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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]The flaming thing confused me.. So.. I'm going to skip it, 'kay? ^_~ Wow you got the next chapter up fast!! I hadn't checked in the past two days since I didn't think Chapter 7 would be up for a while. XD Oh well. Glad I didn't have to wait. ^_^ I got a new hat! Yay!! I don't have to go chasing down Charles now. >_
  2. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]"It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... wait. What [i]are[/i] those frickin' things, anyway?"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]That was another great chapter, Annie. We're getting involved with James, eh? That'll be interesting, indeed. I must know more... @_@ Baron!! Yee! *glomps* Very sexy Aussie, right there. Of course, not sexy enough to be a [i]bandit[/i], but still very appealing. ^_~ Can't wait for the next chapters. :3[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Nikki silently thought about the mysterious voice she and Timiko had heard. [i]"Was it one of Vito's crew.. ? Or was it someone from the Pokemon Pirates? Oh.. Could Kyle be..?!"[/i] She glared fiercly at Kyle while thinking it over. After a while, he asked her if she need anything. "No," she replied sharply. He shrugged, then nervously sipped at his drink. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom now.." he muttered, walking into the boys' room, passing a nervous glance towards Nikki. When the door was securely shut, Nikki and Timiko burst out into their story of the unknown voice, even though it was a short one. "Was it one of yours, Vito?" Nikki immediately asked when finished. "I'm not sure. Probably not, though. They should all be back in the stadium," he pondered. "Then Kyle might be up to something," Nikki and Jake said in unison. "No! He wouldn't.." Andrea sighed. But she couldn't help but feel suspicious, too. When he reemerged, they all shifted a bit, exchanging glances. "Um.." he stuttered. From inside the girls' room, they could hear a muffled voice. "Mamimi!" Kyle, Vito, and Andrea squealed. They all rushed in, leaving Jake, Timiko and Nikki in the hallway. "Guess she's alright," Timiko chuckled, leaning infront of the doorway to see the other three crowding around a blushing Mamimi. "But Kyle.." Nikki muttered. "Yeah. Lets just.. back off. For now. I want to know what's inside these.." Jake insisted, holding out his pokeball in front of him.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Rin Kikida [B]Gender: [/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Appearance:[/B] See Attachment [B]Personality:[/B] Rin, always prone to violence, is very impatient and rash. Never wanting to think things out, she'll rush herself into things without thinking about the consequences. Rin always enjoys a good brawl, and will never back down from a challenge. Outspoken and rude, very few can stand her long enough to see her "good side". The side that's nice and polite, anyway. [B]Bio:[/B] Rin was raised in a very hostile environment, which probably led to her violent behavior. She was adopted, and her foster parents were cruel. Her mother denied her anything she desired, whether it was a new toy when she was six, or joining a club. Her father used to beat her until he was taken to jail for rape of the neighbor's daughter. Having never been appreciated at home, Rin found sanctity anywhere she was accepted. That was what led her to be part of gangs. That, and the fact that she would beat people up on a regular basis. One of the toughest girls in the district, she has gone from gang to gang, and finally found one she feels is "good enough" for her. [B]Gang position:[/B] [I'll get back to this.] [B]Gang name:[/B] Twisted Zen -- I might edit the bio a bit more later. And I'll get back to the gang position. :3[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Nikki explored the two beds, then climbed up one of the ladders. "I call top bunk!" she called, laying down. "Ooh! I get the other one!" Timiko cried, hopping up to the remaining top bunk. "How can you think of that when Mamimi's hurt?!" Andrea shouted, giving them both a stern look. "Relax, jeez. It's not like she won't get better. She'll probably be up and perky, like she always is, in no time," Nikki scolded. Andrea opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out. "She's right, you know," Timiko chirped. Andrea shot her a dirty look, then returned to fussing over the unconcious Mamimi. Outside, Kyle stood impatiently by the girls' door. Jake and Vito leaned against the opposite wall, watching him begin to pace around. "Calm down, moron," Jake sneered. Kyle glared at him, then continued his pacing, not returning a single word. "She'll be fine." "Mamimi's a strong girl. Trust me," Vito added, giving him an encouraging smile. "But.." Kyle began. That moment, the door clicked open. "How is she?!" he asked immediately. Nikki and Timiko stood in the doorway, staring at him with odd looks. "Um.. she's resting," Timiko told him, glancing at Nikki. "Oh.." Kyle seemed disappointed. Jake let out a sigh of exasperation, then walked forward. "So, what are you two out here for?" "We're going to grab some sodas," Nikki explained, getting annoyed with all the questions. "Okay. Where's Andrea?" "Where do you think?" "Um.." As Timiko and Nikki passed by the three boys, Nikki grumbled some rude words under her breath. "My, she's unpleasant," commented Vito, watching her walk away. "It's not that bad, really. She's nice when you get to know her. Kyle's just being a pain in the ass," Jake told him, knocking on the girl's room door. "Come in!" called a voice from inside. He walked in, nearly being knocked over by Kyle as he rushed inside. [center]--[/center] "So.. what do you think is inside those pokeballs?" Timiko wondered. "Probably some trick note. They wouldn't give us pokemon," Nikki reasoned. "You sure?" She was quiet. "I guess not. But still. Why would they give us pokemon?" "I don't know."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Here's my shot at it. One thing, though. Your name wouldn't fit on the avatar, so I put it on the banner instead. And I saved it as .png file, instead of a .jpg file. .Jpg banners always look so bad after you save them. >_
