.png[/IMG] [b]Parameters:[/b] Words - Cuddle Me Colors - Pinks or purples. I'm in a very cutesy mood for some reason.. >_>;;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]OOC: Sorry it took so long to post. Had little time to spend on OB because of lots of homework. >_< Well, anyway, I hope this is alright. -- Takai and Koinu had been some of the last to exit through the gates, having been pushed back by the more eager ones. One man even tried knocking her over to get past her. However, she was too timid to yell anything back, so she just slowed down and avoided the rest of the people. Two steps out into the desert where the monsters hid, ready to attack, and she saw dead bodies. Not a large amount, but enough to get her more nervous than she already was. Her entire walk out into the sands was filled with troubled thought. Would she get all the jewels? Would her lengthy trip be in vain? But neither of them mattered if she didn't live through this, and that thought bothered her the most. But when Koidu came to a halt, Takai knew it was no more time to waste. He sniffed the air and bent down a bit, and a low growl escaped him. Takai had never seen him like this, but then again, she'd only known him for little under a day. She had Koden drawn, and her book open and balanced carefully in her other hand, while her big, black dog's growling grew louder. [i]"There must be something coming our way,"[/i] she thought quietly, looking from her companion to the surrounding desert. And she was right. Out from the mass of fighting men and women and monsters, a large beast with what looked like scythes for hands emerged from the crowd with something in its beak-like mouth. However, her view of it was hindered by the darkness, and she stepped back a minute, hoping they'd adjust fast. [b]"Those things are nasty looking,"[/b] she thought aloud. And then, she noticed what was in its mouth. The man that had nearly shoved her over in eagerness was now about to be chewed up, swallowed and dissolved in the monster's stomach. The thought made her want to wretch, but she held it back. Her eyes began to tolerate the darkness and more of the creature could be seen. From what she could tell, it was a large mantis-like thing in most aspects, except it had talons for feet and a beak for a mouth. She began wondering how in the hell something like it could have ever been created, but was cut off by the sight of Koinu jumping and latching onto one of it's arms. [b]"You idiot!"[/b] Takai shouted, though she did not take another step. [b]"Koinu! Get down!"[/b] But the dog would not listen. As it chomped and kicked and scratched the beast, it cried out a frightening cry and dropped the body that had been stuck in its jaws. It was horrible to listen to, and hurt Takai's ears. She wanted to plug her ears, but her hands were full. And then, she remembered. She had read through the book many times, memorizing most of the pages of where certain creature spells were and the like. She held Koden carefully with her left hand underneath the book and began to flip rapidly through the pages. She quickly came to a page where spells for a beast called a 'kamatori' were. The description fit her opponent very well, so she took Koden back with her right hand, holding it towards the best, and began to read the spell aloud. As she read, she could hear a howl which she knew must have come from Koinu. But she knew she had to finish the spell now. But the doubts of it not working came. She had practiced other spells dozens of times and they worked maybe once or twice, and Koinu was the only one to come to her after one try. Remembering this, she began to gain a bit of confidence. [i]"It'll work. I know it will,"[/i] she thought. As she finished the spell loudly, she walked towards the beast. It had stopped its screeching and was now still, even with Koinu kicking and gnawing at it. Its small eyes were now blank, and were staring directly at the girl below. Takai held her sword out in front of her and shouted, [b]"Arms down!"[/b] And the beast obeyed. [b]"It worked..? It worked!"[/b] She jumped in the air happily, then returned her book to its bag. Koinu dropped to the ground, still growling, but kept to where he was. She approached the creature and saw what she was looking for. The diamond that rested on the belly of the beast began to shine brightly as she reached for it. Using Koden, she cut it out and it dropped softly into her open hand. She put it in the bag with her book and then stepped back. [b]"Lay down,"[/b] she commanded. The creature, still standing quietly and motionless, suddenly fell to the ground, face in the sand. Takai was curious as to why it was acting like this. The spells were supposed to merely tame the creatures, not zombify them. But maybe they had different effects depending on certain traits. However, she had little time to ponder it. She then dove Koden straight through the beast's neck, a large puddle of blood instantly gathering beneath it. [b]"See that? I did it, Koinu! And I didn't trip once,"[/b] she grinned. She took a step forward, but slipped in the blood beneath her feet, falling onto the sand. [b]"Nevermind,"[/b] she mumbled, standing up awkwardly. Her next step, she was careful to avoid the blood puddle, and walked towards Koinu. She then noticed that the beast had landed on the man's body. [b]"Poor guy.."[/b] she sighed, but walked on. No point in feeling sorry for him now. [i]"Well.. Only four more. But most people out here already have most of them.. That's alright. There are monsters a plenty,"[/i] Takai thought to herself. She kneeled down and put a hand on her canine's head, rubbing gently. [b]"Alright, boy, find me another one. We gotta hurry this up,"[/b] she smiled. He licked her face, then began sniffing the air for a scent. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Your parameters sucked. T.T; *is horrible working with bright colors* And I want you to know that I fought off three people for this stupid thing. xD Damn you Boo.. Damn you.. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/NowImFlyingrough.png[/IMG] [b]Parameters:[/b] Words - Someday Never Comes Colors - Light Greens/Yellows Have fun whoever gets stuck with this one. =P[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Takai lived far away from the capital city, and had started her travels the day word of the adventure reached her ears. She had walked quite a ways, but had gotten several rides on the way there, as well. But still, she was tired and couldn't wait to get there. She knew she was close. A thick book lay between her two hands, and she was muttering something as she read it. Takai had recieved this book many years ago, and had practiced for a long time. However, she hadn't mastered a single one. They did work every once in a while, but she didn't understand why then and not now. But, as a habit, she continued to practice. The summoning chant she was reading now was supposed to bring wild dogs to her aid, out of thin air or her surroundings. She finished reading the enchantment and closed the book, returning it to the bag where it rested often. Takai paused, looking around. [b]"Well..? Did it work?"[/b] she mumbled quietly to herself. After a few minutes, she sighed and walked on, shaking her head. [b]"No.. Of course it didn't."[/b] But after a few minutes of walking in gloomy silence, she decided to forget it. She was so close to the capital city, she could hear the chatter of the many people that she knew would attend, trying to get exactly what she had come for. Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by the rustling of leaves and the snap of a twig or two. She spun on her heels, and immediately brought out Koden, her blade. [b]"Who's there?"[/b] she demanded, though in her head, she realized how timid her voice must have just sounded. There was no reply, but the brief silence was cut short by the same sound. This time, she could've sworn she heard a pair of footsteps. [b]"I know you're there!"[/b] This time, her cry was much more forceful. All fright she may have felt vanished, as she somehow knew she had the upper hand. Anyone trying to sneak up on her would have done the job by now. From out of the bushes crawled a shape. It was short, standing up only to her knees, but was still quite bulky, and was covered in something black and shiny. It took her a moment to realize what she was looking at was a big, black dog. Sheathing Koden, she began to wonder. [b]"A dog..? Doesn't look too wild.. But no mark of an owner.."