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[color=blue][size=1]Thank you for the feedback Stuie. ^_^ Now, here's my latest stuff. For my first set, I couldn't decide if the focus (the girl) looked better blurred or unblurred.. so I saved the banner two different ways. Heh.. And for the Pokemon set (yes, I made a pokemon set), I ended up screwing on the first two avatars by putting "diseased" instead of "infected". T__T;; Well, I fixed it, but I still have the old "diseased" avatars. I'm posting a link to view them, even though they look exactly like the "infected" avatars. I'm just saving space. ^_^;; [b][u]Blurred Set:[/u][/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/7avatar1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/7banner1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/7banner2.png[/IMG] [b][u]Pokemon Infection Set:[/u][/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/infectionavatar3.png[/IMG] Link To: [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/infectionavatar2.png]Absol Diseased[/url] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/infectionavatar4.png[/IMG] Link To: [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/infectionavatar1.png]Mightyena Diseased[/url] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/infectionbanner1.png[/IMG] That picture for the Pokemon set was drawn by someone, not from these boards, but I can't remember her name. >_< I had it written down, too, just so I [i]wouldn't[/i] forget. Gah... It's good, though, isn't it? It's very bloody. I like that. x3 Anyway. Comments + Critism = Love
[color=blue][size=1]OOC: I can fly! xP Oh well. I'll just say that she's still too shaken to fly at the moment. >_
[color=blue][size=1]OOC: Sorry it took so long for me to post! My access to the computer has been limited all weekend, and might continue to be all week (but hopefully not). I'll post as much as possible, but I wanted to let you all know. ^_^;; -- The howling continued, growing louder each time. Rin had stopped in her tracks, attempting to locate the source of the frightening calls. But it was no use. Everytime she thought she knew where it was coming from, the next time it sounded as if it had come from a completely different direction. "Damnit," she grunted in frustration. The pain in her leg was beginning to subside, but only because she was standing still. The moment she tried to turn around and begin walking again, both the howl and the pain stopped her. "Stupid Marr," she mumbled. Up ahead, she could just make out the shape of trees. They were dense, and seemed to appear out of nowhere, just as this large grassy plain had appeared out of nowhere. The only constant of this area was the path. And even that wiggled around oddly. The howling subsided, and she felt safe. The rest of Rin's walk to the edge of the forest was silent, other than the sound of the wind blowing through the grass. It was calming. With all the other shit that had been going on, this was some of the most relaxation she had gotten in the past few days. As she reached the edge of the tree-infested area, she looked in. She spotted a few tails and a bird or two, but nothing much. "Maybe I was just imagening the howls," she told herself. But as soon as she took a step inside the foresty area, the howl picked up again. It was far off, but still very loud. Her pace picked up, and she walked as fast as she could without feeling too much pain in her leg. Suddenly, she heard the sound of many footsteps. She spun around, but saw nothing. Turning to her left, she expected to see a pack of dogs bounding her way, but again, saw nothing. She cursed fiercely under her breath, then turned to run. The pain in her leg was sharp now, and made her eyes tear up. But she knew standing around or walking slowly would get her killed. But what bothered her the most was what was howling, and how it managed to avoid being located. Normally, she would have been able to figure out where the source was hidden based on the direction of the noise, yet the source in this case was masterfully hidden. Frustrating her further, she was loosing energy quick, and the howls followed her the entire way. [i]'I have to find the others,'[/i] she thought anxiously. "Hello.. Rin." She froze. She slowly placed her right foot back on the ground, wincing a bit as the same shiver of pain zipped from her leg to her brain. "Meet Vin." Though she was still not facing Marr, she knew he was smiling. He was the type to grin uncontrollably at the misfortune of his prey. Rin knew that he'd done this many times before. He had been toying with her during their previous engagement. "Bastard," she spat, spinning around. At Marr's feet sat a large wolf, though its features were more fox-like. His lip curled to reveal shimmering teeth, sharp enough to pierce almost anything Rin could have used to defend herself. "How'd you do it?" she asked immediately. "How'd I do what?" he asked with fake surprise, unable to hide his grin. "Hide yourselves, amplify the sound of your footsteps, and change the volume of this mutt's howl so that it sounded as if he was a mile away one moment, and right behind me the next?" Rin took a breath after her long question, and waited for an answer. But Marr didn't feel like being nice and telling her. Instead, he made a small gesture, one that most wouldn't be able to see, towards his pet. Rin's back foot scraped along the ground behind her as she readied herself for an attack from 'Vin'. But it didn't come from where she thought it would. A few moments after Marr had gestured, Vin leapt forward. Instinctively, Rin grabbed her sword and pulled it out in front of her. As soon as her sword was out and ready and she took a step forward to block, however, Vin disappeared like a puff of smoke. "What the--?" she began, but was cut off by a strong force that sent her forward onto the ground. Luckily, she didn't land on her sword, or else it would've gone straight through her head. She rolled onto her back and scanned for her attacker. It was none other than Vin, who sat calmly with his tail wagging. "Stupid dog," she spat, getting up. "Ah ah ah," Marr's taunting voice snuck into her ear. "He doesn't like being called a dog." "Bite me," Rin said calmly, holding her sword out again. "You heard her Vin," Marr chuckled. Though her eyes were not on Marr, she knew he made a small motion with his hands because no sooner had he said "Vin", the wolf was bounding her way. But this time, she did not take a step forward. She merely held out her weapon and waited for Vin to try disappearing again. Disappear he did, but she jumped seconds after, and saw Vin lunge forward where she had been moments before. "Brat. Can't you stay put," she heard Marr grumble as she landed. The moment her leg returned to the ground, she barely managed to stifle a loud yelp. [i]'Okay. Jumping. Bad,'[/i] she thought sarcastically in her head. Vin got to his feet and shook off his fur before looking to Marr for direction. "Give him another order," Rin barked. Marr was silent. "If you say so," he sighed after a long pause. More gestures, and Vin was on the attack again. "Die mutt!" Rin shouted as she leapt forward. Vin, while limber, was too slow, and fell victim to the large blade. It lodged in his gut, and he fell to the floor in whines and howls of pain. She turned to Marr, and expected to see him with a look of shock or sadness on his face. But he was completely calm, and his face still had that same annoying smirk on it. "You're a prick," she growled through clenched teeth. "Heh. I know," he smiled back. Marr pulled out a pair of knives that he hadn't used in their previous encounter and wasted no time. Almost immediatly, he sent one screaming past Rin's head. "DUDE!" she shouted at him. He seemed taken aback by the new word. "What the HELL was THAT?! Are you [i]insane[/i]?!" Her new-self- the warrior, swift, cunning and tactful- was suddenly replaced by her old-self- irritable, loud, and clumsy. It was surprising that she already had two ways of acting already, having only been there a few days, and only having her weapon for one. "I can't believe you tried to [i]take off my face[/i]," she screamed, putting emphasis on the last part of the phrase. Startled and confused, Marr stood, mouth agape, staring at her, listening to her rant. -- OOC (2): I'm not quite finished yet. I'll finish their battle in my next post. Hope you don't mind that I'm so slow! ^_^;[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]OOC: Gah.. Sorry it took so long for me to reply. x3 I'll have a bit of the previous night, and then Rin and Kina's arrival at the airport. -- Kina stood quietly on her doorstep as Rin contemplated. Normally, she wouldn't have hesitated, but would have happily accepted and dragged her friend inside. But now she did, only because she was still a bit upset of her having forgotten her. But she was here now, wasn't she? "Alright. Come in. My dad should be back late this night, anyway," Rin smiled, stepping aside to