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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. [color=blue][size=1]Maki smiled as she left Gale and continued down to her room. It took her a moment to find it because the "C" on her door looked more like a "D", but she managed to figure it out. "That's going to drive me nuts," she muttered, opening the door and strolling in. "Nice and cool," she sighed, noting the temperature as she took her bag off and fell backwards onto her bed. Even though the ship was still docked, she could feel it moving slowly with the waves. Unfortunately, the dining hall was closed because the cooks hadn't finished preparing the meals. Maki sat hungrily on her bed, staring out her still open door. "Umbreon, can you shut that," she asked her pokemon. Obidiently, her pokemon quickly shut the door and returned to her side. "Thank you," she giggled, petting him on the head. She paced around her room, quietly in thought. "So hungry.." she mumbled, still pacing. She perked up as she remembered packing a few snacks in her bag. Rushing over, she clawed through her belongings until she found a small candy bar. Umbreon began to paw at her arm. "You hungry, too?" she asked her pokemon, her mouth full of chocolate. Reaching back into her bag, she pulled out a can of pokemon snacks. Opening the lid and pulling out a hand full, she held it out in front of Umbreon. "Haff attit," she told her pokemon, her mouth crammed with the candy bar. Umbreon gave her a quizzical look, but began to nibble at the treats. Finally managing to chew and swallow the rest of the chocolate bar, Maki scratched her head. "I bet the others would like to come out, too.. But only Absol would be able to fit," she chuckled at imagining her large dragon pokemon crammed into her tiny bunk room. After Umbreon finished all the treats in her hand, she went back outside and stared over the rail. "They can swim," she smiled. She released Absol beside her, and let her other pokemon out over the water. Dragonite did a few happy flips in the air before diving underwater. He was quite the good swimmer, after all. Charizard glided about, but refused to go in the water. "Don't feel like swimming?" Maki teased, patting her pokemon on the head as it neared her. Flygon perched on the rail like an oversized pigeon, and Maki couldn't help but burst out laughing. Salamence soon joined Dragonite in the water, and the two splashed around as they played together. "Like children, those two," Maki smiled absent-mindedly. Her pokemon had been cooped up for quite a while. Maki hadn't planned on keeping them in their pokeballs as long as she did, but large pokemon weren't allowed to be released on the dock in fear that they might destroy it. "They're not wild animals," Maki thought aloud, remembering her small confrentation with one of the aids on watch. She shook it off, and returned to watching her pokemon run and fly about. To her left, she noticed other pokemon playing in the water. "Guess I'm not the only one," she said to herself. "When's this boat going to leave, anyway?" she wondered. -- OOC: Just felt like posting again. ^_^ Go [url=www.freewebs.com/nonbelievers/]here[/url]. It's a site about this RPG that I felt like making. xD[/size][/color]
  2. [color=blue][size=1][i]"What an annoying little brat,"[/i] Rin thought quietly to herself, staring after Scott. "Thinks he's so great," she grumbled. He was already on her bad side, one which she rarely had, anyway. As Kite battled a Mankey, Rin noticed two other trainers down the path. They were looking intently at Scott, who was nearing Viridian. She thought a moment about going to help him since she new his Squirtle wouldn't be able to take many more battles, but shrugged it off. [i]"Screw him. He can be a jerk without us,"[/i] she thought angrily. "Rin, right?" "Huh?" She spun around to see Rorohiko. He was standing impatiently, growing tired of watching the new trainers. "Scott's being marked." "Marked? Oh," Rin took a moment to understand, but got the general gist of it. "Yeah. Think we should steer clear of them?" "Probably. These two probably wouldn't stand a chance, and I don't really care about that stuck up pain in the ass," Rorohiko glared in Scott's direction. "I know what you mean," Rin sighed. If she had to travel with Scott anymore, she'd probably end up