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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. [SIZE="1"]Oh geez. It's gonna be a shoot-out, is it Sakura? ;P And in regards to your note, Mike, I realized that when I was writing it, but I was basing my post off of KW's. We're going to change it now so that our Boss is just an unidentified character (for the time being anyway).[/SIZE]
  2. [indent][font=timesnewroman][b]“Just don't be late... or I'll have your ass.”[/b] I didn't mean to sound so bitchy, but I wasn't about to put any effort into sounding chipper. Hell, it was [i]way[/i] to early to be awake, but once you get a call from the Boss, what can you do? I knew if I took a nap now – and don't try and be cute and call it a 'cat nap', that gets old faster than you think – I'd just end up sleeping the day away, and the promise of a kill later on in the day made staying up worthwhile, anyway. So, instead of remaining where my king-size, feathery cloud of a bed could tempt me to return to its heavenly sheets and pillows, I opted to slip into my comfy, polka-dotted around-the-house outfit and head towards the kitchen. My apartment was a fairly tiny one, with only four rooms: the bedroom, its accompanying bathroom, and the kitchen and living room, separated only by the counter and oven. It's not grand, and isn't big enough for anyone other than myself, but I don't really mind the lack of company. It leaves me more time for sleeping. Grabbing a stray apple out of my essentially barren refrigerator, I made a mental note to head over to the grocery store later tonight, along with the local laundromat, as it was seldom that my clothes didn't end up covered in blood after a hit. Lucky for me the owner was a tiny, old woman who could barely see two feet in front of her, and always confused the red for beet juice. [center]~[/center] Skip ahead two and half hours, I leaned out of my bedroom window, glowering at the dark clouds above my head. It was going to rain, obviously, and damn it all if I didn't hate the rain. It made everything so frustratingly difficult, and the feeling of wearing wet clothing literally made my skin crawl. However, there was work to be done, and it [i]would[/i] be done, whatever the weather. I walked back over towards my tiny closet and pulled out my favorite outfit: the one I killed people in. I glanced at myself in the mirror as I got dressed, noting several cuts and scrapes that were still in the process of healing. I pulled my long, brown hair up into a tight bun and covered it with my slate black fedora, a gift from the unlucky man who was my first hit. That night hadn't gone so well, so he wasn't so much “taken out”, which was my original intention, as he was butchered. Thanks to him, though, I learned my favorite way to do my job, despite how messy it was. I walked out of my apartment, not bothering to lock the door behind me as I had nothing worth stealing inside. The rest of my outfit – a white, long-sleeve, button-up polo draping down and covering half of my denim skirt, white leg warmers with black polka dots, and a pair of black, steel-toed boots that had taken me quite a while to track down (my feet are rather tiny) – garnered stares from my fellow apartment residents that were walking onto the elevator as I stepped off. Shouldering my duffel bag, which contained my largest weapon and the details of the job, I strode off towards the designated meeting point where I would, undoubtedly, arrive before my partner. If I was awake, I was always the more punctual of the two of us. [center]~[/center] [b]“Oi.”[/b] Tiana acknowledged my greeting with a nod as she walked up to me, letting out a deep breath as she stopped beside me. My eyes returned to the sky where the looming clouds taunted me from above, promising rain but refusing to tell me when it would arrive. [b]“Kitty, whaddya got?”[/b] Noticing my lack of attention, she snapped her fingers in front of my face to indicate that she wanted me to listen. [b] “Well?”[/b] she asked, sounding a bit irritated. [b]“Don't blame me,”[/b] I growled back, [b]“I'd rather be sleeping, you know.”[/b] [b]“I'm not surprised. Just get on with it,”[/b] she sighed, waving her hand about impatiently in front of me. I pulled out the file from my bag and read it over once more before giving her a summary. [b]“This guy's been in town for the past couple days, apparently on behalf of the Boss, but he didn't do what he was called here to do – what, I have no idea – and so he's sneaking out of town early. Unfortunately for him, the Boss is well aware of his plans to ditch him, so now we're to gun him down quietly before he gets away. He should be leaving his hotel in half an hour.”[/b] [b]“Sounds like a cinch,”[/b] Tiana said after a minute, cracking her knuckles as she spoke. [b]“Yeah, but it doesn't sound like fun,”[/b] I frowned. Sniper jobs were my least favorite, but I got them pretty often. Tiana had better aim than I did, but I had the better gun. See, the reason I have such a tiny, crap-tastic apartment is because all my money goes into my guns. And my clothes. What, a girl can't like looking nice when she isn't out killing people? Anyway, after our little briefing in the alley, we took her car down to the hotel where this 'BKStyles' guy was currently in the process of packing his things. Before Tiana parked, she practically shoved me out of the car, making me leave my fedora behind in the process, and suggested I look for the best place to turn into a sniper's perch in the meantime. When she came back, her own weapon slung casually over her shoulder, I greeted her with a grumpy look, but my frown nearly fell of my face when she said she already had a spot in mind. [b]“Well fuck, Tiana. If you already had one picked out, you didn't have to shove me out of the fucking car,”[/b] I snapped at her. She laughed at me – [i]laughed[/i] at me! – as she walked towards her 'oh-so-wonderful' spot, not bothering to see if I was coming after her or not. If it wasn't my job to follow her, I would have flipped her off and taken her car back to my place so I could go back to sleep. But, then again, if it wasn't my job, I wouldn't have been out there in the first place. A loud crack of thunder from above was what motivated me most, so I ended up jogging after her with an extremely annoyed expression, despite my desire to desert her. It turns out her 'spot' was a friend's apartment across the street that had an excellent view of the hotel's parking lot from its balcony. The rain had started to fall moments after we got inside the building, so my mood had brightened a bit at the fact that I had dodged the it. Whoever Tiana's friend was, they were out of town at the moment, so I decided there was no problem with me rummaging through their food while they were away. After all, I hadn't eaten much other than an apple all day, and I was getting rather hungry. It's hard to keep a steady trigger finger when your growling stomach keeps distracting you, after all. Once I had satisfied my hunger with the resident's plentiful selection, I pulled my PSG-1 rifle out of my duffel bag and set it up beside Tiana, who was already lying flat on the balcony, checking for the 'BKStyles' guy through her own scope. [b]“You finally done stuffing your face? It amazes me how you can eat so much yet stay so small, you pig.”[/b] [b]“Are you calling me short?”[/b] [b]“What? ... [i]No[/i], I said--”[/b] [b]“Because you know I hate that, right? I'm not short, okay? I'm average height for a woman my age!”[/b] [b]“No, dammit! Jesus, that's not what I-- Oh, fuck it.”[/b] Letting out a satisfied 'hmph', happy that I had reminded her that being 5'5” did [i]not[/i], I repeat [i]not[/i], mean I was short, I returned my attention to the parking lot below. Through my scope I could see into the hotel lobby, and spotted the back of my target's head. However, shooting him where his death could be witnessed was a bad idea, so I kept my finger off the trigger and stared impatiently, muttering to myself about how annoyingly slow he was being. I was surprised out of my irritated growling by a knock at the door. Tiana held a hand over my mouth to keep the gasp I was about to release from escaping, and slowly looked over her shoulder at the door behind us. She gave me a look that read “don't make a sound” and let the person out in the hallway continue their knocking, hoping that they would assume that the apartment was empty. However, they seemed adamant about speaking with whoever was inside, so I gave Tiana my patented “PWEASE?” expression, which she reluctantly succumbed to. Withdrawing her hand, she rolled her eyes and nodded towards the door. I leapt up with an excited but hushed squeal, pulling out my silenced pistols which had previously been strapped to my ankles and hidden beneath my baggy leg warmers. Behind me I heard her fire off a shot, and the sounds of her standing up meant she had hit her target. [b]“Who [i]is[/i] it?”[/b] I sing-songed, leaning against the wall beside the door. My question was answered by at least two magazines worth of automatic rifle rounds being poured through the door. After a moment of silence, the gunman kicked open the door and looked at the wall in front of him, expecting to see a body. Recognizing his expression, I smirked before pushing my pistols up against him, one in his side and the other at the base of his skull. [b]“Sorry to disappoi-- ... BKStyles?”