[/b] Takai gaped a little more, bending down and petting the creature. [b]"Wait a minute.. It worked!"[/b] she shouted, jumping up and down, and ended up startling the poor thing. [b]"Oh, sorry. Well.. You can go back now. I don't really need you for anything.. I was just practicing."[/b] The dog, however, did not move, and just stared up at her with his large brown eyes, and his tongue hanging out. [b]"Go on. Shoo."[/b] However, the dog did not plan on leaving. [b]"Ugh. Fine. They won't let you through the gates to the city, anyway, so I guess it's no big deal if you follow me,"[/b] she told him, stomping down the path. The rest of the way to capital city, which wasn't very far it turned out, was full of Takai tripping because of the dog barking and running around her feet. She scolded him many times, but he didn't seem to understand, much less care. When the two of them saw the extravagent gates that lead into the city, Takai felt relieved for two reasons. She had reached the place she had traveled a long month and a half to get to, and she was about to get rid of her canine companion. The gates opened at her approach, and the two strolled in, though she was a bit disappointed that the dog was still at her side. [i]"Don't dogs get bored every once in a while? Sheesh,"[/i] she thought to herself, walking through the large crowds. The city itself was a wonder. Spectacular buildings and so many different people. It was amazing and disappointing all at the same time. Suddenly, the thoughts of doubt managed to reach Takai's thoughts, and the further she walked, the more doubt she had. The dog, however, padded along the clean streets as if it didn't notice a thing. [b]"I envy you,"[/b] Takai began, looking down at the dog. To her surprise, the dog looked up at her with a questioning look as if it was asking her why. But she shook her head, convincing herself that he was only curious as to why she had taken his attention off the city. [b]"You have nothing to worry about. Well, just getting kicked out of the city once some of the guards see you is something to worry about, but you don't know about that, anyway. Lucky."[/b] As the two of them pushed through crowds, Takai saw many interesting people, to say the least. However, it made her feel better because the deeper into the crowd she went, the less stares she got for her dog companion. A sharp and demanding voice cut through the chatter and got her attention. [b]"Name."[/b] Takai looked to the man who had spoken, then around her, wondering if he was talking to someone else. [b]"Name, please,"[/b] he repeated, this time the annoyance and wearyness of his voice reaching her ears. Not wanting to anger him anymore than he already was, she quickly walked over. [b]"Takai, sir,"[/b] she bowed awkwardly, unaccustomed to the greeting rituals of such a sophisticated place. But the soldier just raised an eyebrow. [b]"That's it? Just 'Takai'?"[/b] She nodded, thinking back to when she had first stopped using her last name. [b]"Alright. He'll show you to your quarters,"[/b] he sighed, pointing to a young man that looked no older than she was. Takai nodded, bowed again, and walked over to the officer she had been directed to. [b]"Oh yeah. That dog needs to be kicked out if it isn't yours."[/b] Takai spun around. The dog looked frightened and let out a whine as he crawled behind her legs. She wondered why ge was acting like that all of a sudden, but she looked from the dog to the soldier then sighed. [b]"No. He's mine,"[/b] she told him. [b]"Fine, whatever."[/b] [b]"Um.. Miss? If you'd follow me.."[/b] the young man began. She smiled and walked with him up to her quarters, the dog following at her heels. She tripped on several steps along the way, and her face was almost completely red out of embarrassment by the time they arrived at her room. [b]"Well miss, here's your room. I'll get in a request for a dog bed when I get back downstairs, and you'll recieve some papers later this evening. Have a good night."[/b] Takai smiled at the kindness of the officer and was about to close the door behind him when he called out once again. [b]"Good luck."[/b] [b]"Thank you,"[/b] she grinned. When he was no longer visible in the corridor, she shut the door and jumped onto her bed, placing Koden and her rucksack on the floor beside her. [b]"I need a name for you. Lets see.."[/b] The dog curled up on the floor beside her bed as she thought quietly. He kept his eyes open as hers slowly fluttered to a close. [b]"Good night Koinu,"[/b] she mumbled before falling asleep.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/CureforPain.png[/IMG] [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Wow, that turned out bad. >_>;; Oh well. Finally got to post. [B]Parameters:[/B] Words - There is nothing to fear.. Colors - Browns, grays, and other dark colors.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Sister Maree Bedeau of Toulouse [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Maree is an average girl in height and weight, being 5'9" and around 105 lbs. But she is beautiful with her graceful figure, her jet-black hair that falls gently down to her shoulders and her bangs that accent her curiously green eyes. Despite her slender build, Maree is skilled with [b]Salus[/b], and can spin it around like a toothpick. She is also agile and quick on her feet. And even though she is strong, her arms and legs show little sign of her strength. Maree?s normal attire includes anything gray. A gray blouse, gray skirt, gray gloves, and everything and anything else. However, a white or black top does interrupt her usual days? dress, but only when a birth (represented by white) or a death (represented by black) occurs that affects her. While most wear a chain with a crucifix around their neck, Maree no longer shows her symbol of God, but hides it. This need to protect the symbol from the blood she spills so often represents how she protects the Church. [B]Personality:[/B] Maree is a very tired and pessimistic individual. Very little gives her much joy anymore, and loud, social gatherings are not one of them. She prefers solitude and quiet to many things, with the exception of Mass. However, there was a time when Maree enjoyed company, but those times have long passed. [B]Weapon:[/B] [i]Halberd[/i] - A type of spear or pole weapon used by the Swiss Guard of the Vatican. Maree has dubbed her weapon [b]Salus[/b], which is Latin for 'salvation'. The axe-blade tip is 9" long, and is made of solid steal. Etched into the blade are the words ?Sanctum preliator?, that when translated mean ?Holy warrior?. The staff is a short, but effective, length of 30" and is made of a similar material, but is a bit lighter. [B]History/Background:[/B] Maree Bedeau was actually born Maree Ackart in Toulouse, France. Maree was quite lucky as she was born into a rich and powerful family of the time. From an early age, she was taught the etiquette of young, sophisticated women, tutored in Latin, as per her father?s wishes, and cultured in the worlds of fine dining. She would become a promising young aristocrat, and wed off to the best man in all of France. And she was a fast learner, as well, and had mastered all her courses at the age of seven. However, there was one problem. Maree found no happiness in this lifestyle. Everything was so tiring and boring, and she hated the thought of being paraded around like a doll and sold to the man that would bring the Ackart?s the most money and the biggest boost in reputation. That was all her parents thought about. Their reputation, and their money. Disgusted, Maree decided it was best to leave them to their greed and find somewhere less corrupted to live, and she thought she was ready to find that somewhere. Of course, being a rash twelve year-old all alone in the real world was not a good idea. But, she could not see this, and walked right out into the big, terrifying world with nothing but her bag full of a couple small books, two bottles of water, a small amount of food, and a compass. But, only days after leaving, Maree began to wonder if her parents would go looking for her, or at least send a search party. Being out on the road, she knew she would hear no news of any such party, unless it came along the road itself. However, she soon forgot all about that, as the traveling the long roads on foot took its toll. She was