allow Kina in. "Let me call Tina, alright?" "Yup. You know where the phone is," Rin smiled. While Kina called her sister, Rin rushed upstairs to tidy up her room a bit. She made her bed, placed her bookbag in her desk chair, and flipped her pillow over so that the wet spots weren't visible. "Rin?" Kina called from below, having finished her call. "Up here," Rin shouted back, noticing her letter. When Kina reached her room, Rin was gaping at a piece of paper in her hands. "What is it?" she asked in a worried tone. "This letter.. Read it.." Kina's eyes scanned the paper, and her jaw, too, dropped when she finished reading it. "Are they [i]serious[/i]? .. Wait! I got one, too. Tina said there was a letter for me back at home." "Well.. if we're going, we'll need to back. Call Tina back and have her bring over more things," Rin suggested. "Heh. She's going to get mad at me for this," Kina laughed. -- "There it is dad," Rin pointed out the window, spotting where the students were to meet. "Thanks for the ride Mr. Himotaka," Kina said politely as she exited the car. "No problem Kina. You two have fun," he smiled. Rin got their bags out of the trunk before he left, and they waved as he drove off. "Here," Rin said, handing Kina her bags, "You carry yours. They're really heavy you know that?" Kira grinned, but took her bags and walked toward the other students with Rin anyway.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]OOC: Sorry it took so long. >_> -- "I'll go," Jiu said quietly to Treana. Most of the others had already gone through the strange ritual, and were currently attempting to counsel Nida. Still, Jiu needed to get this done first. But as the village leader stood awaiting for her to touch the strange symbol, her doubts began to engulf her. [i]'What if I completely change? Like Nida and Laqara?'[/i] she thought quietly. [i]'And what gift [b]will[/b] I get? Something useless? Or something helpful? This is driving me nuts!'[/i] Finally gathering up the courage, she walked forward and held a hand out. "Don't fear, child," the wise woman cooed. "You will recieve a wonderful gift that may just defeat the beast." The old woman's encouragement allowed her to place a hand on the symbol. Immediately, she felt a strange warmth. But it was soon replaced with the cooling rush of wind around her. The greyish glow of the symbol engulfed her for a brief moment before she was forced to let go as she rose in the air. She thought that once her hold on the symbol was broken she would be released and fall back on the floor of the cave. Yet still she floated, a few of the small rocks in the cave being swirled around as well. "Wha.. How do I get down?" she cried. Instantly, she fell to the floor, cushioned by a gentle breeze beneath her. "So.. What's my gift?" Jiu gaped. Inside, she blushed, realizing how slow she was. "Wind, my dear," Treana said suddenly. "How do you know?" Jiu asked her, getting up. "The breeze, the sudden rush of wind, and your little levatation," the old woman smiled. Jiu stared at the symbol, then to her hand. She waved her hand a bit, expecting nothing, but recieved a small wind current swishing around in the same pattern her hand had been moving moments before. "Cool!" she giggled in glee. Having recieved her gift, she remembered Nida's displeasure, and went outside to attempt to comfort her.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]When she was released, Rin gasped for air. "Rin!" Kyle shouted, but was stopped by the approach of a Satanic. As she coughed and wheezed, trying to get more air in her lungs, he knelt beside her and concentrated on the large gash down her neck. But she didn't even feel it. The lack of oxygen was cutting off most of her senses. By the time she'd finally managed to breathe correctly, the healing was done. She tried to speak, but couldn't make anything understandable come out of her mouth. He raised an eyebrow, but shook his head. "She'll be fine," he sighed to Kyle as he stood up and began to walk away. Kyle rushed over and helped Rin get to her feet. Kiana stood next to Kou, and the two of them stared bewildered as the boy walked off. "W-Wait.." He stopped and turned his head. "Rin.. You shouldn't speak for a bit," Kyle sighed. But she stared at the one who had healed her. "Thanks.." He grinned, then turned away and began walking off again. "Your welcome," he called from over his shoulder. When he'd eventually disappeared, Kiana instantly blurted, "Who the hell was [i]that[/i]?!" "I don't know.. I think he's a Satanic," Kou replied. "But why would he heal Rin if he was with the Satanics? I've never heard of a [i]kind[/i] Satanic, and I don't ever expect to meet one," Kyle ranted. But Rin wasn't listening. [i]"Who was that..? And what if he really is a Satanic..?"[/i] she thought quietly, gazing off after the strange boy.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]The force of a strong gust of wind broke off the root that was slowly strangeling Kiana, and then another gust released Kyle. Rin helped them to their feet then glanced around. "Glad to see you finally fighting Rin," Kiana smiled. "Where's the Satanic?" Rin asked immediatly, knowing she probably hadn't gone far. Kiana shrugged. As Kyle opened his mouth to say something, another pair of large roots spiralled upwards from beneath the ground. "Watch it!" he shouted. Rin dove to the right as the roots grabbed for her. When she stood up, Kiana was sprawled out on the ground a few meters away. [i]'She was hit,'[/i] she thought quickly, snapping one of the recent roots in half. Glancing over at Kiana again, she was relieved to see her on her feet. "Die Celestial." Rin spun around to see the Satanic chanting something. Instinctively, she tried to jump backwards, but was knocked off balance by a dead branch shooting up in front of her face. Before she hit the ground, she was caught from behind. Looking up, she saw Kyle. "Nice catch," she laughed. "I can't believe I missed," the Satanic muttered. Standing on her own, Rin turned back to face her opponent. "Get used to it," she replied, a smirk on her face. Kyle launched an attack at the girl, sending her backwards. Kiana rushed up to his side. "You think you beat her?" she wondered. -- OOC: Got tired of standing there. xP[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Yay! I've been waiting for an update, Annie. Glad to see you're still writing. ^_^ Very nice installment. It leaves me wondering what happens to Roger? Has he seen everything? Will he follow her? All that wonderful cliff-hanger jazz. ^_~ Can't wait for more! x3[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]"Nice one." Kyle spun around to see Rin leaning in the doorway, smiling wide. "You were supposed to get out of here," he said with a stern look on his face. "I'm the one who wanted to fight, remember?" His face softened, and a smile appeared on his face. "Well then. Pick your victim." She glanced around, but felt it best to wait until attacked before starting a fight. "I'll take my time," she whispered loudly. He nodded, then turned back to face the one he had been fighting with. But when he looked back to where the man had been just moments before, there was nothing. "Where'd that son of a bitch go?" "Look up," Rin advised him, still in the doorway. Kyle looked up to see his opponent about to land on him. He dove forward, just missing a shot of flames that had been fired seconds ago. Rin blew the flames out with a small gust of wind before the Satanic landed. "And who are you? Another Earthian? Or a Celestial?" he grinned, his eyes full of malice. "Celestial," she replied blankly. "Wait right there," he snickered, holding her chin with his two fingers. "I'll be back for you when I'm done with this one."[/size][/color]
Discuss The Cartographer's Tale - Underground [PG]
Kitty replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Theater
[color=blue][size=1]I know I'm not actually in the RPG yet, since you haven't decided who is participating, but just in case I [i]do[/i] get in, here's my question. Do the characters get weapons during the story, or do they fight by some other means (fist fights, for example)? Other than that, I'm pretty clear on the rest of it. ^_^[/size][/color] -