[/b] I interrupted myself. I was very confused, as I could've sworn I had just been watching him through my scope in the hotel lobby across the way. I glanced over at Tiana, and I saw her face contort into an expression mixed of horror, confusion and shock that I had never once seen her wear before. So, how the hell did he end up here, who was the unfortunate bastard that Tiana had shot instead, and why did he know we were there? As these questions floated around my head, he gave me a smarmy smirk and looked me up and down, and I felt the sudden urge to slap him as hard as I could. Despite the two pistols I had pressed against him, he whispered a pick up line in a very slick, heavily-accented voice with no fear in either his eyes or voice. Embarrassment, more than anything, prompted me to cock my guns and ready my trigger finger. [b]“Kitty, don't--!”[/b] Tiana shouted, but it was too late. I had already sent four shots through him, two from each pistol. I grinned wide as I felt the blood cover my clothing and part of my face, and gave Tiana a thumbs up as I looked over her way. However, she looked less pleased than I, and she promptly stormed over towards me, grabbing the collar of my shirt as she pushed me against the wall while the man's body fell limply onto the floor. [b]“What the fuck? Our job was to kill him and I [i]did[/i],”[/b] I spat, trying to force her off of me. [b]“Yeah, but how the hell did he find us? There could be others following after him, there could-- There might be a group of guys outside [i]right now[/i], waiting to gun down whatever walks out of this building next unless it's [i]him[/i],”[/b] she hissed in a whisper, pointing a finger at the crumpled corpse that had been alive only moments ago. [b]“Well then, we'll go out the [i]window[/i],”[/b] I replied indignantly. She stared at me for a few more seconds before releasing me with a sigh. [b] “I [i]hate[/i] going out the window... And I hate you for making me go out the window practically [i]every god damn time[/i],”[/b] she moaned, packing up her rifle as I stuffed my own carefully back into my duffel bag and replaced my pistols beneath my leg warmers. I let out a snicker as I climbed over the railing of the balcony and lingered for a moment to smile at her. [b] “Oh, you know that's not true,”[/b] I teased before leaping agilely down three floors onto the pavement below. It took me a moment to realize that I had just jumped out into the rain and was quickly becoming thoroughly soaked. When Tiana landed beside me, she recognized my grimace and grinned at me, patting my head mockingly. [b]“Aww, is Kitty getting her fur all wet?”[/b] [b]“I hate you.”[/b] [b]“Oh, you know that's not true.”[/b] [b]“God damn it.”[/b][/font][/indent]
  3. [size=1]I haven't been on in a while as you noticed, and this is just the thing I've been missing. ;] [indent][b]Name:[/b] Tanaka Ryuu [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/Relaxing_by_sweetmoon.jpg]Ryuu[/url] (art © [url=sweetmoon.deviantart.com][b]sweetmoon[/b][/url] @ deviantART) [b]Place of Origin:[/b] Okayama, Japan [b]Personality:[/b] Ryuu is a very absent-minded person, seldom paying attention to anything other than what's two feet in front of him so he doesn't run into anything. He has often got himself into trouble for falling asleep or not paying attention while in class or at his part-time job in the bookstore near his home. However, when something does manage to catch his interest, he becomes extremely aggressive in his pursuit of whatever it is. He is also very stubborn and self-important, often speaking in a rude manner towards others, leaving him with few friends who can stand his rather obnoxious attitude, though he really doesn't pay much mind to his popularity. This is also the reason why he can never keep a relationship going for very long, though he somehow keeps managing to snag himself a girlfriend ? another thing that irritates his guy classmates and coworkers. [b]Adjutant:[/b] The Halberdier [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/_Diemies__by__coey_.jpg]Reith[/url], pronounced ?ray-ith?. (art © [url=-coey-.deviantart.com][b]-coey-[/b][/url] @ deviantART) [b]Adjutant's Skills:[/b] // [i]Eagle's Eye[/i] ? Reith enhances her eyesight to allow her perfect vision in any conditions, up to a distance of a mile. She is essentially able to work her eyes like fairly advanced binoculars as long as the spell lasts, which, depending on how much energy she has, is anywhere between a few seconds and an entire day. // [i]Fire Bubble[/i] ? As strange a name as it has, it is a very useful and basic spell. Reith creates a large, fiery 'bubble' around herself and/or whomever else she wants. This shield protects anyone within from all physical attacks and any fire-based magic, and lasts as long as Reith wants it to or until she loses consciousness. // [i]Dragon's Fury[/i] ? Reith's dragon characteristics (ie. horns, wings and tail) all grow larger, and scales start to cover her body, mainly along her sides, hands, lower arms, feet, and calves. While in this state, Reith becomes twice as bloodthirsty as she usually is, and her strength is increased significantly. However, this form offers no extra defense, so she is still easily susceptible to damage, though she won't feel most of the pain until after the spell wears off. // [i]Berserker[/i] ? Her most powerful enhancement, this spell boosts all of Reith's qualities, most drastically improving her recovery rate. Reith's strength, defense, speed, and accuracy all increase three times their regular level, and any wounds she has immediately heal. The main drawback of this enhancement is that she loses most control of herself, and can only be commanded by Ryuu successfully. She also becomes extremely drained after usage, and since her recovery returns to normal, it takes a long time for her to get all of her strength back. [b]Bio:[/b] Ryuu yawned as he wandered through the dimly lit corridors that he had suddenly found himself in. He could've sworn he had been shelving the latest merchandise back at the bookstore only minutes ago before seeing a weird light through the window, and wondered if he had fallen asleep on the job again. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he realized he had walked into a large door. He paused for a moment to contemplate whether it was really worth opening the door, but his curiosity won out in the end, and he pushed it open with startling ease despite its size. Behind the door was a small room, filled with the same strange wall decorations and torches as the corridors that led him there. Unlike the hallways outside, this room contained a pedestal in its center, with something rather large floating above it. Intrigued, Ryuu made his way towards the floating object and, upon closer inspection, realized that it was a book. And while he was confident he had never seen it before, it felt very familiar. [b]?Do you know what that is??[/b] someone spoke from behind him. The voice startled him, and he turned around quickly to see where it had come from. It was an older man who looked as if he hadn't had a good night's rest in years, the bags under his eyes as dark as Ryuu had ever seen. As he walked towards the fairly confused young man, the door closed on its own behind him. [b]?Am I asleep??[/b] Ryuu asked, ignoring the older man's question. [b] ?Or was I knocked out and dragged to this weirdo place by you or your henchmen? [i]Or[/i] is this--?[/b] [b]?You really don't recognize it??[/b] the man asked, staring down at the teenager he had just interrupted. Ryuu quickly decided that he did [i]not[/i] like this strange person, who had likely kidnapped him for God knows what, and was oddly adamant about knowing whether or not the book held any meaning for him. Rolling his eyes, he answered the old man, figuring he wouldn't get any answers unless he gave a few. [b]?No, I [i]don't[/i]... Well, I don't think I do, anyway. I swear I've seen it before, but I don't remember where or when. But what's it matter? It's a big book? Big deal,?[/b] he answered, poking at the large book, making it bounce up and down in the air above the pedestal. [b]?Despite what you may think, Ryuu Tanaka, this 'big book' is a very big deal.?[/b] Ryuu was about to retort when he realized that the old man had called him by name. Now he was positive that he had been kidnapped. [b]?What do you want from me??[/b] he asked immediately, taking a couple steps away from the man and the pedestal. [b]?I want you to read this book and summon your Adjutant. You are one of eight who have been chosen, and now you must realize your responsibility, and your destiny. Take the book and read, Ryuu. Only you can,?[/b] the man said calmly. To demonstrate his point, he attempted to touch the book as Ryuu had earlier, but it would not budge beneath his fingers. Curiosity once again beating out his better judgment, Ryuu approached the pedestal once again ? though this time from the side opposite the man he was still quite wary of ? and reached for the book. He was surprised at how easily he could lift the large tome, and he eagerly pulled open the cover and stared at the first page. [b]?Am I supposed to read [i]this[/i]??[/b] [b]?Give yourself a moment. It will come to you.?[/b] [b]?Yeah, but-?[/b] Ryuu began to protest, but once he looked up, the man was gone. He stood silent for a moment before letting out a sigh. [b]?I [i]have[/i] to be dreaming. Anyway, since I'll forget this when I wake up, might as well try reading this crap.?[/b] Returning his eyes to the first page covered in what originally appeared as nonsense scribbles, he suddenly found himself able to read it aloud, and read aloud he did. Once he reached a certain point, a flash of dark red light poured out of the page, and he was forced to hold an arm in front of his eyes. After several moments of standing like that, he blinked his eyes open as he lowered his arm, and saw that he was not alone in the room once again. Before him stood a tall, tan woman who appeared to also have dragon-like characteristics. Out of her back sprouted two feathery, brown wings and a long, scaly tail. Her hands and feet were bare and clawed, and she wasn't wearing much anywhere else, either. Her reddish brown hair fell just below her shoulders, and three horns poked out from beneath her bangs. Lifting her eyelids, she revealed two golden irises with slanted pupils, and used them to examine Ryuu from top to bottom. [b]?W-Who... [i]What[/i] are you??