trying to kill him. "Let's go, then," he said, beginning down the path. "Kite, Tsuka, we're going," Rin called, following off after Rorohiko. The two boys rushed behind their party members, and the four walked slowly around where the two ambushing trainers awaited. They were nearly to Viridian when they heard Scott's voice. "That idiot," Rorohiko and Rin sighed in unison. They glanced over towards the source of the voice to see Scott talking with the other boy, and the girl stood patiently behind him. "Should we?" Rin turned to her experienced companion. "Might as well." "Alright. You two, I suggest you try not to get in a fight with either of those trainers over there. They look like they're trying to pick on newbies," Rin ordered, strolling off. The two nodded, and slowly walked after her and Rorohiko. -- OOC: Hope I got your characters right. ^_^;;[/size][/color]
  3. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Very nice addition to the story, Annie. [i]Very[/i] nice. ^_^ *applaudes* We get a deeper look into Roger's character, and a better idea of what he actually looks like. The descriptive writing is a joy to read. Your writing style keeps developing (for the better). Keep it up! What's this? A cliffhanger! Damn you, suspenseful story telling.. Damn you. :rolleyes: :p[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [color=blue][size=1][B]Name:[/B] Rin Maida [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/OrangeOutfit.jpg]Clicky[/url] [B]Personality:[/B] Rin is very kind and sweet, and can overeact to somethings. She normally keeps a cool head, though. She also tends to be very generous towards others, even strangers. She enjoys lots company, but tends to find one person who she sticks to like glue. Rin is also very clever and cunning, though you wouldn't know at first glance. [B]Your Time:[/B] Aron's Time [B]Reason for Accompanying Aron:[/B] To get back to Earth [B]Weapon:[/B] Double-sided broad sword [B]Bio:[/B] "Ow.." Rin moaned, clutching her head as she sat up. She felt cool grass beneath her left hand, and opened her eyes to see a field. Slowly rising to her feet, still clutching her throbbing head, she took a long look around. After a few moments, she finally shouted, "WOAH!" She stumbled backwards, struggling to keep from fainting. [i]"Where am I?! How'd I get here?! I was with.. I was with.. Wait.. Who [b]was[/b] I with?"[/i] Rin thought, her panic blocking her from thinking clearly. She was in such a state that she could not remember much before her fall. As time passed, and she finally calmed a bit, Rin concentrated hard and could now remember what she had been doing. "I was with Tetsu.. Yeah.. We were in his front yard.. Oh.. His mother'll kill him when she sees the large crack in the ground," she laughed a bit. She stood silent for a moment, taking a second to realize what she had just said. "I fell through a crack in the ground!" she shouted, this time stumbling backwards too fast for her feet to catch up, sending her flat on the ground. "Ow." "You shouldn't panic. That just makes it harder." "Who are you?!" she jerked upwards, nearly hitting the young man that had spoken to her. Her heart was beating so fast that it could have popped out at any moment. She stared at him, and realized he was accompanied by others. "I'm Aron. I'm assuming from your little panic attack that you're from Earth, too?" Rin nodded slowly, her eyes refusing to leave Aron as he helped her up. "I'm Rin," she said blankly. After a long pause, she spoke up again. "So.. If we aren't on Earth.. Where are we?" she asked him in a calm voice, though she was still quite frightened and anxious. "Flora." "Do you think we can get back?" she whispered, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "I don't know, Rin. I really don't." -- OOC: Hope I'm not too late. ^_^;; EDIT: Added an appearance.[/size][/color]
  5. [color=blue][size=1]Something that sounds cute would be good. Like.. "Tokidoki" (which means sometimes) or "Momoiru" (which means pink). There are a bunch of other cute names that don't really mean anything, but yeah.. I suggest using Mistress Roxie's link for the most ideas.[/size][/color]