  8. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Hari and the others were told of their next training "exercise". A trip into the forest as a survival expedition. "You're kidding.." she sighed. She didn't want to go out there; nobody did. Not after what had happened. And Bakuryu and Sakura had disappeared as well. Nobody knew where they'd gone. Or maybe Tala did. Hari wasn't sure. [i]"Maybe she sent them home. They couldn't take it,"[/i] she suggested to herself. [i]"But.. how could they go home? Unless the changes only work here in Alteron, they'd never be normal again. Or maybe she killed them. Knowing they had nowhere else to go if they couldn't take all the changes."[/i] But, while thinking this, Hari felt guilty. How could she think such a thing? Tala was being ripped apart inside. And no matter how hard she tried to hide it, the pain seeped through. Everyone felt it. Hari took a long time to finish her dinner. If Bakuryu and Sakura had gone home, why shouldn't she? But there was the lingering doubt of their even living anymore. Hari bit her lip. "All of this.. Too fast.. More headaches.. Ugh, this sucks," she groaned, with lack of a better way to say it. She threw her bowl on the ground, whatever was left in it splattering all over the floor. The others looked at her, and she growled back. Storming out of the meal chamber, she ran to the exit of the cave. It was a beautiful sunset. The sky was perfect, as if it was celebrating something. Or, perhaps, mourning. But Hari's headache did not allow her to admire the beauty much longer. As she leaned against the rock, she heard someone speaking from behind her. Turning, she saw Tala. She was muttering something. [i]"Jibberish,"[/i] she thought to herself. But as she chanted, Hari's headache began to disappear. When it was all gone, she faltered, not sure what to say. "Uh.. Thanks.." "You can't keep changing like this. The strain will kill you." Hari was startled by Tala's comment. It was serious, and sullen, and not very subtle at all. "You have to learn to control the dragon." "How do I control a [i]dragon[/i]?!" she asked in a sarcastic tone. "By not giving in." Tala transformed into her wolf, then lept away. "Not giving in? How am I supposed to do that?" Hari huffed, leaning back against the rocky wall. But after a few moments, she sighed. Tala was right; she was giving in to the dragon's will. Not that she meant to. It just happened. But she was happy that Tala had eased away her headache. She wouldn't be changing tonight. At least unintentionally, anyway. Packing her things, she slipped around the others, not wanting to be seen after her little "episode" back in the chamber. It wasn't that bad, actually. She knew that. But she didn't want to be asked questions or anything. She felt it best to wait until they set off to be seen again. Grabbing her bag, she decided to explore the large cave until they were to leave for the forest. She didn't see anyone. Except for the occasional glimpse of Tala's tail.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"Training? Training for what?" Hari asked herself, strolling through the hallways. She had left the chamber, not really feeling up to it. She had a small headache, but she was used to them by now. Of course, she wasn't used to the whole idea of things lately, but she didn't try to ponder the subject. That would change the dull throbbing into a very painful stinging. It was quiet. Ever since the others died. Nobody talked about it much, even though they could tell Tala's hope was fading. Bored out of her skull, Hari decided she might as well poke her head into the training room again. After all, there was nothing much else she could do. Unless she wanted to venture outside. But that would be stupid. Terribly, terribly stupid. "Ow.." she whispered, holding her hand to her head. The headache was growing worse. "Maybe.. I should sleep first. Then I can.. train with the others.." she reasoned with herself, stumbling towards her little "cave". When she reached it, she dove onto her bed, which molded to her cringing body. She moaned a bit, then bit her tongue. She hated being fussed over. It took a good twenty, maybe thirty, minutes until she could stand up again. She walked out, and saw that no one was there. "Guess they all stayed in training.." Hari began to feel guilty. Of course, she wouldn't have been doing much even if she had stayed. She would have suffered the same thing there as she had where she was. "No point in worrying now," she sighed, heading towards the chamber. When she entered, she saw the others transforming. Aaron spotted her upon her entrance, and called her over. "Hello Hari! Up for some training now?" He smiled at her. She nodded back, and he walked her over to a spot in the chamber. "Alright. You're going to do exactly what Tala instructed earlier. Do you remember?" Hari shook her head. "That's okay. Here, I'll go over it again for you." As Aaron explained her instructions, she began to feel the headache again. [i]"The dragon wants to come out, doesn't it?"[/i] She nodded to Aaron, and signaled that he could go back to watching the others. She concentrated, though it was difficult with the throbbing in her skull. It took her five minutes, before she felt her body begin to shift. The others around her were quickening their transforming speeds, but Hari would need the most. The large transformation she went through each time put lots of physical, and mental, strain on her. Too much practice, and she could rip herself to shreds. An hour and five transformations later, Hari felt dead tired. "You look ready for some rest," Aaron chuckled, helping her up. "I think I feel ready for a nice big steak," she laughed back. He walked her out, then she walked down the hall, headed towards the smell of dinner. Kyo, Muna and Sakura stayed behind with Aaron. "They seem really dedicated," Hari thought aloud. "Yeah, but they can practice more." She spun around to see Bakuryu. "Oh. Hi," she sighed, "Didn't know you were going this way, too." "I'm just as hungry as you," he laughed. She smiled, then walked down the hall with Bakuryu, talking about how strange their lives had become, and how dangerous they dared to think they were about to become.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Hope you don't mind, but I was wondering when the next "installment" or episode (or whatever!) will be up. You take too long. XP Only kidding.
