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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I'm surprised I got on anyone's list (even though only three people noted me, lol). Sonata, I'm glad you'd like to meet me! And where'd "Kittles" come from? Skittles? The candy?! I LOVE Skittles! =D Thanks Phayt for mentioning me. ^_~ I'd like to meet you too! But now, I must add someone to my list, who I met a few short hours after making my post. We've talked over AIM and such, and he's started up the fiery passion in my to get a damn computer mic (which I had given up a while ago). That's right. It's, the always creative, [b]Danethol[/b]! Me wuvvy you Dane! Lol. XP I'd also like to add [b]Hack Helba[/b], once known as [b]Stuart[/b]. But to me, he'll always be Stuie! We've talked over the phone a lot since his mom got rid of his internet. (He got 3 F's in the first quarter. >_>;; ) I sent him a Christmas present, too. I [i]reeeeeeeeeeally[/i] wanna meet him. I thought I'd get the chance sometime this year, but it might take a while. Since.. afterall, I'm on the west coast and he's on the east coast. But I visit my Grandma during the summer, and she's in New York! Only a 5 hour drive from Stuie! Lol. He better get his license soon, dammit. >_< And last, I'd want to add, none other than, [b]Baron Samedi[/b]. Why else? He's sooooo funny. And he'd be great to hang out with. And I seriously doubt that he's an old ugly fart trying to kidnap kids. o_O;; Well, those are my latest additions to my "list". =D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]*Le-GASPE!* By making an Ethan altar and bowing every five minutes to its, and Ethan's, uber-nesh, of course! Juss kidding. :^D Actually, I plan on killing my thumbs with PS2 games, XBox games, Gamecube games, PC games (I type a lot >_> ) and playing my old GBA games on my new DS! Yay! I'll mainly be playing Mario Kart: DD, Mario and Luigi: SS, Mario Power Tennis, and Halo 2. :^D Aren't I special? And yes. Mario and pals pwn me. 'Specially Yoshi. He's teh uber coolness. ^_~ But seriously. I'm building an Ethan altar. And it will include his red tie! The tie.. Yesssss, the tieee.... *evil laughter ness*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Ooh! Sounds like fun fun! I wanna be the co-person! Er.. is it co-pilot? Gah. Can't remember. But, alas, I don't care. So meh! I just wanna bug people. Or... >> _>[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]You're going on my buddy list, now. RIGHT now.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"It's cold tonight," Hari breathed, the white fog blowing from her lips and hanging in the air. She walked slowly down the dark, deserted street. "I hate going through this part of town.." "Well, get a car." "Hmm?" She turned to face the bundled figure of Kelly jogging towards her. "Very funny." "Not really." She gave her friend a quizzical look, continuing on her way as she caught up. They walked in silence for a while. "You weren't there today." "Couldn't face him yet." "Hari--" "Shut it. I promised I wouldn't. Then he [i]saw[/i] me.." Hari moaned. Kelly's face was pink from the cold; Hari kept her face hidden with her bangs. "He wondered where you were," she whispered to her quiet friend. "Really?" Hari's ears pricked; she heard something coming their way. "What was that?" Her head jerked towards the source of the sound. "I didn't hear anything," Kelly commented, spinning around, searching for something. "Oh. Here's your house," Hari pointed to a grey and white apartment above some very large stairs. "Ah! Okay, Hari. See you tomorrow!" her friend cheered, rushing up the stairs to the warm of the lobby. Again, Hari breathed a silver flow of air and stared at it. "It's cold tonight," she repeated. "Very, very cold." Hari spun around. "Fuck off," she warned the figure before her. "I'm not in the mood tonight." "Wow, you're rude." "Oh?" Hari muttered. She stood up straight; returning from her fighting stance. "It's a common phrase these days," she sighed, shrugging her shoulders a bit. "And if you don't mind, I think I'll be off." And with that, she turned away from the girl and began to stroll through the dense mist of the cold night. "You need to come with me. It's best you come now." "Come with you where?" Hari stopped, but did not turn around. "My home: Alteron." "That some far away city?" Hari asked, still looking down the street opposite the girl. "No... It's a whole other world.." The girl trailed off. Hari turned her head, and stared at the girl's eyes. They pierced through her, as if reading her for something. [i]'What does she want? And where in the hell is "Alteron", anyway?'