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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. [size=1][color=#003aaf]Ah, summer. My favorite season. Well, as many of you will be doing, I'll be mourning the end of my 3 month vacation when the time has come, but for me, it isn't over yet. Since my birthday is late-summer, I don't consider the summer officially over until I'm a year older, and school has started. That leaves me with a little over two weeks of more summer, so I'm going to do what I've been doing all summer. Party, hang out, and sleep in 'till one in the afternoon everyday. To answer your second question, Kamuro, of [i]course[/i] it did. Every summer gets better than the last in my opinion, and this one was especially nice because I got more time with my dad instead of spending the whole thing with my mother. And I went to a lot more parties than any other summer I can remember. No booze though. D: I did spend a particularly large amount of time on the computer this summer as well, but only because I had more time to spend. Normally, I'm wrapped up with swim team and whatever other nonsense I'm forced to do ( I think I did two plays last year.. o__O; ). So yeah. This summer was great. :3 And as for your last question, I never really plan what will happen during the next year. Of course, there are elements planned before hand (as in my Japanese and guitar lesson schedules) and what sports I'm going to do, but other than that, I have no idea what I'm going to do. After all, I just moved across the country a few months ago, so who knows what nutty stuff I'll be dragged along to do. And since both of you did songs about summer, I'll give you part of one that represents summer (for me) because it's a song I played at a rock camp I went to this summer. So, here are the lyrics to "Dammit" by Blink 182. [i]It's alright to tell me what you think about me I won't try to argue or hold it against you I know that you're leaving, you must have your reasons The season is calling your pictures are falling down The steps that I retraced the sad look on your face The timing and structure, did you hear, he ****** her A day late a buck short I'm writing the report On losing and failing when I move I'm flailing now And it's happened once again, I'll turn to a friend Someone that understands, sees through the master plan But everybody's gone and I've been here for too long To face this on my own, well I guess this is growing up And maybe I'll see you at a movie, sneak preview You show up and walk by on the arm of that guy And I'll smile and you'll wave We'll pretend it's okay The charade, it won't last When he's gone, I won't come back And it'll happen once again, you'll turn to a friend Someone that understands, sees through the master plan But everybody's gone, and you've been there for too long, To face this on your own, well I guess this is growing up Well, I guess this is growing up[/i][/color][/size]
  2. [color=#003aaf][size=1]Anna awoke with a start, sitting up quickly, a bit of sweat trailing down the side of her soft face. She let out sharp, painful breaths, then told herself to calm down. In no time, she couldn't even remember what frightened her so bad. The dream was nothing but a blur of fuzzy memories woven together into something that had haunted her. But her eyes were open now, and dreams would no longer bother her. She sat in silence a few more minutes, still firmly gripping the sheets with both hands, and staring blankly down at her feet covered in blankets. Then, she let out a sigh. [b]"I need a shower."[/b] She got out of bed, glancing at the clock on her way to the closet that held her towels. Five fourty-five, it read. She grumbled a bit. Though she never looked tired, she usually felt it. Especially in the morning. She hated waking up early, but like so many other things, she kept it to herself. Grabbing the towel and her robe off the shelf and shutting the closet door behind her, Anna walked into the bathroom and placed her towels on the rack that hung loosely on the back of the door. She undressed and turned on the water, stepping in to the inviting warmth. No sooner had she stepped in, she stepped back out, grabbing her robe and wrapping it around herself. The towel she used to quickly shake her hair out a bit, and then pulled up the hair dryer to speed up the process. When she finished, she put it back in its place and grabbed her comb. Suddenly, she heard a rapping on the door to her room, which she knew was Bruce with her breakfast. [b]"You can come in, Bruce,"[/b] she called, finishing up her combing. When she walked out, she saw Bruce turning to leave. Hearing the door open, he turned around and watched her carefully, though Anna distinctly saw him blush. She sighed when the sweet aroma of her breakfast finally reached her nose. Anna walked over to her bedside, saying a gentle morning greeting on her way, and happily took a bite. [b]"Splendid as always, Bruce. I'm quite fond of your cooking, I lucked out when I took you in as my...Servant,"[/b] she hesitated before slowly finishing her sentence. The whole concept of servants saddened her greatly, but she knew that she depended greatly on Bruce. She just wished he didn't have to be referred to as a servant. Bruce bowed, and began to thank her when she interrupted him. He had called her 'Miss', yet she had insisted that he not when the two of them were together privately. She waited patiently for him to correct himself, and when he did, she was very pleased. Hearing him talk to her more casually made her feel so much better, though not less guilty. He then left her to her breakfast, and she ate it graciously. [b]"Such great cooking,"[/b] she grinned to herself. How lucky she was to have him. The other men were kind and dependable, but few were as devoted as Bruce. When she finished, she went to her clothes closet and picked out suitable business attire. She changed quickly, laying her robe on her bed, and grabbed the tray to bring out to the kitchen. Only a few steps out the door, Bruce rushed up to her, kindly taking it. He grinned at her, and she smiled sheepishly back at him. [b]"Mi- Anna, you know that's my job. I wouldn't want you to burden yourself,"[/b] he sighed. But she only smiled in return, picking up her briefcase from beside her bedroom door. She walked over and opened the door to the hallway, but stopped. She turned to Bruce and told him that there was no work to be done, and that he should enjoy himself. [b]"Oh, and I'd recommend that you try to avoid any run-ins with other Mistresses. Some of us have had it a little rough lately, and they may be irrtable. Tata!"[/b] Anna added before walking out the door. She traveled through several hallways, the whole time wondering if she could get away with saying little to nothing during the meetings. She felt that she rarely had any good ideas, and would just get in the way. While this wasn't true, she felt it strongly, and was always embarrassed when adressed about her ideas from meetings, whether it was praise or critism. Anna arrived at the door to the room where the meeting was to be held and pulled out her card from her pocket. Swiping it quickly and placing it back where it was, the card scanner flashed green and read, [i]"Welcome, Mistress Anna Lange."[/i] Inside already was Sakura, one of the mistresses with whom she was well-acquainted. Taking a seat across from her, Anna quietly waited patiently for the others to arrive. Though the two were allowed to talk before the meeting officially began, both seemed to think it better to be in silence for the time being. -- OOC: Hope that was okay. ^_^;[/color][/size]