  11. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]My wallpaper! Sorry. Not much to say. Other than, "Kingdom Hearts", of course. ^_^;;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [quote name='doukeshi03][COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Where is everyone? I would have thought this an interesting enough RP to actually [i]post[/i] in, surely?[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]You have a point. Where'd everyone go? The first "Paranoia" made it one page. The second one, so far, has only made it four or five posts. And I want to know who the key is, too... ;-;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Don't mean to be spammy (or rude), but did you get enough sign-ups for this to start? Or are you having a hard time choosing a Frankie? Orr.... Did you just not feel like starting it, lol? And I don't mean to get on your case if you feel depressed or have decided not to start this anyway. Just wondering. :3[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]A Pokemon fanfic. Finally, a good Pokemon fanfic. I really liked it. And I see how the sprite comic you were making relates to this story. Very clever. Very clever... ^_~ Well, I really hope you continue with this, since (on AIM) you said you might not. Please do. =D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]It was boring in my office that day. Up until he came, I had nothing to do. No wars to plan for, no battles to fight, no officers or soldiers to lead. No nothing. I sat in my office, staring blankly at the walls and shelves around me. Every twenty minutes or so, I stood up and traveled half the distance of the room, then came back to the seat behind my desk. There, I waited another twenty minutes until I repeated the action again to waste time. How could I be bored, though? I was the High Chief of the Lerion Army. The Army none had conquered since I came in command. The title that gave me so much more freedoms than I could have imagined. And it took me very little time to arrive at this station. And yet.. I missed it. The days when I was out there on the battle field, using my bare hands to take down my enemies. To bring honor to my family. To my home. The things that decorated my office bored me as well. They were always there. In the same place. I would get new medals every once in a while, and then I'd add that to the shelves that clung to the walls. But it made no difference. The room was still the same. "That's it," I whispered to myself, "I'm going for a walk." Normally, going out for a walk was a hassle because of all the work I needed to get done. But now, there was nothing. Too many had quit or were visiting their homes. I don't know why; I don't recall any holidays around that time of year. This time I could just waltz through the building and out onto the grounds without being bothered by another being. Or, that's what I thought. As I walked, I recalled times when my father, my mother and I would walk through the woods around our town. The woods were beautiful, no matter what time of year. And the creatures were as diverse as the people in town. I could have sworn that I discovered a new species or two while exploring the vast area, littered with trees. Then, for some reason, I began thinking of how I came to be the High Chief. It happened when I was 12. I was to be de-winged and banned, but no. I was treated special. Or rather, I was praised for my actions. I was brought in front of the Elders. No child my age had done so. Ever. Children were seen as disrespectful and not trusted to act "correctly" before such honorable figures. But even so, I was brought before them, and asked what I would like to become. And, I told them. I wanted to be a member of the Royal Guard. When I was old enough, I did become a Royal Guardsman. Or, Royal Guardswoman, rather. But I instantly found it disappointing. I spent all day escourting those who held high positions in Lerion around the kingdom, rarely getting to do anything. I was standing before a bench when I realized how long I had been reminiscing, and where I had wandered off to. "Park Centre," I murmered. I spun around suddenly, hearing my name being called. "Vralla!" It was my Draconian secretary. I thought she'd left like the others. Apparently, I was paying less and less attention every day. "Ah! Kriah! What do you need?" "You have a visitor! It's a Draconian. He's here to take you to Memoria." "Memoria? Why?" She shrugged. The visitor must not have been willing to tell her all the details. I followed her back to our building, and chased after her to her desk. There stood the impatient creature, glancing around for something interesting to do. Just as I had been doing in my office a bit earlier. "Hello?" I called uneasily. The Draconian turned. "Ah! Hello. Vralla Norhangare, correct? I have come to take you with me to Memoria." He sounded very business like, and dignified. If I had been a bit younger (and not in such a high rank) I would have begun to swoon. He held himself up quite professionally, holding his head up high and keeping his wings behind him in a superior manner. Though he did not try to out do me, he certainly didn't mind outshowing my secretary who returned to her seat and watched us talk about our trip. "So.. When shall I return?" "When the Innocence has completed its mission. Now, you must come. Hurry now. Grab whatever you need." I looked around, and did not take anything. I had all I needed on me. My sword, and my emblems. I needed nothing more. "Well then. Follow me," he smiled, walking out the door and taking off. I said good-bye to Kriah, then followed off after him, finally feeling the rush of adrenaline I rarely got anymore. The excitement I got before a battle. And boy, were there battles ahead of me.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  16. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]OOC: What Takuya said. -__- [center]--[/center] Kitten scanned the maps, checking for any planet she wasn't wanted on or wasn't banned from. "Come on, come on.. There's got to be one on here," she chanted to herself quietly. But as she searched, she got distracted thinking about whether or not she should even be bothering. If she got caught now, she'd be banned. Or even deleted. She hadn't done anything that bad, but the mods that had been interrogating her refused to believe her when she said she did not possess any hacking items. She had even offered for them to search her inventory, but they wouldn't listen to her. Kitten missed Z, too. He was a close friend, even if he had done a few 'bad' things in Aqualaria. [I]"You done finding those maps yet?"[/I] a voice crackled from the in-ship radio. "Wha?!" she cried, quite startled. [i]"Oh. Sorry about that. This is Rhym. Gray and I went to the engine room, and he's wandering around. I found the com, and thought I'd check in."