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Everything posted by Kitty
[color=blue][size=1]Wow.. Seven minutes is a [i]long[/i] time.. But I loved every second of it! x3 That animation is one of your best Gavin. Aside from Daily Comic, this is probably my favorite. I must assume that you're skill as an animator has improved because of your new program and all the experience you've gotten doing all those other shorts (and man, are there a lot of those). Or it could be because you've always been good, but have never been nice enough to show off your better works to us at OB! Meanie! >:^O .. But, then again, I really doubt that's the case.
[color=blue][size=1]Katrina had done her part in the little firefight, but wound up only killing one. She felt a bit bored, and had decided to be lazy and let the others do the job. Instead, she had observed her fellows, watching how they did battle, though she'd seen them kill before. Sariel had run out quickly, as she normally did. [i]"Trigger happy kid,"[/i] Katrina huffed before giving her any advice. In fact, most of the ones who used guns had wasted their ammo, firing nonstop even after their target went down. [i]"They all need to work on that,"[/i] she thought, watching her particular victim go down after two well-placed shots. She jumped back into the shadows of the alley to continue watching as she returned her pistol to the hidden pocket in her boot. The ones who didn't use guns interested her the most. She, herself, was also more inclined to using knives. But a gun was always handy. Kugo played his usual game, and Katrina was entertained. After all the amateur demons were down, the group was greeted by a strange girl. Katrina, however, had no interest in her, and went to picking up ammo and goods off the dead bodies. Ransacking the dead was a fun little chore. "Okay boys an' girls. Pay attention," Gabriel chuckled, having enjoyed the night's happenings so far. Katrina, who was usually one not to pay attention, knew it was best to listen. She checked one last body then walked back over to the group. -- OOC: Sorry it took so long.. and that it's so short.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Actually, the character came off a white background. o.O;; It was probably the color balance I used.. or, at least, I [i]think[/i] I used a color balance.. >_< Gah.. Can't remember. Oh well. Here are my latest "works". Tell me whatcha think. One of them I got the idea for having just finished read my latest Trigun manga volume at the time. It's like a wanted poster or something. I thought it was cool. x3 [b][u]"Wanted" Poster:[/u][/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/FD21-poster1.gif[/IMG] Next, I made a little header for this thread. I got the idea by visiting Retri's thread, and popping into Sean's (which I haven't replied to yet - sorry Sean!). The black around her head turned choppy because of the transparent background behind her head. But other than that, I think it was well done. [b][u]Header:[/u][/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/ThreadHeader.gif[/IMG] Well.. Tell me whatcha think. ^_^ Oh! And thanks for the reviews so far everyone! (Especially to those who were kind enough to give me nice lenient ratings. xP) *eyes Helba and Retri*
[color=blue][size=1]Ooh! In need of a header, eh? I'll try my hand at it and see what I can come up with. x3 And about your group posing idea - maybe we can all send a copy of a favorite picture we've usde in a banner of ours to someone willing to make a header, and then we could have sort of a group that way? Just an idea. ^_^;[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]I'm up for it. My only question is if a PM would suffice? I mean, if I have to, I'll e-mail you. But it's just easier for me (being as utterly lazy as I am) to send my "sign up", as it were, to you to join. But (in the six seconds before I clicked the "submit reply" button, I decided that) I'll e-mail you anyways. ^_^;; Other than that, I think this idea pwns. x3[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]EDIT: I thought it out, and decided that I didn't like where this post was going, so I'll redo it later. Sorry 'bout that. ^_^;;[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]"I haven't seen anything, sorry." "No, no.. That's quite alright. Sorry to have bothered you sir," Lily let out a sigh. The man she had been asking questions walked off to return to filing papers and running errands for his co-workers. Interrogating the many employees of the White House was a long, boring task, but she knew she had to do it. This particular wing was her duty, and she wasn't going to slack off. Psyker and Cloak would get on her case about it, like they did everything else that went wrong. For some reason, she was blamed for everything. Of course, they wouldn't be coming after her if she stopped asking the janitors, secretaries, and guards that walked through her wing. They were [i]dead[/i]. But she didn't know that. Not yet. "Excuse me, ma'am?" A tall woman paused, lifting her head and turning it to face Lily. She was in a fine, black suit, with large heels that clicked with every tap of her impatient foot. She glanced at her watch several times, even as