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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Oh jeez. I can't figure out how to fix this. On myO, I was fiddling with my introduction, and forgot to add the " after a link, and now I can't fix it. All the other tables and stuff when I click "Edit Profile" are gone. All I get is the little box for the introduction with a bunch of code that I [i]know[/i] I did not type into there. Well.. Can anyone fix it? Since I can't seem to..[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. I soared through the air like a fish glides through water; nothing made me feel more at home than the billowing winds and the silky white of the clouds. My companion, a fellow draconian, struggled to keep up. I heard him grumbling several times when I slowed to wait for him. Zig zagging and looping about in the sky took little energy out of me. I was ecstatic to be out and about for once. It had been too long since my last enjoyable flight. Suddenly, I remember that I had not asked my fellow's name. He was far below me at the moment this thought surfaced, so I dove quite sharply. To him, it must have appeared as if I had tired and was falling towards the land below us, and rushed upwards and caught in me in quite the herioc sort of way. But since I was just fine, it startled me, and the moment I fell into his outstretched arms, I began to claw and scream at him as if he were attacking me. When he realized that I was in no peril, and I realized he was not going to harm me, he let me out of his arms. After the awkward moment, I remembered what caused the incident in the first place. [b]"What is your name, sir?"[/b] I inquired politely, in a soft whisper. He blinked at me, as if we had just met each other on a street corner. [b]"Oh! My name is Lheric,"[/b] he replied quickly. He did not look me in the eye as I examined him. It was not until that moment that I saw his scar. It wasn't very large, and hard to notice at first glimpse. Yet I got a very guilty feeling in the pit of my stomach. [b]"Lheric, were you ever a soldier? For a nation's army?"[/b] I wondered casually, still eyeing his wound 'till he looked towards me. [b]"Aye. I was a General in Memoria's army ages ago. I do not fondly look back on those days, as you can tell by the scar."[/b] I bit my lip, ashamed that he had seen me observing his old injury. He seemed to sense my guilt, and added, [b]"But I never did fight Lerion. I got this in a brush with some rogues. Off-duty, in fact."[/b] I let out a quiet sigh, and began to speed up again. [b]"Vralla,"[/b] he called, [b]"it isn't wise to seperate. We are nearing Memoria, and the entrance is not that way."[/b] I had been gliding with my back towards the wind and my front facing Lheric, and was surprised when he told me of our nearing Memoria. We had flown faster than I had thought. Turning, I saw through the clearing clouds a large city, larger and grander than any city I had ever seen. It could put Lerion and its small villages to shame. I stared in awe, then let out a happy cheer and did a flip. I remembered my position, and glanced towards Lheric, letting out a cough. Excitement always got the better of me. After entering the city, I was so glad to be away from my station. The many people caught my eye. The streets were crowded with mages of all sorts, and I could spot many draconians gliding about. And though there were many people, I still recieved odd glances and stares. When I mentioned this to Lheric, he whispered, [b]"They can see your wings. Everyone in Memoria knows that your color is a rare one, Miss High Chief of the Lerion Army."[/b] I shoved him, and he only laughed in return. I felt like a girl again. As we traveled further and further into the city, my curiousity grew and grew. Soon, it overpowered me, and drove me to the nearest shop. Lheric followed closely, and I began to wonder why he was hovering so much. Thinking to myself, I wondered if it had anything to do with the "Innocence" he had mentioned before. The shop was filled with shelves, and those shelves were filled with bottles and books and little bones. I examined some labels, and thought this a very strange source of items only a witch would use. But when the clerk approached me, he told me of all those that manipulated these jars and bones for magic and spells. Uninterested, I soon grew bored and shuffled out of the small shop, and looked for more fun places to explore. Before long, I arrived at the doorstep of another shop, or what looked like one, anyway. As I turned the handle for the door, Lheric grabbed my arm. [b]"I'd advise you not to go in there,"[/b] he said sternly. [b]"And why not?"