[color=blue][size=1]Geeez.. So many guys... @_@ [B]Name:[/B] Lilian (Lily) Eerine [Ear-in] [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Occupation:[/B] [I]CHARWOMAN[/I] - cleaning woman [B]Appearance:[/B] Lilian stands fairly tall, at 5'6", and weighs a bit under 120 lbs. She has glowing green eyes that contrast with her soft facial features. She has long brown hair that reaches down to her hips, and usually ties it back in a braid. She is normally clothed in a long, faded sky-blue dress that is torn slightly near her ankles, with short sleeves, and a few sewn on flower patterns around the center. It's cut very modestly, but does show off her somewhat subtle curves. Since she cleans for three or four upperclass women, her raggedy dress is usually dirty. She also has a large shirt and pair of old pants she made herself, but doesn't wear them often since her mother looks down upon her looking like a boy. [B]Personality:[/B] Lilian is kind and willing to help out, but gets easily bored, and is usually impatient. She'll speak her mind to anyone at anytime, except to her parents. She has a habit of wanting to solve everything with a fist fight, but is normally denied. Lilian is a puzzle solver, thinking in a logical yet simplistic way. She concentrates on the matter at hand, and rarely lets the smaller things get to her. [B]Any Other Information:[/B] Lilian is a tomboy, and always enjoys a good tumble with her older brother, Matt. Her mother always looked down on the way she acts, but her father doesn't seem to mind. She hates her job, since she rarely gets any time to spend with her friends. It was her mother's idea for her to be a cleaning woman in the first place. Every once in a while will ditch her job for a day, and walk around the outskirts of town with a friend or two. -- Whew. Now that I'm done, I hope I get in. x3[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]"I'm probably late!" Jiu moaned as she shoved a few more things into her bag. Placing the strap over her shoulder, she rushed out of her home, saying good-bye to her mother and younger sister. "Take care of Uya, Miu," she called to her younger sister. Uya was Jiu's pet cat, and she knew it wasn't a good idea to bring him along. So, she put him in her sister's care. She strolled off down the path in a fast-walking fashion, grumbling under her breath about how she was always the last one there. "I'm probably so late, that.." she started, trailing off into a ridiculous list of things the others were doing while waiting for her to show up. Jiu carried her sword in her hand, having lost its sheath long ago. She had given up the search for it soon after. A few people gave her odd looks, as if she was going to raid the town. But she paid them no mind. She was busy concentrating on how the village leader was going to kill her. "What am I going to say when I get there if I'm so late? 'Sorry I'm unbelievably, ridiculously, frighteningly late'?" she ranted to herself. But as she ranted, she glared at the ground, not watching where she was going. She soon bumped into a young man. Lucky for him, she bumped into him with her left side. Had she with her right, he may have been stabbed through the abdomen with her sword. "Oops!" she squealed, afraid that he would be mad with her. "I'm sorry! Sorry sorry!" "That's quite alright. Go on your way," he said calmly. She blinked a few times, then bowed and rushed off, this time looking straight ahead. "He probably knows.." Jiu thought quietly. She had been treated better ever since she was given the news that she would be sent to find the Asestis. She had felt it was rude that she was being treated better just because she was being sent away on what some thought was a suicide mission, but knew better than to bring it up. [i]"I don't want them to be even [b]madder[/b] with me,"[/i] she thought to herself. But all thoughts flooded out of her mind as she laid eyes on the village leader's hut. "I'm here.. And I'm not late!" she giggled in glee, noticing someone outside. If the 'meeting' had already started, she wouldn't be outside getting in some last minute practice. Jiu scuttled past the girl, giving her a slight bow, then entered the hut. Inside, there were a few people, but not too many. [i]"I'm so glad I'm not the last one to show up,"[/i] she thought happily. She sat down against the wall opposite a quiet boy and girl, and next to another girl. Letting her bag off her shoulder and placing her sword carefully by her side, Jiu waited for the rest to arrive so the meeting could get under way.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]"Conformists"? [i]That's[/i] what you call a bunch of people who just want to go to a dance and have fun during their last few weeks of high school? You're a 'goth', aren't you? And you sure seem to enjoy stereotypes, huh? =\ Anyway, on topic.. I'm a freshman in high school, so I don't go to prom yet. But my friend got asked by a junior to go to the junior prom. I was real happy for her. I, myself, hate dances because I can't dance. That, and no one ever seems to ask me to go. >_
[color=blue][size=1][B]Name:[/B] Jiu Kha [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Weapon:[/B] Sword (see appearance) [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=18&pos=11]Click[/url] [B]Personality:[/B] Jiu is very bubbly and always active. Very few things can get under her skin, but the things that do can drive her insane. She rarely gets angry, but can still be annoyed often. She has a habit of taking things personally, when she really shouldn't. [B]Gift:[/B] Jiu gained the ability to manipulate the air and wind around her. All she can do at first is speed herself up for easy escape. As she gets better at controlling her power, she can make herself float, and eventually fly. She'll learn ways to to suffocate others, lift heavy objects, summon large amounts of wind, and surround herself in a little "bubble" that can let her breathe in areas with little to no air (ie. underwater). EDIT: Added the gift. I can post now, right? >>;;[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]"It's over. We're finished. They've won." The words traveled through the room, striking each person hard. All stayed silent. So many ways to put the final outcome. A war, having lasted more than anyone could have wanted, had ended. That fateful day had come and gone, taking the war with it. It was over. "I don't believe it," one against the wall mumbled. "Rin.." another beside her sighed, grabbing her arm, trying to quiet her. It was best to be quiet now. To be peaceful. "No!" she growled, pulling her arm away. "I won't sit here! This is bullshit! We can still fight. And we're far from powerless! Just get out there and [i]do[/i] something!" Around her, the broken ones stared, their eyes wide. The tension was unbearable. Everyone waited for someone else to talk sense into this foolish girl, but nobody stepped up. Nobody wanted to break her spirit. She was probably the only unbroken one there, anyway. "Rin," a man finally spoke up. She took a step back as he took a step forward. "What," she scowled, taking another step back. "Don't be foolish. You're a young girl, and we are weakened men and women. There's no way we can go up against the Satanics again. We gave it a shot. There's nothing we can do now. Nothing [i]you[/i] can do," he explained. She was silent. Everyone turned away, positive that he had, indeed, crushed all of her hope and rid her off spirit. "I'm sorry, Rin. But I had to rid you of those.. ridiculous notions," the man apologized quietly. "You're wrong." Their eyes, that had just been avoiding the two figures in the center of the room, snapped to attention. She had spoken out. Her spirit was still there. Still strong. There was hope. "They're not ridiculous. And we aren't weak. Just because [i]you[/i] were one of the first defeated, that doesn't mean you can call the rest of us weak! We lasted longer than you, and next time, we can out last them. I know it. And you know it, too," she smirked, seeing the look in his eyes, "But you don't want us to go. Because you know we'll leave you behind. [i]Weakling[/i]." "Enough," came another voice. The man Rin had just been arguing with stood silent, looking as still as a marble statue. But inside, he was shaken and his pride was bruised. It was in his eyes. Written all over his face. He stepped back to his spot against the wall. What was left of his spirit escaped him. He was broken. And unfixable. Rin growled as she spun around and faced the one who had barked. "No more of this, Rin. Your outbursts are pointless. We will [i]not[/i] go up against the Satanics again. They have beaten us, and we will stay beaten if we want to live," he demanded. His voice was stern. His look was superior and frightening. But he was no older than she was, yet his orders were obeyed, while he was respected and feared. "And you're a coward!" she shouted, the windows bursting open, and doors flapping madly. Anything that wasn't living was picked up and thrown around by the invisible force. Her hair whipped across her face, and her eyes cried for someone to believe her. Just one. "Stop this nonsense, Rin. Now!" "No! I don't have to listen to you. It's your fault, Karn! It's all your fault..." Her voice faded with the winds. As she calmed, everything else did. Whatever had been picked up now gently fell back to the floor, and her hair calmly returned to her cheeks. "It's all your fault," she repeated, stepping backwards. "It's all your fault." A tear streamed down her face as she reached her spot on the wall. Silence enveloped the room again, and Karn stood in his spot, eyes locked with Rin's. As they stared at one another, Rin mouthed a final message at him before slumping and falling to the floor. -- OOC: Sorry it took so long.