[/i] "Oh. No, I haven't found anything. Most of the planets near here are overloaded with mods or their stupid errand boys. And I couldn't go to any of 'em anyway 'cause I've stolen from there too many times," Kitten sighed. [I]"Hmm? Oh, Kitten," [/I] Rhym muttered. "What?" she asked, a bit confused. [I]"Oh, not you. Gray asked who I was talking to,"[/I] he explained. Kitten paused, then nodded and 'O.K'-ed. [I]"Well, keep looking," [/I] he sighed, turning off the com. "Yeah..." Kitten resumed pulling out maps, but got frustrated. She threw the maps off the desk, possibly making small rips in a few of them. "Damn it.." A small beep went off, signaling she got a message. "What now?" she asked herself in exasperation, storming off to the in-ship terminal. When she finally got through all the in-game options, she finally opened up the message and read it. She was startled at first. She didn't expect a message from any of those she'd fought earlier. At least it wasn't Drake. That would've been awkward. She immediately ran to Rhym and Gray and notified them first, then the three of them grabbed zisagawa and brought him along into the Captain's Office, a place where they could discuss the message in private. "Should we do it?" Kitten asked immediatly. "Rin, of [i]course[/i] we shouldn't. The mods will let us get away until we've brought down the crime ring, then they'll take us in, too," Gray snapped. He didn't trust the mods, and he wasn't hiding it. "I think we should do it. It'll reward each of us nicely. And it'll get us out of trouble. Plus, I'll get to keep the Griffyn. Then we can upgrade it with a bunch of parts," Kitten repeated. "Well, Kitten--" Rhym started. "Call me Rin. You all can." She could've sworn she heard Gray growl at this, but she ignored it. "Well, Rin," he smiled at her, "This is what I think we should do." [center]--[/center] Well Rhym? ^_~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"Was afraid you wouldn't show up!" Kat chirped, patting the seat next to hers. Kitty sat down, smilling. "Sorry about that. I took a little bit to put my stuff away..." she explained, not really sure why that made her so late. "That's okay. You just gotta learn to throw stuff in an' out. Don't bother being careful," her sister grinned. Kitty smiled back nervously, then stared at her hands in her lap. Kitty had gone into the lunch line with Kat and got a big plate full of spaghetti on her plate. "That's [i]got[/i] to be more than a hundred years old," Kitty sighed, much to Kat's, and her own, surprise. The two sisters looked at each other, then began laughing. "Ah! That's what I like to hear!" Kat laughed, making the lunch ladies glare. Apparently, they had heard Kitty, too. Kitty pulled up a hand to wave, but gave up mid-way and continued after Kat back to their table. As they ate, Kat would point out people she knew or thought were cute. "Hey.. That guy's pretty cute. And what about his friend, huh?" she nudged Kitty's elbow. "Are you kidding?" Kitty replied in a confused tone. "No, I'm not. I should introduce you two," she grinned again. "What?! No, no, no! You're kidding! .. Right?" she asked with a hopeful ringing in her voice. Kat shook her head, still smiling her devilish smile. Kitty began trying to hide her face, with her hands and her hair, and tried to look busy. "Hey! She likes you!" Kat shouted out to one of the boys passing by, pointing at Kitty. "What?! Noo!" Kitty replied, shaking her head excessively and waving her hands in front of her. "Aww.. He looks.. Hey! He looks disappointed!" "And?" Kitty asked, oblivious to what Kat was suggesting. "He liked you," she winked. "No," Kitty insisted. But her sister wouldn't stop nagging her. She continued yelling at boys and joking with her friends, leaving Kitty quite embarrassed. But, during the middle of lunch, Kitty noticed a boy tackling a girl to the ground. "Ooh.. What about him? He looks cute," Kat giggled. "He's taken. See that girl? She's his girlfriend," Kitty sighed, now beginning to give up hope of Kat ending her silly quest. "Oh? Then why is she struggling?" "'Cause he tackled her to the frickin' ground, that's why," Kitty replied, a hint of annoyance leaking into her voice. "Alright," Kat sighed a fake sigh. "But he's looking at you! Hehe." "Right, suuure," she chuckled. But she did glance up to look. Kat caught her, and starting pointing it out. Kitty blushed a bright red, and returned to knawing at her lunch.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"Hey, Zisagawa? Can you go help out Kitch over there?" Kitten pointed to one of the players at the radars. "Oh. Sure. Um.. why, though?" "I need to talk to these two privately, that's all." She smiled. He seemed a bit woozey, then walked over to the male avatar, who seemed a bit confused as to why he was there. "Come on you two," she laughed, walking out of the bridge and down the hall. They ended up in the ship's cafeteria. Kitten took a seat at one of the empty tables. "Boy, you've got a big crew for this thing," Rhym commented at the many players sitting around chatting. The cafeteria was less of a cafeteria and more of a large lounge. After all, there weren't many players willing to be ship lunch workers. "It's a big ship," Gray and Kitten replied simultaneously. They glanced at each other, then returned to staring at Rhym. He shifted uneasily in his seat. "Well.. Where are we going to get the parts?" he asked. "We'll steal 'em," the two across from him said, once again, in unison. "Yeah.. I know that. But from where? Katenea isn't an option right now." "Neither is Loiyia or Nikka." "Why not those two planets?" Rhym asked her. "Yeah. You weren't in trouble last time I played with you," Gray added. "Well.. You haven't been playing for a [i]long[/i] time," she muttered, scratching her head and waving at someone she recognized. "What did you do?" This time, Rhym and Gray asked at the same time. They glanced at each other. "I um.. Nevermind. Lets just focus on the nearby planets. Where can we go for a faster engine? And some new mechs. You've only got two on this ship, plus a few Ollies," Kitten replied nervously, trying to get away from the subject. "Ollies? You have [i]Ollies[/i]? Why do you have such weak mechs, Gray?" Rhym asked in awe. "Well, they weren't for use alone. I have about four. The plan was, when we got 'em," he glanced at Kitten, "we'd let some of the best mech pilots in our crew to pilot them while we used the other two mechs. The Ollies would be sort of a..." "Distraction?" Rhym and Kitten finished for him together. They glanced at each other. "Okay, lets stop doing that. It's--" "Annoying." "Knock it off!" "Fine, fine," Rhym and Gray began laughing, while Kitten sat there beginning to grow angry. "Fuck you two. I'm going to check the maps, assholes," Kitten huffed, standing up quickly and storming out. "Damn it," Gray sighed, leaning his head on his hand. "What was that?" Rhym asked, oblivious to why she had gotten angry so fast. "Maybe because I'm having a better time than she is," Gray muttered, getting up and slouching off somewhere else. "Oh.. Hey wait!" Rhym called, rushing after him. When he caught up, he slowed to Gray's pace and walked beside him in silence for a few moments. "I don't know my way around the ship yet.." "You better learn fast."