  6. [color=blue][size=1]Interacting with a few NPCs that just happen to be your previous characters wouldn't be such a bad thing. They could help out our group, or they could battle with a trainer from our group. But I don't think any of your past characters should become tied in with the story. That would just confuse things. But yeah. I wouldn't mind Maki making an appearance, if you know what I mean. ^_~[/size][/color]
  7. [color=blue][size=1]As Rorohiko put Scott in his place, Rin smiled. He was being a jerk, and he definately deserved it. But when the group was about to leave, she realized something. "I still haven't gotten a map!" she shouted. The others turned and stared at her. "What? That's what I was in there for," she sighed, pointing back at the lab. "I've got a spare," Rorohiko held out a roll of paper after rummaging in his pack for a bit. "Oh! Thanks," she smiled, happily taking it from his outstretched hand. "[i]Now[/i] can we go?" Scott moaned, rolling his eyes. For this, he recieved a whap on the head with Rin's new map. "Don't be a whiner," she ordered, glaring at him. "And yes. We may go," she added quickly, stuffing her map into her bag. Passing through Pallet Town quickly, at the edge of Route 2, all the young trainers got a glimpse at a wild pokemon. "Wow.. What's that one?" Tsuka wondered, pulling out his pokedex as the other two did. "Just a Pidgey," Rorohiko sighed in a tired fashion. "Wanna try and catch it?" Rin smiled to the boy beside her, encouraging him to give it a shot. "How? Just throw the ball at it?" Tsuka asked her after hearing the pokedex's description of the wild pokemon. "You have to weaken it first. Go ahead. Use Bulbasaur to do it." Giving him a few instructions, Rin and the others watched readily to see if Tsuka could catch his first wild pokemon. -- OOC: Hope you don't mind the smack on the head, Brookline. ^_^;; Will edit if need be.[/size][/color]
  8. [color=blue][size=1]Very nice volume, DW. I really liked The Accord character. He seemed very normal, as I just realized you intended for him to be. (Just read over your last post. >>) I visualized him as.. well, a tall guy in a suit. Meh. Me and my uncreativeness. :p The way you described his love for Verosha was very.. well, "cutesy". The story, being so very odd and demented (that's a good thing, mind you), didn't match up very well with their little love affair. It was well done, though. Just a bit mis-matched with the story type, is all. ^_~ And Bloom. Well.. He owns, basically. Write Volume 3 so I can read more about him. O:
  9. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Maki sat quietly on a bench, Umbreon at her side. Gently stroking its dark fur, she felt the warmth as its rings lightened and darkened. She looked at the many trainers around her. Many were standing around, just as bored as she was since they had been told to wait. And that was about an hour ago. Still glancing over the crowd, a familiar face caught her eye. But as she looked on, the woman she recognized walked in and out of a few groups of trainers until she was completely out of view. "How strange," Maki found herself thinking aloud. Suddenly, the high-pitched voice of one of Oak's young aids caught her attention. He was shouting at them to board the approaching ship. Turning her head, she let out a small gasp. Many trainers gawked at the mere size of the vessel. It was well over twice the length of the dock, and a good twenty feet taller. The conversations of some of the trainers drifted through Maki's ears, and she heard their relief of being able to travel to Hoenn by boat. Maki, however, was disappointed. "I wanted to fly," she pouted to no one in particular. Traveling over seas on her Salamence was one of her greatest joys. "I'm disappointed, too," came a deep voice from behind her. Her head whipped around to lock eyes with a tall young man. She stared at him for a moment before smiling wide at him. A quiet howl came from the pokemon at her side as the large boat came to a halt and a ramp was slowly lowered for its passengers. "It's big, isn't it?" Maki commented, turning back to the ship. She had to lean her head back quite a bit to see the top of it. "How else would it carry us all?" the man chuckled back. Maki stood up from the bench as the aids motioned for everyone to start boarding. "Do you like traveling by boats.. er..?" "Shin," he replied. "The name's Shin." Maki smiled. "Do you like to travel by boat, Shin?" "It's not my favorite," he grinned back. The two boarded with the