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[color=blue][size=1]OOC: I'm not sure if we have our weapons yet or not, so I'm going to post my character getting both a weapon [i]and[/i] her upgrades.. I'll edit if necessary. ^_^;; -- Upgrades: Magic Upgrade: Ice1 Physical Upgrade: Speed Slash1 "Hey you," came a shady voice. Rin turned, a bit startled, and wondered if he was referring to her. "Yes you," he answered without her saying a word. "You aren't from around here, are you?" Rin shook her head, bewildered by the old man before her. "I didn't think so. Your clothes are much different. Please, follow me," he ordered, spinning around and walking off. Rin, obediently, followed. She didn't know why she ran after the old man, but she did, nevertheless. After a few minutes of crawling through tiny crevices, climping a few boxes and jumping a fence or two, Rin grew impatient. "Where are we going?" "You'll see." Rin hated that answer. It always left her mind full of questions she knew he wasn't going to answer. While she busied herself thinking, she hadn't realized her recent acquaintance had stopped, and walked right into him. "Sorry," she huffed. "We're here," he smiled at her. "I figured," she said dryly. He didn't seem to catch this, or maybe he did, and began to walk towards a small doorway; one you wouldn't be able to see from the main street. "Alleys," Rin muttered, happy to leave the small crawling space and enter the larger building. Inside, there was strange music playing, with a few women walking around serving drinks. "A bar? You took me to a bar?" Rin laughed quietly to her guide. "Yes. But we aren't here for drinks," he grinned, continuing through another set of doors. He stopped before another set of doors and began to tap his foot. The new room was like a kitchen, except there were no stoves, no cooks, and no food. It was just white tiles all around with a few tables scattered along the floor. Rin stared around, and was startled by the sight of a chair stuck in the wall. She took another moment or two to glance over it, examining it for anything else out of the ordinary, before her eyes began to wander to the ceiling where she was, again, startled. She jumped a bit at the sight. "W-Why are they up there?" she tapped the man's shoulder. "Hmm?" he mumbled, glancing upwards. "Oh. They tried to get out of paying." A few bodies hung from the ceiling, but their heads weren't visible. Before she could ask anymore questions, the man held a finger to her mouth, signaling for her to be quiet. A bell rang, and he entered, Rin following closely. [i]'What am I doing here..'[/i] she asked herself, letting out a tiny moan. She recieved a sharp whip in the arm for it. "Ow.." she muttered, rubbing it. She turned her eyes away from her strange company, and was greeted with the sight of an attractive young man. "Your name?" She stared blankly at him. "Er.. Phele, are you sure you grabbed the right one?" the young man asked Rin's guide. "Yes, sir. I'm positive." "Then make her speak," he demanded in a quiet, yet angry tone. Phele, his name was, let out a small yelp, then signaled for Rin to speak. "Rin." "Rin.. You are from a different time, are you not?" "Uh-huh," she nodded. "There are others, correct?" "Uh-huh," she stuttered again, nodding once more. "Well then, I am here to help. I cannot protect you from the 'King', nor can I travel with you. But I [i]can[/i] give you something that will help. A weapon, and all the information I know," he explained. He paused, waiting for her reaction. Stalling a bit, as she always did, after taking in what he said, Rin jumped a bit, then smiled wide. "Thank you, sir!" "Call me Oni," the young man smiled. "Thank you, Oni," Rin smiled. The young man, known as Oni, seemed quite gracious. Rin was a bit confused as to why everyone else in the room quivered and shook at his every word. He didn't seem menacing, but if he was the force behind those men in the white room, Rin, too, would feel quite timid around him. He proceeded to order around a few of the men to bring him a large weapon and to bring forth some sheets. "Here. Take this," he said, snapping his fingers. One of his 'aids' brought forth a large sword for her. She took it from him, and wasn't surprised by how heavy it was. Yet, she managed to keep it off the ground. It took her a bit of effort, but she managed to stand it up in front of her. She admired it for a moment or two, then leaned on it, waiting for what Oni was to tell her.