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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. [color=blue][size=1]O: Who WOULDN'T get the Beatles jokes?! Evuu. Me likey the Beatles. :^D I liked how everything was calling him gay. xD Even though.. yes. It did get a bit creepy.
  2. [size=1][B]Name:[/B] Akki Tabemono [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18537][color=white]Click Here[/color][/url] [ She doesn't have cat ears or a tail.
  3. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I gave it a shot. Not the best.. but meh. I used green/black mix. And I might do the shower banner next.. I dunno. Hope your friend likes 'em. ^__^;;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [color=blue][size=1]As wonderful as his intentions may be, Druik is a real ass. xD Still lovin' the story, though. But.. I really hope any "shag scene" between Druik and Sally I'm-Frickin-Hott is cut out. That would scar me horribly forever..
  5. [color=blue][size=1]Ah. Another goodly told part of the very strange saga. I haven't much to say this time, other than: I
  6. [color=blue][size=1]Ah. I look forward to annoying my friends with that elevator song. *commits it to memory* I'm surprised. O: I didn't think Druik had it in him to actually make Furlin dead. What a delightful surprise! Poor Hobo. Getting turned into a Mountain Dew like that by a lawyer named Lawyerton. What a strange character he is.. As random as this story is, nothing's complete without [spoiler]buttsex[/spoiler]. Remember that. ^_~ Keep the ridiculous stuff coming.[/size][/color]
  7. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Gah! I'm loving the love guys. And sorry about that, DW. Didn't know about the no-drooling thing. But it was still funny. x3 Onto the next strange chapter![/SIZE][/COLOR] [center][size=4]Chapter 2: Driving a Bus Must Suck[/size][/center] After our last chapter, we find our fiendish fiend of a villian strolled happily out of the dark cave, smirking at a piece of paper held tightly in his hands. [b]"It has begun... Mwaha... Wait, no.. Hahahahaha! No. That's not right either.. Um.. How about.. Hihihihihihihi! No!! Only witch's laugh like [i]that[/i].."[/b] As Dragon Warrior argued sexily about how he should laugh evily, he felt a slight push from behind. Spinning on his heel, he stopped to see before him the girl he had met just minutes ago. The glee in his smile seemed to fade a bit as he thought, [b]"Not [i]this[/i] pest again..."[/b] After pausing a moment, he spat, [b]"Can I help you?"[/b] Kitty seemed to take a while to answer his question. Standing silently in the sunlight that beamed down from the cloudless sky above, she stared at him. Getting a bit nervous, Dragon Warrior found himself walking backwards slowly, but she walked after him. [b]"Stop staring. It's.. uh.. mean."[/b] [b]"No it's not. And I'm on my way home. Walk me there."[/b] [b]"You can't order me around! I'm Gavin, dammit! I can't be told to clean up my messes, take a bath, or even change my underwear, let alone walk you home! Now cease and desist! Leave your evil leader be. I have.. evil laughing to practice,"[/b] he explained. Her ears drooping, the girl turned to leave. [b]"Keep walking, short stack."[/b] As she disappeared around a corner, the dasterdly devil found himself questioning his exclamation. [b]"I can't be told to.. clean up my messes? What a lame line. I've gotta work on that,"[/b] he sighed, turning round and heading off to find more followers. [center]---[/center] After several long and tiring seconds, we find Dragon Warrior sitting at a bus stop, panting like nobody's business. What an out of shape idiot he must be. But to my remark he spouted, [b]"I'm hearing voices. Narrative, rude voices.. Shit. I need medication."[/b] Indeed you do. Indeed you do.. Impatient as he was, Gavin managed to wait long enough for the bus to arrive. But to the driver's surprise, he began complaining to her. [b]"What took you so long? Do you know what I had to endure while waiting for you to come and pick me up? I had walked at least ten feet, and do you know how tiring that is?! Can you possibly [i]imagine[/i] my suffering?!"[/b] The woman just stared back, chewing her chewing gum (quite loudly, I might add) and closing the bus doors. [b]"You have to stand behind the white line,"[/b] she instructed. As he opened his mouth to argue, she repeated herself. Grumbling under his breath, he slumped into a seat in the front, next to a young man who looked like he was on his way to a geeky convention. [b]"Can you believe that bitch?"