[/b] I growled, a bit annoyed that he was trying to order me about. He let out a sigh, and I took it that he was bothered with 'babysitting' me. [b]"It's a tavern, and a very rough one, at that. A lady, like yourself, would not be treated decently,"[/b] he replied, still refusing to release my hand from his grip. [b]"I believe, Lheric,"[/b] I said, now glaring at him, [b]"that I can handle myself. And if you don't believe me, take another look at the color of my wings. Remember the position I hold. It wasn't easily achieved."[/b] Walking in, I felt a little upset that I had 'used' my position. I normally tried to restrain from intimidating others with my rank, but sometimes, it was the only thing that worked. Sighing a bit again, I took a glimpse over my shoulder, and sure enough, Lheric had followed me inside. [b]"Don't you ever leave me alone?"[/b] I glared at him, but he shrugged and continued after me. I felt it best to just deal with his presence than to resist it, seeing as how I would probably lose that fight. Taking a seat at the bar, and Lheric, a seat next to me, I sat happily, absorbing the sights. I still recieved looks and mutters, but I didn't allow it to irk me any longer. The bartender approached us, and asked us 'What's your pleasure?' I waved a hand, not wanting anything. Lheric, however, took a small shot. Of what, I paid no attention to. While Lheric was waiting for his drink, I was approached by a very built male draconian, with great red wings. Unfortunately, the first thing that came out of his mouth I shall not stain my lips with. But after he was finished speaking to me, Lheric stood up and let out a fierce snarl, and readied the blade he held at his side. [b]"You, sir, are a pig, and shall die like one if you don't back away now."[/b] [b]"Lheric, sit down! You needn't come to my rescue, I can fight for myself!"[/b] I whispered angrily at him. [b]"I cannot let you bother with this pest. Whether you like it or not, this is a battle you won't be fighting,"[/b] he bellowed in reply. The other draconian, obviously undaunted by Lheric's threat, and assured in his strength, let out a boast and took a fighting stance. Before lunging at my guide, he gave me a wink that both disgusted and enraged me. In a few short moments, Lheric and I were calmly walking out of the bar, leaving the half-dead draconian against the back wall and a crowd of amused spectators. [b]"You don't have to protect me, you know,"[/b] I repeated once we had walked a ways away. [b]"Yes I do. I have my orders."[/b] I again remembered the "Innocence" he had spoken of. [b]"What is the 'Innocence', [i]exactly[/i]? Why am I a part of it? Are there others? Where exactly are you taking me? When do we have to be there?"[/b] I blurted out. All these questions put a smile on Lheric's face. Before he even opened his mouth, I shouted, [b]"[i]What[/i]?!"[/b] [b]"Nothing.. Now, about the Innocence. I cannot inform you of what it is; only that you are a part of it. Why you are a part of the Innocence is another question I cannot answer. But this time, because even I do not know the answer. I was not informed of this. And yes, there are other members of the Innocence. I just happened to be [i]your[/i] guide. Most of the others should be arriving here in Memoria soon, as well. Now thats enough questions for now, eh?"[/b] I let out a grunt of annoyance, and stared at him. He smiled and began to walk away. [b]"Hey! Wait for me!"[/b] I cried, speeding after him. We ended up at a fountain when we took our next break. I sat on the edge and waved my hand under the water a little. [b]"It's refreshing,"[/b] I thought aloud. [b]"Have you ever seen a fountain this colossal? Only Memoria.. Only Memoria.."[/b] Lheric began to trail off. [b]"It's just a fountain. Get over yourself,"[/b] I scoffed, grinning as he looked at me. He faked a laugh, then sat down beside me. [b]"You aren't as elegant as I thought you would be,"[/b] he finally said after a while. [b]"Oh? Go on,"[/b] I urged him, wondering what his reasoning was. [b]"No. You're more like a school girl, if you ask me. You seem so hyper and giggly, more than calm and collected, as [i]most[/i] officers are expected to be."[/b] I gawked at him. Who was he to judge me? [b]"Why you annoying, little--"[/b] I cried as I shoved him into the fountain. Quite startled, he flailed around a bit before jumping out. [b]"Calm and collected, eh?"[/b] I laughed. But he smiled at me and repeated, [b]"You are quite the school girl."[/b]