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Rin had run in the building after Alex had retrieved both Jace and Maria. Many others followed, but some branched off to save those in the Biology room. Rin, however, was after Kina. When she reached the classroom, the door was knocked down. [i]'Alex,'[/i] she knew immediately. Glancing around, and covering her nose and mouth with her tie, she spotted many she recognized. [i]'I'll come back for them, if others don't before me. Right now, I have to get Kina,'[/i] she reassured herself. It was hard to find her. Computers and desks and chairs lay everywhere, and a few of the ceiling tiles had fallen, and others were falling. "Damnit," she muttered angrily to herself. She was never good at dangerous things. Finally spotting her friend unconcious and beneath a chair towards the back of the class, she rushed over and removed the obstruction, then proceeded to drag her friend out. She laid her down to examine her for wounds, and found a large gash on her leg where the chair obviously had hit her. Thinking quickly, she ripped a bit off the bottom of her own skirt and tied it around her friend's bleeding leg, then placed her hands underneath Kina's arms, and pulled. "Kina!" she called, trying to wake her best friend up, dragging her towards the doorway. "Kina, wake up! You have to help me. I can't drag you all the way out of here," she managed to spit out between coughs. Just then, her friend began to cough and wheeze for a few moments, as Rin watched in horror. [i]'The smoke,'[/i] she began to look around frantically. "Her tie!" she cried, remembering her friend, too, had a tie. Rin paused a brief moment to wrap Kina's tie around her mouth and nose, then resumed dragging her out by her arms. Just then, Zephen burst through the doorway. "Rin!" he coughed. "Zeph! Get the others. I can take her," she demanded. She could get Kina out of harms way, if not all the way to the yard. The others needed rescuing, too. Suddenly, Kina began to cough again, but this time, her eyes opened as well. "R.. Rin!" she managed to spit out, between all her coughing. "Kina! Can you stand?" Her friend struggled to get to her feet, but with a bit of help, she stood. She couldn't put any weight on her injured leg, so she hopped on one foot, using Rin to walk. The two got out much quicker this way, and reached the yard sooner than Rin had thought possible. She laid her friend down near Jace and Maria, and ordered her to stay put. Not that Kina had any intention of leaving, but just to make sure. "Don't worry. I'll stay put," Kina reassured her. Rin then nodded and rushed back towards Biology. On her way, she spotted Zeph running out carrying Hoshiko. [i]'Okay. Another down. How many are left?'[/i] she wondered, running as fast as she could.[/size][/color]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Woo! Retri! I found it! x3 You showed us these back on Equinoxe, didn't you? ^_^;; Ooh.. New avatar.. *rates* >> .. The small avatar that goes with "Tokyo: Nightlife" is nice and cute. ^_~ 8/10. Too small. Dx I've already rated the other stuff, so phoey on you. But I must say, the last one is probably my favorite. *can't get over how cool the text is* And that halo thing in the background. Total ownage, Retri. ^_~ *huggles* I shall promise to post.. as long as you promise to update. >:^D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[color=blue][size=1]Well, Stuie, I TOLD you. When I made that banner, I had all crappy fonts. T_T Get over it. Dx Er.. thanks, Retri. >>;; Here's some new stuff that I did.. twenty minutes ago. ^_^;; The first set (it has 2 avatars, too) was basically just a text experiment. Nothin' special about it. (In fact, they are just cropped and moved around a bit..) The second, third, and fourth sets, though, I had real fun making. Random effects are the best. ^_~ [u][b]Precious Set:[/b][/u] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/80600garls1avatar1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/80600garls1avatar2.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/80600garls1banner1.png[/IMG] [u][b]The Awaken Set:[/b][/u] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/rakugaki31avatar1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/rakugaki31banner1.png[/IMG] [b][u]Playful Set:[/u][/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/OrangeOutfitavatar1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/OrangeOutfitbanner1.png[/IMG] [b][u]Angel Set:[/u][/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/ill14avatar1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/ill14banner1.png[/IMG] Wow.. Lots of images there. >>;; Oh, and just so you know, the symbols (hiragana) in the background of the "Angel" set mean.. well, angel. Soo.. Yeah.