[/i] Hari thought to herself. As she finished her thought, the girl spoke. "Will you come with me?" "Why should I? I have [I]plenty[/I] to live for here," Hari said, soon realizing how sarcastic she sounded. "You have something..." the girl began. Hari wondered if the girl meant her treasure she kept in her pocket always. She began to recoil; readying herself to run. "You have something about you. You'd be perfect for a new Changer." "A new what?" "Changer." "And what's that?" "You have to come with me. Everything will be explained to you if you come with me," the girl repeated. "Can I bring this?" Hari questioned, holding up her bag strap. "I don't see why not." "Alright. How will we get to Alteron?" The girl smiled at this. "We will travel.." she held up her clenched fist, ".. with this." She opened her palm to reveal a crystal. At the emerging of the object, the mist around them turned red as the crystal glowed. "You're kidding." Hari stared awkwardly at the girl. She opened and closed her mouth, wondering what to say. "Maybe this isn't such a good idea," she chuckled. She thought the girl was crazy. As she walked down the street, the girl added, "Must I force you to join me?" Hari stopped again, turning immediatly. "I'm not going anywhere with you." "Ah. Sorry about this, then. And, before I strike you unconcious, know that my name is Tala." [i]'Tala? I've heard that name before. Where...?'[/i] Hari began to think, but Tala was already upon her. She brought her fist down towards Hari's face, but the blow was blocked by her forearm. She used the momentary pause to jump back and prepare herself. "You.. blocked me," Tala coughed out. "You seem surprised," Hari breathed. "Not many can block me," she whispered, charging at Hari again. "Woah!" she cried, spinning out of the way just in time. "Watch it!" Tala skidded to a halt; Hari saw some mist rising from the ground. Or was it steam? "Back off," she warned again. Tala, this time, stayed silent. Obviously, she was determined to get Hari to come with her; voluntary or no. As Tala seemed to be preparing for a final "attack", Hari thought over her choices in her head. [i]'I can let this girl attack, and I should be able to dodge it. But.. Maybe she's not been doing her best. That's insulting! Thinking she wouldn't need her best to blow me over,'[/i] Hari argued in her head. She stopped, finding herself trailing off into random thought. But before she could review any other options, Tala was charging. "HARI!!" "Wha--?" She turned to see Kelly screaming from just outside her doorway. "Oh shit." Tala punched her right in the gut. Hari found herself dazed on the floor, clutching her stomach. "Before I knock you out, I'll ask you again," she took a deep breath. "Will you accompany me to Alteron?" "... You punched me.. in the stomach.. you cheat." Hari lifted her head, grinning at Tala. She stood up slowly holding her hands up, inviting the next attack from the girl. But Tala did not move. She held up the crystal, and opened up a swirling circle of red and black. "Join me." She started with her foot, and it did not land on the the otherside. "That really IS a portal.." Kelly ran down at this moment, grabbing Hari's arm. "Come inside! Get away from this freak!" "I'll come back later. Won't be long, 'kay? Tell you-know-who I'm sorry I didn't come by today." "We'll have to make a few more.. 'stops' before we get there," Tala told her. "Oh, NOW you tell me," Hari sighed. Kelly stood aghast as her friend peeled away from her grasp and walked through the portal, followed by Tala. And then the street was empty and calm, just as it had been before. All that was different was the eerie chill sweeping through. It was even colder. "What.. the... hell..?" the lone girl gasped, creeping back towards the stairs. --- OOC: Hope that's a little like what you had in mind.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Sounds like a good mission! I'm so excited! =D And.. I'll get my sign up done! I swear it! *self: NOW!!* Okay, okay! Sheesh.. So pushy. ;_;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Hmm.. I wonder why there are no lines.. *pokes* ... Whoops. Shouldn't'a done that. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]The part where you tricked us into thinking ThatOneOddDude got shot was hilarious. XD And the spam giant was funny, too. But nothing was funnier than Kane's comment at The Plains of Random Dumpings.[/color][/size] [quote name='The Guys in those 'Guinness Draft' Commercials']"Brilliant!" "Brilliant!"[/quote] [size=1][color=blue]Need I say more? =D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I like how James and DW talk to the narrator. And how the narrator's a complete maron. (I mean that in the nicest of ways, lol. ^_~ ) Keep it up! I want more chapters now, damnit! >=O[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. Kitty