  3. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Sorry, but I went a little nuts. I didn't know if you'd like a darker background or lighter background. And I added a picture to the light one because it looked better when it wasn't so empty. I was just constantly messing with it, but eh. Here's what I ended up with. (And sorry that there's so many. o.x;; ) [u][b]Set 1:[/b][/u] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requested%20Banners%20and%20Avatars/Speakerboxavatar3.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requested%20Banners%20and%20Avatars/SpeakerBoxbanner1.png[/IMG] [u][b]Set 2:[/b][/u] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requested%20Banners%20and%20Avatars/Speakerboxavatar1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requested%20Banners%20and%20Avatars/Speakerboxbanner3.png[/IMG] [u][b]Set 3:[/b][/u] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requested%20Banners%20and%20Avatars/Speakerboxavatar2.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requested%20Banners%20and%20Avatars/Speakerboxbanner4.png[/IMG] And I won't be offended if you don't use any of them. ^__^;;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Rebecca J. Lier [Everyone calls her "R.J." or "Spike"] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Year in School:[/b] 12 [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Description of Character:[/b] [See Attachment] [b]Extra:[/b] "Spike", as she has become known as, has a long history of discipline "issues". She gets into fights all the time, then just waltzs out of interventions. There is a rumor that she once skewered a boy with a knife for looking at her strange, and that she carries around that knife to this day. She ignores most rumors about her, however. She is very loyal and trusting to her closest friends, and would do [i]anything[/i] for them. When she was 10, she was in an accident and can't remember anything that happened to her before the age of 7. She lives with a very religious foster family, but even they don't force her to go to church. Spike looks at all that fear her as no more than little ants waiting to be squished. Spike has never been very "good" at love and relationships with others. She keeps most of her emotions inside and wears a blank face at almost all times. Most of her desires are known by only her closest of friends, and her emotions are channeled into her guitar or into the faces of punks at school. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Ann watched her companions exit in their extravagant performances, leaving her to follow them. [b]"You're kidding.."[/b] She hated singing. It wasn't what she was good at. If only she had her guitar and an amp, she could blow the entire roof of the school. But no. She was stuck in her desk, recieving anticipating stares and angry looks, all daring her to be as dramatic as her friends. [b]"What do you want me to do, you shitheads?! [i]Sing[/i] for you? I don't think so.."[/b] Ann growled. Standing up on her desk, she began jumping from desk to desk, all the way to the teacher's desk in the front of the room. Standing up on it, she stared at him for what seemed like ages. All the while, he shrunk lower and lower towards the ground, fearful of what she might do. With a laugh, Ann leaned down to him. [b]"Dumbshit.. I'm a hologram."[/b] Mr. Dugas then began to chuckle nervously, scratching his head and beginning to stand back up. But suddenly, she grabbed him around the collar and smashed him into the chalkboard, now jumping onto his chair and leaning it over oh so gently. [b]"But that doesn't mean I can't beat the living shit out of you,"[/b] she growled. But still, she thought it best not to. Afterall, why bother getting in more trouble than she had to? It would just mean more hassal for her. She just wanted to cause a big enough uproar for her to get disconnected. Letting him go, she turned to his desk, flipped it over, then ran around the classroom throwing papers around, knocking kids over in their seats, and taking a few things for herself. Through all the mayhem and the students' shouting and hollaring, a frightened Mr. Dugas sat motionless in his chair. Beginning to hum patiently, she saw her hands slowly fading. [b]"Finally.. Jeez,"[/b] she muttered. Looking towards one of the many cameras the U.E.N. placed in her classroom, she gave it the finger and then threw an electric pencil sharpener at it. [b]"Fuckheads. Singing isn't my thing,"[/b] she shouted before she was completely gone. Waking up on the floor of her room, she let out a laugh. [b]"That was fun. Hope ole' Mr. D. doesn't give me extra homework,"[/b] she coughed before logging back into the MasterNet to read what Wynn had to say.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I was scrolling through the channels while on the phone with a friend the day MTV announced their "break up". She screamed at me to switch over, and I saw they were doing what looked like a collection piece; they reviewed everything the band had done. In the last frame, they put: [center]"Blink 182 1990-2005"[/center] I got a bit upset. After all, Blink is one of my favorite bands and I enjoy their music a lot. But I wasn't so sure they were really disbanding; I normally ignore everything said on MTV because most of it is rumors and gossip blown [i]way[/i] out of proportion. I haven't read much up on it, however. I'm not the type who would. But I still think they'll return after their (much deserved) hiatus. "Damn you, MTV!"