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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. [color=blue][size=1]Nikki faltered after Silver called her name, but was glad that she was to be part of the battle. Normally, due to her size, she was left out of lots things, and even ignored back at Middleton. Though her stealing didn't suffer at all. Immediately after Red gave the commands, everyone burst into action. Those on Red's team speedily raced to and from the armory for ammo and more, while Silver's team stayed above to begin loading and firing the cannons as the Meran ship sailed closer. Nikki loaded her cannon with the second cannonball quickly, lighting a match with a snap of her wrist, and carefully meeting the end of the fuse with the flame from the match. Before her cannon fired, there was a loud noise approaching. She glanced around, noticing the others concentrating on their own cannons. Looking out towards the sea, she noticed something whirling through the air. As it drew closer, the noise grew louder. Realizing where it was headed, she lunged out of the way as the cannonball flew through the air where her chest had been a few moments earlier. She scrambled to her feet, as the others looked up briefly. "You okay?" came a voice from behind her. It was Silver. "Yeah. Got out of the way quick enough," Nikki replied, getting up shakily. Silver nodded, helped her up, but left quickly to return to the battle. She had never been attacked like that before. A sudden hatred for the Meran welled up in her. They were willing to do anything to win, even destroy their own ship. But she had faith in Red and the rest of her crew. -- OOC: Sorry it's been so long. @_@ And sorry it's kinda short. >_>;;[/size][/color]
  2. [color=blue][size=1][b]Sean[/b]'s piece is a bit bland, if you ask me. The images are hard to make out, and the way they were filtered makes them look strange. And the way you blended (or didn't blend) the two eyes together makes it look even more unfinished, in a way. But the text is nice, though. *shrug* [b]Retri[/b]'s entry was better. The images you chose are great representations of the theme, and they just look so good the way they are put together in your image. I liked the text at the top (and I normally don't like text =P), and the bright colors really reinforce the theme of "life". My vote goes to [b]Retribution[/b].[/size][/color]
  3. [color=blue][size=1]No offense Gavin, but your post confused me.. >_>;; Conflicting could's and could-not's, you see. But anyway, onto the topic, yes? A banner gallery is actually a really cool idea. I remember when [i]I[/i] was new to OB (and boy.. was I new.. @_x) and I wanted one of the cool banners most of the other members were parading around. Though I know they weren't actually parading. Just felt like using that word. =P But I'm not sure it could be done. Then again, I know nothing about running a forum, so don't take my word for it. ^_^;[/size][/color]
  4. [color=blue][size=1][b]Otakuboards Username:[/b] Kitty [b]Alias:[/b] The Bubbly Wierd One [b]Image:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/OrangeOutfit.jpg]Here[/url] [b]Writing Piece:[/b] [i]Here I am, stuck on some overweight metal can with wings, about to be carried off to Nowhere, Arizona to be asked questions that I can't possibly know or remember the answer to, told ridiculously boring and long stories about life in the 'old days' by people who are probably four times my age, and embarrassed as they pinch my cheeks and coo as they draw in the others to follow suit, leaving a terrible trail of red lipstick and cheap blush. Family reunions.. Bleh.[/i] Little Nina was all grown up. Now in her mid twenties, her appearance matched her attitude. Fiery-tempered and stubborn, her back-length, aqua blue hair clashed with her crimson red dress, though both stood out from the casual attire the rest of the airplane's passengers. She sat in her seat, arms crossed in an agitated fashion, tapping her foot below, wanting nothing more than to be off this plane. She'd go home and clean, go grocery shopping, even go back to work during her vacation rather than be stuck on this particular plane that would take her to the particular upcoming event. Her past experiences with the likes of Aunt Lillian and Uncle Todd were some of the most unbearable memories that burdened her. She shuddered at the mere mention of their names to that day. And now they were going to get her to spend an entire [b]weekend[/b] in the same [i]zip code[/i]? It was cruel. That was it. She had tried tirelessly for the past few days to try and talk her way out of having to come, but to no avail. She was given her ticket, and readied to be shipped off. Nina was growing tired of thinking about it. The more she thought about the reunion, the harder it was to stay awake. The dread that filled her was slowly replaced by her drowsiness, and then all was forgotten.The plane eventually lifted itself off the runway, and she found herself slipping into a deep sleep. It was peaceful, without the mention or mental images of two certain relatives. EDIT: Finally got the writing piece done. It was random, and not really funny or sad or anything. Inspired by my latest plane adventures, though. x3 Hope it's good, DW.[/size][/color]
  5. [color=blue][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Maria Kingsley [Lame random name.. sorry. >_
  6. [color=blue][size=1]Hehe. Sowwy Sun. But like I said on AIM last night, I haven't found a computer with Photoshop or PaintShop Pro yet. This vacation truly sucks. xD I would like to sign up though, since I've been given permission to download one of the afore mentioned programs by my hostess. And I'll call Stuie (or Hack, as you all know him) and force him to join. =P Thanks for extending the deadline!