[/b] [b]"Who, Saishi? She's just pissed that the writer made her a bus driver."[/b] [b]"Oh.. Wait. What's a writer?"[/b] Recieving only a strange look, he added, [b]"Don't answer that. I'm Dragon Warrior, soon to be your evil ruler. Care to join the winning side?"[/b] [b]"Um... I'm Shinmaru. And.. uh.. No thanks. I'm not going to wage war on any of the site admins,"[/b] he kindly returned. But the eventually-to-be ruler wasn't going to give up. He wanted as many Groupies as possible. [b]"What have they given you?"[/b] [b]"Well.. A very well organized, and peacefully run internet home, maybe?"[/b] [b]"Ah.. Very sensible.. But what [i]haven't[/i] they given you, eh?"[/b] [b]"Um.. I've always wanted my own Yoshi room. And I'd really want a copy of "One Night on Yoshi's Island". I seem to have misplaced my tape.."[/b] The thought of a Nintendo creature staring in its own porn tape seemed to escape even the grasp of our young villian's strange and distorted brain. He sat gaping at his new acquaintance, though quite unaware that he was doing so. Shinmaru waved a hand before his face. He seemed to snap out of it, for he shook his head and glanced around, as if he'd forgotten where he was. [b]"Oh writer? Must you make me gawk hopelessly at people in every chapter?"[/b] Shut up. I've only written two chapters, so it has only happened twice. Learn to deal, whiney. [b]"Who you callin' whiney?! I'm going to rule OB!"[/b] I think that's my desicion, smart ass. [b]"Oh-Oh yeah?! Well... Poop head! Ha! I won. Don't you think I won?"[/b] he asked Shinmaru, who sat, frightened and confused, beside him. [b]"I'm staying out of this. If I go against the writer, I may end up the next bus driver."[/b] Good choice. Very good choice. [b]"Well [i]anyway[/i],"[/b] the hopeful villian coughed, [b]"What if I, Dragon Warrior, promised you, Shinmaru, your very own Yoshi room and copy of.. Yoshi porn.. if you agreed to become part of my group and serve under me as I retaliate against the admins in an attempt to rule OB and yours, and all the other members', worthless internet lives?"[/b] Shinmaru faltered after hearing the long offer. What would he do? Would he stick with the current peacekeepers of the Otaku[b]Boards[/b], or would he help the mischief maker get to power? After thinking it over for a moment, he chuckled, [b]"Gimme that damn sheet, bitch!"[/b] Gavin did not, however, give him the sheet. He, instead, leaned over and whispered something in the Nintendo geek's large left ear. Raising an eyebrow expectantly, he now cleared his throat. [b]"Oh.. I mean.. I'll join your army, oh great.. ruler? Like that?"[/b] [b]"Perfect! Here you go!"[/b] Hearing what he wanted to hear, but not in the oh-so-sexy voice he used to hear while practicing that sexylicious line. When his latest Groupie finished signing the liability waver, he stuffed the paper back into his blue robe and stumbled up towards Saishi. [b]"Oh bus slave, I'd like to get off at the next stop, thank you."[/b] But instead of having to wait until the next stop, she pulled the bus over and threw him out on his ass and sped away. Dragon Warrior paused a moment. [b]"How special am I?! I'm no longer limited by even the bus stops! I can get out anywhere I want! Haaaahaaaa! WAIT! That's it.. the perfect laugh! Damn, I'm on a roll!"[/b] And with that, the oblivious trouble maker strolled down the street towards a large group of people who he would then enlist. The rest of the day went just like that. He was on a roll indeed, for he got members such as Drix D'Zanth, to members like Zidargh and Treno. And he got them all by promising them the things they wanted most. Of course, he planned to grant their ridiculous desires [i]if[/i], and only if, they helped him get to power. At the end of the day, he had quite the mini army developing. But he had been also been informed by his informant that a new Site Administrator is still slithering in the shadows, waiting to squash any attempt at a revolt that may rise while the others away on their vacations. Quite the bad news indeed. [b]"Obviously James is behind this.. Well, I'll think of something. That clever fiend.. [i]I'm[/i] supposed to be the clever one!"[/b] he exclaimed, slamming his sexy fist on his sexy wooden desk in his oh-so-sexyful office in the Arena Underground. [b]"Informant!"