others and were given the keys to their bunk room once they reached the deck. "I'm 6E. How 'bout you, kid?" Shin turned to Maki after taking a glance at the number on his key. "It's Maki. And I'm 5C," she nudged him in the side. "See you around?" "Hopefully," he smiled, shaking hands with her and walking off towards his room. "At least I know someone on this boat," Maki giggled. Umbreon nibbled at her hand. "Besides you, silly," she smiled. Maki turned and went to find the dining hall. She'd forgotten breakfast that morning, and her stomach was starting to growl. -- OOC: Everyone can talk about what they did before (or after) they got on the large ship. We're currently in Vermillion, just so you know. I don't have a name for this boat, so just refer to it as "the ship" unless you can think up a creative name for it. xD And the bunk room numbers range from 4A to 6G. (All the others are reserved for crew members). You may bunk with another character if you'd like. As long as they don't mind. Now that that's done, [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46824]here[/url]'s a link to the Underground thread. Direct all questions there. Soo.. It's up. Post away! ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [color=blue][size=1]How come nobody fixed the spelling errors? :p 1. [b]Age:[/b] □ 13-18 (Almost 15 *feels so young*) 2. [B]Gender:[/B] □ female 3. [B]Where are you from?[/B] I'm American, thank you. :D 4. [B]How did you come across anime?[/B] Definately media. xD 5. [B]Do you think Anime influences you as a person?[/B] Other than my being poser-esque in trying to be Japanese? Nah. (Kidding. xP) 6. [B]Research shows that anime is increasingly popular with the western world. Why do you think this is so?[/B] Because it's different. Here in America, we're (mostly) lazy bastards who could never think up some of the stuff that gets shipped over here from Japan. After all, if Japan's influence had never reached us, all those Yaoi fangirls would have nothing to do. ^_~ 7. [B]What attracts you to anime?[/B] A little of each. When I first started watching anime, it was the violence (I was a very naught 6 year old.. >>;; ). Then, eventually, I got more into the story and the characters. The humor was always a plus, and now I'm quite interested in the medium. 8. [B]Is your interest in Anime, in any way related to an interest in Japan or to learn about Japenese society?[/B] Definately. It was anime that first sparked my interest to learn the Japanese language, culture, and people. Now I'm being tutored in Japanese (mainly the language, but my tutor enjoys telling me things about her home ^_^ ) and I'm actually doing well, to my parents' surprise, lol. 9. [B]Have you taken a Japanese language class or been to Japan?[/B] Never been there, though I wouldn't mind going. I used to be in a Japanese class, but then I moved after first semester (this past February, as a matter of fact), and my new school doesn't offer it as a language. Soo.. I'm being tutored. =D 10. [B]Have you learned anything about Japanese culture, and if so, give 3 specific examples? [/B] Basically.. It's a much more polite in the way people interact and talk with each other. Almost everyone is formal with another, unless they are very close. Yet when you look at some of the manga and anime, they show lots of violence and/or sex. It's strange. You take a regular person, and they'd be very polite and reserved, but you take a manga, and it's the opposite; in your face and crude. Not that the readers mind, mind you. And lastly, while America is influenced by Japan in some things, Japan is influenced by other countries as well. Where do you think Kanji came from, eh? (I think I'm right about that point.. Correct me if I'm wrong.) Wow.. Lots of talking from me. ^_^;;[/size][/color]
  11. [color=blue][size=1]YAY! So many sign ups.. I feel loved. ^_^;; Anyway, you're all accepted. The few who didn't get their appearance finished (including me.. o.O;; ), I'll give you 'till Saturday to find one. If you don't have one by then, I'll hound you through PMs! (Grrr! >:^O ) But I won't keep you from participating... 'cause I'm nice. xP The thread should be up later today or early tomorrow. Hope this does well! ^___^[/size][/color]