  7. [color=blue][size=1]Katrina paused, staring blankly at Sariel. The fact that she knew where Gabriel was now pleased her, but the fact that she hadn't found out annoyed her somewhat. But she was only quiet for a brief amount of time, before turning to her brother and saying, "Thanks for nothing," before knocking him out with a swift punch at his head. She stood up, looking disappointedly down at the unconcious, bloody and battered body that was her brother. She knew they'd end up in some situation like this again, but the thought was dismissed when Sariel grabbed her arm and pulled her away to find the others. "How'd you find out?" Katrina asked as the two of them rushed through empty hallways. "He contacted me. I managed to trace his signal. My organizer tells me where he is at this exact moment," Sariel replied. "That's handy," she added tiredly. Sariel glanced at her, but said nothing, knowing how pointless responding to most of Katrina's rather obvious comments. They ran through hallways for what seemed like forever, since they all looked the same, before running into anyone. Their first encounter was with a few Demon rookies, who seemed a bit lost as well. It took a matter of seconds before the two women had pulled their guns and fired, leaving the two boys dead. "It's a shame," Sariel mumbled. Katrina said nothing, but looked disappointedly at the two bodies. "Lets get going," she instructed after a long silence, wanting to get out of there as fast as she could. Another few long hallways later, they stumbled upon a large stairwell that was heading downstairs. "Think anyone's down there?" "Probably." Katrina had already taken a step, and Sariel was about to when they heard gun shots. "One of us," Sariel smiled, knowing that only one of the Crew could cause such a racket. Soon, a stumbling Alchemy came into view, followed by shouts and angry yells. "So much for not making much noise," Katrina rolled her eyes, leaning against the wall of the stairwell. "You think she'll know to follow?" Sariel asked her. "Eh. If she's sobered up a bit.. maybe." And with that, the two of them resumed their climb down the stairs. Alchemy called out something along the lines of 'wait for me', only with many more curse words and accusations of betrayal. As she jumped into the stairwell, the door slamed behind her, startling her. "Come on. It won't take them much time to figure out where you went," Katrina called from a few flights below, pausing in her dash down the stairs. "Why won't you two wait?!" Alchemy cried. Sariel laughed a bit, but continued running down steps. In no time, the three of them reached the lower level. It was dark. Very dark. They saw nothing, but heard a few snickers and whispers. "You know where we are?" Alchemy whispered from behind the other two. "Hm.. I think.. I think this is one of the prison cells. They were holding Gabriel here up until a while ago, I'm sure," Katrina replied quietly. "Who's making that noise? And why's it so dark?" Alchemy continued in her questioning. "I don't know.. The lights are normally always on so that the security cameras can keep a constant watch on the people in the cells," Sariel replied.[/size][/color]
  8. [color=blue][size=1]Glad we all made it in Kamuro. ^_^ But here's the thing.. My dad signed me up for this camp thing that's starting tomorrow, but I have to leave [i]today[/i] to get there in time (we leave via car). And the camp goes until the 17th, but I probably won't get back online until the 18th. Soo.. Sorry if this inconvieniences anyone, but I'll be gone for a little over a week. And if there [i]is[/i] a problem.. um.. blame my dad.
  9. [color=blue][size=1]I'm soooo getting cut this round. T_T;; [URL=http://img209.imageshack.us/my.php?image=round3entry0fj.png]Click[/URL][/color][/size]
  10. [color=blue][size=1]I love the shirts. ^_~ As if you didn't know since I requested one an' all.. Sooo.. Yeah.
