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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][B]"My, my, my,"[/B] Tsuchi gave a toothy grin. [B]"At least I'm not the [i]only[/i] one who's bored here, eh?"[/B] Guilt spat at her, recieving a shot of flame at his face. [B]"Don't you dare,"[/B] Rezel began, gripping the handle of his blade rather tightly. [B]"Quiet, you ass,"[/B] Tsuchi growled, nudging her fellow in the side with her elbow, [B]"I can defend my [i]own[/i] honor, thanks."[/B] With that, she kicked up her left leg and caught the handle of a large knife that came flying out of it, then proceeded to take another knife out of a small holder on her hip. Spitting out a small stream of fire, Tsuchi smiled once more. [b]"Pitiful,"[/b] she smirked, looking the demon up and down. [b]"You don't look like a very strong demon to me,"[/b] she continued, rubbing at an imaginary beard. [b]"Looks aren't everything, Tsuchi. You know that,"[/b] Rezel, feeling it needed, added to her statement. Rocking away, back and forth, on the balls of her feet, Tsuchi continued grinning for no apparent reason. After several taunting moments of this, Guilt cracked. [b]"Wha' in the bloody 'ell you smilin' at?"[/b] he whined, immensly annoyed and distracted by her unprovoked motions. But instead of an answer, he recieved one of her large knives flung at him at much higher speeds than it should have been. [b]"What the [i]fuck[/i] was [i]that[/i] fer?!"[/b] Again, he recieved only a knife as his answer. [b]"Oh, well. Seein' as 'ow [i]that's[/i] 'ow yer goin' ta fight,"[/b] he sighed. Taking a second to step back, he suddenly flew at her, returning her grin with a creepy smile. Leaping into the air, she hovored above him as he flew underneath her. [b]"Ya missed!"[/b] she giggled, sticking her tongue out and flashing him the finger. [b]"Aren't you nice,"[/b] he breathed, faking a smile. Rezel, disappointed and aggitated with Tsuchi's pointless antics, let out an audible sigh from the sidelines. [b]"Don't be an idiot.."[/b] Sending him a fierce glare, Tsuchi returned to the ground and let her wings emerge from her back, shadowing a large portion of the highway. Guilt was not impressed. [b]"Come on! I didn' come 'ere fer a show!"[/b] [b]"This ain't no show, Billy my boy,"[/b] she called teasingly. Suddenly, scales emerged from beneath her flesh, and she was more dragon than human, though she kept a human form. [b]"Tsuchi..."[/b] she heard a moan. [b]"Shut it, Rezel, or I'll stick your sword up your ass,"[/b] she spat. Holding up her hands, her knives returned out of seemingly nowhere. [b]"This'll be fun.."[/b] she smiled.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[size=1][color=blue]Sorry it took so long to reply (I was busy downloading fonts). I did this about half-an-hour ago, but I only redid the banner. If you want, I can also soften the avatar as well later.[/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]I did this rather plain, but, then again, you didn't specify much. o.o;; It's basically gray, with a pair of eyes and the quote. xD So plaaaain... >_
[color=blue][size=1]Luigi was releaved when they told him he didn't have cancer.. But he was very upset when they told him his *ss was on fire.[/size][/color]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Nope. You can post whenever. I never really.. "took" to the whole posting order, thing. But meh. Works for some, not for me. And I got the thread up in the Square! I'm so proud of myself. x3 The link is at the bottom of the first post. It's also in the first post of the sign-ups thread. Have fun posting! *is off to bed*
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]It was dark, and every breath made a little puff of smoke drift upwards towards the moon. The street was filled with overturned cars, dead carcasses and broken glass and brick. Some of the road had holes in it, along with large skid and claw marks. But in the middle of it all sat a small girl, lost and alone. [B]"Where.. Where am I?"[/B] she whispered, tears streaming down her face and silently falling to the ground. Standing up, she began to remember. The headaches, the pain in every inch of skin, from her nose to her feet. It had engulfed her. "It", she remembered, was herself. Another part of herself. One she had not invited. Struggling to her feet, she felt weary. [B]"What.. What h-happened?"[/B] she managed to mutter, before the lone sound of more whimpers and tears. Beginning to stumble down the trail of dead bodies, she moaned as the smell reached her nose. It was quiet. Very quiet. That was unusual. After all, she could hear for miles. Remembering this, she felt atop her head and, to her dismay, she felt them. Her ears. Her [i]new[/i] ears. As the memories began to flow back, she cried more and more. At the pain. At the destruction. At the death. At all she had gone through and done. [B]"I've.. I-I've killed them.."