  12. [color=blue][size=1]Well, I figure we might just as well put the levels on the sign ups to show how experienced the trainer is. We won't mention them in the actual RPG, though. *too lazy to edit them out of her sign up* >> That would definately make it easier. >_
  13. [color=blue][size=1]Wow.. I wonder why the two of them are merging. I know it says in the article that they were both happy to join forces, and gives a few reasons from both CEOs, but still. They don't go into much detail. I guess they just want to make more money. I wonder if one of the two was starting to become less popular, maybe? Another thing.. Why is the GameStop name being carried over, but not the Electronics Boutique name? I, personally, preferred "EB". Oh well. Doesn't matter that much.[/size][/color]
  14. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Yay! I managed to read the whole thing! *feels proud* I really enjoyed the creative names for the characters. (Where'd "Wickersleeves" come from.. and is that even a name? >>;; ) Radley reminds me of characters I've seen in movies. What with the chain smoking and trench coat. ^_~ I'm really looking forward to part 2, even though it'll be just as long, if not longer. T_T;;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]The levels for both Gabriel and Sean are fine. I don't really mind, as long as they aren't any higher than level 80. x3 [b]Name:[/b] Maki Nakamura [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/OrangeOutfit.jpg]Clicky[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Maki is extremely sweet, and is always happy to lend a hand. She's happy around both pokemon and people. She's very dedicated to her pokemon's training, and lets nothing get in the way of her pokemon's growing stronger. Always perky, it takes a lot to get her down. While she's very happy most of the time, she's more calm and peaceful rather than energetic and hyper. Traveling has always been a large part in Maki's life, and she loves it still. Walking around is as great a pleasure for her and her pokemon as anything. Towns excite her, since she loves to explore and stop by every house. Not shy at all, Maki is quick to make friends with anyone, human and pokemon alike. [b]Line-Up:[/b] - Salamence || 75 - Dragonite || 77 - Absol || 62 - Flygon || 68 - Charizard || 70 - Umbreon || 63 [b]Extras:[/b] - Gyarados || 45 - Snorlax || 39 - Marshtomp || 32 - Sealeo || 41 - Arcanine || 51 - Houndoom || 39 - Blaziken || 37 - Pupitar || 48 Wow.. I got a little carried away there, myself. ^_^;; Heh.. One more thing. (Why do I forget so much? ;_; ) I'll mention this again in the underground thread, but anyone can catch starters and any other pokemon (that would normally be in the wild, mind you) during our travels. If that's confusing, I apologize. It sounded better in my head. >_
  16. [color=blue][size=1]Oh.. I didn't, did I? >_
  17. [color=blue][size=1]Wonderful Annie! I'm glad you're writing again! ^_^ This story is very much, like Gavin said, Jaws-esque. Very calm in the beginning, and, like we all hope, a big surprise somewhere down the line. And I really like the introduction, where the main character gives a brief summary of the story without telling the readers anything that would give it away. Brilliant! Can't wait for more! *huggles*[/size][/color]
  18. [color=blue][size=1]That's okay. ^_^ I should've mentioned that you could have pokemon from anywhere. But at least you figured it out. xD[/size][/color]
  19. [color=blue][size=1]This is the Underground thread for the RPG, Pokemon: Rush. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here. You may also discuss player interaction (ie. tell each other what your two characters are going to do during a battle against each other), though that may also be done through PM. The sign ups are open to anyone willing to participate. I do not appreciate flakiness, as in not posting for a month, without reason. Lastly, I want to discuss the rating a bit. I rated it M for Language and Violence, as you can tell. I encourage language, to an extent, and I encourage violence, to an extent. No curse words every other word, people. T_T The violence can be as bloody as you want, as long as it's not towards another player (unless you've talked with them about it first). That's it for now. I hope we get plenty of sign ups. ^_^ A Link to the Sign Ups: [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46823]Here[/url][/size][/color]