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Rin had signed up earlier, and paid no mind to the woman acting oddly before her. She, plainly, didn't give a shit. Uindo, not bothering to notify her (knowing she would either ignore it or forget soon after), walked along beside her looking for his next opponent. [i]Lippi, Lippi, Lippi..[/i] he seemed to chant. After a while of this, Rin stomped her foot in front of him. He wasn't paying attention, and ran straight into it. [i]Oww![/i] he shouted in exasperation. "Shut up. Stop chanting that damn name. I [i]know[/i] who we're looking for, so you don't have to remind me.." she snapped. [i]Oh? Then why don't you tell me their names? The user and monster, then, hmm?![/i] "Fine. Whatever. The user's name is Lippi, but how could I not know that?" She said this with a sarcastic smile spreading across her face. "And the monster is named Guar." [i]Damn. You were listening,[/i] Uindo yawned, beginning to walk on. "Phht. Can't stand it when I show you that I'm not so stupid, huh?" she smirked, nudging him forward from behind with her foot. He glared at her for a moment, then continued walking on in a very prideful manner; as if to show the other monsters he was greater than them. Oddly, Rin would have to agree. "Um... Kitty and Uindo?" a timid voice squeaked. The two turned to see a young girl (no older than 12) and her little armadillo-like monster at her ankles. "You're Lippi?" The girl nodded nervously. "Wait.. [i]You're[/i] Lippi? I'm fighting [i]you[/i]?" Uindo snapped at Rin's heels, making her jump a bit, then scold him for nagging her. [i]Don't be so rude![/i] "Shut up, you," Rin warned him. He stuck his tongue out, but showed no more signs of protest. "Well.. Shall we begin?" The smile on Rin's face was beginning to come back, her confidence intimidating the young girl before her. [center]--[/center] As the two opponents stood across from each other, monsters in the middle, their MC's began to download the others' stats. Rin looked up as a little moan escaped the girl's mouth. Uindo was at the same level as Guar. But Rin ignored that; she concentrated on the attack stats comparison. Uindo had much more strength, but less stamina and defense. Their speeds were similar as well. But how would Uindo fare against such high defense? "Only one way to find out," Rin whispered. Standing up tall, preparing for battle, Rin called out to Uindo what she would usually chant to herself before a fight: "Whatever you do, don't make an ass out of yourself." He chuckled a bit. [i]Alright. As long as it's to make [b]you[/b] look good.[/i] If the situation were different, she might have protested and given him a piece of her mind. But now, she concentrated on actually playing the game. "Guar! Iron Roll!" "Iron Roll..?" Rin whispered to herself after the command rang out. The armadillo curled up in his ball and began to roll around until it got used to the earth beneath it. Then it shot off like a cannon, due straight for Uindo. "Jump out of the way!" Uindo bounced up into the air, hovering a bit with the help of his ankle wings. "Dive at it!" she shouted, the tone in her voice serious. Uindo fell from the sky, his sharp claws on his front legs held out to attack with. When he came in contact with Guar, he seemed to just fall off. The impact did put the armadillo into a bit of a daze, but Uindo was in worse shape. "Come on! Get up!" Rin persisted. Lippa was jumping for joy at the sight; she thought she was winning. But Rin wasn't about to let her celebrate. "Shove it!" she shouted, now seeing Lippa as nothing other than an annoying brat in her way. An annoying brat she was going to get by, one way or the other. "Uindo! Get up." Uindo struggled a bit, but pulled himself up, balancing with his tail. "Shock! Now!" Uindo's wings on his ankles began to brighten until there was the sound of sparks. As the sparking popping noises got louder, the light began to crinkle and jump from wing to wing until there was one line of electricity showing brightly at once; connected to each wing. Uindo jumped towards Guar, but this time, was smart enough not to touch him with his own paw. But the wings brushed against his shell, sending the current through the opponent. As the armadillo spazzed around a bit, Lippa began pouting and shouting out to "Iron Roll" again. "This'll be over in a matter of seconds.." Rin estimated. But, unfortunately, she spoke to soon. The shocking wore off and Guar came out with a bang. From the dusty hole he'd rolled into, he popped out rolling at high speeds straight at Uindo. "Jump!" But Rin was too late. The roll hit Uindo square in the belly, sending him flying into the nearest tree. "Uindo!" she shouted. "Shit," she cursed under her breath. She started repeating it over and over as she watched Uindo struggle to roll onto his feet. "Damn it.. So close." But, at this point, Uindo began to shine. "What the..?" Rin whispered. Lippa began "ahhhing" at the light. Rin ignored her, though; no point in listening to a kid drool over something. When the light subsided, Uindo wasn't the large dragon Rin had seen once before, but a smaller one. Still bigger than his normal one. "Oooh.. That's a silver monster!" "It's Platinum!" Rin cried. She remembered what the boy who had attacked her called Uindo. "You're a Platinum monster. I get it now!" Rin was beginning to catch on. -Beep- She pulled her MC up to her face. "New attacks eh? Let's try this one..." She smiled her devilish little smile and looked up. "Uindo! Tornado!" Uindo was about up to Rin's ribcage, and had large wings emerging from his back. And his tail grew about