    [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]These look like [i]real[/i] screens from the game! I like how you changed the outfit of the main character; [strike]except in the third panel. He's red again.[/strike] Nevermind. You fixed that, lol. ^_~ As I said over AIM, I'm jealous of your uber greatness at this stuff. And I can't wait for the entire story, either. And what's really weird is.. I named my Absol "Devi" in my Ruby version, and I named my Umbreon "Devi" in my Crystal version. Coincidence? o_O;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I am Pro-Choice. Why? I am a girl, afterall. This topic relates to me as much as it does anyone. I want the choice if I ever face the decision. Now, I believe Siren is right. Banning abortion would be a "band-aid". The problem would not be solved, and it would cause more controversy and riots than you'd think. But the choice should be entirely up to the woman harboring the embreyo/fetus. Not the father, not the family, and definatly not Pro-Life preachers (I do not refer to anyone [i]specifically[/i] in this statement). The pregnancy was the womans fault, yes. Should she have been more careful? Maybe. But realize: condoms and birth control pills do [i]not[/i], by any means, prevent all chances of pregnancy. They work 98% percent of the time, as it says on the package, if I'm not mistaken. And what about rape? Why should a woman be forced to harbor a child she was given unwillingly? Or do you think that it's the woman's fault for getting raped? For those of you who are against abortion, [i]no matter what the circumstance[/i], you have a very closed mind. Also, why shouldn't a woman be given the choice in any circumstance? If the woman did not [i]want[/i] the child in the first place, isn't she pregnant [i]unwillingly[/i]? Personally, I think the whole issue is silly. Those of you who want the child to be born, even though they probably won't ever meet you, help you, or know about you and will just end up using up your resources, you seem to care about [i]them[/i] more than, say, the people over in Asia facing disease, grief from the loss of loved ones, and no place to live. And you care about [i]them[/i] more than the homeless here in the States; facing the same things. If you're pro-life, why not make life better for EVERYONE instead of un-born people? You probably wouldn't care if a group of homeless were shot, and thrown into some ally. But isn't that murder, too?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]XD Teh funnah! DW in a suit and mage hat, eh? ONLY 'oh-so-sexy'? You'll upset him, dear Reise. ^_~ Great first two chapters. Make them longer! >=O Me want more entertainment than four- no.. five- no.. however long this entertains me, damnit! Go the Jeh! I like how he got all upset when Lady A didn't say anything to him. That was funnah. Keep up the good writing and creativity! ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1][quote name='Annie][size=1][COLOR=Purple]Well, I think I named everyone. If I think of anyone else, I'll let you know.[/COLOR'][/size][/quote] [COLOR=Blue]O_O ~Le Gaspe!~ You forgotted me!! ;_; I feel unloved. So, so [i]very[/i] unloved... :rolleyes: But aside from that, here's my list of people I'd wuv to meet outside of Otaku[b]Boards[/b]. ^__^ [B]Annie[/B]- Even though she's [i]betrayed[/i] me, I'd still love to actually meet her. Being a fellow Bikini Bandit and all, we have had some very fun (and obviously silly) conversations over AIM and through PM. And her posts are just as intruiging (even when they don't concern the bandits). [B]Dragon Warrior[/B]- Why else? He's the sex of OB. Nothin' sexier than him an' his ridiculous stories and animations. Must I say more? [B]Patronus[/B]- I've become good friends with him ever since I signed up for one of his Pokemon RPG's (yes, his latest POKEMON RPG, lol). He