[/B] Spinning around, she saw a boy. One she recognized. [B]"I-.. Isaak?"[/B] She had heard him before he had even moved. Though her sight was the same as a human's, her hearing was a hundred times better. He stepped towards her. His appearance frightened her, as she stepped back. She could see the anger in his eyes, and the hear the frustration in his voice. [B]"Nina. Look around. Do you see it all? .. We did this. Together. I can remember it all. Don't you remember? This was our latest "hit". We've been going around killing people!"[/B] His angry shouting was followed by loud crying and a stronger flow of tears. He stepped closer. She stepped back. [B]"Nina.. We can't control it."[/B] [B]"Stop.."[/B] she moaned. [B]"Please, stop. I don't want to hear it.."[/B] [B]"But it's true,"[/B] he paused, then let out a sigh. Cursing himself, he slowly walked forward and embraced his friend.[B] "It's over for now. We're us again. Shh.."[/B] he soothed, waiting for her to finish her crying. Several minutes passed, the silence of the death-filled night broken only by the young girls sobs of anger, fright and grief. It was too much for her. She was still young. Still trying to hold onto her innocence. But she was a killer, a freak, and an outcast, acompanied only by those few like her. [B]"Out of billions.."[/B] she spoke suddenly, startling Isaak, who let go of her slowly. [B]"Out of billions, we had to be the ones.. They chose us to become their.. 'pets',"[/B] she spat as she growled the last word. The two stood in silence, until she let out a sigh, and shivered a bit. [B]"It's cold. You should wrap up. I have this,"[/B] he ruffled a patch of fur on his arm. Nina hated using her wings, since they reminded her of the freak she was. But Isaak was right; it was very cold out. And she would get sick if she didn't warm herself. Her wings, shadowed by the moon, made her look very menacing as she raised them high in the air. But Isaak had seen it before. It was nothing new. Wrapping them around herself tightly, Nina felt the warmth. [B]"Where.. are the others?"[/B] [B]"Probably killing people in another town. We're somewhere in Pennsylvania right now. But don't worry. We'll find 'em. Just not in one night. Com'mon. Lets find a grocery store we can ransack,"[/B] he smiled a bit, trying to lighten the grim mood. Following quietly, Nina wiped her last tear of the night of her cheek. [B]"I'm not looking forward to tomorrow.."[/B] Nina whispered, glaring up at the moon. --- OOC: Well, there you go. I've *cough*finally*cough* posted it. Here are the links to the sign up thread and the underground thread. [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46003][b]Underground[/b][/url] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=45948][b]Sign Ups[/b][/url] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[size=1][color=blue]Tsuchi swerved in and out of lanes at high speeds, watching out for no one in particular. Singing along to the deafening roar of the music she had pouring out of her stereo, she paid just enough attention to the road to prevent from crashing into anyone. Noticing a slowing of the cars, she moaned. "What [i]now[/i], dammit?" Peering out her window as her stolen Elise Motorsport slowed down. Coming to a halt, she growled impatiently, rolling up her window. Seeing a small gap in the nearby lane, she blazed between the two cars, recieving several honks and shouts; none of which hindered her at all. Sliding between several large gaps, she managed to reach the front of the halted cars. "What the.." she began, gaping at the car that looked as if it had been thrown off the highway. Catching scent of something, she concentrated, and then felt her and her car beginning to rise. From below, she heard gasps and ahhs, but ignored them. She did things like this all the time. She got attention, but was never "caught". Carrying herself and her car with the wind, she gently landed in front of four people. Two were wolf spirits, and the other two were demons. Tsuchi's nose hadn't lied to her yet. "My, my. You two boys getting a bit roudy?" she gawked, hopping out of her car, sliding her keys into her pocket. "I didn' throw the bloody ca', lady," one of them replied in a very fake accent. "Oh, knock it off! It's driving me insane," his companion spat at him. "I'll talk 'owevah I bloody want ta!" As they seemed to spiral into an arguement, Tsuchi sighed impatiently and walked over to the two girls. "They throw the car?" "No. But it was a friend of theirs." "He's NOT our friend," the two replied in unison. "Calm down," Tsuchi sighed, "Just make sure you don't throw things off a highway. Because naughty boys get punished, you know." The two rolled their eyes. "By who? [i]You?[/i]" the demon replied sarcastically. "Nope," she squeaked, smiling at him and rocking on the balls of her feet. "By [i]him[/i]," she grinned, pointing at a flying figure that was coming in faster by the second. -- OOC: Hope you don't mind the intro, Rin. ^_~[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Gah! I hope I'm not too late (though my try sucks.. ;_;) I had just finished this morning, but I had to go to school.. ;_; I just got home and I discover Ozy's entry. O: Well.. here. xD[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Okay! I've FINALLY gotten the underground thread up, and I'll start this thing after dinner. (Din din's in five minutes..