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. Nina awoke at the break of dawn, feeling the weak rays of the sun falling on her. She shifted slightly, rubbing her eyes of the sleep she had enjoyed so much. She stayed on her back silently for a few minutes, just glaring up and the transforming sky. Nina admired the beauty of the remaining stars before they were out shined by the extravagant sun. Sitting up, she realized that Isaak was sleeping on one of her wings. Not wanting to wake him, but not wanting to stay on the ground, she decided to wake him. [b]"Isaak? Wake up,"[/b] she cooed, nudging his shoulders. He let out a sleepy moan, grunting his desire to continue dreaming. But Nina would not let him. Leaning over his ear, she began softly. [b]"Isaak... Iiisaak.. WAKE UP!"[/b] At her shouting, he jerked upwards, nearly hitting her in the face. [b]"Watch it, you idiot!"[/b] she barked. [b]"Don't shout in my ear, then,"[/b] he replied, using a finger to remove the wax from his ears. In a huff, Nina stood up and hit him on the head before walking away. [b]"Hey! What was [i]that[/i] for?!"[/b] Isaak whined defensivly. Nina strolled off, not bothering to wait for her slow companion. She wasn't sure where she was going; she didn't know the town very well. After a few minutes, she found herself at a park. [b]"Wow.."[/b] she whispered in awe. The park was untouched. It was full of healthy trees, healthy bushes, beautifully crafted benches, and a large duck pond without a ripple. There wasn't a soul anywhere, not that it surprised her, but it seemed a little eerie. For someplace so beautful, she was disappointed that no one else could enjoy it. Isaak caught up with her moments after she had taken a few steps onto the cool green grass. Before he could begin to shout at her, he was taken aback by the park's perfection as well. [b]"Amazing.."[/b] he muttered, stepping onto the grass as well. There was no cement walkways. There was very little modernization other than the benches. It was very surprising to see a park. Very few existed. The only places that actually had nature were either fakes, zoos, or parks like this one. Most of the world had been completely bulldozed and replaced with concrete. It was a human's world. No place for animals. Taking a few moments to take it all in, their silence was interrupted by Nina's shouts of glee. [b]"Last one in the water does the laundry!"[/b] she squealed, running at the duck pond. It had been a long while since her last good swim. A long while.
  8. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I feel that [b]Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories[/b] was a big let down. The first [b]KH[/b] game was wonderful, and you must give the creators a little slack; going from a large console game to a handheld one isn't easy. But still, they didn't do the best they could have. The gameplay is repetitive, annoying, and both unique and more strange than it had to be. The cards got me all confused, too. The bosses are ridiculously tough towards the end of the game. I know bosses are [i]suppossed[/i] to be difficult, but the bosses in this game are either radically easy, or obnoxiously difficult. All in all, [b]KH: CoM[/b] was a big letdown. Fortunately, the console sequel to the first [b]KH[/b] game is coming out soon, and I can still look forward to that one.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I never looked forward to it, to be honest. I would always forget to wear green and end up getting pinched. St. Patricks day also meant green food. When I lived with my mother, she was so obsessed with celebrating it that she even dyed the milk. I was 6, the milk was green, and I had no idea what was going on. So I dumped it out, then got screamed at for wasting a fresh carton. I've always had a small "problem" with green liquids after that. o.O;; The green cupcakes, cookies, candies, etc. I'm fine with. I eat them all the time. But the milk?! I mean, come [i]on[/i]. Leave it alone!! At least.. at my house, anyway. I like white milk. ;_; I didn't wear green today to spite everyone. :^P And if there was any green on my body at all today, I blame it on not owning a full-length mirror.