IMed me and we've been talking ever since. He's fun to talk to, and a great graphics artist. And yesh, I do occasionally abuse my friendship with him for brilliant banners. So sue me, lol. =3 [B]Ayokano[/B]- Silly conversations are his passion. I swear, if anyone were to listen to (or read; whatever) one of our AIM conversations, you'd be lost and drooling three messages in. And plus.. He's my hubby. ^__^ [B]Juuthena[/B]- Cuddly Juu has great posts. I love to read whatever it is she's written; and not to mention look at her pictures. (You're a wonderful photographer, Juu. ^__^ ) And besides; she nominated me for OB's most improved member for 2004. Who couldn't love somebody for that? Lol. And, basically, she just seems like an overall friendly person. [B]Takuya[/B]- His pokemon knowledge pwns me. @_@ [B]Shinmaru[/B]- Siwwy Shin. Your myO scares me sometimes. *shudders* I need to talk to him more. ;_; [B]Neuvoxetere[/B]- We converse on AIM occasionally (a lot more as of late) and we like to talk about our caves. I remember one time, I was telling her how I decorated my cave for New Years! I even made it clean enough for company! *gasp* That's about it. Hehe. ^__^ (I bet everyone knew I lived in a cave, though. Lol) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Very nice! The story is very enthralling. I like how there are several connections and characters from the movies (i.e. Serraph, the Agents -like you could have a story without them-, Trinity -duh-, Morpheus, and, if my guess is correct, [spoiler]the Oracle[/spoiler]), as well. Though, I must agree with Patronus. Several grammatical errors are scattered throughout the story. Though, they aren't so bad that it's hard to read. No, it's fine. And why would you do peer-editing, anyway? Wouldn't wanna give a preview to a possible leak, eh? ^_~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Vralla Norhangare (Vur-rall-a : Nor-han-gir) [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Race:[/B] Draconian [B]Location:[/B] Lerion [B]Appearance:[/B] :.-Her wings are now a deep metallic blue-.: [B]Spells/Weapons:[/B] Vralla carries a broad sword, with a handle of gold . On the blade, translated from [whatever language the Draconians write in], "Hail Lerion, Daughter of Grakythe" is engraved. Regnum Lanma - Vralla's blade turns a bright white, and can channel healing energy to cast a quick fixer-uper spell on allies or herself. Fortis Volaticus - Vralla's blade erupts into a barrage of fireballs, all firing in every direction. Citatus Irruo - With the chanting of the two words, Vralla's blade guides her into rapid and vicious blows and slashs at the enemies surrounding her. [B]Biography:[/B] Born into a middle class family in the realm of Lerion, Vralla lived a simple life. Her father, Grakythe, was the blacksmith for the Royal Guard. Of course, this job was less respected, but it was still just as important. Grakythe supplied many Draconians, along with other creatures, with blades of steel, and arrows of Foro [a metal Draconians use to make arrowheads because it can pierce almost any armor]. He was praised by many a fellow in the Guard. Vralla, being too young at the time to understand, always wondered what he was doing. Her mother, Phinnra, never allowed her too close to the Shop in fear that she might get branded or stabbed by the many weapons inside. Her father had a small trademark to show that his work was authentically [i]his[/i] work. It was very simple. A small circle with the outline of Lerion, and the letter "I" engraved inside. Why it was an "I" puzzled Vralla to no end. She would have thought to put an "L", for Lerion. Or "D" for the magnificant race of the Draconians. But no. It was an "I", and everytime she asked her father why it was an "I" instead of an "L" or a "D" he would reply, "The 'I' stands for something far more important than the Draconians and even Lerion it[i]self[/i]. Do you understand now?" She would shake her head, disappointed in herself for not understanding something so simple. Then Grakythe would comfort her, bouncing her on his leg, making her forget all about it for the rest of the day. Then she would return soon and ask again. At the age of 7, Vralla's brother was born. He was dawned "Ithris", after their grandfather Ithris, and he was to grow to be the next blacksmith for the Guard of Lerion. Vralla was not angry or jealous of her new baby brother. In fact, she was quite joyous that she would not be drawn