[color=blue][size=1]Jin landed on the floor beside Renee, who had stepped to the side just moments before. She let out a few 'tsks', then grinned. "My, my. You should know better than that. Manners, dear Jin. Manners," she taunted. The angry demon's temper grew worse and worse with each passing moment, disgusted by her opponent's taunting. Without a word, she spun around and, on her back, launched a kick at Renee. Grabbing her around the ankle, Renee twisted it nearly all the way around with a sickening crack. Howling in pain, Jin clawed at the floor, trying to pull herself away. "Does that hurt?" Renee asked with a fake look of surprise on her face. She turned Jin's ankle a bit to make it less painful. "How about now?" She couldn't hold it in now. Her grin returned to her face, malice glinting in her eyes. [i]'How fun this is! I've waited for a long time, Jin. A looong time.'[/i] "You.. bitch.." Jin grunted through her painful squeals. "Aw. Name calling isn't very polite, Jin. What did I say about manners?" Renee giggled, returning her ankle further back. Jin screamed in pain while Renee squealed in delight. Jin, still in pain, attempted to escape Renee's grasp. She expanded her wings, even though they were beneath her, so that they stretched from one wall to the other. Beginning to flap rapidly, Jin's body began to lift from the messy floor. But to her dismay, Renee kept a tight grip on her ankle. The higher she got, the worse it was. Soon, Renee grew tired of her screams. "Oh, shut up," she ordered, pulling out her sword again. But before she could bring it down upon her prey, it yelped. "No! Mercy! I beg of you!" Jin cried, tears beginning to stream down her face. Renee paused, holding her sword in striking position. Her eyes were wide, and her smile gone. Jin's screaming was replaced with her whimpering and heavy breathing. ".. Mercy?" Jin's tears started up again, and she began to moan. "Please, Renee. I beg of you.." she persisted. "You expect.. mercy? From [i]me[/i]?" Renee gaped, staring at Jin with her wide eyes. "Please.." she whimpered again. "Please.. You've done enough.." "No." "No? B-But-! You can't! Yo-You've already--" "Quiet," Renee snapped, spinning her ankle all the way around, then slicing it off. The screams returned. "You don't deserve mercy. [i]Whore[/i]," she snarled before sending her sword through Jin. The screaming stopped, and the blood filled the floor, but Renee didn't care. She turned to Nier. "She is your mate?" "Well.. She was," he laughed, as if he hadn't just seen her die. Renee dropped the bloody foot ontop of the dead demon's body, and tugged her sword out. She walked over to Nier and sat beside him.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]"Marr.." Rin sighed, walking down the path. Since she'd passed the area that was mangled and uprooted by the young man she'd confronted, it had been smooth sailing. The foresty area had turned into a great big plain, covering all but the path she walked on. She wondered if Marr would come for her again, but doubted it. He had no place to hide, after all. Unless he could shrink to the size of a blade of grass and trail after her. But then he wouldn't do much damage, anyway. With Marr being less of a threat, she calmed down. The adrenaline had run its course, and now she felt the throbbing in her shoulder and the large cut on her leg. "Shake it off," she told herself. "You won't be able to find the others if you sit down and try to wait out the pain. Which wouldn't work anyway, now that I think about it." Having forgotten why she'd been traveling in the first place, she walked slow, and constantly looked around for her companions. "Maybe they followed..?" But they hadn't. And it wouldn't be to long until she remembered why she'd split up with them in the first place. But until then, she glanced over her shoulder, hoping to spot Aron or the others. Suddenly, her memory rushed back to her and the impact hit her like a speeding locamotive. "The race!" she shouted. She stood silently, gaping at the plain. How could she have forgotten? Sparing no more time, she broke out into a run. But she stopped soon after, sharp pains coming from the cut on her leg. "Damnit," she cursed. Then she heard it. It was a howl. "A wolf? Here?" Rin laughed it off at first, but then the howl came again. Her pace quickened each time the eerie moan sounded. Each time she heard it, it sounded louder. As if the source was coming closer. [i]'Maybe it is,'[/i] she thought silently. A shiver went down her spine as the howl came again. It was so close. Threatening and taunting her, both at the same time. "Damnit, you stupid leg," she growled, looking down at her wound. "Damn you Marr." The howl came again. This time so close she had to spin around to make sure it wasn't on the path behind her. "I'm in deep shit," she moaned, walking as fast as she could without pain shooting through her leg.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Rin walked silently down the street. It was dark, and she had left Ran and Kyo with the others. She couldn't help but feel out of place. [i]'I'm never wanted..'[/i] she thought sadly. A part of her told her not to believe it, that [i]someone[/i] cared. But she persisted. [i]'It's true. I'm always ignored, and I swear I could leave home and stop going to school and not a single person would notice. Maybe Dad.. If he wasn't so tired all the time.'[/i] But all this negative thinking just made her feel worse and worse, and soon, she was so depressed that she could barely continue walking. "Why should I go home?" she asked no one. There was no point. She wasn't awaiting a call from anyone. Nobody ever stopped by just to 'say hi'. She could sleep in the park and nobody would notice except the homeless man whose bench she'd stolen. "I'm invisible," she muttered. Still, she went home. She didn't know why; it was just instinctive. Routine. She felt that she was so bland and boring that she couldn't help but stick to routine. Rin, once home, grabbed a letter shoved in her door on her way in, and then waltzed immediatly up to her room, leaving the door open behind her. "Nobody's going to come up here," she thought aloud. "I can do whatever and nobody will see me doing it." She fell onto her bed, grabbing her pillow and pulling it down on her head. Today sucked. She'd been ditched, late, and ignored all together. The only one who'd given her some kind of recognition after the fire was Ran and his aunt. And not for very long, either. Was she that insignificant? Really. Who [i]did[/i] care about her? There was Kina, but she hadn't paid her any attention either. And Rin had basically saved her life. Suddenly, Rin felt a large amount of guilt. [i]'How can I be so selfish..? She could've died in there. How can I wish that I hadn't gone in there to save her?'