[color=blue][size=1]Please don't kill me for taking so long to get this up!! ^__^;;[/size][/color] Since the year 2009, the world has been at war. The main driving forces, however, are the U.S. and Japan. The year is now 2020, and both countries have begun to loose their desire for war, but a new force has been unleashed. The experiments of Project: INFINITE This particular program was started in the U.S., and its results were to become the countries latest secret weapon. Those chosen would become Gods among insects. For ten or so years of testing, a group of 8 children were fused with DNA and transformed. They gained the abilities of the animals they were joined together with, but they stayed themselves. Their normal appearance and concious remained present. At least, they did until late 2019. In the November of 2019, three scientists stayed late in the lab to monitor the children, now all in their teens... [b][u]The Beginninng[/u][/b] [i]"I'm tired.." a young man, no older than 25, began to yawn. "Don't volunteer to stay late next time, James. Don't be so whiney," replied a lovely young woman who was monitoring a large screen. "Yeah, yeah. Hey Watts, you found the file yet?" he called to another man over at the file cabinets, searching for something. "No.. It's like somebody took the entire thing." "Well find it." "Help me find it, you idiot! If we don't, we're all canned!" The three began to focus on finding the important folder, and left the monitor and children sleeping. While away from the screen, a few boxes began popping up. One surfaced, flashing a bit. Another appeared, also flashing. Inside her cell, a young girl, named Elisa, cringed, holding her head. "Found it!" James cried, jumping with glee. "Don't act like a little girl," Watts spat, grabbing it from the bored young man and walking over to his desk. The woman now returned to the screen. "What's this..? Hey, Watts?" "Yeah?" "Take a look at this.." He got up, making an audible sigh, and slumped over. "What is it, Lil'?" he asked, sticking a finger in his right ear. "Look at the screen. It says there's something wrong.. I can't figure it out. Have you seen that code before?" she asked, pointing at the codes in the boxes on the screen. "No.." Watts muttered, becoming more interested. Meanwhile, James was busy spinning round in his chair. "What is it? One of the kids getting their period, or something?" "Possible." "Nasty.." "Why'd you become a scientist, you moron? More importantly, [b]how[/b] did you become a scientist?" Lily barked. James was silent. "Feh." Returning her attention to the monitor, she spotted three more boxes popping up. "Look.. This one monitors Indigo." "And this one monitors Nina." Taking a few seconds, the two at the large computer faced each other and gasped in unison, "The children's DNA!" Rushing over to a smaller computer, Watts pulled up several files, and looked over at the nearest cell, containing the boy Nathan. He was rolling on the floor, gripping his head, and opening his mouth. He was moaning, but the scientists could not hear because of the soundproof glass. Lilly typed in the codes she copied from the boxes into a program, and up came a large file, showing live footage of the DNA of the children. "The probes.. The probes are picking up sudden transformations in the DNA!" she called. Hitting at the keyboard feriociously, Watts then ran to the phone, calling in several scientists who were in the upper levels. "Hello? Emergency desk? This is Kenneth Watts, opperating on lower level 21, on Project: I.N.F.I.N.I.T.E. The subjects are experiencing dramatic transformation in their DNA. Get all the team members assembled down here NOW!" he shouted into the speaker. Hanging up, he rushed over to one of the windows into Cell #4, containing Isaak. His jaw dropped. Large amounts of fur were sprouting from his pores, and his ears were changing. Running to the other cells, similar transformations were occuring. "Lilly! They--" "They're changing into the animals.." she sighed, still facing the monitor. "This thing was alerting us. It has been for the past twelve hours.. We could have stopped it earlier. It's too late now. They are failures." The three scientists, now standing silently and watching in horror at the painful transformations the children were going through, waited only for the other scientists to come and take the failed experiments away. But they were all saddened. These children had become theirs. They were [b]theirs'[/b]. After a few minutes, the transformations were complete, and the once human children, now scratched and bang against their walls, screeching so loud even the soundproof glass couldn't keep their horrible sounds in. They were now the animals themselves, and there was no going back. James, who had been sitting solumnly in his chair got up quickly, and opened a box on the wall. He began flipping switches, one after another. "James, you ca--" Lilly began, but Watts held her hand. "We can't let them die, Lil'. The government will kill them because they're no longer worth anything to them. We have to let them out now. Before the other scientists come down here. They're on their way.." James, staring quietly at the last switch, looked back at the cells. "Rip their heads off," he whispered, flipping the last switch. Just as he did, the large doors opened and fifty or so scientists poured in, holding clip boards and papers. As the children, now animals, slowly walked out of their cells, taking in the new scents, were spotted by a few of the scientists, one said, "Oh.. ****." And soon the children were upon them, clawing, biting, and trampling over all of them to escape, their new animal insticts screaming at them to get outside.[/i] It took three months for the children's human conciousness to return to the surface. Their complete animal change did not last, as their skin did return. But not all features returned to the way they were. In that time, however, they ran rampant; destroying towns, killing innocent and guilty humans, and just daring the US to try and attack them. But now that they know what they are doing, some have stopped being so destructive, and have begun a search for the cure. Others have resumed their barrage of death, and plan to empty the world until only themselves remain. [center]---[/center] Well, there we go. That is how the story will begin. Each person will post, and get their desire across (whether they want to empty the Earth, or change themselves back to normal) if they are an INFINITE creature. The soldier we have [hicoboy] will describe the beginning of his search and destroy mission. The INFINITE children will eventually reunite, but you can be alone or in small groups in the beginning. I'll start off later today (I promise xP). Oh, and before I forget, all the INFINITE children have two forms, humanish and complete animal. The difference is their humanish form is more human (less animal features) and they can control themselves (they are in control of themselves with their conciousness), and their complete animal form is the exact opposite. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Well, feel free to post your ideas for the storyline in here, but I decide if and when we find the cure. ^_~ Also, ask any and all questions you have, and I'll try to answer them. Here's the cast so far: [center][b]INFINITE Children:[/b] Indigo - Ozy Jones Nina - Me Francesco - Black_Pheonix Isaak - Rin Nathen - Anarchy Inna - StarrStruck Theodore - Corey Elisa - Katsie [b]Soldiers:[/b] Sergent Craig Walker, American - hicoboy[/center] And here are the links. ^__^ [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=45948][b]Sign Ups[/b][/url] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46011][b]Project: INFINITE - Arena[/b][/url] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46003][b]Underground[/b][/url]
[B]C.I.F.[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Ann Tiluaya ([b]MasterNet Alias:[/b] AnTi) [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Sex:[/B] Female ([B]Instrument:[/B] Gibson Electric Guitar) [B]Physical Description:[/B] [url=http://anime.7wolf.net/gallery/images/fanart/rs/guitar2.jpg]Ann[/url] [B]Personality:[/B] Ann is incredibly impatient, and not very pleasant at all. Sarcasm and rude insults constantly pour out of her mouth, and she feels no sympathy for anyone. Though she is constantly causing uproar, she tends to quiet around certain people. If her parents hadn't threatened to turn her over to the U.E.N.'s experimental I.C.P. (which was supposed to be one of the cruelest prisons built to date), she would've already been screaming and yelling at, and graffiting important U.E.N. buildings. [B]Notes:[/B] Ann grew up in a strange position. In the U.E.N.'s laws, it somewhere states that there are to be no cases of adoption. This was to make it easier to keep track of the population (or that's what they said). But there had been a few cases where some children had to be placed with new families. Ann was one of them. Nobody except for her and U.E.N. classified files know why she was adopted, and she will take the secret to her grave, if she can help it. She was also placed under house arrest when she was 7 and 12 because her foster parents accused her of trying to run away (which she did attempt). Being very clever and sneaky, Ann has managed to keep her CD's and guitar hidden for over three years now.