[/b] Ryuu corrected himself in a slightly panicked tone, holding the book up as if he would use it as a shield should the woman prove to be violent. She walked towards him, causing him to pull the book up just under his eyes, and suddenly fell to one knee, bowing her head. Stunned, Ryuu unintentionally let the book fall from his hands and land on his foot with a weight it seemed to gain out of nowhere. He let out a brief howl as he grabbed his foot and lost his balance, landing on the floor in front of the bowing woman. She lifted her head slightly to see him sprawled out on the ground before her and let out a quiet chuckle. [b]?Sh-Shut up,?[/b] he snapped, finding himself blushing slightly as he scrambled to a sitting position. She obediently fell silent and lowered her head again, confusing Ryuu even more. [b] ?At least tell me your name,?[/b] he sighed, now sounding much calmer. [b]?Reith the Halberdier.?[/b] A moment after she said her name, he blinked and suddenly found himself back in the book store between the shelves he had been filling. Looking around, he wondered what the hell had just happened. [b]?I guess it was just a dream,?[/b] he said with a sigh of relief, though he also felt strangely disappointed. He quickly finished his task (startling his boss and coworkers) and left for home on his bike. He was used to eating alone most of the time since his parents left early and worked late, so he rummaged through the refrigerator before taking his makeshift meal upstairs to his room. Opening the door, he was surprised to see the same dark red book from the ?dream? he had had back at work resting on his bed. He nearly dropped his plate, but managed to keep from spilling it everywhere and placed it on his desk before slowly approaching it. [b]?Still think it was a dream??[/b] came a female voice from behind him as he touched the tattered cover. It took less than a second for the voice to register in his mind, and he let out a small chuckle. Whoever that old man was, if Ryuu ever saw him again, he was going to definitely kick his butt. Turning around, he stared at Reith with a grin and offered her his desk chair as a seat. [b]?So, [i]Reith[/i], you gonna explain all of this to me or what??[/b][/indent][/size]
  4. [INDENT][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Noelani "Lani" Pauoha [pronounced: no-eh-lah-nee pow-oh-ha] [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Country of Origin:[/B] America (Hawaii) [B]Appearance:[/B] Lani is the tallest and lankiest of her siblings, standing at an impressive 5'10", and is remarkably pale for a Hawaiian native, though still tan. She keeps her naturally black hair up in buns or ponytails, except for special occasions, with her short bangs falling just above her crystal blue eyes. She wears tank tops and cargo shorts pretty much every day, and occasionally wears her favorite swimsuit underneath if she feels she'll probably go swimming or surfing that day. She prefers going barefoot, having developed callused feet after years of refusing to wear shoes, and only carries around some flimsy flip-flops as an alternative should she require shoes. [B]Element:[/B] Rock [b]Starting Power:[/b][indent][i]Stone Whip[/i] - Not being able to control very large rocks, she takes advantage of her powers over very small ones. Pulling them together, she creates a flexible whip made of stone that varies in length depending on how long she wants it to be, or how many rocks are available. Being made of stone, and with her heightened strength, being hit with this whip would leave quite the mark.[/indent] [B]Personality:[/B] Lani is a very serene individual. She doesn't get angry often, if at all, and is an expert at hiding her fear from others. She is, much like the element she controls, the stubborn, never-ceding end of a discussion or arguement. She never changes her mind, though when she's proven wrong she is quick to admit her error. Being the eldest of seven children, Lani has always been considered very responsible. She takes her duty to watch over her siblings very seriously, and as she makes friends, she feels somewhat responsible for them even if they're older than she is. She even radiates a feeling of comfort, and people are often drawn to her for it. Despite her very acute sense of self-awareness and responsibilty, however, she is often teased, and sometimes even reprimanded, for her cluelessness. She rarely does or says anything with cruel intentions, but has occasionally offended others because she wasn't think about what she's saying.[/SIZE][/INDENT]
  5. [size=1][b]Name:[/b] Auroré Allenby [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Ethnicity:[/b] English/French [b]Personality/Style:[/b] Having always been waited on, pampered and treated to anything she desired, Auroré has grown up to be a very materialistic, somewhat oblivious and lazy individual. Prideful and brash, Auroré is unlikely to [i]ever[/i] admit that she was wrong about [i]anything[/i], probably because she's quite often very, very wrong. It has long seemed that she has bad luck when it comes down to decision making, but it hasn't stopped her from trying. She is a fan of pointing out the faults in others so they don't focus on her errors, but all it really does is get others mad at her. She, of course, hasn't realized this yet. She is also an expert at ignoring things and acting as if they never happened, and has been doing just that ever since she saw her family's entire property go from a bustling, upperclass settlement to a barren, zombie-ridden ghost building. But denial can't help her much longer. [b]Weapons:[/b] Auroré is partial to her father's Winchester Model 70, which she grabbed from his study before vacating her family's townhouse. Despite her prissy attitude and lifestyle, she has her tomboyish aspects. She's been a fan of shooting games for as long as she can remember, and her parents let her visit shooting ranges as she got older. She's a surprisingly good shot, and makes sure to let everyone know. She usually carries it strapped over her right shoulder, and all the bullets she could grab at the time are stuffed into her favorite black and white, tote bag. She also carries around her old chef's largest cutting knife in her bag, should she not have the time to load her rifle or not feel like using her bullets.[/size]
  6. [size=1][b]10) Black and white[/b] please! :3[/size]
  7. Kitty

    The Sleepers

    [size=1][indent]?Shit.? ?To say the least, yeah?? ?Go fuck yourself, Xue.? ?Don't be touchy, Li.? The young woman was grinning broadly, watching the horror dawning on the Wayward Hare's face as he realized how deep in shit he really was if he didn't clean up this mess fast. She was assigned as essentially his babysitter, though she had been given the fancier title of 'manager', despite the fact that she never [i]really[/i] called the shots. The two of them acknowledged their mutual hate, and didn't bother hiding it in public, though there were days when she couldn't deny having a small crush on him. After all, he was fairly handsome, but he was a spoiled little boy trapped in a twenty-year old body, and she would never settle for that. But it was times like this that Xue enjoyed more than anything, being able to see him visibly bothered when he usually didn't have to worry at all, because she and her bodyguards were there to take care of him. ?What are you going do now, then?? she asked after a few more minutes of soaking in his dismay with glee. ?Find that bitch and get the stuff back.? ?Guess I'll go, too, yeah?? He eyed her angrily, but shrugged as he pulled on the dark blue t-shirt he had been wearing the previous day. Even if he told her not to come, she'd go anyway. ?Fine,? he growled, grabbing his leather jacket as he stomped out the door. [center][i]the previous day...[/i][/center] ?We have a winner!? The rowdy audience cheered as the ref held up the young man's arm in victory. From the more expensive seats, Wayward Hare watched with genuine interest as a small brawl broke out on the betting floor, where a dispute over money was soon to be settled with fists. Behind him sat the ever-present Xue and a few other bodyguards she had brought with her. At his right sat a strikingly beautiful young woman wearing only a tiny, gray slip of a dress. She wasn't a woman that needed to be bought, but from the way she carried herself, anyone could tell the men she spent her time with had to have plenty of bank. ?Baby, why don't we go to the War Dragon? They've got more security than this place...? He shook off the gentle hand she had placed on his shoulder, nodding impatiently back at Xue to explain for him. She frowned, but did it anyway. ?The War Dragon is publically known to be a Sleeper fighting ring. Tensions between their organization and our own are already running high, and it's best that we not worsen our relationship by beating all the fighters they've got,? Xue explained. ?Besides, brain-dead idiots like Li here thrive in a place like this.? Her last comment went unheard by the others, and she crossed her legs after letting out an exasperated sigh. The group spent a few more hours watching the fights and betting, Li winning quite a load of cash himself. From her seat behind him, Xue cleared her throat to earn her 'assignment''s attention. When she had finally caught his eye, she tapped her watch and stood up, signaling that he had some business to do. He groaned, but stood to leave as well. ?Kong,? he nodded at one of the bodyguards