[/i] But then, another thought popped into her mind. If she hadn't saved Kina, that doesn't mean nobody else would have. Zeph and Alex and the others would have saved her. It's not like Rin was her only friend. All these conflicting thoughts, and all these horrible feelings began to tear at her. "I'm invisible. None of this matters," she said blankly, staring apathetically at the wall. In an instant, she changed from overwhelmed by feelings, to feeling nothing at all. Why get beaten and bruised when you can not feel anything? But ignoring everything didn't make it go away. After only a minute or two, she burst into tears. She rolled onto her back and began to cry into her pillow, still pulled over her head. The letter lay unopened on her desk, waiting for her. -- OOC: Gah. Damn my English teacher's angst discussions. @_@;;[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]"You're a fool to have returned." "But I'm a damn powerful fool, and I've got more than enough sense to outwit you anytime. Now shut up and tell me where Nier is," Renee spat, her temper growing fierce. The other demon hesitated. "It's not a good idea to see him, Renee. He was very disappointed in you," he persisted. Growling now, Renee slammed her fist on the table. "Tell me, now, Khlever. Tell me [i]now[/i]," she ordered, her voice low and demanding. Khlever let out a sigh, then stood up from the bench. "Follow me." Renee stood up as well and walked after him as he turned and left. They walked past many demons, devouring one another. The heat was unbearable. Just the way she liked it. [i]'It's wonderful to be back home,'[/i] she thought happily. The horrific screams and the disgusting creatures all amused and delighted her. She hadn't seen her home for more than three hundred years, and it was good to be back. Renee became so caught up in her delight, that she hadn't realized Khlever had stopped. She walked right into him. "Daydreaming? You haven't changed at all," he grinned. "I've definately changed, Khlever. More than you'll ever know," she growled. "We're here," he gulped, "Neir and Jin are inside." "Thank you," she smiled. Without warning, in one swift motion, she unsheathed her broad sword and brought it straight through his neck. She licked the tip as Khlever's head slid off his body and onto the ground. "You were a fool to lead me here... A damn fool." She grinned to herself as she resheathed her sword, and pushed through the door. It was like a miniature tavern. A male demon and a female demon sat in the back chattering at a rounded table, while broken and splintered tables littered the rest of the room. The male looked up for a moment, and began to turn back to his companion when he paused and looked back at Renee. "Neir? Neir? What is it?" the female asked before also turning to face Renee. Her jaw dropped when she saw who was standing at the other end of the room. "Wha- What is [i]she[/i], doing here, Nier?! She was bannished!" "Ah. So you recognize me," she smirked, slowly making her way towards her old friends. "I could never forget you," Nier grinned. "This is Renee, Jin. I'm sure you remember her?" Jin hissed at the mention of her name. "Aw.. Did you two get in an arguement?" Nier taunted. Jin stayed silent, but she flashed her sharpened teeth in her fake smile. "Yes, actually. We did, didn't we Jinny?" Renee smiled, delighted by the reaction she received from calling her Jinny. "Right.. I believe you sold my brother out and manipulated one of the higher officers to make [i]me[/i] do the execution. What a [i]whore[/i] you were," Renee growled, the word 'whore' lingering in the air. "And I don't doubt that you're still a whore to this day." Jin jumped out of her seat and lunged at Renee. Nier sat patiently, his grin glued to his face. Almost nothing amused him more than the fights of others. [b]Almost[/b] nothing.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]It was wonderful. No more being trapped in Limbo where the grass looks so green and fresh, but feels so dead and dried. No more living in regret and doubt. [i]'I will get my revenge,'[/i] she grinned, a hint of evil gleaming in her eye. "Send me to Hell," Renee demanded. "I want to pay a little visit to Lucifer." [i]'Stick me in Limbo for three centuries, will you? Get ready, Satan. I'll take away what you treasure most. Your pride.'[/i] "Alright," Aelio nodded. It was quick and painless. One moment she was in front of the Gates of Heaven with a small group of demons and angels. The next, she was before the firey gateway to Hell. "Home." The word lingered on her lips, giving her a feeling she hadn't felt in ages. But she wasn't here to see her home. Her friends. Her past. No, she was here for something much more important. It would take many powerful connections, and a few favors, but she'd get it done. She'd do what no one had tried in ten millenia. Take revenge on Satan. "And if I can't get to him.. I'll settle for each and every other being in Hell," she growled, staring angrily at the gates. She took a step forward, then another, and another. Her pace hastened with each step, and her eagerness increased with each breath. [i]'I'll avenge your death, Rezel. And I'll avenge my humiliation, as well.'[/i] She stopped right before the gates, and glanced them over. She took a few deep breathes. "I'm going to do it. I'm going to defy Lucifer." And with that, Renee used every ounce of her strength to blow open the gates. Then she saw them. The stairs. "Ah.. How I've missed you." If she had the time, she would've walked down each and every step. Savoring it. Loving it. But she didn't. Spreading her wings, she lifted off the ground and flew down towards the very center of Hell. Where her greatest allies resided. Along with her greatest enemy. "You bastard, Lucifer," she growled. "I'll make you pay.. I'll make you pay!" Her speed increased as she shouted. [i]'He may be the ruler of Hell, but I'm a damn angry demon with a few tricks up my sleeve,'[/i] she cackled as she thought this to herself. [i]'He'll pay. The bastard.'[/i] -- OOC: Sorry if it isn't like what you wanted, but I'm not sure what your idea of Hell is supposed to be. I'll edit if necessary. ^_^;;[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Rin had chosen one of the various paths up the mountain that was more out-of-the-way than the others. She hadn't wanted to race. She never was any good at competitions, anyway. But it was all in good fun. The large sword on her back normally would've slowed her down, but over the past few hours, she'd gotten used to the extra weight, and could move just as easily as if she hadn't had it on at all. Twenty or so minutes passed before she was forced off the beaten path. Several trees had fallen down the obvious road, and it had been uprooted a bit beyond the trees. "What a mess," Rin sighed. It would be more difficult manuevering between bushes and trees and such with her sword. Running in a straight line was much easier. "Don't want to come in last," she shuttered. Coming in last was something she was never very fond of, but could always do. Losing everything from raffles to cards, Rin could rarely win at anything involving chance or physical skill. "Damn it," she grunted, examening her leg. It was a small, but painful, cut caused by stepping in a thorn bush. "I'm in another time period all together, and I [i]still[/i] can't get away from these things," Rin laughed. More time passed by as she crawled in between trees, over and around stumps and fallen logs. The further she got, the harder the path was to travel. [i]'This is so bizzarre,'[/i] she thought while climbing under an unusually placed bush. "A person did this," she thought aloud, closely inspecting a tree with many of its larger branches snapped off. "There's no way it could've happened naturally. And I don't think an animal would do this, either," she reasoned. Just then, she spotted some footprints. Human footprints. "I knew it!" she cheered in triumph. While completely lacking in the strength or endurance department, Rin could outwit and outsmart nearly anyone. Puzzle solving was a fun game of hers. Curiousity got the better of her, and she decided to follow the footprints. The path became slightly less difficult to travel through, the further she went. As if someone was leading her. "Nah," Rin shook it off, feeling like she was growing too paranoid. No sooner had the footprints stopped that she noticed she'd reached the end of all the broken and misshapen trees, and was back at the other end of the path. "Hmm.." she sighed, taking a moment to think it over. A moment or two after she'd stopped, she was flung a good five feet across the ground. There she lay, startled and dazed. Bruised, but not in pain. She easily got to her feet, though she had a bit of trouble staying upright. "Who are you?" she shouted immediatly, though she hadn't seen who hit her, nor did she see anyone now. But she recieved silence in response. Cautiously, she began to take a few steps backwards, onward on her path. The sooner she got out of here, the better. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in her calf and she was sent to the ground again. Sitting up sharply, she looked at it carefully. A large cut on her leg where the pain had been. It was beginning to bleed, though she doubted it would bleed much. She staggered to her feet once more, this time steadying more quickly. She pulled her new weapon off her back and held it in front of her. Though she hadn't recieved an answer last time, she decided to give asking one more try. "Who are you?" Glancing about, she saw no one. Heard nothing, with the exception of some chirps and fluttering wings of a few birds. "Come out, come out," she chanted, trying to psyche up her attacker. "Shut up," ordered a voice. It was deep, and had come from behind. Spinning around, Rin caught a glance of a boy. From what she saw, he looked her age. But she hadn't gotten a good look at his face. "What do you want?" she demanded, sick of the pointless game she was unvoluntarily a part of. "I want you [b]dead[/b]," the voice laughed. It was sharp, distinct. The voice of a cruel and vicious person. "And why is that?" Rin asked, stalling. Looking for an opening. Her eyes scanned everything around her, and she was on her toes, moving this way and that. Staying still left her open. Moving gave him a harder target. "Because.." the voice taunted. Suddenly, she heard it. Footsteps. His precise motions were now different; faulted, trackable. Rin listened carefully, finally standing still. She was no longer as vulnerable, for her opponent had lost one huge advantage. ".. I just [b]do[/b]!" the voice cried finally in answer. The footsteps' pace changed, becoming quick and few. But she could track them. A trick she'd picked up from many years babysitting her neighbor's son, who would constantly hide right before she arrived, and would try to sneak up on her. The first few times, it had worked. But Rin caught on quickly, and began counterattacking each time. The memory of her babysitting played through her mind in the few seconds she had spun around and deflected the boy's blow. He skidded back, shocked by the deflection. He had expected nothing of the sort. "How.. How did you?" he stuttered, taking a few moments to regain his composure. "Heh. Babysitting eight year-old Carter for three years. That's how," Rin told him, her confidence gaining. She'd deflected the blow and left him stunned. The rush was amazing. [i]'I should've started fighting long ago,'[/i] Rin chuckled as she thought this. Now she examined her opponent. A young man, definately her age. He was tall and skinny, but by no means weak. He had strength enough to knock her around like a bag of feathers, after all. He had malicious eyes, but a kind face. The contrast was surprising, but she had very little time to ponder over it. "I want you dead," he repeated. "Tell me your name," Rin demanded. She wasn't going to back down now. Not after she'd gotten that rush. The adrenaline excited her, fueled her, drove her. Nothing could stop her now. Not now. He smirked at her order. He wasn't going to comply with her requests, if he could help it. "Now, now, Rin. Of course you can know my name. After all, it wouldn't be very gentleman-like to rush off without telling you, would it?" The young man was confident, too. But much more. He was cocky; foolish. Rin was more sensible, but was also angered and startled by his statement. "How do you know my name?" "Ah. I know much about you, dear Rin. I'm surprised that you aren't with your companions, though.." The smirk. The damn smirk. It was beginning to irritate her. He could tell, and refused to let it off his face. "My name is Marr. Now that you know, I have even more reason to kill you," he sighed. He paused for a moment, enjoying the silence between the two. Then he disappeared again. But his footsteps were still trackable. He was letting his confidence confront his better judgement. Rin stood still, awaiting the inevitable attack. Again, she heard the rushing of the footsteps, nearing her from a single direction. As she turned to defend herself, she was startled by the sudden sound of the steps coming from an entirely different direction. But she was quick, and turned right around, and managed to both block the attack, and get in a large swing at Marr's stomach. Only the tip of the blade knicked him as he leapt back, but it was still quite painful looking. He stumbled in his landing, the pain in his stomach weakening his knees. He knelt down, one hand on his stomach, the other on the ground. "You.. bitch.." he coughed. He looked, and acted, as if he'd never been hit before. Never been blocked before. Never lost before. "Well, Marr," Rin growled as she let his name flow from her lips, "It seems you should be leaving now." "Oh?" he managed to spit out, though his sarcasm was easily heard in his voice. "Unless, of course.. You'd like another beating," Rin teased. He stayed silent. He pushed himself off the ground, and he looked directly into her eyes. Her chuckling subsided, and they stood in tense, menacing silence. After what seemed like hours, the Marr turned to leave. "Will you be coming back?" she called after him, as if they were old friends parting ways again. "Of course," he laughed over his shoulder. "Though I didn't kill you this time, I'll certainly be coming back to do away with you. It's not like I couldn't right now, but.. I'm tired. And this scrape you gave me needs a bandage." He scoffed as he disappeared once again. "Jerk," she spat. Marr's voice, appearance, and overall personality reminded her of one of her close friends, though last time she'd seen him, the two were fighting. She let out a gasp as she realized something. "I never said I was sorry.." Shaking it off, she turned and continued down the path, not even remembering why she'd been in such a hurry before. The race had been completely shoved out of her mind. -- OOC: Hope this is something along the lines of what you were hoping for. ^_^;;[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1][B]Name:[/B] Renee Lippin [B]Affiliation:[/B] Demon [B]Age:[/B] Appears in her early to mid twenties [B]Appearence:[/B] Attachments [First - Normal Form : Second - Demonic Form (except with larger wings)] [B]Personality:[/B] Renee is very hardheaded and stubborn. She rarely lets anyone else's plans become her plans, as she likes doing things her way more than any other way. Usually loud mouthed, she is rude and childish around most, though can be quite intimate and kind around others (though very few souls ever see her like this). Though she acts like a brat most of the time, other times she can be still and silent, scaring the wits out of others with her demonic glare. She is cunning, and always thinking. Fueled by anger, she becomes most dangerous when she feels anger, or worst of all, nothing. [B]Weapon:[/B] Broad Sword [B]Reason for Being Placed in Limbo:[/B] Her brother was deemed a traitor to Lucifer (Satan) for loving an angel and attempting to escape Hell for her. Renee was assigned the task of killing him, but she refused. Angered, Lucifer sentenced her to Limbo. She saw him die before leaving Hell for Limbo. [B]The Meet:[/B] "Damn you, Lucifer.. Damn you," Renee chanted, tear-filled eyes glued to the rocky ground. She had been walking for an eternity, or so it seemed. Time didn't seem to pass as she walked endless distances along the same road. The view never changed. Not even the ground. Others littered Limbo as well. She knew she wasn't alone. But she couldn't help feeling like she was. They wouldn't understand, nor were they important. Some were angels. [i]'Condemn them,'[/i] she'd think. [i]'Nobody cares about them.'