  11. [size=1][color=blue][center][i]"It's strange.. I've been on my own for a while now, and I never felt that I need anyone ever again. I was so free living on the streets, by my own rules. I was always so precise with my thievery. I thought it would take me great places. But, as it turned out, one slip up led to the greatest adventure I could have imagined."[/i] --[/center] A young girl jolted upright from her raggedy stolen pillow, her dirty blanket, that was becoming too small, thrown to the other end of the alley. The faded light of the morning was slowly beginning to reach her hidden bed. Cold sweat decorated her young face, soon to be accompanied by a few tears. It was the nightmare. It had interrupted her dreams of becoming the greatest thief in all of the world again, and reminded her of memories she'd rather forget. She shook herself free of the last sounds she could hear, and began to slowly calm down. "Don't worry Nik," she muttered, wiping the tears away. "Just a dream. Don't worry about it.." She got on her knees and crawled over to her blanket, grabbed it, and placed it under her pillow neatly, then stood up awkwardly to dust herself off before leaving to do a "grocery run". [center]--[/center] Nikki rushed through the large crowd of people that filled the port that day. She peered over her shoulder to see if her persuer was still, in fact, persuing her at all. When she couldn't see hair nor hide of him, she slowed, panting slightly after her long dash. She giggled to herself as she pulled a bag of apples from her jacket. Taking one out, she examined it to make sure it wasn't bruised. "I was sloppy today. He saw me.. If he catches me, I'm toast," she said to herself, taking another glance back over her shoulder. The apple looked fine, so she pulled it up to her mouth to eat it. But before she took a bite, she felt herself collide with someone. She was sent backwards onto the cobblestone that paved the streets of Middleton Port. She rubbed her elbow, which had felt most of the fall, then realized she'd dropped the apples. Turning her head, she saw them rolling about all over the street. "My apples!" she cried, scrambling to pick them up. But soon, an army of feet and legs stomped between her and her prize. Flustered and bruised, she was about to yell at the guy when she rolled over to see a young man holding out his hand for her. She hesitated, but put her hand in his and he lifted her up. "Thanks.." she began, her eyes locked on him. The man she had bumped into was quite handsome, and reminded her somewhat of her brother. When he asked her if she was alright, she blinked herself back to reality. She pulled her hand back from his, standing silently for a moment. "Thanks a lot! You just made me spill a week's lunch!" she shouted. "Sorry, again. You were in quite a rush back there. Running from someone?" the man asked her. "Yeah. But I do everytime I get my meals. Well.. I do it all the time, actually. Whenever I get anything. I've tried getting clothes from the tailor, but I'd have to pay to place the order and it's such a big hassle, and..." she trailed off, spotting the familiar face of the grocer she had stolen her apples from. "Uh-oh.." she mumbled. "What is it?" the man asked, glancing from her to the man pushing through the crowd of people. "I-I gotta go. If he catches me, he'll.. He'll.. Who knows what he'll do to me before sending me to the jail! Have you ever been in the Middleton jail?! It's full of pigs! They'd tear me apart t-the moment I g-get there," she stammered, taking a few steps forward. "Come with me," the man offered. "With you? Who are you, anyway?" she asked, feeling a bit hesitant. "Call me Red. Now come with me if you want to dodge your friend here," he smiled, nodding his head in the direction of the fast approaching grocer. "A-Alright," she agreed. He held up his hand, and she took it happily. He then began to push through the opposing force of the crowd, pulling her along behind him. They swam through the current of people for a short time before approaching a large building. Maybe the largest in the Port. "Ah! Here's a good place," Red called back. She looked up at a large sign that read, "Charlie's Bar and Inn". She had been in the Inn before, but only to look around. Charlie, the owner of the inn, was a kind old man that tolerated her and even let her stay the nights free occasionally. She returned his kindness with respect and not stealing or causing trouble. Red approached the man behind the bar. "Do you think I could get a table?" he asked politely. "Sure. Take any seat ya want. Oh. Hey there Nik," the man added, spotting the girl attached to Red. "Hey Liam," she replied, smiling wide. Red glanced at her, then proceeded to grab himself a table. She sat down across from him. "Your name's Nik?" he asked. "Well, some people call me Nik, others call me Nikki." "Ah.. Nikki's a nice name," he smiled. Nikki felt her cheeks turn red. "Tell me Nikki.. You said you stole as a living. How skilled are you? And do you know much about stealing?" "Know something? Red, I'm the best thief in all of Middleton. I was just careless