before turning to his date, ?will escort you to my place. I'll be back in an hour or so.? ?But Baby--? ?Shut up and get goin'. I've got work to do.? An angry look spread across her face, but she didn't dare ask anymore questions. Men like Li weren't very forgiving when their demands weren't met with strict obedience. The only reason he even put up with Xue was because his superiors had made him. She watched with annoyance as he left her with only his bodyguard and pile of betting slips. Outside, the two of them stepped into a not-so-discreet limousine and drove off through downtown, sitting in silence as Li finished reading the brief details of this job, until Xue decided to speak up. ?So, you're the number one pusher of this stuff, yeah?? ?Mm.? ?Why don't you use it yourself?? ?'Cause unlike the poor bastards that get hooked on this nasty stuff, I actually know what it does to you. [i]And[/i] I can afford better.? ?I thought this was pretty expensive.? Li rolled his eyes at his inquisitive manager, growing tired of her questions. He angrily snatched back the small bag she was examining, pocketing it before looking back out the window at the buildings whizzing by. ?Touchy, touchy.? ?I didn't wanna do a job tonight. That chick's waiting for me back at my place right now, you know.? ?'That chick?' Can't you even remember her name?? ?Why should I? I'll screw her tonight, and toss her out on her ass tomorrow. She's just a pretty face. I'm not interested in anything else with her.? Xue raised a curious eyebrow before chuckling. She opened her mouth to say something when their ride came to an abrupt halt and he walked out in a rush. He wasn't kidding when he said he didn't want to do a job, which meant he'd try and get this one done as fast as possible. ?Oi! You there,? came a voice from above. Looking up, Li spotted a middle-aged man pointing down at him. ?Password!? ?Ox hoof.? Li was slightly embarrassed, if anything, to have to put up with such a silly system. He wondered what the hell kinda password 'ox hoof' was, anyway. The old man nodded and disappeared, and a boy, no older than ten, suddenly emerged from behind one of the dumpsters littering the particular alley this deal was about to go down in. He held out a bag of money which Li took before handing him one of the many, small bags of Dragon's Tongue he had in his pocket. As he walked away, he could hear the anxious shouting of the older man at who was probably his son to bring up the 'stuff'. ?Poor bastards,? Li mumbled, tossing the money onto one of the seats in the limo as he closed the door. ?Take me to my place.? ?Yessir,? came the submissive voice of his limousine driver. Xue was quietly staring at him, which greatly unnerved him, but he tried to pass it off by staring out the window, eager to return to his home where a beautiful young woman was waiting for him. [center][i]the present day...[/i][/center] Xue's job was to clean up Li's messes, and this was no different. She had been on the phone for half an hour, calling different people asking if they had seen a woman named Jun, and only one had said yes. She cursed herself for not thinking of going back to the same fighter pit they had spent so much of their day at yesterday, as her contact there had confirmed seeing her there again. She figured she must've been a junkie, or was working for a junkie that didn't have or want to spend the money. When they arrived, Li was practically foaming at the mouth from anger. He absolutely detested being tricked like this, and he wasn't about to let some [i]woman[/i] get away with it. Xue attempted to calm him down, but he would have none of it. She sighed, nodding to the bodyguards to keep a close eye on him, while she remained in the limo, pouring herself a shot of whiskey as she waited. Inside, Li was angrily pushing himself through the crowd, paying little mind to those who cried in protest. He was hit with a few empty glass bottles, and even a couple chairs, but he was too angry to really feel anything. His impatience wasn't helping matters, as he failed to find any trace of the thief, or any other woman, on the betting floor. Spotting the expensive seats above, he rushed up the stairs and slammed open the doors to each separate room until he spotted the same figure that had seduced him the previous night. ?Found you!? he shouted, rushing forward and practically breaking the woman's arm as he grabbed her. She shrieked in pain, but he only squeezed tighter. The older gentleman that had been sitting beside her recognized his face immediately and began backing away. ?W-W-Wayward Hare! What do you want?? he cried in terror. Without looking away from the sobbing young woman, he barked for the other man to get out immediately, which he did happily. ?So, [i]Baby[/i], tell me where it is.? ?I-I-I don't know what you're talking about!? ?Yes you do,? he whispered venomously. ?What did you do with the drugs?? ?I'm sorry! I'm sorry!? she sobbed, both from the searing pain of her arm and the fear of being beaten to death in a matter of moments. ?Last chance.? ?I don't know his name, but he's a Sleeper!? she finally relented, falling limp as he released his grip on her arm. He rubbed his temples, thinking silently for a bit before he decided it was time to go. The sooner he tracked down the bastard that now had his drugs, the better. He figured Xue already had some leads for him, and all that was left was what to do with the girl. He looked her over once more and let out a sigh. ?It's a shame.? She whimpered in response, crawling away as she saw him walking slowly towards her, eyes wide with terror. ?You really were pretty.? A few minutes later, Xue was startled at Li's sudden return to their limousine. His hands were covered in blood, but she wasn't a bit unnerved by the sight. She handed him a towel before hearing her cell phone go off in her pocket. She answered lazily, but snapped to attention as she was spoken to. Her unusual tension even unnerved Li, who demanded she tell him what was going on. ?... Twelve floors of headquarters were just blown up.? ?Not my office?? She gave him a stunned look for a moment, amazed at his being unperturbed after such news, before shaking her head. ?That's good. I have some nice booze stuffed in my chest up there.?[/indent][/size]
  8. [size=1]Alright, I'm finally caught up with all the action, and I've decided on a side-quest for Hong-Fu to set out on before interacting with everyone else. Hong-Fu is currently the number one pusher of Dragon's Tongue for the Brotherhood of Infinite Longevity, and he's beginning to grow careless with his supplies. After a one-night stand, he finds it's almost all missing, and plans to find it. In my post, I'll sum up his actions of the first day of the RP (which I missed) and the morning. Hope this is okay, and sorry it took so long Raiha. ^__^;[/size]
  9. [INDENT][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Hong-Fu Li (given name, surname) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Organization Nickname:[/b] Wayward Hare [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Chinese Zodiac Sign:[/b] Rabbit [b]Organization of Choice:[/b] The Brotherhood of Infinite Longevity [b]Function:[/b] Underground ring fighter, occasionally doing the various hitman jobs that appeal to him. [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at an impressive 5'11?, Hong-Fu is the tallest member of his family, and often towers over those he hangs around. He has developed a muscled upper body from all of his daily ?workouts? (fights, brawls, trouble he gets into and beats his way out of, etc.), which he has toned with the occasional visit to his personal gym. He has dark brown eyes and black hair that he has dyed red at the tips, normally sporting longish bangs that drape across his eyes. [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] Usually his fists, but he can work with essentially anything he can get his hands on. [b]Biography:[/b] Son of a wealthy and powerful tyrant, Hong-Fu was born into the world of underground royalty, though many would say he doesn't at all behave like it. Spoiled from a young age, he has grown both extremely selfish and fickle. Having two older (and much more mature and successful) brothers, his father pays him little mind, seeing him as nothing but a failure compared to his siblings, but continues to give him money whenever he asks for it. His mother was worse, almost always pretending like he wasn't there, which, in addition to other things, helped him develop his current twisted opinion of women. [b]Personality:[/b] Despite his age, Hong-Fu usually acts less like a young man and more like a child. Due to his short attention span, tendency to throw violent tantrums when disappointed, and his vicious desire to do whatever anyone says he can't, he is usually seen doing more 'field-work', fitting him more into the role of a grunt than the 'prince' that his background entitles him to be. Violent and often merciless, he has developed quite a reputation among the underground fights' betting circle as a 'sure win' against most opponents. He has won over three hundred matches since his entry to the sport on his twentieth birthday. He isn't very book-smart, but he has been able to surprise the more intellectual members of his circle of friends, and even his family, with insight and sophisticated articulation they would normally be convinced that he lacked. He is fairly lucky when it comes to money, as well, and enjoys winning large sums of cash, and the occasional woman, whenever he finds something to bet on. It is his low-class behavior in spite of his established family history and his zodiac sign that has earned him the name ?Wayward Hare? within the organization.[/SIZE][/INDENT]