  3. [COLOR=#003aaf][SIZE=1]It was all so confusing. Kwi saw things she swore she had never seen before, yet they were all so familiar. It was like everything from some hidden memories suddenly resurfaced and she was beginning to remember everything. And then, she remembered the mirror. Her head was full to bursting with questions. What was that mirror? Why had she and her 'reflection' been pulled in together? Was she still herself? And what about Ruchi and the other dragons. Were they still around? She placed her hand to her chest, but realized the whistle wasn't there. [b]"My whistle.."[/b] she muttered slowly. And before long, her eyes shot down to her side, and were disappointed to see that Kiyomeru was not by her side. And then, the boy began talking about weapon shops along the street. As he spoke, she nodded. He finished, and the group dispersed. Walking towards the doors after most of the others had left, Kwi rubbed her eyes again. Taking her hands away, she blinked a few times, and everything became blurry. Her vision had been blurring and sharpening back and forth ever since she had awaken. After a while, she was afraid the Kwi she saw in the mirror had hurt her eyesight when the two of them merged. [b]"That mirror.."[/b] she whispered, taking a step outside. Immediately, everything came into focus. Again, her surroundings became much sharper than in the bar, and even more so than before the strange event. Blinking some more, she looked towards the sun, and lowered her head immediately. Her eyes had become sensitive from being in the darkened bar for sometime. Squinting, she walked into the street and headed towards a shop that had a large, fake sword for a sign. Approaching the door, she wondered if her eyes would become blurry again once out of the sun. Gripping the handle, she practically ripped the door off as she opened it fiercly. Walking inside, she glanced around hesitantly, and let out a sigh of relief. The shop was intensely clear, and she was pleased. [b]"May I hel... -p you?"[/b] the attendant paused. Kwi's eyes swiftly traveled the length of the backwall until they were upon the man behind a counter made of glass. Something she had never heard of before, but had a clear memory of at the same time. Confused by his awkward look, Kwi asked him what was the matter. [b]"Your eyes.. They aren't human!"[/b] he cried, taking a step back. [b]"What are you talking about? My eyes are perfectly fine, if you ignore the annoying blurring and stuff.."[/b] she mumbled, walking closer. However, she stopped when she saw that he wanted to flee, but something was keeping him there. She took another step towards the counter, and he took another step back. She was about to reassure him that she meant him no harm when she caught sight of Kiyomeru. Her jaw, already half open, shut immediately. Her eyes returned to the attendant, and she immediately let out a fierce growl. He screamed and ran into the back room. Startled, Kwi wondered where the growl had come from. It took her a few moments to realize it was her. [b]"How..?"[/b] But she had no time to think. She heard the loud thunking and clanking of armor, and suspected that the man was going to attempt to fight her off with storage items. She laughed, but had no idea if he was any good and thought it best not to risk it. Leaping over the counter with ease, she jumped up and grasped her sword, it's familiar handle sliding easily into the loop on her belt that she just realized was there. [b]"But my whistle!"[/b] she muttered to herself. She had almost forgotten. Could it be in the same shop? Glancing into the casing that made up the counter, she saw something that resembled her whistle, and smashed the glass to get it. Another loud noise, though it sounded more like the man had fallen over than approaching the doorway out into the shop, sent Kwi sprinting out into the street again. Several people passing by were startled by her sudden dash into the open, pausing to look at her. None of them seemed alarmed, so she calmed a bit. [i]"They can't see my eyes.."[/i] she thought, walking cooly back towards the Dragon's Pit. She opened her fist and stared down at her open palm. [b]"Two?"[/b] she blurted out, seeing that she had taken two whistles, though she distinctly remembered picking up two. She took a closer look at them and saw that they were identical. She stopped and looked up, seeing that she was in front of the bar. She turned around and leaned on the wall, the sun now in her sights. [b]"Maybe one of them is mine..? I wonder if I can summon Ruchi or the others?"[/b] And without another word, she blew the first whistle. Though nothing but a soft, middle-pitched note escaped the end of the whistle, she recognized it as the tone that called for Ruchi. Well, it did before she had been pulled into the mirror, anyway. After a few minutes, she pulled up the first whistle to inspect a bit more, but sighed when she realized inspecting it would do nothing. Glancing one last time at the sky, she pulled up the second whistle to her lips. But before she could do anything, a small sillouette appeared in the sky. [b]"Ruchi?"[/b] As the moments ticked by, the shape in the sky grew and grew, and the wings could be made out. The dragon traveled faster and faster until it was right above the city. Suddenly, it dove straight at the spot where Kwi stood. She was frigid, but not with fright. Moments before it collided with the ground, it pulled its neck upwards and flipped smoothly so that its tail would hit first, and flapped its wings powerfully, sending up a large gust through the street. It landed softly before her and leaned down, letting out a low, but friendly growl. [b]"It is you.. You've changed."[/b] Her dragon friend was no longer an icy blue, as she remembered, but a jet black, with a strange silver marking on his forehead. His tail had three sharp spikes on the end, and there was a large scar across his left eye. But the moment she placed her hand on his colored scales, she knew he was the same Ruchi that she remembered. [b]"Wait out here. I have to go meet with some people in the bar,"[/b] Kwi cooed, petting him gently some more before turning and entering the Dragon's Pit. She placed the first whistle around her neck, but pocketed the second. She didn't know what its purpose was, but she wanted to keep it. Ruchi did as he was told, attempting to take a seat in the street, but recieved screams and cries. He grunted angrily, a bit of smoke escaping from his nostrils. He took off into the air, but circled, waiting for his human friend to appear once again. -- OOC: Blech.. Sorry. Looooong ( and not due to dialogue, surprise surprise ). @_@; The second whistle will come into play later. Oh, and she only has one dragon. ^_^;; She will get help from other animals along the way, but only Ruchi will accompany her the entire way. :3 If there are any questions/problems, Archangel, just PM me and I'll explain. [/verylongpost][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [SIZE=1]>>_ [i]User Data[/i] [B]Name:[/B] Nikki Berret [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Appearance/History:[/B] Nikki was born in New York, USA to an American man and a Japanese woman. She's