she stood there waiting for Lily to speak again. But Lily's attention was directed at a small briefcase the woman held in her right hand. "May I help you?" the older woman asked, Lily's eyes snapping from the briefcase to the woman's face. "Oh. Right. Um.. Where you here when-" "The President was nearly killed and our nation's best protected security system embarrassed for the whole world to see? [i]No[/i]. And it's probably because I wasn't here that this whole mess happaned. Now, if you'd get out of my way, I have a [i]lot[/i] of things to do that won't get done if I'm not there to make sure they are." And with that, she stomped off past Lily, as if she had just made a very rude comment about needing a plastic surgeon. "Hmph.." Lily snorted, trying to shake off the woman's very abrubt end to the conversation. But she couldn't get her mind off the breifcase. [i]"It looked full to bursting.. And I doubt that she's as important as she says she is.."[/i] "Oh well. Looks like I've talked to everyone here. Better go find the others," Lily said overly loud as if to lie to someone listening that wasn't supposed to be. She quickly ran off to find one of her friends and to check on the progress of the investigation.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Ah! You know the names of my fonts! >> .. *goes into hiding* Well, I know what you mean. Like I said on AIM, I suck at fonts. ^_^;; I need to practice. >_< And with the placing the text away from the subject in my banners, I guess it's just a habit of mine. o.O;; I did it again in this latest set. xD I'll work on that, now that you've pointed it out. ^_^ [u][b]Extravagence Set:[/b][/u] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/nadesico_01b_1avatar1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/nadesico_01b_1banner1.png[/IMG] That's all for this time. Again, I did a bad job with fonts + text placement. My bad. ^_^;; Rate please. >; [b][u]Advanced Set:[/b][/u] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/KittyOB-avatar.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/KittyZoombanner.png[/IMG] Hopefully someone will rate this time. ^_^;;[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Why is everyone so much better than me? Dx Let me say this, first off. You are a banner-texting GOD. T__T I couldn't do what you can even if my life depended on it. The pictures you chose all match wonderfully with the background, and so does the text. All in all, I give your banners a 9/10. They're all awesome! My favorite, though, is the Marvin banner. That effect is awesome! Love it. ^_~[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]"Men," Lily sighed, having seen both Trace and Sparx race off, and Alexander speed off on the backroads. "They like their speedy cars, don't they?" She also enjoyed the speed of her bike, but wasn't about to carelessly zoom through traffic. She changed lanes a few times before spotting a large lake alongside the high way. [i]"Damn.. I wish I could go for a swim.."[/i] she thought, enjoying the sight of the glistening water that seemed to stretch as far as the high way itself. Then, an idea perked into her head. "Maybe I will," she spoke into the foam inside her helmet. She revved the engine, and sped up, navigating between trucks and cars that littered the paved road. She lost sight of her friends, but she knew they'd meet up back at Washington. Lily looked around, and seeing that all the cars were more than 20 yards behind her or ahead of her, closed her eyes and attempted to summon a ramp of water without moving her hands about. It was difficult. She had always manipulated the water by motions of her hands, up until recently. She had begun practicing using thought, but she wasn't great at it. But she'd give it a shot. Why not? [i]"Come on.. Concentrate on the shape of a ramp.. Concentrate.."[/i] Lily sped along, trying her best to summon up a large ramp of water. Her eyes were closed tightly, another habit of her technique. But a small drop of water on her uncovered arm piqued her interest enough to open them. And, there it was, floating in front of her, shimmering just as brightly as the lake. "I did it!" she cheered, incredibly proud of her achievment. With a gust of strength, she pulled the bike back on one wheel, and drove ontop of the water bridge, but she turned the engine off. Soon, she was floating above the rest of the cars in a large bubble of water, bike and all. A few times, she relaxed a bit too much, and the bubble faltered, nearly dropping her onto a truck below her. But, luckily, she managed to recover. In no time, she arrived at the White House. When she touched the ground, the bubble burst, and sprinkled the three that had arrived before her just a bit. "Sorry," she laughed, seeing that Sparx had gotten most of the water on him. He stared at her until she sighed and retrieved the water off of him, drying him with ease. The water was absorbed into the ground, and she was left to wait for the others.