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]It was chilly. But for a cold-blooded creature, it was very cold indeed. Tsuchi wrapped her wings around her, trying to get warmer. It was hard in dragon form. Spitting out a breath of flame, she warmed her face a bit. "I hate the cold," Tsuchi mumbled to herself. Stumbling through the forest, she noticed a bit of commotion ahead. Not wanting to bother her company in the forest, she strayed from the path, getting tangled up in the vines and plants occasionally. Though she wasn't on the beaten path, it probably wouldn't be hard to see her; she was, after all, not very good at blending in. How hard would it be to spot a blue dragon amidst bright green leaves and bushes, after all? "Maybe if I transform.." she paused. If she did transform, she would have no clothes. Her scales turned into human skin; not cloth. And she'd still be cold-blooded, and feel cold. "Maybe there's a village up ahead.. But they wouldn't give clothes to a naked girl, now would they?" Tsuchi stopped walking, and sat down for a moment, bursting more flames out her nostrils. Thinking, she absent-mindedly began staring at the group of people still on the path. She snapped to attention when she saw one look at her. "Uh-oh." Instinctively, she spread her wings and pushed off, and with one great gust, she was up in the air, above the trees. "I'm not to be seen," she muttered, then shook her head. "I'm still acting as if I were on the job. I need to relax.." she soothed herself. Gently swinging her wings again, she held herself up in the air. "I could ask one of them.." she whispered, looking down through a part in the tree canopys, spotting the group of people again. Suddenly, a scent caught her nose. Taking a few whiffs, her eyes narrowed. "Dragon. Another halfling. Very young. Not even 50 years." Glancing around, she found the source of the smell. Immediately decending, she landed quickly and gracefully before the halfling and an elegant woman. Stopping the two in their paths, the young one glared impatiently at her, but the woman smiled softly. "I need a robe," Tsuchi spoke. The woman held out her hand, and in it, was a long blue robe. Taking it with her claw, Tsuchi bowed, then flew up in the air. "What was that?" the young one wondered, staring up in the sky, though there was no sign of the large dragon that had, a moment before, been blocking her path. "Be patient. She will return." In the sky, Tsuchi transformed, her blue scales turning to pale skin, and her horns turned to long, flowing hair. Her wings remained, and embraced her. Quickly placing the robe over her naked form, she fell gracefully from the blue of the sky, landing once again before the girl and the woman. "So, Tsuchi, I sense you caught scent of my company?" the woman spoke softly. "Aye. I did. You are a halfling, too, are you not?" Tsuchi replied, now looking at the young girl. She nodded. Suddenly, Tsuchi let out a cough of flame. "Sorry about that. I'm a bit chilly," she smiled. "What is your name, young one?" "Kaida," the young girl replied. "Ah. You are but a hatchling. Very young. Have you mastered flight?" Tsuchi immediately regretted this question, sensing the touchiness of the subject from Kaida's face, and the sad look the woman gave her. "You. What is your name?" "I am Lanin." "I've heard of you, Mistress. I am Tsuchi, master of--" "No need for titles, Tsuchi. Please, join us. You have traveled far and need a place to stay, no? And besides, I have given you a robe. All I ask in return is your company," Lanin smiled. Tsuchi bowed again, then turned towards the two men on the ground, the dwarf, and the cloaked figures. "Shall we join them?" she wondered.