weary, and collapsed in the mud alongside the road many a night. After the first week, she realized that she must have taken one of the least used roads down to Foix, for she had seen not a soul going either to or from the small town that lay south of her home of Toulouse. Sometimes, when it rained, she would refill her bottles of water, but there was no food to speak of, and she normally slept hungry. After nearly a month of walking on one of the most lengthy and unused roads that came from Toulouse, Maree saw in the distance a town. There were many buildings and houses, and people in the roads. She had found her new home. The moment she walked into town, a kindly old woman asked her if she would like some food for she looked starved. And because she was, in fact, quite starved, she eagerly accepted the woman?s offer. Upon telling the woman why she had traveled so far on foot, Maree was asked to stay with the old woman. She was hesitant, thinking that news of a search party must have reached the town. But when she asked, the old woman said the only news of a missing girl came a few weeks ago, but the party who came with the news cared very little, and delivered it with little urgency. Disappointed more than anything, she decided it was best to stay with the woman, having nowhere else to go, and not wanting to return home. The old woman, whose name was Aurore Bedeau, was shocked, to say the least, when Maree told her that she had never gone to church before, since her parents were never very exuberant about going to church. The following Sunday, Aurore brought her along to Mass, and Maree was filled with joy. Never had anything she had been told made as much sense to her as the Psalms and readings she heard during that Mass. She felt like she was walking on clouds as she exited the church with her kindly, old hostess, but soon was beside herself with anger and sadness. Not only was she now angry that her parents had never taken her to church and sad that she had missed out on such a wonderful meeting, she was disgusted to carry their name. So, from that day, she took Aurore?s surname as her own, in honor of the kind woman that took her in and showed her the wonders of the church. At the age of thirteen, Maree was a common sight at any and all church events, and never missed Sunday?s service. She became good friends with all the townspeople, and was especially close with Aurore. Soon, she was convinced that nothing would be better for her than to become a Nun, and serve the church, and Aurore and the rest of the town supported her fully. However, there was no monastery in the small town of Foix. She would have to return to the one place she thought she?d never have to see again. Her birthplace of Toulouse. She was torn between returning to the place she hated the most, or doing the thing she desired the most. Aurore?s push to become a nun helped her decide, and soon, she was off to Toulouse, but this time on the main road and with a group. Maree entered the city and went immediately to the monastery, avoiding her parents? estate entirely. The thought of seeing it made her wretch. At the monastery, she met with a woman named Sister Audrey, talked to her for a bit. She was then invited to come back in the next couple of days to attend one of the services the monastery was holding. Eventually, she was accepted, and took all the steps to becoming a full-fledged nun. At the age of fifteen, Maree had become Sister Maree. She was as, if not more, devout to the church as any of the women there. One day, an older gentleman, who was a priest who was visiting the monastery, greeted her. He told her that he was in search of dedicated, young servants of God, and that she had every quality required. He instructed her that, if she was interested, to meet her in town the following day to discuss it further. He bowed and left, leaving Maree in the quiet hallway to think it over. The next day, he walked to the meeting place to see young Maree eagerly waiting for him. She was told of a special part of the Catholic church that required a few young men and women to fill a few positions. However, she would receive little attention, and would not be allowed to speak of it to anyone but those she worked for and with. She nodded solemnly, accepting these terms. The priest then explained the duties she would have to do, and the training she needed to go through. From that day forth, Maree became a member of Iscariot. However, before the two parted, she requested that she be able to visit Foix before she began her training. He granted her this request, and told her to come to the Toulouse town church in a few weeks. She agreed, and immediately set off to find fast transportation to Foix. She traveled with haste, and reached the small town in a little over a week. However, when she arrived, she was not greeted with the familiar smiles she had grown so fond of. Instead, she saw unfamiliar people, who gave her stares and odd looks because of her robes. Instinctively, she ran to the church first. She was happy to see the priest she knew so well still there, but was heartbroken by the news he had given her. Aurore had died soon after Maree left, and the town had been hit with a vicious disease that killed almost all of the residents, save ten or twelve of them. Devastated, Maree left soon after crying all she could. She traveled slowly back to Toulouse, the only thought in her head being that her only home now was the church, and her only purpose now was to serve as a member of Iscariot. Once Maree returned, she immediately began training. She tried for several weapons, but only one took. The pole weapon. Her favorite was the halberd, by far. And, just as she had been as a child, Maree was a fast learner, mastering every technique and skill her teachers showed her. She trained and studied for three long years, and finally completed her training right after her eighteenth birthday. Ready to fulfill her duties, Maree set out into the world to do away with the evil that plagued the world. Even with only a year of experience, she is one of the most dedicated members of the Iscariot. [B]Snippet:[/B] [b]"Father Leon!"[/b] Maree cried, running through the church. The man she had missed so much as she was away at the monastary was now yards away. She ran to him, with such joy in her face and voice could illuminate the whole church. [b]"Father Leon!"[/b] she repeated as she embraced him tightly. [b]"Ma.. Maree? Is that you?"[/b] the priest stammered, pulling her away to examine her face. [b]"Yes Father. I've come back! And with wonderful news!"[/b] she cried happily, tears beginning to stream down her face. [b]"Oh, child, don't cry. Please. The sight of your tears.. it.."[/b] But he could not finish his sentence. [b]"No! I am happy! I cry out of joy, not of sorrow. But.. Why do you seem so sad?"[/b] she asked, the volume of her voice quieting. He placed his hand on her shoulder, but she lifted it and held it in her own, a look of worry masking her young face. [b]"Tell me, Father. What is it that troubles you?"[/b] [b]"You are a kind young woman, Maree. We all knew you would become as caring as you are now. But.. Many horrible sorrows have passed through this town. It is no longer the Foix you once knew. Many of the old townsfolk have died. We were hit with an illness that took many young ones, as well as their parents. I am one of the few that lived through it. And Maree, Aurore.. She- .. She's gone,"[/b] he whispered. He lowered his head, taking his hand out of hers and slumping back to his bench at the organ. Maree was silent, and she stared up at the large glass mosaic that rested above the rest of the church. The light was on her now, and she used to feel such a high from feeling the sun on her through that window. But now, nothing could make her feel that again. [b]"Father.."[/b] Father Leon lifted his head and turned to look at her. Her bangs covered her eyes, but he could see tears falling off her cheek. [b]"Father.. I missed you. I missed Aurore. I missed everyone while I was back at the monastary. I knew things would be different when I returned. There was no denying it. But I thought that- .. I thought that if I came back, everything might be able to go back. I could play with little Francis and her brother, Adrian. They would have been a bit older, but they would be the same.. I could've fixed up the curtains with Aurore again. And I could go to church to see everyone again. But now.. I return to find out they're dead?!"