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1][B]Name:[/B] Katrina Cleever [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Former Occupation:[/B] Assassin for the Devils [B]Affiliation:[/B] Gabriel's Crew [B]Appearance:[/B] Katrina, like any gang member, keeps in shape. While not outrageously muscular, she is still strong enough to kill many men with her bare hands. Not that she'd want to, anyway. Like most long-term residents of Haven City, Katrina carries a scar. On her upper right arm, there is a large mark where she was once cut open with a knife. But more on that later. Katrina is about 5'9" in bare feet, and about 5'11" in her boots. She has long brown hair, with a few natural golden highlights, that she keeps tied up most of the time. She's a very voluptuous young woman, with a curvy shape, and she definitely knows how to use it. She usually wears skimpy, or tight, t-shirts with large cargo jeans and combat boots. Katrina often wears belts, not only to keep her pants up, but for a place to stash her knife. [B]Personality:[/B] Katrina is normally cool-headed and quick witted. She's calm and quiet in most situations, and can get herself out of anything with a little bit of thinking. Independent and forceful, when she wants something, she gets it. Period. But though she seems quite peaceful, she's full of hate, and is merciless. Anything she sees as weak doesn't deserve anything more than death, in her eyes. If those she's working with aren't pleasing her, she'll kill them. Or just leave, which ever she feels like doing. [B]Bio:[/B] Katrina was born to an upper class family, somewhere deep inside Haven City. Her father worked a nice job in a nice section of town, and her mother was a beautiful woman who stayed at home to take care of the kids, Katrina and her twin brother Joseph. They lived a wonderful life, outside of all the gang wars and corrupt politics that their city had become so famous for. Her parents seemed to get along perfectly. No arguments at home, and complete trust in one another. But her mother kept a terrible secret. Katrina's mother, about a year before Katrina and her brother were born, had an affair with a man named Lucifer, who ran the Devils. To this day, Katrina still doesn't know why she did it. It was probably for something he had promised her that her father never could have given her. That's what she figured, anyway. But she had run away from him, for he had broken his promise short after he'd gotten what he wanted. Somehow or another, he found out about Katrina and Joseph a few years later, and thought that they were his children. Lucifer sent out some goons to retrieve them, and when Katrina's mother and father refused to give their children up, they were killed. Katrina and Joseph, who were only three at the time, went willingly. They grew up with the Devils, and were taught everything from how to cheat at card games to torture someone by plucking their eyes out. Lucifer soon had another child, when Katrina was about 7, and the three grew up together, thinking that they were siblings. But when Joseph and Katrina turned 18, some member of the Devils figured out that they were not, in fact, Lucifer's children. But Lucifer didn't care. He forced everyone that knew to keep silent. Whether through torture or blackmail, he managed to get them to stay quiet about it. As Joseph and Katrina continued to work for the Devils, many of the other members grew jealous that they were still being treated better than all of them, even though they weren't really Lucifer's kids. Eventually, one idiot went and blabbed it all to them, and they were unphased. They didn't care if he was their actual father or not. To them, he was the best father in the world. The one who'd told them was murdered brutally, like all idiots that cross Lucifer are, not too much later. Katrina, who had started doing missions around age 13, was already great at them by the time she turned 19. She was the best killer Lucifer had, and she would do [i]anything[/i] for him. But the jealousy of the other members made cooperating with them the most annoying task she could think of. When forced to work with them, she ended up killing them, then being chewed out by Lucifer afterwards. But it never bothered her. Killing was what she did. Never feeling anything but the adrenaline rush a kill gave her. A bit before her 20th birthday, Lucifer's actual daughter was beaten, raped, and killed. Infuriated, he sent everyone after the bastard that did it. He had kept a suspicious eye on Katrina and Joseph, though, since a bit before her murder, he had been giving her more attention than them. But Katrina wouldn't have done it. . She wasn't the one that actually found the guy who they said was the culprit. She had been out on another job. She had wanted to kill him, just to get back on Lucifer's good side, but, the year she turned 23, she went on a mission that would eventually make her never want to kill again. Little Maggie Lorenza watched from a closet as Katrina brutally tortured her father for not paying his debts to Lucifer. Her mother had died a while ago, and it had been hell for Brent Lorenza, her father, to pay for anything. He worked three jobs, and still couldn't take good enough care of his daughter. So, he was forced to move into a small apartment, and he went to Lucifer for money. A year later, Lucifer grew impatient and sent Katrina there. On her way out, Katrina saw little Maggie, trembling and crying from