still in high school, and is one of the best students there. She had decent experience in game programming, having made her own with a group of friends for a computer design class assignment. The game her group made could only be played on one computer (her teachers refused to allow them to copy the file onto other discs), but it turned out massively popular. Her interest in game programming was what made her pick Dance up the moment it became available. Nikki was contacted by some of the designers of Dance a little while ago and offered her a moderating position. She took them up on their offer, and the next time she logged into Dance, her moderating privelages immediately became apparent. Their next message was confusing, and she has yet to meet with them. The only clear thing was that she was to meet them within Dance on a set date, soon after recieving the e-mail. >>_ [i]User Registration[/i] [B]User Name:[/B] Kwii [B]User Age:[/B] 16 [B]User Appearance:[/B] [ [url=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=21&pos=33]Kwii (with her dragon)[/url] ] [B]Character Weaponry:[/B] - [i]Kiyomeru[/i] [ Type: Broad Sword || Sword Level: 3 ] - [i]Ruchi[/i] [ Type: Dragon Summoner (Whistle) || Dragon Level: 2 ] - [i]Uindoken[/i] [ Type: Wind Katana || Sword Level: 7 ] - [b]Granted with Moderator Status[/b] - [i]Yajuubuin[/i] [ Type: Beast Staff || Staff Level: 1 ] - [b]Granted with Moderator Status[/b] -- [color=#003aaf]I know there's a lot left to be done, but I was a bit confused. Plus, I have to go to bed now. xD But I'll finish it soon, don't worry. ^_^ EDIT: Well, I finished most of it. Still got to do the appearance, though. xD I just have too many pictures to choose from. >_>;; EDIT2: Wow.. I kinda messed up. xD However, Arunue and I talked over AIM and it's been sorted out. x3 And I got the appearance up, too! Woot! :B[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [size=1][color=#003aaf]My, my. This needs revivin'. =O *revives* Yes, I've returned with updates (finally..
  6. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Anna Lange [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 28 [B]Personality:[/B] Anna is generally a laid back, sweet, well humored and shy young woman who loves nothing more than traveling. Strangely, she feels herself a bit reluctant when it comes to ordering more than a few people around as it brings up guilt from the past. That, and she knows she's horrible at giving orders. She finds recieving and completing assignments great ways to spend her time, when not hanging around or reading in her library. [B]Appearance:[/B] [ [url=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=11&pos=7]Anna[/url] ] [B]Character Snippet:[/B] [b]"But mother--"[/b] a young Anna began, but was quieted by the sight of her mother's angry eyes. [b]"There shall be no buts, Anna. You are to stay behind with James while I leave for Germany. And if you don't like it,"[/b] her mother continued, seeing her daughter's mouth open to protest, [b]"I'm sure you'd rather be here than stuck at Madam Nora's."[/b] The very sound of that woman's name was like a hard slap in the face. She was cruel, hurtful, abusive, but managed to get away with it all because of her high rank. Anna knew it should be an honor for her to have even been able to meet Madam Nora at such a young age, but she couldn't help but feel only hatred and spite for that wretched woman. Knowing the battle was won, Anna's mother turned and exited the young girl's room, nodding and talking to James outside the door before walking out of view. Falling back onto her bed, a defeated look on her face, Anna felt tears welling up in her eyes. But she held them back and instead grabbed her pillow and began screaming into it. But the sound of James' voice made her stop. [b]"I'm sorry Miss Anna. I could not do anything.."[/b] [b]"It's not your fault,"[/b] she replied after a long silence. [b]"I knew you couldn't.. But still. I wanted to go to Germany with Mother so badly.. Not that I'd want to leave you behind, all by yourself."[/b] [b]"Ha. I've been all by myself a lot. It would've been no trouble, Miss Anna. Besides, I wish nothing more than to see you and your mother happy,"[/b] he smiled, walking closer, staring right into her large brown eyes. She stared back, and no longer could she hold the tears back. She rushed into his arms and cried for what seemed like hours. When she could finally breathe calmly again, though a few sniffs and snorts escaped her, she stepped back and looked up at him, wiping her eye with her hand. [b]"Feeling better Miss Anna?"[/b] James asked in a calm tone, though his face displayed his worry. [b]"I would.. if you'd stop calling me Miss.."[/b] she sniffed, looking down at her feet. He was silent for a moment. [b]"You know I can't do that. It's against the law--"[/b] [b]"I don't care!"[/b] she replied, raising her head to face him once more. [b]"If you have to call me Miss, fine. But not when there's nobody else around. No one will catch you. Please James?"[/b] His face turned from a look of worry to happiness. [b]"It would be my honor, Anna."[/b] Anna grinned, then asked if he would accompany her to the library. He nodded, and she took his hand, leading him down the hallway, laughing cheerfully. [b]Servant:[/b] Bruce Greyson [ Played by Archangel ] -- [COLOR=#003aaf]Gotta get back to all of this.. But it sounds like such a cool idea! EDIT: Finished. ^__^ I added the snippet, appearance, and made a slight change to her personality. Anna's appearance was approved by Retri himself (hehe.. xP). And though it's really of none importance, unless I choose to give Anna flashbacks during the RP, I'd just like to mention that James is really her father, though she doesn't know it at the time. And she's only eleven in the snippet. :3 Okies. I'm done talking now. xD EDIT2: Crap.. Forgot the Servant part. @__@[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [COLOR=#003aaf][SIZE=1]Well, I have a question. It's been a bit since anyone has posted in either this thread or the sign ups, and I was wondering if this thing would ever get started? I mean, I love the idea, and I'm really looking forward to participating. But I can't do anything if it hasn't been started, right? So, in short, I'm eager for this RP to get off the ground, and was wondering if you have any idea when it might. ^_^;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE=1]Oh! Digimon! x3 But uh.. What's with all the smilies? o_O;; >> _[B]Human[/B] [I]Name:[/I] Michelle "Mickey" Berret [I]Age:[/I] 16 [I]Gender:[/I] Female [I]Appearance:[/I] [[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/IU.jpg]Click[/url]] [I]Personality:[/I] Mickey is a quiet girl, and enjoys spending most of her time reading, or writing and drawing in her small notebook. Though she's shy, she has a lot of friends, some of whom came up with calling her Mickey as a joke, but the name stuck. She tends to have trouble being decisive, and she gets even more timid when those around her are arguing. Though she almost always has something helpful or calming to say, she can rarely bring herself to say it. [I]Bio:[/I] [I'll possibly edit this later. In the meantime, I won't put anything here because I have no idea what you'd like to see.] >> _[B]Digimon[/B] [I]Name:[/I] Kyokyomon [He normally stays in his In-Training form] [I]Gender:[/I] Male [I]Forms:[/I] [url=http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/dex-f/Fufumon.html]Fufumon[/url], [url=http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/dex-k/Kyokyomon.html]Kyokyomon[/url], [URL=http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/dex-r/Ryuudamon.html]Ryuudamon[/url], [url=http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/dex-g/Ginryuumon.html]Ginryuumon[/url], [url=http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/dex-h/Hisharyuumon.html]Hisharyuumon[/url], and [url=http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/dex-o/Ouryuumon.html]Ouryuumon[/url] or [url=http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/dex-g/GaiOumon.html]GaiOumon[/url]. - - [Just to note, Ouryuumon can digivolve once more, but since not many can, I figured I wouldn't put it in. If I'm allowed to, just tell me. ^_^;;] [I]Binary Coding:[/I] 11, 10, 01, 00, 01, 11 or 10 [I]Appearance:[/I] [Click Names] -- [COLOR=#003aaf]I don't know what the Spirits are for, but if [B]air[/B] isn't taken by Frankie, I'd like to have it. If she does take it, I'll settle with [B]light[/B].