[color=blue][size=1]Rin whimpered as she fell against the wall of her cell. The past few minutes were filled with pacing, and dreading what was to come. This place seemed like a more primative time, so the thought of being beheaded shot through her mind more than once. On the verge of tears, she was startled when one of the guards called her. "You. Come with us," he ordered, slowly opening her cell door. She stood up slowly from the cold floor and walked over to them. She was placed in cuffs, and was told to walk inbetween the two guards. Her heart beat faster and faster as she walked down the hallway, glancing around in a panicked fashion. [i]"I can't believe it.. I don't deserve this. I was just talking. Just talking! Now I'm going to be killed for coming here on accident!? It's absurd.. Damn it! I can't believe this! It's not my fault! I don't deserve this,"[/i] she thought angrily in her head. The closer she came to her new destination, the angrier she became. By the time she was in her chair, she could've sworn there was steam coming from her ears. The guards closed the door behind her, leaving her all alone to stare furiously at the door opposite her. Absent mindedly, she crossed her legs and tapped her foot anxiously. She began to click her tongue, and was glancing about the room impatiently. "Why am I here?" she muttered. She quieted and returned to staring at the door. [i]"It's not fair. I didn't do anything. I shouldn't be here. It's not fair,"[/i] she repeated silently in thought. Her quiet ranting was interrupted by the entrance of a young man, obviously very important from his armor. "I am Commander Rein. Yuri Rein. Who are you?" "Rin." He paused, expecting her to tell him her last name, but she was too angry to cooperate. When Rin grew angry, she was the most stubborn person you could meet. Her shyness melting away, she uncrossed her legs angrily. "Why are you keeping me here in handcuffs?" she demanded through clenched teeth. "I cannot tell you. And [i]I'm[/i] the one who's supposed to be asking the questions. So I suggest you be quiet," he sighed. He sounded sad, and this grabbed Rin's attention. She had a strange ability to pick out the emotions of others. She began to calm, but was still frustrated. "Where are you from?" "Uh.. Earth," she replied, uneasy with this question. "Aren't we still here?" Yuri's glance changed to an inquisitive stare. "No.. You, Ms. Rin, are in Flora." This was news to her, and her reaction was stalled a bit. "Flora.. Is that.. a new country or something? Or.. wait.. WOAH!" she shouted, standing up suddenly, accidentally knocking her chair backwards. She stumbled a bit, then found her balance and looked from the chair to her questioner. "You alright?" he asked her. She nodded, then picked up her chair, returning it to its former position, and sitting down in it once again. [i]"I'm not on Earth?! I thought I was just in a different time, but.. a different [b]world[/b]? This is ridiculous.. I need to wake up now,"[/i] Rin thought to herself. She shut her eyes tight for a moment, then tried pinching her arm. But she did not wake up, and she realized that this was real. "I would like to know how you came to Flora. Could you tell me?" Rin was silent. She hadn't heard his question, and was staring blankly at one of the corners of the room. "Um.. Rin? Rin?" he called. He finally waved a hand in front of her face and her eyes locked on him. "Um.. How did you get here?" "I fell through a crack in the ground," she told him. He blinked at her. She took this as an opportunity to continue. "I woke up a minute later. Well.. It felt like a minute. It could've been an hour. Or maybe a day. I don't know. All I know is that I woke up afterwards in a field of grass and ran into Aron. Now I'm here, being locked up for coming here on accident. In fact, if it was my choice, I wouldn't be here at all," she ranted at him. When she was done, Yuri stared at her for a moment or two. "Well.. Uh.." He hadn't been prepared for a rant, but he was beginning to understand how she felt. "So, Yuri. Or do I call you 'Commander'? What now?" she asked him. "Um.. I must pass judgement on you later. You are free to return to your cell," he said, turning around and heading for the door. "That isn't free," Rin coughed. "Excuse me?" he spun around. "I'm not free. I'm being shipped. There is a difference," she told him. Her frustration got the better of her, and she regretted snapping at him. But she couldn't help it. [i]"It's not fair.. He should understand that.."