  20. [size=1][color=blue]NOTE: Cursing and violence are encouraged. But.. if it's between two players, please contact each other through PMs first. ^_^;; [center]--[/center] [left][center]|- Lavender Town Pokemon Center -|[/center] "I hate hearing news like this. It always makes traveling harder.." "I know what you mean." Two teenage kids sat in front of the TV, long after the lights of the Center had been turned off. The girl gawked at the images a bit more before looking to her friend. "How can this happen? It's not normal for pokemon to go rabid like this.. is it?" "Of course not. It's just.. an outbreak." "I'm glad it's all the way in Hoenn, though.. Imagine it here in Kanto." "Yeah.." the boy trailed off. "Oh.. Your sister's in Hoenn, isn't she?" The boy nodded, keeping his eyes glued to the floor. "You think she's heard the news?" There was a long silence, broken only by the voice of the reporter from the television. "I don't know. I hope she did, though." "Me, too.." [center]|- Somewhere on Route 120 -|[/center] "Good morning, guys!" a young trainer smiled, rubbing the crust from her eyes. Her pokemon, however, ignored her. "Guys..?" She paused. Getting out of her sleeping bag, she crawled quietly over to her Nidorina. "Nidi?" She called it by its nickname again. Reaching out a hand to pet it, she was greeted with snarls and a bite on her hand. "Ow!" she cried, her hand snapping back. She looked it over. The bite was deep, and it had begun to bleed. "Nidi! What the hell!?" she cried. Crawling back to her bag, she reached in and found some bandages. She fumbled to wrap her hand up, and the end result looked a bit awkward. But it kept the blood in. "What is up with you..?" she mumbled, scanning over her pokemon. Each had a small wound. None of which she had seen the previous night when they all had gone to sleep. "Oh no.." She had seen a report the previous day when she stopped at a Center. "I shouldn't have let you sleep outside your pokeballs.. I'm sorry," she whimpered. She tried to return them to their pokeballs, but they would deflect it and send it right back to her hand. "Damnit.." she cried. "What do I do?" [center]|- Pallet Town -|[/center] "Oak! Another outbreak!" cried an aid, running up to the tired old man with a folder of papers. "Oh.. Where's this one..?" "Near Fortree City. On Route 120," the aid replied, flipping through the folder. He stopped on a page and began to read it. "The trainer was found unconcious with a large bite wound on her right hand, and few bruises on her legs and stomach. Her pokemon were captured, however, and brought into containment." "That's good.." Oak sighed absent mindedly. "Uh.. Sir?" "Hmm?" Oak raised an eyebrow. "Should I file this?" "Oh. Yes, yes. Go do that immediately," he waved a hand. This whole mess was nearly unbearable for him. He couldn't stand to see pokemon behaving like this. "Professor! Professor! The trainers are here! They're here!" came the cries of a few aids. "What?!" he gasped. He'd almost forgotten. The fact that anyone had shown up put a large smile on his face. He came before a large group of trainers and immediately dived into an explanation of the problem at hand. He told them a bit that had already been said on the news, but mostly what wasn't being said on the news. Some were astonished, while others weren't surprised. ".. and now, my collegues and I agree that sending experienced trainers out to Hoenn is the best plan of attack. We have a bit of the cure that we will give to all of your pokemon, don't you worry. This will ensure that none of your pokemon will get the disease if they come in contact with an infected pokemon. So. Any questions before we begin?" A few raised their hands. "Yes, you. In the far back." "What will we get for doing this?" the young boy asked. Oak could hear the greed in his voice, and wondered why this boy had shown up at all. "That, dear boy, is yet to be decided. But don't you worry," Oak replied, his grin returning to his face, "This trip will [i]definately[/i] be worth your while." Everyone seemed satisfied with Oak's answer, since no one else raised a hand. Oak paused for a moment, to make sure nobody was going to ask another question, then smiled wide. "Well, everyone. Let the journey begin.."