[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [quote name='Zidargh']I could've sworn it was Nihon-Jin that meant you were Japanese.[/quote] [COLOR=#003aaf][SIZE=1]Well, that's because it does. What MireilleChan had typed, nihon-go, means Japanese [i]language[/i]. Nihon-Jin means Japanese [i]citizen[/i]. Just thought I'd clear that up. :p[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote]I've found that speaking isn't too much of a problem, neither is writing Hiragana or Katakana, it's just remembering that does it for me. There are so many different particles you need to input, for example, 'Ashita de/to/whatever' because I always get it wrong. [/quote] [COLOR=#003aaf][SIZE=1]I have to agree with you there, as well. While the alphabets themselves are easy to learn how to write, the particles (de, to, mo, ga, and ni, just to list a few) are increasingly irritating as you progress through the language. There are so many rules regarding particles and which words you place them after, that I have found myself angrily slamming my head against a wall while trying to figure it out. >__>; And words that are spelled exactly the same but have different emphasis on different syllabels are equally annoying.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote]I'm finding it very useful because I can understand quite a bit on the 'net, apart from Kanji. I haven't even ventured that far yet.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=#003aaf]Well, if it takes most Japanese citizens their entire school careers (this is an estimate, not a fact) learning the [b]10,000+[/b] kanji, I don't plan on ever learning them all. But a few in your 'library' is always helpful. ^_~[/color][/size]
  10. [COLOR=#003aaf][SIZE=1]I'm currently being tutored in the Japanese language/culture by a native speaker. I don't know much, seeing as I've only had about twelve lessons (though I know much more than I did before I started, of course). It'll take time before I can speak it fluently, but I actually don't have much trouble understanding the words. And you spelled a few of those words wrong. =P[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=#003aaf][SIZE=1]My worst day ever was probably when I had to move from California to New York after first semester of my 9th grade year. I actually had a similar experience to yours, Ailes, seeing as I had to start at a new high school without any of my friends. Except, in my case, I wouldn't be able to see them probably ever (though I did get to visit Cali this summer, which was sweet xP). Bu I managed to cope. It was more awkward for me than terrible, in all honesty. I met someone my first day who was very nice and showed me around. In fact, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't know as many people as I do today. So yeah. It was the actual day I took the flight across the country that sucked *ss, not the school I had to go to. But yeah. I miss my friends. ;-;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [SIZE=1][B]Code Name / Call Sign:[/B] Tech [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Location:[/B] New York City, NY, USA [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Personal Appearance:[/B] [[url=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=11&pos=6]Click[/url]] [B]Personality/Behavior:[/B] Tech is a grown woman now, but sure doesn't act like it. Though extremely intelligent, she's clumsy, hyper, and usually deemed 'weird'. Her sense of humor is normally above everyone's head, since her references sometimes don't make sense to others. She enjoys pulling small pranks on her fellows, and when it gets her yelled at, she huffs up and acts like the world has done her a great wrong. She has her moments, though, when the world seems like it's about to fall apart. Tech also has a small grudge against the others, since she's almost always treated as more of a carry-on bag, rather than a teammate. Sometimes, she feels she's so unneeded that she stays behind to work on fellows (since she's an expert mechanic) or to do her experiments. [B]Personal History:[/B] Tech was born to Bernard and Melinda Ramiel as 'Diane Louise Ramiel', a little more than twenty years ago. At first, she was a normal child, though unusually quiet. Crying happened only when she hurt herself bumping into the sliding door, the table leg, the counter, the desks, the bedroom door, or whatever else she managed to run into. Her parents realized their daughter was smarter than the average child on the day she turned one, and was able to sing 'Happy Birthday' perfectly after hearing it just once. But that was just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. Tech became increasingly interested with her Tinker Toys, and was able to build miniatures of her household, her preschool, her mother's head, and a bunch of other things. This surprised her parents, but only a bit. She had been spelling college-level terms easily with her alphabet blocks after hearing them briefly on the news. Soon, it was determined that she would be able to skip elementary school after she completed kindergarden. And so, she entered seventh grade at only five years of age. Some of the students at that particular middle school found her cute, others found her irritating, and the smart ones found her presense downright insulting. But she was unaware of all this, being only five years old and wishing nothing more than to listen to the teachers all day. By the end of seventh grade, it was obvious she wasn't being challenged, having passed with straight A's. So, she was premoted again to the tenth grade and began at age six. She graduated from High School when she was eight. Tech was given a scholarship to attend the University of Southern California, and completed all fours years of study with ease. She stayed an extra year or two to get her masters, and left college at twelve. She thought about staying at college, and going to a medical school or something, but was lured away by something as simple as a comic book. She picked it up in a bookstore one day and became immediately entranced with the ideas of being a super hero. Her parents never heard the end of it, and soon she found herself locked in her room, making gadgets and what not with her metallic garbage. Some components weren't available in the trash, so she'd go out and buy a second computer and take it