[/b] She shouted her last few words, startling Leon, but he knew she was as saddened as he was, and this was the only way she could let it all out. [b]"Everyone I love is now gone! I should never have gone away! I could have helped.. This is all my fault.."[/b] She raised her head to face him. His heart ached as he saw the look on her face, and the large tears flooding out of her eyes. Her cheeks were red with anger, but her eyes were full of such sadness that he could not stop himself. A few small tears slowly traveled down the side of his face. [b]"I thought I had already cried all the tears out of me. Hah."[/b] His chuckle confused Maree, but she said nothing. [b]"I'm sorry, Maree. There is nothing either of us can do. When the illness first hit, I thought it was possible to cure them with blessings. But I failed, so many became resentful of me. They thought I had given little effort into saving the first few children that passed. Few came to church anymore. Except Aurore and a few others. But Aurore.. She died soon after the illness came, but it wasn't the illness that took her. She was old. You have to accept that as I have. I did not blame anyone for her death, and neither should you."[/b] Maree glared at him, and was about to yell at him when he held up a hand and his face became stern. She had never seen him with an expression like that. [b]"However, she did tell me right before she died to tell you not to loose faith. God will help you get through the pain of loss, and guide you on your path. It was the ones that still came to church and did not loose faith that survived through it all. And Francis is still alive. Adrian was one of the first to get sick, though."[/b] The two were silent. But slowly, Father Leon walked towards her and embraced her, kissing her forehead. She stayed still, her arms staying glued to her sides, her eyes staring into the cloth of his robe, as he was quite a bit taller than she was. [b]"We all missed you. But had you stayed, you may have been taken, too. It was God that kept you alive, Maree. Don't forget that."[/b] Thats when she could not keep it in. The sobs burst through her as if a large dam had broken. The tears flooded faster and her arms lifted and tightened around his chest for support. Her knees felt weak, and she began to drop to the ground. Leon bent down with her and held her as she cried. [b]"You said you had good news, Maree. I pray you'll tell me before leaving once more. I'd love to hear some good news. Especially from you."[/b] -- [color=#006aaf]OOC: Okay. *deep breath* I'm [i]reeeaally[/i] tired right now, since this sign up suffered through a program crash and two computer crashes, which means I've had to redo this three times, and I started it back around 2:30 this afternoon. >_< I guess this computer doesn't want me to join this RP or something, because it's done everything it can to prevent me from submitting it. (And I was almost done the last time, too. ;_; ) I apologize for the length of the history, but I got carried away, and now I can't find anything that I could edit out without ruining part of it. And the weird part is, my sign up is eerily similar to Cyriel?s, too. Sorry about that.
  11. [SIZE=1]The noise the robots could crank out surprised Tech, and the fact that they had approached undetected until only a few minutes ago startled her even more. But, then again, it did make sense. "They are Killer Robots of Doom. They should be able to sneak up on people," Tech thought aloud, hurridly shoving her papers back into her Travel Box, something she had designed and created a while back and brought along on missions. Her invention was built to carry her things and was capable of shrinking down to the size of a mouse and fitting on her belt. However, it sometimes glitched and would close up, but not shrink. It was a real pain while on the job, and had happened several times before. "Glad I got all the bugs out," she mumbled, placing it back on her belt. "Tech!" she heard Impulse shouting from in front of her. "What is it?" she cried back, turning on her boots and propelling herself through the air towards the rest of her team. "How do you kill these things?" he asked impatiently. It was all he could do to keep the one robot down and the second one floating above him at bay. "Oh!" she cried, forgetting that she had only told Sparks the proper way to disable the bots. "You have to smash in the panel underneath them and pull out the four wires inside. That'll stop 'em." The others heard her instructions as well, and began attempting to turn over the large Doombots. "Doombots, eh?" she smirked as she thought up the clever nickname. But she had little time to gloat to herself as one of the Doombots came zooming at her in the air. Barrel rolling to the right, she pulled out one of her projectile gadgets and fired at the exposed underside of the bot before it could turn back towards her. "C'mon.." she grumbled as her shots continued to miss. Luckily, one of the last three she fired hit the panel covering the wires and sent the bot into spasms of malfunction. Down on the ground, the spazzing robot's hidden panel began to glow, and Tech knew instantly that Pandora had the robot covered. Spinning around to locate the others, she spotted Impulse attacking on of the four robots left still operating next to the first bot to go down. Sparks had brought down another robot, and was busy helping Mirror reach the third bot's wire's in the form of a rather large, muscular man. Sometimes, Tech wondered where the young girl found such strange looking people. The only one who seemed to be having trouble was Face, who had no way of really bringing down the robot. She saw his hoodie float a bit higher everytime the robot swung by, and realized he was attempting to jump and grab a hold of the metallic machine to try and reach the hidden panel. "Now, that's not going to work," she mumbled to herself. She flew straight at the hoodie, and when close enough, put her arms beneath the arms and lifted back upwards. "H-Hey!" he shouted, obviously startled. "Don't worry. It's just me. I'm gonna drop you on him next time he comes around, 'kay?" Face nodded, though shook a little bit as the robot reared around and headed straight for the two of them. "They sure are fast for their size, aren't they?" "Yeah," Tech sighed, shaking her head. [i]"I've gotta bring one of these back with me,"[/i] she thought to herself. "Alright, Face. Ready?" The hoodie nodded, and moments before the Doombot flew into the two of them, Tech sped upwards and dropped the invisible boy back down. Careful to follow close by, Tech watched as the hoodie crawled along and reached the bottom, then swung open the panel after a bit of fiddling with it. It was a bit creepy watching Face move, because the hoodie always looked like it was moving on its own. Suddenly, the robot plunged towards the ground and Tech moved swiftly to grab Face under the arms again before he crashed with it. The collision with the sand somewhat deafened the explosion, but not the size of it. Sand flew high into the air, and covered everything several yards away in a thin blanket of desert earth. "Gah!" Tech spat, coughing as some of it entered through her nose and mouth. "This stuff tastes nasty!" "What e-else would it taste like?" Face mumbled. Tech gave him a glare, but said nothing. She placed him back on the ground and landed beside him to see that the others had taken care of the last robots. "Alright team," Sparks called as the others, with the exception of Impulse, gathered around her. "We're five miles from where we need to be, and we have to get there fast. They may have sent more of those--" "Doombots," Tech interrupted. The others turned to stare at her, but she never lost her large grin. Her own cleverness amused her to no end. "Right.. They may have sent more Doombots out to get us, so we have to be careful. When we get to Bu Craa's hideout, you have to be silent. [i]Silent[/i], you hear me? The less noise and mess we make, the easier it will be to get in and get of that place without any problems." The team nodded in unison, each visualizing the plan in their heads. "Move out."[/SIZE]