[/left] [center]--[/center] Okay, here's a summary. A large outbreak of a disease has occured in the Hoenn region. This disease affects pokemon only, and drives them to be extremely violent to other pokemon and even their trainers. There is a cure being worked on, but there is no way it can be given to every pokemon that could possibly have the disease. A group of trainers is assigned the task of tracking down the Origin, or the pokemon that started it. If they can kill it (or at least cure it), then the spreading will slow tremendously and hopefully all the infected will be cured. The trainers' pokemon are given the antidote ahead of time, and are then shipped off to Hoenn from Vermillion City. That is where the story will begin. Well, that's it. Any questions can be directed to the underground thread (which I haven't made yet) or you can PM me about it. ^_^ Now for the sign ups. [b]Sign Up[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Anything. I don't really care. But no numbers. [b]Age:[/b] No beginning trainers, so all 15+. [b]Gender:[/b] Male or Female. Not that hard, is it? [b]Appearance:[/b] Picture or description. [b]Personality:[/b] What your character is like. [b]Line-Up:[/b] 1 to 6 pokemon that you carry with you. [b]Extras:[/b] Any 1 to 12 pokemon you might want to have in your PC. These pokemon can be accessed only at labs and Pokemon Centers. Yes, I decided not to put up a bio since.. well, they drive me insane. The only limitations on pokemon is NO legendaries. We will have run ins with them, but nobody will be allowed to catch them. But if I only get a few sign ups, then each member will be allowed A legendary. But I'm not counting on it. >>;; I'll post my sign up later. Lastly, your pokemon may come from any region (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn) even though most of the story will be played out in Hoenn. ^_^ Soo.. Sign ups are open! ^__^[/size][/color]
  21. [color=blue][size=1]"He's a nice lad," Oak smiled. "Um.. Okay?" Rin replied. "Well, as I was saying, I have a few beginning trainers on their way here, and I was wondering if you would mind traveling with one of them." "Why me? How about him?" she asked, pointing to Rorohiko. "Ah. I was going to ask him as well. But I heard from your father tha-" "My father?!" Rin burst out. The very mention of him lit her up with excitement. "Yes, yes," Oak chuckled. "He told me recently that you were traveling this direction, and have been training pokemon for a few years now. Am I correct?" Rin nodded. "Very good! Well then I'm sure you'd be a great help to these young trainers," he smiled. "Think about it for a few minutes, alright?" Rin sighed, but agreed to think it over. Oak turned to talk with Rorohiko, but paused and turned back to her. "What level are your pokemon?" "Well, Charmander's 27, and Dratini's 33," Rin told him. She paused, then asked him why he wanted to know. "Why don't you let them evolve?" "Oh, I wouldn't mind if they did. I just don't need them to." Oak paused, smiling all the while. "Then I know the trainer you'd be perfect for." With that, he turned and walked away. "What is he talking about?" Rin shook her head. She thought for a bit. "It wouldn't be bad traveling with others, but still.. I want to travel with someone with experience. A beginner would be of no use to me.." She argued to herself for a while, and still could not come up with a 'yes' or 'no' to give to Oak. "Wait.. I just came in here for a map!" Rin said suddenly. Oak and Rorohiko glanced over at her for a moment, then resumed talking. Rin sank back into her chair and messed around with one of her empty pokeballs, waiting for the other two to finish.[/size][/color]
  22. [color=blue][size=1]"Thank you," Rin bowed, taking her bag from the clerk and leaping towards the exit. Outside was beautful; blue skies, Pigeotto's and Butterfree's swimming between the clouds, and the warm sun illuminating the small pond off to her right. Quickly emptying the contents of the plastic bag into her backpack, Rin disposed of her trash in a nearby trash bin. "Where to?" she sighed. Her desire to see the entire region was often hindered by the fact that she had to walk the whole way. That, and she had no map. She did know, however, that wherever she went she could catch new pokemon. The more she got, the better. Of course, around Viridian, most wild pokemon were weak, and her pokemon had been trained for three years. "Hmph. Figures.. The