[/b] [b]"My name is--"[/b] [b]"Inform the other Groupies of a meeting to be held at myO at 6 p.m. sharp!"[/b] Making a note for himself- because he's not perfect; he forgets things too, you know- he sent off the informant, who was still grumbling that he had a name, and prepared to devise a plan so devilish that there would be no Admin left at OB for the next week. And during that week, he would take over OB. Oh yeah. And he had to get rid of the moderators, too. [b]"Note to self,"[/b] he read aloud as he wrote on a hot pink Post-It note, [b]"Get.. rid.. of.. new.. admin.. and.. eventually.. get.. to the.. moderators, too. Ah. I love my sexy handwriting."[/b] Placing it neatly inside his 'Note Box' (a small notebook full of Post-Its and notices, which really isn't a box), he pressed lightly on a small black button and said, [b]"Receptionist?"[/b] [b]"I have a name, you kn--"[/b] [b]"Send in my womanses. I need to throw a sexy orgy to get my scheming brain going."[/b] With that, he let go of the button and paced in front of the door for his womanses to arrive. [size=1][color=blue]Hope you don't mind me giving you womanses, DW. ^_~ And, no. I have no idea if Shinmaru has a large left ear. @_@;;[/color][/size]
  8. [color=blue][size=1]LYKEOMFGTEHRANDOMNESSS!!!!!!!1111!!!one!!!!!111 *cough* I, er, enjoyed reading that. Very strange indeed, but you always seem to 'profit', I could say, from the works you seem to have pulled out of your ass. x3 Lovin' it. Write more. *examines a sandwich*[/size][/color]
  9. [color=blue][size=1]I see you've made a little index of all your sexy works. Lots of people of been doing that lately. The ones I've seen belong to Annie, Shy, and, of course, James. This seems to be quite popular, and really useful tool, as well. I hope to see more of these in the future. Of course, Gavin, yours is sexy-fied like nobody's business. I'm loving the different graphics for the different parts (i.e. the special "banner" for the [b]Writing[/b] section). And the new Black Mage you have is bitchin', too. ^_~ You'll have to get in the habit of updating this though. You let lots of threads die, I've noticed. Don't let it happen to this one. >:
  10. [size=1][color=blue]This is another OB Parody (my first) on Dragon Warrior, and his desire to be the oh-so-sexyful ruler of these forums. And yes. It [i]is[/i] a really f*cking ridiculous name. xD[/color][/size] [center][size=4]Chapter 1: Simple Beginnings[/size][/center] In the cheery halls of the Otaku[b]Boards[/b], many a member skipped and bumped along, talking softly with fellow members and close friends. All obeyed the rules laid down by the site administrators: James, Charles, and Adam. Anyone who did, however, disobey the rules was bannished without question, or a second thought. Members would gossip about what the member had done for quite a bit. But the dust would settle, and all would return to the way it had been. Peaceful. There had never been revolts [i]against[/i] the rules, nor were there any members disappointed with the Administrators' jobs. They had all worked hard. They had deserved a break. One year, the members insisted that their loyal Admins take a week or so off to just relax. Adam slipped away as he usually did, and Charles happily strolled away for his "off-duty" days. James, however, urged the members to let him stay, insisting that there was need for him to stay. But the members encouraged him still, promising to obey the moderators and obey the rules. Reluctantly, James, too, disappeared from the "Online" list as he began his well-deserved break. The members did as they said they would; they did not disobey the moderators when they corrected their mistakes. No one was banned, and no one felt mistreated. Everyone felt happy, even with the absence of superior rule. But as everyone did their regular tasks, one member, by the name of Dragon Warrior, strayed from the bustling streets of the Arena, and the cozy feel of the Lounge. He planned to do something.. [i]different[/i] while the Admins had their breaks. Something very different indeed. [center]---[/center] "Is the next post up yet? Is it? Is it?" "Calm down! And yes. I think there's another post up today." There was much discussion over a recent thread in the Arena. A story started by OB's very own Jokopoko. It was dubbed, "Otakuboards: Enter the Game". Even though few had managed to snag a role, huge crowds gathered to read the latest posts. This