behind the closet door. The bag she had in her hands, full of jewels, expensive items and any cash laying around, was left behind. Lucifer grilled her for that too, but the entire time she kept thinking of poor crying Maggie, only seven years old. She left not too long after that. She couldn't kill anymore. Not for the Devils, anyway. She told her Lucifer she wanted out, he wouldn't let her. She then decided she'd run away with Joseph. But when she told him, he refused to come. She hasn't talked to him since, thinking only about what a gutless coward Joseph had turned out to be. Lucifer was outraged, and decided that if she wouldn't kill for him, she wouldn't kill for anyone. She was on the run for more than a year when the idiots Lucifer had sent out to find her actually caught up. She wasn't being careful, for once, and paid the price. She was beat up, nearly to death, and thrown into an alley way to rot. The ones who had tried to kill her were amateurs, and didn't do a very good job, seeing as how she was only knocked out for a day. When she woke up, she stumbled around Haven City until she found The Inferno (on accident), and met up with a man who knew who she was. After a few minutes of conversation, he took her home. She slept with him, then killed him. She took his car and decided that revenge'd be fun. But she ran into a former Angel. His name was Gabriel. He had flagged her down, and held her at gun point. He looked messed up, and very angry. He was ranting about finding the bastards that almost killed him. She then said, very calmly, "Put the gun down and hop in. We have a lot to talk about." When he told her who he was, she was surprised, but didn't care much anymore. She thought, 'To hell with Lucifer. And his slut of a daughter.' She followed Gabriel around, promised an opportunity to kill the ones who'd tried to kill her, along with Lucifer and her brother. [B]Weapons:[/B] Katrina stashes a knife in her belt, and another in hidden pockets in her boots. She carries a small pistol in her other boot, but usually sticks to beating the **** out of everyone with her bare hands. Or breaking their necks with a quick twist of the wrist. [B]Skills:[/B] Give her anything, and Katrina can kill. She's adaptable to almost everything you can think of. But stealth and close combat are what she's best at. Guns aren't her favorite, but, as stated before, she knows how to use one. [B]Character Snippet:[/B] My head hurt. A lot. I couldn't remember anything. I tried my best, but nothing came to me. "Where am I?" I paused. "[i]Who[/i] am I?" My own name had escaped my memory. "Damnit," I murmured, sitting up slowly. My legs were numb. Not from being unconscious, but from hitting my head so hard. I was worried that I might not be able to walk. But, fortunately, I managed to stand. I took a few steps and leaned against a brick wall. I squinted my eyes as I examined my surroundings. Brick walls, dumpsters, a fire escape, a wooden fence towards the back, and what looked like a sidewalk up ahead. "Yup.. An alley." I took another step towards the bright light coming from the street. I paused, and vomited. I wiped the edges of my mouth after a few more moments of the violent eruption from my stomach. "Lovely," I coughed, spitting into the pile of what looked like yesterday's breakfast. I walked forwards, clutching my stomach now, afraid that the smell might trigger my gag reflex again. The moment my left foot touched the sidewalk, I nearly got run over by a cyclist. "Watch it," they shouted. They said more, but I can't remember now. I flipped them off, then continued on my stumbling walk down Memory Lane. Ironically enough, that particular street was in fact, Memory Lane. I walked for a while. Twenty-five minutes, an hour tops. But it took forever. The throbbing of my head, and the urge to vomit every few blocks drove me insane. I finally stopped at a bar that, at the time, I didn't know the name of. My eyesight was blurry, and the sign above the doorway read something with a bunch of numbers mixed in with letters. Now, I know the name as "The Inferno". The damned club where I spent so much of the past five years. I dragged my feet inside, and ended up knocking over a waitress or two on my way to the bartender. "Missy, I don' think you'd be wise to be stayin' 'ere," someone next to me whispered as I took a seat. I gave him a glare, though I couldn't see much other than the oval that was his head, and the black that was his greasy hair. Either he really cared, or he was just being a sexist prick, but he continued to try and persuade me out the door. "Really, lady. You best be leavin'. No [i]woman[/i] has ever been treated 'well' 'n 'ere. If you get what I mean." I rubbed my eyes after ordering a large mug from the bartender. He hesitated, but went on to serve me the drink. Nothing gets rid of guilt and worry more than the idea of being paid. Every single bastard in the club was staring at me, and I realized it after I rubbed my eyes a bit, and I could focus again. Blinking a few more times, I stared back at the man beside me. "You worried 'bout me?" He stared back blankly, though I saw him glance down at my chest more than once in those few moments of silence. "Listen, dickface," I