into, what she thought was, the boring and pointless path of a blacksmith. No, she wanted to be something much more extravagant and exciting. She wanted to become part of the Guard that the blacksmiths worked for. Of course, this was looked down upon, not only by her mother, but by boys and young men around town. By now, she was at the tender age of 12, and believed that she, too, could become a part of the Royal Guardsmen. And, what most people didn't know, was that her mother, at one point, had been a member of the Royal Guardsmen. Out of respect for her mother, she did not brag about this to anyone, or to use as evidence that she had right to join. But one day, a group of boys, some only 10 and others above 15, were ridiculing her about her "unreachable" dream. Like most Draconians, Vralla was a good fighter; strong, proud, and determined. And that day, she was determined to prove herself worthy; or at least, that's what she thought. She fought the entire group, leaving them all bruised, battered, and crying. And she even ripped off half of one boy's wing. Her parents, sure that she would be de-winged and bannished, as was the custom for such a crime as ruining a Draconian's sacred wings, brought her to the edge of the city and tried to convince her to run away. Stubborn as always, she stayed with them until the Elites found her, bringing her before the High Court. But instead of a traditional sentence, she was instructed to see the Elders. Now, it was not very surprising to her; afterall, she wasn't quite sure who the elders were, anyway. Her father, having brought her alone because her mother couldn't stand to see her punished, was aghast. Few ever saw the Elders, and [i]none[/i] of them were children. When before the Elders, the Elite who had taken her before them instructed Vralla to bow. She obeyed (reluctantly), and was then asked what her dream was. To this she replied happily, "I want to be a Royal Guardsman! I want to protect the Great Kingdom of Lerion with my own bare hands." The Elders laughed at her eagerness, then promised that, when she came of age, she would be guaranteed a position as one of the Head Royal Guardsman. She leapt up in glee, running around in happy little circles. Vralla was flown out of the Hall of Elders by the same Elite, and was brought to her father. He asked her what had happened, and she happily told him. Astonished at the story, he rushed her home and told her mother, who embraced her daughter in tears, fluffing her feathers to make sure they were still there. Over the next six years, Vralla trained and studied to become what she was (thought to have been) destined to become. She knew everything about the Guard; every Draconian to have been a member, every route they took for every mission, and every great deed that she was to live up to. The Guard was her destiny, and she excitedly awaited the day she would have her wings dyed the traditional color, and she would become the next "Orix Unecthe" [famous for his self-sacrifice to protect the Elders of Lerion from an army of rogues in 1518]. When the day finally arrived, she was the first in the ceremony to have her wings dyed the Royal crimson red. As she served, she did great deeds, as she had promised herself. Vralla became famous and well-known throughout the land of Lerion in her first three years. At the young age of 21, she was given a higher rank; 3rd General of Lerion's army. She served under two male Draconians, both of whom looked down their noses at her. She soon surpassed both of them. It only took her a year. When she was 22, she was the first female Head General in Lerion. Her wings were dawned a silver color, showing her new rank. And in honor of her new position, she was given a new sword (since she was never very fond of the bow and arrow). She found herself examining it carefully in her quarters one evening. She soon noticed a small symbol on the bottom of the handle. It was the Crest of Lerion. Her father's work. She once again examined the blade, an old Draconian language engraved on it. Concentrating, she whispered, "Hail Lerion, Daughter of Grakythe." Never having studied the old languages, she was surprised at her easy translation of the engraving. She sent word that she wanted to visit her father, but was soon told he had passed away. Grief stricken, she ordered no one come see her. For two weeks, she went without contact to anyone. But when her mother and brother came by, she let them in. Phinnra handed her a small chain with a locket attached, and Ithril handed her another chain, but this one had a small copy of Grakythe's trademarking emblem. She thanked them, and they left soon after. She returned to the battlefield, and recieved many rank ups. She now stands as High Chief of the Lerion Army. A position where her wings are dyed a deep metallic blue. She still wears the two chains round her neck, and never takes them off. - EDIT: Thanks, Arcadia. =D - [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. Kitty