sudden spike of interest profited not only Jokopoko, but the scheming Dragon Warrior as well. With so many paying attention to the Arena, the rest of the forums became easy prey. But the moderators were still on duty. He'd have to wait a little longer. Not bothering to pay attention to anyone else's work but his own, the shady figure strolled right by the Arena, and ended up before what looked like a cave entrance. "Hello?" he called, waiting for the echo of his own beautiful voice. "Hello! Company? I love company! Come share this wonderful stew I've made!" returned a low, scratchy voice. But our beloved villian, startled by the ugliness that replied to his oh-so-beautifulness, stood unmoving, mouth agape. "Hasn't anyone told you it's rude to keep a lady waiting!" the same sound echoed towards him. "Wait.. You're a WOMAN?!" he gasped, falling on his soft, beloved behind. "That voice could [i]not[/i] have come from a woman!" "Get your rude ass in here, dammit!" Getting off the ground in his oh-so-cool way, Dragon Warrior proceeded inside cautiously, fearing any traps, and the sheer ugliness of the face he would see. But, to his surprise, he came upon a beautiful, and veluptious young woman, working frantically at a shiny stove in the light of a tiny lamp standing at the other wall. (Yes.. All I could think of to describe the thing was "shiny". So sue me.
  11. [color=blue][size=1]Ah. I've read every chapter of [b]BB[/b] at least three times, and I must say, I'm sad to see it go. But, alas, only goodness can come of its end. Such as more stories from teh Annie! Your latest story, "Annie does NOT cook" is very funny. I've read your first post and I really liked it. ^__^ Now post more stuffness, like your RPs and more stories. I look forward to it. *subscribes* @_@;;[/size][/color]
  12. [size=1][color=blue][b]Character Name:[/b] Tsu Ni [b]Character Chosen:[/b] Ninja [b]Background:[/b] Tsu, like the other characters, never had a childhood. Using this as an excuse for bad behavior, and using his stealth to pull them off, Tsu runs around pulling pranks on innocent civilians, such as the stick figure over there, and the stick kitty in the margins. Being very gifted with martial arts, he pokes things randomly with his toes. This makes him feel very proud of his "abilities", though everyone else just thinks that he's being an idiot. Tsu has always had an enormous fear of the color pink. After all, anyone who's seen fellow stick figures erased would fear the large pink thing that comes from the sky. Tsu has heard such names for it as "Pinky McEraseyourbutt", which he always thought was a silly name, "the Meet Your Maker-er", and "Super Duper Thingee Mabob". The last one being his favorite, he sleeps almost everyday. Why those two statements are relevant is beyond him. Going back to the martial arts thing, Tsu trains daily. He uses stick targets, which are fake stick figures.. though he gets mixed up all the time and accidentally hurts actual stick figures. He also trains on logs and sandbags. Very skilled at cutting falling things into pieces with his barehands, he's always thought about becoming a show off-y chef. But that would be hard without a knife, so he doesn't bother. [b]Personality:[/b] Tsu is a very brave stick figure, except when it comes to the color pink. But you knew that. He also is very carefree and dignified. Determined to prove that he's "da bomb", as you all call it, he spends his time calling himself "da bomb". This strategy, he believes, will get others used to saying he's "da bomb", and therefore, soon everyone will be calling him "da bomb". Other than that, he's a very down-to-earth ninja who feels he's "da bomb" and would like everyone to know it. And he has a strange fetish for penguins.[/size][/color]
  13. [color=blue][size=1]I told you I'd write up a petition!! But.. unfortunately.. I'm too lazy. :animecry: :animeswea And I agree with Baron completely; the writing, the story, and the characters have developed so much and so well that I can't bear to see the end. Soo.. *stabs out eyes* I [i]really[/i] enjoyed how you ended it though. *cough*Stupid hangers.. *cough* Mimmi's right, too, however. An open ending [i]does[/i] make it easier to write a sequel. I expect one! >:[[/size][/color]