another five feet, giving it total of about ten. Uindo was fierce looking, but not as fierce as the large dragon he had once become. Rin was determined to bring that out again. At her latest command, Uindo stood still, merely flapping his wings. Lippa began squealing nervously, calling out more commands for her monster, only confusing him horribly. As the beating of Uindo's wings got faster, the wind began taking shape into a cone shape. After the first one formed, it grew about twelve feet in height, scarring the tiny armadillo into his shell. But after the first, came three more. And after those three more, came another five more. More and more and more of these funnels of wind appeared, each one a bit smaller than the last, but damaging none the less. [i]Come out, come out, my little desert turtle,[/i] Uindo taunted. His voice was deeper to Rin. Not the same, young, child-like voice she was so used to. When he first spoke, she was confused as to what he was talking about. But then she realized that Guar had recoiled into his shell for sanctity like a turtle; except Guar was obviously an earth creature. The dark winds picked up the little ball and threw it around in every direction, hitting trees, or sending it into other funnels of ferioucious silver winds. "Come on, come on.." Rin chanted, wanting Uindo to glow again. Suddenly, out of the clouds, Guar shot again like a cannon straight at the dragon. He seemed startled, but pulled his wings around to cover his head, and also seemed to summon some of the army of tornadoes before him, stopping the ball in its tracks, and repeling it in the other direction. "Just a bit more.. Come on.. Change again, damnit!" she cried in frustration. He glanced at her. [i]Are you disappointed in me?[/i] he asked her, not paying any attention to the monster flying around above him and the cries of protest from the little girl. "No. I'm not. I just wanted to see you..." [i]See me what?[/i] "See you--" "WE GIVE UP!" Lippa cried. Rin nodded, and the tornadoes disappeared in a small poof, as if they had never been there. But the surroundings showed much evidence of their being there. "Run home," Rin suggested to the tearing Lippa. "Sorry about that," she sighed, not really knowing what to say. When the girl had left, Rin stared at Uindo, then bent down to look him eye-to-eye. "Not much of a challenge, huh?" [i]No. But that's alright. I did get to change, didn't I?[/i] "Yes. Yes you did.. And I'm beginning to understand this 'Platinum Monster' crap." [i]Really? Oh. Rin? What did you mean by 'Change again'?[/i] "Um.. You don't remember that?" [i]Remember what?[/i] "Didn't think so.." There was the sudden sound of clapping, and Rin spun around quickly. "Oh.. Max? Sakura?" She recognized Max first, then Sakura. And the woman with them she remembered as the check-in lady. "What the hell..? What are you doing here?" Rin shouted, standing close to Uindo. "I?m Michelle. I?m an executive from the company that made Monster Network, G-Games Corporation. Your two friends, along with yourself and a few others, all have Platinum Monsters. If you don't mind, Kitty, would you please come with us and chat for a bit?" the woman said in, what seemed to be, one long breath. Rin looked to Max. He nodded, signaling that she could trust her. "Okay.." She followed the woman with Uindo and the others.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]O_O My hat... T_T ... I'm gonna chase down Charles now. >_>;; But yesh. A very great chapter-ses Annie! And I was one of the two to go with you to see The Charles! I feel so.. sexy! :^D And I can't believe [strike]you[/strike] WW2 [^_~] actually made a picture. OMG Th47s 73h F_1nG b3s7. (
  21. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitten thanked Rhym again, then walked towards Gray. He shifted off a bit each time she approached. Up until he turned a corner, she was quiet. But once they were out of sight, she rushed over and grabbed his arm. "Look!" He didn't look at her, but he stopped fiddling. His hands at his sides, he muttered, "What?" "You were stupid today. You know that, right?" Gray was, again, silent. "Answer me!" she insisted. But still no reply. "Fine. [i]I'll[/i] talk then. You need to stop protecting me. I'm a big girl. I'll be fine." At this point, he turned and looked her in the eye. She hesitated. The look in his eyes was a mix of both disappointment and anger at himself. "Um.. I'm glad you were nice to Rhym, though. And.. eh.. Thanks." "For what. I fucked up, remember!?" he finally spoke up. "Yes, you did. But still." She turned to leave, not knowing what to say to end the awkwardness. But as Kitten neared the end of the hallway, Gray grabbed her arm. "You didn't answer my question." "And?" "I want an answer." "Fine," she smiled, walking back towards him. "Thanks for not killing me today. How's that?" She chuckled as she went back to returning to the others. "That's not a very good answer!" Gray called after her. She stuck her tongue out at him as she went. Gray, not really wanting to fiddle with the ship anymore at the moment, slid down against the wall. He blew the hair out of his face, staring blankly at his feet that lay sprawled out on the ground in front of him. "Today's been an odd day.." [CENTER]--[/CENTER] Kitten returned to the others and began talking about where they should go next. "Afterall, that Drake guy'll be after us. He's gone insane, I swear," she sighed. "He's a bit excited, you could say," Rhym suggested, chuckling a bit. "And the other two. They weren't very merciful either." "I know, I know. But Drake and the moderators are my main concern." "We'll be able to avoid them," Gray interuppted. "Oh! Gray," Kitten smiled. "Hey," Rhym nodded. Gray grunted back, then continued with a plan for avoiding the mods.