[/i] She would chat with some of the demons, but not for long. She didn't desire their company; she desired information. News of a half-breed was circling around. His name was Dain. Recruiter of Demons. The demons she chatted with usually were killed when she'd had her fill. No point in letting them live if they were weaker than she. Most sent to Limbo [i]were[/i] weak. But she wasn't. She was one of Lucifer's high officials. But she had weakened. Not physically, but mentally. She couldn't do it. [i]'I couldn't do it,'[/i] she repeated. The screams of her brother lingered in her ears, and brought more tears to her eyes. Hundreds of years of service forgotten for one stupid act. Renee pitied him, but couldn't help but feel the way she did. He was her brother. Her kin. Her blood. "Revenge," she muttered. Every so often that word escaped her lips, merely to be regretted and tossed aside with thought. [i]'No revenge. It's impossible. Damn Limbo. Damn Lucifer.'[/i] The weariness of constant walking finally stopped her. She didn't feel like moving anymore. She wanted to just drop right there on the ground. Sit there for the rest of her sentence: eternity. But she couldn't do that. Something wouldn't let her. She stumbled off into the grass. She spat in disgust. "Bastards.." she swore at those who had created this Hell but not Hell. There, demons reigned supreme. She was honored as a warrior. She had many beasts that served her, and many that she hunted. Angels were prey. Glittery, flambouyant prey. Beings not worthy of anything. None were powerful. They gave in to mercy and sympathy. But demons.. They were proud beings. Nothing was more important than battle. Each looked out for themself, and no one else. Those with more power than them were to be feared. Hated. Those weaker were to be ordered around. And yet, here she was. Sentenced to this horrible place for being like those she hated most. She gave into sympathy and love. Feelings. She had tossed them aside centuries ago. Why had they returned then? Her blood. He was a pitiful excuse for a demon. She was shamed with his existance. All of this thinking enraged her. "A warrior has no feelings!" she shouted, slamming a fist into a tree. A lucious looking tree, littered with fruit. But she knew all too well that the fruit was tasteless and dry. "Damn you, Lucifer. I damn you to Limbo!" she cried out. "My, my. Temper, dear Renee. Watch your temper." Renee spun around, startled by the presence of another. Her surprised look melted from her face in seconds and was replaced by a look of calm and cunning. "Its been a while since I've seen another. Ah," she grinned, "A half-breed?" The man's expression darkened. "Call me that, and I'll slit your throat." "Calm down, boy," she mocked, her hunger for dominance flourishing in her tone. "Tell me. What can I do for you.. Dain?" Renee had asked, though she knew all too well what he would be asking of her. "You are experienced, demon. I know of your position, and of your strength. You are quite the puppeteer, as well" he smirked. He had learned of her 'habit'. Possesions were a fun little time passer back in Hell. Humans were easy prey. But she never killed them. No. That was too easy. Controlling their minds. Forcing them to kill loved ones. Now [b]that[/b] was a show. She would leave them and watch them mourn. Watch them squirm with guilt. "What a show," she thought aloud. "Join me, Renee. We can escape this torturious prison." "Me? Help a half-breed?" she spat, though the thought was intruiging. Dian was angered, but watched himself carefully. He couldn't loose a single ally. No matter how badly they got on his nerve. Renee examined his reaction. He was serious. As serious as a going-mad man could be, anyway. Her grin stayed on her face, taunting Dian. Her little games were amusing to her, but incredibly irritating to others. "Alright then," she giggled, after a long pause. She walked over and stood next to him. "Follow me, then." "Not yet. You must promise me an apple." "You're closer to the tree than I am. Get it yourself," Dian said dryly. "No. Not one of these. These aren't apples. They're pitiful immitations, designed to taunt us. I don't want one of those. No.. I want a real apple. A lucious apple. A [i]lovely[/i] apple," she breathed in his ear. She drew out the word "lovely" and let it linger in his ear, teasing him as if he was prey. "Alright. When we escape, I shall give you an apple. A [i]lovely[/i] apple," he added. They walked off down the dreary path. The path that never seemed to change other than the occasional appearance of other demons and angels. [i]'Damn you Lucifer. Damn you to Limbo,'[/i] Renee growled in thought, licking her lips in anticipation. -- OOC: Finally got it up. ^_^;; My.. Renee's quite the freak, just so you know. I think she's already gone a little insane. Heh. Hope that's alright.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Rin was startled by Rorohiko's sudden desire to know everything about Abstract. "It's not like he's [i]my[/i] pokemon. I don't know that much," she began. She paused, examining his face for a moment, and saw his determination. He really wanted to know, which struck her as odd, but she chose to tell him anyway. "Well.. My first encounter with Abstract was when my dad was still living at home in Saffron. I always thought it strange that there was an Absol in Kanto, but there he was, sitting on our doorstep that one day. I came outside and played with him for a bit, not knowing any better. To me, he was just a big dog. We played around in my front yard for hours. When it finally got dark, my father came outside to see why I had been out all day. Abstract had sat calmly beside me until he was spotted. My father had tried to catch him, but Abstract could block or dodge every single ball thrown at him. I didn't want him to go, but if staying meant being bothered by constant attempts to be caught, I knew it'd be best for him to leave. I told my dad to stop, and he did. Abstract said 'goodbye', then bounded off." "It actually said, "Good-bye"? Or did you two just have a mutual understanding of good-bye?" "No.. I heard a voice. I can't remember the voice anymore, but it distinctly said, "Good-bye", and a little more." Rorohiko nodded. "And what did he look like?" "He looked just like any other Absol, except that he looked a bit bigger, and his coloring seemed off to me with a few different marks on him. And the cresent on his head is actually facing the other way. But I've never gotten that close to him since then, so I can't say for sure." Rorohiko looked like he was deep in thought, taking in each word and weighing it with great importance. [i]'What's the big deal?'[/i] Rin wondered quietly to herself. [i]'Abstract's just a pokemon. Maybe a bit unusual, but just a pokemon.'[/i] "Go on. You said before that bizarre things happen after each sighting of yours. What exactly happens?" Rorohiko spoke up. "The first few times I thought it was just a coincidence because sometimes it took a while before anything happened, and sometimes it was a few moments later that something happened. Lets see.. The first time.." Rin took a moment to remember. It was a long time ago, afterall. "I think that first time, almost immediatly after, we found out that our neighbor's daughter had been in an weird accident around Lavender Town, and fell into a coma. The next time I saw Abstract, she came out of the coma. "There were other times where large storms came out of nowhere after I'd seen him while traveling. I'd have to find refuge in Pokemon Centers, or in out of the way homes. After another sighting, while I was in a battle, my Dratini recieved a big hit and fainted. But a moment later, before me using a revive, or even switching pokemon, he jumped up and defeated the other trainer's pokemon in a few short moments. This one time, I--" "Why does it follow you?" Rorohiko interrupted. Rin was not only bothered by Rorohiko's constant referring to Abstract as 'it', but his rude interrupting, as well. "[i]He[/i]," she corrected, "follows me because we have a connection." "A connection?" "Yes. A connection." "What type of connection? How do you know?" Rorohiko pestered, demanding to know while not sounding forceful at all. "A connection people usually can only have with a pokemon of their own. A very strong bond. Abstract helps me, and if he ever needed it, I'd help him. All of those events have never hurt me in anyway. They've strengthened me, protected me, saved me. And.. it seems I'm the only one who can see him. Sometimes when he shows himself, he's hidden and it's difficult even for me to spot him. But other times, he'll be in plain view and no one else will notice him," Rin continued. "So.. Abstract follows you to help you?" "Yep. Whether I know it or not at the time, each thing he's done has helped me in some way." Rorohiko 'hmmed', then nodded in approval. He had heard all he needed for the time being. He turned away and stared at the floor, deep in thought. [i]'I wonder why he wants to know...'