growled, wrapping my arm around his throat and bringing a knife between his eyes, "I can take damn good care of myself, without [i]you[/i] worrying about me. Now.. If you'd be so kind as to leave, I'll get back to my drink without having to have killed another man." I would've added "today", but I didn't know what day it was.. or how long I'd been out cold in that alley. All I remembered was that throbbing pain in my skull, and the horrible stench of vomit that I knew too damn well from so many years on the job. But my firm grip around his neck and my knife in his face didn't seem to bother him. He was used to this, and was well prepared, too. "Don't touch me, you stupid whore," he grunted, grabbing my wrist and flipping me over him with what seemed like no effort at all. I fell flat on the ground, feeling a dull poking sensation on my back, but nothing that matched the pain in my head. "Ahh.." I moaned for a moment, clutching my head as I stood back up. [i]"I'm out of practice.. Or just out of it, in general. I can't have been out for longer than a day or two. Think.. Think.."[/i] Suddenly, images of a group of men standing above me played through my head as I stood silent before the large man who had just thrown me about like I was a light jacket that he had been carrying over his shoulder and got tired of holding. They were holding large melee weapons, but no guns. I would've noticed a gunshot wound, anyhow. It was cloudy. Small drops of rain were beginning to fall. "Well? Pay attention, Missy," came the angry voice of the man from the bar. Before I had time to react, I was slapped hard across the face, and sent into a nearby table. The men were smoking and drinking beers over what looked like a game of cards. They seemed unalarmed by my sudden crashing into their table. Like it was normal. Again, the blow unlocked more memories. So fast they flew by, but I recognized each one. My name was Katrina Cleever. I had been a member of the Devils for five years of my life, and had no regrets for what I had done. I had tortured, scarred, butchered, and murdered every single one of my targets, and had enjoyed each one. I did feel sorry for one little girl who's father I sliced up with his own kitchen tools because he hadn't paid Lucifer back for too long. She was so innocent. She reminded me of myself as a child. But that innocence I had seen in her, was destroyed that day. I had ripped it from her. That expression on her face she had as I walked by the closet she had been in, watching as I tore him apart, piece by piece, slowly so that he would feel it. The blood loss.. the very ripping apart of his organs.. That expression has haunted me, and always will. What I did was no worse than if one of my former comrades had gone in there, raped her, then burned her alive. What I did was so cruel.. And I had no regrets. None. That sudden memory ate up all the pain. That one memory was worse than the agonizing pain in my skull, the retching of my stomach, and the most recent bruises I had just gotten from my pounding. Nothing could match it. I didn't regret then, but hell, do I regret now. Her name was Maggie. Maggie Lorenzini, or something like that. When I went to kill him, I was supposed to take everything that might be worth something to pay for the debt. I didn't. I had collected it. All of it in a bag by the door. But I left it there, for her. A small note on it said, "Sell this, feed yourself. Meet me at this house ten years from now." I hadn't planned on going back, but now I do. But it's only been five years. Five long, [i]long[/i] years. The large man from the bar became my focus again. I pushed myself off the table and glared at him, a bit of blood trickling down from my mouth. It felt like my jaw was out of place, but that wasn't important. "Listen, *****--" I killed him. That was it. I had pulled out the gun from my boot (right or left, I forget) on my way up. He was going to try and insult me, but it wouldn't have bothered me. Not many things from drunk, horny men do. The fat mass that was the man who'd just tried to pummel me fell backwards onto the floor. I took my seat back at the bar and emptied my glass in one large chug. [i]"Damn, do I miss drinking."[/i] I had quit. Four months ago. There were stares from all around the tavern. I paid them no mind. I put the gun back in my boot-holster. "Those idiots.." I mumbled. "Forgot to disarm me. Bunch of amateurs." I had been on the Devils' hit list since I decided to leave. I was one of Lucifer's best. Executing every order with no hesitation. I was a killing machine. Even the other Devils feared me. No task was too gruesome for me to complete. No job was too unmoral for me to complete. And what do they do? They send a group of kids to kill me. I felt insulted more than anything. "Missy.. You look like you need to wash up. The bathroom's over there," the bartender smiled. He sounded nice, but I knew better. Over the years, I'd come to this bar. More often than not, [i]somebody[/i] tried to take me to bed or act nice and come to my rescue. They either ended up dead, or badly beaten. This guy was no exception. But I did admit. I needed a bit of a washing. I entered the bathroom and stared at the reflection in the mirror. I