  10. [size=1]I'd be willing to post again, also, but I'm not a hundred percent clear as to what the Sapiens are doing. If that could be cleared up, I'd be glad to write up another post. ^__^[/size]
  11. [size=1]Dibs! I'll have a set up for you soon. ^___^ [b]edit ::[/b] Here they are. :3 [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requests/ForgotteN-HerOavatar.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requests/ForgotteN-HerObanner.png[/IMG] [/size]
  12. [size=1]I'm a huge fan of the Paper Mario games, owner of both the original N64 and the GameCube versions, and if I didn't have a reason to get a Wii before, this game alone would warrant one of those fan[i]tabulous[/i] systems. From the trailers, I'm both amazingly excited and a bit anxious of what the game will perform like. It looked a little confusing to me [spoiler](for example, the going through the 'door' and spinning the world around you seems like it would be very useless ability if you didn't know where you had to use it)[/spoiler]. But the fact that we can play as not only Mario, but Peach and especially Bowser as well, means I, for one, will definitely NOT be disappointed with this title. Make April come faster! D:< [b]edit ::[/b] I used spoilers just in case somebody didn't watch the trailers, and wanted to be surprised or somethin'. *shrug*[/size]
  13. [size=1][indent][i][b] ?Kuro! Kuro! Are you okay??[/b] [b] ?Now I am.?[/b][/i] Mai continued to blush as the words floated through her frantic mind. Though she was almost completely absorbed by her own thoughts, she was always mindful of Kuro's presence beside her as the two walked towards the stadium. Her hand brushed against his accidentally once, and the two blushed again as she repeatedly apologized and he repeatedly reassured her that it was okay. Despite the actual reason the two were walking towards the stadium so late at night, she felt practically giddy as she strolled beside him, finding it hard to keep a straight face. [b] ?Erm... Kuro,?[/b] Mai mumbled suddenly. [b] ?Yeah??[/b] She nervously poked her fingers together in silence before dropping her hands to her sides. The fear of what she was expected to do in the battles that followed tonight's meeting, mixed with the presence of Kuro by her side, the two of them [i]alone[/i], created butterflies the force of which she had never felt before. It made it hard for her to continue walking, as she felt she would collapse soon from the combination of nausea and stress, but she did her best to keep a straight face and swallow her weariness. [b] ?Are you scared??[/b] He was a bit taken aback by the question at first, though he understood why she asked. The news that had been delivered to them just that afternoon was still weighing heavily on everyone's young and inexperienced minds and hearts, and some were definitely likely to be more stressed than others. [b] ?A little,?[/b] he replied. She couldn't tell if he was exaggerating or understating his feelings, but the fact that he admitted he was even a little bit unnerved by the upcoming challenge eased the fluttery feeling of her stomach. She even blushed a bit as she felt him wrap his hand around hers, simply as a reassuring gesture from a friend, she told herself. They strode, hand in hand, into the stadium and through the growing crowd, searching the sea of faces for a few familiar ones. [b] ?Mai! Kuro!?[/b] came a friendly, distinct voice. Their hands almost immediately snapped apart, much to Mai's withheld disappointment, as they turned to see a relieved Kaoru waving at the two of them. When they walked up to her, Mai still blushing slightly, she smiled as she spoke. [b]?I was worried I wouldn't see you guys before we left.?[/b] Mai heard the sound of a loud, indignant snort come from beside her closest friend, and leaned her head back slightly to try and catch a glimpse of who it was. She let out a small 'eep' when she saw it was Ichiro, and she had to fight to keep a surprised yelp from escaping her when she spotted Gin Batou slumped nearby as well. Kuro looked from her to the two of them and back with a worried look on his face. Kaoru immediately pulled her over and into a seat beside her. [b] ?He was talking- well, more like bickering- with Gin. I don't think he even saw you walk up. Don't worry, okay??[/b] she whispered into the anxious girl's ear, rubbing her shoulder reassuringly. Mai nodded, taking a few breaths, before patting the spot next to her with hopeful eyes for Kuro to sit beside her. She noticed his eyes dart between Ichiro and Kaoru a few times before he smiled at her and sat down where she had indicated. It was a tight fit, now that there were the four of them sitting on the same bench with the rest of the crowd around them. [b] ?I wonder what the Hokage will say [i]this[/i] time. It can't possibly get worse, can it??[/b] Mai asked quietly. [b] ?Hope not,?[/b] Kuro replied, though his mind was seemingly somewhere else. She frowned, having noticed since the two had broken their hands apart that he had suddenly grown very solemn and quiet. She silently pondered placing a hand on his the way he had done before, thinking to herself that it would be merely a comforting gesture in his mind, but something more in her own. She quickly ceded to her own will, which this time asked for something very uncharacteristic of her. After gripping his hand gently and seeing his startled eyes snap open wider than she had seen them in a while, she smiled meekly at him before leaning over towards him. She was blushing fairly deeply by now, but he had bolstered her spirits more than once and she wanted to return the favor. [b] ?If you're scared, even just a little bit at all, don't think about it too much. Fear wouldn't weaken someone as strong as you. And if that doesn't help, just remember that I'm probably much more frightened than you are,?[/b] she whispered. He was silent for a moment before letting out a chuckle and returning her grip on his hand with a light squeeze of his own and a acknowledging smile. Mai looked into his eyes and noticed that, while they had softened, they were still turbulent with thought, worry and other things she couldn't quite determine.[/indent] [b]ooc ::[/b] Ditto Omega. Woot for love triangles and sap! XD[/size]
  14. [size=1][indent][b] ?Eden--?[/b] Leonus began with a serious look, though he was interrupted before he could say anything else. [b] ?It's Eddy,?[/b] the teen corrected, smiling wide. It was amazing, and even a bit unnerving, that she was always seen with a smile. Since the day she joined the Sapiens, which was not all that long ago, Leonus had not once seen her frown, grimace, cry, or look or sound anything other than happy. He wondered what her life had been like, as she had kept her past a secret from him and everyone else in the Sapiens, but was more curious as to whether or not she would finally show him some anger or disappointment when she heard what he was about to say. [b] ?Eddy... I'd like you to stay behind for this one.?[/b] [b] ?I understand.?[/b] [b] ?Look, I know--... You do??[/b] [b] ?Of course, Leonus, Sir! Simply because I have a dragon doesn't mean I'm ready for a battle like this. After all, you have no idea what Deimos is planning, and you wouldn't want me to go out there, being unexperienced and not knowing what I was about to face,?[/b] she replied, telling him almost exactly what he was thinking to himself with that eerie smile still present on her face. He raised an eyebrow at her before letting out a sigh. [b] ?You're [i]almost[/i] right,?[/b] he told her, to which she responded with a giggle, [b] ?You have a dragon, but you are inexperienced in battle compared to the other dragon riders, and I have nothing but a small inkling as to what Deimos is planning. But simply, I'm holding you back because you are young, and therefore probably the most likely to make a foolish mistake that will get you and the others killed.?[/b] [b] ?A sensible prediction. But Sir, if I may...?[/b] she trailed off. He was silent as he thought for a minute before he nodded for her to continue. [center]&&&[/center] The sound of humans being squished is not a pleasant one, but Eddy had gotten used to it. Cinder seemed to have taken a liking to using his rather large feet instead of his flame, and Eddy refused to protest as it was certainly a good way for him to blow off some steam. She fought with her large axe in the meantime, cutting down the men that came at her with ease. A few had managed to get pretty close, but they were instantly picked off by the joyful, red dragon. [b] ?You're enjoying yourself an awful lot, aren't you??[/b] she called to him as she threw back three men at once with a wild swing of her axe. [b] ?You bet,?[/b] came his unusually cheerful, non-sarcastic response. She giggled again before preparing to use a spell. Within a few minutes, they had cleared out almost a hundred and fifty soldiers combined, and were starting to grow slightly bored, as was natural for a teenager and such an impatient dragon. [i][b]?Is there anything [/i]else[i] to do??[/b][/i] he whined slightly. Eddy looked around, trying to find an answer to his question, but saw none. [b] ?Nothing but more soldiers in every direction,?[/b] she replied, her always present smile not faltering for a moment. [i][b] ?But I'm tired of them. I think I have a few of their bones stuck in my toes, too.?[/b][/i] [b] ?Well, let's get up in the air and see if we can't find something better!?