    [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"How long have you known Noelle?" Jon asked her. Nikki turned towards him, still stuffing the things she had picked out into her bag. "A long time. We live in the same town, afterall," she replied, turning back to her bedspread. Dratini curled up on her pillow, still tired from his battle earlier. "We live in the same town, too," Jon added. "I know." "How long have we known eachother?" "I don't know. I probably have seen for a long time. I just never talked to you that much, I guess," she told him. He nodded silently, then waited at her door as she finished. "Okay. Lets go," Nikki sighed, walking up to him. Jon held out his hands, chuckling, "Ladies first." She smiled, then walked out past him, Dratini circled around her right arm. They walked out towards the dirt path that the group had agreed to meet at. "We're here first," she muttered. "Wonder if anything bad happened?" Jon asked after a pause. The two stood there silent, before they heard a loud screech. "Fearow!" they shouted in unison. "Is that.." Jon began, summoning Gastly to his side. "Nikki!" She turned to see Noelle and Aaron running towards her, followed by a swarm of Nincada. "Jon.." she started. Noelle and Aaron were signaling for the two of them to run ahead. "Jon, come on. I think we should go," she suggested, tugging at his arm. "No. I'm going to--" "Now! You're going to be attacked by all of those!" she shouted, turning his head towards the advancing bugs. She heard him swear, then followed as he rushed off towards a patch of shorter grass. "They're catching up," Nikki commented. "The bugs?" "No, the others," she clarified. They reached the short grass, and hid under a large tree, waiting for the others. "Got your stuff?" Nikki greeted Noelle casually. The two smiled. "We go to Viridian now, right?" Noelle asked. "Yeah. But that stupid Fearow's gonna keep chasing us. The Nincada won't come past the entrance to this road, though." "Why?" Aaron wondered. "How should I know?" Nikki replied. "Maybe there are bigger pokemon that they're afraid of or something," Jon suggested. "Whatever. I don't care. I just want to get to the next town," Nikki sighed. "Okay, lets go, then," Jon smiled, running off down the path. "Hey! Wait up, dammit!" Nikki cried, running after him with Noelle and Aaron.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Lisa Ducati [B]Nickname:[/B] Shell [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Nationality:[/B] Lived in England, had an Italian father and British mother [B]Group Title:[/B] Fighter [B]Transport:[/B] Motorcycle - [URL=http://www.motorcyclejournal.net/models/ducati/picture/st4_blue_lateral.jpg]Clicky[/URL] [Like so many others, lol.] [B]Weapons:[/B] [Edit later] [B]Appearance:[/B] Lisa stands at 5'7", with very long legs. Her eyes are a teal blue, and her hair a dark, navy blue color (she dyed it, obviously). Her hair reaches down to her lower back, and she wears it in a very long ponytail, whether she's doing a job or not. Rarely does she wear it down. Lisa wears big, dark colored t-shirts with various pictures and sayings on them. Her jeans fall far past her ankles and drag on the ground. They're usually dark as well, and never will she wear a pair of faded jeans. Her boots are basically biker boots, taken from the mens section of the shoe store. They're big, and black, and covered in laces. [B]Personality:[/B] [Edit later] [B]Biography:[/B] [Edit later] -Sorry I can't finish. I've got a week of make-up to do that I had all vacation to do. ;_; -[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]Gah! Why won't you tell me where... Damn you.. _>;; 9/10 ^__^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]I'll be a new changer. ^_^ [B]Name:[/B] Hari Meirou [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Form:[/B] Dragon [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/aitokiniki.jpg[/IMG] [B]Form Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/sandara-8.jpg[/IMG] -The dragon in the picture is what she looks like, except she turns blue instead of purple.