  14. [size=1][color=blue]Oh my.. such drama.. Ah! The suspense is killing me! *stabs suspense with a nearby butcher knife* Take that... b*tch. *cough* Yes, Annie. Another wonderfully written chapter of your story. I certainly look forward to the next chapter.. but is it really the last one?! There must be more.. there must! *writes up petition* See you in court-- er, I mean.. On the beach. :animesigh[/color][/size]
  15. [color=blue][size=1][i]"How long does it take to get some food?"[/i] Nikki asked herself, glancing down the hallway. "Still no sign of 'em?" Timiko's voice called from the girls' room. "No. They haven't come back yet.." "Well, it's my turn to wait. You can go inside, if you-- Hey! Where are you going?" Timiko had been interrupted by Nikki's disappearance around the corner. "Wait!" she cried, rushing after her. Grabbing her arm, Nikki halted. "What about Mamimi? And Kyle! We can't--" "They'll be fine. Vito and the others shouldn't have taken this long." As Nikki continued down he hallway, Timiko stopped her advancement again. "Well, if you're going to do something stupid and pointless, you can't do it without me," she laughed. Nikki raised an eyebrow, but shrugged, welcoming the ompany. Stumbling around, they managed to find ice machines, a room service cart, and a lone sock. "Who leaves socks in the hallway?" Timiko stared in awe. "Some really sick people," Nikki scoffed, edging past the oddly placed object. Timiko gaped at it a bit longer, but soon followed suit. Finally finding the kitchen, the girls tried a small search for their friends, but to no avail. "You sure this is where they went?" Timiko sighed. "I thought they might've gone here. I mean, it [i]is[/i] the only place we know of that has any food, right?" Nikki reasoned, hopping up on a counter. A faint cry broke the silent thinking of the two girls. "Hear that?" Timiko smiled. "Yep. Got your phone?" Timiko nodded, and preceeded to call Kyle and Mamimi back in their rooms. While Timiko was calling, Nikki concentrated on the source of the soft but persistant noise. "What games are they playing?" Nikki muttered, brushing off the incident as a mere game her group was trying to play on her. Bumping into a large door, Nikki looked up. "Maybe.. in here?" Pulling on the handle, it refused to move. "Guys?" she shouted, wondering if they heard her. To her surprise, another quiet shout returned. "You're in here?! Why?" As loud as the others were yelling, Nikki could only make out 'trap' and 'out'. Everything else was just mumbling. "I'll.. um.. try to get you out, okay?" she shouted back, searching through nearby drawers. Finding a large steel knife, she decided she would try using it to force open the frozen door. Stabbing at the handle, she managed to pierce the wooden door. "Guys?!" she called again, hoping that they might now be able to hear more clearly. "Nikki! Watch out for--" Andrea's voice tried to warn her. But she felt herself being lifted up. "Hey! Leggo!" she screamed, kicking and wriggling around. Breaking free, she turned and tried to face her opponent. It was a Machoke. Pausing briefly, she then shouted, "Timiko!" As a response, another Machoke held Timiko's unconcious body in its arms. Then it hit her. "We're being gathered.." As the Machoke leaned forward to grab her again, Nikki released her three pokemon. Bagon slammed as hard as he could against the Machoke, but was helplessly flung backwards. "No!" Nikki cried, turning away. Realizing that she had given the Machoke an opportunity to capture her, she whipped around, but it was too late. The pokemon was upon her, and it was going to use force now. "Attack!" she shouted again, hoping that the pokemon might be able to stop the Machoke together. Using combined force, her three pokemon knocked out the Machoke, and chased after Timiko. Nikki resumed attacking the door with the knife. Eventually, she managed to break the handle and lock, opening the door to reveal three shivering, but happy, figures. "What took ya?" Jake laughed, but he gave her a big pat on the back. "Where's Timiko? We heard you shout her name," Vito's face filled with worry. "Over there," Nikki pointed towards the second Machoke, that had fallen on the ground after her pokemon had defeated it. Timiko lay unconcious, and luckily unhurt, in its arms. "Lets get back.." she sighed, a bit tired of all the adventures they had had in just a short time.[/size][/color]