[/i] Rin thought, tears beginning to fall down her flushed cheeks as she was walked back to her small cell. -- OOC: Sorry that took so long. I was going to post sooner, but I kinda.. forgot. >>;;[/size][/color]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"Aka..." Rin muttered. She hadn't stopped by, and class was about to start. Sprinting her way up two flights of stairs, she stumbled over towards her classroom. Almost at the door, she thought for once she wouldn't be late. But to her dismay, the final bell rang. "Shit!" she cried, making a passing teacher stare at her in a rather menacing fashion. Rin chuckled nervously, then scampered quickly the rest of the way to History. When she entered, she was greeted with Genki's familiar voice shouting at her. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" she repeated, bowing to him. "It's just.. I was waiting for someone but they--" She glanced up and spotted her friend. "Aka!" she shouted, running up to her friend and plopping down beside her. "You're forgiven," Genki laughed after her. He cleared his throat and called for the classes attention. He then dove into his lesson. "Oops.." Aka mumbled, realizing she had forgotten. "I'm sorry, Rin. I won't forget next time." Rin eyed her oddly, but sighed and turned to listen to the teacher. After a few boring minutes, Aka wrote her friend a note. The note read, 'Have you seen the new girl? Ken's been eyeing her. [i]'Great,'[/i] Rin thought quietly. She returned, 'No. Where is she?' Passing her friend the reply, Rin waited for Aka to point her out. Aka nodded towards a girl a few rows down. "Her?" Rin mouthed, pointing at the girl. Aka nodded. [i]'What's she got, that I haven't got?'[/i] Rin huffed silently in a tiny fit of jealousy. Just then, Genki pointed in her direction and said, "The answer, please." "Me?" she blinked, pointing to herself. "No, the boy behind you," Genki laughed. "Oh," she coughed, avoiding the stares she was recieving and trying to ignore a few rude giggles. The boy answered, and Genki returned to telling the class something nobody was going to listen to. "Hey Aka," Rin leaned over. "Huh?" "Is there gonna be a test this week? Genki was saying something about a test yesterday." "I dunno," her friend replied, after a few moments of thinking. "There's a test Friday." Rin blinked, and noticed that it was Alex who had told her. "Oh.. Thanks. What's it on?" "The last two chapters we've read." "Thank you!" she whispered happily. She normally didn't study for tests, but had lost her book for a few weeks and hadn't gotten a chance to do the homework except in the library, which was usually closed by the time she got there. "Why'd you want to know?" Aka asked her. "If I don't get an A, my grade's gonna drop," Rin replied, busy scribbling down the chapters and date on a small piece of paper. "And you care why?" came another voice. "Because if one of my grades drop, then I'll get the car taken a-" she stopped short as she looked up, seeing she was answering to Ken. "The car taken..?" he eyed her oddly. "Away. The car taken away.. again," she sighed, shoving the paper into her bag and turning away. "Your friends a bit jumpy, isn't she?" Ken muttered in Aka's ear. "Shut up," she said, hitting him on the arm. "What?" he asked defensively. Rin laughed, but quieted as she realized she had attracted Genki's attention. He paused, looking at the three of them, then resumed writting on the chalkboard.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Rin Nuriyaka [B]Nick Name:[/B] Gust [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Power:[/B] Wind (like.. can fly, control air currents, make mini storms. That stuff, as long as it's okay with Momo, of course) [B]Group:[/B] Celestial [B]Personality:[/B] Not much is known about Rin because she keeps to herself. She is very strong-willed, and a bit vicious, but she can comfort someone when they really need it. [B]Appearance:[/B] Attachment Sorry I didn't finish the personality and appearance, but I'm getting kicked off. >>;; I'll have it edited by this time tomorrow for sure, though. ^_^ EDIT: Wow. Sorry it took so long. And it's short, too. >>;; Got it done, though. Heh.. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[color=blue][size=1]Ooh! Plot development! More characters! The story grows more interesting every chapter-ness, Annie. I love your style. Kayla's gruesome imagination is all the more funny (for me, anyway.. >>;; ). New chapters, pwease! =D[/size][/color]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]A loud alarm blared through the calm of the morning, a startled Rin scrambling to turn it off. "Damn.." she sighed, walking back over to her computer. A few clicks and she was up again, heading towards her bathroom. As she entered, she mumbled, "I hate it when I leave the alarm on." Waking up early was a habit of hers lately, since she was starting to put off her homework at night. That