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[b]Name:[/b] Nina [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Alliance:[/B] INFINITE [B]Origin:[/B] China [B]Appearance:[/B] -[url=http://www.hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=8&pos=2][color=white]Nina[/color][/url]- She appears just as she does in the picture, except her ears have grown tremendously and migrated up to the top of her head, and she has spouted bat wings. [B]Gene:[/B] Nina was crossed with a vampire bat [B]Personality:[/B] Being the youngest of the INFINITE children, Nina sometimes felt left out, and other times felt babied. She was always quiet and shy. Now that she's old enough to take care of herself, she's much more outspoken, and never backs down from a fight/arguement. Nina tends to be bubbly and energetic almost all the time, but she's a real downer when in a bad mood. [B]Motives:[/B] Nina's real mother had not wanted her, but didn't want to get an abortion. So, instead, after Nina was born, her mother gave her to her best friend. Nina never knew her mother, because her new family moved to America before she was old enough to remember her. Strangely, her foster parents died when she was 2, and she was "adopted" into the American program, "Project: INFINITE" on her birthday. Her changes were not so severe; she still has her skin, and only sometimes does the entire bat form engulf her. Now all she wants is a cure. She wants to be normal again. [size=1][color=blue]Well, all of you except for night_angel811 are accepted. Those who haven't finished your sign ups hopefully will soon, but I'm not requiring it immediately. I'm going to go get started on the underground thread now, and I'll PM night_angel811 what she needs to change. ^__^ And thank you all so much for signing up! *huggles you all* x3[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]O_O! Holy crap! Lots more sign ups than I expected.. I feel so happy! xD Well, for those that don't quite understand (I know; I didn't give you much detail about the INFINITE project), I'll have the underground thread up by tomorrow night. Hopefully done by today. Hiya Rin. ^_~ Oops. Off to school I go. ;_;[/size][/color]
[i]"It was the war's fault. Maybe, had the US won earlier, the whole incident would never have happened. But it did. And because it did, the entire world must pay. Eleven death-ridden years had past before the [b]Outbreak[/b]. It was never supposed to happen. They were never supposed to get out. Once Project: I.N.F.I.N.I.T.E. was deemed a failure, the military was going to get rid of the experiments. But someone let them out, thinking they might end the war."[/i] -General Austin Poles, 9/8/87 - 11/2/17 [U]Background:[/U] The war between the US and Japan had already been going on for five years by the year 2014. Horrific events, such as August 29th, 2011, when Japan bombed a large military base in Texas that was hosting a nuclear bomb program. It eradicated all life within 200 square miles. The US fought back by dropping their latest Hydrogen bomb on the northern most island of Japan in early 2012. 20,000 Japanese civilians were killed, along with the 13,000 soldiers at the military bases there. The use of nuclear weapons, surprisingly, stopped after the bombing of Hokkaido. The war started in 2009, after US supposedly (according to Japanese representitives in the last UN meeting with all countries present - 7/21/09) breeched a crucial part of the latest nuclear pact [N.W.U. Pact - passed by UN in late 2007] stating that, "No countries shall produce any nuclear weapons for military use without consent from the entire UN". Unfortunately, Japan's accusation was denied, and Japan suceeded from the UN. An action like this resulted in an up-in-arms. Everyone prepared for war. The beginning of World War 3 was in early 2010, after a large number of American Japanese citizens were executed, and Japan sent pictures to the US. Many strange programs were fit into the budget. All were either cut short, or didn't produce the desired result, and were then cut from the budget. But one particular program, [b]Project: INFINITE[/b], passed all major tests, and produced sufficient results. Not until the most crucial part of the experimenting, did the program go wrong. The program began in late 2010, no more than a year after the war had begun. It lasted until the beginning of 2020. The test subjects, 8 children no older than 5 each, had their DNA fused with DNA from other animals that had desired traits. For the first year of the program, all the test subjects accepted the DNA injected into them. Their bodies accepted it and eventually fused with it, creating the first batch of sub-humans. The program was dubbed "INFINITE" for the initials of the 8 children: [I]-Indigo -Nina -Francesco -Isaak -Nathen -Inna -Theodore -Elisa[/I] Towards the beginning of the tenth year of the program, the children began to change rapidly, their bodies beginning to take in more of the