today is all. Why do you want to know?" she added, curious as to why he had asked her. "My crew is out at the docks on my ship, and--" he began, but was cut off. "You have a ship? Are you.. Are you a [i]pirate[/i]?!" she cried eagerly. As her excitement grew, her thoughts began to race as well. The first thing she wondered was why she hadn't thought of him as a pirate when she first met him, seeing how he was dressed and all. Red glanced around at the others in the bar, some of whom were staring at the two of them. "Well, yes. But if you would be quieter about it.." "Oh.. Right, sorry," she replied, her cheeks turning pinker. "As I was saying, my crew is out at the docks, but it's rather small. I've been looking for crew mates, and someone with your skill would be quite useful," he began. Nikki's heart was pounding. Today, having started out so rotten, was turning out to be one of the best of her life. She was about to be asked a question she had dreamt about being asked for years. "Nikki.. Would you like to join my crew?" he asked, standing up from his seat. "Hmm? Me? Become a pirate?" she repeated, stunned that he had actually asked the question. "Yup. Like I said, my crew is small and could use someone with your skills," he repeated. Her cheeks were a beet red by now, but she didn't care. She was so delighted. She'd always admired pirates, and now he was asking her to become one of his crew. "Yes! I'd love to!" she shouted with glee. Jumping up, she hugged him tightly. But she let go quickly, realizing that he hadn't expected it. "Uh.. Sorry.." she mumbled, terribly embarrassed about her overreaction. "N-No problem," he replied, scratching his head before chuckling awkwardly. "Okay Nikki. Let's head to the docks. I'd like to show you your new home." [center]--[/center] Red had directed Nikki towards the docks, then left to find more crew members, though she had wanted to stay with him longer. He was the kindest person she'd met in the years that her brother had been gone, aside from Charlie. A new bag she had picked up before leaving was slung over her shoulder, filled with only her pillow, and a few items she'd had in her alley. The jacket she dawned blew slightly as a strong gust blew through the docks. The boats rocked back and forth as she approach the Dauntless. It had been impressive from far away, but up close it was fantastic. She couldn't believe that [i]it[/i] was the boat she was going to be living on from now on. "Amazing.." she mumbled. "Hello there! New recruit?" came a loud voice from above. Nikki's glance snapped from the gigantic mast to the face of a young woman. She was hesitant, but called up a 'yes' in reply. "Come on up then! I'll show you around," the woman beamed. Nikki looked at the ramp that led up to the deck of the enormous boat. She took a few slow steps forward, then ran up the rest of the way, the excitement speeding her up again. The woman chuckled. "Hi. I'm Ginger," she smiled. "Nikki. You can call me Nik, though," she added abruptly. "Okay Nik. I'll take you below deck and show you to the rooms. You can pick whichever you want, as long as no one else has taken it already that is." [center]-- [i]"I met a myriad of people on my way to my room. Juri, the cook, was nice, but he was a tad busy. Hugo frightened me a bit, and he kept calling me a boy.. Ginger said that even though the two of us had just met, we were acting like siblings already. Hugo laughed loudly, slapping me hard on the shoulder. It hurt for a while afterwards, too. After meeting them, Ginger showed my the door to my room and went back above deck. Before I went in, a man brushed past me. I said hello, but he only glanced at me. I dropped my stuff inside, then came back out to meet the other ones who Ginger said had also recently been added to the crew."[/i][/center] OOC: Hope you don't mind me using my snippit for part of my post Kamuro, but it had my meeting with Red in it. I did add Nikki's introduction to the other three players, and to the NPCs, so I thought it'd be okay. ^_^;[/size][/color]
  12. [color=blue][size=1][b]Really Big Pen[/b] makes me think of awaiting (or fearing in some cases, lol) a deadline, and the closer it gets, the bigger the pen gets and heavier it is to lift. Either that, or what Annie said. =P[/size][/color]
  13. [color=blue][size=1][B]Name:[/B] "Eddy" [B]Mutant Name:[/B] Nightmare [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Mutant Ability:[/B] With one touch, Eddy knows all the fears of a person or thing and can summon them, no matter what they are, and use them to hunt or drive her target insane. After learning a person's fears, she can summon those fears any time she wants, even if not to attack the person she learned them from. [B]Bio:[/B] Not much is known about Eddy. She never talks about her past with anyone, afraid that she'd isolate herself completely, even though she usually prefers being alone. She keeps to herself, but she, like so many others, has a spiteful hatred for the Harlem. She refuses to speak of Apocolypse, and gets rather touchy when he is mentioned. Some think that he did something horrible to her or