  12. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]I'd like to apologize to the members of the Blue Team. In my sign up, I said I could post almost everyday, but my uncles and cousin came out to visit, and so my normal computer hours have changed a bit. And not only that, but everytime I [i]do[/i] get on, I go to reply to the Mission Thread, but can't come up with anything or end up having to leave the screen up and get off the computer. But, not to worry. After a weeks wait, I've finally gotten some incentive to get my post up, so expect to see my reply up either by tonight or tomorrow morning. Once again, sorry to all the Blue Team members. Especially the ones who had to wait to post after me. ^_^;;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]I don't tend to care for the type of music that My Chemical Romance plays. (Plus, I've only heard that one song they've been playing on loop on VH1). And they play into the whole goth and emo look too much for my taste, judging by the way they looked in the Helena video. Also, I was flipping through channels last night, and came upon some show (either on MTV or VH1) and they were playing a live concert. Now, I had heard their hit song about a hundred times by now, and so I knew how it went. But since they were playing live, he sounded tired and couldn't hit all the notes right, and he became way too adventurous with the melody. But, I gotta hand it to 'em. Their song has a catchy chorus. (Stupid "Helena" needs to get out of my head. T.T)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Aura walked quickly through the large hallway, though there was no sound of her footsteps. She passed by many young vampires who gave her awkward glances and stares. She was thought of to be a ghost by many of the air clan, and some even called her "Ghosty" behind her back. None of them, however, were brave or stupid enough to say it to her face. [b]"Whaddya think she's worked up about?"[/b] a male vampire asked, nudging his buddy in the side. [b]"Worked up? I dunno. Whatever's buggin' her ain't none of our concern,"[/b] the other replied, going back to their game of cards. His friend, though not convinced, shrugged it off. The doors to Angel's quarters slammed open as Aura stepped in. Though normally extremely pale, her face had become quite pink in color, and her calm expression was replaced by one of annoyance. He calmly stood up from his seat beside the fire place and walked swiftly in front of her. He held her chin up to inspect it, and could see some blood still hanging on her bottom lip. She quickly licked it up, but he had already seen it. [b]"Who did you feed on this time?"[/b] he asked, eyebrow raised, sounding a tad annoyed. [b]"The idiot who told me that Kraven has already landed in Australia,"[/b] she replied in her quiet voice, though anger accented every word. [b]"Australia?"[/b] he pondered, a look of confusion decorating his face. But after a moment of silence, his expression turned for the worst. [b]"Australia?!"[/b] he shouted, loosing his calm. Rushing over to his desk, he began picking up and flipping through books. [b]"The Dark Library is there. I know, I know. Hurry. We can't let him find whatever it is he's looking for,"[/b] Aura's weak voice demanded. And though she was not in authority, she was still right. [b]"Alright. Tell everyone to get ready. We're heading to Australia,"[/b] Angel sighed, slumping behind his desk. [b]"Dammit Kraven.. What are you hunting for now?"[/b] Aura left her leader to himself and came upon the two men playing cards. They both had to do a double take before realizing she was standing over them, looking quite angry. [b]"W-What is it, Aura?"[/b] the two stuttered, rushing to their feet and bowing. [b]"Tell the others.. We're going to Australia tonight."[/b] [b]"Tonight? It's already dusk-"[/b] the younger one began, but was cut off when she had her fingernails dug deep into his face as she grabbed a hold. He screamed and flailed around a bit before she brought out Cruentus with her right hand and brought it through his neck. [b]"Tonight,"[/b] she repeated, though the young vampire's head was still stuck on her fingernails. His friend stumbled over his chair and onto the floor, scrambling to get away. [b]"Y-Y-Yes Aura! Tonight! I-I'll tell them!"[/b] he cried as he ran away. She watched as the idiot fled, and once he was out of sight, decided to spoil herself just this once. Bringing the head up to her mouth, she began to suck on the blood that was trying to spill out. [b]"Yum,"[/b] she mumbled before tossing the head onto the body and walking away. -- OOC: Hope that was alright. ^_^;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. Kitty

    Runes [M-LSV]

    [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Takai [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Trade:[/B] Takai is studying to become a beast tamer. She carries with her a book full of taming and summoning spells, but she has yet to master any of them. [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/adora.jpg]Takai[/url] Takai's sword, which she has named [b]Koden[/b], is kept in a sheath that rests on her hip. She also carries a small, one-strap bag that lays against her, opposite her sword when inside its sheath. Inside the bag she carries her book, and a loosely tied together packet of parchment that, so far, is completely blank. [B]Personality:[/B] Takai is a clumsy young woman, almost always bumping into things and embarrassing herself. Because of this, she tends to be quite shy and solitary most of the time. But with close friends and people she feels she can trust, she is usually quite bubbly and outspoken, though still clumsy. But when it comes to her studying, she is very serious, and feels hurt when anyone belittles of her trade. [B]Still Life:[/B] [b]"Do you think they're real papa?"[/b] Young Takai's father looked down at the little girl tugging on his sleeve and placed his large, toughened hand on her head. [b]"Are what real, Takai?"[/b] [b]"Dragons. You read me the story last night. Do you remember papa? Do you?"[/b] He laughed at the eagerness in her voice. She bounced on her heels a bit, anticipating his answer as all impatient seven year olds did. [b]"Yes, I remember,"[/b] he chuckled. Nothing was cuter than his curious little daughter. She was never satisfied with any answer he could give her. There was always more questions. [b]"So.. Are they real?"[/b] He did not answer right away, so she asked again. Finally, he quieted her with a hand, and turned back to his desk and lifted a large book off the end. He handed it to her, and patted her on the head once more. [b]"Your answer.. is in [i]that[/i] book. Now run along. Papa has a bit more work to finish."[/b] Takai turned and took a few steps, but stopped and ran back to his side. He looked down at her, ready to remind her how important his work was. [b]"Thank you papa. Good night,"[/b] she smiled before giving him a large hug. Then, she turned and walked out the door, holding her new book tightly in her tiny arms. [b]"They [i]are[/i] real. I knew it,"[/b] she mumbled, standing on her tiptoes to reach the knob on her door. She entered her room and closed the door behind her, jumping into bed, the lamp beside her bed already on, and began reading. -- [color=#006aaf]I've had this window open since this morning. xD I'll get to the still life part of the sign up soon. EDIT: Realized how close my name was to DC's. Sorry about that. ^_^; Still have to edit the still life, but I'm working on it. ;D EDIT2: Finished the still life part. It's crappy, I know. >_< Just wanted to show the part where she recieved her book of summoning and taming spells/tricks/whatever-they-are.