was dirty. Very dirty. Dried blood, mud, and vomit. All of it, smeared and crusted on my normally smoothed face. I scrubbed for a long while before I could look up and actually see the pink of my skin. I examined my reflection more, and discovered that I had a large gash on my head. It looked new, but old enough to have dried and sealed up just a bit. But damn did it hurt. I touched it, for only a second, and instantly recoiled. "****!" I shouted, shaking my hand as if I'd just touched a hot stove. "Better not do that again," I sighed sarcastically after a few minutes of panting and waiting for the pain to dull a bit. By the time I had cleaned up enough to look as if I hadn't just been attacked and nearly beaten to death, most of the people in the bar had switched out. It was all new faces, with the exception of a man in the back and the bartender. The man got up when our eyes met, but I quickly turned my head and walked back to the bar. I asked for another drink, and was given one. I guzzled it down. The moment I placed my glass down on the surface, the man from the back sat down beside me. I glanced at him, but stared at my own hand, twisting the glass back and forth in place. "I saw you kill him. Not bad." [i]"Flattery.. Hmph,"[/i] I snorted to myself. He raised an eyebrow, but didn't question me. "I heard about a Devil member that got killed yesterday. Nobody found her body. They said she was gorgeous.. She was a difficult catch, too. She'd eluded them for, what, almost a year? Impressive, isn't it?" I continued to stare at my hand, spinning the mug on the table, but my thoughts were frantic. How had [i]he[/i] heard? Was I [i]that[/i] big of a deal? And to think. I'd been hiding for so long.. It was weird. Now that everyone thought I was dead. I could get a new identity, and finally be free. I'd just have to get out of Haven City. But this man. He knew too much. I'd have to kill him before he spilled. "Weird," I mumbled awkwardly. I hadn't tried my hand at seducing a man in quite a while. But I was always good at it, and I was positive I hadn't lost my touch. "That's so.. freaky.. Can you imagine?" I gawked, my eyes moving from my own hand to his face. He was handsome. I'll admit it. But other than that, I felt nothing. No sympathy, no pity, no lust, and no regret. I had wanted to escape my killing habits, but it looked like I'd never be able to. It was just so damn easy to get what I wanted.. -- OOC: Hope that's okay. ^_^; It's really long.. But oh well. >_< EDIT: Got the bio up! (It's really long, too. o.O;; ) Hope I got a spot on the crew! x3 EDIT 2: Fixed the Lucifer/Michael thing. Sorry, but somehow I thought Michael was the Devil leader.. Dunno how.. But it's all better now![/size][/color]
[size=1][color=blue]OOC: Uh.. Grunt? My character's name is Lily. Not Kitty. ^_^;; -- "It's alright. Stay out there for a second," Lily calmly replied, though her face was a beet red. She swam to her belongings and grabbed a towel. Not to dry off with, but to cover herself. She made a small motion with her right hand, then pointed at the pool she had just been floating in. All of the water that was resting on her skin immediatly drained off and back into the larger body of water. Lily quickly grabbed and put on her uniform. She began to walk to the doorway when the announcement from Sparx leaked out of the intercom. "Three minutes? He's rushing," Lily mumbled absent-mindedly. She reached her door and peered around to see a terribly embarrased Kyle. She let out a giggle. "You all right?" she asked, still trying to stifle more giggles. "Yeah.. Uh.. Um.. We should, uh, get going, eh?" he stuttered, still not looking her in the face. "Yup. Com'on!" she smiled, rushing off down the hallway to where the vehicles were stored. Kyle hesitated, but soon followed suit. In the Garage, Lily and Kyle were the first ones there, aside from Sparx. But he was almost [i]always[/i] there, tending to the bike he was so proud of. Kyle left her side to ready his ride, while she waited for the others to arrive. She would've busied herself going over her motorcycle, checking for anything out of the ordinary that may come back to bite her while on the job. But she'd already done an inspection this morning, and everything was fine. What she was really worried about was who the ones at the White House were, and why they hadn't finished the job. "Why would they go through all the trouble, make a speech, then disappear? It's absurd.." She paused. "And really stupid, too." "What's stupid, Naiad?" Lily's head snapped up. Very few called her Naiad while still at Headquarters. She didn't prefer being called that. Nor did she prefer being called "Lillian", but she knew chewing out Trace would be pointless. She'd already done it.. several hundred times. Taking a moment, she recognized the person before her as Sakura. "Oh. Sakura. I was just thinking about the terrorists, and what idiots they are.." "They probably had good reason. I mean, who would go through all the trouble to just give up when their goal was in their grasp? It must've been [i]very[/i] important. To them, anyways," Sakura reasoned. "I guess," Lily muttered. The two said nothing more, and Sakura went off to prepare for departure. Staring at her feet, she still didn't feel satisfied. [i]"What could be so important? To stop what you planned to do moments before you pull the trigger.. When the thing you desired was right there. So close.. In the palm of your own hand.. They're nothing but mindless idiots in some cult, I'll bet,"[/i] Lily thought silently.