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][b]Rin:[/b] I wasn't disappointed with the entire 3rd set.. Just the avatar. That quote bugs the crap outta me. I luff the banner, though. Hehe. :^D [b]Retribution:[/b] I kept the original picture's tone (which just happened to be that maroon-ish brown color) in all three banners. Some had lighter parts of the image, while others had darker parts of the image. I do agree that for one of them, the colors and idea do clash a bit. But for the others, I think I can get away with it. [b]Boo:[/b] Don't worry. I view your opinions as constructive critism. Besides, you are more experienced in this art than I. I'm glad that you even like one of them. (And I had no idea others would like these banners/avatars that much either. x3) [b]Delta:[/b] Well, I'm glad you like them. ^__^ And I [i]would[/i] be updating my font "library", but my computer is.. well, frankly, being a big *****. All of the pixel fonts I had downloaded seemed to have saved to some distant folder that I can't find, so I had to download them again today, but now the stupid computer won't accept them.. Damn you Microsoft. >>;; I am obsessed with the [b]Kingdom Hearts[/b] games, so I made a few banners of Sora. I only made one set, though. The other banners were just doodlings, I guess. I plan to follow these with some Riku and Kairi (and maybe some heartless, too). And, yes folks. I'm [i]still[/i] obsessed with the same silly trick. ^__^;; (Just can't find the heart to stop. ;_; ) [u][b]Set:[/b][/u] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/khsoraavatar1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/khsorabanner3.png[/IMG] [u][b]Other Banners:[/b][/u] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/khsorabanner2.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/khsorabanner1.png[/IMG] That last one I made was out of a Sora fan art that I really liked (praise Google mortals), and an original sketch from the designers. I liked the eyes a lot, though they are extremely creepy. I also had a very 'white' Sora banner with a quote, but the text was annoying me so I didn't save it. Sooo.. Tell me what'cha think. ^_~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I resemble Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion. It's strange. In fact, we're nearly identical, it seems.. o.O;; Back when the Otaku[b]Boards[/b] had a Pictures forum, I posted up my picture and got several comments (and a picture, too, actually) comparing me to her. Anime characters have always been made to resemble people, but they're also to be unrealistic. But she's just so.. "me"-looking that it's rather frightening. xD[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [color=blue][size=1]To put it simply, no. No, I do not believe in ghosts, dragons, gnomes, fairies, etc. Those silly mystical creatures spoken of in fairy tales and Disney movies hold no place in the "real world". And though I enjoy reading of ghosts in manga and such, and I often tend to RP as dragons (when I can), I still do not believe they exist or have ever existed. Ghosts are excuses for odd things that happen. None that I care to explain, nor care about at all. Dragons are just drawings of extinct lizards gone aray (now I [i]know[/i] I spelled [i]that[/i] incorrectly.. ^__^;; ). I do not believe they exist, nor have they ever existed. But it's fun to pretend to be one. ^_~[/size][/color]
  13. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]OOC: Oh jeez. Sorry it took so long to reply! I (for one reason or another) could not find this thread!! But.. That shouldn't be a problem anymore. *subscribes to thread* ^__^; -- IC: "Hatchlings, just as Elders, have their purpose," Tsuchi spoke up before Lanin. Kaida gave her a strange look. "Yes.. But what [i]is[/i] that purpose? It certainly cannot be as important as the purposes of the Elders!" Tsuchi gave her a smile. "Do you even know what an Elder's purpose is?" "Of course! It is.. Er.." Kaida paused, thought for a moment, then said, "No I don't." "Well I doubt you could understand what your purpose is if you do not understand what an Elder's purpose is," Tsuchi chuckled. "And why is that?! Why should I know their purpose? I am not them!" Kaida growled in impatience. But Tsuchi returned her growing anger with a chuckle. "Kaida, my dear hatchling, we have much to talk about." The bewildered young one spoke no more, and began thinking over Tsuchi's last statement. Taking on a serious tone, she turned to Lanin. "You said our help would be made worth our while. Tell me. Can you grant us [i]anything[/i] we wish on the condition that we succeed in finding your 'Aranel'?" Lanin nodded, keeping the same smile on her face. "Tell me. Can you grant me entry to my village? The one I was bannished from?" "That depends, dragon. Are you sure you wish to return?" This quizzical answer put a strain on Tsuchi's patience. "Well if not to my village, I wish entry to the Great Den. Can you grant me that?" Tsuchi asked with a face of stone. "Aye, great dragon. That I can grant you," Lanin nodded, the same smile still on her face. To this, Kaida immediatly chirped in. "Can you grant me flight?!" It was easy to hear the excitement and glee in her voice. "No, my dear. That you must learn from one who can fly," she answered in her same whispery voice, with her same taunting smile. Kaida turned to Tsuchi. "Can you teach me flight?" There was silence. Tsuchi had not taught anyone anything. Ever. How was she supposed to teach? Taking what seemed like ages to think it over, she then let out a sigh. "Aye. I guess I could give it a try, ha-.. Kaida." Kaida let out a short squeal of glee, then quieted and looked to Lanin. "You didn't answer me," she whispered. "Oh, I did not?" Lanin asked, with a somewhat fake look of surprise. "No. Tsuchi replied to my question. I would like to know, however, why you have chosen me?" Kaida sighed. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Slipping on a random t-shirt, Ann ruffled her hair a bit before approving of today's "look". Jumping into her computer chair, she spun around as it turned on. When at the desktop, she stopped her spinning and guided the mouse along the mouse pad. Double-clicking on a lone icon, she felt herself falling gently to the floor before loosing all conciousness. Reopening her eyes, she found herself at a bike rack. [b]"Ann!"[/b] She turned around after hearing her name, but saw no one she recognized. Pausing, she waited for it again, but nothing came. Shrugging, she chose one of the bikes and rode off with it. Quietly humming to herself, she turned a sharp corner absent-mindedly and found herself at the school not four blocks farther. Dumping the bike on the steps, she cooly skipped up the steps and into the building. [b]"You there,"[/b] came a familiar, robotic voice. [b]"Aye?"[/b] There was a long pause. For some strange reason, the U.E.N., while ruling the world, skipped over the number of words the automated security robot could respond to. Taking this excellent opportunity, as she always did, Ann glided away, leaving the glitch behind her. Sliding open the familiar classroom door, Ann discovered two students. [b]"'Ello, 'ello!"[/b] she gawked in that silly fake British accent she teased with in the mornings. Dante gave her a kind smile, but waved her away when she began poking at his hair again. [b]"Why do you always do that?"[/b] he sighed. [b]"Force o' habit. Still ain't used to 'ow white it is, mate,"[/b] Ann returned, grinning and taking a seat on her desk instead of in her chair. [b]"Morning, Ann,"[/b] sighed a drowzy Wynn. Patting her on the head, Ann whispered a friendly 'Hello'. [b]"Booooored,"[/b] she moaned after a long pause, dropping the accent. [b]"Entertain yourself, then. And [i]not[/i] with my head,"[/b] added Dante, giving her a warning look. [b]"Who.. Me?"[/b] Ann asked innocently. Laughing outloud at her own pointless antics, she then took a seat in her chair and stared blankly at the teacher's desk, waiting for another boring day to begin.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [color=blue][size=1]Retribution: Actually, I used the "Multiply" layer blending mode. Hehe. Several of the others looked similar, but weren't as crisp. Ozy: The font? Hmm.. I can't think of the name, though I know it's "Hogwarts" something. Strange, huh? I was downloading fonts and was clicking on everyone I saw. xD Ended up with some straaaaange ones (which now sit in the trash
  16. [color=blue][size=1]I was doodling with PSP 8 this afternoon, and found myself stumbling upon a neat little trick. The effect I discovered I used in two sets of banners and avatars. I'm currently using the first set because.. well, I think it looks better. The second set, however, was just the result of experimenting with the first set. [b][u]Set 1:[/u][/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/tenshi_ostavatar1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/tenshi_ostbanner1.png[/IMG] [b][u]Set 2:[/u][/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/tenshi_ostavatar2.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/tenshi_ostbanner2.png[/IMG] Sooo.. Tell me what you think. Comments = Loved. ^___^ Make sure they're postive though. Or else. >:^D[/size][/color]
  17. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]Um.. first, Ozy's a girl. (She'll take offense to you continually calling her "him"). Second, Ozy's around the boards. Duh. And third.. What the hell is this thread for? o.O;;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]No, Athiesm is not a religion. It is the belief, or disbelief, in all other religions out there. I am an athiest, but I do not participate in athiesm clubs or meetings. I find not having to go to church one of the "perks" of being an athiest, but that's just me. We (referring to myself and other athiests in general) have no faith in anything; that is why we aren't anything. The way athiesm is "celebrated" depends entirely upon the person. I am an athiest because I do not "believe" that there is/are (a) God(s), a heaven, or a hell, and that once you die, you're dead. Simple as that. Others may "believe" in similar, yet different things like there is no God, heaven or hell, but you are reincarnated after you die. All that matters is we are not an organized religion, and we do not believe in any organized religion. Therefore, we are nothing but athiests. :^D NOTE: The reason I continued to put quotations around the word "believe" is because technically, we do not believe. But I'm too lazy to type another word to describe what exactly we do. Meh. ^__^;;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I'll humor you, Retribution. ^_~ I did one that matched the avi. For.. no particular reason. xD Enjoy.