apart, using it's insides to help build her hero gadgets. But she had a job, working as an advertising advisor for some company, and couldn't devote all her time to it. She moved out of her parents' home at the age of fourteen, and when she turned sixteen, her lab attachment to her new home had been completed. She placed all her young gadgets (which worked, but weren't very powerful) into a storage bin labelled "Toys". She quit her job, having gathered sufficient funds, and got to work on a project she called "Hero". Project Hero took her two long years to complete, and when she was done, she had created a uniform and gadgets to make her a full-fledged hero. Her only problem was her name. Thus, 'Tech' was born. However, her beloved Project Hero had eaten up all of her cash, and she was forced to return to the common man's working world. Now older, many new doors were open for her. One such opportunity came in the package of a young man who wanted her to help design new cars. She was pleased with the offer, and accepted. Three years later, she left that job to start her own company, called DigiTech Inc., which built gadgets, which she designed personally, to simplify daily life. Some of her gadgets were ignored, but others became a smashing success. Financially secure once again, she then hired her best friend to help run the company. Tech realized that she really needed to return to her home, so she did. She spent her first few weeks off-duty just doing normal things. Cooking, going out with friends, dating, and laying around the house. She built a teleporter in her lab in case she was ever needed at the company just in case, but rarely used it. Soon after, she remembered Project Hero and began to test it out in her recent Product Testing addition to her lab. Dressing in the styling uniform, Tech jumped into the Testing area and was thrilled with her results. She could fly, punch through metal, fire lazer beams (though not out of her eyes) at targets, and everything, just like her comic book idols. She knew her technology-created powers were not the same, but they were just as powerful, none the less. Project Hero still had it's bugs, but she was determined to get it out into the world one day, with her inside it. [B]Special Skills or Abilities:[/B] Tech is a genius. Capable of making or fixing anything for anyone, she has earned herself quite the sum in her years, and she isn't finished yet. She creates her own weapons (and sometimes even for others), serves as a mechanic to the things most people wouldn't be able to fix, and is surprisingly agile due to her size. [B]Player?s Availability:[/B] Probably everyday to every other day. There will be occassions where I'm not allowed or capable of getting onto a computer with internet, and if I know beforehand, a notice will go up in my signature to alert fellow players. [B]Which Otaku Thread Rating Do You Expect Your Posts To Fall Under?[/B] Most would be PG, but there is the occasional gore-fest one (if the story calls for one), so I'll say M, just incase.[/SIZE]
  13. [COLOR=#003aaf][SIZE=1]Maria opened her eyes, and saw nothing but the sky above. It was dark, but illuminated by the many stars shining above, along with the strangely large moon. Suddenly, her head and eyes moved downward, facing over the outstretched field. It was empty. Devoid of anything other than grass. The creature she was visiting in turned its head left and right, but saw nothing but the endless stretch of grassy hills. The silence taunted her, and her host and she knew something was coming. And then, she heard it. A sickening noise as something struck into and through the creature. It fell to the ground, and suddenly she felt it. A searing pain like none she had ever felt, right in her side. The creature looked down and let out a mighty roar, though weakened by the weapon in its side. The eyes briefly caught sight of its own body, and Maria realized she was in the body of a tiger, though it was quite out of place. Above her host stood a man in all black, his face hidden, and his black stallion standing impatiently behind him. He pulled out whatever it was he had driven into the poor tiger, leaving a disgusting wound in its lower belly. The creature glanced around again, and suddenly the field was filled with the lifeless and bloody bodies of defenseless animals, humans, and elves and other creatures that inhabited Faeryworld. And then, the pain in her own body over took her. The blood was all she could taste and see. There was something familiar about it.. and she realized. It was her own. The foul stench of the dead was all she could smell. The laughter of the man in black was all she could hear. The taunting calming cool of the grass beneath her, and the pain that was slowly fading away as she knew her presence in the tiger was dying, was all she could feel. The tiger's eyelids fluttered slowly to a close, and then it was dark. Cold over took her senses, but a faint voice persisted. And she awoke. Spluttering foolishly, she sat abruptly upwards, her head having fallen onto the table. Kirra stood worridly above her, while Cissa banged through something noisily in the background. Maria blinked, squinting as the sudden flood of light burned her eyes. Though she was back in her own body, she was very cold, and was shivering badly. ".. if she'll be all right?" Cissa fussed from her spot beyond Maria's vision. "She's fine, Narcissa. She's waking right now," Kirra comforted her while tenderly brushing aside one of Maria's fallen strands of hair. "We were worried.." she explained, turning back to Maria. "W-What happened?" she coughed. "I think.. I think you nearly died inside the tiger," Kirra sighed, as Cissa came rushing over with what looked like a large plateful of peanut butter. "Eat this. It'll help," she said, forcing the plate into Maria's hands. But Maria wasn't done asking questions. "If I nearly died.. What about t-.. them?" she asked, still unable to talk calmly. "They'll be fine. You seemed to be the only one who was actually attacked by the--" "Black Rider," Maria finished for her. Kirra paused, then nodded. "The tiger said something to me. Before I.. you know." Maria looked up, but Kirra was no longer smiling. She waited a moment before continuing. "I-It was broken up. I could only hear fragments of her sentences.. But I think she said.. 'Save us from the Black Rider'. But she didn't literally say that.. That's just what I pieced together," Maria finished, shaking her head. Kirra stared at her for a bit longer, then got up from her seat on the table and walked back to her own chair and sat down. Cissa, however, insisted on hovering over her and forcing her to eat the 'peanut butter'. While taking a bite, Maria looked at Micheal, but he was apparently not finished with his trance yet. "So.. You aren't controlling these visions?" Maria asked Kirra when she had swallowed. And Cissa was right. She felt much better, and quite a bit warmer. Kirra looked up at her and shook her head. Cissa looked from Kirra to Maria and realized that now was not the time to pester Kirra. "Come now. Eat up," she instructed, practically forcing the next spoonful into Maria's mouth. But Maria was concentrating on what she had heard before awaking. [i]"Us.. the Black Rider.. Save us from.. Black Rider.."[/i] was all she remembered. -- OOC: Hope you don't mind Squiggles. PM me if anything needs changing. (And I'm sure something does.