DNA than wanted. The changes became so great, that their bodies no longer resembled humans. They were scientific blunders. Project: INFINITE was thereby cancelled, and the children were set to be executed. But one rogue scientist, who desired his work not to be in vein, released the experiments from their cages and they began to cause havok. Many of the scientists were brutally murdered by the creatures. They soon went after bigger cities, and, for the experiments who could fly, they traveled to the other continents and began destroying things there as well. The war, starting in 2009 between Japan and the US has gone on for eleven years, up until now (the year 2020). The eight children were taken into the program in the year 2010, and were tested for ten years, until the outbreak in late 2019. The children have been on the loose for three months now. [u]Sign Ups:[/u] Well, if you bothered to read that whole thing, I need some of the 8 children, and some regular soldiers or scientists. We are currently in World War 3. It started out as Japan vs. US, but ended up the Experiments vs. the World. [B]Name:[/B] Anything, really. But make it relate to your origin. [B]Age:[/B] Children - 15 or younger. Everyone else can be no younger than 18 (you have to be old enough to be in the army) [B]Alliance:[/B] US, Japan, INFINITE (experiments) [B]Origin:[/B] Where were you born? [B]Appearance:[/B] Speaks for itself [B]Gene:[/B] This one is important, but it's only for the experiments. This is where you put what animal the DNA attached to yours was. (Basically, are you a bird freak, cat freak, horse freak, etc.) [b]Personality:[/b] What is your character like? [b]Motives:[/b] I like the idea of what motivates your character rather than a biography of them. Tell me what made your character what she is. If you're one of the 8 children, tell me why you became a part of "Project: INFINITE". Yes, I know it's long, but none of it has to be long. I want just enough to get the basic idea of the character. INFINITE Children: Indigo - Ozy Jones Nina - Me Francesco - Black_Pheonix Isaak - Rin Nathen - Anarchy Inna - StarrStruck Theodore - Corey Elisa - Katsie That leaves no more child spots open. Depending on the amount of children to soldier sign ups we get, the story may be different. But I'll get all the info up in the underground thread (which I haven't started yet
[B]Name:[/B] Tsuchi Doragon [B]Race:[/B] Dragon [B]Age:[/B] 203 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] -[url=http://www.paul-elisa.de/cabral/dragon/ciruelo_cabral_006.jpg][color=white]Tsuchi Dragon Form[/color][/url]- -[url=http://www.paul-elisa.de/cabral/luz/ciruelo_cabral_bw002.jpg][color=white]Tsuchi Human Form[/color][/url]- [b]Personality:[/b] Tsuchi is a very calm and kind creature. As a dragon, she tends to be more violent and wild, but she never intends to bring pain to another without good reason. Sensible and quite intelligent, Tsuchi is the one to come to if you have a problem. [b]Background:[/b] [Will edit later]
[color=blue][size=1]Being able to post without worrying about forgetting the codes? That would be awesome! I have two computers, but I can only be online on one at a time. So, right now, I'm using our iMac. But the stupid thing won't let me highlight my post and use the scroll down menus for size and color. Instead, I have to type the codes each time. It's a big pain in the butt... Customization would make it so much easier. xD[/size][/color]
[quote name='Panda']I would be afraid that if the "title for post count" came back that this would incourage quanity over quality posts just for a title.[/quote] [color=blue][size=1]Good point, Panda. It could overwork moderators who are busy weeding out spam and trying to find decent threads. I did think of that. But for those who want to be dedicated, their post quality will improve. Back when I was a new member, my post quality did kind of stink, but I didn't use internet lingo very often. Hearing about the member titles made me want to post more. But I felt that if I just posted spam everywhere, I'd get banned, and I didn't want that. So, eventually, my post quality improved and developed to where it is now. I'm not saying [i]every[/i] case is like mine, but it's not all that uncommon, right?[/size][/color]
Writing Druik the Deviant & The Demonic Sandwich [PG]