didn't stop her from getting it done and turned in, though. Rin glanced at the shower and noticed she'd left her towel in there from last night. "Damn it," she muttered. "My memory's falling to crap," she coughed, returning to the sink. She combed out her short hair, then grabbed her uniform, which was placed neatly up on the rack behind her. She changed quickly, but left her tie undone around her neck. She always tied it after she ate. Calmly strolling into the kitchen, she poured herself a small cup of orange juice, then made herself a small bowl of cereal. When she had finished, she made a bagel for her father, and left out his to-do list beside his placemat. He would always forget it if it wasn't by his food. Rin rushed back to her room to grab her papers. Fitting them somewhere in her notebook, she shoved that inside her bag, then went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. When she returned to her computer desk, she placed her bag over her shoulders, and leaned over to turn off the computer. She walked towards the door, slipped on her shoes, and was about to open the door when she realized she hadn't done her tie. Pausing a brief moment to tie it, she then opened her door and raced towards school. She didn't bother taking her bike since the school was just a minute or two away from her home. The schoolyard was noisy, just like always. Rin giggled quietly to herself at some of the students doing silly stunts, and was forced to duck as a few things were thrown her way. She paused by a familiar bike rack and waited to see Aka's face emerge from the dorms. She waited almost every morning for her there, and was always pleased when Ken didn't break away with his friends. While waiting for her friend, Rin spotted a few faces she recognized, belonging to that of Alex and Jace. Alex flashed her a smile and sent her a wave, being the friendly person he was. Jace, however, was staring at Ms. Nevada. Rin turned around and was about to tell her about her breasts nearly falling out of her shirt, but was beaten to the punch by Jace's 'compliments'. She blushed furiously and stormed off, just like she normally did when he called to her. He never did have anything nice to say, if he could help it. She gave him a stern glare, but he returned it with a smirk then continued on his way. "Jerk," she sighed. But she knew he'd end up saving her from some bully later that day, and for that, she'd thank him. He did at least once a week, and it hadn't happened yet this week. Rin's eyes returned to the dorms, once again looking out for her friend. "If we're late again, Genki'll kill us," Rin muttered under her breath after glancing at her watch. She referred to her History teacher as "Genki" because he had asked the class to do so a while ago. Most didn't, still in the habit of calling him Mr. Ranigo. But Rin continued to call him by his first name, more for the fun of it than anything. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[color=blue][size=1]Well, I've met George Lopez before. Well.. he didn't talk to me, but he was talking to my mom and I was right there, so meh. I've always wanted to meet the Blink 182 boys (Tom DeLounge, Mark Hoppus, Travis Barker). That would kick ***! And of course, I'd like to meet the elusive Stuie Van Gogh. ^_~[/size][/color]
[quote name='Dragon Warrior]You can... nope. Not touching that one.[/quote] [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]You tease. ^_~[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote]Lure a nasty spider you're scared of into the shower and then turn on the water. Whirlpool of doom, biyatch! Muhhahahaha![/quote] [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I do this one [i]all[/i] the time. Die evil spider demons!! Dx[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE]Torture cats. Cats hate water, ergo showers are cat-torturing devices. But why would you torture cats, you sick person? >:^O[/quote] [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Yes.. You sick sick person you. ;-;[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][size=5][b]Do you know where [i]your[/i] shower is?