[/i] Rin thought quietly. Maybe Abstract was becoming more important than just a scape goat. -- OOC: Well, I was a bit uncreative with the events, but oh well. Hope that was okay, Takuya. ^_^[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]"It's all so confusing," Rin muttered. There were many sounds coming from outside; buzzing, shouting, cries of pain. None of it made sense to her since she hadn't seen anything. She was staying with the slumbering Scott, and Tsuka and Kite. She wanted to know what was going on outside, but she was glued to her seat. "What's going on?" Tsuka whispered, rushing over to a seat next to Rin. "I don't know. Just stay inside. They can handle it," she insisted. But all the noises. She recognized some of the noise as a helicopter. But that just blurred her idea of the outside's events even more. What was a helicopter doing there? "This is ridiculous," Rin thought aloud. She had been traveling less than a day, and already she felt like she was in over her head. Suddenly, she recognized one of the voices, as well. "Victor," she hissed. "Should we go outside?" Kite inquired. "No," Rin replied sharply. The outside wasn't the place to go. It lead to nothing but confusion. Inside it was distinct. Safe. Her odd train of thought was interrupted by the sudden entrance of Rorohiko with Absol in his arms. It looked wounded. But not by a pokemon. Pokemon never did such damage. "Who?" Rin asked. "Jared," Rorohiko replied. The two awake boys were confused. They didn't understand what Rin and Rorohiko were talking about. They weren't able to examine pokemon like Rin could. Damage done from a person is much different from damage done from a pokemon. Trainers learn that at some point. Rin wasn't going to tell them right now. "What does she mean 'Who'? And Jared? Who's he?" Tsuka whispered to Kite. "Oh my!" cried Nurse Joy at the sight. Chansey emerged and took the pokemon back with Joy, and Rorohiko was left to pace. "Wow.. What a prick, eh?" Rin joked, though neither of them laughed. Rorohiko stayed silent, glancing at her from time to time. He was concentrating on Absol. On Jared. On revenge. Rin leaned patiently on the desk near the emergency room, watching Rorohiko's anxious pacing. His constant pacing. Back and forth. Back and forth. Rin knew she didn't have to watch. It didn't have to bother her. But she couldn't move. She couldn't leave him to worry frantically. "Blame it on Abstract," Rin spoke up suddenly again. "Who?" Rorohiko asked, still pacing, not looking at her. "A wild Absol I see all the time. It doesn't matter where I am. I think he follows me. But everytime I see him, something bizarre happens." "Like an earthquake?" he said dryly, still not looking at her. Still pacing. "No. Nothing natural happens. [i]Bizzare[/i] things happen." Rorohiko wasn't interested, and continued his pacing. She couldn't grab his attention with tales of her wild pokemon sighting. What did he want to hear? "I heard Victor. Where'd he go?" Rorohiko's head snapped up. "How do you know him?" "Through Abstract. Abstract follows me, and Victor follows him. His group tracks wild pokemon, too," Rin explained, happy that Rorohiko had stopped his pacing. "He left in the helicopter. Jared joined him." "He made Jared attack Absol?" "No," Rorohiko snapped. It sounded like his hatred for Victor was surpassed only by this new hatred for Jared. She had known him briefly, and he had sickened her. He was thick-headed. Power hungry. Just the type to join Victor. There was a small ping noise, and the light above the emergency room turned from red to green. There was a sigh of relief shared between the two of them. Joy came back out, Absol walking beside her. "Good as new," she smiled. "That was fast," Rin noted. "We have plenty of Chanseys to help today. The center's quite empty today," she chirped, her smile not leaving her face. "Blame it on Abstract," Rin laughed quietly to herself. Maybe the speedy recovery of Rorohiko's pokemon was his bizzare effect this time. "That would be nice," she found herself thinking aloud. She returned to her seat next to Tsuka and kept an eye on Scott, just as she had been doing. The noise outside had subsided. A few voices remained, but that was it. The helicopter was gone. Rorohiko sat across from her and the three boys, stroking Absol gently. -- OOC: Wow. That's long. >> I felt like introducing "Abstract". No real importance, other than a connection for Rin. ^_^;;[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]OOC: Random post-trauma thing. @_@ Hope you don't mind Opal. ^_^;; -- Rin had a minor cut and a few bruises on her legs from dragging Kina and a few others out, but was free to go, otherwise. Home would be the logical place to go. She wouldn't have to deal with her father until he got home. Of course he'd ask about the day, because it would probably be all over the news. But she didn't want to go home. It meant routine, and she was trying to get out of her routine. She, instead, walked away from her home. Towards the park. She had wanted to find Aka, but was still annoyed by her not showing up this morning. [i]'She can find me at the park. She knows I go there often,'[/i] Rin reasoned in her head. The park was nearby. No more than a five minute walk, max. She stopped by a bench and sat down. She was tired. This whole day had been exhausting, and it had only been an hour since she'd left home. "Today sucks," she spat absent-mindedly. She didn't feel like walking much further, and found a bench in the shade of a tree. She sat quietly for a few more minutes before she was nearly hit in the face by a rogue ball. "Sorry," came the soft voice of the young girl who'd kicked it at her. "That's alright. Be more careful, though," she smiled. The young girl stumbled around the bench, grabbed the ball, and rushed back towards her friends. Rin chuckled as she watched them play. "I actually got hit." "Huh?" Rin was startled by the sudden comment, jumping a bit off the bench when she heard his voice. It was Ran. Though she was startled a bit, she was happy to see someone she knew. "Oh. Yeah," she coughed. Talking with Ran was normally not a difficult task for her, but today it was. Maybe it was the smoke. [i]'Yeah. The smoke.'[/i] "Having a good day?" Ran asked her, knowing the answer already. "Not really, no. How about yours?" Rin smiled. "Same old, same old," he joked. Rin laughed. This was the most peace she'd gotten all morning. Well, the most entertaining peace all morning. She didn't know Ran very well. He was in a class or two with her. But that didn't mean it wasn't nice to talk with him. They chatted for a while longer about nothing in particular. Their routine mornings. Friends. Classes. Favorite places to go after school. Nothing special. But it was calming after so much excitement. "I'm hungry," Rin spat out suddenly. "Me, too." "Wanna grab a bite?" Ran smiled happily, giving her a positive nod. Neither of them thought of this as a date. It was just a humble expedition enjoyed by both parties. They were hungry, they'd gone through something traumatizing, and they didn't feel like thinking about it. They deserved it. "Where do you want to go?" Ran asked Rin, walking beside her down the sidewalk. "I don't know. Anywhere." [i]'Anywhere but here,'[/i] Rin thought, glancing at the lingering smoke in the air. [i]'Anywhere.'[/i][/color][/size]