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I'd like to be either an artist, a journalist (my dad has written for three different newspapers in California, and I've always liked the idea of writing for one, also, even if not in California), or a -my God, I'll sound like a geek- video game designer/programmer. Yes, you heard me. And I wanna go to USC for all of those! Go Trojans! :P[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Hari had a difficult time sleeping. It wasn't the bed; no, that was fine. It wasn't the room; no, that was fine. It wasn't the fact that she was in a different world, surrounded by "changers" and demons and who knows what else; no, even [i]that[/i] was fine. No. What bothered her was the constant headache, the random moments where she seemed to loose conciousness and wake up with a worse headache and some dents in the wall, and the random moments where she changed conciously. Finally, when she did get sleep, she awoke with a tail. Startled (who wouldn't be?), she jumped back against the wall of her room, and took a few moments to remember last nights events. The tail disappeared after a several minutes of concentration. "Damnit.. I'm hungry." "Then come get something to eat." "Huh?" The source of the voice disappeared when she opened her curtain. Was anyone there in the first place? Who knew. It was a very odd place, Alteron. Anything could happen. She walked back inside her hole and looked around, finding a rock cabinet containing a few utensils of everyday living. Hair brushes, combs, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other things. She grabbed the hair brush and brushed out her hair, though she knew she didn't need to. Her hair usually looked the same, brushing or no. But she did it, just to know she had. Walking out, she stumbled around until she found a room. The smell of food rushed into her nose, giving her a little surprise. She hadn't expected much from a cave. But she sat down across from a guy whose name she had forgotten at the time, and grabbed a bowl, filling it with random things that looked good. "Hello. Er..." she started. He smiled, swallowed what he had been chewing, and chuckled, "Bakuryu. Good morning.. Hari, was it?" She nodded, placing a forkful of food in her mouth. She noticed a girl get up and leave quickly after she had sat down. She watched her walk out and disappear behind the wall of the chamber. "Who was that?" "I think her name's Vaxla." "What does she turn into?" He shrugged. "Oh well. Not my place to ask right now," she reasoned, continuing with her meal.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"Nice job. You almost got yourself killed!" yelled a tall man, who looked in his fifties. "It's a training mission. You said I [i]couldn't[/i] be killed," retorted a snappy young boy. "Well, I didn't know you were so stupid in the field!" "QUIET!" The two turned to see a young woman, standing at the fence of a large house, glaring at them. "You morons. My master is sleeping. She is ill. I would [i]appreciate[/i] it," she emphasized, ".. if you did not disturb her. And I was reading. And not to mention, I've grown tired of hearing your annoying voices constantly. Can't you shout at eachother in [i]your[/i] yard?" "Well sorry," the boy groaned. "Listen lady," the man began, "I've been training this little pain in the ass for months, and he [i]still[/i] hasn't learned [i]anything[/i]. I would think you of all people would understand how frusterating that is. Or maybe your "master" would know the feeling even better." "I don't think so." "Oh. You don't think so, eh?" he snarled. "No. I don't. And this little "pain in the ass", and your oh-so frustrated self, can go fuck off!" she countered, almost screaming at them at this point. The boy did not know when to keep his mouth shut. For at this point, he opened his mouth and muttered, "Well, you can go fuck yourself, you stupid Mexican whore." The woman glared at him. Not moving, not blinking, not even breathing. The man looked back from the boy to the woman and back again several times over, wondering who would break first. And it was the boy who did. "What are you staring at, lady?" he barked in his little bratty attitude. She grabbed him round the neck and held him up in front of her; his feet were off the ground. The man, quite startled, stood oggling at his apprentice, who was choking and hacking and begging for air. "You, my bratty little neighbor, have pissed me off. Say good-bye." As he clawed at her hands, the man behind him finally came to his senses, crying, "Matthew!" "Ah. Your name's Matthew, eh? Well, Matt, care to see this overweight piece of shit.." She seemed to pause, but the boy's eyes glanced towards his mentor. The man was wriggling on the ground, blood pouring out of four holes, one in his face, stomach, and both legs. Then he saw the four knives laying on the ground near each wound. She dropped him, leaving him gasping for air for a few moments. As the oxygen made its way to his head, he turned and remembered his master's condition. "Sir! Sir!" Matt cried over and over again. But the man could not answer. He was too busy rolling around, screaming, and dying from blood loss. "Now, look at me, Matt." The boy spun around slowly, glaring at her with tear-filled eyes. "You've killed him." "He's not dead yet, boy. He's dying. So yes. I'm killing him." Matt grew angrier and angrier, and reached onto the slowing body of his master. "Take this, you bitch!" he screamed, pulling out a pistol and tightly gripping the trigger. There was silence. Then the woman spoke up. "You haven't pulled the trigger. Why?" "I want to know your name." "And why would I tell you that?" "Because you have no reason not to." "Ah. I see. Then, Matt, I will tell you my name. I am--" "Ack!" The boy coughed. Blood dripped down his chin. He looked down. There was a dagger, quite large at that, lodged in his chest. "Damn. I just missed the heart. Oh well. Since you're dying, I can tell you my name." She walked over, leaning down next to him as he fell to the ground. She put her mouth to his ear, and whispered, "My name is Angelina, Lady of the Blade." She pulled her head back, and sat on her knees until both the man and boy finally passed away. She took very little time placing their bodies in a hole that had been dug earlier. She knew she was going to kill [i]someone[/i] today. It didn't really matter who. The bodies fit fine, and she hurridly dumped dirt ontop. She muttered a few words, and placed a small stone from her breast pocket on the very highest point of the mound. "Rest in peace, Matt and friend." She smiled her beautiful smile, then returned to the porch. She picked up her book and, just as she was about to begin where she had left off, she heard a bell sounding. "Coooomiiing," she sighed, placing her book down again and walking inside. The entryway was lavish in its decorations. The walls were covered in furs of creatures only found in Spain. The floor was of marble, and the ceiling had a painting of the flowing Spanish flag. Angelina smiled as she stared up at it, then continued on her way into the dining room. From there, she took the stairs up to the third floor, and turned left at the hallway. She walked