[/color][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Brooke Daniels [Stereotypical name. So sue me. =__=] [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Nationality:[/B] American [B]Appearance:[/B] Brooke stands roughly at five and a half feet tall with a thin waistline. She has bright green eyes and long, golden-brown hair that reaches down to her lower back. She normally dresses in a light blue tanktop with some kind of saying on it, along with her favorite pair of denim shorts and belt she uses to hold her pokeballs. She wears her socks up to her knees, and her feet rest inside two shoes that seem way to big for her feet, yet amazingly seem to fit her small feet snuggly. [B]Pokémon:[/B] - Dragonair - Shelgon [B]Biography:[/B] Brooke has had her Dragonair for as long as she can remember, though he was a Dratini when the two first met. She was barely able to stand at the time, but he stumbled into her yard, looking for something to snack on. She handed him some of her crackers and he decided to stick around. They spent the majority of their time together just playing together up until she turned seven, when her parents explained the 'rules' of having a pokémon. So, she was given a pokeball and captured her friend with ease. However, Dratini cared little for the world inside the pokeball and stayed outside of it constantly. At eight years of age, Brooke was introduced to the world of battling when the bully in her neighborhood brought his Tyrogue around. He bruised her up a bit before Dratini grabbed a hold of him and squeezed him tight. The bullies were scared away, but Brooke was confused. Consulting her parents again, they explained to her what had happened. Finally clued in, she made an oath with her partner that the two of them would battle with the best of them. Brooke left home at the age of ten, like most other kids who planned to become trainers. To her surprise, she beat quite a few trainers with ease. As she progressed, however, Dratini couldn't keep up with all the opponents. So, she back tracked a bit and trained with her only pokemon until the two came across a small Bagon. Remembering what she had been taught, Brooke sent Dratini to wear it down but be careful not to knock it out. However, the wild pokemon was not easy to beat. But after a tiring battle, she had added a second pokemon to her roster. The three of them trained for a while, and she moved through towns, beating trainers as she went. There were losses, but there are always losses. A bit before she turned twelve, Dratini evolved. She grew a fondness for the grace and power of dragon pokemon, and made another goal to make all the dragons her own. But she knew it would take a while before she found them all. With her newly evolved pokemon, the trio was a force to be reckoned with. She entered tournaments and came out in the top three almost every time. Nothing would stop her and her best friend from finding the best trainers out there and taking them on, one at a time. About the time Bagon evolved, merging was steadily growing more popular. The thought of battling [i]as[/i] a pokemon nearly made her drool. Though she already had a few goals in place, she made her next one getting a Merger and entering the tournament. Ever since, she's been battling and training her two pokemon in hopes of getting one and beating other trainers as her pokemon. -- [COLOR=#006aaf]Woo! Great idea Lady K! It's great to see a good pokemon RPG in the inn these days. ^_~ And sorry about the biography. I'll get it done, though. EDIT: Got it finished. Hope that's alright. x3[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Actually, I just got back from the mall after having watched The Brothers Grimm at the theater. I liked the film, even though there were parts that I thought were hard to understand, and the way Heath Ledger talked bugged me a bit, and the whole massive army of bugs grossed me out, too. Other than that, though, I really enjoyed the movie. =P [spoiler]But the thought of Ledger kissing Damon was something I could have done without. I swear I'm going to have nightmares. >_
  18. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Eloise Hunter [B]Nickname:[/B] Elly or Lou [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Appearance:[/B] Elly stands roughly 5'7" tall, and has long brown hair braided down to her lower back. Her eyes are a startling green, and her skin is fairly pale for being outside so much. She usually wears her oldest brother's cowboy boots almost all the time, and wears long skirts with shaggy blouses, or her trademark overalls. For her job at the bar, though, she wears a tattered, old brown dress with black high heeled boots. [B]Personality:[/B] Elly is a girl who was raised with three brothers, so her idea of a good time is messing around with the rest of the boys rather than working. She enjoys running around outside or sitting under the shade of a tree and doodling in her notebook. Though she grew up rough housing with boys, she's generally sweet, quiet, and rather timid. [B]Occupation:[/B] Elly is one of the waitresses at the local bar that her uncle owns. [B]Hobbies:[/B] Elly likes to hang out with the guys, but she also likes to write or draw in her notebook. She's also been thinking about getting a horse to ride. [B]Weapons/Possessions:[/B] Elly has no idea how to use a gun, as her mother refused to allow her to practice with her brothers. However, she does carry a knife in her boot for protection. Other than that, she normally has her notebook (which most people would call a diary, but she doesn't use it as a diary) under her arm with a pencil in her pocket. [B]Other Information:[/B] Might add something here later. -- [color=#006aaf]OOC: If anyone wants to play any of Elly's three brothers, you can go ahead. There's nothing special planned for any of them.[/color][/SIZE]
  19. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]I, personally, liked this version better than the original. I enjoyed Tim Burton's vision of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory more because it was just so much more colorful and fun, instead of scary and weird. Though, I admit, Tim Burton's film was definately weird. xD However, I'm growing tired of seeing Johnny Depp in everything, no matter how good an actor he is. I wouldn't mind as much if girls would stop swooning constantly. It's getting steadily more irritating as each film is released. Still.. it was a good movie. I liked your review a lot. One last thing. I had [i]no[/i] idea Deep Roy played each Oompa [i]seperately[/i]. Damn.. o_O;;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Aura [b]Nickname:[/b] Aequus Letum [B]Race:[/B] Vampire [B]Age:[/B] 268 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Powers:[/B] A member of the air clan, Aura has mastered the art of using the air to fly, and raise other things into the air with little to no effort. [B]Weapons:[/B] Aura is armed with the blades on her armored boots (see appearance), and her sword [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/broadsword.jpg]Cruentus[/url]. [B]Personality:[/B] Aura is a very calm and understanding creature, one who rarely resorts to killing, despite her lust for blood. She is rarely seen and eerily quiet, speaking only to a certain few, and to her victims. For a long time, it was rumored that she was the ghost of an older vampire who had been killed by humans and was so filled with sadness, that her soul lingered. Though it had been disproven a while ago, the rumor lingers. However, no matter how serene and quiet and understanding Aura may seem, she is the same as any vampire. She has longing for blood that could rival even the most blood thirsty of vampires. Her drastic changes in personality have deemed her the nickname "Aequus Letum", which in Latin means "calm death". Though she constantly struggles to keep her 'hunting' to a minimum, there are times where Aura's need for fresh blood overcomes her, and she decends upon countless numbers of civilians during the night and slaughters them all to satisfy herself. During this time, while she is feasting, it is best to leave her be, or risk being ripped to pieces as well. Inside her, Aura carries a cold hate for Kraven, though, like almost everything else about her, most do not know. And while she despises the oldest of all vampires, she respects Angel more than anyone, and trusts soley him. [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/05red_scarf.jpg]Aura[/url] in battle attire. Aura is a ghost-like woman, with long white hair, light gray eyes, and pale skin. She is thin, but tall, standing a couple inches below six feet. No matter how weak she may appear to be, she weilds Cruentus with frightening force, and has the wind as an ally. She is also very flexible and agile, with lots of power in her legs as well, having trained to fight with the blades on her armored boots as well. In public places, she wears long, dark skirts with white blouses, or light colored dresses. [B]Character Snippet:[/B] Aura rushed through the people that filled the sidewalk, her head down and one of her gray eyes shut. The hunger was driving her mad. How long had it been? Nearly three months since she last fed. She was biting her lip so hard she was afraid she might tear through it with her teeth. [b]"Not tonight Aura.. Too many police around tonight. You can hold on for one more night,"[/b] she whispered under breath, clutching her arm to stop it from shaking. As she walked by on the sidewalk, she recieved stares from men and sympathetic looks from women. They must have thought she was in pain. And she was, but not a pain any [i]human[/i] could understand. She stumbled through the crowd until she bumped into a young man. He was with his girlfriend, and the two of them look sadly at the woman who seemed barely able to stand. [b]"Are you alright? Please.. Let me help you,"[/b] the man offered, grabbing her arm as she lost balance again. Normally, she would have pulled her arm away, given him a frightening glare, and walked away without saying a word. But now, the hunger had taken over and she gave into her desire. She fell into the young man, releasing her arm and almost instantly becoming limp. He gave a startled 'ah', then grabbed her other arm to help her up. [b]"What's wrong with her Jeremy?"