her family, but they can only guess. Though normally she stays distant from most people, she does get rather close to those who seem to hold terrible secrets like hers. However, it is obvious that she's known about her power for a long time because she's very skilled with it. [B]Short Description:[/B] [i]Personality[/i]: Eddy is quiet, distant, and rather rude. Many find it strange that she doesn't talk a lot (if at all), but follows certain people around. But most are surprised by her strange appearance, and the fact that she almost always refuses to wear anything but her bloody outfit. She ignores almost everyone, and is usually hard to find except for battle. The only time she really lets loose and becomes truly frightening is when she's fighting. [i]Appearance[/i]: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/rrh_final.jpg[/IMG] Like the picture, except with the hood down, has a blind eye instead of no eye, no basket or axe, and her bracelet has only a single key on it. Only she knows what it's for. -- Hope that was good enough. ^_^;[/size][/color]
  14. [color=blue][size=1]It means someone's thirsty. >_> But really, that's the 'meaning' I get. Or maybe it's just the picture of a hand with a soda can. xD It also represents fun times and relaxation. Meh. My brain interprets things oddly, I guess. o_O;[/size][/color]
  15. [color=blue][size=1]OOC: Glad to hear that demonchild. ^_^ -- Katrina had headed towards the monitor room, knocking out or killing unimportant demon lackies that accidentally got in her way after asking if they had any idea about Gabriel. None of them knew any more than the man from the before. She left a mess behind, but she never was one for caring about things she left behind. All she cared about was getting to that room. They had to keep tapes of every corner inside and around the facility. Gabriel had to be on one of those tapes, and if she could find it, she could figure out where he was. Hopefully. The sound of approaching footsteps awoke her from her thought, and alerted her that she needed to hide briefly. She looked around and saw four doors, two on each side of the hallway. She grabbed the knob closest to her and twisted, relieved to find it unlocked. She dashed in and closed the door with just a sliver still open. She eyed the hallway, and found it empty for a few moments until a shadow, then a foot, then a man. He was tall. But that didn't mean anything to her. Any demon was easy to take down. He looked tired, which was readable in his posture. He even let out a large yawn. She waited until he was just so far away from the door, then sprung out, dagger ready. But what she hadn't anticipated was his reaction. He spun around with a blade of his own. It was a bit bigger, but not much. And the design was the same. She stared at it, startled more than anything. Regaining her composure, the look of anger and annoyment returned to her face and she glanced up to face the man. A soft thud briefly disturbed the silence of the hallway. Katrina's expression was something completely different. It was a mix of surprise, fear, joy, and anger, all at the same time. It was [i]him[/i]. "Joseph," she grunted. Though her face illustrated the many emotions flowing through her at the sight of her brother after such a long time, her voice remained firm and stubborn. The hatred she had for him was conflicted only by the blood that flowed through their veins. "Hello sister. Do you normally jump out and try to stab people to say hello?" he laughed, though he was not happy to see her at all. His voice was filled with same hatred. They shared so much, yet hated each other. "Leviathan told me you had stopped by. I eagerly took up the opportunity to greet you. You've been gone a long time, and in that time, I have improved.." he grinned. "You may have been able to block that," Katrina began, bending down to pick up her fallen dagger. It was a relief not to have to look into those eyes of his, that knew so much about her and pierced her as if they wanted to know more. ".. But I doubt you could kill me." "Oh?" he asked. She stood back up to see his eyes lit up with the excitement of a challenge. She remembered that look. "Nope. You still can't beat your older sister." She saw him flinch. If there was one thing she was the best at, it was getting under his skin. "I could wipe this dirty carpet with your ass quicker than you can cry for your dead mommy's help," Katrina continued, the rush of adrenaline finally reaching all parts of her. She felt her fingers tingle with anticipation, wanting to dive the blade straight into his heart and watch him bleed. The twinge in his face again. Their mother was always a touchy subject with him. He missed her more because he hadn't known her as well. Katrina didn't think poorly about her mother, nor did she think positively. "She's your dead mother, too," he replied, trying his best to keep his cool. His voice told her nothing, but his eyes flooded information. He was furious, wanting just as much as she did to stab her right in the heart, watch her cry out for him, and watch her die. "Okay, baby brother. Lets settle