  14. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Kwi Merhinna [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Class/ Job:[/B] Beast Tamer [B]Weapon:[/B] Do the animals she command count? Other than them, Kwi carries a small, but decent sword called "Kiyomeru". Etched into the blade is "Master of Dragons" in a dead language. She also has a small whistle around her neck to summon her devoted beasts. [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=18&pos=11]Click[/url] [B]Natural Abilities:[/B] Kwi was born with the ability to communicate with animals. [B]Genetic Variation:[/B] After the fusion of worlds, Kwi gained the ability to transform into the animals she commands, or ones she creates herself. This she can control. However, her eyes are permanently that of a dragons (though smaller to fit her head), including vision abilities and color and all that. [B]Personality:[/B] Kwi is a bubbly young woman, always eager to help another. She does tend to be stubborn, and can act foolish quite often, but her heart's in the right place. She is a bit clumsy, usually tripping over her own two feet, and into the lap of some stranger. This is normally how she makes friends, though, so she doesn't mind it so much. But she does become frightening when angered, and is angered only when her animals and human friends are hurt. [B]Motivation:[/B] One of Kwi's best friends, Kangu, was taken and experimented on by Helena. It haunted her for quite a while, and now seeks out to take her revenge. [B]Character Snippet:[/B] [b]".. Papa might be worried, though. I haven't written to him and Mama in ages,"[/b] sighed a young girl to her dragon friend, laying quietly beside her on the cool grass. The dragon grunted, saying something that only she could understand. [b]"Quiet, Ruchi. It's not polite to say those things,"[/b] she scolded, slapping her companion on his neck, though she knew he would barely be able to feel the contact at all. A sudden breeze blew through the field, forcing the grass to dance, and her hair to fly out from underneath her. She took a moment to fiddle with it, and when she had finished, realized that Ruchi had raised his head alertly, staring fiercly out in the opposite direction of the town that they had not yet entered. The large, frosty blue dragon growled again, a bit longer, and with an angrier tone to it. [b]"What are you crying about? This area is far out of the way of any demon pack. And even there was one coming, which there [i]isn't[/i], you and I could easily fend them off, even without your big brother. There's nothing to worry about,"[/b] Kwi responded arrogantly to the large dragon beside her. But he did not share her confidence. Ruchi let out a mighty roar, chilling the air a good ten degrees. Kwi immediatly stood up, sword unsheathed and gripped firmly in her hand. Though sometimes she felt this particular dragon was a bit paranoid at times, she knew he'd never react so strongly to 'nothing'. Squinting a bit against the glare of the sun, she saw what Ruchi was so worked up about. In the distance, the shape of an approaching pack of imps was visible. But these were no ordinary imps. Each individual imp was bulked up to twice its usual size, and their natural colors of dark redish brown were now changed to a deep purple. [b]"Just [i]look[/i] at those ugly things!"[/b] Kwi burst out, disgusted not only by the sight of them but by the stench that traveled faster than they did. Ruchi bent down low to the ground, making a low growl to signal for his young companion to hop on. She did so, with ease after many years of practice, and the dragon lifted off the ground and towards the speedy imps. [b]"I bet Helena's behind their coming here,"[/b] Kwi thought aloud, her hatred accenting the witch's name, [b]"Imps never travel out this far. Their breeding grounds are almost a six towns' distance east of here."[/b] Suddenly, the imps caught sight of Kwi's companion and began to circulate in an odd formation she had never seen any pack do before. However, they couldn't escape the mighty dragon's rath. Ruchi roared loud and fiercly as he came upon the first imp, taking a large, meaty bite out of its altered body. He spat it out immediately, disgusted by the stench and the taste. [b]"Yuck!"[/b] she called from a top Ruchi's neck, gagging from the attack on her nose. One of the imps floating above decided to dive at Kwi, but was unpleasantly surprised when she stabbed it right in the stomach with Kiyomeru. But to Kwi's surprise, the imp lifted itself off of the blade of her sword and flew away, dripping yellow blood. She grimmaced at the thick, yellow liquid that covered her sword, but kept to watching and waiting for the imps. Ruchi had bitten into and spat back out about five, and frozen another four of the sixteen imps that made up the pack, and Kwi had stabbed, cut, and sliced about four more before the remaining three decided to turn back. The dead imps littered the broad fields, and left a horrible odor in the air. When Ruchi landed and Kwi jumped off, she nearly fainted. Sheathing her sword, she glanced about with a face that would convince most people that she was very ill. [b]"Well.. It's only fair that we clean up the mess we made.."[/b] Ruchi let out a whine, not unlike one that a dog might've made, but a bit lower in pitch, and a lot louder. [b]"Oh quiet. You made most of the mess, so it's mostly your responsibility. Now help me figure out a way to get rid of all these bodies without touching them myself,"[/b] she said, sitting down, legs folded, onto the grass that coated the wide field. Ruchi stomped over and laid down, placing his two large forelegs crossed before him, and resting his head on them. -- [color=#003aaf]OOC: Sounds awesome, Archangel. *nod* I'll fix the rest later. ^_^;; EDIT: Added my snipit and appearance, and made an itty-bitty change to the weapons. Hope you don't mind. :3[/color][/SIZE]