Kitty replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[color=blue][size=1]Don't you mean part X? Siwwy DW. Getting all confuzzled. xP Well, that character list was quite cute. Now I know what all the idiots look like. :^D Aren't I special? Now I really want to know who those last two are. You better edit this post when they're revealed or I'll rape your legs. Fear me. >:^D And yes. I am stealing your "faces" or "smilies" or whatever you call them. xD[/size][/color] -
Writing Druik the Deviant & The Demonic Sandwich [PG]
Kitty replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[quote name='Treno][COLOR=DarkRed']And Kitty, I -
[size=1][color=blue]No, this has nothing to do with users' custom titles, just so you know. Actually, what I'm referring to is a member title. The one [i]above[/i] a user's custom title that says whether they're a member or new member depending on their post count. Back in v.6, there were a lot more member titles. For instance, when I first joined, I was a "newbie", and I was deemed a "newbie" until my post count reached 250. Then I became a "member", I think. (Don't quite remember exactly, but it was something like that). Then I was stuck as a "member" until my post count reached 500 posts. Then I became something else. Then I'd be stuck at that certain title until I reached 1000 posts and became an "Otaku". The point is, here in v.7, we don't have as many member titles, and for the two we have, you don't have to post all that much to become a "member". My question for the members is: "Should the administrators bring back the member titles?" It is, however, entirely up to the administrators whether or not they want to bring back this feature. Though I do not think it would be that difficult, I have no idea how to run a forum like this, so don't take it from me.[/color][/size]
Writing Druik the Deviant & The Demonic Sandwich [PG]
Kitty replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[size=1][color=blue]Frickin' sweet indeed... Hooray! Malkore is saved! Well.. Almost. And I can't wait to see Ferk sue peoples. Awesome. :animesmil [/color][/size] -
[b]Name[/b]: Tsuchi [b]Gender[/b]: Feminine [b]Faction[/b]: Spirits - Dragon Spirit [b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://www.nihon-fr.com/scripts/open2.php?id=manga/galeries/minablue/punk.jpg&galerie=Minablue%20/%20punk.jpg][u][COLOR=White]-Tsuchi Human-[/COLOR][/u][/url] Tsuchi appears just as she does in the picture, though with longer red-ish hair, and she's quite tall, as well. [url=http://www.paul-elisa.de/cabral/dragon/vc_ciruelo_bod01.jpg][u][COLOR=White]-Tsuchi Dragon-[/COLOR][/u][/url] Tsuchi has razor-sharp scales that can cut into anything, even the strongest of metals. [b]Weapons[/b]: While in her true form, Tsuchi uses nothing but her own powers and body. But while human, Tsuchi uses knives; one she keeps on her hip, the other she hides in her boot. [b]Powers[/b]: Tsuchi can control the elements of fire and sky. Capable of commanding each with extraordinary ability, she is very formidable in either form. While in dragon form, her scales themselves can be used as weapons. Able to regrow them in seconds, she can fire them off at will. [b]Personality[/b]: Tsuchi is bubbly and hyper, but quite cocky. Those who comand fire tend to be. Positive that she's the best at knocking people's brains out, she picks fights often, almost always winning. With a foul mouth like hers, there's no telling what may emerge from that hole in her face. Usually spouting out things without giving them proper thought, she tends to anger people, whether she means to or not. Though rude and violent, Tsuchi is quick to make friends no matter where she goes. She enjoys having her feet off the ground more than anything; even setting things on fire, and that's saying something. [b]Motivation[/b]: Tsuchi, no matter how much havoc and destruction she may cause, loves the place she's come to know and love. Earth is her home, more than anything. Having it destroyed would mean losing many of the Human friends she has made, and maybe even some of her Spirit allies.
Writing Druik the Deviant & The Demonic Sandwich [PG]
Kitty replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[color=blue][size=1]Straaaaaaaange... O.o I have a squirrel in my pants, too. Wait. No, it's just a monkey. :^D[/size][/color]