[/b] Eddy gently climbed up onto Cinder's forehead, seating herself comfortably between his large horns as he snorted out a few sparks from his nostrils. He lifted off of the ground with ease, and the two began observing the battlefield from the air. As he circled above, Eddy spotted her comrades battling in various ways with the soldiers. They were easily holding their own, which wasn't surprising. What [i]was[/i] unusual was the sight of one man in particular: Sabien Deimos. She watched as one of her acquaintances, Donovan, on the back of the majestic Adria, kept his distance from the intimidating man. She was busy pondering why the others weren't attacking the man when it was so easy to get to him when her thoughts were interrupted by Cinder's voice. [i][b] ?Hey, why don't I stomp on him??[/b][/i] he chuckled, though he was entirely serious about the suggestion. [b] ?No... A man like that getting stuck in your toes would quickly poison the rest of you,?[/b] she replied with a smile, though her voice hinted a more serious meaning behind the comment. [b]?Besides, I think going after him would be one of those mistakes that might get me and the others killed.?[/b] [i][b] ?Don't tell me you're going to actually listen to that old windbag,?[/b][/i] Cinder asked, astonished. He knew her almost as well as she knew herself, having been with her since she was only a little girl, and he had never seen her take to obedience before. After all, she wouldn't be out here if she hadn't disobeyed [i]someone[/i]. [b] ?Don't worry, Cin. I'm not doing this for him,?[/b] she reassured him, stroking his scaly neck. He didn't like not knowing what was going through her head, and it frustrated him when she was hiding things from him. Before he could complain, she pointed out a fast-approaching swarm of Wyverns up ahead. [i][b] ?So, the Brigade finally decided it wanted to show up, eh??[/b][/i] Cinder growled, showing a few of his sparkling teeth. If he could, he would surely have smirked as wide as possible. He was excited about the thought of being the first to fight the Brigade, which he could surely brag about later. [b] ?I'm sure they'd appreciate a warm welcome to the battlefield,?[/b] Eddy grinned. [i][b] ?Then why don't we give them more of a [/i]scorching[i] welcome??[/b][/i] he suggested maliciously.[/indent][/size]
  15. [size=1][indent][b]?So how are you two today? Ey Mitsumi-san, Mai-chan??[/b] Mai found herself clumsily opening and closing her mouth as she looked up at Kuro, fumbling for the words she wanted to say despite how simple they were. Mitsumi, spotting her friend's struggle, stepped between the two of them and giggled lightheartedly. [b]?We're fine, Kuro-san. And you??[/b] [b]?Oh, I'm doin' great,?[/b] he replied, scratching his head casually. From behind Mitsumi, Mai cursed at herself silently before finally deciding on the right words. She bravely stood up straight and stepped carefully beside the redhead and managed to spit out her sentence, albeit quite louder than she meant to. [b]?Would you like to come with us to see the Sand ninja??[/b] [b]?I was actually heading there myself,?[/b] he chuckled. Mai's eyes brightened as he spoke, and she managed to smile briefly. [b]?Shall we??[/b] [b]?Let's go!?[/b] Mitsumi smiled, taking Mai's hand and giving her an affectionate wink. The three walked side by side through the streets until they came upon a large crowd entering the village's stadium. [b]?You think...??[/b] Mai began, looking from Mitsumi to Kuro. [b]?Definitely,?[/b] Kuro grinned, leaping into the air and landing on the closest rooftop. [b]?Whaddya say we get some balcony seats??[/b] Mitsumi and Mai followed after him and the three of them soon found a spot among the crowded seats of the stadium with a decent view of the Hokage, Kazekage and Sand ninja below. Mai even spotted Kaoru arrive and flagged her down, despite the presence of Ichiro and others in her company. They all perched together on the railing and shared theories with one another until Tsunade cleared her throat and the crowd quickly fell silent. After the Fifth Hokage's blunt announcement, Mai felt her jaw drop in astonishment. It couldn't be true... could it? Genin and Chuunin facing malicious, experienced Shadow ninja? The thought was terrifying. Mai could barely handle battle [i]practice[/i] as it was. How could anyone expect her to fight a force that took out almost every single person in Sunagakure, and was planning on doing the same to Konohagakure? It wasn't fair, and it wasn't smart, either. Maybe the others could do some good, but she was just going to get in the way. She knew it, and she was sure everyone else did, too. Mitsumi, on her right, was the first to speak afterwards, and told her she was going home to prepare for tonight. Mai promised to see her later and watched her disappear. After she left, Mai felt a hand grip hers, and she turned to her left to see Kaoru biting her lip. [b]?Mai??[/b] [b]?What is it, Kaoru-chan??[/b] [b]?Do you... Do you think we can do this??[/b] Mai was silent for a moment, taken aback by the sincere worry that filled her friend's normally cheerful, brown eyes as she stared down at the Sand ninja below. She had no acceptable answer, but she knew she had to say something. She never was the best at thinking or sounding positive, but when Kaoru was the doubtful one of them, Mai knew she had to try. After thinking it over, she strengthed her grip on Kaoru's hand and whispered back to her reassuringly. [b]?If Tsunade-sama is entrusting us with this responsibility, then I'm sure she believes we can, and so should we.?[/b] [center]&&&[/center] [b]?Bye Mom,?[/b] Mai smiled, wrapping her arms tightly around her mother. She and the others had all gone home soon after Mitsumi, and despite her wanting to ask Kuro to walk with her, he ended up leaving with Kaoru. Though she was disappointed, she understood that she was best friends with him, too, and she would surely need some support from him as well. When she had gotten home, she immediately packed and spent the rest of the afternoon training by herself. She felt a bit ridiculous, but continued anyway. She needed all the practice she could get if she was to be more useful than a lump when they actually had to fight. [b]?Now, you be careful alright? You'll come home in one piece, or else!?[/b] her mother smiled tearfully. [b]?I'll be back. I promise,?[/b] Mai mumbled, trying hard herself to fight back tears. Her father ruffled her hair before giving her a quick hug and a kiss on the forehead. She checked one last time to make sure she had everything, and walked out the door, all the while feeling like her heart was about to pop out of her chest. [i]?This is it... I hope I don't end up just being in the way like usual,?[/i] she thought quietly to herself as she walked slowly down the street. The sun was almost completely eclipsed by the mountains in the distance, and despite the oddly warm temperature outside, Mai felt chills and her skin was dotted with goosebumps. The closer she got to the stadium, the more upset her stomach got and the faster her heart thumped in her chest. [i]?I wish Kaoru or... Kuro was here,?[/i] she found herself thinking absentmindedly. She felt calmer around both of them, especially when they were laughing. Kuro always made it easier for her to smile, too. If she didn't run into him in the streets, she was sure she could find him at the stadium, but walking with him would be much nicer. By the time she saw the stadium in the distance, the sun had completely disappeared. Mai picked up her pace, suddenly feeling a bit more uneasy about being alone. She hoped she could find someone quickly instead of standing around alone.[/indent][/size]
  16. [size=1]Meh. It ain't great, but it was fun to make. :3 I wasn't sure what color scheme you wanted, so I just went with one, lol.[/size] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requests/KenshinDXavatar.png[/IMG]
  17. [size=1]Oh geez. @__@ I know I'm already a part of several currently running RPGs, and that I have yet to post in a couple of them, too, but this looks [i]awesome[/i], and I'm saving myself a spot. xD I just voluntarily added to my workload. I must be going crazy, lol. [b]edit ::[/b] Here it is! Almost finished. x3 [b]edit 2::[/b] Snippet is up. ^__^ FYI, Cinder breathes white flames. I just decided that, but didn't know where to put it. xD [indent][i]Character Information:[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Eden ?Eddy? Reikenth [Ee-den Ray-ken-th] [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Resistance:[/b] Sapiens [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/angeetdragonedit.png][b][color=#901C1C]Eddy & Cinder[/color][/b][/url] ? Never seen without her long black scarf, Eddy dresses in dark clothing to contrast with her light hair, usually of the dress or skirt variety. Most would find such clothing inconvenient for flying on a dragon, but Eddy wouldn't be able to ride in anything else. She prefers bare feet, but will wear a pair of hand-sewn, dragon scale boots when she feels there is need to protect her feet. She also has a pair of red-tinted goggles under her scarf for wearing when flying weather is poor. [b]Weapon:[/b] When riding Cin, Eddy keeps to using her magic, feeling awkward handling anything extra while in the air. But on her own, she uses a large [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/Axe.png][b][color=#901C1C]axe[/color][/b][/url] with surprising speed and flexibility. [b]Spells:[/b] [indent][i]Calx Pugnus[/i] [Offensive] ? Covering her fists in solid stone, she can either use them as extremely hard gloves, or thrust her arms forward in a punching motion and shoot the stones off for a rather far distance, another large stone instantly forming around her fist afterwards. It is useful both for close combat and long range, and unlike her other spells, this one requires no source for the stone, making it the fastest and easiest to use. [i]Amplitudo Bovis[/i] ? [Offensive] Essentially, this spell takes dirt and dust particles in the air or rock out of the ground (if she is close enough to it) and 'snowballs' them into small, round projectiles, and then fires them off like bullets. She can create as many as a thousand at a time, to only one or two, but the force behind them is what gives them their power. Depending on how much energy Eddy has left, a single projectile she has created could shoot through a wall of rock several feet thick, leaving a clean, small hole behind. [i]Silicis Voco[/i] [Defensive/Supportive] ? Using this spell, Eddy summons lots of earth (sand, rock, dirt, mud, etc. all work) to form three large spheres around her. She can then shape them into anything she wants, be it a single, large platform that she can glide around on, a large shield for her or Cinder, or even a saddle to wrap around Cinder's back for her to ride in. This spell is only effective when there is significant amount of material nearby, so she usually has to use it while flying close to the ground if she wants to be able to use it during battle.