  16. [size=1][color=blue]"How was film class? Is the new teacher as annoying as the last?" "No. He's fine. A bit nuts, but fine. The class isn't as boring as it used to be, that's for sure," Rebecca replied. Rebecca stood silently next to her ranting friend. Tina continued complaining about her classes, and how she should just drop out, and why Rebecca wouldn't drop out with her. A few kids ran, giggling in their high-pitched voices that would drill holes in your skull. "I hate kids," she muttered absent mindedly. "What?" Tina wondered what she had interrupted her for. "Nothing." As she resumed listing her grievances, Rebecca stared blankly across the hall, thinking back to her Film class. She had done nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not that she minded it. It was just strange. No other teacher she knew of would do such a thing in class. It was bizarre, yet.. It made her want to return to see what he had in store for his class next. "What a strange man.. Senpai.." "Senpai? Your teacher?" "Wha--!?" Tina stared at her, making her shift uneasily. "I was just.. thinking." "About your teacher?" "No. About my class. Senpai is the new Film teacher, idiot," she coughed, feeling her cheeks flush a bit. She did not care for her teacher, but her brief awkward moment, she knew, would raise some questioning from her companion. Rebecca excused herself, saying she needed to grab her lunch out of her locker. "It's not lunch yet, you know," Tina called after her, but not bothering to move an inch. "I know that. I'm just going to grab a bit out of it. I'm hungry," Rebecca returned, sliding as she turned a sharp corner. As she reached her locker, she spotted two girls. Not caring about what they were talking about, or who they were, she ignored them, and concentrated on her lock. "3.. 18.. 12.." she chanted as her hands danced around the face of the lock. Opening her small locker door, she was bombarded by shouts. "What?!" she screamed back, not facing the source of the calls. Hearing no reply, she assumed that they had mistaken her for someone else, and gone on with their business. Finding her brown lunch bag, she pulled it towards her and examined its contents. "Crap again.. Ooh. Chips," she muttered, pulling out a small bag. Slaming her locker door, she turned to walk back to where she had previously been. But again, shouting stopped her. This time she turned, recognizing two faces coming at her. "Rebecca!" they cried, slowing as they neared her. "It's us. From film!" "I know that!" she retorted. "What do you want?" "Um.. Nothing. We just saw you and thought.." Jordan sighed. "Excuse us," Myrtle coughed. Rebecca seemed to not notice Myrtle or Jordan's statements, and stood impatiently, expecting a better answer. The two being just as silent, she thought, [i]"Why not start the conversation for once?"[/i] "Are you normally that good at staring contests?" she chuckled. She recieved only a glare from Myrtle, but Jordan let out a small laugh as well. Glancing at Jordan, Myrtle's face began to change colors. "Look, sorry. Senpai's a freak. Don't let it get you down," Rebecca sighed, trying to encourage Myrtle to not rip her face off. "I've been thinking a lot about Film class.." Jordan interrupted. Myrtle nodded, noting that she had also put lots of thought into the morning's class. "What a weirdo, huh?" Rebecca laughed, beginning to eat her chips.[/size][/color]
  17. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Hmm lets see.. [b]Ken (DeathKnight)[/b] : I'd like to stay on an island with Ken 'cause.. Hell. 'Cause he's Ken. And besides. With all our AIM chats, we already know how to share. Don't we Ken? ^_^ [b][I'd have my curtain with me. >:3][/b] [b]Erika (Dark Serena)[/b] : One of the few, I think, that can challenge my Pokemon.. -ness. >>;; *cough* Well, I know having two girls stranded alone might get stressful, [b][I agree with anatema's last statement in her post *nods*][/b] but it'd also be fun. For the most part... [b]Baron[/b] : Aren't Aussie's known for their great surviving skills in harsh environments. And they can make anything out of anything! [b][Except... for a toaster out of a banana. Let's not get stupid. ^_^;;][/b] Plus, he'd be fun to hang out with. =3 [b]Annie[/b] : Hope you don't mind me calling you Annie instead of Annalisse. Heh.. Even though we might end up ripping each other apart if we stayed together for too long, [b][I'm one of the most obnoxious people when I get bored..][/b] if we got picked up off the island before that, I think we'd have some fun. That's who I [i]think[/i] I could be alone with while stranded on a desert island. x3 [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [size=1][color=blue]Otaku[b]Boards[/b].. overload.. @_@ My goshums, Joko! o: I'm surprised at the detail you've put into all the forums and subforums! How long have you been working on this? (It would've taken me forever.. ;; ) I definately look forward to this hitting the [b]Inn[/b]. Oh! Dibs on the [b]Arena[/b]. ^_~ [It sounds like such a wonderful place. x3][/size][/color]