this now. I win, without killing you, you tell me everything you know about Gabriel and where he was taken. You win, without killing me, you get to kill me. That's what you want, right?" she added, though after saying it she wondered why she had. "Nothing would please me more," he replied, his bloodlust seeping into the tone of his voice. "Then let's begin. Stand there. Not there, idiot. [i]There[/i]," she sighed, pointing a few steps backwards. He gave her an annoyed look, but took a step backwards. "Okay. At the count of 3, we do whatever we want to get the other on the floor defenseless. When one of us loses, we wi- no cheating." He paused, startled by her abrupt change of subject. "What? Why would I cheat?" he asked, trying his best to fake his innocence. "Oh shut up. You always used to cheat, old habits die hard, Joe-" She stopped. "Old habits die hard, Joey." "Just get on with the explanation, Katey," he replied. He hadn't called her by 'Katey' since they were no older than ten. She stared at him, and could've sworn she saw him blush. "Get on with it!" he barked, eager to get off the subject, though nothing else had been said. "Anyway, when one of us loses, we will say it. 'I lose.' Then the winner gets to do what we agreed on. I get info, you get blood." "Alright. Start the count then," Joseph sighed. He tried his best to appear relaxed, but his anticipation obvious, as was hers. "Sure, sure. One.." Her grip on her dagger tightened briefly, but she relaxed suddenly. She dropped it again. "Butterfingers," Joseph mumbled before chuckling a bit. She eyed him, then bent down to pick it up. "Two-" she began, beginning to pull up, but she was cut off by her brother's sudden shout. "Ha! You idiot! Never leave yourself unguar-" Two bullets fired, and two bullets hit their targets. One entered his right leg, and the other hit him right above the heart. He fell onto the floor right in front of her. She bent down, but her pistol back in her boot, then gently rolled him over. "Old habits.." she mumbled, shaking her head. "Die hard," he wheezed, weakened by the pain. "I know, I know.. I lose, Katey. A- .. Ask away.." "Did they recapture him?" He was silent. She asked again, but he still said nothing. "Don't make me.." she mumbled. "I don't know.. anything.." he replied. "Bastard.." she whispered, her voice beginning to tremble. A tear streamed down her cheek as she looked him in the eyes. "If you d-don't tell me.." "I won't tell you.. shit.." They were silent. She placed her hands in her lap, then leaned over him. With a swift motion, she brought her dagger into his chest wound. He cried out in pain, writhing about, but everytime he moved his right leg, he yelped out louder. After a good minute or two of this, she pulled the dagger back out. His right hand immediatly slapped onto the bleeding hole in his chest. He gasped for air, as if he'd been dunked under water the whole time. He rolled onto his side, his face contorting as he clenched his jaw and held back tears of pain. "That... hurt..." he panted. "Tell me," she ordered, the temporary weakness passing again. She was angry at him now. He was being stupid, and would get himself killed if he didn't answer. "No," he replied. She didn't do anything for a few moments, then hit him in the jaw with the handle of her dagger. She hit him again in the nose. "Tell me. [i]Now[/i]." "Ahh.." he moaned, his left hand examining his face. He touched where she had hit him, and immediately pulled his hand away. He looked to her, and saw how serious she was. How angry and disappointed she was. "Bite me," he spat, a bit of blood spraying onto her face. But she didn't flinch. "I'll ask you once more. If you don't tell me, I go on my way, and you die," she said solemnly. His eyes examined her for any hint of sympathy, but found none. Any sympathy she had for him had been exhausted in her interrogation. It took all of her just to shoot him before, and now she could care less if he bled to death right there before her. "So.. What do you know about where Gabriel is?"[/size][/color]
  16. [size=1][color=blue]Stuie.. You [i]know[/i] I'm not pleased with mine. We're were just talking about it a minute ago. =P Sorry to hear that sakurasuka. That really sucks. I used to have computer problems like that. They annoyed the hell outta me. Couldn't get anything done on it for days.. Hopefully that won't happen to you! ^_^;; Here's mine. It sucks, but I don't want to not post. >_< [URL=http://img172.imageshack.us/my.php?image=round2entry5bn.png]Round two entry[/URL] [IMG]http://img172.imageshack.us/my.php?image=round2entry5bn.png[/IMG][/size][/color]
  17. [color=blue][size=1]You know, Boo? Your nicknames often frighten me. ;-; .. But anyway, onto the ratingness. .. *shudder* [b].4//Retribution[/b] is very nice. Normally, I hate animations (dunno why- I do them myself every once in a while.. o.O), but this one turned out very nice. The pixel numbers do remind me somewhat of.. uh.. Retribution (>_>). I love the color, though. That blue pwns. =P The avatars are nice, too, but I like the one that says ".04//Retribution" because.. well, it matches the name of the set I guess. >_> Besides, the 07 isn't positioned as well, in my opinion. Overall, I give the set a [b]8/10[/b]. It's very nice, and again, I [i]love[/i] those colors. Lucky Retri. ^_~ - Tiger[/size][/color]