[/b] his girlfriend asked from behind him. [b]"I-I don't know. I think she needs help. Can you go get the car? We'll be.. On that bench right there,"[/b] he instructed, pointing to a bus stop bench. The woman nodded and rushed off after he gave her the keys. Jeremy put Aura's arm over his shoulders and lifted so that her feet were barely scraping the ground. [b]"I need.."[/b] Aura mumbled, peaking through one eye. She clamped it shut again as he faced her and began to ask her what when she pushed off the ground just hard enough to send him off-balance. He practically hopped over into the wall of a butcher shop as he attempted to stay on his feet. [b]"What is it? What do you need?"[/b] he asked when he could stand properly once more. [b]"I need it now.."[/b] she mumbled again. This time, she pulled her arm back from over his shoulder as she walked forward and turned into the alley that hid between a small butcher shop and another small business. Jeremy followed, hoping she was alright. But upon looking into the alley, he saw nothing but bricks and trash cans. [b]"Uh.. Miss? Are you alright?"[/b] he asked warily, stepping forward. He repeated his call with each step foward until none of the light from the street lamps lining the sidewalk touched him at all. Again he called out for Aura, but this time he got an answer. [b]"Here,"[/b] came a weak voice from the darkness. [b]"How'd you get back there?"[/b] he asked, almost frightened now. [b]"That's a stupid question,"[/b] the voice chuckled. And within seconds, Aura grabbed him, pulling him towards her, and had her teeth in his neck and Cruentus in his stomach. His gargled screams did not reach the other civilians passing by the alley, so she was promised a long meal. She pulled away for a moment and licked her lips, enjoying the lucious flow of blood he had given her. [i]"And this is only the appetizer,"[/i] she thought greedily, knowing she would have his soon to arrive girlfriend as a second meal, along with whatever drunk fool came passing by. No guilt could bother her tonight. Not when the hunger was in control. -- [color=#006aaf]OOC: Gah. Not done with the snippet yet, but I'll finish later. Got a bit of writer's block. >_< EDIT: Finished. Hope it's good Fallen. ^_~[/color][/SIZE]
  21. [color=#006aaf][size=1]It was the late evening, and young Mark Bentbrook lay wrestling under his covers for some sleep. Every night had been the same. Sleepless, and full of thrashing underneath the thin, white sheets that lay ontop of the bed and the body stuck between them. Suddenly, he jerked upward, sweat rushing down his face. He ripped the sheets away and jumped onto the carpeted floor, dashing out the door. Across the hallway, he came to a stop in front of the bathroom mirror. He let out a yelp, then paused to take in several deep breaths. Calmed a bit, he began touching his face, examining his features. [b]"Damnit,"[/b] he muttered, staring down at his chest. He reached up and pulled the mirror away from the cabinet hidden behind it and grabbed a small container with an illegible label. He removed the cap and shook the bottle a bit, dropping a bit of its contents into his hand. He shoved it into his mouth and swallowed, not even bothering to wash it down with water anymore. He replaced the lid and then the bottle, then pushed the mirror back until he heard a familiar click. Raising his head back up to the mirror, he stared and waited for the horrible transformation he had seen every night of the past week. A few moments later, a young woman strode out of the bathroom, frowning at the stretched bra she held out in front of her. [b]"That's the fifth one this week,"[/b] she sighed, tossing it into the kitchen's trash bag on her way back to her bedroom. Nicole Barret had a strange gift. She was not born with it twenty-someodd years ago. No, but she was indeed granted this power when she was a young child. There were others that recieved gifts from the molecular Santa Clause, though none had asked for them. And now, each and everyone that lived nowadays was cursed with their powers. Nicole had dealt with her uncontrolled metamorphosis for almost four years, and was growing steadily weaker. Soon, she knew she'd forget what she really looked like and not be able to change back anymore. But she was lucky. She still had some medicine left. But she knew she'd run out soon. And not only were her transformations happening more often, she was beginning to forget things. Small, unimportant things, but she was scared. She had heard what happened before to those who were experimented on and lost their memory. It was an early sign of a frightening side-effect that she wished she'd never have to deal with. Unfortunately for her, that wish didn't seem to be coming true. [b]"I just have to find the others. They can help me find more of my medicine,"[/b] Nicole told herself as she returned to underneath her covers. It had been her ritual for a while now to mutter this to herself as she laid in bed. It seemed to calm her down a bit. But it was just wishful thinking. She knew none of the others, having never been allowed out of her cell because they worried she would have escaped. She shook her head into her pillow, not wanting to think about [i]that[/i] any more. [i]"The sooner I forget [b]that[/b], the better,"[/i] she thought to herself before closing her eyes tight, though she knew sleep would not come tonight. -- OOC: Sorry it took so long to post. Wasn't sure what to put. Hope this is okay.[/size][/color]
  22. [quote name='Sage']In one other rpg I got over 20 sign-ups, but that one died because I accepted them all and the quality and consistency went down because of it.[/quote] [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]And that's [i]exactly[/i] Shy's concern. [B]The Legionnaires[/B] is a [i]community[/i] event, which means that the number of players is probably double what yours had. If Shy did not implement the posting order then it would quickly lose it's quality and the story would jump all over the place, just as yours had. I'm not saying it's the best for the players that really want to start participating, but I am saying it's best for the [i]game[/i], which you claim is all you want. I want to post just as badly as you do, but I don't feel that questioning Shy's plans for the RPG will make it go any faster.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [color=#006aaf][size=1]I have to say my favorite was Mercury. I think it was just because she was blue at the time, but now that I'm older I like how quiet she was and how she was one of the smartest of the group. But it's still mainly 'cause she was blue. xD My second is Mars. She was tough, rough, and all around fun. Plus fire powers are awesome, too. ^_~ She reminds me of myself a bit, as well, which is a bigger plus. =P Too bad I like blue so much. Heh.[/size][/color]