  19. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I haven't had any trouble lately or today, but it might start kicking in soon, though I hope not. Maybe it's your internet connection. Do those with problem have DSL or dial up? That might explain things.. If it is a problem with Otaku[b]Boards[/b], however, I'm sure James and the other moderators are working on it. :3[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I just moved, and I start in my new school on V-day. Hell on Earth, that's gonna be. Jeez.. Help me. ;-; But I plan on calling Stuie sometime, and I can whine to him. xD[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [quote name='Kane][SIZE=1][b]Tonight on Cops:[/b] [i]An undercover Officer infiltrates a suspected cattle rustling couple...[/i'][/SIZE][/quote] [color=blue][size=1]Kane wins! I was just watching Reno 911.. x3 ... My hat! [/inside joke][/size][/color]
  22. [size=1][color=blue]That she does, Corey. ^_~ I must say, I'm [i]very[/i] intruiged (or however you spell it.. T__T) and I MUST know how this little adventure ends. And my, aren't you the clever one, Annie. Sending those messages to us right under James' nose. Haha! No wonder you're the Bandits' leader! *salutes* Now.. I must go paw at my new cat toy. x3[/size][/color]
  23. [img]http://shop.gameplay.co.uk/images/products/GC0319_1_lq.jpg[/img] [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1] Whee! I feel so special! x3 My first screenshot win. And I follow it up with a Harvest Moon image. >>;; Um.. go at it. XD[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Whether they meant for it or not, Hari over heard the conversation, or arguement, or whatever it was, between Tala and Vaxla. Mother? They had a mother? Well, of course they did. How else would they be there before her, dragging her out into the wild of Alteron. But.. It was almost impossible to imagine a mother for the changers. But what nagged at her the most was an obvious question. "Who was... they're mother?" And the heart of the dragon. Could she find it? Or was she destined to fail. She knew she'd fail. She knew it.. [i]No.. No! I won't screw up anymore. Damn it! I won't give up again,[/i] Hari screamed to herself in her head. "No more. I'll go into that stupid forest, and I'll come out alive. Even if.. Even if no one else does." "Oh! Hari!" "AHH!" She leapt back, holding her hands to her chest and closing her eyes as she screamed. "Sorry! Sorry!" Aaron soothed, gently and calmly helping her return her arms to her sides. "It's just me. You ready?" She gave a silent nod to Aaron, who stood scratching his head before her. "Sorry about that. But.. nevermind it. Let's get going." The two of them walked through the halls towards the cave exit. They walked in an awkward silence, the guilt and embarrassment hanging over their heads. When they finally mustered up the courage to speak to each other, they began at the same time. "I-- Go ahead! No! You first. Sorry. Heh.." They stopped and stared at one another. "I'm sorry... For Vaxla. She-- She doesn't want to trust anyone. Not anymore. Not after what we've all been through.." Aaron sighed and now glared at the floor. Hari paused. "Are you sure.. I can't change her mind?" "Hmm? What do you mean?" "I have her.. mother's form. She resents me. But.. I'm sure if I prove myself to her in battle, she won't think of me as such of a burden.." Hari explained. Aaron stared at her. "I don't.. I don't know." "Nobody knows anything. Don't worry," Hari laughed, feeling her face turn a bit pink. The two of them continued down the hall, now laughing and friendly instead of quiet and gloomy. "Kyo and Muna are over there. We have to wait for Tala, then we can set off." Hari bit her lip. "O-okay.." She cautiously approached the other two new changers, and slowly reintroduced herself. [i]The forest.. I will make it out alive, even if nobody else does.[/i][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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