  15. [COLOR=#003aaf][SIZE=1]Aha! I am the master of all things PC! .. Er.. Maybe not. >_> But I got PaintShop Pro working on my computer, so I can makey stuffs! x3 Soo.. [b]I would like to join the Official OtakuBoards Graphics Tournament.[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=#003faa][SIZE=1]Are you kidding? I [i]hate[/i] my last name. It's impossible for ANYONE to say correctly, except for people who speak/read German. My grandma and my dad don't see a problem with it, but I do. Especially since it's eleven letters long, and easy to make fun of. T__T And.. Here it is.. [spoiler][/spoiler]. Make fun of it and die. >_> I do, however, enjoy my unique first name. How often do you meet someone named Reveille. Honestly? My parents gave me a common middle name incase I didn't like that one. xD But even though I get similar problems with my first name as I do with my last name, I still like it. Nobody makes fun of it.. or at least, not to my knowledge. ;-;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=#003faa][SIZE=1]Eh.. >_> Long time, no post. xD Mesa is back, however! And with critique! >:3 [b]Devil Dog[/b] is absolutely ADORABLE! I love dogs (surprise, surprise, lol), and this type of dog I just think is so cute! x3 However, I do prefer the big dogs, but that's getting off topic. ^_^; The picture'd be great, even without the manipulation, but this, as you said, is just an interpretation, so it works. =P I give it.. an [B]8/10[/B]. *nod* [b]Pixy Daisy[/b] may just be my favorite picchu done by you! OO: It's just that wonderful! x3 I love everything about it! The colors contrast perfectly, so they all pop out at you. Gah.. [b]10/10[/b]. I have nothing else to say.. *drool*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [SIZE=1]Searching Database . . . . . . File Found. [B]Last Update[/B]: 2-9-2021 [B]Subject[/B] 008193 [B]Subject Name:[/B] Nicole Barret [B]Subject Age:[/B] 22 [b]Subject Sex:[/b] Female [B]Subject Appearance:[/B] [[URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=11&pos=6]Database Image[/URL]] - [i]Height[/i]: 177.8 cm [70 in] - [i]Weight[/i]: 54.8 kg [121 lbs] - [i]Eye Color[/i]: Original Eye Color Unknown [Current: Blue] - [i]Hair Color[/i]: Grey [Side effect of treatment] - [i]Blood Type[/i]: O- [b]Subject Ability:[/b] Metamorphosis [Notes] - Subject capable of changing all of her characteristics to that of anothers, including finger prints and voice. - Constant surveillance required. - Subject must make brief physical contact with another's skin to be able to transform. - Always wear suit when entering subject's containment cell. - Subject's control over her ability is limited. Subject has a tendency to change unintentionally into the form of someone she has previously come in contact with. - Keep subject medicated with [REMOVED] to reduce random transformations. -- [color=#003faa]OOC: Hope that was okay Corey. I strayed a bit from the basic sign up, but I thought it suited the futuristic style of the RPG. Tell me if it needs changing. ^_^[/size][/COLOR]
  19. [color=blue][size=1]Maria blinked, looked up from her plate and realized that she was the only one remaining at the table. Cissa had left with Andy to show her around, Kirra had seemingly vanished, and the others had all left to their own rooms. She blinked a few more times before realizing that she was full, and had just stayed at the table to not be left alone. "Well, [i]that[/i] plan worked, didn't it?" she asked herself sarcastically, standing up and angrily throwing her napkin back on the table. Following what the others had done, Maria walked through the door at the end of the dining room and proceeded to stumble over something in the darkened hallway. As she found her way by leaning against the wall of the corridor, she busied herself in thought. [i]'Ha. Alone again. It's times like these that make me wonder.. Why am I always left behind?'[/i] Strangely, she had to fight the urge to cry. She hated it when she was left alone. Though it happened quite often. But she didn't blame anyone but herself. She often told herself that it was her damn hormones making her so sensitive, and she was probably right. But that never got rid of the desire to cry. "Fuck.. I hate being so angsty," she complained aloud. After a few minutes of walking, she stopped. Glancing around, there were three ways to go. Straight ahead, turn to the right, or back the way she came. "Damnit. Lost." At the moment, she desired nothing more than for someone to come riding to her rescue, even if it was foot-tall Cissa who was to help her find her way. Why was it so hard for her to find the room? The others had probably found their rooms immediately and gone to bed or something. "It's dark.. I can't see. Don't blame me," she began muttering to herself. When alone, sometimes an old habit of hers would resurface: talking to her subconcious. The 'two' of them often had very interesting conversations, though those nearby would only hear one side of it. [i]"If it's so dark, find a light switch or something."[/i] "How the hell am I supposed to find one?" [i]"How 'bout by actually [b]looking[/b]?"[/i] "Shut it. You can't do any better than me," Maria growled, roaming the walls with her hand, looking for that which she was so accustomed to having back in "the real world". "What are you doing?" "Yaaah!" she shouted, jumping at the sudden voice. She turned her head, her face with a strange expression like a mix between fright and insane anger. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare ya," the voice apologized. She took a moment to analyze the voice and view the figure standing to her left. ".. Drew?" "Heh. Yeah. You lost or something? Damn it's dark in here.. Kirra must've turned off the lights, thinking everyone had gone to their rooms, I guess," Drew mused. "Not everyone," Maria grumbled. "What?" "Nothing. Do you know where my room might be? I can't find anything in this place," she asked. "Yeah. C'mon," he chuckled. He turned around after signaling her to follow, and began walking towards where the rooms were. Maria continued to argue with her subconcious, or whatever it was, though more silently now. -- OOC: Wow.. I think this place is driving Maria insane. xD[/size][/color]
  20. [quote name='Imi][COLOR=#F84E20][SIZE=1][B]Hack Helba:[/B] Cute, just...cute! *squeezes Helba*[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Nyaaa! *tackles and grabs Stuie* Mine... *hiss* >_> Been a while since I posted here, so I thought I'd drop by.. *glares at Imi* [b]Twisted Vision[/b] is a cool piece, though to me it looks like you're just looking down two escalators at an odd angle. Hopefully, that's just me. ^_^;; The colors and lines and such, however, are nice touches and make it feel, like a few others said, 'futuristic'. And your text suits the image surprisingly well. *applauds for great texting abilities* x3 [b]Make Me[/b] is very different from the others. In fact.. I have no clue what it is. o_O It's just a bunch of shapes. I do like the way the text kinda fades into the background. :3 Not my favorite, though. Sowwy. >_< [b]Hack Helba[/b] is the BESTEST everness!