  24. [color=#006aaf][SIZE=1]I dunno why I wrote this, but I did. I bet it's really confusing, but if I get any replies, I'll continue. It clears itself up bit by bit throughout the chapters. This was inspired by [B]Sin City Volume 1[/B], which I bought and read yesterday. Won't be nearly as bloody, but there is violence and plenty of cursing. And I seem to have developed the habit of writing a lot about Hell. o_O Well, enjoy anyway. ^_^;;[/SIZE][/color] [center][size=2][b]Chapter 1 - Hell and All It's Splender[/b][/size] - - -[/center] [i]"I can't remember a lot. It's mostly recent things I forget. It would be nice to forget some of the old stuff, though. Life for me used to be hell. Before they took me in, I was blind. Somehow, they found me. They told me some looney promise, but I believed 'em. I would believe anything that meant getting out of that shithole where I was beaten and raped nearly everyday. So they took me with them into some car. "It was nice. The seats were an exotic leather. I remember the feel of it. "They experimented on me. It hurt. Mainly a while afterwards. The soreness made me want to claw my new eyes out, but I kept to screaming instead. To waste all that effort would be a shame. When they finally took the bandages off, I remember what I saw. It was a gun resting on a table in front of me. The walls were graffitied, and behind me were bars. I was in a cage. I guess they thought the pain would be too much for a twelve year old to handle. Maybe I should've just shot myself. It would've been easier that way. "So much easier. "I had too much spirit, I guess, or something. Something made me ignore the gun. Or maybe it wasn't that. Maybe I was more afraid of death than I was of pain. Whatever it was, I didn't use the gun, and I took all that pain. When my eye sockets finally stopped bleeding, they took it as a good sign. "I remember something else. I wasn't the only one. There was one other, who was in the cell beside mine. They were always in the shadows, so even when I could see without my eyes hurting, I couldn't tell who it was. Maybe if I find them, they can tell me what's wrong. Maybe they're dealing with the same things I am. And maybe.. Maybe they can help me get back my memories. The important ones. The good ones. Only lost a couple of those so far, though, since I only have about a dozen. "Well, you look like you've heard enough. See you next time, then."[/i] And then, it was silent. [CENTER]- - -[/CENTER] Mornings are Hell in the City of Dis. And no, that's the real name of the city. Well, it had a longer name, but nobody can remember it anymore. But Dis isn't Hell. That's an exaggeration. Nobody but young Jack Ailes knew what Hell really was, and he wasn't looking forward to going there. Everyone imagines Hell to be a large cave that spans for eternity resting menacingly beneath the crust of the Earth somewhere. It is decorated with molten rock and hidious monsters, and haunted by the screams of the victims stuck there until the end of time. The noise and vivid colors of blood and flowing lava.. That's all bullshit. If Hell is anything, it's silent. It's cold. It's torture. You are placed in an endless black space to do [i]nothing[/i]. You are driven insane by the silence, and the fear, and the cold, and the overwhelming guilt that you inevitably feel after thinking "Why me?" for the past seventeen millenia. Yes, why you? Poor, poor you? It's because [i]you[/i] weren't good enough for Heaven, where everyone sits around in their robes drinking tea with their legs crossed like the faggots they are, chatting casually about the 'poor chaps' stuck down in Hell. They probably laugh, too. And, oh God, the laughter. The laughter's the worst part of Hell. It [i]is[/i] Hell. You hear it maybe eight times in your entire stay there, and the entire time you've been desperately trying to kill yourself all over again. Streams of tears have poured down your face, bloody claw marks stain your filthy neck, and that horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach just won't leave you alone as all the pain reminds you of where you are. "Look at you," something screams. "Just [i]look[/i] at you. Pitiful, pitiful you." And the laughter, even after it ends, it echoes. In the big black nothingness, it somehow manages to bounce back and attack you over and over again until it settles just to come back again, each time worse than the last. And again you will ask yourself, and again the guilt will tear at you when the laughter, and the silence, and the fear, and the cold are not. "Why me?" A splash of cold water ends the lengthy thought that had just been flowing around in Jack's head. "Because nobody likes you, Jack. Nobody upstairs, and nobody downstairs. But nobody downstairs has to like you. You get the same treatment as all of their favorite pets," he spat into the medium sized mirror that also hid his medicine and a razor or two. It was dirty. Very dirty. Cleaning, he had decided, wasn't his thing. He grabbed his towel and shoved his face in it. The smooth, comfort of the fabric was a rarity in this day and age, even with all of the technical shit. Nobody in this part of town could afford the up to date stuff. It was just crappy five-year old, worn out second-name brand stuff that would be thrown away the moment the same product released a year later was available. But his landlord was the cheap bastard that liked the slums, and wanted to keep them that way. He draped it back on its perch above the toilet and took one last glance into the mirror. He grimaced. Jack took a few steps out of the bathroom, paused to look around, and was immediately replused. He did this quite often, actually. He would measure how bad the condition of his apartment was, just for kicks. At the moment, it was probably a seven on a scale of one to ten, one being the cleanest, and ten being the nastiest. Despite this, he walked over and plopped down onto his rotting sofa, grabbing the remote that rested in the middle of the floor in front of him. He didn't have to bend down. One of the sofa's legs fell off a while back, and, too impatient to wait for the others to do the same, he borrowed Nancy's saw and cut the legs to mere stubs. Nancy was his neighbor. Damn fine girl she was. A year younger than he was, but three times as smart. She also knew how to handle tools, and was a pretty good shot with a pistol, too. How did Jack know? He had spent a lot of time with her. They'd known each other for a long time, as a matter of fact. How long, he forgets. Doesn't matter, though. He clicked the 'Power' button, and immediately the television sprang to life. It was an old model. It picked up decent satellite, though. Nancy had helped him set up the reciever. Sure, it was stealing, but nobody would care. They were so rich now that the fractions of a penny they were loosing to a loser stuck in Hell's slums would get nothing more than a brief chuckle of attention. Nobody cares about Jack Ailes. Not even Jack Ailes anymore. His mother and sister are both dead, and he was born after her mother was raped but refused to tell anyone, so he [i]hoped[/i] that his father was dead. That left Jack all alone, with no one but Nancy, her boyfriend, and the television. If he could take 'her boyfriend' off the list, Jack would be happy. "Oh well. Can't do anything about 'her boyfriend'," he sighed, pulling his feet up on the couch and stretching out. He turned so that he was on his side, facing the screen that showed him scenes from decades ago. He'd always thought of TV as a teleporter of sorts. It could take you anywhere, to anytime, to see anyone whenever you wanted. It was incredible, and all the power in that little rectangle gripped firmly in your hand. It wasn't just a treat, it was a responsibility. Some people wasted it. They would leave the TV alone, to entertain the shadows it created on the walls so they could eat, fuck, or whatever the hell it was they thought they had to do. And even though Jack, too, left the TV at times, he never left it alone. He sometimes wondered if it was growing sick of him. He thought he saw the lights dim. [i]'No, wait. I just blinked too long,'[/i] he thought to himself. His eyelids fluttered to a close once more, and soon, he was asleep, leaving the teleporter nothing but an unconcious lump to play for. Why the hell he slept in the mornings, he didn't know. His sleep cycle had been fucked up for years. He woke up for dinner and stayed awake until dawn. Still, he called mornings mornings and evenings evenings. It's a good thing to know he doesn't get himself mixed up.
  25. [color=#003aaf][size=1]I'm gonna be using the Kingdom Hearts versions (since they seem best quality, and I'm absolutely in love with that game xD) so give me a bit to post up my attempts. T'ankuu. =P EDIT: Well, I didn't know who you wanted in the avi, so I made you two in case you choose to use my set. Attached are your avatars and banner. Hope you like 'em. x3 (And I don't care if you use 'em or not. Took five minutes to whip 'em up. xP)[/size][/color]
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