[/b'][/size][/quote] [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]No.. I can't believe I lost it! I was just in there twenty minutes ago! *scrambles around searching for it* My point in all this quoting nonsense: You are a strange person, my dear fellow. As strange as strange gets. But these are all very good reasons. I must go try out some of them now. *scuttles off*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[color=blue][size=1]Well.. Here's my crap-tastic shot at it. xD Just got some new fonts, so it should be okay. ^_^;; I'll post the code below the image, in case you decide to use them. Oh, and take the asteric out of the code. >> [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requested%20Banners%20and%20Avatars/Seiryuuavatar1.png[/IMG] [CODE][IMG*]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requested%20Banners%20and%20Avatars/Seiryuuavatar1.png[/IMG][/CODE] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requested%20Banners%20and%20Avatars/Seiryuubanner1.png[/IMG] [CODE][IMG*]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requested%20Banners%20and%20Avatars/Seiryuubanner1.png[/IMG][/CODE] If the url for the banner is really long and eats up a lot of your signature, you can always go to tinyurl.com to fix it. ^_^; But yeah.. I doubt you'll be using my set. >_
[color=blue][size=1]Maki giggled at her opponent's comment. "You take this too seriously, Shin," she grinned. She didn't know if her pokemon would win or lose, but either way, her pokemon gained experience, and so did she. But her amount of experience lacked in some of the most important areas; types. She had always used her favorite pokemon for the battle instead of the best suited for the battle. A flaw in her strategy that came back to bite her many times. "Salamence! Dragon claw!" Her pokemon dove towards Metagross, and prepared to attack with its foreleg. Dragonite attempted a Seismic Toss against Milotic, but couldn't manage to keep Milotic from squirming out of its grasp. "Milotic, blizzard!" shouted Shin. At such close range, Dragonite couldn't possibly dodge. Thinking quickly, Maki ordered for Dragonite to attack with a Thunderbolt. Her gaze snapping back to Salamence, she spotted it's struggle against Metagross. Its hindleg was a weakspot that Metagross tried to attack, but was blocked by Salamence's tail and wing. Salamence was forced to fight defensively, leaving it little or no time to attack. "Again! Dragon claw!" Maki shouted again, determined to land at least one more hit on Metagross. It was a close call, but Metagross managed to spin out of the way, and come rearing back towards Salamence's weak leg, but was cut off by a flamethrower. Meanwhile, Dragonite was weakened by the close range blizzard, while Milotic was damaged by the thunderbolt. "Hmm.." Maki mumbled, "I can't in a good hit!" She clenched her teeth as Dragonite was sent spralling by an attack from Milotic. It looked quite painful, and she felt bad for her pokemon. But she wasn't willing to back out now. "Salamence! Fire blast!" she suddenly shouted to her airborne pokemon, glancing back up at it. Back to Dragonite, she saw it barely dodge an ice beam that was headed towards her. She jumped out of the way, but was chilled by the freezing air surrounding it. "Two on two is hard," she whined, scratching her head and walking back to her previous spot.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]About the Wickersleeves banner. I [i]hated[/i] the way the text's shadow turned out. It looked fine back in PSP, but once I uploaded it.. it got strange.. I don't know exactly how it changed, but it did. o.O;; So yeah. I tried to fit "The Accord" text in.. Maybe I should've made it lower.. Hmm.. I'll remake the banner one of these days. xD Well, onto a new pair of sets. The first one was just me being lazy. I like the avatar, though. ^_^;; The second set turned out really nice, I think.. 'cept for the text. My computer ate my pixel fonts yesterday (along with my bookmarks!! Dx). T_T Soo.. I used a crappy replacement. So sue me. x3 [b][u]Goldfish Set:[/u][/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Goldfishavatar1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Goldfishbanner1.png[/IMG] [b][u]Hi-Tech Set:[/u][/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/hitohitotsuavatar1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/hitohitotsubanner1.png[/IMG] I don't know why I named the two sets what I did, but oh well. So! Critique the banners and avatars.. not the set names please. ^_^;;[/size][/color]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]As I discussed with you, chrono-flash, over AIM, you'll be accepted. And so will you, wolf-alchemist. But if I have a problem with your entry post, I will alert you of it and force you to edit. >:^O ^_^ Thanks for signing up![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Oooh.. Bad.. Go Kayla! Fight the prick off! xD She may not have done a good job, but at least she tried. ^_~ Traveling in a trunk must suck. Especially when a possible rapist is driving the car. My.. what a gruesome tale. .. More please! ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[color=blue][size=1]"You better put up a good fight," Maki giggled, bouncing on her heels. The excitement of a battle kept her from standing still. As their pokemon settled between them, Maki realized they didn't have enough room. "Step back a bit," she called to Shin, while she, herself, began to walk backwards. He followed suit, and soon there was a large enough space for the four pokemon to fight. "You ready?" she shouted over to her opponent. Before he could answer, a loud horn sounded, and the boat made a sudden movement forward, knocking Maki to the floor. She sat up, a bit startled, and glanced over at Shin. He had held onto the railing. "You okay?" he asked her, walking over. "Yeah," she nodded, a bit embarrassed. He helped her up, and she scratched her head. "Guess we're on our way to Hoenn," she chuckled, the pink not leaving her cheeks. Shin laughed, then returned to his side of the deck. "Alright. Ready when you are." She gave him a nod, and the two began shouting their commands. "Salamence! Fire Blast!" Maki ordered, her pokemon quickly shooting out fire from its mouth, headed straight for Metagross. "Dodge it," Shin commanded, his pokemon managing to get out of the way. "Metagross, Meteor Mash. Milotic, Ice Beam." Shin's pokemon immediatly launched their attacks towards Maki's pokemon, who were instructed to dodge. Salamence followed up with a charging Hyper Beam while Dragonite barely managed to hit Milotic with a powerful Thunderbolt. Milotic was down for a bit, but got up before Dragonite could hit it again. Metagross attempted to hit Salamence with a Psychic, but was cut off when Salamence released its Hyper Beam. Metagross avoided most of it, but its left arm was hit. The impact of the Hyper Beam on the deck immediately released lots of wood and dust into the air. Maki shielded her eyes with her sleeve, and coughed a bit as the specks of dust entered her lungs. The debris missed her for the most part, though she recieved a large cut on her thigh which she viewed through a squinted eye. "Ow.." she murmured. Still unable to open her other eye, she slowly lifted her head up to see if her pokemon were visible yet. -- OOC: The boat's moving! Yay! Jian, your turn. x3[/size][/color]
Discuss Welcome To Your Lesson On Love Underground [M-LSV]
Kitty replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[quote name='Skye][size=1']And (this isn't relative, i just found it interesting) most know who Kaela IS, they just don't know her, except Ken, and Rin. >. -
Discuss Welcome To Your Lesson On Love Underground [M-LSV]
Kitty replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[color=blue][size=1]Well, I've already signed up. This looks like a really interesting RP, Reiku. ^_^ Hey.. I was a bit confused about the "Location" part of the sign up.. I just put "Coming Soon" since it's supposed to be based off your map which, obviously, isn't up yet. So as soon as the map gets put up, I'll edit it. ^_^[/size][/color] -
Sign Up Welcome To Your Lesson on Love [M - LS, pos V]
Kitty replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Rin Himotaka [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/OrangeOutfit.jpg]Clicky[/url] [B]Location:[/B] [Coming Soon] [B]Personality:[/B] Rin is very kind and sweet, while always being quiet and shy. She defends herself when she feels threatened, with force if she must. She can overeact to somethings at times, but she normally keeps a cool head. She also tends to be very generous towards others, even strangers. She enjoys lots of company, but tends to find one person who she sticks to like glue. Rin is also very smart and clever, though you wouldn't know at first glance. [B]Short History:[/B] Rin was born to a young couple in the town of Osaka. Her family moved up to Kitakata to aid her dying Grandmother when Rin was only 2. They took care of her until she died a year later. Though they had planed to return to Osaka, humble Kitakata enticed them to stay. Rin grew up knowing very few people outside her family because she was always terrible at making friends. Her parents worried about her seldom, though, because she was one of the best students. That, and she never told them of her awkward struggle. By her first year of Junior High, she had only two friends. Lucky for her, the three of them were very close. She felt satisfied having a small close-knit group rather than just a bunch of acquaintances. Rin's homelife had always been peaceful, and her parents always seemed happy. But soon after she turned 14, they got divorced. This startled her, and many of her family's friends. Her mother moved back to Osaka, and remarried soon after. Rin stayed with her father, and had to play "mom" at home ever since. Her father still went to work all day, and acted the kind father at home, but he grew more tired every day. Rin still excels in her school work, and for this she has gained a