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Damn you, Ozy Jones! xD Here's my attempt anyway. ^_^;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Well, no. I can't say that I have seen this film. However, I have a few friends who saw it, and they tell me the movie is very strange, and that I'd love it. But meh. I had, however (before some of my friends went and saw it), heard much about it, and looked forward to seeing it. I have not got that chance, though. I basically know the entire story of the movie by now, having heard so much from my friends and reading those spoilers in your post, Lore, but I have not gotten a chance to see it. Tell me, is it out on DVD/Video?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Have I had visions? Certainly. Not many are important, though. Just small things that happen after I somehow "see" that they will happen. Like today, for instance. At school, I fell asleep during my biology teacher's lecture. (No surprise). I had been asleep for so long (classes are only 41 minutes long, but today, science classes' lengths were doubled for bio lab) that I had a short dream. It was the image of a squirrel sitting calmly on a bench, doing nothing. Suddenly, a hand (it is not attached to anything; it's just a hand) picks it up and throws it. I see it hit a window in the middle of a large brick wall, then heard a loud noise, and was awoken to find the bell had just rang. Later, in my math class (which is on the first floor of the building), we were half way through the lesson when a squirrel "flew" into the window. The entire class was in hysterics for the rest of the period. And yes, the squirrel fell to the ground, shook it off, and ran to hide. Now, why I had "forseen" this is beyond me. It doesn't seem very important does it? I just had a vision that a squirrel would hit the window. Strangest ******** thing. o.O;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I have no idea why I went and made these, but I did. They were rather simple to make, too. I made two banners, and one avatar that, I felt, matched them both. They have no names on them, so feel free to take them. I don't really care. But if you use them here, give me a little credit? Maybe? ^_^;; [b][u]Avatar:[/u][/b] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22754[/img] [u][b]First Banner:[/b][/u] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22755[/img] [b][u]Second Banner:[/u][/b] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22756[/img] So tell me what you think.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I'm probably addicted to... 1) Buying countless volumes of manga. I swear, I have book[i]case[/i] full, and I've read them all at least three times. Luckily for me, I'm still in high school and recieve an allowance, so I can afford a new manga every two weeks. As long as there's any new ones out on the shelves. So between every manga I buy (there's a distinct two month period between each volumes release), I save up 40 dollars, and can endulge myself. I've, as of late, however stuck to only a few. (I got scolded for spending too much of my money. Oh well.) These few include: Fruits Basket, Tsubasa: The Resevoir Chronicles, Sgt. Frog, Trigun, and FLCL. 2) Constantly altering my sleeping habits. Some weeks I'll sleep an average of 11 hours a day. Other weeks, I'll sleep an average of 5 hours a day. I just can't help it! It's usually when I've overdone my soda intake, and end up being hyper long past the hours of the day. I've annoyed my dad countless times by accidentally falling out of bed and banging my head against my lamp. It's not my fault that the lamp hangs from the wall right next to my bed. *shrug* 3) Internet/Computer. I cannot tell you how many hours a day I'm on this thing. Doing nothing in particular, I might add. Just.. sitting here clicking, waiting for something interesting to catch my eye. Sometimes I'll be more productive: do homework, read the news (yes, I read the newspaper online xP), make banners for request threads, etc. But most of the time, I sitting there. Not that it matters. I've usually already gotten my exercise by shoveling the driveway . *curses the snow* 4) Typing long lists that needn't be that long. :D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Here's my try at it. Didn't take much effort but, then again, it's nothing special. Hope you like them. ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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