  18. [color=blue][size=1]Hiya Gurt! :^D[/size][/color]
  19. [color=blue][size=1][B]Name:[/B] Kera [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/djmax.jpg][Click][/url] [B]Personality:[/B] Kera is incredibly stubborn. When she makes up her mind, it's almost impossible to stop her. She's loud mouthed, rude, and spiteful to boot. She does have her gentler moments, though. [B]Weapons:[/B] a) Plasma Sword b) Automatic Pistol c) Assault Rifle [B]Biography:[/B] [Unavailable] OOC: Sorry for kinda rippin' off your sign up Retri. >_> But yeah. I'll get back to the Bio later. *has Japanese lesson* x3[/size][/color]
  20. [color=blue][size=1]OOC: It was sooooo Sapphire Flare's idea first. >_> Just go check his post! I'm innocent! Dx -- "Okay. We'll split up and try and get some information on where Gabriel is. I found out from the idiot with the scythe over there," Katrina paused to point over to the fallen body that was once the leader of the small demon 'pack', "that Gabriel isn't here in the base anymore." "[i]What[/i]?" Alchemy gawked. "Then.. where the hell [i]is[/i] he?!" "Why are you asking me? I don't know!" Katrina replied, rather annoyed that she had asked her as if she knew everything. Kugo let out a sigh. "Be as quiet as you can. Find someone who might know something, and sneak them off [i]without being noticed[/i]." "Yeah, yeah. I get it," Katrina waved him off passively. "Well.. Everyone knows we're here. Or were here, anyway. They probably think all of us are dead because of trap," Sariel pointed out. "She's right," Kugo nodded. "That gives us a bit more time. And the Demons will probably be more relaxed thinking we're dead." "Alright then. Lets go kill us some Demons," Katrina grinned, putting her dagger back into its pocket on her belt. She looked up to see everyone staring at her oddly. "What? [i]After[/i] we get the info on Gabriel," she added, reassuring the others that she knew what she was supposed to be doing. The five of them walked through the hallway and came upon three different doors at the end of it. "So.. Which one do you want, Katrina?" Kugo asked. "I don't know. They were in the process of building this when I was still here. I think I was bored and explored once, though. Now which one took me back.." she trailed off. Kugo shook his head impatiently. "I think I'll take the one on the left," Sariel spoke up. "I'm pretty sure I know where it leads.. Unless it was the right one," she added quietly. "What?" "Nothing! So.. You want to come? There are only three doors, so two of us have to buddy up anyway," Sariel suggested. "Aha!" Katrina shouted suddenly. "What is it?" the others asked simultaniously. "Two of these doors lead off into dead end rooms. When you step in, the doors lock behind you. There's only [i]one[/i] right path.." "So.. Which one is it? I thought it was the left one," Sariel wondered. "Remember the hidden indicator thing? Lucifer was obsessed with those for some reason. Eh. It should be to the right of the correct door," Katrina explained, walking over to the center door and beginning to tap lightly on the wall to the right of it. The others looked at each other, to Katrina, then to the doors. Sariel and Kugo searched the door to the left, and Alchemy and Sakura examined the right. After a good five or ten minutes of pointless tapping, slamming, and kicking (out of frustration), a small red circle with the shape of demon wings inside of it lit up on the wall beside the door on the right. "Found it!" Sakura and Alchemy cheered triumphantly. "Ah... I knew it," Katrina mumbled. "No you didn't," Kugo pointed out. "Otherwise, you wouldn't have wasted our time searching the other two doors!" "No, not that. I had no clue which one was the right door," she replied. "I knew that the symbol couldn't have resisted my many kicks to the wall. If I had the right door, it would've appeared in no time." Kugo was about to reply, but stopped when he realized there'd be no point. Sariel took a glance at the look on his face and burst out laughing. Everyone stared at her. When she could finally breathe normally again, she glanced around the room and shrugged. "Sorry." "Well, lets go," Sakura said. Her and Alchemy were the first ones through the door, followed by Katrina and Sariel, and Kugo brought up the rear. The passageway they had entered was nothing like the previous hallway. It was dark, small (most of them had to duck their heads as not to hit them on the very low ceiling), and cold. "Ugh," came Katrina's voice. It carried quite well through the passageway, making everyone hear it as if she was right beside them. "What is it?" Sakura asked from the front. "The wallpaper in here stinks," she replied. It was quiet for a moment, then everyone but Sariel began laughing. "Shhh!" Sariel hushed, knowing they were approaching their exit soon. "What? It was funny," Katrina replied. But Sariel was right to hush them all, because