[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] Despite her long hair and the flimsy dresses she's always wearing, Eddy is a very tomboyish individual, most notable from her choice nickname. If she had any boys her age to hang out with, she would surely behave much more like a brother rather than a female buddy. She is a very optimistic person, always finding the best in people and events, but she is also very withdrawn. Though she can see the goodness in others, she finds it difficult to open up and share things about herself with them. [i]Dragon Information:[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Cinder ?Cin/Cindy? [b]Color:[/b] [color=#901C1C][b]Red[/b][/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] See Above [b]Personality:[/b] Cinder is a prideful creature, obsessed with being the most powerful and better than everyone else. He is always stubborn, condescending, impatient and judgmental about everything and everyone, often including Eddy, though she never treats him with anything but affection in return. He listens only to Eddy, and even then, he often has some insulting or demeaning remarks to share. He refuses to back down once challenged, and takes losing in anything, particularly battle, extremely hard. The smallest bruise to his ego leaves him in an even fouler and antagonistic mood than usual, which is hard for most to imagine. Eddy is the only one capable of comforting him, no matter how reluctant he is to admit that he appreciates her. [b]Bio/Snippet:[/b] [indent][b]?Swift, swift, swift, swift,?[/b] Eddy chanted under her breath, smiling as she jumped and climbed down the rocky hillside. The bag she held in her hand waved about wildly as she moved about, and she didn?t seem to pay much attention to the loud crinkling sound it made. She began to mutter in a singsong voice, a tune she had heard a while ago suddenly floating through her head. [b][I]?There you are.?[/I][/b] Eddy looked up towards the light blue sky, sprinkled with fluffy clouds here and there, to search for the source of the voice. The powerful sun forced her to raise her free hand over her eyebrows to keep the light out of her eyes as she scanned the azure around her. Her smile widened further when she spotted a familiar speck rapidly growing larger as it approached. [b]?Swift, swift, swift, swift! Dragon, won?t you give me a lift,?[/b] she continued humming, now quite a bit louder to hear herself over the increasing volume of flapping wings. The creature was only yards away, but came to an abrupt, mid-air stop, beating his wings in a braking manner. The gusts of wind blown in her direction sent the loose end of her scarf wildly waving about behind her, though the rest of it stayed wrapped securely around her neck. [b]?Aren?t you smooth??[/b] Eddy cooed as he landed gracefully in front of her. [b][i]?I was bored waiting for you.?[/i][/b] [b]?Aww, Cindy! You missed me, didn?t you??[/b] [b][I]?Don?t call me that.?[/I][/b] [b]?Sure, sure,?[/b] Eddy giggled, sticking her tongue out. She extended her arm and began massaging Cinder?s scaly chin, and he showed his appreciation by fluttering his eyes closed and leaning against her gentle touch. [b][I]?Did you get what you were looking for??[/I][/b] [b]?Yup! Right here!?[/b] She proceeded to hold up the bag in her other hand as she continued stroking her friend. [b]?It was expensive, but it?ll be worth it.?[/b] Cinder curiously opened one of his eyes to examine whatever it was she had bought, but all he saw was a small, leather bag, and was immediately uninterested. He would eventually find out what was inside, but he was too ?busy? at the moment to investigate now. When she suddenly stopped rubbing his chin he pulled his neck back and let out a snort, a few white sparks flying out of his nostrils. Eddy lucidly jumped and cart wheeled along Cinder?s neck, though her landing on his forehead was much less smooth than her climb. The dragon let out a dissatisfied grunt before expanding his wings and preparing to take off once again. Eddy made sure she had a firm grip on her small bag before positioning herself comfortably between Cinder?s largest horns. Hovering only a few feet in the air, Cinder delayed his speedy take off to ask his rider a question. [b][I]?Holding on tight??[/I][/b] [b]?I haven't fallen off yet.?[/b][/indent] [/indent][/size]
  18. [size=1][i]Wow[/i]. ZOE brings me way back, even though it was only, like, five years ago. xD I know jigglyness is already planning on making some (and they will pwn mine, fo' sho'), but I want to have a go, anyway. I'll post them when I get them done, which should be later tonight.[/size]
  19. [size=1][indent][b]"I'm sorry!"[/b] Mai muttered almost immediately in response to Mitsumi's question. The redhead was caught off guard for a moment, but quickly let out a giggle before smiling wide at her shy friend. [b]"Don't worry about it!"[/b] [b]"I didn't mean to interrupt you two. I-I didn't even see him, so I thought you wouldn't mind talking--"[/b] she continued rambling apologetically, unable to look Mitsumi in the eye and instead staring down at her feet. [b]"Mai!"[/b] Mitsumi interrupted, letting out another quick laugh. No matter how well she knew Mai, the genin's shyness, even towards her own friends, was somewhat startling. [b]"I told you, it's okay,"[/b] she reassured, patting Mai gently on the shoulder, [b]"So, what'd you want talk to me about?"[/b] [b]"Well..."[/b] she began, finally managing to pull her eyes up from the ground and look towards Mitsumi, [b]"Suri-sensei said that me and the other team five genin wouldn't be doing anything for the next couple of days, so I wanted to know if you'd like to go see the Sand ninja arrive with me..."[/b] [b]"A lot of people are going to be there, you know."[/b] [b]"Yeah. I was going to ask Kaoru, too, but she told me she was going with Ichiro and I didn't really want to bother him..."[/b] she trailed off, poking her two index fingers together. Due to Mai's usual timidness, her fear of Ichiro in particular generally went unnoticed, but Mitsumi had noticed it a lot more recently and decided it wouldn't hurt to ask. [b]"You don't seem to like him much. Did he bully you or something? I could beat him up for you, you know."[/b] Despite her joke, Mai remained silent. She knew Mitsumi and Ichiro were close friends, and if she revealed why she didn't want to be left alone with him, she was afraid she would be angry with her, just like she had convinced herself that Ichiro was. Noticing Mai's sudden tense look, Mitsumi felt it best not to press her much further, and changed the subject quickly. [b]"Hey, do you know anyone from Sunagakure?"[/b] she asked with genuine curiousity. Mai shook her head no, but admitted that she'd always wanted to meet someone not from Konoha under more pleasant circumstances than on missions. [b]"Well then, we'd better hurry. We want to beat the crowd, right?"[/b][/indent] --- [b]ooc ::[/b] Sorry about the length. Just wanted to get something up. xD; And [i]holy crap[/i], is Mai Hinata's twin or what? I swear it was unintentional. I noticed it after I finished her profile, lol. >w
  20. [size=1]Well, I'm expecting that once enough members have been kicked off the teams are going to be dissolved, and the competition will turn into an every-man-for-himself kind of thing. Of course, once [i]that[/i] happens, I can't imagine I'll last much longer (should I make it there at all), lol. Otherwise, I'm very unsure of what's coming up, so I'm nervous at the end of every challenge. xD[/size]
  21. [size=1]Woot! I made it in! xD ... But I'm all by my lonesome. ): Even more reason for Mai to be anti-social/embarrased/etc, lol.[/size]