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]"Jerk," Lily spat again, finishing up her watering. "I take care of his plants, and what does he do? Bug me. By doing the one thing I told him not to. Gah.. Guys." With a few waves of her hands, the water ceased to fall, and her arms returned to her sides. Placing a hand on her hip, she sighed, and put her other hand over her eyes. She rubbed them a bit, as if just waking from a long, much needed nap. "Oh well. Best not dwell on it," she told herself, walking out. Lily headed towards her quarters to take a short breather before the group headed out towards Washington. All the way there, she wondered if she had irritated or angered Trace to make him act the way he had been. But the thought left her mind when she arrived at her familiar door. It made a loud "kuush" sound as it automatically opened for her. Stepping in, she was greeted with the gentle sounds of water flowing through rapids and over waterfalls. The mist from one side of her "room" made the room even more damp, and she loved it. Lily's compound was basically a large river that went around her room in a circle, complete with rapids in the middle, a waterfall and lake at each end, and different species of fish and plants in the lake. There were small bits of sand to serve as beaches, and a few areas of tile where her bed, belongings, and bathroom were. But other than that, it was just water. A paradise for her. "Washington.." she mumbled, stripping herself bare and diving into the cool, refreshing water that rested below the waterfall. She stayed beneath the surface for a long time, thinking about nothing in particular. When she'd figured it had been long enough, she emerged slowly. She floated in place for a moment or two before closing her eyes and making gestures with her hands, still underwater. Her breathing slowed, and she seemed to melt into the water, to become one. She began to speak softly, as if to the particles of water to make them move for her. As she spoke and waved her hands gently, so did the water. In a spiral of rising water, she sat at the top, calmly meditating as a bit of brief practice. She would've gone to the training room, but didn't want to, knowing she'd probably run into Trace again. She wasn't mad at him anymore, though. Whenever she got in the water, she was relaxed, and all her angers, worries, and cares melted and floated away with the ripples that spread from her diving in. No, she was more worried about angering him. "He wouldn't be angry at me," Lily suddenly said aloud, opening her eyes and staring down at the staircase-like form of water that held her up so high. "I didn't do anything to him.. did I?" A loud knock at her door split her concentration and her hands stopped moving. At this, the water broke apart and fell back towards the pool that it had risen from, Lily falling with it. There was a loud splash, and she sank straight to the bottom. [i]"Some people just have the [b]worst[/b] timing,"[/i] Lily thought sarcastically as she swam upwards. Realizing she was completely naked, she was careful to breach where her body wouldn't be seen from the beach near the door. OOC: It can be anybody. ^_^;;[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Ugh.. I hate you.. So much.. That image rocks, basically. My (quite untrained) eye can spot no flaws, and the image of Sasuke fits wonderfully with the rest of the image. And the text.. damn you and your text. xD Perfectness, Retri. I bow down to you and Rising Sun.[/size][/color]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I'd be game. I'm a pokemon fan (yes, still.. >_
[color=blue][size=1]"Talan!" Rin cried as he landed before her. "What brings you here?" he grinned cooly. She paused, having lost the words in her head. She had never spoken to him before, now that she thought about it. It took her a moment before she could actually say anything. "They others! They're coming--" "To kill me? Yes. I know, I just had a little run in with them. They must've seen you come after me." "Oh.." she sighed. She bit her lip, disappointed with herself. The others had just ruined her chance to impress Talan. "Is there anything else?" "Huh?" Rin snapped to attention, her head jolting upwards. "Sorry.. Was thinkin'," she said rather calmly, which startled her. "That's alright. You going to go back with them? They're down there," Talan said, pointing down at her group of allies. Rin sighed, and took a long, hard look at Kyle, Kou and T'kure. "Nah," she said finally. "Nah?" Talan repeated, surprised by her answer. "Nope. I think.. I think I'll follow you. If that's okay," she added quickly. Her courage both pleased and surprised her. She'd never been this straight forward. With anyone. And here she was, inviting herself along with someone she'd barely spoken with. [i]"But there's something about him.. He saved me. I think I.."[/i] she began to think, but was interrupted when Talan spoke again. "What?" she asked, not having heard him the first time. "You can come. But you might have to fight them," he said, nodding his head towards the three below them. Rin stayed silent, but gave a nod, signaling her understanding. "I want to come with you. No matter what." "Alright then. Lets go," he grinned, holding out his hand to her.[/color][/size]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Well it sounds easy enough. I'll give it a shot. I'll post it later. ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[color=blue][size=1][B]Real Name:[/B] Lillian (Lily) Watson [B]Codename:[/B] Naiad [Pronounced: Nay-ad]