one time I reach a gym, it's closed," she sighed. She had stopped by the Viridian Gym, hoping for a battle for a badge, but the leader hadn't been there. After a moment of thinking to herself, she mumbled, "Oh well. Might as well head off for Pewter. I'll go.. that'a way!" Giggling, she rushed off down the road. Unfortunately for her, she was going the opposite direction. Towards Pallet she went, skipping and jumping over small ledges, eagerly awaiting her first confrontation with a gym leader. On her way, she fought two Pidgey and a Rattata with her Charmander, who managed to gain a level. "Whee!" Rin squealed, hugging her pokemon and spinning around with him. Returning him to his pokeball, she then continued down the path, humming peacefully to herself. Upon the sight of the back of houses, she sped up, hoping to see the Gym around somewhere. But deeper and deeper she traveled within the town, and still there was no gym. "Wait a minute.." Pausing for a moment, she glanced around and spotted a sign in front of a fairly large building. She jogged towards it, then skidded to a halt in front of it. ".. You've [i]got[/i] to be kidding me.." With that, she let out a loud shout of frustration, scattering a few gathering Spearow. "Damn, damn, damn..." she chanted, stomping around the fence. "Er.. Can I help you?" came a voice from behind her. Rin lifted her hung head and glanced over her shoulder to see a young aid peering out the lab door. "Uh.. Me? Uh.. Maybe. Do you have a map?" "You lost?" "No duh," she glared angrily. "Uh.. Please. Come in," the aid sighed, scratching his head and holding the door open for her. "Thanks," she coughed, walking past him. Inside was a bit cooler, even with the windows open. It was just as big inside as it appeared from outside. Large machines and computers filled some of the room, while loads of books in large bookshelves filled the rest. Near the back stood a tall man, concentrating on one computer in particular. He looked quite old, but seemed just as vigorous to complete his job as any of his young aids. The aid that had invited her in lead Rin towards the back of the building, and sat her down at a table with three pokeballs on it. "He'll be with you in a moment," the aid told her before scuttling off. "Uh.. Okay.." she said, a bit bewildered. After a few minutes of awkward waiting, the old man walked over to her smiling a wide smile. "Hello young lady. You're a pokemon trainer, are you not?" "Yeah.."[/size][/color]
  23. [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Keiko Takoshi [B]Codename:[/B] Reaper [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://www.advancedanime.com/pictures/general/nadesico_01b_1.jpg]Click[/url] [b]Bio:[/b] [Will edit - My bios are always better after a good bit of thinking. :3] [B]Weapon of choice:[/B] Katana [Yes, I'm being uncreative. So sue me. xP] The bio [i]will[/i] be posted soon. You have my word. I would like to be a member of the Hanzo's, if I may. But if you won't accept me 'till my bio's finished, that's okay, too. ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  24. [color=blue][size=1]This reminds me of video games about futuristic war. Er.. Yeah.. Very nice one, Retri. Gotta say, I.. er.. don't read your works often. (Don't hate me! @_@;; ) But out of the ones I [i]have[/i] read, this one has got to be your best. I really like it. And as Sean said before me, a little tune ups to your past works and they'll be just as purrfect as this one! :3 Yesh.. I'm starting to purr.
  25. [color=blue][size=1]I, personally, have never heard any of My Chemical Romance's songs, but I've heard of the band. However, I've heard most of Green Day's songs, and I own a few of their CD's. I enjoy Green Day's music a lot. But I can't compare it to something I've never heard, so I'll skip that part. I must say that comparing two bands who don't sing the same type of music (as others have said) doesn't make sense. And what's wrong with "emo", other than the fact that it's another bullsh*t stereotype. But I do agree that Green Day can be overplayed. I've smashed my car radio for playing "American Idiot" and "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" so many times it isn't funny. Those songs were okay, but now they just drive me insane.[/size][/color]
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