- [B]Why You Were Chosen:[/B] Hari [i]lives[/i] for games. All she's ever done was game; no matter what hour of the night, or time of the year. Her athletic abilities (though most would think they would be extremely hindered, considering her time inside compared to outside) is extremely good. Flexible and swift, along with quite feriocious and strong, Hari enjoys very physical activities (i.e. football, basketball, karate, boxing). Her expertise in guns and cars surprises many. [EDIT - Sorry it took so long. Finally got the last part done. ^_~ ][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]"The orgasm was more than he could handle, I'm afraid. So, just a little rest and cold water will do the trick." [COLOR=Blue]XD *LMAO* That is the best... Oh my God... I love the little bits with Chaos in them. They're so funny. ^_~ (We love you Chaos, lol). I shrieked again. ;_; That moment will haunt me forever. Why couldn't I have yelped, or... wait, no. That's the same thing. Yoshi and porn, eh? Sounds fun. Hehe. I'm looking forward to it. *evil laughter* >_>;; You didn't hear that. :shifty:[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]*GASP* Sequel-ness! Yay!! ^__^ Siwwy Jokopoko and his Star Trek obsession. I'm surprised he hasn't discovered a trick to teleport away from Shy's book throwing. Meh. He'll figure it out eventually (I hope, for the sake of his Star Trek-filled brain). And I'm not in this one either, now am I? Lol. ^_~ [Woo! My first official post of 2005!][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Oooh.. This looks like a really good RPG. It's no surprise that you and Arcadia are the ones behind it. ^_~ I think the many different choices of race will benefit the turnout of sign ups, too. This gives a lot more options to players, and that's, more often than not, a good thing. I can't wait for it to hit the Inn. I'll definately be signing up. :D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Katherine "Kitty" Angelique [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] See attachment. Except her hair is long and dark brown instead of short and pink. [B]Personality:[/B] Katherine is never worried about what can go wrong. Whether she's driving drunk, or jumping off her roof into her pool, she doesn't seem to see the down side. She's always warned. Of course, who wouldn't try to talk her out of it? She just won't listen. She enjoys messing around, flirting, and being wild all together. Pissing people off is one of her favorite things to do, as well. She's very much thought of as the "party girl". Many think she'd do anything to impress others, but really, she just wants to entertain herself. She's never believed in God, either. That's probably why she's such close friends with Frankie. The two of them always rant and joke about the stupidity of religious extremists. But recently, Frankie seems to have drifted from the subject. Though that doesn't stop Katherine from trashing it. [B]Occupation:[/B] She works as a librarian during the day on weekdays, and is a pole dancer at a bar on Wednesday nights. [B]Bio:[/B] Katherine grew up in a peaceful household. Her mother was a housewife and stayed home, and her step father was a doctor for the local hospital. She lived with her older brother until he went to college, and she's dealt with her younger twin sisters since she entered high school and until she left for college, too (they're both four). Her older brother and her got arrested a few times for shoplifting and tagging when she was 12, but nothing very serious. They never met their father, though. He was arrested a long time ago for more serious charges, most of which their mother refuses to tell them to this day. Katherine never got too close to her step-dad. He didn't really care for her either. He spent most of his time at home with the twins, who are actually his daughters by blood. She calls them both, "Mikey", since one is named Michelle and the other Mickey. Her mother booted her out of the house once she turned 18. She was living with her boyfriend at the time until she got accepted into college. That's where she met Frankie. The two of them grew real close, real fast. There were very well known, throughout the school campus. Frankie didn't go with Katherine to her parties, though. She was a very