past several rooms, one of which was her own, then finally reached the end of the hall. She knocked on the door. "Come in, come in," she heard the familiar voice usher her in. Inside, was a frail old woman, sitting up in her bed with her favorite attendant at her bedside. "Ah, Angelina, my dear. You have some mail. Ramon brought up the mail. Did you say hello to him on your way up?" "Yes, mistress," she smiled, rolling her eyes. "Well? Take it. I know it's important." "Eh? How do you know?" Angelina smirked, gently taking the letter from her master's outstretched hand and bowing a small bow as she walked back from the bedside. "Because I do. And did you try out your new title with today's targets?" "Yes. It was alright, but if you don't mind, mistress, I might not see fit to use it again." The old woman nodded her head, smiling all the time. "But mistress?" "Yes?" "Why... Why did you have me kill a boy?" The woman's smile did not leave her face. "Because, my dear. You need the practice with [i]all[/i] types of enemies. Even the youngest of children can be used to kill you. Keep that in mind." "Yes, mistress. And one more thing, before I leave the room?" The woman nodded again. "How do you get people to keep coming by?" The two laughed for a bit, then the old woman sighed. "I am the current posseser of a great fortune. All of the townsfolk are greedy. I can get them to do great deeds for very little. Or, what I think is very little." Angelina smiled, then was granted permission to leave the room. She waved at Julia, the attendant beside her mistress, then exited and went down to the kitchen. The kitchen was filled with many chefs, and many stoves, and many ingredients, as if a feast was to be prepared. Angelina's mistress was very kind, indeed, and gave every servant under her roof a meal fit for royalty. So, you could say, there was a feast being prepared. Angelina was used to the many different wonderful smells in the kitchen. Though she avoided it when fish was to be served. The rank smell would not come off in one days wash. She found her friend Pinelope, and talked with her about the letter, though she had not opened it yet. "What is inside?" the young chef asked her. "I do not know. But the Mistress says it is important. Very important," Angelina replied. "How does she know? She did not read it. The envelope is still sealed tight." A little bit of grease flew out of the pan, and Angelina swiftly moved aside. "I do not know. Maybe she knows who sent this letter. And why." "Who sent it?" "I do not know." Later that evening, after dinner had been served and Angelina's stomach had been filled, she sat on her bed, her book at her side and her letter in hand. She finally grabbed one of the knives round her thigh, and carefully opened the envelope. She replaced the knife, and pulled out the letter. It was written on a small slip of paper, but the note was vibrant and typed in a large size. [B]MATADOR You are the sole descendant of a legendary woman fit for this job. Time is short, and light banter is not needed. Noir, French death, fly to Rome, I ask of you, to join in the legend that your ancestor started long ago.[/B] "Looks like I'm taking a trip to Rome. Must inform the Mistress." -- EDIT: Finally fixed the name on the note. ^_~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"God damnit," Hari muttered, leaning against the wall of the cave. She couldn't figure out whether or not to believe Tala and her friends. She kept telling herself it was all bullshit; a prank or something. But the others seemed as freaked out as she was. Though that could be part of the trick. Part of her just couldn't except that. She had waited so long for an escape. That's what her games were for. She took her bag off her shoulders and placed it gently on the ground. "I'll go next." Tala turned to her, a smile spreading across her face. "Alright then. Step forward." Hari did as she was told and stood before Tala. She wasn't scared, but she was a bit nervous. It's not like she'd done this before. No one had. "Well? Go for it!" Hari sounded, impatiently. Tala nodded. She whispered her little chant, as she had done for the others, immediatly followed by the surge of blue light. It hit Hari in the chest, illuminating her insides. The others looked down at their own, remembering the awkward feeling. Though it looked painful, most of them knew it wasn't. Just very awkward. Almost as strange as the trip through the portal. Even stranger than the waiting inside of it. As the light roamed her brain, then spread across her body, Hari was all the time remembering games. Silly, yes, she knew that. But she didn't really care. Her favorites were fantasy games; something her transformation would reflect. The blue light was reaching her tips now. Her hands and feet glowed as the light continued to surge. Then it escaped back into the crystal, leaving Hari to stare blankly at Tala. "Here it comes.." someone from the wall whispered. Everyone was anxious as to what Hari would become. As everyone else had, the momentarily calm Hari fell to the ground, crying out in pain and rolling around in her curled up shape. Her jerks of movement grew worse for several seconds, the screaming not stopping. Then she grew quiet; but her shape changed dramatically. She stood tall. Very tall. Her spine grew three times its size, and a large tail grew from the bottom of it. Her pale peach skin changed to scales, dark blue in color. Her hands grew claws, and her arms lengthed in to forelegs, and her legs grew, though not as much, and her feet burst out of her shoes and changed into claws as well. Her face curved to an elongated oval shape and her jaw changed around to fit her new skull size. Then her wings popped out of her back, growing and growing until she, in her new form, filled up the cave. As her form began to stop getting much larger, the cave began to moan. If she stayed in her changed form for too long, she might just cause a cave in. The others let out little whispers of awe before she shrunk and changed back. It was as if nothing had happened. "What a headache.." she muttered, holding her head. She had been squished into the ceiling and walls, making no physical marks except a lingering dullness of pain in parts of her body. She grabbed her bag, pulled it over her shoulder, then slid down against the wall again, waiting for whatever it was that would happen next.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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