  22. [size=1][indent][b] ?What was that for??[/b] Ezekiel asked gruffly, rubbing his neck as he watched Zed walk away. [b] ?Ah, I was guilted into it. [i]I[/i] wanted to see you beat him to a bloody pulp, but when you two started choking each other I started to wonder. What good would two dead bodies serve anyway??[/b] Summer joked. [b] ?Thanks for your concern,?[/b] he replied sarcastically as she helped him off the ground. She began dusting himself off but paused when she suddenly felt very dizzy. Zeke picked up where she left off with a slightly annoyed expression on his face before realizing that she was beginning to stumble about. He grabbed her hand, but that only made her balance worse, and she fell forward onto the ground. Her dizziness had developed into nasuea, and that into a tremendous pain, as if her stomach was ripping open. [b] ?Summer? Summer?! What's wrong? Are you okay??[/b] he repeated, but she couldn't hear him anymore. She was sweating, shaking and mumbling incoherently as she rested in Ezekiel's arms, but soon she could no longer feel his presence. And suddenly, the pain went away, and with it, everything else. Summer blinked her eyes open, but she'd have preferred her eyes were still closed. It was complete blackness around her, but it wasn't just a lack of light, as she could see her hands in front of her, as well as her feet below her. [b] ?What the hell is this...??[/b] In an instant, the pain from her stomach returned and she let out a cry as she crumpled into a ball, moaning and crying as she threw up a few times. And then, she watched as a large, black shape began emerging from her abdomen. She tried to crawl away, as if it was climbing onto her instead out from within, but to no avail. She wanted to scream, but she realized that the pain was leaving with the... whatever it was. When it was completely out, she looked down at her stomach, pulling up her shirt to check if there was a large hole where the black [i]thing[/i] had come out of, but her body was intact. Looking up, she was startled, to say the least, by what she saw. [i]?You have awakened, I see,?[/i] spoke a strange female voice. Standing before her was a winged creature, its feathers navy blue in color. Over various parts of its body were glowing blue inscriptions in some strange language that, while Summer didn't recognize, could read flawlessly. Its torso was covered in dark fur, ornaments hanging from several longer strands. Its legs were thin, seemed to drape strands of a black silky material, and their blue color faded to white at its hoof-shaped feet. Part of its neck and its entire tail were covered with red, pupil-less eyes, but the only one that Summer really noticed was the one on its face. Around its lone eye, a black 'x'-shaped mark scarred its smooth, blue face, and white streaks trailed down towards its chin. Long white hair flowed down to its human-like shoulders, several strands falling over a long red horn protruding from the side of its head. [b]?Who-- ... [i]What[/i] are you??[/b] Summer asked the creature. [i]?You know who and what I am. You've just forgotten for the moment. But to save some time, my name is Caliga. Now, please open your hand.?[/i] Obediently, she looked down as she slowly revealed her up-facing palm. It was empty at first, but then she saw a black shape poking out from her skin. Even though it had happened only a minute or so before, and with much more pain, it was still an unsettling sight. When the shape had made its way out of her palm, again leaving her body without a single sign of ever being inside of it, she grabbed a hold of it and noticed that it folded out into a rather large fan. [b]?What's this for??[/b] [i]?Again, you already know. You've--?[/i] [b]?Just forgotten. Yeah, I get it. Look, just 'cause I'm supposed to know who you are doesn't mean I necessarily like you. And from this little... 'episode', I'm pretty sure you aren't someone I'm very happy to know,?[/b] Summer spoke, slightly resentful that the creature, now named 'Caliga', wasn't willing to answer her questions. She observed the fan in her hand, noticing some of the same inscriptions written on it when she folded it all the way out. [i]?Well, that may be true. Are you unhappy with yourself??[/i] [b]?What does that have to with anything??[/b] Summer asked, confused as to what the creature was trying to get at. She then heard an eerily human chuckle echo through her mind as she realized she had amused her company. Angrily folding the fan back up with a loud snap, she glared at the creature, though she knew she had no chance at intimidating it no matter how hard she tried. [b]?Don't see what's so funny. But I don't really care anymore. Just how long am I going to be stuck here with you, anyway??[/b] [i]?Not much longer. In fact, I'd say you're just about to wake up.?[/i] As the last couple words rang through Summer's ears, she felt herself getting drowzy as Caliga approached her and suddenly revealed an arm from underneath the dense fur and feathers covering its torso. Its hand touched and held her cheek as her eyes fluttered closed and she fell 'asleep' for a moment before coughing and gasping for air as she sat up where she had first fallen. [b]?What the hell was [i]that[/i]??[/b][/indent][/size]
  23. [SIZE=1]You listen to Panic! At The Disco, eh DW? :P Sorry for the lateness in my reply. I don't know why I didn't see new posts in this thread. o_O;; Anyway, I feel the same as DW on this topic. I don't know much about marijuana (whether that surprises you, Darren, I'm not sure. :P), or it's medical purposes other than being a painkiller, and even then, there are plenty of alternative painkillers. So I personally don't want to take this one, but if you'd rather I do I guess I can, lol. Looks like it's up to you, though, Darren. Sorry. >__>;;[/SIZE]
  24. [size=1][indent]Summer opened and closed her mouth several times, but no words would come out. Not only was she still recovering from the shock of randomly being dumped, though she'd only been dating Daniel for a couple weeks, but now Zeke had gone and surprised her with the question she never thought she'd hear him say, and especially not to her. As long as she'd known him, he had only gone out with a handful of girls, and he never talked to her about them, despite all the teasing she gave him. Not that she minded, really. If he had talked about them with her, she would have felt... well, she wasn't sure - or at least wasn't going to admit that she knew. [b]?Z-Zeke--?[/b] she began once her voice had returned, but her friend cut her off. [b]?Hey, look. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. It's okay. Really.?[/b] [b]?Wait-- no, that's not what I--?[/b] she tried again, but this time the principal's secretary interrupted her. [b] ?You can go in, now.?[/b] Summer rolled her eyes at the woman's timing, and before she could say anything further, Zeke had stood up and walked into the principal's office. She cursed silently, knowing full well that her inability to answer the question right away would mean the two avoiding each other for the rest of the day, despite them having the next three classes together. [center]&&&[/center] [b]?Well... Getting chewed out was fun, huh??[/b] Summer tried to smile, but Zeke didn't look back at her. He merely grunted in response, fiddling with something he held in his hands. She let out a sigh of resignation, figuring it was best to answer his question as soon as possible. She hadn't paid attention to the principal at all while they were stuck in there, and had instead mulled over the question in her head. All it required was a simple yes or no answer, but there was so much more to it. If she said yes, she'd get to go out with Zeke, but if she messed things up, she'd lose one of her closest friends. If she said no, she'd probably lose him, too, [i]and[/i] she wouldn't get a chance to see what it would be like to go out with him, either. She had always had a little crush on him, but she never thought it could have been mutual. The way she saw it, both answers had possible negatives, but... She reached for Zeke's hand but he moved it, causing her to stumble forward and trip. She was about to hit the floor when he caught her shoulders and pulled her back up. He spun her around to face him and, much to her surprise, he was grinning. When he noticed her confused expression, he released her and chuckled. [b]?Sorry, it's just--?[/b] [b]?Yes!?[/b] Zeke stared at her for a second before asking what she was saying yes to, though the look on his face was obvious understanding. [b]?Yes I'd love to go out with you.?[/b] [b]?Geez. Took you long enough to give me an answer. Don't leave me hanging like that,?[/b] he smiled, leaning forward and kissing her on the cheek. Before he could pull away, she stole a kiss from him. When they separated, her cheeks were rosy and her body filled with an unfamiliar floating sensation. His startled expression faded into his familiar smirk. She knew he was about to suggest something perverted and clasped a hand over his mouth. [b]?Saw that one coming,?[/b] she winked. [center]&&&[/center] The rest of the classes seemed to speed by. The new couple paid even less attention in class than usual, and spent their lunch period somewhere other than the cafeteria. Summer was even less rude to teachers and students than usual, her good mood preventing her from feeling much other than giddiness. As the school day reached its end, the two suddenly remembered Zeke's 'appointment' at the Gardens later that day. Summer informed him of her plans to walk with Ana the long way to help her avoid someone, and he responded with a fake disappointed frown. [b]?So I don't get to walk with you??[/b] he pretended to pout. [b]?Nope,?[/b] she smirked. [b] ?Hey, shouldn't you be trying to convince me not to fight? I thought that was what girlfriends were for. Keeping us boys out of trouble.?[/b] [b]?I'm no good at that, remember? I'm the one always encouraging fights.?[/b] [b]?You didn't encourage this one,?[/b] he pointed out. [b]?Yeah, but that's 'cause I've seen what Zed can do,?[/b] she frowned. She had confidence in Zeke's ability to hold his own in a fistfight, but all Zed ever did was fight anyone and everyone stupid enough to give him a reason to. [b]?You'll be careful, right??[/b] she added. [b]?Of course,?[/b] he nodded. The bell rang soon after their conversation, and they left in separate directions. Summer found her way to Ana's classroom and greeted her when she walked out. [b]?Ready to go??[/b][/indent][/size]
  25. [SIZE=1]Holy crap, I've been really busy the past two days so I haven't got a sign up written up yet. So, I'm posting to let you know I'll be applying, too. x3 Though there are so many people signing up already, I may just be too late. >__>; [b]edit ::[/b] Most of it's up! x3 [b]edit 2 ::[/b] Updated Extra and put up techniques. Will get the sample done soon! [b]edit 3 ::[/b] The writing sample is up, but it's really, really long. Sorry. >_
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