responsible type of girl. Katherine, always considerate of her friends, left it at that, and didn't push her anymore. Katherine, in her junior year, went to a party, and woke up the next day pregnant. Of course, her being her, didn't really care enough to check. But the boy insisted that she check. A week later, she finally checked, and found out that she was, in fact, harboring a child. Disgusted, she skipped classes for a bit, and went to get an abortion. She didn't tell anyone, except for Frankie. She lied to the boy who would have been the father, telling him that she never was pregnant, and didn't mention going to the Abortion Clinic. She was hounded by Catholic extremists at school, who had, in fact, seen her there during one of their protests. She never liked any of the religions, but this just made her hate the Church more. She graduated with a major in English. She took a job at a local library, found a boyfriend, and bought a small apartment near the library she worked at. Her life was going fine. And she also lived near Frankie, who was just across town. When she found out about Frankie's job, and she went to visit, she heard of a party. She insisted that Frankie come, and wouldn't back down this time. After going that night, the two of them never missed a party. But recently, Frankie has missed a few parties, or left early. Katherine never forced her to stay, or asked her why, but she has been wondering what has been going on. She called a few nights ago, but no one was there. She shook it off and spent the night with her boyfriend. (And she had plenty of pregnancy tests ready for the next morning.) [center]~~~[/center] I hope that (whoever is playing Frankie) doesn't mind if Katherine's their buddy. ^_~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"GRAY!" Kitten shouted, slaming her fist down on her chair's arm rest. The Griffin stopped moving. She heard a click, then heard Gray's voice. "What?" He sounded very anxious. "Keep it together. You're going to make us loose the Griffin. I want to keep this thing, remember?" "I remember." "If you aren't capable of calmly piloting this thing, I'm going to have to do it," she told him grimly. "What?!" he asked, rather shrilly. "You're doing a crap-ass job, so far. Keep this up, and they'll tear us apart," she explained. "You know I'm a better pilot than you are! You know--" "I know that! But anyone'd be better than you in your current state!" Gray became quiet. "So?" Kitten sounded, expecting an answer. Gray sat, head leaned against his fist, thinking it over in the piloting cockpit. [i]I'm not doing anything wrong..[/i] he thought to himself, [i]I'm going to continue to pilot. Whether Rin accepts that or not is her problem.[/i] He spoke out his decision, then turned off the intercom. He grabbed the controls and wagged the tail. "Gray.." Kitten whispered. She shook her head, then placed the weapon goggles over her eyes. "This battle's far from over." Meanwhile, Rhym was having a hard time with the Rhino. "Where'd she go?" he muttered, looking around. After severly damaging the Terrapin, Kay and her mech had, once again, disappeared back into the sands. "I guess I'll just go--" But before he could finish his sentence, Rhym and the Terrapin were thrown many yards from where they had just been. "What the--!?" he shouted, recovering quickly. Not wanting to risk another attack, Rhym lunged off towards the Griffin, where he hoped he'd be able to escape the Rhino for the meantime. "Rhym's coming," Kitten told Gray. She said it quickly, not really wanting to talk with him at the moment. Gray didn't reopen the intercom, either. He didn't want to be the first to apologize. Afterall, what was there to apologize for? He just looked to the left to see Rhym, in his mech, zooming up quickly, kicking up a lot of sand behind him. "Here comes the help," Gray muttered, anger lingering in his bland tone. Kitten muttered something similar up in the weapons cockpit.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Seller: "And, after trying our new product, you can go from this- *points to dark side - to THIS!- *points to light side*" Person from audience: "This product is a fake! I was beautiful until that stuff burned off my skin! It does the opposite! THE OPPOSITE!" Seller: "Security! Remove that man! Silly loons. Always running a muck. Now.. where was I?"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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