a few moments later, they came upon a door, and they knew it was their exit. "Okay, when we get out, everyone go in different directions. Got it?" Kugo reminded them. "Yeah," they all replied. Sakura pushed on the door and it creaked open, revealing a very run down room that hadn't been cleaned in ages. Boxes of all kinds, carrying food, guns, toilet paper, or anything else you could think a gang syndicate would need, littered the room. "Storage," Katrina mumbled. "Well, I'll be going now. I'll bump into you all later," she smiled, walking towards another door, opposite the one they had all just come through. "Have fun," Alchemy laughed, waving sarcastically. "Trust me. I will," Katrina chuckled, opening the door and walking through. She walked up through the hallway that led from storage to the rest of the base, then took a left, towards where she knew the monitor room was.[/size][/color]
  21. Kitty

    Heroes [M-VLS]

    [color=blue][size=1]"Don't kill him! We need them for questioning," Sparx continued. Trace stared blankly at him, as if he wasn't really there, his precious plant beginning to fall back into the ground without him to instruct it. "But don't let him go, either," Lily added in an annoyed tone after watching the Scarlett nearly disappear. Trace blinked back to reality and spun his head around towards the teleporter. The Scarlett rose back to life, and chased down Joyride again, but not to the point of death this time. "I told you to let him go!" the woman barked, taking a step closer to Trace with her gun still pointed directly at his head. Her eyes were glued to Sparx, who stayed calm and refused to respond, frustrating her further. As the woman's attention stayed soley on Sparx, Lily quietly crept over beside Trace. He didn't seem to see her, but then wasn't the time to worry about him. She had to grab that gun. She placed her hand on the ground, and waited. "One last warning.. Let him go." "Or what?" Sparx replied, grinning wide. "What do you mean, 'or what'? You know perfectly well what," she barked through clenched teeth. "Heh.. Look at your gun," Sparx chuckled. She blinked, hesitant, but turned to look at her gun and saw a block of ice with a handle and trigger shaped just like her weapon. "What the-?" she stopped, looking up at Lily who was grinning wildly and spinning the gun on her finger. "Sorry 'bout that. As much as this guy here," she paused to put an indicating finger on Trace's head, "bugs the crap outta me sometimes, I don't want him dead. Hope you don't mind." -- OOC: Heh. Sorry. Couldn't think of anything else. x3[/size][/color]
  22. [quote name='Retribution][SIZE=1']Hellz yeah I want Kitty
  23. [color=blue][size=1]I absolutely [i]loved[/i] this movie (just as much as I love your review =P) I saw it yesterday with my dad, and we haven't stopped quoting it. (The "Does it come in black?" quote pops up in our conversations a lot, lol.) All of the actors did wonderful jobs playing their characters, but the ones I enjoyed watching most were Michael Caine (Alfred) and Cillian Murphy ([spoiler]Dr. Crane/Scarecrow[/spoiler]). Caine's jokes cracked me up and Murphy's job of [spoiler]illustrating how sick and twisted Scarecrow is by driving his patients insane, and, eventually, going insane himself[/spoiler] was awesome. If I had to have one reason to see the film again, it would be just to see him again. Overall, the entire story was great and I, too, loved the darker take on the old Batman tale. Can't wait to read your next review, DW. ^_^[/size][/color]
  24. [color=blue][size=1]Last graphic? Nuuu! Dx I have to wait until summer is over to see more of Sun's workness? Unfair. T3T So [strike]because you bugged me till I did,[/strike] in honor of your going away, I'll rate your latest stuff. =P The [b]Dead Kennedys Flyer[/b] is awesome. The whole thing is just so creative and fun to look at. The picture in the middle disturbs me a bit, mainly because I have no clue what it's a picture of. (A man? It looks like he's crying and/or nibbling his finger after picking his nose.. >_> Eww! Dx) Another thing that confuses me is behind "Dead" it says, "I am the law" and then "Pull my..". That's the thing. I have NO idea what that word is. Little help? ^_^; All in all, I love it. [b]9/10[/b] [b]Indestructible[/b] is cool, too. The text pwns (
  25. [color=blue][size=1]I picked this album up, along with their self-titled "Gorillaz", only a few days ago, and I've been in love with it ever since. I would've picked up "G-Sides" instead, had it been in stock at the time, because that was the album my cousin had gotten me addicted to. There are a lot more songs on "Demon Days" that I like than on "Gorillaz". I listen to the entire CD over and over (and isn't it weird that I'm listening to them right now, as I type this post?). My favorite tracks have to be Last Living Souls, O Green World, November Has Come, and DARE. Feel Good Inc., I think, is a good radio single, but not one I need to listen to repeatedly. I love the whole CD, but those are by far the ones I like the most. ^_~[/size][/color]
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