  21. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I'd like to start off by apologizing to a lot of people. >_> I'm sorry Sun, Stuie, Retri, and the others I complained to last night. But I really need to apologize to Imi. As some of you know, last night my Mac had some problems. To go into further detail, those of you who wish to know may PM me for the whole story. But to sum it all up, my Mac shut itself off during the middle of me finishing my entry and deleted a lot of files, along with my saved progress of my entry. When I started again, the Mac 'blew up' a second time. Now I can't even turn it on. >_< The problem will be handled, but until then, I can't really participate or make anything, since my PC is loaded with bugs when it comes to PSP for some reason. It slows down the computer so bad that I'm not allowed to use it anymore because it pisses my dad off. So, sorry Imi, that you have to win this way. But I must forfeit Round 2 to you. ;-;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [color=blue][size=1]Hmm.. Who would I choose to drag into the OB Real World with me? [b]Hack Helba[/b], but I know him as Stuie. We talk all the time, and his bizarre sense of humor seems to work well with my *cough* energeticness.. ) Plus his graphic thread PWNS you. I think him being there could help the rest of us a bit more controlled. (.. Yeah right. xP) [b]Goddess[/b], also known as the lovely Annie! How could you even THINK of throwing any sort of OB event without her there? Shame, shame. Plus, I can't go anywhere without her and her oh-so-humpable leg. ^_~ And finally, [b]Kamuro[/b] himself. I love RPing with him, and some of his ideas are really awesome. I've talked to him a bit through PMs, and he's always kind and laid back. Having him there would be a great chance for me to get to know him better.
  23. [color=blue][size=1]You managed to pull these off with MS Paint? o_O You deserve a medal just for [i]that[/i]! Jeez. If you can do this with that kind of program, imagine what you could do with Photoshop or Paintshop Pro? But onto the rating.. Honestly, Retri has summed everything up. All of them are very well done. My only problem is that parts of them are a bit blurry, but it's probably because of how you saved them. I tend to save them as .PNG's to keep blurring/smudging to a minimum. Just a bit of advice from one graphics-er to another (bleh.. that word is so stupid
  24. [color=blue][size=1]Hello again Nomad! =D Been awhile since I've posted your thread, though I have been checking up every now and then. ^_~ I've heard of [b]Him[/b]. In fact, my ex-boyfriend was the one who turned me onto him. I usually just listen to his stuff through the website ('cause I'm too much of a cheapo to actually buy the CD's..
  25. [size=1][color=blue]Maria's mind scrambled for any possible logical reason as to why the world around her now was so different from that of which she was used to. Was it a prank, being pulled by a group of kids? No, their budget would be unimaginable to create a set like this. Besides, why would they want to pull a prank on Maria and the rest? Was it some messed up daydream, caused by stress or a car accident, like Candy mentioned? No, the others disproved that quickly. She scrolled through many other ideas before letting out a sigh and slowing behind the others. [i]"Damn.. What's going on?!"[/i] Maria, having lost hope in ever discovering a logical reason for any of what she was now witnessing, ran to catch up and gripped Micheal's hand tight. He blinked at her, then gave her a quick hug. "Everything's going to be alright," he cooed into her ear. It was calming hearing his voice. She felt safe with him. Finally relaxed enough to stop frantically wondering about where they were and how they got their, Maria began to examine and take in her surroundings instead of being frightened by them. It was beautiful. As the group walked on, Maria detected a heavenly scent coming from beyond the trees. Her hand still tightly gripping Micheal's, she hesitated to investigate, and wondered if she was the only one who could smell it. Soon, the scent engulfed her. She felt as if she was floating, and her eyelids became heavy. [i]"That's it, young one.. Sleep.. Then you shall float into the sky in peace.."[/i] she heard a voice chuckling. It was soft, yet gruff at the same time. She felt tired. Like she could sleep forever.. "Maria!" Her eyes shot open, and her lightheadedness disappeared. She heard a loud shriek, followed by shouting, though it grew fainter as the seconds ticked by. She looked around, and noticed that the others were no where in sight. All she could see was leaves. And then, she looked down. "Woah!" she cried awkwardly, finding it difficult to balance all of sudden. She was floating in the air, and rising at a steadily increasing pace. The others were scrambling beneath her, and she noticed that their tiny guide had disappeared. "Get me down!" she shouted. Suddenly, she let out a shriek as she flipped downward, her feet now pulling the rest of her up into the sky. [i]"Damn this place is weird!"[/i] she thought angrily as she scrambled to try and grab some of the branches she was being pulled through. -- OOC: Mleh. Bored. :p Hope you don't mind. ^_^;;[/size][/color]
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