new popularity. She is now famous around the school yard as a tutor or homework "helper". [B]Subjects:[/B] Mathematics, English/Japanese, History, Gym, Visual Art, Chemistry [B]Relationships with Other Students:[/B] -Maria (Kairi) - Good friends with. Tries to keep her out of trouble, and sometimes does her homework for her. -Zephan (Sakura) - Family friend. -Jace (demonchild781) - Rin gravitates towards him because he's more of a badboy and he ends up saving her every once in a while. -Alex (Reiku) - A nice guy who is always there to talk to. -Aka (Starr) - Close friend since grade school -Hoshiko (Ozy) - Tutors her in English, good friend. -Ken (Astids) - Has a slight crush on, but can never talk to him. -Kaela (Skye) - Good friend that she can connect with on many levels. They do homework together. -Kina (Albel) - Best friend. Very close, and tells her everything. -Andrew (Jung-Woo) - Barely knows, but knows of his drinking, and has been building up the courage to yell at him about it. -Kyo (Solar) - Good friend that refuses to study, so she pesters him. -- EDIT: I just realized the condition. Sorry I missed that.. But I'm going to keep Rin up until we get more sign ups (just to see if I'm still allowed to be a girl).[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[color=blue][size=1]Pwnage, my dear Stuie. Simple pwnage. ^_^ Lovin' the banner. The contrast between the robot and the guy (don't kill me for not knowing his name; I haven't watched Big O since September of last year.. >>) is a nice effect. I'd be willing to give texting it a shot, but my computer ate my fonts today. Dx All my fonts can't be accessed through PSP.. it sucks.. @_@ But yes. Very nice banner. My rate-ness: 9/10[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Like I told you before, Bloom still owns. Even though he did betray Wickersleeves and all that. Hehe. The Troles are awesome. Fat, stupid, and totally disgusting. My favorite. ^_~ I love their constant arguing. Qug is probably my favorite. Dunno why, but he is. Maybe because he isn't on a diet. xD My favorite quote so far is, "Faaaaaaat." The best, lol. Yay! The return of Radley! What a sneaky little weasel. x3 Ooh.. Suspensfulness.. I await Volume 4! =D[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Thanks for pointing it out, Hack Helba.. FOR EVERYONE ELSE TO SEE! Dx *tantrum* Yes.. Well.. I noticed soon after I had posted it (having a few moments before merged AND saved AND closed the file), so I couldn't fix it. So meh. And next time you spot a flaw.. don't use a picture. xD For those of you who pay any attention to the OB Anthology, Dragon Warrior is currently writing a small series called "Wickersleeves". He recently posted a picture of one of the characters and I felt like mutilating it into a banner and avatar. A crappy and useless set that I probably won't use (just so he won't kill me >>), but a set nonetheless. I also tried making another few sets using only one image and text effects. ^_^ [b][u]Wickersleeves Set:[/u][/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/theaccord8stavatar1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/theaccord8stbanner1.png[/IMG] [u][b]First New Set:[/b][/u] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/BoyGirl3avatar2.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/BoyGirl3banner1.png[/IMG] [u][b]Second New Set:[/b][/u] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/BoyGirl3avatar1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/BoyGirl3banner2.png[/IMG] I, personally, love the Wickersleeves avatar. Everything else is so-so. =P Tell me whatcha think of this new stuff, please! ^_~[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Wow. That looks almost like how I pictured him.. Scary. The Accord looks really... tall. o.O I like his huge hat, lol. I notice you drew the flowers he gave to Verosha in his hands. Nice touch, heh. The little people in the corners are funny as hell. xD The one drooling is best. ^_~[/size][/color]
Anime What anime girl or boy do you like, love, or hate?
Kitty replied to LoneTecko's topic in Otaku Central
[color=blue][size=1]I always liked Teen Gohan from DragonBall Z. I'm not sure why, but I thought he was [i]incredibly[/i] cute, and he was a kick *ss fighter, too, don't forget. ^_~ In fact, he's one of my favorite Budokai characters to this day. But once he "grew up" into the later DragonBall Z episodes, he looked ([I]and[/I] sounded, [I]and[/I] acted) like an idiot. I can't stand the "Great Saiyaman" character. He needs to die. >_< I also like Kyo from Fruits Basket because.. well, I'm obsessed with cats and he's a kind of cat (those who watch/read FB know what I mean ^_~). Besides. He's cute, too. xD[/size][/color]