[color=blue][size=1]Bwah! More! x3 And I have a new nickname! :^D *jubilation* > That piccy of ink looks like a Chinese/Japanese kanji (though I know damn well it isn't xD). And your poor, poor inked pants.. ;-; *mourns with you* Well, give them a proper burial (or a nice washing, you dumbnut) and make more banners! >:3[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=blue]"Hm.." Rin mumbled, watching Talan's figure finally disappear in the distance. While watching him, she heard his and her own names mentioned by the others behind her. But she didn't care. He was more important. [i]"But he's a Satanic,"[/i] part of her chimed in. She paused, eyes glued to the spot Talan had just disappeared from. "No.. It doesn't matter," she thought aloud. A little too loud, because Kyle looked her way and asked, "You say something?" Rin shook her head and walked away from the edge of the roof and stood beside Kiana. The others were silent. "What..?" she managed to squeak. "I need to speak with these two," T'kure said politely. "If you'll excuse us." He nodded to Kyle and Kou, and the three of them walked away, leaving Kiana and Rin alone. "They're talking about me, aren't they?" Rin asked the moment the others were out of earshot. Kiana gave a solemn nod. "Are they going to kill me? Or [i]him[/i]?" Kiana said nothing, staring at her feet quietly. But she didn't need to say anything. Rin knew what they were going to do. The very thought of them kiling Talan saddened her. But, in the beginning, she wouldn't have cared less. But he was kind. He was different. Why did they want to kill him? All of these thoughts raced through Rin's mind. "Kiana.. I'll be right back." "Where are you going?" Kiana asked, though she had a pretty good idea of where Rin would be headed. "After Talan." "What should I tell them?" "You can tell them anything. The truth, if you want to. But I need to follow him. I'll make it quick. I just need to speak with him.." Rin sighed. She stood firmly, and a few moments later, a strong, but gentle, gust of wind blew through the area. [i]"Yes.. I've got it back,"[/i] she thought quietly, happy that she had regained control of her ability. And with that, she lept up, catching herself with a powerful air current, and sped off after Talan. [i]"He can't have gone far. I'll catch him, warn him, then return. "[/i] she told herself.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Sweet RPG. Simply wonderful. -- [B]Name:[/B] Li'Knar Pakiji* [B]Age:[/B] 37 [Human Years] [B]Race:[/B] Yautja [Predator] [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Rank:[/B] UnBlooded [B]Appearance:[/B] [Will Edit - All I know, right now, is that she doesn't have braids xD] [B]Weapons:[/B] [Will Edit - Need to go back to Underground thread] [B]Equipment:[/B] [Will Edit - I'm uncreative... so sue me >_
[color=blue][size=1]Ooh! x3 Sorry I haven't posted. Lost the thread. o__X;; *subscribes* I'll start from your second to last post, eh? [b]Radio[/b] is [i]definately[/i] an awesome work (how'd you do that? O.O). I love the general feel of it. The images you pasted together (if that's what you did; I never know how you make all these) fit perfectly. For some reason, it reminds me of those old cowboy "Wanted" signs. It's probably the text at the bottom, I'm guessing. Love it! 9/10 Sweet room. o.o;; *wants it* ^_^; [b]Retro[/b] is also really cool. I like the figure in the middle. It really does bring out a 70's feel. Nice job. *can't critize* Uh.. It could've done with another color (like red, or something). Other than, I really can't think of anything wrong with it. @_@;; 9/10 (again). [b]Brave New World[/b] does illustrate your poem's feel, but it's too.. pink. Maybe a gray color would've been better (since I usually associate mass production with machines, which tend to be dark gray). The way you placed the fonts was creative. Well done. 8/10 (Just 'cause of the color). >_< Okay, onto your banners. I prefer the last one to the other two. Probably because it's brighter (I like bright things, I guess). The text on the first one is too.. I dunno. It just didn't work for me. Plus the background's dimmer in that one than the other two. The middle one was nice, but again, too dim. All in all, they were very nice. Especially because I think I [i]might[/i] have been able to do something like it (which makes me feel special, hehe). I give you an 8/10 for all three. My, my. I'm not good with thinking up critisizm for you, am I? Maybe it's because you're too damn good! Dx Try sucking a bit, eh? xP (Kidding. ^_~) Can't wait for more! ^_^[/size][/color]